One thing I like about Frank is that he does not just have great intellectual arguments, but he has a kind of personal charm and wit. This is truly refreshing. I dare say that his mentor, Norman Geisler, did not have this quality when speaking. Watching or listening to Norman Geisler speak is a very dry experience in deed. But Frank makes dry facts personal and even enjoyable. I bet Norman Geisler is in heaven proud of his spiritual son, Frank Turek.
@@deborahjesic4804 I've watched and listened to Many Matt Dillahunty videos then I watched and listened to Frank Turek videos. I can tell the difference.
I have two dog eared copies of his book. I always seem to have one loaned out... God, through Frank saved my life. I'm back in church and almost 4 years sober. Blessings Brother!
I saw Dr. Frank Turek speak at Calvary Albuquerque last year, and I was quite impressed with him and how he presents the truth of the gospel. Hallelujah!
I love I believe in the big bang. I just know who banged it" . Thank you for so many helpful reminders in how we approach people and h9w we treat them as we represent the one who created us ALL. You are a blessing
I have read several books by Norman Geismar which lead me to Dr. Turic. He has a brilliant mind and more importantly a tender heart. Thank you Mr, Cameron for posting.
But he isn't logical, Sara, so why would you say that? For example * one type of logic error is *just saying something's true for no reason; based on no logic or evidence.* * Frank makes this mistake twice when he makes the moral argument for god, by first saying (A) objective moral values exist and then (B) if they exist they're best explained by a god. Both points are made without logic. Without evidence. * you might sometimes hear people use the fancy terms for this type of mistake: fallacy of bare assertion, baseless claim, etc. They're just fancy terms for pointing out someone's argument is *just them saying something for no reason.* Frank's other arguments all have logic errors too, and so I don't think he has even *one* logical argument for a god. But I'm curious what you think.
I follow Frank and I would have liked to have heard a little more 'inside baseball' in this interview, because I've heard all of this before in any one of his talks to a college campus. This is a format to dive a little deeper into Cross-Examined or Frank himself. Bring him back for an encore Kirk!
Some of Turek's "inside baseball" can be seen in a video by *Mindshift, "Turek Takedown".* He quickly covers 10 Turek short videos. Ultimately Turek doesn't really have anything more than the basic (and illogical) theist arguments for god(s) -- at least I think I can confidently say that after having listened to hundreds of theists and seeking out tons of "evidence of god" videos online and simply never seeing/hearing anything that wasn't clearly illogical. In many cases the bad logic has been known for over a hundred years.
The reason you didn't hear more depth is because there isn't any. Turek is an utter bore. It's all rehearsed. He encourages people to stop thinking, through grossly oversimplified reasoning and bumper sticker theology. He's manifestly NOT a deep thinker.
As others have pointed out, Frank's job is essentially to con people into believing a bad idea. So he doesn't want you to think, because thinking would make you realize there's no foundation to the idea.
@@drumrnvaYou don’t have to be a deep thinker to share the gospel. The point is just to share the message. Simplifying it as much a possible is a great way to explain it to people who’ve never heard it. And even if it _is_ rehearsed, so what? The message is still valid.
Yes. Feelings are led by the heart and desires. Scripture says mans thoughts are always continually wicked. So the unsaved simply dont follow reason and truth but sinful thoughts & desires.
@@HiThereHeyThere "Yes. Feelings are led by the heart and desires. Scripture says mans thoughts are always continually wicked. So the unsaved simply dont follow reason and truth but sinful thoughts & desires." This is accurate. Unfortunately, Christians are more like the world and speak in the form of "I feel" rather than "I think" or "I believe". That makes them unreliable and very difficult to communicate with. They feel they don't need to be precise in their communications and they not only take offense when someone misinterprets what they said, they take offense when that someone advises them to be clearer and more accurate in their communications to avoid future misunderstandings.
@@sonyagraske376Your use of Idt (I don't think) through me off to begin with, as I had to figure out the initials. And by the time I figured it out, the point lost it's passion. But, because you were talking about thinking, and feeling, I thought I would respond anyway. And perhaps you are correct that many do not think, or feel.
People like Frank, Voddie, and many others, are wonderful examples of men defending the gospel. They are able to be realistic and in that vein put the true gospel in perspective. That’s what young people are fearful of, when someone challenges their thought process because then they will discover for themselves that they don’t know everything. Praise God for His enduring patience with His creation.
@@RebuilderofZion The gospel is as described by the apostle John, Christ Jesus was born according to the gospel, that He died and was buried according to the gospel, and that He rose from the dead, according to the gospel. Quite simply God the Son allowed Himself to take our place of punishment and then became a very living person alive again so that we also might follow Him to eternal life with the Father in heaven. Our sins have been removed by Jesus on the cross.
Thank you for this interview. I am very grateful. I am a former Mormon, now born again Christian. I was awakened to the true Biblical Historical Jesus the Christ by the grace of God! Ephesians 2.8-10 was powerful in my journey. It is by grace you are saved through faith . It is the gift of GOD not of works that no man may boast. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which were prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. I praise God for this gift. He rescued me. God is real. Jesus the Holy Lamb, died for our sins and rose from the dead. He lives today! He Reigns in Heaven. He will return to judge the world and set up a new and better kingdom. Turn to Him and be saved. He is the great healer, and the one who can forgive our sins. ❤️🔥✝️🕊️🙏
It is more difficult to save a mormon or JW than it is to save an atheist. This is because the LDS and JW's base MOST of their beliefs on the word of God. Where an atheist's world view is easier to dismantle and expose as false. The Holy Spirit was definitely at work in opening your eyes and heart to Him. God bless you. Hopefully God can use your experience to reach other mormons and JW's. You are now better equipped to reach a mormon than most other Christian's who do not have an LDS background.
@Gilchrist247 Thank you for your encouragement. I am deeply concerned for those still within. The deception is so strong, and the culture against speaking about the Biblical gospel, or any issues at all is fiercely strong. It is like the Iron Curtain. We pray continually. We love them so.❤️
🎉when I am asked a question that I'm not sure how to answer, I tell that person I'm not sure but give me a couple days and I will look it up. I want to be careful that what I am saying is scripture based and I tell them where to find it in the Bible.
Yes.... also unverifiable & unfalsifiable. So I wonder how a person can say * anything* about the supernatural with authority, much less employ such things in a persuasive discussion.
"If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead." In other words, God has already given them enough proof to believe him and to believe what he has said. If that doesn't convince them, nothing will. one must choose to believe, no matter their circumstances or how they feel. By trying to make God prove that what he said is true, one has tested the Lord as Israel did in the wilderness. one tests God because of the hardness of their hearts, because of unbelief. Faith of course, is the opposite of unbelief. If we believe that everything God says is correct and true, then we will not require him to prove to us that what he says is true.
I loved that conversation. Great arguments. I'd only add the evidence from over 300 prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus. What are the odds something like that would happen to an ordinary man? Impossible. But Jesus is NOT an ordinary man. I'm so grateful I know English and eternally grateful 🙏 to Jesus my Lord and Saviour ❤ God bless everyone 😊
#justBELIEVE Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me. 15 Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God. I created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are. I was with the Father from the beginning. I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and in me hath the Father glorified his name.
The comment about how if theres no purpose to being then its just one opinion against another is absolutely correct, it just needs a minor tweek. God has an opinion too because he is omniscient. He understands cause and effect, the questions that philosophy raise are not about what is said in the bible; it is the thoughts and decductive reasoning of God that is being questioned.
This is the only issue I have with Franks argument .. 10:30 I don't believe the "cosmos" are what we are told.. sure we can see what's up there kind of from here.. but I don't think they are visitable planets etc.. and so I'm a believer in what God has done and continues to do, aside from the fact the world isn't maybe quite as vast as he suggests.. we still have a land that is as fantastical in nature as anything any brilliant mind could have thought of, x10000!!
"To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other: "'We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not cry.' Luke7:32
The answer an atheist might give for referencing 'morality' is simply "self preservation". Humans have learned that there is safety in numbers and if we all go around killing and stealing from each other... it ultimately works to my detriment. So morality is not driven by some 'higher good' but rather because it increases the chances that I will live longer and experience greater happiness (i.e. sufficient food/water, shelter, safety so that I can focus on or enjoy other aspects of the world). So the answer they might give to 'what is evil' ... is "That which ultimately endangers me and my chances at survival." The reason they would be concerned with 'evil' happening to others is that it opens the possibility that it can happen to them... so they don't like other peoples, countries or individuals practicing that which given a chance in circumstance could happen to them.
But why is living longer good? Why is self preservation good? Why is safety good? Why is happiness good and a thing to strive for? Who is telling you these are the things you should be achieveing? It is a circular and ridiculous argument. Also someone who doesnt believe GOD created must believe that star dust created us. And if star dust created us, then we must follow the laws of how star dust wants us to live. Also the 2nd law of thermodynamics can debunk this.
@@WheresWaldo05 "Also someone who doesn't believe GOD created must believe that star dust created us" no that a dumb argument I do not believe there is a god and I do not believe star dust created us.
I've been in discussions about the theory of evolution and I've gone about it wrong. I keep trying to explain why I think it's wrong why I believe creation is right. I'm going to have to think about the questions I should ask. I get asked questions I have no answer for and go into the defensive mode. Like Kirk Cameron said I'm afraid my faith will be shaken because I can't answer certain questions. It's completely normal to be in the defensive. We should instead place the opponent on the defensive as well because they can't answer some questions either.
@@therick363 That's actually true. Sounds a bit odd though. Although I believe in God, or at least a creator, intelligent design, I believed for some time in evolution. However I don't buy the idea that a species can evolve into a brand new species. I think they can evolve into different breeds within their own species. That's proven with breeders of some animals. That even happens with some animals like the lion and tiger making the liger. They're both from the same species of animals, the feline. Creation and evolution both remain theories. Seems to be evidence supporting both. In my mind creation seems to make the most sense. I respect those of either side. I don't think either side can honestly say the other is totally wrong.
3:40 “There is no silver bullet”???? Go ahead & believe evil problems are greater than the Love we profess to our friends, family, & self. However, it seems to me there is no greater Truth than Love is greater than any problem, evil, or even dimension of space, time, universe, or reality of existence. As a long time atheist myself, I used to believe all faith is blind. Now I realize you must be blind, (often willfully), to not see Love as the Truth that is God. It’s not that my truth or your truth is the One & only, “my way to the highway”. It’s not that any human truth equates with the Truth. We can’t claim to have the Truth. But we can claim the Truth has us. And that’s the act of submission to Christ in the offering at the mass as we receive the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion. That is the silver bullet!
Evidence is everything.....where is evidence for Joseph Smith or Muhammad? The evidence for Jesus and Christianity are so overwhelming compared to other worldviews/religions
@@itsjustnotrueJesus performed miracles, healed people and rose to life after being crucified. Thousands of people became Christian before a book was ever written.. Five hundred people saw Him alive again. All of His disciples were brutally tortured and murdered for the cause of their faith in This Risen Lord. Secular Jews wrote evidence of this same story. This is why they wrote a book. We have personal testimony, history. Manuscripts that match up. They wrote down what they saw. The tomb was empty. We have Archeology. I would give my life for Jesus. All you have is doubt. What effort have you made?
Who says there's no purpose in life if you don't believe in a god (your god). The purpose in life is what you make it! Who said the universe came from nothing but you guys. The universe doesn't need a consciousness to exist (look it up). At 4:14 Frankie says would you become a Christian if it was true. Then at 4:32 he says why wouldn't you believe? These are two different questions If proven true I would believe in Christ's existence but I wouldn't follow him because I don't like its philosophy. Jesus says to forgive your enemies but if you don't bend down and osculate his posterior he'll send you to an eternal furnace. Have you heard of the saying to rule by example? Jesus should take his own advice! Can you answer this why did Jesus cure the lame the blind and make the leper whole long after he met them how long were they suffering before JC cured them. Couldn't he have prevented their afflictions before their births? You can give to TBN if you want to but be advised that they have been caught taking donations and not spending it on the needy or to spread the faith but on lavish gifts for themselves!
How do you two (Kirk and Frank) know you have the real Bible? How do you two know it has been preserved for over 1700 years? Who told you it is a preserved collection of God’s Books?
So frustrating to hear the head/heart argument again. I suppose that it may be the majority condition. However, although I desperately want God to be there and for the Bible to be true, my head gets in the way.
YES ! a great study .... on TH-cam/ " From the Vatican Junk Box by Micheal Rood " 53 minutes 51 seconds. ✝️ .. see Hebrew GOSPELS found in the Vatican .
Most generic natural human emotions like love, compassion, justice etc , that are fairly homogenous in our American social experience, would seemingly be the humanist’s answer to why there is a standard among society. While obviously not true in a cannibalistic society or fanatic Muslim strongholds, it can easily be called into question with abortion in America. The same people who demand the abolition of handguns ( which kill maybe 30 thousand a year?) are almost always abortion on demand proponents- which kills 800 thousand babies a year
If God created the earth, why did Jesus say to not trust the way we experience it to be true? John 7:24 "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge with righteous judgment". This is a world of death and separate bodies but God creates us as being one with Him as Spirit. " "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" 20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; 21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: To stay with the idea that we are earthly beings puts off being born again as spirit.
FOUR QUESTIONS TO ASK TO UNDERSTAND OUR BIBLE: When we read and study our bible rightly divided (II Tim 2:15) there are at least 4 questions we should ask, to help get a better understanding of its context. 1. Who is talking? 2. Who is being talked to? 3. What is being said? 4. Can I put myself in this text as being the one being talked to or about? Then, the key is to NOT insert yourself into a passage that you don’t belong in, one that is NOT talking to or about you. If we do, our doctrine will not be correct. Example: You may think you need to sell all you have or keep the law as Jesus taught in the 4 gospel books. And so you should do these things if you were obeying the words of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But those two things are not requirements for us today as it was for the Jews under the law to go into their earthly kingdom. We are to listen to Jesus' last words by the person who saw and spoke to Him last for the updated new information Jesus gave to him for us today - that would be Paul. Romans - Philemon. ALL scripture is FOR us but not ALL scripture is written to and about us.
@@Believe_the_Bible You gave general rules but applied none of them to what I said. I will apply a life decision I made to what you addressed. I lived for a year without any income living on the road in Costa Rica and West US only trusting in God to provide and learning to trust Him through people and life to provide. What other people did wasn't what I followed in whatever time they lived. I listened to the Holy Spirit and my trust in Him grew.
Actually, it is true. But they come up with another idea for a cause. One example, Neil Degrasse Tyson’s objection isn’t that the cosmological argument fails, but he objects on moral grounds. Because the science is clear, the universe has a beginning and therefore a cause. The questions about that cause aren’t science, they are philosophy.
Tp say the Bible has not been changed is just non-hisorical. Was it more than 1% as Frank claims? I don't know. That doesn't make the Bible untrue though. It just means that we need to dig deep to understand what was originally taught and what the most consistent messages are.
How does someone flee if they are resurrected? Do you mean, in his tomb when people thought he was dead, but actually was not dead and then fled and people found an empty tomb and assumed he was ressurected?
If god made eve from Adams rib how come we still have an even number. Why do the two creation story's contradict each other . how did a minor Babylon god of war became the so called one god
All human beings do not have an even number of ribs in the thorax. Perhaps he used on of his floating ribs? Or a portion of the rib. Ever heard of a bone graft?
As a christian I find the rib argument in church really strange. Like a way to degrade women to a small portion of a man's potential. In the original Hebrew text the word can also be translated as 'side'. In more than a few instances in the Old/First Testament the same word is often translated as 'side', so why not in that instance? The word 'side' is also fitting to the word (I believe it is this word) 'ezer kenegdo' which means something like either a rescuer, helper or some strong opposite. I think I don't make it as clear as it should be. Ben Shapiro explains it beautifully. My two cents 🙂
How is it that so many Christians have no trouble believing in the miracle of Jesus’s resurrection and yet when it comes to Genesis 1-11 the miracle of a 6 day 24 hour creation, well then here, God’s Word cannot be trusted. God used evolution with its millions of years of death and suffering to create and then called that “Very good?” I would curse that god.
I have been a Very Godly Christian all my life :) And I will say this loud. And clear I thank God for absolute permanent divorce/no reconciliation ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever!!! And I also Praise God for permanent Closure. And my absolute 100% Singleness for as long as it lasts :)@Kirk Cameron On TBN
Okay you look at a lot of psychology studies and we cannot disentangle the emotional from the intellectual and unfortunately it's not only that with atheist but Christians are the same way when we feel like you're attacking our worldview it feels like you're also attacking us at our core. To get to the head you've got to go through the heart
I do agree that there is a direct connection between the head and the heart (that is, what you think/reason and what you believe to be true at your core). However, I believe it all starts in the head. First, one must hear a claim, or perceive an event or have an experience.. these things are processed by the mind and judgement calls are made. From there, further communication and information is ingested and processed, which either strengthen or weaken one’s prior thought position on a topic. Once one decides they have sufficient evidence to accept something as complete truth, that belief manifests in their heart, and becomes part of their core belief system. Once an idea is established in the heart, it becomes more difficult to change it, as doing so could cause a knock-on effect with other parts of one’s core belief system, which could result in a feeling of existential crisis. This is why many people entrench themselves in their worldviews and throw up walls and filters to keep out anything that may shake what they believe in their heart to be true. (This is referred to as ‘closing the mind’ and ‘hardening of the heart’) And I also agree that this can apply to everyone, regardless of their belief system. Ideally, one would keep their mind open and their heart guarded, allowing for growth while also providing a safeguard against undue corruption of core beliefs. Just some thoughts…
@@ElectricBluJay I must say this I wish I had someone around that I could openly discuss philosophy and theology with I was a very good response and it made me think on some more yeah I'm going to keep going over that and do a little more study in this area. I personally have a heart for people and apologetics so I've been doing a lot of studying and it's just amazing how we formulate ideas and how closely we hold to our beliefs unfortunately sometimes even in the light of unsufficient evidence. What's really disturbing is how hard will hold on to a lie knowing that it's a lot just because at times changing beliefs and belief systems can be difficult and a lot of times it means a whole new way of thinking a whole new pattern of friends a whole new pattern of life and it's much easier to hold to what we've always known than it is to let go of the bad and embrace new ideas.
Frank would have an easier time with some things if he acknowledged that absolutes do in fact exist. Rape is not wrong because God said it is wrong it is wrong because it is wrong. God is just letting people know because they don’t seem to know right from wrong. Their friend and partner Ray Comfort has great street interviews. He doesn't spend a lot of time on the subject because we are called to preach the gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. He says he can't believe in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything. And then he moves onto the law, and we all broke it.
Watching religious people taking their faith seriously, is like going to a Star Wars, or Star Trek, or Marvel convention. Some people just really want these fantasies to be real don't they?
As an atheist i find the question if i would become a christian to be a misleading one. Because it does not account for how different people see Christianity. It assumes the atheist agree's with the christian on what Christianity means. The atheist for example might not think the christian god is omnibenevolent. So it existing would not automatically mean you would follow that god. Would you follow an evil god if he existed? I think most people would say no. Turek is playing for his own audience when he asks that question because he relies on his christian audience to have already assumed the christian god is omnibenevolent ect. I would follow a god if 1) He exists 2) he is all-powerful 3) he is all-good. If the christian god turns out to be that, i will follow him. If not, i would not. But i do not automatically grant that he is and most atheists think he is not. This is why my answer to the question if i would become a christian is: It depends...
I appreciate your honesty! If you’re interested I recommend David wood’s testimony it’s about 30 mins long. He’s a former atheist hopefully you can receive some type of revelation from his testimony; it’s heartbreakingly beautiful.
Have you visited the channel: Daily Dose of Wisdom and Aspiring Christian These Sites contain conversations between scientists and scholars and Christians, atheists. Very interesting.
Yep 99 times out of 10. You don’t mean believe in Christianity you mean believe everything about the religion, the Bible, and what you believe. You can believer in god and not want anything to do with him. Clearly separate the two.
Sure you could. And no one is saying you cannot. But what you are reffering is not actual belief. You are talking about seperation from GOD. You could see all the facts and know GOD is real but choose to seperate youraelf from GOD anyways. For whatever reasons. Maybe you think he is evil and dont understand how he works so you choose not to worship him. Ok cool. But that is not belief in GOD. Only someone who follows GODs path can have belief in him. You are choosing to not follow him therefore you have no belief in him. You only know he exists. So you seperated yourself from him.
@@WheresWaldo05 Your word salad clearly shows you lack the research to have this discussion on an intimate/intellectual level. You have used evangelical dictionary to tweak the meaning of words your pastors have spit out on stage.
Frank is so intellectually dishonest. He only presents facile responses and catch phrases to cater to believers. He smugly says that he doesn't have enough faith to be an atheist. What nonsense! Frank, if a loving caring, all-powerful god exists, why do so many innocent people suffer so terribly? I've yet to hear a satisfactory answer other than it proves that your god does not exist.
This can't be why you won't believe in God. Did you bother to research this question because it has been already answered a thousand times over. a simple Google search will give many answers.
Crazy stuff from Frank, (even the demons know) says Frank. Lord of the rings all over again. And Frank, if the Islamic God is the correct religion, would you become a Muslim?
If Christianity was true would you become a Christian? No. It could be proven true but It doesn't mean the God of the Bible is deserving of my faith. More than anything, even if there is a God, I very much doubt any religion is true or correct with thousands to choose from. The existence of God wasn't proven and the resurrection of Christ seems even more unlikely. And why does there have to be a cause? Why are faiths always claiming a cause? What if there is no cause. I don't believe the Bible or any other holy book because I don't have the faith or the belief, they all seem preposterous to me. And Jesus doesn't seem like a republican to me or someone that would hang out at a Trump rally.
I don't have enough faith to listen to the voices inside my head And think i'm conversing with, or have a deep personal relationship with an assertion alleged to exist outside the bounds of time and space. Seems as if neither of us have enough faith frank to believe what we believe to be nonsense.
I think my only disagreement with Frank is on the Big Bang Theory. I am a young earth creationist, and have an article against evolution, in my Community.
The Big Bang is not tied to evolution, as you might think, so no, there's actually a big difference, and I see no problem here. The Big Bang is just evidence of the universe's creation event. The evolution interpretation by various atheists is just that, an interpretation, as it's just one way of interpreting the evidence.
Frank lives and promotes his own reality. The Cosmos always existed Frank and Yahweh is a failed Israeli god invented by the Israelite priests to foster unity and maintain order within the tribe. Please update your program to reflect science and democracy.
Jesus never died on the cross, and we keep on behaving like crap. Waste of time to die on a cross for humans. He knew that. But humans altered the contact of those scrolls.
Nope, you not believing the Bible does not mean I can't quote it. If you know me, you know that my life resource is the Bible, and I am going to answer anything with the Words of God. When you can come up with a better resource let me know, till then, if you ask my thoughts, I'm going to tell you what God says. Controlling words is controlling the Word and that's just not going to happen in my world.
One thing I like about Frank is that he does not just have great intellectual arguments, but he has a kind of personal charm and wit. This is truly refreshing. I dare say that his mentor, Norman Geisler, did not have this quality when speaking. Watching or listening to Norman Geisler speak is a very dry experience in deed. But Frank makes dry facts personal and even enjoyable. I bet Norman Geisler is in heaven proud of his spiritual son, Frank Turek.
Met Pastor Frank in Lebanon last yr, he's one of the smartest apologetic pastors out there! I have learned so much from his teachings! ❤
I've watched and listened to
Many Matt Dillahunty videos then I watched and listened to Frank Turek videos.
I can tell the difference.
I have two dog eared copies of his book. I always seem to have one loaned out... God, through Frank saved my life. I'm back in church and almost 4 years sober. Blessings Brother!
Frank really has a good grasp on articulating the truth of our faith……🎉
I saw Dr. Frank Turek speak at Calvary Albuquerque last year, and I was quite impressed with him and how he presents the truth of the gospel. Hallelujah!
Great Functional Talk we can put into practice. Thank you 🙏 for blessing us all to declare The Truth
I love I believe in the big bang. I just know who banged it" . Thank you for so many helpful reminders in how we approach people and h9w we treat them as we represent the one who created us ALL. You are a blessing
2 men I respect more than i have words.
100% Truth!
Two men pretending a things they can’t possibly know.
And you making a comment about two men you don't know.
@@Silver77cynwhat evidence do you have for that statement?
@@hopeinHim5160more evidence than a god
One of the best, if not THE best, videos on apologetics I've come across. Thank you.
Good talk, Blessed Be His Holy Name!!!
Thanks Kirk, i really appreciate Dr. Turek. God bless you.
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I have read several books by Norman Geismar which lead me to Dr. Turic. He has a brilliant mind and more importantly a tender heart. Thank you Mr, Cameron for posting.
I am constantly amazed and thankful for how Frank thinks, and how he teaches logic.
He is devoid of logic.
But he isn't logical, Sara, so why would you say that? For example
* one type of logic error is *just saying something's true for no reason; based on no logic or evidence.*
* Frank makes this mistake twice when he makes the moral argument for god, by first saying (A) objective moral values exist and then (B) if they exist they're best explained by a god. Both points are made without logic. Without evidence.
* you might sometimes hear people use the fancy terms for this type of mistake: fallacy of bare assertion, baseless claim, etc. They're just fancy terms for pointing out someone's argument is *just them saying something for no reason.*
Frank's other arguments all have logic errors too, and so I don't think he has even *one* logical argument for a god. But I'm curious what you think.
Delightfully powerfull and enlightening. Many blessings.
I follow Frank and I would have liked to have heard a little more 'inside baseball' in this interview, because I've heard all of this before in any one of his talks to a college campus. This is a format to dive a little deeper into Cross-Examined or Frank himself. Bring him back for an encore Kirk!
Some of Turek's "inside baseball" can be seen in a video by *Mindshift, "Turek Takedown".* He quickly covers 10 Turek short videos. Ultimately Turek doesn't really have anything more than the basic (and illogical) theist arguments for god(s) -- at least I think I can confidently say that after having listened to hundreds of theists and seeking out tons of "evidence of god" videos online and simply never seeing/hearing anything that wasn't clearly illogical. In many cases the bad logic has been known for over a hundred years.
The reason you didn't hear more depth is because there isn't any. Turek is an utter bore. It's all rehearsed. He encourages people to stop thinking, through grossly oversimplified reasoning and bumper sticker theology. He's manifestly NOT a deep thinker.
You nail it!
As others have pointed out, Frank's job is essentially to con people into believing a bad idea. So he doesn't want you to think, because thinking would make you realize there's no foundation to the idea.
@@drumrnvaYou don’t have to be a deep thinker to share the gospel. The point is just to share the message. Simplifying it as much a possible is a great way to explain it to people who’ve never heard it. And even if it _is_ rehearsed, so what? The message is still valid.
Father GOD GREATEST BLESSING OF Relationship with Holy Spirit , He Know’s You , get to know Him . Thank You ,Kirk . This Guy is Awesome
The problem today is that people don’t think, they just feel.
Yes. Feelings are led by the heart and desires. Scripture says mans thoughts are always continually wicked. So the unsaved simply dont follow reason and truth but sinful thoughts & desires.
"Yes. Feelings are led by the heart and desires. Scripture says mans thoughts are always continually wicked. So the unsaved simply dont follow reason and truth but sinful thoughts & desires."
This is accurate.
Unfortunately, Christians are more like the world and speak in the form of "I feel" rather than "I think" or "I believe".
That makes them unreliable and very difficult to communicate with.
They feel they don't need to be precise in their communications and they not only take offense when someone misinterprets what they said, they take offense when that someone advises them to be clearer and more accurate in their communications to avoid future misunderstandings.
Idt they do either one; think or feel. 🥺
@@sonyagraske376Your use of Idt (I don't think) through me off to begin with, as I had to figure out the initials. And by the time I figured it out, the point lost it's passion. But, because you were talking about thinking, and feeling, I thought I would respond anyway. And perhaps you are correct that many do not think, or feel.
Apologetics in a nutshell
People like Frank, Voddie, and many others, are wonderful examples of men defending the gospel. They are able to be realistic and in that vein put the true gospel in perspective. That’s what young people are fearful of, when someone challenges their thought process because then they will discover for themselves that they don’t know everything. Praise God for His enduring patience with His creation.
What is the gospel?
@@RebuilderofZion The gospel is as described by the apostle John, Christ Jesus was born according to the gospel, that He died and was buried according to the gospel, and that He rose from the dead, according to the gospel. Quite simply God the Son allowed Himself to take our place of punishment and then became a very living person alive again so that we also might follow Him to eternal life with the Father in heaven. Our sins have been removed by Jesus on the cross.
Laid down perfectly. Saved for my service to Jesus ❤
I LOVE Dr. Frank Turek explanation about JESUS and GOD....I always watch his video firmly believe in the Creator of the Universe and there is GOD.
Keep up the good work gentleman!
Thank you for this interview. I am very grateful.
I am a former Mormon, now born again Christian. I was awakened to the true Biblical Historical Jesus the Christ by the grace of God!
Ephesians 2.8-10 was powerful in my journey. It is by grace you are saved through faith . It is the
gift of GOD not of works that no man may boast. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which were prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
I praise God for this gift. He rescued me. God is real. Jesus the Holy Lamb, died for our sins and rose from the dead. He lives today!
He Reigns in Heaven. He will return to judge the world and set up a new and better kingdom.
Turn to Him and be saved. He is the great healer, and the one who can forgive our sins. ❤️🔥✝️🕊️🙏
It is more difficult to save a mormon or JW than it is to save an atheist. This is because the LDS and JW's base MOST of their beliefs on the word of God. Where an atheist's world view is easier to dismantle and expose as false. The Holy Spirit was definitely at work in opening your eyes and heart to Him. God bless you. Hopefully God can use your experience to reach other mormons and JW's. You are now better equipped to reach a mormon than most other Christian's who do not have an LDS background.
@Gilchrist247 Thank you for your encouragement. I am deeply concerned for those still within. The deception is so strong, and the culture against speaking about the Biblical gospel, or any issues at all is fiercely strong. It is like the Iron Curtain. We pray continually. We love them so.❤️
Two legends!🙏❤️👏🏻👏🏻🔥
“99 out of 10” 😂 I agree with Frank 😂
Scratch the surface of every human heart and deep down there is a will to believe or not.
Thank you for this and i have that book! God bless you guys!!!
🎉when I am asked a question that I'm not sure how to answer, I tell that person I'm not sure but give me a couple days and I will look it up. I want to be careful that what I am saying is scripture based and I tell them where to find it in the Bible.
The very end of Frank's apologetic speech is directly from 2 Corinthians 5:21 ;-) Love it!!!!!!
Great guys!!!
Also see answers in genesis- scientist and astrophysicist!!
You should make 1 movie with all the apologetic topics!
Anything outside time space and matter is by definition Supernatural.
Super, being a portion of the word modifying it to mean "above" or "beyond"
And natural is commonly understood.
Extra natural.
Para natural.
Yes.... also unverifiable & unfalsifiable. So I wonder how a person can say * anything* about the supernatural with authority, much less employ such things in a persuasive discussion.
I love this! ❤
"If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead."
In other words, God has already given them enough proof to believe him and to believe what he has said. If that doesn't convince them, nothing will.
one must choose to believe, no matter their circumstances or how they feel.
By trying to make God prove that what he said is true, one has tested the Lord as Israel did in the wilderness. one tests God because of the hardness of their hearts, because of unbelief. Faith of course, is the opposite of unbelief.
If we believe that everything God says is correct and true, then we will not require him to prove to us that what he says is true.
I loved that conversation. Great arguments. I'd only add the evidence from over 300 prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus. What are the odds something like that would happen to an ordinary man? Impossible. But Jesus is NOT an ordinary man. I'm so grateful I know English and eternally grateful 🙏 to Jesus my Lord and Saviour ❤ God bless everyone 😊
This is an amazing video for witnessing! Thank you folks!
Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me.
15 Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God. I created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are. I was with the Father from the beginning. I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and in me hath the Father glorified his name.
Love this ❤
It’s all about Grace!
It's actually about repentance of sin and faith in what Jesus did on the cross 🙏
@ yes, there is our part to do but I am glorifying His Grace here.
The comment about how if theres no purpose to being then its just one opinion against another is absolutely correct, it just needs a minor tweek. God has an opinion too because he is omniscient. He understands cause and effect, the questions that philosophy raise are not about what is said in the bible; it is the thoughts and decductive reasoning of God that is being questioned.
Cliffe and frank are great at asking the questions
How is Kirk 62?! 😩 i had the biggest crush on him as a kid in the 80s.
It's just amazing
So good
Neil Degrasse Tyson needs to have a debate with you
This is the only issue I have with Franks argument .. 10:30 I don't believe the "cosmos" are what we are told.. sure we can see what's up there kind of from here.. but I don't think they are visitable planets etc.. and so I'm a believer in what God has done and continues to do, aside from the fact the world isn't maybe quite as vast as he suggests.. we still have a land that is as fantastical in nature as anything any brilliant mind could have thought of, x10000!!
I wish the interview was longer❤
Is anyone else no longer seeing new episodes of I don't have enough faith to be an atheist podcast on Audible or Amazon?
I’m a big fan of apologetics- but it’s no substitute for the gospel!!
Please do. Meanwhile I will ask questions of my own. Any Christians care to answer them?
If you begin by saying what you are
"To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other:
"'We played the pipe for you,
and you did not dance;
we sang a dirge,
and you did not cry.' Luke7:32
The answer an atheist might give for referencing 'morality' is simply "self preservation". Humans have learned that there is safety in numbers and if we all go around killing and stealing from each other... it ultimately works to my detriment. So morality is not driven by some 'higher good' but rather because it increases the chances that I will live longer and experience greater happiness (i.e. sufficient food/water, shelter, safety so that I can focus on or enjoy other aspects of the world).
So the answer they might give to 'what is evil' ... is "That which ultimately endangers me and my chances at survival."
The reason they would be concerned with 'evil' happening to others is that it opens the possibility that it can happen to them... so they don't like other peoples, countries or individuals practicing that which given a chance in circumstance could happen to them.
But why is living longer good? Why is self preservation good? Why is safety good? Why is happiness good and a thing to strive for? Who is telling you these are the things you should be achieveing? It is a circular and ridiculous argument. Also someone who doesnt believe GOD created must believe that star dust created us. And if star dust created us, then we must follow the laws of how star dust wants us to live. Also the 2nd law of thermodynamics can debunk this.
@@WheresWaldo05 "Also someone who doesn't believe GOD created must believe that star dust created us" no that a dumb argument I do not believe there is a god and I do not believe star dust created us.
@WheresWaldo05, the questions you have raised are easily answered.
Seeing is believing not believing is seeing
That depends...
I've been in discussions about the theory of evolution and I've gone about it wrong. I keep trying to explain why I think it's wrong why I believe creation is right. I'm going to have to think about the questions I should ask. I get asked questions I have no answer for and go into the defensive mode. Like Kirk Cameron said I'm afraid my faith will be shaken because I can't answer certain questions. It's completely normal to be in the defensive. We should instead place the opponent on the defensive as well because they can't answer some questions either.
You know there’s many theists who believe in a god and accept evolution?
@@therick363 That's actually true. Sounds a bit odd though. Although I believe in God, or at least a creator, intelligent design, I believed for some time in evolution. However I don't buy the idea that a species can evolve into a brand new species. I think they can evolve into different breeds within their own species. That's proven with breeders of some animals. That even happens with some animals like the lion and tiger making the liger. They're both from the same species of animals, the feline. Creation and evolution both remain theories. Seems to be evidence supporting both. In my mind creation seems to make the most sense. I respect those of either side. I don't think either side can honestly say the other is totally wrong.
I recommend Greg Koukls book Tactics. It's a game changer for flipping questions back on them.
@@brianmendenhall8387 I'll have to remember to check it out. Thanks.
@@danielhanawalt4998 for sure .....I've got to read it again!
Only the second coming will end all arguments
3:40 “There is no silver bullet”????
Go ahead & believe evil problems are greater than the Love we profess to our friends, family, & self. However, it seems to me there is no greater Truth than Love is greater than any problem, evil, or even dimension of space, time, universe, or reality of existence.
As a long time atheist myself, I used to believe all faith is blind. Now I realize you must be blind, (often willfully), to not see Love as the Truth that is God.
It’s not that my truth or your truth is the One & only, “my way to the highway”. It’s not that any human truth equates with the Truth. We can’t claim to have the Truth. But we can claim the Truth has us. And that’s the act of submission to Christ in the offering at the mass as we receive the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion. That is the silver bullet!
The Bible states everything was created day by day not through expansion.
I don't like the Big Bang lingo... But the Bible does say that God "stretches out the heavens."
Tbf you could use the line“if x religion was true would you become an x”. A muslim or Mormon could use it… so what are we do with that?
Evidence is everything.....where is evidence for Joseph Smith or Muhammad? The evidence for Jesus and Christianity are so overwhelming compared to other worldviews/religions
@@brianmendenhall8387 Who evidence Jesus mostly excised was he god there is no evidence to prove he was other than a book written by men
@@itsjustnotrue not sure I follow what you mean?
@@itsjustnotrueJesus performed miracles, healed people and rose to life after being crucified. Thousands of people became Christian before a book was ever written.. Five hundred people saw Him alive again.
All of His disciples were brutally tortured and murdered for the cause of their faith in This Risen Lord. Secular Jews wrote evidence of this same story. This is why they wrote a book.
We have personal testimony, history. Manuscripts that match up. They wrote down what they saw. The tomb was empty.
We have Archeology.
I would give my life for Jesus.
All you have is doubt.
What effort have you made?
Who says there's no purpose in life if you don't believe in a god (your god). The purpose in life is what you make it! Who said the universe came from nothing but you guys. The universe doesn't need a consciousness to exist (look it up). At 4:14 Frankie says would you become a Christian if it was true. Then at 4:32 he says why wouldn't you believe? These are two different questions If proven true I would believe in Christ's existence but I wouldn't follow him because I don't like its philosophy. Jesus says to forgive your enemies but if you don't bend down and osculate his posterior he'll send you to an eternal furnace. Have you heard of the saying to rule by example? Jesus should take his own advice! Can you answer this why did Jesus cure the lame the blind and make the leper whole long after he met them how long were they suffering before JC cured them. Couldn't he have prevented their afflictions before their births? You can give to TBN if you want to but be advised that they have been caught taking donations and not spending it on the needy or to spread the faith but on lavish gifts for themselves!
How do you two (Kirk and Frank) know you have the real Bible?
How do you two know it has been preserved for over 1700 years?
Who told you it is a preserved collection of God’s Books?
The good lord could just appear to all of us and answer all these questions. But he knows it would put a lot of middlemen out of work.
People would still reject Him or think it was a hallucination. People rejected Jesus even after meeting him.
So frustrating to hear the head/heart argument again. I suppose that it may be the majority condition. However, although I desperately want God to be there and for the Bible to be true, my head gets in the way.
YES ! a great study .... on TH-cam/ " From the Vatican Junk Box by Micheal Rood " 53 minutes 51 seconds. ✝️ .. see Hebrew GOSPELS found in the Vatican .
S - Spaceless
T - Timeless
I - Immaterial
P - Personal
P - Powerful
I - Intelligent
M - Moral
Most generic natural human emotions like love, compassion, justice etc , that are fairly homogenous in our American social experience, would seemingly be the humanist’s answer to why there is a standard among society. While obviously not true in a cannibalistic society or fanatic Muslim strongholds, it can easily be called into question with abortion in America. The same people who demand the abolition of handguns ( which kill maybe 30 thousand a year?) are almost always abortion on demand proponents- which kills 800 thousand babies a year
If God created the earth, why did Jesus say to not trust the way we experience it to be true?
John 7:24 "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge with righteous judgment".
This is a world of death and separate bodies but God creates us as being one with Him as Spirit.
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit"
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
To stay with the idea that we are earthly beings puts off being born again as spirit.
When we read and study our bible rightly divided (II Tim 2:15) there are at least 4 questions we should ask, to help get a better understanding of its context.
1. Who is talking?
2. Who is being talked to?
3. What is being said?
4. Can I put myself in this text as being the one being talked to or about?
Then, the key is to NOT insert yourself into a passage that you don’t belong in, one that is NOT talking to or about you. If we do, our doctrine will not be correct.
Example: You may think you need to sell all you have or keep the law as Jesus taught in the 4 gospel books. And so you should do these things if you were obeying the words of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But those two things are not requirements for us today as it was for the Jews under the law to go into their earthly kingdom. We are to listen to Jesus' last words by the person who saw and spoke to Him last for the updated new information Jesus gave to him for us today - that would be Paul. Romans - Philemon. ALL scripture is FOR us but not ALL scripture is written to and about us.
@@Believe_the_Bible You gave general rules but applied none of them to what I said.
I will apply a life decision I made to what you addressed.
I lived for a year without any income living on the road in Costa Rica and West US only trusting in God to provide and learning to trust Him through people and life to provide.
What other people did wasn't what I followed in whatever time they lived. I listened to the Holy Spirit and my trust in Him grew.
If that were true astrophysicists and cosmologists would be the most staunch Christians
What do you mean? The cosmological evidence points to a philosophical question
Actually, it is true. But they come up with another idea for a cause. One example, Neil Degrasse Tyson’s objection isn’t that the cosmological argument fails, but he objects on moral grounds. Because the science is clear, the universe has a beginning and therefore a cause. The questions about that cause aren’t science, they are philosophy.
Tp say the Bible has not been changed is just non-hisorical. Was it more than 1% as Frank claims? I don't know. That doesn't make the Bible untrue though. It just means that we need to dig deep to understand what was originally taught and what the most consistent messages are.
How do we know that Jesus didnt flee after the resurrection and thats why his body was never found?
Because many wittnesses seen Him ascend into Heaven
Because many wittnesses seen Him ascend into Heaven
How does someone flee if they are resurrected?
Do you mean, in his tomb when people thought he was dead, but actually was not dead and then fled and people found an empty tomb and assumed he was ressurected?
Cmon man, are you serious?
I despair how these men can be so articulate on the existence of God but so horridly illiterate on the reality of life.
It takes faith to be a atheist now?
If god made eve from Adams rib how come we still have an even number. Why do the two creation story's contradict each other . how did a minor Babylon god of war became the so called one god
if God doesn’t exist why do you waste so much time trying to disprove Him?
All human beings do not have an even number of ribs in the thorax. Perhaps he used on of his floating ribs? Or a portion of the rib. Ever heard of a bone graft?
As a christian I find the rib argument in church really strange. Like a way to degrade women to a small portion of a man's potential. In the original Hebrew text the word can also be translated as 'side'. In more than a few instances in the Old/First Testament the same word is often translated as 'side', so why not in that instance? The word 'side' is also fitting to the word (I believe it is this word) 'ezer kenegdo' which means something like either a rescuer, helper or some strong opposite. I think I don't make it as clear as it should be. Ben Shapiro explains it beautifully.
My two cents 🙂
@@baj12739Excellent point
Hey Kirk, if you’re truly looking for answers, ask my pal Sam Shamoun.
How is it that so many Christians have no trouble believing in the miracle of Jesus’s resurrection and yet when it comes to Genesis 1-11 the miracle of a 6 day 24 hour creation, well then here, God’s Word cannot be trusted.
God used evolution with its millions of years of death and suffering to create and then called that “Very good?” I would curse that god.
I have been a Very Godly Christian all my life :) And I will say this loud. And clear I thank God for absolute permanent divorce/no reconciliation ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever!!! And I also Praise God for permanent Closure. And my absolute 100% Singleness for as long as it lasts :)@Kirk Cameron On TBN
Okay you look at a lot of psychology studies and we cannot disentangle the emotional from the intellectual and unfortunately it's not only that with atheist but Christians are the same way when we feel like you're attacking our worldview it feels like you're also attacking us at our core. To get to the head you've got to go through the heart
I do agree that there is a direct connection between the head and the heart (that is, what you think/reason and what you believe to be true at your core). However, I believe it all starts in the head.
First, one must hear a claim, or perceive an event or have an experience.. these things are processed by the mind and judgement calls are made. From there, further communication and information is ingested and processed, which either strengthen or weaken one’s prior thought position on a topic.
Once one decides they have sufficient evidence to accept something as complete truth, that belief manifests in their heart, and becomes part of their core belief system.
Once an idea is established in the heart, it becomes more difficult to change it, as doing so could cause a knock-on effect with other parts of one’s core belief system, which could result in a feeling of existential crisis.
This is why many people entrench themselves in their worldviews and throw up walls and filters to keep out anything that may shake what they believe in their heart to be true. (This is referred to as ‘closing the mind’ and ‘hardening of the heart’)
And I also agree that this can apply to everyone, regardless of their belief system.
Ideally, one would keep their mind open and their heart guarded, allowing for growth while also providing a safeguard against undue corruption of core beliefs.
Just some thoughts…
I must say this I wish I had someone around that I could openly discuss philosophy and theology with I was a very good response and it made me think on some more yeah I'm going to keep going over that and do a little more study in this area. I personally have a heart for people and apologetics so I've been doing a lot of studying and it's just amazing how we formulate ideas and how closely we hold to our beliefs unfortunately sometimes even in the light of unsufficient evidence. What's really disturbing is how hard will hold on to a lie knowing that it's a lot just because at times changing beliefs and belief systems can be difficult and a lot of times it means a whole new way of thinking a whole new pattern of friends a whole new pattern of life and it's much easier to hold to what we've always known than it is to let go of the bad and embrace new ideas.
Christ is King.
Frank would have an easier time with some things if he acknowledged that absolutes do in fact exist. Rape is not wrong because God said it is wrong it is wrong because it is wrong. God is just letting people know because they don’t seem to know right from wrong. Their friend and partner Ray Comfort has great street interviews. He doesn't spend a lot of time on the subject because we are called to preach the gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. He says he can't believe in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything. And then he moves onto the law, and we all broke it.
Watching religious people taking their faith seriously, is like going to a Star Wars, or Star Trek, or Marvel convention. Some people just really want these fantasies to be real don't they?
As an atheist i find the question if i would become a christian to be a misleading one.
Because it does not account for how different people see Christianity.
It assumes the atheist agree's with the christian on what Christianity means.
The atheist for example might not think the christian god is omnibenevolent.
So it existing would not automatically mean you would follow that god.
Would you follow an evil god if he existed? I think most people would say no.
Turek is playing for his own audience when he asks that question because he relies on his christian audience to have already assumed the christian god is omnibenevolent ect.
I would follow a god if 1) He exists 2) he is all-powerful 3) he is all-good.
If the christian god turns out to be that, i will follow him.
If not, i would not. But i do not automatically grant that he is and most atheists think he is not.
This is why my answer to the question if i would become a christian is: It depends...
I appreciate your honesty! If you’re interested I recommend David wood’s testimony it’s about 30 mins long. He’s a former atheist hopefully you can receive some type of revelation from his testimony; it’s heartbreakingly beautiful.
Have you visited the channel:
Daily Dose of Wisdom
and Aspiring Christian
These Sites contain conversations between scientists and scholars and Christians, atheists.
Very interesting.
I wonder if frank Turek knows Matt Dillahunty.
The Dill? 🥒 The Dill hates the Frank! 🌭 😆
My dill compliments my frank.
Good flavors
@@RandomStuff-i4i 🤣
Glad I could make you laugh
Frank Turek>Ray Comfort. Ray is a I don't need Jesus I can get to heaven by myself works based salvationist.
No one likes Ray Comfort.
Life can self exist right?
That's not true, we just want them to see how good the Gospel is.
Yep 99 times out of 10. You don’t mean believe in Christianity you mean believe everything about the religion, the Bible, and what you believe.
You can believer in god and not want anything to do with him. Clearly separate the two.
Sure you could. And no one is saying you cannot. But what you are reffering is not actual belief. You are talking about seperation from GOD.
You could see all the facts and know GOD is real but choose to seperate youraelf from GOD anyways. For whatever reasons. Maybe you think he is evil and dont understand how he works so you choose not to worship him. Ok cool. But that is not belief in GOD. Only someone who follows GODs path can have belief in him. You are choosing to not follow him therefore you have no belief in him. You only know he exists. So you seperated yourself from him.
@@WheresWaldo05 Your word salad clearly shows you lack the research to have this discussion on an intimate/intellectual level.
You have used evangelical dictionary to tweak the meaning of words your pastors have spit out on stage.
@@WoodwrightMillworkLLC Not an Evangelical. Nor do i have a pastor. Nice try though bozo. 🤡
@@WheresWaldo05 Say more Waldo. I want to understand.
10.00 I really cant believe just how badly tureks arguments fail.
Frank is so intellectually dishonest. He only presents facile responses and catch phrases to cater to believers. He smugly says that he doesn't have enough faith to be an atheist. What nonsense! Frank, if a loving caring, all-powerful god exists, why do so many innocent people suffer so terribly? I've yet to hear a satisfactory answer other than it proves that your god does not exist.
What is suffering in your godless world view? You assume suffering is bad but why. Who is telling you this?
This can't be why you won't believe in God. Did you bother to research this question because it has been already answered a thousand times over. a simple Google search will give many answers.
Because there is free will.
@@PaulMader-w3x But you can't. I wonder why?
Crazy stuff from Frank, (even the demons know) says Frank. Lord of the rings all over again. And Frank, if the Islamic God is the correct religion, would you become a Muslim?
If Christianity was true would you become a Christian? No. It could be proven true but It doesn't mean the God of the Bible is deserving of my faith. More than anything, even if there is a God, I very much doubt any religion is true or correct with thousands to choose from.
The existence of God wasn't proven and the resurrection of Christ seems even more unlikely. And why does there have to be a cause? Why are faiths always claiming a cause? What if there is no cause.
I don't believe the Bible or any other holy book because I don't have the faith or the belief, they all seem preposterous to me.
And Jesus doesn't seem like a republican to me or someone that would hang out at a Trump rally.
I don't have enough faith to listen to the voices inside my head And think i'm conversing with, or have a deep personal relationship with an assertion alleged to exist outside the bounds of time and space.
Seems as if neither of us have enough faith frank to believe what we believe to be nonsense.
I think my only disagreement with Frank is on the Big Bang Theory. I am a young earth creationist, and have an article against evolution, in my Community.
The Big Bang is not tied to evolution, as you might think, so no, there's actually a big difference, and I see no problem here. The Big Bang is just evidence of the universe's creation event. The evolution interpretation by various atheists is just that, an interpretation, as it's just one way of interpreting the evidence.
Frank lives and promotes his own reality.
The Cosmos always existed Frank and Yahweh is a failed Israeli god invented by the Israelite priests to foster unity and maintain order within the tribe.
Please update your program to reflect science and democracy.
Go worship your star dust god that the 2nd law of thermodynamics destroys. Lol.
@@WheresWaldo05 we found wally
wtf he is 62 he looks so young i guess like 40
Jesus never died on the cross, and we keep on behaving like crap. Waste of time to die on a cross for humans. He knew that. But humans altered the contact of those scrolls.
Nope, you not believing the Bible does not mean I can't quote it. If you know me, you know that my life resource is the Bible, and I am going to answer anything with the Words of God. When you can come up with a better resource let me know, till then, if you ask my thoughts, I'm going to tell you what God says.
Controlling words is controlling the Word and that's just not going to happen in my world.
99 out of ten is impossible.
🤣 Good thing Trump didn't say it! 🤣