Hi Mike! Peace be with you. I am very glad about your knowledge and wisdom in the Word of God. First clean the inside of your being. Thank you once again Mike. :D
Thank you So much for these videos! This makes perfect sense with what I've read in scripture and has cleared up so much confusion from today's churches. I've been trying to make sense out of what the worlds claim of a Christian is but I knew it didn't line up and I knew I couldn't walk it out, not with such low self esteem. Each time falling further and further away from the Lord when I would fall into sin. This is the real truth that NO ON E IS PREACHING
@@genehisle5097 I spent the last 4 years, listening to Mike here, having the sparks go off in my soul, from previous 34 years of these LIES Mike pointed out I was loaded with. The SUN day church systems completely demonic evil and Nothing they say is correct .I am very glad to hear your report you now see things as clear . Mike has a fellow believer did a great video called "Augustus of HIPPO false doctrines" by Chris wills. Historical proof here mike gets a lot of his evidence teachings. Stay with mikes teachings they saved me from guaranteed judgement from SIN I was floating in from the SUNday false gospel sects, baptists, Lurtherans, Calvinist, Methodists, four square, I went thru them all in 34 years.
True NOBODY in the Sun day papal church system is teaching this. Because God did not send them to massa's the devil did that's why they speak of his fault gospel that condemns and causes of soil to be damned. Mike is one of the ultra-rare few that you ever hear speak like this outside of someone teaching proper scripture from the proper basis called the Torah..
I think it’s impossible. But for God, nothing is impossible. Even the disciples said well, then who can be saved? And Jesus replied with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Amen Mike. Thank you for your faithfulness. I would like to say that I am one of the few survivors from backsliding (apostasy). Thankfully God had mercy. Those whom He loves He truly does chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. And I testify that to all who will repent He will mercifully receive you and restore to you salvation, life, & light. I also testify that if you continue in sin there remains no hope. You shall weep and gnash your teeth when that great judgment (the second death) comes upon you.
+EnjoyTruth.com Did u Go Through a Long Protracted Season of Godly Sorrow to Recover from ur Backsliding? Did u Forsake (STOP) All Known Sin and Crucify the Flesh with its Passions and Desires and Empty ur Heart of All Guile and Deceit? This is the Test of a True Repentance im just using Discernment because when a True Christian Backslides back to willful Sin The Only Hope of Recovery is a Long Season Possibly (Several Months) of Godly Sorrow Lying in Sackcloth and Ashes and Weeping and Make Amends or Restitution where its Necessary thats what a True Repentance Produces that a Backslider must Go through To Find a Recovery
+Vincent Contino Thank you Vincent! Very few will step up to say such things. Yes there was and still is much loathing of myself and it was a thorough repentance and clearing of all wrong. 100% all known sin was stopped. I know this is rare but tis true. God does restore. Thanks again for your concern.
EnjoyTruth.com Praise The Lord Brother for ur Amazing Testimony, But Im Just Curious How Long or How Many Weeks or Months Did it Take You To Get through that Bitter Self Cleansing Humility Process of Godly Sorrow? Did it Take You Several Months like Kind David in Psalm 6 and Psalm 38 Kind David was Crying out to God Vehemently Daily He Weeped and Mourned For an Entire Year Until he was Finally Restored in Psalm 51 When God Saw He was Genuine and he Produced Deeds Worthy of Repentance, Yea I known a Few People That Fell away from God that Went through YEARS Of a Godly Sorrow Crying out to God and Mourning till they Passed out and after Long Months in Sackcloth and Ashes They Finally Found a Restoration and a Assurance of Forgiveness from God; How was your Repentance Experience?
+Vincent Contino Brother, just know that God is a merciful God who desires all to come to repentance, and especially those whom He has known and developed a special relationship with. That is why he says "those I love I rebuke". This is why Jesus was praying for Peter that his faith would not fail but that he would be restored after his sin but yet Jesus did not pray for Judas but said "Go do what you are going to do". This is not about works brother and how many day's of fasting, prayer, etc. This is what the Catholics teach. God is looking for a 100% turn from Sin and selfishness to 100% love for God, keeping His commandments, & doing His will joyfully from the heart. How ever long it takes you to get there is how long it takes you to be restored. Yes you need to restore and make reconcile where needed but remember that Zacchaeus heart melted and he turned in repentance the night Jesus visited and although he had not yet dolled out the money he promised, it was said "today salvation has come to you". Truly it must be thorough and no sin must be clung to and nothing good must be neglected but be careful not to put burdens on others that can not be born. This concludes my discourse on brother Mike's YT page. If you want to discuss this further please email me at mike@enjoytruth.com Peace be with you!
+EnjoyTruth.com Repentance Proven by Deeds Is Not what the Catholics teach the They the Catholics Teach a Penance where u Confess Your Sins to a Priest, In the Scriptures When a True Christian Falls into Willful Premeditated Diliberate Sin like Judas Saul and king David Its a Serious Matter, Peters Sin was Not Diliberate and Willful But a Spur of the Moment Weakness, But the Bible Makes it Clear that When a True Christian backslides and Goes back to willful Sin Recovery is NOT going to Be Show Some Quick Sorrow and Confess 1 John 1:9 and Pick up Where u Left off NO Their is No Such Thing as a Easy Recovery BY Confessing 1John 1:9 after u Went back into Willful Sin thats a Lie from the Devil!! 2 Corinthians 7:10-11, James 4:7-8, Acts 26:20, Matthew 3:8, Isaiah 1:16 ect The Scriptures are Abundantly Clear It Requires a Season of Godly Sorrow Where the Fallen Christian Proves His Repentance By Deeds and Is Cleared and Emptied of Guile and Deceit This aint Catholic Penance but What the Bible Applys Conditions for a Second Repentance and Its Not a Magic Forgiveness and Recovery that a Backslider Is Given Easily By Confessing 1 John 1:9 and Pick up Where u Left off, King David Was Lying in sackcloth and Ashes Read Psalm 6 and Psalm 38 those 9 Months Before Psalm 51 His Pardon David was Proving his Repentance By His Deeds by Bitterly Mourning and Weeping And Crying out to God Daily for Months Until He Found Pardon and Recovery Months Later Thats what a Second Repentance is and What it Produces from a Scriptural Standpoint Not Works or Legalism but Biblical Repentance Proven by Deeds
1 John 3:1-7 (KJV) Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
Sir, the scripture does indeed say that Christ, the righteous one is our advocate before the Father if we fall in sin. What is the point of Christ being our advocate if he doesn’t fight for our individual case? We put our trust in Christ. Practicing sin deliberately every day taking advantage of Grace is very different like church pastors stealing money from church or living adulterous lifestyle etc etc. I eat two healthy home cooked meal per day & I have a glass of wine or whiskey every evening. So am I a sinner or slave of food and drink. I don’t consider someone having a glass as a drunkard. I don’t think it has to be so strict & miserable. God is not too legalistic about food, drink, sabbath or holidays as long as we don’t take advantage of his Grace and freedom.
@@ChurchinnameofJESUSCHRIST if you're alive, you still have God's mercy and forgiveness. Pray to God and confess your sins and He will forgive you. Ask for His strength and to renew the joy of your salvation. Much love
Sir your doctrine in regards to salvation and holy living are excellent but your doctrines on endtimes are completely off from what the early saints believe. I hate how you turn almost every scripture about the end times into a metaphor about behavior. The only ante Nicene Christian I am aware of who turn scriptures into metaphors was Origen.
+luzon3 Mike Never Said EVERYTHING In the Book of Revelation or the end times are all Metaphors when did u hear mike say that? Hes making an analogy about the Antichrist and the mark of the beast and How those are Metaphors applied to the False church system He gives precise Detail on how the Antichrist is the Horde of False teachers in the church System Dispensing a Invisible Mark of Sin or Moral Mark or Identity (666 mankinds number) underneath The Saved in Sin Repeat after me Gospel, The Mark of the beast and the Antichrist are Metaphors expressed in the scriptures as the Stigma and False Doctrines Deceiving Billions to Hell in the Saved in Sin Gospel of Professed Christianity, Mike Never Said the 7 Trumpets, 7 Viles, 7 Seals, and everything the Judgements In the Book of Revelation were all Metaphors also Mike Never Said that and the early saints didnt understand everything about the end times either Some of them saw the Antichrist as the Army of False Teachers in Professed Christianity Deceiving People Left and Right, Ur saying Mike Desario is Going to Hell because he Believes Revelation 13 Is a Metaphor of Moral Principals?
+Vincent Contino I never said anything about Mike Desario going to hell for his views on eschatology. I am simply saying that his claims about things like the mark of the beast or the antichrist don't line up with what the early saints believed. You can't possibly take the belief that the Anti-Christ is not a literal person seriously. Mike Desario is probably the best teacher I have ever seen in regards to Soteriology......BUT he does not seem to understand the end times. That is not an attack but just a honest observation.
@@luzon3 Over time Mike might have expanded more on his thinking on things. I hear his say that Paul said the word to identify the antichrist is a spirit of operations ONE large aspect ppl in the SUN worship "Sunday" churchianity sectS Sunday goers is they still believe they are replacement of the 12 tribes as REAL christians etc. Nothing in any aspect is remotely close to that notion. The truth is the DNA of humanity is in part made UP of the 12 tribes and a lot of pppl ARE waking U TO the Torah what it says about reality life history and prophecy IS occurring . The promises of YHVH's promises will be operating 100% at the end of the plane as we know it. See even ppl listen to mike mostly Do NOT understand the core truth that Christs Kingdom is come HERE to earth in to Israel as prophesied so will and the 12 tribes and ALL the sojourners strangers that grafted INTO the one sect YHVH originally chose, or elected, will and ARE the ONE and ONLY real body of Christs believers. See that LIES from the witchcraft n the entire SUN day church system does a good job long about this fact and has "SubPlanted their LIES into ppl's minds that the Torah of for the evil dumb jews ONLY in oral only yada yada yada. NOTHING known could be further from the whole story!! One of the bigger LIES deception the filthy SUNday churches did is claimed Torah is "obsolete" therefor the prophetic future of salvation and all humanity is tuned into a mystical fairytale story obscured by ALL of their false gospel utterances. . The Torah will be the ONLY thing taught by Christ in Mt Zion for eternity so there is no way around this event and anyone whom wants eternal life WILL need to know to understand Torah what applies to us as new testament believers. Because the "appointments called MOEDIN]Ms are prophetic ave Everything to do with out live NW and to the very end like what when etc. So it's Just like satan in ALL the pulpit, SUNday churches, to purposely misled LIE misdirect ppl to MIS the events, in darkness LIES they teach, about what we NEED too know and have NOW to survive and prepare as a bride, like Rev 19:7-9 says. We the Bride prepare and without knowing what how what when etc you can NOT be properly prepared for him. Matthew 23 speaks clearly about a Bride NOT prepared and eventually REJECTED. THAT is the GOAL of hasten, thru ALL 100% of the SUNday churches, to Bury you in LIES to Mis your appointment and be ILL-Prepared for it and get JUDGED! Claiming Torah is obsolete or for someone ELSE somewhere ELSE.
You have to die to sin by crucifying the flesh then you can partake of the heavenly gift, and made a partaker of the Holy Ghost. Col 3:1 "Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God." Raised to what? A newness of life (aka Born Again)
Holy mackerel! He's teaching a false doctrine regarding 2 Thes & the man of sin!!! 'That wicked' is clearly marked as the Son of Perdition as spoken of in Daniel! The context is clear. The Thessalonians thought they missed the Rapture & were in the 'Day of the Lord', the time of judgment. Wow. I thought this guy was good. I can't recommend him anymore or listen to any of his videos also because of the other things he's been saying.😢
He does an excellent job teaching, but I noticed that part too. Whenever I watch a preacher or teacher of the word I take what they say with a grain of salt. I still agree with the bulk of his teachings though. Jesus Christ is always going to be our primary example on how to live this life. Since we are living in the last days, it is going to be increasingly difficult to find those who are biblically sound. God bless!
Mike is not teaching, " a false doctrine regarding 2 Thes & man of sin!!!" He teaches straight from the Bible. Mike worked tirelessly to encourage people to, "Go get your Bible, blow the dust off, open it and dig deep." Perhaps you should take that advice. Why do I write this? Because if you had dug deep you would have known, as Mike knew, that the apostle Paul wrote, "Do you not know that you are the TEMPLE OF GOD, and that the Spirit of God dwell in you" (1 Corinthians 3:16). You would have then understood that the, "man of sin ...the son of perdition," cited in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 is not referring to Satan, the Anti-Christ in Revelation and the Temple at Jerusalem but rather that mankind (man of sin) has fallen away from God's Word, "who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God on that is worshipped , so that he sits as God in the TEMPLE OF GOD, showing himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)." Paul is describing how mankind will remove God from their heart, the TEMPLE OF GOD, and worship themselves. Our Lord Jesus said, " The kingdom of God does not come by observation; nor will they say 'See here! or See there! For indeed the kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU" (Luke 17:20-21). BTW there is no scripture (New Testament) that cite "the Thessalonians thought they missed the Rapture & were in the Day of the Lord." However, regarding End Times and the Tribulation, several verses stand out in Revelation. "Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them, that they should rest a little while longer; until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed" (Revelation 6:11). "Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the Word of God, who had not worshipped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. AND THEY LIVED AND REIGNED WITH CHRIST FOR A THOUSAND YEARS (Revelation 20:4). No where is term Rapture found in Revelation nor raptured souls but rather the martyred true saints with white robes "are the one who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:14).
“Quit your works of iniquity”, How hard it that? Forever will be thankful for Mike and the ULTRA RARE few souls that teach proper principles of salvation. Rescuing some from In the sea of countless False prophets on YT and in the pulpit industry, Plane Wide! Where the road to destruction is WIDE, so so Wide it’s literally invisible..
Hi Mike!
Peace be with you.
I am very glad about your knowledge and wisdom in the Word of God. First clean the inside of your being.
Thank you once again Mike. :D
Thank you So much for these videos! This makes perfect sense with what I've read in scripture and has cleared up so much confusion from today's churches. I've been trying to make sense out of what the worlds claim of a Christian is but I knew it didn't line up and I knew I couldn't walk it out, not with such low self esteem. Each time falling further and further away from the Lord when I would fall into sin. This is the real truth that NO ON E IS PREACHING
You are correct,i recently had my eyes opened up to the scripture myself,God used this preacher to do just that.
@@genehisle5097 I spent the last 4 years, listening to Mike here, having the sparks go off in my soul, from previous 34 years of these LIES Mike pointed out I was loaded with. The SUN day church systems completely demonic evil and Nothing they say is correct .I am very glad to hear your report you now see things as clear .
Mike has a fellow believer did a great video called "Augustus of HIPPO false doctrines" by Chris wills.
Historical proof here mike gets a lot of his evidence teachings.
Stay with mikes teachings they saved me from guaranteed judgement from SIN I was floating in from the SUNday false gospel sects, baptists, Lurtherans, Calvinist, Methodists, four square, I went thru them all in 34 years.
True NOBODY in the Sun day papal church system is teaching this. Because God did not send them to massa's the devil did that's why they speak of his fault gospel that condemns and causes of soil to be damned. Mike is one of the ultra-rare few that you ever hear speak like this outside of someone teaching proper scripture from the proper basis called the Torah..
I feel like salvation for me is going to take tons of strength and commitment. I desperately need Jesus Christ to help me
I think it’s impossible. But for God, nothing is impossible. Even the disciples said well, then who can be saved? And Jesus replied with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
great teaching.
Amen Mike. Thank you for your faithfulness. I would like to say that I am one of the few survivors from backsliding (apostasy). Thankfully God had mercy. Those whom He loves He truly does chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. And I testify that to all who will repent He will mercifully receive you and restore to you salvation, life, & light. I also testify that if you continue in sin there remains no hope. You shall weep and gnash your teeth when that great judgment (the second death) comes upon you.
+EnjoyTruth.com Did u Go Through a Long Protracted Season of Godly Sorrow to Recover from ur Backsliding? Did u Forsake (STOP) All Known Sin and Crucify the Flesh with its Passions and Desires and Empty ur Heart of All Guile and Deceit? This is the Test of a True Repentance im just using Discernment because when a True Christian Backslides back to willful Sin The Only Hope of Recovery is a Long Season Possibly (Several Months) of Godly Sorrow Lying in Sackcloth and Ashes and Weeping and Make Amends or Restitution where its Necessary thats what a True Repentance Produces that a Backslider must Go through To Find a Recovery
+Vincent Contino Thank you Vincent! Very few will step up to say such things. Yes there was and still is much loathing of myself and it was a thorough repentance and clearing of all wrong. 100% all known sin was stopped. I know this is rare but tis true. God does restore. Thanks again for your concern.
EnjoyTruth.com Praise The Lord Brother for ur Amazing Testimony, But Im Just Curious How Long or How Many Weeks or Months Did it Take You To Get through that Bitter Self Cleansing Humility Process of Godly Sorrow? Did it Take You Several Months like Kind David in Psalm 6 and Psalm 38 Kind David was Crying out to God Vehemently Daily He Weeped and Mourned For an Entire Year Until he was Finally Restored in Psalm 51 When God Saw He was Genuine and he Produced Deeds Worthy of Repentance, Yea I known a Few People That Fell away from God that Went through YEARS Of a Godly Sorrow Crying out to God and Mourning till they Passed out and after Long Months in Sackcloth and Ashes They Finally Found a Restoration and a Assurance of Forgiveness from God; How was your Repentance Experience?
+Vincent Contino Brother, just know that God is a merciful God who desires all to come to repentance, and especially those whom He has known and developed a special relationship with. That is why he says "those I love I rebuke". This is why Jesus was praying for Peter that his faith would not fail but that he would be restored after his sin but yet Jesus did not pray for Judas but said "Go do what you are going to do". This is not about works brother and how many day's of fasting, prayer, etc. This is what the Catholics teach. God is looking for a 100% turn from Sin and selfishness to 100% love for God, keeping His commandments, & doing His will joyfully from the heart. How ever long it takes you to get there is how long it takes you to be restored. Yes you need to restore and make reconcile where needed but remember that Zacchaeus heart melted and he turned in repentance the night Jesus visited and although he had not yet dolled out the money he promised, it was said "today salvation has come to you". Truly it must be thorough and no sin must be clung to and nothing good must be neglected but be careful not to put burdens on others that can not be born. This concludes my discourse on brother Mike's YT page. If you want to discuss this further please email me at mike@enjoytruth.com Peace be with you!
+EnjoyTruth.com Repentance Proven by Deeds Is Not what the Catholics teach the They the Catholics Teach a Penance where u Confess Your Sins to a Priest, In the Scriptures When a True Christian Falls into Willful Premeditated Diliberate Sin like Judas Saul and king David Its a Serious Matter, Peters Sin was Not Diliberate and Willful But a Spur of the Moment Weakness, But the Bible Makes it Clear that When a True Christian backslides and Goes back to willful Sin Recovery is NOT going to Be Show Some Quick Sorrow and Confess 1 John 1:9 and Pick up Where u Left off NO Their is No Such Thing as a Easy Recovery BY Confessing 1John 1:9 after u Went back into Willful Sin thats a Lie from the Devil!! 2 Corinthians 7:10-11, James 4:7-8, Acts 26:20, Matthew 3:8, Isaiah 1:16 ect The Scriptures are Abundantly Clear It Requires a Season of Godly Sorrow Where the Fallen Christian Proves His Repentance By Deeds and Is Cleared and Emptied of Guile and Deceit This aint Catholic Penance but What the Bible Applys Conditions for a Second Repentance and Its Not a Magic Forgiveness and Recovery that a Backslider Is Given Easily By Confessing 1 John 1:9 and Pick up Where u Left off, King David Was Lying in sackcloth and Ashes Read Psalm 6 and Psalm 38 those 9 Months Before Psalm 51 His Pardon David was Proving his Repentance By His Deeds by Bitterly Mourning and Weeping And Crying out to God Daily for Months Until He Found Pardon and Recovery Months Later Thats what a Second Repentance is and What it Produces from a Scriptural Standpoint Not Works or Legalism but Biblical Repentance Proven by Deeds
If you love Jesus you will obey his commandments.
1 John 3:1-7 (KJV) Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.
Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
1:39 you must do your part and resist.
Sir, the scripture does indeed say that Christ, the righteous one is our advocate before the Father if we fall in sin. What is the point of Christ being our advocate if he doesn’t fight for our individual case? We put our trust in Christ. Practicing sin deliberately every day taking advantage of Grace is very different like church pastors stealing money from church or living adulterous lifestyle etc etc.
I eat two healthy home cooked meal per day & I have a glass of wine or whiskey every evening. So am I a sinner or slave of food and drink. I don’t consider someone having a glass as a drunkard. I don’t think it has to be so strict & miserable. God is not too legalistic about food, drink, sabbath or holidays as long as we don’t take advantage of his Grace and freedom.
why was I born-again before repenting then? I have a literal testimony.
What's your testimony? If you wouldn't mind sharing.
I guess I'm going hell I'm a vessel of wrath fitted for lake of fire what point in all this whish I wasn't born simple as that
@@ChurchinnameofJESUSCHRIST if you're alive, you still have God's mercy and forgiveness. Pray to God and confess your sins and He will forgive you. Ask for His strength and to renew the joy of your salvation. Much love
do you still sin sir?
(top 10)
Sir your doctrine in regards to salvation and holy living are excellent but your doctrines on endtimes are completely off from what the early saints believe. I hate how you turn almost every scripture about the end times into a metaphor about behavior. The only ante Nicene Christian I am aware of who turn scriptures into metaphors was Origen.
+luzon3 Mike Never Said EVERYTHING In the Book of Revelation or the end times are all Metaphors when did u hear mike say that? Hes making an analogy about the Antichrist and the mark of the beast and How those are Metaphors applied to the False church system He gives precise Detail on how the Antichrist is the Horde of False teachers in the church System Dispensing a Invisible Mark of Sin or Moral Mark or Identity (666 mankinds number) underneath The Saved in Sin Repeat after me Gospel, The Mark of the beast and the Antichrist are Metaphors expressed in the scriptures as the Stigma and False Doctrines Deceiving Billions to Hell in the Saved in Sin Gospel of Professed Christianity, Mike Never Said the 7 Trumpets, 7 Viles, 7 Seals, and everything the Judgements In the Book of Revelation were all Metaphors also Mike Never Said that and the early saints didnt understand everything about the end times either Some of them saw the Antichrist as the Army of False Teachers in Professed Christianity Deceiving People Left and Right, Ur saying Mike Desario is Going to Hell because he Believes Revelation 13 Is a Metaphor of Moral Principals?
+Vincent Contino I never said anything about Mike Desario going to hell for his views on eschatology. I am simply saying that his claims about things like the mark of the beast or the antichrist don't line up with what the early saints believed. You can't possibly take the belief that the Anti-Christ is not a literal person seriously. Mike Desario is probably the best teacher I have ever seen in regards to Soteriology......BUT he does not seem to understand the end times. That is not an attack but just a honest observation.
@@luzon3 Over time Mike might have expanded more on his thinking on things.
I hear his say that Paul said the word to identify the antichrist is a spirit of operations
ONE large aspect ppl in the SUN worship "Sunday" churchianity sectS Sunday goers is they still believe they are replacement of the 12 tribes as REAL christians etc.
Nothing in any aspect is remotely close to that notion. The truth is the DNA of humanity is in part made UP of the 12 tribes and a lot of pppl ARE waking U TO the Torah what it says about reality life history and prophecy IS occurring .
The promises of YHVH's promises will be operating 100% at the end of the plane as we know it.
See even ppl listen to mike mostly Do NOT understand the core truth that Christs Kingdom is come HERE to earth in to Israel as prophesied so will and the 12 tribes and ALL the sojourners strangers that grafted INTO the one sect YHVH originally chose, or elected, will and ARE the ONE and ONLY real body of Christs believers.
See that LIES from the witchcraft n the entire SUN day church system does a good job long about this fact and has "SubPlanted their LIES into ppl's minds that the Torah of for the evil dumb jews ONLY in oral only yada yada yada.
NOTHING known could be further from the whole story!!
One of the bigger LIES deception the filthy SUNday churches did is claimed Torah is "obsolete" therefor the prophetic future of salvation and all humanity is tuned into a mystical fairytale story obscured by ALL of their false gospel utterances.
The Torah will be the ONLY thing taught by Christ in Mt Zion for eternity so there is no way around this event and anyone whom wants eternal life WILL need to know to understand Torah what applies to us as new testament believers.
Because the "appointments called MOEDIN]Ms are prophetic ave Everything to do with out live NW and to the very end like what when etc.
So it's Just like satan in ALL the pulpit, SUNday churches, to purposely misled LIE misdirect ppl to MIS the events, in darkness LIES they teach, about what we NEED too know and have NOW to survive and prepare as a bride, like Rev 19:7-9 says.
We the Bride prepare and without knowing what how what when etc you can NOT be properly prepared for him.
Matthew 23 speaks clearly about a Bride NOT prepared and eventually REJECTED.
THAT is the GOAL of hasten, thru ALL 100% of the SUNday churches, to Bury you in LIES to Mis your appointment and be ILL-Prepared for it and get JUDGED!
Claiming Torah is obsolete or for someone ELSE somewhere ELSE.
@@luzon3 yeah I noticed that too
we are not born again until we die
You have to die to sin by crucifying the flesh then you can partake of the heavenly gift, and made a partaker of the Holy Ghost. Col 3:1 "Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God." Raised to what? A newness of life (aka Born Again)
@@TheGodlyLife Good connection! I never made the connection with the newness of life equating to being born again.
Holy mackerel! He's teaching a false doctrine regarding 2 Thes & the man of sin!!! 'That wicked' is clearly marked as the Son of Perdition as spoken of in Daniel! The context is clear. The Thessalonians thought they missed the Rapture & were in the 'Day of the Lord', the time of judgment. Wow. I thought this guy was good. I can't recommend him anymore or listen to any of his videos also because of the other things he's been saying.😢
He does an excellent job teaching, but I noticed that part too. Whenever I watch a preacher or teacher of the word I take what they say with a grain of salt. I still agree with the bulk of his teachings though. Jesus Christ is always going to be our primary example on how to live this life. Since we are living in the last days, it is going to be increasingly difficult to find those who are biblically sound. God bless!
Mike is not teaching, " a false doctrine regarding 2 Thes & man of sin!!!" He teaches straight from the Bible. Mike worked tirelessly to encourage people to, "Go get your Bible, blow the dust off, open it and dig deep." Perhaps you should take that advice. Why do I write this? Because if you had dug deep you would have known, as Mike knew, that the apostle Paul wrote, "Do you not know that you are the TEMPLE OF GOD, and that the Spirit of God dwell in you" (1 Corinthians 3:16). You would have then understood that the, "man of sin ...the son of perdition," cited in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 is not referring to Satan, the Anti-Christ in Revelation and the Temple at Jerusalem but rather that mankind (man of sin) has fallen away from God's Word, "who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God on that is worshipped , so that he sits as God in the TEMPLE OF GOD, showing himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)." Paul is describing how mankind will remove God from their heart, the TEMPLE OF GOD, and worship themselves. Our Lord Jesus said, " The kingdom of God does not come by observation; nor will they say 'See here! or See there! For indeed the kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU" (Luke 17:20-21).
BTW there is no scripture (New Testament) that cite "the Thessalonians thought they missed the Rapture & were in the Day of the Lord." However, regarding End Times and the Tribulation, several verses stand out in Revelation. "Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them, that they should rest a little while longer; until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed" (Revelation 6:11). "Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the Word of God, who had not worshipped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. AND THEY LIVED AND REIGNED WITH CHRIST FOR A THOUSAND YEARS (Revelation 20:4).
No where is term Rapture found in Revelation nor raptured souls but rather the martyred true saints with white robes "are the one who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:14).
“Quit your works of iniquity”, How hard it that?
Forever will be thankful for Mike and the ULTRA RARE few souls that teach proper principles of salvation.
Rescuing some from In the sea of countless False prophets on YT and in the pulpit industry, Plane Wide!
Where the road to destruction is WIDE, so so Wide it’s literally invisible..