This was meant to be Ep11 but we decided to put it up before the other ep we already had recorded. Also, I think Smack came up with the greatest title i've ever had on a video on my channel 🤣 Gacha Smack - Iyo - -
@@rjx_ agreed volkin did make the conversation balance because gatcha smack is just absolutely ass licking iyo. i get that he is bias since both of them are FG players.. but come on
@@proveyourfit5916that's not the strongest counter when it's still a podcast of Smack glazing Iyo and belittling the community for 95% of it. That portion even shows the issue. Any softball criticism iyo got he'll just say a few words, the subject quickly ends, and there's no growth from it. His arrogance gets addressed and iyo's response is "ah, i didn't know that". Really iyo, first time you've heard that type of commentary of you in your life?
I ain’t 100 percent certain but I Think what he meant by that was wuwa doesn’t really have complete dedicated channels most ppl are still testing the waters since it’s so new where as iyo seems to be locked in on zzz with the second channel and his point was wuwa is lacking that I could be wrong I mean I ain’t him but that’s just how I took it Nvm he explains it 41:35
@@kermitthefrog7963yea but the problem was he failed to clarify it which led to many people memeing and dogpiling on him, telling him to Kara-cancel his shit takes lol
@@Left4hireoh no I agree I only got through like 60 percent of this but from what I’ve listened to smack and volkin have been pointing out the flaws of his approach really well and he’s been agreeing and owning up to it a shame the haters won’t watch it like me tho but I already knew iyo wasn’t what he was being painted to be this situation is a nothing burger that got fueled by iyos ego
When there's a HUGE GAP between "this is what I meant" vs what the majority of people are understanding from it, a severe poor choice of words has been used.
yeah, hes too dumb to realize that people FULLY understood what came out of his mouth, its just that he wanted other words to come out lmao. He is the one who misspoke, he wasnt misunderstood.
For me his video felt less informative and more like him trying to act superior. Some of the lines had absolutely nothing to do with what his intentions were. Idk how this guy is, he might be a love child of Gandhi and MLK but from what I can see that video felt more like an ego trip and less like a message. Usage of fighting games terms felt more like meta message than a straight forward communication.
Pfft free hate for him saying truth that hard to accept? There's no reason to excuse yourself if u are right and like u said u dont know him so dont judge him i am sure u are a narcissist, im not guessing im sure u are😂😂. When u judge someone u assume it there's no maybe this or that cause u are insulting yourself when u do
No hate to the boi Iyo and all but the backlash came from this elitism attitude towards fighting games, I get it mans passionate about fighting games but expecting a totally different community to understand all of these jargons and whatnot, was like WuWa storytelling which was lore dumping the first 15 minutes of the game and expecting the players to get all of that instantly.
43:16 about his takes in "that" video: #1 respecting my time WuWa does tho, you are only given the choice to grind, and are not necessarily forced to. Iyo made the conscious decision to grind when he ddint really have to. more on #4 #2 mandatory perfect echo stats for content creators no. (i think its safe to assume that) gacha games are targeted at casuals who dont spend much time on the game; if you're gonna present your content from the perspective of someone who's grinding for hours, then you wont be relatable. ima also add that "relatability" is a standard that you held Rexlent up to so i dont think you can invalidate this point on that regard. #3 Rexlent nahh Iyo just arbitrarily glossed over the reasons he discredits Rexlent's guides for. MrPokke made a good point about this already, just cuz Rexlent's "guides" arent your traditional meta takes and whatnot doesnt mean theyre not guides at all; i mean cant the same be said about Iyo himself pushing FGC techs onto WuWa when theyre not even 100% applicable? even then the first thing Iyo said about this was "passion", something Rexlent clearly has, evidently when Iyo says Rexlent also makes content for HIMSELF; Iyo just kept moving the goalpost past that point. #4 Genshin vs WuWa overworld this can either be a biased subjective take or a disingenuous objective take. Iyo judged WuWa overworld by bringing it up against BotW and Elden Ring among others which shouldnt really matter since the same distinction should apply to Genshin as well and i dont think Genshin measures up to those too. he shoulda just directly compared Genshin with WuWa which he kinda did tbf but arbitrarily taking Genshin's side w/o further elaboration; like what did he lose time on Genshin overworld doing? mintpicking? Genshin at release also had covid buff which is more of a circumstancial than objective factor of Genshin. he also talked about time investment again in this section saying WuWa's is terrible compared to others like it (only ones i can think of are Genshin and ToF?), ima assume Genshin cuz its the most recent and relevant comparison to WuWa in that time of the video; if he meant non-gacha games then thats a different matter entirely and am not gonna tackle it now lol. again one of the things that WuWa presents its players that Genshin doesnt is a "choice": If i want to play the relevant gameplay more i can farm echoes in WuWa vs mintpicking in Genshin; if i want to skip long-ass dialogues to save time i can do that in WuWa not in Genshin. #5 WuWa vs ZZZ combat the comparison he made itself just sounds disingenuous cuz he used different criteria for each. Iyo criticizes WuWa combat negatively cuz you cant juggle 100% of the enemy cast (almost right after he said he wants WuWa to be his Dark Souls, he also apparently hasnt even cleared holo V's yet) or that enemies are just passive training dummies but when the same criteria was being presented to ZZZ he just glosses over the point and moves the goalpost to button-mashing in endgame ZZZ, which he also doesnt present to WuWa... has he button-mashed the endgame of WuWa? btw i watched from MrPokke's reaction video.
thats why i like WuWa in terms of time... i have fully built 2 teams in just 1 month unlike GI my account is still sht and in HSR (my 2month old acc) is still using some 4star relic and not well built
His twitter is riddled with several 1 guys and just butting heads for no fuckin reason. Like bro GO DO SOMETHING. No wonder he has this bias because he fuckin is always interacting and prodding these fuckin random ass people for no good reason. And half the time it's never from a standpoint of reaching an understanding or learning.
I'm sorry, but when you say there's no dedicated CCs to this so they don't have passion, there's only so many ways you can interpret it. And it doesn't matter what YOU actually meant, when you're releasing public video about it trying to convey your thoughts to your audience its on you to convey it properly. I was talking about fish but meant meat is not how communication is supposed to work.
@@kuru35699I am not sure it matters. The quality of his content is high, his skill is not in question. If he went to the dictionary for Kara cancelling vs whiff cancelling his excitement got the best of him. Blood needs to stay off X that is for sure. Anyone can fall into the hype train and misspeak.
He just made Enemies of all 3 Communities (ZZZ, WuWa & FGC) and what he must do is make an apology of what he said instead of still fighting people in his Twitter up till now. FGC - he spread Misinformations of using FG terms to ARPG gacha. WuWa - he straight up slanderd and spread Misinformations to them and their CC's. ZZZ - he just straight up called the community stupid if they can't know how those FG terms are used in Gacha ARPG, Shilling hardly that Fighting Games is so much embedded in the ZZZ combat and now people clown over to zzz becoz of it. He should've just simply need to humble himself atleast once and made an apology instead of still clinging to his iyo, i mean ego.
I agree. living in bubble and comparing yourself to a casual gamer its deserving to be mocked. The sad thing is that we all know ppl that are just another tier above him in terms of TC or gameplay. the lack of self awareness and unabilty to admit your own mistakes is not good for the boy
I agree, ZZZ may not be the best game out there, but I kinda feel sorry for them cuz the same guy who's presenting himself as the "ME" of his own community is contributing to why some people dislike ZZZ even more now 😂
Honestly, the most egregious point of the Rexlant issue you guys didn't point out is how much he stayed on it AFTER the whole "they don't have a me/no other cc is passionate " he brings up Rexlant, says he doesn't count. Then goes to his channel an says he doesn't make relatable content for f2p an only a cc for whales an "him" right after saying he watches him yet the page was filled with unwatched videos while critiquing said videos he hasn't watched. He even says he doesn't give "valuable " information about guides an characters an etc. It was just so blatantly objectively false it came across as just straight hating.
There's a ton of good stuff about the CC side that I really appreciate. The morning energy, hearing your own voice from the complaints, how to handle drama, etc. lots of cool stuff.
now iyo is hated by both gatcha community and fighting game community. cause this mf just bring up FG shenanigan in gatcha game and it even wrongly named.. and this made the FG community as a butt of the joke with those wierd ass terms
@@PatchDaBlunt FG player rednu even said those those so Called Fg terms is really random and each name doesnt really correspond to the actual input.. and obviously people who doesnt know what those term is would find it pretty goofy. even me i have played multiple FG for over 15years (casually )and even played literally those arcade consoles. never have i heard those terms. then what do you expect for those who didnt even play FG? i didnt say those terms didnt mean anything all i said is normal people would find those terms really weird.. thats why gatcha players are literally trolling those negative edging and kara canceling terms
@@PatchDaBlunt "i know what those terms mean" Well apparently not, cause hes literally been using them wrong and you might live under a rock, if you havent seen people in the FGC community calling him out.
I disagree with smacks take around the 30 minute mark about farming content. Atleast from the perspective of Pokke and a few others I've seen react to it, most of them didn't know what they were getting into before watching it because the video hadn't blown up like crazy until after the matter, Iyo was getting a bit of hate but to me it mostly seemed like constructive critcism from his own community and then the dog piling came after. Pokke hadn't prewatched the video so he didn't even know what to expect and it isn't exactly mr pokke's fault that Iyo made his nuclear take which he has now clarified now. I think what pokke did was just bring a bit more attention to the video but if everything Iyo had said was true and correct than there would'nt be a reaction to begin with, its not like any words were intentionally twisted, what pokke and tectone and others said is exactly how the video initally came across, I also think its unfair to make such a take and not expect people to react to it, your words should stand true regardless of the attention that is brought to it and if an overwhelming majority of people take issue to what was said than its just objectively a bad take or poorly communicated.
Pokke would literally agree that he does reactions coz he farms content...same with Tectone, they evne themselves often refer to it like that?? I dont know what in your mind farming content means, but it literally means making content out of nothing ...which any reaction video to anything is by definition "farming content"
@@Kunoichi4ever4 I never said the word itself “farming content” is what the problem is and if you even read my message you’d know that. You can’t just cherry pick one word I say and go on about it completely missing the point. I literally said that word once in that massive paragraph and thats the only thing you took from it 🤣🤣
@@antoniomckenzie680 its because the original video was a of the long format and it definitely had more than two bad takes and some of them came across as nuclear. I don’t think it was anything to warrant as big of a backlash as it has sparked but I do think Iyo needed to be held accountable to an extent for how his words came across and in a respectful way, not as if he had comitted a crime
No one misinterpreted anything Iyo said I'm tired of this narrative. Tectone, on stream, literally wrote out word for word what Iyo said in his now pay gated video.
The reason that you are less productive in the day if you get on your phone or like on the internet as soon as you wake up is that your dopamine levels get used up in that time which causes to be harder to get that feeling of satisfaction in less interesting things like work or projects
I commend him for doing this but, I don't buy it. He obviously isn't humbled in the slightest even after this and sounds like he's just making excuses. Now he has 2 gaming communities hating him. Volkin did a great job navigating this podcast and keeping every topic balanced.
Bro for 2h did nothing neither apologized and moved on or anything he just kept acting like he's superior, u deserve getting kara canceled and negative edged on
This is a straight-up lie. There are tons of people from the Wuwa community that go out of their way to dislike ZZZ videos and comment on them to express how Wuwa is better than ZZZ. It is not one guy. Yes, Iyo had some bad takes, but Wuwa community is still toxic.
@@ParadoX-os you talk about the same ZZZ community who after the annonce of the release date and the live stream attack EVERY SINGLE VIDEOS AND POST ABOUT WUWA saying that ZZZ gonna blow out of the water in term of combat and its gonna be THE combat gacha game of the year ? So for you stating facts after the toxic attack of the ZZZ community is toxic for you ? Pls grow some maturity and don t play the victim card like Iyo for your own actions.
@@ParadoX-os I saw no accusations against you, he was pointing out a fact that happened. Try re-reading his post without the malice in your mind. Gacha communities are just toxic period, it doesn't matter what game it is.
@@gameguy1337 I suggest you re-read what he said before speaking on behalf of someone else. "Pls grow some maturity and don't play the victim card like iyo for your actions". If you don't see the malice and aggression behind that comment, then you are ignorant. All I talked about in my initial comment is that Iyo made that video because he noticed that in every ZZZ video that he was making and watching, the Wuwa community was spreading hate in the comments, which is what triggered him to make that video and it wasn't JUST one guy who said something bad. Iyo literally talked about this in this podcast, but you have so many children that just come on here and comment, without even caring about listening to what the other side has to say. This is a fact, not an opinion. I never claimed that only the Wuwa community has toxic players, but you get all up in your feelings the moment you hear anything negative being said about your favorite game.
the double standard for smack is showing heavily here... when he had a small argument with tectone, smack blow it up and started insulting tectone like every min about nothing ( street fighter x zzz Collab ) and tried to make tectone apologize for saying that '' SF is not the best collab that hoyo could have done " which is a correct statement yet smack got butthurt by it. now iyo did worse things by attacking wuwa CCs and with Rexlent he straight up LIED about him. iyo got called out by every community that was involved(Wuwa zzz FGC) yet somehow in the eyes of gacha smack iyo did nothing wrong( but tectone saying SF6 is an OK collab is worth attacking him and insulting him). and kept glazing iyo and downplaying what he did and even talking down on the CCs that responded to iyo garbage takes..
people only realizing smack is like this now is so hilarious. im not sure what you expect from a dude who claims to be all logic and facts but spits out a community post every so often cause he got emotional from being one guy'd lmao bro is just a pseudo intellectual who has managed to convince gacha gamers his opinion is worth anything
so you are not going to talk about Tectone insulting other people he reacted to like for example that one guy that made video about zzz? "BuT hE aPoloGizEd!" - so did smack and tectone squash the beef, not to mention Tectone presented his bad opinions as facts similarly to what people seem to think about lyo at the moment but the difference is lyo is taking heat from it right now and Tectone is not, but you're trying to flip the coin like Tectone presented himself very smart with that video ye sure dude smack cooked him initially your comment is just a bunch of non sense. The fact you even care about some bad takes for hoyo collab instead of looking at what kind of person you are watching that feeds you false narratives at every turn is insane to me anyway
@@morbus__ gacha smack saying that the SF6 is THE BEST COLLAB is easily provable to be false by observing gacha games history with collabs.(that was the point of tectone take on the collab) that's it. secondly, i was talking about the double standard and hypocrisy of Smack with how he treated tectone on a Fu*king a Collab take(literally nothing) by throwing insults left and right, his community posts he did on his channel. yet when it comes to iyo more SERIUS problems exp: disrespecting WuWa CCs, his blatant lies about rexlent and him talking down on his community. unless you are saying that this is the same as tectone saying ''it's on ok collab, could have been better with something like NIER for a guaranteed success" taken word for word from his video. lastly, gacha smack tried to play holier than thou by saying that the CCs who made a video about iyo are opportunist and not his friends... yet he did the same thing to tectone and Mr pokke by making MULTIPLE videos about their ''drama"
@@Wolfyyy 1. just because he made him look dumb which is his own fault for presenting himself that way does not mean smack was insulting him, in no way was bro trying to be disrespectful but as professional as possible I assume you're 14 emo snowflakes who takes offence at every small throw that was deserved like "ngl you made urself look like idiot here - IDIOT HE INSULTED HIM" that was not left or right literally smack did not insult him at all in community post and video he said i quote "Tec is a smart guy but he looks dumb in this instance" that is all i could find They literally said love for each other 2. "its an ok collab, could've been better like NIER" that was his last resort take because he could not get away with other horrible takes so he was running it back like crazy, I was literally waiting for him to say what collab would be good if this is one is bad lol he only said that after getting pressed. HIS ORIGINAL TAKES WERE "worst collab ever, 2 guys liking fighting games doesnt mean everyone likes fighting games, fighting game players dont play other games" that last take smack was defending which he was absolutely right about. You cannot just act like you are so called marketing expert on internet and expect everything will be fine, but again Tectone got away with so many other stuff which explains why he does it 3. Well there is a difference between making a video to dunk on the guy and just reacting to what happened because e.g this whole situation could've been a whole 2 hours document, you do not attack people by objectively sharing your thoughts but you do when you life react like a leech and echo chamber the whole internet who has already done shitting on the guy and bring even more attention to this, like do you think it would be necessarry for Penguinz0, Mtashed, brax, Mujin, Paikon, eango to come collectively and shit on this guy even though enough people have already done that? there are no false narratives spread, nothing to compensate people just simply dont care about this little banter and premise of everything here is pathetic you also should move on cause its worthless to cancel smack here, if you were to nitpick situation to hate on somebody it would be 6th july night on Mtashed vs Tectone, Tectone exposed himself fully
fun fact:iyo getting hates doesnt have to do with zzz vs wuthering. that video that he deleted contains some lies and misinformation. theres a part of video where he said rexlent is not relatable,"i watched rexlent" and proceed to point his cursor on jinhsi crash course vid and said "this aint a guide". excuses like "you misunderstood me" and "you are twisting my words" doesnt fix that
What's crazy to me is how tf so many people can't accept human beings being flawed. A little tolerance goes a long way, sure mistakes were made but life goes on
but it still doesnt explain why Iyo said "there is no me", I feel like he is just doing damage control and still cant accept his mistake, he didnt even acknowledge that he fvcked up when he said that part, he is not a dedicated CC for ZZZ but yet he still stood on what he said about the there is no me part, just apologize and move on at this point, he was wrong and no one will fault him if he apologizes
Loving the podcast so far between you three, great to see all y’all come together and talk :D I do think this podcast gives great perspective on the situation, and gives nice clarification for things people may be confused about. Much love to all of you, and I highly recommend listening to the podcast.
iyo still can’t admit his arguments were wrong and he even used fighting game terms wrong 😂 and the ego of saying we need a HIM like bruh in these gacha games you spam attacks till the mob dies end of story 😂😂😂
@@Axel_Keiit’s him moreso clarifying his take (sorta) and learning. Smack basically eased Iyo into the convo and did make sure to put his right for the most part
Can we please stop these lies man, the wuthering waves community doesn't give a fuck about ZZZ, you are getting 1 guyed. i even looked at your zzz videos like you said no one is mentioning wuwa in them.
There's a style system that ranks you on your play in the illusive realm like DMC Iyo. People need to tell kuro they want it. They also added a permanent game mode into pgr that scores you on style like dmc as well over in CN.
it's not a smear campaign when people are just saying your takes are terrible and you don't know what the words you're using actually mean lmao. smear campaign is when people lie and slander you to ruin your reputation, not when you ruin your own reputation by being insufferable.
@@Ilint nah, people made jokes about him and then he got butthurt and went after people on twitter lmao. acting like a victim and all these creators are bullying him, etc... whole thing started because he got sore over a few comments. HE made it deeper than it was. now it'll be a meme that people run with and that's on him lol.
@@StripedSooner some made jokes some were legit upset, still was not that deep. I think you saw it one way that made it more favourable for your opinion. But from day one it was out of hand. Hopefully people finally move on from this, cause there much better topics to discuss then people get but hurt over someone’s opinion
@@Ilint i don't have a dog in the fight lol. i didn't have an opinion to favor one way or the other. it's a simple fact that he made a giant rant video based on getting baited by a couple people, and that was entirely on him. it started with him and it got bigger than it needed to be, again, because of him lol.
"They don't have a me" means something completely different from "They don't have a dedicated creator". The former is an obvious statement of superiority, the latter is simply an observation. People didn't misunderstand, they just took the meaning from what Iyo said.
"It's not what was meant but how it was heard" You need to learn more effective ways of communication. Doesn't matter what you meant of it's heard a different way. If I have an angry tone it won't matter what I said, it will come across as angry.
Kara cancel and negative edge aside, iyo should've not acting like fighting game players are so superior to gacha game players tbh. That one that really costed him.
What do you mean? For the longest time gacha games required no skills whatsoever. So obviously a decent Street Fighter player is a superior gamer compared to a Nikke player. Which is not a problem btw. The problem is when a community refuses to acknowledge there are things of value they don't know and revel in their own ignorance, which was very blatant in the comments during the previous podcast featuring Iyo.
@@alexandrem798 well playing fighting game does take more skill than gacha game in general, but u should've not acting all high and mighty about it like iyo did, despite talking to his viewers who mostly gacha game players. It could rub ppl the wrong way, which it did for some.
Talking down to your target audience is never a good idea in cultivating your community it breeds toxic elitism and will come back to bite him if it hasn't happened already.
@@invertbrid I think he was merely trying to be informative. Because at first glance, the fighting game community and the gacha community are not the same and it's reasonable to think gacha gamers aren't familiar with certain aspects of fighting games. But people heard that stance, took umbrage at it and blew it out of proportion (mostly because of cc drama farming). It's possible Iyo didn't convey this thoughts in the best way and even got a little dramatic with it, but if the guy rubs you the wrong way, just don't watch him. Anything more is unnecessary and only contributes to a shitty atmosphere.
@@invertbridBasically, instead of calmly stating a fact and then moving on. What Iyo did was act high and mighty, then continuously hammer down that statement in your face, just repeatedly saying "you're trash, and I'm not cuz I'm a fighting game player". Like bruh, if you keep on saying "this might be too hard to understand for your small gacha brain" every time you try to explain something, a majority of people are bound to be annoyed.
I don't see it that way for sure. He doubled down in the video and opened up people's channels to "prove" a point. Even if you take it the how smack said it, it's still a bad take.
Appreciate the candid discussion here and learning points for lyo to grow as a person and content creator. I think one issue here that hasn’t been addressed is that the terms were also misused. It’s not even Kara cancelling nor what Jiyan is doing is negative edge (letting go of input which registers as the input)
Negative Edging was the best thing to ever come out of this 🤣I know a lot of people hate hearing jargon, but I honestly find this kind of thing pretty cool to learn about as someone who really doesn't play a lot of fighting games
Negative edge, goober/kara cancelled, PLINKED all these terms are so memeable, The silver lining Iyo injected some funny memes with his dog dookie takes.
Ay I'm glad I'm not the only one lookin at Zhu and seeing Jill haha she's even a cop Hoyo knew what they were doing Loved the conversation lads. The space needs more of these frank, open, mature discussions. Firm handshakes all around love to see it
Not one hard question. Just talks round and round about ivo getting one guyd without addressing any of the actual content. Gacha cast was led by the nose.
they didnt bring him here for that. Smack wasnt gonna press a fellow black dude who likes fighting games. You can just tell from the ending when he says "if you have a problem with Iyo, fuck you". Volkin tried, Smack shut it down.
@@zap7737 too bad a disservice to ivo too. With just 1 or 2 hard questions and the air could have been cleared so much better. Then again atleast on host claimed not have looked into this controversy at all.
@@TimoNaaro facts. If you don't press him, it just gives him validation, leading to a repeat offense. It's like saying "good boy" when your dog pisses on the carpet.
Its not 100 % percent ignorant to bring the fighting game terms in gacha space rather how he brought it is, so bad and in a narcissistic way is the problem. Lets be honest the terms are not 100% correct to the senario and he proudly disregarding the player who come up the same idea with different terms. Its same like woke idea, u can be or call whatever you want but inforcing other to do the same and saying fk u fighting game came with way before??? Not only gacha gamers, player in general are pissed...
Yo, Volk, dead honest, I love these Podcast so much man. Controversy and Iyo's hot takes aside, I genuinely do enjoy just seeing you guys just talk about recent stuff, addressing certain concerns and issues that has risen recently amongst yourselves, and just talk about what's been going on in your own lives. None of that parasocial sh*t, I just wanted to let you know these podcast are awesome, and I'm glad you, Smack, and many other creators just get to vibe out and relax during these moments. Love your content, and keep doing you man. Looking forward to the next podcast!
Finally seeing the guys talking about brown dust 2, I never play this game until like 2 months ago I start and man this game is good, the combat amazing, good pity system, rouge like endgame, boss fights etc. Man the game is good
18:24 He still got that elitist mentality, assuming volkin hasnt played it even if volkinhe really hasnt, it still sounds like hes lowkey bragging "look Ive played this game and u havent so I know more than u"
I won't deny his ego but this is a reach if I've ever seen it. 8 seconds before your timestamp he asked Volkin if he played the game and he said no so he explains how it's similar. No bragging and there were no assumptions.
I watched Iyo's pre-release ZZZ coverage, and I can say he DEFINITELY is the type of person who talks down to people without even realizing it, and has an inflated ego about the fact that he plays fighting games. He brings it up a lot, especially when he's trying to discredit other people's opinions. Like, it's a consistent thing.
This podcast was amazing, as someone who likes Gachas and fighting games, this was an amazing take, also, as far as having a get-together like EVO, those are usually reserved for like Anime Expo where gacha get to show their games and stuff, I love that and I want a space where is just that where we celebrate gacha instead of bashing our heads of wich one is better😊
I regret watching this, Its just Iyo clearly not learning anything, not getting humbled, or even be a little apologetic to everyone he offended either intentional or not, And Smack just stroking his ego for some reason. Maybe just a basic observation, if you offend 3 different communities its a YOU problem, the problems isnt everyone else not understanding you.
The PVP in Honkai 3rd definitely keeps me playing that game, and I've spent hours just trying to get a better score etc. I definitely think Hoyo or someone else needs to bring it to a modern game, because people like to compare to others!
Iyo just doesn’t know what he’s talking about sometimes and he’ll yap about his ignorance for 10 minutes beyond what’s necessary while throwing in jargon along the way. Hes also not carrying the zzz community to be able to say Wuwa doesn’t have another “him”to prop it up. Hes overexaggerating his position. It’s fine to be confident about your content, but be realistic about what you’ve achieved in relation to other ccs. Intent is besides the point. What he’s insinuating there, whether or not he’s aware of it, is that he thinks he’s carrying the zzz community in some way when a lot of the shit he talks about is common sense. He acts like he’s delivering this information to the masses for the first time. Yah not everyone gets it, and I’m glad he’s there for those people, but his style of delivery is just off. But I still like Iyo at the end of the day. He’s entertaining! It’s just hilarious how unaware of his ego he is.
This was a great episode. I love how y'all were giving advice and constructive criticism while Iyo gracefully/humbly accepted it. We love character development 😤😤
I feel this community needs another personality that can rival Tectone's presence because he is quite litterally affecting the entire western content creator space. I love Tectone but man I think we just need a Maximilian in this community to balance out the space for the gacha content creators. It's just too toxic right now with all this Farming drama baiting behavior rather than just chatting about the game or chill colabs when the game period is dry... welp one day it will happen just wonder who, because this isn't sustainable.
It does but also requires some actual human behavior from the community Far too many folks be reading too deep and making assumptions for folks and about them For ex with the hex and tectone argument, everyone saying hex flipped on mtashed bc tectone is her golden ticket when that’s simply not true in her mind & perspective. But ppl keep insisting on such anyway
I just want to be clear. I play both Wuthering and ZZZ. Both games are good for different reasons. I unsubbed to Iyo because his ego eclipsed my desire to watch him. They don't have a me. This is going to be hard for you to understand etc. There's plenty of other things. I don't 'screenshot' them, but there's plenty. It's insufferable. Edit3: 1:01:07 Perfectly said. Edit: The whole Rexlent thing. If he watched his content, he would know he makes content to help everyone even if some is 'showcase.' Comon. Edit2: Also, communication is on the messenger. If the message isn't received properly, it's incumbent upon the messenger to ensure or clarify. If SOOOOOOO many people took him one way and it was the wrong way, IYO FAILED to communicate what he meant properly. But, I'm not even sure that's the true problem. The ego was pretty darn clear. It's not hard to see it. It's smacking you in the face. It's ok to have an ego. Everyone does. Gacha, Pokke, Tectone etc. All of their ego's are pretty big. They don't let that eclipse their usefulness *or entertainment factor* though.
14:44 Don't have to make some super serious apology but Iyo seriously needs to get his ego checked. If he really did not mean to talk down on his fellow creators, then it can't be helped. He should have clarified it at the earliest time but his elitist attitude and the overall lack of calmness and maturity throughout all this has made me dislike him a lot to the point where I won't watch his videos.
This is simply my observation but.... I think Iyo has a need to familiarize himself with a group. Like you know that kid who keeps going on like 'Oh you guys wouldn't know since it's a common joke between me and my bros'. Iyo seems to me like he has the urge to repeatedly show that he is a member of fighting game community, show that he is one of the cool guys he thinks about. I am not necessarily blaming or hating him here. But I understand this as the opposite of my loner personality lol. I play many gacha games, I sub to subreddits but I won't admit to be their community member lol. Cause I don't want to be associated when whoever does whatever. Edit: I also watch Andrew Huberman Podcasts! He is awesome!
To be honest I grew sick of the "Tectonian drama/reaction/nuclear" meta 😂 Its really lazy in my opinion and a growth media for negativity and toxicity.. I hope the audience steer away from this so ppl get creative again instead of rewatching others watching others watching someone making a video
@@Hassan_d_daganWell no, like honestly I've been watchin Iyo for a minute, but that video was pretty terrible. I don't think we can just chalk this up to Tectonian drama. Just felt like a huge ego wank over playing fighting games.
@@Toastyz27 I agree it was hot takes, but like Smack said. The dog pile from everyone was abit much. I just personally wouldn't watch every single dogpile video
@Hassan_d_dagan nah. Everyone dogpilled on the mintpicker so it's only fair if the negative edger gets it as well. MF twisted tectone's words on twitter and teccy still defended him just cause he likes the guy unlike the slime, this is double standards.
"I wish the gacha community had something like that." The funny thing is, there is plenty of opportunity to create something like that in the gacha space. We've seen tournaments for tons of games even without a PvP aspect to it like fastest clear times, most points in a mode or boss rush modes but the problem is, creators would rather push drama content than try to put the effort into setting up tournaments like this because drama is easy to farm. Everyone in this video has participated in HSR "PvP" so to say there is nothing that could be used to create an FGC like EVO environment isn't true. I said that I wish Tec would focus on tournaments like he did that one WuWa tournament and drop the drama stuff and he would be the TotalBiscuit of the gacha space but that isn't where the money is made unfortunately. And gacha is absolutely rife with opportunity since there is so much down time, there is so much content drought but again, it's harder to set up a tournament and run it in those down times when creators have to be consistent and constant with their content or fear losing audience.
I love Iyo, and lets all be real, youtube would be heaven if this was the level of "issues" we have with CCs. Do I agree with all of Iyo´s takes? No. But that hardly makes me dislike him or his content, not all of us have to agree its actually better if we dont for the games and the community. Also why do people complain Iyo has massive ego, while int he same breath saying they were waiting for an apology? I am truly sorry to say, but if yu require an apology for someone having a different opinion that you - you may also have a massive ego.
this discussion was fruitful.. and i hope iyo learns from it.. like from a content consumer perspective.. when i first watched hes "wuthering waves tech" vids.. i actually liked the stuff.. i ddnt care abt the fighting game terms and application on boss stuff.. it was cool.. i do that in open world.. makes game fun.. but is it worth doing in harder content tho? nope.. now i ddnt blatantly mentioned that in comments that "this is useless" i thought it was cool to discover multiple combos in game and have fun.. now then he started making zzz vids..he thought game was good.. i ddnt.. but i was okay with others finding that game fun.. even i play zzz.. i sticked around till the end game and yeah its fun in harder content like hollow zero and shiyu defence.. so i started hes vids abt zzz combat and stuff.. it was cool as well.. but the min he started comparing and trashtalking wuwa cuz bunch of kids on Twitter trashtalked zzz using wuwa as comparison.. i was like aight thats enough.. also using some of the baseless points or the one that differs person to person is what i call a bad take.. if u love some other game.. just play that game.. dont announce why u left previous game.. nobody wants to know that.. nobody cares.. ppl will keep playing what they find fun.. and defination of fun is different for literally everyone.. sometimes its better to keep ur opinions to urself..
Also getting signed by hoyo as a preferred cc may have something to do with the whole zzz glazing and wuwa slander, its no wonder he got his 2nd channel up and started before doing all that drama
@@skyMcWeeds I agree. It all started when he signed that zzz hoyo contract. From praising WuWa he just made a complete 180° and slander not just the game but also the community and it's content creators while making Full Blast Shilling on ZZZ to the point that he strongly connects it to Fighting Games. Money really changes people but he just did it so obvious in a disgusting way.
i think the all iyo Situations is misunderstanding and this days people being offended for nothing trully serious but i guess the all situation is cool now and that's great
This was meant to be Ep11 but we decided to put it up before the other ep we already had recorded.
Also, I think Smack came up with the greatest title i've ever had on a video on my channel 🤣
Gacha Smack -
Iyo -
Jeez 3 episodes in less than a week is nuts, working overtime fr
iyo is TRASH im out.. thats the least amount of time im gonna spent on a video with him.. peace out!
i aint watching bye..
@@mwx5314and yet you made the same comment twice bye bozo
true. you got the greatest title for this video :v
I think this is the first time i click you content
Insane title bro. Good one 😂
negative edging to this rn
Oh dude i negative edged to this video so hard !
Imma kara cancel you both for this.
which c*m output is better, from negative edging or the positive one?
You used this term more right then Iyo does 😂
@@GlacioDreadmane Whichever one leads to a longer c*mbo
Good on Volkin for keeping the conversations feel more balanced and calling Iyo out on some of his takes.
Agreed! I think Volkin was slowly injecting clarity into Iyo by telling him how is words sound like to people.
@@rjx_ agreed volkin did make the conversation balance because gatcha smack is just absolutely ass licking iyo. i get that he is bias since both of them are FG players.. but come on
@@JazzMyOpinion1:07:01 clearly you didn’t watch the whole video through. It is obvious you have vitriol feelings.
@@proveyourfit5916that's not the strongest counter when it's still a podcast of Smack glazing Iyo and belittling the community for 95% of it.
That portion even shows the issue. Any softball criticism iyo got he'll just say a few words, the subject quickly ends, and there's no growth from it.
His arrogance gets addressed and iyo's response is "ah, i didn't know that". Really iyo, first time you've heard that type of commentary of you in your life?
@@JazzMyOpinion 🤣if it was tectone you bet both of them would make him apologize. classic smack double standards
I know he got backlash for it, but that "they don't have a me" line was absolute cinema for me 😂
The funny part is the "me" when he describes it, even he doesn't fit into that category
He is implying a "person like me" which also needs a context and when he says that, it sounds worse.😅
I ain’t 100 percent certain but I Think what he meant by that was wuwa doesn’t really have complete dedicated channels most ppl are still testing the waters since it’s so new where as iyo seems to be locked in on zzz with the second channel and his point was wuwa is lacking that I could be wrong I mean I ain’t him but that’s just how I took it
Nvm he explains it 41:35
@@kermitthefrog7963yea but the problem was he failed to clarify it which led to many people memeing and dogpiling on him, telling him to Kara-cancel his shit takes lol
@@Left4hireoh no I agree I only got through like 60 percent of this but from what I’ve listened to smack and volkin have been pointing out the flaws of his approach really well and he’s been agreeing and owning up to it a shame the haters won’t watch it like me tho but I already knew iyo wasn’t what he was being painted to be this situation is a nothing burger that got fueled by iyos ego
Iyo Kara cancelling his IQ once again
When there's a HUGE GAP between "this is what I meant" vs what the majority of people are understanding from it, a severe poor choice of words has been used.
yeah, hes too dumb to realize that people FULLY understood what came out of his mouth, its just that he wanted other words to come out lmao. He is the one who misspoke, he wasnt misunderstood.
For me his video felt less informative and more like him trying to act superior. Some of the lines had absolutely nothing to do with what his intentions were. Idk how this guy is, he might be a love child of Gandhi and MLK but from what I can see that video felt more like an ego trip and less like a message.
Usage of fighting games terms felt more like meta message than a straight forward communication.
Who are you talking about?
@@wesleyleigh4063 Iyo. The guest in the podcast.
Pfft free hate for him saying truth that hard to accept? There's no reason to excuse yourself if u are right and like u said u dont know him so dont judge him i am sure u are a narcissist, im not guessing im sure u are😂😂. When u judge someone u assume it there's no maybe this or that cause u are insulting yourself when u do
@@thegamehelperz2746 Holy glazing
No hate to the boi Iyo and all but the backlash came from this elitism attitude towards fighting games, I get it mans passionate about fighting games but expecting a totally different community to understand all of these jargons and whatnot, was like WuWa storytelling which was lore dumping the first 15 minutes of the game and expecting the players to get all of that instantly.
stop defending the clown, he needs to take accountability for what he said
7:00 he is too lazy to SC yet he is passionately arguing people on twitter and reading the comments one by one and even banning them.. just wow
He blocked me on X even though I didn't say anything negative 😅
Fr like mf cant stfu on twitter when someone says something about him
@@Niddy_Gritty we can say that he Kara cancelled you on twitter.
43:16 about his takes in "that" video:
#1 respecting my time
WuWa does tho, you are only given the choice to grind, and are not necessarily forced to. Iyo made the conscious decision to grind when he ddint really have to. more on #4
#2 mandatory perfect echo stats for content creators
no. (i think its safe to assume that) gacha games are targeted at casuals who dont spend much time on the game; if you're gonna present your content from the perspective of someone who's grinding for hours, then you wont be relatable. ima also add that "relatability" is a standard that you held Rexlent up to so i dont think you can invalidate this point on that regard.
#3 Rexlent
nahh Iyo just arbitrarily glossed over the reasons he discredits Rexlent's guides for. MrPokke made a good point about this already, just cuz Rexlent's "guides" arent your traditional meta takes and whatnot doesnt mean theyre not guides at all; i mean cant the same be said about Iyo himself pushing FGC techs onto WuWa when theyre not even 100% applicable? even then the first thing Iyo said about this was "passion", something Rexlent clearly has, evidently when Iyo says Rexlent also makes content for HIMSELF; Iyo just kept moving the goalpost past that point.
#4 Genshin vs WuWa overworld
this can either be a biased subjective take or a disingenuous objective take. Iyo judged WuWa overworld by bringing it up against BotW and Elden Ring among others which shouldnt really matter since the same distinction should apply to Genshin as well and i dont think Genshin measures up to those too. he shoulda just directly compared Genshin with WuWa which he kinda did tbf but arbitrarily taking Genshin's side w/o further elaboration; like what did he lose time on Genshin overworld doing? mintpicking? Genshin at release also had covid buff which is more of a circumstancial than objective factor of Genshin.
he also talked about time investment again in this section saying WuWa's is terrible compared to others like it (only ones i can think of are Genshin and ToF?), ima assume Genshin cuz its the most recent and relevant comparison to WuWa in that time of the video; if he meant non-gacha games then thats a different matter entirely and am not gonna tackle it now lol.
again one of the things that WuWa presents its players that Genshin doesnt is a "choice": If i want to play the relevant gameplay more i can farm echoes in WuWa vs mintpicking in Genshin; if i want to skip long-ass dialogues to save time i can do that in WuWa not in Genshin.
#5 WuWa vs ZZZ combat
the comparison he made itself just sounds disingenuous cuz he used different criteria for each. Iyo criticizes WuWa combat negatively cuz you cant juggle 100% of the enemy cast (almost right after he said he wants WuWa to be his Dark Souls, he also apparently hasnt even cleared holo V's yet) or that enemies are just passive training dummies but when the same criteria was being presented to ZZZ he just glosses over the point and moves the goalpost to button-mashing in endgame ZZZ, which he also doesnt present to WuWa... has he button-mashed the endgame of WuWa?
btw i watched from MrPokke's reaction video.
thats why i like WuWa in terms of time... i have fully built 2 teams in just 1 month unlike GI my account is still sht and in HSR (my 2month old acc) is still using some 4star relic and not well built
i literally saw him get one guy'd again the other day lol
Yup. On his recent tweet, another one guy riled him up again and he retaliates again 😂
His twitter is riddled with several 1 guys and just butting heads for no fuckin reason. Like bro GO DO SOMETHING. No wonder he has this bias because he fuckin is always interacting and prodding these fuckin random ass people for no good reason. And half the time it's never from a standpoint of reaching an understanding or learning.
he cannot stop negative edging to one guys
I'm sorry, but when you say there's no dedicated CCs to this so they don't have passion, there's only so many ways you can interpret it. And it doesn't matter what YOU actually meant, when you're releasing public video about it trying to convey your thoughts to your audience its on you to convey it properly. I was talking about fish but meant meat is not how communication is supposed to work.
It is clearly what was meant lol. Just trying to walk it back since it got more of a reaction than intended.
Was this video recorded before or after he got exposed of using the terms wrong lol?
@@kuru35699I am not sure it matters. The quality of his content is high, his skill is not in question. If he went to the dictionary for Kara cancelling vs whiff cancelling his excitement got the best of him. Blood needs to stay off X that is for sure. Anyone can fall into the hype train and misspeak.
bro just move on jesus bro just yaps he aint a societal threat
This comment is just full of bullsh*t
He just made Enemies of all 3 Communities (ZZZ, WuWa & FGC) and what he must do is make an apology of what he said instead of still fighting people in his Twitter up till now.
FGC - he spread Misinformations of using FG terms to ARPG gacha.
WuWa - he straight up slanderd and spread Misinformations to them and their CC's.
ZZZ - he just straight up called the community stupid if they can't know how those FG terms are used in Gacha ARPG, Shilling hardly that Fighting Games is so much embedded in the ZZZ combat and now people clown over to zzz becoz of it.
He should've just simply need to humble himself atleast once and made an apology instead of still clinging to his iyo, i mean ego.
I agree. living in bubble and comparing yourself to a casual gamer its deserving to be mocked.
The sad thing is that we all know ppl that are just another tier above him in terms of TC or gameplay.
the lack of self awareness and unabilty to admit your own mistakes is not good for the boy
Has he done this in this video? Coz if not i aint bother watching him try to defend himself when he cant even apologise and lower his ego
Apologize for what. Go outside, get off the game
@@StrawHatGaminggFound an iyo meatrider
I agree, ZZZ may not be the best game out there, but I kinda feel sorry for them cuz the same guy who's presenting himself as the "ME" of his own community is contributing to why some people dislike ZZZ even more now 😂
Honestly, the most egregious point of the Rexlant issue you guys didn't point out is how much he stayed on it AFTER the whole "they don't have a me/no other cc is passionate " he brings up Rexlant, says he doesn't count. Then goes to his channel an says he doesn't make relatable content for f2p an only a cc for whales an "him" right after saying he watches him yet the page was filled with unwatched videos while critiquing said videos he hasn't watched. He even says he doesn't give "valuable " information about guides an characters an etc. It was just so blatantly objectively false it came across as just straight hating.
There's a ton of good stuff about the CC side that I really appreciate. The morning energy, hearing your own voice from the complaints, how to handle drama, etc. lots of cool stuff.
can't believe I'm the first upvote on this comment. The amount of vitriol for Iyo in here is wild smh
now iyo is hated by both gatcha community and fighting game community. cause this mf just bring up FG shenanigan in gatcha game and it even wrongly named.. and this made the FG community as a butt of the joke with those wierd ass terms
What? I ain’t in any community and I know what those terms mean lmao I think you’re the only one that thinks this way
@@PatchDaBlunt FG player rednu even said those those so Called Fg terms is really random and each name doesnt really correspond to the actual input.. and obviously people who doesnt know what those term is would find it pretty goofy. even me i have played multiple FG for over 15years (casually )and even played literally those arcade consoles. never have i heard those terms. then what do you expect for those who didnt even play FG? i didnt say those terms didnt mean anything all i said is normal people would find those terms really weird.. thats why gatcha players are literally trolling those negative edging and kara canceling terms
@@JazzMyOpinionwho tf is rednu
@@NoTheN0oBa fighting games player who watched and went over the big parts of Iyo’s video
@@PatchDaBlunt "i know what those terms mean" Well apparently not, cause hes literally been using them wrong and you might live under a rock, if you havent seen people in the FGC community calling him out.
One guy doesn't mean literally 1 guy.
It means a very small minority of the community. Come on Iyo.
dude misuses Kara Cancel and Negative edge, he would obviously misuse "one guy"
He's to busy negative edging to notice
People like Iyo that see discussions as something that you have to win are insufferable.
I hope that he teaches us all the goober cancel new tech
I disagree with smacks take around the 30 minute mark about farming content. Atleast from the perspective of Pokke and a few others I've seen react to it, most of them didn't know what they were getting into before watching it because the video hadn't blown up like crazy until after the matter, Iyo was getting a bit of hate but to me it mostly seemed like constructive critcism from his own community and then the dog piling came after. Pokke hadn't prewatched the video so he didn't even know what to expect and it isn't exactly mr pokke's fault that Iyo made his nuclear take which he has now clarified now. I think what pokke did was just bring a bit more attention to the video but if everything Iyo had said was true and correct than there would'nt be a reaction to begin with, its not like any words were intentionally twisted, what pokke and tectone and others said is exactly how the video initally came across, I also think its unfair to make such a take and not expect people to react to it, your words should stand true regardless of the attention that is brought to it and if an overwhelming majority of people take issue to what was said than its just objectively a bad take or poorly communicated.
the usual double standards from smack
Pokke would literally agree that he does reactions coz he farms content...same with Tectone, they evne themselves often refer to it like that?? I dont know what in your mind farming content means, but it literally means making content out of nothing ...which any reaction video to anything is by definition "farming content"
@@Kunoichi4ever4 I never said the word itself “farming content” is what the problem is and if you even read my message you’d know that. You can’t just cherry pick one word I say and go on about it completely missing the point. I literally said that word once in that massive paragraph and thats the only thing you took from it 🤣🤣
I think it’s absolutely nuts that so many ppl needed to make hour long videos on one or two bad points
@@antoniomckenzie680 its because the original video was a of the long format and it definitely had more than two bad takes and some of them came across as nuclear. I don’t think it was anything to warrant as big of a backlash as it has sparked but I do think Iyo needed to be held accountable to an extent for how his words came across and in a respectful way, not as if he had comitted a crime
I aint listening Iyo yapping for an hour, im just scrolling for the comments 😅
Same. I'd prefer Tectone's gacha cast since there would be more varied opinions there and less time for him to spew more of his drivel.
No one misinterpreted anything Iyo said I'm tired of this narrative.
Tectone, on stream, literally wrote out word for word what Iyo said in his now pay gated video.
bad takes Iyo in the house !
The reason that you are less productive in the day if you get on your phone or like on the internet as soon as you wake up is that your dopamine levels get used up in that time which causes to be harder to get that feeling of satisfaction in less interesting things like work or projects
thats what it feels like
According to this logic, dont do anything you enjoy when you wake up otherwise youll release dopamine.
Agree. This is the same with me. That's why I avoid any SM in the morning.
this comment should be higher
I negative edge over this video! Kidding aside I just finished the Brax episode so this is a treat! Thanks Volk and Smack!
I commend him for doing this but, I don't buy it. He obviously isn't humbled in the slightest even after this and sounds like he's just making excuses. Now he has 2 gaming communities hating him. Volkin did a great job navigating this podcast and keeping every topic balanced.
3* community hating him. WuWa, ZZZ and FGC
Bro for 2h did nothing neither apologized and moved on or anything he just kept acting like he's superior, u deserve getting kara canceled and negative edged on
I'm ngl that talk about YT algorithms and stuff was cool I definitely never knew that about TH-cam lol
He's getting hate cuz his video is just dumb takes and alot for him is might be just a onegguy cuz no one is actually complaining 😂
This is a straight-up lie. There are tons of people from the Wuwa community that go out of their way to dislike ZZZ videos and comment on them to express how Wuwa is better than ZZZ. It is not one guy. Yes, Iyo had some bad takes, but Wuwa community is still toxic.
@@ParadoX-os you talk about the same ZZZ community who after the annonce of the release date and the live stream attack EVERY SINGLE VIDEOS AND POST ABOUT WUWA saying that ZZZ gonna blow out of the water in term of combat and its gonna be THE combat gacha game of the year ?
So for you stating facts after the toxic attack of the ZZZ community is toxic for you ? Pls grow some maturity and don t play the victim card like Iyo for your own actions.
@@theolailheugue9402 The thing you are accusing me of, you are literally doing yourself right now. Look yourself in the mirror, buddy.
@@ParadoX-os I saw no accusations against you, he was pointing out a fact that happened. Try re-reading his post without the malice in your mind. Gacha communities are just toxic period, it doesn't matter what game it is.
@@gameguy1337 I suggest you re-read what he said before speaking on behalf of someone else. "Pls grow some maturity and don't play the victim card like iyo for your actions". If you don't see the malice and aggression behind that comment, then you are ignorant. All I talked about in my initial comment is that Iyo made that video because he noticed that in every ZZZ video that he was making and watching, the Wuwa community was spreading hate in the comments, which is what triggered him to make that video and it wasn't JUST one guy who said something bad. Iyo literally talked about this in this podcast, but you have so many children that just come on here and comment, without even caring about listening to what the other side has to say. This is a fact, not an opinion. I never claimed that only the Wuwa community has toxic players, but you get all up in your feelings the moment you hear anything negative being said about your favorite game.
the double standard for smack is showing heavily here...
when he had a small argument with tectone, smack blow it up and started insulting tectone like every min
about nothing ( street fighter x zzz Collab ) and tried to make tectone apologize for saying that '' SF is not the best collab that hoyo could have done "
which is a correct statement yet smack got butthurt by it.
now iyo did worse things by attacking wuwa CCs and with Rexlent he straight up LIED about him.
iyo got called out by every community that was involved(Wuwa zzz FGC) yet somehow in the eyes of gacha smack iyo did nothing wrong( but tectone saying SF6 is an OK collab is worth attacking him and insulting him). and kept glazing iyo and downplaying what he did and
even talking down on the CCs that responded to iyo garbage takes..
people only realizing smack is like this now is so hilarious. im not sure what you expect from a dude who claims to be all logic and facts but spits out a community post every so often cause he got emotional from being one guy'd lmao
bro is just a pseudo intellectual who has managed to convince gacha gamers his opinion is worth anything
so you are not going to talk about Tectone insulting other people he reacted to like for example that one guy that made video about zzz?
"BuT hE aPoloGizEd!" - so did smack and tectone squash the beef, not to mention Tectone presented his bad opinions as facts similarly to what people seem to think about lyo at the moment but the difference is lyo is taking heat from it right now and Tectone is not, but you're trying to flip the coin like Tectone presented himself very smart with that video ye sure dude smack cooked him initially your comment is just a bunch of non sense. The fact you even care about some bad takes for hoyo collab instead of looking at what kind of person you are watching that feeds you false narratives at every turn is insane to me anyway
@@morbus__ gacha smack saying that the SF6 is THE BEST COLLAB is easily provable to be false by observing gacha games history with collabs.(that was the point of tectone take on the collab) that's it.
secondly, i was talking about the double standard and hypocrisy of Smack with how he treated tectone on a Fu*king a Collab take(literally nothing) by throwing insults left and right, his community posts he did on his channel.
yet when it comes to iyo more SERIUS problems exp: disrespecting WuWa CCs, his blatant lies about rexlent and him talking down on his community.
unless you are saying that this is the same as tectone saying ''it's on ok collab, could have been better with something like NIER for a guaranteed success" taken word for word from his video.
lastly, gacha smack tried to play holier than thou by saying that the CCs who made a video about iyo are opportunist and not his friends... yet he did the same thing to tectone and Mr pokke by making MULTIPLE videos about their ''drama"
@@Wolfyyy 1. just because he made him look dumb which is his own fault for presenting himself that way does not mean smack was insulting him, in no way was bro trying to be disrespectful but as professional as possible I assume you're 14 emo snowflakes who takes offence at every small throw that was deserved like "ngl you made urself look like idiot here - IDIOT HE INSULTED HIM" that was not left or right literally smack did not insult him at all in community post and video he said i quote "Tec is a smart guy but he looks dumb in this instance" that is all i could find
They literally said love for each other
2. "its an ok collab, could've been better like NIER" that was his last resort take because he could not get away with other horrible takes so he was running it back like crazy, I was literally waiting for him to say what collab would be good if this is one is bad lol he only said that after getting pressed.
HIS ORIGINAL TAKES WERE "worst collab ever, 2 guys liking fighting games doesnt mean everyone likes fighting games, fighting game players dont play other games" that last take smack was defending which he was absolutely right about. You cannot just act like you are so called marketing expert on internet and expect everything will be fine, but again Tectone got away with so many other stuff which explains why he does it
3. Well there is a difference between making a video to dunk on the guy and just reacting to what happened because e.g this whole situation could've been a whole 2 hours document, you do not attack people by objectively sharing your thoughts but you do when you life react like a leech and echo chamber the whole internet who has already done shitting on the guy and bring even more attention to this, like do you think it would be necessarry for Penguinz0, Mtashed, brax, Mujin, Paikon, eango to come collectively and shit on this guy even though enough people have already done that? there are no false narratives spread, nothing to compensate people just simply dont care about this little banter and premise of everything here is pathetic you also should move on cause its worthless to cancel smack here, if you were to nitpick situation to hate on somebody it would be 6th july night on Mtashed vs Tectone, Tectone exposed himself fully
fun fact:iyo getting hates doesnt have to do with zzz vs wuthering. that video that he deleted contains some lies and misinformation. theres a part of video where he said rexlent is not relatable,"i watched rexlent" and proceed to point his cursor on jinhsi crash course vid and said "this aint a guide". excuses like "you misunderstood me" and "you are twisting my words" doesnt fix that
you mean relatable?
oof video was deleted i had to rely in my memories
@@Evangelion-u5u Pokke has a full reaction video for it up iirc
@@Vara01858 yeah i saw. just making excuses for that typo
The video was never deleted, you can find links to it on iyos main channel community post
He aint clarify shit lol 😂
nah i'm good avoiding his content at all costs
What's crazy to me is how tf so many people can't accept human beings being flawed. A little tolerance goes a long way, sure mistakes were made but life goes on
but it still doesnt explain why Iyo said "there is no me", I feel like he is just doing damage control and still cant accept his mistake, he didnt even acknowledge that he fvcked up when he said that part, he is not a dedicated CC for ZZZ but yet he still stood on what he said about the there is no me part, just apologize and move on at this point, he was wrong and no one will fault him if he apologizes
Loving the podcast so far between you three, great to see all y’all come together and talk :D
I do think this podcast gives great perspective on the situation, and gives nice clarification for things people may be confused about. Much love to all of you, and I highly recommend listening to the podcast.
Nah im good. Iyo needs to take the loss.
double standards obviously
@@ittehitteh9322 elaborate
@@zap7737 iyo was on an ego trip and made the FGC look bad. sonic sol and rednu called him out but yet iyo never apologized and doubled down
@@ittehitteh9322 Finding someone who gets all his info on Tectone videos, while saying the other guy had an ego trip is hilarious.
@@ittehitteh9322Did he ever mention the fact that he was wrong tho or he just ignored it ?
Smacks tangent on even creator acquaintances being oppurtunists is probaby Exactly what Iyo needed to hear. Good on smack for his moral stance though!
What time did he say this pls
Calling it a smeer campaign is such a underhanded way to devalue the legit critism towards iyo is a bad thing to do
the extent of it, or rather tectone farming it was imo
@@wesleyleigh4063i honestly feel like it was largely pokke doing this more so than tectone
@@JaxDax the only one doing a smeer campaign is himself, clown stuff
iyo still can’t admit his arguments were wrong and he even used fighting game terms wrong 😂 and the ego of saying we need a HIM like bruh in these gacha games you spam attacks till the mob dies end of story 😂😂😂
So the entire video is just him defending his SHIT takes? Yeah, i'm not finishing this one. Had to stop at 18 mins.
@@Axel_Kei starting to see the double standards from smack huh? like if it was tectone he would have made him apologize 🤣
@@Axel_Keiit’s him moreso clarifying his take (sorta) and learning.
Smack basically eased Iyo into the convo and did make sure to put his right for the most part
@@ittehitteh9322 i mean.........its cause Iyo is, cut from the same cloth. If you know what i mean.
@@zap7737 same as you and the mob mentality on here soo yeah... guess everyone's got their biases
Can we please stop these lies man, the wuthering waves community doesn't give a fuck about ZZZ, you are getting 1 guyed. i even looked at your zzz videos like you said no one is mentioning wuwa in them.
There's a style system that ranks you on your play in the illusive realm like DMC Iyo.
People need to tell kuro they want it. They also added a permanent game mode into pgr that scores you on style like dmc as well over in CN.
Can’t wait to kara cancel and negative edge as I watch this
Had to spam press L every time Lyo went on his tiresome tangents.
not watching the video but did he embrace the meme and trolls or not?
@@oreki9048 I only made it to 18 mins, but judging from the comments, it seems like a "no".
@@Axel_Kei he did
@@oreki9048 He did.
it's not a smear campaign when people are just saying your takes are terrible and you don't know what the words you're using actually mean lmao. smear campaign is when people lie and slander you to ruin your reputation, not when you ruin your own reputation by being insufferable.
People made it deeper then it was, and it just became cringe at some point, yeah not a smear campaign but still got too much
@@Ilint nah, people made jokes about him and then he got butthurt and went after people on twitter lmao. acting like a victim and all these creators are bullying him, etc... whole thing started because he got sore over a few comments. HE made it deeper than it was. now it'll be a meme that people run with and that's on him lol.
@@StripedSooner some made jokes some were legit upset, still was not that deep. I think you saw it one way that made it more favourable for your opinion. But from day one it was out of hand. Hopefully people finally move on from this, cause there much better topics to discuss then people get but hurt over someone’s opinion
@@Ilint i don't have a dog in the fight lol. i didn't have an opinion to favor one way or the other. it's a simple fact that he made a giant rant video based on getting baited by a couple people, and that was entirely on him. it started with him and it got bigger than it needed to be, again, because of him lol.
"They don't have a me" means something completely different from "They don't have a dedicated creator".
The former is an obvious statement of superiority, the latter is simply an observation.
People didn't misunderstand, they just took the meaning from what Iyo said.
An hour 40 of straight negative edging
"It's not what was meant but how it was heard"
You need to learn more effective ways of communication. Doesn't matter what you meant of it's heard a different way. If I have an angry tone it won't matter what I said, it will come across as angry.
Desperate PR attempt
Great podcast guys Conversations like this are always fun and important to have between friends, keep it up 👍
I told him to just say "Animation cancel" in one of his videos and he lost his shit. Glad to see Karma has my back.
volkin had the only W in this podcast ngl
smack finna be the next ratsu soon
Kara cancel and negative edge aside, iyo should've not acting like fighting game players are so superior to gacha game players tbh. That one that really costed him.
What do you mean? For the longest time gacha games required no skills whatsoever. So obviously a decent Street Fighter player is a superior gamer compared to a Nikke player. Which is not a problem btw. The problem is when a community refuses to acknowledge there are things of value they don't know and revel in their own ignorance, which was very blatant in the comments during the previous podcast featuring Iyo.
@@alexandrem798 well playing fighting game does take more skill than gacha game in general, but u should've not acting all high and mighty about it like iyo did, despite talking to his viewers who mostly gacha game players. It could rub ppl the wrong way, which it did for some.
Talking down to your target audience is never a good idea in cultivating your community it breeds toxic elitism and will come back to bite him if it hasn't happened already.
@@invertbrid I think he was merely trying to be informative. Because at first glance, the fighting game community and the gacha community are not the same and it's reasonable to think gacha gamers aren't familiar with certain aspects of fighting games. But people heard that stance, took umbrage at it and blew it out of proportion (mostly because of cc drama farming). It's possible Iyo didn't convey this thoughts in the best way and even got a little dramatic with it, but if the guy rubs you the wrong way, just don't watch him. Anything more is unnecessary and only contributes to a shitty atmosphere.
@@invertbridBasically, instead of calmly stating a fact and then moving on. What Iyo did was act high and mighty, then continuously hammer down that statement in your face, just repeatedly saying "you're trash, and I'm not cuz I'm a fighting game player". Like bruh, if you keep on saying "this might be too hard to understand for your small gacha brain" every time you try to explain something, a majority of people are bound to be annoyed.
Surely iyo just farming
Iyo, you are not smart. Pls accept the truth.
16:01 "you" look at it as that.. but majority of people see it differently. so he is responsible to apologise for that mistake
Why? 😂
@@ZakuZuko Bcs he wont apologize since he is.. that man
I don't see it that way for sure. He doubled down in the video and opened up people's channels to "prove" a point. Even if you take it the how smack said it, it's still a bad take.
Appreciate the candid discussion here and learning points for lyo to grow as a person and content creator. I think one issue here that hasn’t been addressed is that the terms were also misused. It’s not even Kara cancelling nor what Jiyan is doing is negative edge (letting go of input which registers as the input)
I'm gonna get my tissues, it's time to negative edge while I watch this
Great video!
Volkin hard carrying this convo . MVP.
Negative Edging was the best thing to ever come out of this 🤣I know a lot of people hate hearing jargon, but I honestly find this kind of thing pretty cool to learn about as someone who really doesn't play a lot of fighting games
Negative edge, goober/kara cancelled, PLINKED all these terms are so memeable, The silver lining Iyo injected some funny memes with his dog dookie takes.
Amazing title for a video 😂😂😂😂
Iyo only need apologised and move on
With his high ego i think he never want apologised
Ay I'm glad I'm not the only one lookin at Zhu and seeing Jill haha she's even a cop Hoyo knew what they were doing
Loved the conversation lads. The space needs more of these frank, open, mature discussions. Firm handshakes all around love to see it
Not one hard question. Just talks round and round about ivo getting one guyd without addressing any of the actual content.
Gacha cast was led by the nose.
they didnt bring him here for that. Smack wasnt gonna press a fellow black dude who likes fighting games. You can just tell from the ending when he says "if you have a problem with Iyo, fuck you".
Volkin tried, Smack shut it down.
@@zap7737 too bad a disservice to ivo too. With just 1 or 2 hard questions and the air could have been cleared so much better. Then again atleast on host claimed not have looked into this controversy at all.
@@TimoNaaro facts. If you don't press him, it just gives him validation, leading to a repeat offense. It's like saying "good boy" when your dog pisses on the carpet.
Its not 100 % percent ignorant to bring the fighting game terms in gacha space rather how he brought it is, so bad and in a narcissistic way is the problem. Lets be honest the terms are not 100% correct to the senario and he proudly disregarding the player who come up the same idea with different terms. Its same like woke idea, u can be or call whatever you want but inforcing other to do the same and saying fk u fighting game came with way before??? Not only gacha gamers, player in general are pissed...
Yo, Volk, dead honest, I love these Podcast so much man. Controversy and Iyo's hot takes aside, I genuinely do enjoy just seeing you guys just talk about recent stuff, addressing certain concerns and issues that has risen recently amongst yourselves, and just talk about what's been going on in your own lives. None of that parasocial sh*t, I just wanted to let you know these podcast are awesome, and I'm glad you, Smack, and many other creators just get to vibe out and relax during these moments. Love your content, and keep doing you man. Looking forward to the next podcast!
Thank you volkin and smack for covering and helping the iyo sitch. But in general, love your content and banter. Keep it up, all of ya! Ty
Finally seeing the guys talking about brown dust 2, I never play this game until like 2 months ago I start and man this game is good, the combat amazing, good pity system, rouge like endgame, boss fights etc. Man the game is good
18:24 He still got that elitist mentality, assuming volkin hasnt played it even if volkinhe really hasnt, it still sounds like hes lowkey bragging "look Ive played this game and u havent so I know more than u"
I won't deny his ego but this is a reach if I've ever seen it. 8 seconds before your timestamp he asked Volkin if he played the game and he said no so he explains how it's similar. No bragging and there were no assumptions.
so glad people are starting to see how much double standards smack is showing. bout time he gets called out. fake af
You live to hate the man right? swear i've seen you bash on the guy everywhere 🤣
He glazes Tectone in his videos too when he criticizes him, wtf are you on about?
@@jeffrenjr i mean, theyre still right and i really like smack. But this shit was embarassing.
@@SirPaladinThundercake thats literally just wrong lmao
@@SirPaladinThundercake iyo got called out by the FGC but he still doubled down and refused to apologize. smack letting this slide?
I watched Iyo's pre-release ZZZ coverage, and I can say he DEFINITELY is the type of person who talks down to people without even realizing it, and has an inflated ego about the fact that he plays fighting games. He brings it up a lot, especially when he's trying to discredit other people's opinions. Like, it's a consistent thing.
This podcast was amazing, as someone who likes Gachas and fighting games, this was an amazing take, also, as far as having a get-together like EVO, those are usually reserved for like Anime Expo where gacha get to show their games and stuff, I love that and I want a space where is just that where we celebrate gacha instead of bashing our heads of wich one is better😊
Iyo is borderline unwatchable.
I regret watching this, Its just Iyo clearly not learning anything, not getting humbled, or even be a little apologetic to everyone he offended either intentional or not, And Smack just stroking his ego for some reason. Maybe just a basic observation, if you offend 3 different communities its a YOU problem, the problems isnt everyone else not understanding you.
TLDR, no accountability
Dude literally went on a small streamer's chat because they were talking about them and calling them out lmao
The PVP in Honkai 3rd definitely keeps me playing that game, and I've spent hours just trying to get a better score etc. I definitely think Hoyo or someone else needs to bring it to a modern game, because people like to compare to others!
iyo still getting one guy'd womp womp, his own ego is his downfall.
Iyo just doesn’t know what he’s talking about sometimes and he’ll yap about his ignorance for 10 minutes beyond what’s necessary while throwing in jargon along the way.
Hes also not carrying the zzz community to be able to say Wuwa doesn’t have another “him”to prop it up. Hes overexaggerating his position. It’s fine to be confident about your content, but be realistic about what you’ve achieved in relation to other ccs. Intent is besides the point. What he’s insinuating there, whether or not he’s aware of it, is that he thinks he’s carrying the zzz community in some way when a lot of the shit he talks about is common sense. He acts like he’s delivering this information to the masses for the first time. Yah not everyone gets it, and I’m glad he’s there for those people, but his style of delivery is just off.
But I still like Iyo at the end of the day. He’s entertaining! It’s just hilarious how unaware of his ego he is.
Really good podcast and great dudes, all 3 of them if I'm being honest
We goober canceling with this one boys
I'n goobing on my edge right now kara
This was a great episode. I love how y'all were giving advice and constructive criticism while Iyo gracefully/humbly accepted it. We love character development 😤😤
Brown Dust 2 had 1 year anniversary just recently, why does Volkin say its 3 years old? Lol. Must have it confused with an other game.
Nah iyo aint respecting my time
But reading the comments...
Mf has the same ego as The legendary mint picker
I feel this community needs another personality that can rival Tectone's presence because he is quite litterally affecting the entire western content creator space. I love Tectone but man I think we just need a Maximilian in this community to balance out the space for the gacha content creators. It's just too toxic right now with all this Farming drama baiting behavior rather than just chatting about the game or chill colabs when the game period is dry... welp one day it will happen just wonder who, because this isn't sustainable.
It does but also requires some actual human behavior from the community
Far too many folks be reading too deep and making assumptions for folks and about them
For ex with the hex and tectone argument, everyone saying hex flipped on mtashed bc tectone is her golden ticket when that’s simply not true in her mind & perspective. But ppl keep insisting on such anyway
Love volkin personality, totally a cool guy lol
Volk is a good ol Fair guy! Respect.
I just want to be clear. I play both Wuthering and ZZZ. Both games are good for different reasons. I unsubbed to Iyo because his ego eclipsed my desire to watch him. They don't have a me. This is going to be hard for you to understand etc. There's plenty of other things. I don't 'screenshot' them, but there's plenty. It's insufferable.
Edit3: 1:01:07 Perfectly said.
Edit: The whole Rexlent thing. If he watched his content, he would know he makes content to help everyone even if some is 'showcase.' Comon.
Edit2: Also, communication is on the messenger. If the message isn't received properly, it's incumbent upon the messenger to ensure or clarify. If SOOOOOOO many people took him one way and it was the wrong way, IYO FAILED to communicate what he meant properly.
But, I'm not even sure that's the true problem. The ego was pretty darn clear. It's not hard to see it. It's smacking you in the face. It's ok to have an ego. Everyone does. Gacha, Pokke, Tectone etc. All of their ego's are pretty big. They don't let that eclipse their usefulness *or entertainment factor* though.
14:44 Don't have to make some super serious apology but Iyo seriously needs to get his ego checked. If he really did not mean to talk down on his fellow creators, then it can't be helped. He should have clarified it at the earliest time but his elitist attitude and the overall lack of calmness and maturity throughout all this has made me dislike him a lot to the point where I won't watch his videos.
This is simply my observation but.... I think Iyo has a need to familiarize himself with a group. Like you know that kid who keeps going on like 'Oh you guys wouldn't know since it's a common joke between me and my bros'. Iyo seems to me like he has the urge to repeatedly show that he is a member of fighting game community, show that he is one of the cool guys he thinks about.
I am not necessarily blaming or hating him here. But I understand this as the opposite of my loner personality lol. I play many gacha games, I sub to subreddits but I won't admit to be their community member lol. Cause I don't want to be associated when whoever does whatever.
Edit: I also watch Andrew Huberman Podcasts! He is awesome!
56:17 would have never thought, the negative shower edging tech would be a thing
To be honest I grew sick of the "Tectonian drama/reaction/nuclear" meta 😂
Its really lazy in my opinion and a growth media for negativity and toxicity.. I hope the audience steer away from this so ppl get creative again instead of rewatching others watching others watching someone making a video
Agreed. Why are people watching 7 reacts of the same video and getting negatively polarized by each one.
@@Hassan_d_daganWell no, like honestly I've been watchin Iyo for a minute, but that video was pretty terrible. I don't think we can just chalk this up to Tectonian drama. Just felt like a huge ego wank over playing fighting games.
@@Toastyz27 I agree it was hot takes, but like Smack said. The dog pile from everyone was abit much. I just personally wouldn't watch every single dogpile video
@Hassan_d_dagan nah. Everyone dogpilled on the mintpicker so it's only fair if the negative edger gets it as well. MF twisted tectone's words on twitter and teccy still defended him just cause he likes the guy unlike the slime, this is double standards.
@@HeseliqMikav I wouldn't watch 7 videos dog piling on envy either. If you take pleasure being part of the internet mob that's your business.
"I wish the gacha community had something like that."
The funny thing is, there is plenty of opportunity to create something like that in the gacha space. We've seen tournaments for tons of games even without a PvP aspect to it like fastest clear times, most points in a mode or boss rush modes but the problem is, creators would rather push drama content than try to put the effort into setting up tournaments like this because drama is easy to farm. Everyone in this video has participated in HSR "PvP" so to say there is nothing that could be used to create an FGC like EVO environment isn't true.
I said that I wish Tec would focus on tournaments like he did that one WuWa tournament and drop the drama stuff and he would be the TotalBiscuit of the gacha space but that isn't where the money is made unfortunately. And gacha is absolutely rife with opportunity since there is so much down time, there is so much content drought but again, it's harder to set up a tournament and run it in those down times when creators have to be consistent and constant with their content or fear losing audience.
I love Iyo, and lets all be real, youtube would be heaven if this was the level of "issues" we have with CCs.
Do I agree with all of Iyo´s takes? No. But that hardly makes me dislike him or his content, not all of us have to agree its actually better if we dont for the games and the community.
Also why do people complain Iyo has massive ego, while int he same breath saying they were waiting for an apology? I am truly sorry to say, but if yu require an apology for someone having a different opinion that you - you may also have a massive ego.
Iyo meatrider spotted
this discussion was fruitful.. and i hope iyo learns from it.. like from a content consumer perspective.. when i first watched hes "wuthering waves tech" vids.. i actually liked the stuff.. i ddnt care abt the fighting game terms and application on boss stuff.. it was cool.. i do that in open world.. makes game fun.. but is it worth doing in harder content tho? nope..
now i ddnt blatantly mentioned that in comments that "this is useless" i thought it was cool to discover multiple combos in game and have fun..
now then he started making zzz vids..he thought game was good.. i ddnt.. but i was okay with others finding that game fun.. even i play zzz.. i sticked around till the end game and yeah its fun in harder content like hollow zero and shiyu defence.. so i started hes vids abt zzz combat and stuff.. it was cool as well..
but the min he started comparing and trashtalking wuwa cuz bunch of kids on Twitter trashtalked zzz using wuwa as comparison.. i was like aight thats enough..
also using some of the baseless points or the one that differs person to person is what i call a bad take..
if u love some other game.. just play that game.. dont announce why u left previous game.. nobody wants to know that.. nobody cares.. ppl will keep playing what they find fun.. and defination of fun is different for literally everyone.. sometimes its better to keep ur opinions to urself..
Also getting signed by hoyo as a preferred cc may have something to do with the whole zzz glazing and wuwa slander, its no wonder he got his 2nd channel up and started before doing all that drama
@@skyMcWeeds I agree. It all started when he signed that zzz hoyo contract. From praising WuWa he just made a complete 180° and slander not just the game but also the community and it's content creators while making Full Blast Shilling on ZZZ to the point that he strongly connects it to Fighting Games. Money really changes people but he just did it so obvious in a disgusting way.
i think the all iyo Situations is misunderstanding and this days people being offended for nothing trully serious but i guess the all situation is cool now and that's great
Let's all be positive edger