If they could give the sniper a slight buff to ammo economy and/or maybe a single shot mode it would put it in a pretty decent place. I'm always up for a new sniper rifle.
I really hope the sniper gets an ammo boost to both its mag and reserves or making the ammo it has more worth it's while. As it is now it's pretty fun just doesn't feel effective to me. Kinda soso again the ideal medium tier enemies and pretty underwhelming otherwise.
The sniper just has painfully low ammo for high stakes bot encounters, it’s just a heavily nerfed purifier for now, but it has potential if they tweak it
To make it feel a real sniper rifle,that should one shot anything but cumbersome ammo count, they could give it heavy pen. like the senator with buff damage from 116 to 220 but decrease the mag from 8 to 6.
@frencerenniermendoza5047 that sounds fair actually. I'd take that. I really like the new sniper but ya...it needs AP4 and I'd be ok with 6 mags instead 8. Also needs the option to shoot 1 shot individually or all 3 plasma burst shots at once imo
And the worst part is how many players just don't even appreciate it and fully take it for granted. They've been treated like garbage by AAA game publishers for so long they don't even know the difference between EA or Activision and a company that actually cares.
@@thecalmbro Please explain how the devs listened to the players beyond doing the equivalent of saying "here's some free stuff, but we're keeping weapons and unique armor effects on the superstore." I'd like to know how the superstore moving from cosmetics of existing armor to paid weapons and unique armor effects at higher prices than a typical warbond is listening to the community.
@@crimesguy Because they saw how the players reacted and gave it out for _free._ (Last time I checked, *free* was _cheaper_ than a typical warbond) Are you really this dense?
@@dillis2188 Partially wrong. They gave out the planned next wave of content for free. They didn't change anything about the current store offerings that upset everyone beyond how long they would remain and that they'd talk to Sony (aka do nothing as with the PSN debacle). How am I dense for being cautious about receiving incentives for Arrowhead, yet again, to continue with bad policy in their game? Time-limited weapons and unique gear is parallel to gacha game practices
@@crimesguy they didnt change anything about the current ones because lowering the price would be unfair for people that already bought it, the time has already been doubled and they are going to do this differently the next time we get a collab
StA-11 is probably an upgrade to the Knight in most cases. Less RPM and recoil means it's less prone to overkill and bullet wastage. Seems good if you like this weapon type.
@12LoLproductions tbh, it's an upgrade to the Knight under most circumstances because very few situations need the full 1.3k RPM. Fewer bullets in bug corpses means more to go into living enemies of democracy.
Counterpoint, knight sounds cooler! Really the knight just needs 1 more mag and slightly less recoil when full auto. But the new SMG really feels far easier to use.
@@FelisImpurrator i don't like knight on any faction but illuminate, but i like the rpm on the knight because the things you care about killing with the knight (shield popping mostly, occasional close range overseer jumpscares) don't require accuracy. Overall i think i prefer the new helgast assault rifle out of all the new guns on illuminate.
@IntrusiveThot420 I would like the Ghast AR better if the sights were nicer. I always hated ironsights. Especially since it seems to handle a little worse than the Tenderizer, which if I remember correctly had a cleaner, more vertical recoil profile. That mag:reload is amazing for sure though. The SMG seems like a good middle ground if you just need a solid 1h bullet hose to pair with a shield up close without pissing too much ammo away.
They could bring a super sniper with a 20mm bullet that we can only shoot on prone... A stratagem weapon... This would be awesome!!!! I love snipers....
Look up a weapon from Helldivers 1 called the "Suppressor". Its a fully automatic light armor pen explosive weapon with an added bayonet upgrade. I miss it q_q
@SpyTF2RealNah a longer ranger higher damage single shot AT rifle, basically a more powerful eruptor with anti tank capabilities instead of just heavy pen
People acting like within 5 days they can’t farm enough credits to buy everything, every other game has everything overpriced and you can’t earn the stuff for free, but I guess helldivers is worse than that right???😂😂😂
@i mean if its between spending 3-4 hours just doing mundane missions from now on for content vs paying $40 for half a warbond, I would rather just not play. Arrowhead can push these things, but this is not what I signed up for.
The thing is, people wanna earn super credits by actually playing the game, not by going into difficulty 1 missions and roaming around the map, rinse and repeat for hours until you get 2000 super credits for an assault rifle that's not too good and an armor that's okay at best :)
as somebody who hasn't been playing helldivers 2 a whole lot until the illuminate drop (so i barely have any of the warbonds, let alone all the stuff from them), the SMG is super cool and super enjoyable, even if there are better primary options
I love the SMG but it fire so absurdly fast for me that I can't use it, I'm more of a default liberator person so I've been preferring the assault rifle a ton.
The AMR against the Illuminate (with a program or monitor based) crosshair absolutely destroys them (the actual Illuminate). It destroys the Overseers AND the erm.. Tripods? (I forgot the name of it). Combine it with a Supply Pack and you DOMINATE!
Correction, because for some reason so many players and content creators don't know this: Terminid spit is NOT gas/acid damage! It is explosive, and so is countered by the fortified armor, not this! So the only protection from enemies you're getting out of this is hulk fire and harvester arcs.
I kenw that it was explosive, however the new armour is resistant to gas and "acid" as it is specifically stated so the wording of the armour has confused me as to whether arrowhead is changing this
Wrong, actually. Terminid spit is both explosive and acid. For example, Titan's spit: >--Projectile 60/60 (ap 5/5/5/0) (k 20/20/10) [Acid] >--Acid_Splash DPS 3/0 (ap 1/1/1/0) (k 0/0/0) [Acid] >------Explosion 85/85 (ap 6/0/0/0) (k 0/0/0) (r 2.25/3.5/2.5) [Acid] >------Acid_Splash DPS 3/0 (ap 1/1/1/0) (k 0/0/0) [Acid]
Yes and no. Hunter bites and the "bug mines" are acid. Bile is a mix, it's a stream of pure explosive damage with an aoe radius of acid damage, hence why indirect hits slow you down and sizzle you.
If they added that any super credit stack found on higher difficulty would scale upwards, like 15 on diff 5 and 30 per stack over difficulty 8 (they’re rare to find on harder difficulties, rarity should match amount picked up) maybe people wouldn’t hate the idea so much. Then again a year later and all the players are still capping out on requisitions and medals with nothing to spend them on unless they shell out super credits bc at first they said they wouldn’t hide stratagems in war bonds yet they did twice now.
I still don’t really understand why people are upset over stratagems in warbonds. It’s not like the warbond stratagems are replacing the free stratagems we get for doing well in the galactic war. We’re still getting stratagems from MOs at about a the same rate as before. They instead replace other gear options that would be in the warbond like primaries. Unfortunately the two gas ones really suck, but the Urban Legends ones are all pretty solid. The Directional shield can serve as a more supportive alternative to the ballistic shield because it can protect your teammates too, the Flame sentry is insane at crowd clear, and the AT Emplacement gives you a delete button you can use over and over at the cost of being immobile while using it.
@mailcs06 people complain because it locks people out of getting those strats. It makes those strats inclusive. You either have to pay for them or grind for long time. For example my own little sister who doesn't get to play often. Won't be able to play with those strats.
@ not more, the amr would still be able to kill all the same things, but the amr would do more durable damage and likely still have way higher damage in general, im not asking for a amr in the primary slot, im asking for lie amr lite, something that technically could but would be weaker,like the senator, it can technically kill all the same things as the amr, is that power creeping the amr?
I farm Sc most the time but I also work full time and have disposable income I don't mind dropping money sometimes to support helldivers 2 I only want to see this game get better.
Same dude. Gaming and working full time sucks sometimes 😂. Cause I only play on weekends but on the opposite side I for the most part miss out on all the bad things that happen in games
And at least helldivers can be played casually unlike almost every other live service game where if you miss even a month you become completely washed and have to learn at least 10 new metas
honestly i only play like 1-2 games a day just for the personal order and i have thousands of extra super creds and have all warbonds and everything maxed. this game is so easy to get everything for free, im not sure why anyone would hate being able to get everything for free? do people actually buy super creds? for what?
@@triggerhappy52786thats is the crazy part, Sc is really easy to farm and honestly I dont understand people. There is a difference between being a greedy Dev and a dev that need support, since launch, I got every single warbond for free and able to get alot of super store stuff for free too just by play the game, Now they give this one sure it is a little expensive but the dev did work hard non stop in the past few months and this stuff is not hard to earn, I dont mind to support them. I think players are just greedy at this point
i was shocked to hear the killzone collab yesterday but then logging on today and seeing FREE content too, i loved loved killzone couldnt be any happier
I don’t understand why they thought releasing it through the superstore would be less controversial instead of releasing it in a warbond. Unless they were going to charge $40 for the warbond. That would’ve pissed people off. I think these collabs should cost max $20. Double a normal warbond is fair because it’s a special warbond. I am now going to buy the first half because of this good gesture. I want to support the devs and this game but not if they get greedy. Moral of the story good on AH 👍
The Plas 39 looks fun for being a flex pick when running a more crowd control oriented support weapon. But it definitely looks good vs the bots, the splash letting you just body shot devastators is good when you don’t have time to aim. Not sure it’s a better pure sniper than the diligence CS but it will have a place no doubt.
I really appreciate your gameplay and opinion focused videos. I feel like you’re so respectful and you dive deep into what matters! I hope we get to see the wasp gameplay soon :D
For the overseers. Aim for the chest. I believe it took 18 rounds from the new assault rifle. You break off the plating, and then you hit the flesh. The head takes way too many
The sniper rifle may have poor ammo economy but bringing the Siege ready passive helps with that and also shortens your frequent reloads, making it a genuinely really strong primary on the bots. I fought off a multiple minute long one at a time trickle of devastators and Rocket striders yesterday using it while cornered in a heavy base on Super Helldive. It may be our first sniper, and it works for sniping, but it’s also still really good at close and medium ranges. Also I think the sniper is nearly silent to enemies, making it nice for stealth operations too.
After actually using the sniper, I gotta say, it's one of the strangest weapons in this game - In both good and bad ways. The limiting magazine/reload/ammo pool aside, it's actually decently effective against a variety of targets. But because of the forced burst fire and slow projectile velocity on plasma, it really feels more like a close-medium range priority target exploder than a "sniper rifle". The SMG is basically a more controllable Knight at the cost of a little DPS. Which still means it's sort of whatever, much like the Knight. And I still think the armor passive is junk, but at least it's on a light set this time.
it's funny because it's pretty much was I was expecting the purifier rework to be: 3 round burst but based on how long you charge it I glad they didnt because I actually like it how it is now, but for this new sniper, if they can change the burst to a toggle or make it charge base, it could be very decent.
@@gangsterguardsman4576 bug acid is counted as explosive btw, not really gas. So unless you or your teammates use a gas nade/orbital, it's useless. And it barely does any dmg anyway Pretty much the same situation with fire except the resistance is so low that you'll need to stim anyway so it wont really save you unless you didnt notice you were on fire for 2 seconds... and if you want protection from electricity, it's 100% better with the other one that give you 90% resistant. the 50% is enough to survive getting 1 shot. in general, it's way to situational to be worth it if you ask me
that would be a terrible crossover! we would get guns where we could press the barrel of the gun against the filthy undemocratic squids heads and only have a 65% chance to actually hit them! xD
The new sniper is actually really good at chunking through beefier targets, ironically it can take out the bot gunships with two (6) shots if you can land them, the only issue I have with it is that you essentially just don’t have ammo, sure you can mow down singular targets, and kinda splash very tight groups, but on higher difficulties where enemies just get spat out constantly at you, the lack of ammo REALLY starts showing, often your forced to bring a stratagem machine gun to make up for just not having a primary haha, not to mention the melee weapons seem so fun to use as well so having no ammo at all just seems like the baseline when running that sniper haha. All they need to do is give it a 6 shot mag and it would be so much better without being overkill, or allow individual fire, as an explosive energy sniper is still fairly strong considering it can’t ricochet.
For a sniper rifle, it has a horrendous damage dropoff at range, though. If it weren't for Killzone collab and the fact that this weapon is classified as "sniper rifle" in that game, I'm sure this design wouldn't ever be considered as such. Yes, it can kill bots decently well, but you have to stick in borderline melee range, so there goes the "sniper" part. It's a free gun, though, so I'm not gonna complain. Just funny to think how awful it would've been if it wasn't free and people would drop over 600 SC on it, lol.
I just love the sniper here, i find it so much fun. My ladout is: Sniper Tge one machine pistol Incend impacts And ac as a support weapon (or recoilless) I tested it only vs illuminates but it should be good for bots and terms as well
DCS/Dominator are able to kill 16 devastators before reloading, and this can only kill one. DCS/Dominator also doesn't force you to waste almost a third of your ammo every time you shoot a trooper automaton. Crossbow 2-shots devastators in about the same time while having enough shots per reload to do this three times, and can also kill multiple enemies for the price of one. The purifier can also 2-shot devastators in roughly the same timeframe but can kill 7 before you have to reload, while also having the uncharged mode to deal with light units. This weapon is already obsolete.
the r-36 eruptor could also be considered a sniper rifle. it has a scope, as well as more damage and a slower fire rate than the plas-39. its also got explosive rounds, which puts it with the crossbow in the explosives section.
Honestly Im just glad we can finally look like a Helghast. Love the free armor set as I love light armor a bit more but I just had to grab the OG helmet. It's too iconic not to get and played the F out of the first 2 games. Debating on if I want to get the AR or not though. It seems good but you can always power creep weapons. You can't (well, rarely) power creep fashion as easily lol.
If the assault rifle was in the 100, maybe 150 SC zone, then it would have been better, but over half the price of a warbond was just putting a bullet where it didn’t belong, now with the second half being free, I’d say it balances it out a fair bit.
This sniper makes me excited. I have the new Ammo and Rload speed armour, this is acting like a Plasma, with more damage. Explosive damage is useful. I'll make use of this with the Jump pack or Guard Dog (machine gun does really well with the extra anmo and is Meduim armour pen too!
It's not a sniper, it's an awkward plasma weapon that's kind of useless for bots, since you only get 3 shots(3 per burst, so 9 rounds total) before reloading, and the recoil means only the first shot will ever hit at 50 meters
Im not familiar with killzone but will check it out. I just got into warhammer 40k pretty recently and seeing the description of the AC-2 OBIDIENT mentioning its a favorite of micro-sculpture enthusiasts led me to originally think this could be a 40K crossover.
THIS I was so disappointed when I found out that it is not only a plasma gun but also shoots in a burst mode you can't even change for some reason It's like arrowhead made this gun and said "Finally we made a real primary sniper! Let's unsniper it!"
@@Stheles I didn't even mention the Bizon. What is with Arrowhead giving SMGs more recoil then the HMG Stratagem???? Literally no SMG irl is too hard to control, I don't get it.
@robinstheles Apparently the weapon functions the same way in Killzone and is classified as a Sniper there too. So AH didn’t unsniper it, that’s just how it was to begin with.
Just as an FYI, in every video you call it an Alpha Commander. The Alpha Commander has medium armour. The one you're thinking of is the Brood Commander which has light armour. I mention this because every time you mention the Alpha Commander, it's in relation to light pen weapons, which will actually struggle against the Alpha Commander.
If they could give the sniper an AT emplacement zoom level option With railgun reload mechanics & plain bullets with medium pen I would consider using it
I’m all for free stuff, but now I kinda wish they would implement “skill-based unlocked” armor, capes or titles. So by this, I mean doing certain in-game challenges or achievements that would unlock cosmetics. And that would be the only way, no super credits. These challenges could be like, complete a set amount of tier 10 missions, or complete a tier 10 without taking damage. Maybe a kill X amount of enemies challenge. A game called WWZ does this. Even better they could add weekly challenges that have random modifiers. So by completing a weekly challenge, it could give you say 100-200 (200 being very generous) free super credits.
@ Lol. It doesn’t have to be armor bro. Even just capes, player cards or titles would be cool. You know to give the players like me, who have max medals and max samples and nothing else left to unlock apart from some xp levels, something to do. You know, more free content for people to enjoy.
The new armor stats make me feel they are hinting at a possible multiple front attack from different factions in one mission. Imagine getting attacked by fire from automatons and some other elements from another faction.
Acclimated is good if you're up against Illuminate with a fire weapon, because Voteless running directly into your face at high speed isn't what I would call "mitigating user error" so much. Or if you're fighting Terminids with fire, because of the same thing AND there's 50% resistance to acid damage as an added benefit.
I have a serious issue with the sniper: Its burst refire delay is so atrociously slow that it almost always misses a head with at least one shot past ranges that should not be for sniping, and in a rhythm that makes it hard to just pull down the muzzle the way you normally would. It's like firing three shots separately and I could tap fire the purifier three times faster. If they cut the delay down by at least half for a tighter-timed shot group, and either increased the damage slightly or made it a 12-round mag, it could be great.
Give it some time and the engineer passive and I’m sure the rhythm of it will feel better. Funny enough I feel like this is more enjoyable than purifier for me
@@TIMOSTERRORS Eh, not fond of the idea of having to go prone to use a primary. But they just need to adjust that refire because it makes no sense. The point of a burst fire trigger is specifically that the whole burst should come out almost simultaneously, so that the recoil is more controllable because it handles like one big shot despite using multiple lower-caliber rounds.
the new sniper *feels* really good, and I want to like it, but it's balanced so weirdly on account of it's ammo to damage ratio. To truly shine, I think it should have 5 shots instead of 3 per magazine, without changing any other stats. If they want to keep the 3 shots per mag, they should increase the damage so that it's enough to one shot illuminate elevated overseers. I understand that the rifle gets 4 mags back on ammo pickups (and full mags from resupplies, obviously) so I reckon the devs wanted it to be more of a scout sniper rifle type of deal, but currently I feel like it's just held back by it's ammo to damage ratio yknow. Not to mention the reload speed isn't anything special, so being able to supplement it's ammo with constant pickups isn't exactly solving the issue with the rifle. I'd be fine with 2 mags back per ammo pickup if they made either of the above changes in exchange.
i mean, they do have something to gain by creating scarcity though, money. if they create a sense of scarcity for the weapons in the shop, or making it seem that you wont know when they will come back, there would be an increased chance of people purchasing super credits to get them before theyre gone. however... I do not believe this to be the case entirely, since they went and increased the time they are in the store by double, and a company with that tactic wouldnt have done that to help out the players. I love what they are doing in the gaming scene, and its a breath of fresh air.
I left a suggestion saying that scarcity wouldn't make me buy more over time, it would make me buys less because the time between what I want will get longer and longer. Too much scarcity, and people stop caring.
Bringing the new sniper with the Stalwart is like an inverse Tenderizer with Railgun. Youre trading some AP damage potential for higher chaff-killing potential
My take on all of this. Option 1: Collaboration warbond - if needed to compencate IP right's price or second party puts minimal pricetag, make it 2000-3000 or 4000 SC doesn't matter, but players can buy it at any time and progress though it at any speed. Option 2: It becomes part of regular rotation of super store we assured it will come back in next rotation, but total price should not exceed 20$ and if it has uniqe properties like new armor mod only for that colab we should get at least 1 colab set or not colab set but with same mod for free or in a warbond since otherwise it can be said that it is pay to win and FOMO. With how it was planned it looks like if it was released in super store total price for both pages would have exceeded 40$ which is price of the game itself and that's just not enough content to justify price, 20$ on the other hand is at least partially justifiable as rights to use IP are not free, even tho this one was Sony IP. And on top of that some countries can't afford 40$ for around a warbond of content.
The sniper is good for cracking walkers and other mid tier bots and should probably be considered a support weapon as it's wasted on basic infantry. Bring an MG strat unless you're okay running as a dedicated recon specialist.
I know this is completely unrelated to the video, but looking at the new sniper rifle, makes me wish I had the option to equip a support weapon in replacement for my grenades, primary, and secondary.
I feel like since the plas-39 is the first actual dedicated sniper in the game compared to other weapons being described as a sniper without actually being one, that the plas-39 should have heavy armor pen, it’s literally a sniper so it should have heavy armor pen, I know it has explosions but the explosions are miniscule and you barely even notice it so heavy armor pen would really help it, but seriously the senator secondary revolver of all things has a higher armor pen than a actual sniper, that’s ridiculous (I still love the senator, it’s my fav secondary), so if they buff the plas-39 they need to buff the armor pen
Ngl i think they completely avoided the issue with the crossover All they did was increase the time the items last in the superstore rather then actually lower the prices Yeah thats A solution but not the best solution we needed
There's just not enough ammo for the sniper to be battle-effective against any faction. You only have 24 effective shots before you're empty, basically making it a railgun stuck on safe mode, with a scope, except it takes your primary weapon slot.
@@grannde_ I clicked on the video because of the "new weapons" mentioned in the title. I don't care if they are insane or not, and I'm skipping the review part of it. I just wanted to hear about how to claim the stuff.
It seems strong for a sniper rifle, but it's limited in purpose as the 3 shot burst limits it's potential against chaff units. A mode for single shot would go a long way. I also think the ammo capacity is a bit too low, having to reload every 1,5 overseers is a pain. 12 bullets and a single shot mode and this weapon would be so much more versatile. Still it's free, and looks sick, so no one should really complain here.
Honestly i just wish the sniper had a bit more ammo but besides that i love it cause i prefer fighting bots anyway and tbh it works well for me cause i play in a semi optimized way. If i can sit on a high spot and use the recoilless launcher to take out most fabricators on the map, sniper for heavier targets and pistol for lighter bots im happy
I mean I don’t mind Arrow charging for stuff through the super store. They have made one of the best live service games out there, if not the best. I think they deserve to be rewarded for that. So I don’t mind buying super store items or war bonds.
that was what i thinking about the weapon has only 3 bursts per mag i expect the brutes to die with 2 headshots and a bodyshot at least or 2 body bursts and the devastators should die with one burst or one shot to the head becaus e there will spawn tons on even difficulty 6 or 7
I just go sniper mode move fast and keep a distance Plas sniper Plas pistol Rail gun Thermite grenades Jetpack You won't kill hordes but you can hunt down elites and destroy facilities and slip away let your team handle the bulk while you take out hulks tanks and aircraft from far away popping plas shots to cover your team I did this took down 3 hulks 2 shredder tanks 3 aircraft and 5 heavy devastators it gave them room to breath and run while I remained completely safe shooting anything that was a elite Sniper build is to commit to being a ghost while your team eats up all the Agro
The one we have basically fills the one niche (that i can think of) for medium pen assault rifles and thats just being medium pen, anything else would overshadow their light pen counterparts.
Top three? I'd liked to see you fighting with it. It has very high problem of being not ammo friendly. Maybe tolerable solo and with B-1 backpack but not in multi even with B-1.
Within week you can get everything. even with a job spend 30 min farming if you want the items so bad still gotta got go to work at end of day and to those working you aren’t even guaranteed to play the game if you’re tried enough
If they could give the sniper a slight buff to ammo economy and/or maybe a single shot mode it would put it in a pretty decent place. I'm always up for a new sniper rifle.
New armor passive gonna carry
I want a mode were it fire only a single really strong shot like all 3 shot fuse into one.
I was hoping it would act like a Beam Rifle or The Machina
It's already in a fantastic place imo. Its performance against automatons is borderline OP.
I really hope the sniper gets an ammo boost to both its mag and reserves or making the ammo it has more worth it's while. As it is now it's pretty fun just doesn't feel effective to me. Kinda soso again the ideal medium tier enemies and pretty underwhelming otherwise.
The sniper just has painfully low ammo for high stakes bot encounters, it’s just a heavily nerfed purifier for now, but it has potential if they tweak it
Yeah the counter sniper still out performs it imo, I haven’t played with the new one a lot but it seems to be tweaked with illuminate in mind
To make it feel a real sniper rifle,that should one shot anything but cumbersome ammo count, they could give it heavy pen. like the senator with buff damage from 116 to 220 but decrease the mag from 8 to 6.
@frencerenniermendoza5047 that sounds fair actually. I'd take that. I really like the new sniper but ya...it needs AP4 and I'd be ok with 6 mags instead 8. Also needs the option to shoot 1 shot individually or all 3 plasma burst shots at once imo
It really needs to hit way harder for how much time you spend reloading compared to shooting and how little ammo it has.
I’d disagree. I like it on bots a lot, and I hate the purifier.
having developers.. actually listening to the players
wholly unused to it
highly appreciate it, but wholly unused to it
And the worst part is how many players just don't even appreciate it and fully take it for granted. They've been treated like garbage by AAA game publishers for so long they don't even know the difference between EA or Activision and a company that actually cares.
@@thecalmbro Please explain how the devs listened to the players beyond doing the equivalent of saying "here's some free stuff, but we're keeping weapons and unique armor effects on the superstore." I'd like to know how the superstore moving from cosmetics of existing armor to paid weapons and unique armor effects at higher prices than a typical warbond is listening to the community.
@@crimesguy Because they saw how the players reacted and gave it out for _free._ (Last time I checked, *free* was _cheaper_ than a typical warbond)
Are you really this dense?
@@dillis2188 Partially wrong. They gave out the planned next wave of content for free. They didn't change anything about the current store offerings that upset everyone beyond how long they would remain and that they'd talk to Sony (aka do nothing as with the PSN debacle).
How am I dense for being cautious about receiving incentives for Arrowhead, yet again, to continue with bad policy in their game? Time-limited weapons and unique gear is parallel to gacha game practices
@@crimesguy they didnt change anything about the current ones because lowering the price would be unfair for people that already bought it, the time has already been doubled and they are going to do this differently the next time we get a collab
StA-11 is probably an upgrade to the Knight in most cases. Less RPM and recoil means it's less prone to overkill and bullet wastage. Seems good if you like this weapon type.
Non super citizens get their own knight now at least
@12LoLproductions tbh, it's an upgrade to the Knight under most circumstances because very few situations need the full 1.3k RPM. Fewer bullets in bug corpses means more to go into living enemies of democracy.
Counterpoint, knight sounds cooler! Really the knight just needs 1 more mag and slightly less recoil when full auto. But the new SMG really feels far easier to use.
@@FelisImpurrator i don't like knight on any faction but illuminate, but i like the rpm on the knight because the things you care about killing with the knight (shield popping mostly, occasional close range overseer jumpscares) don't require accuracy.
Overall i think i prefer the new helgast assault rifle out of all the new guns on illuminate.
@IntrusiveThot420 I would like the Ghast AR better if the sights were nicer. I always hated ironsights. Especially since it seems to handle a little worse than the Tenderizer, which if I remember correctly had a cleaner, more vertical recoil profile. That mag:reload is amazing for sure though.
The SMG seems like a good middle ground if you just need a solid 1h bullet hose to pair with a shield up close without pissing too much ammo away.
They could bring a super sniper with a 20mm bullet that we can only shoot on prone... A stratagem weapon... This would be awesome!!!! I love snipers....
Look up a weapon from Helldivers 1 called the "Suppressor".
Its a fully automatic light armor pen explosive weapon with an added bayonet upgrade.
I miss it q_q
So a worse autocannon
Maybe we'll get the Camper from hd1
@SpyTF2RealNah a longer ranger higher damage single shot AT rifle, basically a more powerful eruptor with anti tank capabilities instead of just heavy pen
Yeah, it would be an interesting niche, long range AT that doesnt require a backpack.
Farming is easy enough but if a large group of Hellwhiners get me free stuff ill take it.
fr lol
People acting like within 5 days they can’t farm enough credits to buy everything, every other game has everything overpriced and you can’t earn the stuff for free, but I guess helldivers is worse than that right???😂😂😂
@i mean if its between spending 3-4 hours just doing mundane missions from now on for content vs paying $40 for half a warbond, I would rather just not play. Arrowhead can push these things, but this is not what I signed up for.
Why people defending clearly greedy monetization tactics?
The thing is, people wanna earn super credits by actually playing the game, not by going into difficulty 1 missions and roaming around the map, rinse and repeat for hours until you get 2000 super credits for an assault rifle that's not too good and an armor that's okay at best :)
as somebody who hasn't been playing helldivers 2 a whole lot until the illuminate drop (so i barely have any of the warbonds, let alone all the stuff from them), the SMG is super cool and super enjoyable, even if there are better primary options
I love the SMG but it fire so absurdly fast for me that I can't use it, I'm more of a default liberator person so I've been preferring the assault rifle a ton.
Same it's pretty fun for farming
@@gaymin3252 it's definitely an adjustment, speaking as somebody usually playing with the liberator penetrator or a shotgun LMAO
Quick swapping between the AMR and Plas-39 against the bots, is going to be so much fun.
The AMR against the Illuminate (with a program or monitor based) crosshair absolutely destroys them (the actual Illuminate).
It destroys the Overseers AND the erm.. Tripods? (I forgot the name of it). Combine it with a Supply Pack and you DOMINATE!
1-2 more bursts per mag on the sniper and I would never put it down
Just use the armor passive that gives you exactly that
@@HeySiriwhydidmyparentsleave It's still 3 bursts per mag, just gives more mags
So the armors is a lie?
@@natedawg1007the armor never says it increases magazine size, it only says it increases reload speed and spare ammo count
@@rippah669 I thought he was talking about the total amount of ammo for the gun
Correction, because for some reason so many players and content creators don't know this:
Terminid spit is NOT gas/acid damage! It is explosive, and so is countered by the fortified armor, not this!
So the only protection from enemies you're getting out of this is hulk fire and harvester arcs.
I kenw that it was explosive, however the new armour is resistant to gas and "acid" as it is specifically stated so the wording of the armour has confused me as to whether arrowhead is changing this
@@ruski77 It's both, actually - explosive and acid.
then acid likely refers to the acid rain debuff i guess?
Wrong, actually. Terminid spit is both explosive and acid. For example, Titan's spit:
>--Projectile 60/60 (ap 5/5/5/0) (k 20/20/10) [Acid]
>--Acid_Splash DPS 3/0 (ap 1/1/1/0) (k 0/0/0) [Acid]
>------Explosion 85/85 (ap 6/0/0/0) (k 0/0/0) (r 2.25/3.5/2.5) [Acid]
>------Acid_Splash DPS 3/0 (ap 1/1/1/0) (k 0/0/0) [Acid]
Yes and no. Hunter bites and the "bug mines" are acid. Bile is a mix, it's a stream of pure explosive damage with an aoe radius of acid damage, hence why indirect hits slow you down and sizzle you.
you dont have to scrap the WASP video. If its all done just ship it
If they added that any super credit stack found on higher difficulty would scale upwards, like 15 on diff 5 and 30 per stack over difficulty 8 (they’re rare to find on harder difficulties, rarity should match amount picked up) maybe people wouldn’t hate the idea so much. Then again a year later and all the players are still capping out on requisitions and medals with nothing to spend them on unless they shell out super credits bc at first they said they wouldn’t hide stratagems in war bonds yet they did twice now.
Hm, maybe little less. 50 on 10. 25 SC on 7, 15 on 5. A scale curve like that maybe
@@bl4cksp1d3r you know what you’re right, I’ll adjust the comment to reflect that.
@@MrStonehengeX37 cool :D
I still don’t really understand why people are upset over stratagems in warbonds.
It’s not like the warbond stratagems are replacing the free stratagems we get for doing well in the galactic war. We’re still getting stratagems from MOs at about a the same rate as before. They instead replace other gear options that would be in the warbond like primaries.
Unfortunately the two gas ones really suck, but the Urban Legends ones are all pretty solid. The Directional shield can serve as a more supportive alternative to the ballistic shield because it can protect your teammates too, the Flame sentry is insane at crowd clear, and the AT Emplacement gives you a delete button you can use over and over at the cost of being immobile while using it.
@mailcs06 people complain because it locks people out of getting those strats. It makes those strats inclusive. You either have to pay for them or grind for long time. For example my own little sister who doesn't get to play often. Won't be able to play with those strats.
Im definitely more excited for more weapons in the sniper category, i hope we get one with heavy armor pen in the sniper category.
With really low ammo count
@ high damage high armor pen similar to the senator but definitely less ammo then that for the trade of being able to kill bigger targets better
Christ no. No more powercreep please. What's the point of the AMR if a primary has more AP than it?
@ not more, the amr would still be able to kill all the same things, but the amr would do more durable damage and likely still have way higher damage in general, im not asking for a amr in the primary slot, im asking for lie amr lite, something that technically could but would be weaker,like the senator, it can technically kill all the same things as the amr, is that power creeping the amr?
@@melo7038 honestly at that point just slightly buff the AMR if it feels weak or give it more spare magazines from 6 to 7-8.
I farm Sc most the time but I also work full time and have disposable income I don't mind dropping money sometimes to support helldivers 2 I only want to see this game get better.
Same dude. Gaming and working full time sucks sometimes 😂. Cause I only play on weekends but on the opposite side I for the most part miss out on all the bad things that happen in games
And at least helldivers can be played casually unlike almost every other live service game where if you miss even a month you become completely washed and have to learn at least 10 new metas
honestly i only play like 1-2 games a day just for the personal order and i have thousands of extra super creds and have all warbonds and everything maxed. this game is so easy to get everything for free, im not sure why anyone would hate being able to get everything for free? do people actually buy super creds? for what?
@Geekmunks I know the feeling I'm a ex destiny/destiny 2 player
@@triggerhappy52786thats is the crazy part, Sc is really easy to farm and honestly I dont understand people.
There is a difference between being a greedy Dev and a dev that need support, since launch, I got every single warbond for free and able to get alot of super store stuff for free too just by play the game,
Now they give this one sure it is a little expensive but the dev did work hard non stop in the past few months and this stuff is not hard to earn, I dont mind to support them. I think players are just greedy at this point
Heck yeah. I was wating for this precisely.
i was shocked to hear the killzone collab yesterday but then logging on today and seeing FREE content too, i loved loved killzone couldnt be any happier
I don’t understand why they thought releasing it through the superstore would be less controversial instead of releasing it in a warbond. Unless they were going to charge $40 for the warbond. That would’ve pissed people off. I think these collabs should cost max $20. Double a normal warbond is fair because it’s a special warbond.
I am now going to buy the first half because of this good gesture. I want to support the devs and this game but not if they get greedy. Moral of the story good on AH 👍
They were gunna charge over 40. It’s was 20 for less than half of the warbond.
The Plas 39 looks fun for being a flex pick when running a more crowd control oriented support weapon.
But it definitely looks good vs the bots, the splash letting you just body shot devastators is good when you don’t have time to aim.
Not sure it’s a better pure sniper than the diligence CS but it will have a place no doubt.
I really appreciate your gameplay and opinion focused videos. I feel like you’re so respectful and you dive deep into what matters! I hope we get to see the wasp gameplay soon :D
For the overseers.
Aim for the chest. I believe it took 18 rounds from the new assault rifle. You break off the plating, and then you hit the flesh.
The head takes way too many
One thing arrowhead should add to the destroyer ships is a simulated firing range to test stratagems and weapons
The sniper rifle may have poor ammo economy but bringing the Siege ready passive helps with that and also shortens your frequent reloads, making it a genuinely really strong primary on the bots. I fought off a multiple minute long one at a time trickle of devastators and Rocket striders yesterday using it while cornered in a heavy base on Super Helldive.
It may be our first sniper, and it works for sniping, but it’s also still really good at close and medium ranges.
Also I think the sniper is nearly silent to enemies, making it nice for stealth operations too.
Was hoping we get the wasp as well! But i will definitely wait for it. The Weapon Kicked ass
After actually using the sniper, I gotta say, it's one of the strangest weapons in this game - In both good and bad ways.
The limiting magazine/reload/ammo pool aside, it's actually decently effective against a variety of targets. But because of the forced burst fire and slow projectile velocity on plasma, it really feels more like a close-medium range priority target exploder than a "sniper rifle".
The SMG is basically a more controllable Knight at the cost of a little DPS. Which still means it's sort of whatever, much like the Knight.
And I still think the armor passive is junk, but at least it's on a light set this time.
the game doesnt have primary sniper rifles, they are all mislabeled battle rifles and to be used as such
it's funny because it's pretty much was I was expecting the purifier rework to be: 3 round burst but based on how long you charge it
I glad they didnt because I actually like it how it is now, but for this new sniper, if they can change the burst to a toggle or make it charge base, it could be very decent.
Nah the new passive is chill, it lets one walk through both gas and fire, and have some defense against arc attacks or bug acid
@@gangsterguardsman4576 bug acid is counted as explosive btw, not really gas. So unless you or your teammates use a gas nade/orbital, it's useless. And it barely does any dmg anyway
Pretty much the same situation with fire except the resistance is so low that you'll need to stim anyway so it wont really save you unless you didnt notice you were on fire for 2 seconds...
and if you want protection from electricity, it's 100% better with the other one that give you 90% resistant. the 50% is enough to survive getting 1 shot.
in general, it's way to situational to be worth it if you ask me
@@StephaneLevs bug spit is both explosive and acid btw
Oh god... I didn't know how much I needed this until now...
@ i have almost 1000 hours in Long War, mostly I/I. I am a gigantic fan lol. I would be like. So INCREDIBLY excited
that would be a terrible crossover! we would get guns where we could press the barrel of the gun against the filthy undemocratic squids heads and only have a 65% chance to actually hit them! xD
@@Reapers991 Getting PTSD now... freaking Xcom man 😂
@@Reapers991 So, the Reprimand?
The new sniper is actually really good at chunking through beefier targets, ironically it can take out the bot gunships with two (6) shots if you can land them, the only issue I have with it is that you essentially just don’t have ammo, sure you can mow down singular targets, and kinda splash very tight groups, but on higher difficulties where enemies just get spat out constantly at you, the lack of ammo REALLY starts showing, often your forced to bring a stratagem machine gun to make up for just not having a primary haha, not to mention the melee weapons seem so fun to use as well so having no ammo at all just seems like the baseline when running that sniper haha.
All they need to do is give it a 6 shot mag and it would be so much better without being overkill, or allow individual fire, as an explosive energy sniper is still fairly strong considering it can’t ricochet.
i can’t imagine it stays that powerful for long its feels way too nice
For a sniper rifle, it has a horrendous damage dropoff at range, though. If it weren't for Killzone collab and the fact that this weapon is classified as "sniper rifle" in that game, I'm sure this design wouldn't ever be considered as such. Yes, it can kill bots decently well, but you have to stick in borderline melee range, so there goes the "sniper" part.
It's a free gun, though, so I'm not gonna complain. Just funny to think how awful it would've been if it wasn't free and people would drop over 600 SC on it, lol.
Damn arrow head is something else, listening to the comunity is one thing but giving a premium content for free is on another level
I just love the sniper here, i find it so much fun.
My ladout is:
Tge one machine pistol
Incend impacts
And ac as a support weapon (or recoilless)
I tested it only vs illuminates but it should be good for bots and terms as well
Plasma obliterates automatons already, gonna be good eatin
I find it funny
Senator: kills hulks in the face
As a bloody side arm
A sniper rifle: bigger caliber than said sidearm
Cannot break the hulk face
It’s plasma, not armor piercing.
lemerson6916 and what does plasma do to metal when it hits it?
@@robertharris6092 in the game plasma is the explosive round.
DCS/Dominator are able to kill 16 devastators before reloading, and this can only kill one. DCS/Dominator also doesn't force you to waste almost a third of your ammo every time you shoot a trooper automaton.
Crossbow 2-shots devastators in about the same time while having enough shots per reload to do this three times, and can also kill multiple enemies for the price of one.
The purifier can also 2-shot devastators in roughly the same timeframe but can kill 7 before you have to reload, while also having the uncharged mode to deal with light units.
This weapon is already obsolete.
the r-36 eruptor could also be considered a sniper rifle. it has a scope, as well as more damage and a slower fire rate than the plas-39. its also got explosive rounds, which puts it with the crossbow in the explosives section.
Honestly Im just glad we can finally look like a Helghast. Love the free armor set as I love light armor a bit more but I just had to grab the OG helmet. It's too iconic not to get and played the F out of the first 2 games.
Debating on if I want to get the AR or not though. It seems good but you can always power creep weapons. You can't (well, rarely) power creep fashion as easily lol.
The sniper is a solid flying overseer killer.
Can 2 tap from the front, 1 tap to jetpack, or 1 shot and very small burst from Stalwart.
If the assault rifle was in the 100, maybe 150 SC zone, then it would have been better, but over half the price of a warbond was just putting a bullet where it didn’t belong, now with the second half being free, I’d say it balances it out a fair bit.
This sniper makes me excited.
I have the new Ammo and Rload speed armour, this is acting like a Plasma, with more damage. Explosive damage is useful.
I'll make use of this with the Jump pack or Guard Dog (machine gun does really well with the extra anmo and is Meduim armour pen too!
I love this new armour. It looks like a sith from the old republic lol (definitely gonna use the arc thrower more)
The counter sniper is my favorite automaton weapon so I'm really excited for this new sniper.
It's not a sniper, it's an awkward plasma weapon that's kind of useless for bots, since you only get 3 shots(3 per burst, so 9 rounds total) before reloading, and the recoil means only the first shot will ever hit at 50 meters
The three round burst of the "sniper" kills it for me.
Im not familiar with killzone but will check it out. I just got into warhammer 40k pretty recently and seeing the description of the AC-2 OBIDIENT mentioning its a favorite of micro-sculpture enthusiasts led me to originally think this could be a 40K crossover.
The first primary sniper they released and it's a burst fire medium pen sniper. 💀💀💀
Seriously, give us a single shot that shoots bullets slightly better than the senator
I was so disappointed when I found out that it is not only a plasma gun but also shoots in a burst mode you can't even change for some reason
It's like arrowhead made this gun and said "Finally we made a real primary sniper! Let's unsniper it!"
@@Stheles I didn't even mention the Bizon. What is with Arrowhead giving SMGs more recoil then the HMG Stratagem????
Literally no SMG irl is too hard to control, I don't get it.
Apparently the weapon functions the same way in Killzone and is classified as a Sniper there too. So AH didn’t unsniper it, that’s just how it was to begin with.
Just as an FYI, in every video you call it an Alpha Commander. The Alpha Commander has medium armour. The one you're thinking of is the Brood Commander which has light armour. I mention this because every time you mention the Alpha Commander, it's in relation to light pen weapons, which will actually struggle against the Alpha Commander.
If they could give the sniper an AT emplacement zoom level option
With railgun reload mechanics
& plain bullets with medium pen
I would consider using it
6:27 The erruptor: "Am I a joke to you?"
I’m all for free stuff, but now I kinda wish they would implement “skill-based unlocked” armor, capes or titles. So by this, I mean doing certain in-game challenges or achievements that would unlock cosmetics. And that would be the only way, no super credits.
These challenges could be like, complete a set amount of tier 10 missions, or complete a tier 10 without taking damage. Maybe a kill X amount of enemies challenge. A game called WWZ does this.
Even better they could add weekly challenges that have random modifiers. So by completing a weekly challenge, it could give you say 100-200 (200 being very generous) free super credits.
Bro wants gate kept armor
@ Lol. It doesn’t have to be armor bro. Even just capes, player cards or titles would be cool. You know to give the players like me, who have max medals and max samples and nothing else left to unlock apart from some xp levels, something to do. You know, more free content for people to enjoy.
But how would Sony make money off the player base
@Asageun this game could use some of that to be honest. There's a reason monetization has only gotten worse as more people play.
The new armor stats make me feel they are hinting at a possible multiple front attack from different factions in one mission. Imagine getting attacked by fire from automatons and some other elements from another faction.
Acclimated is good if you're up against Illuminate with a fire weapon, because Voteless running directly into your face at high speed isn't what I would call "mitigating user error" so much. Or if you're fighting Terminids with fire, because of the same thing AND there's 50% resistance to acid damage as an added benefit.
I have a serious issue with the sniper: Its burst refire delay is so atrociously slow that it almost always misses a head with at least one shot past ranges that should not be for sniping, and in a rhythm that makes it hard to just pull down the muzzle the way you normally would. It's like firing three shots separately and I could tap fire the purifier three times faster. If they cut the delay down by at least half for a tighter-timed shot group, and either increased the damage slightly or made it a 12-round mag, it could be great.
Give it some time and the engineer passive and I’m sure the rhythm of it will feel better. Funny enough I feel like this is more enjoyable than purifier for me
@@TIMOSTERRORS Eh, not fond of the idea of having to go prone to use a primary. But they just need to adjust that refire because it makes no sense. The point of a burst fire trigger is specifically that the whole burst should come out almost simultaneously, so that the recoil is more controllable because it handles like one big shot despite using multiple lower-caliber rounds.
It's perfect , when you get good at it you can kill multiple enemies
@@cianmac3934 you can do that with a crossbow or a shotgun already, with better ammo economy
only 55 k subs nah hee deserves more
the new sniper *feels* really good, and I want to like it, but it's balanced so weirdly on account of it's ammo to damage ratio.
To truly shine, I think it should have 5 shots instead of 3 per magazine, without changing any other stats.
If they want to keep the 3 shots per mag, they should increase the damage so that it's enough to one shot illuminate elevated overseers.
I understand that the rifle gets 4 mags back on ammo pickups (and full mags from resupplies, obviously) so I reckon the devs wanted it to be more of a scout sniper rifle type of deal, but currently I feel like it's just held back by it's ammo to damage ratio yknow. Not to mention the reload speed isn't anything special, so being able to supplement it's ammo with constant pickups isn't exactly solving the issue with the rifle.
I'd be fine with 2 mags back per ammo pickup if they made either of the above changes in exchange.
I really wish the sniper had better ammo economy... it is a bit rough. But hey! We got a free, cool new sniper. I'm pretty happy with that.
i mean, they do have something to gain by creating scarcity though, money. if they create a sense of scarcity for the weapons in the shop, or making it seem that you wont know when they will come back, there would be an increased chance of people purchasing super credits to get them before theyre gone. however... I do not believe this to be the case entirely, since they went and increased the time they are in the store by double, and a company with that tactic wouldnt have done that to help out the players. I love what they are doing in the gaming scene, and its a breath of fresh air.
I left a suggestion saying that scarcity wouldn't make me buy more over time, it would make me buys less because the time between what I want will get longer and longer. Too much scarcity, and people stop caring.
Bringing the new sniper with the Stalwart is like an inverse Tenderizer with Railgun. Youre trading some AP damage potential for higher chaff-killing potential
My take on all of this.
Option 1: Collaboration warbond - if needed to compencate IP right's price or second party puts minimal pricetag, make it 2000-3000 or 4000 SC doesn't matter, but players can buy it at any time and progress though it at any speed.
Option 2: It becomes part of regular rotation of super store we assured it will come back in next rotation, but total price should not exceed 20$ and if it has uniqe properties like new armor mod only for that colab we should get at least 1 colab set or not colab set but with same mod for free or in a warbond since otherwise it can be said that it is pay to win and FOMO. With how it was planned it looks like if it was released in super store total price for both pages would have exceeded 40$ which is price of the game itself and that's just not enough content to justify price, 20$ on the other hand is at least partially justifiable as rights to use IP are not free, even tho this one was Sony IP.
And on top of that some countries can't afford 40$ for around a warbond of content.
The sniper is good for cracking walkers and other mid tier bots and should probably be considered a support weapon as it's wasted on basic infantry. Bring an MG strat unless you're okay running as a dedicated recon specialist.
That sniper looks sick!
I know this is completely unrelated to the video, but looking at the new sniper rifle, makes me wish I had the option to equip a support weapon in replacement for my grenades, primary, and secondary.
I wish they kept the green petricite color from killzone for the plasma but I understand they gotta keep it lore accurate.
Idk why, but I love to watch your videos for some reason 😅
I think the best way to do it is to just add it as a collab dlc purchasable ingame, but available at all times.
I love killzone and the cross over is cool with the armor and such but it would be really cool if they'd do an event vs the helghast
I’ve been at bct for the last month and a half I can’t wait to come back
I feel like since the plas-39 is the first actual dedicated sniper in the game compared to other weapons being described as a sniper without actually being one, that the plas-39 should have heavy armor pen, it’s literally a sniper so it should have heavy armor pen, I know it has explosions but the explosions are miniscule and you barely even notice it so heavy armor pen would really help it, but seriously the senator secondary revolver of all things has a higher armor pen than a actual sniper, that’s ridiculous (I still love the senator, it’s my fav secondary), so if they buff the plas-39 they need to buff the armor pen
Whether or not you agree with people complaining and whining to get this stuff for free, we should all agree it should’ve just been part of a warbond
I think they should add a super catalog for all of the important items like these armor sets and guns still have the other stuff on Rita though
Ngl i think they completely avoided the issue with the crossover
All they did was increase the time the items last in the superstore rather then actually lower the prices
Yeah thats A solution but not the best solution we needed
There's just not enough ammo for the sniper to be battle-effective against any faction. You only have 24 effective shots before you're empty, basically making it a railgun stuck on safe mode, with a scope, except it takes your primary weapon slot.
"Insane" with red arrow spotted in thumbnail, -5 points
You clicked on the video
Gotta play that TH-cam game. Can't blame the man
But how else will I tell what is insane and what is Unsane?
@@grannde_ I clicked on the video because of the "new weapons" mentioned in the title. I don't care if they are insane or not, and I'm skipping the review part of it. I just wanted to hear about how to claim the stuff.
It seems strong for a sniper rifle, but it's limited in purpose as the 3 shot burst limits it's potential against chaff units.
A mode for single shot would go a long way.
I also think the ammo capacity is a bit too low, having to reload every 1,5 overseers is a pain.
12 bullets and a single shot mode and this weapon would be so much more versatile.
Still it's free, and looks sick, so no one should really complain here.
Light armor is aweessooommmeeee
Whats up legend!
if they just made the sniper rifle able to swap between burst and single shot it'd be so much damn better.
Honestly i just wish the sniper had a bit more ammo but besides that i love it cause i prefer fighting bots anyway and tbh it works well for me cause i play in a semi optimized way. If i can sit on a high spot and use the recoilless launcher to take out most fabricators on the map, sniper for heavier targets and pistol for lighter bots im happy
Terraria would be a sick crossover, I think. Shroomite or vortex armor would be the most likely armors
the last second 😂
I mean I don’t mind Arrow charging for stuff through the super store. They have made one of the best live service games out there, if not the best. I think they deserve to be rewarded for that. So I don’t mind buying super store items or war bonds.
With how often devastators spawn, 2-burst is too much with how small the magazine is
that was what i thinking about the weapon has only 3 bursts per mag i expect the brutes to die with 2 headshots and a bodyshot at least or 2 body bursts and the devastators should die with one burst or one shot to the head becaus e there will spawn tons on even difficulty 6 or 7
I just go sniper mode move fast and keep a distance
Plas sniper
Plas pistol
Rail gun
Thermite grenades
You won't kill hordes but you can hunt down elites and destroy facilities and slip away let your team handle the bulk while you take out hulks tanks and aircraft from far away popping plas shots to cover your team
I did this took down 3 hulks 2 shredder tanks 3 aircraft and 5 heavy devastators it gave them room to breath and run while I remained completely safe shooting anything that was a elite
Sniper build is to commit to being a ghost while your team eats up all the Agro
@@discountcobracommander2494 You sound like an absolute dead weight on D10 tbh
@@discountcobracommander2494 You sound like an absolute dead weight and nuisance to your own team lmao
@@RatKing2137 no it's mostly just doing main objective while they die 😂 the mission is important not the team
It's basically a worse Diligence. 0/5 would not use. If they add another fire mode to remove burst it would maybe become usable.
I want another medium armor penetrating assault rifle, they mostly add light armor penetrating for some weird reason.
If there was an equal number of med pen then they wouldn't feel special
The one we have basically fills the one niche (that i can think of) for medium pen assault rifles and thats just being medium pen, anything else would overshadow their light pen counterparts.
It would be hard to add more medium pen ARs that are good without stepping on the toes of the Lib Penetrator, Ajudicator, or any of the light pen ARs.
Hell yeah
I didn't get any of the free guns?
The new helmet they added today reminds me of Star Wars droids.
Scorcher is still my got to for overseers, 1 mag will kill 2 of them real fast.
I didn't expect it to happen, I thought they were gonna lower the price of all the buyable stuff to something a little more acceptable.
Top three? I'd liked to see you fighting with it. It has very high problem of being not ammo friendly.
Maybe tolerable solo and with B-1 backpack but not in multi even with B-1.
CANT wait for helldivers X Warhammer 40k event
Within week you can get everything. even with a job spend 30 min farming if you want the items so bad still gotta got go to work at end of day and to those working you aren’t even guaranteed to play the game if you’re tried enough
give the sniper more than three shots. It should have at least five bursts of three to make it good
Damn this sniper really needs 3 more bullets per mag. 4 bursts would make it good
the fomo store could also stop doing a "rotation" and instead have all pages at all times available.
Still not a variable zoom scorcher, but we are getting closer lol
You can kill the illuminate watcher in one burst of the sniper but you have to hit the eye of it with all 3 shots, so dead on facing you.
The sniper is rly nice
The stuff that's on sale right now isn't limited time right?
Correct, but it will have to rotate through all the super store stock before it shows up again.
Acclimated armor will not protect you from teammates' Tesla Towers because they still 1-tap you.
The Plas-39 needs to have a bunch more amo per mag to make it viable. Sure it hits hard, but you'll only be killing 2 or 3 enemies per mag
was hoping with explosive that it would close bug holes, guess ill stick with my crossbow
I'd consider the Plas-39 to be a better comparison for the Purifier, both being charged plasma weapons
I apsolutely love the Plas-39