Creating a Trials-Only Character & Thoughts on 3.22 | Path of Exile: Trials of the Ancestors

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 61

  • @Hellwolf36
    @Hellwolf36 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Its basically rack up a shit ton of:
    Phasing helps
    Chaos Innoculation for Hinekora units
    Max Spell Dodge
    It also helps to eliminate Kahuturoa early so you don't have Goliaths and Titanic Shells to end you in the finals. Otherwise you need to use Support or Flankers that do high damage themselves to fight for you.
    Im doing Poison Concoction with Max Evade and about 60% Spell Dodge so far, R550 and have about 5-6 divs worth of items on my end from this.

  • @aberwood
    @aberwood ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Kineticism jewel ! always knocks back, always maims (even more slow), always bleeds.
    Ensnaring arrow doesn't work with pierce, split or chain anyway so theres zero downside.
    I did ensnaring arrow totems two leagues ago, alot of fun :D I did it with rupturing on a deadeye.

    • @ehlek25
      @ehlek25 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's actually ingenious, thanks!

  • @manowartank8784
    @manowartank8784 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    you could get Voidwalker boots for 20% projectile avoidance while Phasing - if you can get the buff permanently

  • @Demcalves
    @Demcalves ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Slap on empire's grasp and make all of the enemy minions get glued to your ensnaring arrows ba totems. It's an old gimmick jousis did in a totem build showcase during blight league

  • @sploosh6433
    @sploosh6433 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    90 block, 75 spell block, 75 spell dodge, max evade... daresso's for me :)

  • @vynze
    @vynze ปีที่แล้ว +1

    im playing ssf and melee hits fortify / additional proj would be such an insane boost to my character that I need to do the mechanic, really need a character that can cheese this mechanic, great vid

  • @arckmage5218
    @arckmage5218 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I've been doing it with my righteous fire character, because I only play 1 character each season and no desire to make another. I'm at around rank 1k and I've definitely began to find the rewards a bit meh. Occasionally I'll get the divines(I even got a x5 divine once) or exalts, but most of my money came from selling those extra missile tattoo. Still, I will say I'm having a lot of fun, and now that I've figured out how to get good teams, my win rate is around 95%.

  • @juliangrabowsky6418
    @juliangrabowsky6418 ปีที่แล้ว

    Been enjoying TotA. I play a "Currupting Cry" build, and it was a lot of fun even in the start before they drastically buffed the rewards, ranking about 0 - 350. They then increased the rewards and i promptly got my hands on 5 raw Divs. I was able to upgrade my gear and had an even better time, ranking about 350 - 700. Now they did some fixes and made it so that nothing in the Trials is affected by taunt anymore and here is where my personal first problem came in.
    I love that in TotA you can have a lot of different builds and they simply work, you don't have to go for damage like everywhere else in the game. but now most of the underrated options had been nerfed. wish they made taunt still work, just less likely or shorter duration.
    My second problem started right after the changes. because i used my taunt to grab a lot of enemies and run behind their totems, I now got hit much more often (surprisingly) and basically got one-shot by everything. TotA was no longer that much fun, but it still gave a lot of rewards and my build had a pretty decent AOE, I could still go and defend pretty well. I ofc. lost a few more rounds then usually (Usually against Kaom, who's team brings a LOT of AOE, and Kahuturoa who has a gigantic offscreen AOE that kills me, all of his units kill me on OneTap and one last thing, but more about that later). ranking 700 - 850.
    At 850+ ranking my damage became obsolete, as a defender I could no longer deal any significant damage to stop enemies from destroying our totems. However I still pressed on, rewards where still the same and worth it imo. I've never had a league where I made more Raw Divs ever with a, what other people would call, "underperforming, slow build".
    At 1k ranking however I said "stop" I had no longer fun with TotA, so I decided to buy a bunch of coins and lose all my matches until I was back down to 500. This took ages. as after you lose the first two rounds in a row you only loose 10 points, compared to the 12 points you gain when you win the tournament. so after about 3 hours of painstakingly loosing over and over i was finally back down to 620 and in a much more comfortable, and most importantly FUN area.
    I wish players would lose Ranking easier. Depending on how much ranking you have, at one point maybe even after a round is lost instead of at the end of the tournament. to put them in a place that is acceptable and fun for them, I know figuring something out like this is difficult. but that is what i hope for when it eventually goes core (and i see it quite likely going too, tattoos area great addon)
    Finally, my 4th problem: Titanic Shell. And I think many have the same issue. Once you are at a high ranking your damage drastically decreases as the enemy health increases. If you have a Titanic Shell on the enemy team (and Kahuturoa usually has them at round4+) you either instantly loose or can potentially wring out victory. You lose if the turtle is in defender or Escort position and can maybe win if it's in attacker or flanking. The tooltip mentions that it will find any totem on the field but its own and make them invulnerable. However that is false, Although it does not target its own, its invulnerable zone is an AOE which CAN affect its own totem, as such the only way to win is to kill the turtle, which for me took 5+ minutes ( + - depending on ranking). Once she's dead we can usually win, however we had one time where I had to kill her 3 times because we could not kill her totem fast enough without being interrupted by a Spear Dancer 24/7. It's simply just frustrating seeing the turtle on the field. I whish she would not target her own totem.
    and those where my 5 cents

  • @matthewdurden5501
    @matthewdurden5501 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've actually been cooking up a max evasion block spell block and spell dodge z DPS raider to farm

  • @KareemFloat
    @KareemFloat ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ive been playing it with a storm burst totem hiero. 1x 10% knockback tatoo, +3 on replica fang amulet, +1 weapon, up to +5 on chest? gotta craft one still, 6 totems, cap spell sup, void sphere+links.
    in maps youll pin bosses to walls and just spiderman web sling totems across.
    for bosses and mini games, void sphere towards a wall, use totems to pin/push stuff in that direction or put totems in middle. both will cause bosses and mobs to be pinned or ping ponged around depending on how you set it up.
    for tota, start of round drop sphere middle, totem up after you get a few respawn timers just push their side with your totems up and sphered up. for blight mobs cant get past em if theyre on the trail.
    basically plays like swt+ring combo.

    • @NilsAubroeck
      @NilsAubroeck ปีที่แล้ว

      Spell sup is useless, i suggest picking up avrobatics

    • @KareemFloat
      @KareemFloat ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NilsAubroeck skin of the lords, perfect form none have the colors required listed in trade league corrupted or not. along with losing ele ailment immunity due to chest roll.
      tattoos, are really expensive. allocating the passive itself is really far and expensive in points.
      im already extremely tanky, along with having 6 totems which soak up a ton of damage. MoM along with divine guidance, block, and relatively high ev on top of it all.
      can i tank ubers? no. the build wasnt made for that, can i tank just about every other content. pretty much.

  • @TR1D0M
    @TR1D0M ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a build just for that. CI is garbage, only protects you from Hinekora clan fights, especially death's oath. but that is not important. To die as something hits you is shit.
    I went champion with 20 fortify, and aura effect. with Zodiac perfect form and Winterheart amulet with 1 additional curse.
    I run Blasphemy Temp Chains and Enfeeble. Sand stance from Blood and Sand for Blind mit Blind effect wheel. Rearguard with Widowhail for 75% attack block and 52% spellblock. the rest of spellblock i get through a timeless jewel in duelist spot.
    I run Voidwalker boots for 20% extra proj avoidance, aswell as 10% from pantheon.
    I run 100k armour with determination and tukohama pantheon + 20% increased armor for each second stationary, so if i ever get hit by spearmen, i do not die.
    i also run Dissolution of the Flesh and all the Life i can get. so i have 9000 Life.
    I have grace and 3000 flat evasion from chest, that i double by mastery. so i have 100k evasion.
    there is also a forgotten anoint on the three. Aspect of the Stone, for 20% chance to avoid physical damage from hits.
    I run arctic armour. and a ton of reservation efficiancy to manage to have all that. aswell as dreadbanner arrogance for free due to champion, dreadbanner lowers accuracy of the enemies.
    I also run void spehere with aoe. that is the only spell that reliably moves enemies.
    Ensnaring arrow with balista totem, multiple totems, additional accuracy, GMP, lifetap
    Knockback or Flee, do not help, i tested it.
    I tried Unaffected by Chilling ground to prevent Damage over time From Chilling areas, but it does not work.
    I only can die to Death's Aura, Righeous Fire guy and Chilling Ground, but all that i can avoid with no big issue.
    ah and i have molten shell on left click. so my EHP while stationary is somewhat over 5 Million. At Rank 500 spearman do under 100 dmg to me, if they ever hit.
    Still i have the feeling that this system is rigged, i get hit more, that the POB estimates say.

  • @youradhere3476
    @youradhere3476 ปีที่แล้ว

    I made a cold convert storm brand/lightning conduit ele with shaper of storms and winter to deal with kahuturoa specifically. The idea was to chill his entire team by 40% (+hinder from singularity) so I can kite and nuke goliaths while the 65% shock from shaper of storms lets my dudes beat down the rest of his team even without me.
    Except it turns out his tribe has TWO passives - one is to ignore armor and one-shot you, the other is to be basically immune to slows. That was a revelation, let me tell you.

    • @dreamcore_gg
      @dreamcore_gg  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah those guys just rampage onto your totems, in the later rounds they are really hard to deal with so I just like to win a round against him early so his chance of reaching the end is diminished

  • @Gramineous
    @Gramineous ปีที่แล้ว

    By the way, trial rewards jump in quality past rank 600, and personally they felt a bit more consistently solid at the lower end of outcomes from 1k onwards, though the real jump in quality felt like the rewards from winning the tournament Hinekora offers you including big omens more often.

  • @eXileris
    @eXileris ปีที่แล้ว

    action speed is capped at 50% for them so don't need THAT much slow effects

  • @yammoto148
    @yammoto148 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Best builds imo is anything that just keeps the enemy ai distracted. Totem builds really happen to slow down enemies advance on your base.
    Minions are good too but you should be wary because bosses can one shot some of your perminant minions so you should bring temporary minions. The Guardian's sentinel of Radience is a beast on this mode and can delay enemy generals for a decent amount of time.
    Basically I suggest any build that plays itself so you can spend your time taking totems.

  • @wolfcam4462
    @wolfcam4462 ปีที่แล้ว

    The deadeye mirage archer nodes are also quite helpful for this with knockback and the other move impairing stuff

  • @Failzz8
    @Failzz8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I made a scuffed armour stacker scion on a like 3 div budget (no damage skill), I have 5 curses with decent increased curse effect, 300k armour, transcendence, 100% phys taken as elemental and I'm surviving well at rank 2000.
    The chaos damage meteors and any DoT effect kills me, but until around rank 1600 I was surviving that stuff too with just 75% chaos res and a measly 1,9k life so I think with a more normal life pool I'd actually be able to tank everything except the RF dudes, but it's not really a problem so I haven't tried to fix it so far lol.
    The deaths guide totem I am actually able to destroy even with my disgustingly low life pool simply by using a life flask and stepping out when I'm close to dying, if I could grab some inc life flask effect it'd be enough to fully sustain through it even at rank 2000.

  • @elpina
    @elpina ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was thinking something similar, gladiator, necro or raider in a scion for max avoidance, in addiction i think Ashenat gloves are quite powerfull in this mechanic, blind+temporal chains in 1 slot is great. Actually im in 800 with my generic manastacker elementalist just abusing giga AOE perma Void Spehere, while defending my totems or picking some one of the enemy, works great in this rank.

    • @dreamcore_gg
      @dreamcore_gg  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah void sphere is very strong, use it while you can as they may change it soon!

    • @elpina
      @elpina ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dreamcore_gg i also have 3 Knockback tattoes so my Void+Hydro and Galvanic still annoing the enemy units, while full chill+temp+blind+enfeeble, yea looks like im the Curse bot of my army xD

  • @frankiecoss7141
    @frankiecoss7141 ปีที่แล้ว

    you can also support skitter bots with bonechill if I recall to increase its chill effect
    My starter also didn't progress through trials well, so I made an SSF MF deadeye with lightning arrow and I'm shocked at how easy I can breeze through stuff with crap gear

  • @ArawnOfAnnwn
    @ArawnOfAnnwn ปีที่แล้ว

    From what I've heard rewards seem to get better upto about rank 600 or so, not 200. Anyway your build seems to have Ensnaring Arrow, Temp Chains, Hinder and Chill, but what about Maim? One of the tattoos grants a chance to Maim, so you can trying using that to Maim.

    • @dreamcore_gg
      @dreamcore_gg  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah I'll have to see if i have one, otherwise I'll be on the lookout for it

  • @алексд-к7г
    @алексд-к7г ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have 50/50 block, 75 dodge champ. Also using vixens with corrupt amulet with 3 curse setup - enfeeble, temp chains and punishment. Just run around place totems with knockback and curse enemies. Its lame. Even worst its super unrewarding for the time waste. I will put this league sligthly above kalandra only because tatoos and some of new uniques look interesting.

  • @slugking
    @slugking ปีที่แล้ว

    I loved trials mechanic with my totem/ rf chieftain right until they made nerfed taunt and now it's unplayable.
    Time to level a new character, maybe something like yours or Poison SRS

  • @akimezra7178
    @akimezra7178 ปีที่แล้ว

    Someone needs to do a challenge, play ONLY trials for leveling up and gitting gear only by playing trials from level 1-2... lol

  • @herogin710
    @herogin710 ปีที่แล้ว

    ballista totems with knockback are a power house to this mechanic. currently rank 2956 and so far i got 3 mirrors and it was mad scary because the last boss was ahuana.

    • @SuperSlaiyan
      @SuperSlaiyan ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Trial of The Ancestors Has a Hard Cap at 2k Ranking

    • @yamine592
      @yamine592 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      imagin lieing like that, no surprise from a weeb .

  • @NilsAubroeck
    @NilsAubroeck ปีที่แล้ว

    I am really tempted to make a build around this too (or spend a couple of 100regrets). Im just very hesistant because I feel any day the nerf hammer is coming.
    I just kind of want to make a real build as well 😢 that can do maps etc.

    • @Merumya
      @Merumya ปีที่แล้ว

      there are a lot of good/cheap builds that can map very decently. I started with a discharger for example. volls amulet, romiras banquet and a corrupted 6 link armor are all you really need to map decently.
      2x stormprison for 2 more power charges are also very nice to increase your damage.
      from there you can upgrade stormprison to void battery, get yourself a 5-6 link farruls fur and a gelmet with aspect of the cat.
      thats all I got currently and im oneshotting almost everything in t16 maps (excluding the boss and some very high hp rares) in an almost full-screen aoe. doesnt get much better than that.
      the build isnt too strong vs bosses but does decent id say. and has room to grow, even though that is very expensive.

  • @F0r3v3r96
    @F0r3v3r96 ปีที่แล้ว

    Last night there was a ( Mistical Prophet )-he was Immortal , was shooting Chaos arrows that was oneshoting me insider the trial ( killed for real , had to respawn in the Town or last check point ) so 3 weeks After, careful u can still die insider the trial
    Good Luck

  • @sober667
    @sober667 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im running CI deathwish and in trails im just running taunt on jewels and spamming bones wich taunt enemies im like around 700 ish rank i need to sich to normal block from glancing still can tank alot of stuff but it gets dicy

  • @yeeaabooii9135
    @yeeaabooii9135 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What is the skin in the picture i want that!

  • @intellet
    @intellet ปีที่แล้ว

    I am leveling a similar thing right now, a raider (leveling as RoA) that uses rearguard, widowhail, etc, but I am going low life (lori's lantern, starkonja) with curses to do enfeeble, temp chains and punishment. I am hoping I can have all that dodge/block and still take a hit here or there. It should come online real early as well, like level 85. Did not think about phase run (duh!)

    • @manowartank8784
      @manowartank8784 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lori's Lantern is quite pontless. The "unlucky" modifier apply only to damage roll, not to any chances of hit / block / dodge etc...

    • @intellet
      @intellet ปีที่แล้ว

      @@manowartank8784 Not doing it for that mod, just want move speed and chaos res since I am not CI for the death totem degen. Could probably do better with just a rare ring, but I am lazy and it is cheap and available

  • @keddzkedds4373
    @keddzkedds4373 ปีที่แล้ว

    nimis+lightning strike is fine at league mechanic
    but you need alot of damage

  • @Datharass
    @Datharass ปีที่แล้ว

    Do auras and items which effect minions also apply to trials mobs or are they classified differently?

    • @dreamcore_gg
      @dreamcore_gg  ปีที่แล้ว

      Auras should work, but I don't think minion modifiers apply

    • @Datharass
      @Datharass ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dreamcore_gg nice was thinking like victario's charity, leercast shenanigans kinda like how you make animated guardian insane party buffer. Only going to be doable if the avoidance is still achievable though.

  • @ginebro1930
    @ginebro1930 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ice spear totems, classic boss killer, great for ancestors.

  • @jozseftott3352
    @jozseftott3352 ปีที่แล้ว

    I play impending doom pathfinder with progenesis, at rank 700 i can tank preatty much anything and i am really fast, the only thing i miss is cc but i am fine like this so i didn't forced that to put in my build.

  • @philipripper1522
    @philipripper1522 ปีที่แล้ว

    what about the 20% chance to avoid phys annointment?

    • @dreamcore_gg
      @dreamcore_gg  ปีที่แล้ว

      You could indeed make use of it, especially against Kahutoroa and his units are pure physical damage I believe

  • @philipripper1522
    @philipripper1522 ปีที่แล้ว

    Might this be the only point in history for using flee on hit?

    • @philipripper1522
      @philipripper1522 ปีที่แล้ว

      no they don't work on rares and uniques nm

  • @n8doggy733
    @n8doggy733 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I dont see the point in farming tota, but then again i also dont understand c&b torture...but some people like that as well 😂

  • @ayemjake
    @ayemjake ปีที่แล้ว

    - Quoted by an Absolute Madman
    But seriously, Kahuturoa is the real final boss of this mechanic, that screenwide slam is so fast and will instantly kill. I just focus hindering his progress by killing his mobs and staying away from him, then blitzing his base so my flankers can safely take down totems. If you die from him once, expect to lose cause his mobs are an absolute unit that will destroy your defenses in a flash.
    Edit: I just noticed that your build's ascendancy is similar to mine, except I went on the left side of the tree and using a different skill.

    • @dreamcore_gg
      @dreamcore_gg  ปีที่แล้ว

      Kahuturoa is insane, absolutely massive damage. I find him and Kiloava are the worst offenders for oneshots coming from seemingly nowhere. Personally I like to win an early game against Kahu so he's not likely to make it to the end

  • @chrisditmi7119
    @chrisditmi7119 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @alexanderfriedrichs2645
    @alexanderfriedrichs2645 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I honestly dont think this league mechanic is really worth making a specified build for it. Levelling, gearing and then ramping up for hours until you reach a certain rating (before that you will just walk over the enemies with any build) is not justified by the poor rewards you get. Unless you want to spend weeks to get to rating 2000 for your ego.

    • @dreamcore_gg
      @dreamcore_gg  ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I disagree with this since your character will eventually reach a ranking where you will lose more often(due to the scaling), and this happens just by playing the mechanic since you never lose rank unless you purposely lose and their is no decay system either. I also very much disagree on poor rewards - dropping stacks of 20 fusings, or 10 chaos etc per silver coin is not really comparable to any other loot in the game. Sure, if you're juicing endgame maps, you're going to be making a lot more currency, but on a league by league comparison, this one has pretty good rewards

    • @SimonMester
      @SimonMester ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Massively disagree. Once you reach 200 rating and figure out teamcomps/blitzing the enemy base, its a divine orb printing machine.
      The only annoying thing is that I couldn't stay around 300-400 which seems to be the sweetspot.

    • @Adrianmartinyoutube
      @Adrianmartinyoutube ปีที่แล้ว

      Why are you aware of rewards and not of getting fun about a league mechanic anyways? If you aren't RMT, when you reach some currency, you don't need it anymore. If you aren't playing this league mechanic you are basically playing standart league, which you can do it all the time, that is why ppl want to play ToTA to the deepest.