yeah 2k dart games at roughly 30 sec is like 1k hours just in darts. I have a hard time believing he spent that time on darts. No way he could get videos out as quick as he does. Most likely cheats.
I imagine he started his channel out doing some legit crazy grinds but since it became a thing just cheats now. It's a show and most big content creators see it as that and fake it. Having worked for one of the biggest let's play channels, everything was fake. What seemed like genuine reactions was recorded over multiple takes, then uploaded as genuine. Most video's Josh uploads have multiple crazy grinds. No way he spends thousands of hours of his life on le funny grinds for 5 second gags when he can just cheat it in and edit it; unless absolutely nessecary.
I still can't believe how Josh missed the opportunity to try and see if all of them would pile in a single cell if he closes all the other cell doors after 6:53 .. sounds promising..
@@favoritemustard3542 eh maybe. I feel like he would have showed us the failed test, but his whole thing is "don't let em know your next move" so it's whatever.
I have a friend named Josh. He has the same patience. He spent 6 hours to get a semi truck onto the monorail tracks in Driver 3... Why? Because being hit by the train breaks the physics... and he wanted to know what would happen if the train hit such a heavy object. Maybe it's just a symptom of people named "Josh".
@@XxTaiMTxX I know a Josh, he waved a rock with worms dangling off its side in my face, and made an effort to eat as messy as possible, not to mention he was extremely loud. He could be identified as the polar opposite of *this* Josh.
9:20 Can you imagine how scary it would be to chase after the guy who just punched you, only for him to suddenly become ethereal before turning around slowly with a pistol in his hand? 😂
Potential exploit that looks fun to mess with: Every time a riot is resolved, it looks like your Guard respect increases. Is it possible to max out the guard's respect by constantly inciting prison riots?
i mean it is good content too and would make alot of people play it when it's out and that would also be bug hunting which is good for fun before it's patched too
Honestly, that has to be the whole point of this for the Game Devs... Mass Spotting Flare on glaring Bugs & Issues in exchange for taking a bit hit to the Pride... or getting to laugh at oneself a whole hell of a lot... :P
I think when this was the most noticeable was during the two riots, he decided to use his fists like he was Duke nukem instead of using the conveniently little gun.
I forgot about this games premise and thought that Josh was playing as one of the prisoners for the first 5 minutes of the video, before I realised Josh was just a psychopathic guard.
i was crying from laughter at least 3 separate times in this one. amazing. the absurdity of attacking the guards and them following and attacking you had me rolling.
Some of you may think that whenever he plugs his twitch, he's showing off footage from just one stream because it's all of The Long Drive. But no, that's just the bulk of what he streams. A fever dream of collecting and humanizing gold bars, slowly crawling forward a kilometer an hour, with an increasingly deranged obsession with making sure each gold bar is accounted for whenever something goes wrong.
I rewatched this because I remembered that the laughter factor is over the top. I lost it first at 3:54 in the "Free time", at the "What a dream I had!" "Don't you mean what a dream you're about to have?" BOOM with the nightstick!
I feel like the surprise was genuine when he opened the window at 14:40. Like, I know he dubs over during editing, but man it felt legit. He stopped doing his "show" voice for a second.
Every upload I hope for the return of Johnny Hotbody, one day he shall return. Deadass I'd watch a whole playthrough of the original johnny hotbody to completion
Been waiting for another LGIO Prison related video. Really enjoyed the Prison Architect video that was posted around a year ago. Hope this’ll be similar. :)
Josh : *"Developer thank you for the key"* Developer : *"I fear no men, but that thing... It scares me"* Twitter's gang symbol lol, too accurate 😂 Ofc nothing will go wrong when Josh plays a simulator game xD
12:42 "Only one way to find out" this is the moment when you realize that Josh is going to do something crazy and yes he did I''m f... amaze of his determination wth
Thank you Josh. You give me the courage to play games the wrong way to better understand game mechanics, rather than always playing it safe. It's much more fun and rewarding, though it's in a sick and twisted way. You're an inspiration and don't ever stop making these.
makes all guards are angry at him, then shoots them to make them stuck, then puts the warden in a jail cell. Warden: not bad, not bad... but could be better
Here are the easter eggs for the the gangs in the prison The Hotbodies-Johnny Hotbody (Rise Of Ages, Valheim) Lion O'Clock-Googly eyed lion (Planet Zoo) Twitter-Barrel of Toxic ooze (Satisfactory, probably)
The game : "Get more respect from the prisoners by never beating on them and always being nice to them." Me : I don't think you're aware of how prisons work.
Devs: "Hrmmm, we need someone to beta test our game to the extreme and find every possible way to break it so we can fix it and they won't break out budget. But where can we get someone like that?" Meanwhile: "Hey there, it's Josh. Welcome back to Let's Game It Out...."
This is pure funni. Beating up inmates, torturing guards, bright pink toilets, guards with skyrim animations, and beating people to death with a nightsaber. Josh, you are the god of making funni.
Who wins: the nightstick or the fire extinguisher?
Fire extinguisher all the way.
Fire extinguisher. All the time.
Fire extinguisher
Night stick
At 6:56 I can't believe he didn't do the obvious thing and make everybody go into the same cell
I was thinking the same thing. I guess he did end up doing that by his own means later though.
Yea! Me tooo
Or just close all doors
I bet he tried it but it didn't work
Imagine knowing there’s a riot and then finding all the prisoners unconscious with one guard standing over them
That's why he gained respect after the riots, the prisoners couldn't not applaud him for single handedly serving them all.
@@FabiotheTurtle he beat respect into them lmao
I imagined it, and it sounds badass!
The steam still rising from his fists
He is the one.
They must've used the medieval combat animation pack for those guards.
I'm sorry what?
From, like, a game asset sight?
@@MCDexpo yes obviously
Yeah it looks like some of the same animations used in Blade and Sorcery
@@carlz0r imagine a cop trying to jump and stab you with a baton lol
"1,980 dart games later" This guy has more patience than I'll ever have
Ee re1c2vq. Q qq1 4 reade 30 2
yeah 2k dart games at roughly 30 sec is like 1k hours just in darts. I have a hard time believing he spent that time on darts. No way he could get videos out as quick as he does. Most likely cheats.
@@untouchedforce638816 hour not 1k
I imagine he started his channel out doing some legit crazy grinds but since it became a thing just cheats now. It's a show and most big content creators see it as that and fake it. Having worked for one of the biggest let's play channels, everything was fake. What seemed like genuine reactions was recorded over multiple takes, then uploaded as genuine. Most video's Josh uploads have multiple crazy grinds. No way he spends thousands of hours of his life on le funny grinds for 5 second gags when he can just cheat it in and edit it; unless absolutely nessecary.
@@onceuponatimeonearth you probably haven't seen him on the stream. Catch it on twitch and you'll know.
4:38 There's a command to "put down" on shelf
"pfffft, i don't need this. Hey shelves, your parents never loved you"
Ohhh now I get it!
D O g
I've grown so used to Josh's phycopathic ways that the only thing that can now catch me off guard is Josh himself
Yeah same-
"off guard" I see what you did there
"And this one just gonna be called Twitter" Perfect description.
Yes XD
At least they don't have technical breaks.
Another one could have been "my satisfactory base"
I still can't believe how Josh missed the opportunity to try and see if all of them would pile in a single cell if he closes all the other cell doors after 6:53 .. sounds promising..
I thought that too! I mean, he did it with the guards in the shooting range, at least.
@@LevitheEldritchAbomination I also wondered the same... but with how this man's mind works, I bet he did try it! But it didn't work.
@@favoritemustard3542 eh maybe. I feel like he would have showed us the failed test, but his whole thing is "don't let em know your next move" so it's whatever.
@@LevitheEldritchAbomination He also didn't try shoving the invincible guard into the shooting range, kind of expected him to try.
@@TheGeekRex oh yeah... He didn't
no words can express the joy that overcame me when Josh mentioned Johnny Hotbody
A man of culture I see!
I am happy that Josh still remembers me
Yeah from the rise of ages series i think
i miss thta series
_“Why does it take Josh so long to make new videos?”_
Me: You realize he just spent a week straight playing darts in Prison Simulator, right?
he probably just made a diy bot to play that game in the background.
@@mauer1 it is far from that simple it'd be easier to build a real life robot to hit the keys and move the mouse, watch his streams. mans is dedicated
@@mauer1 that still takes time
@@tropiccheekss not really, the inputs are all the same here.
he did used a lot of bots for many reasons.
"What a dream I had!"
"Don't you mean the dream you're ABOUT to have?"
I spit my coffee all over my screen, thanks for this.
How's your screen now?
@@laz_kun fully caffeinated
Same but mine was tea!
@@toxicdota9290 yes but mine in stomach..
Lesson Learnt: Don't consume anything whilst waching a hilarious video made by Josh
“I know you’re gonna have to deal with it later, but I didn’t wanna deal with it now.”
Josh gets a 5-star rating for being 10/10 relatable af
With one fire extinguisher and a few hundred bullets, you can recreate the town from WandaVision
Was that show even good?
@@Matt-bn3tx definitely
@@Matt-bn3tx It's awesome. First couple episodes tend to throw people off a little, but it's good.
@@Lazzil gotcha, was a genuine question so I appreciate the genuine response.
I swear, Josh has the most patience I've ever seen
For some reason I believe you
I have a friend named Josh. He has the same patience. He spent 6 hours to get a semi truck onto the monorail tracks in Driver 3... Why? Because being hit by the train breaks the physics... and he wanted to know what would happen if the train hit such a heavy object.
Maybe it's just a symptom of people named "Josh".
@@XxTaiMTxX I know a Josh, he waved a rock with worms dangling off its side in my face, and made an effort to eat as messy as possible, not to mention he was extremely loud. He could be identified as the polar opposite of *this* Josh.
You’ve never heard of dangerouslyfunny
9:20 Can you imagine how scary it would be to chase after the guy who just punched you, only for him to suddenly become ethereal before turning around slowly with a pistol in his hand? 😂
I'd s*** myself.
*activates modded creative mode*
That would be creepy
I have to say, Josh, you create some of the ONLY visual media I seem to be able to rewatch over and over. Thanks for being wild as hell.
Exactly! I mean, he does so many unexpected silly things I don't even remember what happened in the video the next time i rewatch ITS SO GOOD
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize Josh was playing as a guard, not an inmate.
About half the video. We are stupid
Josh goes beyond prisoner and guard
How come the guards work out _with_ the prisoners?
You know, Josh might not have named that woman who went to solitary, but we all know who she was.
She looked like a Grace for sure!
To any new channel members: her name is grace
you could say she was that prison's last saving grace!
A missed opportunity.. Poor Grace.. 😔
Why does he call everyone Grace? Did he get dumped or something?
I am 100% convinced developers give Josh keys to their games so he can find out all the wild glitches and exploits for them
Who doesn’t?
Free QA and free publicity. Win/Win
"The budget is tight so we won't be able to hire testers anymore."
"We could just send Josh a free key?"
"That's perfect!"
Honestly I'd love to see him collaborate with the developers so we can see their reactions when their game dies
At least Josh is self-aware that he is our favourite Psychopath.
Potential exploit that looks fun to mess with: Every time a riot is resolved, it looks like your Guard respect increases. Is it possible to max out the guard's respect by constantly inciting prison riots?
he's probably already done that by now
I'd guess not because I don't think prison riots will start unless you have a low respect. But if anyone can find a way to get around that, it's Josh.
@@astrosteve I'm *pretty sure* it's only if you have low Prisoner respect, and Prisoner and Guard respect are two different factors.
Or rallying every prisoner out, closing all cells except one, and then disbanding them all.
At this point, giving this man access to your game is essentially asking him to break it so you can fix it.
i mean it is good content too and would make alot of people play it when it's out and that would also be bug hunting which is good for fun before it's patched too
Honestly, that has to be the whole point of this for the Game Devs... Mass Spotting Flare on glaring Bugs & Issues in exchange for taking a bit hit to the Pride... or getting to laugh at oneself a whole hell of a lot... :P
@@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning lol
@@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning wait ur username is joshua . close to josh. Rip any graces near u 💀
@@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning just realized ur comment like rn.
Any game this guy play, he does the most stupid and ineffective things, but for some reason it ALWAYS WORKS.
I think when this was the most noticeable was during the two riots, he decided to use his fists like he was Duke nukem instead of using the conveniently little gun.
he puts so much time im them too 🤣
@@LoliLoveJuice I think it is because he puts so much time in he can make it all work
That is just what have a brilliant mind is like! Make the Stupid into glory!
i’m so surprised he didn’t actually get the gun during the riot lol
When prison guards and prisoners team up to take down Josh, you know he's just that dangerous
The Only Thing They Fear is Josh
I honestly think Josh would be a brilliant bug tester.
Would be? He is already!
@@Nemozoli hes just not getting paid for it.. sort of
Pretty sure he is
A Bug Creator
It took me a solid 14 minutes to realise he was playing as a guard and not a prisoner
6:40 I need to know what happens when you call all the prisoners out, close all the cell doors and send them back 😭😭
i tried that, the prisoners somehow just open the doors
Imagine you're just minding your own buisness and suddenly you hear
"Hey there it's Josh, welcome to Let's Game It Out."
Just a disembodied voice from the sky; and then suddenly CHAOS.
And thus Squid Games was born
When I went to the airport today
@ Let's Game It Out Please pin 📌 this comment
14:40 the geniune surprise in Josh’s voice had me wheezing
I forgot about this games premise and thought that Josh was playing as one of the prisoners for the first 5 minutes of the video, before I realised Josh was just a psychopathic guard.
Had the same thought.
Jsyk psychotic doesn’t mean violent, it means one with psychosis which is a stigmatized mental illness
Haha me too!
@@DeathnoteBB cute
@@princekatana8792 Excuse me?
i was crying from laughter at least 3 separate times in this one. amazing. the absurdity of attacking the guards and them following and attacking you had me rolling.
The transition at 18:23 was simple yet so good.
Josh's conflict resolution solution: *tactical brain injuries.*
Basically Batman
The way Josh was acting throughout, I couldn’t tell if he was a guard or a prisoner
He was Josh
Duality In Men
@@svenjansen2134 ooooh you meant duality of man never mind
When I played this game I was just a drug dealer
Haha! 5:00 - I'm only now realizing that the chocolate bar "Himhej's" is the "male" version of "Hershey's". XD
Always a fantastic day when josh uploads.
And it's also raining too at my place
@@Kamzers even better, you have an alibi
Can't agree more
Amen to that
6:55 I totally expected Josh to close all doors but one to see if all the prisoners would get in the remaining cell...
This is more helpful for my interpersonal relationships than any Dale Carnegie course.
'When in Doubt, Extinguish it Out'
Did anyone notice the chocolate bar was called "Himhe's " instead of Hershey's? 🤣
I love how after everything he’s done the warden wants to give him a promotion at 11:41 XD it’s awesome to see hard work pay off
This man is the best to check for bugs while developing a game
Why do you think the devs gave him the keys for?
I mean, his entire goal is to play the game as wrong as possible, so....
Love how customizing the prisoners was too much but he clearly had fun with the gang logos. Never change Josh we love you
2:00 "the fine vapor of AAAAAH!"
"I Thought We Were Bonding!"
Oh here we are in the informer
Completely alone
Let’s game it outs best quote is:
“Yay nightmares!”
Oh look, a diamond! I just pooped a diamond!
Lol remembern when the truck was his sleeping paralysis
@@sam-sp5zk lol
No its "Is there a limit?"
Idk he and Anthony had some pretty awesome quotes, like any time Anthony did kirin in BCB
Some of you may think that whenever he plugs his twitch, he's showing off footage from just one stream because it's all of The Long Drive. But no, that's just the bulk of what he streams. A fever dream of collecting and humanizing gold bars, slowly crawling forward a kilometer an hour, with an increasingly deranged obsession with making sure each gold bar is accounted for whenever something goes wrong.
jesus christ...
You really, really wanted a heart didn’t you.
@@w4976. ?
I like how once the first riot is over, the briefing room is in shambles and yet the supervisor can't be bothered.
I rewatched this because I remembered that the laughter factor is over the top. I lost it first at 3:54 in the "Free time", at the "What a dream I had!" "Don't you mean what a dream you're about to have?" BOOM with the nightstick!
I love how Josh is one of the few people that easily make me smile even if it's by committing mass crimes
One of? Hol' up
"Oh wait did I lose them?"
That was amazing.
0:30 the fact that he predicted this is absolutely insane.
it's 2024 now 10:28
Guard: "I wonder when the raises are coming up."
*Gets attacked by fire extinguisher*
Legends says that Josh is still beating the prisoners.
... off
10:17 man that was hilarious xD
"And you know it works, when they stare up at the sky, as all their programming leaves the body"
whenever i heard josh say “i wonder if there’s a limit” i pray for the people in-game
I feel like the surprise was genuine when he opened the window at 14:40. Like, I know he dubs over during editing, but man it felt legit. He stopped doing his "show" voice for a second.
"Me Running a prison?
What could possibly go wrong"
When you're 2 seconds into a gaming video and you hear the ghoulish cries of anguish from NPCs, you know Josh has successfully done it again. 🤣
"Good morning! Why are you so tense?" Is the best line in any LGIO video ever
Anyone else find themselves in hysterics watching these videos? 🤣
Is there a limit?
I broke when he looked through the solitary peephole 😂
@@daveheys2699 It took me way less time than that...
@@anneshirley4942 me too
Are we all just gonna ignore those epic editing skills at 18:23?
Like seriously, that cut is just as smooth as butter.
I wasn’t expecting a Johnny Hotbody throw back but man is it welcome
I don't mind it
1:25 keep an eye on the un ganged one. He's your snitch lol
That was hilarious
Grace, always being the best✨
Of course her name is Grace 😂
Among all the words that bring me joy in life, "Hey there it's Josh and welcome back to Let's Game It Out" has got to be in the top 10.
I love the hotbodies, nostalgia hitting hard of Johnny's saga.
Rise of Ages...
That game is dead for years tho..
I'm surprised he didn't name a guy Johnny in the Hotbodies gang
can confirm, the name of the prison does not make any sense in 2023
I just love how Josh plays the game, he doesn’t do anything correct he just likes to torture and curse his patients to death lol
And yet he always ends up with so much money 😂
Welcome to the channel!!
1:17 I love how he just put the name of the nuclear waste as Twitter.
I get it because Twitter is toxic
"The Hotbodies"
_He will live on forever in memory_
Watching this in the holidays of 2023. I appreciate the shoutout
Whenever Josh uploads, the first thing i always say is "Oh no."
But nonetheless, it's a fun one.
If i were an npc in any game the most terrifying words would be "Hey there it's Josh" and "Hey there friends, my name is Kevin".
@@eman4630 fr
@@eman4630 Also "today we're playing the only game where [insert brief one liner about video], its [insert name of game]"
“You can call me Mr. Warden”
“You got it, Mr. Ballen!”
Nice wee shoutout there!
Who was he shouting out?
@@SomeOne-vf1rs Someone who loves to tells stories about the strange, dark, and mysterious.
@@casual_speedrunner1482 He also treats the like button like Josh would treat Grace ... I spot a connection.
2:39 MrBallen huh. anyone else ready for the strange dark and mystery delivered in story format?
I think MrBallen sent Lets game it out to torture the like button on prison
@@Brejdu he probably did
We upload 3,4 or even 5 times every week If that's of interest to you, make sure to gently assassinate the like button.
Two favorite youtubers
It’s criminal that I had to scroll down this far to see someone point it out
2025 and that joke in the beginning still makes sense
"In this game, Josh runs a prison"
I mean, suspiciously similar to alot of the other games he's played...
It's his dream job for sure
At least in this one, it's SUPPOSED to be a prison.
@@DNRTannen and yet, in this one like in all the others, he still tries to imprison random people in there 😂
Another stitched together mess of stock assets. I'm sure the creator tried, but it looks like a mess, design-wise
instead of turning _____ into a prison, this time he just turns a prison into a much worse prison
Every upload I hope for the return of Johnny Hotbody, one day he shall return. Deadass I'd watch a whole playthrough of the original johnny hotbody to completion
Been waiting for another LGIO Prison related video. Really enjoyed the Prison Architect video that was posted around a year ago. Hope this’ll be similar. :)
18:24 that transition was so frickin smooth
Josh : *"Developer thank you for the key"*
Developer : *"I fear no men, but that thing... It scares me"*
Twitter's gang symbol lol, too accurate 😂
Ofc nothing will go wrong when Josh plays a simulator game xD
All I want is to see Gray still plays and Josh playing together. It would be so much fun.
I agree. That must happen!
That's the stuff stuff of nightmares, it's perfect
_The perfect duo doesn't exi-_
Honestly, Alcoholism and chaos is just a perfect combo
"Let Gray Play It Out"
@@Sumirevins Wait, there's a difference?????????????
“You got it Mr Ballen” made me smile. Subtle shout out :)
Just came to the comments looking to see who else noticed that
@@NoNameEst1992 hahahaha how funny we are
I have MrBallen queued up next and it was a lovely moment :3
Looks like the warden is a fan of the strange, dark, and mysterious!
@@casual_speedrunner1482 delivered in story format
the amount of dedication josh has just suprises me everytime
12:42 "Only one way to find out" this is the moment when you realize that Josh is going to do something crazy and yes he did I''m f... amaze of his determination wth
Thank you Josh. You give me the courage to play games the wrong way to better understand game mechanics, rather than always playing it safe. It's much more fun and rewarding, though it's in a sick and twisted way. You're an inspiration and don't ever stop making these.
makes all guards are angry at him, then shoots them to make them stuck, then puts the warden in a jail cell.
Warden: not bad, not bad... but could be better
I can just picture the warden saying this from within the jail cell while Josh is lashing all the prisoners and guards with whips.
07:00 I expected him to close all the doors but one and cramp them all in one cell.... NGL
15:29 I love how hew called the prisoner a focus on the healthcare of old people
12:39 Josh: “Is there a limit?”
The game:
All the other games he played: “First time?”
11:30 is what the "tough guy finger snapping" scene would look like if Josh directed West Side Story
Here are the easter eggs for the the gangs in the prison
The Hotbodies-Johnny Hotbody (Rise Of Ages, Valheim)
Lion O'Clock-Googly eyed lion (Planet Zoo)
Twitter-Barrel of Toxic ooze (Satisfactory, probably)
That civilian in solitary is the most terrifying thing I’ve seen all day
The game : "Get more respect from the prisoners by never beating on them and always being nice to them."
Me : I don't think you're aware of how prisons work.
He beat all those prisoners on his own, we respect him for that!
do you?
Devs: "Hrmmm, we need someone to beta test our game to the extreme and find every possible way to break it so we can fix it and they won't break out budget. But where can we get someone like that?"
Meanwhile: "Hey there, it's Josh. Welcome back to Let's Game It Out...."
This is pure funni. Beating up inmates, torturing guards, bright pink toilets, guards with skyrim animations, and beating people to death with a nightsaber. Josh, you are the god of making funni.
I absolutely love the chaos Josh makes in every video by exploiting glitches and other stuff
Reminder to self: never donate more than the required amount to run a prison in this man's Twitch channel
I was just about to sleep... and then Josh uploads a new video. You leave me no choice.
0:37 they ain't out of style in 2024... *yet.*
They are now
@@EErr-v6fGive it about 3 more months, and maybe then they'll be irrelevant. There's still too much talk about them going around still.