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Thanks for sharing! A long awaited and necessary interview with our beloved Rose. Probably the majority of decent transpeople share her opinion about the so called community increasing madness and antics.
This is a trans-woman I feel I could have a beer and a proper conversation with, rather than being yelled at and called a bigot for asking a question. Great show.
@ I've often suspected this, that it's a small minority of loud, obnoxious and often entitled individuals that act like assholes and think they speak for everyone. A lot of the gay people I know also can't stand the people pushing the nonsense side of the LGBT agenda, so I can believe its the same for the trans community.
I had expected to see hateful, vengeful comments in reply to your saying that you'd be happy to have a beer with her, as though she were some novelty on show, but I thought the same, which, I think - although I will probably be called hateful anyway - means I just found her personable, regardless of the fact that she has a given 'title.' For the first time I thought 'there is a transgender woman to whom I could comfortably say: Can I ask you about being a transgender woman, just of curiosity?'
TVdinnermasterchef this is true. It Is a very vocal minority that social media has given voice. The only scary part is that the movement, in order to indoctrinate, is spreading amongst people who just don’t fit in, have mental illness, autism, or just a bit weird and giving them an out to join a movement where they will be “accepted.” In return, they’re just creating more and more green haired zealots spouting this nonsense. It’s almost like a gang mentality, or a new religion. They are targeting a vulnerable, lonely demographic and initiating them through activism, language games, and illogical arguments. It’s actually most offensive to the people who actually suffer from gender dysphoria, and it’s also diluting the LGBT movement and all of the actual work and progress they’ve made over the years by mixing in all of this nonsensical gender rhetoric. I feel the majority of gays, lesbos, and real trans just want to live a normal life and now they’re expected to adopt this crazy propaganda lest they get shunned by their own people (pack/mob mentality). It’s sad really when looking at this from a psychological point of view. These people have already suffered enough and now they have these nutty “dictators” trying to control their destiny that they’ve previously worked so hard to establish, and ultimately attain.
They call me a TERF and a transphobe, but I totally love this smart, sane, endlessly reasonable woman. My problem isn't with trans people, it's with the woke social justice cult, which appropriates every struggle as its own.
Agreed. I'm a progressive & just in the last couple of months, I am finally seeing the authoritarian threat on the Left. This "woke" culture is the problem & it is going to destroy everything. It's causing a resurgence in homophobia b/c of the LGB association w/ it, it's making life more difficult for real trans people who just wanted to live their lives in peace & safety, it's further polarizing the Left & Right here in the States where it's tearing us apart as rioters destroy statues, not just of Confederate traitors, but of anything they find the slightest bit offensive. Whites who weren't racists are being told they're racists & always will be... How are people supposed to respond to that? They are creating racists. They are pushing people to the Right in reaction to the violence & authoritarianism of the Left! Critical thinking & free speech has been replaced with political correctness & never hurting the feelings of the people who are crying victimhood, even when those "victims" are violent, are trying to get people fired for legitimate disagreements, are raping women in prisons, & are unfairly competing against women in sports. When news reports & police & court documents file crimes committed by men who simply say they are women, the crime is reported as having been committed by "a woman", but when a trans "woman" is the VICTIM of a crime, then it's not reported as just a woman, then it's a TRANS woman. This allows statistics to be manipulated to make it look like violent crime by women is on the rise, trans "women" are always victims & must be protected, & trans "women" are NEVER the perps & have never harmed women by being in their spaces. It's insane! The TRAs are creating a backlash that is going to fall on the whole LGBT community! And LGBT organizations have completely thrown lesbians & their concerns & concerns for LGB & gender non-conforming youth under the bus to pander to the trans lobby, trans ideology, & trans MONEY! But when the backlash comes, lesbians will also feel the effects of that. Woke culture is narcissistic, entitled, & authoritarian, it creates perpetual victims, true believers (allies who defend everything the "victims" do w/o question) & an ever-expanding list of villains who must be punished, they shut down free speech & critical thought & demand groupthink & uniformity of belief or they will turn on you for the slightest independent thought or for not being zealous enough, & trans ideology is misogynistic & homophobic! And Democrats & "progressives" are either enabling all this or are oblivious to it all b/c of the echo chambers in which both the Left & the Right live. IDK about the UK, but the U.S. is coming apart.
Yes !! Thank you. No one would question her in a bathroom. It's the one's who pee standing up and have full beards etc.. Then claim to be a woman. I'm with posie on that. I believe they have a fetish
@@user-iq2iw6zc9s Dude if you can see her face kilometers away you need to give me your eyes. That's an amazing superpower. Jokes aside, you do respect her right? You're not gonna do an asshole move like "hey there's a trans here!" in a bathroom right? Call her whatever you want, but respect her privacy. Pronouns are such a small thing compared to respect and privacy.
As a trans woman, who transitioned in the 80''s, and one who would consider themselves as a conservative thinker, I am so glad to hear these sentiments expressed by Rose. It gives me so much hope for a common sense future. I note one striking point. I have never considered myself as Transgendered, but rather as Transexual, a term also used by Rose on a number of occasions throughout the interview. I too believe that the more radical transgender and gender fluid activists do us far more harm than good (if allowed to continue with their radical nonsense). It's so refreshing to see the younger conservative girls taking up the torch, and calling out this radical agenda for the irrational logic that it is. In summary I do not want to change society, I just want the opportunity to continue to be a productive and purposeful part of it.
Rose is such an important voice! Beyond being extremely sweet and smart and just a pleasant individual. Just like Konstantin and Francis. And that's basically what it's all about, no? Pleasant people, having a talk, it's possible to bring up touchy subjects but nobody gets offended, everyone listens and it is a big win for EVERYONE. I love it. I love what KK and FF are doing and i really wish Rose would become a really important voice in this whole issue and people would listen to her instead of some lunatic, self righteous, entitled asshole.
Totally she’s alright as are most transgender women it’s the men pretending to be transgender to get to our girls like autogynophylls Jessica janiv that I worry about and I want transgender women to join with us born women to protect our children and any decent person would do this
I get the feeling that most people understand most trans people are not the screaming activist types that want to erase all sex differences and control others speech. Big hugs!
I’m a transguy and I’ve followed Rose for a while, I love her! She speaks a lot of truth about what it’s like trying to dissent against the current direction of the trans ‘community.’ How you gonna call an actual transsexual ‘transphobic?’
Do you call yourself a transsexual? What do you think differentiates your transness from a “trender”? My girlfriend came out as non-binary and broke up with me when I started questioning the extremism. I felt a lot of love for trans people before, but now the movement has really hurt me as a lesbian - being told I have to have sex with a trans woman. Even rose of Dawn made a video teaching lesbians how to like dick. I am looking for true trans. I’m looking for the humanity I have seen in trans people. The positive side, not this fanaticism. That’s why I ask.
@@heyborttheeditor1608 I'm a trans woman, and I just call myself a trans woman. Trans trenders have no gender dysphoria at all. Just like the straight women who claim to be bisexual or lesbian just to be popular but have no actual attraction to the same gender.
@@heyborttheeditor1608 as a trans person myself im telling you YOU DO NOT HAVE TO and please don't let anyone force you too. If they call you names that says more about them than you.
@@heyborttheeditor1608 Hey, a lot of people do it because it feels good to be a victimized minority in this day and age, and it feels powerful to shame others instantly who disagree with you. I'm a gay dude and I recognize what's happening. I'm sorry your girlfriend fell for it, but you're not insane and lots of us agree.
Because some trans people think there’s the “right kind of trans” and the “wrong kind of trans.” They’re transphobic against the people they think are the wrong kind.
As a “gender critical” butch lesbian who WAS an unquestioning trans ally until a few years ago....(who then hit PEAKTRANS)....can I say how bloody brilliant it is to hear from one of the “sane” and astute Voices of the trans community. I really enjoyed this interview and there was a lot of “food for thought”. A reminder of why I was an ally in the first place, and a reminder of the trans community I used to know. Sadly it also highlights how much damage current trans activists have done and ARE doing to the community. A community I barely recognise now. I know there are more and more trans people speaking out, and I understand how difficult it is to do so in this current climate. So it’s greatly appreciated to here from them when they do. I’m a big fan of Posie Parker, l know she is hitting where it hurts sometimes, and l don’t agree with everything she says or does..but I get why she is going for the jugular. To be fair...she is saying facts and not “being nice”. I’ve spent years being “nice” to trans people. Not because I saw them as men or women...but as humans, trying to do the best they can. I don’t have one friend or family where we agree on “everything.” Yet we can still embrace and love each other and agree to disagree and live our own lives. Rose of Dawn seems like someone I could sit down and have a bottle of wine with, a good ole chin wag and be besties by the end of the night. This is what gets lots in all of this...the common ground that many of us have, despite our differing opinions.
Agreed, Joanne! The radical ones with deeper issues are making it hard for reasonable trans people - such a disservice and set back for all the alphabet!
LindLTaylor X well sadly, that was part of my “peaktrans” journey. Seeing the abuse that friends were receiving on social media, and threats of violence. I didn’t really believe it at first. Then I was targeted and called all sorts, simply for saying my preference was same sex attraction. I’m well out of the scene now. I’ve got my lesbian tribe that I’ve built up over the last 20years. I can’t be ostracised or shamed into or out of anything. I’ve spent 20 years muttering “bloody lesbians” under my breath. So it’s not like I see them through rose tinted glasses either. (Like many a straight women might mutter “bloody men” after one heartbreak too many). But I do know a lot of younger lesbians have struggled and got themselves into very uncomfortable situations re “trans lesbians”. They are desperately searching for a place to fit in and belong. It can be a bit of a journey to embrace who you are and what you like. I think Most people Genuinely don’t want to be (or be seen to be) transphobic, but get confused between wanting to do the “right thing” and doing whats right for them. For me, my lesbian life started long before social media. I can remove myself from it. I’ve had one heartbroken too many and I’m too busy being single and cursing “bloody lesbians”.
joanne Gower honestly. This is good stuff. If you ever decide to post content on your channel I would subscribe based on what I’ve seen here alone. Kudos.
See the young lady in this interview I have no problem referring to her in whatever way she wants. Because she is thoughtful and considerate and tries her best to ground an unusual circumstance in reality.
Barndog but that’s what started this, changing language to ‘be nice’ has meant the word woman has changed in its meaning. We have rapists described as women in media reports. The police record crime based on self ID. We have to be clear with words used to describe us. Rose is a man. I’m not going to call them a woman of any kind just to ‘be nice’. I don’t call priests ‘father’ either. When you tell people they’re being arseholes because they won’t adopt the beliefs of others, you aren’t the reasonable one. Quite the opposite.
Barndog correctly sexing a person, as humans do every day using pronouns, is not at all comparable to walking up to someone and declaring they’re fat. We don’t address people based on their weight and never have, most of the time it’s irrelevant. The comparison is completely nonsensical. Again, using the correct pronouns is not rude. To suggest it is, makes you foolish. By doing so, we have opened the door to men who rape being referred to and recorded as women, to men being placed in women’s prisons and all the rest of it. It changes a conversation and a persons understanding of a situation completely if you change pronouns: ie She walked into the women’s changing rooms after a young girl is different from He walked into the women’s changing rooms after a young girl. It changes everything. And everyone knows it.
Barndog I’m going to keep saying it. It’s not rude to correctly sex people. It’s rude and misogynistic to expect women to pretend a man is also a woman, whether through pronouns or acceptance into our bathrooms. It’s all wrong. It’s all misogynistic. It’s all stupid and dumb. As are you for continuing to insist normal behaviour and conversations are now ‘rude’.
The bathroom issue is real. I live in a small town and in my small town is Jake. Jake is trans and looks, speaks, and is a man in every sense except he wears makeup and says he is trans. Jake demands he use the womans restroom at work and he was allowed. He would be aggressive and make people uncomfortable. He is always TRYING to get people to do something offensive so he can sue the businesses he works at. So far he gas had 3 jobs in town and has tried to sue all 3 places for claims that turned out to be false... Everyone has to tip toe around this person and its crazy. These people are whats making this an issue not the typical actual trans people.
Candi Corpse Tv .... Yup, it’s the attention seekers and victim junkies. That type of person has some kind of mental health issues imho ... why should the world have to tip toe around them??? The situations of which you speak should be when we should be able to say.... don’t be ridiculous and NO, we’re not going to be bullied by you. This is an abuse of the protective laws and should be stamped out...but there will always be those that try it on!
I don't want to be anti-trans or anti anyone but the lunatic stuff that is being pumped out by some... I was so happy to find Rose (and others) who are trans-sensible.
She is the trans activist I want to represent me,,real talk,,and I loved it when she said " I just want to be me" ,,,of all the t girls on the net,,she is the voice of reason and sanity
@@charlytaylor1748 we wish everyone had your opinion,but sadly we live in a world of bigotry and hatred for anything different from the status quo,,,,if you like Rose,,check out Blaire White,or Maya Henry,and there are many others real trans ppl on the net,,you just gotta look out for the attention whores that are screwing things up for the ppl that were actually born trans
lori mcfarland Exactly my point. Without the female external clothing, you would say the opposite. Define looking female. A dress and boobs? Lol Add a bad haircut . Lolol
Good interview. Common Sense prevails and that is refreshing. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the "good" of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies . The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own "good"... will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” - CS Lewis Tories = Robber Barons Fanatics = Moral Supremacists Moral supremacists are extremely emotionally manipulative & believe that they represent and/or follow what they delude people to believe to be " the effulgent source of moral goodness ". This gives the moral supremacists, of religious or atheist ideologies, the psychological power to kill, control, assimilate, regulate and farm their fellow human beings without being held back by their consciences. This is because all opposition is called "evil" and must be "silenced/destroyed". This makes moral supremacists be extremely dangerous.
Both fake, aka men. And Blair is 100% more fake (and I mean in pretending that he "unlike other" "transgenders" is an actual woman, which is what he keeps saying).
well tbh the way things are going, the REAL trans people are making distance and going back to tranSEXUAL to highlight the fact theyre for real and want to blend in, which has the posers in an uproar crying how "you dont need dysphoria to be trans.... transmedicalists and "truscum" are evil waaaaaaa"
If "trans" people were sensible at all, they'd seek mental health therapy for a cure and NOT elective cosmetic surgery to pretend for the sake of their warped "feelings," so....🤷🏽♂️
@@fascisttubeisshadowbanning6615 if you think that mental health therapy and a 'cure' is the answer then you're wrong about what mental health therapy is about and the science behind therapy, and you're wrong in thinking that there IS a 'cure' and that anyone needs a cure from being themselves.
If all transgenders were as rational as she is, I wouldn't have a single problem with it. Unfortunately, there are bearded guys in dresses; and I do have problems with sharing a bathroom or locker-room with those!
Francine L, just a hint, but....some consider a person cutting off their dick because of "feelings" to be irrational at best and insane as does the ICD.😉 How come extreme elective cosmetic surgery is "okay" but even the suggestion of mental health therapy is somehow "hate" to you and the anomalous mental defectives? 🤔
Definitely going to go ballistic if a bearded man in a dress comes into the bathroom when I'm there. Il end up arrested for sure. Actually I don't really care, I think more people need to protest this bullshit with the autoerotica perverse male trans types.
@andi.rebecca Not in my country; he wouldn't be allowed. But during summer 2018, I went to Toronto to meet my boyfriend's family for the 1st time, and yeah: a guy entered the bathroom, and I didnt notice he was in a long dress because of his coat (he wasn't bearded though - but he was evidently a guy; no effort whatsoever to pass like a woman apart from his dress) - I thought that was a simple mistake, and told him that was the ladies bathroom. I was hoping to hear: "oh... sorry! Tks! I thought it was the guy's bathroom" before he left. But instead he took off his coat, and very, very arrogantly answered that he knew it was the ladies before he moved next to me in the long sink. I was done washing my hands after peeing, so I left and didn't answer him. It was unconfortable. And it was wrong. Period.
I'll always be a fan of articulate, intelligent, and sensible people. Rose has my utmost respect for simply speaking the cold hard truth in a truly weird era where the truth is often shunned.
I appreciate someone who can make me THINK about why I disagree with something by presenting a well-articulated, intelligent argument devoid of emotional blackmail and groupthink slogans. In an age where people only ask questions with the goal of hearing their own opinions coming out of others' mouths, it's refreshing to hear the arguments presented on this channel. I may not agree with everything, but my admiration and respect for the person putting forth a fine discussion in addition to the hosts for providing a forum for rational discussion is certainly there.
My opinions lie somewhere in the middle of Posie Parker and Rose. What I like about them both is that they defend everyone's freedom of speech and the interest of others not just their own.
Great interview. Unfortunately, the far left has hijacked the trans movement like they have with racial justice and other identity politics, so as to use them for their authoritarian Marxism designed to destroy democracy and to divide people. It is stunning how blind the general public on is on these issues thanks to the educational system, the MSM and big tech, which have all contributed immeasurable damage by censoring rational trans activists like Rose.
Yep. And wherever our opinions lie, I hope we can ALL hold onto and protect the freedoms of speech that allow us to express those opinions. Otherwise, our stated opinions will end up as crimes, and soon after that, so will our ideas and our thoughts. (I think Orwell did a smart job of predicting this...) So anything/anyone who looks to be undermining free speech has always gotten my attention. What troubles me the most now is how much MORE of this I'm seeing today than 20, 30 years ago. (I'm speaking here of the U.S. and Western Europe--I DO understand repression, tyranny and the cutting out of tongues in global history.)
Every person on Triggernometry is smart and articulate. Every episode is fascinating. You have a knack for asking the right people the right questions.
I can't believe that TH-cam took down the interview with Rosie Parker...ther was no hate speach...I did not know that woman, I live in Canada, but I did'nt feel that she incited hate towrd trans people...she has strong opinions about it and that is not a crime...FREE SPEECH!!
As a Transsexual myself I agree with your point. I think the people who are trying to silence Posie are what are known as the ' gender radicals ' and they are the ones who claim to be triggered by ANYONE who doesn't agree with them. Mostly their the ones who identify as non-binary ect. I'm also from Canada and I believe in freedom of speech and opinion. TH-cam is only censoring Posie because they know they'll get backlash from the community at large.
Absolutely. She should totally be allowed to show us what a nasty unsympathetic unkind person she is. i think its very clear she has no good feelings towards transwomen and that should not be a crime. We should be able to say what we feel. How would I know that Posie is a terrible bitch if she was not allowed to show us? Apart from anything, giving people the freedom to show us who they really are allows us to make informed choices like totally avoiding them as much as possible
@ I dont think anyone can buy womanhood. But to act like the mountain of evidence saying transwomen are more then just men acting like women is patently insane. There are dozens if not hundreds of studies suggesting something deeper is at play here. I think her refusal of the medical science is stuipid but within her right to say.
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@@overshottyler I don't deny disphoria is real. I just think that for the most part of transgender males it's just AGP and other sexual fetishes.
tomroberts101 also because it wasn’t even in the public consciousness until a few years ago. Most people knew the phenomenon existed, but now it’s constantly being shoved down our throats.
It really isnt...Unlike like some "victim" groups I could mention, hate against transpeople is all too real. people like Parker fan this hate. There have been transpeople for over half a century.. The hate now is worse than ever...I believe the extremists have caused this. Not your normal everyday tranners like Rose. But all the time people are swayed by Parker and dont look at this objectively, it will only get worse.
@@LusciousTwinkle No it's not. Me and mine can walk down the road without fear of getting attacked these days , cannot say that about the late 80s and early 90s. It is worse than 10 years ago but it's not because of people like Parker , she is merely a reaction to the activists that went too far and pushed for special treatment rather than acceptance. Also when they started to bring kids into it peoples ears pricked up and took more notice of what was being pushed.
@@NorfolkTears Just because you dont get attacked (which is great to hear BTW ) doesnt mean there isnt still alot of bad feeling. Parker doesnt differentiate between the extremists and people like yourself. This is what I take exception to. She makes it harder to have sensible conversations because she is so generalising in her hatred....
I know that a lot of trans people just want to keep their head down and live out of the spotlight so I want to say thank you for sticking your neck out to make this video. I think there are plenty of very sane and reasonable trans-people who are being given a very bad reputation by extremists who are trying to carry the mantle for something that doesn't really concern them. Well done.
What would you define as an extremist? Am I one? I believe that trans people should be able to use the toilet that matches their new gender, that trans women should be able to access women’s rape/DV shelters if they’re assaulted, and that people shouldn’t use trans people’s birth gender pronouns.
My impression knowing & meeting many trans people is that the majority ARE activists/extremists. Rose is definitely not, and in my experience rare -- moreso entirely correct in nearly everything she said. She knows she's a minuscule part of society so she's changed herself to conform to society's healthy norms (around safety & identity), which helps society accept her new identity. This benefits everyone without harming anyone. Most trans don't do that -- they expect society to cater to all requests (even unsafe & extreme ones) simply because they claim to be "oppressed". Rose gave examples. She disagrees with extremist trans. Simple question: if someone claims to be god & demands to be treated as royalty & the pronoun "Lord"... should we comply? (remember, they define "royal treatment" -- which you & society can't object to -- so they get anything they demand)
@@rowedtrippa6219 Rose discussed your examples, but maybe you didn't see the video -- otherwise you'd know she objected to your examples. She clearly said each scenario can be extremist or not -- *it depends* on a trans person's behavior, expectations, & incongruence to societal goals for *_everyone's_* safety. Your examples hide specifics of the trans person (eg, for trans women with a beard & pen!s?), so they don't automatically get extra rights demanded. No.
@Blake839 Where in Europe are you seeing this happening lol? My country just banned discussing trans people in colleges and hasn't legalised gay marriage.
@@SadisticStang Those laws were unjust. People with a serious illness should be helped in an adequate way. Gender-mutilating surgery and HRT are not the right way, nor is locking them up in a cell.
Life is full of choices, and we all need to accept that each choice has its cost or consequence and sometimes to achieve one aim means that doing so will need to sacrifice something else, I have lived as a women for 15 years and no even realises and I am happy that way but I accept that I am not a biological female I don’t like this forcing of children into trans and if someone doesn’t want to sleep with a trans person then that is there choice not hate.
Ru22eLL I speak out as much as I can however most Trans don’t want to put there head above the parapet because then everyone they know would know they were trans when most want to live as the gender they prefer without wandering how they are thought of for being trans. For me this is one of the defining things about it if you really want to live as a woman why would you make so much noise about how you were a man? It just points out you are not genetically female to everyone and may ruin the chance of a normal (as possible) life. Those making all the noise are in it for some kind of power grab imho.
@Ru22eLL I do hear what you're saying. Some feminists are fighting this really hard too. I think they're outnumbered. Because I agree with Rose that what we're really seeing here is the rise of a new alt-left movement, which is basically pretending to be the sole voice of black people and women and gay people and trans people, and using that to gain power. Because it's really easy to gain power if you present yourself as powerless. We all need to be fighting that, I think.
Abigail Slade honestly women like you are beacon of sanity🙌🏻. I'd also that no one needs to openly state to the society what's their orientation or they were born f/m. Some people want to keep their privacy
Nice to have a more relaxed interview with the banter and everything this week. Rose is one of the reasonable voices in her community, it's good to her getting more exposure.
@@drusilladraconis4535 Maybe it's not that simple and we should stop grouping people into bad guys and good guys. Maybe both sides have sane people with good points and also have complete assholes.
Drusilla Draconis Blake is another fraud. A dude who spends all his time and money trying to look like something he will never be. I feel so bad for his family .
Ellen Campbell woah, buddy, leave her be. go spread your hate somewhere else. you’re welcome to express your opinion and back it up with some facts/logic, but there’s no need for hate.
I've seen more masculine natural born women. Seriously. I couldn't have called her out in public. And I have zero issue with addressing Rose as she at all.
@@shahaful66 It's the current 'buzz' phrase.... when talking about a Teenage 'Trans, then the common phrase is 'stunning and brave' in order to put your full weight behind their confusion... using the word 'brave' infers that there will be nasty bullying bastards around every corner.
Because they aren't, they are men with mutilated body parts. And we women aren't looking forward to a future which we are going to share public restrooms or change rooms with them.
Thank you for all your work in bringing these important conversations to the forefront, Posie Parker! You are fantastic and appreciated. I live in Vancouver, the land where the rape crisis centre funding was pulled and unfortunately, the home of the predator J Yaniv. God help us all.
I really like the term 'oppression points' - it's endemic in many first world communities and is very damaging to those who are actually experiencing very real oppression.
She's an interesting person, very intelligent, refreshing to listen to. I wouldn't care if she or any other trans woman came into the ladies room when I was there. I doubt I'd notice. It's the political obsession and harping on day in and day out about it....honestly, I'm sick of hearing about it. I know that sounds mean, but even white heterosexual people can have bad stuff happen and we are NOT all "privileged" and we don't hate trans people, and we don't hate gays...and so one.we're just out here doing the best we can to survive.
Please do an interview with Blaire White. She's very much like Rose of Dawn and is a brilliant activist for trans issues and very critical of a lot of wokeness we see today.
@@lukewheeldon8025 they’ve been doing video interviews. I’d love for them to have her. She’s one of the first trans people I found who spoke out on this stuff. Love her
Thank you for interviewing a sane and intelligent transwoman. It's exhausting to almost always only hear from the "others" who make no sense and give the trans community a bad reputation.
“[P]ansexuality [...] is like bisexuality but you would also sleep with people, who identify as chairs.” - Rose of Dawn 38:16 I love this. Until now I would have defined pansexuality as bisexuality + attitude.
@@unolakoko3474 Yeah I know that she is biologically male. So does she. So does everyone. She doesn't deny that. But she transitioned to live as a woman to alleviate her gender dysphoria. Being an asshole to mock her doesn't actually accomplish anything and seeing how she is actually a pretty intellectually honest person, her wishes are worth respecting in my eyes.
Am trying to educate myself on this issue and I’m so grateful for this video. I don’t know any trans people but I want to understand it as I am a woman. Thank you so much for this video and I have to say that the whole conversation did so much for my understanding and it was so heartfelt, clear and open. This video and the video with Posie Parker were exceptional interviews. I feel that both interviewees were very articulate and open and mature about their views. Thanks again, please keep up the good work.
What's a moon. Urban dictionary. moon 1. The act of bending over, pulling down one's pants and showing an innocent person one's ass. 2. A person who *is* an ass. When in situations where the word a$$ is verboten (eating dinner with older relatives, giving a speech in English class at school, or talking on radio or tv), the word "moon" is an acceptable substitute for "ass". "OMG, that hottie just mooned us! I'm so stoked"
This interview is so insightful, grounded and has common sense arguments! I'm so glad that the trans-community has someone like rose (and others) to be a guiding voice of reason.
What a wonderful, informative video. Thanks so much for finally interviewing Rose. I adore her & admire her so much for articulating how important free speech is, ESPECIALLY for minorities within minorities, like the trans community. I learn so much from Triggernometry, Rose of Dawn, Sargon, Dankula, & of course, Blaire White. God bless all you folks, though I know most of you are athiests. :P May watch this twice, just to let all the info sink in. :)
@@laganjaestranja2202 lmao you guys need to stop this idiocy. It's just a matter of definition and absolutely nothing else. From a biological standpoint a trans moman is a man. From a societal perspective a trans woman is a woman. And it needs to be assessed independently regarding each aspect of life unless we wanna be stupid. It is a useless discussion over a word, it doesn't change the reality of anything
yes, but no, but yes. What's difference between trans woman and woman if she's let's say your coworker? There's no difference. But if you are her doctor, then it's VERY important difference.
@@BigChiken44 exactly, details need to be looked at instead of fighting over which word we use to classify someone. In medicine the biological sex is important, same maybe for contact sports. Societally tho, I don't see the problem with calling a trans woman ma'am, unless we wanna be intentionally rude
@@abananainspace ok i agree what you said now . The problem is when people societally refer to them as men .Obviously if they are at the doctors they would say they are trans or biologically male or female
I actually feel sorry for Rose and Blaire regarding current society and truly respect them both immensely! They both put a great amount of effort into passing for the women they’ve both worked hard to become and if we’re being honest neither one would have any trouble in female spaces. I believe it does a great disservice to these women and others like them, because the crazies are peddling such nonsense that the everyday person just cannot make sense of. Much love to them!
Funnily enough they and other trans people who accept that their issue is rare and has no ideal solution, don't also seem to be the ones who try to force themselves into female-only sensitive issues and spaces. Can't stand the aggressive, controlling fetishist males who demand to be let into female only spaces and try to shut down anyone who doesn't see their preferred gender. I don't think that most reasonable people would have issues with trans folks if they weren't forced to be extremely politically correct towards anyone who decides they are trans, no matter how outrageously that person behaves. I don't have issues with much anyone who behaves themselves.
Finn Lambouris “If we’re being honest” What do you mean if? LMFAO. Are you not usually honest ? As a man who takes lots of synthetic hormones and has prosthetic breasts Blair tends to overdue the act. I guess it is easier for older women to see through the costumes. I am 60, watching people a long time. I saw my first man trying to imitate women in Spain in 1980. He was a nine. Blair is a nine. Rose... 6?
I think it is bravery to be honest, imagine how difficult it is figuring out you're trans and actually transitioning, and then coming out. Now imagine doing all this when your trans brothers and sister turn out to be unbearable utter idiots, suddenly your (in theory) closest group of people who can empathise and help you on your journey turn ther back on you and label you transphobic. Pretty brave to carry on fighting the good fight in spite of that!
@Grand Blue So they can have beards. 0.5% is still 16,000 women in the UK. If I see a woman with a beard, I'm not going to ask her if she has a hormonal imbalance or if she is taking medicine and I'm not going to ask if she has some genetic disorder. I'm just going to think in my head "that woman has a beard".
@Grand Blue No, I think it's a man. Gender is what I see, nothing else. It's not biological, it's a social construct. If I see a man who looks exactly like a man, dresses like a man and has a full beard, that's a man. Why would I know or care about their DNA, any surgery they have had or whether they are taking any hormones?
5 ปีที่แล้ว +21
If you think about it, The Knights Who Say Ni were well ahead of the curve when it came to words as violence.
@Jamie PritchardIt’s the militant minority bringing about the change though. Decent trans people like Rose or Blaire are dismissed as “truscum”. They’ve long been canceled in the online trans community, where a lot of that stuff is pushed.
@@dahlia_canton Well, they do not "get it" because they do have a male muscle mass. They do not have to live with this fact of strength disadvantage as women do. And there is nothing wrong with it - just do not try to "fraternize" with women in spaces and areas reserved for women. And do not use our pronoun to blur the lines.
So refreshing, especially when she’s talking about the reactions from the public she’s experienced. They overwhelmingly don’t care!! And that suits her. She doesn’t want them to make a fuss.
You wouldn't think toilets are an issue if you hadn't had a woman's lived experience, the experience of knowing there's a threat from men and always having to be on guard and aware of your safety.
I agree with you. Most of the time trans women pass well enough that I would genuinely not know that they aren’t a biological woman. However it’s concerning that a very masculine presenting self identified trans woman can demand access to the female only space.
Thank you for this interview with this beautiful woman, Rose. Abundant culture , education and intelligence has been shown. I learned a lot on this quite complex topic.
As a woman I would have no problem meeting this woman in a women bathroom or changing room. And tbh I probably wouldn't even notice she was a trans woman. What makes me feel unsafe is the thought of meeting a big hairy man who is identifying as a woman in the bathroom. As, someone who is presenting obviously as a man but calls themself a woman is either mentally unstable or has an ulterior motive. Both of which are terrifying when confronted with it out of the blue in a space reserved for women, as that man could easily overpower most women and there would be no other men around to help.
I am really impressed with Rose of Dawn, as a person. I really like her outlook. Thank you for your commonsense. I really don't like how the trans movement is going, especially involving children, being educated to accept and become transgendered; and being mutilated for life after that. Thankyou for your very sane and balanced approach. If only the small number of valid cases of transgendered people where just allowed to get on with it, instead of what seems to be an agender to dominate; and to expand the movement within society.
This is the best conversation on this topic I have EVER heard. I love that Rose has facts to back up her opinion....that you all can laugh and joke and yet be serious at the same time. Major respect to all three of you.
I'm an avid fan of Rose and think she is one of the few logical voices speaking on Trans issues. Disclosure I'm a gay man and I used to do female impersonation (in the mid 80's to early 2000's) (drag queen) who happens to be 5'5 and approx 125-130 lbs so I passed completely... hell I'm called ma'am on a daily basis when I'm dressed as a man... so when I was in Drag I could use the women's restroom for yrs and never had an issue EVER!! Now on the other hand I've had a few Drag friends who (bless their hearts) were great entertainers but couldn't pass as a woman to save their lives, when we went out together either I or another friend would stand guard at the door of the MEN'S restroom because she/he acknowledged that she didn't pass and chose to use the right thing. These people now a days have just plain and simply lost their blooming mind!!!
Love4AllHumans: Drag queens are entertainers are they not? So when in drag they're not out and about on the streets going about their daily business, they change into costume once in the theatre, I thought so anyway. As men therefore there would be no need for them to use women's toilets for they would be out and about as men? Danny Larue who you may have heard of, an Irish born British actor, female impersonator, very famous in the sixties, always made a point of saying that he was "a bloke in a frock", and blokes use men's toilets. End of story.
@@EVALLOYD Yes Drag Queens are entertainers but unfortunately not all venues had dressing rooms so there were many times I would have to get into my make-up and costume prior to arriving at the club. Sometimes there would be 6-8 performers in a show and we would all have to use a storage room to change costumes during the show. As to them going out in Drag during the day 99.9% did not so they wouldn't need to use the ladies room. There were times when we went out for food after a show While still in costume and most of us used the Men's room with someone standing outside. If someone did use the ladies room we would check to make sure there were no women in there by having a female go in and check, then we'd post someone outside the door. There was a reason some of us used the ladies room if still in costume, (like I said I could pass for a real woman) and had been assaulted several times using the men's restroom. Besides the places we went to eat at after a show were our regular hangouts so the staff knew us. But you are right we were "blokes in a frock" and did our best to always respect real women.
I liked Rose - plenty of common sense. The 'trans community' shouldn't be any more high profile/influential than the caravan club i.e. It exists simply because Its members enjoy belonging to it.
Oh thank God a trans woman speaking sense. Thank you for speaking so much common sense about the subject. I'm trans but some of the extreme gender activist, I feel, are doing more damage in recognition of what being trans is all about and the non binary nonsense thrown into the melting pot is doing us no favours whatsoever. Thank you once again for your sentiments Rose.
Glad you had her on, I think she represents more of the trans community than one would think. Also everyone who is going on and on about her not being a woman, try being tolerant it's a thing we do in the english speaking western world. You don't have to agree but you also don't have to be a dick.
But she's not a Woman, she's a fantastic Transwoman! I would have no problem with Rose in the Ladies because she passes as a Woman and I wouldn't know she was a Transwoman.
@@cinnamon8884 There are plenty of masculine women out there. I bet if you didnt know about Rose, you wouldnt know...And how do you know almost none of them pass?. You may have seen hundreds who pass very well and you wouldnt have known.
I have incredible *RESPECT* for this human being, bravely and succinctly standing up to and separating themselves from the sheer insanity currently seeking to take over our society.
Re: about bathrooms. As long as they don't go inside the stall with me when I pee, I don't care what gender the person in the bathroom is. We just get to wash our hands side by side. It's not an issue. I think the bigger issues are matters like letting kids transition before they're old enough to make a decision, healthcare for detrans people, sports etc.
It’s about how the law is written. If it is ok with you, then go advocate for a third gender neutral bathroom and use those exclusively so trans people feel as though we are all using it. I would like a same sex bathroom period. Every time I see a trans woman in the bathroom I find it to be startling
Dear Rose, the more I listen to you and see you absolutely means I have to listen to your point of view and also respect it. I would still like to have a personal discussion with you about this and I love your position and respect your position
Thank you for watching! If you believe in what we're doing SUBSCRIBE and consider contributing on Paypal, Subscribestar, Patreon or become a TRIGGERnometry member on TH-cam. Links in the description. Enjoy👍
Watching this in the kitchen, walk into the lounge and Konstantin is on BBC World News for the Front Row - Satire piece 😂 #KonstantinWeek
Triggernometry thanks for sharing !!!!
Thanks for sharing! A long awaited and necessary interview with our beloved Rose. Probably the majority of decent transpeople share her opinion about the so called community increasing madness and antics.
Told you 5 times, your intro music is utter dog shit, change it. Your content is amazing, keep it coming.
I had it suggested this morning..what happened exactly?
This is a trans-woman I feel I could have a beer and a proper conversation with, rather than being yelled at and called a bigot for asking a question. Great show.
@ I've often suspected this, that it's a small minority of loud, obnoxious and often entitled individuals that act like assholes and think they speak for everyone. A lot of the gay people I know also can't stand the people pushing the nonsense side of the LGBT agenda, so I can believe its the same for the trans community.
I had expected to see hateful, vengeful comments in reply to your saying that you'd be happy to have a beer with her, as though she were some novelty on show, but I thought the same, which, I think - although I will probably be called hateful anyway - means I just found her personable, regardless of the fact that she has a given 'title.'
For the first time I thought 'there is a transgender woman to whom I could comfortably say: Can I ask you about being a transgender woman, just of curiosity?'
TVdinnermasterchef this is true. It
Is a very vocal minority that social media has given voice. The only scary part is that the movement, in order to indoctrinate, is spreading amongst people who just don’t fit in, have mental illness, autism, or just a bit weird and giving them an out to join a movement where they will be “accepted.” In return, they’re just creating more and more green haired zealots spouting this nonsense. It’s almost like a gang mentality, or a new religion. They are targeting a vulnerable, lonely demographic and initiating them through activism, language games, and illogical arguments. It’s actually most offensive to the people who actually suffer from gender dysphoria, and it’s also diluting the LGBT movement and all of the actual work and progress they’ve made over the years by mixing in all of this nonsensical gender rhetoric. I feel the majority of gays, lesbos, and real trans just want to live a normal life and now they’re expected to adopt this crazy propaganda lest they get shunned by their own people (pack/mob mentality). It’s sad really when looking at this from a psychological point of view. These people have already suffered enough and now they have these nutty “dictators” trying to control their destiny that they’ve previously worked so hard to establish, and ultimately attain.
@300bpm banging pair tho
and thats how dumb shit like this becomes the new normal. That shit isn't well
They call me a TERF and a transphobe, but I totally love this smart, sane, endlessly reasonable woman. My problem isn't with trans people, it's with the woke social justice cult, which appropriates every struggle as its own.
Totally agree
I agree. This woman seems really nice and clever and reasonable
Agreed. I'm a progressive & just in the last couple of months, I am finally seeing the authoritarian threat on the Left. This "woke" culture is the problem & it is going to destroy everything. It's causing a resurgence in homophobia b/c of the LGB association w/ it, it's making life more difficult for real trans people who just wanted to live their lives in peace & safety, it's further polarizing the Left & Right here in the States where it's tearing us apart as rioters destroy statues, not just of Confederate traitors, but of anything they find the slightest bit offensive. Whites who weren't racists are being told they're racists & always will be... How are people supposed to respond to that? They are creating racists. They are pushing people to the Right in reaction to the violence & authoritarianism of the Left! Critical thinking & free speech has been replaced with political correctness & never hurting the feelings of the people who are crying victimhood, even when those "victims" are violent, are trying to get people fired for legitimate disagreements, are raping women in prisons, & are unfairly competing against women in sports. When news reports & police & court documents file crimes committed by men who simply say they are women, the crime is reported as having been committed by "a woman", but when a trans "woman" is the VICTIM of a crime, then it's not reported as just a woman, then it's a TRANS woman. This allows statistics to be manipulated to make it look like violent crime by women is on the rise, trans "women" are always victims & must be protected, & trans "women" are NEVER the perps & have never harmed women by being in their spaces. It's insane! The TRAs are creating a backlash that is going to fall on the whole LGBT community! And LGBT organizations have completely thrown lesbians & their concerns & concerns for LGB & gender non-conforming youth under the bus to pander to the trans lobby, trans ideology, & trans MONEY! But when the backlash comes, lesbians will also feel the effects of that. Woke culture is narcissistic, entitled, & authoritarian, it creates perpetual victims, true believers (allies who defend everything the "victims" do w/o question) & an ever-expanding list of villains who must be punished, they shut down free speech & critical thought & demand groupthink & uniformity of belief or they will turn on you for the slightest independent thought or for not being zealous enough, & trans ideology is misogynistic & homophobic! And Democrats & "progressives" are either enabling all this or are oblivious to it all b/c of the echo chambers in which both the Left & the Right live. IDK about the UK, but the U.S. is coming apart.
Look up James Lindsey, he explains the source of all the madness in the social justice community. Its 'Critical Theory'.
Yes !! Thank you. No one would question her in a bathroom. It's the one's who pee standing up and have full beards etc.. Then claim to be a woman. I'm with posie on that. I believe they have a fetish
"Poorly dressed, massive blokes with weird wigs."
We're all looking at you, jessica yaniv.
Not to mention the fact that Yaniv is a nonce.
El profe de Socials who tf is Natalie Wing
LMAOOO honestly
@@user-iq2iw6zc9s Unless you're staring at the face of every woman going to the bathroom: No you won't be able to tell. Also Rose's hair is not a wig.
@@user-iq2iw6zc9s Dude if you can see her face kilometers away you need to give me your eyes. That's an amazing superpower.
Jokes aside, you do respect her right? You're not gonna do an asshole move like "hey there's a trans here!" in a bathroom right? Call her whatever you want, but respect her privacy. Pronouns are such a small thing compared to respect and privacy.
As a trans woman, who transitioned in the 80''s, and one who would consider themselves as a conservative thinker, I am so glad to hear these sentiments expressed by Rose. It gives me so much hope for a common sense future. I note one striking point. I have never considered myself as Transgendered, but rather as Transexual, a term also used by Rose on a number of occasions throughout the interview. I too believe that the more radical transgender and gender fluid activists do us far more harm than good (if allowed to continue with their radical nonsense). It's so refreshing to see the younger conservative girls taking up the torch, and calling out this radical agenda for the irrational logic that it is. In summary I do not want to change society, I just want the opportunity to continue to be a productive and purposeful part of it.
That's the best way to put it! Transwomen don't want to change society, we want to change ourselves to better fit in society!
ha ha!
Ben Swine You don't make any sense.
dudes acting like woman doesn't make sense either.
Ben Swine Good thing there aren't any dudes acting like women.
This is the kind of representation I wish the trans community was known for. Thank you for showing that we're not all crazy Rose!
Rose is such an important voice! Beyond being extremely sweet and smart and just a pleasant individual. Just like Konstantin and Francis. And that's basically what it's all about, no? Pleasant people, having a talk, it's possible to bring up touchy subjects but nobody gets offended, everyone listens and it is a big win for EVERYONE. I love it. I love what KK and FF are doing and i really wish Rose would become a really important voice in this whole issue and people would listen to her instead of some lunatic, self righteous, entitled asshole.
Totally she’s alright as are most transgender women it’s the men pretending to be transgender to get to our girls like autogynophylls Jessica janiv that I worry about and I want transgender women to join with us born women to protect our children and any decent person would do this
I get the feeling that most people understand most trans people are not the screaming activist types that want to erase all sex differences and control others speech. Big hugs!
@Sebastian of current thing is valid that happened? really? wow. the audacity. which group?
I’m a transguy and I’ve followed Rose for a while, I love her! She speaks a lot of truth about what it’s like trying to dissent against the current direction of the trans ‘community.’ How you gonna call an actual transsexual ‘transphobic?’
Do you call yourself a transsexual? What do you think differentiates your transness from a “trender”? My girlfriend came out as non-binary and broke up with me when I started questioning the extremism. I felt a lot of love for trans people before, but now the movement has really hurt me as a lesbian - being told I have to have sex with a trans woman. Even rose of Dawn made a video teaching lesbians how to like dick. I am looking for true trans. I’m looking for the humanity I have seen in trans people. The positive side, not this fanaticism. That’s why I ask.
@@heyborttheeditor1608 I'm a trans woman, and I just call myself a trans woman. Trans trenders have no gender dysphoria at all. Just like the straight women who claim to be bisexual or lesbian just to be popular but have no actual attraction to the same gender.
@@heyborttheeditor1608 as a trans person myself im telling you YOU DO NOT HAVE TO and please don't let anyone force you too. If they call you names that says more about them than you.
@@heyborttheeditor1608 Hey, a lot of people do it because it feels good to be a victimized minority in this day and age, and it feels powerful to shame others instantly who disagree with you. I'm a gay dude and I recognize what's happening. I'm sorry your girlfriend fell for it, but you're not insane and lots of us agree.
Because some trans people think there’s the “right kind of trans” and the “wrong kind of trans.” They’re transphobic against the people they think are the wrong kind.
As a “gender critical” butch lesbian who WAS an unquestioning trans ally until a few years ago....(who then hit PEAKTRANS)....can I say how bloody brilliant it is to hear from one of the “sane” and astute
Voices of the trans community.
I really enjoyed this interview and there was a lot of “food for thought”. A reminder of why I was an ally in the first place, and a reminder of the trans community I used to know.
Sadly it also highlights how much damage current trans activists have done and ARE doing to the community. A community I barely recognise now.
I know there are more and more trans people speaking out, and I understand how difficult it is to do so in this current climate.
So it’s greatly appreciated to here from them when they do.
I’m a big fan of Posie Parker, l know she is hitting where it hurts sometimes, and l don’t agree with everything she says or does..but I get why she is going for the jugular. To be fair...she is saying facts and not “being nice”.
I’ve spent years being “nice” to trans people. Not because I saw them as men or women...but as humans, trying to do the best they can.
I don’t have one friend or family where we agree on “everything.” Yet we can still embrace and love each other and agree to disagree and live our own lives.
Rose of Dawn seems like someone I could sit down and have a bottle of wine with, a good ole chin wag and be besties by the end of the night.
This is what gets lots in all of this...the common ground that many of us have, despite our differing opinions.
Agreed, Joanne! The radical ones with deeper issues are making it hard for reasonable trans people - such a disservice and set back for all the alphabet!
It's really good to hear your perspective. There's plenty of common ground
Nicely put Joanne.
LindLTaylor X well sadly, that was part of my “peaktrans” journey. Seeing the abuse that friends were receiving on social media, and threats of violence. I didn’t really believe it at first. Then I was targeted and called all sorts, simply for saying my preference was same sex attraction.
I’m well out of the scene now. I’ve got my lesbian tribe that I’ve built up over the last 20years.
I can’t be ostracised or shamed into or out of anything.
I’ve spent 20 years muttering “bloody lesbians” under my breath. So it’s not like I see them through rose tinted glasses either.
(Like many a straight women might mutter “bloody men” after one heartbreak too many).
But I do know a lot of younger lesbians have struggled and got themselves into very uncomfortable situations re “trans lesbians”. They are desperately searching for a place to fit in and belong. It can be a bit of a journey to embrace who you are and what you like. I think Most people
Genuinely don’t want to be (or be seen to be) transphobic, but get confused between wanting to do the “right thing” and doing whats right for them.
For me, my lesbian life started long before social media. I can remove myself from it. I’ve had one heartbroken too many and I’m too busy being single and cursing “bloody lesbians”.
joanne Gower honestly. This is good stuff. If you ever decide to post content on your channel I would subscribe based on what I’ve seen here alone. Kudos.
See the young lady in this interview I have no problem referring to her in whatever way she wants. Because she is thoughtful and considerate and tries her best to ground an unusual circumstance in reality.
Okwaho the she is a he. Get real. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
Barndog but that’s what started this, changing language to ‘be nice’ has meant the word woman has changed in its meaning. We have rapists described as women in media reports. The police record crime based on self ID. We have to be clear with words used to describe us. Rose is a man. I’m not going to call them a woman of any kind just to ‘be nice’. I don’t call priests ‘father’ either. When you tell people they’re being arseholes because they won’t adopt the beliefs of others, you aren’t the reasonable one. Quite the opposite.
Barndog correctly sexing a person, as humans do every day using pronouns, is not at all comparable to walking up to someone and declaring they’re fat. We don’t address people based on their weight and never have, most of the time it’s irrelevant. The comparison is completely nonsensical.
Again, using the correct pronouns is not rude. To suggest it is, makes you foolish.
By doing so, we have opened the door to men who rape being referred to and recorded as women, to men being placed in women’s prisons and all the rest of it. It changes a conversation and a persons understanding of a situation completely if you change pronouns:
ie She walked into the women’s changing rooms after a young girl
is different from
He walked into the women’s changing rooms after a young girl.
It changes everything. And everyone knows it.
Barndog I mean, the cervical cancer charity don’t even use the word woman anymore. Ask yourself. Jfc
Barndog I’m going to keep saying it. It’s not rude to correctly sex people. It’s rude and misogynistic to expect women to pretend a man is also a woman, whether through pronouns or acceptance into our bathrooms. It’s all wrong. It’s all misogynistic. It’s all stupid and dumb. As are you for continuing to insist normal behaviour and conversations are now ‘rude’.
The bathroom issue is real. I live in a small town and in my small town is Jake. Jake is trans and looks, speaks, and is a man in every sense except he wears makeup and says he is trans. Jake demands he use the womans restroom at work and he was allowed. He would be aggressive and make people uncomfortable. He is always TRYING to get people to do something offensive so he can sue the businesses he works at. So far he gas had 3 jobs in town and has tried to sue all 3 places for claims that turned out to be false... Everyone has to tip toe around this person and its crazy. These people are whats making this an issue not the typical actual trans people.
Time to stop hiring jake
@@Robespierre-lI dont mean he gets to sue others over his problems
@@JoeCnNd Right. He may have personal problems, but he's being manipulative and playing the trans card to get his aggression out.
Would you like me to use my transman card and fuck him up? I'm just reading about it and I'm pissed.
Candi Corpse Tv .... Yup, it’s the attention seekers and victim junkies. That type of person has some kind of mental health issues imho ... why should the world have to tip toe around them??? The situations of which you speak should be when we should be able to say.... don’t be ridiculous and NO, we’re not going to be bullied by you. This is an abuse of the protective laws and should be stamped out...but there will always be those that try it on!
I am so fucking happy to see Rose in one of my favourite interview channels
Hello Friend
I don't want to be anti-trans or anti anyone but the lunatic stuff that is being pumped out by some... I was so happy to find Rose (and others) who are trans-sensible.
@@charlytaylor1748 i don't see you as anti trans or anything, i agree with you
She is the trans activist I want to represent me,,real talk,,and I loved it when she said " I just want to be me" ,,,of all the t girls on the net,,she is the voice of reason and sanity
@@charlytaylor1748 we wish everyone had your opinion,but sadly we live in a world of bigotry and hatred for anything different from the status quo,,,,if you like Rose,,check out Blaire White,or Maya Henry,and there are many others real trans ppl on the net,,you just gotta look out for the attention whores that are screwing things up for the ppl that were actually born trans
Holy crap Rose, all this logic and common sense is killing me!
Love your work, keep it up!
Yeah, women can't have beards. So much logic.
Tobias Enstrom buuuuuuurn!
Thanks mate, made my morning!
@@TobaisEnstromDJ Oof. You guys are why she chose not to be one anymore.
Delai Lama women can have beards, facial hair is caused by high testosterone and some genetics
This transwoman, and so many like her out there, will finally bring us together. Thank God for you, Rose.
I'm happy to self-identify as a Rose subscriber. She's brave, admirable, and always worth listening to.
I never miss watching her videos, I think she's amazing, too.
@Alexandria Alexa I don't get the correcting pronouns thing, even if you tell me what pronouns should I use I'll still female pronouns
@Alexandria Alexa I don't care if by me referring to rose by female pronouns hurst your feelings, this is why I can't stand feminism.
@Alexandria Alexa and you can't force to use the pronouns you want
I love that she has common sense. It's so refreshing.
@@ellencampbell3921 ....whatever.
@@ellencampbell3921... isn't it weird that he looks more female than you?
lori mcfarland
Exactly my point.
Without the female external clothing, you would say the opposite.
Define looking female.
A dress and boobs?
Add a bad haircut .
Good interview. Common Sense prevails and that is refreshing.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the "good" of its victims may be the most oppressive.
It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies .
The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated;
but those who torment us for our own "good"...
will torment us without end
for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” - CS Lewis
Tories = Robber Barons
Fanatics = Moral Supremacists
Moral supremacists are extremely emotionally manipulative & believe that they represent and/or follow what they delude people to believe to be
" the effulgent source of moral goodness ".
This gives the moral supremacists, of religious or atheist ideologies, the psychological power to kill, control, assimilate, regulate and farm their fellow human beings without being held back by their consciences.
This is because all opposition is called "evil" and must be "silenced/destroyed". This makes moral supremacists be extremely dangerous.
I love Rose and Blair. They are both trans, but not deluded.
Both fake, aka men. And Blair is 100% more fake (and I mean in pretending that he "unlike other" "transgenders" is an actual woman, which is what he keeps saying).
@@arktana Uh, no... They both fully acknowledge that they are TRANSwomen, not biological women. That's what I mean by the not deluded part.
@@snowps1I didnt say anything about them saying the word "biological", but they still claim they are women. AND THEY ARE NOT.
@GuiltyUntillProvenSober Exactly. And lets not forget this "femininity" was acquired at plastic surgeons offices and with the help of fake hormones.
arktana They're trans woman.
If there was more sensible trans like this the trans community would be looked on in a more positive light.
well tbh the way things are going, the REAL trans people are making distance and going back to tranSEXUAL to highlight the fact theyre for real and want to blend in, which has the posers in an uproar crying how "you dont need dysphoria to be trans.... transmedicalists and "truscum" are evil waaaaaaa"
Blaire White is pretty reasonable too.
If "trans" people were sensible at all, they'd seek mental health therapy for a cure and NOT elective cosmetic surgery to pretend for the sake of their warped "feelings," so....🤷🏽♂️
@@fascisttubeisshadowbanning6615 if you think that mental health therapy and a 'cure' is the answer then you're wrong about what mental health therapy is about and the science behind therapy, and you're wrong in thinking that there IS a 'cure' and that anyone needs a cure from being themselves.
We are out here ;)
If all transgenders were as rational as she is, I wouldn't have a single problem with it. Unfortunately, there are bearded guys in dresses; and I do have problems with sharing a bathroom or locker-room with those!
@@fascisttubeisshadowbanning6615 are you here to be a massive dick and nothing else?
Francine L, just a hint, but....some consider a person cutting off their dick because of "feelings" to be irrational at best and insane as does the ICD.😉
How come extreme elective cosmetic surgery is "okay" but even the suggestion of mental health therapy is somehow "hate" to you and the anomalous mental defectives? 🤔
Definitely going to go ballistic if a bearded man in a dress comes into the bathroom when I'm there. Il end up arrested for sure. Actually I don't really care, I think more people need to protest this bullshit with the autoerotica perverse male trans types.
@andi.rebecca Not in my country; he wouldn't be allowed. But during summer 2018, I went to Toronto to meet my boyfriend's family for the 1st time, and yeah: a guy entered the bathroom, and I didnt notice he was in a long dress because of his coat (he wasn't bearded though - but he was evidently a guy; no effort whatsoever to pass like a woman apart from his dress) - I thought that was a simple mistake, and told him that was the ladies bathroom. I was hoping to hear: "oh... sorry! Tks! I thought it was the guy's bathroom" before he left. But instead he took off his coat, and very, very arrogantly answered that he knew it was the ladies before he moved next to me in the long sink. I was done washing my hands after peeing, so I left and didn't answer him. It was unconfortable. And it was wrong. Period.
@300bpm do you understand the concept of 'mutually exclusive'? Did you understood my last post? Go and re-read it, please
I'll always be a fan of articulate, intelligent, and sensible people. Rose has my utmost respect for simply speaking the cold hard truth in a truly weird era where the truth is often shunned.
I appreciate someone who can make me THINK about why I disagree with something by presenting a well-articulated, intelligent argument devoid of emotional blackmail and groupthink slogans. In an age where people only ask questions with the goal of hearing their own opinions coming out of others' mouths, it's refreshing to hear the arguments presented on this channel. I may not agree with everything, but my admiration and respect for the person putting forth a fine discussion in addition to the hosts for providing a forum for rational discussion is certainly there.
My opinions lie somewhere in the middle of Posie Parker and Rose. What I like about them both is that they defend everyone's freedom of speech and the interest of others not just their own.
Great interview. Unfortunately, the far left has hijacked the trans movement like they have with racial justice and other identity politics, so as to use them for their authoritarian Marxism designed to destroy democracy and to divide people. It is stunning how blind the general public on is on these issues thanks to the educational system, the MSM and big tech, which have all contributed immeasurable damage by censoring rational trans activists like Rose.
Yep. And wherever our opinions lie, I hope we can ALL hold onto and protect the freedoms of speech that allow us to express those opinions. Otherwise, our stated opinions will end up as crimes, and soon after that, so will our ideas and our thoughts. (I think Orwell did a smart job of predicting this...) So anything/anyone who looks to be undermining free speech has always gotten my attention. What troubles me the most now is how much MORE of this I'm seeing today than 20, 30 years ago. (I'm speaking here of the U.S. and Western Europe--I DO understand repression, tyranny and the cutting out of tongues in global history.)
CJ .... couldn’t agree me! Absolutely !
Me too!!
@@dereksbooks Well said
Every person on Triggernometry is smart and articulate. Every episode is fascinating. You have a knack for asking the right people the right questions.
You're quite correct on that, they do.
Rosa is well-balanced, nuanced and intellectually honest - and she's got sound values and principles. Thanks for having her on.
Completely agree.
The guy who encourages children to use DIY hormone therapy on twitch and who got arrested recently. Sure... They're totally sane.
I can't believe that TH-cam took down the interview with Rosie Parker...ther was no hate speach...I did not know that woman, I live in Canada, but I did'nt feel that she incited hate towrd trans people...she has strong opinions about it and that is not a crime...FREE SPEECH!!
As a Transsexual myself I agree with your point. I think the people who are trying to silence Posie are what are known as the ' gender radicals ' and they are the ones who claim to be triggered by ANYONE who doesn't agree with them. Mostly their the ones who identify as non-binary ect. I'm also from Canada and I believe in freedom of speech and opinion. TH-cam is only censoring Posie because they know they'll get backlash from the community at large.
Absolutely. She should totally be allowed to show us what a nasty unsympathetic unkind person she is. i think its very clear she has no good feelings towards transwomen and that should not be a crime. We should be able to say what we feel. How would I know that Posie is a terrible bitch if she was not allowed to show us? Apart from anything, giving people the freedom to show us who they really are allows us to make informed choices like totally avoiding them as much as possible
@ I dont think anyone can buy womanhood. But to act like the mountain of evidence saying transwomen are more then just men acting like women is patently insane. There are dozens if not hundreds of studies suggesting something deeper is at play here. I think her refusal of the medical science is stuipid but within her right to say.
@@overshottyler I don't deny disphoria is real. I just think that for the most part of transgender males it's just AGP and other sexual fetishes.
@@LusciousTwinkle your reply is a fantastic argument for free speech
"Record levels of transphobia" - that's just because they moved (and continue to move) the goalposts.
tomroberts101 also because it wasn’t even in the public consciousness until a few years ago. Most people knew the phenomenon existed, but now it’s constantly being shoved down our throats.
It really isnt...Unlike like some "victim" groups I could mention, hate against transpeople is all too real. people like Parker fan this hate. There have been transpeople for over half a century.. The hate now is worse than ever...I believe the extremists have caused this. Not your normal everyday tranners like Rose. But all the time people are swayed by Parker and dont look at this objectively, it will only get worse.
@@LusciousTwinkle No it's not. Me and mine can walk down the road without fear of getting attacked these days , cannot say that about the late 80s and early 90s.
It is worse than 10 years ago but it's not because of people like Parker , she is merely a reaction to the activists that went too far and pushed for special treatment rather than acceptance. Also when they started to bring kids into it peoples ears pricked up and took more notice of what was being pushed.
@@NorfolkTears Just because you dont get attacked (which is great to hear BTW ) doesnt mean there isnt still alot of bad feeling. Parker doesnt differentiate between the extremists and people like yourself. This is what I take exception to. She makes it harder to have sensible conversations because she is so generalising in her hatred....
I know that a lot of trans people just want to keep their head down and live out of the spotlight so I want to say thank you for sticking your neck out to make this video. I think there are plenty of very sane and reasonable trans-people who are being given a very bad reputation by extremists who are trying to carry the mantle for something that doesn't really concern them. Well done.
What would you define as an extremist? Am I one? I believe that trans people should be able to use the toilet that matches their new gender, that trans women should be able to access women’s rape/DV shelters if they’re assaulted, and that people shouldn’t use trans people’s birth gender pronouns.
@@rowedtrippa6219 I would certainly not consider that an extremist! I agree with you.
My impression knowing & meeting many trans people is that the majority ARE activists/extremists. Rose is definitely not, and in my experience rare -- moreso entirely correct in nearly everything she said. She knows she's a minuscule part of society so she's changed herself to conform to society's healthy norms (around safety & identity), which helps society accept her new identity. This benefits everyone without harming anyone. Most trans don't do that -- they expect society to cater to all requests (even unsafe & extreme ones) simply because they claim to be "oppressed". Rose gave examples. She disagrees with extremist trans.
Simple question: if someone claims to be god & demands to be treated as royalty & the pronoun "Lord"... should we comply?
(remember, they define "royal treatment" -- which you & society can't object to -- so they get anything they demand)
@@rowedtrippa6219 Rose discussed your examples, but maybe you didn't see the video -- otherwise you'd know she objected to your examples. She clearly said each scenario can be extremist or not -- *it depends* on a trans person's behavior, expectations, & incongruence to societal goals for *_everyone's_* safety. Your examples hide specifics of the trans person (eg, for trans women with a beard & pen!s?), so they don't automatically get extra rights demanded. No.
@@rowedtrippa6219I don't know if you're an extremist but you do evidence the fact that you don't respect women.
We live in a society where the boy from "The Emperor's new clothes" would be sent to a reeducation camp for stating the obvious.
Id actually read that book
@Blake839 Where in Europe are you seeing this happening lol? My country just banned discussing trans people in colleges and hasn't legalised gay marriage.
@@ancalyme Good thing they haven't legalized gay marriage.
👍well said
@@elsagrakin2570 why?
So pleased you had a full show with her. She’s brilliantly sensible and charming and honest.
why is this the most agreeable person I've ever seen on the internet?! More power to you.
Transtyranny &Transtyrants are the problem.Rose of Dawn does a balanced analysis of trans current affairs and is definately worth listening to.
They're all problems, fucking weirdos. We used to have laws against miscreant behavior. Shame
@@SadisticStang Those laws were unjust. People with a serious illness should be helped in an adequate way. Gender-mutilating surgery and HRT are not the right way, nor is locking them up in a cell.
@@stonytina01will-not-be-ban78 What information are you holding that the psychiatric community is not? Do tell
SadisticStang Not all trans people are problematic.
stonytina01 will-not-be-banned Trans people get the adequate help that they need.
A breath of fresh air and total respect to her. Such common-sense.
Life is full of choices, and we all need to accept that each choice has its cost or consequence and sometimes to achieve one aim means that doing so will need to sacrifice something else, I have lived as a women for 15 years and no even realises and I am happy that way but I accept that I am not a biological female I don’t like this forcing of children into trans and if someone doesn’t want to sleep with a trans person then that is there choice not hate.
Ru22eLL I speak out as much as I can however most Trans don’t want to put there head above the parapet because then everyone they know would know they were trans when most want to live as the gender they prefer without wandering how they are thought of for being trans. For me this is one of the defining things about it if you really want to live as a woman why would you make so much noise about how you were a man? It just points out you are not genetically female to everyone and may ruin the chance of a normal (as possible) life. Those making all the noise are in it for some kind of power grab imho.
@Ru22eLL They are trying and they get the same abuse we do. Probably more.
@Ru22eLL I do hear what you're saying. Some feminists are fighting this really hard too. I think they're outnumbered. Because I agree with Rose that what we're really seeing here is the rise of a new alt-left movement, which is basically pretending to be the sole voice of black people and women and gay people and trans people, and using that to gain power. Because it's really easy to gain power if you present yourself as powerless. We all need to be fighting that, I think.
Abigail Slade honestly women like you are beacon of sanity🙌🏻. I'd also that no one needs to openly state to the society what's their orientation or they were born f/m. Some people want to keep their privacy
Nice to have a more relaxed interview with the banter and everything this week. Rose is one of the reasonable voices in her community, it's good to her getting more exposure.
finally! i thought i was literally the ONLY trans person with conservative views...
No, unfortunately.
I wouldn't even these "conservative" views, rather just reasonable, well thought out views...
they are not conservative views
It’s not conservative it’s just reasonable lol
I’m a leftie and I agree with Rose. The TRA doctrine is actually pushed by mostly rich white conservative men.
She is competing with Blair White for my favourite trans person.
....Not a lot of competition, is there?
At least Blaire white is genuine. All rose does is regurgitate TERF talking points from twitter.
@@drusilladraconis4535 Maybe it's not that simple and we should stop grouping people into bad guys and good guys. Maybe both sides have sane people with good points and also have complete assholes.
Drusilla Draconis
Blake is another fraud.
A dude who spends all his time and money trying to look like something he will never be.
I feel so bad for his family .
Ellen Campbell woah, buddy, leave her be. go spread your hate somewhere else. you’re welcome to express your opinion and back it up with some facts/logic, but there’s no need for hate.
'As is blantantly obvious, I'm a transexual woman' . Actually, it's not that obvious to me. I certainly wouldn't have noticed it right away.
Long hair, dress and make up.....Should've gone to Specsavers.
I've seen more masculine natural born women. Seriously. I couldn't have called her out in public. And I have zero issue with addressing Rose as she at all.
was about to say the same
Kenny De Metter Definitely isn’t obvious to me, I know biological women who look way more masculine than her.
I hear and see a male with long hair. Lol
Change my mind.
She is incredible and brave to say that transgender women are not women biologically.
its so sad that we came to an age when she needs to be brave to say something factual by biology
@@shahaful66 It's the current 'buzz' phrase.... when talking about a Teenage 'Trans, then the common phrase is 'stunning and brave' in order to put your full weight behind their confusion... using the word 'brave' infers that there will be nasty bullying bastards around every corner.
@@shahaful66 Yeah it's all bullshit
Because they aren't, they are men with mutilated body parts. And we women aren't looking forward to a future which we are going to share public restrooms or change rooms with them.
Diana Mathew
Well said! Thank you.
No intimidated woman or young teen would tell a man they’re intimidated.
Yes Look at the biceps on Rose.
@@stacyharrington504 OK man
Stacy Harrington not quite old enough to be a boomer, but have no debt and a lovely I qualify? 🤣🤣🤣
That's right.
Thank you for all your work in bringing these important conversations to the forefront, Posie Parker! You are fantastic and appreciated. I live in Vancouver, the land where the rape crisis centre funding was pulled and unfortunately, the home of the predator J Yaniv. God help us all.
Rose of Dawn, represents the voice of reason and in my opinion should be a leading voice on this subject in the house of lords.
Yes, girl, I’m 100% with you in that most activists don’t represent us. Love your videos, by the way!
I really like the term 'oppression points' - it's endemic in many first world communities and is very damaging to those who are actually experiencing very real oppression.
She's an interesting person, very intelligent, refreshing to listen to. I wouldn't care if she or any other trans woman came into the ladies room when I was there. I doubt I'd notice. It's the political obsession and harping on day in and day out about it....honestly, I'm sick of hearing about it. I know that sounds mean, but even white heterosexual people can have bad stuff happen and we are NOT all "privileged" and we don't hate trans people, and we don't hate gays...and so one.we're just out here doing the best we can to survive.
Please do an interview with Blaire White. She's very much like Rose of Dawn and is a brilliant activist for trans issues and very critical of a lot of wokeness we see today.
@@lukewheeldon8025 they’ve been doing video interviews. I’d love for them to have her. She’s one of the first trans people I found who spoke out on this stuff. Love her
@@BM-fz9yc Blaire White and Rose Dawn are cool, agreed.
Thank you for interviewing a sane and intelligent transwoman. It's exhausting to almost always only hear from the "others" who make no sense and give the trans community a bad reputation.
She seems like a very nice and reasonable lady. Now I think I understand what it's really like to be 'trans'.
“[P]ansexuality [...] is like bisexuality but you would also sleep with people, who identify as chairs.” - Rose of Dawn
I love this. Until now I would have defined pansexuality as bisexuality + attitude.
And non-binary is where you identify as being of more interest to others than you actually are
Rose of Dawn is a breath of fresh air when it comes to the trans debate. I'd respect her pronouns any day.
Rose is a man.
Look at his shoulders lol.
@@unolakoko3474 Yeah I know that she is biologically male.
So does she.
So does everyone.
She doesn't deny that. But she transitioned to live as a woman to alleviate her gender dysphoria. Being an asshole to mock her doesn't actually accomplish anything and seeing how she is actually a pretty intellectually honest person, her wishes are worth respecting in my eyes.
@@92tube88 who is saying rose isn't male? literally no one. that's not the point
Uno LaKoko Rose is a woman.
Rose of Dawn and Posie Parker should have a conversation. I'd definitely watch that. I bet they'd find a lot of common ground.
Posie has actually said she likes Rose even though they don't agree on everything.
Except that if Rose dared to use the proper bathroom, Posie would set it on fire and start screeching, “Pervert!!!!”
@@rowedtrippa6219 more power to her
@@EradaAdel To Posie?
@@rowedtrippa6219 I'm guessing you haven't listened properly to Posie's arguments.
Am trying to educate myself on this issue and I’m so grateful for this video. I don’t know any trans people but I want to understand it as I am a woman. Thank you so much for this video and I have to say that the whole conversation did so much for my understanding and it was so heartfelt, clear and open. This video and the video with Posie Parker were exceptional interviews. I feel that both interviewees were very articulate and open and mature about their views. Thanks again, please keep up the good work.
As a moon, I find this highly offensive.
What's a moon. Urban dictionary. moon
1. The act of bending over, pulling down one's pants and showing an innocent person one's ass.
2. A person who *is* an ass. When in situations where the word a$$ is verboten (eating dinner with older relatives, giving a speech in English class at school, or talking on radio or tv), the word "moon" is an acceptable substitute for "ass".
"OMG, that hottie just mooned us! I'm so stoked"
Oh Alf, you cat connoisseur you...
Jacked ALF well at least we only have to listen to you 12 hours a day.
Hello Keith, love your drumming.
Celestial discrimination is disgusting.
I love Rose of Dawn. She is so thoughtful and well spoken. Thanks for having her on your show.
This interview is so insightful, grounded and has common sense arguments! I'm so glad that the trans-community has someone like rose (and others) to be a guiding voice of reason.
This is the smartest trans-woman I've ever seen. Let's be friends!! 😍😍
You look hot!!!
@@craigg5410 thanks. Nice chest hair 😘
@@tosheatower same to you 😘😘😘
Craig G take it to grindr
@@sarahb4104 I would but everyone in my vicinity looks like they have genetic abnormalities.
What a wonderful, informative video. Thanks so much for finally interviewing Rose. I adore her & admire her so much for articulating how important free speech is, ESPECIALLY for minorities within minorities, like the trans community. I learn so much from Triggernometry, Rose of Dawn, Sargon, Dankula, & of course, Blaire White. God bless all you folks, though I know most of you are athiests. :P May watch this twice, just to let all the info sink in. :)
Trans people are Trans people. Women are Women and Men are Men. You can miss me with this woke nonsense
Trans women are women ,trans men are men .
@@laganjaestranja2202 lmao you guys need to stop this idiocy. It's just a matter of definition and absolutely nothing else. From a biological standpoint a trans moman is a man. From a societal perspective a trans woman is a woman. And it needs to be assessed independently regarding each aspect of life unless we wanna be stupid. It is a useless discussion over a word, it doesn't change the reality of anything
yes, but no, but yes. What's difference between trans woman and woman if she's let's say your coworker? There's no difference. But if you are her doctor, then it's VERY important difference.
@@BigChiken44 exactly, details need to be looked at instead of fighting over which word we use to classify someone. In medicine the biological sex is important, same maybe for contact sports. Societally tho, I don't see the problem with calling a trans woman ma'am, unless we wanna be intentionally rude
@@abananainspace ok i agree what you said now . The problem is when people societally refer to them as men .Obviously if they are at the doctors they would say they are trans or biologically male or female
I actually feel sorry for Rose and Blaire regarding current society and truly respect them both immensely! They both put a great amount of effort into passing for the women they’ve both worked hard to become and if we’re being honest neither one would have any trouble in female spaces. I believe it does a great disservice to these women and others like them, because the crazies are peddling such nonsense that the everyday person just cannot make sense of. Much love to them!
Except that they are men.
Both are men.
They both look and sound like men.
Funnily enough they and other trans people who accept that their issue is rare and has no ideal solution, don't also seem to be the ones who try to force themselves into female-only sensitive issues and spaces.
Can't stand the aggressive, controlling fetishist males who demand to be let into female only spaces and try to shut down anyone who doesn't see their preferred gender.
I don't think that most reasonable people would have issues with trans folks if they weren't forced to be extremely politically correct towards anyone who decides they are trans, no matter how outrageously that person behaves.
I don't have issues with much anyone who behaves themselves.
Finn Lambouris
“If we’re being honest”
What do you mean if? LMFAO. Are you not usually honest ?
As a man who takes lots of synthetic hormones and has prosthetic breasts Blair tends to overdue the act.
I guess it is easier for older women to see through the costumes. I am 60, watching people a long time.
I saw my first man trying to imitate women in Spain in 1980.
He was a nine.
Blair is a nine.
Rose... 6?
The Emperors New Clothes.
Same idea.
Mental illness is not funny.
The kids are sick of the bs
These are men.
Rose always has a well balanced argument and on point 👏🏾
I admire her bravery!
I agree but that's not bravery. Its just a proper way of acting and should be mimicked.
6 plyrich definitely 🙏🏿
I think it is bravery to be honest, imagine how difficult it is figuring out you're trans and actually transitioning, and then coming out. Now imagine doing all this when your trans brothers and sister turn out to be unbearable utter idiots, suddenly your (in theory) closest group of people who can empathise and help you on your journey turn ther back on you and label you transphobic.
Pretty brave to carry on fighting the good fight in spite of that!
Cheers! a trans woman with common sense and guts, thank you!
Rose is all class. Love how smart and well spoken she is.
God Bless Rose and everything she stands for. And god bless you for having her on your channel and everything you do!
A man can become a trans-woman but he cannot become a woman.
Yes. A woman can never be a transwoman only a man can.
@@venicekyotofemininity in males
Great interview, - refreshingly sane.
Sane? Oh, the irony, LOL!
Really? This woman is a moron. Women can't have beards apparently...
@Grand Blue I'm saying they can have beards.
@Grand Blue So they can have beards. 0.5% is still 16,000 women in the UK. If I see a woman with a beard, I'm not going to ask her if she has a hormonal imbalance or if she is taking medicine and I'm not going to ask if she has some genetic disorder. I'm just going to think in my head "that woman has a beard".
@Grand Blue No, I think it's a man. Gender is what I see, nothing else. It's not biological, it's a social construct. If I see a man who looks exactly like a man, dresses like a man and has a full beard, that's a man. Why would I know or care about their DNA, any surgery they have had or whether they are taking any hormones?
If you think about it, The Knights Who Say Ni were well ahead of the curve when it came to words as violence.
If the transgender cause is to succeed it's going to be people like Rose of Dawn who will make it so, good luck to her
@Jamie Pritchard spot on Jamie, spot on
@Jamie PritchardIt’s the militant minority bringing about the change though. Decent trans people like Rose or Blaire are dismissed as “truscum”. They’ve long been canceled in the online trans community, where a lot of that stuff is pushed.
As a victim of sexual assault, I do not feel safe with men in women's bathrooms, even if they're in a dress.
Sorry, friend. This phaguette new world is cruel.
@@dahlia_canton Well, they do not "get it" because they do have a male muscle mass. They do not have to live with this fact of strength disadvantage as women do. And there is nothing wrong with it - just do not try to "fraternize" with women in spaces and areas reserved for women. And do not use our pronoun to blur the lines.
Sensorium who said anything about letting men in the women’s bathroom??
Just Saiyan piss off incel creep
Just Saiyan
The world doesn’t owe men a place in the women’s restroom then...🤷♀️
Such a delightful interview. Many thanks to all three of you :)
So refreshing, especially when she’s talking about the reactions from the public she’s experienced. They overwhelmingly don’t care!! And that suits her. She doesn’t want them to make a fuss.
Rose is great!
Beautiful, intelligent and well spoken.
She's one I am happy to welcome to the table.
"I don't like those raving insane degenerates, but this reasonable insane degenerate is fine."
Edward Strinden Rose isn't a degenerate.
Mikaveli She.
Mikaveli She.
LOVE Rose of Dawn 😍😍😍 so happy you interviewed her 🌹
Rose's reporting on the Jess Bradley scandal is brilliant. Look up her videos on this
You wouldn't think toilets are an issue if you hadn't had a woman's lived experience, the experience of knowing there's a threat from men and always having to be on guard and aware of your safety.
I agree with you. Most of the time trans women pass well enough that I would genuinely not know that they aren’t a biological woman. However it’s concerning that a very masculine presenting self identified trans woman can demand access to the female only space.
Rose of are a breath of fresh air! I so appreciate you!
Wow, what an inspirational and well spoken woman. She is starting a conversation I wish everyone could hear.
I love that Rose is getting recognized! Getting credit for her brilliance 🙌🏼
I love rose of dawn she is fantastic and hopefully she gains a ton of new followers from this.. peace ✌🏼
Thank you for this interview with this beautiful woman, Rose. Abundant culture , education and intelligence has been shown. I learned a lot on this quite complex topic.
What an absolutely refreshing and rational interview. So thankful to have been able to listen to this.
As a woman I would have no problem meeting this woman in a women bathroom or changing room. And tbh I probably wouldn't even notice she was a trans woman. What makes me feel unsafe is the thought of meeting a big hairy man who is identifying as a woman in the bathroom. As, someone who is presenting obviously as a man but calls themself a woman is either mentally unstable or has an ulterior motive. Both of which are terrifying when confronted with it out of the blue in a space reserved for women, as that man could easily overpower most women and there would be no other men around to help.
It's the radical left that has hijacked the LGBTQ community
A real disservice! It's like some miss being oppressed to feel distinctive. I blame Will & Grace.
@@fascisttubeisshadowbanning6615 shut up and eat yer alphabet soup
So true. They are creating hate.
I think the left would argue the gender activists have hijacked the left. Marx and Engels would be turning in their graves.
They are always manipulating minorities into being their unwitting proxies for their larger social reset agenda.
I seriously love this person. She is amazing!!! Thanks for hosting her interview!
This is what I have been saying all along!!!
I am really impressed with Rose of Dawn, as a person. I really like her outlook. Thank you for your commonsense. I really don't like how the trans movement is going, especially involving children, being educated to accept and become transgendered; and being mutilated for life after that. Thankyou for your very sane and balanced approach. If only the small number of valid cases of transgendered people where just allowed to get on with it, instead of what seems to be an agender to dominate; and to expand the movement within society.
In no country can children undergo SRS 😊
Stay positive and don't believe scary things~
Love Rose of Dawn, such an underrated You-tuber.
This is the best conversation on this topic I have EVER heard. I love that Rose has facts to back up her opinion....that you all can laugh and joke and yet be serious at the same time. Major respect to all three of you.
I'm an avid fan of Rose and think she is one of the few logical voices speaking on Trans issues. Disclosure I'm a gay man and I used to do female impersonation (in the mid 80's to early 2000's) (drag queen) who happens to be 5'5 and approx 125-130 lbs so I passed completely... hell I'm called ma'am on a daily basis when I'm dressed as a man... so when I was in Drag I could use the women's restroom for yrs and never had an issue EVER!! Now on the other hand I've had a few Drag friends who (bless their hearts) were great entertainers but couldn't pass as a woman to save their lives, when we went out together either I or another friend would stand guard at the door of the MEN'S restroom because she/he acknowledged that she didn't pass and chose to use the right thing. These people now a days have just plain and simply lost their blooming mind!!!
Love4AllHumans: Drag queens are entertainers are they not? So when in drag they're not out and about on the streets going about their daily business, they change into costume once in the theatre, I thought so anyway. As men therefore there would be no need for them to use women's toilets for they would be out and about as men? Danny Larue who you may have heard of, an Irish born British actor, female impersonator, very famous in the sixties, always made a point of saying that he was "a bloke in a frock", and blokes use men's toilets. End of story.
@@EVALLOYD Yes Drag Queens are entertainers but unfortunately not all venues had dressing rooms so there were many times I would have to get into my make-up and costume prior to arriving at the club. Sometimes there would be 6-8 performers in a show and we would all have to use a storage room to change costumes during the show. As to them going out in Drag during the day 99.9% did not so they wouldn't need to use the ladies room. There were times when we went out for food after a show While still in costume and most of us used the Men's room with someone standing outside. If someone did use the ladies room we would check to make sure there were no women in there by having a female go in and check, then we'd post someone outside the door. There was a reason some of us used the ladies room if still in costume, (like I said I could pass for a real woman) and had been assaulted several times using the men's restroom. Besides the places we went to eat at after a show were our regular hangouts so the staff knew us. But you are right we were "blokes in a frock" and did our best to always respect real women.
Rose is awesome! A voice of sanity in a world of madness.
I'm a trans woman and I totally agree with her.
Wow she is really smart, and wise.
I liked Rose - plenty of common sense. The 'trans community' shouldn't be any more high profile/influential than the caravan club i.e. It exists simply because Its members enjoy belonging to it.
Oh thank God a trans woman speaking sense. Thank you for speaking so much common sense about the subject. I'm trans but some of the extreme gender activist, I feel, are doing more damage in recognition of what being trans is all about and the non binary nonsense thrown into the melting pot is doing us no favours whatsoever. Thank you once again for your sentiments Rose.
Glad you had her on, I think she represents more of the trans community than one would think. Also everyone who is going on and on about her not being a woman, try being tolerant it's a thing we do in the english speaking western world. You don't have to agree but you also don't have to be a dick.
T. C. Airth why is saying he’s not a woman, ‘being a dick’? It’s a completely normal and truthful thing to say.
But she's not a Woman, she's a fantastic Transwoman! I would have no problem with Rose in the Ladies because she passes as a Woman and I wouldn't know she was a Transwoman.
@@carolinesmyth127 tbh if only trans had been kept as it originally was, people who intended to blend in and live out their lives like anyone else
it`s quite obvious that rose is a transwoman - almost any of them don`t pass.
@@cinnamon8884 There are plenty of masculine women out there. I bet if you didnt know about Rose, you wouldnt know...And how do you know almost none of them pass?. You may have seen hundreds who pass very well and you wouldnt have known.
I have incredible *RESPECT* for this human being, bravely and succinctly standing up to and separating themselves from the sheer insanity currently seeking to take over our society.
I love her, she's humble and honest and a real person.. I think being Real goes beyond Gender.
Love it Rose. It feels like a power play because it IS a power play.
Finally, some transanity online! Good to hear.
Re: about bathrooms. As long as they don't go inside the stall with me when I pee, I don't care what gender the person in the bathroom is. We just get to wash our hands side by side. It's not an issue. I think the bigger issues are matters like letting kids transition before they're old enough to make a decision, healthcare for detrans people, sports etc.
It’s about how the law is written. If it is ok with you, then go advocate for a third gender neutral bathroom and use those exclusively so trans people feel as though we are all using it. I would like a same sex bathroom period. Every time I see a trans woman in the bathroom I find it to be startling
Guys go into women's bathrooms and plant cameras and peek at us so IT is a problem.
Dear Rose, the more I listen to you and see you absolutely means I have to listen to your point of view and also respect it. I would still like to have a personal discussion with you about this and I love your position and respect your position
thank you very muchRose of Dawn. I love you for your statements. Blessings to you
I just love her! She's so knowledgeable!
So awesome to see someone with so much sense and clarity ❤️
Brilliant interview! Always love Rose!