The first lady who stepped up and asked some questions was awesome. She was honest and seemed very genuine. I pray that she finds way back to her faith and that she finds answers to a lot of her previously unanswered questions 🙏
Right. She generalized so many random things. Saying women die everyday in childbirth so God’s punishing women? Or “women have no chance of having a life worth living no matter what”? Like I’m disappointed in their choice of response
I think the idea that men don’t suffer as much as women is a problem. Do we suffer from the same ails? No. Do we all suffer in our positions in life? Yes. Are they equal in pain? We don’t know for sure but because I can’t speak to a man’s experience but I do know that God is just 🙏🏾
Us men don't want our women to suffer. That is why we want to provide and give women an easier life because its tough on yall already. The world has called what is good for men to do into us being controlling. We will gladly miss those first steps to provide for our families and we don't want you to miss them.
Just guessing here... Nor do men get the opportunity to know what it's like to carry another human inside of them, to nurture this baby to its birth. Nor do men get the same joy of holding that human in their arms right after birth. My two greatest joys in life were seeing my boys born and holding them, but I get the feeling women get to feel something "extra."
I love how Cliff is letting Stuart take a more prominent role. But he has my respect because he loves these kids so much that he keeps at it even in his advancing age. Surely when he walks into eternity God will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
I love listening to you and your dad. I learn some and am reinforced on some scripture. Thank you and thank you for being a positive resource for the colleges that you visit. I can see by the crowds that you have that there is sincere desire to learn of Jesus. Thank God for that, I do. God bless, Kev.
Many thanks to the students for their excellent questions and of course, many thanks to Stuart and Cliffe for their very illuminating answers. God bless you all 🙏
1 Timothy 2:11-12 (NIV): "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."
@aximute Have you ever been in divorce court? I have, and I can assure you the court didn't view my ex-wife as my property. But they certainly did view my property as hers, all hers. Even property I purchased before the marriage. Not one property did she put one cent towards but yet still ended up with all of them. The gynocentric divorce judge thought it fair to give her everything. So please, spare me the women as properly line. As a divorce man I don't want hear it.
i love how stuart is doing what his father started spreading God's message in a total dont know how beutiful it is to see you get to learn a lot will pray for you guys God bless you.
Did you read the bible or you just spit lies ? UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (UDHR) Article 1: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Article 2: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion." Now let's read the bible because apparently you didn't CORINTHIANS 14:34-35: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."
Id argue white men have the most privilege. In January we will have a white male as president who has committed many felonies and hurt many people. What does this teach young white boys? You can be a bad person, a rapist, and still get away with it and have a career? What does this tell us about society? That men are, and have always been on top and most privileged group of people since Adam.
youre very much wrong. you’re probably a white man commenting this, very funny because thats the group of individuals protected the most and the most privileged out of literally any other group. try being a woman for a day and youll see how incredibly ignorant and wrong this statement is.
@3:57 - and men disproportionately die in wars, are in jails, work horrible job conditions, etc etc etc. Just bc you see the pain of women more doesnt mean that the pain of men is less.
Society and the education system has indoctrinated her to believe the way she does. Reality doesn't line up with what you are taught or your personal experiences.
Even in jails or prisons theres still 1000x more hope than being in hell you can still repent and ask for deliverance and make it into heaven dont matter the crime god is soooo good
@@ZoeNicole-d5k I bet you don't have the same view if someone opposes abortion because the woman made the choice to open her legs? Because you know, as you said it was a choice remember?
*Yeah, Don’t expect every Preacher to have all the answers. There was only 12 disciples. God has to bless a person and open their heart to his word. Which is probly why a lot of people fall from the faith cause their minister in their sector doesn’t know the whole word of God.*
The argument that birth is a punishment is absurd. The gift of life is so special and tor women to have the opportunity to carry such a fundamental process of life is truely a gift and not a punishment. The pain only intensifies the gift of life that is brought. You cannot have light without dark
Love the content I been watching you for awhile. ❤ I have Learned a lot and still learning. I read my Bible every day. Love our lord Jesus Christ our savior 🫶🏻🫶🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤲🏻
God did not make sin, we chose it. We are not created to worship just as your children are not programmed to obey. It is choice. Heaven and Hell was not meant for us the Earth was. God does not send people to hell we choose rebellion because our hearts are sick from sin.
@thomasfuentes2038 sinning doesn't mean your serving Satan and doing good doesn't mean your serving God. It's the heart condition that determines your master. Your either a slave to one and hate the other. You are to hate sin and you are incapable of of escaping it. If you can escape sin then Jesus would have never needed to come and finish the work his father started.
Something people don't realize when they quote "Slaves, obey your masters" is that it's talking to Christians. Not the slaves that Christians might take. It's a letter written to a church where many, if not most of the congregates were slaves. Here's what it's really saying "Hey, if you want a good obedient slave, take a Christian. We are required to obey you as we obey Jesus."
Just remember when sharing the Gospel that it is not about what rules you follow and how God messed up when creating humans and sin. God did not make the Heavens and Earth and on the 7th day call it good with sin and death in it. We chose and continue to choose rebellion which comes from the heart. God is about changing your heart and not getting you to follow rules. Repentance comes from the heart and apologies come from the flesh. Apologies do not require you to stop and turn from your sin or to examine your heart as to why you sinned and how it effects others.
I think the young lady raised good questions, I believe that Christian aught to be able to answer questions, it is my own struggle with church. Instead of saying the Bible says, we should be able to give better answers. Very good video
But it is what the Bible says which is what God says. We are interpret the Bible with the Bible. My wife and I have two hours every night going through what the Bible says and it always comes back to the heart and 3 things you must do to be saved. Repent daily, believe daily, and be baptized daily. This world doesn't know scripture like it used to and repentance is the key. If you can't repent then you are in no way in need of a savior. Repentance is not saying I'm sorry. It is recognizing the heart issue, owning your actions, asking for forgiveness, paying back for the damage done, and turning from said sin. Apologizing does not do any of that.
I read somewhere in 1 John chapter 4 where it says that we all should not believe everyone to be of the faith false prophets are in the world and that they interpret scripture every day in their own understanding without the holy Spirit and I learned that we all need to test them in their faith every day to see what Spirit they have is anybody will say they are God but when they say they don't believe Jesus to be the Christ or God in the flesh is proof that they are nothing more but since by the Antichrist himself
@thomasfuentes2038 I was more speaking to those who proclaim the word of God yet it is only meant to tickle the ears. Without speaking to repentance out meetings do more harm than good.
Women in America weren't always talking from this position or perspective. I'm only 38 years old, but it almost feels really recent, this stirring of women's rights. Eh, I just don't understand where this is coming from. Women are more successful today than ever and it seems as though there's more dissatisfaction from women than ever. How and why??!?
It's the same lie the serpent used. Surely you are not good enough as you are. Women were good enough in their roles. Society lied to them and said being a mother is from the patriarchy. No, being a mother is from God and the greatest gift unto man.
@yomamas1559 I never said women didn't have rights or legitimate reasons to speak up. I simply put a spotlight on the recent objections from women who may also be successful women in the world today. I love women and also respect all women around the world. Personally, it just seems like there's been more dissatisfaction now than ever concerning women.
@yomamas1559 we have been listening to your voices complain and whine since WWII and all it has done is caused more and more problems. How about stop using your voice for your own selfish ambitions and use your voice to praise God and edify men. You are no longer oppressed, and your voice doesn't need to be "heard" about such nonsense.
@198Zofficial because of the lie. Surely God did not say... fill in the blanks of what is believed nowadays vs what God says. Women have been lied to they need to "let their voices be heard." Heard for what is the question. The simple answer: more. The complex answer: women as with every other human is their heart is sick towards God and always demanding more stuff, more "rights" which there can't be anymore, more equality to men, yet we will always be different. Lie after lie and complaining is regarded as sharing one's heart and feelings, yet the bible says our feelings lie to us and guard our hearts and don't trust our feelings.
@2:17, if you didn't make everything including the rules, who are you to say that's wrong? You can live your life however you want; with God or without, He will not go against your free will. Just like your parents, if you anger them you will have repercussions. @2:49, Stuart, women are equal to men in God's eyes, if they were equal in man's they would have been drafted for Vietnam and any future wars. They have the right to vote men into war but not have to participate in the horror.
When I was at church with my family at Sunday, around 4-5 Indians came to our church, nearly everyone in my church is white as snow. They sat next to me and my brother and one of them was vibing to the songs and looked like they were enjoying it. I hope God blesses them but they left early but I understand that day church was 4 hours. Cliffe and Stuart, how do I spread the gospel to my Muslim friends. I'm from the UK and I'm In year 7. My friend has been swearing less because I told him it was bad. And how do I defeat lust, the temptation from Satan is very annoying. How do I defeat this sin. God bless you have a wonderful Christmas ❤
Read James. Sin starts in the mind and when it reaches maturity gives birth to death. Lust starts as a temptation and you are not tempted without a way out. If your hand causes you to sin cut it off. If your phone causes you to sin put things in place that will deter your habits. God won't just take it from you. You have to make a choice on this day which master you will serve. There is no way other than God's way to be free from sin. What must I do to be saved? Repent and turn from your sins, believe in Christ and his sacrifice for your sins and rebellion, and be baptized in the word daily. Without those 3 things you will NOT be saved. Salvation does not happen by saying a prayer once and being splashed in water. Standing in a garage does not make you a car. White washed Jesus is merely believing and splashing in water once. This is NOT what Jesus taught. Hence why the path is narrow and few will follow.
The problem with Islam is that it says that Allah replaced Jesus on the cross with a sinner willing to die to enter heaven, it says that Allah tricked those who believed that it was Jesus however, if allah did that, how would allah not foresee the birth of Christianity? And why would Allah wait and let Constantine convert Rome to Christianity 300 years after, just to bring Mohamed 500 years later? The damage would be done if Allah was the true god, and it would be of his doing to not pull the weed out before it grew bigger than the main crop But what if it wasn’t the weed?✝️ And that’s why I don’t believe in Mohammed. If you do want them to convert, be gentle, don’t make them view you as an enemy to them, because that’s how talking TO eachother becomes talking AT eachother.
@RexGutierrez-p3p I agree with you I don't believe In Muhammed because Cliffe apparently said that he had sex habbits and why would I trust a person that flies plane into buildings God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas
Angels also have free will difference is they are in heaven and most choose to worship God out of love. Because there were some angels who choose not to worship God and were thrown out of heaven, so now God created this method of his human creation for us to either choose God and worship him or reject him as Lucifer did. And if we accept jesus christ we will have eternal life amen
I read a story the other day that a mom paid this doctor to rip her child into pieces and to kill her child. And i thought to myself, wow what did that child do to be treated like that?
Jesus is the truth. As for the different interpretations, when you're led by the Holy Spirit and not the flesh, you understand the Bible and will use the scripture wisely and fear God and because of the following scripture. No one should want to go to Hell especially for misusing God's word. Revelation 22:18-19 "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:" "and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life."
How do people fall in to the line of thinking that the first chick has? It’s so far from any reality I’ve ever known or even heard of until almost a decade after i left the university of Washington. I’m a very liberal leaning person, but this new wave of politically active college students is so estranged from anything I’ve ever known. It’s such an odd phenomenon. Were people who are ten years older than i am thinking the same thing about me and my age group? I can’t imagine they feel the same way, as It seems to me that we relate so much more than college kids of today relate to 30+ year olds.
why is that we get to be established in God's love but give him nothing in return. why is it that i just want his workings in my life and that's it? it's always a want chain, us treating our messiah like an atm machine!!!!! How do i grow in knowledge of you? how do i submerge in your being? less of me, less of my needs, less of my desires, less of everything rotating around me, instead more of you, more of your revelation, lets halt me, no more of my needs, emotional, physical, even spiritual needs! just you, you are the one that matters, let YOU matter than i do. How do I know YOU?
I don't know if it will be stated, but her argument became invalid when she said Adam was not with her. He was with her and he committed the 1st sin, not eve. And Eve gave the fruit to her husband who was with her. He did not stand against her or the serpent and committed the first sin of omission. When you know the right thing to do and do not do it you are in sin.
There could be worse things these young people could be doing. Beautiful to see. Cliffe's exactly right. Without god, there is no real value. Checkout these scriptures: “In pain will you bear children. Yet your desire shall be for your husband. And he shall rule over you” (Gen. 3:16). Genesis 9 ______________________________________________ Verse 25...“Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brethren.” 26And he said: “Blessed be the Lord, The God of Shem, And may Canaan be his servant. 27May God enlarge Japheth, And may he dwell in the tents of Shem; And may Canaan be his servant.”
Hello cliff, I was wondering something, so I was listening to a video where people were asked is the devil evil. And I was like yes cause why would the devil try and tempt Jesus Christ. And then I thought did the devil ever try to tempt Jesus after Jesus went on his fast for 40 days and 40 nights. Did the devil try to tempt Jesus after that cause I cannot recall any type of temptation afterwards
@ ah then you and other woman around you would know that there are clear disadvantages to any group of people. Very ignorant to subject a whole class of people because of your own opinions. Let’s not invalidate others life’s because you want to see like a “good one” to men.
@@yomamas1559 So if a woman doesn't believe she's disadvantage feminists like you will run to accuse her of being a man. Talk about being narrow minded. News flash to you feminists, not all women believe your feminist nonsense about being oppressed.
@yomamas1559 I see, so if a woman doesn't believe the feminist lies that means she want to be seen as a "good one" to men. It can't just be because she has a mind of her own? I'll turn it around on you. Men who agree with feminists, aren't they just looking to be seen as a "good one" to feminist women like you?
I have a question for both of you, Stuart and Cliff, it’s about god. So say you have a friend (she doesn’t see you as anything more than a friend) named Lisa and your name is Bob. She goes out to a bar one night, gets drunk, and when leaving the bar, Bob and Lisa end up running into each other, (not physically, just accidentally meeting each other) she starts to flirt with him while she is drunk, and starts to lean on him… eventually she asks him “Can you take me home~” and Bob tells her “Yes, I can” and he takes her to her home since he knows where she lives. He takes her home, and once in the driveway, he opens her door, picks her up, takes her inside and puts her in her bed, covered up. She says in a drunken voice “Don’t leave me” when he tries to leave and he tries to tell her he doesn’t want to stay, he eventually stays and gets in bed next to her, eventually going to bed with her. God says “So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. And the two shall become one flesh.” Does that mean they will become one as of husband and wife, or…?
@@TheKoolsmoker Incorrect, they are spiritually one flesh. If they slept together they are one flesh, they are biblically married, not legally. Though if she is drunk, that is not considered consent. The bible doesn't talk much about consent and being drunk, just once a man was raped in his sleep by his daughter's but it wasn't talked about in a light manner so no. She was raped by this man in the story, rape is a form of abuse and the bible talks about leaving your abuser or not needing to stay with them (slavery for example) she doesn't/isn't spiritually forced to be or "considered" to be with this man.
I’m so tired of hearing how terrible it is to be a women. As if all men are demons and we are just too frail to be strong in society… I’m a strong women who is not put upon by men but has all of the same opportunities in my home country of the United States. Ladies, stop pretending you’re so crushed and incapable of having children without trauma or achieving your career goals without the boogie man stealing from you. You are so much stronger than you are giving yourself credit for
Your encouragement for women to have careers is the exact lie feminism has done to rob this world of the true glory of what a woman is called to do. Each woman has a calling, but in general women are called to have children and train them up. This is the greatest gift and calling you can ever have. You are not raising children by sending them to school while you work your butt off for someone who will never appreciate you like your family will. Children in school are being raised by society and you can't undo the harm that science does to destroy the Christian foundations. You cannot serve two masters and this is what we expect of our children when sending them to public school.
Now don't go invaliding others feelings because of your conservative way of thinking. Many woman have been traumatized from birthing another human. My mother can't walk the same and is very shaken by the subject of birth, we don't talk about it around her. My friend has sued/pressed charges against her ex boss back in 2015 because he told her she'd lose her job if she didn't do his sexual favors. I remember a story came out a few years ago of a woman being paid less then her male coworker despite having worked longer hours then him and a higher postion. So yes, woman are undermined in the work force. The boogieman is real. Woman do give themselves credit, it's people like you who act as if its a issue to speak on these injustices.
@whtgif it doesn't. But adultery isn't just fornication, adultery's fundamental definition is unfaithfulness. This is made true in the ten commandments. You shall not have any gods before me. As well, it makes no sense to say do not covet your neighbors wife and you shall not commit adultery unless adultery is rid of the modern definition and restored to its proper meaning. Even God said you adultrous people you hearts are not with me. Read James for further clarification. If someone is abusive they are not with God and they are serving other idols and that is considered adultery. Webster is not a proper place to go when interpreting scripture. The Bible is a collection of books and should interpret itself. Man should not interpret with man's definitions. We will always do what is right in our own eyes.
1. Sorry when Jesus says it’s harder for a rich man to get into heaven than a camel to go into the eye of a needle. He meant litterslly a rich man will not get into heaven. But you have to remember CONTEXT prophesy said that Israel was soon to go through the tribulation where in order to be rich you would have had to take the mark of the beast.
Sam shamoul has a better way to explain the genesis and the punishment issue we don’t understand. Has anyone ever wondered how come Adam and Eve didn’t die immediately when God said you’ll die if you eat the forbidden fruit. Also if you noticed when God ask Adam first about eating the forbidden fruit and he blamed Eve and When God ask Eve next, she blames the serpent and he punished them punished them accordingly instead of having the instant death he mention from eating the forbidden fruit. And God gave Adam and Eve clothes made from skin of the animal, meaning an animal was sacrifice to give them clothes.
Idk about the first woman; she was asking good questions but kept going back to God or Christianity being the cause no matter how much Stuart answered. Hopefully she finds her way but the victim mentality is holding her back
John 3: 16-21 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life for this instant God sent his son into the world not to condemn the world but to save the world through him there is no judgment against anyone who believes in him he who will not be condemned but he who does not believe in the sun is already condemned because he did not believe in the only begotten son of God for God's light came into the world but people love the darkness more than light for their actions were evil all those who do what is evil I hate the light and refused to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed but those who do what is right come to the light look for they were clearly be seeing what they're doing what God wants
*Thats a question we would have to ask God, not just for women but females in general, animals as well. Why are females (human or animal) weaker than men/males? Thats a question No One can answer cause the scriptures don’t say. More than likely, Thats just the way things were made.*
??? Didn’t Jesus say that it is harder for a rich man to go through the gatesof heaven than for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle? (or something like that) Prosperity gospel church is obviously a scam, no doubt in that, but please don’t fall into composition fallacy. God bless you!
God is 3. God our Lord and creator, God the son who was sent to pay the price for our sins, and God the holy spirit which intercede between us and God the Father. You cannot stand in the presence or have communion with a holy God who hates sin without first being sinless which first comes from the price Jesus paid and the blood sacrifice that we arw washed in, and then receiving the holy sprint as the intercessor for communication. We are not meant to fully understand how this is all so, but have faith thay God said therfore it is.
The God rock paradox: if God is Omnipotent then he can create a rock he cannot lift But if God is Omnipotent then he can lift all rocks If God can lift it, he cannot create an unliftable rock and is therefore not omnipotent If God can’t lift it then he Cannot lift anything and is therefore not Omnipotent The solution? If God cannot defy logic (or bypass it beyond our comprehension) He isn’t Omnipotent So an Omnipotent God Can obviously be 3 in 1 All human and all God Both his son and his father Etc… What less would you expect from the one who can create a universe out of nothing? God bless you!
That poor woman so delusional like men don't go through things either insane like Madden go through tremendous hardship we've always just been on top of the world we've all been kings I don't understand this way of thinking
The woman makes a good point about the fact it's Eve who is the first one to be tempted by the serpent in the Genesis creation myth story, it kinda gives the impression she was prime cause for the fall of mankind, it's a story full of flaws though. I don't know of too many people here in the UK, who actually accept that myth as fact. I'm pretty sure it's not taught as fact in schools. We have much better answers as to how mankind came about. No serpents were involved.
Yes Eve did move 1st but Adam, being 'the head' did not have to follow hence punishment dealt to both. Man/husband is responsible to some degree to woman/wife.... Gods design.
According to Yahweh and his prophets humans have no value. In fact Yahweh said he was sorry he made mankind and decided to destroy then except for a 600 year old wino and his family along with some stressed out animals packed into a leaky boat.
Repent, believe and be baptized. This must happen everyday. Splashing in water once is not being baptized in the word. In order to be saved and have a heart that leans towards God you must hear the word then be a doer of the word. Without the word you will not be saved. Without repentance and admission of sin you do not need a savior. Without the word you cannot know what sin is, you will not know what is salvation is, and you will be forever lost doing what is right in your own eyes. Prayer in its foundation is a request to have the strength from God be given to you so that you can act. We pray so that we may have the strength to act. Read the Lords prayer and you will see this clearly.
What is the Bible verse that allows divorce on grounds of physical abuse? And i'm troubled about what he is saying that you don't need to have Jesus as your Lord to get to Heaven
All that says is that Men are offing men but they are also offing women because they are violent, yet a man has a far better chance of defending himself from another man though. I think we know who will win the fight between a man and a woman so don't be ridiculous.
shes correct, most men are murdered by men, most woman are murdered by men. The difference is when most woman are murdered by men, it's because they are a woman. men aren't murdered by other men because they are men.
Stuart is way off base when it comes to “women in the bible”. Not one of the disciples was a woman. Jesus may have had women “followers” but none of them (other than the mother of Jesus) ever carried any position of authority. The early Catholic Church saw to that. Even Mary Magdalene was later characterized by the church to be a “prostitute”. According to many (if not most) biblical historians (of an academic setting, not clergy or apologists) Jesus had no means of supporting himself and the same with his male disciples. They quit their jobs (trades) to follow Jesus. So based upon biblical & other ancient documents there were at least 2 or 3 Female followers who owned their own “businesses” , one being the owner of her own fishing business and (of course) the prostitute Mary Magdalene who it is believed financially supported Jesus & his cult. Here’s from “Bible study tools”; “ A group of women listed in Luke 8:1-3 (including Mary Magdalene) provided for Jesus’ ministry and needs “out of their private means.” The “truth” is… the Church then and now is ruled by a cohort of chauvinists. And much of what’s in the bible is just plain pig manure. Especially all the supernatural “miracles” the bible cites.
The first lady who stepped up and asked some questions was awesome. She was honest and seemed very genuine. I pray that she finds way back to her faith and that she finds answers to a lot of her previously unanswered questions 🙏
Praying with you!
I thought she was a typical brain washed feminist. Just more polite and watched her words.
Ehh not really, she came out with an analogy. Which then she weakened it by saying women's rights and other stuff
She's evil 😢
Right. She generalized so many random things. Saying women die everyday in childbirth so God’s punishing women? Or “women have no chance of having a life worth living no matter what”? Like I’m disappointed in their choice of response
I think the idea that men don’t suffer as much as women is a problem. Do we suffer from the same ails? No. Do we all suffer in our positions in life? Yes. Are they equal in pain? We don’t know for sure but because I can’t speak to a man’s experience but I do know that God is just 🙏🏾
Us men don't want our women to suffer. That is why we want to provide and give women an easier life because its tough on yall already. The world has called what is good for men to do into us being controlling. We will gladly miss those first steps to provide for our families and we don't want you to miss them.
@@TheKoolsmokerdon’t lump all men with yourself
@Maximum-g6y I'm not. Not all men are men and won't sacrifice for the bigger picture of their families. Work without complaint and serve your family.
@Maximum-g6y Also don't paint all men with a broad brush.
Just guessing here... Nor do men get the opportunity to know what it's like to carry another human inside of them, to nurture this baby to its birth. Nor do men get the same joy of holding that human in their arms right after birth. My two greatest joys in life were seeing my boys born and holding them, but I get the feeling women get to feel something "extra."
The 1st lady shows how to have and hold a proper respectful debate. God is definitely calling her back. 🙏
Words can’t describe how much I love and respect Stuart and Cliff. Such incredible heroes of the faith. I’m constantly blown away by these two men.
The Humility of Cliffe to introduce himself like he’s not a legend 🙏🏽
I love how Cliff is letting Stuart take a more prominent role. But he has my respect because he loves these kids so much that he keeps at it even in his advancing age. Surely when he walks into eternity God will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Amen 🙏🙌
I love listening to you and your dad. I learn some and am reinforced on some scripture. Thank you and thank you for being a positive resource for the colleges that you visit. I can see by the crowds that you have that there is sincere desire to learn of Jesus. Thank God for that, I do. God bless, Kev.
Many thanks to the students for their excellent questions and of course, many thanks to Stuart and Cliffe for their very illuminating answers. God bless you all 🙏
The Bible teaches the men and women are created equal in worth, but unique in roles. One is not better or worse in the eyes of God.
well said, I agree
1 Timothy 2:11-12 (NIV):
"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."
@@aximute never take one sentence and assume you understand the message
@@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 There is dozen verses stating women as property. Please go read the bible, don't let someone read it for you.
Have you ever been in divorce court? I have, and I can assure you the court didn't view my ex-wife as my property. But they certainly did view my property as hers, all hers. Even property I purchased before the marriage. Not one property did she put one cent towards but yet still ended up with all of them. The gynocentric divorce judge thought it fair to give her everything. So please, spare me the women as properly line. As a divorce man I don't want hear it.
Beautiful message ❤ I pray that everyone takes time today to stop and spend time with our Heavenly Father.
i love how stuart is doing what his father started spreading God's message in a total dont know how beutiful it is to see you get to learn a lot will pray for you guys God bless you.
Western women are the most privileged and protected class in human history.
Ironically, BECAUSE of Christianity
Did you read the bible or you just spit lies ? UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (UDHR)
Article 1: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."
Article 2: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion."
Now let's read the bible because apparently you didn't CORINTHIANS 14:34-35:
"Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."
id agree by law yes, but by people and social interaction id have to disagree
Id argue white men have the most privilege. In January we will have a white male as president who has committed many felonies and hurt many people. What does this teach young white boys? You can be a bad person, a rapist, and still get away with it and have a career? What does this tell us about society? That men are, and have always been on top and most privileged group of people since Adam.
youre very much wrong. you’re probably a white man commenting this, very funny because thats the group of individuals protected the most and the most privileged out of literally any other group. try being a woman for a day and youll see how incredibly ignorant and wrong this statement is.
Love how the holy spirit is moving. Videos like this show it and its great. Love these. Keep up the great works fellas
I hope to meet them one day!
Seek and you shall find... and Cliffe and Stuart handling this lady's vulnerability is a great Christian witness
Love the first women’s story
phenomenal stuart and Cliffe!!!!
That first exchange was wonderful. God Bless her.
@3:57 - and men disproportionately die in wars, are in jails, work horrible job conditions, etc etc etc. Just bc you see the pain of women more doesnt mean that the pain of men is less.
Society and the education system has indoctrinated her to believe the way she does. Reality doesn't line up with what you are taught or your personal experiences.
Being in jail is a choice
If someone’s in jail is because they did a crime now, I agree with the war part but the jail part that ain’t it
Even in jails or prisons theres still 1000x more hope than being in hell you can still repent and ask for deliverance and make it into heaven dont matter the crime god is soooo good
I bet you don't have the same view if someone opposes abortion because the woman made the choice to open her legs? Because you know, as you said it was a choice remember?
God Bless that women!
Every human being has value.
John 3:16 Luke 10:27 💕
Stuart never misses an opportunity to glorify his father, both Cliffe and God🙏🏽❤️🔥
Someone who is willing to ask questions for knowledge! Not validation, Awesome.
😎 ❤️🔥✝️🕊✨
Thank you so much
Great video ❤
I wish to see you one day and listen to your preaches cliff
yes great episode!
This is an instant Cliffe classic. This feels like the type of Cliffe video that would get up to 600k views. Bravo
*Yeah, Don’t expect every Preacher to have all the answers. There was only 12 disciples. God has to bless a person and open their heart to his word. Which is probly why a lot of people fall from the faith cause their minister in their sector doesn’t know the whole word of God.*
First :)
Love your guys' content so much
The argument that birth is a punishment is absurd. The gift of life is so special and tor women to have the opportunity to carry such a fundamental process of life is truely a gift and not a punishment. The pain only intensifies the gift of life that is brought. You cannot have light without dark
Birth is not punishment but God increasing birth pains is definitely a consequence of our first parents sinning against Him
"you can't have light without dark"
Untrue. You can't have darkness without light. Childbirth pains weren't necessary for childbirth to be a thing
@georgianitsios7940 birth is not the pain is.
Birth isn't, pain is.
Wholesome ❤
Love the content I been watching you for awhile. ❤ I have Learned a lot and still learning. I read my Bible every day. Love our lord Jesus Christ our savior 🫶🏻🫶🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤲🏻
@ amen 🙏🏻
Women have value and men have value because we are both made in the image of God!
Steward said excuse my French 🤬
“Bastard 🫣” 😮💨😮💨
🤣🤣🤣 you better than me sir, love this channel 🦅🦅🤣God bless🫡
God did not make sin, we chose it. We are not created to worship just as your children are not programmed to obey. It is choice. Heaven and Hell was not meant for us the Earth was. God does not send people to hell we choose rebellion because our hearts are sick from sin.
Yes we all choose who you want to serve whether it's God or Satan
@thomasfuentes2038 sinning doesn't mean your serving Satan and doing good doesn't mean your serving God. It's the heart condition that determines your master. Your either a slave to one and hate the other. You are to hate sin and you are incapable of of escaping it. If you can escape sin then Jesus would have never needed to come and finish the work his father started.
New video! Awe yeah
It was business women that financed Jesus & the disciples ministry
Something people don't realize when they quote "Slaves, obey your masters" is that it's talking to Christians. Not the slaves that Christians might take. It's a letter written to a church where many, if not most of the congregates were slaves. Here's what it's really saying "Hey, if you want a good obedient slave, take a Christian. We are required to obey you as we obey Jesus."
Just remember when sharing the Gospel that it is not about what rules you follow and how God messed up when creating humans and sin. God did not make the Heavens and Earth and on the 7th day call it good with sin and death in it. We chose and continue to choose rebellion which comes from the heart. God is about changing your heart and not getting you to follow rules. Repentance comes from the heart and apologies come from the flesh. Apologies do not require you to stop and turn from your sin or to examine your heart as to why you sinned and how it effects others.
Guys don't forget to like and subscribe please. God bless everyone, have a great week. Jesus is God.
I think the young lady raised good questions, I believe that Christian aught to be able to answer questions, it is my own struggle with church. Instead of saying the Bible says, we should be able to give better answers. Very good video
But it is what the Bible says which is what God says. We are interpret the Bible with the Bible. My wife and I have two hours every night going through what the Bible says and it always comes back to the heart and 3 things you must do to be saved. Repent daily, believe daily, and be baptized daily. This world doesn't know scripture like it used to and repentance is the key. If you can't repent then you are in no way in need of a savior. Repentance is not saying I'm sorry. It is recognizing the heart issue, owning your actions, asking for forgiveness, paying back for the damage done, and turning from said sin. Apologizing does not do any of that.
I read somewhere in 1 John chapter 4 where it says that we all should not believe everyone to be of the faith false prophets are in the world and that they interpret scripture every day in their own understanding without the holy Spirit and I learned that we all need to test them in their faith every day to see what Spirit they have is anybody will say they are God but when they say they don't believe Jesus to be the Christ or God in the flesh is proof that they are nothing more but since by the Antichrist himself
@@thomasfuentes2038 Isaiah speaks to this.
@@TheKoolsmoker yes it definitely does I'm thinking of Isaiah 5 right now you think evil is good and good evil
@thomasfuentes2038 I was more speaking to those who proclaim the word of God yet it is only meant to tickle the ears. Without speaking to repentance out meetings do more harm than good.
New Knechtle just dropped.
Women in America weren't always talking from this position or perspective. I'm only 38 years old, but it almost feels really recent, this stirring of women's rights. Eh, I just don't understand where this is coming from. Women are more successful today than ever and it seems as though there's more dissatisfaction from women than ever. How and why??!?
It's the same lie the serpent used. Surely you are not good enough as you are. Women were good enough in their roles. Society lied to them and said being a mother is from the patriarchy. No, being a mother is from God and the greatest gift unto man.
Woman have a right to be upset, I think more now then ever woman are allowed to speak up about these issues, so why not use our voices?
@yomamas1559 I never said women didn't have rights or legitimate reasons to speak up. I simply put a spotlight on the recent objections from women who may also be successful women in the world today. I love women and also respect all women around the world. Personally, it just seems like there's been more dissatisfaction now than ever concerning women.
@yomamas1559 we have been listening to your voices complain and whine since WWII and all it has done is caused more and more problems. How about stop using your voice for your own selfish ambitions and use your voice to praise God and edify men.
You are no longer oppressed, and your voice doesn't need to be "heard" about such nonsense.
@198Zofficial because of the lie. Surely God did not say... fill in the blanks of what is believed nowadays vs what God says. Women have been lied to they need to "let their voices be heard." Heard for what is the question. The simple answer: more. The complex answer: women as with every other human is their heart is sick towards God and always demanding more stuff, more "rights" which there can't be anymore, more equality to men, yet we will always be different. Lie after lie and complaining is regarded as sharing one's heart and feelings, yet the bible says our feelings lie to us and guard our hearts and don't trust our feelings.
Preachers need to preach about the right kind of repentance
anybody else got the high pitch ringing on this video
This has been adjusted for future videos, usually only heard on earbuds and only at Texas State. Not sure why. Change iPhone settings to voice.
@ thank you much love !❤️🙏
@2:17, if you didn't make everything including the rules, who are you to say that's wrong? You can live your life however you want; with God or without, He will not go against your free will. Just like your parents, if you anger them you will have repercussions. @2:49, Stuart, women are equal to men in God's eyes, if they were equal in man's they would have been drafted for Vietnam and any future wars. They have the right to vote men into war but not have to participate in the horror.
Jesus loves you
When I was at church with my family at Sunday, around 4-5 Indians came to our church, nearly everyone in my church is white as snow. They sat next to me and my brother and one of them was vibing to the songs and looked like they were enjoying it. I hope God blesses them but they left early but I understand that day church was 4 hours. Cliffe and Stuart, how do I spread the gospel to my Muslim friends. I'm from the UK and I'm In year 7. My friend has been swearing less because I told him it was bad. And how do I defeat lust, the temptation from Satan is very annoying. How do I defeat this sin. God bless you have a wonderful Christmas ❤
Read James. Sin starts in the mind and when it reaches maturity gives birth to death. Lust starts as a temptation and you are not tempted without a way out. If your hand causes you to sin cut it off. If your phone causes you to sin put things in place that will deter your habits. God won't just take it from you. You have to make a choice on this day which master you will serve. There is no way other than God's way to be free from sin. What must I do to be saved? Repent and turn from your sins, believe in Christ and his sacrifice for your sins and rebellion, and be baptized in the word daily. Without those 3 things you will NOT be saved. Salvation does not happen by saying a prayer once and being splashed in water. Standing in a garage does not make you a car. White washed Jesus is merely believing and splashing in water once. This is NOT what Jesus taught. Hence why the path is narrow and few will follow.
The problem with Islam is that it says that Allah replaced Jesus on the cross with a sinner willing to die to enter heaven, it says that Allah tricked those who believed that it was Jesus
however, if allah did that, how would allah not foresee the birth of Christianity? And why would Allah wait and let Constantine convert Rome to Christianity 300 years after, just to bring Mohamed 500 years later?
The damage would be done if Allah was the true god, and it would be of his doing to not pull the weed out before it grew bigger than the main crop
But what if it wasn’t the weed?✝️
And that’s why I don’t believe in Mohammed.
If you do want them to convert, be gentle, don’t make them view you as an enemy to them, because that’s how talking TO eachother becomes talking AT eachother.
@RexGutierrez-p3p I agree with you I don't believe In Muhammed because Cliffe apparently said that he had sex habbits and why would I trust a person that flies plane into buildings God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas
Angels also have free will difference is they are in heaven and most choose to worship God out of love. Because there were some angels who choose not to worship God and were thrown out of heaven, so now God created this method of his human creation for us to either choose God and worship him or reject him as Lucifer did. And if we accept jesus christ we will have eternal life amen
The Holy Spirit is at work in the life of the bespectacled lady. May she find her faith in Jesus again
I read a story the other day that a mom paid this doctor to rip her child into pieces and to kill her child. And i thought to myself, wow what did that child do to be treated like that?
Jesus is the truth. As for the different interpretations, when you're led by the Holy Spirit and not the flesh, you understand the Bible and will use the scripture wisely and fear God and because of the following scripture. No one should want to go to Hell especially for misusing God's word.
Revelation 22:18-19
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:"
"and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life."
Why has EVERYONE forgotten that the plural of woman is WOMEN? Everyone says it wrong these days!
Matthew 13:24-30 the answer to the first girls question
How do people fall in to the line of thinking that the first chick has? It’s so far from any reality I’ve ever known or even heard of until almost a decade after i left the university of Washington. I’m a very liberal leaning person, but this new wave of politically active college students is so estranged from anything I’ve ever known. It’s such an odd phenomenon. Were people who are ten years older than i am thinking the same thing about me and my age group? I can’t imagine they feel the same way, as It seems to me that we relate so much more than college kids of today relate to 30+ year olds.
Thank you for your service, it is helping me a lot. I have a question. Did Jesus really had siblings. If so, could you explain it. Thank you
why is that we get to be established in God's love but give him nothing in return. why is it that i just want his workings in my life and that's it? it's always a want chain, us treating our messiah like an atm machine!!!!! How do i grow in knowledge of you? how do i submerge in your being? less of me, less of my needs, less of my desires, less of everything rotating around me, instead more of you, more of your revelation, lets halt me, no more of my needs, emotional, physical, even spiritual needs! just you, you are the one that matters, let YOU matter than i do. How do I know YOU?
Jesus Is God
The guy in the blue shirt who's just staring at the camera ever time it pans towards him 👀
I don't know if it will be stated, but her argument became invalid when she said Adam was not with her. He was with her and he committed the 1st sin, not eve. And Eve gave the fruit to her husband who was with her. He did not stand against her or the serpent and committed the first sin of omission. When you know the right thing to do and do not do it you are in sin.
There could be worse things these young people could be doing. Beautiful to see.
Cliffe's exactly right. Without god, there is no real value. Checkout these scriptures:
“In pain will you bear children. Yet your desire shall be for your husband. And he shall rule over you” (Gen. 3:16).
Genesis 9
Verse 25...“Cursed be Canaan;
A servant of servants
He shall be to his brethren.”
26And he said:
“Blessed be the Lord,
The God of Shem,
And may Canaan be his servant.
27May God enlarge Japheth,
And may he dwell in the tents of Shem;
And may Canaan be his servant.”
"Used to be a christian."
Theres that example of lost salvation
Hello cliff, I was wondering something, so I was listening to a video where people were asked is the devil evil. And I was like yes cause why would the devil try and tempt Jesus Christ. And then I thought did the devil ever try to tempt Jesus after Jesus went on his fast for 40 days and 40 nights. Did the devil try to tempt Jesus after that cause I cannot recall any type of temptation afterwards
If Jesus was all human and all God, then his human nature would subject him to temptation wouldn’t it?
Nobody wants someone to love them because they are told or forced to.
I feel sad this woman thinks women are at some kind of disadvantage (in America). As a woman I couldn’t disagree more.
"As a woman I couldn’t disagree more" - a man
@ haha I assure you I’m female and that all the women around me share the mindset we are not disadvantaged due to our gender
@ ah then you and other woman around you would know that there are clear disadvantages to any group of people. Very ignorant to subject a whole class of people because of your own opinions. Let’s not invalidate others life’s because you want to see like a “good one” to men.
@@yomamas1559 So if a woman doesn't believe she's disadvantage feminists like you will run to accuse her of being a man. Talk about being narrow minded. News flash to you feminists, not all women believe your feminist nonsense about being oppressed.
I see, so if a woman doesn't believe the feminist lies that means she want to be seen as a "good one" to men. It can't just be because she has a mind of her own?
I'll turn it around on you. Men who agree with feminists, aren't they just looking to be seen as a "good one" to feminist women like you?
I have a question for both of you, Stuart and Cliff, it’s about god. So say you have a friend (she doesn’t see you as anything more than a friend) named Lisa and your name is Bob. She goes out to a bar one night, gets drunk, and when leaving the bar, Bob and Lisa end up running into each other, (not physically, just accidentally meeting each other) she starts to flirt with him while she is drunk, and starts to lean on him… eventually she asks him “Can you take me home~” and Bob tells her “Yes, I can” and he takes her to her home since he knows where she lives. He takes her home, and once in the driveway, he opens her door, picks her up, takes her inside and puts her in her bed, covered up. She says in a drunken voice “Don’t leave me” when he tries to leave and he tries to tell her he doesn’t want to stay, he eventually stays and gets in bed next to her, eventually going to bed with her. God says “So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. And the two shall become one flesh.” Does that mean they will become one as of husband and wife, or…?
No, they sinned and need to repent and ask for mercy. What they did is not a beautiful thing.
@@TheKoolsmoker Incorrect, they are spiritually one flesh. If they slept together they are one flesh, they are biblically married, not legally. Though if she is drunk, that is not considered consent. The bible doesn't talk much about consent and being drunk, just once a man was raped in his sleep by his daughter's but it wasn't talked about in a light manner so no. She was raped by this man in the story, rape is a form of abuse and the bible talks about leaving your abuser or not needing to stay with them (slavery for example) she doesn't/isn't spiritually forced to be or "considered" to be with this man.
@@yomamas1559 you are only one flesh when being married. Genesis speaks to this.
@@yomamas1559 having sex outside of marriage does not make you one flesh, that is called sin.
I got a question is the leviathan real when the bible talks about it
Yes. Try and go to heaven soon we can ride it. 😊😁😆😁😄😃😀
I’m so tired of hearing how terrible it is to be a women. As if all men are demons and we are just too frail to be strong in society… I’m a strong women who is not put upon by men but has all of the same opportunities in my home country of the United States. Ladies, stop pretending you’re so crushed and incapable of having children without trauma or achieving your career goals without the boogie man stealing from you. You are so much stronger than you are giving yourself credit for
Your encouragement for women to have careers is the exact lie feminism has done to rob this world of the true glory of what a woman is called to do. Each woman has a calling, but in general women are called to have children and train them up. This is the greatest gift and calling you can ever have. You are not raising children by sending them to school while you work your butt off for someone who will never appreciate you like your family will. Children in school are being raised by society and you can't undo the harm that science does to destroy the Christian foundations. You cannot serve two masters and this is what we expect of our children when sending them to public school.
Respect Sister May God bless and keep you Amen.
Now don't go invaliding others feelings because of your conservative way of thinking. Many woman have been traumatized from birthing another human. My mother can't walk the same and is very shaken by the subject of birth, we don't talk about it around her. My friend has sued/pressed charges against her ex boss back in 2015 because he told her she'd lose her job if she didn't do his sexual favors. I remember a story came out a few years ago of a woman being paid less then her male coworker despite having worked longer hours then him and a higher postion. So yes, woman are undermined in the work force. The boogieman is real. Woman do give themselves credit, it's people like you who act as if its a issue to speak on these injustices.
Where does the Bible say a person can get a divorce because of abuse? Genuinely asking.
Matthew 19 9 is a good one
@whtgif it doesn't. But adultery isn't just fornication, adultery's fundamental definition is unfaithfulness. This is made true in the ten commandments. You shall not have any gods before me. As well, it makes no sense to say do not covet your neighbors wife and you shall not commit adultery unless adultery is rid of the modern definition and restored to its proper meaning. Even God said you adultrous people you hearts are not with me. Read James for further clarification. If someone is abusive they are not with God and they are serving other idols and that is considered adultery.
Webster is not a proper place to go when interpreting scripture. The Bible is a collection of books and should interpret itself. Man should not interpret with man's definitions. We will always do what is right in our own eyes.
1. Sorry when Jesus says it’s harder for a rich man to get into heaven than a camel to go into the eye of a needle. He meant litterslly a rich man will not get into heaven. But you have to remember CONTEXT prophesy said that Israel was soon to go through the tribulation where in order to be rich you would have had to take the mark of the beast.
Sam shamoul has a better way to explain the genesis and the punishment issue we don’t understand. Has anyone ever wondered how come Adam and Eve didn’t die immediately when God said you’ll die if you eat the forbidden fruit.
Also if you noticed when God ask Adam first about eating the forbidden fruit and he blamed Eve and When God ask Eve next, she blames the serpent and he punished them punished them accordingly instead of having the instant death he mention from eating the forbidden fruit. And God gave Adam and Eve clothes made from skin of the animal, meaning an animal was sacrifice to give them clothes.
Idk about the first woman; she was asking good questions but kept going back to God or Christianity being the cause no matter how much Stuart answered. Hopefully she finds her way but the victim mentality is holding her back
John 3: 16-21 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life for this instant God sent his son into the world not to condemn the world but to save the world through him there is no judgment against anyone who believes in him he who will not be condemned but he who does not believe in the sun is already condemned because he did not believe in the only begotten son of God for God's light came into the world but people love the darkness more than light for their actions were evil all those who do what is evil I hate the light and refused to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed but those who do what is right come to the light look for they were clearly be seeing what they're doing what God wants
He means Columbus Day 😂
I see why Paul says women should be quiet
*Thats a question we would have to ask God, not just for women but females in general, animals as well. Why are females (human or animal) weaker than men/males? Thats a question No One can answer cause the scriptures don’t say. More than likely, Thats just the way things were made.*
Millionaires will always defend millionaires
Didn’t Jesus say that it is harder for a rich man to go through the gatesof heaven than for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle?
(or something like that)
Prosperity gospel church is obviously a scam, no doubt in that, but please don’t fall into composition fallacy.
God bless you!
My question is... why is He called God's Son... when He's not His son... its Him in a body? I was taught the Trinity wrong.
God is 3. God our Lord and creator, God the son who was sent to pay the price for our sins, and God the holy spirit which intercede between us and God the Father. You cannot stand in the presence or have communion with a holy God who hates sin without first being sinless which first comes from the price Jesus paid and the blood sacrifice that we arw washed in, and then receiving the holy sprint as the intercessor for communication. We are not meant to fully understand how this is all so, but have faith thay God said therfore it is.
The God rock paradox:
if God is Omnipotent then he can create a rock he cannot lift
But if God is Omnipotent then he can lift all rocks
If God can lift it, he cannot create an unliftable rock and is therefore not omnipotent
If God can’t lift it then he Cannot lift anything and is therefore not Omnipotent
The solution?
If God cannot defy logic (or bypass it beyond our comprehension)
He isn’t Omnipotent
So an Omnipotent God
Can obviously be 3 in 1
All human and all God
Both his son and his father
What less would you expect from the one who can create a universe out of nothing?
God bless you!
Is it God who is doing the punishing, or is it men using God's name
Poor exchange, she should have been challenged on evidence for all these oppressed women.
No one can rob you of your importance, except yourself by your denial of your value.
Talk about victim mindset warping reality 😂
That poor woman so delusional like men don't go through things either insane like Madden go through tremendous hardship we've always just been on top of the world we've all been kings I don't understand this way of thinking
If you dont love Cliffe something is wrong with you.
😂ve got a worst punishment simply because she does not only disobey. She made adam to disobey. Actions has consecuences.
The woman makes a good point about the fact it's Eve who is the first one to be tempted by the serpent in the Genesis creation myth story, it kinda gives the impression she was prime cause for the fall of mankind, it's a story full of flaws though. I don't know of too many people here in the UK, who actually accept that myth as fact. I'm pretty sure it's not taught as fact in schools. We have much better answers as to how mankind came about. No serpents were involved.
How do you know it is mythology? UK is in a terrible mess because they have rejected God. What is the " better answer for the origin of man?
Yes Eve did move 1st but Adam, being 'the head' did not have to follow hence punishment dealt to both. Man/husband is responsible to some degree to woman/wife.... Gods design.
@adansi1461 I agree, but I sometimes wondered if it is not also to do with Adam, how he added to what God commanded, sort of first legalistic.
@@dentonhahn2907 Adam did not add the serpent did. Also, Adam committed the 1st sin. The sin of omission. He was with her and said nothing.
@@adansi1461 why did God design us with such poor eyesight compared to most animals?
We can't be valuable to god if he's willingly to toss into hell for not believing in him. That's evil.
According to Yahweh and his prophets humans have no value. In fact Yahweh said he was sorry he made mankind and decided to destroy then except for a 600 year old wino and his family along with some stressed out animals packed into a leaky boat.
Pray for me, I don't think I'm gonna make it to Heaven
Repent, believe and be baptized. This must happen everyday. Splashing in water once is not being baptized in the word. In order to be saved and have a heart that leans towards God you must hear the word then be a doer of the word. Without the word you will not be saved. Without repentance and admission of sin you do not need a savior. Without the word you cannot know what sin is, you will not know what is salvation is, and you will be forever lost doing what is right in your own eyes.
Prayer in its foundation is a request to have the strength from God be given to you so that you can act. We pray so that we may have the strength to act. Read the Lords prayer and you will see this clearly.
What is the Bible verse that allows divorce on grounds of physical abuse? And i'm troubled about what he is saying that you don't need to have Jesus as your Lord to get to Heaven
she needs to know Men are murdered 3-1/2x’s more than women …so her assumptions are not based on facts, but feelings
All that says is that Men are offing men but they are also offing women because they are violent, yet a man has a far better chance of defending himself from another man though. I think we know who will win the fight between a man and a woman so don't be ridiculous.
shes correct, most men are murdered by men, most woman are murdered by men. The difference is when most woman are murdered by men, it's because they are a woman. men aren't murdered by other men because they are men.
Stuart is way off base when it comes to “women in the bible”. Not one of the disciples was a woman. Jesus may have had women “followers” but none of them (other than the mother of Jesus) ever carried any position of authority. The early Catholic Church saw to that. Even Mary Magdalene was later characterized by the church to be a “prostitute”.
According to many (if not most) biblical historians (of an academic setting, not clergy or apologists) Jesus had no means of supporting himself and the same with his male disciples. They quit their jobs (trades) to follow Jesus. So based upon biblical & other ancient documents there were at least 2 or 3 Female followers who owned their own “businesses” , one being the owner of her own fishing business and (of course) the prostitute Mary Magdalene who it is believed financially supported Jesus & his cult.
Here’s from “Bible study tools”;
“ A group of women listed in Luke 8:1-3 (including Mary Magdalene) provided for Jesus’ ministry and needs “out of their private means.”
The “truth” is… the Church then and now is ruled by a cohort of chauvinists. And much of what’s in the bible is just plain pig manure. Especially all the supernatural “miracles” the bible cites.
Women are not suffering any consequences because of Eve, that was a horrible analogy and question🤦🏾
Well when Eve sinned the bible says that woman for now on will experience child birthing pain because of eve.
I thought you feminists don't believe in the bible?
She sound crazy
I mean thanks to a woman we have sins , even the first woman on earth don’t listen
The first sin was committed in heaven, and it was the sin of pride.
The devil is the true root of all evil.
God bless you though!😊
Eve was not the first to commit sin. But what do trump supporters care? You guys are the definition of misinformation.
Says the feminist!