A bit off-topic but if I may, I'd like to say RIP to our own Lt. Saavik, Kirstie Alley. As of this post, she passed away yesterday at 71 years old after losing her fight with cancer. She was only in one Star Trek film but, in my humble opinion, the best one.
Same. Didn't like that she had become a Trumpist, but I certainly did not wish death on her. Didn't even know she had cancer until her passing was announced.
The Defiant is my all-time favorite and she fits in well with the kind of show DS9 is, and seeing the Defiant hold off the Borg in First Contact made me love the ship even more.
It will always be the 1701 refit/A for me. That design is absolutely my favorite. It’s not a hero ship but the only other ship I’d put next to it is the Akira class.
@@williedells So much so, that I refer to her as “My Dearly Beloved “. Despite all the other magnificent, and I truly mean, magnificent designs, for me, at least, there is a sublime and ethereal presence in the 1701 refit/A. Followed closely by Sovereign class.
Aye, the first movie is what started me on the journey (or "trek",) and seeing the refit design in the theater at age eleven was a treat. It made me pay more attention to the original show.
Strange new Worlds Enterprise is really growing on me. So nice to see what the ship could really look like in the Future not using Cardboard and paper mache
@@sokonek1 I think it was as much the state of the art for special effects at the time as the budget (because I'm not sure that in the 60s they could have made the Enterprise look as good as the SNW version for any amount of money), but yes, I agree 100%.
I kind of like it, too. My only real complaint against the redesign is that I feel that the sets are too big. I guess if the crew is only 203, as stated in The Cage, it makes sense. Still, it also makes the ease of the refit for TMP more logical. Good looking ship though.
Right? I don't even understand why people think the 1701-D was great, let alone #1 in this list. Nostalgia is all it had going for it; it otherwise looked silly as heck.
The Enterprise-A was always a marvel to me. The original was always very awkward looking; it kind of blew my mind that a couple minor design tweaks and a new set of nacelles could turn it into such a majestic looking ship.
I remember Star Trek TOS as a first-run series. The first time I saw the original Enterprise, I was in love! She was so different from every other space vessel being shown. The refit of the Big-E in TMP also made my heart swoon! They were both gorgeous! For me, the ship that has won my heart is the Defiant-class. It was love at first fight. There is something about that 'tough little ship' that appeals to the activist/warrior in me.
The defiant class is a whole new beast. Just as innovating a design as the Enterprise was for scifi in general at the time, only for Trek. And thus something most "fans" would balk at now. Or even then, just look at the reception of the NX-01. I love it, but in a list that's basically (mostly) variations on a theme, it is hard to rank it. It would be like comparing a Star destroyer to Galactica...
Agree, but ironically the design was inspired by nothing but everything already seen and known. The nacelles and engineering section were influenced by the rocket culture of exploration, while the saucer was a UFO flying saucer attached to a rocket, generally speaking.
The Defiant was badass! I don't know how Roddenberry may have taken it, but it was created to counter bigger (outside) threats than were seen in the older series, and it's nice to see extreme Federation technology.
What I love about the Enterprise D and the TOS Enterprise is the warm interior design. Friendly, warm, comfortable colours. These are ships I'd like to live in. The Enterprise from Strange New Worlds is also good in that respect. In other shows, they thought it necessary to make the interior grey, dark and bleak, which I would find terribly depressing if I had to live in them. In a future that is so aware of mental health, I don't understand why they would make the crews live in such surroundings.
Dude it is funny that you say that. I was watching star trek the next generation and thinking the same thing. That the interior is very warm similar to the original show.
I have to say when I think 'Hero Ship' I think about a ship that is its own character, and integral to the series. I think that top 3 (in no particular order) have to be NX-01, Voyager, and the original Enterprise. Those aren't my favourite ships, but of all of them, they really feel more alive to me.
I couldn't agree more with your take on a hero ship. The TOS Enterprise will always be top of the list. Most of the rest of this video's picks were never portrayed with the warmth and character as the first truly great ship. The rest are portrayed as nothing more that metal and circuitry, easily replaced and never missed, with many newer fans liking the latest gadgetry more than what the ship represented in the story. Thanks for sharing your take!
And of course, no other captain was in love with their ship as much as Kirk loved his Enterprise. He referred to it as a lady and was the love of his life.
Completely agree with Enterprise-D in the #1 spot. She relaunched Trek into the future, everything since (both in and out of universe) exists because of 1701-D and her crew. And yes, I agree she is home, forever my Enterprise. ❤️
My personal favorite is the Enterprise-E. That ship is hard to beat with how sleek and sexy it looks. The D is also a strong contender with just how iconic it is for that era of Trek, plus being from my favorite of the Trek series.
Personally, my list is as follows: 10. La Sirena- not starflleet, I don't care. I'm biased. 9. USS Cerritos- All saucer and little else 8. USS Enterprise NX-01- compared to the others, she's poorly equipped 7. USS Protostar- A tiny ship with a speedy surprise 6. USS Discovery- I happen to love the spore drive. Sue me! 5. USS Voyager- I grew up with this ship!! 4. USS Enterprise D- Iconic! 3. USS Defiant/Sao Paulo- Ben Sisko's MotherF*** Pimp Hand! 2. USS Enterprise NCC 1701- The ship that started it all. The refit version/Enterprise A would be #1. 1 USS Enterprise E- The most beautiful ship in ST and arguably in the space genre ever!!
Something I always liked about the galaxy class was the way it placed the nacelles between the saucer and the star drive, which made more sense to me. Voyager also kind of does this with the folding nacelle pylons :)
Quite a nice list indeed! Kudos to Martin for that magnificent bit of editing, where Sean talks about the Enterprise-E getting a right pounding, and horny Riker from Insurrection walks into Troi's office 😅
The Intrepid-class has a special place in my heart the same way VOY does, despite its flaws, because it's the Trek series that somehow my little brother, who otherwise doesn't really like sci-fi, liked to watch along with me when we were kids. It's not _the_ best for me (the Enterprise-E is still the best balance of pretty and badass to me), but probably rated higher than it would be otherwise without that personal connection.
Just came across this... First off, I say with nothing but love: the Cerritos SHOULD be ranked dead last... and the scrappy Cali Class would RELISH that position... LOWER DECKS, LOWER DECKS!!!
I'm okay with any of these answers so good with it and thank you Sean and the crew for new content peace and be well. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all
You made a mistake there at 14:32. Sorry, but the registry of Voyager is NCC-74656, not NCC-74626. But I really have to agree with that order surprisingly
I hated the galaxy class from the original next gen Trailor back in 1986. Took a while to get used to it, but still it was a grower. Has to be the original conny class as the best, because if the Matt Jefferies model didnt come out, we would never have the trek future look.
Ditto - purely from an aesthetics standpoint I still don't care for the Galaxy class much. I still remember my first reaction was "it looks like a whale" tho not really, it was more that it looked like something that belonged in the water instead of space. Tho for this list considering all factors, not just looks I can agree it probably does deserve the top spot.
I'm not a huge fan of the Galaxy class. The ship always had engine problems and was always too big to be anything other than a diplomatic ship. The Enterprise E and the Enterprise in the TOS era (including movies) will always be the best versions of the Enterprise for me.
This is a list with no right answer. For me the Sovereign class is the most beautiful, the Galaxy class brings back memories of watching the show with friends, and the Constitution class is unmatched for the originality and influence that it has had.
Ahh, the Mintakan Tapestry. By coincidence, I've been rewatching everything from the beginning on my Blu-Ray sets and following the Memory Alpha site, and learned about the tapestry appearing many times just yesterday! Nice to see it mentioned here. Great video as always, and my personal favorite would be the Enterprise-E. My father and I saw First Contact in the theater and we were stunned by how beautiful it looked.
I am a TNG fanboy and have the most love and nostalgia for the Enterprise D, but having said that, the 1966 Enterprise 1701 no bloody A, B, C... is the greatest fictional starship ever conceived. It has no predecessors; it is pure, original design perfection.
10:34 I think it's interesting to compare the Defiant's arc against its direct analog from Warner Bros: the Whitestar from Babylon 5 premiered at right about the same time as the Defiant, marked a similar tonal shift for its show and went down in a similarly fitting blaze of glory only to be replaced with its sister ship(s). The design seems to have been just as polarizing, as there's a line in S05 where a background character likens it to a "plucked chicken," which IIRC was a hat-tip to critics on the BBS.
Glad to see how high up the USS Voyager was, as much as I love all the versions of the Enterprise, I think the Voyager was one of Trek's best ship designs.
I always love to see so many different aspects, the ships and characters can be seen! I also love the Enterprise 1701-A, too, because it shows, that there is always a chance to continue. Go on with this and greetings from germany! 🖖🏼😃
Love the refit Enterprise. Always thought it looked like a hotrod. I can see cruise line companies buying Galaxy class ships, and converting them into luxury liners.
I really liked this list, happy to see Prodigy getting a mention because I think it can become a good series. I loved the Enterprise E after seeing it in first contact, I remember when Star Trek Armada 2 came out on cd rom and being able to fly a few of the Sovys against the Borg was amazing.
NCC 1701 should be in the number 1 position!!! This makes me think of what Montgomery Scott said as he was on the turbo lift of the Excelsior. "Up Your Shaft" 😁🖖
I have never ever agreed with anyone's top 10 list before. I usually sit shouting and shaking my fist at the screen, but I couldn't put them in a better order. This would have been my list too.
That was a good list. I don't really disagree with any spots. The Defiant will always be my fav. What a tough little ship she was. The Enterprise E, I agree, is gorgeous. Such a design, so sleek, and so powerful.
@@minicle426 I don't agree with you about the Defiant because it was one of the most overpowered ships in science fiction for it's role but I'm 100% in agreement with you about the Akira Class. It's a beautiful looking ship but also a borg buster. It should be a classified as a Hero ship.
I notice that each ship was judged by a different set of parameters. We need a standard set of rules to judge how good a ship is. Aesthetics? close calls? Performance (adjusted for each era)? Exploits? I suggest that the next list start by explaining the parameters.
I owned at least 2 different toys of the Enterprise-E back when those movies came out. Gawd, I wish I still had those. I really don't know what became of them.
The refit will always be my favorite, though in hindsight (and based on the blueprints) its interior seemed to be rather cramped in comparison to even the TOS version.
While not a "hero" ship, my favorite class is the Excelsior. It has the ascetic of the original movie ships like the Constitution refit and Miranda (also my favorite looks). It is reliable, powerful, and easily upgradable keeping it relevant throughout all centuries. Plus you get to say "EXCELSIOR!!!" when talking about it.
Purely by aesthetics, I like the Enterprise-E and the Enterprise Refit / -A most. However, my overall favourites are the Defiants. Oh, wait! There's also the Bounty! Hm....
I was so pleasantly surprised how much I agree with that list! the only gripe i might have is that I never learned to love the Enterprise-D, but I do understand the reasoning in this video.
In defiance of every other comment, it seems, I think this list is pretty good. If I made the list myself, without having seen this video, my order would no doubt have been different, but probably would have been generally the same. I'm not sure if the D would have been in first place, I also really like Voyager, and since the E owes a lot of its design concepts to Voyager, but made for a movie, those two would probably have to duke it out for the top spot. And I probably would have had the Cerritos lower. I'm just not a huge fan of the industrial pylons. But minor quibbles aside, the list is a fine one. And arguing about matters of taste is as pointless as it is fun.
I have not watched this yet and not read the comments either. I will this evening, but here are my top 3 Bronze: The Defiant Silver: 1701 E Gold: 1701 A 🖖
Top Tier: 1) Galaxy Class 2) Constitution Refit Next Tier: 3) Voyager 4) Sovereign 5) Defiant I love the ship designs and aesthetics of Star Trek. There's only a few I would say I actively don't like. However, those are my personal favorites.
With advanced virtual environments and the evolution of human brain interfaces? in about 20 years there won't be a single experience real or fictional that you can't experience with 100% realism. We don't need holodecks when we can hijack every input to the brain.
Read the orginal article after watching the video. This is going to be one of those agree to disagree( like comparing Tardis interiors and Doctors). 10.) Cerritos 9.) La Sirena 8.) Protostar 7.) Discovery 6.) NX 01 5.) Voyager 4.) Defiant 3.) Enterprise E 2.) 1701 D (favourite engineering and Bridge) 1.) 1701 especially with Strange New Worlds version(favourite 1701 refit).
While I will admit to being a Galaxy-class hater, I can’t imagine how anyone could rank the E anywhere but #1. The Sovereign is by far the most beautiful and toughest ship in Star Trek.
NCC-1701-D is my home. I watched some of the TOS when I was very young. But for me as a 10/11 year old watching encounter at far point and that beautiful ship. For there to the end of the next gen movies. It always makes me feel happy to see that ship and remember all the "adventures" episodes.
Of those mentioned, I agree with the Enterprise D. That said, my favorite Starfleet design has always been the Excelsior class, including the Excelsior itself as well as the Enterprise B. Can't describe it, it's just got "the look" for me.
When Enterprise E came on screen, that was the one for me. BUT, I can't wait to see the new "F" if it shows itself in Picard. E came and went pretty quickly and there are not a lot of letters left before they get to "J". these ships need to last longer. I love all of the ships n the shows. Strange new worl Enterprise
Did I somehow miss it? Where was the Enterprise A refit? It was a hero ship and for me it is such a great redesign of the original Enterprise. I personally rank it first place tied with voyager
it was totally missing, same with the Kelvin version. I'm assumign they were lumping all versions of the Connie together. Which makes little sense why it was ranked so low.
Anyone here a Pluto-TV fan!! Well just want to tell you that not only do they have a 24 hour Star Trek channel showing STTNG and The Movies. They have recently added a "More Star Trek" channel that is now showing STDS9!! That channel will also show Voyager, and Enterprise!! All for Free!! Nice!
The Cali-class' lack of a 'neck' between the engineering and saucer sections means that crew have to go through the nacelle struts and nacelle bodies to get between the two. What kind of suck-ass design choice is that?
An idea for a future TrekCulture video. Everyday items whose inventions were inspired by Star Trek. - Flip phones, inspired by TOS communicators - Ear buds, inspired by the ear piece Uhura used in TOS - Skype/Zoom, inspired by TOS - Personal computers, inspired by TOS - Siri/Alexa, inspired by both TOS & TNG - The internet/world wide web, inspired by TOS - Touch screen computers, inspired by TNG - Tablet computers/smartphones, inspired by TNG - Widescreen/HD TV screens, inspired by TOS & TNG and several more...
Well, each person surely have a different list than what is mentioned in this vid. I personally do not agree the ENT-D is #1. It's too bulky of a ship IMO to look nice compared to the ENT-E, which I love it's sleek design. The Protostar is number 2 for me, given I just love these fast little ships. They always say "Bigger is not always better." Number 3 geos to Refit ENT/ENT-A design. Sure looks sleeker and better than the original Constitution design. The rest are mix-up for me. Yet I do agree that last place goes to that freighter in Picard. You can't compare Starfleet ships to a freighter! It's like comparing today cargo ships to the sleek designs of Navy ships. No contest which ships look better.
A bit off-topic but if I may, I'd like to say RIP to our own Lt. Saavik, Kirstie Alley. As of this post, she passed away yesterday at 71 years old after losing her fight with cancer. She was only in one Star Trek film but, in my humble opinion, the best one.
After some of the things she came out with over the last twenty years, I've remembered her as Saavik, and not as Kirstie Alley.
Yeah, they kept going on about her tonight on TMZ. The more they kept talking the more I began to realize why. :(.
Same. Didn't like that she had become a Trumpist, but I certainly did not wish death on her. Didn't even know she had cancer until her passing was announced.
Uss Gettysburg sends condolences to Uss enterprise and Lt Savvik!
Came to say it. Kirstie will be forever a star in the Star Trek sky.
The Defiant is my all-time favorite and she fits in well with the kind of show DS9 is, and seeing the Defiant hold off the Borg in First Contact made me love the ship even more.
The Defiant ain’t no hero - that girl a bad bish
Agree. Simply love the Defiant.
Tough little ship
@@murph3744 little?!?
It will always be the 1701 refit/A for me. That design is absolutely my favorite. It’s not a hero ship but the only other ship I’d put next to it is the Akira class.
Agreed. IMHO, the NCC-1701 refit/A is the best. Period.
@@williedells So much so, that I refer to her as “My Dearly Beloved “. Despite all the other magnificent, and I truly mean, magnificent designs, for me, at least, there is a sublime and ethereal presence in the 1701 refit/A. Followed closely by Sovereign class.
Agreed. They took what Matt Jefferies started and made a pretty girl into a gorgeous lady.
Aye, the first movie is what started me on the journey (or "trek",) and seeing the refit design in the theater at age eleven was a treat. It made me pay more attention to the original show.
Ay Men brother
Sean : "took a pounding"
Riker: "Did someone say pounding?" 🤣🤣
Hahahahaha the shot of Riker coming in the room at the phrase "Took a pounding" is top tier editing!!
Strange new Worlds Enterprise is really growing on me. So nice to see what the ship could really look like in the Future not using Cardboard and paper mache
The SNW Enterprise is my new favorite. I think Roddenberry would have loved it.
@@KevinGrierson let’s be honest it Gene had the budget that SNW the TOS Enterprise would have looked closer to the new one
@@sokonek1 I think it was as much the state of the art for special effects at the time as the budget (because I'm not sure that in the 60s they could have made the Enterprise look as good as the SNW version for any amount of money), but yes, I agree 100%.
I kind of like it, too.
My only real complaint against the redesign is that I feel that the sets are too big.
I guess if the crew is only 203, as stated in The Cage, it makes sense.
Still, it also makes the ease of the refit for TMP more logical.
Good looking ship though.
Right? I don't even understand why people think the 1701-D was great, let alone #1 in this list. Nostalgia is all it had going for it; it otherwise looked silly as heck.
I tell you one thing, The Enterprise D took me back to the time when my grandma was still around, along with her kindness and warmth that she brings.
"The Enterprise-E remains one of the most recognizable ships in Star Trek..." spoken over a clip of the D with E decals.
The Enterprise-A was always a marvel to me. The original was always very awkward looking; it kind of blew my mind that a couple minor design tweaks and a new set of nacelles could turn it into such a majestic looking ship.
Oooo yes
Are you talking about the refit in star trek the motion picture? That was not the A,but the original ship.
@@captainmartin1219 i think he's talking about the Kelvin timeline enterprise A
"The ship took a pounding"
*Riker appears smiling*
I see you TrekCulture
I remember Star Trek TOS as a first-run series. The first time I saw the original Enterprise, I was in love! She was so different from every other space vessel being shown. The refit of the Big-E in TMP also made my heart swoon! They were both gorgeous!
For me, the ship that has won my heart is the Defiant-class. It was love at first fight. There is something about that 'tough little ship' that appeals to the activist/warrior in me.
The defiant class is a whole new beast.
Just as innovating a design as the Enterprise was for scifi in general at the time, only for Trek. And thus something most "fans" would balk at now. Or even then, just look at the reception of the NX-01.
I love it, but in a list that's basically (mostly) variations on a theme, it is hard to rank it. It would be like comparing a Star destroyer to Galactica...
Agree, but ironically the design was inspired by nothing but everything already seen and known. The nacelles and engineering section were influenced by the rocket culture of exploration, while the saucer was a UFO flying saucer attached to a rocket, generally speaking.
The Defiant was badass! I don't know how Roddenberry may have taken it, but it was created to counter bigger (outside) threats than were seen in the older series, and it's nice to see extreme Federation technology.
What I love about the Enterprise D and the TOS Enterprise is the warm interior design. Friendly, warm, comfortable colours. These are ships I'd like to live in. The Enterprise from Strange New Worlds is also good in that respect. In other shows, they thought it necessary to make the interior grey, dark and bleak, which I would find terribly depressing if I had to live in them. In a future that is so aware of mental health, I don't understand why they would make the crews live in such surroundings.
Totally agree.
Yes, functionality does not have to mean ugliness.
Dude it is funny that you say that. I was watching star trek the next generation and thinking the same thing. That the interior is very warm similar to the original show.
I have to say when I think 'Hero Ship' I think about a ship that is its own character, and integral to the series. I think that top 3 (in no particular order) have to be NX-01, Voyager, and the original Enterprise. Those aren't my favourite ships, but of all of them, they really feel more alive to me.
I couldn't agree more with your take on a hero ship. The TOS Enterprise will always be top of the list. Most of the rest of this video's picks were never portrayed with the warmth and character as the first truly great ship. The rest are portrayed as nothing more that metal and circuitry, easily replaced and never missed, with many newer fans liking the latest gadgetry more than what the ship represented in the story. Thanks for sharing your take!
And of course, no other captain was in love with their ship as much as Kirk loved his Enterprise. He referred to it as a lady and was the love of his life.
You won't find two people who would put these ships in the same order.
Personally, I love La Sirena. She's like a Star Trek Firefly.
Good ship, crap series, sadly.
I loved the series too, actually!
La Sirena would be next of kin to the Mileneum Falcon
I see what you did with the Riker image when you said: "pounding." Naughty Trek Culture! (You win this round).
Completely agree with Enterprise-D in the #1 spot. She relaunched Trek into the future, everything since (both in and out of universe) exists because of 1701-D and her crew. And yes, I agree she is home, forever my Enterprise. ❤️
My personal favorite is the Enterprise-E. That ship is hard to beat with how sleek and sexy it looks. The D is also a strong contender with just how iconic it is for that era of Trek, plus being from my favorite of the Trek series.
It's my favorite as well. It's the combination of sexiness with "I will destroy you on sight" a Federation ship has ever looked imo.
Personally, my list is as follows:
10. La Sirena- not starflleet, I don't care. I'm biased.
9. USS Cerritos- All saucer and little else
8. USS Enterprise NX-01- compared to the others, she's poorly equipped
7. USS Protostar- A tiny ship with a speedy surprise
6. USS Discovery- I happen to love the spore drive. Sue me!
5. USS Voyager- I grew up with this ship!!
4. USS Enterprise D- Iconic!
3. USS Defiant/Sao Paulo- Ben Sisko's MotherF*** Pimp Hand!
2. USS Enterprise NCC 1701- The ship that started it all. The refit version/Enterprise A would be #1.
1 USS Enterprise E- The most beautiful ship in ST and arguably in the space genre ever!!
Throwing in a Galaxy Class at 12:20 with "NCC-1701-E" on it just to mess with us...
Something I always liked about the galaxy class was the way it placed the nacelles between the saucer and the star drive, which made more sense to me. Voyager also kind of does this with the folding nacelle pylons :)
Quite a nice list indeed! Kudos to Martin for that magnificent bit of editing, where Sean talks about the Enterprise-E getting a right pounding, and horny Riker from Insurrection walks into Troi's office 😅
You're welcome. I also made out like the D was also his own ship just for meeting new women 😂
Picard Season 3 Ep 9 will make fans of the number 1 spot very happy.
I agree wholeheartedly with the #1 pick on the list, the Galaxy-class will always be home to me 👍
Agree. The D is for me.
D was much better than my house.. Their quarters were bigger than my house at that time 😅
The Intrepid-class has a special place in my heart the same way VOY does, despite its flaws, because it's the Trek series that somehow my little brother, who otherwise doesn't really like sci-fi, liked to watch along with me when we were kids. It's not _the_ best for me (the Enterprise-E is still the best balance of pretty and badass to me), but probably rated higher than it would be otherwise without that personal connection.
The Rio Grande was arguably a far greater hero than either of the Defiants - all hail the runabout!
As it says in the DS9 technical manual... We've got this
Rage!!!! Lol
Stop it. Get help. 😅
@@idontwannaidontwanna7307 - Look inside your heart - actually don't do that, probably dangerous.
@@JohnnyWednesday yeah, I don't need to do that, it's as cold as the design of a cardasian space based mining station! 😜
As Scotty told the Holodeck-computer.(in the TNG episode)
"NCC 1701. No bloody A , B, C, or D"
Just came across this... First off, I say with nothing but love: the Cerritos SHOULD be ranked dead last... and the scrappy Cali Class would RELISH that position... LOWER DECKS, LOWER DECKS!!!
"A pounding."
Cue Riker.
Well played, video editor.
I'm okay with any of these answers so good with it and thank you Sean and the crew for new content peace and be well. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all
You made a mistake there at 14:32. Sorry, but the registry of Voyager is NCC-74656, not NCC-74626. But I really have to agree with that order surprisingly
I hated the galaxy class from the original next gen Trailor back in 1986. Took a while to get used to it, but still it was a grower.
Has to be the original conny class as the best, because if the Matt Jefferies model didnt come out, we would never have the trek future look.
Me too but it would be the ship I’d most like to live on.
The original was a STARSHIP CLASS. According to Jefferies the 17th design, FIRST BIRD 01.
Ditto - purely from an aesthetics standpoint I still don't care for the Galaxy class much. I still remember my first reaction was "it looks like a whale" tho not really, it was more that it looked like something that belonged in the water instead of space. Tho for this list considering all factors, not just looks I can agree it probably does deserve the top spot.
I'm not a huge fan of the Galaxy class. The ship always had engine problems and was always too big to be anything other than a diplomatic ship.
The Enterprise E and the Enterprise in the TOS era (including movies) will always be the best versions of the Enterprise for me.
This is a list with no right answer. For me the Sovereign class is the most beautiful, the Galaxy class brings back memories of watching the show with friends, and the Constitution class is unmatched for the originality and influence that it has had.
Cheers to the NCC-1701D - our favorite Marriott Convention Center in space.
Lol. TNG was almost like the Love Boat at times, wasn’t it?
Ahh, the Mintakan Tapestry. By coincidence, I've been rewatching everything from the beginning on my Blu-Ray sets and following the Memory Alpha site, and learned about the tapestry appearing many times just yesterday! Nice to see it mentioned here.
Great video as always, and my personal favorite would be the Enterprise-E. My father and I saw First Contact in the theater and we were stunned by how beautiful it looked.
It's like SNL. Everyone's convinced the best cast is the one they grew up with.
I like how they show Riker when the word "pounding" was mentioned, hahaha. Great list!
Voyager to me is home. That ship was just gorgeous and perfectly complimented her captain. The first time I saw the nacelles rise that was so cool!
I never liked the short nacelles or how they had to raise. I liked Sternbach’s original design that he called the sled.
Wow, with the exception of the Cerritos which I would have put slightly lower we are point for point in sync on the rankings, that makes me happy.
I am a TNG fanboy and have the most love and nostalgia for the Enterprise D, but having said that, the 1966 Enterprise 1701 no bloody A, B, C... is the greatest fictional starship ever conceived. It has no predecessors; it is pure, original design perfection.
And of course no one else agrees with either of you, including me. 🤣 Keep up the great content!
NCC 1701-E is the 1701-D and Defiant's love child - It's the complete Starfleet vessel. #1 imo
10:34 I think it's interesting to compare the Defiant's arc against its direct analog from Warner Bros: the Whitestar from Babylon 5 premiered at right about the same time as the Defiant, marked a similar tonal shift for its show and went down in a similarly fitting blaze of glory only to be replaced with its sister ship(s).
The design seems to have been just as polarizing, as there's a line in S05 where a background character likens it to a "plucked chicken," which IIRC was a hat-tip to critics on the BBS.
I was bugged by the La Serena until I realized it’s a jacked up runabout and then I was like…. Ayyyyeeee 👉😎👉
Glad to see how high up the USS Voyager was, as much as I love all the versions of the Enterprise, I think the Voyager was one of Trek's best ship designs.
I always love to see so many different aspects, the ships and characters can be seen!
I also love the Enterprise 1701-A, too, because it shows, that there is always a chance to continue.
Go on with this and greetings from germany! 🖖🏼😃
Love the refit Enterprise. Always thought it looked like a hotrod.
I can see cruise line companies buying Galaxy class ships, and converting them into luxury liners.
If only the 1701 refit had flames painted on the sides... Then it would go much faster.
@@GabePuratekuta Or just paint it red and it will go supa fast!
Enterprise D is just the most iconic Enterprise! I love the Dreadnought Enterprise with its 3 engines and super cool weapons and the cloaking device!!
Even if people prefer other designs? if they could choose to actually live on any starship - it'd be the Galaxy Class!
I really liked this list, happy to see Prodigy getting a mention because I think it can become a good series. I loved the Enterprise E after seeing it in first contact, I remember when Star Trek Armada 2 came out on cd rom and being able to fly a few of the Sovys against the Borg was amazing.
NCC 1701 should be in the number 1 position!!! This makes me think of what Montgomery Scott said as he was on the turbo lift of the Excelsior. "Up Your Shaft" 😁🖖
I have never ever agreed with anyone's top 10 list before. I usually sit shouting and shaking my fist at the screen, but I couldn't put them in a better order. This would have been my list too.
Three and a half *MILLION* different ways this list could be ordered and you agree with Seán completely?!
@@AndrewD8Red Yes
Ship can take a pounding and then showing a picture or Riker...cheeky.
another trekkie who grew up in the 80-90s TNG always holds a special place in our hearts watching it on cable tv
Love the ships and your channel - however for me, the Cerritos does not beat Enterprise E.
That was a good list. I don't really disagree with any spots. The Defiant will always be my fav. What a tough little ship she was. The Enterprise E, I agree, is gorgeous. Such a design, so sleek, and so powerful.
Never cared much for the Defiant myself. Wish they'd made an Akira Class a hero ship.
@@minicle426 I don't agree with you about the Defiant because it was one of the most overpowered ships in science fiction for it's role but I'm 100% in agreement with you about the Akira Class. It's a beautiful looking ship but also a borg buster. It should be a classified as a Hero ship.
My personal favorite is the Sovereign class, but I can't argue with the Galaxy being at the top. It brought Trek back.
Am I the only person that laughed when he was talking about the enterprise e taking a pounding and Riker appears onscreen?
I notice that each ship was judged by a different set of parameters. We need a standard set of rules to judge how good a ship is. Aesthetics? close calls? Performance (adjusted for each era)? Exploits?
I suggest that the next list start by explaining the parameters.
I totally agree. I kept wondering how were these being judged.
I owned at least 2 different toys of the Enterprise-E back when those movies came out.
Gawd, I wish I still had those. I really don't know what became of them.
The refit will always be my favorite, though in hindsight (and based on the blueprints) its interior seemed to be rather cramped in comparison to even the TOS version.
Love the video! Wish you would have covered the battle bridge too definitely worth a mention :)
While not a "hero" ship, my favorite class is the Excelsior. It has the ascetic of the original movie ships like the Constitution refit and Miranda (also my favorite looks). It is reliable, powerful, and easily upgradable keeping it relevant throughout all centuries. Plus you get to say "EXCELSIOR!!!" when talking about it.
Unexpected Monty Python foot at the beginning
The Kelvin Enterprise wasn't on the list, so it has my approval.
Purely by aesthetics, I like the Enterprise-E and the Enterprise Refit / -A most. However, my overall favourites are the Defiants. Oh, wait! There's also the Bounty! Hm....
Great list! Thank you for showing some love for my fave TNG episode "Who Watches the Watchers" 💖🥰🖖
I have just read Marcus Fry's article. Sean, while I admire you for being your own man, I agree with it much more than I do with this video's ranking.
I would note the Enterprise D has the most screentime of all the entries, and therefore has had the most time to permeate your consciousness.
Scotty told the computer on excellosr "up your shaft" 😆 while he was in the turbo lift 😂
My list
10 Excelsior
9 NX-01
8 Cerritos
7 Protostar
6 Enterprise-E
5 Voyager
4 Defiant
3 Enterprise-D
2 NCC-1701
1 NCC-1701 A/Refit
I was so pleasantly surprised how much I agree with that list! the only gripe i might have is that I never learned to love the Enterprise-D, but I do understand the reasoning in this video.
Year of Hell for Voyager was a great episode as it showed a fairly beaten up ship over a couple episodes.
In defiance of every other comment, it seems, I think this list is pretty good. If I made the list myself, without having seen this video, my order would no doubt have been different, but probably would have been generally the same. I'm not sure if the D would have been in first place, I also really like Voyager, and since the E owes a lot of its design concepts to Voyager, but made for a movie, those two would probably have to duke it out for the top spot. And I probably would have had the Cerritos lower. I'm just not a huge fan of the industrial pylons.
But minor quibbles aside, the list is a fine one. And arguing about matters of taste is as pointless as it is fun.
I'm beyond vexed that the Cerritos and the Protostar have gotten so little merch. Get on it, Playmates!
I have not watched this yet and not read the comments either. I will this evening, but here are my top 3
Bronze: The Defiant
Silver: 1701 E
Gold: 1701 A
i was super pleased to see this list (rightly) placed voyager so high up the list.
Top Tier:
1) Galaxy Class
2) Constitution Refit
Next Tier:
3) Voyager
4) Sovereign
5) Defiant
I love the ship designs and aesthetics of Star Trek. There's only a few I would say I actively don't like. However, those are my personal favorites.
The ENT is a work of art. I look at the ship and weep... I'll never be able to travel in it.
With advanced virtual environments and the evolution of human brain interfaces? in about 20 years there won't be a single experience real or fictional that you can't experience with 100% realism. We don't need holodecks when we can hijack every input to the brain.
Love ya Sean but the orginal Enterprise at 8? Outraged! Maybe a few shifts with Scotty in the engine room will right ya 😄🖖
Read the orginal article after watching the video. This is going to be one of those agree to disagree( like comparing Tardis interiors and Doctors).
10.) Cerritos
9.) La Sirena
8.) Protostar
7.) Discovery
6.) NX 01
5.) Voyager
4.) Defiant
3.) Enterprise E
2.) 1701 D (favourite engineering and Bridge)
1.) 1701 especially with Strange New Worlds version(favourite 1701 refit).
While I will admit to being a Galaxy-class hater, I can’t imagine how anyone could rank the E anywhere but #1. The Sovereign is by far the most beautiful and toughest ship in Star Trek.
The Enterprise-D will always be my comfort food. I love that shop so much.
NCC-1701-D is my home. I watched some of the TOS when I was very young. But for me as a 10/11 year old watching encounter at far point and that beautiful ship. For there to the end of the next gen movies. It always makes me feel happy to see that ship and remember all the "adventures" episodes.
I was hoping for the USS Cerritos to be on this list and it is on this list! Happy day!
Of those mentioned, I agree with the Enterprise D. That said, my favorite Starfleet design has always been the Excelsior class, including the Excelsior itself as well as the Enterprise B. Can't describe it, it's just got "the look" for me.
The NX-01 Refit we never got was going to be so cool looking, it had a secondary hull like the Constitution class.
When Enterprise E came on screen, that was the one for me. BUT, I can't wait to see the new "F" if it shows itself in Picard. E came and went pretty quickly and there are not a lot of letters left before they get to "J". these ships need to last longer. I love all of the ships n the shows. Strange new worl Enterprise
Did I somehow miss it? Where was the Enterprise A refit? It was a hero ship and for me it is such a great redesign of the original Enterprise. I personally rank it first place tied with voyager
it was totally missing, same with the Kelvin version.
I'm assumign they were lumping all versions of the Connie together. Which makes little sense why it was ranked so low.
He mentioned he liked it over the original Connie, but I think he basically chose to group all the Connie variants together.
Thanks! 🖖
Anyone here a Pluto-TV fan!! Well just want to tell you that not only do they have a 24 hour Star Trek channel showing STTNG and The Movies.
They have recently added a "More Star Trek" channel that is now showing STDS9!! That channel will also show Voyager, and Enterprise!! All for Free!! Nice!
Aside from the Cali-class placement, I largely agree with your list, Sean. Some ships just have a grace. Hero ships are funny like that.
The Cali-class' lack of a 'neck' between the engineering and saucer sections means that crew have to go through the nacelle struts and nacelle bodies to get between the two. What kind of suck-ass design choice is that?
1701!!!!!! 1701!!!! Surely that should have been number one!!!! Flipping the table!
A top ten ship has got to be able to give a pounding, not just survive a pounding.
An idea for a future TrekCulture video.
Everyday items whose inventions were inspired by Star Trek.
- Flip phones, inspired by TOS communicators
- Ear buds, inspired by the ear piece Uhura used in TOS
- Skype/Zoom, inspired by TOS
- Personal computers, inspired by TOS
- Siri/Alexa, inspired by both TOS & TNG
- The internet/world wide web, inspired by TOS
- Touch screen computers, inspired by TNG
- Tablet computers/smartphones, inspired by TNG
- Widescreen/HD TV screens, inspired by TOS & TNG
and several more...
Well, each person surely have a different list than what is mentioned in this vid. I personally do not agree the ENT-D is #1. It's too bulky of a ship IMO to look nice compared to the ENT-E, which I love it's sleek design. The Protostar is number 2 for me, given I just love these fast little ships. They always say "Bigger is not always better." Number 3 geos to Refit ENT/ENT-A design. Sure looks sleeker and better than the original Constitution design. The rest are mix-up for me. Yet I do agree that last place goes to that freighter in Picard. You can't compare Starfleet ships to a freighter! It's like comparing today cargo ships to the sleek designs of Navy ships. No contest which ships look better.
Am I mistaken or did I see the Galaxy class Enterprise D carrying the registry 1701-E?
Yes, that's what you saw. It's from a DVD extra.
How dare you put the nx-01 so low, if this isn’t ranked purely on power, you’re wrong
That was the perfect word to end the final choice on. Totally share that sentiment
I"m sad the Ambassador class didn't make the list, I always thought it was the perfect mixture of the old style with the new.
The D&E are definitely my personal favorites. Hard to decide between them. The Excelsior class too👍