The problem is people never been thought why sport is the better way to have fun playing. Most people don't get respect makes a sport more enjoyable... The other big isue is people lose their weak character when online.
I think there are more hackers than people realize. I’m a longtime player, only a 1.5 kd. Average I’m guessing. There are some really good players who know the game and where to look going into a building etc. There ARE super skilled players. However, I’ve been killed through walls, killed by weapons that should not be able to 1 shot at long distances. Lag switching is out of control
The community was always bad for it, since day one. Entire hack-fits were banned. One dude had 70 k/d as a heavy assault main. You go out in the open air like he did, you'll be killed in moments few with any real pop. Whilst there he was tanking the banshee whilst going about his business unscathed lmao. Obviously if there are idiots like that -- any 2 bit with a brain is going to be able to rock some subtle cheats and get away with it. Radar only was a thing for a while, which gave us a good chuckle on teamspeak seeing that there were so many complaints about motion spotters ruining game play for LA and flankers alike. Why bother with motion spot? I'd be with some guys who knew where everyone was coming from without them lol. If you ever asked how they knew exactly what corner everyone would try and jump them from, despite wrels old videos about 'having an advantage when you jump someone' they would say 'it comes with experience'. Apparently that experience gives you telepathy and precognition. The ability to produce an overshield of immortality, whilst the guy next to him gets dropped in a microsecond wondering how the guy just laughs it all off. And we go from there. Once people got fed up; some smart got the idea to check out a few paid sites. Their own forums and everything. Amusingly the subscribers for hags-club at one point, a long with Aimjunkies - was greater than the total remaining playerbase in the game. With peole crying any time their 'skill package' stopped working. Don't take Planetside 2 seriously. If you applied a few braincells further, you'd ask yourself a simple question. As the population dwindles and you accept there 'are' some hackers in the game. What do you suppose the pro's did all those years running alone and encountering them? Just died and lost the days K/D? Of course not. They toggled their own I-win button and dealt with mans. After two of the outfits I was in (VS/NC) started openly discussing it in voice chat (where to get working ones) I called it a day. Games like this are way too vulnerable. Most of these types of games are these days - and they appeal to cheaters because people can't handle getting outplayed. The temptation is too great.
Absolutely. I was capping a base with 0 players at it the other day, sat in a high corner for about 30 seconds before someone turned up. He turned the corner, pre-firing & knew I was there. He essentially ran straight to me, so I asked him how he knew I was there and his response was simply "Intuition :)". Like if there were more people there I'd understand but there was literally him & I and he somehow knew I was in that specific corner & pre-fired it.
Recently had a BR7 laser me with a pump shotgun from over 30 meters for a 1 shot kill. The sound of all the pellets hitting my head was so loud and sudden it made me jump. People in chat were like “oh must have been a lucky shot, there are no hackers” serious cope.
I called out a number of cheats going on Reddit but there are so many people are in denial that cheats even exist.. The problem I feel is the biggest issue in PlanetSide 2 is large number of ESF pilots using Software Lag Switches. Nothing worse than being insta killed by a ESF who hit his Lag Switch and unloaded a whole round in to you before the network catches up.. Welp, that being said.. A lot of the top 100 players just vanish after updates or their skill doesn't match their godly skill they had before..
I encountered a hacker last week, well known player that griefed people with his "skill", it took 3 of us in the NC testing him to prove he was hacking, at which point it appears that Daybreak finally did something about him and banned him - but for the year or so he was running around I feel sorry for all those that found themselves in impossible situations that got told "get good" after they called him out.
Ye theres this guy on connery incredibleWOW blantantly aimbotting on TR with well over a 5.0 KD as only playing infantry, he just insantly headshots you from like 300m away without even looking in your direction 1st. I just get off if I get in a fight against him, it just ruins the experience for everyone. And the worst part is I think teh whole server has reported him at this point and he's BR 70 and they haven't done anything about it.
More like 1-2 outfits per faction per server. All the tryhard outfits on my server use the packet loss cheat by default and god knows what else. The community is rotten in this game!
It always has been that way in planetside 2. People defend those, who if they were really this 'skilled' would be world record holders for human reflexes lol. I've seen HA's who have been jumped from behind by twin Br120+ SMG infils and stray cross fire from others -- and they survive it doing a mach 10 back and forth crouch up and down, taking 3 or four people down with headshot sprees before they finally collapse on the floor. Most other people I catch, die before they turn around. The reason the pro outfits cheat is because it's so easy to hide it. They never get tired of it but if you sit on their own team with them and watch. You see it all. The radar cheat, where they just run and find everyone immediately. The instant response time. Headshotting snipers with LMG's from a cliff away with a 1x scope. Then they laugh 'that bro needs to 'get gud', otherwise known as 'get the hags-club package'. In the early days I remember some of the legitimate high br HA mains calling it out on chat and people would groan and agree. In time, they gave up and got cheats as well. Some only used it to I-win button against other hackers that were taking the piss. But over time the use got too tempting. Game is practically dead now because of it. They thought it was just people clueless at the game sure. Until someone got on the inside on the cheat websites and found familiar names in the forums. People also forget at times to keep their server private or when they are mentioning other players that have got them banned. So we could guess easily who it was from the surrounding details. Game is riddled with this filth. Don't waste your time.
@@ErraticFaith You are absolutely right! I love this game, enjoyed many thousands of hours in it, but when I saw statues honoring worst cheater outfits of the server in the sanctuary I knew it was time to move on. No future! Almost all good players have left, only cheating smoothbrains and noobs remain.
Its a little bit of a chuckle I admit, when you're having a fairly even pop fight and certain names pop up and in seconds the 3 sunderers are gone (being pretty well guarded) because the 'pro' just doesnt die like the rest until his c4 job is done. I was guarding one. Watched a guy hover down. Tanking two of the little engineer self defence turrets as he did so. Bumbled his c4 det in front of a fresh spawned HA. Took more damage while he switched to his weapon. Killed the guy. Went back to the c4. Put it under the bus. Switched to his rocklets and finished the job. Only after all that and a mass of guys returning to the flashing on the map, does he go down to a squads worth of fire. No way that is 'legit' for a 'pro' when everyone else I was dunking go down in a single smg clip to the head, as they should. I really don't know how these 'hacking is rare' guys, think that the more clever cheaters (oh sorry 'pro players') deal with it lol. Truth is back when I was a major cheat denier myself, or at least it being 'that bad' - I didn't even think you could tweak your survivability. This was pre implant. Obviously things like Adren on HA try hards made it more glitchy. But when you see 'pro' medics tanking more damage than a lighting -- not even a carapace as a Br 47. And the Br 100 medic next to him dies instantly to the same dudes, that he seems not to. Then sure. Nothing legit about it. It's easy enough to do. I used to jump on an alt and follow Hydra about on Cobalt. Now THAT was some download use lmao.
Aim assist is more common than people think. I threw one out of my outfit last week and reported them to the cheater email after they used it on my when I was on an alt.
Looking at the guy in the video using a "can't see me" hack. Look how everyone pretty much ignores him. I tried to do the "run around on the tower" cheeseplay and as soon as I fired my gun EVERYONE stomped me at once. Even with a silencer.
Given that stealth cheats are by their very nature are difficult to detect, your assertion @1:25 that only 3-4 people are using stealth cheats on a server at a given time rings a bit hollow
Agreed but if it was systemic, the products would have to be very accessible(cheats are difficult to get) and people would get caught more via Discord dm's discussing cheating.
There's many high level plebs who have hacks but put the settings on lightly to give them that edge. Been killed by many of these losers with aim assist, mainly tankers or esfs, some infantry.
"thats what the aimbots of *today* do" Here's the thing, they have always been able to do that, Aimbots going back to HL1 and UT days were capable doing that. Instead of snapping to the head, they had a speed variable of how fast they would move to and track. They also had settings for a Cone of activation, so instead of locking on to something way on the side of your view they would only lock onto something within a defined area around the center of view. So reality is they have been around for a vary vary long time, its just the lazy hacks that just snap to target with a few lines of code. What is relatively new is aimbots that have target prediction taking into account targets movement distance and projectile speed/drop. However non of that is needed in PS2 since every damn thing is clientsided for the sake of keeping operational costs to a bare minimum. You can just tell the server you hit and it accepts it without question.
After playing on Soltec for years now. It’s easy to tell who is using soft hacks. They get headshot kiss super quickly some any position. The dumber the position the easier it is to tell. For example if the guy manages to get headshots while falling and they don’t have Lazer sight. Maybe they manage to get a kill through the walls, as they’re shooting at the ground. The soft hacker users are tougher to take down but not un-killable. On Soltech when one of us in the Platoon dies to a hacker, we just leave and go to the other side of the map or a different front other than the Hacker Faction. You really can’t do anything to stop them if they’re using blatant hacks after all.
Много болтовни, но скажу коротко, хакера или того кто подменил файлы очень легко вычислить, это просто логика, например его пули всегда попападают, или напирмер он спокойно может убить 3-5 человек, в игре где дуель один на один не всегда победишь, плюс одновременно могут стрелять сзади, всё это говорит о том что человее использует читы или разные уловки, типа увелечение обьекта головы например с помощью подмены файлов, и это вроде не чит, но довольно больше преимущество, вычислить которые невозможно, поэтому нет параной, просто логика, перестрелять двух далеко не всегда выйдет, когда я был новичком то да, но я больше 10 лет играл во многие подобные игры, и читера вижу за километр, это как боксёр на боксе котрый просто бьёт, не используя защиту, он знает что не получит удар в ответ поэтому будет себя так вести, так и читер, он знает что перестреляет любого, и по его движениям, передвижениям его видно, ему даже стрелять не прийдеться можно понять что он читерит, часто они не умеют даже двигаться, и даже опытные игроки, с читами, делают эти микро движения, и ты сразу видишь, что человек читерит, просто надо понаблюдать и подумать и это видно сразу
I played the game for years and cheaters have been rare, however there is so much jank in the game, it is easy to hide the use of cheats. Whenever outfits wars is around things change, tough. The cheat accusations run wild and for good reason, it's much easier now to find people giving you a instant triple headshot at insane distances.
Oh the cheats have been known about since beta (like literally the game was filled with people flying around one-shoting everyone at launch) , SOE just ignored them because of the costs of dealing with it. Smed already ran the company out of money with all his get rich quick schemes (like wanting a virtual real estate scam in EQnext after seeing second life) and PS2 wasn't making money from the get go.
It is an old code and hacks have been available for 10 years. I don't think they really do a lot to stop it unless it is blatant, battle eye just scans for some basic stuff . I have quit the game a few times for various reasons. Surprised people still pay to keep the servers up.
@@maxrex280 My honest take is that there are very talented players that have put 5000 hours + into the game, and there are players that probably dont have a chance against them , so they use cheats, the casual players get caught in the crossfire. I just don't care for the direction the game has gone.
I also think when the server performance starts slacking, the hackusations start arising way more. Or what i like to call the hamsters running the wheel that is the servers slowly giving up.
The game is rife with aimbotters. Headshots from across the map with weapons that don't have a zoom capable, or snap targeting (key give away), with massive kill streaks -- yet the person has zero game knowledge/skill. My favorite are the aimboting mosquitos doing 360 no scope massacres.
Pro people exists in PS2. But more numerous than pro people, is the cheaters simulating being pros. Planetside 2 is one of the games with the most _subtle cheaters_ out there. That same people that spends real money buying skins in a free game to _"look good and nice in front of others",_ has everything what is needed (they spend money in that things + they are very interested in "looking good") to go buy a cheat, to look like a pro, to _"look good and nice in front of others."_ What stops them from doing it? They could just create a new account, these are free. Only their own morals would stop them from doing it, and we all know that is almost non-existent in most people, specially when they think that _"nobody will know"_ and _"I have nothing to lose"._
Just yesterday there was a BR14 VS Engineer on Emerald clearly using a collision hack. Dude was just walking right through walls. Definitely a first for me; most hackers are pretty obvious with flying maxes and Aimbot. All this player did was walk through walls. And then there is server performance which can 100% feel "hacker-ish" when on the receiving end.
As of today, I only come across people who can see through walls and appear through the doors of the facilities, pointing at you. Out of around 50 people, about 35 users exhibit strange behaviors.
It's also worth noting that the hack makes it easier for them to spot infiltrators. Once you exit your invisibility and go back into it, you're marked by the HUD.
For the first two years, I played this on a laptop with a $10 wired mouse. Sometimes you just have to get good. Always make sure you have a friendly go in first.
Statistically, if the hacks exist for the game. Roughly 33% of your player base will have used them at one point or another in the lifetime of the game.
@@normanlandstruck3985 dude that survey was conducted by Irdeto which makes anti piracy software. If you think that's even a slightly credible source, boy do I have some snake oil to sell you.
Aim botting is a lot more subtle these days but it's not as prevalent. The bad hacks are wallhacking and collision hacks/exploits. The way the game works, you could have the best aimbot in the world and you'll still die a lot of the time. But if you glitch into a wall or see through walls, you have such an enormous advantage and can ruin entire fights by yourself. The craziest hacker I ever came across was noclipping through a biolab with a knife, but he wasn't getting many kills because he had trouble getting in melee distance. He got shot down more than a few times and eventually logged off.
There's good players and than there's too good to be true. Like lmg being the new sniper rifle and last week there was a WTAC player killing aircraft as they rendered in to view with a he lightning. Aimbot/ aim assists cheats are the new go to thing now and people are sneaky about it, they'll use it for day or two to complete directives and then stop using it. But I would put it between 5% to 10% of players sneak some kind of cheat in that's hard to tell like hit box manipulation or highlighting enemies/ seeing through walls. I've been snipe at a 150m away cloaked with out shooting at anyone first. It's just to good to be human skill.
I have only been playing a few weeks and I get shot through walls at least once or twice a session. I was playing the other day and the entire opposing faction we were fighting were popping in and out and flying all over, which might be lag I guess? There is no mistaking getting shot through a building.
I get accused of cheating all the time by infils that don't understand that cloak makes noise and doesn't make them invisible. I can see the motion sensor on the map ofc I'm watching for the infil camping the vehicle pad lmao.
How does he knows that only 1% is cheating.... I saw enough Cheater and i mean flying persons, guys hitting me behind walls and i assume an intelligent cheater plays smooth. I had enough fights where i got hits from really far which is not possible in this way. I have nearly all weapons and played them so i assume there are much cheater than you can see. If i would use a wallhack how do you wanna check this ? Yes, if some uses it hardcore and aimbots you will see it but intelligent plays and you dont see it. I know that i dont have the reaction like i had 25 years ago where i could aim really fast and hit (some said i was cheating in counterstrike but i trained every day with a friend) so i know what can be possible. I dont count alle hits because some are luck headshots but i know which weapon can really shot and hit and its possible for cheaters to decrease the recoil etc. You will not find them if they play smooth. From my opinion you have enough cheaters in planetside 2 and i dont recommed it now. I know daybreak, from planetside 2 and from everquest 2 and this is one of the worst company, gives a shit to customers and services.
Hacking is done all the time in games - comes from the military, and they're actually using military code against you. Which is an offense under the Military, it's designed for Anti-countering systems and false system feed loop systems. It's not to be used in the public/civilian realm, because it is a military breach of securities. It's designed to be undetectable. so there is no triangular pinpointing of the source of the code. What you see is code then there are other layers of code in that code, and layers upon layers, of course, time, is brought into the picture, they can make a football size field inside a nanosecond of code that can be further articulated of anti, anti, anticipated... Where ever the code is they can follow you around and watch in real time from a position of all time.
The time I see the most cheating is on choke point like the lower halls at nason's. I'll get killed and the kill cam will show the guy shooting me from behind a wall all the way at the other end and around the corner of a hallway. like lol okay sure
I get hackusated daily my thing is when I run into a couple people who continuously prefire me when I'm about to pass a door 😂 but I stop befor I pass and they shoot as if I would keep going 😢 sadly these few people are in well now outfits but I won't mention but let's just say 8k+ hours I very rarely run into the situation but I spot it very quickly. I cant say anything because it's so hard to prove something that only experience can point out.
I like how you are saying that covert cheaters are affecting the game, yet for some reason noone ever mentions people who edit the INI to get an extremely unfair advantage by removing all foliage and by turning the game into "Unlit mode" by removing all shadows and most shading. Sure cheating is a huge problem for the game, but it's the tryhards that are exploiting the game in every possible way to gain an advantage over others. This includes you, since you are running the game on literal potato mode. MY personal opinion is that the tryharding is killing the game a lot more than cheating. Evere day that I play I see the same people over and over. It is all the same Tryhards that get salty when you kill them the same way they killed you.
Is there a health hack? I just played an infiltrator who head shot everyone in shootouts but you could unload a whole magazine in them and they lived everytime.
This shit. I unloaded an MKS into a heavy at near knife range, then switched to Commissioner and got 3 HS and he wasn't dead yet... the Comm shots alone were enough, all on their own. That was one of the most egregious examples since I started playing again, but there's a distinct difference between the TTK on some rando and many of the "very skilled players." Close range burst of HS leaves literally no time for reaction, several people have unquestioningly proven that. Sure, sometimes I could have just missed a hair too many of the shots. But not every single time with *some* people. It's frustrating because they're ruining a unique game.
yeah, i killed hackers befor. i comented another youtuber who put a video up about a MAX wall hacker with aim accursy And ofc, they got offended that i even comented about the issue and how to solve the issue, they really considerd me to be stupid when i suggested that, you track the hacker down and then you hunt them for the rest of the game, that will ruined there mood to play after 1 or 2 hours. Also if you dont have the intrests to do so, you can just log out for 2 hours and come back later. Anyways, by tracking the hacker and kill them from far away, tanks/aircrafts, long range snipers so on and so on, you basickly force them out of the battle field and make the game experince very uncomfterble for them while they play. Its very easy to tilt and annoy a hacker in planetside.
Hacks on PC with little to no monitoring from the devs, what a surprise. Are devs been paid to ignore these paying hackers? The game is shit atm, uninstall and stop playing is the only way they will truly take the problem seriously.
honestly, I've seen cheaters before in this game and there were times when they were far more frequent. but most of the time nowadays when something feels off it's usually netcode.
i got banned from a rust server ik this off topic but he said i was cheating and seeing threw walls but i herd him fail to crouch walk sprint 1 time and ikew he was right at the door cuz of that, at the time i had a razer headset priced at like 150-200$ and i got banned for it haha not my falt tbh. but know i got a 60$ headset still good but prob not gunna do that ever agen
I honestly havent noticed any hackers... Last time was when that flying max was just killing everyone... Like 6 months ago? And this is the kind of the only game i play so im kind of confused on why this is even a topic 🤔
When it comes to hackusations there are a million reasons why it's possible one person could be misinformed. Sound cues, Motion/Ant detectors, client side interactions, server side lag, straight up being outskilled etc. It's also low peasantry to accuse someone better then you of cheating. With all that in mind I can say without a shadow of a doubt that at least once per session I encounter someone who is just an absolute anomaly, and this is coming from someone that has engaged in competitive gaming from all walks of gaming. The World of Warcraft Arena, Tribes, hell even classic goldsrc Counter Strike 1.5. It takes an awful lot to get me to think someone is fishy and let me tell you, there are quite a few smelly fish swimming around in planetside. If I had to take a guess I would assume it stems from the toxic competitive nature of the dedicated infantry combat community. Basically the guys that will challenge you to a 1v1 in a game renown for having the largest battles in the world.
I stopped playing this game not due to hackers but when you combine glitchers, hackers, the broken game itself it all adds up to the game being super annoying most of the time
infantery op, give back thermalsight to vehicles. why is everything counterable but infantery? what's the scissor for the papers here? even maxsuits are made out of papers these days.
You know what really affects Planetside? Purchasing a decal for $1200 Merit and having your $16,000 Merit fall to $1 Merit. And now merit cannot be earned. It’s a known issue. There was no warning in game, even though they knew the bug existed. And they won’t replace the Merit when they fix. The devs basically allowed a whole swath of players to lose all their Merit without warning, and say screw you we won’t give it back to you, when they could simply push a single update to give anyone with $1 Merit a bump of $20,000 Merit. The devs have zero accountability or sympathy for people that put in a lot of time to gain their stupid currency when their ineptitude just pisses all that time and work away.
"These hackers now" - welcome to like 10 years ago dude this is NOTHING new and there are WAY more than 1 or 2 people using them. Most of the "top players" are using them. 3 or 4? Gimme a break.
Lol i get 35 FPS in most fights and still manage to do alright in terms of KDA. Game is mostly about positioning and as you pointed out the folks with the hardcore cheats just rambo out into the field. If leet fits are harboring cheaters i don't really care because i abandon the fight once they show up anyways. Not interested in getting farmed by the sweat lords not matter what makes them sweaty.
Finally, someone explained that high ping is not really an advantage. In any case, low ping is preferable. As for packet loss, there are special applications for monitoring program traffic, where you can do this for the planetside process. The fact that everything that happens on the server of some "cool players" lags behind their actions by 50-100 ms does not mean a good physiological reaction or skill, but you know what ;)
People with high ping, that also take full advantage of clientside and play hyper aggressively warp through floors and their character model spazzing out real bad. It definitely can be an advantage to people who play like they are on crack all the time. You can see that just on videos of more popular content creators.
Low ping is preferable, so what? Its not like packetloss is something anyone wants either if we are just going to be talking in that extremely general way. Packetloss on SENT packets IS preferable and is what a lot of these people are using to get the advantage. High latency on SENT packets is also preferable for the exact same reason as the above. Its not like your connection is a water pipe where you either turn it all on or off, especially with programs you could delay any outbound traffic to simulate high ping while any inbound traffic from the server is passing right through allowing you to see what everyone else is doing like normal while you are a laggy mofo on their screen which is exactly what they are doing with both of these. Legit bad connection has the advantage of latency on sent packets, meaning they can move around a corner and see someone before they are seen but they typically also have the disadvantage of latency on received packets, meaning they are slow to react to what other people do, like shooting them. Advantages/disadvantages of packetloss in a bad connection is almost identical to the above except its more random/sporadic rather than the more constant high ping/latency. The cheating part is that you remove or limit the disadvantage of either of these so you are still receiving packets at a high speed/low to no packetloss giving you a good reaction time while you get free time to aim and fire when rounding corners etc, sliding around rubbering on for everyone else.
I know its just ping... but i really hate when i die .... and my body is already in cover..... Also infiltrators using sniper rifles in close quarters piss me off (for headshoting me) but an actual hacker? that i have not seen
Isn't this game have "repeat cam" or "killcam" during alert, like "war thunder" have? If not - why you guys tried to play this garbage? If player can't even check his latest session, it mean he like to drown in doubt. Some special type of sadistic pleasure , lmao
Hardest part of this conversation is that a vast majority of the playerbase can't tell the difference between wall hacks vs mini-map awareness + auditory queues. A lot of players don't realize that they're lighting up on the mini-map when sprinting around like a dolt, then get surprised when their "epic" flank gets pre-fired and peeked. Next paragraph is just me going on a tangent TL;DR - Average player says guy is hacker. Good player says no, presents why. Average player says hacker louder. Good player possibly leaves for different outfit. Average player wonders why their squad is so shite, the opposition must be hackers and other players at that level simply believe it. In regards to Acc+HSR stats, I'll just use my personal experience from when I played in a zergfit to say that we're getting to the point where players with average to below average shooting abilities are the ones who are most vocal about calling out "hackers" in situations where they're simply getting dunked on. Some of the above average players to really good players have tried to dissuade that notion, but that space of the playerbase is so set on the notion that their copium is justified that players who have tips and tricks to offer just get shut down almost immediately because they aren't speaking as loud as the first guys. Any tips on how to improve upon those stats just gets shot down. I know reddit is a terrible example, but on the occasion that someone posts a gaming montage of average play, you'll get upvotes, but God forbid an "elite" player posts them dunking on the population because that is just "proof" that they're hacking since shooting like that "isn't" possible, so you'll get downvotes galore. Opening your mouth against the grain subjects you to ridicule, so those players lose the social incentive to continue playing in that space and will seek out mid-fits or elite-fits to just have a better experience playing the game.
Most of the "top" players are exploiting game mechanics. It's even in Zealous' videos. The serpentine manoeuvre is very toxic and you shouldn't use it, even if it helps you win. It causes desync which means you become "immune" to bullets. It should be a gentleman's agreement that nobody does this because it ruins the experience for new players who shoot at an enemy, and get frustrated that their bullets that hit the enemy don't actually hit. Often, anyone who speaks out about this is called a noob and told to get good, but on their own screen, they can see the hit animations.
Look, I've been insta-killed by enough "pros" from 100+ meters while moving erraticly to know that there's a lot more BS going on than all the weird stuff that comes with PS2. Even something like the Godsaw, with its very high dmg model, is 4 HS when talking about cross-hex shots. It is statistically impossible to consistently insta-kill someone from cross-hex, rifles aside. Yet, it happens all the time from people in "leet-fits". Hear a single *plink* and the LA in the pipes drops you while you're coming out of A in Quartz, lol, nah... not how that goes, Howie. I will never understand the type of person that cheats, nor the type of person that denies that this non-blatant cheating is happening.
Only 1 or 2 or 3 or 4....or you know, 20 of which 2 are exploiting terrain and then at least 1-2 aim/esp/hitbox in every fight on the map, on each side. You can see the 8:1 ratio in the pop list.
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The problem is people never been thought why sport is the better way to have fun playing. Most people don't get respect makes a sport more enjoyable... The other big isue is people lose their weak character when online.
Also there are entire guilds using hacks and there are many which low tech cheat simply by watching each others screens.
I think there are more hackers than people realize. I’m a longtime player, only a 1.5 kd. Average I’m guessing. There are some really good players who know the game and where to look going into a building etc. There ARE super skilled players. However, I’ve been killed through walls, killed by weapons that should not be able to 1 shot at long distances. Lag switching is out of control
Yep been playing this game for 5 years on and off and im quite positive people are soft hacking in this game.
Nah thats just what happens when you remove nanoweave and increase damge by 25% in a game that has a 12 Hz tickrate. lmao
Yes lag switch is out of control
The community was always bad for it, since day one. Entire hack-fits were banned. One dude had 70 k/d as a heavy assault main. You go out in the open air like he did, you'll be killed in moments few with any real pop. Whilst there he was tanking the banshee whilst going about his business unscathed lmao.
Obviously if there are idiots like that -- any 2 bit with a brain is going to be able to rock some subtle cheats and get away with it. Radar only was a thing for a while, which gave us a good chuckle on teamspeak seeing that there were so many complaints about motion spotters ruining game play for LA and flankers alike. Why bother with motion spot? I'd be with some guys who knew where everyone was coming from without them lol. If you ever asked how they knew exactly what corner everyone would try and jump them from, despite wrels old videos about 'having an advantage when you jump someone' they would say 'it comes with experience'.
Apparently that experience gives you telepathy and precognition. The ability to produce an overshield of immortality, whilst the guy next to him gets dropped in a microsecond wondering how the guy just laughs it all off. And we go from there.
Once people got fed up; some smart got the idea to check out a few paid sites. Their own forums and everything. Amusingly the subscribers for hags-club at one point, a long with Aimjunkies - was greater than the total remaining playerbase in the game.
With peole crying any time their 'skill package' stopped working.
Don't take Planetside 2 seriously. If you applied a few braincells further, you'd ask yourself a simple question. As the population dwindles and you accept there 'are' some hackers in the game. What do you suppose the pro's did all those years running alone and encountering them? Just died and lost the days K/D?
Of course not. They toggled their own I-win button and dealt with mans.
After two of the outfits I was in (VS/NC) started openly discussing it in voice chat (where to get working ones) I called it a day. Games like this are way too vulnerable. Most of these types of games are these days - and they appeal to cheaters because people can't handle getting outplayed. The temptation is too great.
Absolutely. I was capping a base with 0 players at it the other day, sat in a high corner for about 30 seconds before someone turned up. He turned the corner, pre-firing & knew I was there. He essentially ran straight to me, so I asked him how he knew I was there and his response was simply "Intuition :)".
Like if there were more people there I'd understand but there was literally him & I and he somehow knew I was in that specific corner & pre-fired it.
Recently had a BR7 laser me with a pump shotgun from over 30 meters for a 1 shot kill. The sound of all the pellets hitting my head was so loud and sudden it made me jump. People in chat were like “oh must have been a lucky shot, there are no hackers” serious cope.
He could have been using slugs, or he was lagging.
I called out a number of cheats going on Reddit but there are so many people are in denial that cheats even exist.. The problem I feel is the biggest issue in PlanetSide 2 is large number of ESF pilots using Software Lag Switches. Nothing worse than being insta killed by a ESF who hit his Lag Switch and unloaded a whole round in to you before the network catches up..
Welp, that being said.. A lot of the top 100 players just vanish after updates or their skill doesn't match their godly skill they had before..
I encountered a hacker last week, well known player that griefed people with his "skill", it took 3 of us in the NC testing him to prove he was hacking, at which point it appears that Daybreak finally did something about him and banned him - but for the year or so he was running around I feel sorry for all those that found themselves in impossible situations that got told "get good" after they called him out.
Ye theres this guy on connery incredibleWOW blantantly aimbotting on TR with well over a 5.0 KD as only playing infantry, he just insantly headshots you from like 300m away without even looking in your direction 1st. I just get off if I get in a fight against him, it just ruins the experience for everyone. And the worst part is I think teh whole server has reported him at this point and he's BR 70 and they haven't done anything about it.
There is no way there are only "1-2 people per server" running hacks.
More like 1-2 outfits per faction per server. All the tryhard outfits on my server use the packet loss cheat by default and god knows what else. The community is rotten in this game!
It always has been that way in planetside 2. People defend those, who if they were really this 'skilled' would be world record holders for human reflexes lol. I've seen HA's who have been jumped from behind by twin Br120+ SMG infils and stray cross fire from others -- and they survive it doing a mach 10 back and forth crouch up and down, taking 3 or four people down with headshot sprees before they finally collapse on the floor. Most other people I catch, die before they turn around.
The reason the pro outfits cheat is because it's so easy to hide it. They never get tired of it but if you sit on their own team with them and watch. You see it all. The radar cheat, where they just run and find everyone immediately. The instant response time. Headshotting snipers with LMG's from a cliff away with a 1x scope. Then they laugh 'that bro needs to 'get gud', otherwise known as 'get the hags-club package'.
In the early days I remember some of the legitimate high br HA mains calling it out on chat and people would groan and agree. In time, they gave up and got cheats as well. Some only used it to I-win button against other hackers that were taking the piss. But over time the use got too tempting.
Game is practically dead now because of it. They thought it was just people clueless at the game sure. Until someone got on the inside on the cheat websites and found familiar names in the forums. People also forget at times to keep their server private or when they are mentioning other players that have got them banned. So we could guess easily who it was from the surrounding details. Game is riddled with this filth. Don't waste your time.
@@ErraticFaith You are absolutely right! I love this game, enjoyed many thousands of hours in it, but when I saw statues honoring worst cheater outfits of the server in the sanctuary I knew it was time to move on. No future! Almost all good players have left, only cheating smoothbrains and noobs remain.
Its a little bit of a chuckle I admit, when you're having a fairly even pop fight and certain names pop up and in seconds the 3 sunderers are gone (being pretty well guarded) because the 'pro' just doesnt die like the rest until his c4 job is done.
I was guarding one. Watched a guy hover down. Tanking two of the little engineer self defence turrets as he did so. Bumbled his c4 det in front of a fresh spawned HA. Took more damage while he switched to his weapon. Killed the guy. Went back to the c4. Put it under the bus. Switched to his rocklets and finished the job.
Only after all that and a mass of guys returning to the flashing on the map, does he go down to a squads worth of fire. No way that is 'legit' for a 'pro' when everyone else I was dunking go down in a single smg clip to the head, as they should.
I really don't know how these 'hacking is rare' guys, think that the more clever cheaters (oh sorry 'pro players') deal with it lol.
Truth is back when I was a major cheat denier myself, or at least it being 'that bad' - I didn't even think you could tweak your survivability. This was pre implant. Obviously things like Adren on HA try hards made it more glitchy.
But when you see 'pro' medics tanking more damage than a lighting -- not even a carapace as a Br 47. And the Br 100 medic next to him dies instantly to the same dudes, that he seems not to. Then sure.
Nothing legit about it. It's easy enough to do.
I used to jump on an alt and follow Hydra about on Cobalt. Now THAT was some download use lmao.
Aim assist is more common than people think. I threw one out of my outfit last week and reported them to the cheater email after they used it on my when I was on an alt.
Looking at the guy in the video using a "can't see me" hack. Look how everyone pretty much ignores him. I tried to do the "run around on the tower" cheeseplay and as soon as I fired my gun EVERYONE stomped me at once. Even with a silencer.
"BeepBoobIAmARobo" LOL some of these names really crack me up
Given that stealth cheats are by their very nature are difficult to detect, your assertion @1:25 that only 3-4 people are using stealth cheats on a server at a given time rings a bit hollow
Agreed but if it was systemic, the products would have to be very accessible(cheats are difficult to get) and people would get caught more via Discord dm's discussing cheating.
Cheats for the game arent difficult to get. Found a working one in 20 minutes for cobalt.
There's many high level plebs who have hacks but put the settings on lightly to give them that edge. Been killed by many of these losers with aim assist, mainly tankers or esfs, some infantry.
"thats what the aimbots of *today* do" Here's the thing, they have always been able to do that, Aimbots going back to HL1 and UT days were capable doing that. Instead of snapping to the head, they had a speed variable of how fast they would move to and track. They also had settings for a Cone of activation, so instead of locking on to something way on the side of your view they would only lock onto something within a defined area around the center of view. So reality is they have been around for a vary vary long time, its just the lazy hacks that just snap to target with a few lines of code. What is relatively new is aimbots that have target prediction taking into account targets movement distance and projectile speed/drop. However non of that is needed in PS2 since every damn thing is clientsided for the sake of keeping operational costs to a bare minimum. You can just tell the server you hit and it accepts it without question.
After playing on Soltec for years now. It’s easy to tell who is using soft hacks. They get headshot kiss super quickly some any position. The dumber the position the easier it is to tell.
For example if the guy manages to get headshots while falling and they don’t have Lazer sight. Maybe they manage to get a kill through the walls, as they’re shooting at the ground.
The soft hacker users are tougher to take down but not un-killable.
On Soltech when one of us in the Platoon dies to a hacker, we just leave and go to the other side of the map or a different front other than the Hacker Faction. You really can’t do anything to stop them if they’re using blatant hacks after all.
Много болтовни, но скажу коротко, хакера или того кто подменил файлы очень легко вычислить, это просто логика, например его пули всегда попападают, или напирмер он спокойно может убить 3-5 человек, в игре где дуель один на один не всегда победишь, плюс одновременно могут стрелять сзади, всё это говорит о том что человее использует читы или разные уловки, типа увелечение обьекта головы например с помощью подмены файлов, и это вроде не чит, но довольно больше преимущество, вычислить которые невозможно, поэтому нет параной, просто логика, перестрелять двух далеко не всегда выйдет, когда я был новичком то да, но я больше 10 лет играл во многие подобные игры, и читера вижу за километр, это как боксёр на боксе котрый просто бьёт, не используя защиту, он знает что не получит удар в ответ поэтому будет себя так вести, так и читер, он знает что перестреляет любого, и по его движениям, передвижениям его видно, ему даже стрелять не прийдеться можно понять что он читерит, часто они не умеют даже двигаться, и даже опытные игроки, с читами, делают эти микро движения, и ты сразу видишь, что человек читерит, просто надо понаблюдать и подумать и это видно сразу
If there was a way to make friendly harassers explode when they run me over, I would shamelessly cheat all day long
Cheaters, yeah I remember the time where I got sniped by a aa turret through a fucking mountain
I played the game for years and cheaters have been rare, however there is so much jank in the game, it is easy to hide the use of cheats.
Whenever outfits wars is around things change, tough. The cheat accusations run wild and for good reason, it's much easier now to find people giving you a instant triple headshot at insane distances.
Oh the cheats have been known about since beta (like literally the game was filled with people flying around one-shoting everyone at launch) , SOE just ignored them because of the costs of dealing with it. Smed already ran the company out of money with all his get rich quick schemes (like wanting a virtual real estate scam in EQnext after seeing second life) and PS2 wasn't making money from the get go.
It is an old code and hacks have been available for 10 years. I don't think they really do a lot to stop it unless it is blatant, battle eye just scans for some basic stuff . I have quit the game a few times for various reasons. Surprised people still pay to keep the servers up.
Find a replacement for this game.
@@maxrex280 My honest take is that there are very talented players that have put 5000 hours + into the game, and there are players that probably dont have a chance against them , so they use cheats, the casual players get caught in the crossfire. I just don't care for the direction the game has gone.
I also think when the server performance starts slacking, the hackusations start arising way more. Or what i like to call the hamsters running the wheel that is the servers slowly giving up.
The game is rife with aimbotters. Headshots from across the map with weapons that don't have a zoom capable, or snap targeting (key give away), with massive kill streaks -- yet the person has zero game knowledge/skill. My favorite are the aimboting mosquitos doing 360 no scope massacres.
Exactly those mosquitos headshot me while i can barely even fly 😂
this game has a ton of hackers. VS side the most
Pro people exists in PS2. But more numerous than pro people, is the cheaters simulating being pros. Planetside 2 is one of the games with the most _subtle cheaters_ out there. That same people that spends real money buying skins in a free game to _"look good and nice in front of others",_ has everything what is needed (they spend money in that things + they are very interested in "looking good") to go buy a cheat, to look like a pro, to _"look good and nice in front of others."_ What stops them from doing it? They could just create a new account, these are free. Only their own morals would stop them from doing it, and we all know that is almost non-existent in most people, specially when they think that _"nobody will know"_ and _"I have nothing to lose"._
Just yesterday there was a BR14 VS Engineer on Emerald clearly using a collision hack. Dude was just walking right through walls. Definitely a first for me; most hackers are pretty obvious with flying maxes and Aimbot. All this player did was walk through walls.
And then there is server performance which can 100% feel "hacker-ish" when on the receiving end.
As of today, I only come across people who can see through walls and appear through the doors of the facilities, pointing at you. Out of around 50 people, about 35 users exhibit strange behaviors.
It's also worth noting that the hack makes it easier for them to spot infiltrators. Once you exit your invisibility and go back into it, you're marked by the HUD.
For the first two years, I played this on a laptop with a $10 wired mouse. Sometimes you just have to get good.
Always make sure you have a friendly go in first.
This here is real advice also play infil with darts
Statistically, if the hacks exist for the game. Roughly 33% of your player base will have used them at one point or another in the lifetime of the game.
This is in general and only players that admitted to using them. The real number is estimated at 50% at one time or another across all games.
I for one welcome A.I based anti-cheats that are looking more and more attractive in todays age.
33% bro i don't know what you are smoking but I want some.
@@ZealousVidya If you are unaware of this, I want what you're smoking.
@@normanlandstruck3985 dude that survey was conducted by Irdeto which makes anti piracy software.
If you think that's even a slightly credible source, boy do I have some snake oil to sell you.
Aim botting is a lot more subtle these days but it's not as prevalent. The bad hacks are wallhacking and collision hacks/exploits. The way the game works, you could have the best aimbot in the world and you'll still die a lot of the time. But if you glitch into a wall or see through walls, you have such an enormous advantage and can ruin entire fights by yourself. The craziest hacker I ever came across was noclipping through a biolab with a knife, but he wasn't getting many kills because he had trouble getting in melee distance. He got shot down more than a few times and eventually logged off.
I'm not hacking, I'm just wearing good gaming socks!
There's good players and than there's too good to be true. Like lmg being the new sniper rifle and last week there was a WTAC player killing aircraft as they rendered in to view with a he lightning. Aimbot/ aim assists cheats are the new go to thing now and people are sneaky about it, they'll use it for day or two to complete directives and then stop using it. But I would put it between 5% to 10% of players sneak some kind of cheat in that's hard to tell like hit box manipulation or highlighting enemies/ seeing through walls. I've been snipe at a 150m away cloaked with out shooting at anyone first. It's just to good to be human skill.
I have only been playing a few weeks and I get shot through walls at least once or twice a session. I was playing the other day and the entire opposing faction we were fighting were popping in and out and flying all over, which might be lag I guess? There is no mistaking getting shot through a building.
I get accused of cheating all the time by infils that don't understand that cloak makes noise and doesn't make them invisible. I can see the motion sensor on the map ofc I'm watching for the infil camping the vehicle pad lmao.
My brother in christ it’s called closet/legit cheating not soft hacks or covert hacks 😂
How does he knows that only 1% is cheating....
I saw enough Cheater and i mean flying persons, guys hitting me behind walls and i assume an intelligent cheater plays smooth.
I had enough fights where i got hits from really far which is not possible in this way.
I have nearly all weapons and played them so i assume there are much cheater than you can see.
If i would use a wallhack how do you wanna check this ?
Yes, if some uses it hardcore and aimbots you will see it but intelligent plays and you dont see it.
I know that i dont have the reaction like i had 25 years ago where i could aim really fast and hit (some said i was cheating in counterstrike but i trained every day with a friend)
so i know what can be possible.
I dont count alle hits because some are luck headshots but i know which weapon can really shot and hit and its possible for cheaters to decrease the recoil etc.
You will not find them if they play smooth.
From my opinion you have enough cheaters in planetside 2 and i dont recommed it now.
I know daybreak, from planetside 2 and from everquest 2 and this is one of the worst company, gives a shit to customers and services.
Players with low-latency are clearly at a disadvantage in PS2, it's super annoying and the devs have never anything about it. it's 2022!
Thanks for letting us watch that full clip at the end
UwU in chat = Better aim trust me
man I totally forgot about our UPM we need to farm that more
Saw the flying NC max like a week ago, LOL.
Hacking is done all the time in games - comes from the military, and they're actually using military code against you. Which is an offense under the Military, it's designed for Anti-countering systems and false system feed loop systems. It's not to be used in the public/civilian realm, because it is a military breach of securities. It's designed to be undetectable. so there is no triangular pinpointing of the source of the code. What you see is code then there are other layers of code in that code, and layers upon layers, of course, time, is brought into the picture, they can make a football size field inside a nanosecond of code that can be further articulated of anti, anti, anticipated... Where ever the code is they can follow you around and watch in real time from a position of all time.
I was accused of cheating 3 times by the same guy. What's funny tho is my kdr is 0.9
The time I see the most cheating is on choke point like the lower halls at nason's. I'll get killed and the kill cam will show the guy shooting me from behind a wall all the way at the other end and around the corner of a hallway. like lol okay sure
I get hackusated daily my thing is when I run into a couple people who continuously prefire me when I'm about to pass a door 😂 but I stop befor I pass and they shoot as if I would keep going 😢 sadly these few people are in well now outfits but I won't mention but let's just say 8k+ hours I very rarely run into the situation but I spot it very quickly. I cant say anything because it's so hard to prove something that only experience can point out.
I like how you are saying that covert cheaters are affecting the game, yet for some reason noone ever mentions people who edit the INI to get an extremely unfair advantage by removing all foliage and by turning the game into "Unlit mode" by removing all shadows and most shading. Sure cheating is a huge problem for the game, but it's the tryhards that are exploiting the game in every possible way to gain an advantage over others. This includes you, since you are running the game on literal potato mode. MY personal opinion is that the tryharding is killing the game a lot more than cheating. Evere day that I play I see the same people over and over. It is all the same Tryhards that get salty when you kill them the same way they killed you.
Is there a health hack? I just played an infiltrator who head shot everyone in shootouts but you could unload a whole magazine in them and they lived everytime.
The main health 'hack' I know of is heavy assault.
Edit: also using medkits, and certain implants and armors.
This shit. I unloaded an MKS into a heavy at near knife range, then switched to Commissioner and got 3 HS and he wasn't dead yet... the Comm shots alone were enough, all on their own.
That was one of the most egregious examples since I started playing again, but there's a distinct difference between the TTK on some rando and many of the "very skilled players." Close range burst of HS leaves literally no time for reaction, several people have unquestioningly proven that. Sure, sometimes I could have just missed a hair too many of the shots. But not every single time with *some* people.
It's frustrating because they're ruining a unique game.
people with high ping consistently get more kills, its not a disadvantage for them, especially in the air.
yeah, i killed hackers befor. i comented another youtuber who put a video up about a MAX wall hacker with aim accursy And ofc, they got offended that i even comented about the issue and how to solve the issue, they really considerd me to be stupid when i suggested that, you track the hacker down and then you hunt them for the rest of the game, that will ruined there mood to play after 1 or 2 hours. Also if you dont have the intrests to do so, you can just log out for 2 hours and come back later. Anyways, by tracking the hacker and kill them from far away, tanks/aircrafts, long range snipers so on and so on, you basickly force them out of the battle field and make the game experince very uncomfterble for them while they play. Its very easy to tilt and annoy a hacker in planetside.
Hacks on PC with little to no monitoring from the devs, what a surprise.
Are devs been paid to ignore these paying hackers?
The game is shit atm, uninstall and stop playing is the only way they will truly take the problem seriously.
Don’t forget about digital tank gunner machines
honestly, I've seen cheaters before in this game and there were times when they were far more frequent. but most of the time nowadays when something feels off it's usually netcode.
i got banned from a rust server ik this off topic but he said i was cheating and seeing threw walls but i herd him fail to crouch walk sprint 1 time and ikew he was right at the door cuz of that, at the time i had a razer headset priced at like 150-200$ and i got banned for it haha not my falt tbh. but know i got a 60$ headset still good but prob not gunna do that ever agen
I honestly havent noticed any hackers... Last time was when that flying max was just killing everyone... Like 6 months ago? And this is the kind of the only game i play so im kind of confused on why this is even a topic 🤔
He did it during christmas and he is finnally back again. He was on yesterday and today
When it comes to hackusations there are a million reasons why it's possible one person could be misinformed. Sound cues, Motion/Ant detectors, client side interactions, server side lag, straight up being outskilled etc. It's also low peasantry to accuse someone better then you of cheating.
With all that in mind I can say without a shadow of a doubt that at least once per session I encounter someone who is just an absolute anomaly, and this is coming from someone that has engaged in competitive gaming from all walks of gaming. The World of Warcraft Arena, Tribes, hell even classic goldsrc Counter Strike 1.5. It takes an awful lot to get me to think someone is fishy and let me tell you, there are quite a few smelly fish swimming around in planetside. If I had to take a guess I would assume it stems from the toxic competitive nature of the dedicated infantry combat community. Basically the guys that will challenge you to a 1v1 in a game renown for having the largest battles in the world.
Do people still try this old excuse and expect to be believed? Or are some genuinely this unaware or gullible?
A lot of aimbot since two weeks.
I stopped playing this game not due to hackers but when you combine glitchers, hackers, the broken game itself it all adds up to the game being super annoying most of the time
MasterBob seems very fishy but i know he is a good player...but dam sometimes he looks borderline hackin
Bob is not cheating I assure you
Bob is cheating I assure you
@@ashen4003 You troll
infantery op, give back thermalsight to vehicles. why is everything counterable but infantery? what's the scissor for the papers here? even maxsuits are made out of papers these days.
Vehicles have thermal vision available though.
@@kinnusai4432it is not what it used to be, not even remotely close. It was borderline "cheating" to use it before they changed it.
Mass Effect 1 Background Music^^
You know what really affects Planetside? Purchasing a decal for $1200 Merit and having your $16,000 Merit fall to $1 Merit. And now merit cannot be earned.
It’s a known issue. There was no warning in game, even though they knew the bug existed. And they won’t replace the Merit when they fix.
The devs basically allowed a whole swath of players to lose all their Merit without warning, and say screw you we won’t give it back to you, when they could simply push a single update to give anyone with $1 Merit a bump of $20,000 Merit.
The devs have zero accountability or sympathy for people that put in a lot of time to gain their stupid currency when their ineptitude just pisses all that time and work away.
"These hackers now" - welcome to like 10 years ago dude this is NOTHING new and there are WAY more than 1 or 2 people using them. Most of the "top players" are using them. 3 or 4? Gimme a break.
Я думаю больше 60-70 процентов
@@jokersan9996 Sorry I don't speak Orcish.
There aren’t any cheaters in this game. It’s all in your head. Work on improving your aim and game sense.
@@jobs.1518 lol typical cheater response
@@justinc411 you’re just paranoid.
Lol i get 35 FPS in most fights and still manage to do alright in terms of KDA. Game is mostly about positioning and as you pointed out the folks with the hardcore cheats just rambo out into the field. If leet fits are harboring cheaters i don't really care because i abandon the fight once they show up anyways. Not interested in getting farmed by the sweat lords not matter what makes them sweaty.
Finally, someone explained that high ping is not really an advantage. In any case, low ping is preferable. As for packet loss, there are special applications for monitoring program traffic, where you can do this for the planetside process. The fact that everything that happens on the server of some "cool players" lags behind their actions by 50-100 ms does not mean a good physiological reaction or skill, but you know what ;)
People with high ping, that also take full advantage of clientside and play hyper aggressively warp through floors and their character model spazzing out real bad. It definitely can be an advantage to people who play like they are on crack all the time. You can see that just on videos of more popular content creators.
Low ping is preferable, so what?
Its not like packetloss is something anyone wants either if we are just going to be talking in that extremely general way.
Packetloss on SENT packets IS preferable and is what a lot of these people are using to get the advantage.
High latency on SENT packets is also preferable for the exact same reason as the above.
Its not like your connection is a water pipe where you either turn it all on or off, especially with programs you could delay any outbound traffic to simulate high ping while any inbound traffic from the server is passing right through allowing you to see what everyone else is doing like normal while you are a laggy mofo on their screen which is exactly what they are doing with both of these.
Legit bad connection has the advantage of latency on sent packets, meaning they can move around a corner and see someone before they are seen but they typically also have the disadvantage of latency on received packets, meaning they are slow to react to what other people do, like shooting them.
Advantages/disadvantages of packetloss in a bad connection is almost identical to the above except its more random/sporadic rather than the more constant high ping/latency.
The cheating part is that you remove or limit the disadvantage of either of these so you are still receiving packets at a high speed/low to no packetloss giving you a good reaction time while you get free time to aim and fire when rounding corners etc, sliding around rubbering on for everyone else.
Esamir is hax.
I know its just ping... but i really hate when i die .... and my body is already in cover.....
Also infiltrators using sniper rifles in close quarters piss me off (for headshoting me) but an actual hacker? that i have not seen
Isn't this game have "repeat cam" or "killcam" during alert, like "war thunder" have? If not - why you guys tried to play this garbage? If player can't even check his latest session, it mean he like to drown in doubt. Some special type of sadistic pleasure , lmao
Hardest part of this conversation is that a vast majority of the playerbase can't tell the difference between wall hacks vs mini-map awareness + auditory queues.
A lot of players don't realize that they're lighting up on the mini-map when sprinting around like a dolt, then get surprised when their "epic" flank gets pre-fired and peeked.
Next paragraph is just me going on a tangent
TL;DR - Average player says guy is hacker. Good player says no, presents why. Average player says hacker louder. Good player possibly leaves for different outfit. Average player wonders why their squad is so shite, the opposition must be hackers and other players at that level simply believe it.
In regards to Acc+HSR stats, I'll just use my personal experience from when I played in a zergfit to say that we're getting to the point where players with average to below average shooting abilities are the ones who are most vocal about calling out "hackers" in situations where they're simply getting dunked on. Some of the above average players to really good players have tried to dissuade that notion, but that space of the playerbase is so set on the notion that their copium is justified that players who have tips and tricks to offer just get shut down almost immediately because they aren't speaking as loud as the first guys. Any tips on how to improve upon those stats just gets shot down.
I know reddit is a terrible example, but on the occasion that someone posts a gaming montage of average play, you'll get upvotes, but God forbid an "elite" player posts them dunking on the population because that is just "proof" that they're hacking since shooting like that "isn't" possible, so you'll get downvotes galore.
Opening your mouth against the grain subjects you to ridicule, so those players lose the social incentive to continue playing in that space and will seek out mid-fits or elite-fits to just have a better experience playing the game.
Most of the "top" players are exploiting game mechanics. It's even in Zealous' videos. The serpentine manoeuvre is very toxic and you shouldn't use it, even if it helps you win. It causes desync which means you become "immune" to bullets. It should be a gentleman's agreement that nobody does this because it ruins the experience for new players who shoot at an enemy, and get frustrated that their bullets that hit the enemy don't actually hit. Often, anyone who speaks out about this is called a noob and told to get good, but on their own screen, they can see the hit animations.
Look, I've been insta-killed by enough "pros" from 100+ meters while moving erraticly to know that there's a lot more BS going on than all the weird stuff that comes with PS2. Even something like the Godsaw, with its very high dmg model, is 4 HS when talking about cross-hex shots. It is statistically impossible to consistently insta-kill someone from cross-hex, rifles aside. Yet, it happens all the time from people in "leet-fits". Hear a single *plink* and the LA in the pipes drops you while you're coming out of A in Quartz, lol, nah... not how that goes, Howie.
I will never understand the type of person that cheats, nor the type of person that denies that this non-blatant cheating is happening.
Planetside2 have blissfully few cheaters. And that is one of it's most redeeming qualities.
Only 1 or 2 or 3 or 4....or you know, 20 of which 2 are exploiting terrain and then at least 1-2 aim/esp/hitbox in every fight on the map, on each side. You can see the 8:1 ratio in the pop list.
@@Jack9C On a good day, 8:1 is not particularly hard to pull off you know? No need for cheating either.