Give the video a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! Check out my NEWEST Video! [ ] Hope the guide helps! I wanted to go more in depth with the new mechanics so you got a full understanding of them. This does take a lot more effort to make so LIKES are appreciated! and comment which style do you like playing most with the new LS? Vampire Build: Tweetr:
one thing I would add I don't know if anyone else has this problem but try not to spam valor dodge on sacred sheathe sometimes you think you about to hyper armor through and attack then you dodge again and get hit lol
@@JNCABLE91 yes but the effect isn't super impactful for it. qs3 is better. charging isn't really sacs problem, its pretty easy to charge up. I guess focus also double dips and builds your meter better iirc, unlike qs3.
I don’t ever comment on TH-cam videos… however this video was so well thought out, explained, and executed. I had to sign in, re-find the video, like, and also subscribe. It’s crazy how people look for simple info and have such a hard time finding what there are truly looking for, after 6 vids and numerous comment samplings, we try and piece the puzzle together while still feeling unsure. You answered my questions and some. Thank you for your time, passion, and thought. Don’t stop you definitely have a gift for these kinds of things.
You just earned yourself another subscriber. You explain everything so clearly, you give active demonstrations while you're explaining, you're inclusive of methods and situations; I didn't even KNOW you could charge the Sacred Sheath, and I've been playing LS in Rise sense it came out You do an awesome job dude, keep it up!
Just a slight addition to the wakeup with sacred sheath, yes when you hit the 3rd it produces the biggest numeric value on screen as damage, optimal is however hitting the 2nd and 3rd for the wakeup as those 2 hits will result in bigger damage.
The only problem is if that 2nd hit (the wakeup) will do so much as to stagger the monster back or break a part, causing the 3rd to miss. Sometimes you have to figure that in.
ah finally someone pointed out on how does the Sacred Sheath combo counter works I have been doing it wrong, thank you for the vid been tryna to find someone to will explain it properly
It feels like they nerfed Helmbreaker just because they want people to use the new skill in town. They should have left at least some incentive to still use it and the wirebug cooldown nerf for it was also overkill.
well with the new sacred skill, yah, seems weird to do half the damage, and require a long ass cd bug, while sacred needs no bug, can hyper armor, counter, build gauge, and do twice the amount of HB Dmg nerf I suppose was okay, but the wirebug cd was definitely a bit over the top. especially since the balance of wpns isn't even close to being balanced with the new GS now. its like what was the point...if balance is still out of wack?
@@PWARGaming The nerfs feel pretty rough especially when playing online... In coop hunts you pretty much can't use harvest moon, so you just have to deal with Iai Spirit Slash dealing half damage which is tragic when you look at how crazy counter GS and elemental phial CB are in Sunbreak. Sacred Sheath is great and I do really enjoy it, but consuming all your spirit levels is a pretty steep cost so I think it's fair that it has repositioning and hyper armor. IT REALLY SUCKS to miss the last hit in the spirit release attack and my goodness is the hitbox so paper thin for it xD
that is true. in multiplayer you're pretty much limited to sacred sheathe, since the alternatives are not that great, and we know optimally sac isn't even like the most dps longsword can do, while other multiplayer wpns get their full damage. I honestly don't see a rework in the future to HM, so i guess LS will take a seat further back in the opera threatre this round
definitely important to know, helps amazingly at landing it more often. Just wish the first two hits didn't flinch the monster half the time, always makes you miss the 3rd hit
true, I usually just sakura slash small monsters on the way to the big guy, but i suppose that's not always an option, like in arena or final boss stages.
Great video man, I wanted to learn Ls in sunbreak - havnt played it since world. struggled to understand what my scrolls should look like. this vid was actually SO good
Having been playing the LS since sunbreak release and being MR 70 right now, yeah that is the impressions I got from the weapon. ISS and Helm breaker got nerfed so much they feel terrible to use now, especially since to begin with monsters gained a lot more multi hit combos making those options even riskier in the first place. And the whole restrictions on harvest moon feel unnecessary really as it is a huge 2bugs commitment, either make it so that it can follow you but can't sheath, or that it can't move but you can sheath. Having both feels way too restrictive other than in a very few encounters. Personally I have been using tempered spirit blade on the blue scroll with sacred, the counter window is tight but it has been quite useful when I mistimed a sacred sheath parry, during some multi hit combos, or simply when I wanted to gain back my gauge with projectiles. It also triggers harvest moon, which goes well with the entire scroll I feel. I keep sakura on red along with serene pose
They nerfed hb and iss because those two moves together would do a shit ton of damage and you could kill any monster in no time with just those 2 moves, there was no reason to use anything else.
I found a good use for Serene Pose. It can counter the big red explosion that afflicted monsters do. I tried doing that with the new Greatsword counter and just got hit for my trouble, so Serene Pose must have Guard Up properties or something. It does pretty good damage too. I think it's underrated!
oh nice. you can also just foresight it, if you go inward you won't get hit by the follow up balls. but serene does dmg so that's a nice option. and not like you need harvest on your sacred sheath/sakura scroll anyways :p
Imo Serene Pose is a cool skill but it consumes TWO wirebugs and a level of spirit meter which is simply just not worth it. It's a shame because I would love to use it more as a hard hitting counter but you could spend your wirebugs better on silkbind sakura slash and soaring kick
I think Teostra's explosion has 2 hits and has made me exit Serene Pose a few times despite the damage landing. I was not pleased when I took the damage.
I literally was thinking of the line from Scary Movie, when he kept naming the perks of Katana. then he actually put it in the vid. BUT WAIT!!! THERE'S MORE!!!
Here are some yet more important nuances of sacred sheathe and tempered spirit blade in particular, that i see very few people noting about: -Sacred sheathe final attack does indeed shortcut you to spirit 4, but you can also do a quick uppercut after the final slam to revert back to spirit 3, this is fantastic as when your insane hit inevitably trips the monster, you can cleanly chase the trip with dividing slash and get your gaugeup and even more damage -this uppercut to shortcut to spirirt 3 also applies to *both* versions of sacred sheathe counter. If you uppercut after a release or hit sacred sheathe counter you can uppercut to then shortcut back to spirit 3. This is fantastic for your longer followup openings for more damage or again, for repositioning and closing gaps with dividing slash. -Tempered spirit blade is not just a basic counter, it weaves seamlessly into your spirit combo. you can use it to extend your spirit combo and it will remember what stage you were on at followup regardless of counter or not -HOWEVER, it will not remember if you weave pokes/uppercuts inbetween slashes, you have to land a spirit combo strike before tempered spirit blade. -This also means draw slash doesn't work, but iai slashes might. I know sacred sheathe counters respect the sequence. Serene pose might if you have a third bug to counter again. -The kicker to this is that almost all spirit slashes have like a 2+ second window of oppurtunity/recovery that you can perform this in. It very much reminds me of fishing for a brave counter mid-combo -successfully landing a counter mid-combo increases the speed at which your next spirit hit follows up. -this requires incredible timing and intuition for positioning that only old valor players will have, but I've done some insane shit with this. Try hitting 2-3 counters in one spirit combo. I've used spirit 2 into tempered counter into dividing slash into tempered counter into reckoning on astalos' double wingslam before. This one feels tailor-made for those of us who love reckoning combo in particular due to the control over positioning
That's huge! I figured it was weird that tempered spirit blade didn't seem to have a niche outside of raising spirit levels from projectiles and countering when the gauge is completely empty, and this was the piece of the puzzle I was missing :o
@@cruzerion It's sick. It's all about spirit combo maintenance vs aggressive mons. Going from no gauge to red gauge in one spirit combo feels amazing. Setting up with fade slash>fade spirit slash, or slipping into position with dividing slash so your counter and spirit 4 hit perfectly, it's a real interesting counter move approach imo.
I really can't wait to what Kool crazy things people do with the new style of play for LS. I know people are so use to the old ways but hopefully some will go with the flow of change and embrace of it.
This is a really nice guide! I would however suggest slowing down the video and breaking down the moves input by input for newer players like myself. I have to rewind a lot to keep up with what's happening. Anyhow, I appreciate your hard work sir!
I play as GS, but now that i've seen this 4:04 i felt the motivation at its peak. Now i'm getting crazy within it. Im still bigga blade user, but LS seems fun now.
@@PUNchoFruits I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong with new sheathe mechanic as I kept clicking r2 interrupting attack animation every time. The helmbreaker has become unreliable due to my poor timings and much more aggressive old monsters. Not to mention how rusty I've become after returning to the game and barely hitting my timing on iai stance or missing foresight. And then an increased wirebug CD became just a cherry on top. In comparison, they added new optional missions. Among them there's one to stun a monster, and in contrast to LS, the hammer is just such 'lolwut' kind of a weapon. Just pick it and hammer away. Now tho, after watching this video I went back, picked up an urgent intermediate mr3 quest, and rolled thru it with ease and new tactics!
Had the same impression which made me quit longsword in MR1 quests. I didn't like the new skills and sacred sheath felt so bad I forgot it even existed and I never looked back. Then any other weapon I got back to was doing way better than LS. (Charge blade, Dual blades, Switch axe) Now you made me want to try crit draw sacred sheath builds since I finished the story, new options are available. Great video. Keep it up !
The last monster hunter I was able to play was freedom unite and by god.. how much Monster Hunter as changed over the years aaa.. I'm a Vet long sword main but due to being piss poor, eeeyeah couldn't play the latest installments. anyways the part when Harvest Moon was explained, Enochian from Final Fantasy came to mind haha, but HM gives you a second chance to stay inside.(I haven't played FF Online.. sadly) The ring is like fr a test how good a person can read and parry, the only time I think a Long Sword no life main will unsheathe the weapon to dispell the ring is when they have to sharpen it OR chase a fleeing monster, It's a high risk high reward and to be honest, I think it can be fun for people who want to push and limit test how well they can stay inside, just thinking about redoing a mission over and over to memorize monster movements until you get them down pat and stay inside the ring for as long as possible would be a huge flex. sorry, just gushing, I love this game.. I just don't have the equipment to enjoy it bwahahha Edit: I think they nerfed helmbreaker cuz they're steering Long Sword more into a parrying weapon, cuz from what i've seen from the weapon is it's become very parry based, flashy movements
Temepred Spirit Blade also extends your Spirit Combo. Ex: Spirit 1 -> Spirit 2 -> Tempered Blade -> Spirit 3 - Tempered Blade -> Spirit Reckoning. Its really good but its hard i fucking love it. Edit: im using Tempered Blade with Sacred Sheathe for context. I strongly recommend trying it. Its very hard but the damage potential is consistent, mobile, and high.
My playstyle is basically the tempered counter and sacred sheath and just play full GU Valor mode lol. I hope they buff the counter timing on the tempered counter, its very tight as of now and the damage is not that good either. At least the wirebug charges fast.
I lowkey feel that gigabrain pro speed running aside, Harvest Moon would be more worth using if it cause 1 bug, but for 2 bugs, I'd still rather have Serene Pose as an "oh crap" button
Moderately new player and Hammer main, picked up LS by your guide to cut some tails and try something new. I have a love/hate relationship with this weapon after ~30 hours of playing with it. while it can be fun and feel strong at times, the auto sheathing after Sakura Slash is awful if you time the following counter wrong, it feels like a huge punishment for no reason (same with the sheathing after Spirit Roundslash). the timing and aiming to get the 3rd hit of the Sacred Sheathe in is pretty hard after all that meter buildup and the high Wirebug cooldown really limits you to use Wirebugs to evade, also constantly having to have 3 Wirebugs in a fight is a massive pain to keep up, even with level 3 Wirebug Whisperer. while I finished the main story of Sunbreak with it, I'm at the fence of giving up on it because it is just to frustrating and rarely rewarding (I hit Sacred Sheathe fully at most 2 times per fight).
They have significantly buffed harvest moon to make it more consistent: the ring no longer knocks you back, its bigger, does not go away if you are fully sheathed and you can choose when you want to leave
I'm curious as to what the armor set you're wearing in the thumbnail in this video is. I think your layered armors are very nice. 👍😄 My English is not good. So I used a translator.
well luckily in monster hunter, you don't have to be that good, since multiplayer exist :) they're great fun, and can suck many hours from you. Very valuable games imo compared to most. But, it does take some getting used to, and isn't for everyone. I would find world or rise on sale, and give it a try, if you can buy it for cheap! there's tons of guides in the community that can help anyone out with their weapon of choice, so any new hunter is capable of being decent at the game.
My guy you can be terrible and still have fun. Don’t go into it being scared. I started on monster hunter world. You will have a much easier time starting in Rise. I was soooooooo bad in world. Carting all the time. I played through all of world and iceborn and I still sucked. Then I got into rise years later and man I’m a much better player. Rise is just easier to get into. The wire bugs make everything forgiving. Find a friend to teach you and you will have a blast. No friends? Find a discord. It’s worth it. Just got my cousin into the game tonight. He’s already gone all the way through mhrise base game in less than 10 hours.
If the sacred sheathe counter only works on the sheathing animation? Doesnt quick sheathe shorten the timing window of ur counters, making it harder to execute?
Feel like tempered spirit blade shouldnt use a wirebug. It's a move that you must pull in an instant and dont have time to check if you have a bug available. You should be able to choose between it or foresight slash on your scroll, make so you must have some spirit gauge to use, and r2+a would be a more comfortable button combo for it.
I gave up on LS as soon as sunbreak came out because because the wirebug cool down is just way to long which really sucks because I loved Longsword in World, Iceborne and base rise but now it's just not fun to use because the cool down takes an eternity. After watching this video I tried the new skills and combos and learned them pretty easily and I still think that Longsword isn't that fun anymore and it's not even the fact that I can't spam the moves because I wouldn't do that anyway it's the fact that I can't wirefall if I need to because the monster does an attack that punishes you for not wirefalling. Whenever I wanted to hunt for the sake of hunting I would put on Longsword, put on some music and hunt Fatalis, I guess that's over now unless they change the cool down or until the next MH game comes out. It's not all bad though since I still have 6 other weapons I can play but Longsword was probably the most fun one to play along with insect Glaive.
Just started playing, and the guide is great. My question is this, what exactly is the Palico wirebug ability that is mentioned at the end? I cannot find anything about it.
quicksheath skill. practically mandatory on every LS build so didn't bother mentioning it. it does lose you counter window chance of sacred sheathe a little, so if you ONLY use sacred, no iai, then you can do without it. at the same time charging full faster is good too so you can reposition immediately and potentially dodge attacks better, so up to you.
Can someone answer: I bought the sunbreak MHRise version. Are these mechanics only available after beating rise? I know some of them are dependent on the switch skills, but the ones that aren't... do you need to beat rise first? Maybe all of the new moves are switch skills, im noticing that rewatching this...
female gore helmet, aka, unobtainable for male hunters. gore helm, chest, legs. remombra belt, jelly arms but can use gore too i just ran out of tickets
I'm going to start asking the important questions: what armor set are you using at 1:17? I would like to look like Gutz as well Edit: It's the gore magala. I just beat the boss
saturation to max, and brightness/contrast higher maybe? this is female so maybe its more prominent. then again i also use filter on obs recordings which makes the colors bit more saturated as well.
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Check out my NEWEST Video! [ ]
Hope the guide helps! I wanted to go more in depth with the new mechanics so you got a full understanding of them. This does take a lot more effort to make so LIKES are appreciated! and comment which style do you like playing most with the new LS?
Vampire Build:
one thing I would add I don't know if anyone else has this problem but try not to spam valor dodge on sacred sheathe sometimes you think you about to hyper armor through and attack then you dodge again and get hit lol
Does focus work on sacred sheath?
@@JNCABLE91 yes but the effect isn't super impactful for it. qs3 is better. charging isn't really sacs problem, its pretty easy to charge up. I guess focus also double dips and builds your meter better iirc, unlike qs3.
I don’t ever comment on TH-cam videos… however this video was so well thought out, explained, and executed. I had to sign in, re-find the video, like, and also subscribe. It’s crazy how people look for simple info and have such a hard time finding what there are truly looking for, after 6 vids and numerous comment samplings, we try and piece the puzzle together while still feeling unsure. You answered my questions and some. Thank you for your time, passion, and thought. Don’t stop you definitely have a gift for these kinds of things.
You just earned yourself another subscriber. You explain everything so clearly, you give active demonstrations while you're explaining, you're inclusive of methods and situations;
I didn't even KNOW you could charge the Sacred Sheath, and I've been playing LS in Rise sense it came out
You do an awesome job dude, keep it up!
Just a slight addition to the wakeup with sacred sheath, yes when you hit the 3rd it produces the biggest numeric value on screen as damage, optimal is however hitting the 2nd and 3rd for the wakeup as those 2 hits will result in bigger damage.
The only problem is if that 2nd hit (the wakeup) will do so much as to stagger the monster back or break a part, causing the 3rd to miss. Sometimes you have to figure that in.
ah finally someone pointed out on how does the Sacred Sheath combo counter works I have been doing it wrong, thank you for the vid been tryna to find someone to will explain it properly
GS players are going to hear that LS is still capable of doing literally anything and complain about counter spam while spamming their own counter.
I don't even know how many guides I watched on LS. Your was the best by far! Subbed
It feels like they nerfed Helmbreaker just because they want people to use the new skill in town. They should have left at least some incentive to still use it and the wirebug cooldown nerf for it was also overkill.
well with the new sacred skill, yah, seems weird to do half the damage, and require a long ass cd bug, while sacred needs no bug, can hyper armor, counter, build gauge, and do twice the amount of HB Dmg nerf I suppose was okay, but the wirebug cd was definitely a bit over the top.
especially since the balance of wpns isn't even close to being balanced with the new GS now. its like what was the point...if balance is still out of wack?
@@PWARGaming The nerfs feel pretty rough especially when playing online... In coop hunts you pretty much can't use harvest moon, so you just have to deal with Iai Spirit Slash dealing half damage which is tragic when you look at how crazy counter GS and elemental phial CB are in Sunbreak. Sacred Sheath is great and I do really enjoy it, but consuming all your spirit levels is a pretty steep cost so I think it's fair that it has repositioning and hyper armor. IT REALLY SUCKS to miss the last hit in the spirit release attack and my goodness is the hitbox so paper thin for it xD
that is true. in multiplayer you're pretty much limited to sacred sheathe, since the alternatives are not that great, and we know optimally sac isn't even like the most dps longsword can do, while other multiplayer wpns get their full damage. I honestly don't see a rework in the future to HM, so i guess LS will take a seat further back in the opera threatre this round
They prolly nerfed it because everybody wouldn't stop bitching about how op ls was
@@PWARGaming don't forget that Sacred Sheath also is an amazing wakeup attack, something HB cannot do
Additional tip: you can use foresight slash after the harvest moon animation to counter incoming attacks
I love how cool the movement looks on the tcs dodge
Interesting to know backdashing during Sacred Sheathe covers more ground. Given how its release is omnidirectional, that's quite the gem of info
definitely important to know, helps amazingly at landing it more often. Just wish the first two hits didn't flinch the monster half the time, always makes you miss the 3rd hit
@@PWARGaming i noticed the flinching when my buddies run sleep and the sleeping monster jolts back a ton. makes you rethink your positioning
Thank you so much I’ve had a pretty hard learning curve with the scroll introduction with sunbreak
Btw I forgot to mention that Tempered Sheath can be used with a small barrel bomb to have an on-demand gauge level-up even with no monsters around.
true, I usually just sakura slash small monsters on the way to the big guy, but i suppose that's not always an option, like in arena or final boss stages.
@@PWARGaming I use it mostly because of its very low cooldown.
Great video man, I wanted to learn Ls in sunbreak - havnt played it since world. struggled to understand what my scrolls should look like. this vid was actually SO good
np, hope it helps you guys get quicker kill times!
Having been playing the LS since sunbreak release and being MR 70 right now, yeah that is the impressions I got from the weapon. ISS and Helm breaker got nerfed so much they feel terrible to use now, especially since to begin with monsters gained a lot more multi hit combos making those options even riskier in the first place.
And the whole restrictions on harvest moon feel unnecessary really as it is a huge 2bugs commitment, either make it so that it can follow you but can't sheath, or that it can't move but you can sheath. Having both feels way too restrictive other than in a very few encounters.
Personally I have been using tempered spirit blade on the blue scroll with sacred, the counter window is tight but it has been quite useful when I mistimed a sacred sheath parry, during some multi hit combos, or simply when I wanted to gain back my gauge with projectiles. It also triggers harvest moon, which goes well with the entire scroll I feel. I keep sakura on red along with serene pose
They nerfed hb and iss because those two moves together would do a shit ton of damage and you could kill any monster in no time with just those 2 moves, there was no reason to use anything else.
I found a good use for Serene Pose. It can counter the big red explosion that afflicted monsters do. I tried doing that with the new Greatsword counter and just got hit for my trouble, so Serene Pose must have Guard Up properties or something. It does pretty good damage too. I think it's underrated!
oh nice. you can also just foresight it, if you go inward you won't get hit by the follow up balls. but serene does dmg so that's a nice option. and not like you need harvest on your sacred sheath/sakura scroll anyways :p
Imo Serene Pose is a cool skill but it consumes TWO wirebugs and a level of spirit meter which is simply just not worth it. It's a shame because I would love to use it more as a hard hitting counter but you could spend your wirebugs better on silkbind sakura slash and soaring kick
@@KazuYuuu Yeah, the two bug cost hurts. I've been trying to use Redirection from the Lunagaron set to keep my bugs up but the timing is tight.
I think Teostra's explosion has 2 hits and has made me exit Serene Pose a few times despite the damage landing. I was not pleased when I took the damage.
@@zentember Good to know that it's ALWAYS a good idea to run the hell away when Teo does that instakill nova.
I literally was thinking of the line from Scary Movie, when he kept naming the perks of Katana. then he actually put it in the vid. BUT WAIT!!! THERE'S MORE!!!
Easily the best guide I've seen so far. XXXX Legend.
Awesome guide! Thanks mate!
Best guide out there for sure, thank you for all the great content!
Here are some yet more important nuances of sacred sheathe and tempered spirit blade in particular, that i see very few people noting about:
-Sacred sheathe final attack does indeed shortcut you to spirit 4, but you can also do a quick uppercut after the final slam to revert back to spirit 3, this is fantastic as when your insane hit inevitably trips the monster, you can cleanly chase the trip with dividing slash and get your gaugeup and even more damage
-this uppercut to shortcut to spirirt 3 also applies to *both* versions of sacred sheathe counter. If you uppercut after a release or hit sacred sheathe counter you can uppercut to then shortcut back to spirit 3. This is fantastic for your longer followup openings for more damage or again, for repositioning and closing gaps with dividing slash.
-Tempered spirit blade is not just a basic counter, it weaves seamlessly into your spirit combo. you can use it to extend your spirit combo and it will remember what stage you were on at followup regardless of counter or not
-HOWEVER, it will not remember if you weave pokes/uppercuts inbetween slashes, you have to land a spirit combo strike before tempered spirit blade.
-This also means draw slash doesn't work, but iai slashes might. I know sacred sheathe counters respect the sequence. Serene pose might if you have a third bug to counter again.
-The kicker to this is that almost all spirit slashes have like a 2+ second window of oppurtunity/recovery that you can perform this in. It very much reminds me of fishing for a brave counter mid-combo
-successfully landing a counter mid-combo increases the speed at which your next spirit hit follows up.
-this requires incredible timing and intuition for positioning that only old valor players will have, but I've done some insane shit with this. Try hitting 2-3 counters in one spirit combo. I've used spirit 2 into tempered counter into dividing slash into tempered counter into reckoning on astalos' double wingslam before. This one feels tailor-made for those of us who love reckoning combo in particular due to the control over positioning
honestly, I'm really happy with everything they've done overall. So many effective playstyles and combinations that it makes my head spin.
That's huge! I figured it was weird that tempered spirit blade didn't seem to have a niche outside of raising spirit levels from projectiles and countering when the gauge is completely empty, and this was the piece of the puzzle I was missing :o
By "uppercut" you mean Fade Slash, right?
@@JSGDQD Nono, rising slash, the short upstrike you can do after a thrust and some spirit combos with (usually) the top face button
@@cruzerion It's sick. It's all about spirit combo maintenance vs aggressive mons. Going from no gauge to red gauge in one spirit combo feels amazing. Setting up with fade slash>fade spirit slash, or slipping into position with dividing slash so your counter and spirit 4 hit perfectly, it's a real interesting counter move approach imo.
01:58 that Katt Williams clip was so appropriate. Thank you kind sir!
I really can't wait to what Kool crazy things people do with the new style of play for LS. I know people are so use to the old ways but hopefully some will go with the flow of change and embrace of it.
yah i really want to see a top speed runner use no iai at all. but so far i haven't seen anything, least getting like sub 4 min times.
This is a really nice guide! I would however suggest slowing down the video and breaking down the moves input by input for newer players like myself. I have to rewind a lot to keep up with what's happening. Anyhow, I appreciate your hard work sir!
you can use d-pad menu to swap scrolls faster
I play as GS, but now that i've seen this 4:04 i felt the motivation at its peak. Now i'm getting crazy within it. Im still bigga blade user, but LS seems fun now.
Lol great use of Katt Williams. Caught me off guard
i don’t care about a damage nerf but the bug recovery nerf makes the weapon feel atrocious, when ever other weapon gets to spam silkbinds
yep, that nerf was just stupid. complete overkill.
Yeah cooldown says medium but holy hell it takes a while to recharge
People cried moaned and whine about the LS when their own weapons were good.
@@tigerex777 exactly!
It really ain't that bad lmao Stop exaggerating. They shouldn't have changed it, but it's not "atrocious."
Thanks for the guide! I was slowly giving up on the LS in sunbreak but you gave me a second wind!
Just curious, why were you starting to give up on LS?
@@PUNchoFruits I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong with new sheathe mechanic as I kept clicking r2 interrupting attack animation every time.
The helmbreaker has become unreliable due to my poor timings and much more aggressive old monsters.
Not to mention how rusty I've become after returning to the game and barely hitting my timing on iai stance or missing foresight.
And then an increased wirebug CD became just a cherry on top.
In comparison, they added new optional missions. Among them there's one to stun a monster, and in contrast to LS, the hammer is just such 'lolwut' kind of a weapon. Just pick it and hammer away.
Now tho, after watching this video I went back, picked up an urgent intermediate mr3 quest, and rolled thru it with ease and new tactics!
Had the same impression which made me quit longsword in MR1 quests. I didn't like the new skills and sacred sheath felt so bad I forgot it even existed and I never looked back.
Then any other weapon I got back to was doing way better than LS. (Charge blade, Dual blades, Switch axe)
Now you made me want to try crit draw sacred sheath builds since I finished the story, new options are available.
Great video. Keep it up !
Sacred sheath crit draw is a lie sadly, the crit draw will only work on the first hit on sacred sheath and does not work on the counter type ;0;
Thank you for sharing. Very helpful. I appreciate you.
5:20 thanks for that info, i was really confused on "Longsword speedruns" how they did not lose the spirit meter.
The last monster hunter I was able to play was freedom unite and by god.. how much Monster Hunter as changed over the years aaa.. I'm a Vet long sword main but due to being piss poor, eeeyeah couldn't play the latest installments. anyways the part when Harvest Moon was explained, Enochian from Final Fantasy came to mind haha, but HM gives you a second chance to stay inside.(I haven't played FF Online.. sadly)
The ring is like fr a test how good a person can read and parry, the only time I think a Long Sword no life main will unsheathe the weapon to dispell the ring is when they have to sharpen it OR chase a fleeing monster, It's a high risk high reward and to be honest, I think it can be fun for people who want to push and limit test how well they can stay inside, just thinking about redoing a mission over and over to memorize monster movements until you get them down pat and stay inside the ring for as long as possible would be a huge flex. sorry, just gushing, I love this game.. I just don't have the equipment to enjoy it bwahahha
I think they nerfed helmbreaker cuz they're steering Long Sword more into a parrying weapon, cuz from what i've seen from the weapon is it's become very parry based, flashy movements
Can you do a Switch axe combo video?
Temepred Spirit Blade also extends your Spirit Combo. Ex: Spirit 1 -> Spirit 2 -> Tempered Blade -> Spirit 3 - Tempered Blade -> Spirit Reckoning.
Its really good but its hard i fucking love it.
Edit: im using Tempered Blade with Sacred Sheathe for context. I strongly recommend trying it. Its very hard but the damage potential is consistent, mobile, and high.
I've been playing LS since MH Freedom U and I played it in every game since. I thought I knew how to play this weapon pretty well, boy... was I wrong.
7:48 if you hit the opening double slash you will have just enough sprite gague to finish a sprit compo after you counter an attack
My playstyle is basically the tempered counter and sacred sheath and just play full GU Valor mode lol. I hope they buff the counter timing on the tempered counter, its very tight as of now and the damage is not that good either. At least the wirebug charges fast.
Love valor style fighting. To get the most you have to play single player with harvest Moon though ugh
I truly enjoy sacred sheathe combo. It truly feel so much fun.
I lowkey feel that gigabrain pro speed running aside, Harvest Moon would be more worth using if it cause 1 bug, but for 2 bugs, I'd still rather have Serene Pose as an "oh crap" button
Moderately new player and Hammer main, picked up LS by your guide to cut some tails and try something new. I have a love/hate relationship with this weapon after ~30 hours of playing with it. while it can be fun and feel strong at times, the auto sheathing after Sakura Slash is awful if you time the following counter wrong, it feels like a huge punishment for no reason (same with the sheathing after Spirit Roundslash). the timing and aiming to get the 3rd hit of the Sacred Sheathe in is pretty hard after all that meter buildup and the high Wirebug cooldown really limits you to use Wirebugs to evade, also constantly having to have 3 Wirebugs in a fight is a massive pain to keep up, even with level 3 Wirebug Whisperer. while I finished the main story of Sunbreak with it, I'm at the fence of giving up on it because it is just to frustrating and rarely rewarding (I hit Sacred Sheathe fully at most 2 times per fight).
fun fact: even the longsword can pay your taxes at the same time
They have significantly buffed harvest moon to make it more consistent: the ring no longer knocks you back, its bigger, does not go away if you are fully sheathed and you can choose when you want to leave
Thank you so much for this
7:15 Ofc now harvest moon has been buffed with no knock back, a larger ring, and you can sheath your weapon
I'm curious as to what the armor set you're wearing in the thumbnail in this video is.
I think your layered armors are very nice. 👍😄
My English is not good. So I used a translator.
female gore helm/chest/legs. jelly gloves. remombra waist.
@@PWARGaming Thank you so much 😆
Late or not, this is right on time for people getting Rise on PS5.
Great vid. Gonna sub
This has inspired me to try out new weapons
1st like!
Your videos makes me wanna play. But I don't think I will be good
well luckily in monster hunter, you don't have to be that good, since multiplayer exist :) they're great fun, and can suck many hours from you. Very valuable games imo compared to most.
But, it does take some getting used to, and isn't for everyone. I would find world or rise on sale, and give it a try, if you can buy it for cheap! there's tons of guides in the community that can help anyone out with their weapon of choice, so any new hunter is capable of being decent at the game.
My guy you can be terrible and still have fun. Don’t go into it being scared. I started on monster hunter world. You will have a much easier time starting in Rise. I was soooooooo bad in world. Carting all the time. I played through all of world and iceborn and I still sucked. Then I got into rise years later and man I’m a much better player. Rise is just easier to get into. The wire bugs make everything forgiving. Find a friend to teach you and you will have a blast. No friends? Find a discord. It’s worth it. Just got my cousin into the game tonight. He’s already gone all the way through mhrise base game in less than 10 hours.
If the sacred sheathe counter only works on the sheathing animation? Doesnt quick sheathe shorten the timing window of ur counters, making it harder to execute?
Feel like tempered spirit blade shouldnt use a wirebug. It's a move that you must pull in an instant and dont have time to check if you have a bug available. You should be able to choose between it or foresight slash on your scroll, make so you must have some spirit gauge to use, and r2+a would be a more comfortable button combo for it.
I gave up on LS as soon as sunbreak came out because because the wirebug cool down is just way to long which really sucks because I loved Longsword in World, Iceborne and base rise but now it's just not fun to use because the cool down takes an eternity. After watching this video I tried the new skills and combos and learned them pretty easily and I still think that Longsword isn't that fun anymore and it's not even the fact that I can't spam the moves because I wouldn't do that anyway it's the fact that I can't wirefall if I need to because the monster does an attack that punishes you for not wirefalling. Whenever I wanted to hunt for the sake of hunting I would put on Longsword, put on some music and hunt Fatalis, I guess that's over now unless they change the cool down or until the next MH game comes out. It's not all bad though since I still have 6 other weapons I can play but Longsword was probably the most fun one to play along with insect Glaive.
Ls needed nerfs but not ones so drastic. Feels bad man
Just started playing, and the guide is great. My question is this, what exactly is the Palico wirebug ability that is mentioned at the end? I cannot find anything about it.
You can wirebug over the ring, but i find myself rarely using it.
Is there a skill to make our sheath charge faster? or is that rate stuck as is?
quicksheath skill. practically mandatory on every LS build so didn't bother mentioning it. it does lose you counter window chance of sacred sheathe a little, so if you ONLY use sacred, no iai, then you can do without it. at the same time charging full faster is good too so you can reposition immediately and potentially dodge attacks better, so up to you.
10:10 huh, didn't know you can now dodge horizontal attacks using helm breaker leaping action. That's new to me lol..
With this new counter mechanics is the foresight slash counter viable in LS gameplay?
Bro the video is cool but wtf is that armor? I ain’t seen that in the smithy just yet. Wtf, that looks sick
I can't wait for a sns guide
Is there an updated video with the changes to harvest moon?
The hop also has i frames just like a normal dodge so if you are good you can i frame an attack/roar and keep your charge
To do the 2 slash over head do I unlock that after a while or it after a certain attack
That armor though
Gore looks SO good on females. praise closed helmets
I thought Sakura slash is untouched by the patch. Do you have any documents about its buffed values?
Can someone answer: I bought the sunbreak MHRise version. Are these mechanics only available after beating rise? I know some of them are dependent on the switch skills, but the ones that aren't... do you need to beat rise first? Maybe all of the new moves are switch skills, im noticing that rewatching this...
It's really good to see the NIoh 2 content god is still hard at work with other souls like games. I look forward to relearning this weapon.
what's the black layout in the beginning? it looks so cool
What helmet were you using on 2:21?
Dude what is your layered armor? It looks sick
cant wait for the SA guide
I’m guessing the sacred sheath is also affected by punishing draw and quick sheathe as well? I don’t know cause I haven’t been able to get it:(
Whoa! What armor is that in the thumbnail?
what about the build in this video I am liking that mixed set look
Yo thats cold
More fun, funner is not a word
Is it better to have wirebug 3 or quick sheath 3 on talisman?
Whats your layered armour in the thumbnail?
R.i.p helmbreak
Cancel the animation of changing scrolls during the first combo?
Hey brother how to move while using the sacred sheathe press what in Nintendo switch thank you
I know this is out of contest but how exactly do you unlock Recarnation Melding ? I don’t seem to find anything around
i think progressing the story will unlock it
What’s the armor set in the thumbnail?
I was jus about to ask
@@TimmyneutronHBCGI figured out it’s the master gore magala set
Are these only for sun break?
im struglin with this new style
What's the armor for the cover shot of the video?
05:11 Sacred Sheathe Counter time
Oh, I recently got it on PC since I don't play Switch much and I've been wondering why LS feels slightly weaker. :D
What armor are you using with the horns in the beginning of the video?
female gore helmet, aka, unobtainable for male hunters. gore helm, chest, legs. remombra belt, jelly arms but can use gore too i just ran out of tickets
@@PWARGaming dang, it looked cool. Reminded me of the Berserker Armor from Berserk
They nerf the weapon so hard an then sell the solution, nice job capcom
What is the armor set you are wearing?
I’m curious is charge skill works with sacred sheath. I would think so since it’s a charge up move. But curious if u know or anyone in chat
What layered armor is that? Nvm, just changed my char to Female again :D We have the same setup! :)
Is that a Reshade? Why does your game look so good? o_O
Is crit draw lv3 still 60%? I saw on some wiki that says it's 40%
This new longsword is a lot cooler.
Salut c’est quoi ton build stp?
I'm going to start asking the important questions: what armor set are you using at 1:17? I would like to look like Gutz as well
Edit: It's the gore magala. I just beat the boss
how did you get the gore magala armor looking so red? whenever I try to do it the red looks washed out
saturation to max, and brightness/contrast higher maybe? this is female so maybe its more prominent. then again i also use filter on obs recordings which makes the colors bit more saturated as well.
@@PWARGaming might be the filter on OBS, no matter what i did i couldn’t get it looking as good as yours lol. thanks for the reply though