I was thinking the same thing too, like what did the pavement do to ya'll and those were perfectly good cars like can't they kill them without destroying some properties?? *insert jackie chan meme*
To be fair, the villains here are just creating a diversion with no intent to harm while the heroes think they’re fighting a super powered serial killer who raised himself and an army from the dead. Can understand them going in a bit hard. That said, excessive force by heroes against villains that commit robbery rather than assault was a common theme in this. The heroes seem to treat their job as beating up villains rather than detaining and stopping their crimes. Corrupt heroes aside, that rubber one was causing damage in excess of the threat, level of crime and clearly enjoyed the idea he’d be allowed to use his powers to legally assault someone.
@@vexxama now that you said it, these kinds of superheroes -the way I see it, is they can use their title to destroy stuff, beat the shit out of villains while looking cool and hero like and they don't get in trouble cuz ya know they're heroes, they saved your ass so u better thank them or something. Man this is making me think lol
@@nairagar7338 and from what I’ve seen of jupiters legacy, admittedly not much, the utopian has a very rigid outlook on the rules and won’t allow new heroes who didn’t get a say originally to go against them. Even in a battle where a villain always killing heroes and about to self destruct, he admonished a hero for killing that villain to defend himself and everyone else there. Hell, they even give praetorian preferential treatment and keep him out of prison in light of his service to avoid bringing the rest of their team into disrepute. This is despite his corruption and multiple cases of murdering civilians. He was let go to save face and he instantly went and joined organised crime. A lot of heroes here are just corrupt and sadistic, or so focused on public perception they won’t hold their colleagues to the same standard despite frequently giving “villains” (a term that can even be applied to petty thieves) life altering injuries.
Can we just address how none of these zombies are really zombies but one man telekineticly controlling that many things at once?! And to that detail. Its nuts.
Gladiator is the only guy that I’d consider a true hero. Doesn’t do that much collateral damage and doesn’t beat the villains into a pulp (aka putting them 6 ft under).
I have never understood why collateral damage is such a big deal in situations like this. Feels to me like stopping the villains should be way more important than making sure that some buildings and cars and other stuff are not damaged because if the villains are not stopped they will just continue hurting and killing people and there will probably be way more collateral damage too.
@@CyberLance26 In this particular one? Necromancer is the only threat here that seems like it's outta everyday human reach. Zombies vs riot police seems pretty easily doable and less expensive, more efficient, without any real costs, because their strength, speed, and reactions are all subhuman. At best they have superhuman survivability. So it would have generally been better to team up with ground forces like swat, police, etc to get an accurate threat assessment instead of turning the grounds into a warzone. That having been said, if we presuppose human levels of competence in the local government as well as standards of response, honestly, a slowmoving or 'still' flying humanoid on the battlefield is just a clay pigeon for a sniper. Furthermore, if the name is accurate, even if a headshot instantly turns him into goo, he's coming back. "If you think you killed the necromancer, you didn't kill the necromancer." So in truth, it's a lot of inefficient property damage. Where they saved lives, it's indisputably worth it. However, where they just turned zombies into black and brown paint for giggles, it's a bit of a waste.
@@chameon378 I was thinking about when this kind of stuff happens in movies, TV shows, cartoons, comics, games and other stuff in general and not only this scene. And the destruction in this kind of stuff is supposed to make the action feel more cool and excting and if the heros would focus too much on making sure that people would not get hurt we would not really get as much cool action or fight scenes and thats one of the big main reasons why people like adventure and action stuff.
@@CyberLance26 Oh, that. Collateral damage is shorthand for spectacle writing. Spectacle writing often gets lazy, and/or, had the heroes actively end up being worse then the villains in spite of having the hypothetical moral highground. If it's a nonevacuated city, and all the heroes worry about is stopping the villain with hugely destructive actions, factually, they're likely killing more people then the villain does, even though they're trying to be good. This is relatively easily alleviated by, for example in this very scene, showing them going out of their way to rescue people, or, if you want to be lazier, having one or more members of the squad be focused on evacuating people offcamera. The biggest issue with it though is that spectacle writing tends to just be an excuse for the writer to get lazy and let the artists pick up the slack nowadays, and it often shows.
Yep. I have to agree that while being a mature superhero show was good, animated would be better. Since that they can do a lot more as well not be held back by anything.
@@GeinAsher The only reason some people even recognized most of these characters was because of jupiter's legacy. And what the super crooks tv show adapted from the comic looked like the last part of the tv show. So yeah I'm pretty sure it's famous mostly because of people that watched the live action series and also some comic readers
I would have been interested in a Jupiter's legacy anime. But the live action show just looked cheap and lame. super crooks was great. This world works much better as anime.
@@mercenaryknight5419 Mark Millar is basically Earth 2's Alan Moore. Mark Millar will never complain about his comic books being adapted horribly. That's why Wanted was as it was, and Kick Ass had that stupid jetpack ending and Kick Ass 2 is just lame, pathetic and cringe, and Kingsman is good but it changes so many things that is not even the same setting (also the comic's ending was better) and Kingsman 2 doesn't make fucking sense even with the first movie. Mark Millar is not too good at adapting or making sure people adapt his comics good.
Im assuming Molecule Master transmuted air molecules to steel and connected it to the clothing because 1-2 pounds of clothing is as heavy as 1-2 pounds of steel.
I mean, if he can transmute a porous substance like clothing into a solid substance like metal, he's already transmuting air into metal whenever he uses his power, so...
@@goolgepl2112 as long as its not the same weight it is. 1 pound of steel is as heavy as 1 pound of feathers. Steel is more dense, sure. But gravity deals with weight, not mass.
Ruby Red is voiced by Katie Leigh, the voice of Sheila the Thief on Dungeons and Dragons, Alex on Totally Spies, and Connie Kendall on Adventures in Odyssey.
@everyone To those thinking that Hero's are creating more damage then the villains, that is because the writer for this series is a fan to villains and hates Hero's.
"C-O-D in zombie mode" Sir the correct term is Cod Zombies. Unless you're a filthy infinity ward/sledgehammer zombies player. The only Cod Zombies that's worth that title is all the zombies from the Black Ops titles. Fight me.
@@drfreakoman9976 Son solo 4 cómics y desde el capítulo 10 es la adaptación completa del cómics los otros capítulos fueron creados por la gente encargada del anime con la ayuda de Mark Millar y Lenil Francis Yu los creadores del cómic.
2:30 Samson: pareciera que alguien los está animando Barnabas: ¿Y que quieres que haga wey? Es que el cgi está muy caro y nuestra versión con actores ya valieron y era más barato hacerlo con animación , osea, el capitán capitalismo wey
No it’s a separate story where criminals are stealing something from the union of justice it’s called super crooks and I wish the show was In this style the hole time
how did this pyshic guy ever get caught? he is able to control this number of things over a huge area. go to a mall and take a bill from people wallets and you set.
That's the dumbest way to fight zombies. Sending like hundred of them flyying in all direction. People who could be out of harm before, now suddenly have a pile of zombies over them, LOL.
So I never finished Jupiters legacy. It kind of didn’t help that I wasn’t getting absorbed into the characters. Is this any better by comparison and do I need to watch the rest of Jupiters legacy to appreciate it?
Update: I just finished Jupiters legacy. I actually found myself liking it, but it shouldn’t have taken till episode five in an eight episode series. I wish that the series hadn’t ended on a cliffhanger, maybe just two more episodes for closure but unfortunately I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
Had never heard of jupiters legacy before reading the comments here and watched super crooks I think a year ago? Anime series is great! Also read it fixed some of the oddly anti gay stuff the original comic had turning it more pro gay.
I love how the villains try to not damage the surrounding area but the heroes just fucking wreck it with no hesitation.
I was thinking the same thing too, like what did the pavement do to ya'll and those were perfectly good cars like can't they kill them without destroying some properties?? *insert jackie chan meme*
To be fair, the villains here are just creating a diversion with no intent to harm while the heroes think they’re fighting a super powered serial killer who raised himself and an army from the dead. Can understand them going in a bit hard.
That said, excessive force by heroes against villains that commit robbery rather than assault was a common theme in this. The heroes seem to treat their job as beating up villains rather than detaining and stopping their crimes. Corrupt heroes aside, that rubber one was causing damage in excess of the threat, level of crime and clearly enjoyed the idea he’d be allowed to use his powers to legally assault someone.
@@vexxama now that you said it, these kinds of superheroes -the way I see it, is they can use their title to destroy stuff, beat the shit out of villains while looking cool and hero like and they don't get in trouble cuz ya know they're heroes, they saved your ass so u better thank them or something. Man this is making me think lol
@@nairagar7338 and from what I’ve seen of jupiters legacy, admittedly not much, the utopian has a very rigid outlook on the rules and won’t allow new heroes who didn’t get a say originally to go against them. Even in a battle where a villain always killing heroes and about to self destruct, he admonished a hero for killing that villain to defend himself and everyone else there.
Hell, they even give praetorian preferential treatment and keep him out of prison in light of his service to avoid bringing the rest of their team into disrepute. This is despite his corruption and multiple cases of murdering civilians. He was let go to save face and he instantly went and joined organised crime.
A lot of heroes here are just corrupt and sadistic, or so focused on public perception they won’t hold their colleagues to the same standard despite frequently giving “villains” (a term that can even be applied to petty thieves) life altering injuries.
The Boys in a nutshell
Can we just address how none of these zombies are really zombies but one man telekineticly controlling that many things at once?! And to that detail. Its nuts.
So voodoo zombies then
@@darksaberwolfakarex13 no Voodoo zombies arnt actually dead they are livign ppl under a drug induced hypnotic sugestion
They might still be zombies. It depends on how Necromancer's powers work. But yes, it's impressive that he can control that many.
@@WardNightstone control the dead is a thing on the dark side of voodoo
He's a telepath in a Omega level
Gladiator is the only guy that I’d consider a true hero. Doesn’t do that much collateral damage and doesn’t beat the villains into a pulp (aka putting them 6 ft under).
Mi personaje favorito sin duda
Molecule Man was the most pacifistic
Nah screw that parking lot. Utopian all the way
Ahem paetorian brain damage but he kinda got what was coming to him
Oh yeah he kicks ass and odds are worse case from him is a concussion
The heroes in this world create more collateral damage than any villain ever
Yah, but hey that the price of peace............who am i even fooling ? THEY MASSIVE DESTRUCTION WEAPONS, SOMEBODY SAY TO THEM THRY DO BULLSH,T
I have never understood why collateral damage is such a big deal in situations like this.
Feels to me like stopping the villains should be way more important than making sure that some buildings and cars and other stuff are not damaged because if the villains are not stopped they will just continue hurting and killing people and there will probably be way more collateral damage too.
@@CyberLance26 In this particular one? Necromancer is the only threat here that seems like it's outta everyday human reach. Zombies vs riot police seems pretty easily doable and less expensive, more efficient, without any real costs, because their strength, speed, and reactions are all subhuman. At best they have superhuman survivability. So it would have generally been better to team up with ground forces like swat, police, etc to get an accurate threat assessment instead of turning the grounds into a warzone. That having been said, if we presuppose human levels of competence in the local government as well as standards of response, honestly, a slowmoving or 'still' flying humanoid on the battlefield is just a clay pigeon for a sniper. Furthermore, if the name is accurate, even if a headshot instantly turns him into goo, he's coming back. "If you think you killed the necromancer, you didn't kill the necromancer."
So in truth, it's a lot of inefficient property damage. Where they saved lives, it's indisputably worth it. However, where they just turned zombies into black and brown paint for giggles, it's a bit of a waste.
@@chameon378 I was thinking about when this kind of stuff happens in movies, TV shows, cartoons, comics, games and other stuff in general and not only this scene.
And the destruction in this kind of stuff is supposed to make the action feel more cool and excting and if the heros would focus too much on making sure that people would not get hurt we would not really get as much cool action or fight scenes and thats one of the big main reasons why people like adventure and action stuff.
@@CyberLance26 Oh, that. Collateral damage is shorthand for spectacle writing. Spectacle writing often gets lazy, and/or, had the heroes actively end up being worse then the villains in spite of having the hypothetical moral highground. If it's a nonevacuated city, and all the heroes worry about is stopping the villain with hugely destructive actions, factually, they're likely killing more people then the villain does, even though they're trying to be good. This is relatively easily alleviated by, for example in this very scene, showing them going out of their way to rescue people, or, if you want to be lazier, having one or more members of the squad be focused on evacuating people offcamera. The biggest issue with it though is that spectacle writing tends to just be an excuse for the writer to get lazy and let the artists pick up the slack nowadays, and it often shows.
"Feels like C.O.D in zombie mode"
I truly wonder if the mispronunciation was intentional to make me hate the heroes because it worked
The Dub is just bad
@@lifeofentropy The dub is excellent in my opinion.
I agree
It’s from game
@@gleove1 It absolutely is not. If you play the game its pronounced Cod Zombies. If you're a 45yo screenwriter, you pronounce it C.O.D Zombie
Yep. I have to agree that while being a mature superhero show was good, animated would be better. Since that they can do a lot more as well not be held back by anything.
I like how the zombies weren’t attacking anyone or eating people they were just walking around minding their own businesses
Now why does this look better than the live action version of Jupiter's legacy.
Because animation allow to do more things in better ways than live action.
@@Mua_di a better plot too?
@@RARA-ek3yp the Plot is good, actually is like in the comics. But a bad script, direction and bad special effects doesn't make them justice.
I think the opposite like this seems more simple than the live action
@@RARA-ek3yp i'd say the plot was kinda interesting. but it was definitely let down by meh visuals and kinda meh performances
Insurance and construction companies thank you oh mighty super powered beings!
You guys... You are the real heroes!
Glad they’re giving it a second try but as an anime
Adding this to the list
It's sooo much better as anime.
@@GeinAsher He's refering to the fact that Supercrooks is an anime spin off from the live action series Jupiter's Legacy
@@GeinAsher nah they right
@@GeinAsher The only reason some people even recognized most of these characters was because of jupiter's legacy. And what the super crooks tv show adapted from the comic looked like the last part of the tv show. So yeah I'm pretty sure it's famous mostly because of people that watched the live action series and also some comic readers
it is not an anime...!
It's a heist show but the they have super powers. It's real good. Nice conclusive ending
Finished this show with my boyfriend and we both loved it! A+ work by Jonah Scott
Man,if only they show how powerful utopian is in the tv series
If they had made Jupiter's legacy animated. It would have done much better. And it wouldn't have gotten cancelled.
Also if they just used the comic story while adding more content like they did with this.
I would have been interested in a Jupiter's legacy anime. But the live action show just looked cheap and lame.
super crooks was great. This world works much better as anime.
@@mauricehopes9105 Yes 👍
@@ldiod4374 Mark Millar produced the show and supported the changes made.
@@mercenaryknight5419 Mark Millar is basically Earth 2's Alan Moore.
Mark Millar will never complain about his comic books being adapted horribly.
That's why Wanted was as it was, and Kick Ass had that stupid jetpack ending and Kick Ass 2 is just lame, pathetic and cringe, and Kingsman is good but it changes so many things that is not even the same setting (also the comic's ending was better) and Kingsman 2 doesn't make fucking sense even with the first movie.
Mark Millar is not too good at adapting or making sure people adapt his comics good.
Seriously the last thing I expected was this show to be connected to Jupiter's Legacy
Of course!
still can't get over the fact that Utopian was talking to a floating corpse
yeah it was pretty obvious that thing wasn't actually the big bad, but Utopian is nothing if not clueless.
I need 2nd season, its too good
This is how superhero movie must be
I don’t think it will/should get another season. It’s an amazing show but it ended and adding anymore would just be overstaying it’s welcome
Maybe a second season with a different crew? Maybe we can get a season based on the heat and count orlok (did I spell that right)
@@Garbarrel theyre supposedly making a live action super crooks
@@hy8399 I heard that the live action version of the original wasn’t very good but I’m down for that
Spin off would be better.
This is such a good show, I can’t stop.
Im assuming Molecule Master transmuted air molecules to steel and connected it to the clothing because 1-2 pounds of clothing is as heavy as 1-2 pounds of steel.
I mean, if he can transmute a porous substance like clothing into a solid substance like metal, he's already transmuting air into metal whenever he uses his power, so...
@@dark7element that was exactly what I was assuming.
But steel's heavier than feathers...
@@goolgepl2112 *mmmmmmm*
@@goolgepl2112 as long as its not the same weight it is. 1 pound of steel is as heavy as 1 pound of feathers. Steel is more dense, sure. But gravity deals with weight, not mass.
ojala saquen mas series de este universo de jupiter legacy me gusto mucho este anime xd
2:35 I wonder how much Cheesecake Factory paid to be in this show lol
Honestly didn’t even notice that
@@thewrathfulsloth2384 hahaha!!!
Ruby Red is voiced by Katie Leigh, the voice of Sheila the Thief on Dungeons and Dragons, Alex on Totally Spies, and Connie Kendall on Adventures in Odyssey.
this was a grate show hope they do more in this universe then just this and Jupiter's legacy
I miss this show, best intro! will ever have a season 2?
From what I’ve seen no. But there are rumors of a live action.
Super Crooks is based off of the comic, and the season covers the entire comic’s story.
I always liked him the Brandon-Petra ship better, but they have an undertone of that here, so cool.
Son los zombis de calle of duty...🤣🤣🤣 Clásico...
Is this like a season 2 or an ova? Cuz I dont remember this
I never knew super crooks was in the same universe
To those thinking that Hero's are creating more damage then the villains, that is because the writer for this series is a fan to villains and hates Hero's.
I love this it’s so cool Utopian is so freaking awesome
La serie está excelente gracias Netflix
me recordo un poco a invincible
"C-O-D in zombie mode"
Sir the correct term is Cod Zombies.
Unless you're a filthy infinity ward/sledgehammer zombies player. The only Cod Zombies that's worth that title is all the zombies from the Black Ops titles. Fight me.
Please bring season 2 of this awesome anime
They need to forget that live action Jupiter show and just do an animated series like super crooks
Cheesecake Factory in the background
por favor façam uma segunda temporada desse show
Era só isso na verdade, cobriu toda a hq dos Super Crooks, talvez eles tentem outra do Legado de Júpiter.
@@heitorpedrodegodoi5646 is super crooks that short?
@@drfreakoman9976 Dont know much about Super Crooks, but i remenber all the comic being in the season.
@@drfreakoman9976 Son solo 4 cómics y desde el capítulo 10 es la adaptación completa del cómics los otros capítulos fueron creados por la gente encargada del anime con la ayuda de Mark Millar y Lenil Francis Yu los creadores del cómic.
@@davidosoriomaciel2486 pero la serie se hizo por el fracaso de la real
I thought this was Jupiters legacy for a sec😂
The guy in blue makes a Call of Duty reference, at the same time you can see the car has the logo of Atlas Corporation from COD: Advanced Warfare
I wonder if this is why COD got collab with Attack on titan later xD
They missed the scene where Johnny Bolt yells ‘it’s Super Crooking time!’ and starts busting out the moves to Lights by Ellie Golding
i wish the series of the utopian didint get cancelled it had some goot scenes in it. i enjoyed it.
I need a second season
They wouldn't because apparently the anime already covered all of the books
ddue the animation is top tier
Omniman , volvió . Está viejo y ahora es bueno 😎😎😎
Love how he SPEAKS COD ❤
I lost it at LL Woody lol
This was a good show Netflix. Still waiting for another season
what's the name of the series pls ?
@@ewanvlln_3353super crooks
@@ewanvlln_3353super crooks. Unfortunately season 1 already covered the whole story
How did I not know about this new anime series based on Jupiters Legacy?!
why are the captions so off from the actual dialog?
Samson: pareciera que alguien los está animando
Barnabas: ¿Y que quieres que haga wey? Es que el cgi está muy caro y nuestra versión con actores ya valieron y era más barato hacerlo con animación , osea, el capitán capitalismo wey
Toda la primera, y única, temporada costo 200 millones
อยากให้ ภาคต่อมาไวๆจัง เฉพาะ anime เท่านั้นนะ
ดีใจจังได้อ่านเม้นท์คนไทย เปิดมาเจอแต่เม้นท์อังกฤษ
"you villainous cur...!" Oh the writing is just dripping with camp...
That man really made a CoD zombies reference...
wait is this in the same universy as Jupiter's Legacy
Esta en español el video!?
No sirve la pista de audio :/
when did this happen?
I did not know they did an anime of Jupiters legacy. Is this a continuation from where the live action left off?
No it’s a separate story where criminals are stealing something from the union of justice it’s called super crooks and I wish the show was In this style the hole time
0:35 Porque no dijo Resident Evil?
Porque call of dut tem modo zumbi
Subtitles are messed up.
Where is this episode at ?
Whens season 2?
As someone who hates the Ross park mall I say let the zombies have it.
Did he just....did he just reference call of duty??
The english CC doesn't match the ennglish audio, but I'm surprised no one mentioned it.
They should make an animated series abouth Jupiter's legacy too not live action
"And no expense shall be unspared"
ahh mira e nada mas lo que se consigue en internet cuando estas de vacaciones y no sabes que serie ver... gracias la descargare
Por qué vídeo está en audio español latino pero los comentarios están en Inglés?
So cod canonically exist in this universe
Gotta watch this
We need a season 2
Have you read the comic? I don't think there will be season 2.
@@dandead2 so what next?
@@donrica7160 probably nothing
La historia es auto conclusiva.
@@tinkerbeltdelacido.9005 si, pero según Netflix compra esta empresa de comics, cual crees que seria el siguiente en adaptar?
Where on Netflix is it?? Is it a different name there??
Jupiters legacy was a good show I wish there was a second season!
Superheroes vs Zombies? Muy interesante
Pls what is the title
que capitulo es ese?'
Superheroes playing Hack-n-Slash irl
how did this pyshic guy ever get caught? he is able to control this number of things over a huge area. go to a mall and take a bill from people wallets and you set.
Is this anime or cartoon?
That's the dumbest way to fight zombies.
Sending like hundred of them flyying in all direction. People who could be out of harm before, now suddenly have a pile of zombies over them, LOL.
Just a heads up, the captions aren't accurate.
1:22 Did they base ol boy on Drake?😂 Blud looking a little wheelchair jimmyish.
everyone is just flying lol
Name of the show
RW:Molecule Master kinda looks like Vincent Price.😁
Porque hay comentarios en inglés en un vídeo con doblaje al español?
0:38 I wish he would have pronounced it as COD (Call of Duty) like the fish and not just C-O-D.
Prob woulda gotten sued for using it
proving once again that you should have animated Jupiter's legacy
So beautiful
Did someone just say “The Flare II”?
Jupiter’s legacy animated 🔥🔥😂😂
A voz do Ikki de Fênix é icônica
Nome do anime ?
I really wanted a second Season of Júpiter's legacy...
Looks promising. Is this show any good? How good is this compared to Invincible?
So I never finished Jupiters legacy. It kind of didn’t help that I wasn’t getting absorbed into the characters. Is this any better by comparison and do I need to watch the rest of Jupiters legacy to appreciate it?
I never watched Jupiter's Legacy and I enjoyed it.
The Jupiter's Legacy cast of heroes aren't even the main focus of the show
Update: I just finished Jupiters legacy. I actually found myself liking it, but it shouldn’t have taken till episode five in an eight episode series. I wish that the series hadn’t ended on a cliffhanger, maybe just two more episodes for closure but unfortunately I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
Had never heard of jupiters legacy before reading the comments here and watched super crooks I think a year ago?
Anime series is great! Also read it fixed some of the oddly anti gay stuff the original comic had turning it more pro gay.
I enjoyed much of Jupiter‘s Legacy.
Is this a good watch?
Depending on the type of zombies these are, those methods of handling them could make things worse.
Name of anime