A Tribute to Mr. Rosamilia "Mr. R"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ค. 2017
  • This is a video tribute I produced around 20 years ago, shortly after learning of the death of my favorite teacher of all-time "Mr. R." Music written and recorded by his son, Peter. This is the first time I have shared this since his death. He was my 6th grade elementary teacher at St. Catherine's of Siena and it broke my heart when I learned of his passing from a sudden stroke.
    To this day, some of the lessons he taught still remain within me. He was a man with character, discipline and class. I've never had a greater teacher before or since. One of my favorite quotes from Mr. R that he used to say to people who weren't paying attention in class was "You hear, but you don't listen." Don't we all know people like that?
    Please excuse the quality of the video, as it was done on a VHS linear editing system at the time and also well before I was a professional. Regardless, I believe it still conveys some semblance of the kind of man Mr. R was and how much he was loved by all. RIP Mr. Rosamilia.

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