I was homeless for a year and a half here in Austin. The city has amazing resources, but you have to work and have to want it. I have a steady job and have been in my own apartment for 2 years. Success is possible!
On point, she's just like those girls, she'll straight up tell you her mind of you if your attractive or not. By saying directly your ugly or hot, in front of her squad of girls.
High salaries to manage the homeless create a perverse incentive to never really correct the problem...so you can keep getting paid high salaries to manage the homeless problem.
Kind of like the prison industrial complex, qualified immunity, the military industrial complex, healthcare and big pharma or congress and lobbyists? People only care about the wasted money when it's for the poor and homeless. never when it makes the rich richer.
@@The_Cyber_Nomad You are missing a huge part of American socio economics from 1933-45 and the effects from the programs and services which were slowly cut over then next 50 to 80 years... You know, the "golden era" we pine for...
@Blacksmith AutoWerks INC because unregulated private business has worked so well. didn't texas just lose power during a winter storm because a private business didn't spend money on insulation and a pipeline was shutdown because they didn't spend money on security? It's a nice thought, but when profit is the motivation of a company they only do as little as possible for as little as possible. You're just asking to waste money and make people rich for 5 or 10 years until the free money dries up.
It’s not all drug addicts. After they closed the psychiatric hospitals the people suffering from mental illness had no where to go. I used to see a homeless girl in my neighborhood walking around talking to invisible people. It’s sad and yes a lot of them are dirt bags but some of them deserve compassion
the 2 more often than not go hand in hand. a lot of the crazies are actually crazy because they have fried their brains. drug induced schizophrenia is a real thing.
Nope. It was the same with the border crisis. When the government stepped in to put the migrants up in hotels to ease the overcrowding situation in the detenion facilities it end up costing tax payers $3k per person, per night! They couldn't of just handed them $65 and directions to the nearest Motel 6????
My typed words had nothing to do with why Mr. Rogan moved . My typed words based on my first hand experience with business owners and property managers/owners.
I used to work at a homeless shelter in Los Angeles and let me tell you , housing will not solve anything, we've had clients straight out leave and rather sleep out side because they rather do drugs and sleep outside then follow rules and sleep in a bed. What they need in more mental health resources but yall not ready for that convo...🤷🏻♀️
You are correct^ I was listening to Tim Dillon speak with Yannis Papas (who used to work in social work)…. said the same thing you just did -> that homeless ppl would literally bring junk into their apartments from the street OR just disappear and live on the streets for 2 weeks and then ‘come back’ to the house for a day or two before going back under the bridge
I work for a mental health org. Part of what we do is find housing and services for homeless. It's a revolving door; Find them an apartment, get it furnished, hook them up with medical services, EBT, etc, etc. A couple months in they trashed the place, sold the appliances, invite their fellow addicts in to party. They get evicted and it starts all over again. Not easy to find landlords who want that shit anymore.
We need to offer a free cruise. Then float on out into the ocean, have a helicopter pick up the staff from the boat and just leave them floating in the ocean to their own devices. But we need to put cameras everywhere and stream that shit.
Wow that's actually eye opening. I always thought there was no money going towards the homeless problem. It all makes sense now. The homeless problem won't end because people don't want their 6 figure checks to end.
Just like the mass encarceration industry and the war on drugs. It's all a business to employ the elite so that they can make sure that Feudalism in the 21st century is a reality.
@@Laidengizer113 yeah, and different people think about different things. I couldn't give less of a fuck about quantum computing, but I'm sure many people do.
Its scary how close to homelessness a lot of us with full-time jobs are now- one missed paycheck or a few unpaid sick days away from a snowballing situation.
@@closer20jc it doesn’t matter, you can’t escape poverty. You can only put as much distance from it as you possibly can. Poverty and homelessness is like any other evil, it doesn’t discriminate and many who think they can’t fall into it, can fall into it.
@@Luka23567 Just live beneath your means. I gross $85k a year as a trucker, and still live in my truck. Technically I'm wealthy, but I spend like a poor man.
Im no longer homeless, but i know im never far off. Doesnt matter how much I dont make. No job, no home, i rent a room from a widower who cant survive on his own. He feeds me on his retirement and i take care of the property. With minimum wage up to 15/hr, you can now pay the boss to work an entry level job. While biden is fucking things up, ill not go looking for a job. Ill be off grid as soon as im done here with again, no home or job. I grow some damn fine weed that i cant make a dime on though, certification is another disgusting political disaster, may the underground market dominate, live long and prosper as always!
This lady is full of crap. Yes Austin is a smaller city than LA. But the scale of homeless people in LA is off the charts in comparison. If you’ve been to LA, there’s no way you could confuse the two. LA metro. is 8 times the size of Austin metro. But they have 20 times as many homeless.
@@May16Joe solving the homeless problem doesn’t mean having no homeless people, if there was less homeless people they would need less staff, they don’t even try to make it better. If there’s more and more homeless people every year it means they’re not doing their job.
@Kevin S solving the homeless problem doesn’t mean having no homeless people, if there was less homeless people they would need less staff, they don’t even try to make it better. If there’s more and more homeless people every year it means they’re not doing their job.
Can’t imagine believing just because something keeps happening, you shouldn’t even try and make it better. These guys have the mentality of politicians, “There’ll always be homeless people, so we’re not going to do anything”
When I lived in LA, it never ceased to amaze me how the hipsters are totally oblivious to how terrible LA is. One time I started working with a client who had just moved into a fancy loft in a rennovated building Downtown. I visited them at their expensive apartment and parked in what looked like a third world country for a parking spot, with dirty, broken pavement and potholes filled with luminescent green water. Then I stepped over homeless people leaning up against the building. And then I stepped over a big turd on the sidewalk before finally reaching the front door. The loft sure was nice, though. Not long after that, I was on a crew unloading a truck in a alley, also Downtown, which was filled with tons of turds, and I told the others "don't wheel those cases through dog turds," and one of them replied "those aren't dog turds." This was adjacent to another renovated building with fancy apartments with their windows and patios overlooking this disgusting alley.
Austin is so gross with the homeless. I’m literally uncomfortable sitting in my car at most red lights. I have a heart and I feel bad for how I try not to make eye contact. It’s just out of control they are everywhere
Try not to be uncomfortable and just be friendly. I've been going around Dallas offering water bottles, food and someone to talk to for the homeless. So far, no takers. They're not so helpless as you think.
I had this problem in Florida. We used to throw Mcdonalds drinks at them as we drove by. Most would have to move elsewhere after they cleaned up. I honestly think we helped get rid of them. It was common knowledge to hassle them. No reason to put up with that . It ruins you community, home value, etc..
He went to Austin for tax reasons nothing else. And when Texas starts catching up he will move again. That's the beauty of being Spotifies best paid employee.
my cousin was explaining that he can't afford a 1 bedroom studio despite making 20 bucks an hour. Because you need to prove 3x the rent to get approved. Then it starts making sense why people are living outdoors. When you are charging 1600 a month (x3) for 450 square feet
that's the cool thing about having a PhD in Homelessness Studies, everyone you talk to by definition is less educated than you on the subject. if anyone says the $200k on you isn't well spent, you just point out who holds the doctorate, then cite a long complex set of theories and statistics, and ask them to pinpoint the flaw in your approach. Theory says that you are right, according to other PhDs.
The only people who can "fix" it are the people themselves. You can't change anyone against their will and, believe me, having working in the homeless housing field, very few have any interest in changing anything. Staying fucked up is their life's ambition.
It's interesting to think that a person who might be employed and function as a working adult and contribute to the economy, could still have the reality of having a nonliving structure to live from out of in L.A. My statement based off of the cost of living and the number of affordable structures that could house a single person , that meet "Code" and are run by fair and decent management or city personnel.
Yea but his solution of just tell them no camping is delusional. You tell them no camping and they just move a few blocks down then circle back. You arrest them and your tax dollars pay for them to stay until they are released and the cycle repeats
@ mostly? Well could be a fact, but then again are we now implying that felon's are the majority and can't be placed anywhere Or is it that to gain a felon charge is quite simple In the grand scheme of laws and judicial sentences. It's not surprising that most people who have a prior conviction of a felony are very aware of the separation of meaningful employment and being rejected when applying for said employment. But I'm guessing that the majority of homeless have been dealt a shitty, real bad hand in the beginning of their lives. Foster parents dew to the inability of their biological parents or young mother. On and on the basic truth is the population growth has been and continues to produce more of the products of environment.
Old Joe would have invited a homeless person to talk about how they live and what issues they have. New Joe invites some blonde to complain about how annoying the homeless are to look at.
The old rogan was trying to build up an audience ,The new rogan is a millionaire 100 time over so he could care less about what a home person thinks he just wants then out his sight
When you pay people massive six figure salaries to fix an issue like homelessness you’re not incentivizing them to fix it, you’re incentivizing bandaid solutions. Solutions that never truly fix the problem. If they solve homelessness, then they’re no longer needed to solve the problem. Bye bye massive six figure salary.
I try to always put myself in other people's shoes. Imagine being one of these six figure salaried homeless busters. Like do they realize they're paid ridiculously high for not solving an issue that's only getting worse? Maybe that floats around in the back of their minds and haunts them when they take too many shrooms. What's probably going on is these are affluent, college educated, liberals. They've been taught in these elite university settings, they give a lot of weight to the theory behind social science, they're intellectuals, and they're really really trying to be good, empathetic leaders. They think they know what's best for poor, homeless people. They think they deserve all that money and it's justified. They think they'd have a truly massive impact on homelessness if only the greedy corporations and the crooked politicians pulling the strings. They're just in these elite, social worker, liberal, intellectual bubbles. Also, I'm sure there are some real assholes who know they're making the big bucks to ineffectively address the homeless issue, but I 'd say most of these people really do have a version of reality where they're just good guys, working hard to fight against homelessness. Their biggest critics, conversely, have their own versions of reality where these overpaid social workers are nothing but anchors and leeches on society. A more true reality is probably somewhere in between.
Rogan knows fuck all about homelessness in America and cherry-picked a handful of people in executive positions for his salary critique. The vast, vast majority of people working locally across the country to manage the homeless crisis are either 100% volunteers or are paid peanuts. Don't let the meathead mislead you.
@@blacklightfreakout825 Although I don't entirely disagree with you, I would say there are rare cases where they're just not fit to work. Mentally and physically. Again rare cases.
@@piscesmoon6333 My father was homeless because he is a drug user and alcoholic. Many homeless DO NOT get their shit together so on the street they deserve.
@@duffal0 yeah, I live here but they didn't until 6 to 9 months ago, and then suddenly almost overnight the overpasses that had all been pristine were all hosting tents.
They need to get.... away from me, because that's most of the problem. The home owners don't pay taxes so these people can beg for scraps at their doorstep.
Doctors, lawyers, investors, oil companies, and homelessness managers should get paid based on how they decrease the problems, not increase the markets by CREATING more needy consumers (including homeless' need for gov consumption because death is the only alternative to inability to attain/hold shitty and hated jobs).
@@joeyn4607 don't lump in the homeless population with the poor working class. poor people keep the country running, (most)homeless are fucking tweaker leeches. most working class people in LA hate the homeless, its the trust fund art/journalism liberals with money who enable and protect the homeless who just end up causing stress and harm to the working class.
I don't hate or resent the rich merely because they are wealthy. Most of them became wealthy because they were able to provide goods or services that people wanted, and so they were successful. If you want to hate the rich who became rich through vulture capitalism, buying companies and strip mining them for profit before shutting them down, destroying local economies to line their pockets, and swindling and subverting on an international scale through stock market games and hedge fund manipulative predatory tricks, I can understand that. I can also understand why the rich don't think that money should be thrown at the homeless problem. I resent that my money could be taken by threat of force or legal punishment and given to people who are willingly homeless and not working. It's different for those who are truly mentally ill and can't function in society, but in my area, the overwhelming majority of homeless live the way they do because they use hard drugs all day, and they just don't want to be in society. They stand on the side of roads or walk through traffic, wearing clothes nicer than mine, looking and smelling freshly bathed; these are the ones who most likely don't have a hard drug problem and just make money by asking people for it. Then there are the ones I look a little rougher, but you can tell in conversation with them that they are mentally normal, and you can see on their faces that they are using hard drugs. Then there were the ones who walk around talking to themselves, unable to interact with people on a normal level, looking extremely disheveled, unbathed, smelling like body odor and urine. Those are the ones I feel bad for.
What do you mean? He knows what it’s like. It’s easy. Just pull yourself up from your bootstraps! Maybe if camping was illegal, you could go to jail and figure your life out so I don’t have to see you!
I used to drive for Uber in Los Angeles, I picked up a homeless lady she had the new iPhone that cost nearly 1k, my phone was a little wimpy iPhone 6 at the time.
@ he never said that quit trying to some work tool. It’s really fuckin stupid to be homeless but also walk around with a months rent in your pocket, in general it’s dumb to buy the most expensive thing even when your financially stable.
@ you don’t know that they give out free phones to hobos in California? I’m not joking, its called lifeline program. All hobos out here owns at least one phone, if not few of them.
The wife and I visited Austin. We avoided Austin after seeing all the homeless. We drive to San Antonio. So much cleaner, so much more inviting. We loved San Antonio.
Yeah, San Antonio is better. The people are nicer, it's way cleaner like you said, you don't see homeless everywhere.... Austin has a lot of issues. I lived in San Antonio for a few years and now Austin for a couple. I miss San Antonio
I’ve lived in both, and SA is definitely better, but you’re ultimately going to see every big city go downhill to some extent because of the people who run them. I recently moved to New Braunfels.
I've volunteered at several homeless shelters over the years. Providing all sorts of assistance and opportunities to get people back on their feet, even for felons. I have found everyone's story is different. But 90% of them were all decisions they've made or were still making that kept them there. Some of them were very successful prior to living on the street, but got bad breaks and just needed a little time to get back on their feet. Others chose to be homeless because they got that welfare check every month and qualified for disability. A common story among most who stayed homeless is they had no drive, or desire to do, or go, or become anything more than being provided for, no matter how many opportunities were available. Depression and alcoholism were commonplace, where all the money went to getting drunk or high simply to forget their troubles. One I remember couldn't get a job because they kept failing the drug tests that they needed to get clean for, and refused to get cleared with rehab. We can try and help people as much as possible, but just like to horse to the water, you cannot help anyone who won't take the measures to help themselves.
@Globglogabgolab 2.0 True, but not wanting to get better is a mental health issue in the first place. Its easy to separate from homeless people by saying "they just don't want help", not my problem. Then you can look down on them and not feel bad (not saying you do this but many do). There is a gigantic mental health crisis and equally large stigma still attached to it.
This is the most inept discussion about homelessness I have ever heard. This is not a State's issue, this is an entire country issue. Whether you see homeless people daily or not, its gonna take sweeping changes to make an impact.
Facts. One State could solve an isolated issue however nothing is really stopping other ppl from other parts of the country to flock there seeking a safe haven. The homeless migrate towards densely populated areas since there are more social services in those areas. Up here in Toronto, Canada, tent encampments have been popping up to the point where laws are being pushed through the system to have them removed. The issue is global even.
Hey privileged White female, try going somewhere with homelessness and seeing for yourself what it’s like. You don’t need TH-cam to “teach” you anything.
@@TheGeorgeous I would happily contribute to a solution if the offending party were willing to engage. Until then, they are a nuisance and should be treated as such.
I passed by a field a few years ago in Louisiana that was a graveyard of Fema campers from Katrina. Grass never cut and just rotting. At least sell the campers instead of letting them rot.
If a private company wanted to buy them, they would have offered. You want the government to start soliciting while there is the fear of being sued and having a "politically bad" spot light? The system is working just the way the rich feel comfortable with it.
Yeah dude, listening to Rogan whine about the homeless is ridiculous. Especially since his only answer is to cut funding and tell 100,000 people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, despite the fact that many of them already have jobs, especially in LA.
@@a-par82 He should think about moving to a different part of Texas. He moved to a place with just as much homelessness and that's what he was trying to get away from?
Ex service men 50.% and people with mental illness.. joes solution remove their tents. Spoken like a true millionaire who invites the C I A on regularly to talk on his show. What a idiot
Feel like Rogan's take on homelessness is one of his shittier ones. Might have missed his thoughts on solutions though so fair enough if so. A lot of it feels like "they need to stop being visible"
I am not a huge fan of Spotify because of their persistent refusal to offer lossless audio format, which is really important to me. But other than that, no other service I've tried matches them in terms of playlist generation (according to what you listened to in the past), low amount of bugs (e.g. Tidal, which I use for times when I really need hi-res music - cuts off frequently when streaming chromecast to my DAC), niche music, and UI (which is debatable, because it's a personal preference). This week I considered moving to Apple music (I use iPhone), since they are releasing their lossless audio offering, but given that it does not offer dedicated application on Linux, I'll have to stick around with Spotify, until they enable high-res audio. When that happens, no other service (for my particular use) will offer better service for my money.
You get more homeless people in California because homeless people from other states move there. They treat them better there and the weather is much more tolerable than lets say Phoenix or NY City.
I grew up in Austin in the 80s and 90s, it was an absolute gem of a town. I left almost 20 years ago and whenever I go back to visit it's unrecognizable. It's sad what became of my hometown.
Rain check this topic. Bring it up again with someone who takes a deep interest and can talk about actual problem solving. This needs a Joe Rogan deep dive.
Blame stagnant wage growth and infinite QE. Money grows on trees from the Fed money printer, and the wealthy are the only one that are catching them from falling.
@@lakersfansince1991 Democrats pretend to be for solving the homeless problem but always exacerbate it by doing nothing because doing so would look cruel. This Republicans say the government can't solve it, so they should just remove them and do nothing--while keeping minimum wages low and push for lower wages and print money so that they can make more money, and keep everyone else poor. Then they wonder why so many people are homeless. Both parties suck. Can't blame it all on Democrats. The last 3 governors of the state were awful too.
@@lakersfansince1991 what you see happening in California is happening all around the country and it's taken decades to manifest itself stop kidding yourself and stop playing the blame game
@@moonrooster7160 republicans are just democrats doing the speed limit for sure but California is a direct result of 40 years of democratic policies. I’m no fan of Republicans but don’t play the “both sides are equal to blame” game either.
Oh man, I've been hanging out for Joe to do a deeper dive into the homelessness since his initial podcast about it but I feel like it was totally wasted on her :/ She was not interested in talking about homeless people
Annie Lederman says "I drew this picture of me looking in the mirror and seeing something very different looking back at me. The Huffington Post did an article about it but did not watermark it correctly and the picture became a meme and went viral without crediting me. It was stolen and posted everywhere a million times. It used to infuriate me but now I’m so happy it reached and resonated with so many people and am really so excited to be able to take back the night by making these shirts and sharing my art with you."
@@ornitopherus Live on the streets, yes. I was a loser leftist that didn't wanna work and I wanted to see what the bums were up to. Every damn one was a junkie and had needles in their pockets.
The "cut the social services funding so they have no choice but to get a job" is such a dumb idea it boggles my mind that they would seriously say that. Joe thinks they spend a lot of money in Los Angeles, he's like wow, 300 million dollars! That's a lot! Yeah Joe it's a lot to you, one person who just made hundreds of millions of dollars in a spotify deal. When you split it between 100,000 homeless people it's $3,000 each, which isn't enough to house someone in the middle of bumfuck nowhere let alone Los Angeles. Even here in the midwest it's hard to find an apartment for
@@markus64s how about then, we get rid of all the self righteous, self regarding, selfish people that think their 'success" in life is all their doing? Then the homeless can take their homes. Problem solved.
@@vtquest You'd compel me to give up my home but won't compel bums, addicts & the mentally ill to stop sleeping in public spaces. You're not a big-hearted hero, you're a useful idiot.
@@markus64s the term useful idiot refers to people being useful to those in power. Obviously you are in favor of keeping power (housing, land) very concentrated, as it is, and I am not. So who is working to keep those in power, in power? Who is the "useful idiot"
@@treedillinger5801 Yea, oh boy you sure got a point there - and wanna see how deep the rabbit hole goes? Turns out *Every fucking word we have been using is related* They are all part of the same language :O
@@hno4351 what would they talk about? Derek's cringy pick-up artist bs? Or his bro science explanation of steroids? We get it bro...you can use Google Scholar.
They seem to be oblivious to fact that these people will still be homeless and some where after being kicked out of where they are. They can't just vanish.
Having worked in that field I can tell you, they will be kicked out of everyplace they ever lived. Few people (landlords especially) will tolerate the filthy lifestyles of an addict, and no means has ever been discovered that can make people sober against their will.
I met a ex-homeless woman in Austin who hated the other homeless. She had 2 kids and became homeless for 6 months, but had a local church who helped her get back on her feet and she found a job quick as a security guard downtown. She would roll her eyes at the rest who were milling around drunk or high while begging strangers.
There’s a simple reason to that. It’s because the City of Austin gives more money and programs to the homeless rather than any other city in Texas. Why, if I was homeless, would I go to any small Texan town or even Dallas or Houston? It’s already hot as fuck here, I need some place to help me.
Why can't homeless people become millionaires? Were these people in the discussion just given millions of dollars or have they earned it?? None of them look like hunter Biden or Joe biden.
Keep making it comfortable to be homeless and you will continue to have a homelessness crisis. The outreach programs in my community emphasise personal development and responsibility. You can't get a free room, clothes, and food without sobering up first. Then there's free opportunities to get to go to rehab, learn skills, and reenter the workforce. There's compassion, but not to a fault.
Very good point! Portland and LA and even New York will basically allow the homeless to do whatever. Washington Square Park I've seen they just let them inject drugs in front of everyone and they even removed the curfew there so people can party there all night. In San Francisco they don't even prosecute theft in stores so nobody cares. Small drug possession of hard drugs is even just a ticket. Then they want to defund the police too?! 🤦♂️😂
This has a very dehumanizing tone. Rather than ask why this person is addicted to drugs or "has stopped caring", you just say "I don't care about you or your life unless you can show you can provide labor". So devoted to the idea of labor defining you as a human being, that you don't think humans should be given any kind of compassion unless they can create value for someone to siphon. Maybe if we started treated all humans like humans, and worked to help fix the conditions that led them to these unhealthy practices... we'd create healthier societies with people who work because they want to work - almost all of us want to work when our basic needs are being met. Humans crave structure and feel accomplished after laboring and having something to show for their labor... but if they are still dealing with trauma that has paralyzed them - they need compassion - full stop - not a directive to "get better so you can provide value or no compassion for you"
@@jlcrimm1 There has to be a balance. If you are an adult you have to be able to create at least the minimum possible value to pull your weight in the world. You are doing it just for someone to siphon you are doing it for yourself. Its your own responsibility nobody else's. So while some people might be completely incapable of pulling their weight and they shouldn't just be left for dead by society, there's also people who are capable of doing it and choosing not to. Show compassion, don't treat them like trash. But also dont enable them to make one shitty decision after another and expect someone else to handle it every time.
@@jlcrimm1 lol huh...no one said anything you put in quotes. There's a problem with homelessness. Here's the solution that works in my community; investing resources into people rejoining society in a productive way. A big part of being in society and having a healthy balance to your life is contributing in some capacity. That typically requires skills. Like learning how to use building tools or type on a computer. Nowhere did I insinuate anyones value being directly tied to their labor ability, or be dismissive to personal struggle.
I was homeless for two and a half years in my early twenties. What a nightmare. It's really not a personal problem so much as a systematic one. It's the system that needs to change. One person can only do so much.
lmao I know right, kick homeless people out but don't give them a place to go and do absolutely nothing to solve the root issues. I'm sure continuing to do that will work
@@TheMikeMase And who pays for the homes to put them in and the maintenance homeless shelters are limited and weren't deemed essential during the pandemic. That's not solving homelessness, what exactly is the "root issue" you guys are no different you haven't said anything specific
@@darthcelsius6393 root problems, in my opinion, are: 1. lack of affordable/government subsidized housing 2. lack of mental treatment options unless you're willing for fork over almost four figures a visit I don't claim to have the answers, what I'm saying is that the strategy we're using right now (and this is prevalent in both RED AND BLUE areas) is basically, "well, this person complained about them being on their street, we'll kick em out of there and not worry where they go" which doesn't solve anything OBVIOUSLY
I’m visiting Austin right now, and coming from Dallas where I didn’t see a single homeless person, to Austin where EVERY street is lined with tents… I was literally shocked.
My favorite is people watching this like her thinking "this is so sad" not realizing the country is on the verge of a seismic shift economically. Folks, this isn't a movie or some foreign war that you will watch on tv. This is real and will play out live.
Well to be fair I been in Austin for about 3 years, and I didn't really see any homeless under overpasses and such while driving for the first two and a half. But in the kast 6 to 9 months they came out of nowhere and now there's hardly an overpass without some tents. So it seems like maybe he brought them with him, and he should go back where he came from.
@Wong Washer Allegedly and yet asfaik nobody I know has died. What I've seen is the needless destruction of small businesses by totalitarian government lockdowns as well as violent mobs that the government and big business encourage on one hand, while denying even exist on the other, or insisting they are actually peaceful. Meanwhile they gaslight us about how the biggest threat is what the Democrats were 60 years ago, pretending that's what Republicans are now. So for all I know, with how honest they are, what you say might not be true in even the slightest. In any case, we are ruled by pure evil passing as good.
Always happens. People move to LA to get rich, then once they have it they get a ego and forget where the small town they came from, and then move to a no income state.
I was homeless for a year and a half here in Austin. The city has amazing resources, but you have to work and have to want it. I have a steady job and have been in my own apartment for 2 years. Success is possible!
How do you feel Texas helps the homeless?
Fuck yeah! Get it! 👏👏👏
I wouldn't say thats a success story. You have an awful job and an even worse apartment. How is that successful?
@@sirloin7633 huh? Lmao wachoo talkin’ ‘bout?
@@sirloin7633 So it is better the way California handles the issue? Instead of giving people a job just let them set up camps in the city
This woman is like the women i meet at bars where they have dart boards
Oh true. Reminds me of a female acquaintance that fits that exact description lol.
On point, she's just like those girls, she'll straight up tell you her mind of you if your attractive or not. By saying directly your ugly or hot, in front of her squad of girls.
Could I get the name and address of that bar?
@@kylehufnal3213 up your butt and around the corner. ZING!
High salaries to manage the homeless create a perverse incentive to never really correct the problem...so you can keep getting paid high salaries to manage the homeless problem.
Kind of like the prison industrial complex, qualified immunity, the military industrial complex, healthcare and big pharma or congress and lobbyists? People only care about the wasted money when it's for the poor and homeless. never when it makes the rich richer.
This is why government NEVER solve problems.
@@The_Cyber_Nomad You are missing a huge part of American socio economics from 1933-45 and the effects from the programs and services which were slowly cut over then next 50 to 80 years... You know, the "golden era" we pine for...
@Blacksmith AutoWerks INC because unregulated private business has worked so well. didn't texas just lose power during a winter storm because a private business didn't spend money on insulation and a pipeline was shutdown because they didn't spend money on security? It's a nice thought, but when profit is the motivation of a company they only do as little as possible for as little as possible. You're just asking to waste money and make people rich for 5 or 10 years until the free money dries up.
I dont agree with rogans take here but you sir are definitely onto something
It’s not all drug addicts. After they closed the psychiatric hospitals the people suffering from mental illness had no where to go. I used to see a homeless girl in my neighborhood walking around talking to invisible people. It’s sad and yes a lot of them are dirt bags but some of them deserve compassion
My state (Nevada) lost a lawsuit after it was discovered the state was shipping mental patients to california with a 1 way bus ticket.
The use of 'Dirtbag'...
They all deserve compassion. They're animals so far removed from their nature its a pity they'll never get to thrive.
Who said these people don’t deserve compassion ? Addict , mental illness or not !! It’s that what is happening is not working and getting worse .
the 2 more often than not go hand in hand. a lot of the crazies are actually crazy because they have fried their brains. drug induced schizophrenia is a real thing.
Joe “The homeless just need to knock it off” Rogan
Dem knuckle-headed homeless is at it again!
Why not just buy a house come on people
they're just druggies
Misery loves company. If they are miserable they want you to be miserable too.
It’s almost like the government doesn’t solve anything……
Nope. It was the same with the border crisis. When the government stepped in to put the migrants up in hotels to ease the overcrowding situation in the detenion facilities it end up costing tax payers $3k per person, per night! They couldn't of just handed them $65 and directions to the nearest Motel 6????
It solves the problem of not having enough problems.
that's what they want isn't it? Republicans would fix the issue but keep voting democrats allg.
@@bike4peaceRTW taxation is theft brother, happy that your aware. Thanks for sharing that info
@@bike4peaceRTW US government is infamous for doing stupid things. government doesn't work if it's inefficient.
Joe “I left LA and moved to Texas’ version of LA” Rogan
My typed words had nothing to do with why Mr. Rogan moved . My typed words based on my first hand experience with business owners and property managers/owners.
Good stay there
I used to work at a homeless shelter in Los Angeles and let me tell you , housing will not solve anything, we've had clients straight out leave and rather sleep out side because they rather do drugs and sleep outside then follow rules and sleep in a bed. What they need in more mental health resources but yall not ready for that convo...🤷🏻♀️
They need both.
You are correct^
I was listening to Tim Dillon speak with Yannis Papas (who used to work in social work)…. said the same thing you just did -> that homeless ppl would literally bring junk into their apartments from the street OR just disappear and live on the streets for 2 weeks and then ‘come back’ to the house for a day or two before going back under the bridge
That's what Finland did. And it helped massively.
I work for a mental health org. Part of what we do is find housing and services for homeless. It's a revolving door; Find them an apartment, get it furnished, hook them up with medical services, EBT, etc, etc. A couple months in they trashed the place, sold the appliances, invite their fellow addicts in to party. They get evicted and it starts all over again. Not easy to find landlords who want that shit anymore.
We need to offer a free cruise. Then float on out into the ocean, have a helicopter pick up the staff from the boat and just leave them floating in the ocean to their own devices. But we need to put cameras everywhere and stream that shit.
Wow that's actually eye opening. I always thought there was no money going towards the homeless problem. It all makes sense now. The homeless problem won't end because people don't want their 6 figure checks to end.
Ya Colin Noire brought it up last time he was on the podcast. I didn't know any of this shit either. Truly mind boggling stuff this Nation does.
It’s not just because of that. It’s because governments, democrat and republicans, just don’t care to spend money on helping people.
Just like the mass encarceration industry and the war on drugs. It's all a business to employ the elite so that they can make sure that Feudalism in the 21st century is a reality.
Welcome to big government
@@yankeepirate6039 throwing homeless people in jail is literally big government too. The police force is big government
You can tell this lady has thought deeply about this issue , LOL .
Or any issue for that matter
She doesn't strike me as the real deep thinking type. That's okay. You can have some people that are different.
@@Laidengizer113 yeah, and different people think about different things. I couldn't give less of a fuck about quantum computing, but I'm sure many people do.
Thats because you’re not smart enough to understand it, not that you dont care.
Dont confuse the two.
@@duganrocks100 stfu
As a guy in Boulder. I love when joe measures things in Boulders.
Is everyone hot there?
Its scary how close to homelessness a lot of us with full-time jobs are now- one missed paycheck or a few unpaid sick days away from a snowballing situation.
yeah not if you are a responsible adult making responsible decisions
@@closer20jc it doesn’t matter, you can’t escape poverty. You can only put as much distance from it as you possibly can. Poverty and homelessness is like any other evil, it doesn’t discriminate and many who think they can’t fall into it, can fall into it.
@@Luka23567 Just live beneath your means. I gross $85k a year as a trucker, and still live in my truck. Technically I'm wealthy, but I spend like a poor man.
Im no longer homeless, but i know im never far off. Doesnt matter how much I dont make. No job, no home, i rent a room from a widower who cant survive on his own. He feeds me on his retirement and i take care of the property. With minimum wage up to 15/hr, you can now pay the boss to work an entry level job. While biden is fucking things up, ill not go looking for a job. Ill be off grid as soon as im done here with again, no home or job. I grow some damn fine weed that i cant make a dime on though, certification is another disgusting political disaster, may the underground market dominate, live long and prosper as always!
@@arcademania7544 You are not even supposed to have a driver's license if you live in a truck.
Joe escaped LA just to move to LA
And then he's somehow amazed things are the same
This lady is full of crap. Yes Austin is a smaller city than LA. But the scale of homeless people in LA is off the charts in comparison. If you’ve been to LA, there’s no way you could confuse the two. LA metro. is 8 times the size of Austin metro. But they have 20 times as many homeless.
It's not uncommon. The problem is that LA folks move and then try to bring LA with them.
Clearly didn’t do his research because it’s been a magnet for Cali refugees for awhile now.
He moved there to not pay taxes so he could save his millions
I love how people are liberal until homelessness is an issue their town.
or how conservatives are so patriotic until its a homeless veteran speaking against their own ideals.
Are veterans getting the right health care? I mean like mental health you know or is that something both parties ignore?
Wait....so what’s the conservative one?
Factsssss. They preach all this lala land bs, but when the time comes to walk the walk they look the other way.
Lmao libtards already here and mad.
If they solve the homeless problem they lose their six-figure job, think about it
Not sure I understand
Not true, you can never fix homeless problem because more people go homeless each year. It’s a loop.
@@May16Joe solving the homeless problem doesn’t mean having no homeless people, if there was less homeless people they would need less staff, they don’t even try to make it better.
If there’s more and more homeless people every year it means they’re not doing their job.
@Kevin S solving the homeless problem doesn’t mean having no homeless people, if there was less homeless people they would need less staff, they don’t even try to make it better.
If there’s more and more homeless people every year it means they’re not doing their job.
Can’t imagine believing just because something keeps happening, you shouldn’t even try and make it better. These guys have the mentality of politicians, “There’ll always be homeless people, so we’re not going to do anything”
When I lived in LA, it never ceased to amaze me how the hipsters are totally oblivious to how terrible LA is. One time I started working with a client who had just moved into a fancy loft in a rennovated building Downtown. I visited them at their expensive apartment and parked in what looked like a third world country for a parking spot, with dirty, broken pavement and potholes filled with luminescent green water. Then I stepped over homeless people leaning up against the building. And then I stepped over a big turd on the sidewalk before finally reaching the front door. The loft sure was nice, though. Not long after that, I was on a crew unloading a truck in a alley, also Downtown, which was filled with tons of turds, and I told the others "don't wheel those cases through dog turds," and one of them replied "those aren't dog turds." This was adjacent to another renovated building with fancy apartments with their windows and patios overlooking this disgusting alley.
We don't like to complain about it like you.
My friend lives in Koreatown. The other night we got dinner in Pasadena and he was amazed that there was no human feces anywhere to be seen.
@@grod805 I think that's the issue, and why it's such a shithole to begin with. You don't give a fuck.
Every person I know who lived in LA for any period of time hated it and says it’s a shithole.
@@Briggie "LA, home of the bodybag" -Ice T
Austin is so gross with the homeless. I’m literally uncomfortable sitting in my car at most red lights. I have a heart and I feel bad for how I try not to make eye contact. It’s just out of control they are everywhere
This is the result of the media and “celebrities” using propaganda to convince people “democrats good”. They ruin everything
Yes it is, I visited Austin 3 years ago and it was bad then. I can only imagine how it is now.
My trick was to leave space between me and the car in front of me and then pull up when they approach my car.
Try not to be uncomfortable and just be friendly. I've been going around Dallas offering water bottles, food and someone to talk to for the homeless. So far, no takers. They're not so helpless as you think.
I had this problem in Florida. We used to throw Mcdonalds drinks at them as we drove by. Most would have to move elsewhere after they cleaned up. I honestly think we helped get rid of them. It was common knowledge to hassle them. No reason to put up with that . It ruins you community, home value, etc..
Have Derek from More Plates More Dates on your show
i'm sure the ufc will love that
He’s never gonna see this comment lol but I agree
@@Rizziculous sadness
He’s already talked about him on the podcast so it’s only a matter of toime
As a UFC employee, Joe can’t have a guy on that says all fighters are juicing. I believe him.....but Dana would fucking flip.
He went to Austin for tax reasons nothing else. And when Texas starts catching up he will move again. That's the beauty of being Spotifies best paid employee.
Texas pride themselves on no taxes and we'll never vote any different
I'm confused what you mean by "Texas Catching Up" They don't have state income tax and never will because of all the Oil money...
To taxes in Texas dummy. Not like your commie state.
I wonder how much his property taxes in Texas closes up the income tax gap that he would have been paying in California.
Property tax rates in Texas are high! I’d get sick of that!
"The poor are there just to scare the shirt out of the middle class " George Carlin
They do need shirts, so...
He said shirts so his comment wouldn’t be deleted
Joe is upper class
What he can’t say shit ? On TH-cam either ? I guess that leaves out the other 6 horrible words
Keep working your asses off for the rich or you'll end up like them, yep, the use of fear is very effective
Joe: Leaves LA because it’s a liberal hellhole
Also Joe: moves to the most liberal city in Texas
You cant do comedy in vonservative towns. They are uptight and church goers.
@@SoMuchMass Houston & Dallas definitely are not liberal.
@@jojo-ub5bw Ur right, he should do comedy for liberals who are also uptight and will cancel him the moment he makes a non pc joke.
You can do more edgy jokes with liberal crowd. Its the young snowflake crowd that gives liberals a bad name.
He is a liberal dood like he says
I hear Tim Dillon just loves Austin. Yes every single thing about Austin.
my cousin was explaining that he can't afford a 1 bedroom studio despite making 20 bucks an hour. Because you need to prove 3x the rent to get approved. Then it starts making sense why people are living outdoors. When you are charging 1600 a month (x3) for 450 square feet
Shut up Craig
@@outaboro831 what a fantastic idea that solves everyone’s problems!!
Most are dope heads and mentality I’ll.
@@adrien2323 A few probably do have financial issues, but the vast majority are drug addicts and have mental issues. Couldn't agree more👍
3x the rent to get approved is quite normal here in Switzerland or even in Germany.
If you get paid to "work" on the homeless problem instead of _solving_ the homeless problem, what incentive do you have to fix it?
that's the cool thing about having a PhD in Homelessness Studies, everyone you talk to by definition is less educated than you on the subject.
if anyone says the $200k on you isn't well spent, you just point out who holds the doctorate, then cite a long complex set of theories and statistics, and ask them to pinpoint the flaw in your approach. Theory says that you are right, according to other PhDs.
This applies to Military and Aerospace contracting perfectly too.
The only people who can "fix" it are the people themselves. You can't change anyone against their will and, believe me, having working in the homeless housing field, very few have any interest in changing anything. Staying fucked up is their life's ambition.
open up all the insane asylums again and put them in there and take care of them
finally rogan breaks his silence about the homeless problem in LA
LOL 😭😭💀
It's interesting to think that a person who might be employed and function as a working adult and contribute to the economy, could still have the reality of having a nonliving structure to live from out of in L.A.
My statement based off of the cost of living and the number of affordable structures that could house a single person , that meet "Code" and are run by fair and decent management or city personnel.
Yea but his solution of just tell them no camping is delusional. You tell them no camping and they just move a few blocks down then circle back. You arrest them and your tax dollars pay for them to stay until they are released and the cycle repeats
@ mostly? Well could be a fact, but then again are we now implying that felon's are the majority and can't be placed anywhere
Or is it that to gain a felon charge is quite simple In the grand scheme of laws and judicial sentences.
It's not surprising that most people who have a prior conviction of a felony are very aware of the separation of meaningful employment and being rejected when applying for said employment.
But I'm guessing that the majority of homeless have been dealt a shitty, real bad hand in the beginning of their lives.
Foster parents dew to the inability of their biological parents or young mother. On and on the basic truth is the population growth has been and continues to produce more of the products of environment.
Old Joe would have invited a homeless person to talk about how they live and what issues they have.
New Joe invites some blonde to complain about how annoying the homeless are to look at.
@PowerfuIJRE Only if you touch me
Wow I agree! finally a comment that makes complete sense.. glad to see not all ppl are heartless 🙏
The old rogan was trying to build up an audience ,The new rogan is a millionaire 100 time over so he could care less about what a home person thinks he just wants then out his sight
Joe " Stop being a bitch/homeless and just figure it out/pull up by your bootstraps" rogan. 2000-2014 Joe would slap 2015-2021 Joe
Homless are gross disgusting things.
“Homeless people, get a room!”
- Roe Jogan
"they just need to get their lives together" -- Rogan
@@stant7122 Joe Rogan could help many many people get there lives together
@@Mclovin69420 since Joe is worth over $100 million dollars then why doesn't he help some of those homeless get on their feet?
@@emilio2647 that’s what I’m saying!!! And with the 300 million Spotify shittt you can turn a ton of lives around!
@The A team people dont tend to hire the homeless, they smell funny and have dirty clothing
When you pay people massive six figure salaries to fix an issue like homelessness you’re not incentivizing them to fix it, you’re incentivizing bandaid solutions. Solutions that never truly fix the problem. If they solve homelessness, then they’re no longer needed to solve the problem. Bye bye massive six figure salary.
This is a problem that applies to many government departements!
Just like the DEA. They are racketeers
I try to always put myself in other people's shoes. Imagine being one of these six figure salaried homeless busters. Like do they realize they're paid ridiculously high for not solving an issue that's only getting worse? Maybe that floats around in the back of their minds and haunts them when they take too many shrooms. What's probably going on is these are affluent, college educated, liberals. They've been taught in these elite university settings, they give a lot of weight to the theory behind social science, they're intellectuals, and they're really really trying to be good, empathetic leaders. They think they know what's best for poor, homeless people. They think they deserve all that money and it's justified. They think they'd have a truly massive impact on homelessness if only the greedy corporations and the crooked politicians pulling the strings. They're just in these elite, social worker, liberal, intellectual bubbles. Also, I'm sure there are some real assholes who know they're making the big bucks to ineffectively address the homeless issue, but I 'd say most of these people really do have a version of reality where they're just good guys, working hard to fight against homelessness. Their biggest critics, conversely, have their own versions of reality where these overpaid social workers are nothing but anchors and leeches on society. A more true reality is probably somewhere in between.
@@richardwagon6433 I kinda agree with you, but I think our conclusions are a little different
Anything more than 150k is stupid tho.
The people who help the homeless make more money than I’ve made not helping anyone.
Or you could say: The people helping the homeless are making money that the homeless themselves could use.
Rogan knows fuck all about homelessness in America and cherry-picked a handful of people in executive positions for his salary critique. The vast, vast majority of people working locally across the country to manage the homeless crisis are either 100% volunteers or are paid peanuts. Don't let the meathead mislead you.
Have you never heard the saying, “It pays to help?”
@@thephilosopher7173 The homeless would use it on drugs. If they were that productive and smart they wouldn't be homeless in the first place.
@@blacklightfreakout825 Although I don't entirely disagree with you, I would say there are rare cases where they're just not fit to work. Mentally and physically. Again rare cases.
"Homeless people just buy a home"
- Joe Rogan
"you guys gotta get homes, man"
📉 Just in, homeless has dropped drown 100% wow thank you Joe
High IQ moment
smh…he also said “just get your life together and get out of the tent!” ok. ✨homelessness ends✨
@@piscesmoon6333 My father was homeless because he is a drug user and alcoholic. Many homeless DO NOT get their shit together so on the street they deserve.
Look at Portland, Oregon now, that's the future for Austin.
I visited Austin, I’m here today and Jesus Christ. There are SO many homeless people here. I’ve never seen it before lol
@@duffal0 facts. I live here
@@duffal0 yeah, I live here but they didn't until 6 to 9 months ago, and then suddenly almost overnight the overpasses that had all been pristine were all hosting tents.
@@duffal0 You do realize Austin extends out of downtown right? Did you by any chance actually go anywhere but downtown?
Most Texans agree that Austin is the California of Texas.
She is quite literally excusing LA leadership for their failures and corruption with the homeless.
Repeal the 19th
Is there anything more annoying than the poor? Always complaining - Daniel Tosh
"We need help!"
"Yeah, we heard"
Where democrats go, problems arise.
@@strategery101 that's inbred logic
George. Democrats think marriage between family members is ok
George gets his news from Colbert. He doesn’t understand
Joe *"homeless ppl just need to get their life together"* Rogan
Facts 💯
Fuck em
They do tho
They need to get.... away from me, because that's most of the problem. The home owners don't pay taxes so these people can beg for scraps at their doorstep.
Can we all take a moment to appreciate that they're wearing matching Devito t-shirts?
Annie drew that, it got used without her permission by the NYT and blew up, but she was able to reclaim it and made these shirts
@@causeimdeep Cool thanks for the info. I kinda want one of those shirts now lol.
Tim Dillon went off on Austin in his last podcast. Burr pointed out as well all of these comics moving there to follow Rogan is a mistake.
Good thing my favorite comedians are moving here and the ones I don’t care too much about are complaining.
Got a link to the bill burr thing?
What sense in life?
@u dope Thanks for poisoning my ears with that horrible sh!te
I don't see why it matters. why do they all need to live in their LA clique?
You were promised no masks and no homeless….. you chose Austin… The Texas version of LA…. What did you expect?
It's the least texan city in Texas.
That's one way to ensure that homelessness never goes away.
Doctors, lawyers, investors, oil companies, and homelessness managers should get paid based on how they decrease the problems, not increase the markets by CREATING more needy consumers (including homeless' need for gov consumption because death is the only alternative to inability to attain/hold shitty and hated jobs).
Shes like Pheobe buffet and roseanne barr's love child.
Joe brings up the homeless issue in LA every podcast at least once lol we get it bro
@Manuel Labor 78 Up the Irons! 🤘
Some people have an unhealthy fascination with poor people it’s weird lol.
I’m from LA and It’s tragic so yes it’s a problem that I like to complain about lol
homelessness is a huge country wide problem worth talking about, LA is just one of the worst cases
@@joeyn4607 don't lump in the homeless population with the poor working class. poor people keep the country running, (most)homeless are fucking tweaker leeches. most working class people in LA hate the homeless, its the trust fund art/journalism liberals with money who enable and protect the homeless who just end up causing stress and harm to the working class.
Joe is answering for Jamie like an abusive boyfriend 😂
Like joshua fabia 😆
Slightly melted Scarlett Johansson is pretty funny.
You stop it 🤣🤣🤣
Her voice is similar too
She’s cute all the same.
Women are not funny
Lol spot on 😂
Lol, rich people saying, "they shouldn't get that much money" is so laughable, cringy, ironic, and sad all at the same time.
But they're right, If you suck at your job and can't get any results you shouldn't be making that much money
Joe hustled to get where he is. People who are on 6 figures doing Jack shit is not hustling
I don't hate or resent the rich merely because they are wealthy. Most of them became wealthy because they were able to provide goods or services that people wanted, and so they were successful.
If you want to hate the rich who became rich through vulture capitalism, buying companies and strip mining them for profit before shutting them down, destroying local economies to line their pockets, and swindling and subverting on an international scale through stock market games and hedge fund manipulative predatory tricks, I can understand that.
I can also understand why the rich don't think that money should be thrown at the homeless problem. I resent that my money could be taken by threat of force or legal punishment and given to people who are willingly homeless and not working. It's different for those who are truly mentally ill and can't function in society, but in my area, the overwhelming majority of homeless live the way they do because they use hard drugs all day, and they just don't want to be in society.
They stand on the side of roads or walk through traffic, wearing clothes nicer than mine, looking and smelling freshly bathed; these are the ones who most likely don't have a hard drug problem and just make money by asking people for it.
Then there are the ones I look a little rougher, but you can tell in conversation with them that they are mentally normal, and you can see on their faces that they are using hard drugs.
Then there were the ones who walk around talking to themselves, unable to interact with people on a normal level, looking extremely disheveled, unbathed, smelling like body odor and urine. Those are the ones I feel bad for.
oh, you're one of those losers that just hate the rich? Got it!
Joe is so far removed from homeless people experience.
What do you mean? He knows what it’s like. It’s easy. Just pull yourself up from your bootstraps! Maybe if camping was illegal, you could go to jail and figure your life out so I don’t have to see you!
Joe brings that NIMBY everywhere he goes.
@@kevindube7096 unless you are sarcastic
I have to say joenrogan really turned into marie antoanette
@@Bleilock1 yeah sarcastic
@@kevindube7096 okey sorry and thanks
“We need to give these homeless an internet connection so they can listen to my podcast” Joe Rogan 2021
They can its called the Public Library or Obama Phone.
I used to drive for Uber in Los Angeles, I picked up a homeless lady she had the new iPhone that cost nearly 1k, my phone was a little wimpy iPhone 6 at the time.
@ he never said that quit trying to some work tool. It’s really fuckin stupid to be homeless but also walk around with a months rent in your pocket, in general it’s dumb to buy the most expensive thing even when your financially stable.
@ It was a joke dude . LOL People take things so dam serious these days .Next you will call me a raciest for general purposes LOL
@ you don’t know that they give out free phones to hobos in California? I’m not joking, its called lifeline program. All hobos out here owns at least one phone, if not few of them.
The wife and I visited Austin. We avoided Austin after seeing all the homeless. We drive to San Antonio. So much cleaner, so much more inviting. We loved San Antonio.
Yeah, San Antonio is better. The people are nicer, it's way cleaner like you said, you don't see homeless everywhere....
Austin has a lot of issues. I lived in San Antonio for a few years and now Austin for a couple. I miss San Antonio
I’ve lived in both, and SA is definitely better, but you’re ultimately going to see every big city go downhill to some extent because of the people who run them. I recently moved to New Braunfels.
@@markbrown9073 We'll be neighbors before the end of the year.
JR: 'If you're poor, don't be'
Crazy idea to work I know
Yup that's what he said.
Mom can we have Scarlett Johansson?
Mom:we have Scarlett Johansson at home
*the Scarlett Johansson at home*
Tim Dillon and Joe Rogan communicating via podcast.
Come home Tim
A Dogan colab would be amazing. Its what we all deserve.
I've volunteered at several homeless shelters over the years. Providing all sorts of assistance and opportunities to get people back on their feet, even for felons. I have found everyone's story is different. But 90% of them were all decisions they've made or were still making that kept them there. Some of them were very successful prior to living on the street, but got bad breaks and just needed a little time to get back on their feet. Others chose to be homeless because they got that welfare check every month and qualified for disability. A common story among most who stayed homeless is they had no drive, or desire to do, or go, or become anything more than being provided for, no matter how many opportunities were available. Depression and alcoholism were commonplace, where all the money went to getting drunk or high simply to forget their troubles. One I remember couldn't get a job because they kept failing the drug tests that they needed to get clean for, and refused to get cleared with rehab. We can try and help people as much as possible, but just like to horse to the water, you cannot help anyone who won't take the measures to help themselves.
Very sad but true. Depression is a serious problem that needs to be addressed
You need affordable therapy and healthcare that is accessible to the general public. Not everyone on the streets ends up there because of drugs.
High wages, low rent, problem solved.
How many of those people had mental illness of some kind? You didn't mention that but I bet it was a high percentage.
@Globglogabgolab 2.0 True, but not wanting to get better is a mental health issue in the first place. Its easy to separate from homeless people by saying "they just don't want help", not my problem. Then you can look down on them and not feel bad (not saying you do this but many do). There is a gigantic mental health crisis and equally large stigma still attached to it.
This is the most inept discussion about homelessness I have ever heard. This is not a State's issue, this is an entire country issue. Whether you see homeless people daily or not, its gonna take sweeping changes to make an impact.
Facts. One State could solve an isolated issue however nothing is really stopping other ppl from other parts of the country to flock there seeking a safe haven.
The homeless migrate towards densely populated areas since there are more social services in those areas. Up here in Toronto, Canada, tent encampments have been popping up to the point where laws are being pushed through the system to have them removed. The issue is global even.
“All politics is local” - wise person
@Kane bourgeois universal healthcare would be a start.
We need state run mental institutions but with compassion this time.
And Medicare for all and affordable housing!
The homeless are the mental patients. It would be more compassionate the "house" them in a mental institution . Feed them, bath them.
@@powderandpaint14 Medicare is a health program for the elderly. You might be thinking medicaid . The state has more control
@@powderandpaint14 amen
@@elinino5275 ....they are talking about socialized health care
TH-cam Channel *Invisible People* really puts homelessness in perspective from actual people living on the streets. It's truly heartbreaking.
Yep. Sad to see these guys complain about the problem without ever talking of how they can contribute to the solution
And also the weekly updates from Venice Beach, by artist youtuber German in Venice
I love that TH-cam channel. It is heartbreaking though ❤️
Hey privileged White female, try going somewhere with homelessness and seeing for yourself what it’s like. You don’t need TH-cam to “teach” you anything.
@@TheGeorgeous I would happily contribute to a solution if the offending party were willing to engage. Until then, they are a nuisance and should be treated as such.
I passed by a field a few years ago in Louisiana that was a graveyard of Fema campers from Katrina. Grass never cut and just rotting. At least sell the campers instead of letting them rot.
No sir if they did things like that, then there would actually be more money to go to important things. They can’t have that
If a private company wanted to buy them, they would have offered. You want the government to start soliciting while there is the fear of being sued and having a "politically bad" spot light? The system is working just the way the rich feel comfortable with it.
Those fema campers contain high amounts of asbestos. They're better off staying there as they're unhabitable
Are there homeless people still around from Katrina?
The cancer campers? Bury them
He never stops talking about this, feels like he brings it up every episode
It’s because he regrets moving.
Maybe our nation should do something to fix the problem?
It seems like we're going thru a hidden depression.
Yeah dude, listening to Rogan whine about the homeless is ridiculous. Especially since his only answer is to cut funding and tell 100,000 people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, despite the fact that many of them already have jobs, especially in LA.
@@a-par82 He should think about moving to a different part of Texas. He moved to a place with just as much homelessness and that's what he was trying to get away from?
I read the title "The Homeless Problem in LA is Autism."
Ex service men 50.% and people with mental illness.. joes solution remove their tents. Spoken like a true millionaire who invites the C I A on regularly to talk on his show. What a idiot
"You will have nothing and youll be happy" ~ WEF 2020
Notice how it's you and not we...
"You will be happy. Or rather you claim to be happy... or else!"
“You will have pancakes and you will like it.”
~ Michael Scott
You right now have nothing but you're miserable.
What could go wrong ?
Feel like Rogan's take on homelessness is one of his shittier ones. Might have missed his thoughts on solutions though so fair enough if so. A lot of it feels like "they need to stop being visible"
Yeah it's so shallow, Joe "homeless porn" Rogan show.
exactly how he seees it
@@TheRybka30 Joe "get your life together" Rogan. As if homeless people don't know that.
“Come to Spotify where everything is worse and the UI sucks.” “But it’s all free! With ads…”
I am not a huge fan of Spotify because of their persistent refusal to offer lossless audio format, which is really important to me. But other than that, no other service I've tried matches them in terms of playlist generation (according to what you listened to in the past), low amount of bugs (e.g. Tidal, which I use for times when I really need hi-res music - cuts off frequently when streaming chromecast to my DAC), niche music, and UI (which is debatable, because it's a personal preference).
This week I considered moving to Apple music (I use iPhone), since they are releasing their lossless audio offering, but given that it does not offer dedicated application on Linux, I'll have to stick around with Spotify, until they enable high-res audio. When that happens, no other service (for my particular use) will offer better service for my money.
You get more homeless people in California because homeless people from other states move there. They treat them better there and the weather is much more tolerable than lets say Phoenix or NY City.
Yeah definitely not the socialist policies incentivize welfare
@@SM-yr1go think that's what they meant by "they treat them better there"
I’m glad this is starting to get weekly national news. It’s getting to the point politicians can’t sweep it under the rug
Austin is LA...... Time to learn..... Wherever you go, there you are.
Once you figure out this riddle, you will begin to understand the issue.
Yeah, okay, Q. What wisdom do you have for us peons next? Is the grass really blue?
It’s not that serious please calm down
I grew up in Austin in the 80s and 90s, it was an absolute gem of a town. I left almost 20 years ago and whenever I go back to visit it's unrecognizable. It's sad what became of my hometown.
Joe "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" Rogan. How tone deaf
Young Jamie is such a mommy.
Beta 4shooo
Gross comment
I read this before I watched the video. Now I get it.
The issue is homelessness, not the homeless.
Not having a place to stay doesn't get people hooked on heroin
Rain check this topic. Bring it up again with someone who takes a deep interest and can talk about actual problem solving. This needs a Joe Rogan deep dive.
Can't y'all see this is Hoovervilles all over again. The disperity between wages and home costs is absurd on average. This is no one parties fault.
Blame stagnant wage growth and infinite QE. Money grows on trees from the Fed money printer, and the wealthy are the only one that are catching them from falling.
In California its absolutely one party's fault
Democrats pretend to be for solving the homeless problem but always exacerbate it by doing nothing because doing so would look cruel. This
Republicans say the government can't solve it, so they should just remove them and do nothing--while keeping minimum wages low and push for lower wages and print money so that they can make more money, and keep everyone else poor. Then they wonder why so many people are homeless.
Both parties suck. Can't blame it all on Democrats. The last 3 governors of the state were awful too.
@@lakersfansince1991 what you see happening in California is happening all around the country and it's taken decades to manifest itself stop kidding yourself and stop playing the blame game
@@moonrooster7160 republicans are just democrats doing the speed limit for sure but California is a direct result of 40 years of democratic policies. I’m no fan of Republicans but don’t play the “both sides are equal to blame” game either.
Blame the homeless, not government legislation or the unethical corporate practices which have become common practice for the last forty years…
Joe: Goes to Texas to escape the Wokeness of Hollyweird.
Also Joe: Goes to the most Woke city in Texas.
(That Spotify karma strikes again)
He most likely left CA for financial reasons (taxation)
because he himself is pretty "woke"
@@RandomAtze they get you on the back end in texas. its a facade
@@KingJT80 It's no where near the same bro. If you think it's any where near as expensive you are crazy
@@TexboyGamer yeah that's not what I heard property taxes are crazy they e and it's about the same price wise. Maybe if you live in small towns
Oh man, I've been hanging out for Joe to do a deeper dive into the homelessness since his initial podcast about it but I feel like it was totally wasted on her :/
She was not interested in talking about homeless people
Would you be?
@@matthewfortuna3443 yes, I feel like if you're asking this question you don't know what I'm referring to.
Everybody’s talking about the homeless issue, but can we just figure out an answer to why Joe Rogan is wearing that shirt?
And she was
Must be a fan of "Its always sunny in Philadelphia" lol
Annie Lederman says "I drew this picture of me looking in the mirror and seeing something very different looking back at me. The Huffington Post did an article about it but did not watermark it correctly and the picture became a meme and went viral without crediting me. It was stolen and posted everywhere a million times. It used to infuriate me but now I’m so happy it reached and resonated with so many people and am really so excited to be able to take back the night by making these shirts and sharing my art with you."
@@ChrispyBakonah ok, I thought it was an "its always sunny" shirt, reminds me of Dee and Frank lol
Bc it's rad
Joe should interwiew someone who has the point of view of the homeless, I think he doesn't know much about this topic, but he talks a lot about it.
I have that point of view. They're all junkies. 100% of them. No exaggeration. That's all you gotta say.
@@jbulletc So what? It's not like he hasn't had junkies on before.
@@jbulletc so you had an addiction and had to live on the street?
@@ornitopherus Live on the streets, yes. I was a loser leftist that didn't wanna work and I wanted to see what the bums were up to. Every damn one was a junkie and had needles in their pockets.
@@jbulletc for how long? Who helped you? How do you stay clean?
"Get a job, Sir!", says the corrupt Mr. Lebowski.
That's like........ your opinion maaaaan.
Your revolution is over!!!! Do what your parents did and get a job sir!!!!
"Just go away!" is not a solution to the homelessness crisis in LA or anywhere else
The "cut the social services funding so they have no choice but to get a job" is such a dumb idea it boggles my mind that they would seriously say that.
Joe thinks they spend a lot of money in Los Angeles, he's like wow, 300 million dollars! That's a lot! Yeah Joe it's a lot to you, one person who just made hundreds of millions of dollars in a spotify deal. When you split it between 100,000 homeless people it's $3,000 each, which isn't enough to house someone in the middle of bumfuck nowhere let alone Los Angeles. Even here in the midwest it's hard to find an apartment for
It actually is. You get what you tolerate.
@@markus64s how about then, we get rid of all the self righteous, self regarding, selfish people that think their 'success" in life is all their doing? Then the homeless can take their homes. Problem solved.
@@vtquest You'd compel me to give up my home but won't compel bums, addicts & the mentally ill to stop sleeping in public spaces. You're not a big-hearted hero, you're a useful idiot.
@@markus64s the term useful idiot refers to people being useful to those in power. Obviously you are in favor of keeping power (housing, land) very concentrated, as it is, and I am not. So who is working to keep those in power, in power? Who is the "useful idiot"
"They're (Homeless people) gonna just light things on fire and do drugs" -Joe Rogan
Dude, you are literally describing yourself.
Joe 'why dont the homeless just start a billion dollar podcast ' Rogan
I'd listen to a podcast based out of skid row
I'm sure they'd do just fine away from people who pay taxes and shell out for a nice house in a good area.
Lol at “you can’t loiter or litter or something.”
Why does that sound ridiculous to you?
@@knightofjustice5475 because those words have two completely different and unrelated definitions
@@lakaskafad they’re different words but not unrelated. You’d expect litter as a result of loitering. They go hand in hand.
@@treedillinger5801 Yea, oh boy you sure got a point there - and wanna see how deep the rabbit hole goes? Turns out *Every fucking word we have been using is related* They are all part of the same language :O
@Synth Ovine Loitering is standing around WITHOUT a purpose, which homeless people do.
Joe “the richer I get the less I honestly give a fuck, worship me or get me tooed and never speak about it” rogan
Get Derek from more plates more dates on
Dude that would be legendary
Why... that dude is not interesting at all. He's not a doctor and just talks about which TH-camrs and Tik Tok clowns he thinks are on steroids.
He said he’s been invited but is waiting for covid restrictions to be lifted in Canada
@@rustyshackleford8473 the arbitrator of interesting has spoken 😤😤😤
@@hno4351 what would they talk about? Derek's cringy pick-up artist bs? Or his bro science explanation of steroids? We get it bro...you can use Google Scholar.
Good lord he talks about homeless in LA now more than he talks about chimps, dmt and weed combined...
Joe turned into an old cat lady.
Well in all fairness, it is a problem.
@@donjuan6118 I know it's a problem, but man, he talks about it on pretty much every podcast i watched lately.
This!!! I miss the chimps taking DMT smoking weed convos. Austin is gonna be fucked too. Poor guy is in total denial though.
They seem to be oblivious to fact that these people will still be homeless and some where after being kicked out of where they are. They can't just vanish.
Yeah they get bussed out to small desert towns around LA
Having worked in that field I can tell you, they will be kicked out of everyplace they ever lived. Few people (landlords especially) will tolerate the filthy lifestyles of an addict, and no means has ever been discovered that can make people sober against their will.
I met a ex-homeless woman in Austin who hated the other homeless. She had 2 kids and became homeless for 6 months, but had a local church who helped her get back on her feet and she found a job quick as a security guard downtown. She would roll her eyes at the rest who were milling around drunk or high while begging strangers.
Imagine that, the liberal city in Texas has homeless people. Keep Austin Weird.
I just visited Austin, and Jesus Christ. I wa shocked. There are homeless people on EVERY SINGLE STREET. It looks like SF out here.
@@duffal0 doo doo on every corner
There’s a simple reason to that. It’s because the City of Austin gives more money and programs to the homeless rather than any other city in Texas. Why, if I was homeless, would I go to any small Texan town or even Dallas or Houston? It’s already hot as fuck here, I need some place to help me.
@@pablojuan8522 there are as many if not more homeless in dallas or houston
Hearing about homeless problem from a multimillionaire is hilarious
Exactly, he could probably afford to buy apartment buildings or hotels and provide affordable housing for all the homeless people in Austin!
Well your not exactly gonna hear homless people talking about it
Why can't homeless people become millionaires? Were these people in the discussion just given millions of dollars or have they earned it?? None of them look like hunter Biden or Joe biden.
@@powderandpaint14 so could that funding that is 200k usd wages per year for all those employees
Keep making it comfortable to be homeless and you will continue to have a homelessness crisis. The outreach programs in my community emphasise personal development and responsibility. You can't get a free room, clothes, and food without sobering up first. Then there's free opportunities to get to go to rehab, learn skills, and reenter the workforce. There's compassion, but not to a fault.
Very good point! Portland and LA and even New York will basically allow the homeless to do whatever. Washington Square Park I've seen they just let them inject drugs in front of everyone and they even removed the curfew there so people can party there all night. In San Francisco they don't even prosecute theft in stores so nobody cares. Small drug possession of hard drugs is even just a ticket. Then they want to defund the police too?! 🤦♂️😂
This has a very dehumanizing tone. Rather than ask why this person is addicted to drugs or "has stopped caring", you just say "I don't care about you or your life unless you can show you can provide labor". So devoted to the idea of labor defining you as a human being, that you don't think humans should be given any kind of compassion unless they can create value for someone to siphon. Maybe if we started treated all humans like humans, and worked to help fix the conditions that led them to these unhealthy practices... we'd create healthier societies with people who work because they want to work - almost all of us want to work when our basic needs are being met. Humans crave structure and feel accomplished after laboring and having something to show for their labor... but if they are still dealing with trauma that has paralyzed them - they need compassion - full stop - not a directive to "get better so you can provide value or no compassion for you"
@@jlcrimm1 There has to be a balance. If you are an adult you have to be able to create at least the minimum possible value to pull your weight in the world. You are doing it just for someone to siphon you are doing it for yourself. Its your own responsibility nobody else's.
So while some people might be completely incapable of pulling their weight and they shouldn't just be left for dead by society, there's also people who are capable of doing it and choosing not to.
Show compassion, don't treat them like trash. But also dont enable them to make one shitty decision after another and expect someone else to handle it every time.
@@jlcrimm1 lol huh...no one said anything you put in quotes.
There's a problem with homelessness. Here's the solution that works in my community; investing resources into people rejoining society in a productive way. A big part of being in society and having a healthy balance to your life is contributing in some capacity. That typically requires skills. Like learning how to use building tools or type on a computer. Nowhere did I insinuate anyones value being directly tied to their labor ability, or be dismissive to personal struggle.
@@jlcrimm1 another compassionate yet broke philosopher
Crazy, I wonder why homeless people find themselves in liberal areas with a higher density of services to support them...
Joe "Send the homeless into the woods. Oh, wait I like to hunt in the woods. So, nevermind I don't have a solution either." Rogan
The most perfect game
Been talking about this as well.
@Toughen Upbuttercup best solution right here ladies and gentlemen. Cuz homeless people _aren't_ people. 🤦♂️
@@Synthwave89 They sure like to live like they're animals, so treat them as such
Homeless people purge wars. Make them all fight to the death amongst themselves.
Lol Joe didn't mention that HE wears toe shoes.
Yes🤣🤣🤣🤣 he used to run in them all the time
How else would the Toe Rogan be covered?
Heyyy I wear them too 😂😂
I remember when those were trendy like 8 years ago but haven’t seen them in a long time.
I was homeless for two and a half years in my early twenties. What a nightmare. It's really not a personal problem so much as a systematic one.
It's the system that needs to change. One person can only do so much.
Joe "I don't really care anymore, I'm set for life with the Spotify deal" Rogan
Lmao for real
@@steverogers7601 Steve Rogers!
Joe: “we have to figure out the homeless issues”
Also joe: “just tell them NO CAMPING they need to figure their own lives out”
Ite both fool
lmao I know right, kick homeless people out but don't give them a place to go and do absolutely nothing to solve the root issues. I'm sure continuing to do that will work
@@TheMikeMase And who pays for the homes to put them in and the maintenance homeless shelters are limited and weren't deemed essential during the pandemic. That's not solving homelessness, what exactly is the "root issue" you guys are no different you haven't said anything specific
Just put them in jail, problem solved
@@darthcelsius6393 root problems, in my opinion, are:
1. lack of affordable/government subsidized housing
2. lack of mental treatment options unless you're willing for fork over almost four figures a visit
I don't claim to have the answers, what I'm saying is that the strategy we're using right now (and this is prevalent in both RED AND BLUE areas) is basically, "well, this person complained about them being on their street, we'll kick em out of there and not worry where they go" which doesn't solve anything OBVIOUSLY
I’m visiting Austin right now, and coming from Dallas where I didn’t see a single homeless person, to Austin where EVERY street is lined with tents… I was literally shocked.
What does LA and Austin have in common? It’s a real mystery.
Warm weather? I think I need Dora to point out my options 🤣
Black market drug sales?
My favorite is people watching this like her thinking "this is so sad" not realizing the country is on the verge of a seismic shift economically.
Folks, this isn't a movie or some foreign war that you will watch on tv. This is real and will play out live.
Joe “The homeless are coming for me” Rogan
Well to be fair I been in Austin for about 3 years, and I didn't really see any homeless under overpasses and such while driving for the first two and a half. But in the kast 6 to 9 months they came out of nowhere and now there's hardly an overpass without some tents. So it seems like maybe he brought them with him, and he should go back where he came from.
@Wong Washer Allegedly and yet asfaik nobody I know has died. What I've seen is the needless destruction of small businesses by totalitarian government lockdowns as well as violent mobs that the government and big business encourage on one hand, while denying even exist on the other, or insisting they are actually peaceful. Meanwhile they gaslight us about how the biggest threat is what the Democrats were 60 years ago, pretending that's what Republicans are now. So for all I know, with how honest they are, what you say might not be true in even the slightest. In any case, we are ruled by pure evil passing as good.
*army of homeless ppl at Joe's house/ranch whatever the fuck it is*
That one bumb who resembles Leonidas- "HOBOOOOOOS WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION!!!???"
Little does Joe know this , but when he moved to Austin 2000 Homeless fro LA followed him …
"Made all my money in LA, left it because I'm a big baby and now I can't stop talking about LA"
He could have made more money if its anywhere outside. Lmao.
Always happens. People move to LA to get rich, then once they have it they get a ego and forget where the small town they came from, and then move to a no income state.
@@RockinLoud360 except Joe was from Texas tho. Well for a while he lived other places to but LA is where he lived when he really started making money
@@benjaminsmith4519 Thats what i said lol. People move to LA to get rich and then move away and complain about the place that made them rich
“You want it resolved”. LMAO...if they resolve it then they lose their 6 figure salaries...
Just read an article. Some of the places they are building to house them are costing 750,000 a piece