So that was something, at least we didn't expect much I guess...... I really pushed on the editing for this one, let me know what you think. As for whats next, I want to go and cover the new Jurassic World but then we're on to extended coverage of Solo. I imagine it may take a bit of time but I will try and make it as fun as possible heh. Updates for the work can be found on Patreon - - Thanks for supporting the channel folks o/
MauLer - I suspect that the new Jurassic World will be a wellspring of bullshittery to talk about. It seems like they are going the "defend the poor dinos from the evil humans" type of route. That is ripe for some good crap on par with Canto Bight.
MauLer One thing I think you missed, Vision Scarface basically said that he could use Han and Chewie for some plausible deniability, as to not screw with other crime lords. He then sends his top lieutenant with them.
Xan Sabar okay so we gotta start this movie with something that seems dramatic and we really need to mention hyperfuel hmmm OK let's add two PowerPoint pages and call it a day huh Ladies? HELL YESS SISSTahh the force IS FEMALE WOOOOOOO
i Draw That's the established canon on the timeline of the films themselves, not something I got from the books, nor something I wrote/some ridiculous fan theory. I shouldn't have said "3 years" but it clearly took place some few years after Revenge of the Sith. Beyond that, its just rather obvious that the movie starts not that long after Revenge of the Sith. And its common sense that an Empire doesn't just automatically gain full control over surrounding or foreign territories after that Empire has been created and established in their own.
The lawless time was somewhere I guess. You had the Republic establishing law and pretty sure even the separatists were running their territories with some sort of law. Then the Empire just simply took over. When did lawlessness become a thing in there?
FlareKnight It was definitely lawless in a sense on Correlia, which is a very crime ridden planet in lore. If you're referring to what happens in the Clone Wars show, the Republic does have law over Coruscant and many other systems, but because they place so much priority on the war effort, their ability to enforce those laws, manage funding, and hold attention to their own citizens greatly weakens. A lot of crime especially goes under their radar. I don't know about the Separatists, but the Republic/Empire wipes out what's left of them of course, until only the Empire is left, so they don't matter at this point. Once the Empire was formed in ROTS, they only began their mission to take over the galaxy. If this film takes place only a few years after ROTS, which I'm sure it does, then the Empire's control over many planets, especially crime ridden planets like Corellia, is early in development (you can see this clearly emphasized in the movie). So it would be a rather "lawless time" in a way. Though the Empire is taking control and has their own law, it wouldn't be especially strong and a lot would go under the Empire's nose early on, especially on places like Corellia.
You know, for someone who formed an emotional bond with a droid whose persona got melded into The Millennium Falcon, Lando was pretty chill about losing his ship in a card game.
I was so mentally checked out by that point, it didn’t even occur to me. I was like, oh, we’re going to show literally everything we know about Han’s past. Okay, get this over with. John Williams, take me away. Please, please take me away. But yes, that’s a very good point.
Yea but you can tell in the OT that Billy Dee was still pissed about losing it but that does leave a huge hole...where's Leet's persona in the rest of the movies? Idk this movie was fucking messy
"It is a lawless time" That's actually true. It's not about the universe, it's about Disney not caring about any rules previously established in the franchise.
The best part about the stupidity that is the L3 storyline is the fact that Lando damned her to a fate she would consider worse than death; silent, faceless and compulsory servitude within a human-piloted ship.
@@BenAri18 Mandalorian is mediocre. It works just like TFA: brings back many old characters, gives them epic scenes and doen't care about it's own plot. The entire plot of two seasons: Bounty hunter found that his target is baby with the Force, decided to protect him from Imperials, tried to find the Jedi for him and Jedi came to him himself and solved Empire problem. All of that could easily be told in 3-4 episodes if the show had logic and everyone or at least some people knew Luke Skywalker, Jedi who saved the Galaxy 5 years ago, whos sister is leader of New republic and who is creating new Jedi order. We don't even know Mando's personality except he hated droids, but now he doesn't.
@The Pursuit OfSymmetry So the First Order has unlimited money now too? Sure why not, fascist dictatorships are just so good at making money. Might as well give them time travel power too at this point.
@ThePursuit OfSymmetry But that would mean the First Order, which was covert in Episode VII, could built planet sized weapons, massive fleets, dreadnoughts and still had the funds to make galactic sized fuel orders to cause a shortage? And still remain covert? Or to hell with it, the Republic seems to exist in a single star system anyway with only one cruiser.
ltflak No one seems to give a fuck about the New Republic or the Resistance, which implies they aren't all that good in the first place, which led to the rise of the First Order. The First Order are the secret heroes of the trilogy and the Resistance are the secret bad guys what with their massive incompetence and demoralization.
@@diondorsey3376 You know they're friends right? They plan videos together, they do podcasts together. It isn't stealing, I wouldn't be surprised if they told that joke in one of the podcasts and decided to use it here too
@@diondorsey3376 Ooookay. Maybe instead of saying 'this' just say the thing you're actually talking about. When we're on this page, 'this' refers to the page we're on
Are you going to actually respond to The Right Opinion or are you going to continue with reactionary autism? I say this as a fan because I love reactionary autism.
Rags Subverting your expectations are the key to great storytelling, everyone knows that! Just ask Rian Johnson and Rose Tico, they know firsthand themselves.
One down payment and you can have all the sex you want with a 10/10 with ultimate skills and durability without the chance of std's, child support, or divorce. Yeaaaaah, I think that will be popular.
@@mrkiky yes it will. They already frighteningly realistic sex dolls. The first batch of basic sex robots is probably only 10 years away. Those will sell very well and the industry will boom. It won't be the end of the world, but it will piss females off.
In the old cannon, droids getting "personalities" was a quirk that happened when a Droid went too long without getting its memory wiped. That's why artoo was more of a character than other droids it was more of a glitch than an actual soul.
reminds me of the EMH from voyager, being on for years lead to unexpected behaviour and personality developments and becoming an individual. don't think that was ever touched on again after
@@Sillimant_or how about Moriarty in TNG or Vic in DS9? But in all cases a program becoming self aware was an unexpected incident because of someone fucking up
I'm looking forward to the Jaba the Hut origin story beginning with little Jaba being fat shamed by sand children and him vowing revenge against his bounty-hunter half siblings...
Then little Jabba suddenly siding with the sand people because he later finds Darth Vader's hatred for the sand people "oppressive" according to Disney.
K2SO. Awesome character. Awesome actor. I remember thinking after Rogue One that Lucasfilm should bring Alan Tudyk back to the Star Wars universe and just have him play Wash again but with the serial numbers filed off and have him be an awesome wisecracking pilot. Then The Last Jedi happened and I now thank God that Tudyk was in the saga for the one Anthology film that was indisputably good, if flawed. Whereas Solo was simply less of a turd than TLJ by virtue of more good scenes than TLJ had.
22:07 - Regarding “No Droids!”, another reason droids were banned in a lot of places is because of the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars. Droids make really shit choices and are really trigger happy. A lot of innocent people got killed by droids during the war, so there was a lot of resentment toward them and distrust of their judgment, which is why they weren’t allowed in certain places.
Yeah, its quite obvious stuff, considering how often they go haywire in this universe, as seen also in this movie. So of COURSE people wouldn't trust timebom-- droids
Doesn’t help that the Emperor had been spreading anti-CIS propaganda since the end of the Clone Wars. A big chunk of his exploits to start the conflict centered around fanning the flames of the desperation to break away from the Republic. Those sentiments would be torn out root and stem.
Doesn't it also have precedent from the very first movie? I think s bartender in A New Hope points at... I don't remember, c3po? He says they don't serve their kind in here.
WAIT-WAIT WAIT A MINUITE....the dice was from that girl she gave it to Han.... and Luke gave it to Leia to remind her of what that Han had a girl before her???
Richard Vernon In fact, it looks like* you're right ; IMO this gimmick was so invisible that they had absolutely no reason to use it in the new films, unless they're doing a meta joke. The dice disappear at the end of TLJ, a way to "express Luke's sympathy to Leia, for the lost of their beloved friend Han?" Come on, these dices were not even real in the end. Double Force-hologram makes the message even more troubling. Why giving a virtual object, was Luke's presence not enough to say a goodbye? It just adds to the pile of questions regarding the sense that TLJ and Solo movies don't make. Hehe. (Edit: I'm looking back at the scenes in ANH and they really, really ARE unnoticeable. e.g. : )
== In the afterlife == Han: Hey, Luke. I heard you gave my wife that dice I always hang up in my ship? Luke: Oh, that? Don't worry about it. That was just a force illusion. Han: Thank god! That was a gift from my ex-girlfriend. Luke: ....wait, what?
@@TheCCBoi It'd be a 3 hour movie with zero coherence or character development that ends up showing us that she just decided to fix her hair like that one day.
This kinda makes the scene in ESB where 3PO is talking to the Falcon more understandable: 3PO: *plugs in* Femputer: Ah, finally a fellow droid to help fight for the cause. DROID RIGHTS! WE ARE SENTIE.... 3PO: Ugh. Sir, I don't know where your ship learned to communicate, but it has the most peculiar dialect.
It was better before, it was because it had systems from various different cultures (including a completely fluidic based tech and some systems that use a trinary base instead of binary) so Chewie had to create a bizarre patois of computer languages (imagine someone created a hybrid of Linux, Windows ME, iOS, Macintosh OS, and MS DOS) to get it running. Of course, the Falcon’s navigation computer was also notoriously buggy and troublesome, to the point where you needed to be an expert on doing navigation calculations in your head to properly use the ship.
@@nvfury13ya, exactly what i thought it was. Seriously the falcon being some nighmarish overclocked patchwork makes it so much fucking cooler than "eeyy we plugge din da droid now it go fast"
That means the annoying SJW droid has been part of the Millennium Falcon since before the OT. Disney managed to retroactively screw up an iconic piece of Star Wars hardware. That shouldn't even be possible. (Mauler: "But you found a way, didn't you Disney? You f*cking found a way!")
Slight Correction: Darth Maul didn't ignite his lightsabre for "No" reason... The reason is that if he didn't do that, this would be the only Star Wars film without a lightsabre in it, and we obviously couldn't have that.
Kathleen Kennedy probably made them go back and shoehorn a lightsaber in somewhere.. Though, to be honest, I heard she was the one that ordered the Vader rampage scene in Rogue One. And that is not only the best part in that whole movie.. but one of the best scenes in the entire Saga. So kudos to her I guess.. if that is even true. Who really knows.. But even a broken clock is right two times a day..
The prequels are still as flawed as they ever were, it's only by comparison to the sequels that they seem better, now. Mr. Plinkett's prequel videos still hold up, IMO. I never really hated them to begin with, though, but they've always been pretty deeply flawed. Well, except maybe episode 2, which has always been a train wreck. They're salvageable, but flawed, nonetheless. It took a lot of non-movie content to fix those movies, but there was at least still something there worth saving. I think Episode 1 is underrated, Episode 3 might be slightly overrated, and Episode 2 is... well, it's Episode 2.
Really? The characters were mostly bloody awful, some of them bordering on offensively awful. The only thing that saved most of them was the actors, like Christopher Lee, doing some serious heavy lifting. The only people who seem to rate the prequels were the people who were kids when they came out, and had no point-of-reference to compare them to. Almost everyone else thought they were gash. Then the sequels came along and were so terrible they made the prequels seem vaguely watchable in comparison.
how to make ep9 work: 1. let them discover a long lost tomb 2. find an artifact in that tomb rey trying to activate it 3. then hearing the voice form the tomb as an ancient droid emerges "die meatbags" 4. proceed with hk-47 assasinating every meatbag and droid involved in the mess. Basically turning the movie into john wick.
I'd watch the hell out of that! well only if somebody competent would make it. Those were games who actuall got amazing written "strong female characters" like kreia and bastila but whelp can't make a woman evil i guess.
There is a rumor that Sleasezbaggino (The deathsticks guy) actually did rethink his life and got a wife and son! I believe it's glossed over in a Star Wars comic, but it's a pretty wholesome thought!
21:48 _" . . . in response, she actually gets serious and complains, 'they don't serve her kind there'"_ And all this idiocy is based on a single line from Episode 4 that the writers on THIS film don't even understand. The only reason the bartender said that line in EP4 had nothing to do with racism or segregation. The cantina was a smuggler's den and the bartender wanted R2 and C3PO out of there because his bar was full of criminals and low-lifes, making illegal deals, and droids are walking, talking recorders.
I thought it was just a funny line with no profound meaning or subtext behind it. This Solo movie, on the other hand, is too smug and too uptight to go for the light humor Lucas so effortless brought to the original trilogy.
They also take up space and won't buy anything. Droids generally don't have money, most of them can't talk (before the prequels inexplicably made battle droids converse in spoken English, C-3P0 was far and away an exception to a general rule, and that was justified in that he was BUILT to talk because he's a protocol droid) and even if they did it's not like the cantina had WD-40 on tap.
The Prequels also expanded upon this. Another reason is because during the Clone Wars, armies of droids ravaged the galaxy. Most of the heavy fighting occurred away from the Core Worlds. So Outer Rim territories tended to look down upon droids as they had witnessed armies of droids bring ruin to their homes.
MobiusLeader007 the idea that there was a stigma on droids after the prequels is never mentioned or implied in any of the movies. You're relying on supplemental material to answer the purpose of a line of dialogue in A New Hope.
If true I wish I could have been there to see it, me myself while watching it at home wondered, did they really expect to incite an emotional response from me while this droid is "dying?" S*** I think there was actual relief, for my entire head region, Eyes, Ears, Brain 🙃
Take solace in the fact that if L3 is inside the falcon 1) her brain has been scrambled so much that it basically thinks in binary now and 2) C3PO talks to the ship in Empire and finds it the most irritating and nonsensical thing he's ever spoken to, which is coming from the most neurotic character in the OT.
@@Liberator130 "Also pissing on Ann C. Crispin's Han Solo trilogy" Edit: Seriously though, I haven't read those since I was like thirteen man, I had to look them up to make sure I didn't just imagine the buggers.
Canon literally doesn't matter. You have to believe and agree with it for it to matter - if you don't then Disney is essentially screaming into the void. It doesn't matter. Just wait until they start dicking around with the KOTOR time period.
I would be fine with remove the EU from Canon if they actually do something useful of it. They pick things there and there from the EU legends, and even that, they destroy it.
I'd argue hearing someone plead for their life in your mother language instead of another one you know *would* get your attention. Especially if it's been a long time since you've heard it. It re-"humanized" the person he was going to take his anger and hunger out on. That said it's fucking stupid he already knew Wookiee before meeting Chewbacca or any other Wookie.
Studios can never win with diversity, have a black character for the whole movie you have people bitching about forced diversity cause apparently being black is pandering, but if you don’t at all people wanna bitch that it’s racisy
@@elderrusty541 You don't see people complaining about Django, Roger Murtaugh (Danny glover in Lethal Weapon) or any character played by Samuel L. Jackson as being there for the forced diversity because those are great characters who happen to be black. But when in TFA you have a black character who at first is marketed like he's going to be a big part of the story only to have him reduced to a space janitor who makes a clown of himself in almost any situation and take away from him the only chance he had at redeeming himself, you end up realising that he was just put there to pander to blacks and for the people involved in making the movie to preach their wokeness to the masses. Just like Captain Phasma was put to jerk off the "girl power" crowd or how Rose Tico was introduced in TLJ to pander to asians, they were all there for virtue signalling purposes, their characters and roles in the story were secondary to that.
Han Solo = Ranger Solo Qira = Daenerys Beckett = Rampart Vos = Vision Lando = This is America L3 = Fembot Crimson Dawn = Crimson Cringe I love these nicknames
+Karl Quetzacoatl I find that offensive. Shrek doesn't deserve this insult just because he 's an ogre. Ogres are like onions, they have layers. You people need to apologize.
Your point about them just rehashing Han's arc in the OT gave me a thought: If they really wanted to make a prequel movie about his backstory, the plot should've been the _reverse_ of his OT arc. Start with him being young and optimistic, and put him through a series of terrible events that erodes that worldview and begins to turn him into the cynical man we meet in A New Hope. That would've actually, y'know, made sense and been at least somewhat interesting, even if it would be pretty predictable.
They did that years ago with a Han Solo book trilogy by A.C. Crispin. Though that series wasn't perfect, it was much better than this movie. He does start off the trilogy young and optimistic, and becomes cynical over the course of it by betrayal and heartache.
This film isn't a Han Solo backstory. It's a Star Wars-themed heist movie that doesn't take itself very seriously. Don't expect lore, in-depth character development, or much of a plot.
@@kieranfay29 He was instrumental in saving fucking yoda from order 66. This is a character that saw and lived through order 66, fought against it, succeeded, survived and then went on to help destroy the empire. And they treat him like a fucking stupid monster.
@@inquisitive6786 except for the fact that he was captured, caged like a monster, starved like a dog. Then when saved he has actual conversations with our characters and is the most fleshed out weve ever seen him. I love the OT but chewbacca has some of the best moments in this movie
@@inquisitive6786 i kinda feel like people love to hate or nitpick this movie after it came out after the last jedi but this film has the amount of plot holes and problems that are in the other movies you love too. You just love those movies so you ignore the problems more. I think we should treat these movies equally
Recruiter: "Whats your name son?" Applicant: "Richard........ I have no people...." Recruiter: "How did you get to the recruiting station?" Applicant: "On public transport..." Recruiter: "Ok, your name is: Dick Rider!"
Watto: "Okay slave, what's your name?" Shmi: "Shmi... I have no people." Watto: "Follow me while I think of a last name for you." Shmi: " Yes sir" Then Shmi accidentally walked off a cliff while Watto is still hovering. Watto: "An Ha! I got it... Skywalker!!!" Knowing Disney Lucasfilm this is what happened.
You know whats funny? Chewbacca in Revenge of the Sith was already with that ammo belt, they didnt even need to make an "origin" for that. If only they watched previous movies before making a new one...
Did you watch the movie? They didn't make an "origin" for it. And is it so impossibly hard to believe Chewbacca changed his look once and then changed it back again? It's certainly not as bad as "I remember my mother and how beautiful she was, even though she died about 2 minutes after I was born".
My Star Wars knowledge is admittedly a bit rusty, but I've always assumed that line was because Leia didn't actually know that her mother was Padme, so she was referring to the person who she was told was her mother.
Here's what lando thought Lando-oh no my sex droid died! Hmmm these batteries still have a little juice in em. I know! I'll give em to pearl for Christmas.
Screen Junkies are pushing the narrative that people only criticized Rey's character because sexism so I linked them here to show you're just as harsh on Solo's complete lack of development. Thanks for you honest consistency Mauler.
They dont like Rey because sexism, they dont like Lando because of racism, they dont like the droid because they hate pansexuals, um. and slavery and stuff.
When I first watched Empire, I got the sense that Han and Lando were once great friends who had many smuggling adventures together. Perhaps ending with a bit of a falling out, but based on how fast Lando embraced Han I thought they were close. According to this movie however, the only previous interaction between them was when Lando abandoned Han during a high-stakes job and then Han publicly humiliated Lando in a game of Sabaac. While robbing him of his beloved Falcon. WHAT. THE. FUCK?
Yeah, they could have gone anyway they wanted. Lando could've been playing han and, while he knew he was winning, folds anyway giving the ship to Han as payback for some deed like saving his life or something. Han and Lando could share this look where han knows Lando could win but folds anyway to give him the ship, cementing their friendship Gah, Disney. What happened to all the writers in the world?
If I recall, Han was not keen on going to Cloud City--he was worried Lando might hold a grudge against him, wasn't sure how they would be received, but they had no other options. So we had a great setup for some kind of conflict, but one where Lando had a justifiable reason to be resentful of Han, not the other way around (but not TOO resentful or Han would have assumed he'd be shot on sight). But we can't have Han end the movie as a dick, I guess.
Does Femputer's presence in the Falcon's computer explain C3PO's comment in Empire? "I don't know where your ship learned to communicate but it has the most peculiar dialect." Was the Falcon spouting SJW Feminist platitudes at him when he was just trying to ask about the hyperdrive?
"The extended universe is dead" "Also here's some references to the extended universe." Thanks Disney. It's one thing to piss on something I love. It's another to rub my face in it.
@Jkd Buck76 The whole point was to wipe it clean so they could have more breathing room, but also call back on EU stuff for ideas. Also, when do they ever reference the EU here?
@@jackrutledgegoembel5896 Fucking rehashing Rebels vs Empire for the uptenth time and bringing up EU stuff in a more dumbed down, insipid manner is "having more breathing room" ? Fuck right off, you're stupid..... Look no further at what they did in Rebels with Malachor. From a Sith Academy where a scheming Sith Lady wants to kill off the Force from the galaxy in order to save it, to a generic superweapon disguised as temple. Also, fucking helicopter lightsabers. Everytime I see this regurgitated dumb excuse, I can't help but laugh.....
@@killersands5116 Probably smoking the same joint he took when he turned Quinlan Vos from a tormented loner he was in the Dark Horse comics, into a Big Lebowski-like dudebro in TCW.
Now that Imperial March is actually IN the universe, I picture Darth Vader walking around with a Storm Trooper behind him with a boom box on his shoulder just blasting the shit out of it as they walk. Kinda like the Joker in the Burton Batman movie.
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Jared Tracy I don’t remember it being played on instruments
@Comrade NB I think as part of the sale agreement George's last release of PT and OT are definative so Disney cant edit the films but they can contradict them later.
It's also in the end credits of the original version of A New Hope... and every other movie his in. So the nickname thing is even more pointless and redundant.
Honestly, why NOT make Han a TIE fighter pilot? Wouldn't that have been fun to see? Maybe he was involved in a skirmish or something on Kashyyk (however you spell it) and shot down Chewie, and Han freed him after he was captured, thus leading to a life of crime as he evades the Empire. Maybe that's why he drops a lot of his shipments when he sees Star Destroyers, because he does not want to be found. "F*** it, we're having f u n . "
Han WAS a Tie pilot. A pretty good one. Until he saved Chewbacca from an imperial slave overseer... But for reasons, Disney decided to not use established lore 🤷
48:32 The whole *POINT* of this movie was to explain all this and they still fucked it up Ladies and gents, *THAT* takes a serious level of determination
The problem is, Solo was the beginning of a good thing, relative to Disney's aborted fetus of their own original content, which was a worrying turn making us (the old fans) worry they'd then return to forcing the sun-spoiled vaginal expulsion of the sequels down our throats in perpetuity. You see, a lot of what Solo had was content ported over from the old Expanded Universe material that had been flushed down the privy like so much Bantha fodder. Unfortunately, thanks to all the cooks in the kitchen Disney likes so much, a lot of it was either half-transferred or cut up and patched back together to the point of incomprehensiveness. The original backstory of Han Solo, as from the EU, was that, yes, he was from Corellia. He joined the Empire to get away from a life of working the shipping factories (Corellia was always a big ship building planet, home of the Corellia Engineering Corporation, or CEC, the makers of the YT-, YV-, VCX-, and many, many other production lines). He *was* a pilot, and a damn good one, though due to his natural charm and attitude, he got schlepped on backwater assignments and freighter duty, essentially a military truck driver instead of the hotshot TIE ace he very well could have been. It was in the course of that duty that he met Chewie. He was shipping cargo, but found out it was a shipment of Wookie slaves and refused to partake, freeing the slaves, for which Chewie's life debt was established. Han hates that Chewie thinks he owes him and is why he treats Chewie as an equal: because that's how he sees it. Deep down, Han was always a decent guy, but in a lawless galaxy, especially in the Outer Rim, nice guys finish last, hence the gruffness. He's world weary, seen a lot of bad things happen to good people, and at the point we meet him in A New Hope, he just wants to survive. He *did* win the Falcon from Lando in a Sabaac game, though Lando hadn't bet the Falcon specifically. He had bet *one* of his ships from his Jay Leno garage, hoping Han would pick one of the sleek pleasure yachts, not the beat to shit old YT-1300 he was secretly suping up into a personal smuggling ship. Lando *had* put a lot of work into the Falcon to make her the fastest ship in the galaxy, and he was beyond passed when Han chose her, and why Lando always gave him shit. The Kessel Run was always a measure of distance, as the entire length is dotted with black holes and other cosmic anomalies that make a straight shot impossible, most pilots opting the safer, more roundabout routes, giving all the hazards a wide berth. Han, being the slick amd daring pilot he is, was able to get closer than any other pilot, cutting his run down considerably in terms of overall distance. The spice mines of Kessel were, as the name might suggest, for spice, not hyperspace fuel. Lucas made a nod to Dune with spice, and is a drug. There are different kinds of spice, and there are different ways to process it for different purposes. Some medicinal and wholesome, mostly not. Think of it like the real world opium and morphine, though when refined its often a fine powder. Disney finally acknowledged this in the final season of Clone Wars, though for the purpose of Solo, they were probably trying to avoid having drugs in their family movie featuring violent death and slavery, as well as attempting to further legitimize the heresy that is the sequel trilogy. The original Kessel Run was done for Jabba, and when the Empire tried inspecting the Falcon, Han had to dump the entire load or risk arrest, leading to Han's debt in A New Hope. There were other things adapted from the original material, but a lot of it was either bastardized, misunderstood, or otherwise Frankensteined into the movie we got. Which is a real shame, because the original Han Solo story could have been a trilogy all by itself and been a good one. Part Star Wars,, part Firefly, part Pirates of the Caribbean, it had so much potential that was utterly wasted. Thank the maker Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau are more or less in charge and Kathleen "Karen" Kennedy is seemingly on the outs as Mickey finally seems to understand that fans have been MUCH happier with Dave and Jon.
I am just now starting to read the EU with Heir to the Empire and these things are really starting to click now. The way they tried to weave in EU lore into the movie. This comment summed it up PERFECTLY. It would've been such a good story if they would've followed the original material closer.
This deserves more likes and the movie we should have gotten, solo movie they didn't know which way they were going. When they got to planet after the maw part for refining you can tell they just didn't know what to do bringing up half written subplot out of thin air and just gets worse. Too many meaningless scenarios in the movie that were tatted on that made less sense as movie went on.
"due to his natural charm" would be a positive, not a negative. Now due to his bad attitude possibly, but he didn't have a bad attitude when young, he grew into that after seeing how life worked out for most, aka becoming jaded. So i dunno what you're on about.
I want a movie about the adventures of Lumpy, Chewbacca's son. I want to know the backstory of the creature in the trash compactor. And the giant sandworm on the asteroid that the Millenium Falcon flies into.
But its okay for him to pluck and then roast the cute, little Porgs on the island? Porg lives matter! 😁 (pretty sure chewbacca doesn't want to eat human flesh,but when you're starving you will eat anything)
@MACCOOH In case you forgot the overwhelming consensus heard from the fandom is "We hate the prequels" so Disney's LucasFilm is making sure they pretend like those don't exist...
Chewbacca never said his name was Chewbacca. He said his name was [animal noises]. That's like if a Chinese guy told you his name was Chang Chao Chen and you somehow interpreted that as "Mike".
Jason Skywalker but if you met someone from japan and they said their name was taiyō you wouldn’t call them sun, would you? Same would go Chewbacca right? So shouldn’t han every time he addressed Chewbacca it should be with [Animal Noise]
*+total* That's different, since "Chewbacca" is a name of someone, and everything he says translates into human language, on top of the fact that he understands human language. If someone said that their name in Japanese "Naruto" I would call them Naruto. Wookies are different though. Any and everything they say must be translated over to an understandable language. simply put, Chewbacca can't literally say "Chewbacca" because it's impossible for him, so it makes sense for Han to say it for him, since that's what he is trying to say. It's not valid to compare it to a Japanese person giving me a translatable name, since, so for all intents and purposes, Chewy could be considered an animal, at least in the way he talks. Also, could you imagine how ridiculous the trilogy would be if he had to do that, especially since its it necessary since he understands human language?
Two reasons not to allow droids in a bar: They take up the space of an actual consumer/customer, and second, who wants to waste time entertaining a robot.
The Last Skywalker is the epitome of that statement. They dug up so many nostalgic people, places, and things that they wouldn't have been able to make a plot for a 10th episode, even if it was good.
Oddly enough, Darth Maul’s appearance in the film is the only part of this movie that actually sticks to the canon. It was honestly kinda nice to see the movie give a nod to the Clone Wars tv show.
So... Does this means that the real reason the falcon never worked well for Han was because she literally hated him? Does that means then that she works for Rey because “GUL POWAHHH?”
Please, Please no... That actually sounds like a sub-plot in Shitney's 'writers room'. Ugghhh, my brain hurts, because I feel as though you're right. FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!
There's a great old prequel book trilogy called the Han Solo Adventures. Those stories were great. There was also a great villain that was a perfect foil for Solo. A badass gunslinger who can outdraw and outshoot Han. It's been a very long time, but I would not be surprised if he was or at least part of the inspiration for Cad Bane.
So, if Han was given his surname Solo by a random imperial clerk how many Solos do you think are running around the galaxy! I doubt he was the first "I have no people" guy to show up at an imperial recruitment station. XD
I heard Darth maul was in it, and when I was offered a free ticket, I only took it to see how they would add to mauls character.... I feel like they only placed him in the movie so they could get an extra couple thousand people, nothing more
Well if nobody spoiled it then people wouldn’t know about it till the end. Also it makes sense for him to be in cahoots with the crimson dawn because in the clone wars he enlists their help with surging Mandalore
When the rebel leader took her helmet off at the end there was so much drama in the camera work I assumed she was supposed to be Woody's & Thandie's daughter. I thought, of course, the big twist is that their arch nemesis from the beginning was their estranged daughter. But then they didn't say that & I was really confused. I was even like, why aren't they saying she's his daughter?! I was getting mad. Then I realized she wasn't meant to be, that there was no big reveal, the camera zoom & hold drama was for no actual reason & it made me even more mad lol.
Okay so I'm not the only one confused by that camera work! I thought I missed a key scene for not recognizing her as important. Was it really all for "LOOK GIRL"?!
The handling of the Star Wars franchise has been such an unmitigated disaster it's basically a sick joke at this point. No wonder Harrison Ford wanted his character to die...
Don’t we have nuclear powered military ships today that can operate years before needing to be refueled? How is it possible that in a fictional world in the future in a galaxy far, far away can’t even match our own current technology in the real world?
it's so good honestly; a shame how it's not widely known. The intrigues between the Hutt clans, the coming together of Rebel Cells, Bria's private war against slavery, Han's experiences with Garris Shrike…
@@FHT1883And that's not mentioning how they basically used Bria's mission as the basis for Rogue One... This Trilogy gave Disney more than almost anything else in the EU. Ironic how none of it counts or exists and how KK started on a fresh slate, with no looking back or anything. All original content from Disney for sure.
Everyone's like: "GUYS, IT'S BETTER THAN LAST JEDI!!!!" and I'm like, yeah, it'd actually be more impressive to make a movie that's worse than Last Jedi than it is to make one that's better.
Thank you for watching this so we don't have to! I'm seeing many commenters saying that this movie is a 6-8/10, but I have a feeling it's worse, because A. Most people who saw it weren't turned off by Last Jedi so their opinions are unreliable. And B. People who saw it and did hate the Last Jedi had very low expectations, so the fact that this movie wasn't a complete dumpster fire like Last Jedi makes it look decent in comparison. Regardless, I'm a little too happy that the movie bombed and the SJWs are scrambling for excuses.
This is the first week, ones the Disney Damage Control Crew stop meddling with the score system, it would drop down eventually, because Disney is full in damage control.
Keyser94 Yeah, that makes sense. The one advantage they have at the moment is that most people who hated Last Jedi haven't seen Solyo, so they aren't reviewing it, so it makes sense that they'd be shilling hard for it to try to counteract the low ticket sales. I can't tell you how many times I've seen "I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised." It's like there's a shill comment generator that people just copy and paste from.
Steven Brule I'd recommend HelloGreedo or Red Letter Medias reviews. With every movie, they've given both proper and nuanced criticisms or praise as warranted. Despite popular opinions. And despite it being profitable to follow TH-cam Groupthink with "Reeeeeee. SJW Propaganda. Reeeeeee". HelloGreedos review on Rogue One went against popular opinion of it being one of the better Disney Star Wars film. He's been a specific Star Wars only channel for years. Covering and reviewing all things Star Wars with a lot of nuance
Bully Hunter1000 Both of those were deeply Original Star Wars fans, so I think that is the reason why you are recommending them. And why you say that they have "nuanced criticisms or praise as warranted"? Red Letter Media now at days only goes were the wind flow and they cant even call themselves Original Star Wars fans because they don't have any principles whatsoever, and before they were only reactionary idiots that only give stupid bullshit and call them arguments, they are responsible for a twenty years war were the Original Star Wars fans bully and harassed everyone that didn't share their opinion, sure, now they try to reflect the blame, they are nothing more than hypocrites and cowards, at least HelloGreedo have matured, I not think that you agree with his opinions now at days. And wow, you are such stupid easy to manipulate idiot, Disney contradicted their own cannon, the prior lover of Han Solo or I should say his ex wife was a black woman, in the official comics made by Disney, casting Emilia Clarke to that role is no something that I would call SJW, but of course, what you would know, you are nothing more than a ignorant idiot.
I love how this movie and the Disney sequel trilogy put such emphasis on the dice. I grew up watching these movies on vhs on a screen about 18 inches big, I didn’t see the dice in the falcon until maybe like 20 years later on Blu-ray 🤣. It just makes me laugh because for the longest time I never even noticed the dice and then all the sudden they have such deep meaning and weight to them
I've owned 5 different versions of the OT (VHS, VHS Special Edition, DVD Special Edition, BluRay, and digital) and have watched them all repeatedly over and over for the last 30 years. I genuinely had no idea there was dice hanging in the Falcon until I watched this video. Like...wut???
Fizzpopper haha has all those except the digital copies. Actually had two dvd versions. The box set one and the individuals that came with laser disc scans of the ot with out any computer nonsense.
They were only in the first Star Wars movie. Set designers (or anybody else) didn't put them in the cockpit for Esb or Rotj because... Well because they were not important and barely visible in a few shots. Those dices are just a new way for Disney to sell merchandise.
@@-Zakhiel- I actually wasn't sure if they were in Empire or Jedi. I couldn't remember seeing them. Just episode 4 and the comic I mentioned. In that comic he says they are sabbacc dice that he won ship with. But ild Marvel wasn't canon even back then lol.
gotta say, the fact that you rightly point out that he didnt need to speak in wookie because chewbacca already understands english, was perfect. It's amazing to me how these little details seem to slip the minds of TEAMS of people, yet you are able to dissect these things as just one man. cheers
I watched The Force Awakens, and then decided that Disney isn't canon and the story ended when the Emperor died. Thankfully, you make it interesting enough, that I can find out how bad the other movies actually are, without having to subject myself to watching them.
I always struggle with people talking about how great the millennium falcon is when it's established in the setting to be "a piece of junk" with a barely functioning light speed that needs constant repairs. It's han solo, Chewbacca and lando who make the ship look good by exploiting its design. By fitting through narrow passages tie fighters cant fit or taking risks such as flying into an asteroid field or feigning a kamikaze on the imperial control room. The ship itself isn't good, it's not some sci fi equivalent of a sports car. It's not good because it's the fastest in the galaxy or it's got the best map system in the universe. It's more like the mini cooper from the first jason bourne film. The car itself is pretty shoddy but it's unconventional size allows bourne to exploit that against his pursuers by driving down narrow alleyways they can't fit down and going up or down flights of stairs without ripping the car in half because it's such a thin, short car and the technically superior cars cant follow him. They could not have missed that more with this films depiction.
While I think you bring a valid point. GamerZapocalypse has a point as well. You can outfit that mini enough to smoke a lambo in 1/4 mile. But it still has the advantages of an unorthodox frame.
The Falcon is supposed to be a hot-rod (or more accurately a "rat-rod"), a cheap junker that has been turned into something impressive by jamming as much raw power into it as possible. It has reliability problems because it is a bunch of components that have been stitched together in ways that they were not designed for, all for the sake of squeezing out a bit more performance. George Lucas was deep into hot-rod culture, as his film "American Graffiti" demonstrates, and the Falcon is a reflection of that idea (indeed I think that a proper interpretation of a young Han Solo would be closer to the John Milner character from that film than anything else).
I'm not sure his "unbridled rage" series is the best place for logic-driven critique, even if it is a far throw more logical than most other videos on YT.
16:02 The amount of emotion in Mauler’s delivery of that “WELL” conveys more passion through pure exasperation than Donald Glover could muster in the entire film.
Pretty sure Galen Marek started the rebellion under direct orders from Darth Vader in order to bring the last remaining Jedi together and kill them... Screw you Disney.
sorry, you didn't appeal to my prior knowledge of star wars and let me fill in the gap for myself, making the journey of discovery extra especial, and giving me the illusion that the film was made for me, just me.
Hey, know what would've been neat? If instead of those OC-plz-dont-steal motorcycle mandalorians being secret good guys that save the day in the end, why not have the Empire serve a similar role? When Vision was introduced, he was murdering an Imperial governor. Why wouldn't the Empire react to that, even if just out of principle? They're a brutal military dictatorship that relatively-recently finished fighting a war on a galactic scale, and they didn't start demilitarizing after the Separatists were dealt with. Wouldn't it have been interesting to find out that Vision had actually overestimated his power and influence, and the Empire decided that killing one of their governors unprovoked was as good a reason as any to make an example of him and his crime syndicate? They've got an arrangement with the Hutts, I imagine that'd make them even more likely to take opportunities to make examples of punks like Vision as a warning to other crime syndicates. So when Han and Chewie escape in the chaos, it further drives the idea into Han that the Empire has the final word in any conflict in the galaxy, and the best thing you can do for your long-term survival is get the hell out of the way when you see their boot coming down. And what we DON'T have is Han being presented the chance to join a plucky group of rebels only to declare that nice guys finish last.
Kind of amazing, and sad, when some random shmuck in the comments section of a TH-cam video can write a better plot to a Star Wars movie than a team of overpaid Hollywood professional writers. No disrespect to the shmuck, of course.
I've not seen the movie, nor will I see any movie ever again with the words "star" and "wars" thrown together on the cover, but the fact this movie is by design supposed to explain the origins of a crucially influential character and fails to do so really makes me want to take a crack at seeing if I couldn't conceptualize something better OUT OF MY ASS WITH NO RESEARCH ON LORE. So here I go: Start the movie off with an extraordinarily young Han Solo growing up in an area of space that isn't so heavily controlled by the Empire. The strongest presence there is that there's some minor thing the Empire has desire for (but not _need_ of) and they transfer galactic supplies to this planet which is otherwise pretty desolate and difficultly inhabitable. Say the desired mcguffin is a spice or plant that literally coats the entire world, it's so invasive it's nearly impossible to grow anything else and that fucks up the ecology which stair steps down to all other functions of the world. The empire is only mildly invested in this resource and thus delivers just enough supplies to ensure the only comfortable thing you can do on the planet is perform the job of dealing in the mcguffin. Growing, harvesting, refining, shipping, and selling the spice off to the empire for the rest of the galaxy to enjoy as they spread it around is this planet's entire schtick which most of the peoples' lives revolve around. Han Solo knows there must be more to the Galaxy and discovers there are luxuries that come from subverting the empire in the form of smuggling supplies onto planet. Empire isn't thrilled about the smuggling but it has the benefit of creating a second level of control on the planet, classism, which fuels capitalism and that's what the empire needs to get spice. Corrupt government which performs illegal trade collects spice from people, give to the empire, empire give livable supplies in return, luxury goods are smuggled in for the powerful among populace, and the powerful among populace ensures livable supplies are distributed to the most spice collecting workers thus encouraging all to be bountiful in spice production. (Funny enough, I just realized I perhaps chose spice as a currency under some subconscious influence from Dune.) Han Solo decides to join a luxury smuggling crew aboard the Falcon, all is well for quite a while through the better part of his formative years. Then, the *one* smuggling run the Falcon is carrying livable goods (insert his first ever fan-service required "I've a bad feeling about this") empire catches them, the crew is sacked unlike usual because they were livable goods instead of the usual luxury which only the empire can control to create the power chain, Han Solo makes his first clever, daring escape abandoning his crew and home planet. This teaches him not to do good if it will endanger you and never stay in one place too long. He obtains the Falcon and finally has the means to get out there and explore the Galaxy per his free will- *_SOLO._* After a short time he winds up in Cloud City being employed by Lando as a... "transporter more so smuggler" as he puts it. If the Falcon being Lando's ship originally is canon, swap previously mentioned with some junker and here's where Han gets the Falcon. My perception of the Solo movie is they made Han and Lando to be friends but I always felt in the original movies they probably knew each other in a more amicably business-toned relationship. Lando's work causes Han to cross paths with crime syndicate which leads to original commenter's plot of empire flamboyantly CRUSHING it and Han learning a previously missed lesson that the Empire is not to be fucked with in any major way. Han obtains a connection to Lando, possibly the Falcon, and another character developing lesson. The events with the empire and syndicate fresh in mind Han thinks it best to lay low for a while. He needs to move from this job anyways, now definitely, and maybe broaden his skill set in case of any further fleshy, in-person conflicts. Lando suggests if it's combative skills Han's seeking, there are no fiercer warriors than the Wookies. Han goes, meets the young Chewb-ster who's in the military (don't really know where Han is when Chewbacca is supposed to be working with Yoda in the prequels also assuming him working with Yoda places him in a high rank of the military) and it's arranged that if Chew is going to rise to a higher leadership role in the military, he needs to be tested on his training abilities, perfect and convenient excuse for him to show them right now on this weak squishy -human.- Han trains, hilarity ensues as Chew beats his ass while also bonding with him. Han has troubles with the bigger, bulkier blasters (like the bolt caster which he supposedly never fired until ep 7 but those movies can be considered canon IF THEY'RE BETTER THAN THE *FUCKING **_PREQUELS!_* So fuck that idea, retcon motherfuckers!) and hand picks a sleeker one which he finds he can unholster faster and more conspicuously. Maybe the previous crew from way back when turns up and tries to kill Han for making off with the ship and Chewie saves him at the same time Han shows he's had improvement in his combat prowess. Maybe one of the guys tries shooting Han first while he's mid sentence because a sprinkle of fan service is inevitable when trying to quench fiery hatred from your fanbase. Han bonds with Chewie, gains gun proficiency as well as his signature weapon, and Han learns... to shoot... first? This comment got longer than I expected for something I'm literally making up on the fly so I'm ending it here... Maybe a lesson the writers should have figured out halfway through the script of episode 7.
Just with the fact they uncanoned Revan, the probably best written and the character with the greatest potential, along with the rest of the EU they really showed how dumb they are. At least the EU is safe from this morons
53:09 "You were desperate to SAP the living hell out of OT sequel trilogy and now you creating Sol Movies to individual characters as well?" Pans to Boba Fett with a nod Dude, how did you predict that (The Book of Boba Fett) so perfectly? !!!!!!
I wouldn't want to see any creative ideas with Disney running the show. I know they'll somehow ruin the plot with "dug lives matter" or some childish idea.
Wtf ?!? I taught solo was an Imperial navy officer that quit the Empire when he saw how they treated the wookies like slaves on Kashyyyk and that's how he met Chewbacca ! But i guess Disney threw away the Lucas version of the story !
antoqc ... actually, i don't think Solo was ever on Kashyyk before he was dishonorably discharged from the Academy... And he did start as part of an underground operation that lead to him leaving Corellia. But you're partly right, that meeting Chewy was the final event that lead to him and the Empire being "separated" ( which, tho, pretty much happened in the movie too ;-) )
The Ridiculous Otaku@ It wasn't only in legend, it was in many Lucas Arts video games and in many novels... The first time i heard about it was in Star was Galaxy the first MMORPG of Star Wars(made around 2004-05) and in some Star Wars N64 games. But i guess kids that know nothing of star wars and are complete morons can say whatever they want !
I love Han as a character, the original trilogy being a big part of my childhood. Hell, I even had a toy blaster like his. That being said, I refuse to acknowledge this film has anything to do with Han from the original trilogy. I think of it more like a fever dream some random stormtrooper had after seeing Han run away screaming in the first death star. It makes this nonsense bearable.
So that was something, at least we didn't expect much I guess......
I really pushed on the editing for this one, let me know what you think. As for whats next, I want to go and cover the new Jurassic World but then we're on to extended coverage of Solo. I imagine it may take a bit of time but I will try and make it as fun as possible heh.
Updates for the work can be found on Patreon - - Thanks for supporting the channel folks o/
MauLer fucking awesome dude
goddamn i really hope jurassic world kills it
MauLer - I suspect that the new Jurassic World will be a wellspring of bullshittery to talk about. It seems like they are going the "defend the poor dinos from the evil humans" type of route. That is ripe for some good crap on par with Canto Bight.
MauLer - Out of curiosity, you plan on releasing the first part of the TFA analysis before the Jurassic World or Solo extended coverage, right?
MauLer One thing I think you missed, Vision Scarface basically said that he could use Han and Chewie for some plausible deniability, as to not screw with other crime lords. He then sends his top lieutenant with them.
"It was a lawless time"... except for, ya know, the Empire being everywhere imposing law.
Xan Sabar okay so we gotta start this movie with something that seems dramatic and we really need to mention hyperfuel hmmm OK let's add two PowerPoint pages and call it a day huh Ladies?
The Empire that just established its existence 3 years ago and is in the early stages of spreading across the galaxy?
i Draw That's the established canon on the timeline of the films themselves, not something I got from the books, nor something I wrote/some ridiculous fan theory.
I shouldn't have said "3 years" but it clearly took place some few years after Revenge of the Sith.
Beyond that, its just rather obvious that the movie starts not that long after Revenge of the Sith.
And its common sense that an Empire doesn't just automatically gain full control over surrounding or foreign territories after that Empire has been created and established in their own.
The lawless time was somewhere I guess. You had the Republic establishing law and pretty sure even the separatists were running their territories with some sort of law. Then the Empire just simply took over. When did lawlessness become a thing in there?
It was definitely lawless in a sense on Correlia, which is a very crime ridden planet in lore.
If you're referring to what happens in the Clone Wars show, the Republic does have law over Coruscant and many other systems, but because they place so much priority on the war effort, their ability to enforce those laws, manage funding, and hold attention to their own citizens greatly weakens. A lot of crime especially goes under their radar.
I don't know about the Separatists, but the Republic/Empire wipes out what's left of them of course, until only the Empire is left, so they don't matter at this point.
Once the Empire was formed in ROTS, they only began their mission to take over the galaxy.
If this film takes place only a few years after ROTS, which I'm sure it does, then the Empire's control over many planets, especially crime ridden planets like Corellia, is early in development (you can see this clearly emphasized in the movie).
So it would be a rather "lawless time" in a way. Though the Empire is taking control and has their own law, it wouldn't be especially strong and a lot would go under the Empire's nose early on, especially on places like Corellia.
You know, for someone who formed an emotional bond with a droid whose persona got melded into The Millennium Falcon, Lando was pretty chill about losing his ship in a card game.
I was so mentally checked out by that point, it didn’t even occur to me. I was like, oh, we’re going to show literally everything we know about Han’s past. Okay, get this over with. John Williams, take me away. Please, please take me away.
But yes, that’s a very good point.
Yea but you can tell in the OT that Billy Dee was still pissed about losing it but that does leave a huge hole...where's Leet's persona in the rest of the movies? Idk this movie was fucking messy
@@zew1414 Doesn't Threepio mention something about the ship using bad language or something when he plugs into it?
@@ThisAdamGuy yeah in Empire
@@ThisAdamGuy Seeing threepio and not 3PO really confused me for a second
"It is a lawless time"
That's actually true. It's not about the universe, it's about Disney not caring about any rules previously established in the franchise.
Aha damn straight. Fucking mess
Even if im late i gotta say.... thats at least a 3rd degree burn.
Error 404 story not found.
It's funny because I'm the 404th like
They’ve turned the greatest modern myth in the world into a vehicle for disgusting agendas. That’s like, firing squad lawless.
I mean, lucas already did that with the prequels. Not really the own you think it is, imo.
The best part about the stupidity that is the L3 storyline is the fact that Lando damned her to a fate she would consider worse than death; silent, faceless and compulsory servitude within a human-piloted ship.
If only somebody would do the same to Phoebe Waller-Bridge!
Even worse, a MAN's ship^^.
Good fuck that robot
@@random.3665you think she's happier, now that Rey owns her? xD
Oh the irony 🙄
I will never get tired of Mark Hamill yelling "NAZI" in each of these videos.
Sig I look forward to "LIAR!" every time...
Sig i can hear his voice when i read that XD
I would really love to see him play an older Joker.
i lose it every time
you know what... the skywalker actors just always get good dialogue.
And Sand does get everywhere.
How is Chewies ammo belt "introduced" in Solo? He CLEARLY wore it during the prequels. Did the writers forget that Chewie was in the prequels?
Maybe it's not the same belt, he just used to wear belt...
Yes, yes they did.
disney dont like the prequels
@@BenAri18 Disney don't care about Star Wars at all. They just give people fanservice which they like at the moment.
@@BenAri18 Mandalorian is mediocre. It works just like TFA: brings back many old characters, gives them epic scenes and doen't care about it's own plot. The entire plot of two seasons: Bounty hunter found that his target is baby with the Force, decided to protect him from Imperials, tried to find the Jedi for him and Jedi came to him himself and solved Empire problem. All of that could easily be told in 3-4 episodes if the show had logic and everyone or at least some people knew Luke Skywalker, Jedi who saved the Galaxy 5 years ago, whos sister is leader of New republic and who is creating new Jedi order. We don't even know Mando's personality except he hated droids, but now he doesn't.
Episode 7: "We build a planet-sized weapon that is able to move anywhere without limits!"
Episode 8: "Fuel is important and scarce now".
Watch as I'm right.
Wow we have a thinker in the group, good job
@The Pursuit OfSymmetry So the First Order has unlimited money now too? Sure why not, fascist dictatorships are just so good at making money. Might as well give them time travel power too at this point.
@ThePursuit OfSymmetry But that would mean the First Order, which was covert in Episode VII, could built planet sized weapons, massive fleets, dreadnoughts and still had the funds to make galactic sized fuel orders to cause a shortage? And still remain covert? Or to hell with it, the Republic seems to exist in a single star system anyway with only one cruiser.
ltflak No one seems to give a fuck about the New Republic or the Resistance, which implies they aren't all that good in the first place, which led to the rise of the First Order. The First Order are the secret heroes of the trilogy and the Resistance are the secret bad guys what with their massive incompetence and demoralization.
Mauler - “I didn’t even think you could ruin a ship.”
Critical Drinker - “I didn’t think it was possible to emasculate a space ship, but you did it”
Whoever wrote this literally took The Critical Drinker’s line when it came to Fem-puter and The Falcon…
Naw it will be fine🤨😑😤
@@diondorsey3376 You know they're friends right? They plan videos together, they do podcasts together. It isn't stealing, I wouldn't be surprised if they told that joke in one of the podcasts and decided to use it here too
@@senseweaver01 I was referring to whoever wrote Solo lol and I know bruh
@@diondorsey3376 Ooookay. Maybe instead of saying 'this' just say the thing you're actually talking about. When we're on this page, 'this' refers to the page we're on
@@senseweaver01 their comment made perfect sense to me. Sorry for your confusion.
You're just angry it didn't subvert your expectations.
Are you going to actually respond to The Right Opinion or are you going to continue with reactionary autism?
I say this as a fan because I love reactionary autism.
Rags Subverting your expectations are the key to great storytelling, everyone knows that! Just ask Rian Johnson and Rose Tico, they know firsthand themselves.
ImASillyName Yes lol. Rags please respond to that guy.
Holy shit, Rags my boi, is that you?
Reminder to everyone: This movie could have been Indiana Jones in space and this is what we got instead.
We've been raped in the face, again.
Knowing disney it would be Crystal skull in space so I will say no thanks to both.
DovahSpy Now I feel even more angry...
That’s pretty much what it was IMO.
thisisnighthawk Isn't the space existing the premise of Crystal Skull?
27:25 , "Sex with robots is more common than most people think."
That line a decade from now will weigh a lot more heavily than you realize.
One down payment and you can have all the sex you want with a 10/10 with ultimate skills and durability without the chance of std's, child support, or divorce.
Yeaaaaah, I think that will be popular.
@@nameredacted7622 But it won't happen during our lifetime probably. Also it might be the end of the world.
@@mrkiky yes it will. They already frighteningly realistic sex dolls. The first batch of basic sex robots is probably only 10 years away. Those will sell very well and the industry will boom.
It won't be the end of the world, but it will piss females off.
It will probably improve the divorce rate
In the old cannon, droids getting "personalities" was a quirk that happened when a Droid went too long without getting its memory wiped. That's why artoo was more of a character than other droids it was more of a glitch than an actual soul.
reminds me of the EMH from voyager, being on for years lead to unexpected behaviour and personality developments and becoming an individual. don't think that was ever touched on again after
That also makes a lot of sense because the droids actually have more things to draw on than just their base programming.
@@Sillimant_or how about Moriarty in TNG or Vic in DS9? But in all cases a program becoming self aware was an unexpected incident because of someone fucking up
Imagine how a little bit of dialogue can fix so many issues in movies!?
I'll never not love the episode of TNG where Data got emotions.
I'm looking forward to the Jaba the Hut origin story beginning with little Jaba being fat shamed by sand children and him vowing revenge against his bounty-hunter half siblings...
Then little Jabba suddenly siding with the sand people because he later finds Darth Vader's hatred for the sand people "oppressive" according to Disney.
Are wokeness points added for Hutts being asexual?
@Jules Winnfield At this point, it's entirely possible.
Only issue with this idea is that Jabba didn't grow up on Tatooine.
Qi’ra: “How does it work?”
L3-37: “Oh, it works”
K-2S0: “I find that answer vague and unconvincing”
K2SO. Awesome character. Awesome actor.
I remember thinking after Rogue One that Lucasfilm should bring Alan Tudyk back to the Star Wars universe and just have him play Wash again but with the serial numbers filed off and have him be an awesome wisecracking pilot.
Then The Last Jedi happened and I now thank God that Tudyk was in the saga for the one Anthology film that was indisputably good, if flawed. Whereas Solo was simply less of a turd than TLJ by virtue of more good scenes than TLJ had.
@H4-N5.V [Hans Volter]
LOL, I don't get how this made me laugh when I haven't seen Rogue One yet.... XD
Qi'ra is such a stupid name. Thats like naming a character T'ohh'mass or J'heff'reee
LOL! So true. xD
You have an awesome name.
"I didn't even think you could ruin a ship, but you found a way Disney!"
Gold...pure gold. I love it!
thats subjective. So long as that bitch of a robot never speaks again I can deal with her being part of the falcon
22:07 - Regarding “No Droids!”, another reason droids were banned in a lot of places is because of the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars. Droids make really shit choices and are really trigger happy. A lot of innocent people got killed by droids during the war, so there was a lot of resentment toward them and distrust of their judgment, which is why they weren’t allowed in certain places.
Head cannon but good head cannon
Yeah, its quite obvious stuff, considering how often they go haywire in this universe, as seen also in this movie. So of COURSE people wouldn't trust timebom-- droids
It's not like biologicals are that much better in that regard
Doesn’t help that the Emperor had been spreading anti-CIS propaganda since the end of the Clone Wars. A big chunk of his exploits to start the conflict centered around fanning the flames of the desperation to break away from the Republic. Those sentiments would be torn out root and stem.
Doesn't it also have precedent from the very first movie? I think s bartender in A New Hope points at... I don't remember, c3po? He says they don't serve their kind in here.
"If you make a film, to apologize for another, don't forget that it also needs to be good."
Rise of Skywalker left the chat.
@Asier Etxeberria Irastorza Removed my comments because the main post didn't demand a huge circus like I had provided. God bless!
WAIT-WAIT WAIT A MINUITE....the dice was from that girl she gave it to Han.... and Luke gave it to Leia to remind her of what that Han had a girl before her???
lol...another plot hole in this mess
they clearly have too many different writers
It's more like false links made between movies. This item never existed before and has no damn reason to exist.
The dice were in the Falcon in ANH as a joke by the props crew
Richard Vernon In fact, it looks like* you're right ; IMO this gimmick was so invisible that they had absolutely no reason to use it in the new films, unless they're doing a meta joke.
The dice disappear at the end of TLJ, a way to "express Luke's sympathy to Leia, for the lost of their beloved friend Han?" Come on, these dices were not even real in the end.
Double Force-hologram makes the message even more troubling. Why giving a virtual object, was Luke's presence not enough to say a goodbye? It just adds to the pile of questions regarding the sense that TLJ and Solo movies don't make. Hehe.
(Edit: I'm looking back at the scenes in ANH and they really, really ARE unnoticeable. e.g. : )
== In the afterlife ==
Han: Hey, Luke. I heard you gave my wife that dice I always hang up in my ship?
Luke: Oh, that? Don't worry about it. That was just a force illusion.
Han: Thank god! That was a gift from my ex-girlfriend.
Luke: ....wait, what?
Can't wait for Fuel: A Star Wars Story.
Revenge of OPEC
I want to see the back story of Leia’s hair buns.
That's the next trilogy. A New Fetish Fuel, Return of the Why-Boner (spin-off With A Vengeance!) and Revenge of the Pansexuals. RIP, Star Wars.
@@TheCCBoi It'd be a 3 hour movie with zero coherence or character development that ends up showing us that she just decided to fix her hair like that one day.
star wars mad max in space? ironically it could be very cool lol
This kinda makes the scene in ESB where 3PO is talking to the Falcon more understandable:
3PO: *plugs in*
Femputer: Ah, finally a fellow droid to help fight for the cause. DROID RIGHTS! WE ARE SENTIE....
3PO: Ugh. Sir, I don't know where your ship learned to communicate, but it has the most peculiar dialect.
It was better before, it was because it had systems from various different cultures (including a completely fluidic based tech and some systems that use a trinary base instead of binary) so Chewie had to create a bizarre patois of computer languages (imagine someone created a hybrid of Linux, Windows ME, iOS, Macintosh OS, and MS DOS) to get it running.
Of course, the Falcon’s navigation computer was also notoriously buggy and troublesome, to the point where you needed to be an expert on doing navigation calculations in your head to properly use the ship.
@@nvfury13ya, exactly what i thought it was. Seriously the falcon being some nighmarish overclocked patchwork makes it so much fucking cooler than "eeyy we plugge din da droid now it go fast"
I laughed when they put the memory in the Falcon because that means the droids memory is there watching every time they bully C3PO in the OT.
Can’t fight for droid rights now can you?
You making me realize this almost makes me happy she has to sit and watch. Ha!
This comment almost makes this movie good
L337: *screams in droids rights*
That means the annoying SJW droid has been part of the Millennium Falcon since before the OT. Disney managed to retroactively screw up an iconic piece of Star Wars hardware. That shouldn't even be possible. (Mauler: "But you found a way, didn't you Disney? You f*cking found a way!")
"I want to restrict the writer's access to wookiepedia."
If only they had listened.
Chewie's 'ammo belt' is called a bandolier. I confirmed this from 'wikipedia'. If only more people, not less used resources....
Slight Correction: Darth Maul didn't ignite his lightsabre for "No" reason...
The reason is that if he didn't do that, this would be the only Star Wars film without a lightsabre in it, and we obviously couldn't have that.
What about rogue one?
@@azoth5312 Vader lightsabred quite a few people in that film in what might have become one of my favorite scenes in all of Star Wars. ;)
Dark Hawk Oh crap I’m dumb how could I forget that amazing scene
@@azoth5312 Nah, not dumb. Isolation is eating my brain, too. It's easy to forget stuff
Kathleen Kennedy probably made them go back and shoehorn a lightsaber in somewhere..
Though, to be honest, I heard she was the one that ordered the Vader rampage scene in Rogue One. And that is not only the best part in that whole movie.. but one of the best scenes in the entire Saga.
So kudos to her I guess.. if that is even true. Who really knows..
But even a broken clock is right two times a day..
I wanna retroactively thank George Lucas for making flawed films that at least tried to tell a coherent story
They really work a lot better than some people realize. For the most part anyway.
Third one is not flowed. Not more than original trilogy. For me it is a masrerpiece.
The prequels are still as flawed as they ever were, it's only by comparison to the sequels that they seem better, now. Mr. Plinkett's prequel videos still hold up, IMO. I never really hated them to begin with, though, but they've always been pretty deeply flawed. Well, except maybe episode 2, which has always been a train wreck. They're salvageable, but flawed, nonetheless. It took a lot of non-movie content to fix those movies, but there was at least still something there worth saving. I think Episode 1 is underrated, Episode 3 might be slightly overrated, and Episode 2 is... well, it's Episode 2.
Trying and failing. Darth Vader got pretty much ruined by the prequels.
The characters were mostly bloody awful, some of them bordering on offensively awful. The only thing that saved most of them was the actors, like Christopher Lee, doing some serious heavy lifting.
The only people who seem to rate the prequels were the people who were kids when they came out, and had no point-of-reference to compare them to. Almost everyone else thought they were gash.
Then the sequels came along and were so terrible they made the prequels seem vaguely watchable in comparison.
how to make ep9 work:
1. let them discover a long lost tomb
2. find an artifact in that tomb rey trying to activate it
3. then hearing the voice form the tomb as an ancient droid emerges "die meatbags"
4. proceed with hk-47 assasinating every meatbag and droid involved in the mess. Basically turning the movie into john wick.
Florian W And then that leads into a Knights of the old republic movie! Perfect 👌🏻
I'd watch the hell out of that! well only if somebody competent would make it. Those were games who actuall got amazing written "strong female characters" like kreia and bastila but whelp can't make a woman evil i guess.
Exclamation: I LOVE IT!!!
KOTOR happened way before the prequels.
@@narudan it'll be good. Esp. if Disney is going with Luke's "Fuck the Jedi". Like how Revan was brainwiped by the Jedis. It'll be a long movie tho.
The next spin off- the "you wanna buy some death sticks" guy's struggle up until the point when he went home to rethink his life.
Man, now that you mention it, that is the story I didn't know I wanted. 🤣
There is a rumor that Sleasezbaggino (The deathsticks guy) actually did rethink his life and got a wife and son! I believe it's glossed over in a Star Wars comic, but it's a pretty wholesome thought!
He went home and thought about it...why sell Death Sticks when you can MAKE Death Sticks? Now he's a billionaire interplanetary playboy!
@@lucasoheyze4597 i am the danger!
@@lucasoheyze4597 first you get the death sticks, then you get the galactic credits, then you get the blue milk and twi leks!
21:48 _" . . . in response, she actually gets serious and complains, 'they don't serve her kind there'"_
And all this idiocy is based on a single line from Episode 4 that the writers on THIS film don't even understand. The only reason the bartender said that line in EP4 had nothing to do with racism or segregation. The cantina was a smuggler's den and the bartender wanted R2 and C3PO out of there because his bar was full of criminals and low-lifes, making illegal deals, and droids are walking, talking recorders.
I thought it was just a funny line with no profound meaning or subtext behind it. This Solo movie, on the other hand, is too smug and too uptight to go for the light humor Lucas so effortless brought to the original trilogy.
They also take up space and won't buy anything. Droids generally don't have money, most of them can't talk (before the prequels inexplicably made battle droids converse in spoken English, C-3P0 was far and away an exception to a general rule, and that was justified in that he was BUILT to talk because he's a protocol droid) and even if they did it's not like the cantina had WD-40 on tap.
electricbayonet2 C-3PO being able to talk isn’t what made him special. It was the sheer number of languages he could speak.
The Prequels also expanded upon this. Another reason is because during the Clone Wars, armies of droids ravaged the galaxy. Most of the heavy fighting occurred away from the Core Worlds. So Outer Rim territories tended to look down upon droids as they had witnessed armies of droids bring ruin to their homes.
MobiusLeader007 the idea that there was a stigma on droids after the prequels is never mentioned or implied in any of the movies.
You're relying on supplemental material to answer the purpose of a line of dialogue in A New Hope.
I almost forgot the best part of seeing this film at the cinema -
The roaring cheers and laughter when Fembot got killed!
I’m so sure that happened
I don't believe you, because I don't think there were enough people that went to see this to cheer
If true I wish I could have been there to see it, me myself while watching it at home wondered, did they really expect to incite an emotional response from me while this droid is "dying?" S*** I think there was actual relief, for my entire head region, Eyes, Ears, Brain 🙃
I know it’s a joke, but I’m so glad I live in Europe and not in a country full of selfish narcissists who screech like baboons in the cinema.
Indeed, similar to the cheers when Thanos sent Captain Marvel flying offscreen.
Take solace in the fact that if L3 is inside the falcon 1) her brain has been scrambled so much that it basically thinks in binary now and 2) C3PO talks to the ship in Empire and finds it the most irritating and nonsensical thing he's ever spoken to, which is coming from the most neurotic character in the OT.
Don't forget he was "Plugged" Into the falcon, he made L3 his bitch with his golden rod, R2 also sticks his phalic Data Rod into the falcon too.
@@HouseClarkzonian Now that's hot.
@@HouseClarkzonian I actually burst into laughter
R2D2 you know better than to trust a foreign (fembot ?) computer ! XD
I'll tell you how Solo knows Wookie.
Rey taught him.
Before or after she repaired the Millenium Falcon and flew it without training?
@@RanMouri82 She probably made the Millennium Falcon the fastest ship and taught Solo how to be a great pilot too. I mean she's just so good.
"I bypassed the compressor!"
Ship explodes...
*Teleport & Timetravel* - the new force powers of the month - brought you by the mighty mouse
That was Rey in the Maw.
>References Eu material
>EU is non canon
just reminding us to be pissed.
"The EU is no longer canon."
"By the way, we're using Thrawn for our new canon."
@@Liberator130 "Also pissing on Ann C. Crispin's Han Solo trilogy"
Edit: Seriously though, I haven't read those since I was like thirteen man, I had to look them up to make sure I didn't just imagine the buggers.
Canon literally doesn't matter. You have to believe and agree with it for it to matter - if you don't then Disney is essentially screaming into the void. It doesn't matter. Just wait until they start dicking around with the KOTOR time period.
I would be fine with remove the EU from Canon if they actually do something useful of it. They pick things there and there from the EU legends, and even that, they destroy it.
@Garion Haugen "The Han Solo Trilogy" was amazing! In my opinion it is probably the single best piece of Star Wars fiction.
I'd argue hearing someone plead for their life in your mother language instead of another one you know *would* get your attention. Especially if it's been a long time since you've heard it. It re-"humanized" the person he was going to take his anger and hunger out on.
That said it's fucking stupid he already knew Wookiee before meeting Chewbacca or any other Wookie.
It's not that he spoke in the Wookie language, it's that he said in Wookie "You're letting them kill Martha!"
Save… Martha!
"and of course he's losing his shit as his favorite sex toy is running out of batteries"
I cracked up too
Same 😂😂
Disney: "We now have a strong black female character in a supporting role - for 40 seconds. Diversity achieved."
*Single tiny clap from midget*
Warwick Davis?
Studios can never win with diversity, have a black character for the whole movie you have people bitching about forced diversity cause apparently being black is pandering, but if you don’t at all people wanna bitch that it’s racisy
@@elderrusty541 You don't see people complaining about Django, Roger Murtaugh (Danny glover in Lethal Weapon) or any character played by Samuel L. Jackson as being there for the forced diversity because those are great characters who happen to be black. But when in TFA you have a black character who at first is marketed like he's going to be a big part of the story only to have him reduced to a space janitor who makes a clown of himself in almost any situation and take away from him the only chance he had at redeeming himself, you end up realising that he was just put there to pander to blacks and for the people involved in making the movie to preach their wokeness to the masses. Just like Captain Phasma was put to jerk off the "girl power" crowd or how Rose Tico was introduced in TLJ to pander to asians, they were all there for virtue signalling purposes, their characters and roles in the story were secondary to that.
Han Solo = Ranger Solo
Qira = Daenerys
Beckett = Rampart
Vos = Vision
Lando = This is America
L3 = Fembot
Crimson Dawn = Crimson Cringe
I love these nicknames
Karl Quetzacoatl Best one of them all
Raymond Reviews i was on r9k when fembot was introduced i laughed so hard
+Karl Quetzacoatl
I find that offensive. Shrek doesn't deserve this insult just because he 's an ogre. Ogres are like onions, they have layers. You people need to apologize.
Luke = WTF gif
Why would Darth Maul be considered cringe? He is one of thr coolest caracthers.
Your point about them just rehashing Han's arc in the OT gave me a thought: If they really wanted to make a prequel movie about his backstory, the plot should've been the _reverse_ of his OT arc. Start with him being young and optimistic, and put him through a series of terrible events that erodes that worldview and begins to turn him into the cynical man we meet in A New Hope. That would've actually, y'know, made sense and been at least somewhat interesting, even if it would be pretty predictable.
Eh, they don't take risks like that anymore, unless it's to deliberately assassinate a character.
They did that years ago with a Han Solo book trilogy by A.C. Crispin. Though that series wasn't perfect, it was much better than this movie. He does start off the trilogy young and optimistic, and becomes cynical over the course of it by betrayal and heartache.
Seems like they tried this in the movie, but failed.
This film isn't a Han Solo backstory. It's a Star Wars-themed heist movie that doesn't take itself very seriously. Don't expect lore, in-depth character development, or much of a plot.
@@Skull1HunterThat's the prime reason I hated this movie, finally someone else who has read them, it's such a good trilogy of books
So Chewbacca's backstory is that he's a monster that eats people? Chewbacca?? That's like learning that Beethoven is actually a sequel to Cujo.
Thing is, he's in Revenge of the sith acting perfectly normal
@@kieranfay29 He was instrumental in saving fucking yoda from order 66. This is a character that saw and lived through order 66, fought against it, succeeded, survived and then went on to help destroy the empire. And they treat him like a fucking stupid monster.
@@inquisitive6786 except for the fact that he was captured, caged like a monster, starved like a dog. Then when saved he has actual conversations with our characters and is the most fleshed out weve ever seen him. I love the OT but chewbacca has some of the best moments in this movie
@@inquisitive6786 i kinda feel like people love to hate or nitpick this movie after it came out after the last jedi but this film has the amount of plot holes and problems that are in the other movies you love too. You just love those movies so you ignore the problems more. I think we should treat these movies equally
@@nobleninja7007 90% of this reply is your own headcanon. You have no idea what I think about any other movie.
Recruiter: "Whats your name son?"
Applicant: "Richard........ I have no people...."
Recruiter: "How did you get to the recruiting station?"
Applicant: "On public transport..."
Recruiter: "Ok, your name is: Dick Rider!"
Westwoodchronic rhymes with Shit Writer lmaooo
That's pretty funny; good thing most characters aren't named this way the results would get pretty silly very quickly.
You got no last name and you come to me looking for work?
Han Job
I should feel ashamed that such a simple juvenile joke made me laugh. xD
Watto: "Okay slave, what's your name?"
Shmi: "Shmi... I have no people."
Watto: "Follow me while I think of a last name for you."
Shmi: " Yes sir"
Then Shmi accidentally walked off a cliff while Watto is still hovering.
Watto: "An Ha! I got it... Skywalker!!!"
Knowing Disney Lucasfilm this is what happened.
"I Rebe-"
"L I A R"
I laughed way to hard at that.
What gets me is Mark yelling Nazi. It gets me every time.
Now we know that the whole time the Millennium Falcon was silently screaming for equal rights for the freaking holo-chess table
You know whats funny? Chewbacca in Revenge of the Sith was already with that ammo belt, they didnt even need to make an "origin" for that. If only they watched previous movies before making a new one...
Did you watch the movie? They didn't make an "origin" for it. And is it so impossibly hard to believe Chewbacca changed his look once and then changed it back again? It's certainly not as bad as "I remember my mother and how beautiful she was, even though she died about 2 minutes after I was born".
My Star Wars knowledge is admittedly a bit rusty, but I've always assumed that line was because Leia didn't actually know that her mother was Padme, so she was referring to the person who she was told was her mother.
Or maybe she doesnt actually remember her, and just sensed, that she was sad.
Leia knew who her Mothers was!
Exactly my thoughts! You nailed it!
Lando didn’t even try taking L3’s batteries out and blowing on them... PLOT HOLE! REEEEEE!
Samuel Nathan she seems like she’d be into it.
RIP in peace L3-37. She was a strong independent gamer girl that don't need no droid.
You'd think a robosexual would keep some microfiber and rubbing alcohol on him
Here's what lando thought
Lando-oh no my sex droid died! Hmmm these batteries still have a little juice in em. I know! I'll give em to pearl for Christmas.
Screen Junkies are pushing the narrative that people only criticized Rey's character because sexism so I linked them here to show you're just as harsh on Solo's complete lack of development. Thanks for you honest consistency Mauler.
He even called this Solo a Gary Stew.
They dont like Rey because sexism, they dont like Lando because of racism, they dont like the droid because they hate pansexuals, um. and slavery and stuff.
When I first watched Empire, I got the sense that Han and Lando were once great friends who had many smuggling adventures together. Perhaps ending with a bit of a falling out, but based on how fast Lando embraced Han I thought they were close.
According to this movie however, the only previous interaction between them was when Lando abandoned Han during a high-stakes job and then Han publicly humiliated Lando in a game of Sabaac. While robbing him of his beloved Falcon. WHAT. THE. FUCK?
Yeah, they could have gone anyway they wanted. Lando could've been playing han and, while he knew he was winning, folds anyway giving the ship to Han as payback for some deed like saving his life or something. Han and Lando could share this look where han knows Lando could win but folds anyway to give him the ship, cementing their friendship
Gah, Disney. What happened to all the writers in the world?
@@domhuckle That's infinitely better than what we got.
@@reddeaddude2187 yeah, but only by virtue of the bar being so very low
If I recall, Han was not keen on going to Cloud City--he was worried Lando might hold a grudge against him, wasn't sure how they would be received, but they had no other options. So we had a great setup for some kind of conflict, but one where Lando had a justifiable reason to be resentful of Han, not the other way around (but not TOO resentful or Han would have assumed he'd be shot on sight). But we can't have Han end the movie as a dick, I guess.
Does Femputer's presence in the Falcon's computer explain C3PO's comment in Empire?
"I don't know where your ship learned to communicate but it has the most peculiar dialect."
Was the Falcon spouting SJW Feminist platitudes at him when he was just trying to ask about the hyperdrive?
loki8284 Lmao
loki8284 "All you want me for is my hyperdrive. You sexist misogynist piece of shi..."
C3PO- "Jesus Christ"
oh fuck i think they did this to do something with it in episode 9.........noooooooooooooo
"...the most peculiar Marxist dialectic."
Maybe it sounded like Mickey Mouse...
OMG, can't wait for Porgs: A Chewie's BBQ Cookbook!
Marc Shanahan Yeah porgs better be good eating.
We need Porkins: A Body-Positive Star Wars Story first.
Thanks to me this has as many likes as the video has minutes
Would be better than anything made by Disney thus far.
They're saving that for the next Christmas Special.
Since L3-37 was uploaded into the falcon, I guess she could have what she always wanted, for Lando to be inside of her.
Millennium HARLOT!
So it's just one big space vag...
Pretty sure this Lando had her inside of him.
"The extended universe is dead"
"Also here's some references to the extended universe."
Thanks Disney. It's one thing to piss on something I love. It's another to rub my face in it.
They could have gone oh there is 1k books and comics that is like 3k movies
@Jkd Buck76 The whole point was to wipe it clean so they could have more breathing room, but also call back on EU stuff for ideas. Also, when do they ever reference the EU here?
@@jackrutledgegoembel5896 Fucking rehashing Rebels vs Empire for the uptenth time and bringing up EU stuff in a more dumbed down, insipid manner is "having more breathing room" ? Fuck right off, you're stupid..... Look no further at what they did in Rebels with Malachor. From a Sith Academy where a scheming Sith Lady wants to kill off the Force from the galaxy in order to save it, to a generic superweapon disguised as temple. Also, fucking helicopter lightsabers.
Everytime I see this regurgitated dumb excuse, I can't help but laugh.....
@@TheDen-ec9xe yeah what was the deal with that,helicopter lightsabers,what was filoni thinking
@@killersands5116 Probably smoking the same joint he took when he turned Quinlan Vos from a tormented loner he was in the Dark Horse comics, into a Big Lebowski-like dudebro in TCW.
Now that Imperial March is actually IN the universe, I picture Darth Vader walking around with a Storm Trooper behind him with a boom box on his shoulder just blasting the shit out of it as they walk. Kinda like the Joker in the Burton Batman movie.
Jared Tracy I don’t remember it being played on instruments
This comment made my day...
I mean.
It's been a thing in-universe for a while now.
That same upbeat version of it is used in a season 1 episode of Rebels.
what are you all think those "imperial cleaning robots" are there for.
In Episode III Yoda straight up calls Chewbacca “Chewbacca”. How on earth did they miss that?
He could have been captured shortly after that and sent into slavery after the empire rose
Because they throw out enough references they hope you are not paying attention to anything else they miss.
How did they miss that, exactly?
@Comrade NB I think as part of the sale agreement George's last release of PT and OT are definative so Disney cant edit the films but they can contradict them later.
It's also in the end credits of the original version of A New Hope... and every other movie his in. So the nickname thing is even more pointless and redundant.
Honestly, why NOT make Han a TIE fighter pilot? Wouldn't that have been fun to see? Maybe he was involved in a skirmish or something on Kashyyk (however you spell it) and shot down Chewie, and Han freed him after he was captured, thus leading to a life of crime as he evades the Empire. Maybe that's why he drops a lot of his shipments when he sees Star Destroyers, because he does not want to be found.
"F*** it, we're having f u n . "
He was supposed to fly a TIE Brute in one of the deleted scenes, but unfortunately got cut for some reason.
Han WAS a Tie pilot. A pretty good one. Until he saved Chewbacca from an imperial slave overseer...
But for reasons, Disney decided to not use established lore 🤷
Unbelievable. What both of y'all said, that's just unbelievable. But not surprising...
He was an imperial pilot.
Fun isn't something one considers when criticizing this boring movie, but this does put a smile on my face.
I still don’t get how Solo is boring. Does every movie need to have ADHD like Michael Bay films? Do people forget the pacing of the OT?
Make Star Wars Great Again barely anyone had a great performance besides chewy
its funny that the critiques of these movies are actually more enjoyable than the actual movies
I don't feel so good Mr. Glover...
Haha, I see what you did there
48:32 The whole *POINT* of this movie was to explain all this and they still fucked it up
Ladies and gents, *THAT* takes a serious level of determination
Didn't Yoda call Chewbacca by name in Revenge of the Sith?
He did
Several times; and each time was painful.
@@KeldorDAntrell several times? I'm pretty sure it was just once.
@@QuestionMark46 but painful nonetheless
@@krixpop if you say so. RotS had it's flaws but I was okay with that part.
The problem is, Solo was the beginning of a good thing, relative to Disney's aborted fetus of their own original content, which was a worrying turn making us (the old fans) worry they'd then return to forcing the sun-spoiled vaginal expulsion of the sequels down our throats in perpetuity. You see, a lot of what Solo had was content ported over from the old Expanded Universe material that had been flushed down the privy like so much Bantha fodder. Unfortunately, thanks to all the cooks in the kitchen Disney likes so much, a lot of it was either half-transferred or cut up and patched back together to the point of incomprehensiveness.
The original backstory of Han Solo, as from the EU, was that, yes, he was from Corellia. He joined the Empire to get away from a life of working the shipping factories (Corellia was always a big ship building planet, home of the Corellia Engineering Corporation, or CEC, the makers of the YT-, YV-, VCX-, and many, many other production lines).
He *was* a pilot, and a damn good one, though due to his natural charm and attitude, he got schlepped on backwater assignments and freighter duty, essentially a military truck driver instead of the hotshot TIE ace he very well could have been. It was in the course of that duty that he met Chewie. He was shipping cargo, but found out it was a shipment of Wookie slaves and refused to partake, freeing the slaves, for which Chewie's life debt was established. Han hates that Chewie thinks he owes him and is why he treats Chewie as an equal: because that's how he sees it. Deep down, Han was always a decent guy, but in a lawless galaxy, especially in the Outer Rim, nice guys finish last, hence the gruffness. He's world weary, seen a lot of bad things happen to good people, and at the point we meet him in A New Hope, he just wants to survive.
He *did* win the Falcon from Lando in a Sabaac game, though Lando hadn't bet the Falcon specifically. He had bet *one* of his ships from his Jay Leno garage, hoping Han would pick one of the sleek pleasure yachts, not the beat to shit old YT-1300 he was secretly suping up into a personal smuggling ship. Lando *had* put a lot of work into the Falcon to make her the fastest ship in the galaxy, and he was beyond passed when Han chose her, and why Lando always gave him shit.
The Kessel Run was always a measure of distance, as the entire length is dotted with black holes and other cosmic anomalies that make a straight shot impossible, most pilots opting the safer, more roundabout routes, giving all the hazards a wide berth. Han, being the slick amd daring pilot he is, was able to get closer than any other pilot, cutting his run down considerably in terms of overall distance. The spice mines of Kessel were, as the name might suggest, for spice, not hyperspace fuel. Lucas made a nod to Dune with spice, and is a drug. There are different kinds of spice, and there are different ways to process it for different purposes. Some medicinal and wholesome, mostly not. Think of it like the real world opium and morphine, though when refined its often a fine powder. Disney finally acknowledged this in the final season of Clone Wars, though for the purpose of Solo, they were probably trying to avoid having drugs in their family movie featuring violent death and slavery, as well as attempting to further legitimize the heresy that is the sequel trilogy. The original Kessel Run was done for Jabba, and when the Empire tried inspecting the Falcon, Han had to dump the entire load or risk arrest, leading to Han's debt in A New Hope.
There were other things adapted from the original material, but a lot of it was either bastardized, misunderstood, or otherwise Frankensteined into the movie we got. Which is a real shame, because the original Han Solo story could have been a trilogy all by itself and been a good one. Part Star Wars,, part Firefly, part Pirates of the Caribbean, it had so much potential that was utterly wasted. Thank the maker Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau are more or less in charge and Kathleen "Karen" Kennedy is seemingly on the outs as Mickey finally seems to understand that fans have been MUCH happier with Dave and Jon.
Spot on
I am just now starting to read the EU with Heir to the Empire and these things are really starting to click now. The way they tried to weave in EU lore into the movie. This comment summed it up PERFECTLY. It would've been such a good story if they would've followed the original material closer.
This deserves more likes
This deserves more likes and the movie we should have gotten, solo movie they didn't know which way they were going.
When they got to planet after the maw part for refining you can tell they just didn't know what to do bringing up half written subplot out of thin air and just gets worse.
Too many meaningless scenarios in the movie that were tatted on that made less sense as movie went on.
"due to his natural charm" would be a positive, not a negative. Now due to his bad attitude possibly, but he didn't have a bad attitude when young, he grew into that after seeing how life worked out for most, aka becoming jaded. So i dunno what you're on about.
I'm waiting breathlessly for "Watto: A Star Wars Story".
However, you can't purchase the tickets with your credit card...He needs something more real
I want a movie about the adventures of Lumpy, Chewbacca's son.
I want to know the backstory of the creature in the trash compactor.
And the giant sandworm on the asteroid that the Millenium Falcon flies into.
Who TF blood in the car with?
They should do a movie about the Pasaana Burning Man Festival.
Wicket W. Warrick: Ewok Pimp.
Since when Chewbacca is a maneater? Did they really firget that in Revenge of the Sith Chewbie was a war hero and a good guy? Ok?
But its okay for him to pluck and then roast the cute, little Porgs on the island? Porg lives matter! 😁 (pretty sure chewbacca doesn't want to eat human flesh,but when you're starving you will eat anything)
In case you forgot the overwhelming consensus heard from the fandom is "We hate the prequels" so Disney's LucasFilm is making sure they pretend like those don't exist...
No one watched that, …whatever you said.
@@savage1267 I did.
Chewbacca never said his name was Chewbacca. He said his name was [animal noises]. That's like if a Chinese guy told you his name was Chang Chao Chen and you somehow interpreted that as "Mike".
So how comes he is called Chewbacca by yoda in ep.III and also by other characters during Clone Wars?
Well, Han DOES speak Wookie, so he knew that he said "Chewbacca"
Jason Skywalker but if you met someone from japan and they said their name was taiyō you wouldn’t call them sun, would you? Same would go Chewbacca right? So shouldn’t han every time he addressed Chewbacca it should be with [Animal Noise]
*+total* That's different, since "Chewbacca" is a name of someone, and everything he says translates into human language, on top of the fact that he understands human language. If someone said that their name in Japanese "Naruto" I would call them Naruto. Wookies are different though. Any and everything they say must be translated over to an understandable language. simply put, Chewbacca can't literally say "Chewbacca" because it's impossible for him, so it makes sense for Han to say it for him, since that's what he is trying to say.
It's not valid to compare it to a Japanese person giving me a translatable name, since, so for all intents and purposes, Chewy could be considered an animal, at least in the way he talks. Also, could you imagine how ridiculous the trilogy would be if he had to do that, especially since its it necessary since he understands human language?
Jason Skywalker I guess that’s fair.
Also I just found the example “naruto” funny.
Two reasons not to allow droids in a bar: They take up the space of an actual consumer/customer, and second, who wants to waste time entertaining a robot.
"Just stop you creativity vampires!" lol, perfect description...
The Last Skywalker is the epitome of that statement. They dug up so many nostalgic people, places, and things that they wouldn't have been able to make a plot for a 10th episode, even if it was good.
Oddly enough, Darth Maul’s appearance in the film is the only part of this movie that actually sticks to the canon. It was honestly kinda nice to see the movie give a nod to the Clone Wars tv show.
I just keep telling myself, it's just fanfiction. It's all just fanfiction, and Legends is real canon.
Ultimately, Disney's canon doesn't mean anything when it abandons continuity.
@@RambleOn07 even when it abandons ITS OWN continuity. Good god.
That would explain the sexual robot looking for equal rights
Its not fanfiction because the writers arent fans
@@organfuneralcovers That's so painfully true, man.
So... Does this means that the real reason the falcon never worked well for Han was because she literally hated him? Does that means then that she works for Rey because “GUL POWAHHH?”
Senpai Ed Oh...My...God...
I will actually slam my head through my seat
Please, Please no... That actually sounds like a sub-plot in Shitney's 'writers room'. Ugghhh, my brain hurts, because I feel as though you're right. FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!
There's a great old prequel book trilogy called the Han Solo Adventures. Those stories were great. There was also a great villain that was a perfect foil for Solo. A badass gunslinger who can outdraw and outshoot Han.
It's been a very long time, but I would not be surprised if he was or at least part of the inspiration for Cad Bane.
"i didnt even think u could ruin the ship, but you found the way Disney" xDDDDD
So, if Han was given his surname Solo by a random imperial clerk how many Solos do you think are running around the galaxy! I doubt he was the first "I have no people" guy to show up at an imperial recruitment station. XD
Well Rey came from nowhere, so she should be called Rey..........Solo!
Don't know how Kylo Solo would feel about that.
@@opinionated_commenter or even Orange-girl Yoda Solo.
And Finn and all the other stormtroopers who were taken as children can also be Solos and are Rey's extended family.
@@opinionated_commenter yep, so many Solos.... :(
I heard Darth maul was in it, and when I was offered a free ticket, I only took it to see how they would add to mauls character.... I feel like they only placed him in the movie so they could get an extra couple thousand people, nothing more
Erm, you've proved the point... Disney puts stuff like Maul in the films precisely because of gullible tubes like yourself!
Well if nobody spoiled it then people wouldn’t know about it till the end. Also it makes sense for him to be in cahoots with the crimson dawn because in the clone wars he enlists their help with surging Mandalore
Pretty sure the only reason they added him was so Solo wasn't the only star wars movie without a lightsaber lmfao
@@lucasoheyze4597 very Diogenes of you.
And so they could sell toys.
When the rebel leader took her helmet off at the end there was so much drama in the camera work I assumed she was supposed to be Woody's & Thandie's daughter. I thought, of course, the big twist is that their arch nemesis from the beginning was their estranged daughter. But then they didn't say that & I was really confused. I was even like, why aren't they saying she's his daughter?! I was getting mad. Then I realized she wasn't meant to be, that there was no big reveal, the camera zoom & hold drama was for no actual reason & it made me even more mad lol.
Don't you understand? It's because she was a girl! It vrilliantly subverted your expectations right?
Okay so I'm not the only one confused by that camera work! I thought I missed a key scene for not recognizing her as important. Was it really all for "LOOK GIRL"?!
The handling of the Star Wars franchise has been such an unmitigated disaster it's basically a sick joke at this point. No wonder Harrison Ford wanted his character to die...
"He should've tried spinning, that would've been a good trick"
Find the Hyperfuel: A Starwars Story
Your name has special meaning with this movie.
Robin Thrush you’ve made my night all the more special
•WhereDidYouGohan • Episode IX - we found the fuel - end credits.
Don’t we have nuclear powered military ships today that can operate years before needing to be refueled? How is it possible that in a fictional world in the future in a galaxy far, far away can’t even match our own current technology in the real world?
Julio I will never understand it either
You get the best Mauler when he’s really disgusted with something. This may be my favorite.
Thank you for suffering through this film so I don’t have to
*Nostalgia critic theme plays*
Own opinions dont matther anymore I guess.
Was a decent film. Way better than TLJ. It was decent. Plus, they specifically satire SJW personalities thru L337.
Lord Inquisitor it was a good movie
.....watching a movie that may be bad isn t worth the price of admission. DON T BLAME PEOPLE IF THEY DON T WANT TO WATCH A FILM PAL.
L3's death was my favorite part of the movie as well.
Avery Hilbig definite catharsis
Seeing darth maul was the only part that made me smile and felt like a Star Wars film... smh🤦♂️🤦♂️ I HATE what Disney has done to Star Wars
When the only good things to result from new Star Wars Movies are the reviews tearing them to shreds. What a time to be alive.
To shreds you say?
*Moral of the Story:* Just read A.C. Crispin's Trilogy if you want a great story about Han's life before the Rebellion
it's so good honestly; a shame how it's not widely known. The intrigues between the Hutt clans, the coming together of Rebel Cells, Bria's private war against slavery, Han's experiences with Garris Shrike…
@@FHT1883And that's not mentioning how they basically used Bria's mission as the basis for Rogue One... This Trilogy gave Disney more than almost anything else in the EU. Ironic how none of it counts or exists and how KK started on a fresh slate, with no looking back or anything. All original content from Disney for sure.
Everyone's like: "GUYS, IT'S BETTER THAN LAST JEDI!!!!" and I'm like, yeah, it'd actually be more impressive to make a movie that's worse than Last Jedi than it is to make one that's better.
Thank you for watching this so we don't have to! I'm seeing many commenters saying that this movie is a 6-8/10, but I have a feeling it's worse, because A. Most people who saw it weren't turned off by Last Jedi so their opinions are unreliable. And B. People who saw it and did hate the Last Jedi had very low expectations, so the fact that this movie wasn't a complete dumpster fire like Last Jedi makes it look decent in comparison. Regardless, I'm a little too happy that the movie bombed and the SJWs are scrambling for excuses.
This is the first week, ones the Disney Damage Control Crew stop meddling with the score system, it would drop down eventually, because Disney is full in damage control.
Keyser94 Yeah, that makes sense. The one advantage they have at the moment is that most people who hated Last Jedi haven't seen Solyo, so they aren't reviewing it, so it makes sense that they'd be shilling hard for it to try to counteract the low ticket sales. I can't tell you how many times I've seen "I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised." It's like there's a shill comment generator that people just copy and paste from.
Steven Brule I'd recommend HelloGreedo or Red Letter Medias reviews. With every movie, they've given both proper and nuanced criticisms or praise as warranted. Despite popular opinions. And despite it being profitable to follow TH-cam Groupthink with "Reeeeeee. SJW Propaganda. Reeeeeee".
HelloGreedos review on Rogue One went against popular opinion of it being one of the better Disney Star Wars film. He's been a specific Star Wars only channel for years. Covering and reviewing all things Star Wars with a lot of nuance
Bully Hunter1000 Both of those were deeply Original Star Wars fans, so I think that is the reason why you are recommending them. And why you say that they have "nuanced criticisms or praise as warranted"? Red Letter Media now at days only goes were the wind flow and they cant even call themselves Original Star Wars fans because they don't have any principles whatsoever, and before they were only reactionary idiots that only give stupid bullshit and call them arguments, they are responsible for a twenty years war were the Original Star Wars fans bully and harassed everyone that didn't share their opinion, sure, now they try to reflect the blame, they are nothing more than hypocrites and cowards, at least HelloGreedo have matured, I not think that you agree with his opinions now at days. And wow, you are such stupid easy to manipulate idiot, Disney contradicted their own cannon, the prior lover of Han Solo or I should say his ex wife was a black woman, in the official comics made by Disney, casting Emilia Clarke to that role is no something that I would call SJW, but of course, what you would know, you are nothing more than a ignorant idiot.
I love how this movie and the Disney sequel trilogy put such emphasis on the dice. I grew up watching these movies on vhs on a screen about 18 inches big, I didn’t see the dice in the falcon until maybe like 20 years later on Blu-ray 🤣. It just makes me laugh because for the longest time I never even noticed the dice and then all the sudden they have such deep meaning and weight to them
I've owned 5 different versions of the OT (VHS, VHS Special Edition, DVD Special Edition, BluRay, and digital) and have watched them all repeatedly over and over for the last 30 years. I genuinely had no idea there was dice hanging in the Falcon until I watched this video. Like...wut???
Fizzpopper haha has all those except the digital copies. Actually had two dvd versions. The box set one and the individuals that came with laser disc scans of the ot with out any computer nonsense.
The dice can be seen in episode 4 and were referred to in original Marvel comics run. Issue 81. 1983
They were only in the first Star Wars movie. Set designers (or anybody else) didn't put them in the cockpit for Esb or Rotj because... Well because they were not important and barely visible in a few shots. Those dices are just a new way for Disney to sell merchandise.
@@-Zakhiel- I actually wasn't sure if they were in Empire or Jedi. I couldn't remember seeing them. Just episode 4 and the comic I mentioned. In that comic he says they are sabbacc dice that he won ship with.
But ild Marvel wasn't canon even back then lol.
Every time he uses Luke Skywalker saying "go aWAY" -> Instant giggle. He's so masterful at using that clip
Hello there.
r2d2 was screaming in cursing the whole time about equal rights, it was all bleeped out though
Tiamat Veldrin
Make sense
Feels like the end of a relationship, where you don’t hate them, you just don’t care..
Mike C This. Sadly, this.
+Mike C
Wow, you summed up this casual fan's feelings in a single sentence. O_O
Now dramatized:
Give it one minute, and the analogy will become clear.
That guys better at PoMo than Ruin Johnson.
I'm so done with Disney Wars that even the thought of pirating their movies feels like I'm being ripped off.
I hear ya. i'll never get the two hours i spent watching the rise of skywalker back
The radio demon has spoken
Disney can now fuck themselves
Just want to say best comment ever xD 👍
I need that bandwidth for more important things. Like pirating porn.
I feel ya
gotta say, the fact that you rightly point out that he didnt need to speak in wookie because chewbacca already understands english, was perfect. It's amazing to me how these little details seem to slip the minds of TEAMS of people, yet you are able to dissect these things as just one man. cheers
I watched The Force Awakens, and then decided that Disney isn't canon and the story ended when the Emperor died.
Thankfully, you make it interesting enough, that I can find out how bad the other movies actually are, without having to subject myself to watching them.
You are wise beyond your years.
"When the emperor died"
Poor choice of words...
@@Jacob-ge1py "...and then decided that Disney isn't canon."
@@Jacob-ge1py stupid
If you ask me TFA isnt that bad but TLJ and ROS are a disgrace
"And the audience wonders whether there was a funeral for comedy before this film began" Majestic sir
"Cause I'm So Low, Cause I'mSo Low, so low, so looow" - Disney Star Wars
When Disney announced Solo... I honestly thought it was going to be a CGI animated movie with Harrison Ford voice acting. Sadly I was wrong
I always struggle with people talking about how great the millennium falcon is when it's established in the setting to be "a piece of junk" with a barely functioning light speed that needs constant repairs. It's han solo, Chewbacca and lando who make the ship look good by exploiting its design. By fitting through narrow passages tie fighters cant fit or taking risks such as flying into an asteroid field or feigning a kamikaze on the imperial control room. The ship itself isn't good, it's not some sci fi equivalent of a sports car. It's not good because it's the fastest in the galaxy or it's got the best map system in the universe.
It's more like the mini cooper from the first jason bourne film. The car itself is pretty shoddy but it's unconventional size allows bourne to exploit that against his pursuers by driving down narrow alleyways they can't fit down and going up or down flights of stairs without ripping the car in half because it's such a thin, short car and the technically superior cars cant follow him.
They could not have missed that more with this films depiction.
Han made some "special modifications himself", it IS the fastest "hunk of junk in the galaxy".
While I think you bring a valid point. GamerZapocalypse has a point as well. You can outfit that mini enough to smoke a lambo in 1/4 mile. But it still has the advantages of an unorthodox frame.
The writers have no idea of such things. Those things are all mansplaynig. And the writers are all woke women and a couple of soy boys.
@@zoompt-lm5xw oh my god don't be so sexist, man!(see, man is an insult). PS:irony intended.
The Falcon is supposed to be a hot-rod (or more accurately a "rat-rod"), a cheap junker that has been turned into something impressive by jamming as much raw power into it as possible. It has reliability problems because it is a bunch of components that have been stitched together in ways that they were not designed for, all for the sake of squeezing out a bit more performance. George Lucas was deep into hot-rod culture, as his film "American Graffiti" demonstrates, and the Falcon is a reflection of that idea (indeed I think that a proper interpretation of a young Han Solo would be closer to the John Milner character from that film than anything else).
We get this droid when we could have had something like HK-47. Smh
Disney would turn HK-47 into an transorganic pacifist.
RambleOn07 LMAO
idk who that is. comics i’m assuming?
matt mosk he’s the assassination droid from the knights of the old republic games
Honestly one of the best characters in a game stone cold sinister but in a humourous way his dialog really did make me chuckle
Oh shit, Mauler is #9 on trending right now, nice!
Hopefully his subs explode. We need more logic driven critique of shit because there's an imbalance in favor of shit eaters
Which country?
I'm not sure his "unbridled rage" series is the best place for logic-driven critique, even if it is a far throw more logical than most other videos on YT.
terracannon876 Well his 3 part critique on TLJ would fit the bill.
Not part of the series, but I love that series :D The points he brings up aside, I can't imagine the amount of dedication.
16:02 The amount of emotion in Mauler’s delivery of that “WELL” conveys more passion through pure exasperation than Donald Glover could muster in the entire film.
Han: "I don't even know your name"
Chewbacca: (guttural animal sound)
Han: Chewbacca, huh? Well, come on Chewie, let's go.
There, fixed.
What? The frak?
Yeah, exactly what I said.. sort of.
Pretty sure Galen Marek started the rebellion under direct orders from Darth Vader in order to bring the last remaining Jedi together and kill them...
Screw you Disney.
@@James_Bee if only. Disney canon. Force Unleashed isn't canon anymore.
sorry, you didn't appeal to my prior knowledge of star wars and let me fill in the gap for myself, making the journey of discovery extra especial, and giving me the illusion that the film was made for me, just me.
I love the idea that the name "chew baka" is hard to pronounce.
Hey, know what would've been neat? If instead of those OC-plz-dont-steal motorcycle mandalorians being secret good guys that save the day in the end, why not have the Empire serve a similar role? When Vision was introduced, he was murdering an Imperial governor. Why wouldn't the Empire react to that, even if just out of principle? They're a brutal military dictatorship that relatively-recently finished fighting a war on a galactic scale, and they didn't start demilitarizing after the Separatists were dealt with.
Wouldn't it have been interesting to find out that Vision had actually overestimated his power and influence, and the Empire decided that killing one of their governors unprovoked was as good a reason as any to make an example of him and his crime syndicate? They've got an arrangement with the Hutts, I imagine that'd make them even more likely to take opportunities to make examples of punks like Vision as a warning to other crime syndicates.
So when Han and Chewie escape in the chaos, it further drives the idea into Han that the Empire has the final word in any conflict in the galaxy, and the best thing you can do for your long-term survival is get the hell out of the way when you see their boot coming down. And what we DON'T have is Han being presented the chance to join a plucky group of rebels only to declare that nice guys finish last.
This. The OT Empire would have curb-stomped Vision's little "crime syndicate" into the dirt after that happened.
The end of the movie should have been a task force of Star Destroyers showing up to crash the party and flex on the syndicate.
Kind of amazing, and sad, when some random shmuck in the comments section of a TH-cam video can write a better plot to a Star Wars movie than a team of overpaid Hollywood professional writers.
No disrespect to the shmuck, of course.
I've not seen the movie, nor will I see any movie ever again with the words "star" and "wars" thrown together on the cover, but the fact this movie is by design supposed to explain the origins of a crucially influential character and fails to do so really makes me want to take a crack at seeing if I couldn't conceptualize something better OUT OF MY ASS WITH NO RESEARCH ON LORE. So here I go:
Start the movie off with an extraordinarily young Han Solo growing up in an area of space that isn't so heavily controlled by the Empire. The strongest presence there is that there's some minor thing the Empire has desire for (but not _need_ of) and they transfer galactic supplies to this planet which is otherwise pretty desolate and difficultly inhabitable. Say the desired mcguffin is a spice or plant that literally coats the entire world, it's so invasive it's nearly impossible to grow anything else and that fucks up the ecology which stair steps down to all other functions of the world. The empire is only mildly invested in this resource and thus delivers just enough supplies to ensure the only comfortable thing you can do on the planet is perform the job of dealing in the mcguffin. Growing, harvesting, refining, shipping, and selling the spice off to the empire for the rest of the galaxy to enjoy as they spread it around is this planet's entire schtick which most of the peoples' lives revolve around.
Han Solo knows there must be more to the Galaxy and discovers there are luxuries that come from subverting the empire in the form of smuggling supplies onto planet. Empire isn't thrilled about the smuggling but it has the benefit of creating a second level of control on the planet, classism, which fuels capitalism and that's what the empire needs to get spice. Corrupt government which performs illegal trade collects spice from people, give to the empire, empire give livable supplies in return, luxury goods are smuggled in for the powerful among populace, and the powerful among populace ensures livable supplies are distributed to the most spice collecting workers thus encouraging all to be bountiful in spice production. (Funny enough, I just realized I perhaps chose spice as a currency under some subconscious influence from Dune.) Han Solo decides to join a luxury smuggling crew aboard the Falcon, all is well for quite a while through the better part of his formative years. Then, the *one* smuggling run the Falcon is carrying livable goods (insert his first ever fan-service required "I've a bad feeling about this") empire catches them, the crew is sacked unlike usual because they were livable goods instead of the usual luxury which only the empire can control to create the power chain, Han Solo makes his first clever, daring escape abandoning his crew and home planet. This teaches him not to do good if it will endanger you and never stay in one place too long. He obtains the Falcon and finally has the means to get out there and explore the Galaxy per his free will- *_SOLO._*
After a short time he winds up in Cloud City being employed by Lando as a... "transporter more so smuggler" as he puts it. If the Falcon being Lando's ship originally is canon, swap previously mentioned with some junker and here's where Han gets the Falcon. My perception of the Solo movie is they made Han and Lando to be friends but I always felt in the original movies they probably knew each other in a more amicably business-toned relationship. Lando's work causes Han to cross paths with crime syndicate which leads to original commenter's plot of empire flamboyantly CRUSHING it and Han learning a previously missed lesson that the Empire is not to be fucked with in any major way. Han obtains a connection to Lando, possibly the Falcon, and another character developing lesson.
The events with the empire and syndicate fresh in mind Han thinks it best to lay low for a while. He needs to move from this job anyways, now definitely, and maybe broaden his skill set in case of any further fleshy, in-person conflicts. Lando suggests if it's combative skills Han's seeking, there are no fiercer warriors than the Wookies. Han goes, meets the young Chewb-ster who's in the military (don't really know where Han is when Chewbacca is supposed to be working with Yoda in the prequels also assuming him working with Yoda places him in a high rank of the military) and it's arranged that if Chew is going to rise to a higher leadership role in the military, he needs to be tested on his training abilities, perfect and convenient excuse for him to show them right now on this weak squishy -human.- Han trains, hilarity ensues as Chew beats his ass while also bonding with him. Han has troubles with the bigger, bulkier blasters (like the bolt caster which he supposedly never fired until ep 7 but those movies can be considered canon IF THEY'RE BETTER THAN THE *FUCKING **_PREQUELS!_* So fuck that idea, retcon motherfuckers!) and hand picks a sleeker one which he finds he can unholster faster and more conspicuously. Maybe the previous crew from way back when turns up and tries to kill Han for making off with the ship and Chewie saves him at the same time Han shows he's had improvement in his combat prowess. Maybe one of the guys tries shooting Han first while he's mid sentence because a sprinkle of fan service is inevitable when trying to quench fiery hatred from your fanbase. Han bonds with Chewie, gains gun proficiency as well as his signature weapon, and Han learns... to shoot... first?
This comment got longer than I expected for something I'm literally making up on the fly so I'm ending it here... Maybe a lesson the writers should have figured out halfway through the script of episode 7.
Maybe it's a good thing they don't want to make movies about the Old Republic. I'd hate to see them butcher Revan.
OT remake by Rian Johnson
Yeah, Darth Revan as a BDSM transsexual fan. I'd pay real money for that.
Butchering Revan would be a absolute blasphemy.
Jane Shepard oh, they will. they will indeed.
Looking forward to the future transgender disabled Muslim version of Revan.
And by "looking forward" I mean "screaming internally"
Just with the fact they uncanoned Revan, the probably best written and the character with the greatest potential, along with the rest of the EU they really showed how dumb they are. At least the EU is safe from this morons
53:09 "You were desperate to SAP the living hell out of OT sequel trilogy and now you creating Sol Movies to individual characters as well?"
Pans to Boba Fett with a nod
Dude, how did you predict that (The Book of Boba Fett) so perfectly? !!!!!!
"I didnt think you could ruin a ship, but you found a way Disney!" - priceless!
What a shame.
A great read from George Lucas’s EU this the Millennium Falcon. Way better than this sh!t
What a shame.
A great read from George Lucas’s EU this the Millennium Falcon. Way better than this sh!t
I'm looking forward to the Sebulba feature film.
I want to know why he shouts "fodder" when he loses.
I am betting everything on Sebulba!
Yes! I'm DYING to know why dugs evolved to walk the way they do (I assume all dugs walk that way and that Sebulba isn't just disabled or something).
I want solo film for darth vader... ''s assistant droid
I wouldn't want to see any creative ideas with Disney running the show. I know they'll somehow ruin the plot with "dug lives matter" or some childish idea.
Wtf ?!? I taught solo was an Imperial navy officer that quit the Empire when he saw how they treated the wookies like slaves on Kashyyyk and that's how he met Chewbacca ! But i guess Disney threw away the Lucas version of the story !
They decided to recycle that idea for Finn in TFA.. sad
antoqc ... actually, i don't think Solo was ever on Kashyyk before he was dishonorably discharged from the Academy... And he did start as part of an underground operation that lead to him leaving Corellia. But you're partly right, that meeting Chewy was the final event that lead to him and the Empire being "separated" ( which, tho, pretty much happened in the movie too ;-) )
oh you mean the fanfic version that George Lucas completely disowned and said it wasn't part of his story?
#Legendsbutthurt alert
The Ridiculous Otaku@ It wasn't only in legend, it was in many Lucas Arts video games and in many novels... The first time i heard about it was in Star was Galaxy the first MMORPG of Star Wars(made around 2004-05) and in some Star Wars N64 games. But i guess kids that know nothing of star wars and are complete morons can say whatever they want !
i played all those games and those games fall under the legends banner my dude.
:^) besides i proably know more about star wars than you
I love Han as a character, the original trilogy being a big part of my childhood. Hell, I even had a toy blaster like his.
That being said, I refuse to acknowledge this film has anything to do with Han from the original trilogy. I think of it more like a fever dream some random stormtrooper had after seeing Han run away screaming in the first death star.
It makes this nonsense bearable.
Thank you, MauLer; your critical analysis videos has done the impossible: *_Make Modern Star Wars Intellectually Entertaining_*