GALAXY GRUDGE MATCH BONUS.1 - 5th Anniversary Special

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 73

  • @StormyStars64
    @StormyStars64 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Everyone but Cartman

    • @flower-hope-galaxy3866
      @flower-hope-galaxy3866 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I agree, each of the other host has a chance to change their ideas if they lost. (Also, I believe that they would be more willing to accept a loss, if it’s just all for fun and games. But also a bit of honey) in comparison to Cartman, which is an out right evil bitch. He’s probably not going to accept a loss at any moment, and he will probably use almost any method to try to win.

    • @megax-lf3bn
      @megax-lf3bn ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You right

  • @narrowlyavoid
    @narrowlyavoid ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hey all! Narrow-io triangle here to argue for the one and only Donald Duck!
    I think one of the coolest things about GGM is getting to interact with the hosts between episodes, whether it’s through the Discord or the Comment Section. Donald, being an icon who’s been around for years with plentiful stories to share, would be fun to hang around. We might not understand what he’s saying but the Duck can definitely write okay. And Donald usually playing the role of the straight man in stories can lead to fun interactions and people genuinely like having Donald around.Y’know characters like Sora, his nephews, other Disney characters, despite his obvious speech impediment. And compared to the other characters, he’s easily the one most want to hang around with.
    No sane person wants to be around Cartman, he will probably call fans slurs and cause people to leave the Discord server or pull out of the Patreon. Ryu is the least offensive but he’s also the least interesting to talk to. He’ll only ever want to talk about fighting and nothing else. I mean, I can’t talk about Genshin Impact with Ryu so what’s the point! Cuphead gets on people’s nerves really easily, as seen in the Cuphead show, and the only person who really likes having him around is his brother. So seeing Cuphead doing his wacky antics on the server might get tiring everyday.
    And I don’t see having a bad temper is a bad thing. If he loses a debate that’ll probably lead to a le epic reaction moment of him freaking out, and be worth rewatching over and over.
    So that’s why I think Duckman would be a pussytastic host for GGM!

  • @FintanMajora
    @FintanMajora ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is oddly tricky, but im gonna side with Ducko here and say Donald Duck will make the best host here.
    Ducko has already mentioned everything in Donalds Favor, his experience, notoriety, fame, kindness (when not angry) loyalty, adaptability, etc. But allow me to add to some of this. Donald isnt only limited to Disney Media, yeah we have only seen him really interact with disney owned media (which is ALOT btw) but what's stopping him from breaking those shackles on the team and learning? Also his rage is less of a problem then you all think. Whenever donald gets angry, it's mostly of something causing massive inconveniences and it's either self-inflicted (aka the episode ends with him biting the dust) or it's "Donald Duck Torture" which can go either way, mostly in his favor. Otherwise you do see him being happy mostly, The Mickey Mouse Club House is a good example, so while he may get a bit upset when losing a debate, as long as you being his friends arent planting mouse traps under him, it's gonna be annoyance at worse. His voice while difficult to understand usually is also a benefit and not as much as a problem. Everyone knows and loves the voice, it's been tolerated for generations, who's to say it wont anymore? It only becomes impossible to understand when he is losing his temper, but that's all. Realistically he has a perfect balance of quirks and flaws.
    Ryu is my second pick, but due to YT being weird, it isnt letting me post my ryu side :(
    Cuphead being super immature but passionate fits half of you guys, but he definitely has critical flaws here too. His ego probably will become a hinderance and his cockiness will probably be hard to manage too. His knowledge in modern media will be lacklustered too, so he has a giagantic learning curve. His biggest problem is his childish nature. If he isnt interested in something, he will never try to be invested. He is sort of in his own world with what HE likes, and doesnt bother to try anything new (although his enthusiasm makes up for it). Him being a child just adds to all this. Aside from that, he is definitely a fun character, great to hang around with and will bring eyes one way or another, but he has several obstables here and there. im sorry max but no matter the skills he has, no matter what he knows, and no matter the qualifications, nobody is rooting for him. It's all because everyone just DESPISES him. If he got on the channel, everyone will recognize his name, his voice, everyone will know what kind of person he is. Even if it isnt shown on camera, we all know the shit he will say behind the scenes. How will he treat people on the Discord Server? Like ass, that's the answer. The biggest factor here is you guys actually. Do you all really wanna be in the same room as Cartman? Do you all have the willpower and patience to deal with him? Max, even if you like him, if he starts slandering everyone in cruel ways, would you put up with it? Realistically nobody would, so with him, it isnt about the channel, it's about you guys. You all are such a strong friend group, loyal to one another with nigh-unbreakable bonds, why nigh? Because Cartman can easily ruin that.
    You all went into several factors here, but you guys are THE BIGGEST factor here. I went in order from best to worse, and i have merits as to why Donald will succeed the best

  • @SamuelDoherty
    @SamuelDoherty ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Donald is ideally the best option
    Cartman is the realistic best option
    Ryu is probably the safest option
    Cup head is the most interesting option

  • @AquaStudiosYT
    @AquaStudiosYT ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I feel like this is going to be hard job for each contestant, however after thinking i think Ryu has the best chances here.
    Ryu over the course of the Street Fighter franchise has spent his time searching for his own inner strength, and debating on GGM would be a new but fun challenge, where he can help not only himself but others increase their strength in the form of debate.
    He’s fought so many other characters throughout canon and non canon, he if anyone can understand other peoples strengths and weaknesses. and that allows for him to be quite knowledgeable on whoever he wants to debate for and against.
    Donald and Cartman throw tantrums whenever they are on the backfoot and the latter is an outright evil individual who would barely do any of the work needed unless it benefitted him in some way.
    Cuphead is the only one here i could see pose a threat, especially with his showmanship. However that’s not the essentials needed to win a debate, even with Luck on his side some of the time.
    This is gonna be a hard fight for the Street Fighter but he’s rose to the challenge before and this sure as hell won’t stop him this time.

  • @pokebound6611
    @pokebound6611 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I believe Donald is the best chance here. Like Ducko said, he has experience with performing for people and has worked well with others, while also being sly and fun enough to engage in some playful banter. He has the most positives out of anyone. Ryu may have been in more crossovers, but I'm pretty sure most of them are not canon. Plus, he doesn't really do these computer stuff, and he probably wouldn't see discussing topics like whether Sheldon Cooper could be the best at pixels or if Eggman can steal the Krabby Patty secret formula as a good use of time.
    Cartman may be good at debating and public speaking, but you also have to remember that South Park is a town filled with idiots, so saying he can convince people to do what he says really isn't saying much. Plus, Eric may be able to filter himself on video, but he won't do so during actual planning. Another factor is whether he would work well with everyone. Eric is so spoiled that he wants things to go his way 100% of the time, which would just be an annoyance to everyone. We can see how Stan, Kyle, and Kenny don't really like him and find him annoying as well. He would be a nightmare to work with.
    Finally, there is Cuphead. He is too immature and hyperactive to really work with, to the point where I see him getting bored during research and just putting it off to play with marbles or blow something up. Plus, he is pretty gullible and isn't too smart to begin with.
    Donald has experience on his side and can work well with other people while standing up for himself and even having fun. While Donald is known for losing his cool, it honestly takes a lot to push him to the point where he explodes and goes crazy. Just arguing about who wins in different scenarios at best makes him frustrated, or at worst, he may say a bunch of random noises. This is in comparison to Cartman, who would probably cuss everyone out at best or, at worst, do something malicious to everyone. Donald is a safer bet. The only problem he has is the way he talks, but it isn't all that bad as people make it out to be at times. You can understand what he's saying for the most part, if you're not too distracted at least.

  • @ImpressionWorks1
    @ImpressionWorks1 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    So This was very hard to decide who wins but after some thinking I think Ryu has the best change here but first here are the placements
    4th - Eric Cartman - So Eric is here because he's been shown to be pure evil, while yes he has his moments of justice but more times then not he's been shown to attempt to kill people on several occasions and most depictions of non South Park characters are not accurate.
    3rd - Cuphead - While not pure evil Cuphead has been shown to sabotage activities if he's board and what if he's getting board of Galaxy Grudge Match then he will try to sabotage the show, he's also lazy, cocky and inpatient and are you sure you want to hire the guy who gambled on his life with the devil over winning some money
    2nd - Donald Duck - Now I do think Donald would succeed he does have some problems mainly his anger and cheating, now I don't think Galaxy Video would try to screw him over but he would probably get fired for his cheating because he has sometimes cheated before, his anger issues won't help at if he gets angry (Unless Galaxy Video helps him out with his problems) and something can and will somehow have something go wrong for him
    1st - Ryu - while I know he isn't in to technology and only fighting and won't know what he's doing but I think he has the best chance first off if Galaxy Video helps him figure out what he's doing then he will have a easy time working on Galaxy Grudge Match, two he's claim and wise and three he would be the most determined to do it and can help out the show unlike the others who will have problems running the show like sabotaging, lazyness and no patience
    So I think overall Ryu has the best change to succeed and easily get heird (But I do think Donald could also succeed but not as good as Ryu)

  • @mattiismouse1086
    @mattiismouse1086 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I think cuphead will be taking this. He's not racist and evil like cartman, he's not annoying and hard to understand like Donald, and not as disinterested in anything other than fighting like Ryu. And most of all I think he would get along with the rest of the ggm cast and community the most. Ryu would be busy being either simped or hated on, Cartman would be too rude, and Donald is a boomer and so the young hip kids wouldn't get along with him. Plus im sure Cuphead would enjoy watching new shows on a cool futuristic telovision. I think cuphead had this

  • @rhymetimetown4804
    @rhymetimetown4804 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was going to write this big comment about all the characters and who I thought would win. But I'm way to lazy right now so for now I'm just gonna write my overall thoughts.
    4. Cartman - Yeah no.
    3. Cuphead - He's literally a kid and his more energetic personality might come off as more annoying than cute.
    2. Ryu - Once he finds out about the feet jokes someone will end up dead.
    1. Donald - Honestly his temper wouldn't be that much of a problem because he knows when to control it (Kingdom Hearts for example) and he's also really smart so he can be very good at debating.
    Anyways HAPPY 5th ANNIVERSARY GUYS 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @DoctorHippo
    @DoctorHippo ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Lovely 5th anniversary y’all
    As for who I have winning…
    I lean Cartman just a bit (very popular opinion I know)
    Crass and rude may be an understatement for him, but I do genuinely believe he has the skills in what it takes to be a GGM debater and come out on top. As Max said with everything involving his experience debating, editing, and pop culture knowledge all coming into play, while also being able to put on a nicer face when push comes to shove.
    These may not sound like that huge points in Cartman’s favor, but compared to his competitors… they really don’t have much going on with those qualities?
    I have no doubts that at some point they could learn things like editing, debating strategies, etc. but they wouldn’t have what Cartman (Fartman ha) would have at the moment of arrival.
    Throwing a debate about say Lincoln Loud vs Corrin towards these 4, only Cartman would be able to start off the bat with just a simple explanation of the show which could be explained by watching some of the greatest past episode like Teacher Royale, Cookie Monster Pac Man, Stretch Roya-
    You get the idea.
    Cartman probably isn’t winning but I think it would be funny so uh yeah 👍

  • @Im_here_too4089
    @Im_here_too4089 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’m not a regular commenter, just a viewer, but this matchup I feel warrants interaction. Fan engagement will likely be a deciding factor after all. Sorry for the novel but I feel as if I should bring up what I consider to be important points before going into my ranking. Feel free to skip over whatever ends up being irrelevant.
    First of all, I’ll say that I don’t think entering other media to directly speak to characters would work in the long run. These debates are just that, and finding an objectively correct answer would end up defeating the point of the show. Gaining a few insights into a character's thought process could help, but finding this info at all could prove somewhat difficult. If I was asked how I would go about running a gym with no prep time or real world incentive to do so, I likely wouldn’t be able to give any useful answers. Likewise, the Cookie Monster would likely just give the answer of “Me can eat cookies now, no exercise needed.” Most other scenarios and characters would probably give similar answers.
    Second thing second, making the videos. I don’t doubt all of these characters would be capable of learning to edit at some point, and even then it isn’t compulsory. And I don’t doubt all of them could manage other behind-the-scenes things, except one which I’ll get to later. I also believe all of them (with the possible exception of Ryu) have a list of characters or scenarios they would be very passionate about. The only other things related to this point I feel I should bring up are Donald‘s voice and Cartman possibly jumping ship. Donald’s voice is something that has workarounds, but those workarounds are also necessary. In Multiverse Match, it was shown that Donald did need subtitles to be understood, and while I’m sure people would still enjoy seeing his debates, that is still something that must be considered. A lot of people can’t understand his regular voice, and the Don Cheadle voice is something else that would have to be brought in from the fictional universe he originated from. These are small problems, but problems nonetheless.
    As for Cartman, creating his own TH-cam channel in the real world would prove rather difficult, since if the creators of South Park found out about it, they would likely shut him down. Even without that, starting your own TH-cam channel is very different from helping to create a pre-existing one. I can speak from limited experience here, and starting and growing a channel could prove rather difficult since content you like may not necessarily generate views ( my channel is doing great by the way.) You could also say the fact his own TH-cam channel was successful was mainly due to the writers needing him to succeed for the plot to happen.
    The final extra-point I feel I should bring up is the characters ability to actually get on with any other people. GGM wouldn’t work with only one person, except for the April fools where it did. What makes the show is the people debating each point, such as going on tangents about ultimately irrelevant points like with Pacman in Moss versus Sheldon. Neither of them would score anything, but the debaters still discussed it at length simply because they care about these characters (and also pixels). This could Segway rather nicely into the audience and how they would react to all of this. People aren’t just here to see characters they like. For examples, I’ll bring up Assassination classroom and Angels of death. My only previous experience with either series was Korosensei in versus and a let’s play I saw of Angels of death. After seeing the teacher Royale, I binged assassination classroom, and later it became the first manga series I fully collected. That was mostly thanks to the passion Ribbit had when describing the character and series. Angels of death had a head start, but still ended up being the episode I derived the most enjoyment from afterwards(for unironic reasons, I should specify). Seeing the match finally gave me the push to watch the anime( hadn’t seen it previously, was worried what my parents would think of the Japanese cartoons). Afterwards, I rewatched some let’s plays, played the game for myself and checked out the manga, with the series fully cementing itself as one of my hyperfixations. Passion is probably one of the biggest deciding factors in this ranking, and speaking of which…
    Last place I feel would be Eric Cartman. I have never debated for this show, and likely never will, but can any of you honestly tell me you would gladly spend time with him making a project. Even if he could edit his own segments together, he’d probably be a nightmare to try and get along with. As well as that, just bringing him into the real world is probably deserving of some sort of punishment.
    Third, I would have to give to Ryu, mostly for the injoke surrounding him. You probably wouldn’t be able to hide it from him for long, and even then I don’t see this being the way he would go about spreading good messages. His only real interest is fighting and any scenarios or characters outside of that would likely not interest him very much.
    Second is Donald, his bad luck would lead to some difficulties, and his voice is something many people struggle to understand. I don’t want to say a debate with subtitles or text to speech wouldn’t work, I’m sure anyone who didn’t want to share their voice would be a fine debater. But it is still a risk.
    Finally, we have Cuphead. He is, I feel, the only debater here who will have no problems. He would most likely get very fired up when it comes to what he’s passionate about. I can also see him having good show energy and keeping the audience engaged. His ability to edit together his own segments and experience new media is just a bonus. Plus, remember what I said earlier about debaters giving the viewers a newfound interest in what is being discussed. With Cuphead’s adaptability, I see him quickly learning about any shows, movies or games that interest him.
    I finished this at about 10 at night, sorry for any errors. For now, goodbye.

  • @TheDudeontheTube
    @TheDudeontheTube ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Wow! 5 years of Galaxy Grudge Match, it's hard to believe this show has been going on for that long. And for that anniversary, you guys sure did choose a very close debate for the occasion. But in the end, I ultimately ended up going with Cuphead for this one.
    While Cartman is the most technologically advanced and most experienced in debating and pop culture, he is still a very immature and bratty kid, and would have a meltdown if he lost an episode. He's well aware of cancel culture and what it could do to his career, but those people are very aware of what Cartman has done throughout the many seasons of his home show, and would immediately want him off the show. After that, he would just be like "Screw you guys, I'm going home" and leave after one episode. Also considering how Disney is portrayed in his home show, he'd have some beef with Donald.
    Speaking of Donald, while he's more calm than Cartman, and has a lot of people in Disney's library to debate for, I think his temper and his hard to understand duck voice will really hold him back. I think he might quit after a while if the losses start to get to him. He can get around these problems by trying to keep it cool during the debate and use the Don Cheadle voice changer, I don't he'll be able to keep it up for too long and it will eventually start to get to him, on top of Don Cheadle himself being a meme among the group.
    Ryu, another meme amongst this channel, has met many people during his many crossovers he could debate for, and could see this as another training opportunity, the problem is, he's the least experienced in debating and would rather fight out his problems then talk them out, because as he once said "Talk is cheap". While he can take a loss that well, I think his disinterest in debating as well as his lack of experience with the internet will really hold him back here.
    Cuphead has a lot of things going for him, in fact, he shares a lot of the strengths that the others have. He's got the patience of Ryu, the technologically advanced mind of Cartman, and the upbeat attitude of Donald while not being as aware of pop culture as the other 3. I also think his extreme adaptability could help him understand how the show works and get the hang of it, as well as taking the losses really well and being a good sport.
    So I think Cuphead has what it takes to become a host of this show.

  • @malforeskirmish5925
    @malforeskirmish5925 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’m definitely very late to this but I’m gonna post a hopefully big comment since I do love this show and it’s one of my favourite vs shows out there so here’s my debate
    Last place would easily go to cartman I am very much aware he has a good number of advantages but his attitude would not be good and downright irritating to deal with I feel like he’d not do well if he’s told that he won’t win and I don’t just mean by the other hosts as I feel like he could rage with the comments going against him plus max commented that cartman would probably behave himself if he cares but would he a good number of stuff being used would likely be stuff he wouldn’t care for like I doubt he’d care for Casper or garnet and the less said about him being uncensored
    Third is ryu yes he could know a good bit about most characters and would be the most mature but his biggest flaw is simply how boring he would be one thing I’ve learned is that regardless of how good the content you watch is it mostly matters on who makes it not just weather those people are really bad but also how entertaining they’d be and i really donbt he’d actually be entertaining I mean ribbit larry adam ect are all fun with how genuinely entertaining and fun they are while ryu feels like he’d be a boring host to listen to plus he’d not be able to have much banter given his personality and his voice alone would be rather boring
    Second would go to cuphead I think he’d do well tho the reason he’s not at the top is simply because he’s not as well rounded as Donald but regardless I while I think he’d do well and his attitude would be good but his maturity would keep him below the others I mean he’s just a kid and unlike everyone else here he hasn’t had experience with more mature stuff I doubt he’d be fine with talking about characters like pennywise or Freddy and while he would have some good help from his friends Donald simply has better people who can help
    And at first is ducko yep I’m not letting ducko get last place or second to last again plus ribbit has won all his battle royals so time for some action as for why I think Donald wins I just find him to have the best advantages and the least bad disadvantages he’d do well with editing and video making thanks to stuff like the comics and knows a good number of series with his many crossovers plus he’d probably be the most entertaining aside from maybe cuphead yes he does have flaws but all of them aren’t major yes he is hard to listen to at times but if kids can casually watch his old cartoons or some of the pre school shows I’m sure he’d do fine yes his anger issues and back luck would be rather hard to deal with but he has shown to not always be angry and could at least not get as mad as cartman would so ultimately I believe Donald would do the best here as he’s the only one here who lacks major disadvantages and has enough advantages to do the best gonna hope that ducko can finally win a battle Royale and end rob it’s large win steak with these royals

  • @MarioLuigiFan50
    @MarioLuigiFan50 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don’t have much to add here so i’ll just say what I think the placements will be based on what was said in the video
    4th. Ryu, enough was said on how he wouldn’t know too much on how to debate nor use tech for the show.
    3rd. Cartman, do I need to say anything else?
    2nd. this was a tough choice since both Cuphead and Donald seem to be skilled enough to help on some parts of the show but who wants to hear the voice of Donald Duck anyway, also something something Disney copyright.
    1st. Cuphead, i’m not going to try to repeat what was said so i’ll just say this… a character being from an older time period doesn’t take out their chance at winning.
    (I’ve only recently found out about this series but it’s amazing how it’s been on a run for 5 years I wish the best for everyone who continues to do stuff for this amazing show.)

  • @rpmblack7892
    @rpmblack7892 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Happy 5th anniversaries ggm.
    While the stretch royale is really good and is one of the best things youve ever created this is. Anyways im probably following the duck train and saying that the order would go CartMan, Ryu, Cuphead, and finally Donald at #1. Ducko already mentioned that Donald has DECADES of expierence in the film industry with Mickey and the rest of the gang. If we are taking Roger Rabbit logic then Donald is a very talented and he can be the only guest I can see really benefitting the channel, Ryu is a popular character sure and Cartman is the face of one of the most popular adult animated shows, And Cuphead would be hella fun to hear. Donald is literally in the industry of the Disney Animation and MORE, sure it would be more limiting but why not make Donald a more special occasion Toon to be on the show. I also do not think he would really get that angry.. from what I remember he really gets angered for more important stuff than just a (no offense) more presentable internet debate. Ryu is good and a nice guy to talk to but I dont really think he would put that much effort into this. and CartMan don't even let me start with him, bro has literally done acts of terroism and murder. If he was real you think people would like him when they saw his full self? Sure people would have a hard time BELIEVING you but I feel like it would be pretty easy to prove it (just like film them or get them on a live call not hard). As for cuphead I actually think he would do great but not the best as he has limited showmanship compared to Duck. Tl;DR if CartMan was real me and my boys would jump him.

  • @Bigchip15
    @Bigchip15 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Cuphead has the best chances here, no doubt. Now, this might be a stretch, but what he got outside help? This can apply for the other too, but not as such. Cuphead, Donald, and Ryu get both enter media but when Ryu has a crossover usually he is fighting them not talking to them or teaming up he isn't going to connect the same way with them as he Donald or Cuphead
    also, Donald is just Angry, he is a borderline an asshole and bad friend at times in the episode tapped out of in the 2013 Mickey Mouse Show when Mickey was calling for his help he just said "Don't touch my Nachos" and even laughed at him and Mickey didn't do anything to him. Also, Donald and Eric can't control their temper for their friend groups that been together for years with (Mickey and goofy and Stan, Kyle, Kenny) what makes you think they can control it with people they have never meet before like you guys? So Eric would likely let the fame get to his head given how much of an air head he is at times, or should I say Cuphead? :) The same can go for Donald, maybe as well
    Cuphead is the kindest out of them and easier to talk to then the others, Cuphead has done nice things for others like Mugman and is basically his best friend unlike other siblings yes they have had disagreements, but they make up at the end and usually are seen as friends. Ryu is basically a misanthrope, Donald can't control his anger and is pretty bad at his worse and is only really just happy at his best, and the less about Eric the better. Also, Eric has done Murder before and many other serious crimes like Terrorism, what if it does one, and then it gets linked back to you guys? Or what if he gets exposed? Or the cops arrested him for something he did in his world? Then What? Also, it would make the GGM crew look bad for allowing a Criminal on the Channel. And Yes Cuphead did break into a cookie factory once, but Cartman when it comes to be Evil is on a whole different level then something like that.
    Cuphead also has a friend group he gets along with (Chalice and Mugman) and, unlike Cartman and Donald, has not done something terrible to them. Donald also would likely get Angry really fast due to his bad Luck Donald Bad luck is so Large to the point that he gets randomly struck by lighting as seen in Donald's off day.
    Cuphead also has Toon Force so if the Chance the channel big enough to a live action podcast on the level of the Joe Rogan experience he would be a treat to look at this also goes with Donald, but this can go wrong for him via bad luck, while with Cuphead he has insanely good luck as said in Rabbit's Debate. Cartman does have the best debate skills, I will give him that, but Cartman's Intelligence is kind of all over the place their so episodes where he acts really dumb and selfish (Like that one where he used social anxiety to get his way at the water park) and sometimes he is smart like with his debate skills.
    Cuphead own the others easily, he took them down with a KNOCKOUT!

  • @cupoochie4374
    @cupoochie4374 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Happy 5th anniversary!
    Anyways I think Cupheads got it
    He has a lot of charm and charisma and even stole the show in roll the dice with his jokes.
    He would be eager to learn about new medias years in the future, and he’s read comics and watched movies and such before so it’s not a new concept to him
    Where cuphead is time wise is inconsistent anyways so him being from the 30s and not being familiar with new technology is debatable
    I think the main thing that makes me think cuphead will win is that he can jump into movie screens meaning he’s gonna have an easy time learning about new media and the characters in them by just going in the screen and asking them.
    As for the other characters
    Ryu has a very expansive library in terms of crossovers but I don’t think it equates to knowing their personality and story enough to argue for them in a specific situation. Ryu’s not really known (to my knowledge ) for being funny or entertaining personality wise which isn’t a disadvantage per se, but it’s something the others have that makes them good hosts. I don’t know if ryu would want to grow In the area of debating or if he’d find it a waste of time to host. But either way, while I think he can do well, he has a few flaws
    Onto cartman, He has a lot of advantages. But he just has a huge noticeable flaw that’s such an important part of his character.
    He has what it takes in editing and modern media, but I don’t think anyone on the team is gonna put up with him lol. Sure he can restrain himself on camera but he’s still gonna be the worst to everyone off camera. Also there wasn’t really any good defenses for his stubbornness. Anyone who beats him in a debate is gonna either be severely injured or someone they love will be dead. Cartman has good arguments as a host, but not as a friend. As for Donald, he has some good arguments but he doesn’t have that much experience with media, you can argue hes met Disney characters but like ryu, he doesn’t know their story and character enough to debate for them in a ggm just by meeting them. Also that speech impediment isn’t good for him, half the time it’s literally impossible to understand him with jokes being made about it quite a lot, you can add captions for him maybe but that sounds very hard for who’s editing
    Overall I think cuphead has no big flaw against him unlike the other 3, hopefully the very goated cuphead will take a win once again!

  • @adamgregory0343
    @adamgregory0343 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Happy anniversary to this silly little show of our silly little group of friends. Glad I was able to take part of it with you guys. Slightly less glad to be taking Max’s side, given who he’s debating for, but I have my reasons.
    First though, I want to say that I don’t think the other characters having met a lot of other series’ characters isn’t as strong of an advantage as you might think. Most of them have just been chance meetings or the characters simply existing alongside each other in the same game, i.e. nothing that suggests Ryu would be aware of Wolverine or Mario’s extensive histories and accomplishments just from throwing hands with them. Generally we only debate for characters that we’re interested in or have enough knowledge on from the get go. There’s plenty of characters we certainly know about, but not to enough extent to argue for or against them, and I see that being the same case here.
    Now then, what makes me side with Eric is the fact that, personality aside (which I’ll get to in a bit), there’s the least holding him back. He already knows video editing, writing, debating, and is already into a wide variety of media within his own world, from superheroes, to fantasy, to online games like Warcraft, and so on. This will without a doubt be the smoothest transition for him out of this bunch.
    -I can very easily see Donald getting frustrated at Vegas crashing on him every five minutes, and see just a lot going wrong for him in general given his luck. There was even a whole Mickey Mouse Works cartoon with the premise of showing how shit Donald is with computers.
    -Ryu basically has no pop culture exposure outside of his crossovers, which I’ve already argued isn’t as strong of an advantage for anyone. Plus he is definitely the least tech-savvy of the group, the most we’ve seen recently is just him shooting the player a text every now and then in SF6.
    -While Cuphead’s more aware of modern tech than I remembered, I still think his impulsiveness is going to hold him back. He can be pretty patient, but I honestly see him getting bored with this quicker than Cartman unless he’s debating for someone he’s really passionate about. And considering the most we’ve seen him into are just old-timey radio shows, I feel he’s going to be pretty limited on that front.
    Now, of course, the more pressing issue with him is his attitude and clashing ideals with most of us, to say the least. I will admit he’s the character no one would expect us to get along with, for many, many reasons. But as Max said, we do get moments to show that Cartman isn’t completely immoral, and in the post-COVID timeskip specials, we do see him as an adult who’s by and large grown out of his douchey and problematic behavior and actually has a pretty nice life. Granted, time travel shenanigans caused him to regress, but I think that still goes to show that, even for as horrible as he can be, Cartman does have the capability to grow and change as a person. Maybe surrounding himself with nicer and more grounded people than what you typically see in South Park is what he needs to mellow out.
    That’s all I’ve got, hope it helps, and again, happy anniversary!

  • @masedaace5473
    @masedaace5473 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Donald Duck!!! I don't know what scenario to use, but I really want to see him on this show!

  • @Orwin_Crossheart
    @Orwin_Crossheart ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Alright this is an interesting one but here goes
    Last place: Cartman. I'm sorry but I don't see him being able to be convinced that his side would lose at all. Sure he can disguise how he is. But that only works in his world because most adults are stupid there and don't personally know him. But here his notoriety would mean there's no hiding his bigotry so he's getting Galaxy Video cancelled if he's not kicked out immediately. And plus he's just not pleasant to be around. His own best friends barely stand him. He's not going to grow on the GGM team, he's going to become grating to them. So Cartman is in last and there's no real debate for him to be higher. Sorry Max.
    Third place: Sorry Brandon but Ryu goes here. I can see him doing a good job eventually and be a civil debator and friendly member of the team. But he has to learn the ropes first and is extremely un-tech savvy. The other two above him have no similar issue. Plus I don't know if he would always understand the scenarios he'd be doing or commenting on (as hosts have and are allowed to commet on episodes they aren't debating on). So Ryu goes here.
    Second place: Sorry Ribbit, but I'm gonna have to say Cuphead. He's certainly capable of doing the job in a editing and potentially writing wise. He's got the energy to do the job, he's going to be motivated to do it. He can even be entertaining while doing so. But even when the hosts write in childish arguments, it's just a joke written in and they are still at the end of the day professionals. I just don't see Cuphead having enough professionalism compared to Donald (or Ryu admittedly but Ryu has worse flaws and less advantages) though he's more genuinely professional than Cartman. So I see him getting second.
    First place: Hey Ducko, I don't think you'll be in the bottom half this time because I genuinely believe Donald Duck would win! Donald has the same amount of skills as Cuphead and a great amount of professionalism unlike Cuphead. He's very good at what he does and I can see him getting access to the easier to understand voice. Even without it, he's not that hard to understand, that's only when he's angry or with most impersonations of his Iconic voice. And he's been doing a very good job keeping his cool in casual situations these days. And I'd say GGM is the realm of casualness enough to where he won't need to genuinely be mad. And I don't think he'd cheat here. He doesn't really cheat these days anyways.
    So in the end I see the newest member of the Galaxy Grudge Match team being the one the only Donald Duck!
    Last place: Cartman
    Third place: Ryu
    Second place: Cuphead
    First place: Donald Duck

  • @surgingtsunami7780
    @surgingtsunami7780 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Happy anniversary guys. I’ve been sorta watching this channel in the shadows for these years. But, I feel like nows a good time to start actively commenting on some of these debates. I mean, characters I know decently well tying into a celebration of the channel? Why wouldn’t I kick things off here? Debating for my favorite host, no less.
    Getting him out of the way, Cartman is.. Cartman. Sure, he can cooperate should things play into his self interests. However, what exactly is there to gain from this? If his sole lifeline is working for some kind of profit or reward it’s gotta be something worth his time. Why not just hop over to bigger vs channels like Death Battle? That’s where the big bucks lie, after all. Unless he somehow wants to create a scheme where Galaxy Video dominates the genre and put every other vs property under his thumb. Which, could technically be true. But wouldn’t exactly benefit anyone else in the long run. Given how cutthroat he is-
    Ryu seems like he’d be the straight man of any debate. Comedy being brought upon by the host he’s clashing against, rather than anything he inherently says. And sure, his personality doesn’t exactly gel well with the rest of the debaters hosted on the channel. Though, I believe this might actually do him a favor. Adding another layer to this challenge of asserting himself into this group of debaters, as awkward as it would initially be. Still, I don’t think anyone would be clamoring for Ryu to return often. He’s not entertaining in the way typical for the channel. As the comedy aspect of these videos would have to be carried by the others involved (or singular other if we’re going by the usual 1v1). Not to say you guys aren’t charming, but it would be difficult to play off of someone so stoic by your lonesome.
    Then there’s Donald. I’m afraid that I’ll be disappointing you, Ducko. As I really don’t have much to say on him that hasn’t already been mentioned. It’s just that, in a show where the hosts aren’t readily on camera. The practicality of Donald’s shtick is kinda lost. Not that it’s all he has, but a lot of the enjoyment people have gotten out of the productions he’s been in is his zany shenanigans. Hence why his voice hasn’t been that much of a problem there.
    Lastly, Cuphead to me feels like Cartman lite. Being a young kid who also gets into hijinks over their brashness (sometimes in the pursuit of riches). Only being separated by the fact that Cuphead isn’t a total scumbag who would merk an entire town out of boredom with an eldritch horror. What I mean to say is, this won’t be as much of a scenario that depends on his greed. He’s a hyperactive kid, surely learning of these ‘new’ mediums like video games and anime certainly be quite the motivator for someone who’s prime source of entertainment is the radio. Almost like a kid in a candy store trying out a large assortment of flavors.
    And sure, he may not be the most stoked on researching. But, to counter that. Who’s to say he can’t get Mugman, Chalice, or one of his other acquaintances to help? That is, if the spectacle of enjoying all of these different movies, shows, books, games, etc. isn’t enough to motivate him even partially. He may be a little too rambunctious. Maybe even a tad petty too. But in the end he’s well meaning, and would offer a new personality to the show. Endearing people with his innate passion for most characters or properties he debates for. Especially the goofy ones that are staples of this series.

    • @surgingtsunami7780
      @surgingtsunami7780 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also: For the argument of him getting bored. GGM is flexible enough as to not use characters/franchises that have already gotten their spotlight too often. It took quite awhile to get Cuphead himself back on, and even series like Marvel and DC have a lot of variety between their characters.

  • @AkumaTh
    @AkumaTh ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Congrats on your 5th Anniversary!
    So starting off, I’m pretty sure Eric Cartman is out. He can behave himself, as long as he gets what he desires. But as soon as it isn’t working out, the real Cartman shows up. For example, his Christian Boy Band worked great until he found out he couldn't get a Platinum Record. Then he basically burned it down to the ground despite how much money they were making. If he has that feeling with GGM, he’ll be like Capcom and see it as a failure even if they make over 5 million sales. And even if he somehow does behave long enough, he’s going to be canceled. He’s careful now because none of his past stuff was ever recorded. But his stuff has been here. So he’ll be canceled so fast he may just be pushed back into his universe before he even gets to debate.
    I do not take Ryu slander very well but I will ignore it for now. Regardless, Ryu does have the most knowledge when it comes to crossovers thanks to his numerous appearances in other media. But the big issue for Ryu is he’s into fighting. Sure, he is now learning more technology and is willing to branch out to do other things (as seen in the SF6 Character) but in his heart he’s a wanderer. I doubt he would stay for long, especially in a whole new world with new experiences and challengers to meet.
    Donald, my Duck, they definitely sold you well. If this was any other debate, maybe except Daffy, I would pick you. But I think the biggest flaw is the voice. Considering the voice changer broke, and my own experience hearing my voice in recordings, I don’t think a lot of people would understand. It is a big flaw with him in the Ducktales Reboot until he found Daisy. Others just got used to him getting the gist.
    Which leads to Cuphead. He does seem very enthusiastic to do things and I can see him being star struck to lead the charge for whoever he gets (I know that feeling). And while he’s from the past, I don’t see him learning about technology being an issue. If he plays games and found out you can now play games on the go, he would take it like a duck takes to water. And he’s cool if he loses too. I think Cuphead would be the best choice of the four to be a new host.

  • @maniacgreen8609
    @maniacgreen8609 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm going with Ryu or Donald because Ryu and Donald can be actual smart and easy to work with but mostly Ryu because he's calm and pretty nice while Donald is surprisingly very smart and is very used to weird scenarios that it won't even faze the guy while yes he has a bad temper but it can be easily avoided so between those two it can be very close and remember Donald has hosted before alot in real life and in the cartoon

  • @alargeshoe6298
    @alargeshoe6298 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I would like to point out something interesting, it’s around the whole ryu is hot jokes, across galaxy video all of these dudes have been brought up and what you say could effect how they work with you, max said he hates cartman, you gave Donald a Lot of praise and criticism in his ep where as you are super kind and positive around cuphead, just one point in his favour ( sorry for the poor spelling i am typing this on my phone at 9:00)

  • @gatorloki548
    @gatorloki548 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Anyways, despite how much I find the idea of Ryu vs debating, and the idea of Akuma checking up VS Battle Wiki hilarious , I vote for Cuphead.
    While I do think all of them could be alright in VS Debating, Cuphead is the one that will triumph. Donald while smart, isn’t going to be much liked in the reviews for the episodes, always talking about his voice or how they are weirded out by a guy trying to make an impression of him. Even if he came out on Twitter or Discord to say that he is real, most people would think he is some kind of a VTuber. That and the stress and idiocy coming from VS debating will likely result into a tantrum, which might even lead to hurting somebody or killing them.
    Cartman is going to get Galaxy Grudge Match cancelled. While his previous actions might have been ignored in his series, the world has recorded evidence of his Nazi admirations and are going to hate him for that. And considering his toxicity and manipulative tendencies, the cast might just quit due to Cartman ruining it.
    This is the only time Dan would do better then Ryu. Ryu just belongs in Deadliest Warrior as they get actual pros to do some calcs for them. Plus, I doubt the audience is going to enjoy him well, as he would be pretty boring. Ryu would probably use the Multiversal thinga-magig to fight Scorpion, without anybody noticing it.
    Cuphead, has the positivity of Donald but lacks his lack of patience. Donald has the savvy of Cartman but doesn’t actively hate everything who lives. Donald has the patience and intelligence of Ryu but lacks his anti-emotion. He straight up would be the most entertaining host and is the most likely to actually enjoy this job.

  • @sailorpersona4985
    @sailorpersona4985 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If I have pick between these four I would say cupheand because Cuphead would be the perfect host to be in the show. I do believe he’ll have a easier time getting use to things compare to other hosts. Sure Cuphead can cost chaos sometimes but if there’s a goal Cuphead would 100% be down to it to show his passion even if takes while and if he has too Much trouble he can go to other worlds to ask for help about themselves, the world, and the lore. Cuphead has good amount of motivated and enthusiasm and not only we see Cuphead use a computer to do coding and testing has game but also draw and animations has game too if he’s able to do that then I’m certain he can do it without any difficulty. Overall I bet for my boy Cuphead to roll the dice. KNOCKOUT!

  • @GalacticAttorney
    @GalacticAttorney ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Going from bottom to top here. Cartman is pretty much a lock for dead last; I don't care how many technical skills you bring to the table for GGM's creative process, the group behind the show would never even stand to have him on the team because of what an awful human he is. That's not even saying anything about the cancellable shit he would spew on something like Lightspeed, which is off the cuff and unscripted by design. Even with that aside, I think he'd get bored of the GGM format way too quickly for his enthusiasm over the concept to stick. You just know that if South Park did an episode on the concept of VS debating, Cartman would be first in line to call fans of the hobby pimple-popping virgins whose dads never came back from getting milk.
    I think Ryu is probably coming third mainly for how out of his depth he is as far as episode production goes. Being insanely knowledgeable about all sorts of characters has its advantages, but he'd basically have to have his hand held in all manner of creating an episode, from researching to scriptwriting to recording to editing. I'm sure Brandon would love to do that hand holding for more reasons than just getting his character ahead, but that's not being considered for this scenario, so the World Warrior's not cracking the top half of this lineup unfortunately.
    That just leaves Donald and Cuphead vying for the top spot. I think in the end, this isn't a question of who would be the best, it's a question of who would do the least poorly. With that in mind, I'm gonna have to side with Cuphead (and his pal Mugman). The main reason for this is the main reason this show has gone on for so long: passion. VS debating at its core is basically a playground activity being done by adults, and I think Cuphead would love to get into something as silly and childlike as debating which character would do better than the other. Donald's wealth of experience tends to be more skewed toward either being a prankster in the vein of old Looney Tunes shorts or toward more grown-up activities, like holding down jobs or looking after his nephews. I just don't see him being interested in GGM as a show enough to stick with it all the way through, let alone put forth a solid effort in terms of trying to be a host. Even if he did, I think he'd come across a position he's not willing to concede eventually, and he'd get so worked up over it that he'd blow his top.
    With that, my vote goes toward Ollie's pick for the best of the worst. Here's hoping for a KNOCKOUT in the part 2 of this bonus episode! I may not have been around this channel for nearly as long as most, but I'm extremely proud of all my friends who have worked on this show. Here's to five more years of wonderful vibes!

  • @lunatpr5594
    @lunatpr5594 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Despite my initial doubts, I think Ryu may be the best choice for a GGM host. He's overall the most calm and collected of the choices, and has interacted with many franchises through his crossovers. In fact, since he's actually met those characters, he may know details about them that wouldn't be known by a viewer/player of a series, allowing for better insight into how skilled a character would be in a certain situation.
    While the same can be said about Donald for Disney-owned series, I feel it's worth noting only 8 of the 33 current episodes of GGM feature Disney characters. Statistically speaking, Disney hasn't come up enough that his knowledge would be useful.
    As for Cartman, while he could put up a facade for the show, that's all it is, a facade. Outside the show, he'd still be nasty as ever, which would be a pain for the other hosts.
    Cuphead may technically have prior experience with GGM, being the only character here to be on a previous episode, his pop culture knowledge would definitely be far too limited to be an effective host.
    Overall, while he isn't without potential problems, could you see Ryu being the best choice for a GGM host? Sure you can!

  • @speedyhedgehog91
    @speedyhedgehog91 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is a tough one to decide and I was so close to siding with Donald but after hearing the debates, Cuphead might only just be able to take it.
    As Ribbit mentioned, this is not the first he's done this. He's hosted street performances and even took King Dice's spotlight in "Roll the Dice". The viewers loved seeing him take over and I believe being a host on Galaxy Grudge Match won't be any different. Even without that experience, Cuphead has a much brighter personality and seems to handle losses far better than everyone else with Ryu being the second best at that. Both Donald and Cartman would easily lose their temper and won't handle the fact that they lost. As for the argument of Cuphead having no experience with modern technology, he'll probably learn how its all used quickly the same way he learned to use his powers. What I do believe will be difficult for Cuphead is knowledge on other characters but I don't see it as much of a problem. He's read comics books and played video games before so that can be used. Plus, he's also met other fictional characters such as Geico Gecko and Popeye the Sailor Man.
    Cartman would probably have more knowledge on other fictional characters and has experiences in debating but that's all I can give him. Ryu would also have a harder time competing and I can't see him being that knowledgeable on other characters. Cuphead's real challenge would be Donald who has hosted a TV program and even co-hosted the Oscars at some point. However, he would easily lose his temper if he loses (much like Cartman) and it would be extremely difficult to understand what he's saying.
    There were some excellent arguments for each character and there's probably some things I've forgotten to mention but I still believe Cuphead has what it takes to be the better host.

  • @GarfGuy895
    @GarfGuy895 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So Sheldon Cooper would clearly win this as he not only has the most In-Depth knowledge of popculture he's also the only one here to have specifically vs debated against Raj and Leonard in the comic book store and the cheesecake factory so his experience with debating would arguably be more useful when compared to cartman's own
    Sheldon has also hosted and edited his own vs show in the form of Fun with Flags which has caused zero discourse in-universe so overall I think he's the most qualified here.

    • @Dezarov5206
      @Dezarov5206 ปีที่แล้ว

      True but if sheldon was in this debate then it will just ghost rider vs Casper again but if the debate was who would help TH-camrs more

    • @DoctorHippo
      @DoctorHippo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Take your meds old man

  • @SpicyNetherrack
    @SpicyNetherrack 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Im going with Cuphead for process of elimination (also best choice)
    4th Eric Cartman: Yes, you guys did state that he is a good video editor and can keep his channel going in SP and can hold his controversial topics "enough"! But I feel like his main problem isn't with how viewers would react how he'd act in videos, it's with how the crew would not be able to tolerate him off set since he's a ticking time bomb for the most inhuman things known to man!
    3rd Donald Duck: I really wanted to put him second but his biggest flaw is his anger. In nearly most of his scenes in shows and movies he's shown losing his temper when people either push his buttons to much, small things piling up, or when he gets too stressed out. He'd do great the first few days but as time goes on, he'd just be unable to keep up with the constant bickering and back and forth dynamic that goes on in versus debate, causing him to finally lose it.
    2nd: Surprisingly, I'm putting Ryu here. Before your like, "He's only focuses on fighting and has no experience to this stuff…", yes he wouldn't have experience beforehand and is "much" more used to fighting. But Ryu in his media is usually seen as noble, quiet, and serious. But never is one to lash out at others, but to actually learn more about them. The GGM crew could walk him through the process of how there channel works and I do feel like he'd be begrudging at first, but later open up. Why is he 2nd? Well… that's assuming he decides to stay and help in the first place. Ryu is more of a protector and a warrior, rather than someone who'd just sit down and talk about their day over some coffee. But he has more going that Eric (no surprise), and a "much" calmer personality than Donald, but lacks actual experience in computers (at least in games) and would be less likely to even stay, hence 2nd feeling like a fair enough spot for him
    1st by default: Cuphead!
    To get negatives out of the way, he's brash, immature, over confident, lacks computer skills and is also in idiot. Everything else is his to take the win. Compared to 4th and 3rd, Cuphead in way more approachable and be way easier for the crew to talk to (just behind Ryu). Yes, he's young and makes mistakes, so does every kid? Cuphead is also the quickest learner when it comes to picking new skills up and have a decent knowledge on fictional characters. He'd also be very energetic and could come up with really creative stuff to the the crew with ideas and what the characters can do. Cuphead in reckless, but does feel really bad when he screws up, and can see the crew being able to hammer down how things work and what "not" to do! As long as they keeps all the sharp things away from his reach, they should be relatively fine. The crew would also be able to tolerate him the easiest and so would the viewers.

  • @rickpenna06
    @rickpenna06 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    donald win: besides having more experience in a lot of stuff he also have friends ( Joe Carioca and Panchito) who khows other languages so maybe he can make more people from other places of the world that speak diferent languages to watch the galaxy grudge me as a brazilian would love some subtitles although training my english is fun (sorry if bad english i am learning )

  • @CartoonBrains1976
    @CartoonBrains1976 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I would say it would be Donald Duck, because from all from what ducko said, he really has a huge amount of experience than everyone hosting things.
    Cartman is really good for the present day host but i think his crimes would make it horrible for a ggm host so he would might get arrested at first, Ryu though could not i think would not understand the whole editing and technology material sure he does know fights but i think it wouldn't be able to see what fight suppose do for anything, Cuphead on the other hand has the least amount of experience on hosting and is to hyperactive and would forget his scipt like in the episode roll the dice (i think it was called) he doesn't seem to remember twinkle twinkle little star and his improved joke.
    Sure that Donald (and also Cartman) has a huge temper, donald doesn't go mad at random he's just a happy yet misunderstood duck who has bad luck, but all that doesn't seem to stop him with his intelligence by planning or pranking those around himw which are often harmless unlike Cartman who is so offensive, Cuphead is young who is also reckless and stubborn to be around as the host for ggm and he would understand technology and also editing and he would understand stand sets like in the musical episode but he would screw up in the end and focus on other things but i think stubborn to do so, Ryu may seem to be everyones go to because of him focus and level headed but don't see him doing hosting and seeing how the fight would be and understanding technology.
    Donald to me feels right for the job not to mention he also was in Galaxy video for multiverse match Donald vs Daffy so i would see him returning and hosting ggm, Donald has a better planning and would understand technology for editing, has a huge amount of fighting experience yes even Ryu (those who disagree with me can bite me) by not on his own adventures but also with his family, and hosting as to what ducko said he convinced Walt Disney himself to host, and in the academy awards well one of them, his voice is a problem though but some would actually understand what he's saying or understand his body language or using a voice changer, Donald feels right for the to me and ducko so I'm siding with him and Donald Duck. I'm also fine with Cuphead winning but would still siding with the Duck.

  • @kalebstigall2989
    @kalebstigall2989 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If all these characters decided to become host I would be ecstatic

  • @necrostar0248
    @necrostar0248 ปีที่แล้ว

    What a great way to make the 5th anniversary.
    Anywho, I'm gonna sound a bit bias, but I'm going with Cuphead.
    Don't get me wrong, it's not just because of me loving the game and the show (and he's the one I know most of), but from what was presented, he seems to meet all the qualifications to be the new host for GGM.
    First off, let's go over everyone else.
    I see no way Cartman is winning this, yes, he has the expirience on how to be a host and has tons of expirience in editing and show business. But let's be real, would you actually want to hang around with him? You say something slightly offensive to him and he will make your life a living hell, no thank you.
    Next up is Ryu, who is probably the most strong minded and willed of these four, but I feel like Ducko is right, he's a bit basic, yes he's an extremely kind soul and an amazing fighter, but I feel like he would be a better teraphist or training partner than a host for a show about fictional characters.
    And finally Donald, who really has a lot of advantages similar to those of Cuphead's (which I will get to soon), his biggest downfall is his voice and his temper. The second one could be avoided but the first is gonna be a massive issue, like that one Rap battle against Daffy said "Thank god for Subtitles" which is gonna be the only way that many are gonna be able to understand him.
    So now, we get to Cuphead, who I believe is gonna be the perfect host for GGM. He's adaptable in so many ways, he has the expirience, plus has a great mentality for something like GGM, and over the course of his journey he became an overall good kid and he's gonna be a good pal to have around. He's a jokester but he knows when someone needs their space to calm down, he's just gonna be a blast to have around, and the possibilities that his screen hopping can bring thousands of possibilities that the others don't have. Also, out of everyone's friends and allies, I feel like the residents of the Inkwell Isles (imcluding Djimmi) are gonna give him some of the best helpnout of everyone else's. The only other one I giving them competition is Mickey, and even then popularity be damned he's not perfect, no offense.
    So I'm rooting for the saviour of the Inkwell Isles to be the new host of GGM. It's gonna be a Real Slam and then Some! It's on!

  • @WalrusandSquirrel
    @WalrusandSquirrel ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Alright but uh... If they have to be the host, wouldn't they also have to post this on TH-cam? If that's true, all but Ryu and Cartmen would be lose due to Copyright laws. Good luck getting the other two past the censors. Personally I vote Ryu. Why? Well Ryu is just... A guy. Are you guys REALLY going to let Cartmen run the show? He'll change the entire show! Now, you'll have to limit your episodes to different fights instead of the silly stuff like the Timmy Turner or Kool-aid episodes (Go watch those too), but he'll be able to discuss any body's fighting styles with some good points as to why his side could potentially out beat the other.
    You guys only need to do the computering stuff, and after that? Easy Dubs.

  • @SoulSymbiote
    @SoulSymbiote ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Donald mainly going for characters that are owned by Disney isn't really gonna hurt him in the long run. Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, 20th Century Fox, this "gap" in knowledge is honestly a non-issue considering how much is under the company's belt. Helps that he's already been a performer for decades, and still will be for years to come.
    Cuphead is a good sport, a good kid, and is passionate about what he loves, but he's a ball of energy that enjoys causing trouble with his pranks, he can be incredibly irresponsible and might be hard to deal with a lot of the time. I can see people in the group getting irritated by him.
    Ryu is the most mature and wise, he's been in the most crossovers, and has more tech-savvy allies to help him out. But I feel like he'd groove with the group the least given where his interests lie, and honestly the jokes about him are a big enough wrench to stop his tracks. He'd likely forgive but there's still gonna be that awkwardness in the air when he's around.
    Cartman... Yeah.
    Any issue Donald might come across are gonna be solved by easy solutions. His voice? He can make it sound like Don Cheadle, or he can use subtitles. His temper? Just don't upset him. I have no doubt in my mind that the GGM crew is gonna be understanding of his emotions and go easy on him if the friend group ever decides to shoot the shit and be funny, and Ducko brought up that Donald isn't like this by default, he's just thrown into a lot of unfortunate circumstances that are out of his control.
    And plus, I feel like he could be an interesting to talk to given the adventures he's been on during his long life. While he likely doesn't know what a "Genshin" is, his friend Goofy knows Homer, and I think that's enough for me.
    First Daffy and now these three, I have no doubt in my mind he's gonna be a champion for this channel.

  • @charleslloydjr6328
    @charleslloydjr6328 ปีที่แล้ว

    Happy 5th Anniversary Galaxy Grudge Match! 🎂
    Also Donald 🦆 take this one via over the years he's got more mature, pretty intelligent, got some training and exercises done too sometimes and mostly popular in many different cultures too.

  • @Cloudyrambles
    @Cloudyrambles ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Honestly i feel cuphead may be the best pick.
    For cartman
    Like said south parks versions of characters are usually unacurate jerks and cartman would definitely have a bad reaction to taking an L
    Ryu just isn't smart enough especially with mondern culture and just wouldn't wanna debate and such. It's just really out of character for him.
    Donald has ptsd which can act up at any given time if you were to say the wrong word and he just gets annoyed by small things too eaisly
    Cuphead on the other hand can shrug things off almost as easy ay ryu can. Cuphead would also be very optimistic about this opportunity in general and with his ability to hop in and interview characters themselves he's got a pretty good source to work with. I feel i could of explained alot of this better but overall cuphead W👍

  • @BrazilianMongoose
    @BrazilianMongoose ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really hope either Cartman or Cuphead gets on

  • @unknownbasic57
    @unknownbasic57 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    For one, let’s see which one of the else 4 would actually stay around, well which one wouldn’t aka Ryu. He’s a wonderer and a fighter, I don’t know if he’d stay around too long since that is who he is.
    Now to Eric Cartman, the man is just an ass. He would be super racist, would probably hurt all you guys for small reasons, and would drag the channel down. Plus I’m pretty sure he’d just leave the debate with a “screw you guys I’m going home”
    Now that leaves two contestants Cuphead and Donald. Well on one hand you have a child who is a bit hyper and off the walls, but is still a pretty good entertainer vs a super iconic duck who has connections with many other iconic characters, but is a bit of a loose cannon and pretty violent. Between the two I’m gonna vouch for cuphead, I feel like he is more down to earth and would be interested in many of todays shows, movies, and even games. Donald just has a little more anger issues compared to cuphead and tbh I would wanna hear what ever type of accent Donald Duck for 30 minutes to an hour. It was a bit hard, but I think Cuphead has the qualifications for GGM

  • @Godofshinverse
    @Godofshinverse ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’ve honestly not been knowing it’s the 5th anniversary of ggm so HAPPY ANNIVERSARY
    Meanwhile for the debate this is open and shut for a cuphead win,
    Yea sure cartmen and Donald may have the iron grip when it comes to entertainment but they both have problems for becoming a host there’s a lot of TH-camrs out there with horrible mic quality and such and the problem for Donald is that he sounds barely understandable having him would probably drops the ratings and want people to change his mic only for it not to help but just hear his gibberish
    Meanwhile cartmen may be funny he’s also very disrespectful and egocentric he’s much more likely to like host a giveaway and such to scam people and if not then his taste in jokes and such would almost certainly guarantee a age restriction on any episode he’s on or even worse controversy’s
    Ryu while may be much more calm and understood then cartmen or Donald he unfortunately lacks the proper capabilities of making a engaging and fun video to watch if you want a host that’s funny then you probably wouldn’t want a guy who’s been disciplined as much as ryu yea I know some military cadets and such on TH-cam can be funny and such but thats unfortunately not something ryu has
    Cuphead has a lot more experience actually being not only a person who’s friendly and charasmatic but a person who can understand others, he went along with his brother mugman when wearing a sweater to protect him because he trusted his brother
    All in all Cuphead would be the best one here that could provide a funny video, friendly personality, a excellent debater and in general could host a great and friendly community
    3.Donald duck

  • @luigigx1172
    @luigigx1172 ปีที่แล้ว

    Recently into this and so far I'm liking it really in any position to make a request especially on your anniversary video but can you guys do this one matchup Doc Brown and Marty McFly vs The Terminator
    scenario the resistance a Terminator to terminate the crater of time travel that being Doc Brown so him and Marty have to find a way to survive the Terminator chasing after them as well as defeating it I think this will make a great Galaxy grudge and involves to time travel movies in one amazing chase

  • @Darian610
    @Darian610 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ryu's the only one who's not insane (Donald), stupid (Cuphead) or both (Cartman), so he gets my vote.

  • @Karma-rc8tm
    @Karma-rc8tm ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Okay so GGM is now officially 5 years old, and honesty before I get into who I think wins this, I wanna say thank you all for creating this series which has now become one of my favorite things to watch in general, it is really fun and entertaining, and has partially helped me through some pretty tough times so yeah thanks for making this series, and can’t wait for more in the future, anyways now onto my order of who I think is the best new host for this alternate timeline.
    Okay so last place is Cartman, like do I even need to explain why this is Eric Freaking Cartman, sure he has the technological stuff down, and could write a good debate, and could act nice for the audience, but who is going to be want to do an episode with him, or even be in the same town as him. Like even ignoring the fact that he is a psychopath who has committed too many crimes to count. He is generally extremely rude, racist, and egotistical plus also I can see him killing anyone who has done something to annoy him he is that petty at times. Also if it does get found out that these guys are the real thing then like Cartman is getting the death penalty in a millisecond since who wouldn’t know the things he’s done, and the show gets canceled. So yeah if this was like say someone like Butters, or Kenny than they’d probably have a shot here, but considering the fact that sometimes I think Cartman is no better than people like Chucky, or Freddy Krueger then yeah it’s best to send him back through the portal the first chance you get.
    Okay so next up in third place I have Ryu, who unlike Cartman doesn’t have any huge downsides honestly, like I genuinely do believe he wouldn’t be a bad pick the only thing is that he just doesn’t have the strengths that Cuphead and Donald bring to the table, and honesty I could see him being not the most entertaining guy to listen to and would likely be pretty blend in his deliveries, sure he could bring some philosophical stuff to the table which as someone who loves psychology I’d be all for, but in terms of entertainment value he just wouldn’t be the ideal host for that kinda stuff, and in terms of adapting to the technology side of things I think he’d be the one who would take the longest to understand it so while he doesn’t have any major downsides he just wouldn’t be the ideal host to have in the long term if you get what I mean.
    Alright next up we have our top 2 now to be honest these 2 are basically neck and neck for me, and I could see either winning here, and hey these 2 are my favorite out of the 4 so that’s cool but here I’m going to have to give 2nd place to Cuphead. Now I definitely think he’d be extremely fun as a host, and I agree with basically all of Ribbit’s points about him, but the only thing that makes me give him 2nd is his attention spam, he can get distracted by stuff rather easily at points given the fact that he is a kid after all, and I could see him not being that motivated if something else peaks his interest more now granted this won’t be a huge problem and I still see him doing extremely well here, but it’s enough to put Donald over him for me.
    Okay now onto first place for me at least, that of course being Donald. He would definitely be really entertaining, and funny to watch on the show, I think he could learn more about other media that isn’t Disney pretty easily and he’d probably be down for that, and while his temper could be a problem, unlike Cartman, I could see Donald being able to be calmed down as he has been able to be more easily calmed down before, and plus I don’t think him losing a debate would make him angry as he has also been shown to be a good sport about things, so eventually I see his temper being easy to control, and he’d generally be really nice, and fun to be around, so yeah I gotta give it to the duck on this one.

    • @Karma-rc8tm
      @Karma-rc8tm ปีที่แล้ว

      Also uh one more thing against Cartman even if he could be nice in front of the camera he has also been very blunt about his beliefs to people so yeah he is just screwed here

  • @theeraddicatorsoffical6134
    @theeraddicatorsoffical6134 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Cuphead vs bendy

  • @williamharris-nu3mu
    @williamharris-nu3mu ปีที่แล้ว

    Donald has the best shot for this, because donald is usually chill and probably the nicest character out of this roster, Ryu would be a good pick don't have any complaints with him, but with cartmam and cuphead are really stupid, selfish, and often lazy. Cartman would do somthing evil if the crew played a prank on him, and cuphead is just extremely stupid to the point that he will just mess up half the time, so donald is who I think should join the group.

  • @StephenStryker
    @StephenStryker ปีที่แล้ว

    Cartman wins because I think he’s cool anyway in and all seriousness I think Donald wins and to counter what Brandon said Donald has interacted with non-Disney characters before like Daffy and also Ducko needs a win

  • @jessecrafts2630
    @jessecrafts2630 ปีที่แล้ว

    I got 2 ideas for an episode.
    Dick Dastardly vs the Ed Boys.
    After Dick lost another race and the Ed's failed another scam, the two end up meeting each other and say how hard their goal is, with Eddy getting angry and saying "Anyone can win some stupid race!" And Dick said "Even a numbskull could scam those kids out of their money!" Double D breaks the fight up and comes up with a bet, they'll switch roles, the Ed Boys have to win a wacky race and Dick and Muttley have to scam the cul de sac kids out of thier money.
    Whoever did their mission the best would get the earnings of both.
    The Bad Guys vs The Incredibles
    After another failed attempt at trying to capture the bad guys. The chief of police gets desperate and so calls the Incredibles to help capture the bad guys, giving them files of each of the bad guys, however Ms Tarantula manages to find out and uses her hacking prowess to gain info of each super.
    So will the Incredibles succeed or will the bad guys escape again.

  • @Lucky-rabbit_891
    @Lucky-rabbit_891 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Feels like we’re gonna have to wait until it’s a full decade until the next part of this ggm comes out lol.
    Anyways, this feels like a Donald vs Cuphead type of matchup to me instead of this being a battle royal.
    Cartman is a really horrible person that can and will do despicable things to the ggm crew just because ducko made a light joke about him, and ryu doesn’t really give off the vibe of he would be too interested in this to go for the long haul of being a host, maybe for an episode or two but that’s pretty much it.
    Which leaves the duck with anger issues and the sentient piece of china. They both have many qualities and negatives to them that determining who would make a better host depends on the week for me. I’d say Donald as he is more matured than cuphead, knows way more about pop culture, and I feel his support group( his family and friends) would be a great help in keeping him in check. Again tho, it could honestly go either way for these two.
    Ranking goes like this me
    4th: cartman
    3th: ryu
    2th: cuphead
    1th: Donald(for now)
    Also I know I’m late, but happy 5 year anniversary, and here’s to many more years to come🎉🎉🎉

  • @magnej1520
    @magnej1520 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Cuphead already beat a fighting game mascot but he's not beating this fact none of them are. Thats right despite Cuphead being like my favorite game ever I'm siding with Ryu here.
    When it comes to being entertaining, Cuphead would definitely be the most annoying, his childish humor and overly-energetic personality I feel could be draining, not just for the audience, but for Cuphead as well, he would probably find it a bit boring unless its something he's really into. I feel like Muggy would be much more interested in doing a GGM. Donald could probably put up a good debate but I just see his temper getting in the way and him never settling on who would win. And Cartman is Cartman, admittedly I could see him being interested in a debate but I can see him having the same issue as Donald where he would basically rage quit.
    That leaves Ryu, who I see getting really passionate with debates but also respectful and being able to decide upon a winner. I feel like he would write the best arguments here as he is very soft spoken, I mean for peat's sake he literally signed his texts when he was learning how to text. His humor might be a bit dry/lacking, but there is much more that can be entertaining, I'm sure he would teach himself how to be more entertaining with the help of the other hosts lmao. And finally, he just the most calm, composed, and patient out of all of the 4. Cuphead and Cartman I can very much see getting tired of long, back and forth debates, but that would be no problem for Ryu.
    All of these guys have their merits, but I feel Ryu just has the most qualities and least amount of detractors when being considered for a GGM host, this will just be another experience for him to learn from.
    Oh and Happy 5th to you all!

  • @dantecopy4619
    @dantecopy4619 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    rank from worst to best
    While yes max has brought out ways of getting around more of his rough side it still Cartman he'll do whatever it is to win wether it's calling out his opponent as a pedo or just killing them heck he might get board of the vs debate stuff soon enough and might just quite
    Donald duck
    While yes he is the more experienced of the three he has the shortest temper out of them as well as well easily just do cartoon stuff like travel through the internet waves and beat up the person he's debating on his own home
    While he'll be slow at first at keeping up with the others in terms of writing and editing he'll still be not as good since vs debating you're going to have to look at all aspects explicitly in Galaxy grudge match where you'll have to look in many different sinario which some will throw off Ryu and would probably just ignore it or ask to not do this
    Yes he is from the 30s and not experienced with modern media so things would work out at first but as soon as he realizes what all new Sort of stuff happened he'll be thrilled to do this stuff since he'll get to know about cool franchise like power rangers or Captain crunch heck with him being part of galaxy grudge match and learning about TH-cam he'll definitely do it for the money (which he'll just spend on candy,comics and games) still just with that gives him enough motivation to do this not to mention many and I do mean many recommendations of media cuphead will get the knock out victory

  • @TruaxVoiceover
    @TruaxVoiceover ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’d give it to cuphead

  • @FamilyGuySoundwave
    @FamilyGuySoundwave ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is pretty tough to figure out but I'm going to say Ryu has the best chance here
    Ryu While yes Doesn't like to read comics and watch tv he would likely still do it if it makes his friends happy. And out of everyone here he is the most mature and most of the debates come from strength and Ryu out of everyone here knows a lot about strength which I mean no duh. and if he needs help he could ask Sakura for help. and if he would lose I see him handling it better then say Donald
    Eric while yes has some good arguments and was pretty close for my choice, They all kind a fall flat when nobody wants to be around him. And if he even won he would most likely be kick out of the group for being the worst guy known to man. and yes he would be good on camera there is zero reasons for him not to get kick
    Cuphead while yes he has the charm (And Rewatching it he seems like a massive threat) . Would make for a terrible Debater if his Show has to go off something sense he isn't the brightest bulb in the shed and would most likely get side track for a show like GGM, And would most likely make some bad points and if we are going to use him test playing his on game and being around tesla's we could use Ryu's crossovers
    And the only thing holding Donald back is his short temper if he would lose, I think he would make good friends with everyone on the crew but It comes with cause of him destroying the place if gets angry and not trying to be a asshole but Donald's voice gets really grating
    Only draw back I can see for Ryu is that he's not entertaining but yet again when it comes to his competition. Ryu might not win but out of everyone I see him having the better chances

    • @FamilyGuySoundwave
      @FamilyGuySoundwave 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm fucking stupid it's clearly Cuphead who has the best chance wtf am I waffling about?

  • @Studio-ur2ud
    @Studio-ur2ud ปีที่แล้ว

    Nya-na-na-na-na-na! I’m voting for Cartman!
    While the big-boned menace may seem like an obvious “get the fuck out of here”, there’s notable traits that make him invaluable for this scenario. Mainly, intelligence and determination. Spite may not always be a winning card, but it’s a motivator for a damn good reason. And Cartman is spite incarnated. He’ll research and push his point above and beyond to make the best of each and every argument. Not tomention he’s used to technology and online meetings, so Galaxy Video has ways to connect with him, unlike, say Cuphead and Ryu basically.
    Eric has ways to be likable. Pettiness, his rants, his jokes, and much more. Sure he does some… somewhat maybe mean things, but that’s, like, what, nothing. Cartman did nothing wrong, just like Griffith did nothing wrong. You’re overblowing his slight meanness compared to how he could make everyone laugh and all that.
    Plus, do you really want Donald’s voice in Galaxy Video? It’ll become grating over time, and it’s likely to note that many prefer his antics due to the slapstick and comedy, not always his voice.
    Cartman brings the humor and heart. C’mon Max! You can do it!

    • @DoctorHippo
      @DoctorHippo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Studio gets it

  • @ziair6881
    @ziair6881 ปีที่แล้ว

    For me it's between cartman and cuphead but probably cuphead more times then not Donald is fine but I'm not much of a Disney fan and ryu is all about fighting.

  • @KeithRowe-hh2lo
    @KeithRowe-hh2lo ปีที่แล้ว

    Either Cuphead Or Donald Duck, Probally Cuphead.. Cuphead Has Shown To Be Great On A Show, And Would Actually Be Interested In Working For A Show Also, Donald Duck Won't Be Able To Debate With Characters That Aren't PG And Might End Up Getting Pissed Off If He Loses, Cuphead We Easily Be Able To Handle Non PG Stuff HE FOUGHT FU##ING SATAN Also Cuphead Can Handle Losing He's Lost To Mugman Before And Showed Respect. Cuphead Also Brings The Energy For a Debate Show And Has Shown To Have Patience To Working On Animating. If Cartman Gets On The Show As Soon As You Post A Video, HE'S GOING TO JAIL! Also I Don't Think Having The Nazi Mutiple Crime-Lord Eric Cartman Is Gonna Bring A Good Reputation To Galaxy Video. And I Don't Think Ryu Is Gonna Want To Do Galaxy Video, He's A Martal Artists Not A Debater, He's Gonna Be To Busy Traning Then Working On Galaxy Grudge Match. So Due To Cuphead's Energy, Personality, Patience, Experience In Animating And Adaptability, I'm Going With Cuphead's Win For This Dice Roll Of A Match!

  • @LightningvsLightning
    @LightningvsLightning ปีที่แล้ว

    CHATGPT doesn't want me to send the link, so here is it's response, copy and paste.
    Let's break down the strengths and weaknesses of each character for this Galaxy Grudge Match Royale scenario:
    Donald Duck:
    Strengths: Known for his short temper and determination, Donald's unpredictability and resourcefulness could make for creative arguments. His wide array of experiences might help him adapt to various scenarios.
    Weaknesses: His speech impediment might hinder his ability to convey complex ideas clearly. His impulsive nature could lead to inconsistent arguments.
    Eric Cartman:
    Strengths: Cartman is cunning and manipulative, which could translate into strong persuasive skills. His willingness to bend the truth and use underhanded tactics might make him a formidable debater.
    Weaknesses: His arrogance and offensive language might alienate the audience and fellow debaters. His tendency to get sidetracked by personal biases could weaken his overall argument.
    Strengths: As a disciplined martial artist, Ryu embodies focus and determination. His philosophical approach to combat might lead to insightful analyses of scenarios. He could be well-spoken and respectful.
    Weaknesses: Ryu's strict adherence to honor and fairness might make him less willing to bend his arguments, potentially limiting his adaptability in more unconventional scenarios.
    Strengths: Cuphead's adventurous spirit and determination to overcome challenges could lead to enthusiastic and passionate debates. His familiarity with various bosses and situations might make him adaptable.
    Weaknesses: Cuphead's naive and impulsive nature might hinder his ability to think critically in complex scenarios. His limited life experience could make his arguments seem shallow.
    In this scenario, the best debater to join the Galaxy Grudge Match Royale would likely be Ryu. His discipline, philosophical mindset, and respectful demeanor could give him an edge in presenting coherent arguments. His focus on adaptability and fairness would enable him to engage effectively in a wide range of scenarios, gaining the respect of both the audience and fellow debaters. While other characters might have strong qualities, Ryu's balanced approach and ability to provide well-reasoned insights would make him the most compelling and consistent debater.
    Anyways, Springtrap is the best debater because he's British.

  • @KatarinaPanić-d3p
    @KatarinaPanić-d3p ปีที่แล้ว

    And to ad beavis And butthead maybe should have been in This

    • @SoulSymbiote
      @SoulSymbiote ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree!

    • @DoctorHippo
      @DoctorHippo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Biggest missed opportunity in Galaxy Video history

  • @bluegatito8684
    @bluegatito8684 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Galaxy Grudge Match has been somewhat refreshing and unique when it comes to VS shows that have changed a lot, and out of these 4 random characters to host it, I think Donald Duck would be the ideal one for this.
    Although Donald's voice can be a nuisance for a while, that's the only disadvantage the duck has, since his experiences in tricking big bads and overall intelligence could help him make arguments to convince the other hosts, even though Cartman He's manipulative too, he's more of an evil genius type than an actually intelligent person.
    Another thing is that knowing Cuphead and how distracted he is (for example he couldn't recognize The Devil disguised as Santa) he would be a horrible host because surely he would give up at the first good argument against him, and Ryu has experience in many things except debate or reasoning.
    Although these guys are definitely not debaters, out of the 4 of them I think Donald would be the least bad of them.
    Shut out for Ducko, I miss you, you are incredible.

  • @combobreaker8708
    @combobreaker8708 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This one is an interesting debate, so let's go ahead and go one by one as to who loses and why.
    Cartman is absolutely the worst choice. He may be a skilled debater and has editing and TH-cam talent....but he is a racist, a murderer, a master manipulater, and so much more I do not see a world where anyone in the group actually gets along with him. The man reformed the nazi party in his home town, held a grudge against a teenager to a point where he killed his parents and made the kid eat them, try to take over the world with cthulhu because of a minor disagreement with his "friends" and of course there was the time he faked being Trans just to use a cleaner bathroom. Look, I love cartman in the context of the know the same way people like characters like Junko or the Joker. But he does not belong in the group.
    Next up, Sorry Ryu, you aren't winning this either. Ryu is actually a rather chill guy, and he ins't as out of touch, as you might think. But he is dedicated to martial arts and isn't much of a talker in general. I have no doubt he could figure it out and do it, but I feel like he wouldn't be very good at hosting. He is a man of few words, after all. I mean one of his famous quotes is "The answer lies in the heart of battle." So he isn't an awful choice he's just outclassed. Also, if those Discord messages get's over for you, lmao.
    And then Donald.... on paper, he seems like a great choice, hosting experience, years of media consumption and crossovers, and tons of useful skills that could grant him knowledge outside of fiction that could affect the debate. But beyond the issue of his voice is his rage. Donald tends to get uncontrollably angry to the point of causing destruction and being nearly unstoppable. And these fits of rage can be caused by some minor things. At one point, just getting a few snowballs thrown at him lead him into one of these fits. Granted, some incarnations of Donald are way calmer, mainly kingdom hearts, there is a reason that Donald's most notable trait is his anger.
    I honestly think Cuphead is your best choice. He has charisma like Donald and Cartman, but without the anger or hatred. He has at least some technical skills, as Ribbit pointed out, I mean, she pointed out that Cuphead is an animator and does play video games. And I think most importantly is Cuphead can take a loss. I mean, if he couldn't handle loss....I don't think he would be a gambler. Regardless, his gambling problem may just lead to some fun side bets in your group at worst, as his problem wouldn't really affect the show in any major way.
    So that's why I think Cuphead is your best choice for GGM.
    Regardless, congrats on 5 years of GGM. Keep up the amazing work!

  • @whyareyoureadingthissmh
    @whyareyoureadingthissmh ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ive been a fan of ggm for a long time now I havent been here from the beginning like some others have but ive loved this show so much I tried to make my own version that didnt end up going anywhere but ah well
    anyway out of these four characters to be the new ggm host I feel like the arguments brought up are some of the best in the show with me needing to watch this twice before finalizing my vote for cuphead
    Donald is short tempered and in a discord friend group that I assume regularly fucks with eachother he's going to go off alot more often than what ducko makes it out to be aside from that he's a solid 2nd or 3rd with his only other major setback being that I dont see him being to interested to learn about new characters but you can be on the show without knowing to many characters
    how many of ducko's characters originate after the 1940s again?
    regardless onto cartman he seems like the most insufferable person alive, even when he isnt being well, Eric fucking cartman I doubt anyone would enjoy his existence outside of the original wow of "Eric cartman is real" he's lazy and likely wouldnt put to much effort into the show despite having the best experience when it comes to TH-cam and being the only one that knows how to grow a channel but you guys arent the island boys you arent that desperate for attention
    next up is ryu who is basically a blank slate with the only thing I have against him being points already brought up plus me just generally not seeing him being interested in this that being said I flip flop on wether he's 3rd or 2nd
    lastly is mah boy cuphead he's probably the only one hear who would want to be apart of ggm and do it fairly unlike Eric who would prolly kill anyone who would beat him and probably also just put himself in every episode anyway *insert basically all of ribbits points here* but on top of all of that theres one aspect I feel like is ignored here the fact that these are fictional characters being brought into the real world this means that despite all the examples of Donald not freaking out Eric avoiding being cancelled like the plague and Ryu not always being a fighting hobo despite all of that people will acknowledge them for their famous traits the most and cup heads the only one who would be viewed in a mainly positive light with the exception of ryu but I dont wanna repeat why I think he's the inferior pick oh Also if ducko tries to argue Donald being iconic in the vs community Im pretty sure everyone knows who these four are so id say thats a mute point
    tldr: cup heads the most willing to learn about new characters is the most familiar with modern technology without being a WW2 German soldier and would be viewed by the general audience the most positively cuphead has this dare I say in the bag
    except he doesnt cause god damn this is fucking close even Eric has some arguments
    edit: fuck I nearly forgot that cuphead makes jacket from hotline Miami getting on ggm alot more likely than he is to rn and that'd make my friend group happy ok NOW im done