GALAXY GRUDGE MATCH 35.1 - The Dating Game (Freddy Krueger VS Springtrap VS The Joker)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 82

  • @GalacticAttorney
    @GalacticAttorney 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    Freddy got destroyed on ERB and Springtrap lost on Animation VS Anything, whereas the Joker won his ERB. It is for these reasons that I think Springtrap wins.

    • @BrazilianMongoose
      @BrazilianMongoose 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Springtrap Vs Tricky was really close

    • @Orwin_Crossheart
      @Orwin_Crossheart 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Not to be rude, but on the official poll on the channel that makes Animation vs Anything, Springtrap was the one who won.
      But Joker did indeed win his ERB

    • @SoulSymbiote
      @SoulSymbiote 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hang on hang on let him cook

  • @narrowlyavoid
    @narrowlyavoid 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Springtrap shall surely succeed in this Seduction Showdown! As a Death Battle fan being in a romantic relationship is foreign to me, though I’ve read many WizStick fics so I think I’ve got a decent grasp on the concept.
    Usually, two people would also want to give each other space when they're in a relationship, after all too much of anything is never a good thing. And when boundaries aren't in place it leads to the couple's relationship to become toxix/obessive. And I believe Dave Miller is the best at setting boundaries. Freddy and Joker are borderline obsessive when it comes to certain people, if they’re in a relationship they’d probably annoy you more than anything if the relationship keeps up. Sure seeing Freddy in a dream sounds pretty good but if it’s for every night you’d get tired of them pretty quickly. And the Joker’s idea of love revolves around making Batman laugh. He’d definitely force his over to join him in his nightly antics against Batman, which would definitely result in you getting a broken bone or 30. Have fun spending a date with Joker in the hospital.
    Springtrap would be the best at setting boundaries between himself and lover. He hasn’t shown to be overly obsessive like the other two, and the fact that he’s been married and had three children implies the relationship was pretty strong. Also, Springtrap does genuinely care about his loved ones. Larry brought up how he based Baby off his daughter, but I’m more interested in him making the Psychic Friend Fredbear Plush to specifically keep an eye on the Crying Child to keep him out of danger. And it worked up until something out of Davey’s control caused his son’s death. Which wasn’t his fault to begin with.
    So overall, I think William’s chances at winning are extraordinarily pussytastic! The winner is Springtrap!

  • @monkieboi2902
    @monkieboi2902 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Let's be honest no one would date any of these three psychos, but If I were to choose which one I would put my money on Springtrap.
    Sure Freddy could give people good dreams but he usually twists those dreams and kills his victims. Another thing Afton has over Freddy is that he generally cares for his family like the time he killed Vanessa, if you look closely at his face he showed general regret after what he did. Meanwhile when Freddy's wife found out his murderous passed he didn't regret killing her.
    As for's the goddamn Joker. I don't need to explain much.
    At the end of the day I'm joining Larry's side and if he ends up losing this one he'll always make a comeback.

  • @BiffWeed
    @BiffWeed 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Max has thrown me down the slasher movie rabbit hole, so it's only right for me to be the one to step up and rep Fredrick here. After all, who better to provide the most objective answer in the romance scenario than the aroace guy, clearly I'm an expert in this field.
    All three of them are horrible options, but I'd argue Freddy is the only one who could keep his past under wraps from the contestant. Afton's name is attached to a huge company linked to a ton of dead kids, and Joker is known around the world for crimes that far eclipse the other two combined. There will be a predetermined bias against those two from the start. The Elm Street films though make a point of actively trying to scrub any evidence of Freddy's existence and crimes to not give him any power and protect the people who fell victim to him, so he can potentially be the only bachelor with a clean slate to his name. His appearance wouldn't be an issue either since Freddy's Dead showed that he can revert to his original look, even without being in the Dream World.
    So in terms of looks and criminal record, even if it isn't true, Freddy can at least make himself look like the most normal option here compared to the rotting, smelly corpse and maniacal clown with a ton of deaths linked to their names. It's looking to be prime time for a Freddy sweep, bitch!

  • @Im_here_too4089
    @Im_here_too4089 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    An unusual one to be sure, but here we go. Feel free to skip to what’s relevant. I’m just going to address everything I feel is important.
    Let’s start, as any modern marriage does, with the first date. Not only the first impression you make on your future soulmate, but also what will become a happy memory for if times become hard (they will, that’s normal.) First to fall in this respect is probably Joker. Even if he rubbed off the makeup for a night, he would still have to hide most of his more… eccentric traits in order to not scare of his date (I can relate unfortunately.) That said though, Freddy has it worse physically. This is the dating game, he can’t start this relationship over the phone and give someone ample warning he was designed to look like pepperoni pizza. Even if he is able to be charming and charismatic, which is still up for debate, his date will likely be distracted by his outward appearance and unpleasant voice. Springtrap may face the same problem if his own brand of camouflage technology fails, a patched up rabbit suit would be unusual, but not necessarily bad or frightening to look at. Heck, sowing some patches of various colours over the holes might actually be a good look for him, though maybe he should stick with purple. One point to William.
    Of course, with this being after 2020, most people will probably look for some security in a relationship. In a financial sense too, I don’t doubt all three of them are capable of finding a job, but also in their ability to provide constant support when life knocks you down. In this particular area I find it rather difficult to pick a winner. Freddy could tell some jokes if you just felt a bit down, or give you anything else in the dream world (provided, of course, he is still there,) to cheer you up after a hard day. Springtrap on the other hand can likely offer some sort of motivation, he did run a company after all, and likely find some form of solution to any problems you face. He does always come back after all, he could probably relate to any problems you face and be right by your side as you both push through. Finally we have the Joker. Not only is he also a funny man, in some cases a joy to be around, he is also intelligent enough to find any deep, more underlying problems and find solutions to match, bringing me to my next point.
    In any relationship, new or long standing, problems will arise. Most problems are best addressed as soon as possible, with both parties keeping a clear head. If even the smallest things become a shouting match, the relationship will crumble. This is another case where it’s hard to decide a clear winner, only this time it’s for the opposite reason. Freddy’s anger is one of the only emotions we see from him, and he would probably start swearing and slashing if his temper is tested. Springtrap would likely follow suit, lashing out at any provocation. Joker fares slightly better, maybe. I suppose laughter is slightly better than shouting, but in no way helpful. Even if the situation is diffused temporarily with good humour, I don’t see Joker making any progress in solving the problem, and if something unsolvable emerges, Joker will likely just blow up his partner. Problem solved, right.
    Back to advantages someone here actually has, you will likely notice I haven’t brought up children until now. Even if a couple decides not to have any, being able to at least interact with them is another benefit in a husband. While I can easily see Freddy hiding the glove for a while, we still never saw much of his interactions with his daughter. It’s possible that learning stuff from uncle Freddy might not be such a good thing. And heaven forbid we talk about reboot Freddy. Joker falls into the same boat (the bad influence part, not the pedo part.) His family in both Batman beyond and Harley Quinn was, well, murderous. A family he raised would likely take on some of his worst attributes. Finally, while William is hardly perfect, he was at least able to gain the trust of children temporarily before he killed them, and he ran what was ultimately a children’s establishment. So in this area, the purple man also has a small edge.
    There are also many areas where the three match each other, for better or worse. All of our contestants could likely find meaning in a relationship, work to keep a good one, and offer support with keeping the taxmen at bay. With some marriage counselling, they could perhaps learn conflict resolution skills, problem solving and the little things that show they care, as well as letting go of their unnecessary stubbornness and letting the other person in.
    While I could go on, the last time I did that the internet crashed and I had to restart this comment, so I’ll just add that there are many other important things to consider in a relationship, and with these three being basically divorcees, there is all the more to overcome. However, with the best means to hide his appearance and make a good first impression, the people skills necessary to function, and no huge disadvantages that the other two don’t also have, I can picture William Afton, with the spring locks already shut for safety, can end his second relationship with success and mutual love.
    And who said nobody in this community could be romantic.

  • @GodzillaFan8889
    @GodzillaFan8889 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    It’s February 14, there’s love in the air… and now blood.
    The rational choice here would be to opt out, but between these three, I think *Springtrap* would be the best partner. Compared to the others, he’s the most “stable” (relatively speaking of course) and capable of actually living a normal life and providing for his family. Compare that to Freddy, who is dead, and Joker, who gets punted to Arkham every other week. Afraid he’ll get flak for looking like a rotten corpse? Just slap on some illusion discs and it’ll be like nothing ever happened to ol’ William! And the kids part? Well, who said you needed to have kids? He’s a fine enough partner on his own and would be actually tolerable in a conversation. He’s got a smaller sense of humor than the other two sure, but it’s still there.
    He also, from what we know, treated his canon romantic partner the best. We don’t really know what happened with Mrs. Afton, but I’d much rather take that risk than be with Freddy, who literally killed his own wife, and the Joker, who is consistently abusive to Harley. Yes there are exceptions, but more often than not he’s pretty shitty. And that’s the problem with Joker; most of his better qualities come from stories where he does something out of his norm. No, he’s not gonna become a normal person just because of you. It has to be something utterly life-changing, like Batman dying. And back to the topic of Freddy, yeah he sucks as a family man. He can’t provide, he can really only make you happy in your dreams, and unlike Afton he’s got no way to mask that hideous face in private or in public.
    No one would ever dream of dancing with these devils in the pale moonlight for even just five nights, but in the end, I believe that Afton and his British rizz- I mean, more well-rounded factors, would be the best psycho to spend your life with.

  • @capejedi2048
    @capejedi2048 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    This is the one time I'm going to willing side with Springtrap, as this is less a debate of who's the best, and more the least bad.
    Now Freddy is certainly someone I could see being a decent partner in terms of, bedroom things, for lack of a better term. In that I could see being around a guy who could make dreams cool being cool. However, that's just in the dream world. Assuming he doesn't randomly pull the Necronomicom out of his ass, everything he really has to offer is in the bedroom. And not just in the sex way, since I don't think anyone sane would willingly do that with any of these three. Freddy's certainly got charisma, but he's kind of a one night stand at best, and once the allure of his dream world goes away, he's just not going to be bringing much to the table.
    As for Joker, while he is probably the most generally conventionally attractive of the three, he also happens to be a very active criminal. Unlike Afton who tends to keep things under wraps and Freddy who does it on another plane of reality entirely, Joker is a very public criminal that really likes causing as much mayhem and destruction as possible, which means he's going to be getting beaten up superheroes or shot at by police every time he tries to do his shtict. And I don't think people like their partners coming home battered and full of bullets, or talking to them through jail cells. Also sure he has some instances of being kind, but this is also the guy who is basically the textbook definition of abusive partner, and that's just on the one he likes keeping around. And that's also assuming your association with him doesn't lead to you being labelled as insane yourself for trying to be his boyfriend, landing you in Arkham as well. And don't even get me started on how unappealing it would be to have to move to Gotham City, which is one of the worst places in DC to live in that isn't a planet that got sucked into a black hole.
    Meanwhile, yes Afton is literally a walking corpse, but like, he's at least a polite walking corpse. You could have a casual conversation with him about topics that aren't just murder or how epic they are. He can make illusions to at least trick you into not staring at a corpse all the time. And sure he's not a great business owner, but if he just does freelance work or works as an employee he doesn't have to worry about driving the place he works at into the ground. And a lot of his crime stuff is stuff he keeps under wraps, so you're not gonna have to worry about being charged as an unintentional accomplice.
    Anyways if Chucky showed up he'd stomp all of them. He's a charming presenter, funny as hell, is anatomically correct, and respects LGBT rights. But since he's not here, I'm going to have to say Afton is the shiniest turd here.

  • @jaysondowney7403
    @jaysondowney7403 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I think it’s obvious spring trap has this in the bag the joker straight up abuses anyone that isn’t Batman and Freddy well Freddy who would want to date a child diddler Freddy is also extremely possessive of his lovers. Spring trap before his transformation straight up had a wife and children as well and was a decent person untill unfortunate accidents made him psychotic so let the robot take the win

  • @Robot_972
    @Robot_972 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    As tempting as it sounds to pick Springtrap since he could seemingly fix his, you know, rotting state with surgery, there’s a couple notable issues. First off, he was only able to do so in the novels due to it still being fairly recent to his getting Springlocked, meaning he wasn’t quite rotting yet. As in, within a year. Secondly, it uh… required a lot of “willing” child donors to get the flesh needed to fill in the chunks that got torn out.
    Between Freddy and Joker, I… guess I’d have to pick Freddy…? As tempting as the very slim chance Joker gets therapy sounds, we’ve seen what happens when he relapses. And I for one don’t feel like living out the hellhole that is his treatment of Ms. Harley whenever his quiet life inevitably bites the dust.

  • @SoulSymbiote
    @SoulSymbiote 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    This might be somewhat strange to bring up to some, but the fact that the scenario has them dating a man I think actually helps The Joker quite a bit. Ever since Grant Morrison and Dave McKean's 1989 masterpiece, "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth", The Joker has been consistently portrayed or seen as a queer character, either explicitly attracted to Batman or subtly coded as such.
    Yes, this does tie into the argument that The Joker only cares about Batman, but given Butter's examples of Joker caring about other people within mainline comics or other media, I can see Mister J giving the average joe a change within the game of love. If anything, it would be funny if Gotham's most horrific villain started a loving relationship with literally some guy, and The Joker likes doing shit if he finds it funny, doesn't always have to be murder. Also I'm surprised Butter didn't bring up Punchline, a more recent Batman villain that Joker seemingly has a genuine connection with.
    Springtrap is the most stable out of the three mentally and can build cool robots, but that's all he has. Otherwise on all other fronts he isn't doing that great. If he has to use tech to trick your mind into thinking he's not some rotting corpse who fucking stinks then I don't think he's worth it at all. The Freddy Fazbear franchise literally only found a proper success when he was long dead after FNaF 6, and to be honest we know so little about his marriage that you can make as many negative arguments for it than you can positive. He has a better shot than Krueger though at least, who is very limited to what he can do in the real world and likely would prefer a woman much younger than him (something that puts him at third by default).
    One final thing, Joker is the most attractive one here physically, personally I'm not into dead bodies or Deadpool's ballsack.

  • @gatorloki548
    @gatorloki548 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Ayy, I got my man Joker in this debacle!
    Not only does he have much more rizz then the others, plus actually being capable of having sex in his current body (Freddy’s balls are burnt and Afton’s are crushed), but he also has shown to be a good person and a father as Butter stated. Freddy seemed like a decent dad, but he put his killer life above his family when he strangled his wife when she found out about his career. Afton is a better dad then Freddy, but that’s not saying much. He has shown to be capable of love, but he can be pretty creepy sometimes. He put cameras in his younger son’s room and even created a Fredbear doll to monitor him. All of this is due to him being too much absorbed into his work, often spending most of his time in his workshop. No wonder Michael fucking killed his brother, their father was never for them (and also the Crying Child being a bitch but that’s unlikely). Aside from that, Joker has a far larger pool of money he can draw from. Freddy only has been shown to be a Janitor in terms of having a job, but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, and let’s say he makes the same amount of money as a middle class citizen does. It could make sense as he did manage to afford a pretty good house. But Joker’s billionaire status eclipses both Freddy and Fazbear Entertainment.
    Also, I would imagine Joker would actually allow his partner to have fun. The best Freddy could give out is being in his lover’s dreams and taking them out for co-op murder. Afton could maybe do something with robotics and illusions idk. But, can you imagine how fun it would be to fight the FUCKING BATMAN. Sure, you might get your ass kicked, but that would still be a highlight of your life! Not only that, but Joker actually has friends. You could always tag along with Bane, Mr. Freeze or the Rizzler to have fun! Freddy doesn’t have any friends, only enemies like Jason or Ash, with one of them straight up hating sex while the other one is cool, but is too busy fighting deadites. Afton can tag along his kids, but it would be awkward walking around with a robot with a scissor hand or a walking corpse!
    In the end, the Joker is a far better, richer and more interesting husband then anybody here. The winner, is the JONKLER.

  • @masedaace5473
    @masedaace5473 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This might be one of my favorite scenarios that you guys have made, and that's saying something! Can't wait for part 2!

  • @buttersamuri3536
    @buttersamuri3536 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Batman and Ryu in this scenario TBH

  • @m3Atl0afman
    @m3Atl0afman 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Gonna have to give this one to ol' Afton. Larry made a lot of interesting points that I have to agree with, and to add onto them, compared to Joker and Freddy, I think it might even be in Afton's best interest to have a partner.
    If he finds the right person, I can see them providing support to Afton in various ways, almost like a partner-in-crime of sorts - concocting schemes, going out and blending into society for covert ops, heck even having someone to talk to for a second opinion. In return, his partner would have protection due to Springtrap's control of the animatronics, as well as the various pizzeria locations he has access to, which could also act as potential date spots or floating headquarters - when other people aren't around of course.
    I can't see Joker and Freddy dedicating themselves to their partner as much as they would to their job; at the very least, Afton can still be a chill and reasonable guy provided you are loyal and committed to him.

  • @TheDudeontheTube
    @TheDudeontheTube 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well, this is not going to end well. But if I had to choose one of these psychopaths to go on a date with, The Joker is surprisingly the best one, and I'll tell you why.
    Starting off with the Dream Demon, Freddy Kreuger has the faults of the other 2 and more. Sure, he did get himself a job and start a family, but he only did that to hide the fact that he was a killer. He also gave birth to a Jim Henson's Witness baby, who caught him strangling his wife, saw what he truly was when she entered his shed and would have most likely exposed him like his name was Tom Stewart. He also would have gone to jail if the people at the trial weren't incompetent. Besides all that, the main thing that Freddy has going against him is that when you date him, you're doing it while you are sleeping, and getting some sleep would be better for your health than dreaming about this lunatic. I know that Freddy can be brought to the real world, but that would require him to be dragged outside the dream world, and that would require a lot of lost sleep. Sure, he had a love song written about him, but that's all that is, a song. It's not like the girl singing the song actually has a crush on Freddy. And with all that said, Freddy Kreuger isn't getting a date in his wildest dreams.
    Next up is the man behind the slaughter, unlike Freddy, Afton actually is a successful businessman who ran a Chuck E Cheese inspired pizzeria, but that's the thing, said pizzeria is now haunted and abandoned, where the animatronics run around and give people heart attacks. Not to mention the various controversies surrounding said place, with various children dying and their souls being trapped inside said animatronics, do I even have to mention the bite of 87? Yeah, not the best resume to have when you're trying to get people to date you. There's also the fact that he's not the best husband to have, since his own family ended up dying and their souls are also trapped in animatronics. Sure, he's also a successful inventor who made a chip that could also change the way people look at him, but that chip messes with the person's mind with the usage of sound waves, and once you hear said soundwaves and see Afton, if you know anything about what he done, you might as well get out of there. So yeah, Afton is not coming back from the loneliness he'll be suffering from.
    So, what makes the Joker different from the other 2, what does he have that the other 2 don't. Well, believe it or not, he actually has the most heart and morality out of the 3 of them. Sure, he doesn't have the best relationship with Harley, but in the beginning, they actually had a healthy relationship, as Harleen Quinzel, she was able to talk it out with the Joker, figure out why he went insane, and that was the start of the relationship. In the Harely Quinn show, he actually started his own family, he had a wife and kids who he actually did care for, unlike the other 2, who murdered their own families. Sure, Afton cared for his daughter, but he should have been more careful when she got trapped inside an animatronic. So, at the end of the day, out of these 3 psychopaths, the Joker has the most heart out of the 3 of them, and he would be the one getting himself a date, unlike burnt pizza face and the rotting robot bunny.
    Well, this was fun, who's for Chinese?

  • @malforeskirmish5925
    @malforeskirmish5925 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I must say this has way more effort then I would have expected from a valentines special since valentines is far from the biggest holiday great work all around
    Now as for my actual debate despite this being oddly close to the point where I could imagine this going back and forth between the jonkler and Fredrick krugerton I have to side with max and go with Freddy
    Sorry Larry but I think afton gets last for me I will admit he has more advantages then I originally anticipated he would bring in the most cash out of them in a legal way tho I have some issues with this that I’ll get into in but a moment and he is probably the best in terms of having stable relationships but again this does have issues, and speaking of witch despite these advantages I just don’t think he can get past this the biggest flaw he has is his appearance larry Brought up ways he could make himself look less like a crushed California raisin but not only does this scenario show him with his usual appearance so no matter how he makes himself look it won’t change his actual appearance but even without that he’d more often then not be stuck in a ridiculous bunny suit the idea of going on a date with a guy in a bunny suit works about as well as cream the rabbit going in a date with Chris thorndike as in it just doesn’t, now larry did show evidence that afton showed genuine love for his children but that’s surprisingly not very helpful here not only because both joker and Freddy have shown better love for their children and showed love for adults way more then afton has but last I checked the love for a child and a partner is quite a bit different plus we haven’t seen much of his “love” for his partner whilst Freddy and joker have shown to do quite well or at least better then mutalated bugs bunny over there, as for the financial benefit I feel like it could work out…to an extent while yes afton could bring in the most money in good ways if Conner were to look into the pasts of these 2 I bet he’d be turned off pretty quickly with what afton has done over the years I mean I could list off all of afton crimes but if I did I’d be here all day, on the subject of Conner I feel like he’s a good bit more important then y’all have shown and by that I mean there’s more to say about the guy then nothing at all since I feel like with how he was shown off at the start he’d be pretty frightened by all of them but I feel like he’d at least somewhat get used to Freddy and joker they both have a equal balance of serious and goofy while afton would feel too serious and look to goofy so yeah I think afton will get dead last heck I still have points against afton like his large ego and especially how sex would go down like can you imagine having sex win a bootleg chuck e cheese animatronic that’s as broken as the McDonald’s ice cream machine yeah afton just doesn’t cut it
    As for joker and Freddy this will be tricky ti discuss as I’ll be flip flopping my points for them joker has a lot of things going for him he’s the most human here by a landslide I mean Freddy looks like a victim of the pyro and I already disused afton to heck and back yeah joker is far from the best looking dc character but he looks fine compared to the others he can do well in terms of money with how Rich he is he can be a good bit more serious then Freddy I think he’d try to have a stable relationship at least until the game ends similar to how he and Harley turned out and In terms of some sweet gay SEX he’d do a good but better I mean his cemetery with lex and Batman shows this
    With that said tho I think Freddy has more going for him first yes joker has a lot of money way more then what Freddy could make outside of the dreamworld however going back to Conner who’s to say that he doesn’t have a stable job so for all we know none of these bastards would need to work they can be the stay at home partners who handle all the kids for better or for worse, as max said he’s the most caring of anyone here yes he killed his wife but if you were in his situation you’d feel a little bit like he did meanwhile the jokester is a consistent mix of good and bad and I already went over max without ruby over there, I also feel like he’d be the more likeable of the 3 I know that’s odd to say but he’s shown to be kind around those he cares about unless they go after him for his murderous past while joker is a consistent abuser of those he’s partners with oh and on the topic of murderous pasts I already mentioned springtrap’s past could be hard for good old Conner to deal with but joker is waaaaaay worse I forget being here all day about actions crimes you could do a daily list of jokers crimes of or a year and not even go over half of them at least Freddy hasn’t done that many crimes in comparison, I’d also like to argue that since it was somewhat implied that Freddy stopped his crimes due to having a loving manage I feel like something like that could happen here or at the very least it would be more likely then Jeff the jonkler and Oswald the unlucky animatronic over there ( yes I am trying to reference as many rabbit characters as possible rabbits and bunnies are cute ) finally I’d like to bring up that Freddy over there is just better in terms of being around for marriage and no I don’t just mean with SEX he was shown to work well in a relationship in the past and at least until his family found out about his crimes he seamed to work well and could work well whenever he isn’t murderous and as I said there is the possibility he could just stop being so murder happy, meanwhile joker is always causing crimes is always going to jail dies a ton of times and focuses more on making a quick buck committing murderous acts or being a complete cunt then even trying to be a family man as a romantic partner father or otherwise
    So ultimately I see Freddy winning this the unenergised bunny has too much going against him with his looks and past history and the joke with the most has a equal amount of good and bad grates while Freddy has more going for him then the others do so I think our boy Conner will be doing the Freddy with our boy Freddy Krueger as he dances in victory and asserts his dominance over his competition
    Btw in the time it took me to write this the episode played 3 times so I spent 1 hour 25 minutes and 51seconds typing this out I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing but just know that this is a thing

  • @AquaStudiosYT
    @AquaStudiosYT 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Wow! A GGM where i DONT have to side against a hero. Anyway after listening to these debates im gonna have to go with The Joker.
    First, a point that did seem very glanced over is that the Joker can’t provide?? Which is certainly not true. The Joker has had several business ventures over the years and HELL he was once even the Mayor!! He can certainly keep you and your family safe.
    I know Max loves to bring up that Freddy did at one point love, which while questionable ill ignore since theres a bigger problem. Ever since he became a dream demon he has not sought love since. His only goal is to terrorize and kill teenagers. He has no real way of providing you with anything outside of wet fantasies IN YOUR DREAMS. That is if hes not off fucking with some random teenager instead of spending time with you.
    Springtrap had some really good arguments for sure. However i think ultimately no matter what way you spin it. Hes a rotting corpse inside a suit that you will always run the risk of getting torn to shreds by. Ignoring that i know Larry brought up the idea of William just becoming an animatronic again which im sorry, but thats just not going to happen. The Fazbear Company wants nothing to do with Afton and have actively tried covering the things he’s done. I severely doubt he will just be let back into society.
    The Joker ultimately just has what it takes over all. Hes the least ugly looking by far (even then he could just take the makeup off and be normal) has shown to actually change and better himself, and has the easiest ways of providing you. Now thats a funny joke

  • @rpmblack7892
    @rpmblack7892 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Spingtrap and Freddy probably both smell like ass. They are rotting corpses. Even more especially, William can't take a bath without.. you know.. and the chips aren't going to change the ICKY, The Joker may be a lunatic but he is a dignified lunatic and (when he wants to) is super handsome! He is actually very smart in psychology and was such a good lover AND bathtaker. He stayed with batman for about 80 years and -tricked- seduced harley for over 30! The Jokester would spend his time for at least a bit still WAY longer than the smelly corpses. This seems like no contest at all, really JOKER FTW!!

  • @Godofshinverse
    @Godofshinverse 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Can’t say there’s a single reason to go against Springtrap here really
    Sure the child murder would be like the only thing to not be capable of fixing easily but it’s not like joker or Freddy are any better, Freddy arguably has the biggest high count of children out of any slasher right when he became a demon he didn’t hesitate to go ahead and kill kids
    Joker meanwhile 😂😂 this is just golden, just because of the fact his famous joker venom (which may I remind you is basically his perfume nowadays) was being sold as a drug he just blew up the school where the seller’s kid went too and let’s not mention joker avidly enjoys to take pleasure in torturing children like Tim drake in Batman beyond
    Sure he and Springtrap may not be so different but repeated moments and times we’ve seen Joker get physically & emotionally abusive to Harley Meanwhile the whole time Springtrap was around and alive he actually did cherish and loved his children and most likely his wife, sure him making the Nightmare animatronics to torture the crying child might be regrettable but he did that just so he would be safe from leaving the house and it’s not like William has a reason to kill people, remember the first time he started his spree was because of the lost of his child and like Larry said even if William got into hot water his connections and work places could easily make him enough money that he could likely hire some good enough lawyers
    And the final nail as to why Springtrap is the best pick… when the crying child was killed in the first place William promised he would decide to go ahead and fix him, yea he loves his close ones so much he’s willing to bring them back to life through any means necessary this shows William as a much more loyal and caring person then freddy or joker could ever try to be
    Ultimately I’d say Springtrap would be the most likely best pick for a lover

  • @springtrap1796
    @springtrap1796 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Going with my boi Springtrap. He’ll do anything to put the relationship back together again.

  • @stevenpowers5166
    @stevenpowers5166 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I think I’m gonna go with only person here who isn’t a r*pist, Springtrap in my opinion that alone is enough but there is still some other stuff like the fact he’s easily the best husband there’s no proof that he did get divorced but if he did I would rather be divorced then be dead or insane,he’s also a pretty decent father.He cares for 2 out of 3 kids!!! Those are some pretty good numbers if you ask me he may care a little too much but uhhh just make sure your child doesn’t die??? It’s pretty simple if you ask me.He’s also pretty rich ,running a very successful company,Joker may be richer but if you think he is using it on you you’re more crazy than he is. Now he may be ugly but that does not matter in the slightest when the other options are the worst people you could possibly date. So to put it simply the only Freddy I’d date is Mr. Five nights and if you think differently you have to be joking

  • @soocoolrobot420
    @soocoolrobot420 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Freddy is either debatable or definitely a child predator depending on what version of him.
    I don't want to bring it up but the joker is abusive to a t I don't think he can love people, and even if you could he will go out every night just to cheat on you (let's face it fighting Batman is like sex for him)
    But William Afton has been shown to love I mean he even made a robot and his wife's honor after she died or divorce him but either way that does show that he loved his wife, and I'll be reimbursed to forget he's a Tumblr sexy man for crying out loud they're sexy in the tidal crying out loud.
    With all that considered William Afton Is definitely the most eligible bachelor.

  • @FintanMajora
    @FintanMajora 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ok so originally i was gonna side with Springtrap due to the issue that Freddy is a literal demon that shows absolutely no empathy and Joker has too many inconsistencies with his character when it comes to care and compassion, but butter did a good enough job to actually convicne me here.
    Joker despite his inconsistencies when it comes to his relationships at least shows the possibilities of being able to sustain a positive relationship even as a crime lord. There might be a history of him abusing harley ALOT and going as far as to kill one of Batmans adopted son just to get under his skin, so they are all chipd killers in that sense. Even though there are small and insignificant factors like "who looks hotter" or "who can support you better financially" and all those others small things, the biggest one here to consider when datinf literal murderers is who is likely to change for the better. Joker literally is the only one here that can do that. Springtrap held on to his humanity the longest untol he snapped and never went back, despite always coming back, with the onyl small hint for his humanity is his desire for a family and the love he had for his daughter. Freddy is a loat cause, he is now a heartless demon with no hint of love within him, he has no chance of truely changing since it's no longer in his nature, he has ZERO humanity. Joker here has enough evidence to showcase that he can indeed change for the better, change for those he loves, and even if he still pursues crime, he isnt involving those he cares about if there is enough empathy. Moving in with a family after getting an abusive father arrested and not at all pursuing crime during it is a huge boon to his empathy. MOST IMPORTANTLY, he may be an criminal lunatic, but even he hates Nazis.
    The winner is Joker, no matter the dreams freddy can give me, no matter how many times afton will come back crawling, Joker is the chad of this gameshow and will win the heart of his new lover

  • @StripeTheSquid
    @StripeTheSquid 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think Joker’s biggest strengths compared to the rest is that he’s got like, 50 different versions of himself. Some Jokers are genuinely nice (for a villain), have one or multiple high paying jobs, reasonable, and some (like 60’s, Lego, etc) aren’t even really evil, just pranksters. The Harley Quinn show one has a very nice relationship with his family even after he was de brainwashed, and in general, he looks fairly normal, even with the make up you can easily just explain that he preforms as a clown. Genuinely, even some of his worst versions are better than his competitors.
    Springtrap has his upsides. He’s fairly same, smart, has had successful business ventures, and even a family. If he wasn’t stuck in a rabbit suit he’s the easy pick. The problem is he’s stuck in a rabbit suit, and that must smell horrible. Even if he was a perfectly nice guy I couldn’t bear to pick him with that. It’s not like he’s taking a shower. Also, while I could get over him looking the least human (I’m ace I ain’t going far with him), it’s hard to take a 6 foot tall molding rabbit man to dinner.
    Freddy likes kids. No.

  • @StephenStryker
    @StephenStryker 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yeah I’m gonna go with Freddy with this one. Freddy while he may be a serial killer he also is very good at talking to people especially if they’re going to be on his side. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily A healthy relationship him and Catherine are still somewhat cool with each other in nightmare warriors not to mention Freddy’s not that bad of a team player he actually works along with Jason. It’s only when Jason messes with his plain things get ugly. Also Freddy is very competitive and does not like failing so if Freddy wants to succeed I think he’ll give it his all. Freddy also doesn’t have to look like Deadpool he could change his face to look like a play boy model or whatever really. So I’m going with Freddy.

  • @TheLoonToon
    @TheLoonToon 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pretty close debate all around here, as I think all three lovers here have pretty good arguments to be made. Though, I’ll be siding with Springtrap as the best choice for a potential partner.
    Lemme get this outta the way first, Afton is by far the most stable and put together person in this lineup. Granted, he’s obviously not the most sane person himself, but when his competition consists of the Springwood Slasher and Arkham Asylum’s most dangerous resident, the bar was already set lower than the darkest pit of hell that’s waiting on him. Freddy’s been a monster since birth and hasn’t ever had a single relationship that didn’t end in one of them killing the other. When he’s not killing, though, he’s being the biggest creep of the three here. He’d be a nightmare on both the streets and in the sheets. Despite this though, Joker is somehow even worse when it comes to sanity, being the literal poster boy for complete and utter chaos. He has rare moments of being a genuinely nice person, but most of these examples are a byproduct of his entirely chaotic and unpredictable nature, or even worse, they’re just simple manipulation tactics. He’s an infamous criminal who’s known worldwide in the DC universe for just how dangerous the he is, and he is very upfront about that fact to people.
    William, on the other hand, acts much more calm around most people. He’s a calm and intelligent businessman outside of his murder sprees and his crimes went completely under the rug, even after his death. This man is such a genius that he was the first one to discover the substance of remnant, pioneered the research of it and basically mastered it entirely not long after. This was all during his killing sprees, so he’s absolutely a competent and level headed guy when he’s outside of his child serial killing tendencies.
    I would say William’s only major disadvantage atleast initially would be his appearance as a rotten corpse, but I think the Illusion Discs negate that disadvantage entirely. He’s used it plenty of times, both to make scary things look cuter and to make cute things look worse than they actually are. Not only could he use it on himself to make himself look like the Mathew Lillard we all know and love, but he could use it to make Fred or Joker look as unappealing as possible. Not that I really think he’d need to do that though, as I can absolutely see Joker just cutting off his face mid-date & I don’t really think Freddy is gonna change his appearance from his normal, terrifying look with the confidence he has. So yeah, I think Springtrap is going to be coming back for that second date.
    Regardless of who wins though, I don’t know why Conner’s so nervous here. Atleast he doesn’t have to date… Freddy Fazbear. Because, if he had to date… Freddy Five Bears, he’d come out and say: “har har harhar har harharharhar haaaaar” and then he’d kill, Conner. Or he’d try to do it.

  • @wafflepiplup3624
    @wafflepiplup3624 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think i am going to side with William here.
    In terms of money, he's the only one with a real legal method of providing as the breadwinner. His main venture, Fazbear entertainment, saw great success in the 80s and, aside from a hiccup in the 2000s and 2010s, has only grown to the point of getting at least one large shopping mall sized establishment. The first part of that was while he was in charge, and the second was while he was exerting influence as Glitchtrap. Only when he isn't present is the company failing, so disregarding the pizzaplex is a mistake. As for the others: Freddy has little influence outside of dreams and no reliable source of income, while Joker obtained all of his money illegally and spends as much time in prisons and asylums as outside them, if not more.
    In terms of looks, none of them are great by default, but both William and Freddy can change that. Freddy can change his looks in Conner's dreams, and William could build himself a new body. Given how lifelike robots can get in the FNaF canon, plus the sound illusion disks, it is likely that he could form a body not so disgusting and, perhaps, a little attractive. Really Joker, who probably wins this category normally, cant keep up once shape shifting and robotic upgrades are in the picture. Also only a little under 5% of men identify as gay or bi if i recall correctly, so new bodies and shape shifting may be more important than if Conner was a woman, or confirmed gay.
    Finally, in terms of morals and ethics, William still wins. The only harm he brings to his own family is either an accident or, in the case of trying to kill Michael, a form of self defense. While child murder looks bad (and, I guess, is bad) he doesn't dittle the kids before killing them, unlike Freddy. Also, while some examples here do show Joker's softer side, this side is seen rather rarely compares to the abusive side or the domestic terrorist side. While serial murder is bad, serial murder + pedophilia and serial murder bordering on terrorism are worse.

  • @surgingtsunami7780
    @surgingtsunami7780 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sorry Max, but by far I think Freddy is the worst option. I mean, for starters, he isn’t the most appealing to the eyes. He’s hinted to be a p*do in the remake, and commonly prays on teenagers regardless. Doesn’t really have a profession that pays (or could land one..). And worst of all, uh.. I’ll just move on.
    Afton and Joker are equal parts debatable. Though, it really depends on the incarnation of the Joker, if he’s not a composite. Really, it comes down to the flavor of crazy that would be more ideal. No less, the risk involved. Whether it be participating in their schemes or merely being in their presence.

  • @mikefastest7229
    @mikefastest7229 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    First time doing this on any TH-cam comment section so bear with me if there are a few grammar errors but between the three of them have to go with bachelor number three the joker it's definitely clear there are free things in play when it comes to this they are one can they provide two Can they love and three do they look good? Let's go through these options one by one
    financially Freddy is the most screwed here. His original job was being a janitor at a power plant. I don't know about you, but not to me is the lowest paying job here but how can you have a job if you're dead answer me that the only way he's giving you 1 million bucks is in your dreams and while his kills may become real, the moneybags don't, William is much better off in regards of money compared to Freddie but is still not financially sound. Yes, he has a robotics company and cofounded a pizzeria which fell into disrepair. Debt and stained with the blood of children, and the pizzeria only managed to get up off its feet after William was out of the picture. Joker is financially more sound than both of them could put together. yes, he's a criminal, but he still has millions of dollars just lying around and a few times when he has given up the criminal lifestyle. He's been shown that he can hold jobs heck in the Harley Quinn show he tried to run from Mayor and only dropped out after his son was kidnapped by two face which leads into another point.
    Can they love? Can they love again Freddie screwed. Yes he did get married but that's kind of a relevant or three of them have been married and how did Freddie's marriage work out? Did it end with them lovingly looking into each other's eyes? NOOO it ended with him, killing his wife after she found out about his little murder hole and he may have let his daughter go in the moment. Years later he tried to kill her, manipulating her into thinking that he still loved her. Plus he's more into children than ladies. This guy makes the mad hatter of Gotham seems safe William Afton once again, standing on top of Krueger. His marriage with his wife didn't end with murder, but it did end in a divorce two of his kids dead and him trying to kill his son. well yes he wasn't responsible for the murders of his two kids. Heck he tried to protect his daughter from his creations if he kept a close eye on them, they wouldn't be dead joker on the other hand. Yeah yeah we get it he's abusive to Harley Quinn, but if you think he truly hates her that much don't you think he would've killed her at this point and like butter said they've been numerous times where joker cares for her one of my strongest points, coming from the comic line, called the white night in that storyline joker takes a special drug. That's a precious insanity and downright proposes to Harley. The two got married and had a kid, and when the drug stopped working, and he was reverting back to his old ways, he asked his wife to put him down rather than himself hurt their kid and her if you tell me that joker doesn't care You're lying to yourself
    finally appearances, finally appoint Freddie is on top of William, for once Afton might attract People who are into furrys but I'm willing to bet even they would find this thing disgusting and underneath it doesn't get better walking corpse lives underneath that rabbit from the few images you shown of him being out of that spring lock suit. I could've sworn that there are some cybernetic parts on his face those don't look very attractive to me. Sure, there's a special device that he can use as a way to disguise himself, but based on what I heard, these discs are audio based and the person they're dating is you know deaf then those devices are not gonna be very useful. Freddie takes him here though. Not by much as dead shot from cartoon beatbox battles set about Deadpool, which can easily be translated to Freddy here. Most likely makes all those corny puns to make up the fact that his face looks like a melted pepperoni pizza. You must have blind eyes if you think that's attractive, and sure he could become whatever you want in the dreamworld, but when you wake up you turn over for the classic cartoon gag and all your dreams have just become nightmares. Joker is literally the only one here that has a normal face and could easily make up an excuse for why looks like a clown with pale skin like I don't know his skin lacks a certain amount of pigmentation, but one of the things that you failed to mention is that joker is a master of disguise. His disguises fooled Batman, so he could look like anyone you want him to be, but unlike with Freddie and William, he's actually there, so the looks department once again belongs to Joker.
    There was a small point that has been made that the other two don't seem to have joker can change the clown. Prince of crime has gone off his criminal record a few times and gone completely sane before again I point to the white night. Sure it was through drugs, but Joker was willing to take him him just to show that Batman was a problem and not him. There are more examples, but I've talked in long enough.
    In conclusion, joker is financially better off, has the capacity to love and even get married and doesn't need illusions or Shapeshifting to be the handsomest man on the planet. That's why I think joker is the most eligible bachelor here. Freddy Krueger, and William Afton, getting into a new relationship now that's what I call a killing joke.
    (Insert, joker laugh track, here)

  • @RubenHernandez-xq6nz
    @RubenHernandez-xq6nz 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Can you do: SpongeBob vs Felix The Cat (Nickelodeon Vs DreamWorks) please 🙏

  • @TheCreeperPasta
    @TheCreeperPasta 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I personally think this one is so close that it's actually a tie. Both are genocidal maniacs who've done the worst crimes ever conceived, a lot of them involving homicide and children, even if both were argued to be family men. Joker may be the one with the most crimes committed, since he's been around the longest, but Freddy and Springtrap aren't that far behind him, having committed a lot of the same crimes just in a minor scale than Joker's. It also doesn't help that all 3 are ugly too. Freddy has several third degree burns around his body, Springtrap is a walking corpse inside a decaying fursuit, and Joker got thrown in a vat of acid, making his skin look like clown makeup. Both are egotistical enough to betray the potential bf in the show in the middle of the first date, wich BTW, would consist of either dreaming something that will never materialize in the real world unless it kills you, going to an abandoned, dirty pizzeria with dead people inside the main attraction, or destroying a whole city and maybe, just maybe, getting your ass kicked inside out by Batman.
    In resume, none of them can claim to take the moral high ground, they're ugly inside and outside and will kill the groom before the honeymoon is even considered. My verdict is a tie.

  • @unknownbasic57
    @unknownbasic57 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had to pick a character, imma go with William Afton.
    In third place is Freddy Kruger, we may have a lot of common, but if I need to sleep to interact with him that’ll be a bit of a problem. Sure we can do anything in a dream, but unfortunately you can’t be asleep all the time and not only that, he is gonna be in other people’s dreams. Then there’s a list of other crimes he did to kids, and he continues to be gross around underage teens.
    Joker only gets second place, only because I like a man who can make me laugh, and he has great fashion sense with green and purple. However, clowns are creepy and often his clothes are torn apart a lot and he obviously loves another man. I would also hate to deal with Batman, Gotham city police, and gang members just cause hubby thought it would be funny to plant a bomb at an elementary school cause we live in a society.
    With William, you can over look his misdeeds. He killed kids, but so did everyone else to a higher degree. He wants to kill Micheal that’s fine with me, Freddy continues to kill teens and Joker won’t hesitate to kill anyone. Williams looks aren’t appealing, he’s in a furry suit, and he probably smells. But everyone has their faults and compared to the other options, Williams faults are more bearable. Plus I like snuggling a teddy bear, and what’s sprigtrap but just a broken smelly teddy bunny

  • @Studio-ur2ud
    @Studio-ur2ud 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "Crack ships were a while ago but here you go. Do I actually believe in it? Who knows?"
    ~Actual quote from Ducko
    Anyways I hafta go and side with Springtrap for the obvious reasons. See, one, he's great with children. He's just oh so reliable with being able to "look after them". Wouldn't you prefer the better babysitter than the dreamer and a washed up clown? But oh no, we're going full rights here. LGBT rights.
    If the last feller's an LGBT representative, they could be... you guessed it, trans. Now, the trans are awesome, but they tend to have a teensy weensy problem- trans women generally have issues with getting children in relationships between a man and trans woman, hell also man and man, tending to have issues with the whole "when a momma and dadda love each other" part. But Springtrap? You ever read the books?
    Yeah, we're pulling the Pregnant_Man emoji card here. Animatronic, this means non-binary... or I guess binary representation. Want a child but can't? Well, you get to have another LGBT rep. Desire? Freddy's tended on dreams and Joker's... Joker. But Springtrap would want you for you. Sure, that's only because of Remnant, but that's still him wanting YOU.

    • @SoulSymbiote
      @SoulSymbiote 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      what did he mean by this

    @KEEPTALKIN8215 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have to go with joker. Spring trap killed 2 of his kids, tortured the last kid and left his wife to wollow in despair, oh yeah how could we forget the ghost children haunting him, you don't want to be haunted , do you? Freddy killed his wife and the only thing he enjoys is murder so no passionate late nights just passionste late night muders, pressumably without you or you being the victim. Joker can be a twisted abusive individual at times im not denying that , but he has shown on many occasions to actually be a loving and caring person. Also how romantic would it be to help him come up with schemes to stop the bat. Lastly just look at them, freddy looks like a testicle with third degree burns and afton is a rotten corpse in a metal suit so the smell is going to be repulsive. Joker is the only presentable person there with a basic since of personal hygiene.

  • @AkumaTh
    @AkumaTh 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If my choice is between any one of these two or forever loneliness, hello single serving meals.
    But if I have to choose, I think Springtrap would be my pick. They're both child murdering people, but of the three there is no evidence that Afton is abusive to those who he loves. The Joker has a large history of abusing Harley Quinn and he killed a child by beating him up with a crowbar, having him blow up next to his just recently discovered mother, and rigged the votes so he would stay dead until his resurrection. And that's the merciful way compared to the other Robin. And as much as Joker can change, most of the time many of the same tropes are there with the biggest one being Batman is his Husbando. And he will kill you if you even suggest Batman would never love him. Ask Luthor (Outsiders (Vol 3/2003) #3).
    Freddy killed his wife in front of his child and we know he has killed children at best. He even tried to kill his own child. So he would also have no qualms about hurting if not killing you. Meanwhile, Afton targets other kids. And as far as we know his wife is still alive and kicking out there so he doesn't hold a grudge. He tried to protect his kids as long as they ain't trying to kill him. And Vanny seems to be fine. And bonus points for him, if you happen to be the type of person who likes to be in certain costumes, he's 100% dedicated to that.

  • @Orwin_Crossheart
    @Orwin_Crossheart 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm just going to say this, I don't think a relationship with any of these three will last. But I believe Springtrap is most likely to win this anyways. And I wish I had anything new to add here. Nah, I'm just messing with you! I have my own points to make this time!
    From what Larry has stated, Afton has shown genuine emotion even after becoming Springtrap and his failures in family life came down to unforseen slip ups that he had no idea would happen. Plus he's the one who's most likely to keep you out of his crazy antics/crimes. He didn't involve his family at all and tried to keep his daughter out of it for her safety. And sure, he tried to unalive his oldest son, but said son was also trying to kill him for what he's done. So as f***ed up as it is to say, I think not trying to condemn and kill him is actually s valid option for being with Springtrap.
    As for the other two, Joker can be a family man. But he's manipulative, controlling, and egotistical. He will make sure you are willing to serve him and his interests if you start a relationship with him. Doesn't matter how much selfless acts he's done and the realities where he's been redeemed. He's dating an average joe here. An average joe CAN'T succeed in redeeming him, so any seemingly selfless act will serve to make you want to be loyal to th Joker. Though to give him credit, he's capable of forming some kind of genuine bonds even as The Joker (Punchline is a good example), but Springtrap can do that too. And he has more pros.
    And I'm sorry Max, but Freddy is kinda not bringing ANYTHING here! He's got no real way to bring any positives. He's incapable of genuine emotions for someone else given how he killed his wife with no remorse and was willing to do the same to his daughter years later. And to top it off, due to being a dream demon, he needs the world (or mainly Springwood) constantly aware and afraid of him to be able to interact with the waking world. So NO nice dreams from him. At best, he's using his dream powers to kill others to spread fear of him. At worst, he's doing that but also taking some time to mess with you while you sleep and leave YOU (or this average joe) afraid too. And the only benefit I see in him starting a relationship is to get a servant/loyal follower as he's done that in multiple of his films. And I've went through all of these flaws he has in this scenario WITHOUT mentioning how he's a creeper and nunce!
    So in the end, despite his appearance (and apparent smell) I think there's more than enough positives to make Springtrap the winner of this Dating Game!
    But I still don't think a relationship with any of these three will last.

  • @zvtigerdragon5835
    @zvtigerdragon5835 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    if you can somehow find a way to put yourself into a coma then you could live your life however you'd like with Freddy

  • @Ampharos_Nation
    @Ampharos_Nation 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Matthew Lillard sweep, bro's a hunk

    • @masedaace5473
      @masedaace5473 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Eh, more like a hunk of decades old rotten flesh twisted into a crusty metal furry suit.

  • @Karma-rc8tm
    @Karma-rc8tm 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Alright so looks like we have 3 truly outstanding individuals to pick from how do I choose between them this is truly the hardest decision I’ve ever made in my life. Okay joking aside realistically speaking a relationship with any of these 3 is less than ideal but in comparison to each other I’m going with either William or Joker.
    Okay so as is obvious with my statement last place for me is Freddy because he has literally nothing going for him here in my eyes. Sure he can do basically anything, but only when you are asleep and more than likely he’ll just be using those powers to torture you with your worse fears or your most traumatic memories since that’s the kinda stuff he does for fun. Sure he had a wife and daughter but from my interpretation he was just using them as a cover for his killings since when his wife found out he killed her, and while he let his daughter go by the time he was the dream demon he tried to kill her so at this point he has no love for anyone but himself so yeah on top of the more than likely traumatic dreams you’ll have Freddy is not a good pick.
    Alright so next up we need to decide between Joker and Afton and honestly this is tough to choose as Butter did bring up good points for Mr J so for now at least I’ll probably call it a tie, although I do think currently my best bet would be Afton so I’ll go with him for now if I change my mind then I’ll just put it in a reply or something although I am rooting for Joker as he is my favorite character out of the 3 by a pretty wide margin. Anyways uh Happy Valentines Day also of course.

    • @Karma-rc8tm
      @Karma-rc8tm 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Okay yeah I’ll just bet on both so if either win technically I win hopefully checkmate.

  • @alexandernaval2993
    @alexandernaval2993 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Me: this is really creep and awesome at the same that.

  • @Dingus1836
    @Dingus1836 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Idk for me it’s Springtrap or Joker but I think i’m gonna go with Joker

  • @epicgamer1391
    @epicgamer1391 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Looks like Valentine's Day is here again, but this time the cartoony hearts aren't the only red things floating through the air, as blood's being shed by our three bachelors. While pointed out in both this episode and the comments around me, nobody here is taking a particularly high moral high ground, and really, nobody should be taking a liking to any of the psychos, from the view of an Ace straight guy, William Afton himself would be the safest pick as best boyfriend.
    First, getting the obvious out of the way, although all three of these guys have some...strained at best, we'll say, relationships with love, Springtrap's the only one who hasn't been shown to be outright abusive. Joker has been shown time and time again to abuse Harley, while Freddy straight-up killed his wife. Granted, that was when she found out he was killing people, but I've got no doubt he'd love to do it again. Afton, on the other hand, has shown to have been neglectful at his worst, which also sucks, but it's the lesser evil here.
    Another point is how much time they'd be able to spend with you. Krueger being able to only appear in your dreams aside from his inconsistent pop-ups in the real world would let him get some uninterrupted time with you for several straight hours, it would also be entirely dependent on your sleep schedule. Joker's a pretty busy man, and unless you're willing to commit some crimes for a date before getting whooped by Bats and tossed in Arkham Asylum, he's gonna be pretty absent in your life. Springtrap's just kinda...bumming around after he gets springlocked. Maybe a few crackpot experiments in the mix, but overall he seems like he'd be pretty available.
    Providing for you? I'll actually give Joker some props here. Due to being loaded with cash, you'd probably be able to retire right on the spot. Freddy kinda...can't work a job. Unless the workforce has changed since I last peeped it, dream demons aren't particularly available for a position at your local Walmart. William's careers as a co-owner of a successful pizzeria chain and the founder of a robotics company means he'd not only have the smarts for a well-paying job, but he'd definitely have some solutions in the oven for that whole rotting corpse problem. For example, those handy Illusion Discs mean he could disguise himself as a normal guy at the 9-to-5.
    Finally, just for fun, I'll do a lightning round of random stuff. All three of these guys are egotistical to a fault, but I think Afton's the most levelheaded, at least enough to have a conversation with him. They're also weirdly good fathers? Based on what Butters brought up, Joker ain't that bad at it, Freddy didn't try to kill his daughter until way later, and Willy's kids didn't die by his hands intentionally. Just, uh, keep them away from the bots. And to give a point to Freddy, cuz he's been missing out on them, he would definitely be able to give you the best dates due to his wacky reality warping shenanigans.
    Overall, I think, despite their strengths and many weaknesses, Springtrap would be the best of the worst, getting the red rose of best boyfriend, while Frederick and John/Arthur/whatever the hell you wanna call him would be getting the pink slip. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

    • @rei-tosb
      @rei-tosb 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ok that's you i was about to harass some random guy hi dimentio

  • @y3powo154
    @y3powo154 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm going with Rizztrap personally.

  • @FamilyGuySoundwave
    @FamilyGuySoundwave 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Assuming the recording isn't over (I thought commented my reasons 1 month ago) i'm just going to say my reasons on why afton should win this pretty easy before that I'll go over the other daters first
    Freddy fucking killed his wife and is also a child diddler moving on
    Joker is next although he won't kill you you'll still get mentally and Physically destroyed, You could say the Joker cares about Harley but knowing him it was all for her to stay with him so he could strap her to missile. And while he could change. The Harley quinn show proved that he would go back to being a villain. Bro would be last if Freddy didn't murder his wife or wasn't a child diddler or didn't got someone's abusive dad arrested
    Afton should win this pretty easy
    The fact he got married and unlike freddy didn't kill her to are knowledge already is leg up.
    Also he actually tried to keep his daughter away from circus baby so I don't seem why Afton would try to kill his own kids.
    Yeah sure he tried to kill Michael but like, One kid. For real thought that could be argued with afton hated Mike after killing the crying child, Which is bad but it's not going to be bad on your family.
    Also like what larry said Afton would prolly be doing a lot of work by bringing home money, Also I feel like the looks for afton isn't going to be non issue here when The guy cosplaying as ronald mcdonald.exe and the guy burned alive looks also terrible. Willy at least covers his rotten body with the suit or has something to make him look less like a zombie.
    Afton here legit has the best history of love here. Where it doesn't feel artificial like freddy or Joker

  • @jacobbergman3887
    @jacobbergman3887 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can you do a top list of best cartoon shows of all time I don't care what numbers on your top list will be

  • @FLAMEandICE_
    @FLAMEandICE_ 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Joker looks better, acts better, & can be a better person if he tries

  • @user-ec9um8xl2w
    @user-ec9um8xl2w 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey max can you help me out with something, this problem is urgent and is related to your discord

  • @johnsavino1655
    @johnsavino1655 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think springtrap wins while he is crazy he dose have love for his daughter circus baby meanwhile Freddy tried too kill his own daughter in one of his movies and in Freddy vs Jason vs ash the nightmare warriors freddy he was going kill maggy when he take over the world with the book of the dead and joker ambushes Quinn all the time also springtrap can build stuff so thats something other then killing and making jokes so yea i think springtrap wins

  • @BrazilianMongoose
    @BrazilianMongoose 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Springtrap wins for me.
    The Joker mistreating Harley Quinn makes him less than ideal. He was incredibly abusive and manipulative, and surprisingly I don’t want that in a partner.
    Freddy killed his wife, I doubt that he actually loved her. Loveless marriages exist, just watch Moral Orel. Plus even if he was once capable of love, I don’t think he is anymore.
    Springtrap at the very least kept his wife. He did care about Elizabeth and the Crying Child, I believe his motives to kill was because of their death. Also he’s British. And that’s more make believe and fantastical than dream demons and killer clowns

    • @rei-tosb
      @rei-tosb 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @BrazilianMongoose
      @BrazilianMongoose 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yep! I haven’t seen you in a while honestly

    • @rei-tosb
      @rei-tosb 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i mistook you for somebody else

    • @BrazilianMongoose
      @BrazilianMongoose 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @rei-tosb
      @rei-tosb 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i was looking for a friend who was making an argument for springtrap in the comment section and i thought you were him

  • @frscproduction6283
    @frscproduction6283 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    phoenix wright vs max mcmann (Attorney)

  • @rei-tosb
    @rei-tosb 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    jonkler wins because he is the jonkler that is my entire reason

  • @Garfguy509
    @Garfguy509 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    All of you made solid points but he's da jokah baby

  • @bluegatito8684
    @bluegatito8684 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    How many Galaxy Grudge Match are these so far? I think you guys start so many of them.

    • @masedaace5473
      @masedaace5473 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This is number 35!

  • @greyjulius9057
    @greyjulius9057 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Joker sweep

  • @kalebstigall2989
    @kalebstigall2989 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love it

  • @100air
    @100air 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What did i just watch

  • @KatarinaPanić-d3p
    @KatarinaPanić-d3p 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @darraghcollins7409
    @darraghcollins7409 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m so confused in the daiting game is one of the bachelors supposed to date a women

    • @ribbittheatre
      @ribbittheatre 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Holy shit GGM about to introduce someone to the concept of being gay???

    • @buttersamuri3536
      @buttersamuri3536 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ribbittheatre they doesn’t explain why they are dating men

    • @darraghcollins7409
      @darraghcollins7409 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@buttersamuri3536 well I think this should take place on pride month

  • @whyareyoureadingthissmh
    @whyareyoureadingthissmh 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Y'know I feel like a point kinda shown a bit to often is the family side of things not every relationship needs to have children it can just be two people who care for eachother
    That being said all of these guys equally suck they're all horrible people at best you're most likely either gunna die, be tortured, or both
    They each have a grand total of one redeeming quality each
    Fred's hypothetically the best in bed
    Afton's the hypothetically best at pulling in money (legally)
    And Joker has the hypothetically highest chance to become normal
    That's it
    Other than that they all have practically the same problems of "ugly, psychotic, can and will use or kill you"
    I would rather fuck medic tf2 then any of these actual psychopathic monsters who deserve the actual worst fate imaginable
    Ig imo the best of the worst is jonkler idfk they all suck