@@Lobselvith So you're saying that you're against money and sex? Because most everyone I know left or right on the political scale seems to like those things. Hell, I like them too. It beats being broke and only masturbating.
@madcheeseknight and a fascist racist misogynist white supremacist nazi... this is the annoying cliche labeling they do to everyone that doesn't think exactly like them... that got Donald Trump in the White House. Had they not labeled everyone that doesn't think like them these things, maybe just maybe people would have listened when they said there was a nazi running for president, people didn't because you know... if everyone is all these things, then no one is
I think it's one thing to quietly playing the game for survival and another to sit down in front of a camera and publicly virtue signalling by praising something that he's not willing to do.
That's not even the worst part, they sell out on any morals or values in their films and PR so as to appease to big markets like China, all while preaching to you in their holier than thou platforms and pedestals.
Capitalism is not simply getting goods to market. It is about the right of the market to determine value. Capitolism is also that the means of production are privately owned. It is founded on the idea that anyone with ingenuity and resources can prosper from their own efforts and keep the fruits of their labour. By contrast what is being practiced in the world today is a form of cannibalism. Hollywood is a monopoly that absorbs or eliminates competition. It dictates attitudes and opinion much like a religion. It creates conformity and manufactures consent. Hollywood is religion and big government rolled into one. In light of these facts there should be no confusion when they preach against free market and free thought. Awakened humans make terrible consumers.
@@thereaction18, and now producers are shoving women into their male parts - ouch. How do they do that without wrecking their male parts? It's just a physical impossibility. Much better to shove their male parts into women...And hey, women in Hollywood weren't forced onto the casting couches, they just traded sex for a movie part that they valued more than their morality. It was their choice. #BooHoo.
@@Blaqjaqshellaq There is no "anti-PC" crusade. Only a fight against the fascist authoritarianism being carried out in the name of being "politically correct"
interestingly, in that 1980s tom clancy character, he suffers early in life from very modern problem: companies induced opioid epidemic. " .. This led to a lengthy recovery process (during which he became addicted to pain medications.. " like modern world over prescription of opioid based medication by companies pushing them
He is worth over 350 million dollars it does not matter whether or not your black, white or any other race no person who is worth over 350 million dollars is oppressed..
Ya, that really pissed me off that first episode of Jack Ryan distorting the truth about Venezuela and the making an SJW the hero. *Tom Clancy is rolling in his grave!* :(
you don't even have to go to the extreme venezuelan example i live in an european socialist country; we have HUGE taxes (eg: sale stax rate: 23%) and still we've been bankrupted 3 times in the last 40 yrs, and we're on the verge of our 4th bankruptcy (+125% GDP national debt)
@@BTCAsia ... Yep, that's Leftists for you, perverting everything for their ideology and brainwashing the public who are ignorant of Clancy's books and work.
Strike 1: Caucasian. Strike 2: Male Strike 3: Conservative Strike 4: Christian Strike 5: Heterosexual He never stood a chance. (Comment amended after being corrected by Ellipsis of Triple Tap).
@A.A.Ron Davis, oh, you are being burned at the proverbial stake - it's just a s l o w burn so you won't notice the toxicity and lethality or long term effects.
The entire series is propaganda, from re-hashing 9/11 to glorifying women in hijabs and pardoning refugee crimes in France... you had to know it was gonna be shit after a few episodes
Tom Clancy (conservative) was known for all his hard research to make things sound accurately portrait in his fictional books. He must be rolling in his grave over the liberties that left-wing Hollywood has done to portray political correctness. Like making Admiral Greer a Muslim. I am just surprised they haven't made Jack Ryan a cross dresser yet.
I was gonna make a witty remark but I only now realized that no one in the movie has the exact same worldview. Black Panther is secretly ideologically diverse.
I worked as a camera technician in Hollywood for 20 years. Facebook outed me as a conservative and the work stopped. I know people who are like minded but pretend to be liberal to get work. That is something I'd never do.
Josh Cc600 Keep in mind netflix is a part of the deconstructionist agenda... If you make an anti white stance like some of their authors, or attack Christianity with a "comedic revamping" blasphemy of Christ being a perverted non hetero then you get special promo and protection. If you make a show that even critically analyze the ko ran or other "non Xtian" religions in exacting reference and terms, YOU WILL NOT get an airing on netflux and WILL wind up having their rabid dogs attack the production. That they cut Sorbos show is the typical biased hypocrisy i expect from deviant corporations nowadays. Just like Hollyweird they are intent on western deconstruction and elimination.
i would love to see a hollywood completely separated, ran by conservatives with as much money I wonder wich one most people would choose, given that they are tired and extremely angry of hollyweird's agenda being shoved down our throats in almost every single movie
Same here, my friend. I haven't gone to a movie in years. However, it's interesting to observe how they use emotions to supplement the thinly-veiled indoctrination.
@Transgenda Gubament are you talking about the actor who plays him or the character himself? Also what does that have to do with my comment? Oh and why the smiley face? Many questions my apologies.
You know what Nick DiPalo said about movies these days “I can no longer suspend my disbelief and watch Angelina Jolie beat the crap out of 6 Green Berets”
@@unknowntexan4570 I don't know the politics of those two, but the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, the El Paso Walmart shooter and most others are on the right.
Well done to Kevin Sorbo, I grew up with Hercules and loved his show, he is a class actor, really disappointed he was so badly treated just for his views.
*"The first lesson of economics is Scarcity there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics."* ~ThomaS Sowel
We came in peace for all mankind, but our representatives were Americans. It was very nearly the Russians, as documents revealed decades later. Most people have no idea how close the USA came to losing the space race.
Quite a lot of what we Americans see on TV and in movies is mostly or completely done in Canada, anyway, though the money-grubbers in Hollywood still keep as tight a hold on the purse-strings as they can. China has destabilized that situation, however, with the result being that all too many films and TV series now visibly cater to Chinese sensibilities, with Chinese actors, producers, and "approval" of scripts. I'm surprised that Stossel didn't cover that aspect of today's entertainment industry.
Dear Mr. Stossel, My Mom has loved your work for 30 years. At the time I was first exposed to it, I was too young to understand or appreciate what you were doing. Now, I thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My only regret is that it took me 3 decades to realize how powerful and important your reporting is. Feeling grateful for it, for you, and your production teams and contributors for making your reports possible. Now, how can I help efforts to genuinely improve the hand that fed me, the hand of this country, instead of watching it seem to deteriorate? Sincerely, BrightPage
@@DavidLLambertmobile Kate Winslet hated working with JC, but now that she is reaching that certain age, she is doing Avatar. Who knows what will happen, but given that JC is rapidly advancing in age, Tim Miller might not have the opportunity to do so anyway.
He's actually making 4 AVATAR movies at the same time and will release one every 3 years. Ya wanna spread the wealth around, lower ticket prices. Oh that's right, that would lower profits.
@@Pomiferous No, but he was censured and died a short time afterwards. All the people who he claimed were loyalty or security risks were loyalty or security risks. They fired them a short time afterwards and thousands more for the same reason. I recommend you read "Blacklisted by History."
Reminds me of those Michael Moore movies that are about as good as something to wipe my ass with. He calls himself a socialist but plays the capitalist game to fiscally survive; and live off a diet of junk food till he looks like a human version of Jabba the Hutt.
Oh you done pissed in my cheerios there, ComicCon. No Sorbo means I will go as his characters specifically and ask everyone where he is and raise hell over their bigotry!
Seeing Kevin Sorbo and what they did to him broke my heart. The guy is honest and hard working. He was kind of my childhood hero in the acting scene funny enough.
Hollywood can stuff it. Tom Hanks,once my favorite actor, is now on my "do not watch" list along with the rest of the Trump/conservatism bashers. I no longer go to the movies,cancelled cable TV Liberalism must be a brain defect !
Their are still good scores. Tom Cruise never pushes politics and keeps it from his movies.. He doesn't even push his religion in his movies.. Denzel Washington refuses to mention his politics and attacks reports who push for him to do so.. We still have mister Dirty Harry making movies.
Years ago I saw Kevin at a con, he is one of the most entertaining guys I've seen at a convention. I've seen other celebrities get political at cons I will walk out, these people have good stories they have done some pretty interesting things. But for whatever reason, they decide it's better alienate a large portion of their audience. Being a Conservative Republican sci-fi fan(there are a lot of us out there) you learn to keep your mouth shut, and put up the all of the "tolerance" for our point of view.
There's a reason I stopped going to the Wizard Comic Con. They used to be about nerd culture. Now it's about mainstream culture disguised as nerd culture. Unfortunately, mainstream has infected the nerd culture, but they don't understand it. So all the characters are being rewritten. Not just turning boys into girls, but also their basic fundamentals of what made the characters so compelling are rewritten. Harley Quinn is no longer the terrifying representation of a twisted codependency gone terribly wrong. Oh, no. She has to be a "role model" now. I'm so sick of this idea that characters all have to be role models. Fictional characters can't be role models! They are fiction. They can only represent an idea.
@@TheRisky9 It's no longer counter culture, which was sci-fi's appeal way back when. I was into it when you got crap for enjoying this stuff. Today it's so mainstream, I have no interest in anything new. It's not fun anymore, at cons I walk around endlessly and hope I run into some old friends. Because I'm not buying anything, that's at a con with over 80,000 attendees. Then having the celebrities go on about politics, ugh. I got better places to spend money, I since discovered sports cars. They are a lot cheaper than sci-fi collecting. :)
@@diggingattycho7908 They still give us crap for liking this stuff because we don't like it the way they like it. This is why indie press is gaining traction. Not only is is cheaper now to publish indie, but it's also the only way for some books to be published! "Jawbreakers: Lost Souls" was an indie comic that was published in the style of the old 90's comics when it was still counter culture. It sold tons. But you will never see it on a best comics list, because the creator is against this political infection.
@@TheRisky9 Your right, I didn't think of that. Disney Star Wars is proof of that crap. Like Nerdrotic said sci-fi is being run by the jocks(in reference to Star Trek). They still want to beat us up, or something much worse the cool kids who want to play nerd. And are absolutely clueless. I know of Jawbreakers, I'm not into comics. But I've been watching the indy scene, the guys in the Fandom Menace. Lead me to a lot of the guys who are doing indy comics. I like hearing what they have to say. It's real sad to see Marvel want to be a lifestyle brand. But these people did it to themselves, they only see the money. But without any passion behind it, where is the fun? Making money is fine, but if that's all your in the game for. I can think of far better paying jobs than anything sci-fi related.
@@bullballsallday Surprisingly not. There were people during the Q and A asking him leftist questions but no one disrupted it. Probably because he's not as famous
What if the movies is how one 'enjoys life'? Shallow posts like these on the internet are useless and annoying. You do realize Hollywood movies aren't the only movies, right?
I started watching this channel after you did the Tulsi Gabbard interview, which by the way I thought was very fair. I have now become a regular subscriber since you are one of the very few news channels out there that I feel is unbiased, and tries to see all sides of a story. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Think about people like Star Wars Theory making their own miniseries. As technology and networking improves, we have a chance to make Hollywood obsolete. Already happening with cable news.
You act like the socialists/propagandists from Hollywood haven't already been moving over the streaming side.... Have you seen what the fuck is on Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu?
When Hollyweird starts getting scared of losing major $$$ is when they will band together with the best lawyers money can buy and shut down independent enterprises not a part of their union, and then lobby for laws to stop them from competing if they're not a member of their specific hardcore PC liberal union.
Great to see someone from mainstream media just presenting a different viewpoint without criticizing that viewpoint. I’m mixed race, brought up Catholic, studied other religions but am Atheist. I am a father of two daughters, and helped raise 3 other step daughters for a time. I’ve experienced and witnessed many type of struggles (racism, bullying, religious bias, extreme sexism), so understand where folks in Hollywood get their viewpoints. But it can’t be at the expense of becoming the bully!
Easily manipulated. My buddy used to sell those thousand dollar Kirby vacuums in college. He said when the husband was home it was impossible to sell, but when it was just the woman and kids home, it was like taking candy from a baby. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Kevin, I met you in Atlanta at Dragon Con and enjoyed our conversation immensely! You and your wife are wonderful people! Keep up the great work and never give up!
College students with liberal professors, academia, work place from companies who support democrats and liberal ideologies. An audience was created first by hacking the culture; add to that, a lot of influential and wealthy people who push this.
In 2001 I moved from Denver to San Francisco for a job. In Denver I had friends that leaned left and right, straight and gay, black, white, Mexican, asian, whatever. We all got along just fine. I went to San Francisco thinking people there would be open minded and welcoming... Boy was I wrong. I found it to be the most intolerant place I'd ever been. So many people were so militant about all of their views, and you became the enemy if you didn't agree with them 100%. That was almost 20 years ago and it seems it's only gotten worse. So happy I was able to move with work again after 8 excruciating years there.
It's a real disgrace. Cavieziel is such a talented and soft spoken individual. Goes to show you the crap Hollywood has become. I swear if I see another trailer for a Mark Ruffalo socially conscious film I'm gonna drop. Is this guy for real? Overrated little punk. Hate that guy.
@@VariantAEC - seriously? I'd drive to one in a different town to see it. Although it happened about 20 years ago, it's still relevant today considering how media treated the Covington Catholic High School kids & social media is censoring/controlling speech.
One of the best outtakes in history is from "Andromeda," when the supposedly allied fleets are staying out of the battle, and Captain Hunt (Kevin Sorbo) asks "Are they FRENCH?"
Ojo Rojo I sure was. And left in a hurry. Worked in a makeup effects shop in North Hollywood and it was awful. If you’re not a raging liberal, you will be run out.
"Diversity of thought" - doesn't mean much to people who don't actually think.
truth, the only thought they have in their heads is money, sex, and drugs.
@@Lobselvith So you're saying that you're against money and sex? Because most everyone I know left or right on the political scale seems to like those things. Hell, I like them too. It beats being broke and only masturbating.
Quote of the year 😂
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking" A great hero of WW2 once said.
@madcheeseknight and a fascist racist misogynist white supremacist nazi... this is the annoying cliche labeling they do to everyone that doesn't think exactly like them... that got Donald Trump in the White House. Had they not labeled everyone that doesn't think like them these things, maybe just maybe people would have listened when they said there was a nazi running for president, people didn't because you know... if everyone is all these things, then no one is
Manufactured diversity requires discrimination.
Very well said, Tony. I'll have to remember that... It's so succinct and powerful.
To the elite socialists the world is not enough...
Wow well said
Also requires enforcing, policing, and punishment - Just like a Communist Socialist state.
@LC86 _ checkout Ryan Long's Woke and racist video
There's nothing more ironic than multi-million (or billion) dollar capitalist companies bashing on capitalism to make truckloads of money.
Not ironic. Just plain evil
Selling idiocy to idiots is very profitable.
You know what?? I think they think we'rE aLL IDIOTS!!
Will Smith touts systematic sexism, but he isn’t negotiating a pay cut and offering to be co-star by giving up the spotlight to an actress.
Virtue signalling is free and it gives leftists a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Mate, i think he's just playing the game and trying to survive. Wich a lot of people are doing and wich most people would do if they were in his place
@@jellybeans0493 then they deserve everything to be their downfall. A house of cards they have made.
I think it's one thing to quietly playing the game for survival and another to sit down in front of a camera and publicly virtue signalling by praising something that he's not willing to do.
I remember that one song, sung by will smith, "WHITE MAN GOING TO KEEP YOU DOWN" to his son,,,, just sick.
I seriously get confused when they talk down capitalism. Yet want to sell us movie tickets, ect.
That's not even the worst part, they sell out on any morals or values in their films and PR so as to appease to big markets like China, all while preaching to you in their holier than thou platforms and pedestals.
You forgot the plastic action figures.
Capitalism is not simply getting goods to market. It is about the right of the market to determine value. Capitolism is also that the means of production are privately owned. It is founded on the idea that anyone with ingenuity and resources can prosper from their own efforts and keep the fruits of their labour. By contrast what is being practiced in the world today is a form of cannibalism. Hollywood is a monopoly that absorbs or eliminates competition. It dictates attitudes and opinion much like a religion. It creates conformity and manufactures consent. Hollywood is religion and big government rolled into one. In light of these facts there should be no confusion when they preach against free market and free thought. Awakened humans make terrible consumers.
That (and the fact I'm poor) is why I only buy pirates of Avengers n stuff 😅
Pro capitalism movies won't be distributed in China for some strange reason...
Welcome to Hollywood:
"Land of the Hypocrites."
Remember when producers shoved their male parts into women? #MeToo.
Hypowood should be the new name
@@Rams495 Or fantasy mongering for obscene wealth levels.
@@thereaction18, and now producers are shoving women into their male parts - ouch. How do they do that without wrecking their male parts? It's just a physical impossibility. Much better to shove their male parts into women...And hey, women in Hollywood weren't forced onto the casting couches, they just traded sex for a movie part that they valued more than their morality. It was their choice. #BooHoo.
@@mareesteer7045 Must be really tough for fat women.
"Political correctness is fascism with manners." -George Carlin
It's a big club and you ain't in it.
I wish we still had George around, at least so we could laugh at all this crap.
@@InfiniteDice I really appreciate the fact he makes fun of both sides which makes him enjoyable
@@stevencooper4422 It's called the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.
George was an SJW though, just more toned down. Hear his rants on men and sexism. George didn't like their methods, but he did like their politics.
"Political correctness is America's newest form of intolerance, and it is pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance."~George Carlin
The anti-PC crusade is another example of intolerance disguised as tolerance...
@@Blaqjaqshellaq Utter and complete bullshit. Criticism is not intolerance.
Pathway to hell is paved with good intentions.
i miss him
@@Blaqjaqshellaq There is no "anti-PC" crusade. Only a fight against the fascist authoritarianism being carried out in the name of being "politically correct"
I'm so old I remember when Jack Ryan was a conservative PhD expert on Soviet Russia 🙄
interestingly, in that 1980s tom clancy character, he suffers early in life from very modern problem: companies induced opioid epidemic. " .. This led to a lengthy recovery process (during which he became addicted to pain medications.. " like modern world over prescription of opioid based medication by companies pushing them
If capitalism and profits are so bad, let's all give piracy a try.
Does anyone pay for movies anymore?
Hell yeah!
@@RabbitNose bit torrent for the win
@@RabbitNose 'Especially'? Implying you're in danger of the law finding out you're neither uploading nor downloading? lol
@@RabbitNose I'm just wondering what you're referring to that the law is likely to go after you for at all if you do neither of those things.
I stopped looking to Hollywood for entertainment years ago. Greed, power, profit and loose morals is all they peddle.
And they are pedophiles
Trump has known ties to pedophiles and said Epstein was a very good guy.
You forgot the most obvious trait: JUD
Will Smith talking about systematic oppression is hilarious. One of the most successful black man in Hollywood. K. Sure... You're oppressed.
Any black celebrity talking about systematic oppression is hilarious.
He's a monday.
He is worth over 350 million dollars it does not matter whether or not your black, white or any other race no person who is worth over 350 million dollars is oppressed..
@@jankoleon3785 Sure he's oppressed - He doesn't have 400+ million dollars!
Ya, that really pissed me off that first episode of Jack Ryan distorting the truth about Venezuela and the making an SJW the hero.
*Tom Clancy is rolling in his grave!* :(
you don't even have to go to the extreme venezuelan example
i live in an european socialist country; we have HUGE taxes (eg: sale stax rate: 23%) and still we've been bankrupted 3 times in the last 40 yrs, and we're on the verge of our 4th bankruptcy (+125% GDP national debt)
I noticed that too & thought what the 'eff!
no no no, man in the igh castle, now this, maybe I'll cancel my subscription.
Excellent point; Clancy was an ardent foe of socialism.
@@BTCAsia ... Yep, that's Leftists for you, perverting everything for their ideology and brainwashing the public who are ignorant of Clancy's books and work.
Strike 1: Caucasian.
Strike 2: Male
Strike 3: Conservative
Strike 4: Christian
Strike 5: Heterosexual
He never stood a chance. (Comment amended after being corrected by Ellipsis of Triple Tap).
You forgot *gasp* STRAIGHT...
@@RetroMMA, I will amend my comment. Thank you for the all-important reminder that it's okay not to be gay. :-)
@A.A.Ron Davis, oh, you are being burned at the proverbial stake - it's just a s l o w burn so you won't notice the toxicity and lethality or long term effects.
@@RetroMMA that is strike 5 look it up
6. Alpha
7 Handsome
8. Tall
I worked with Kevin back on Hercules. Recently I have seen him voice out much more. Its good to see someone standing up to the liberals in Hollywood.
Kevin Sorbo: Hercules inside and outside of TV. What a guy.
Except Hercules was a pagan demi-god... bit of cognitive dissonance there.
it takes a real alpha male to stand up against the powerful evil that blackballs you from getting jobs. sorbo is that alpha.
Who knew Kevin Sorbo was such a pussy.
@@c.a.t.732 it was just a TV show
The Jack Ryan thing pissed me off. That and Krasinski praising the CIA kind of turned me off to finishing season 2.
The entire series is propaganda, from re-hashing 9/11 to glorifying women in hijabs and pardoning refugee crimes in France... you had to know it was gonna be shit after a few episodes
Yeah spooks are the heroes? Nah.
Sicario, amazing movie, that portrayed them realistically
Tom Clancy (conservative) was known for all his hard research to make things sound accurately portrait in his fictional books. He must be rolling in his grave over the liberties that left-wing Hollywood has done to portray political correctness. Like making Admiral Greer a Muslim. I am just surprised they haven't made Jack Ryan a cross dresser yet.
I was pissed when they started deliberately changing the reason Venezuela was screwed up. That was so deliberately wrong.
@@Rambleon444 Please dont give them ideas. They will make a Rainbow 6 movie, but the rainbow stands for gay pride now.
*God* bless Kevin Sorbo for staying true to himself and not pandering to the Hollywood hypocrites.
They called Black Panther "the most diverse movie ever". Let that sink in.
We don't need one movie with diversity. We need many movies with many ideas and let the market determine the best one. Not that hard.
@Wignat Fedposter That is literally their definition of the word.
I was gonna make a witty remark but I only now realized that no one in the movie has the exact same worldview. Black Panther is secretly ideologically diverse.
TheRisky9 it made money and everyone will follow this formula.
I wouldn't know, I never seen it.
I worked as a camera technician in Hollywood for 20 years. Facebook outed me as a conservative and the work stopped. I know people who are like minded but pretend to be liberal to get work. That is something I'd never do.
I was in the middle of a Hercules watch through when Netflix pulled the show suddenly because his outspoken values. I'm still pissed
Josh Cc600 it’s on a free app called Tubi not sure if they have all the seasons but you might want to give it a try.
Josh Cc600 Keep in mind netflix is a part of the deconstructionist agenda... If you make an anti white stance like some of their authors, or attack Christianity with a "comedic revamping" blasphemy of Christ being a perverted non hetero then you get special promo and protection. If you make a show that even critically analyze the ko ran or other "non Xtian" religions in exacting reference and terms, YOU WILL NOT get an airing on netflux and WILL wind up having their rabid dogs attack the production. That they cut Sorbos show is the typical biased hypocrisy i expect from deviant corporations nowadays. Just like Hollyweird they are intent on western deconstruction and elimination.
Feeling nostalgic about times when not everyone was crazy.
Take solace in knowing birth rates are increasing in Red states and decreasing in Blue states...
i would love to see a hollywood completely separated, ran by conservatives with as much money
I wonder wich one most people would choose, given that they are tired and extremely angry of hollyweird's agenda being shoved down our throats in almost every single movie
When was it? Cavemen times?
Diversity of thought. What a radical thought itself!
Everything's radical
the thought ppolice are real! hilary and her cloud peole will shot you rbran with lazors and stel your firsborn!!!!!!
lol, sarcasm, I love it.
Totalitarianism is the new freedom a.j.
John Stossel - you just won a new subscriber.
and Kevin Sorbo - you're my new hero!
We need more courageous men like you.
Diversity isn't a strength when there's a pretentious lack of unity.
@N Stratton maybe in war when you're decoding ciphers in a different language.
I’ve said for a long time, that UNITY is our strength....not this diversity BS. Without unity, you can have no strength of any kind at all.
its an old wooden ship
Stossel is the man! Thank you sir! If they're against capitalism, then make the movies free!
This is why Mel Gibson directs his own movies.
And he does an amazing job.
jabzilla21 Why is this relevant?
and does a great jobat it to just watched one last knight
@The Law they invented Hollywood.. why is it a surprise they run it?
@@jabzilla21 John stossel is Jewish. Why are you watching him? In fact why don't you boycott all Jewish inventions and science?
I wont give a penny to Hollywood, PERIOD 2 years and going strong
right on
Same here, my friend. I haven't gone to a movie in years. However, it's interesting to observe how they use emotions to supplement the thinly-veiled indoctrination.
I just hope you’ve been doing your research whenever you decide to watch a movie to make sure it’s not a Hollywood Production.
Good on ya, the last movie I saw in theaters was Captain America: Civil War, I highly regret that.
@Transgenda Gubament are you talking about the actor who plays him or the character himself? Also what does that have to do with my comment? Oh and why the smiley face? Many questions my apologies.
Interesting how these movie makers thrive on capitalism.
@Vicky Ann Are you suggesting the ruling class will always get better benefits ?
The height of hypocrisy.
And the so called self appointed star want millions of dollars to do a movie or sitcom really shitty people
They are all CGI formula movies anyway, closer to cartoons than actual movies.
Yeah, but once they get their communist utopia, they'll be part of the elite classes still.
Solution: quit watching new movies.
Speak with your wallet folks, it’s the only language theses people understand.
About time someone addressed this.
Too bad he didn't really address a fix as the title suggests
john is the guy you are listening to? get your head checked.
@@MrSafer What's wrong with him?
@Mr. Safer
John Stossel produces the most unbiased news
@@TheNando1 i feel sorry for your children.
That’s exactly why I don’t go to the movies.
Same here , Hollyweird pedoville can go get blown for all I care.
I haven't gone the theaters since 1999. I refuse to give them my money to support their cause.
Good idea.I seldom go to the movies.I prefer not having my emotions yanked around by the Hollywood fantasy mongers.
.......the last movie i saw in a cinema was Hancock........
Same here my friend...Thank you..👍
You know what Nick DiPalo said about movies these days “I can no longer suspend my disbelief and watch Angelina Jolie beat the crap out of 6 Green Berets”
The "anti gun actors" that sign up for movies that glories the misuse of firearms makes me sick. Don't like guns, don't hold one in a movie.
They aren't just biased; they are fully of hatred and rage.
@Thomas Headley He should be mad.
Funny how the right commits most of the mass shootings though.
@@lenblack1462 You mean like the one where the Black Israelite shot up the Jewish deli?
@@unknowntexan4570 I don't know the politics of those two, but the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, the El Paso Walmart shooter and most others are on the right.
@@lenblack1462 No they're not. Extremists are just extremists, left or right.
Good for you Sorbo!!! Along with John Voight!! GOD Bless America!!
So where do these fools like James Cameron invest the millions they make from movies? Hypocrites
Personally, I would like to see the Hollywood fantasy mongers pick up the tab for free health care.
Well done to Kevin Sorbo, I grew up with Hercules and loved his show, he is a class actor, really disappointed he was so badly treated just for his views.
*"The first lesson of economics is Scarcity there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics."*
~ThomaS Sowel
I like Kevin Sorbo especially since he stands by his Christian and conservative beliefs. I would love to see him in more movies and shows.
I wonder if he'd work for scale?
It was a human achievement. An AMERICAN human achievement.
We came in peace for all mankind, but our representatives were Americans. It was very nearly the Russians, as documents revealed decades later. Most people have no idea how close the USA came to losing the space race.
With some ex-Nazis helping out.
Scotland1908 applause!!
It was called the space race for a reason. WE beat THEM and if THEY had won, WE would never have heard the end of it. Wake up Hollyweird.
It was both an American achievement and a human achievement.
I loved Jack Ryan’s first season, but I couldn’t pass beyond the second episode of the second season, horrible propaganda and lies.
Just don’t buy. Starve Hollywood of cash. It’s that simple.
we gotta pirate the shit out of hollywood! i know i do!
Quite a lot of what we Americans see on TV and in movies is mostly or completely done in Canada, anyway, though the money-grubbers in Hollywood still keep as tight a hold on the purse-strings as they can. China has destabilized that situation, however, with the result being that all too many films and TV series now visibly cater to Chinese sensibilities, with Chinese actors, producers, and "approval" of scripts. I'm surprised that Stossel didn't cover that aspect of today's entertainment industry.
John Stossel is doing a great journalism by reporting on these topics. Thank You John!
you got me. picked at my screen for a minute until I scrolled down and realized that was your avatar.
Dear Mr. Stossel,
My Mom has loved your work for 30 years. At the time I was first exposed to it, I was too young to understand or appreciate what you were doing.
Now, I thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
My only regret is that it took me 3 decades to realize how powerful and important your reporting is. Feeling grateful for it, for you, and your production teams and contributors for making your reports possible.
Now, how can I help efforts to genuinely improve the hand that fed me, the hand of this country, instead of watching it seem to deteriorate?
Sincerely, BrightPage
Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story... just rewrite history instead.
It's called shaping the narrative in your favor.
“James Cameron is now making another Avatar”
Now? He’s been saying he’s making another Avatar for the past 10 years
He created a new Terminator to retain the story rights, ownership. Tim Miller, the Dark Fate dir said openly he will NEVER work with JC again. 🚫
B-b-b-but its actually within 3 years of release now! Exciting, no?!
Kate Winslet hated working with JC, but now that she is reaching that certain age, she is doing Avatar. Who knows what will happen, but given that JC is rapidly advancing in age, Tim Miller might not have the opportunity to do so anyway.
stupid movie...like black panther....made for morons
He's actually making 4 AVATAR movies at the same time and will release one every 3 years. Ya wanna spread the wealth around, lower ticket prices. Oh that's right, that would lower profits.
Where’s Joe McCarthy when you need him to call out the Communists.
Did Joe get impeached?
Double D I’m not sure. I believe a lot of pressure was put on him to stop calling out Communists.
@@boardman49 There was a documentary of sorts on him the other night.It was late, and I had a hard time following the convoluted script.
@@Pomiferous No, but he was censured and died a short time afterwards. All the people who he claimed were loyalty or security risks were loyalty or security risks. They fired them a short time afterwards and thousands more for the same reason. I recommend you read "Blacklisted by History."
Ask ANY of the Hollywood elites and they will tell you Joe McCarthy was evil, but they have become what they hate.
I loved that show when I was a kid. Glad to see some of the celebs speak about this.
Ha Ha thank you 👍
@Redrum *You're (a contraction of the words "you" and "are")
The More You Know
Capitalism: *makes James Cameron money*
James Cameron: so anyway I started blasting
Reminds me of those Michael Moore movies that are about as good as something to wipe my ass with. He calls himself a socialist but plays the capitalist game to fiscally survive; and live off a diet of junk food till he looks like a human version of Jabba the Hutt.
@@Thespian821 : Jabba The Pizza Hutt!! XD
Omg that Jack Ryan clip was outrageous
They're taking a huge dump on Clancy.
Thats such a shame I enjoyed the first season. Guess I'm not watching S2.
While I do not share Kevin Sorbo's religious view, I admire him for standing up for his beliefs in a honorable and humble manor.
Oh you done pissed in my cheerios there, ComicCon. No Sorbo means I will go as his characters specifically and ask everyone where he is and raise hell over their bigotry!
Seeing Kevin Sorbo and what they did to him broke my heart. The guy is honest and hard working. He was kind of my childhood hero in the acting scene funny enough.
Good on you John for making a piece like this that goes against the main stream. You are one of only a few main stream journalists doing this.
I was appalled at the miss characterization of Venzuelan politics in jack ryan.
I knew I'm glad I didn't start watching that show
I couldn't get past the first season of Jack Ryan. That shit was awful.
Absolutely appalling! Venezuela- they deliberately put it ass backwards!
Every time I've met Kevin Sorbo he has been nothing but kind and gracious. God bless you, Mr.Sorbo. You are one of the best!
Why doesn’t this channel get more likes?!? Stossel is an icon!!!
it gets deranked
Mark S He is an icon and a great reporter
Because of his stance & opinions.
@@shawnhampshirehick4970 Exactly
Mark S because he is a slanted lisr...
Hollywood can stuff it. Tom Hanks,once my favorite actor, is now on my "do not watch" list along with the rest of the Trump/conservatism bashers. I no longer go to the movies,cancelled cable TV Liberalism must be a brain defect !
Their are still good scores.
Tom Cruise never pushes politics and keeps it from his movies..
He doesn't even push his religion in his movies..
Denzel Washington refuses to mention his politics and attacks reports who push for him to do so..
We still have mister Dirty Harry making movies.
Hollywood used to be admired, now it’s an embarrassment!
Unfortunately the box office receipts don't agree with you.
Have diversity as much as you like, but with your own money
@Jano van Pelt it was just an pro-freedom comment: people should not be forced to fund other people's ideas.
But doesn't the left believe they have a right to spend other people's money the way they see fit?
@@seramarama2132 But the right doesn't?
@@imulippo5245 They may. Anyone can be seduced by power. But leftist ideology is based on it. Why else do they feel entitled to it?
@@imulippo5245 A bit hypocritical of a statement from someone who advocates wealth distribution, but lefties aren't known to be intellectually honest.
Years ago I saw Kevin at a con, he is one of the most entertaining guys I've seen at a convention. I've seen other celebrities get political at cons I will walk out, these people have good stories they have done some pretty interesting things. But for whatever reason, they decide it's better alienate a large portion of their audience. Being a Conservative Republican sci-fi fan(there are a lot of us out there) you learn to keep your mouth shut, and put up the all of the "tolerance" for our point of view.
There's a reason I stopped going to the Wizard Comic Con. They used to be about nerd culture. Now it's about mainstream culture disguised as nerd culture. Unfortunately, mainstream has infected the nerd culture, but they don't understand it. So all the characters are being rewritten. Not just turning boys into girls, but also their basic fundamentals of what made the characters so compelling are rewritten. Harley Quinn is no longer the terrifying representation of a twisted codependency gone terribly wrong. Oh, no. She has to be a "role model" now. I'm so sick of this idea that characters all have to be role models. Fictional characters can't be role models! They are fiction. They can only represent an idea.
@@TheRisky9 It's no longer counter culture, which was sci-fi's appeal way back when. I was into it when you got crap for enjoying this stuff. Today it's so mainstream, I have no interest in anything new. It's not fun anymore, at cons I walk around endlessly and hope I run into some old friends. Because I'm not buying anything, that's at a con with over 80,000 attendees. Then having the celebrities go on about politics, ugh. I got better places to spend money, I since discovered sports cars. They are a lot cheaper than sci-fi collecting. :)
@@diggingattycho7908 They still give us crap for liking this stuff because we don't like it the way they like it.
This is why indie press is gaining traction. Not only is is cheaper now to publish indie, but it's also the only way for some books to be published! "Jawbreakers: Lost Souls" was an indie comic that was published in the style of the old 90's comics when it was still counter culture. It sold tons. But you will never see it on a best comics list, because the creator is against this political infection.
@@TheRisky9 Your right, I didn't think of that. Disney Star Wars is proof of that crap. Like Nerdrotic said sci-fi is being run by the jocks(in reference to Star Trek). They still want to beat us up, or something much worse the cool kids who want to play nerd.
And are absolutely clueless.
I know of Jawbreakers, I'm not into comics. But I've been watching the indy scene, the guys in the Fandom Menace. Lead me to a lot of the guys who are doing indy comics. I like hearing what they have to say. It's real sad to see Marvel want to be a lifestyle brand. But these people did it to themselves, they only see the money. But without any passion behind it, where is the fun? Making money is fine, but if that's all your in the game for. I can think of far better paying jobs than anything sci-fi related.
There is always a separation of the good and the evil before the evil are burned. The separation of wheat and tares.
John stossel is coming to my college Umass tomorrow, can't wait!
How’d it go?
@@Frisbinator Awesome, it was so cool to see him. He got off stage after and talked to people 1 on 1 and we took pictures with him.
Were there any Antifa or other whiny leftist cocksuckers?
@@bullballsallday Surprisingly not. There were people during the Q and A asking him leftist questions but no one disrupted it. Probably because he's not as famous
@@Brandon_66 I'm shocked. He's still well enough known to have commie scum disrupt him. And Massachusetts is full of them.
Only thing you gotta do is just 3 steps
Step1:turn off the TV
Step2:stop going to the movies
Step3: go enjoy life
What if the movies is how one 'enjoys life'? Shallow posts like these on the internet are useless and annoying. You do realize Hollywood movies aren't the only movies, right?
The irony of Hollywood pushing against capitalism, considering it's what gives all those producers their yacht's
That clip from the movie about Venezuela made me want to puke.
Yeah, Nationalism. Nationalism is what's bad there.
I won't watch Ryan films now. Ironic 'cause Clancy was a conservative guy.
@mo's Ahamhead Socialism. Do some research stop watching CNN.
Nationalism has SOMETHING to do with the Venezuela crisis, doesn't it?
@@Blaqjaqshellaq Nope! All Socialism.
More plays from the instruction manual "1984" by George Orwell
rewrite history while everyone is looking at the pretty pictures over there...
God bless you Kevin Sorbo; you will get rewarded, If not in this lifetime then in the next, for standing up for what’s right and your beliefs...
Liberal diversity can be compared to what Henry Ford said about colors: Pick any color as long as it’s black.
This is why I no longer go to the movies or watch new shows.
I started watching this channel after you did the Tulsi Gabbard interview, which by the way I thought was very fair. I have now become a regular subscriber since you are one of the very few news channels out there that I feel is unbiased, and tries to see all sides of a story. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Like the CW making all the super heroes gay, lesbian or whatever they self identify.
And all the Mary Janes can go F themselves too.
It's interesting that they sneer at capitalism while holding an iPhone.
I prefer Rebecca Romijin over Jennifer Lawrence, she's the only true Mystique
I boycott all liberal work (including lawrence).
@@nommadd5758 I boycott all liberal work-- ESPECIALLY JENNIFER LAWRENCE!
@@keithmoriyama5421 True but I would not mind giving Jennifer Lawrence the D!
Who gives a fuck. Grow up
The irony: all these producers are some of the biggest capitalists there are making movies bashing capitalism for profit.
And "professional" athletes. Apparently some of the wealthiest people in society are fundamentally oppressed. 🥴🤪
Think about people like Star Wars Theory making their own miniseries. As technology and networking improves, we have a chance to make Hollywood obsolete. Already happening with cable news.
Yeaaa FASTER... FASTER.... FASTERRRRR not fast enough for me...
There are some amazing short movies on youtube...low budget and pretty good!
You act like the socialists/propagandists from Hollywood haven't already been moving over the streaming side.... Have you seen what the fuck is on Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu?
When Hollyweird starts getting scared of losing major $$$ is when they will band together with the best lawyers money can buy and shut down independent enterprises not a part of their union, and then lobby for laws to stop them from competing if they're not a member of their specific hardcore PC liberal union.
One problem: patents and copyrights
Great to see someone from mainstream media just presenting a different viewpoint without criticizing that viewpoint. I’m mixed race, brought up Catholic, studied other religions but am Atheist. I am a father of two daughters, and helped raise 3 other step daughters for a time. I’ve experienced and witnessed many type of struggles (racism, bullying, religious bias, extreme sexism), so understand where folks in Hollywood get their viewpoints. But it can’t be at the expense of becoming the bully!
But but 95% of advertising is directed towards women
I wonder why.
They make up like 85% of retail spending
Easily manipulated. My buddy used to sell those thousand dollar Kirby vacuums in college. He said when the husband was home it was impossible to sell, but when it was just the woman and kids home, it was like taking candy from a baby. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Because it's mostly hysterical women who need to watch garbage that reassures them that being a degenerate nut-bag is a good thing.
@luciano casanova
I don’t understand your comment. Can you please explain it to me?
You tell them Kevin Sorbo, the sane people applaud you.
Kevin, I met you in Atlanta at Dragon Con and enjoyed our conversation immensely! You and your wife are wonderful people! Keep up the great work and never give up!
Thank you, John, Just took this "Jack Ryan" series off my watch list
@Frank Castle Thank you!
Those idiotic movies are so irrational I don't get how people can still watch them without cringing.
College students with liberal professors, academia, work place from companies who support democrats and liberal ideologies. An audience was created first by hacking the culture; add to that, a lot of influential and wealthy people who push this.
In 2001 I moved from Denver to San Francisco for a job. In Denver I had friends that leaned left and right, straight and gay, black, white, Mexican, asian, whatever. We all got along just fine. I went to San Francisco thinking people there would be open minded and welcoming... Boy was I wrong. I found it to be the most intolerant place I'd ever been. So many people were so militant about all of their views, and you became the enemy if you didn't agree with them 100%. That was almost 20 years ago and it seems it's only gotten worse. So happy I was able to move with work again after 8 excruciating years there.
This is why I only watch 4 to 5 movies a year, got rid of television and use only TH-cam for social media.
Never heard about Sorbos, but Jim Caviezel is suffering the same, still we know it's worth it, he is one of my favorite actors.
Sorbo, not Sorbos
It's a real disgrace. Cavieziel is such a talented and soft spoken individual. Goes to show you the crap Hollywood has become. I swear if I see another trailer for a Mark Ruffalo socially conscious film I'm gonna drop. Is this guy for real? Overrated little punk. Hate that guy.
Thank you Mr. Sorbo for your dedication to film and faith.
Great work John.
Love John Stossel!
THANK YOU for putting TRUTH out there!
Maybe "BIAS" is too soft a word for Hollywood.
I can’t like and upvote this enough!!! ❤️
I am so glad I found you ... logic in a crazy world...thank you 💕
"You're assuming we actually have the brain to understand what Diversity of Thought means" - Woke Brigade
I’m looking for the new Clint Eastwood movie Richard Jewell.
Yes, it should be good, but it will fall on deaf ears & blinded minds.
Theaters in my area don't even screen Clint Eastwood films often... 2-6 so far.
@@VariantAEC - seriously? I'd drive to one in a different town to see it. Although it happened about 20 years ago, it's still relevant today considering how media treated the Covington Catholic High School kids & social media is censoring/controlling speech.
One of the best outtakes in history is from "Andromeda," when the supposedly allied fleets are staying out of the battle, and Captain Hunt (Kevin Sorbo) asks "Are they FRENCH?"
"In the Soviet Union the future is known. It's history that is always changing." Old dissident saying.
I'll say it again, JOHN STOSSEL FOR PRESIDENT!!!
Sorbo is the reason why I idolized Hercules. And now the heroic qualities of that archetype shines through him
This is why I didn’t stay in Hollywood. My kind wasn’t welcome.
You were never there to begin with. 😂
Ojo Rojo I sure was. And left in a hurry. Worked in a makeup effects shop in North Hollywood and it was awful. If you’re not a raging liberal, you will be run out.