But it's the top 50% of earners who contribute almost all of the nation's federal taxes - nearly 98%. The bottom 50%, who individually make below $46,637 annually, account for about 2.3% of the country's tax receipts.
Says everyone, even as they want MORE of their favorite federal programs. And then they immediately cry about government debt. The lack of logic is hysterical, and your ilk endlessly persists in that and doesn't even see the irony. The lowest 50 percent of earners in the US pays about 3 percent of US federal income taxes. That's SO "unfair" to the poor. /s In the real world, math and facts actually matter.
Here’s a better idea. We tax anyone who identify as socialist at the high rate and pay out to those that identify as socialists as much as they “need” we take as much tax from the socialist workers to meet the need of the socialist non workers. Catch being if they decide they want to leave they have to very publicly renounce socialism as a failure and unsustainable system. Lol. Anyone can join the program from billionaire to welfare recipients and the earners pay the tax for the non earners. Anyone can leave but they have to get on tv and be listed on a website clearly saying socialism is a failure and I now fully embrace capitalism. I give it a year.... lol
AOChavez makes $174,000yr. If you taxed her at 70% like she wants to tax everyone else. Her take home would be $52,200. Ironically the same # she pays her staffers.
"Tax cigarettes and alcohol to discourage their use." Same people: "Let's tax people's hard earned income. I'm sure they won't change their spending or investing habits at all."
Same people who say they want congestion tolls in the city to cut down on traffic are the same people who say the subway will be funded by congestion tolls. How will congestion tolls fund the subway if people arent driving in the city? People inacting a regressive grocery bag tax to reduce plastic in the trash are the same people who say they car about the poor, and what are poor people suppose to use for trash bags. Trash bags have more plastic than grocery bags.
Cloning humans has already been a reality for some time. Hillary Clinton has a clone of herself that she rolled out on her failed campaign, along with her body double.
I think you’re just suggesting to have more people that think like him around. Cloning wouldn’t do that. Educating and advocating sensible thinking and responsibility would. But that’s a good cliche for your point.
@@markdonaldson9114 yet Americans have been at their peak when republicans handle taxes. With the anecdote of the second bush. Democrats/left wing reps. Are the scourge of our society.
Imagine we had a flat tax rate like 8% and reduce the spending of the government and employees. We would flourish. Politicians spend billions on irrelevant stuffs and tax us to death
William R Ebune, The Constitution clearly defined the governments cut would be derived from (Impost) and (Exise) tax. Your wages aren't taxable, there not the same as income! Go to Robbbryder on TH-cam. Watch his video titled, " Dial 6209 for your gift"
K dude, just know you're being lied to by corporate hogs. We live in an oligarchy. You all consider yourselves informed, makes me sad. You watch this garbage to confirm your false beliefs. Rich assholes live in their own little bubble where they believe that every cent they take is earned, bitch society gave you that money. The least you can do is divert a few billion off of that mutlibillion offshore account assholes. Most don't have a choice but to give you money because monopolies own our system. Like seriously??? These are people who invested in oil or wework, are you fucking kidding me??? Do these dumbasses have any brain cells in their empty ass noggin? Oh yeah guys the industries just keep on growing and growing and never end. INDUSTIES DONT GROW IF YOU DONT JUST OUTSOURCE OUR SHIT AND PRODUCE SMALL UPGRADES!! STFU with this tax nonsense. Take what you will from this post, I don't have time to waste with arguing. If anyone posts a bullshit talking point as a reply, just imagine I said Ok Boomer, cause that's what I would reply with if I cared. I'm not angry at you, I'm just angry at our media, this assholes spreading bs, and the corporate assholes who pay them. Our economy is broken, just look outside you window, there is a homeless person on every fucking corner yet we prioritize arming terrorists because our military industrial complex makes endless amounts of money on endless war. Wake the fuck up America
Any percent. The amount equates to some period of time during the work day, week, year, an individual is forced to work for someone else. If someone works five days a week, and gets taxed twenty percent, then that means one day a week they are essentially a slave. It's also still slavery when the master uses the money for services or products given to the worker, because it's involuntary, just as slaves in the 1800s were provided food, water, and shelter.
Gavin Lerma We Christians give the good news that God sent His Son to save us from the wrath of God that is on all unrepentant sinners, which mankind is inherently sinful. We have all sinned and we all need to place our faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus lived on earth perfectly and fulfilled the Law, and was made sin for our behalf and died on the Cross, He rose from the grave in His physical body and ascended into Heaven where He now sits interceding on behalf of believers. Turn from your sins and believe in Christ.
Slavery is when you own SOMEONE period. You could beat the shit out of them if they didn’t produced. If you don’t like your job fucking quit and find a new one. Nothing is stopping you.
@@litigioussociety4249 For me that's almost 2 days a week. Which works out to 832 hours a year or just over 34.5 days or 9.5% of my life every year. However accord to those idiots I'm not paying my fair share because I'm wealthy.
Sometimes you have to suffer a little bit in your youth to motivate yourself to succeed in later life. Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd be a Microsoft? Of course not. You got to spend a long time in your own locker with your underwear shoved up your ass before you start to think, "You'll see. I'm going to take of the world of economic history! I'll show them." -Lazyboy, Underwear goes inside the pants, 2004
@@bobsands3557 I always say that to understand history you first need to understand politics, and to understand politics your first need to understand economics. Whether one is studying military or social history, they all end up touching politics and in turn economics.
I lived on the street for a year. Without money or government handouts, no food stamps, without panhandling, etc etc. I still showered 3 days a week at a local church, ate a hot meal once a day for free at the community kitchen, the food bank gave out daily bags of food Monday Wednesday and Friday. And the laundymat gave the homeless a free load of laundry every Tuesday. I was never hungry cold or even lonely. It was rather boring actually. In order to get job training I was forced to get government assistance food stamps, government health care coverage, government cell phone etc etc. I did get a CDL and now I drive a truck which is not much different than being homeless.
Here is the problem. When you inrease taxes all your doing is moving large sums of money from rich individuals who spend it how they choose. To governments who spend it how they choose. The problem if you're not seeing it is the government is run by individuals with agendas many of whom are only their because they owe someone something usually that someone is one of those wealthy people or corporations. The question than is is the money really truly any better with the government? Spend some time and look into the kind of stuff both repbulcians and democrats waste billions on like subsidies and bailouts. Than decide.
The '2 million dollar public bathroom' video (also by John Stossel) already debunks the notion that governments (state or federal) actually use the money wisely or efficiently.
You're not even moving the money. The rich keep their money. But the government, through deductions and loopholes, can dictate what the rich do to hold on to their money. The government can direct it to certain types of investment (say solar), purchases (maybe electric cars), or charities (like the Clinton Foundation).
True, but they want more "rights" that somehow instead of be principles of liberty, are expenses on all of us. You can have a right to health care, for example, only in that others cannot deny you health care you'd like to purchase.
It's almost like taxing the majority of someone's income to pay for social welfare programs incentivizes people to not bust their ass so their neighbor can sit on theirs.
Can you tell me who made the antitrust laws the lawless and I'm not talking about Republicans and democrats that actually wrote the laws but the people who had no liberty about themselves when it came to greed . Just so you know that I am not some far left nut . I can't see the difference between sloven laziness and selfish ambitious greed the working class get screwed over by both of them. I don't know how you put liberty in the same sentence with monopoly or chain or shell Corp apparently you had no liberty when it comes to greed . Liberty doesn't mean feel good do it, anything goes they didn't stamp it on a bell for nothing . To have no refrainment in one's self is to have have no liberty. Last time I checked Roman's chapter two first an foremost your alaw to yourself if you can't say no to your drug of choice your probley addict to it or perverted by ether way your not free.
For a split second I almost blew my top but immediately calmed down after properly registering the exact words you wrote and I'd have to say that if anyone is respectable and kick-ass enough to be allowed the honor of being compared to anything Dragonball related then it would surely be John 😎😄👍
Yeah no. See when the economy starts to recess and inflation rises, the government uses fiscal policy to pull money out of the market. Drop their spending, increase taxes, cut transfer payments. A flat tax would never work long term for anything. Regressive, progressive, and flat tax rates have their purpose in key moments of the buisness cycle.
Why would the creator of the cosmos and everything in between care how much you money you put in? Almost as if the churches just made up a number to wicker people into donating more.
that random elite ultra Taxes are stolen income that could be better spent by the one who earned it than the one who spends it without a concept of what it took to earn it. I.e. the government doesn’t spend frugally because it didn’t earn it. But regardless of whether it is beneficial for the government to steal money, it’s not moral. And as long as it’s not voluntary it will never be moral. 🙂 Consider a website and an article: mises.org/library/taxation-robbery
I got busted for tax “evoision”, because that schmuck in the Cayman Islands blabbed about “...that customer’s secret, ILLEGAL account. Oh crap! I shouldn’t have said she was a customer! Oh crap! I shouldn’t have said her account was a secret! OH CRAP! I certainly shouldn’t have said that it was ILLEGAL! Ugh, it’s too hot today!”
Dems always talk about tax increases but never talk about spending cuts. AOC would quickly change her tune if she had to pay 90% income tax. "Why is it considered greed to want to keep your earned money, but not considered greed to want to take someone else's earned money" Thomas Sowell.
Mr. Stossel, thank you for another stellar production. It's good to see logic, reason and fact can be found someplace. They're awfully scarce these days.
I am a firm believer in Democratic party. But I respect John Stossel’s research into the topic. I believe that John is the true objective and minimize bias journalist. Why cant I find him on any TV channels?
@@AdrianFahrenheitTepes Not with income taxes. And since the advent of federal income taxes, the federal government and bureaucracy has grown exponentially. Almost all as a detriment to the citizenry. For example, multiple wars, recessions, the great depression, numerous new rules and regulations, and an unaccountable bureaucracy. There really isn't a good defense of the income tax.
Lukas Ogonowski I disagree. Joining a coercive system, one of theft and force, would not be as strong of an argument against that system as attacking its nature from the outside, as he does already.
Andrew Linn never the less, the tax codes often used in arguments by the left is fairly well arguments to be false and ineffective. It proves more or less, that tax rates of 70-90% for the rich won’t ever work, promote growth or similarly- instead it will motivate the rich to cheat the system. I can imagine that lots of rich (providers for the poor, mind you) would move abroad to places that actually promoted intellect and innovation.
Tax is something that no one likes to pay and the people who always advocate for more taxes and fairness are always the one that will do anything in their power to pay less or skip it all together if they can. Just ask John Kerry who is married to a billionaire and hid his boat in Rhoad Island just to avoid paying Massachusetts taxes!
@@Smileypb01 That might leave Police and Firefighters underfunded if too many people attempt to freeload. Even if they do get funded, many people will have to pay for those that want a free lunch. Voluntary tax isn't as fair as it seems.
My idea of a flat tax is at the federal level. I believe firefighters and police are funded locally. Mike Huckabee proposed a type of federal sales tax. That wouldn’t be a bad idea either. The more you make, the more you spend after all.
@@nt2122 The fire department is not a role of the government. They would be ran more efficiently and at a less expensive cost if they were privately owned than being ran by any government. Protecting people against crimes from themselves and their property is a role of the government. Who says that by only through voluntary taxes is the only way they would get funds? There were other ways government got funds before they implemented a federal income tax. So yes, a voluntary tax would be fair. Biggest reason why it would be fair is due to it not being forced unlike it is today.
I remember back in the 1980s and early 1990s, if you had air conditioning of any kind, whether it was in your car or home, you were doing really, really, well. The same applied for satellite TV or cable TV. Now, you drive through the trailer park, and they ALL have air conditioning and you see an awful lot of satellite dishes all over the place. And by having this stuff, they're giving their $$$$ to those who have nicer buildings, better furniture, and nicer cars than any of us reading this will ever have.
@@andrewlinn7863 Taxation is needed to have a country. If you had no taxation, you'd lose your country as you'd have no security or even currency to run free markets.
@@aliensoup2420 It started out at 0% until 1913 when the monetary system was given over to private bankers and we became a debt-based economy. If you think your Federal Income Tax actually goes towards services, then think again. It only goes towards the interest on the national debt - in other words, it goes to the Rothschild family and that's it! But yeah, just keep paying your taxes slave and don't question it or else you're unpatriotic and anti-Semitic!
I wouldn’t mind Payo 35% in taxes if I didn’t have to also pay for healthcare. I just feel like I’m getting ripped off, and makes me want to earn less so I’m at a smaller tax bracket.
Another great video Mr. Stossel. Though I am a Tea Party member, I agree with most, probably 99% of what you say. I can't wait for the next video, as it seems it will touch on what I have been trying to get quite a few co-workers of mine to understand.
Everybody has their own opinion of what it means to spend taxes wisely, and as they already said, tax evasions arent done illegaly like through bribes but legally with help of accountants and law loopholes.
@@robertkalinic335 Ikr, I was talking about corruption in government and while utilizing the government fund. Corruption can be in various forms, not only bribes. I don't know exactly, if its that prevalent in US, but its an issue in many countries.
The poor get poorer because of central bank money printing and money as debt ... of course the regular bankster's fraction reserve pyramid scheme plays a big role too in destroying the wealth of everyone, homeowners (the middle class) in particular.
Poor people are stupid. Sorry but it's the truth no one wants to hear. Best electronics, newest phone, newest shoes. My grandmother had holes in her coat and made more in a year than a professional.
Actually, statistics prove that wrong. The poor aren't getting poorer, more people have been pulled up out of poverty by free market, commies and the left call it capitalism(as if it's a bad thing ), than any other system. I'm a good example, three years ago I was homeless (lived out of a small RV parked on the street)and jobless. After Trump got elected I decided to pull myself up out of poverty. I started my own handyman services here in seattle. now I rent a home and have a beautiful fiance whom I love. BTW, my business just keeps getting better as long as I do a good job. Referrals are great!!
It’s not that the port getting poor they’re actually getting wealthier. But rather the nation as a whole is getting more and more indebted to a certain collective group of (bankers) and elites
Fuck that. Government can go to hell, they don’t deserve a fucking penny from MY earnings. 1% to maintain roads and have a three branch government or gtfo. The private sector always does it better, prove me wrong. The Boston Tea Party was a result of a 4% tax rate. Fuck big brother. Fuck you, sheep.
@@BiscuitFever Private sector can't pull/put money into circulation when the economy hits a recession/inflationary period. In a recession money needs to be spent. When no one has money because of a recession, there is no way to stimulate Aggregate demand, because there is no consumption. During inflation the private sector is incapable of pulling money out of circulation, because the private sector is nothing but a large circular flow model. Creating money via deposit and moving it around. Your taxes do more than just pave roads and pay for bullshit programs.
I doubt that would help either....The U.S. undoubtedly got it's high standard of living thru it's manufacturing base which lasted for a prolonged period of time........back then, one could get off welfare and go to work and do much better working. And yet, then, somehow, liberals thought it might be funny to ship all those jobs to China and Mexico and the American people fell for it except for the tea party conservative conspiracy people.....now the U.S. has tent cities and even CNN still does not understand how important local jobs are to an economy........people need jobs, not free money from government. when the jobs provide much more than the welfare, the people will get themselves off the welfare.
You can't do that what will the undocumented immigrants do to vote, plus our party needs there vote, we got to make sure that Biden gets elected. Biden 2020.
Spoken like ah true commy monger be sure and outsource another job to China an give the corporate monger a tax break on the slave labor an then we the American people can pay for snap subsidies to the worker's I n all the Big box stores how much of the American economy has been outsource to slave labor weather you like it or not that's your Republican Party. And If you think I am lying. Who wants to get rid of the unions water down the minimum wage laws an set the wage at who ever would do it the cheapest in aworld economy of 8 billion people 2 or three Billion in starvation and poverty we have 170 million jobs in America and if the truth be known 500million in the throws of death and the Corporation wants to set the wages at whoever will do it the cheapest. What would the wage be can't wait until they get to darfur samalia and Ethiopia. What do think bread one day and water the next would that be cheap enough for a corporate money monger with his million dollar bonus. That's your inflation
@@mrbrucewayne631 your nothing but a darn liar it was the republican party that busted the unions his name was dirty Reagan. Your a republican! Truth isn't in you. Go read Roman's chapter 2 second Corinthians chapter 3 where you find the conscience mind and liberty you find christ.
@@mrbrucewayne631 when the wages don't all go to the top and instead they go to the people and its a fair wage that comprobal to the economy we live in an the jobs come home your right the people will go to work
While I support our Second Amendment completely - I fail to see the logic of BUYING guns. You don't actually think we can do anything against the Police, National Guard, or U.S. Military do you? (We all have guns. Lots of guns. We are all well armed today.) Furthermore I doubt we could be effective against a well organized group of thugs. I think Americans need to Unite. Let us put aside our petty differences and come together and demand an end to corrupt government. Let's hold this government accountable and transparent. Let us end the "Security State" and end the Patriot Act, the NDAA, etc. If 20% of Americans united we would end this nightmare progressive/communist takeover. And it would be a bloodless victory. No one needs to get shot. We just need to unite.
You "survivalists" are pieces of garbage and aren't even real survivalists, you load up on ammo and guns but usually don't grow your own food. Most "preppers" have maybe a months worth of food saved up, guns and ammo, but no experience in growing their own food, how do they plan to survive when their food runs out? They plan to act like the trash they criticize and go around and point their guns at people instead of learning to take care of themselves while they still can. Most survivalists are rotten to the core and want society to fall so they can be a warlord or have their own slaves or prostitute out women and children. Guns aren't going to grow food for you. I don't have a problem with guns, I have plenty myself, just calling you out. The real survivalists are those that have enough land to feed themselves and are already doing so.
- - THE FIVE QUESTIONS -- -- by Larken Rose 1) Is there any means by which any number of individuals can delegate to someone else the moral right to do something which none of the individuals have the moral right to do themselves? 2) Do those who wield political power (presidents, legislators, etc.) have the moral right to do things which other people do not have the moral right to do? If so, from whom and how did they acquire such a right? 3) Is there any process (e.g., constitutions, elections, legislation) by which human beings can transform an immoral act into a moral act (without changing the act itself)? 4) When law-makers and law-enforcers use coercion and force in the name of law and government, do they bear the same responsibility for their actions that anyone else would who did the same thing on his own? 5) When there is a conflict between an individual's own moral conscience, and the commands of a political authority, is the individual morally obligated to do what he personally views as wrong in order to "obey the law"?
When tax rates go up, tax revenues go down. Trump did move from high-tax NY to zero-income tax FL so may be saving 10 million in SALT taxes every year.
John's dawsell's premises you can't increase taxes and close the deductions And loopholes at the same time. Coming from admitted loophole user john staussel...
Election Day should be on April 15th so the people that had to write a check to the government has that fresh in their minds when they go into the voting booth. I get pissed off every year when I see how much tax has been taken out of my check over the past year.
Want equality? How about all elected officials have a salary cap that equals the current median income for an INDIVIDUAL in America ($174,000 vs. $35,977 )? Right now, a member of congress makes $174,000 per year. That's almost FIVE TIMES the median INDIVIDUAL income and almost THREE TIMES the median HOUSEHOLD income for the same year (The Census Bureau lists the annual INDIVIDUAL income at $35,977 in 2019 and the annual HOUSEHOLD income was $68,703 in 2019). Who in congress is ready to make the first step towards "equality"??? Anyone??? Hello??? I didn't think so. I wouldn't want that either.
@@TheCarnivoreSoprano Unfortunately, they (congress) are the people who control their pay - and Ben Franklin warned us about exactly that when he said: "“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
I was taxed 50% of my gross wages when I was in my mid to late 20s. I thought it was disgusting how I worked hard and lost half of my earnings to the governments, Federal and california. I began to do my own taxes, it would take a lot of my spare time for a few weeks. Using every loophole and exemption I could find we ended up paying the state about $180 and getting about $100 back from the Feds, I found out we were poverty stricken with an adjusted gross income of less than $17,000. I would be audited every year. The Feds one year, I would answer their questions, they would apologize for bothering me. Next year the state with same results.
Chris Martin A lot of what I think he means is the top earners going on vacations and having one “business meeting” to write it off as a business expense and so on
I agree with the term “loophole”. When the feds say “To incentivize farmers and construction companies to upgrade their machinery, we’re allowing them to write off 100% of their expense”, then joe blow goes out and buys an H2 because it fits the parameters of heavy machinery, that’s exploiting a loophole. By taking the $7500 energy trust rebate on full electric cars, then getting free golf carts at taxpayers expense simply by calling them “Neighborhood vehicles”, that’s exploiting a loophole. Honestly, if it’s legal, I’m all for it, but I do consider them loopholes
Greed on whose part, the producers or the politicians? Most wealthy businessmen and entrepreneurs don't make all that money just for the money's sake. They use it as a tool to create more innovation and products. Also realize that much of the wealth these people posses is in the form of material assets not cash. Their net worth is in infrastructure - buildings, equipment, and investments in other productive companies. When someone says they are a billionaire they don't actually have 1 billion dollars in cash laying around for someone else to spend. When a politician says 'gimme your money', the victim has to liquidate some form of productive asset or take capital out of productive uses.
Lets cut the salary and benefits of Congress members by 90%.
by 100%
The funny part is she wants a raise for Congress. “wE aRe WoRkInG sO hArD”
By 1000%
She will never argue for that- she just asked for a raise! LMAO
Yeah and start with that a$$hole Bernie Sanders. Make him sell 2 of he's homes, tell him to donate to he's bull s@@t socialism.
I am happy to pay my "fair share". That means LOWERING my taxes.
But it's the top 50% of earners who contribute almost all of the nation's federal taxes - nearly 98%. The bottom 50%, who individually make below $46,637 annually, account for about 2.3% of the country's tax receipts.
Says everyone, even as they want MORE of their favorite federal programs. And then they immediately cry about government debt.
The lack of logic is hysterical, and your ilk endlessly persists in that and doesn't even see the irony.
The lowest 50 percent of earners in the US pays about 3 percent of US federal income taxes.
That's SO "unfair" to the poor. /s
In the real world, math and facts actually matter.
Let's tax congress people at 90%. I think we can all get behind that.
Here’s a better idea. We tax anyone who identify as socialist at the high rate and pay out to those that identify as socialists as much as they “need” we take as much tax from the socialist workers to meet the need of the socialist non workers. Catch being if they decide they want to leave they have to very publicly renounce socialism as a failure and unsustainable system. Lol. Anyone can join the program from billionaire to welfare recipients and the earners pay the tax for the non earners. Anyone can leave but they have to get on tv and be listed on a website clearly saying socialism is a failure and I now fully embrace capitalism. I give it a year.... lol
Roger that
Tax government employees at 100%. Everyone else at 0%.
AOChavez makes $174,000yr. If you taxed her at 70% like she wants to tax everyone else. Her take home would be $52,200. Ironically the same # she pays her staffers.
What's an extra 10% between friends?
"Tax cigarettes and alcohol to discourage their use."
Same people: "Let's tax people's hard earned income. I'm sure they won't change their spending or investing habits at all."
Same people who say they want congestion tolls in the city to cut down on traffic are the same people who say the subway will be funded by congestion tolls. How will congestion tolls fund the subway if people arent driving in the city?
People inacting a regressive grocery bag tax to reduce plastic in the trash are the same people who say they car about the poor, and what are poor people suppose to use for trash bags. Trash bags have more plastic than grocery bags.
How about we Tax people for being stupid! You would go Broke
If we ever start cloning people, I nominate Stossel to go first.
Cloning humans has already been a reality for some time. Hillary Clinton has a clone of herself that she rolled out on her failed campaign, along with her body double.
Right behind Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman.
Why Me that was Michael Keaton bud.
And Murray Rothbard along with Milton Friedman son David
I think you’re just suggesting to have more people that think like him around. Cloning wouldn’t do that. Educating and advocating sensible thinking and responsibility would. But that’s a good cliche for your point.
I live in CA. I work my ass off, and give 50% away. I'm over it, I'm moving on
I love you John. Thank you for exposing our asanine thinking Congressional representatives.
Yes the republicans are asinine.
@@markdonaldson9114 they're all asinine, man
@@markdonaldson9114 yet Americans have been at their peak when republicans handle taxes. With the anecdote of the second bush. Democrats/left wing reps. Are the scourge of our society.
This is why I trust John Stossel. Great journalist go after the real story and let the chips fall were they may
Nah, he is a talking head, hand up his ass.
Imagine we had a flat tax rate like 8% and reduce the spending of the government and employees. We would flourish. Politicians spend billions on irrelevant stuffs and tax us to death
William R Ebune,
The Constitution clearly defined the governments cut would be derived from (Impost) and (Exise) tax.
Your wages aren't taxable, there not the same as income!
Go to Robbbryder on TH-cam. Watch his video titled,
" Dial 6209 for your gift"
*We would flourish*
Actually no as the top 1 percent of 1 percent would flourish while the rest of us live in trash.
Not counting on The money the politicians put in their own
K dude, just know you're being lied to by corporate hogs. We live in an oligarchy. You all consider yourselves informed, makes me sad. You watch this garbage to confirm your false beliefs. Rich assholes live in their own little bubble where they believe that every cent they take is earned, bitch society gave you that money. The least you can do is divert a few billion off of that mutlibillion offshore account assholes. Most don't have a choice but to give you money because monopolies own our system. Like seriously??? These are people who invested in oil or wework, are you fucking kidding me??? Do these dumbasses have any brain cells in their empty ass noggin? Oh yeah guys the industries just keep on growing and growing and never end. INDUSTIES DONT GROW IF YOU DONT JUST OUTSOURCE OUR SHIT AND PRODUCE SMALL UPGRADES!! STFU with this tax nonsense. Take what you will from this post, I don't have time to waste with arguing. If anyone posts a bullshit talking point as a reply, just imagine I said Ok Boomer, cause that's what I would reply with if I cared. I'm not angry at you, I'm just angry at our media, this assholes spreading bs, and the corporate assholes who pay them. Our economy is broken, just look outside you window, there is a homeless person on every fucking corner yet we prioritize arming terrorists because our military industrial complex makes endless amounts of money on endless war. Wake the fuck up America
"you must be a really boring guy" 😂😂 Jesus John
John Sassel
Shade has been thrown
I love his “devils advocate” questions!
If slavery is owning someones product how much percent of production must you own of someone before it is slavery?
Any percent. The amount equates to some period of time during the work day, week, year, an individual is forced to work for someone else. If someone works five days a week, and gets taxed twenty percent, then that means one day a week they are essentially a slave. It's also still slavery when the master uses the money for services or products given to the worker, because it's involuntary, just as slaves in the 1800s were provided food, water, and shelter.
Gavin Lerma We Christians give the good news that God sent His Son to save us from the wrath of God that is on all unrepentant sinners, which mankind is inherently sinful. We have all sinned and we all need to place our faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus lived on earth perfectly and fulfilled the Law, and was made sin for our behalf and died on the Cross, He rose from the grave in His physical body and ascended into Heaven where He now sits interceding on behalf of believers. Turn from your sins and believe in Christ.
Slavery is when you own SOMEONE period. You could beat the shit out of them if they didn’t produced. If you don’t like your job fucking quit and find a new one. Nothing is stopping you.
@@charlie4christ536 yeah but what was jesus's tax refund?
@@litigioussociety4249 For me that's almost 2 days a week. Which works out to 832 hours a year or just over 34.5 days or 9.5% of my life every year. However accord to those idiots I'm not paying my fair share because I'm wealthy.
I do not know what I would’ve done without Stossel in my life… Thank you so much for showing me the way
Economic historian is definitely a unique passion.
Sometimes you have to suffer a little bit in your youth to motivate yourself to succeed in later life.
Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd be a Microsoft?
Of course not.
You got to spend a long time in your own locker with your underwear shoved up your ass before you start to think,
"You'll see. I'm going to take of the world of economic history! I'll show them."
-Lazyboy, Underwear goes inside the pants, 2004
Much of history is the mistakes of economics and of politicians. Studying history definitely helped me with my Master's degree in finance.
@@bobsands3557 I always say that to understand history you first need to understand politics, and to understand politics your first need to understand economics. Whether one is studying military or social history, they all end up touching politics and in turn economics.
I can't get enough of Stossel's amazingly logical....LOGIC! I'm sure he would never want the job, but the man should be presient!
He has said that even if he was the greatest economist in the world, he shouldn’t control the economy.
John, your work beats anything I could ever watch on TV. I see great success coming your way via TH-cam.
TH-cam is going to crack down on Stossel once he is more popular.
Damn, her voice is as intolerable as the emergency broadcast signal! Every time.
At least there is STILL SOME journalism being done. Ty!
I lived on the street for a year. Without money or government handouts, no food stamps, without panhandling, etc etc. I still showered 3 days a week at a local church, ate a hot meal once a day for free at the community kitchen, the food bank gave out daily bags of food Monday Wednesday and Friday. And the laundymat gave the homeless a free load of laundry every Tuesday. I was never hungry cold or even lonely. It was rather boring actually. In order to get job training I was forced to get government assistance food stamps, government health care coverage, government cell phone etc etc. I did get a CDL and now I drive a truck which is not much different than being homeless.
Here is the problem. When you inrease taxes all your doing is moving large sums of money from rich individuals who spend it how they choose. To governments who spend it how they choose.
The problem if you're not seeing it is the government is run by individuals with agendas many of whom are only their because they owe someone something usually that someone is one of those wealthy people or corporations.
The question than is is the money really truly any better with the government? Spend some time and look into the kind of stuff both repbulcians and democrats waste billions on like subsidies and bailouts. Than decide.
The '2 million dollar public bathroom' video (also by John Stossel) already debunks the notion that governments (state or federal) actually use the money wisely or efficiently.
You're not even moving the money. The rich keep their money. But the government, through deductions and loopholes, can dictate what the rich do to hold on to their money. The government can direct it to certain types of investment (say solar), purchases (maybe electric cars), or charities (like the Clinton Foundation).
True, but they want more "rights" that somehow instead of be principles of liberty, are expenses on all of us. You can have a right to health care, for example, only in that others cannot deny you health care you'd like to purchase.
Great points, terrible English.
*you're *increase *there *then If you can't spell or use proper grammar, your opinion means nothing.
It's almost like taxing the majority of someone's income to pay for social welfare programs incentivizes people to not bust their ass so their neighbor can sit on theirs.
Can you tell me who made the antitrust laws the lawless and I'm not talking about Republicans and democrats that actually wrote the laws but the people who had no liberty about themselves when it came to greed . Just so you know that I am not some far left nut . I can't see the difference between sloven laziness and selfish ambitious greed the working class get screwed over by both of them. I don't know how you put liberty in the same sentence with monopoly or chain or shell Corp apparently you had no liberty when it comes to greed . Liberty doesn't mean feel good do it, anything goes they didn't stamp it on a bell for nothing . To have no refrainment in one's self is to have have no liberty. Last time I checked Roman's chapter two first an foremost your alaw to yourself if you can't say no to your drug of choice your probley addict to it or perverted by ether way your not free.
No one does reports like you, Mr. Stossel. Thank you so much!
John Stossel, you've been such an asset for decades to the media and libertarian ideals. Thank you, Sir, for all that you do. Please keep it up.
Man John has hit us with the “Next time on Dragonball Z!” ending twice in a row
For a split second I almost blew my top but immediately calmed down after properly registering the exact words you wrote and I'd have to say that if anyone is respectable and kick-ass enough to be allowed the honor of being compared to anything Dragonball related then it would surely be John 😎😄👍
John Stossel, a shining light of reason and real investigation in a world of Buzzfeed clickbait "news".
If 10% is good enough for God, a flat tax of 10% for all taxpayers should be the model we use.
No tax cuts not tax deductions.
Yeah no. See when the economy starts to recess and inflation rises, the government uses fiscal policy to pull money out of the market. Drop their spending, increase taxes, cut transfer payments.
A flat tax would never work long term for anything. Regressive, progressive, and flat tax rates have their purpose in key moments of the buisness cycle.
@@carsontodd9267 the government should stay out of the markets, the only exception being to bust up monopolies. Period.
Why would the creator of the cosmos and everything in between care how much you money you put in? Almost as if the churches just made up a number to wicker people into donating more.
BTW, Thank you John for your patriotic efforts in spreading the truth, common sense, logic and reason.
"Only the very rich will ever pay taxes" said a certain Democrat in the 30s
Glad Crowder suggested you, Mr. Stossel. You've been very informative.
Wow, great work Mr. Stossel. Excellent reporting sir. Keep these grade-A videos coming please. The world needs them.
Stoss is the man!!
Mark Dice👍
John stossel you are a great American exposing the myths.
You're doing a great job !!
Taxation is institutionalized extortion.
heat cliff : don’t advertise your ignorance
Both of you seem ignorant to me.
If you dont want to pay taxes then just sit there like a turd on a California street. Brown slimy and smelly. But id rather work pay and get laid
Taxes is necessary.
that random elite ultra
Taxes are stolen income that could be better spent by the one who earned it than the one who spends it without a concept of what it took to earn it. I.e. the government doesn’t spend frugally because it didn’t earn it. But regardless of whether it is beneficial for the government to steal money, it’s not moral. And as long as it’s not voluntary it will never be moral. 🙂
Consider a website and an article: mises.org/library/taxation-robbery
Love John Stossel
I got busted for tax “evoision”, because that schmuck in the Cayman Islands blabbed about “...that customer’s secret, ILLEGAL account. Oh crap! I shouldn’t have said she was a customer! Oh crap! I shouldn’t have said her account was a secret! OH CRAP! I certainly shouldn’t have said that it was ILLEGAL! Ugh, it’s too hot today!”
Mr Stossel keep up the great work.
Dems always talk about tax increases but never talk about spending cuts. AOC would quickly change her tune if she had to pay 90% income tax. "Why is it considered greed to want to keep your earned money, but not considered greed to want to take someone else's earned money" Thomas Sowell.
Getting it done John, keep up the good work.
Slavery through Taxation ... Tax Tax , it's never enough for them 🤑🤑🤑🤑
Yep, TAX TAX TAX, REGULATE REGULATE REGULATE, that's most of what the government does!
We have 22T$ in debt.
chris pomplun and lets see isn’t that the governments fault for wasting “our” money
@@isgamer-8732 it's the repubs fault.
We have the debt from wars and tax cuts that go to the top 1%.
@@chrispomplun1511over half of the u.s budget is used on giving people money like social security and welfare
Mr. Stossel, thank you for another stellar production. It's good to see logic, reason and fact can be found someplace. They're awfully scarce these days.
You can't make sense out of nonsense. She's an actress, literally a meatpuppet for someone else.
A “meatpuppet”....great description. Thanks.
Well she won a contest. That's how she got the job.
Not bc she really cared or studied and aimed to be in Congress.
She entered a contest and she won.
I am a firm believer in Democratic party. But I respect John Stossel’s research into the topic. I believe that John is the true objective and minimize bias journalist. Why cant I find him on any TV channels?
Really appreciate these videos. They give just enough information to get me interested, and point me in a general direction.
And somehow the country survived until 1913 without a federal income tax.
Because each state had its own tax collection, each state gave its raised taxes to the Federal Government.
@@AdrianFahrenheitTepes Not with income taxes. And since the advent of federal income taxes, the federal government and bureaucracy has grown exponentially. Almost all as a detriment to the citizenry. For example, multiple wars, recessions, the great depression, numerous new rules and regulations, and an unaccountable bureaucracy. There really isn't a good defense of the income tax.
Love your argumentation, John! You should be in politics!
Lukas Ogonowski
I disagree. Joining a coercive system, one of theft and force, would not be as strong of an argument against that system as attacking its nature from the outside, as he does already.
Andrew Linn never the less, the tax codes often used in arguments by the left is fairly well arguments to be false and ineffective. It proves more or less, that tax rates of 70-90% for the rich won’t ever work, promote growth or similarly- instead it will motivate the rich to cheat the system. I can imagine that lots of rich (providers for the poor, mind you) would move abroad to places that actually promoted intellect and innovation.
Stossel is the shit, for good old fashioned honest reporting!!
i watched him when i was a kid, im 39
@@gregoryeverson741 Wanna trade? I am 53.
When Elvis was drafted, Colonel Parker assured him "it is my patriotic duty to keep you in the 90% tax bracket".
Love this guy. God bless you Stossel.
It’s my understanding that the benefits for Congress is ONE SWEET DEAL
Did you know you're also paying their kids college tuitions oh yes you are
Need more true journalists like Stossel.
Omg you got Donald! Yay lol. This one was awesome i’ll be sharing this on every youtube video I watch after this one. Keep up the great work John
Thank you for your work and service, John. You are appreciated and you will be blessed for it. God bless you 🙏
I'm pay more than my fare share I'm getting robbed!
I am really glad Stossel's subscription count is constantly increasing.
Tax is something that no one likes to pay and the people who always advocate for more taxes and fairness are always the one that will do anything in their power to pay less or skip it all together if they can. Just ask John Kerry who is married to a billionaire and hid his boat in Rhoad Island just to avoid paying Massachusetts taxes!
John i am glad your doing these videos. They remind me of your old 60 minutes days. Just great reporting no bs
We should have a flax tax. No loopholes and no deductions.
That's too logical of a idea...
Even a flat tax system is still theft. A voluntary tax system would be best. That would keep government from any type of excess spending.
@@Smileypb01 That might leave Police and Firefighters underfunded if too many people attempt to freeload. Even if they do get funded, many people will have to pay for those that want a free lunch. Voluntary tax isn't as fair as it seems.
My idea of a flat tax is at the federal level. I believe firefighters and police are funded locally. Mike Huckabee proposed a type of federal sales tax. That wouldn’t be a bad idea either. The more you make, the more you spend after all.
@@nt2122 The fire department is not a role of the government. They would be ran more efficiently and at a less expensive cost if they were privately owned than being ran by any government. Protecting people against crimes from themselves and their property is a role of the government. Who says that by only through voluntary taxes is the only way they would get funds? There were other ways government got funds before they implemented a federal income tax. So yes, a voluntary tax would be fair. Biggest reason why it would be fair is due to it not being forced unlike it is today.
I remember back in the 1980s and early 1990s, if you had air conditioning of any kind, whether it was in your car or home, you were doing really, really, well. The same applied for satellite TV or cable TV.
Now, you drive through the trailer park, and they ALL have air conditioning and you see an awful lot of satellite dishes all over the place.
And by having this stuff, they're giving their $$$$ to those who have nicer buildings, better furniture, and nicer cars than any of us reading this will ever have.
Remember - your country came to existence, because of unjust taxation...
And remember that all taxation is unjust.
@@andrewlinn7863 Taxation is needed to have a country. If you had no taxation, you'd lose your country as you'd have no security or even currency to run free markets.
The federal income tax started out at 1%.
@@aliensoup2420 It started out at 0% until 1913 when the monetary system was given over to private bankers and we became a debt-based economy. If you think your Federal Income Tax actually goes towards services, then think again. It only goes towards the interest on the national debt - in other words, it goes to the Rothschild family and that's it! But yeah, just keep paying your taxes slave and don't question it or else you're unpatriotic and anti-Semitic!
So the rich will take up arms against the US? No. They will use peasants like you to fight.
John keep up the good work exposing these myths is very helpful
Can't tax the billionaires? Tax the millionaires.
Can't tax the millionaires? Tax the thousandaires.
Can't tax the thousandaires? Tax the homeless.
Who said we couldn’t tax them? We should all pay taxes.
Thanks for this and all the solid reporting through the years!
I wouldn’t mind Payo 35% in taxes if I didn’t have to also pay for healthcare. I just feel like I’m getting ripped off, and makes me want to earn less so I’m at a smaller tax bracket.
Another great video Mr. Stossel. Though I am a Tea Party member, I agree with most, probably 99% of what you say. I can't wait for the next video, as it seems it will touch on what I have been trying to get quite a few co-workers of mine to understand.
I've always wondered what the Left's solution to the upper income brackets suddenly working less or else just leaving the country is?
this is why Stossel is not in the MSM , he tells it like it is, TRUTH
I like imagine that John Stossel speaks just like in his videos in real life.
The main objective should be to reduce the corruption and make the government use the money wisely, that will solve many problems.
Everybody has their own opinion of what it means to spend taxes wisely, and as they already said, tax evasions arent done illegaly like through bribes but legally with help of accountants and law loopholes.
@@robertkalinic335 Ikr, I was talking about corruption in government and while utilizing the government fund. Corruption can be in various forms, not only bribes. I don't know exactly, if its that prevalent in US, but its an issue in many countries.
The poor get poorer because of central bank money printing and money as debt ... of course the regular bankster's fraction reserve pyramid scheme plays a big role too in destroying the wealth of everyone, homeowners (the middle class) in particular.
Poor people are stupid. Sorry but it's the truth no one wants to hear.
Best electronics, newest phone, newest shoes.
My grandmother had holes in her coat and made more in a year than a professional.
Actually, statistics prove that wrong. The poor aren't getting poorer, more people have been pulled up out of poverty by free market, commies and the left call it capitalism(as if it's a bad thing ), than any other system. I'm a good example, three years ago I was homeless (lived out of a small RV parked on the street)and jobless. After Trump got elected I decided to pull myself up out of poverty. I started my own handyman services here in seattle. now I rent a home and have a beautiful fiance whom I love. BTW, my business just keeps getting better as long as I do a good job. Referrals are great!!
It’s not that the port getting poor they’re actually getting wealthier. But rather the nation as a whole is getting more and more indebted to a certain collective group of (bankers) and elites
You're a good guy, Stossel.
Sweet spot around 18 %. More or less = lower revenue. Obama said "It's not about revenue. It's about fairness." Disgusting.
Fuck that. Government can go to hell, they don’t deserve a fucking penny from MY earnings. 1% to maintain roads and have a three branch government or gtfo. The private sector always does it better, prove me wrong. The Boston Tea Party was a result of a 4% tax rate. Fuck big brother. Fuck you, sheep.
@@BiscuitFever Private sector can't pull/put money into circulation when the economy hits a recession/inflationary period.
In a recession money needs to be spent. When no one has money because of a recession, there is no way to stimulate Aggregate demand, because there is no consumption.
During inflation the private sector is incapable of pulling money out of circulation, because the private sector is nothing but a large circular flow model. Creating money via deposit and moving it around.
Your taxes do more than just pave roads and pay for bullshit programs.
Awesome John. Keep up the good work!
We could solve all of this with one rule: anyone receiving welfare is ineligible to vote until they are self-sustaining again.
I doubt that would help either....The U.S. undoubtedly got it's high standard of living thru it's manufacturing base which lasted for a prolonged period of time........back then, one could get off welfare and go to work and do much better working.
And yet, then, somehow, liberals thought it might be funny to ship all those jobs to China and Mexico and the American people fell for it except for the tea party conservative conspiracy people.....now the U.S. has tent cities and even CNN still does not understand how important local jobs are to an economy........people need jobs, not free money from government.
when the jobs provide much more than the welfare, the people will get themselves off the welfare.
You can't do that what will the undocumented immigrants do to vote, plus our party needs there vote, we got to make sure that Biden gets elected.
Biden 2020.
Spoken like ah true commy monger be sure and outsource another job to China an give the corporate monger a tax break on the slave labor an then we the American people can pay for snap subsidies to the worker's I n all the Big box stores how much of the American economy has been outsource to slave labor weather you like it or not that's your Republican Party. And If you think I am lying. Who wants to get rid of the unions water down the minimum wage laws an set the wage at who ever would do it the cheapest in aworld economy of 8 billion people 2 or three Billion in starvation and poverty we have 170 million jobs in America and if the truth be known 500million in the throws of death and the Corporation wants to set the wages at whoever will do it the cheapest. What would the wage be can't wait until they get to darfur samalia and Ethiopia. What do think bread one day and water the next would that be cheap enough for a corporate money monger with his million dollar bonus. That's your inflation
@@mrbrucewayne631 your nothing but a darn liar it was the republican party that busted the unions his name was dirty Reagan. Your a republican! Truth isn't in you. Go read Roman's chapter 2 second Corinthians chapter 3 where you find the conscience mind and liberty you find christ.
@@mrbrucewayne631 when the wages don't all go to the top and instead they go to the people and its a fair wage that comprobal to the economy we live in an the jobs come home your right the people will go to work
Great Job putting out the Truth.
Join the Gun owners of America, by firearms, take tactical classes and practice.... better safe then sorry.
Boogaloo time
@@theemperiumofkek1362 na, first we're sorry and then we're safe.
While I support our Second Amendment completely - I fail to see the logic of BUYING guns.
You don't actually think we can do anything against the Police, National Guard, or U.S. Military do you? (We all have guns. Lots of guns. We are all well armed today.)
Furthermore I doubt we could be effective against a well organized group of thugs.
I think Americans need to Unite. Let us put aside our petty differences and come together and demand an end to corrupt government. Let's hold this government accountable and transparent. Let us end the "Security State" and end the Patriot Act, the NDAA, etc.
If 20% of Americans united we would end this nightmare progressive/communist takeover.
And it would be a bloodless victory. No one needs to get shot. We just need to unite.
You "survivalists" are pieces of garbage and aren't even real survivalists, you load up on ammo and guns but usually don't grow your own food. Most "preppers" have maybe a months worth of food saved up, guns and ammo, but no experience in growing their own food, how do they plan to survive when their food runs out? They plan to act like the trash they criticize and go around and point their guns at people instead of learning to take care of themselves while they still can. Most survivalists are rotten to the core and want society to fall so they can be a warlord or have their own slaves or prostitute out women and children. Guns aren't going to grow food for you. I don't have a problem with guns, I have plenty myself, just calling you out. The real survivalists are those that have enough land to feed themselves and are already doing so.
So long story short the wealthier you are the more power you hold even above our own government.
by Larken Rose
1) Is there any means by which any number of individuals can delegate to someone else the moral right to do something which none of the individuals have the moral right to do themselves?
2) Do those who wield political power (presidents, legislators, etc.) have the moral right to do things which other people do not have the moral right to do? If so, from whom and how did they acquire such a right?
3) Is there any process (e.g., constitutions, elections, legislation) by which human beings can transform an immoral act into a moral act (without changing the act itself)?
4) When law-makers and law-enforcers use coercion and force in the name of law and government, do they bear the same responsibility for their actions that anyone else would who did the same thing on his own?
5) When there is a conflict between an individual's own moral conscience, and the commands of a political authority, is the individual morally obligated to do what he personally views as wrong in order to "obey the law"?
4 months and not a single reply, huh ? Well that's because you are crazy extremist ,,,2+2 = 5 , how dare you suggest otherwise.
1- No
2- No
And finally
These are great!
4:54 is that how bernie now has 3 homes?
just found this channel 3 hours ago and already went through 10-15 videos... One word to described this channel is "addicting".
When tax rates go up, tax revenues go down.
Trump did move from high-tax NY to zero-income tax FL so may be saving 10 million in SALT
taxes every year.
Ask Bernie if he pays his fair share!
Ask Vermont regular people how bernienomics feels, they tax everything possible
It's refreshing to hear the truth
Okay far as I can see find the loopholes block em up they either pay every cent or jail for tax evasion.
John your the best !!!!!
John's dawsell's premises you can't increase taxes and close the deductions And loopholes at the same time. Coming from admitted loophole user john staussel...
Election Day should be on April 15th so the people that had to write a check to the government has that fresh in their minds when they go into the voting booth. I get pissed off every year when I see how much tax has been taken out of my check over the past year.
sure rich have gotten richer but poor people have also gotten richer, so it balances itself out and everybody wins.
Can you point to any statistical info that shows anything to support that? I would reeaaallly like to see that.
Stossel should get millions of views
John, thanks for pointing out that AOC pulled that 70 % number from thin air
Want equality? How about all elected officials have a salary cap that equals the current median income for an INDIVIDUAL in America ($174,000 vs. $35,977
Right now, a member of congress makes $174,000 per year. That's almost FIVE TIMES the median INDIVIDUAL income and almost THREE TIMES the median HOUSEHOLD income for the same year (The Census Bureau lists the annual INDIVIDUAL income at $35,977 in 2019 and the annual HOUSEHOLD income was $68,703 in 2019).
Who in congress is ready to make the first step towards "equality"??? Anyone??? Hello???
I didn't think so. I wouldn't want that either.
It doesnt really matter what they want. Bring it down and let's see how people start to act.
@@TheCarnivoreSoprano Unfortunately, they (congress) are the people who control their pay - and Ben Franklin warned us about exactly that when he said: "“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
"Taxation without representation"
And representation without taxation.
They don't need more money. They need to spend less!!
I support everyone paying their fair share in taxes - the fair share of taxes being zero
Flat Tax Rates is the only Fair Share Tax Rate. 10% Income Tax for $20,000 income is equal to 10% Income Tax for $100 billion income
I was taxed 50% of my gross wages when I was in my mid to late 20s. I thought it was disgusting how I worked hard and lost half of my earnings to the governments, Federal and california.
I began to do my own taxes, it would take a lot of my spare time for a few weeks. Using every loophole and exemption I could find we ended up paying the state about $180 and getting about $100 back from the Feds, I found out we were poverty stricken with an adjusted gross income of less than $17,000.
I would be audited every year. The Feds one year, I would answer their questions, they would apologize for bothering me. Next year the state with same results.
Love Stossel, but wish he wouldn't use the word "loophole". Its not a loophole to claim deductions on your taxes. We all do, even the poorest among us
Chris Martin A lot of what I think he means is the top earners going on vacations and having one “business meeting” to write it off as a business expense and so on
I agree with the term “loophole”. When the feds say “To incentivize farmers and construction companies to upgrade their machinery, we’re allowing them to write off 100% of their expense”, then joe blow goes out and buys an H2 because it fits the parameters of heavy machinery, that’s exploiting a loophole. By taking the $7500 energy trust rebate on full electric cars, then getting free golf carts at taxpayers expense simply by calling them “Neighborhood vehicles”, that’s exploiting a loophole. Honestly, if it’s legal, I’m all for it, but I do consider them loopholes
Thank you John for a truth about taxes most just don't understand.
The rich will just find a loophole. HUMAN greed is the problem.
Greed on whose part, the producers or the politicians? Most wealthy businessmen and entrepreneurs don't make all that money just for the money's sake. They use it as a tool to create more innovation and products. Also realize that much of the wealth these people posses is in the form of material assets not cash. Their net worth is in infrastructure - buildings, equipment, and investments in other productive companies. When someone says they are a billionaire they don't actually have 1 billion dollars in cash laying around for someone else to spend. When a politician says 'gimme your money', the victim has to liquidate some form of productive asset or take capital out of productive uses.
@@aliensoup2420 doesn't matter a human will corrupt any system from the inside out for self gain.