I am in a divorce process after 43 years of marriage. The narcissistic character in my husband is so destructive. It came out full force as he aged to 67. OMG this is debilitating.
Hello Dr. Denise, It's been extremely painful going through this divorce.I've never experience this kind of pain before. I'm divorcing a sociopath who has destroyed me financially. He had threatened that if he could kill me and get away with it he would do it. The end of our marriage came shortly once I discovered his cheating, stealing and lying. It's been a year and I'm still in the divorcing process. Divorcing a sociopath/narcissist is extremely painful.
Faith & Peace I understand what your going through...And I want you to know your not alone, I went through this too...it is very painful and the things that a person like this trys to do can make you feel very hopeless and alone because no one believes you....they have a public front that's makes them look like a saint...but they are not. All I can say is make sure everything they do and all the lies they tell are documented...expose their lies as much as possible. They don't like being exposed and the more you do that the less power they will have over you. I can not tell you whether or not it will end...its been 9yrs since my divorce and I'm still on the defensive mode because he still trys to wreak havoc every chance he gets but very slowly piece by piece the truth is coming out. God Bless you and keep the Faith, it will be a rollercoaster but you will get through it.
Omg- my divorce was finalized 09/14/17 after what was the battle of my life. In couples counseling was when I 1st heard the word Narcissist. When we separated I googled divorcing a Narcissist! I was blown away and thought "this absolutely will not be my divorce"... let me tell you, I spent 2 years crawling through hell praying each night that God takes me to be in heaven w/my grandma (who had passed away right in the beginning). Each morning I woke up thinking F$&k I'm still here. He played every game known. He got a restraining order against me which left me homeless * so many people warned me he was setting me up to kick me out but I didn't do anything wrong so I didn't believe it was possible. I had to defend 3 more restraining orders. He immediately moved on 2 weeks after we split but still lived together. 5 months after being removed from my home he moved in with his new supply and instead of allowing the three boys and me to move back in the house he lied to the court and rented it out to his girlfriends 20-year-old daughter and five of her friends. He gave my dog away, and was able to turn nearly every one of my family members from me. I made biggest mistake by jumping in a relationship to feel self-worth but all that did was put me into a new category of abuse which was physical and verbal. When I finally had courage to call police & have him arrested my ex used him to his advantage. The abusive boyfriend was brought into court During our divorce and my ex husband was brought into his criminal trial for abusing me. I had both trials scheduled two weeks apart from each other and I thought there's no way in hell I should have to go through this much but guess what a week before trial I decided to settle because getting my life back was better than any financial settlement I could've had. (Financial abuse ex: owning a business but decided to start a new one in his gf name) it was absolutely ridiculous and I could go on and on but that is to be left for my blog. The ex-boyfriend played guilty to felony domestic assault and I will have the last words December 1 at his sentencing. If there's anyone that I can help even one person it will make everything I went through worth it.
I finally got an attorney after 9 months of trying to negotiate our settllement directly with him. And this has set him off into a rage. I'm scared now more than ever.
Maryn Cook I'm glad you have a attorney!! Use the attorney as Dr. Denise describes; as a buffer and avoid any contact (or limited contact if you have children). I know your scared but you this time to get support and do lots of "self care." Much love ❤️
My ex discarded her own brother in 2011 over some perceived slight .. then she showed me the same in 2016. She put my beloved13 year old dog down while I was away for work then told me he was crying tears when she took him to the vet. The dog wasn’t even sick. She then went and got another dog 2 days later .. all while I was out of town for work .. her brother was the nicest guy and loved hanging around with him and his family .. he died from cancer about a month ago .. she has no family left as her only surviving daughter and grandaughter were also discarded by her and live hours away .. for the life of me I find it so repulsive and evil ... I had seen her discard friends and family for inane reasons so many times it actually helped me cope with my discard .. I lost almost all my savings and my home .. the only thing I miss is the new dog which I love .. he’s stuck with her but I never seen her abuse a pet except my other dog by killing him as he got older and loved me so I try to take comfort in all that somehow. Even pets know something is wrong with narcissists
Thank you, your video helped me, Ive been going thru a divorce with my narc for 2 and half years, I have a little boy who has special needs, and trying to take care of my little boy and get thru this on going divorce has taken a toll.. my narc just like in our marriage is trying to wear me down bit by bit until there is nothing left, he wants to destroy me. He enjoys the fight and trying to make me look crazy..I won full custody, but that just raged him to keep me going and fight me in court for anything he can find, I have had to prove who i am and expose his crazy lies bit by bit..so exhausted all my spear time is court dates, getting proof of his lies and I havent had a moment to breath..and he isnt stopping..I have to sell our home now, the on going court is breaking me..the narc is destroying me and I dont know how to make him stop!. The buffer you talked about at the end of the video was a huge help to me! . i thought i had to engage because of the child but while this on going fight is happening in court.. i think its great advice to use my lawyer to communicate with him..Thank you!! I see him clearly and its scary!
I have followed many channels for a few years now. This is the best and most succinct description of what happens in divorces from someone like this. Unfortunately the legal process is also used. Sometimes it is best to accept that the legal system is not the best way to deal with such a person.
Thank you Denise !!! You are the real deal. Your videos have help me immensely understand what my 22 year marriage really was and validate my reasons for continuing with my separation / Divorce as he continues to create chaos.
I am exactly at the point in my divorce that you are addressing. It has taken me a year into my divorce now to just begin to truly accept that this is him, this is who he always was. Not just intellectually accept it and know that, but perhaps because I have hit bottom of living in exhaustion, fear of more abuse and allegations toward me, of disbelieving who he really was since day one, and feeling astonishment that it "can't get any worse"...I am just now beginning to accept what I thought once, never was. That is tremendously painful especially because I also have a small child with him. Your message was very helpful and I plan to watch it again as a reminder to move forward and not keep looking around much less back. This experience with him has been hell and still traumatically difficult to comprehend that I never knew him at all. I just never could have ever imagined such a thing to happening to me or anyone for that matter.
I served my partner last week on Tuesday got threatened via dm by one of her friends on Saturday smh . This isn't the end I know . But thank goodness I came across this video thank you so much
I'm a guy but went through it with my wife. The speaker said that however bad it was in the relationship, it will be EXPONENTIALLY MAGNIFIED in the divorce. I wasn't able to see that till now. Her full rage and hate are free now. She doesn't have to abide by the rules of marriage niceness. Ouch
Divorce with a narc is all-consuming. My first attorney didn't understand the narc personality. Next week is Case Management Conference. I think the final hearing will come in January, so I'm hoping for an end after three 1/2 years in and out of court. Until then, I expect to be badgered. I'm bracing myself for his worse fury to be unleashed. Then what?
God bless you🌺for this video. I have been married to a narcissist for 25years. I came to the realization that I never knew this man! Getting a divorce finally!... pray for me🌺
I thank God for allowing me to find your videos, they have been such a help and encouragement to me. Your explanations and advice have been easy to comprehend and to follow, and the truth resonates through each thing you say. I was in an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship for 26 years with a narcissistic infantilist. I am now one year past my divorce, and my narcissistic ex-husband continues to smear my name, causing extreme alienation by many of my friends and family. Thankfully, both of our children are adults, and therefore I can exercise complete no contact, which has helped tremendously, although he still penetrates through family and friends who are sucked into (and do not understand) his facade. Thank you so much for reaching out and providing support for this very much misunderstood and neglected issue. Good strong support is not easy to find, but is so vital.
He’s took my parents with him although they are narcissistic also. You are helping so much, and yes I am going through divorce and it is the worst! I’m under attack.. my lawyer isn’t good at all 😕 x
right on time... like you've been observing my life. So encouraging after a court date to hear all of this and know it's normal with NPD in Divorce, where to focus, lies will unravel, and that it WILL be over eventually.
Refinancing my self worth all he degraded I discarded my husband when he least expected ten years verbally, physically along with all the dressing. This April 8, 2018 will be anniversary I waited for this special date I'm filing for my divorce on this date I married this demon, this is the month and date I will get rid of this dysfunctional freak of nature. therapy I began my yoga classes I love the challenges mind,body and sprit cleansing the filth from this experience refinancing my life as it was met to be mindfulness of whom I'm which is loving me better.
You are a beautiful woman Dr. Denise Dart.. And to top that with a kind heart too.. I feel like i hit a jackpot when i found your channel.. Thank you soo much..
My husband has rubbed it in that he hated my clothes, family, friends,religion, and personalty when we met. And only got with me cus I was "hot". I have NO doubt in my mind his attraction to me is shallow, and once my looks wear off he will leave me
My ex spread horrible mistruths about me and these lies caused my children and my family and friends to turn there backs on me - and then he died....... It seems the truth will never prevail
Excellent informative video but I must emphasise that no all attorneys or lawyers can be trusted as they are not exclusive to being without narcissism. For instance, this can be the case when it is usually the woman who has no alternative but to apply for legal assistance and has to accept this type of so-called professional representation as it seems their profit is guaranteed either way.
Do you have to get a divorce? Can't you just leave? I'm retired and don't have a lot money. If we have money, I don't know about it. I just want out of this horror of a marriage. 51 yrs is enough. He uses his diabetes to make me feel sorry for him and to wait on him hand and foot. Thank you for your videos, they are very helpful.
This is a good question for an attorney. There is possible liability when you married to someone. Their choices can impact you legally. I understand that feeling of just wanting to walk away without having to deal with the stress and expense of divorce.
I’m so Blessed to hear you, give me a little bit of peace. Unfortunately my attorney and the court doesn’t understand narcissistic abuse and I feel unstuck and $$. Not easy but I’m not going to give up. Thank you so much for the video.🙏❤️✌🏽
Have you thought about finding an attorney that does understand? I don't know what I would have done without the support of my attorney. She was incredible.
@@DrDeniseDart Unfortunately is really difficult to find attorney that cares beyond the money . That is my personal opinion because of the experience I that I had. It’s all about money but I’m really bless to have an attorney . I couldn’t deal with the legal. I’m leaving everything for my freedom.🙏❤️
Does it means that if I go no contact with him and leave him alone with his horrible narcissistic rage - his whole rage goes to his new partner (who cheated on her husband with my husband as we were “together)? So she can hopefully recognise his true face? He has an incredible rage and hate inside and he try to destroy me with our kids, if I co no contact, his rage and hate is still in him - were does it goes? ( I’m sorry for my poor English 🙏🏻) It is, as you would describe my divorce, it’s like hell and very painful and I want peace.
Acceptance is not my problem, rather destroying me financially. It’s all about the money honey! Don’t care much what he says about me as a person....except yes to the kids....he’s alienated me as a parent, which is so sick, he’s totally fooled my 17 yo son. Even my 15 yo doesn’t fully get it and starting to believe him, since he sides with my Narcissistic x spouse.
But sometimes we leave them, and that causes more rage and threats as they don’t want to be out of control. I was told constantly that this divorce (that broke my heart to have to do ) was ‘my choice’ Not his. He was making me beg for house kills to be paid in the end, let alone all the normal s wars and abuse etc...the lies were constant...the lies I think damaged the most, his past was not what I thought...he would say it didn’t matter...constant changes of story, even finding out he had never been abused as a child, that was shocking, very weird, very mind bending behaviour. Just getting through the divorce now... And if this makes any sense to anyone...I think I’m still waiting for the man I thought I met to show up and get rid of this cruel heartless version he is now x
Hi, my husband is emotionally abusive. I'm going to see a lawyer soon and file for divorce. Having heard how hard it can be to prove emotional abuse should I file under irreconcilable differences or should I file on the grounds of emotional abuse?
I let the cops handle him, once. All his glorious cruelty and hate. ogh!! He raged like a freak in front of the cops. It was so pathetic. I actually felt sorry for him for a moment. It was pretty disappointing to see that the man I was with for over 10 years, was standing before me, appearing as an unstable, psychotic mess. It was so sad for a minute. I even offered my kindness and understanding when he knew and i knew he had lost it. And, his response was by yelling at me and calling me names. Okay, that was enough. He was certifiably nuts from then on.
It’s also the narcs huge fear of abandonment issue that’s triggered as soon as they know you have serious plans to leave them
Very true! 💜
I am in a divorce process after 43 years of marriage. The narcissistic character in my husband is so destructive. It came out full force as he aged to 67. OMG this is debilitating.
Hello Dr. Denise,
It's been extremely painful going through this divorce.I've never experience this kind of pain before. I'm divorcing a sociopath who has destroyed me financially. He had threatened that if he could kill me and get away with it he would do it. The end of our marriage came shortly once I discovered his cheating, stealing and lying. It's been a year and I'm still in the divorcing process. Divorcing a sociopath/narcissist is extremely painful.
Faith & Peace I understand what your going through...And I want you to know your not alone, I went through this too...it is very painful and the things that a person like this trys to do can make you feel very hopeless and alone because no one believes you....they have a public front that's makes them look like a saint...but they are not. All I can say is make sure everything they do and all the lies they tell are documented...expose their lies as much as possible. They don't like being exposed and the more you do that the less power they will have over you. I can not tell you whether or not it will end...its been 9yrs since my divorce and I'm still on the defensive mode because he still trys to wreak havoc every chance he gets but very slowly piece by piece the truth is coming out. God Bless you and keep the Faith, it will be a rollercoaster but you will get through it.
💜 You are definitely not alone!
Omg- my divorce was finalized 09/14/17 after what was the battle of my life. In couples counseling was when I 1st heard the word Narcissist. When we separated I googled divorcing a Narcissist! I was blown away and thought "this absolutely will not be my divorce"... let me tell you, I spent 2 years crawling through hell praying each night that God takes me to be in heaven w/my grandma (who had passed away right in the beginning). Each morning I woke up thinking F$&k I'm still here.
He played every game known. He got a restraining order against me which left me homeless * so many people warned me he was setting me up to kick me out but I didn't do anything wrong so I didn't believe it was possible. I had to defend 3 more restraining orders. He immediately moved on 2 weeks after we split but still lived together. 5 months after being removed from my home he moved in with his new supply and instead of allowing the three boys and me to move back in the house he lied to the court and rented it out to his girlfriends 20-year-old daughter and five of her friends. He gave my dog away, and was able to turn nearly every one of my family members from me. I made biggest mistake by jumping in a relationship to feel self-worth but all that did was put me into a new category of abuse which was physical and verbal. When I finally had courage to call police & have him arrested my ex used him to his advantage. The abusive boyfriend was brought into court During our divorce and my ex husband was brought into his criminal trial for abusing me. I had both trials scheduled two weeks apart from each other and I thought there's no way in hell I should have to go through this much but guess what a week before trial I decided to settle because getting my life back was better than any financial settlement I could've had. (Financial abuse ex: owning a business but decided to start a new one in his gf name) it was absolutely ridiculous and I could go on and on but that is to be left for my blog. The ex-boyfriend played guilty to felony domestic assault and I will have the last words December 1 at his sentencing. If there's anyone that I can help even one person it will make everything I went through worth it.
You are describing my soon to be exhusband
I finally got an attorney after 9 months of trying to negotiate our settllement directly with him. And this has set him off into a rage. I'm scared now more than ever.
Maryn Cook I'm glad you have a attorney!! Use the attorney as Dr. Denise describes; as a buffer and avoid any contact (or limited contact if you have children). I know your scared but you this time to get support and do lots of "self care." Much love ❤️
My husbands whole family is abusive and like this
My ex discarded her own brother in 2011 over some perceived slight .. then she showed me the same in 2016. She put my beloved13 year old dog down while I was away for work then told me he was crying tears when she took him to the vet. The dog wasn’t even sick. She then went and got another dog 2 days later .. all while I was out of town for work .. her brother was the nicest guy and loved hanging around with him and his family .. he died from cancer about a month ago .. she has no family left as her only surviving daughter and grandaughter were also discarded by her and live hours away .. for the life of me I find it so repulsive and evil ... I had seen her discard friends and family for inane reasons so many times it actually helped me cope with my discard .. I lost almost all my savings and my home .. the only thing I miss is the new dog which I love .. he’s stuck with her but I never seen her abuse a pet except my other dog by killing him as he got older and loved me so I try to take comfort in all that somehow. Even pets know something is wrong with narcissists
It is extremely hard. Please make sure that you do everything necessary to protect yourself. Hopefully you have reported his threats.
Wow! God lead me to you! Dealing with post divorce drama. I needed this. Thank You!! God Bless!!!
It's tough stuff, I'm glad to help.
Even though i discarded (via ghosting) my narc first, this experience has been so damaging to every facet of my being. It is all too much!
Thank you, your video helped me, Ive been going thru a divorce with my narc for 2 and half years, I have a little boy who has special needs, and trying to take care of my little boy and get thru this on going divorce has taken a toll.. my narc just like in our marriage is trying to wear me down bit by bit until there is nothing left, he wants to destroy me. He enjoys the fight and trying to make me look crazy..I won full custody, but that just raged him to keep me going and fight me in court for anything he can find, I have had to prove who i am and expose his crazy lies bit by bit..so exhausted all my spear time is court dates, getting proof of his lies and I havent had a moment to breath..and he isnt stopping..I have to sell our home now, the on going court is breaking me..the narc is destroying me and I dont know how to make him stop!. The buffer you talked about at the end of the video was a huge help to me! . i thought i had to engage because of the child but while this on going fight is happening in court.. i think its great advice to use my lawyer to communicate with him..Thank you!! I see him clearly and its scary!
I so needed to hear this TODAY, thank you
I have followed many channels for a few years now. This is the best and most succinct description of what happens in divorces from someone like this. Unfortunately the legal process is also used. Sometimes it is best to accept that the legal system is not the best way to deal with such a person.
Thank you Denise !!! You are the real deal. Your videos have help me immensely understand what my 22 year marriage really was and validate my reasons for continuing with my separation / Divorce as he continues to create chaos.
I am exactly at the point in my divorce that you are addressing. It has taken me a year into my divorce now to just begin to truly accept that this is him, this is who he always was. Not just intellectually accept it and know that, but perhaps because I have hit bottom of living in exhaustion, fear of more abuse and allegations toward me, of disbelieving who he really was since day one, and feeling astonishment that it "can't get any worse"...I am just now beginning to accept what I thought once, never was. That is tremendously painful especially because I also have a small child with him. Your message was very helpful and I plan to watch it again as a reminder to move forward and not keep looking around much less back. This experience with him has been hell and still traumatically difficult to comprehend that I never knew him at all. I just never could have ever imagined such a thing to happening to me or anyone for that matter.
I served my partner last week on Tuesday got threatened via dm by one of her friends on Saturday smh . This isn't the end I know . But thank goodness I came across this video thank you so much
Thank you, Your voice is calming, and full of wisdom....God bless you!
Thank you Dr. Denise Dart
I'm a guy but went through it with my wife. The speaker said that however bad it was in the relationship, it will be EXPONENTIALLY MAGNIFIED in the divorce. I wasn't able to see that till now. Her full rage and hate are free now. She doesn't have to abide by the rules of marriage niceness. Ouch
Divorce with a narc is all-consuming. My first attorney didn't understand the narc personality. Next week is Case Management Conference. I think the final hearing will come in January, so I'm hoping for an end after three 1/2 years in and out of court. Until then, I expect to be badgered. I'm bracing myself for his worse fury to be unleashed. Then what?
God bless you🌺for this video. I have been married to a narcissist for 25years. I came to the realization that I never knew this man! Getting a divorce finally!... pray for me🌺
Thank you. So empowering.
How to deal with the children spying and feeding him information about your life?
I thank God for allowing me to find your videos, they have been such a help and encouragement to me. Your explanations and advice have been easy to comprehend and to follow, and the truth resonates through each thing you say. I was in an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship for 26 years with a narcissistic infantilist. I am now one year past my divorce, and my narcissistic ex-husband continues to smear my name, causing extreme alienation by many of my friends and family. Thankfully, both of our children are adults, and therefore I can exercise complete no contact, which has helped tremendously, although he still penetrates through family and friends who are sucked into (and do not understand) his facade. Thank you so much for reaching out and providing support for this very much misunderstood and neglected issue. Good strong support is not easy to find, but is so vital.
He’s took my parents with him although they are narcissistic also. You are helping so much, and yes I am going through divorce and it is the worst! I’m under attack.. my lawyer isn’t good at all 😕 x
perfect thank you I am seeing the light!
You are an angel!
On the mark! bulls eye thank you !
right on time... like you've been observing my life. So encouraging after a court date to hear all of this and know it's normal with NPD in Divorce, where to focus, lies will unravel, and that it WILL be over eventually.
Thank you... of course the genders are sometimes flipped as well.
Yes you telling me something girl thank you
Really needed to hear this. thank you.
Refinancing my self worth all he degraded I discarded my husband when he least expected ten years verbally, physically along with all the dressing. This April 8, 2018 will be anniversary I waited for this special date I'm filing for my divorce on this date I married this demon, this is the month and date I will get rid of this dysfunctional freak of nature. therapy I began my yoga classes I love the challenges mind,body and sprit cleansing the filth from this experience refinancing my life as it was met to be mindfulness of whom I'm which is loving me better.
I needed this thank you
You are welcome, I’m glad you found the video helpful.
You are a beautiful woman Dr. Denise Dart.. And to top that with a kind heart too.. I feel like i hit a jackpot when i found your channel.. Thank you soo much..
Hello! I found your channel today and it has been very helpful. My narc is my father but I can still put your advice into action. Thank you!
My husband has rubbed it in that he hated my clothes, family, friends,religion, and personalty when we met. And only got with me cus I was "hot". I have NO doubt in my mind his attraction to me is shallow, and once my looks wear off he will leave me
I am trying to divorce a sick sick man right now... if you are going to be #4 please think before you marry them!!!
I’m shedding a tear you are a beautiful soul x
Thank you Grace 💜
Best video ever! Thank you, very much!
My ex spread horrible mistruths about me and these lies caused my children and my family and friends to turn there backs on me - and then he died....... It seems the truth will never prevail
Tessa At least he died.
Thank you so much ... so much!
Excellent informative video but I must emphasise that no all attorneys or lawyers can be trusted as they are not exclusive to being without narcissism. For instance, this can be the case when it is usually the woman who has no alternative but to apply for legal assistance and has to accept this type of so-called professional representation as it seems their profit is guaranteed either way.
You basically said everything I'm doing now; and your video confirmed my stage of the journey. Thank-you!! Great insight!! 🌈
So weird this is exactly what's going on . Needed this.
Do you have to get a divorce? Can't you just leave? I'm retired and don't have a lot money. If we have money, I don't know about it. I just want out of this horror of a marriage. 51 yrs is enough. He uses his diabetes to make me feel sorry for him and to wait on him hand and foot. Thank you for your videos, they are very helpful.
This is a good question for an attorney. There is possible liability when you married to someone. Their choices can impact you legally. I understand that feeling of just wanting to walk away without having to deal with the stress and expense of divorce.
Darlene wow 51 years!! Sending lots of love and light during this difficult journey 🌸
Darla Its the leaving that they cant handle and they arent in control of the person.
I’m so Blessed to hear you, give me a little bit of peace. Unfortunately my attorney and the court doesn’t understand narcissistic abuse and I feel unstuck and $$. Not easy but I’m not going to give up.
Thank you so much for the video.🙏❤️✌🏽
Have you thought about finding an attorney that does understand? I don't know what I would have done without the support of my attorney. She was incredible.
Unfortunately is really difficult to find attorney that cares beyond the money .
That is my personal opinion because of the experience I that I had.
It’s all about money but I’m really bless to have an attorney . I couldn’t deal with the legal.
I’m leaving everything for my freedom.🙏❤️
My family is more of an issue than anything or anybody else. ( ... if I ever knew, yes.)
Does it means that if I go no contact with him and leave him alone with his horrible narcissistic rage - his whole rage goes to his new partner (who cheated on her husband with my husband as we were “together)? So she can hopefully recognise his true face? He has an incredible rage and hate inside and he try to destroy me with our kids, if I co no contact, his rage and hate is still in him - were does it goes? ( I’m sorry for my poor English 🙏🏻)
It is, as you would describe my divorce, it’s like hell and very painful and I want peace.
Nothing matters anymore!,
Thank you.
Yes they are Christopher
Acceptance is not my problem, rather destroying me financially. It’s all about the money honey! Don’t care much what he says about me as a person....except yes to the kids....he’s alienated me as a parent, which is so sick, he’s totally fooled my 17 yo son. Even my 15 yo doesn’t fully get it and starting to believe him, since he sides with my Narcissistic x spouse.
Thank you , 🙏
Very helpful this sounds like my brother’s wife and exactly what she is doing
Thank you!
really good !!
But sometimes we leave them, and that causes more rage and threats as they don’t want to be out of control.
I was told constantly that this divorce (that broke my heart to have to do ) was ‘my choice’
Not his.
He was making me beg for house kills to be paid in the end, let alone all the normal s wars and abuse etc...the lies were constant...the lies I think damaged the most, his past was not what I thought...he would say it didn’t matter...constant changes of story, even finding out he had never been abused as a child, that was shocking, very weird, very mind bending behaviour.
Just getting through the divorce now...
And if this makes any sense to anyone...I think I’m still waiting for the man I thought I met to show up and get rid of this cruel heartless version he is now x
What you are saying makes total sense 💜
What about those in these situations who don’t have an attorney and cannot afford one?
Yep I am a champion narcassist!,, I'm doing it all!,, I've threatened broken in to the house with a restraining order on me she cannot keep me out!
Meaning is I would rather have a fist in my jaw than to be cut down on my part
Hello Dr. Dart, Do you have referals for Attorney in different states like Georgia?
Hi, my husband is emotionally abusive. I'm going to see a lawyer soon and file for divorce. Having heard how hard it can be to prove emotional abuse should I file under irreconcilable differences or should I file on the grounds of emotional abuse?
I let the cops handle him, once. All his glorious cruelty and hate. ogh!!
He raged like a freak in front of the cops. It was so pathetic. I actually felt sorry for him for a moment. It was pretty disappointing to see that the man I was with for over 10 years, was standing before me, appearing as an unstable, psychotic mess. It was so sad for a minute.
I even offered my kindness and understanding when he knew and i knew he had lost it.
And, his response was by yelling at me and calling me names. Okay, that was enough.
He was certifiably nuts from then on.
That's one scary rabbit hole.
I wish he would initiate a divorce. It would be easier on my adult children as well as for me. There is no upside for me to initiate.
In your opinion, what should learn/ know when I've been the one who discards?