This guy honestly has the best take on trying to give advice to low elo players. He actually understands the perspective and the environment of low elo, and it feels like most of the other coaches on the channel just do not. He even mentions how most challenger players really tend to only give advice from an extremely narrow perspective but then they act like it's great advice that should apply to everyone. On top of that, he's funny as hell. More content like this pls. I would LOVE a video from Hector on why control wards are useless.
I’ve never left a comment on a Skillcapped video before (I think) but I wanted to chime in and say that this is, to me, the absolute epitome of skillcapped. This level of understanding of what actually occurs at low elo mixed with phenomenally clear explanations is pretty common for skillcapped, but the explanation of why other guides don’t feel helpful at times and the reasoning why some zed tips are unhelpful mixed with Hector’s ability to know every bronze player’s objections to his arguments so he can explain further really takes this video to another level. And yes, I’m absolutely positive there’s an audience that not only wants to hear why control wards are useless, bu also wants to hear your opinions on other common low elo advice.
I think a lot of people can agree that we all have the mindset of beating Zed early. I also struggled with that mindset and it also how I throw games. This video really went in depth and really appreciate the content.
I had and currently have this mindset. I deal with it by playing champs with point and click cc. But after seeing the vid i'll be trying to do this on my games
He's not only an early champ tho. I went 0/0/0 lane nice n comfy farm to 11mns. He got 1 kill on a jngl I tried to warn not to gank, but he was 10cs down so it's not terrible.... Oh wait, now he's diving me under turret through my R shield (Kai sa). Fact is this guy can still dominate any midgame situation with much more aggression as players are forced to leave their lanes, and if he gets a kill or three, he's still going to snowball
He did say in low elo specifically, and I tend to agree honestly. The amount of times I got sweeper and not see a single ward until 25+ minutes into the game really shows. At least in silver
@@kelmirosue3251 same, I usually only find them useful on junglers due to having sweeper, or if I have prio and can put them in one of the pixel brushes when I play mid so I have a ward for both bot and top side.
Because low ELO players don't know how to take advantage of vision to make plays. They are too impatient and uncoordinated. The best thing you can do to carry low ELO players is to STAY WITH THEM and do your best to smooth over their mistakes, as opposed to trying to set up plays around vision.
I don't like them because it's a big waste of gold especially early. That 75 gold is so important to building that one cloth armor or book that you needed to win the whole game.
@@kelmirosue3251I might be an anomaly, but when I play support I am constantly warding deep in jungle and every objective. I've not come across many people removing my wards lol.
Normally, I feel like I only gain a little bit from guides either because I already have a base understanding of concepts or I'm not really engaged with the videos. This guide stood out a lot because it challenged my view of an existing concept and was much more entertaining than I'm used to from guides. Hector did really well this one and he had my full attention throughout the whole video.
This video actually helped a lot because it literally addresses the problems I have that the past zed video did not touch on. Feeling constantly pressured to punish by damaging him when his W cooldown is not always the optimal and I'm glad you addressed other ways to punish him.
Small note at 20:02 zed will spawn behind you and cannot R back for about half a second. BUT, if zed has used his W-shadow, he can instantly hop to that shadow after he R's and skip the half second jump back cooldown. He can also flash right away after using R so keep that in mind too.
behind you meaning behind the direction you are facing, or meaning on the other end of where he initially Rs? i’m sorry if that makes no sense. basically what i’m trying to say is like if you change the direction you are facing, will that change where he spawns?
@@noelzedum no, the actual wording is “dashes through you” so he r’s you, becomes untargetable, then dashes through you, appearing on the other side of you with you in between him and his r shadow. Has nothing to do with the direction you’re facing. It’s like a prowlers claw but he’s untargetable till he gets to the other side. And with good enough ping (
1 important tip for ADCs.... When Zed Ults you please stand still when possible... It makes it way easyer for your Support to hit him after the Ult. When you Move like on LSD, your Support also needs to predict your Movement and will take way longer to CC him, so he get his combo of easy, before he get CCed.
As a support player I had no idea how his ult actually worked, now that ik he always spawns behind the champion he's ulting that'll be great info that I can use against him
Best takes I've heard on this channel or anywhere for that matter. Listening to coaches and high elo players can be so tiring sometimes, like they're expecting me to be performing spatial mathematics while playing league or something. Totally feel the thing about not being able to play mechanically complex champs haha
Ima be honest om Grandmaster and really I'm alot like hector I don't play alot of complex champs. It's nice to hear his opinion. Always felt like he has alot of low elo knowledge, and before reaching GM I was hardstuck diamond
@@Negativity808 tbh if someone is going to make their life’s mission getting to grandmaster they don’t want to play lame champions. I mean sure you can play zac, Diana, Darius all day but it’s gonna be boring af and not worth the time
Oh dropping the edge of Veigars cage right behind yourself when Zed ults you, and see how he likes it when you unload your burst on him is such a feels good.
I often buy double control wards if possible when there is leftover gold, mostly because I don't like having leftover gold. A guide on why it might be better not to do that, beyond that statement "150 gold each back adds up quick" will be useful for me personally.
I think you answered your need by yourself :D But tbh, in mid to late game i always buy at least one and if I can afford it two control wards. The Vision deny on objectives (Dragon/Baron) and the information if you are seen or not is too valueable for me. I am just gold but still, I think it helps quite a lot. As long as you can justify buying a control ward and you are actually using it for something in your mind it should be fine. You could also argue it depends on your champion. If you play an Assassin or something that can instantly blow up a champ, its also very nice. For examply Annie, Syndra, Zed and the likes of these
Red/Blue trinket do the same thing but better (sweep wards/deep ward) and free re: 150 gold, understand that after two backs it pays for one of the cloth armors he was talking about the extreme value of… you can either put down 4 wards and give the enemy money or put down free wards/sweep wards for free and spend the money on an item instead (or at least buying just one and not just emptying your pockets from OCD or fear or money or whatever)
This is the best Zed counter guide I have seen. Others usually talk about some very theoretical stuff and as a proof show how some challenger player beats degenerate Zed player, who clearly does not deserve to be on that level and got there by spamming this champ(or may be has a bad game idk).
I think this is the first video i've ever seen that gave relevant advice for low elo players to deal with zed. it's actually a really good guide in that respect, thank you
As an Akali main with an engrained fear of zed to the point where in the 1000 games on Akali I've banned him in like 900+ of them This helps. Need to start trying to face my fears
If you're in a matchup that's tough, just push wave and roam. Mid is the perfect lane for that, push lane and go bot to either poke or even get a kill then come back mid for the next wave. If you aren't going to be killing them, just stay alive and wait for team fights where you will have a better chance.
I think a big difference of high elo and low elo player vs Zed is the concept of tempo since low elo player will f up their tempo all the time the Zed can always roam and get free kills in high elo people have a better understanding of it and use it to hold him in lane so he can't roam bot and get a double kill. But I agree that the biggest point is that you are not the one that is forced to win it is him so just don't die.
Meh I always ward up and we see him walking down river and I ping bot 20 times before he even gets there, yet they die and then blame me and now we have a snow balling zed to deal with. Meanwhile, I'm just dealing with the big wave he just pushed in and bot is over extended to enemy turret.
As a zed player, and a zed hater, I just laugh at how easy it is to stat check him even with mages. Early levels yeah, poke him out like every other champion whenever possible, but just FORCE HIM to take the trade. What people don't understand about the matchup is that you have to wait for him to make a move. It's a reactionary play, most of the time. Make them feel safe for a moment, and let them feel anxious about it. "He's letting me farm, but trading every chance possible". Forcing to make a decision is key, because in that moment they will surely make mistakes, in the combo, wave or both.
I’m a long time zed one trick and honestly this guide is extremely accurate. Zed’s waveclear sucks he has to use his w e q combo to shove fast so If you just play for wave clear zed can’t do anything as he will be last hitting under tower all game. definitely build dmg instead of zhonya’s early so you can be useful in 2v2 skirmishes in the jungle and remember all zed’s damage comes from landing his q even when ulting. He’s not a talon that can just right click you and press r. If you dodge his skill shots he is useless. Stop banning zed so I can actually play him thanks XD
His Q is not really dodgable tho since it casts from each shadow and is kinda fast, if he is poking with only Q sure you can dodge it, but when he combo you with 3 shadows you cant really dodge it, you have to pray for him to miss
I always hated zed until I stopped playing adc and started maining yone and realised his R is a guaranteed hit for my R. Now I love Zed. :^) Jumps straight into my ult and even waits for me to channel it. Such a sweet guy. (Edit: Also, if it's a good Zed in lane whos hitting his combo, I just do cheater recall and buy one cloth armor and now his all in is practically useless unless I fuck up) SO to summarise, everything he says in this video works and you don't need weird maths or outplays to win against him.
Me as a zed main watching this. Now you know that how to counter me.I now know that you know how to counter me and I'll make sure to counter that counterplan.
Just want to point out but at 11:23, compare the damage Zed did with his own HP because that is how much most of his opponents will also have at that level. Notice something? The last dummy is the only one that survives and it survives with 9 HP...and ignite wasn't used. So Zed even with the armor literally kills them all if he uses ignites, or if you know a single minion auto attacks them.
this is some of the most accurate information ive ever seen in a league guide. I main zed, somewhat of an otp hanging around 170k mastery in d4/p1 elo, and preventing zed from getting kills early essentially makes the character useless. His combo alone can 1shot next to none of the champions in the game during this patch unless he's fed, and once you know his kill threshold its very easy to avoid dying. running a bit of armor is definitely underrated, but I think a stopwatch early can be an even better investment if you're winning your own lane. Zed's damage relies on a single burst combo thats on a long cooldown for most of the game. you pop stopwatch and you can avoid the entire thing. And you still have flash to avoid it again if he decides to pursue. I only pick zed in ranked anymore if i have a jungler whos willing to feed me kills early or if the enemy bot lane is highly one-shottable (very rarely in this patch). I love the champion and im glad that they are buffing energy soon, although I dont think its why most assassins are struggling right now. The problem is the fact that assassins are usually burst damage champions with squishy hp counts, while tanks do the same damage consistently, and take a lot more of it. Add on mobile champions like lillia, rammus, kaisa, aswell as running simple, cheap items and most assassins cant play the game. It sucks to see the game go from insane mechanics allowing you to execute someone from 75% hp if you perform perfectly mechanically, to the top champions in high elo being low skill ceiling simple champs like darius, aatrox, fiora, jinx, pantheon, etc
I personally think that the mindset of necessarily getting early leads is terrible not only against zed but anything. You just don't have to take leads early in any elo below diamond even if you play on early game champion. The leads will just naturally come to your hands
I used to ban zed all the time. But by banning him I was really never Learning how to play against zed. So I stopped banning him and learned the hard way. Yes I lost a lot, but I also watched a lot of videos. Eventually it got to the point where if the enemy pick zed I would rejoiced because I knew it would be an easy win
As a rakan main I loved going mid vs zed, especially with a yi jungler i knew i was getting fed. Just stand at the edge of turret range and when they come at you w to the tower base.
Honestly this is the best info on a way to counter a champion without needing mechanics to help. Everyone always says dodge his combo but they forget that his combo has no signal to dodge lol. As an Ekko main my next Zed opponent will be screwed and I thank you for that Hector.
12:22 I would love to see Hector explain not only why buying wards are not important, but speacially how you should value your gold over mediocre stats/features like pots and wards. When should you buy potions? Or refill potions? Are refill potions always better than refil? (for ADCs, I don't think so, since you really need maximum sustain early on (pots give 3x150 = 450HP while refill gives 2x125=250). And by the end, you won't need refill since you are getting bursted either way. Getting comparisons like 4 pink wards is the same as 300 gold, so you could buy armor or boots or attackspeed with it (or complete an item sooner). Not only that, you are giving money to the oposing team (30g+10g if assist) so it is almost like making your team 100g behind, about the same as a canon minion. I love these comparisons like, what item could you buy, how many minions this means, etc... (Example:) I main WW, and the first noob trap we always talk about is buying refil potions. For warwick, not only you don't need because you have healing, but you MUST preserve the 150 to get your tiamat sooner.
Your video is appreciated and really helpful for "Low Elo" and other tips even for higher elos. However, many things to note down. good zed played would avoid most of what you said. - a good zed player will try to hit direct Q as he could - a good zed player will flash after he uses R if he knows you got counter CC ( Like ahri and etc..) because zed no longer has instant R back like before; Zed has 0.5 sec for his R to return back, unlike his W. - a good zed player will use his E well to get the W cooldown back in further games. The problem here Level 1 W will prevent zed of getting his cooldown faster on the w. - For zed not getting kills is really frustrating, so good zed player will roam as you explained in the video. - Another thing, you forgot to mention " The forgotten W' Let's say this video is like knowing more how to counter Zed, but not always work. It is skill match and game scenario in the end. Thanks for the Video
Actually the most helpful video on this. Been so tired of the "zed is ez just be challenger" guides. Wasn't even trying to watch this, it autoplayed while I was scrolling and watched it to the end.
Vision is INCREDIBLY important since - Zed is not the only champ i need to worry about and i rather not put myself in the spot where i need the damage resistance in the first place, vision helps me make the right decisions in game. Early game i usually always have the room for both anyway since im not backing with 500g every chance i get but instead focus on gold goals and farming to buy the whole piece of item i need. Not to mention buying Zhonya's usually makes zed forget about me as a target all together, and even ahead i can kill him with it as ahri by the charm ult counter. i would still 100% buy the zhonyas 2nd item, its too good to not get or if im ahead mythic > Rab > Zhonyas - with buying the stop watch inbetween as needed since scaling is king atm. Great Video, i have learned sooo much i have never seen in other videos, with the exception of vision is not important this vid is 100% spot on and the Best Zed counter Guide i have ever seen.
Jesus Christ Hector, i love it soo fucking much when you go savage, hogy imma buy a skilcapped subscription just for that scorch and timewarp tonic scene!
Another question: How do you go about punishing zed in that Post-Combo window if he wins an all-in with only autos? As in, you step up a bit, and try to fight him, but he can just flash on top of you and force an auto exchange that you lose if you have no cc?
I would love to see a similar video about Irelia. I would perma ban her whenever I go top, but I feel like Darius is a better ban at the moment. Long story short, if I get filled top lane and I get matched vs an Irelia I just can't ever play the game. The moment she starts a freeze the game's just over for me, because with most matchups if you have a wave built up you can just force it to crash thanks to your minion advantage, but in the case of Irelia she actually becomes STRONGER if you have a wave built up. Like, I'm convinced Irelia is the most broken and unhealthy champion riot has ever created. I've looked up every Irelia counter guide I could find, but there are two problems: 1. there aren't very many, and 2. they all basically conclude that you have to beat her in draft, otherwise you just don't get to play the game. Like, how is that even fair? Why is it that my only two options against her are roaming or proxy farming???
I one trick Zed, and I can tell you with the upmost certainty that people over calculate when playing against Zed. Zhonya's can't even stop him, but GA is *really annoying.*
This ^ It's not even the actual revive that makes it so annoying. It's the fact that if I decide to target you as Zed, I have to blow EVERYTHING for one kill, but it'll all be for naught since you have GA. SO, I am very pressured to target someone else making team fights very messy.
As a support main, I only buy 1 control ward per 20 minutes tops in soloQ unless I know I can use it to make more money with it. The only reason I do 1 per 20 is because of the algorithms count that purchase in for how well you are "carrying" your team. I know that later part is more about ego to see getting the MVP or the ACE tag next to my name on the game tracking websites, but that is why I try to maintain that 1 per 20 minutes purchase as a support main. Usually the purchase is just for a setup on dragon or baron/herald for the most part. Or if the jungler says they are coming to my lane to gank and want the vision cleared.
My struggle against Zed is getting smashed by his Q, and then getting so passive I get bullied out of lane and can't CS w/ another melee champ or a Melee-Mage like Fizz
Shyvana usually builds Frostfire>Demonic, to make up for a lack of resistances while also increasing my damage, I will usually buy Zhonya's Third or Banshee's Veil depending on what I need. They give some ability haste, durability, and AP which just overall helps a lot. And because of Frostfire giving me 100 HP per legendary that also makes me even more tankier. So it's a really good 3rd option imo. From there I might build Void Staff to help with damage because at that point people start having a lot of resistance. Also I did not know Zed always spawns behind you when he ults. That's great info to know because I had NO IDEA how his ult works outside of him going poof
Thanks for the video! Would it be possible to have a malzahar guide (maybe combos etc) as I've currently picked him up and find him quite strong atm. However, couldn't really find much guides that are recent :S
bloody hell perfect timing doing some off meta experimentations and first zed I faced won the game because I knew nothing. now I won't have to waste a ban on him by just applying the knowledge
I played this Heimer game yesterday, I think. Playing around his W is all I did, plus I built the armor boots. I kept punishing him, countertrading or not. It just became way too dificult for him to do something because whenever he relaxed, I could just E+W him and he'd lose a third or so of his hp, specially when he went for last hitting. But I also didn't push my luck, if I missed my E I didn't W so i still had it available for another poking section. Other than armor boots, It was straightup damage (and life, with queen crown and demonic embrace). With these two items I even survived a fight with less than 10 hp. The only guy who killed me was the enemy trundle when I missed a flash over a wall T_T
@@MajWinters100 If he gets hit by every of your E+W como, he is not a good player straight up..... Aside, there is no way for Zed to resist a hard shove against a Heim. The matchup is naturally good for Heim.
@@ecpgieicg that's the thing. I didn't hard shove. I let the wave ebb and flow. I just played around him, patiently. As I said, there were a few times when i almost died, but it was all about punishing when he went for last hit
About the control ward, it’s useless in low elo because your teammates are dummies who doesn’t play around vision. The only time which you’ll need it is probably right before a team fight.
Greatly enjoyed this video. If possible, I'd like to see the same concept done with other notorious low-Elo lane stompers, such as Yasuo or LeBlanc (again from Hector of course XD).
The only thing about Control Wards in my opinion is how people use them. I don't think using them during lane to have a permanent ward is worth it - you often just end up handing over the enemy team 30, 60, 90, or more gold if you keep placing them. Where they are useful is Dragon, Baron / Herald pits and in jungle fights. Putting down a Control Ward on those objectives is very helpful in maintaining or creating pressure, and can allow you to "control" an area. I feel that's how those wards should be used - offensively around fights at the pits and in jungle, not for a permanent ward off your lane that the enemy Jungler or Support is just going to come clear and get a half-camp worth of gold for.
Hi I get confused when people say zed spawns behind you. Does this mean he will always spawn the opposite your character is moving or on the opposite side he pressed his ult on? Would love a clarification! :D
He spawns on the otherside of you from where he initially R'd. So wherever you see his R shadow (where he was before ulting), he'll spawn on the otherside of you in a line related to that shadow. That way you're sandwiched by him and his shadow and he can Q to land both (if he doesn't whiff) instantly.
I kinda disagree on the pink ward topic. In high elo, people make logical plays, junglers chose logical routes and thus you can often guess where they are without pinks. In low elo, barely anything makes sense. The goddamn Fiddle will try to lvl 2 gank you or they randomly walk down your lane despite their quadrant being completely empty. Buuuut that's why I also want that guide. I'm ready to feel wrong about this.
@@BillionaireQuates117 or maybe I just don’t like playing against Zed? Ever thought of that. I’m sure you have a champ that you hate just as much to play against. Zeds just that champ for me
Sometimes I play the early game correctly, punishing zed every time he goes to CS and then first drake spawn boom zed triple kill and the dive when ever he want without any counter play
Looked at the comments before watching the very end and saw the “just disable shadows” comment right before he laughed at it. He truly is in the minds of low elo players lmao.
Veigar has an outplay button that you cant dodge that scales with his items and passive, zed has to full combo a tank with full build armor pen. One is obviously more broken lol
Question from a low elo sup main whom you just roasted for control wards and lost chapter power spikes: how is vision worthless when my job is map control and utility? Especially when I have received a ban before because my Swain/ Liandry's was apparently kill stealing (somehow the mispositioned adc missing and sniping with W past their turret is a ks), meaning I have been punished by Rito for dealing damage...? My wards have allowed me to snipe drakes and Baron, as well as anyone my jg is chasing. How is vision and mana less favorable than damage when my prio is cc?
Simplify Solo Queue and RANK UP at 💪💪💪
This guy honestly has the best take on trying to give advice to low elo players. He actually understands the perspective and the environment of low elo, and it feels like most of the other coaches on the channel just do not. He even mentions how most challenger players really tend to only give advice from an extremely narrow perspective but then they act like it's great advice that should apply to everyone.
On top of that, he's funny as hell. More content like this pls. I would LOVE a video from Hector on why control wards are useless.
yessssss. I've followed the channel for more than 3 years and my favorite vid of all time is the one he explain mid lane matchups recently
@@ow3nmahp935 what's the name of that video?
@@ow3nmahp935 Any chance you could share a link?
@@GeorgisTrying this one
I’ve never left a comment on a Skillcapped video before (I think) but I wanted to chime in and say that this is, to me, the absolute epitome of skillcapped. This level of understanding of what actually occurs at low elo mixed with phenomenally clear explanations is pretty common for skillcapped, but the explanation of why other guides don’t feel helpful at times and the reasoning why some zed tips are unhelpful mixed with Hector’s ability to know every bronze player’s objections to his arguments so he can explain further really takes this video to another level. And yes, I’m absolutely positive there’s an audience that not only wants to hear why control wards are useless, bu also wants to hear your opinions on other common low elo advice.
Bro just turn shadows off, no need for all of this
This is such an old joke, but it gets me every time
bonus points if they also have a Vex
@@tryoutofme4492 no because then you wouldnt see her at all
Overused but ty for making me laugh again ... also works on nocturne if you didnt knew
I think a lot of people can agree that we all have the mindset of beating Zed early. I also struggled with that mindset and it also how I throw games. This video really went in depth and really appreciate the content.
I made this mistake alot fr
If you want to beat him early with practically 0 int risk, just play Malphite or Garen. Easiest matchup on the planet, a literal bot could win it.
I had and currently have this mindset. I deal with it by playing champs with point and click cc. But after seeing the vid i'll be trying to do this on my games
As someone who has dealt with a zed, i never underestimate him, always respect his W+E+Q combo
He's not only an early champ tho. I went 0/0/0 lane nice n comfy farm to 11mns. He got 1 kill on a jngl I tried to warn not to gank, but he was 10cs down so it's not terrible.... Oh wait, now he's diving me under turret through my R shield (Kai sa).
Fact is this guy can still dominate any midgame situation with much more aggression as players are forced to leave their lanes, and if he gets a kill or three, he's still going to snowball
Yes, we do want hector to explain why control wards are useless
He did say in low elo specifically, and I tend to agree honestly. The amount of times I got sweeper and not see a single ward until 25+ minutes into the game really shows. At least in silver
@@kelmirosue3251 same, I usually only find them useful on junglers due to having sweeper, or if I have prio and can put them in one of the pixel brushes when I play mid so I have a ward for both bot and top side.
Because low ELO players don't know how to take advantage of vision to make plays. They are too impatient and uncoordinated. The best thing you can do to carry low ELO players is to STAY WITH THEM and do your best to smooth over their mistakes, as opposed to trying to set up plays around vision.
I don't like them because it's a big waste of gold especially early. That 75 gold is so important to building that one cloth armor or book that you needed to win the whole game.
@@kelmirosue3251I might be an anomaly, but when I play support I am constantly warding deep in jungle and every objective. I've not come across many people removing my wards lol.
Normally, I feel like I only gain a little bit from guides either because I already have a base understanding of concepts or I'm not really engaged with the videos. This guide stood out a lot because it challenged my view of an existing concept and was much more entertaining than I'm used to from guides. Hector did really well this one and he had my full attention throughout the whole video.
Exactly this, couldnt have said it any better
11:14 the dmg on the 70 armor dummy is not accurate since you didn't hit it with passive at the end. so it should be around 2k dmg
they always do this, slightly taking things out of the context or something like that, every video you gotta take with a grain of salt
@@vxytor cope
true, he cancelled the auto
not even his e in zed case
he didnt even e too
we need more of these hector talk shows... i would pay for this
I died when he explained Ahri's thought process at 7:13, I honestly think exactly like this 🤣🤣
Same here, Hector is a saint of us low elo folks
This video actually helped a lot because it literally addresses the problems I have that the past zed video did not touch on. Feeling constantly pressured to punish by damaging him when his W cooldown is not always the optimal and I'm glad you addressed other ways to punish him.
Small note at 20:02 zed will spawn behind you and cannot R back for about half a second. BUT, if zed has used his W-shadow, he can instantly hop to that shadow after he R's and skip the half second jump back cooldown. He can also flash right away after using R so keep that in mind too.
behind you meaning behind the direction you are facing, or meaning on the other end of where he initially Rs? i’m sorry if that makes no sense. basically what i’m trying to say is like if you change the direction you are facing, will that change where he spawns?
@@walnutsucker984 based on where he casts his ult
@@walnutsucker984 its based on where you were facing when he ulted you, try to think of the " nothing personal kid" meme, its the same way
@@noelzedum no, the actual wording is “dashes through you” so he r’s you, becomes untargetable, then dashes through you, appearing on the other side of you with you in between him and his r shadow. Has nothing to do with the direction you’re facing. It’s like a prowlers claw but he’s untargetable till he gets to the other side. And with good enough ping (
@@walnutsucker984 dashes through you, like prowlers. Has nothing to do ith which direction he’s facing.
1 important tip for ADCs.... When Zed Ults you please stand still when possible...
It makes it way easyer for your Support to hit him after the Ult.
When you Move like on LSD, your Support also needs to predict your Movement and will take way longer to CC him, so he get his combo of easy, before he get CCed.
As a support player I had no idea how his ult actually worked, now that ik he always spawns behind the champion he's ulting that'll be great info that I can use against him
@@kelmirosue3251 unless your ADC is moving like a madman, making it impossible to predict.
@@AlryFireBlade oh for sure. I do not disagree on that. But I play Leona and Yuumi so I just have to save my ult for him and we're gucchi
Best takes I've heard on this channel or anywhere for that matter. Listening to coaches and high elo players can be so tiring sometimes, like they're expecting me to be performing spatial mathematics while playing league or something. Totally feel the thing about not being able to play mechanically complex champs haha
Ima be honest om Grandmaster and really I'm alot like hector I don't play alot of complex champs. It's nice to hear his opinion. Always felt like he has alot of low elo knowledge, and before reaching GM I was hardstuck diamond
@@Negativity808 tbh if someone is going to make their life’s mission getting to grandmaster they don’t want to play lame champions. I mean sure you can play zac, Diana, Darius all day but it’s gonna be boring af and not worth the time
Oh dropping the edge of Veigars cage right behind yourself when Zed ults you, and see how he likes it when you unload your burst on him is such a feels good.
First time I really feel connected to someone giving tips. Most High Elo players just don't understand our circumstances.
I often buy double control wards if possible when there is leftover gold, mostly because I don't like having leftover gold. A guide on why it might be better not to do that, beyond that statement "150 gold each back adds up quick" will be useful for me personally.
I think you answered your need by yourself :D
But tbh, in mid to late game i always buy at least one and if I can afford it two control wards. The Vision deny on objectives (Dragon/Baron) and the information if you are seen or not is too valueable for me. I am just gold but still, I think it helps quite a lot. As long as you can justify buying a control ward and you are actually using it for something in your mind it should be fine.
You could also argue it depends on your champion. If you play an Assassin or something that can instantly blow up a champ, its also very nice. For examply Annie, Syndra, Zed and the likes of these
Red/Blue trinket do the same thing but better (sweep wards/deep ward) and free
re: 150 gold, understand that after two backs it pays for one of the cloth armors he was talking about the extreme value of… you can either put down 4 wards and give the enemy money or put down free wards/sweep wards for free and spend the money on an item instead (or at least buying just one and not just emptying your pockets from OCD or fear or money or whatever)
This is the best Zed counter guide I have seen. Others usually talk about some very theoretical stuff and as a proof show how some challenger player beats degenerate Zed player, who clearly does not deserve to be on that level and got there by spamming this champ(or may be has a bad game idk).
I think this is the first video i've ever seen that gave relevant advice for low elo players to deal with zed. it's actually a really good guide in that respect, thank you
As an Akali main with an engrained fear of zed to the point where in the 1000 games on Akali I've banned him in like 900+ of them
This helps. Need to start trying to face my fears
If you're in a matchup that's tough, just push wave and roam. Mid is the perfect lane for that, push lane and go bot to either poke or even get a kill then come back mid for the next wave.
If you aren't going to be killing them, just stay alive and wait for team fights where you will have a better chance.
Just turn off the lights while playing. His shadows should be useless then. As where there is light there is zeds shadow
Best answer ever
But if you turn off lights, everywhere is a shadow due to light we receive from the Moon/Sun.
@@Andicus Ah shit you right
@@Andicus Sunlight won't enter in the room, Close windows and put curtains and you should be done.
just turn off shadows in the in-game settings
zed's shadows will be turned off as well
I think a big difference of high elo and low elo player vs Zed is the concept of tempo since low elo player will f up their tempo all the time the Zed can always roam and get free kills in high elo people have a better understanding of it and use it to hold him in lane so he can't roam bot and get a double kill.
But I agree that the biggest point is that you are not the one that is forced to win it is him so just don't die.
Meh I always ward up and we see him walking down river and I ping bot 20 times before he even gets there, yet they die and then blame me and now we have a snow balling zed to deal with. Meanwhile, I'm just dealing with the big wave he just pushed in and bot is over extended to enemy turret.
God tier takes, why are no other guides as good as these ones
As a zed player, and a zed hater, I just laugh at how easy it is to stat check him even with mages. Early levels yeah, poke him out like every other champion whenever possible, but just FORCE HIM to take the trade. What people don't understand about the matchup is that you have to wait for him to make a move. It's a reactionary play, most of the time. Make them feel safe for a moment, and let them feel anxious about it. "He's letting me farm, but trading every chance possible". Forcing to make a decision is key, because in that moment they will surely make mistakes, in the combo, wave or both.
The best hector video yet. Did he write it? It's a fucking banger holy shit
I’m a long time zed one trick and honestly this guide is extremely accurate. Zed’s waveclear sucks he has to use his w e q combo to shove fast so If you just play for wave clear zed can’t do anything as he will be last hitting under tower all game. definitely build dmg instead of zhonya’s early so you can be useful in 2v2 skirmishes in the jungle and remember all zed’s damage comes from landing his q even when ulting. He’s not a talon that can just right click you and press r. If you dodge his skill shots he is useless. Stop banning zed so I can actually play him thanks XD
His Q is not really dodgable tho since it casts from each shadow and is kinda fast, if he is poking with only Q sure you can dodge it, but when he combo you with 3 shadows you cant really dodge it, you have to pray for him to miss
Dude I'm so glad you joined skillcapped. Great video. Thanks
I always hated zed until I stopped playing adc and started maining yone and realised his R is a guaranteed hit for my R. Now I love Zed. :^) Jumps straight into my ult and even waits for me to channel it. Such a sweet guy. (Edit: Also, if it's a good Zed in lane whos hitting his combo, I just do cheater recall and buy one cloth armor and now his all in is practically useless unless I fuck up) SO to summarise, everything he says in this video works and you don't need weird maths or outplays to win against him.
Since turret damage is buffed a little...Malza tower afk farm is pretty nice. Get dived? Ult and melt.
Great video Hector but have you tried disabling shadows against Zed?
Me as a zed main watching this. Now you know that how to counter me.I now know that you know how to counter me and I'll make sure to counter that counterplan.
now I know that you'll counter plan my counter plan I just need to counter plan your counter plan for my counter plan EZ
Petition to have Hector take over every low elo guide 😁
the background music is so calming im literaly focusing on it more than the voice over pls keep it
Just want to point out but at 11:23, compare the damage Zed did with his own HP because that is how much most of his opponents will also have at that level. Notice something? The last dummy is the only one that survives and it survives with 9 HP...and ignite wasn't used. So Zed even with the armor literally kills them all if he uses ignites, or if you know a single minion auto attacks them.
btw on the 3d dummy he didn't auto with passive but on the 1st and 2nd he did.
this is some of the most accurate information ive ever seen in a league guide. I main zed, somewhat of an otp hanging around 170k mastery in d4/p1 elo, and preventing zed from getting kills early essentially makes the character useless. His combo alone can 1shot next to none of the champions in the game during this patch unless he's fed, and once you know his kill threshold its very easy to avoid dying. running a bit of armor is definitely underrated, but I think a stopwatch early can be an even better investment if you're winning your own lane. Zed's damage relies on a single burst combo thats on a long cooldown for most of the game. you pop stopwatch and you can avoid the entire thing. And you still have flash to avoid it again if he decides to pursue. I only pick zed in ranked anymore if i have a jungler whos willing to feed me kills early or if the enemy bot lane is highly one-shottable (very rarely in this patch). I love the champion and im glad that they are buffing energy soon, although I dont think its why most assassins are struggling right now. The problem is the fact that assassins are usually burst damage champions with squishy hp counts, while tanks do the same damage consistently, and take a lot more of it. Add on mobile champions like lillia, rammus, kaisa, aswell as running simple, cheap items and most assassins cant play the game. It sucks to see the game go from insane mechanics allowing you to execute someone from 75% hp if you perform perfectly mechanically, to the top champions in high elo being low skill ceiling simple champs like darius, aatrox, fiora, jinx, pantheon, etc
as someone who auto pilot bans zed, thank you for this. I mean I might still auto pilot ban him but thanks
You dont need to ban him he has negative winrate right now sooo now i can play zed almost every game or i just dodge 😂
I personally think that the mindset of necessarily getting early leads is terrible not only against zed but anything. You just don't have to take leads early in any elo below diamond even if you play on early game champion. The leads will just naturally come to your hands
Never change Hector, truly an awesome guide
I used to ban zed all the time. But by banning him I was really never Learning how to play against zed. So I stopped banning him and learned the hard way. Yes I lost a lot, but I also watched a lot of videos. Eventually it got to the point where if the enemy pick zed I would rejoiced because I knew it would be an easy win
like which champ?
As a rakan main I loved going mid vs zed, especially with a yi jungler i knew i was getting fed. Just stand at the edge of turret range and when they come at you w to the tower base.
Honestly this is the best info on a way to counter a champion without needing mechanics to help. Everyone always says dodge his combo but they forget that his combo has no signal to dodge lol. As an Ekko main my next Zed opponent will be screwed and I thank you for that Hector.
I would love to see Hector explain not only why buying wards are not important, but speacially how you should value your gold over mediocre stats/features like pots and wards.
When should you buy potions? Or refill potions? Are refill potions always better than refil? (for ADCs, I don't think so, since you really need maximum sustain early on (pots give 3x150 = 450HP while refill gives 2x125=250). And by the end, you won't need refill since you are getting bursted either way.
Getting comparisons like 4 pink wards is the same as 300 gold, so you could buy armor or boots or attackspeed with it (or complete an item sooner). Not only that, you are giving money to the oposing team (30g+10g if assist) so it is almost like making your team 100g behind, about the same as a canon minion.
I love these comparisons like, what item could you buy, how many minions this means, etc...
(Example:) I main WW, and the first noob trap we always talk about is buying refil potions.
For warwick, not only you don't need because you have healing, but you MUST preserve the 150 to get your tiamat sooner.
Your video is appreciated and really helpful for "Low Elo" and other tips even for higher elos. However, many things to note down.
good zed played would avoid most of what you said.
- a good zed player will try to hit direct Q as he could
- a good zed player will flash after he uses R if he knows you got counter CC ( Like ahri and etc..) because zed no longer has instant R back like before; Zed has 0.5 sec for his R to return back, unlike his W.
- a good zed player will use his E well to get the W cooldown back in further games. The problem here Level 1 W will prevent zed of getting his cooldown faster on the w.
- For zed not getting kills is really frustrating, so good zed player will roam as you explained in the video.
- Another thing, you forgot to mention " The forgotten W'
Let's say this video is like knowing more how to counter Zed, but not always work. It is skill match and game scenario in the end. Thanks for the Video
Actually the most helpful video on this. Been so tired of the "zed is ez just be challenger" guides. Wasn't even trying to watch this, it autoplayed while I was scrolling and watched it to the end.
Vision is INCREDIBLY important since - Zed is not the only champ i need to worry about and i rather not put myself in the spot where i need the damage resistance in the first place, vision helps me make the right decisions in game. Early game i usually always have the room for both anyway since im not backing with 500g every chance i get but instead focus on gold goals and farming to buy the whole piece of item i need. Not to mention buying Zhonya's usually makes zed forget about me as a target all together, and even ahead i can kill him with it as ahri by the charm ult counter. i would still 100% buy the zhonyas 2nd item, its too good to not get or if im ahead mythic > Rab > Zhonyas - with buying the stop watch inbetween as needed since scaling is king atm. Great Video, i have learned sooo much i have never seen in other videos, with the exception of vision is not important this vid is 100% spot on and the Best Zed counter Guide i have ever seen.
Jesus Christ Hector, i love it soo fucking much when you go savage, hogy imma buy a skilcapped subscription just for that scorch and timewarp tonic scene!
Another question: How do you go about punishing zed in that Post-Combo window if he wins an all-in with only autos? As in, you step up a bit, and try to fight him, but he can just flash on top of you and force an auto exchange that you lose if you have no cc?
Well flash range is easily predictable, and zed first WEQ combo should not get you lower than 2/3 hp
I would love to see a similar video about Irelia. I would perma ban her whenever I go top, but I feel like Darius is a better ban at the moment. Long story short, if I get filled top lane and I get matched vs an Irelia I just can't ever play the game. The moment she starts a freeze the game's just over for me, because with most matchups if you have a wave built up you can just force it to crash thanks to your minion advantage, but in the case of Irelia she actually becomes STRONGER if you have a wave built up. Like, I'm convinced Irelia is the most broken and unhealthy champion riot has ever created. I've looked up every Irelia counter guide I could find, but there are two problems: 1. there aren't very many, and 2. they all basically conclude that you have to beat her in draft, otherwise you just don't get to play the game. Like, how is that even fair? Why is it that my only two options against her are roaming or proxy farming???
1:00 Chapter 4 "When Zed takes your lunch money" Ahahaha
the ending about the “shadow disabling” cracked me up 😂😂😂😂
17:56 I saw that cannon, but i wont tell dw ;)
I one trick Zed, and I can tell you with the upmost certainty that people over calculate when playing against Zed. Zhonya's can't even stop him, but GA is *really annoying.*
This ^
It's not even the actual revive that makes it so annoying. It's the fact that if I decide to target you as Zed, I have to blow EVERYTHING for one kill, but it'll all be for naught since you have GA. SO, I am very pressured to target someone else making team fights very messy.
wow skillcapped is releasing some bangers lately, another good vid
As a support main, I only buy 1 control ward per 20 minutes tops in soloQ unless I know I can use it to make more money with it. The only reason I do 1 per 20 is because of the algorithms count that purchase in for how well you are "carrying" your team. I know that later part is more about ego to see getting the MVP or the ACE tag next to my name on the game tracking websites, but that is why I try to maintain that 1 per 20 minutes purchase as a support main. Usually the purchase is just for a setup on dragon or baron/herald for the most part. Or if the jungler says they are coming to my lane to gank and want the vision cleared.
My struggle against Zed is getting smashed by his Q, and then getting so passive I get bullied out of lane and can't CS w/ another melee champ or a Melee-Mage like Fizz
Super helpful. Ive been struggling to play against this champ recently and im diamond, so glad u made this ty.
"He is landing his combo again and again and again. He can't miss" shows zed missing 3 weqs and dying.
is anyone still struggling to beat zed?
Don't ever talk sh*t about Coach Curtis again. He is a great guy and deserves respect.
He might be a great guy. But do his tips help? Yeah, me neither.
@@Bollter_Slideston They do... he's a coach bro. Knows some things about the game.
Shyvana usually builds Frostfire>Demonic, to make up for a lack of resistances while also increasing my damage, I will usually buy Zhonya's Third or Banshee's Veil depending on what I need. They give some ability haste, durability, and AP which just overall helps a lot. And because of Frostfire giving me 100 HP per legendary that also makes me even more tankier. So it's a really good 3rd option imo. From there I might build Void Staff to help with damage because at that point people start having a lot of resistance. Also I did not know Zed always spawns behind you when he ults. That's great info to know because I had NO IDEA how his ult works outside of him going poof
Him saying get a friend at the end hit a bit differently than it should have
Thanks for the video! Would it be possible to have a malzahar guide (maybe combos etc) as I've currently picked him up and find him quite strong atm. However, couldn't really find much guides that are recent :S
Awesome guide man, no bullshit, direct to the point!
that cannon miss at 17:56 game me anxiety
bloody hell perfect timing
doing some off meta experimentations and first zed I faced won the game because I knew nothing. now I won't have to waste a ban on him by just applying the knowledge
I played this Heimer game yesterday, I think. Playing around his W is all I did, plus I built the armor boots. I kept punishing him, countertrading or not. It just became way too dificult for him to do something because whenever he relaxed, I could just E+W him and he'd lose a third or so of his hp, specially when he went for last hitting. But I also didn't push my luck, if I missed my E I didn't W so i still had it available for another poking section. Other than armor boots, It was straightup damage (and life, with queen crown and demonic embrace). With these two items I even survived a fight with less than 10 hp. The only guy who killed me was the enemy trundle when I missed a flash over a wall T_T
@@MajWinters100 If he gets hit by every of your E+W como, he is not a good player straight up..... Aside, there is no way for Zed to resist a hard shove against a Heim. The matchup is naturally good for Heim.
@@ecpgieicg that's the thing. I didn't hard shove. I let the wave ebb and flow. I just played around him, patiently. As I said, there were a few times when i almost died, but it was all about punishing when he went for last hit
@@MajWinters100 You nailed it there. That's how heim works. Try it top lane sometimes too.
skill capped best channel ever, talk about thing's that realy happned! in low elows(until dimond's) and mybe a bit higher, thnx alot!
About the control ward, it’s useless in low elo because your teammates are dummies who doesn’t play around vision. The only time which you’ll need it is probably right before a team fight.
Please do more videos like this!!!! Do more! Do more i beseech you as a skill capped subscriber 😁
This Video Is just In Time Thank u so much ❤️
hector stays goated, definitely my favorite skillcapped video so far
only problem is that you used clips of coach curtis but didn't cite his video
Greatly enjoyed this video. If possible, I'd like to see the same concept done with other notorious low-Elo lane stompers, such as Yasuo or LeBlanc (again from Hector of course XD).
Great Vid - Please do one on qiyana!!!
yeah this guy is great a realistic point of view for low elo players with actual logic for what will happen in low elo
Droping this to appreciate the smoothest transition lol!
The only thing about Control Wards in my opinion is how people use them. I don't think using them during lane to have a permanent ward is worth it - you often just end up handing over the enemy team 30, 60, 90, or more gold if you keep placing them.
Where they are useful is Dragon, Baron / Herald pits and in jungle fights. Putting down a Control Ward on those objectives is very helpful in maintaining or creating pressure, and can allow you to "control" an area. I feel that's how those wards should be used - offensively around fights at the pits and in jungle, not for a permanent ward off your lane that the enemy Jungler or Support is just going to come clear and get a half-camp worth of gold for.
To me zed isn't someone I actively ban, he's just someone I ban when I cant think of anyone else to ban
Even I as a Zed main who knows very well how to play against it ban him, just for the shake of my team.
Hi I get confused when people say zed spawns behind you. Does this mean he will always spawn the opposite your character is moving or on the opposite side he pressed his ult on? Would love a clarification! :D
He always spawns in the opposite ur champ is moving. If you turn back just after he appears you can easily charm him with ahri's E for example
@@k1ngsglaive epic! thanks for the advise :)
In easier words he spawns behind your champ as in the literal back of your champ
hope it helps
He spawns on the otherside of you from where he initially R'd. So wherever you see his R shadow (where he was before ulting), he'll spawn on the otherside of you in a line related to that shadow. That way you're sandwiched by him and his shadow and he can Q to land both (if he doesn't whiff) instantly.
I kinda disagree on the pink ward topic. In high elo, people make logical plays, junglers chose logical routes and thus you can often guess where they are without pinks.
In low elo, barely anything makes sense. The goddamn Fiddle will try to lvl 2 gank you or they randomly walk down your lane despite their quadrant being completely empty.
Buuuut that's why I also want that guide. I'm ready to feel wrong about this.
I’ve perma banned zed for the last 4 years. Nothing is changing. I still permaban zed every game
thats why ur hardstuck silver for 4 years
@@BillionaireQuates117 or maybe I just don’t like playing against Zed? Ever thought of that. I’m sure you have a champ that you hate just as much to play against. Zeds just that champ for me
@@iHaveAimAssists it's just the fact that you are too lazy to learn to play against Zed which isn't even that hard as most low elo players think...
not the clip of Pekin missing his abilities against a Zed
Yes hector, explain why I can’t look at my minimap and make inferences instead of having to have vision.
Malphite (:
Sometimes I play the early game correctly, punishing zed every time he goes to CS and then first drake spawn boom zed triple kill and the dive when ever he want without any counter play
"Zed is an early game champion that gets outscaled" LOLLL
Yo shots fired at my man curtis 💀
Looked at the comments before watching the very end and saw the “just disable shadows” comment right before he laughed at it. He truly is in the minds of low elo players lmao.
I notice a lot of players in low ELO feel pressured to do something and try to force plays that should never work. I even see it in diamond
Veigar has an outplay button that you cant dodge that scales with his items and passive, zed has to full combo a tank with full build armor pen. One is obviously more broken lol
man i love hector
To counter zed I use to pick orianna and by lvl 4 get my shield lvl 2 instead of the usual dump everything into q to max it first.
6:40 I can't believe I got called out like that
I love the opinionated format its very good too see these opinions so please do more
the shade at coach curtis 💀
Question from a low elo sup main whom you just roasted for control wards and lost chapter power spikes: how is vision worthless when my job is map control and utility? Especially when I have received a ban before because my Swain/ Liandry's was apparently kill stealing (somehow the mispositioned adc missing and sniping with W past their turret is a ks), meaning I have been punished by Rito for dealing damage...? My wards have allowed me to snipe drakes and Baron, as well as anyone my jg is chasing. How is vision and mana less favorable than damage when my prio is cc?
"There are other way to play the lane but I don't care"
Absolute gigachad
Best vid out there for vsing zed, explaining shit no one has the balls to say.
Didn't explain how to vs Zeds that freeze lanes tho
Hector is going rogue. He's taking the side of low elo players!
btw on the 3d dummy u didn't auto with passive but on the 1st and 2nd did.
Well, in the end, you proved that Zed is weak by being so much counterable, from picks to items and laning correctly against him.
He didn't auto the last one at 11:15