In the legendary edition they restored a news report in ME2 where he either wins seats if you endorsed or ends up in prison for tax evasion if you didn't.
@@TheHaloAdventureShow In the Navy, Captain is a higher rank than Lt. Commander (Shepard's rank at the start of ME1) and Commander. A Captain in the Navy is equivalent to a Colonel in the Army.
@@zachs5601 True but the point still stands: speeches can make a difference. Both in general and in Shepard's case. You can literally convince two of Shepard's greatest adversaries to kill themselves with nothing but the truth and strong will.
@@hieronymusboss7705 Yes,AFTER you prove yourselves to them.Point is,regular speechs without action are just words in the wind.Shepard shows you need to back it up with action for it to mean something.
@@bearandthebull2372 Yes I might even agree with you, except that's not what Shep says. He just says "you really think speeches help". End sentence. You could say your point is implied but that's pretty flimsy. It's mediocre writing is what it is.
Garrus didn't get bodied at all. he just got a shitty response of "if i was there i would've done something because i say i would" despite actually being in the situation. it's similar to the people IRL who say they wouldn't have shot Ma'Khia Bryant dead in order to save the other girl's life. "yea i would've shot her in some non lethal spot or shot the knife in that milisecond of a response that i have to decide because I AM THE MASTER OF TIME, REACTION AND REFLEXES" smh 🤦🏻♂️
@@Peanut_Buster90 are you ignoring that the Turian military attacked unarmed engineers and spaceships and then followed the survivors to a colony and bombed civilians over a misunderstanding?
I had Ashley along for this cutscene. Even she disagrees with their campaign. She even calls them racist and when Ashley Williams calls you a racist, you're a racist.
@@masterblaster7484 Yep never said that they did. But they sure as hell learned about it. That is the whole dogma behind not opening certain relays. And Turians are certainly dogmatic. We have to keep in mind,that Turians have a very different way of thinking than humans, although ME displays that differently for gameplay purposes.
@@TheSergio1021 Well were the Krogan fiddling with Mass Relays or did the Salarians find them? And why would they fire on allies that *just* helped them win a war?
@TheVolourn that is the most black and white point of view I’ve ever seen. The Turians’ fears were justified considering the last time something came through an unknown Mass Relay, it almost led to the collapse of the entire Galactic Community. And when you’re mentioning Mass Murder, I’m assuming you meant Shanxi. Last I recall, yes the Turians fired the first shot but then humanity didn’t even try to negotiate and assumed they weren’t worth it. It took the Council’s intervention for Humanity and the Turians to start calming down. Not to mention Garrus admits faults were made that day and he knows this.
@TheVolourn I believe I misspoke. I meant to say “I can understand the Turians’ fears” rather than “they were justified”. Secondly, why wouldn’t they try to negotiate? Doesn’t that make your argument null since neither side tried to negotiate? It’s hypocritical for one side to complain about the other not negotiating, whilst they themselves didn’t try to either.
@TheVolourn first off, never said you can’t defend yourself neither did I say humanity defending themselves was unjustified. Second, it makes sense for humanity to try and open a dialogue in that circumstance. They’re facing a technologically superior force with superior numbers. It would be in the best interests of humanity to figure out their motives to prove to the Turians that they weren’t a threat. Thirdly, the Turians payed reparations after the war for what they did. The fact *they* paid reparations and the Alliance didn’t proves that humanity did indeed have the moral high ground. But you failed to take into account the Turians’ motives for taking an aggressive first-contact approach: that reason being the Rachni. Last time an unknown and advanced species came out of a dormant relay, the galactic community was almost destroyed. Even after that they had to deal with the Krogan, only making them more fearful of newer species on the galactic stage. The fact you label them as “villains” shows you don’t understand the reasoning behind the Turians’ response to Humanity. Also, what the hell do you have with throwing labels at me? “Im the kind of guy that would charge someone for shooting someone in self defense”, I’m the guy that says “oh humanity got what it deserved”? Bullsh**. Humanity was unjustly treated by the Turians and they shouldn’t have taken the approach they did in the First Contact War.
The world of mass effect is made all the more interesting by them actually making the guy here well-spoken and polite rather than an outright pastiche of modern political nationalism.
@@Woodesies Putin elects himself. I don't know some of these, but I know enough to know that mostly they get elected because citizens get sick and tired of the "well spoken and polite as long as their sponsored news channels are filming" people abusing power, forcing their agendas, and creating violent division with honeyed words.
@@gaigeschaal9070 I'm not entirely sure if you're answering the other guys statement or trying to amend mine. But frankly that is something all politicians do. There's no business like politics, and the business is telling people what they want to hear to gain their votes on a certain day, after which they have power, and do whatever they please. Therefore the individuals who do not use political doubletalk or come from a political background are the standouts what garner citizens attention and the media shill's ire.
@@taylorberry5228 I guess I'm saying that politicians who "tell it how it is" and don't use jargon are usually as bad or worse, and am making a point that people who fall for that because they're sick of "well spoken" politicians are incredibly stupid. Case in point, the leaders listed by the other commenter
@@gaigeschaal9070 I understand the point you're making, though frankly I don't agree with it, nor do I think Putin should be on that list. Like I said, he decides when he gets elected. I only know a handful of the other individuals named, and very little about some that I do, so I can't speak to that without doing my own research. As far as American politics, you may completely disagree with me for your own reasons, but my experience has been that many situations in the country were better when someone who didn't play the game was in power, but a lot of that was hamstrung by those in power who only had the welfare of their agenda in mind.
I agree with Garrus saying you gotta stop a kid using a gun, except the Turrians didn't even try to communicate, their immediate response was "nuke 'em"
I really don’t get this comment section. The Turians were in the wrong. End of story. It’s very simple. A turian patrol rolled up on a group of human spacecraft which were in the process of activating a relay, something that is forbidden by council law. Now on one hand, the humans were breaking council law; on the other hand, they didn’t know the COUNCIL existed, let alone the law. And what’s more, as emissaries of this beacon of galactic civilization, which values peace and diplomacy, they should have attempted to quickly make peaceful contact and explain the situation to the human explorers who ignorant of the potential danger of just activating mass relays Willy-nilly. Instead they opened fire without even attempting to communicate with the humans. This began a several month conflict which eventually caused the turian hierarchy to begin mobilizing for full scale war(and let’s be honest, they would have crushed us), only being stopped at the last minute by the asari. The turians motives here are not good no matter how you look at them: at very best, they exhibited an unbelievably excessive and completely inappropriate amount of force on a new species that didn’t even know it was breaking any laws, and at worst, they were using an excuse to subjugate us, and turn us into another client race, like the Volus or elcor. And think of how scared the humans must have been during the first contact war. As far as we knew, we were in a fight for our very existence as a species. They were the first alien species we ever met, and they attacked without so much as a squawk on the mic. And then after the asari step in and the dust has a chance to settle, we find out that we were brought to our knees, and thousands died, over a law we NEVER KNEW EXISTED. The frosty relations between humans and turians is completely understandable, especially given not only their treatment of us, but of these aliens treatment of other aliens. Anyone remember the quarians, and the Councils deliberate interference in their attempts to colonize other worlds, and start over? It is truly astounding to me that everyone seems to be thinking, “Yeah! Show that dumb racist who’s boss!” When, first off saying that “humans ought to solve their own problems, and we don’t need aliens help,” isn’t racist. It simply is not. It’s not total acceptance, though, which apparently today is what we categorize as racist. I’m not saying this guy is right to be so standoffish with aliens, he isn’t, but to act as if humans have NO REASON to be suspicious or distrustful of aliens is just plain stupid, and not at all fair to the RADICAL changes the humans have gone through in the past 50 years. It’s ok to stand up for humans and human issues. We don’t have to be human-centric, but you shouldn’t just blindly embrace turians, asari, Salarians, Krogan, quarian(Tali is best girl, though, always embrace her), or any other alien species, simply because you don’t want to be seen as racist or specie-ist, or whatever. Edit: additional points, as well as some spelling errors that were bugging me. I saw somewhere that apparently, and I don’t know if this was a genuine reason or an excuse made up by the turians to cover for their failed subjugation attempt, they didn’t recognize the human ship design, and so thought that the humans were pirates. That doesn’t add up. Even if they genuinely believed the ships were of pirate make, they still should have attempted to hail the vessel before opening fire, to give the offending ship a chance to halt their chicanery. And I don’t really buy the “unknown spaceship design must mean pirate” idea either. I would imagine that if pirates are making modifications to ships it would make the ship look ramshackle and slapped together. Human ships wouldn’t look like that. There’s a difference between an existing ship design shabbily modified, and a unknown ship designed purposefully from the ground up, and turians should be capable of telling the difference.
The way the turians acted, and the Asari stepped in after the Turians were ready for all out war, indicates something worse. It indicates a pattern. The Turians cripple a race militarily until they have no choice but to accept the Asari's demands to join the citadel. Granted, there are outliers on both sides (Saren and Cerberus for example), but the fact that the Turians never tried to establish contact and give a warning is troubling. Not even a "Attention! You are in violation of Citade Law. Cease tampering with the mass relay or we will open fire"
@@sev1120 very good point. Turians come from a militaristic culture, and militaries follow orders and protocol, and it is absolutely within the realm of possibility that it would be protocol to hail a vessel to warn them off before opening fire.
I had this exact same train of thought about the First Contact War and the same thought about how the Council Races treated the Quarians. It really gives of the idea that the Council was kicking the Quarians while they were down. And it really makes it seem like the Turians, Asari, and Salarians don’t want true competition.
Garrus is my best damn friend without a doubt. When I was a kid in middle school I honestly had a lil crush on her. I know Tali & Garrus get together if you don't romance either of them but fuck man I love me some Tali. So like, in my personal head-cannon I like to believe after the ending of 3 Tali & Garrus get together after Shepard dies. If there is anyone who deserves Tali its my boi Garrus. I know they'll keep each other safe :3
@@DashingSaber I hope Mass Effect 4 takes place long enough after 3 that Garrus/Tali could reasonably have moved on, because I've also been hoping they eventually get together afterward even if Shepard romanced one of them.
Actually, Chief Williams really shines in this scene, especially when he brings up Shanxi. She has a few words on racism, too. Bring her with, worth it.
@@kingd8468 No, that's a very common misconception that some players have when they judge Ashley and don't bother going through all her dialogue. Ashley isn't xenophobic at all, she actually condemns the Terra Firma party in this dialogue saying something along the lines of "Noble goals, but too bad your supporters are just racists" and she also condemns the use of Shanxi as an excuse to hate aliens. Ashley's backstory is that her grandfather was the only human to ever surrender to alien occupiers, and her entire family is essentially blacklisted by the alliance thanks to that, so her unwillingness to work with aliens initially is because she's afraid it'll end up being used by the alliance as an excuse to question her loyalties and end her career. If you compare that to Kaidan, Kaidan actually admits to having hated some aliens in the past and having actually killed a Turian during training because he lost control after seeing the turian abuse a fellow classmate, which he follows up by saying that said turian could have probably been saved if he was given medical attention, but wasn't. Also why would you hate Ashley out of all the characters? Like seriously, Mordin created a sterility plague because he looked down on the krogans and didn't change his mind until having to see the repercussions personally. Garrus is the biggest fucking piece of shit when you first meet him, he wants to execute everyone, he even tells Shepard to let the council die in the final choice in ME1, and he doesn't even have a personal stake in that like Ashley does, he just wants the council to die. Wrex killed his own father and then gave up on his own species and it took Shepard to convince him otherwise. And I'm not even going to mention Shaeed, Miranda and Jack, like those three have so many crimes behind them I can't even keep count. Ashley is objectively one of the most honourable, trustworthy and benevolent characters in the entire franchise. People just hate on her because they don't have the ability to think critically and see how flawed all the other characters are because they look cool.
@@Doom-Shepard Thank you for that and your right. Unfortunately, it will never change. People will still call her racist no matter. Yet a character like Presley (someone I like) who openly admitted “ I hate Turians” is still well liked. The sequels did nothing for Ashley as well, as it seemed to play up her negative traits more. You know it’s bad when the same people calling Ashley Xenophobic and racist admit to being pro Cerberus and think they are cool.
@@thelordguardian3640 EXO Jenny was already messed up and they tested on their own people and they were very similar to Cerberus when it came to the thorian, they just really sucks that for the so-called betterment of humanity or betterment of anybody you have to experiment on your own kind it's sick in unneeded and it's unnecessary. If I was a doctor I would never experiment on my own people unless they were willingly and they volunteered and they were wanting to do that by any means necessary. I would never force that on anyone but still even if they volunteered it still would be sick and just horrific
Terra Firma are basically human conservatives. Cerberus are terrorists though. Huge difference. TF wants to attain power legitimately. Cerberus would rather assassinate and bribe their way to the top.
@@antonbatura8385 Very likely that's what they became, though the lore does state they were founded by idealists but quickly became a mouthpiece for jingoism and racism The fact Cerberus killed the previous leader likely made it all but assured.
@Tiffany Roberts immoral... That would certainly depend on a person's nationality or ideology. To America, anything that goes against its interests is immoral, the same thing can be said for every other nation if you ask their nationalists.
@@jericoatayde5603 do you have to be historically innocent to point out China's crimes? No... America has done terrible things, that doesn't mean they can't recognize and oppose evil in the world...
Too bad Terra Firma was completely written out in favor of Cerberus. I felt in light of that narrative they could have played an interesting role alongside Cerberus and Udina in the latter games.
@@MrFilbert28 maybe in the future they’ll use them more. From what I understand, the citadel was completely wrecked, and without the mass relays, interstellar travel has probably become a lot more complex. The future of the Mass Effect universe is likely to be very dark, and the galaxy is likely to be more divided than ever before, allowing organizations similar to terra firma to become more prevalent.
@@537monster My theory is that there will be a centralized grouping of species around the Citadel and Earth who will be trying to get things back to normal, but it is going to be pretty hard, especially since some of the colonies and planets are pretty isolated.
My would Terra Firma even approach a human Spectre? If their position is that Earth should be autonomous from Citadel politics, what good is it to go up to a human whose political authority comes from being an agent of the Citadel Council. They should in theory, kind of despise that. Never mind that Garrus is right about Shanxi. The Turians only attacked because humans were breaking Citadel laws they had no way to know about. Nobody post-Shanxi is suggesting the Alliance can't defend their colonies.
If I remember the lore correctly, The Turians thought Shanxi was the human homeworld as they wouldn't establish a colony in a remote region of space that was difficult to defend. The Turians were kinda shocked when the full human fleet came rolling through the mass relay and were it not for the Asari, the war could have been long and particularly bloody.
@@BHRamsay I think I remember reading that the whole galaxy was pretty shocked when these newbies nobody had heard of fought the turians, *the* military power in the galaxy, on relatively even footing. I remember in particular a comparison to WWII when America rush-converted their car assembly lines and other factories to military production; in the same way, humanity reacted to the sudden alien threat by retooling their infrastructure and mass-producing on a scale that made the other species' collective jaws drop. That's partly why humanity has the standing it does at the start of ME1 (and also why they scare the crap out of some aliens) --they made their debut by displaying amazing adaptability and proving they could throw down with the heavy hitter of the Council races at the same time. (Kinda funny, in one sense: the rest of the galaxy saw it as the turians slapping a stranger's hand away from a possible doomsday button, and then that stranger whipped fleets and armories out of nowhere and fought like he thought he was gonna die.) Makes a nice lore point for a Paragon Shep who saves the Council in ME1, since humanity goes on to prove it has the initiative to step up in a crisis and even put their own kind on the line and make sacrifices for the good of their galactic neighbors.
@@BHRamsay Probably not that long considering that Humans had only really been using Mass Effect technology for like 7 years before they met the Turians. Those ships that fought the turians, those were humanities FIRST warships. The Turians rolled up to a human colony destroyed all their defenses and occupied it with what I'm pretty sure was a basic patrol group. The equivalent of a few police cruisers and a SWAT van.
So Turians encounter foreign species that they didn't see before (and thus should presume they don't know about citadel laws) and the first thing they do is attacking them? That guy was right at least about this conflict, not Garrus.
Honestly not sure how many times I have played this game since it launched, atleast a dozen playthroughs. Never seen this either. Ridiculous amount of content in this game.
@@DesertStateInEU Kind of weird that they'd put this interaction in when you're grounded. The main mission is like "It's now or never!" when talking to Anderson so I always just rush to the Normandy and then go straight to Ilos. Probably why I've always missed it
Difference between the “peace in our time” that he referenced, and dealing with the citadel races, is that the citadel didn’t take over the Sudetenland or invade Poland. The Turian Hierarchy paid reparations for the war. Edit: Okay, so that people will stop trying to "correct" me, let me clarify: what I'm saying is that the Turians aren't the nazis. That does not mean I think they're perfect. That does not mean I think they're altruistic. That doesn't mean I think they even paid out of the goodness of their hearts. It means that they aren't the nazis. Which is what the guy in the video is comparing them to.
True, but the Hierarchy only did this to save face though because of pressure from the salarians and asari. While militarily the greatest power of the Council, they'd be crippled by economic sanctions for going against the wishes of the other two. This is in contrast to the years before WWII where the Allies didn't have a leg up on the Germans to prevent them from taking advantage of their situation.
@@derektrammell911 The allies DID have a leg up economically on the Germans. That’s actually why the Germans felt they had to expand rapidly before the British and Russians especially could cut off vital oil and over seas trade. The only significant difference between nazi Germany and the turian hierarchy here is not their relative geopolitical positions, but the fact that the Germans were led by a group who based their political power on a false history, empty promises, and a pathological need to lay every problem squarely at the feet of one of the most vulnerable scapegoats they could find. All I’m saying is that guy making a comparison between the turian hierarchy and the third reich poisoned the well enough to drop a thresher maw.
@@Anglomachian Good point. All I will say is that Nazi Germany did take the nation from a depression state to full mobilization within less than a decade, which allowed them to more or less have a chance to challenge the Allies. All in all, it's two different political climates lol.
@@derektrammell911 weeeell about that. Whilst the nazi regime did help boost the economy initially, they kind of did it through a good deal of fraud and unsustainable boondoggles. For instance, they artificially lowered unemployment by literally discounting women from the work force. They also forced unemployed people into substandard, essentially slave-wage jobs. The autobahn was during that period a propaganda piece that could neither support sustained military use, nor be used by the largely car-less population of Germany. The Volkswagen was invented basically so that there would be a car cheap enough for people in Germany to buy. The Nazis knew their economic plan wasn’t sustainable, and so planned to compensate through conquest. There’s an argument to be made that the economic policies of the nazis are what made world war 2 inevitable.
Would you start yelling at or threatening a guy who’s armed to the teeth, wearing full body armor, accompanied by two heavily armed companions (at least one of whom has a very strong motivation to kill you), and can legally murder you in full view of the public with ZERO consequences?
@@DLordSadow For most NPC's you encounter in Mass Effect, the answer to this is 100% "Yes". It always bugged me that even Renegade Shep couldn't point this out more when people gave them constant shit.
"You really think speeches help?" Meanwhile...Shepard before literally every major battle: " brothers and sisters...thank you for coming. We gather here today to destroy (insert galactic threat). Our love for each other and our desire for vengeance will ensure that we do not fail. Forward, soldiers!" The soldiers with renewed fighting spirit thanks to the helpful speech: "HUZZAH! HOLD THE LINE! HUZZAH!!!!"
I like Garrus but he has zero standing on that one. The turians fucked up, in any scenario without Shepard and Garrus becoming friends, humanity and the turians would end up fighting. The whole point of Shepard's existence was to stop that. The Normandy was built with the turians, a turian was sent to evaluate Shepard and make him a Specter. Humanity was being appeased because humanity had a just cause to wage total war. The turians wanted to wipe out Shanxi because they thought it was the homeworld. They got a rude awakening and started fully mobilizing for said total war. Meanwhile, humanity only had 5% of its population serving. If humanity went full militaristic, the warpath would lead to both sides cleaving through the galaxy in a war to make the Reapers blush.
This is what set Mass Effect 1 apart from the other games. I love that they included this guy in the game, more than that you can actually side with him if you choose. Mass Effect 1 really did let you build your own Shepard. Even though I never support this guy, just having the option really makes it feeling like it's your game.
I think Terra Firma had some really good points, I mean even though the whole First Contact War was a misunderstanding, the turians imposed Council law on an independent sovereign state who was completely ignorant of said laws. Damn straight humanity should be worried about losing their identity and values.
@@Gabryal77That’s not an excuse for going to war with an independent state. It would be like the UN invading some uncontacted tribe for enslaving prisoners that had never even heard of the Convention on Prisoners of War. The legal basis is murky at best, even though the intelligence of the act itself is not disputed.
Terra Firms: "If we don't stand up for ourselves, no one else will." Asari Counselor: "The Council cannot give Earth the resources it needs. Our own planets must come first." Asari: "The Asari will not be at your summit" Salarians: "The Salarians won't be at your summit if the Krogan are there" Turians: "The Turians will only be at your summit if you rescue our Primarch." Turns out that Ash was right. The other races were, in fact, willing to sacrifice humanity to save their own skins. They just didn't feel as bad about it as Ash figured you'd feel about sacrificing your dog to a bear.
Totally agree!!! It’s actually quite a deep commentary on how the council races’ selfish cowardice highlights the worst of humanity… yet simultaneously Shep/Normandy’s courageous self-sacrifice and moral fortitude highlights the best of humanity.
To be fair a lot of that was because of bad blood between the races (save for the first one and last one). The first one, as annoying as it is, holds truth. There wasn't a reason for the whole of the citadel fleet or the other council fleets to head to earth and liberate it (as we see they were also fightifn the invasion on the home front, you cant spread your armies too thin or else your enemy will take advantage of your weaker links). Even if they did what then? Earth only became the place for the final battle because the citadel was there and they didn't even know it was the catalyst until assaulting Ceberus's base. The second one is the bad history between the asari and the krogan, both species live for thousands of years and more than likely anyone the asari sent would've fought against the krogan and let some personal feelings slip in during the summit. For the slarians, again, bad blood and on top of that they manufactured the genophage. They believed it would be hard to negotiate with a species they think beneath them and already hated them for inventing what was essentially a sterility plague. Remeber how the dalatrass kept talking down to Wrex and the krogan as a whole. For the turians, it doesn't seem like they breed many politicians, at least not enough to have people speak on behalf of Palavan/the truians like most other races (hell, Hackett had to give Shepard diplomatic authority because the alliance themselves didn't have enough/any politicians that could speak on behalf of humanity/Earth), so of course they would want the one person they knew could actually help the turians and the summit saved from the enemy, especially considering the chain of command was shrinking by the second on Palavan and the only one who had a ship that could sneak in and out of the system was Shepard. (Say your nation's next in command was trapped behind enemy territory during a war and your own forces couldn't save him because they were already stretched thin enough as it is, wouldn't you want your supposed allies to help save him before things get worse when they had the means and know how to do it?) Ultimately, the running theme is that when the end of days is upon you, you should forgive past grievances and stand together or die alone. Hell, the quarrians knew the bigger threat was the Reapers and they attacked the geth regardless because they wanted to settle the score. All of this would've been solved if every sentient being in the galaxy was 100% rational or at least as ational as Paragon Shep. But then the game wouldn't be nearly as interesting of have any stakes if everyone was as rational.
@@liamrichardson6830 Oh, absolutely. Bioware did a brilliant job of creating stakes by creating flaws. But they also did a bold job of flipping the script for Terra Firma. TF is originally presented as unreasonable extremists in ME 1. By ME 3 you realize that they had a point, extreme or not. Humanity needed to stand alone because Humanity, in fact, stood alone. The "appeasers" didn't win because they were right or because of their negotiation ability. Diplomacy won because the other races were desperate.
Kinda got to agree with the guy. I mean even after two games you still have to save everyones ass again before they help. Any leader that doesn't look to the needs of his own people first won't have anything left to lead. Much like a parent who would feeds other kids why his are starving
Isn't the exact issue in ME3 that literally everyone hunkers down and fights for their own borders (looking to the needs of their own people first) rather than risks personal sacrifice for a larger goal? Basically the only reason the Alliance doesn't is that they got hit first, their entire leadership was decimated (leaving Hacket, a personal friend, almost unilaterally in control of their entire remaining military) and they got hit so hard that what they had left made the concept of hunkering down and trying to go it alone literally laughable. A similar situation would be if Tali, Garrus, Liara and Mordin were in control of the Quarians, Turians, Asari and Salarians respectively and all of them heavily imply/flat out say that if they were their fleets would already be at your side - Garrus literally TELLS YOU that if the new Turian leader doesn't play ball he's going to start killing them until they get one who does.
Even in ME3 the others refuse to help humans until their own worlds have been saved first lol. The council didn't give a shit about Shepard's warnings. The Turian councilor repeatedly insulted Shepard in the first two games. They should have been bowing and kissing Shepard's ass for what he did for the galaxy and also, they should be revering humanity just for the fact that it was a human who saved the galaxy not once not twice but three times. Not Asari, not Turian, not Volus, not Krogan, not Batarian, not Vorcha, not Yahg, not Elcor, not Salarian, not Quarian, a Human. All these advanced races did jack shit.
@@DantesInferno96 A human...accompanied by representatives of very nearly every species out there. The word that won the day three times over is 'UNITY'.
Why is Earth making deals in the interests of other species, when those species are making deals in their own interests? Doesn't sound like a good plan for the citizens of Earth. Which is what their representatives in government should be working toward. Damn the parallels are amazing.
Some of the timing for these missions is odd, for instance, there will always be a few missions that happen when you are grounded. It kinda creates this bit where you are told, “meet Anderson as soon as possible”, only to be sucked out of the immersion because of side quest.
There are multiple references to Nazi Germany in the game. "Peace in our time" was declared by British PM Neville Chamberlin after Germany annexed part of Czechoslovakia. Less than a year later WW2 would begin.
Considering the events that led up to the first game, the cutscene with the Alliance saving the Council makes it even better. The Asari, Turians, and Salarians ALL tried to kneecap Humans at every turn, only for humans to still pull through despite all the hardship we’ve experienced beforehand.
That's lowkey my problem with the alien race in ME. When humanity decides to be independent, we're vilified and are seen as bullies despite the fact we've constantly bended over backwards for the other alien races. It's like what Anderson said in ME1: "The Council always preaching that we need to be a part of the galactic community. But for them it's a one-way street." Now I'm not saying the aliens aren't reliable but at the same time if you ask the aliens for help don't hold your breathe.
@@shadenox8164 I'd rather someone paused to have a reasonable discussion about their political beliefs when faced with an opposing one, even if in their mind they were saying "stfu and get back in a corner, alien loving pervert", than just shouted that at me and carried on.
@@MaceAhWindu While in principle I agree, in practice having no patience for something usually achieves little to nothing - you won't make racism go away by spending five minutes shouting at it. You *might* change a racist's mind by treating them as a person, working out where that racism stems from and then patiently (often SO patiently) trying to have a reasonable discussion in which you gradually challenge their beliefs. Nine times out of ten, you're not going to change someone's mind no matter what you do (and no matter what the topic is or which side of it they're on) because human nature AND nurture often places more importance on the concept of convincing yourself that you're not wrong than it does working out who's actually correct, but finding common ground and patiently building from there is FAR more likely to have the desired outcome than something along the lines of saying "stfu idiot", trying to 'cancel' them (this only serves to further isolate the individual from the very beliefs you'd like them to embrace and often encourages them to seek solace in likeminded people who will further reinforce the beliefs you'd rather they didn't hold in the first place) or hitting them. The best example I can give is when one of my friends heard someone make a homophobic comment towards me and offered to "help you kick the shit out of them" - tempting as it was to say "yes" because that would have been *very* satisfying in that moment, I instead opted to point out that if you could change the way someone thinks by persecuting and beating them, Gay people would have been wiped out centuries ago (because a few groups gave that 'method' a DAMN good go to 'deal with' us and it only caused us to create an increasingly defiant, underground culture which outlasted them so effectively that it persists to this day and resulted in literal "Pride Parades").
Worst thing he isnt wrong. The Turrians should have intervened with the Mass Relay yes but not launch a full blown invasion that killed innocent lives. But i completly disagree with the rest. The hole point if the Council is cultural benefit to all. We can learn from Alien culture, same as them can learn from us.
The Council kind of sucks especially in Mass Effect 1. They have a sort of ingrained hatred of Humans or atleast the Turian councillor has that bias and furthermore they literally don't help at all. They didn't send a fleet on Virmire AKA Saren's base nor even regarded Shepards words , it was only until Mass Effect 3 where they started caring after Earth became overrun.
Never supported them, never will. Who in the world plays Mass Effect just to be like "Humans stand alone. Aliens should mind their own business."? As far as I'm concerned, aliens are the best part of ME.
@Tiffany Roberts True. We don't expect other countries to look out for us first, they have a responsibility to their people, same as the U.S. government does to us. That pretty much transfers one-to-one here; it's not racism (in a most cases, anyway), it's nationalism. It also helps that the Council is absolutely useless in all circumstances.
Plus, the “humans should go it alone” philosophy is a recipe for human extinction in ME3. We kinda need the aliens to survive Harbringer and his friends. Just sayin.
I've played ME1 for YEARS and never met this guy, I knew about the addict inside Flux because you go there but at that point in the story I've always gone straight to Flux Dammit
The problem with the wheel rather than a branching list is how disjointed it is going from "I'M A SOLDIER, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" to "I don't know what your platform is, do you have a brochure I could read please?" in one line.
Eh it could be genuine or it could be he knows that what he actually wants to say wouldn't work out well for his politics, in which case he's just giving a generic platitude.
politician ''i dont believe human politics are ANY of YOU'RE business!!'' Me: '' dissin my bro? You dissin ma bro dude? Hey Garrus, this guy dissin you? AW HELL NO!!! Garrus bro, bring out of the ''stick'' we got our selves a well calibrated ass woopin that needs to take place right now!!
"Psh aliens shouldn't be involved in our politics" "Umm you are our next door neighbor" "We can't pretend what we do doesn't affect others" "Ah so sorry, let me apologize then restate my point to reinforce that I am right and imply you simply misunderstood me." Well can't say the game isn't realistic
there is probably an alliance regulation against military personnel using giving official political endorsements, the council would probably want to have a word with Shepard too if he used the title of specter for political endorsements
Interestingly enough, the neutral dialogue option will lead to Shepherd saying that it's inappropriate for an active duty military officer to publicly comment on politics.
My favorite reaction to this pissant had to come from Wrex. This clown made the mistake of telling Wrex that he didn't think that Earth politics were any of his business and Wrex calmly but coldly told him "My business is whatever I say it is!"
Honestly, even if xenophobes do flock to him given the only real overlap with their beliefs being something like Terra Firma. It's quite clear the actual stance isn't hard-core xenophobic ideals. Back when I was a young lad I was wholeheartedly against it. But now being older and having played the trilogy again and again. I have to reflect the fact that to an extent he is right. It would be foolish to write off his thinking when clearly. He does at his core have humanity's interest at heart. Cooperation should be done with the other races of the citadel absolutely. But to utterly ignore the very real presence of a slaver government like the Batarian Hegemony sponsoring pirates to attack humans as with Elysium and the blitz. The Salarian espionage and uplifting of primitive races that resulted in the Krogan and eventually the Yahg as the STG base on Sur'Kesh makes abundantly clear. Or the Asari hoarding of the prothean beacon making them the most advanced race due to its presence on Thessia. Every single other race will look after themselves first and foremost. It only makes sense Humanity should so the same while holding an olive branch when necessary. Not to the extent of Cerberus circa ME3 but you'd better believe. Given the choice of giving the collector base over to TIM and destroying it. It's better served in the hands of humanity at the time.
Disagree as the lesson of ME3 shows that cooperation with other species benefits all, whereas selfishness gets you hurt. The Batarians orchestrated the blitz because their leadership was indoctrinated. This is because they selfishly researched on the Leviathan of Dis, a reaper corpse. Salarian uplifting led to disasters like the Krogan and the Dalatrass' short sightedness potentially screws up an entire alliance which only leaves her people isolated. And the Asari hoarding the beacon on Thessia screwed the entire galaxy over as we now know it had details about the Reaper invasion and Crucible. Had they shared this knowledge the galaxy might've been prepared. But even beside all of that, Terra Firma is routinely filled with racists. What does it tell you when a political party with "noble" core ideals are routinely found to have racist, extremist members? Could it be that its because their ideals are not so nobles in the first place but are merely a façade?
...this guy isn't racist. I know Shep makes the point about some of his followers taking it too far, but Saracino is just a conservative when it comes to alien relations. That doesn't automatically make him a "racist". You might say he's happy to have support from xenophobes (the proper term, btw), but his views as described in this conversation do not make him xenophobic. He's only concerned about cooperation as he sees it on the Citadel leading to a sacrifice of human influence, dignity and/or territory in the galaxy. While his association with actual xenophobes is a problem and probably hurts his position, it doesn't invalidate his stated point of view. "I'd pull them away yes, I wouldn't shoot them dead." Given the occupation of Shanxi and the impressive military might of the other council races - not to mention the abominable conduct of the Batarians, the malfeasance of the Salarians in uplifting and unleashing of the Krogan before nearly sterilizing them, or the Quarians creation of the Geth - Saracino's viewpoint is a valid one, just as Paragon Shepherd's is. Both are true to some degree: humanity should stand strong against undue alien influence and be ready to defend itself, but should also work to cooperate with other species because its obviously advantageous in many respects.
honestly if he were a real dude i'd say "ditch the xenophobes, they give you a bad look. that said, you've got valid points but you're only half right".
To quote the Asari Councilor, "the cruel and unfortunate truth is that while the reapers focus on earth, we can prepare and regroup." In my opinion, this is somewhat similar to the Prisoner's Dilemma. Cooperation is the right mindset to have but if everyone else is going to put their selfish needs first then you're just going to get screwed over. When the chips are down the other races will always prioritize themselves first. The question is should your Shepard (or you as the player I suppose) stoop to their level?
"Both are true to some degree: humanity should stand strong against undue alien influence and be ready to defend itself, but should also work to cooperate with other species because its obviously advantageous in many respects." This reminds me of a quote from Grand Admiral Thrawn in the Star Wars EU: "Multiple peoples, with multiple viewpoints and racial philosophies, simply cannot hold power together for long. The dominant voice must certainly be wise enough to adopt ideas and methods from its allies and member peoples. But there must *be* a dominant voice, or there is only chaos."
@@killer13324 so you want freedom of speech to be eliminated for those you don't like. congrats you just revealed why Nazism is a product of left wing ideology.
@@toomanyaccounts It's genuinely hilarious how ignorant you are. Fascism, and thus the derivative that is Nazism, is by definition far right. Pretty much all credible modern day historical scholarship considers it to be far right.
@@seanfitzpatrick8385 All racists think their beliefs are backed by "data and facts". It just turns out their data and facts are wrong. They twist data to fit their narrative, make up bullshit arguments that play to ignorance and emotion over logical reasoning and fund biased unscientific studies with the intention of creating evidence for the conclusion they already believe in.
Honestly, sci-fi writing is at its weakest when trying to tackle race by doing analogues where it's humanity and other alien races... it's been done a lot, and every time, they miss out on this one fundamental point: racism is wrong BECAUSE it's predicated on the notion that difference in ethnicity constitute a special separation. As in, such prejudices stop being fundamentally immoral--at least not for the same reasons as inter-species xenophobia--if we're talking about a literal alien species, with its own separate form of evolved intelligence and natures wholly different from out own. Yes they're people, like we are, but possessed of an entirely different psychological profile to us, informed by biological and cultural imperatives completely sundered from our own. The Turian Empire murdered members of a previously uncontacted civilization, and compounded the error by invading and then committing war crimes against said primitive species by dropping space debris on civilian targets, all of this (especially the space debris drops) in flagrant defiance of Council law. The alien-led Council itself routinely refuses to aid humanity when it finds itself under assault after joining, and you can tell they take the same advantage of the Volus, Elcor and Hanar as well. Humanity in the Mass Effect universe has only been aware of the existence of aliens for a few decades, and by the start of the games, has only been a Citadel race for 26 years. 26 years since the unprovoked atrocities of the First Contact War and the occupation of Shanxi, and 26 years filled with the constant disregard of the Council. People are alive and well who lived through that initial time period, and who've been well-placed enough to see how self-serving the Asari, Salarians and Turians are. People like the Illusive Man, for example, a monster made by the fuckery of Saren's big brother. You would have to be a stark raving madman NOT to be politically opposed to the Alliance buddying up to the Citadel council--the Batarians, oppressive and retrograde though their culture is, have the right idea when it comes to the Council; keep them at arm's length when at all possible.
I like this guy. He has his beliefs and shares them freely while not belittling those who disagree with him. He believes that humans should forge their own destiny.
I get the feeling he was being polite because it's part of his job as there were a couple times when Garrus interjected that he seemed to be struggling to not respond in a textbook racist way. When he tried to say it wasn't any of Garrus's business was one step shy of "You're in the wrong space-neighborhood, boy."
@UCwZz3b7TzrlByE1MDD721uw True, but the Turians sodomised the varren, when they opened fire instead of going "Grrr leave this alone grrr". Get the new alien race to back off, then you can stand off until translation protocols are established and then the diplomats get together.
@@hellacoorinna9995 I get what you're saying, but at the same time, being just racist isn't very helpful at all. No matter what you think of the First Contact War, at the present, humanity and turians share close borders and are two of the more powerful militaries in the galaxy. They sort of have to learn to be friends. And truth is, they're the closest species in terms of gender roles, aging, and in many ways culture. The two species work well together and it is for each's benefit that they be friendly.
@@rosesweetcharlotte true, dont forget that the normandy (model 1) was built using a combination of terran and turian technology, making it the poster ship for "a step forward, together". It also really showed what working together can bring given its pivotal role in saving the galaxy
@@Ecroose And this is what I think a lot of people who support this guy forget. Humanity and the turians teaming up effectively turns them into the most powerful group in the galaxy. None of the others can even compete. Even the Reapers can't do it.
Never met this guy before in any of my playthroughs. And trust me, I try to meet everyone in the whole trilogy. 😯😂 Gonna have to keep my eyes out on my next one.
I imagine it has something to do with the krogan model being inconvenient for it and no other reason. Or Grunt technically being a child. There has to be a reasonable explanation.
Very cool writing, the guy is like "We need to look after our own group's interests before anything else" and then Garrus says "No you shouldn't do that, because that might conflict with my group's goals" racism defeated once again.
He is a cool guy tho. Explains his point calmly, doesn't get angry when given a rebuttal, apologize for misunderstanding, and part ways in good spirits even after disagreeing.
Surprisingly during my many many many ME1 play throughs I've never had Garrus with me for this encounter. I've always had Ashley present. I wonder what would happen if you have both Ash and Garrus with you during this part.
they fucked up the paragon options in this trilogy. if renegade is an anti-alien and pro-genocide, paragon should be pro-alien and anti-genocide, not some milquetoast centrist "it's just your opinion" bullshit. paragon shep should punch this dude like renegade shep punched the reporter, but the game doesn't let you be anti-evil. just evil and centrist.
"if you saw a child about to touch a gun wouldn't you stop them?"....... What the hell was that Garrus? Are you comparing humanity to a child? Are you saying that the Turians had the right to decide whether humanity was ready to advance or not? You say that this was "a misunderstanding", I think it was rather a demonstration of oppression of the turians towards humans. Ok... I like Garrus, but I wish I could respond to what he said... y mandarlo un poco a la mierda.
I think you're taking it too personally. You have to understand that Turians ran into humans coming out of the mass relay still not fully understanding how everything worked in the milky way. This is literally right after the mess with the Krogan, which leading up to it, the Salarians uplifted them specifically to fight the Rachni because no else could. Which then lead to the Krogan wanting to take over until the Genophage was deployed. No one even tried to uplift the humans, it was just a coinicdence the Turians saw them coming through the back door. Im sure the Turians collectively went: "AWE SHIT. HERE WE GO AGAIN." We have a new race of alien we know nothing about. Meanwhile humans are freaking out about these Turians and shoot on sight. Could you blame them? They're ugly. I imagine things would have been much smoother if was the Asari that found humans.
I think you might be misunderstanding the point he was trying to make. Garrus isn't making any sort of judgment about humanity; he's just bringing up a situation where you see someone doing something incredibly dangerous and they don't realize how dangerous it is. From the turians' point of view, they found an alien race they'd never seen before trying to open an unknown mass relay, when the last time anyone did that started the rachni war. A child playing with a gun is how he stated it because it's a concise, convenient example that's easy to understand, but he could've also said something like 'a stranger reaching for a drinking fountain where the water isn't clean'. That just doesn't get the point across quite as efficiently or effectively. (For one thing, the child with the gun could end up getting someone else killed, just like humanity might have endangered the galaxy if they found another species like the rachni, while the stranger with the water probably isn't a danger to others.) Given that, I'd say that Garrus acknowledges the First Contact War was a huge mistake that could have been handled a lot better; here he's simply playing devil's advocate about why the Turian Hierarchy freaked out and responded as dramatically as they did (even if he agrees they went too far).
@@backgroundnpc9631 "Garrus acknowledges the First Contact War was a huge mistake"? Garrus said it was a simple "misunderstanding", it seems to me that with that he is trying to justify starting that war. Also, the asari were once an alien species without contact with any other that found protean technology that they had no idea what it was, why would humans be different from them? Just because it became the standard that other species after the asari should be discovered and invited to join the "club" started by the asari? After the asari everyone has to be allowed to uplifted or be uplifted for others... but not to uplifted for themselves?
@@caninelupus8369 I thought it was funny that he approves of Terra Firma but immediately goes on the aggressive when Saracino gives him lip. Classic Wrex.
In the legendary edition they restored a news report in ME2 where he either wins seats if you endorsed or ends up in prison for tax evasion if you didn't.
I'm so glad I really needed to know what happened to this 1 guy. Legendary edition 10/10
Wasn't quite sure whether it was the same guy, good to hear.
Oh god. They have IRS in space
Pretty sure it was in original as well
this really cheapens it. just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a criminal. ME writing is generally better than that.
-Commander Shepard I want to speak with you!
-You obviously want to speak with me.
Last hope of the galaxy ladies and gentlemen.
Shepard pointing out the obvious since 2007.
@Facepalm Full O' Napalm that would be a demotion lol (and i'm going by ranks in the Alliance of Mass Effect, not our actual military)
@@TheHaloAdventureShow In the Navy, Captain is a higher rank than Lt. Commander (Shepard's rank at the start of ME1) and Commander. A Captain in the Navy is equivalent to a Colonel in the Army.
I'm commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the citadel
ye, mass effect 1 was rough, going for MAss Effect 2 now, hopefully it's better because Mass Effect 1 didn't impress me
Also...1:00 Shepherd asks "you really think speeches help?"
Says a guy who regularly makes rousing speeches to motivate his crew. LOL
And whose speeches can cause two of his greatest nemeses in the series to kill themselves.
Though those speeches are usually backed up by the killing of massive galactic threats
True but the point still stands: speeches can make a difference. Both in general and in Shepard's case. You can literally convince two of Shepard's greatest adversaries to kill themselves with nothing but the truth and strong will.
@@hieronymusboss7705 Yes,AFTER you prove yourselves to them.Point is,regular speechs without action are just words in the wind.Shepard shows you need to back it up with action for it to mean something.
@@bearandthebull2372 Yes I might even agree with you, except that's not what Shep says. He just says "you really think speeches help". End sentence.
You could say your point is implied but that's pretty flimsy. It's mediocre writing is what it is.
“I’d pull them away, not shoot them dead” was honestly a savage response, Garrus got bodied there
yeah, that's the only thing that guy said that I actually agreed with
Thing is that's not a line linked to Garrus I had Tali and Liara on my squad for that and Tali said the same thing
Though it is an imperfect analogy, unless that gun shoots out warships filled with hostile insectoid aliens.
Garrus didn't get bodied at all. he just got a shitty response of "if i was there i would've done something because i say i would" despite actually being in the situation. it's similar to the people IRL who say they wouldn't have shot Ma'Khia Bryant dead in order to save the other girl's life. "yea i would've shot her in some non lethal spot or shot the knife in that milisecond of a response that i have to decide because I AM THE MASTER OF TIME, REACTION AND REFLEXES" smh 🤦🏻♂️
@@Peanut_Buster90 are you ignoring that the Turian military attacked unarmed engineers and spaceships and then followed the survivors to a colony and bombed civilians over a misunderstanding?
I had Ashley along for this cutscene. Even she disagrees with their campaign. She even calls them racist and when Ashley Williams calls you a racist, you're a racist.
The issue there is that ash is a Racist herself, the pot calling the kettle black lol until you leave the pot to die on Virmire
@@joshb4898 I always save Ashley on Virmire. Kaiden is boring. Ashley, at least, has a personality.
@@KennyG881 if you talk to him u why hes so subdued
one of ashleys quotes when your walking around the citadel with her is "I can't tell the animals from the aliens"
@@KennyG881 If you forgot, Kaiden is only subdued because the last time he lost control, he killed someone Roadhouse Style
As shitty as Terra Firma is, you've gotta admit that "I'd pull them away, not shoot them dead" line is actually a fair point
I think one might underestimate the PTSD the other species had after the Rachbi Wars
@@marco0445 the Turians weren’t involved in the rachni wars.
@@masterblaster7484 Yep never said that they did. But they sure as hell learned about it. That is the whole dogma behind not opening certain relays. And Turians are certainly dogmatic.
We have to keep in mind,that Turians have a very different way of thinking than humans, although ME displays that differently for gameplay purposes.
@@marco0445 yeah but they didn't shoot the Krogans until after they rebelled right?
@@TheSergio1021 Well were the Krogan fiddling with Mass Relays or did the Salarians find them? And why would they fire on allies that *just* helped them win a war?
"Turian space borders yours. Of course we're concerned about your leadership"
I feel that
@TheVolourn this screams strawman argument
@TheVolourn that is the most black and white point of view I’ve ever seen. The Turians’ fears were justified considering the last time something came through an unknown Mass Relay, it almost led to the collapse of the entire Galactic Community.
And when you’re mentioning Mass Murder, I’m assuming you meant Shanxi. Last I recall, yes the Turians fired the first shot but then humanity didn’t even try to negotiate and assumed they weren’t worth it. It took the Council’s intervention for Humanity and the Turians to start calming down.
Not to mention Garrus admits faults were made that day and he knows this.
@TheVolourn I believe I misspoke. I meant to say “I can understand the Turians’ fears” rather than “they were justified”. Secondly, why wouldn’t they try to negotiate? Doesn’t that make your argument null since neither side tried to negotiate? It’s hypocritical for one side to complain about the other not negotiating, whilst they themselves didn’t try to either.
@TheVolourn first off, never said you can’t defend yourself neither did I say humanity defending themselves was unjustified.
Second, it makes sense for humanity to try and open a dialogue in that circumstance. They’re facing a technologically superior force with superior numbers. It would be in the best interests of humanity to figure out their motives to prove to the Turians that they weren’t a threat.
Thirdly, the Turians payed reparations after the war for what they did. The fact *they* paid reparations and the Alliance didn’t proves that humanity did indeed have the moral high ground. But you failed to take into account the Turians’ motives for taking an aggressive first-contact approach: that reason being the Rachni. Last time an unknown and advanced species came out of a dormant relay, the galactic community was almost destroyed. Even after that they had to deal with the Krogan, only making them more fearful of newer species on the galactic stage. The fact you label them as “villains” shows you don’t understand the reasoning behind the Turians’ response to Humanity.
Also, what the hell do you have with throwing labels at me? “Im the kind of guy that would charge someone for shooting someone in self defense”, I’m the guy that says “oh humanity got what it deserved”? Bullsh**. Humanity was unjustly treated by the Turians and they shouldn’t have taken the approach they did in the First Contact War.
@TheVolourn i was thinking this argument ended in a tie, guess i was wrong
The world of mass effect is made all the more interesting by them actually making the guy here well-spoken and polite rather than an outright pastiche of modern political nationalism.
@@Woodesies Putin elects himself. I don't know some of these, but I know enough to know that mostly they get elected because citizens get sick and tired of the "well spoken and polite as long as their sponsored news channels are filming" people abusing power, forcing their agendas, and creating violent division with honeyed words.
@@taylorberry5228 voting for the guy who tells them exactly what they want to hear. They bring suffering on them selves and others this way.
@@gaigeschaal9070 I'm not entirely sure if you're answering the other guys statement or trying to amend mine. But frankly that is something all politicians do. There's no business like politics, and the business is telling people what they want to hear to gain their votes on a certain day, after which they have power, and do whatever they please. Therefore the individuals who do not use political doubletalk or come from a political background are the standouts what garner citizens attention and the media shill's ire.
@@taylorberry5228 I guess I'm saying that politicians who "tell it how it is" and don't use jargon are usually as bad or worse, and am making a point that people who fall for that because they're sick of "well spoken" politicians are incredibly stupid. Case in point, the leaders listed by the other commenter
@@gaigeschaal9070 I understand the point you're making, though frankly I don't agree with it, nor do I think Putin should be on that list. Like I said, he decides when he gets elected. I only know a handful of the other individuals named, and very little about some that I do, so I can't speak to that without doing my own research. As far as American politics, you may completely disagree with me for your own reasons, but my experience has been that many situations in the country were better when someone who didn't play the game was in power, but a lot of that was hamstrung by those in power who only had the welfare of their agenda in mind.
Terra Firma: "Fuck aliens."
Shepard "Now you're speaking my language!"
"report to the ship as soon as possible"
I agree with Garrus saying you gotta stop a kid using a gun, except the Turrians didn't even try to communicate, their immediate response was "nuke 'em"
Immediately went to throwing rocks, literally
I really don’t get this comment section. The Turians were in the wrong. End of story. It’s very simple. A turian patrol rolled up on a group of human spacecraft which were in the process of activating a relay, something that is forbidden by council law. Now on one hand, the humans were breaking council law; on the other hand, they didn’t know the COUNCIL existed, let alone the law. And what’s more, as emissaries of this beacon of galactic civilization, which values peace and diplomacy, they should have attempted to quickly make peaceful contact and explain the situation to the human explorers who ignorant of the potential danger of just activating mass relays Willy-nilly. Instead they opened fire without even attempting to communicate with the humans. This began a several month conflict which eventually caused the turian hierarchy to begin mobilizing for full scale war(and let’s be honest, they would have crushed us), only being stopped at the last minute by the asari. The turians motives here are not good no matter how you look at them: at very best, they exhibited an unbelievably excessive and completely inappropriate amount of force on a new species that didn’t even know it was breaking any laws, and at worst, they were using an excuse to subjugate us, and turn us into another client race, like the Volus or elcor. And think of how scared the humans must have been during the first contact war. As far as we knew, we were in a fight for our very existence as a species. They were the first alien species we ever met, and they attacked without so much as a squawk on the mic. And then after the asari step in and the dust has a chance to settle, we find out that we were brought to our knees, and thousands died, over a law we NEVER KNEW EXISTED. The frosty relations between humans and turians is completely understandable, especially given not only their treatment of us, but of these aliens treatment of other aliens. Anyone remember the quarians, and the Councils deliberate interference in their attempts to colonize other worlds, and start over?
It is truly astounding to me that everyone seems to be thinking, “Yeah! Show that dumb racist who’s boss!” When, first off saying that “humans ought to solve their own problems, and we don’t need aliens help,” isn’t racist. It simply is not. It’s not total acceptance, though, which apparently today is what we categorize as racist. I’m not saying this guy is right to be so standoffish with aliens, he isn’t, but to act as if humans have NO REASON to be suspicious or distrustful of aliens is just plain stupid, and not at all fair to the RADICAL changes the humans have gone through in the past 50 years. It’s ok to stand up for humans and human issues. We don’t have to be human-centric, but you shouldn’t just blindly embrace turians, asari, Salarians, Krogan, quarian(Tali is best girl, though, always embrace her), or any other alien species, simply because you don’t want to be seen as racist or specie-ist, or whatever.
Edit: additional points, as well as some spelling errors that were bugging me.
I saw somewhere that apparently, and I don’t know if this was a genuine reason or an excuse made up by the turians to cover for their failed subjugation attempt, they didn’t recognize the human ship design, and so thought that the humans were pirates. That doesn’t add up. Even if they genuinely believed the ships were of pirate make, they still should have attempted to hail the vessel before opening fire, to give the offending ship a chance to halt their chicanery. And I don’t really buy the “unknown spaceship design must mean pirate” idea either. I would imagine that if pirates are making modifications to ships it would make the ship look ramshackle and slapped together. Human ships wouldn’t look like that. There’s a difference between an existing ship design shabbily modified, and a unknown ship designed purposefully from the ground up, and turians should be capable of telling the difference.
Thanks to you, I have insight. Before your comment I would just say "hell yeah, fuck that bozo!", But now, I have doubts.
The Turians were so trigger happy…
The way the turians acted, and the Asari stepped in after the Turians were ready for all out war, indicates something worse. It indicates a pattern.
The Turians cripple a race militarily until they have no choice but to accept the Asari's demands to join the citadel.
Granted, there are outliers on both sides (Saren and Cerberus for example), but the fact that the Turians never tried to establish contact and give a warning is troubling. Not even a "Attention! You are in violation of Citade Law. Cease tampering with the mass relay or we will open fire"
@@sev1120 very good point. Turians come from a militaristic culture, and militaries follow orders and protocol, and it is absolutely within the realm of possibility that it would be protocol to hail a vessel to warn them off before opening fire.
I had this exact same train of thought about the First Contact War and the same thought about how the Council Races treated the Quarians. It really gives of the idea that the Council was kicking the Quarians while they were down. And it really makes it seem like the Turians, Asari, and Salarians don’t want true competition.
Hmhmhmmh Tali and Garrus in your party at the same time: I see you're a man of culture as well.
Garrus is my best damn friend without a doubt. When I was a kid in middle school I honestly had a lil crush on her. I know Tali & Garrus get together if you don't romance either of them but fuck man I love me some Tali. So like, in my personal head-cannon I like to believe after the ending of 3 Tali & Garrus get together after Shepard dies. If there is anyone who deserves Tali its my boi Garrus. I know they'll keep each other safe :3
@@DashingSaber I’m the exact same with my FemShep and Garrus. Tali is my ride or die and Garrus is my man.
@@DashingSaber I hope Mass Effect 4 takes place long enough after 3 that Garrus/Tali could reasonably have moved on, because I've also been hoping they eventually get together afterward even if Shepard romanced one of them.
Tali and Garrus romances suck, a great romance is wrex
I love that they end up together if you romance neither of them
Actually, Chief Williams really shines in this scene, especially when he brings up Shanxi. She has a few words on racism, too. Bring her with, worth it.
Isn't Williams as Xenophobic as that scumbag? It's the main reason I leave her behind on Virmire.
@@kingd8468 Have you ever not left her behind? She has a great character arc.
@@martinfae8498 Same, she's xenophobic at LEAST until you make that choice so it's impossible to stand her
@@kingd8468 No, that's a very common misconception that some players have when they judge Ashley and don't bother going through all her dialogue. Ashley isn't xenophobic at all, she actually condemns the Terra Firma party in this dialogue saying something along the lines of "Noble goals, but too bad your supporters are just racists" and she also condemns the use of Shanxi as an excuse to hate aliens.
Ashley's backstory is that her grandfather was the only human to ever surrender to alien occupiers, and her entire family is essentially blacklisted by the alliance thanks to that, so her unwillingness to work with aliens initially is because she's afraid it'll end up being used by the alliance as an excuse to question her loyalties and end her career. If you compare that to Kaidan, Kaidan actually admits to having hated some aliens in the past and having actually killed a Turian during training because he lost control after seeing the turian abuse a fellow classmate, which he follows up by saying that said turian could have probably been saved if he was given medical attention, but wasn't.
Also why would you hate Ashley out of all the characters? Like seriously, Mordin created a sterility plague because he looked down on the krogans and didn't change his mind until having to see the repercussions personally. Garrus is the biggest fucking piece of shit when you first meet him, he wants to execute everyone, he even tells Shepard to let the council die in the final choice in ME1, and he doesn't even have a personal stake in that like Ashley does, he just wants the council to die.
Wrex killed his own father and then gave up on his own species and it took Shepard to convince him otherwise.
And I'm not even going to mention Shaeed, Miranda and Jack, like those three have so many crimes behind them I can't even keep count.
Ashley is objectively one of the most honourable, trustworthy and benevolent characters in the entire franchise. People just hate on her because they don't have the ability to think critically and see how flawed all the other characters are because they look cool.
Thank you for that and your right.
Unfortunately, it will never change. People will still call her racist no matter. Yet a character like Presley (someone I like) who openly admitted “ I hate Turians” is still well liked.
The sequels did nothing for Ashley as well, as it seemed to play up her negative traits more.
You know it’s bad when the same people calling Ashley Xenophobic and racist admit to being pro Cerberus and think they are cool.
Cerberus is the human supremacist group and Terra firma is small little friends of theirs
to the point where the more winning candidate is murdered by Cerberus
They may even be an early version of the Imperium Of Man.
Similar to Exogeni being a legitimate business front
@@thelordguardian3640 EXO Jenny was already messed up and they tested on their own people and they were very similar to Cerberus when it came to the thorian, they just really sucks that for the so-called betterment of humanity or betterment of anybody you have to experiment on your own kind it's sick in unneeded and it's unnecessary. If I was a doctor I would never experiment on my own people unless they were willingly and they volunteered and they were wanting to do that by any means necessary. I would never force that on anyone but still even if they volunteered it still would be sick and just horrific
I'm honestly surprised Ashley wasn't a part of them or Cerberus.
Terra firma party isnt Cerberus but they do have Cerberus motives and ideas
exactly what I thought when he said for the betterment of humanity
@@Southhs I think at somepoint its established Cerberus killed the previous leader of Terra Ferma and put him in place
Terra Firma are basically human conservatives. Cerberus are terrorists though. Huge difference. TF wants to attain power legitimately. Cerberus would rather assassinate and bribe their way to the top.
@@-CrimsoN- the way I see it is TF is just Cerberus political wing.
@@antonbatura8385 Very likely that's what they became, though the lore does state they were founded by idealists but quickly became a mouthpiece for jingoism and racism
The fact Cerberus killed the previous leader likely made it all but assured.
Saracino: Shepard, I'm your homeboy, right?
Shepard: No, this is my homeboy.
Garrus: Bro fist.
I didn't know Garrus was a fan of Pewdepie
@@austinfowler2707 Garrus isn’t cringe
"We live in this galaxy, Mr. Saracino. We can't just pretend that what we do affects no one else!" If only more people here on Earth understood that.
@Tiffany Roberts immoral... That would certainly depend on a person's nationality or ideology. To America, anything that goes against its interests is immoral, the same thing can be said for every other nation if you ask their nationalists.
@Tiffany Roberts Do you believe America to be moral, to be innocent?
@@jericoatayde5603 i appchite you said to there nasanlists showing not everyone in a county is a fanatic
@Tiffany Roberts we never supported isreal trump made a mistake all he did was make things worse as the attacks in the middle east have shown
@@jericoatayde5603 do you have to be historically innocent to point out China's crimes? No... America has done terrible things, that doesn't mean they can't recognize and oppose evil in the world...
Too bad Terra Firma was completely written out in favor of Cerberus. I felt in light of that narrative they could have played an interesting role alongside Cerberus and Udina in the latter games.
I was under the impression that Cereberus basically controlled the group and used them to push a more "friendly" form of their racism.
@@rosesweetcharlotte could be, but then its a Shame the writers never used that asset more
@@MrFilbert28 maybe in the future they’ll use them more.
From what I understand, the citadel was completely wrecked, and without the mass relays, interstellar travel has probably become a lot more complex.
The future of the Mass Effect universe is likely to be very dark, and the galaxy is likely to be more divided than ever before, allowing organizations similar to terra firma to become more prevalent.
Blame Mac Walters.
@@537monster My theory is that there will be a centralized grouping of species around the Citadel and Earth who will be trying to get things back to normal, but it is going to be pretty hard, especially since some of the colonies and planets are pretty isolated.
My would Terra Firma even approach a human Spectre? If their position is that Earth should be autonomous from Citadel politics, what good is it to go up to a human whose political authority comes from being an agent of the Citadel Council. They should in theory, kind of despise that. Never mind that Garrus is right about Shanxi. The Turians only attacked because humans were breaking Citadel laws they had no way to know about. Nobody post-Shanxi is suggesting the Alliance can't defend their colonies.
Because they need friends who can get them close to the Council.
If I remember the lore correctly, The Turians thought Shanxi was the human homeworld as they wouldn't establish a colony in a remote region of space that was difficult to defend. The Turians were kinda shocked when the full human fleet came rolling through the mass relay and were it not for the Asari, the war could have been long and particularly bloody.
@@BHRamsay I think I remember reading that the whole galaxy was pretty shocked when these newbies nobody had heard of fought the turians, *the* military power in the galaxy, on relatively even footing. I remember in particular a comparison to WWII when America rush-converted their car assembly lines and other factories to military production; in the same way, humanity reacted to the sudden alien threat by retooling their infrastructure and mass-producing on a scale that made the other species' collective jaws drop. That's partly why humanity has the standing it does at the start of ME1 (and also why they scare the crap out of some aliens) --they made their debut by displaying amazing adaptability and proving they could throw down with the heavy hitter of the Council races at the same time. (Kinda funny, in one sense: the rest of the galaxy saw it as the turians slapping a stranger's hand away from a possible doomsday button, and then that stranger whipped fleets and armories out of nowhere and fought like he thought he was gonna die.)
Makes a nice lore point for a Paragon Shep who saves the Council in ME1, since humanity goes on to prove it has the initiative to step up in a crisis and even put their own kind on the line and make sacrifices for the good of their galactic neighbors.
@@BHRamsay Probably not that long considering that Humans had only really been using Mass Effect technology for like 7 years before they met the Turians. Those ships that fought the turians, those were humanities FIRST warships. The Turians rolled up to a human colony destroyed all their defenses and occupied it with what I'm pretty sure was a basic patrol group. The equivalent of a few police cruisers and a SWAT van.
So Turians encounter foreign species that they didn't see before (and thus should presume they don't know about citadel laws) and the first thing they do is attacking them? That guy was right at least about this conflict, not Garrus.
Honestly never knew about this interaction, pretty interesting stuff
Honestly not sure how many times I have played this game since it launched, atleast a dozen playthroughs. Never seen this either. Ridiculous amount of content in this game.
@@lobal2 because of the fast travel. Exploring the citadel is one of the best parts of the first game. A lot of side quests
You can only play this mission when you're grounded
This is after Virmire. Make sure to get everything done on the Citadel when youre grounded cause this is the last time you'll be able to do so.
@@DesertStateInEU Kind of weird that they'd put this interaction in when you're grounded. The main mission is like "It's now or never!" when talking to Anderson so I always just rush to the Normandy and then go straight to Ilos. Probably why I've always missed it
Difference between the “peace in our time” that he referenced, and dealing with the citadel races, is that the citadel didn’t take over the Sudetenland or invade Poland. The Turian Hierarchy paid reparations for the war.
Edit: Okay, so that people will stop trying to "correct" me, let me clarify: what I'm saying is that the Turians aren't the nazis. That does not mean I think they're perfect. That does not mean I think they're altruistic. That doesn't mean I think they even paid out of the goodness of their hearts.
It means that they aren't the nazis. Which is what the guy in the video is comparing them to.
True, but the Hierarchy only did this to save face though because of pressure from the salarians and asari. While militarily the greatest power of the Council, they'd be crippled by economic sanctions for going against the wishes of the other two. This is in contrast to the years before WWII where the Allies didn't have a leg up on the Germans to prevent them from taking advantage of their situation.
@@derektrammell911 The allies DID have a leg up economically on the Germans. That’s actually why the Germans felt they had to expand rapidly before the British and Russians especially could cut off vital oil and over seas trade.
The only significant difference between nazi Germany and the turian hierarchy here is not their relative geopolitical positions, but the fact that the Germans were led by a group who based their political power on a false history, empty promises, and a pathological need to lay every problem squarely at the feet of one of the most vulnerable scapegoats they could find.
All I’m saying is that guy making a comparison between the turian hierarchy and the third reich poisoned the well enough to drop a thresher maw.
@@Anglomachian Good point. All I will say is that Nazi Germany did take the nation from a depression state to full mobilization within less than a decade, which allowed them to more or less have a chance to challenge the Allies. All in all, it's two different political climates lol.
@@derektrammell911 weeeell about that. Whilst the nazi regime did help boost the economy initially, they kind of did it through a good deal of fraud and unsustainable boondoggles. For instance, they artificially lowered unemployment by literally discounting women from the work force. They also forced unemployed people into substandard, essentially slave-wage jobs. The autobahn was during that period a propaganda piece that could neither support sustained military use, nor be used by the largely car-less population of Germany. The Volkswagen was invented basically so that there would be a car cheap enough for people in Germany to buy.
The Nazis knew their economic plan wasn’t sustainable, and so planned to compensate through conquest. There’s an argument to be made that the economic policies of the nazis are what made world war 2 inevitable.
@@AnglomachianWell, it seems I've been outmaneuvered by a history major, haha. Well played sir.
"Shanxi is the only human territory occupied by a alien species." excuse me, buddy, Harbinger would like to have a word with ya.
Harbinger was chilling in dark space at that time and the Collectors didn't really attacked colonies until after Sovereign was destroyed.
Key word, occupied.
Technically Harbinger isn't an alien, it's a machine.
@@hayleybartek8643 mixture of organic and machine
@@The_WatchList admech
Whoa, I didn't know civil political discussion existed in the future!!!
Well, in this series it kind of runs the gamut. Tali’s trial is a great example of this. Gets pretty heated in parts.
That’s the most futuristic thing about this franchise
@Tiffany Roberts Probably no game journalist got that far into the game.
Would you start yelling at or threatening a guy who’s armed to the teeth, wearing full body armor, accompanied by two heavily armed companions (at least one of whom has a very strong motivation to kill you), and can legally murder you in full view of the public with ZERO consequences?
@@DLordSadow For most NPC's you encounter in Mass Effect, the answer to this is 100% "Yes". It always bugged me that even Renegade Shep couldn't point this out more when people gave them constant shit.
1:46 He got Garrus there ngl
This is just Good dialogue
"You really think speeches help?"
Meanwhile...Shepard before literally every major battle: " brothers and sisters...thank you for coming. We gather here today to destroy (insert galactic threat). Our love for each other and our desire for vengeance will ensure that we do not fail. Forward, soldiers!"
The soldiers with renewed fighting spirit thanks to the helpful speech: "HUZZAH! HOLD THE LINE! HUZZAH!!!!"
3:22 That sounds like a subtle threat.
Thank god this guy is actually a thought out human being and not just a screen that just has the word racist flashing in bold letters
I like Garrus but he has zero standing on that one. The turians fucked up, in any scenario without Shepard and Garrus becoming friends, humanity and the turians would end up fighting. The whole point of Shepard's existence was to stop that. The Normandy was built with the turians, a turian was sent to evaluate Shepard and make him a Specter.
Humanity was being appeased because humanity had a just cause to wage total war. The turians wanted to wipe out Shanxi because they thought it was the homeworld. They got a rude awakening and started fully mobilizing for said total war. Meanwhile, humanity only had 5% of its population serving. If humanity went full militaristic, the warpath would lead to both sides cleaving through the galaxy in a war to make the Reapers blush.
This is what set Mass Effect 1 apart from the other games. I love that they included this guy in the game, more than that you can actually side with him if you choose. Mass Effect 1 really did let you build your own Shepard. Even though I never support this guy, just having the option really makes it feeling like it's your game.
If you dont support him, in me2, you can hear about how he got arrested for tax evasion, fraud, and other shit on the news
I think Terra Firma had some really good points, I mean even though the whole First Contact War was a misunderstanding, the turians imposed Council law on an independent sovereign state who was completely ignorant of said laws. Damn straight humanity should be worried about losing their identity and values.
Humanity was about to do something that could, potentially, cost millions and millions of lives including human ones.
@@Gabryal77 "She was wearing a really slutty dress." is a poor argument.
@@Gabryal77 and? they should have been "pulled away, not shot"
@@Gabryal77That’s not an excuse for going to war with an independent state. It would be like the UN invading some uncontacted tribe for enslaving prisoners that had never even heard of the Convention on Prisoners of War. The legal basis is murky at best, even though the intelligence of the act itself is not disputed.
Terra Firms: "If we don't stand up for ourselves, no one else will."
Asari Counselor: "The Council cannot give Earth the resources it needs. Our own planets must come first."
Asari: "The Asari will not be at your summit"
Salarians: "The Salarians won't be at your summit if the Krogan are there"
Turians: "The Turians will only be at your summit if you rescue our Primarch."
Turns out that Ash was right. The other races were, in fact, willing to sacrifice humanity to save their own skins. They just didn't feel as bad about it as Ash figured you'd feel about sacrificing your dog to a bear.
Totally agree!!!
It’s actually quite a deep commentary on how the council races’ selfish cowardice highlights the worst of humanity… yet simultaneously Shep/Normandy’s courageous self-sacrifice and moral fortitude highlights the best of humanity.
To be fair a lot of that was because of bad blood between the races (save for the first one and last one).
The first one, as annoying as it is, holds truth. There wasn't a reason for the whole of the citadel fleet or the other council fleets to head to earth and liberate it (as we see they were also fightifn the invasion on the home front, you cant spread your armies too thin or else your enemy will take advantage of your weaker links). Even if they did what then? Earth only became the place for the final battle because the citadel was there and they didn't even know it was the catalyst until assaulting Ceberus's base.
The second one is the bad history between the asari and the krogan, both species live for thousands of years and more than likely anyone the asari sent would've fought against the krogan and let some personal feelings slip in during the summit.
For the slarians, again, bad blood and on top of that they manufactured the genophage. They believed it would be hard to negotiate with a species they think beneath them and already hated them for inventing what was essentially a sterility plague. Remeber how the dalatrass kept talking down to Wrex and the krogan as a whole.
For the turians, it doesn't seem like they breed many politicians, at least not enough to have people speak on behalf of Palavan/the truians like most other races (hell, Hackett had to give Shepard diplomatic authority because the alliance themselves didn't have enough/any politicians that could speak on behalf of humanity/Earth), so of course they would want the one person they knew could actually help the turians and the summit saved from the enemy, especially considering the chain of command was shrinking by the second on Palavan and the only one who had a ship that could sneak in and out of the system was Shepard. (Say your nation's next in command was trapped behind enemy territory during a war and your own forces couldn't save him because they were already stretched thin enough as it is, wouldn't you want your supposed allies to help save him before things get worse when they had the means and know how to do it?)
Ultimately, the running theme is that when the end of days is upon you, you should forgive past grievances and stand together or die alone. Hell, the quarrians knew the bigger threat was the Reapers and they attacked the geth regardless because they wanted to settle the score. All of this would've been solved if every sentient being in the galaxy was 100% rational or at least as ational as Paragon Shep. But then the game wouldn't be nearly as interesting of have any stakes if everyone was as rational.
@@liamrichardson6830 Oh, absolutely. Bioware did a brilliant job of creating stakes by creating flaws. But they also did a bold job of flipping the script for Terra Firma. TF is originally presented as unreasonable extremists in ME 1. By ME 3 you realize that they had a point, extreme or not. Humanity needed to stand alone because Humanity, in fact, stood alone. The "appeasers" didn't win because they were right or because of their negotiation ability. Diplomacy won because the other races were desperate.
Remember Shanxi , Terra invicta! Humanity first
Hey, if you were ever wondering who helps pay for Cerberus...
Seems more like Cerberus are lobbyists fot these guys.
Compared to how anti-human a lot of aliens are, theres a good reason Cerberus exists.
@@DesertStateInEU Cereberus just proves those sentiments right.
@@rosesweetcharlotte You cant say car accidents happen BECAUSE we invented air bags. We invented air bags BECAUSE car accidents happen.
@@DesertStateInEU I have to disagree. Cereberus was always corrupted by the Reapers and TIM was always just a racist pawn.
1:46 not by starting a war with that infant, no, Garrus.
This debate is more coherent than what we have around here..
Probably because it was created before politics became so toxic (or well, more obvious).
Kinda got to agree with the guy. I mean even after two games you still have to save everyones ass again before they help. Any leader that doesn't look to the needs of his own people first won't have anything left to lead. Much like a parent who would feeds other kids why his are starving
Isn't the exact issue in ME3 that literally everyone hunkers down and fights for their own borders (looking to the needs of their own people first) rather than risks personal sacrifice for a larger goal? Basically the only reason the Alliance doesn't is that they got hit first, their entire leadership was decimated (leaving Hacket, a personal friend, almost unilaterally in control of their entire remaining military) and they got hit so hard that what they had left made the concept of hunkering down and trying to go it alone literally laughable. A similar situation would be if Tali, Garrus, Liara and Mordin were in control of the Quarians, Turians, Asari and Salarians respectively and all of them heavily imply/flat out say that if they were their fleets would already be at your side - Garrus literally TELLS YOU that if the new Turian leader doesn't play ball he's going to start killing them until they get one who does.
Even in ME3 the others refuse to help humans until their own worlds have been saved first lol. The council didn't give a shit about Shepard's warnings. The Turian councilor repeatedly insulted Shepard in the first two games. They should have been bowing and kissing Shepard's ass for what he did for the galaxy and also, they should be revering humanity just for the fact that it was a human who saved the galaxy not once not twice but three times. Not Asari, not Turian, not Volus, not Krogan, not Batarian, not Vorcha, not Yahg, not Elcor, not Salarian, not Quarian, a Human. All these advanced races did jack shit.
@@DantesInferno96 A human...accompanied by representatives of very nearly every species out there. The word that won the day three times over is 'UNITY'.
@@hansolav5924 Other species didn't help save the Destiny Ascension. Nor did they help against collectors.
Why is Earth making deals in the interests of other species, when those species are making deals in their own interests? Doesn't sound like a good plan for the citizens of Earth. Which is what their representatives in government should be working toward. Damn the parallels are amazing.
I can't get over the fact that this guy is voiced by Uncle Ruckus.
He voiced august Bradley in andromeda too? I think.. 🤔
"Oh no...this....this can't says i'm 102% Turian....with a 2% margin of error....why lord? WHY?!"
Of course he is lol
Excuse me WHAT?
I’ve never seen this interaction in all my many playthroughs of the original. Neat
Its after Virmire.
I’ve been trying to get that one for a while and now I know
I believe other squadmates also have special dialogues. I know that Ashley does.
I have
Some of the timing for these missions is odd, for instance, there will always be a few missions that happen when you are grounded.
It kinda creates this bit where you are told, “meet Anderson as soon as possible”, only to be sucked out of the immersion because of side quest.
There are multiple references to Nazi Germany in the game. "Peace in our time" was declared by British PM Neville Chamberlin after Germany annexed part of Czechoslovakia. Less than a year later WW2 would begin.
The british started the war lol
@@UnknownUnknown-wc9yp No they didn't. Where do you get this nonsense from?
@@Leon_der_Luftige Yes, they did, they declared war on Germany, not vice versa
@@UnknownUnknown-wc9yp Germany attacked Poland together with the USSR without declaration beforehand, you fucking muppet.
What's wrong with you?
@@UnknownUnknown-wc9yp Great example of a lie by omission.
Why, exactly, did Britain declare war on Germany hmm?
I appreciate the respect of both parties in this conversation, no need to scream at one another even if you disagree.
Pfp checks out
Considering the events that led up to the first game, the cutscene with the Alliance saving the Council makes it even better. The Asari, Turians, and Salarians ALL tried to kneecap Humans at every turn, only for humans to still pull through despite all the hardship we’ve experienced beforehand.
Shepherd! It is an Honor to speak with you!
You Obviously want to speak to me!
2:19 “We live in a galaxy!”
That's lowkey my problem with the alien race in ME. When humanity decides to be independent, we're vilified and are seen as bullies despite the fact we've constantly bended over backwards for the other alien races. It's like what Anderson said in ME1: "The Council always preaching that we need to be a part of the galactic community. But for them it's a one-way street." Now I'm not saying the aliens aren't reliable but at the same time if you ask the aliens for help don't hold your breathe.
Oh my God they literally hired Uncle Ruckus to play as the leader of the space racists party.
Despite his alien racism, at least he acknowledged and understood your opinion... before yelling "GO IT ALONE"
Assuming he was being honest about that.
@@shadenox8164 I'd rather someone paused to have a reasonable discussion about their political beliefs when faced with an opposing one, even if in their mind they were saying "stfu and get back in a corner, alien loving pervert", than just shouted that at me and carried on.
@@MaceAhWindu While in principle I agree, in practice having no patience for something usually achieves little to nothing - you won't make racism go away by spending five minutes shouting at it. You *might* change a racist's mind by treating them as a person, working out where that racism stems from and then patiently (often SO patiently) trying to have a reasonable discussion in which you gradually challenge their beliefs. Nine times out of ten, you're not going to change someone's mind no matter what you do (and no matter what the topic is or which side of it they're on) because human nature AND nurture often places more importance on the concept of convincing yourself that you're not wrong than it does working out who's actually correct, but finding common ground and patiently building from there is FAR more likely to have the desired outcome than something along the lines of saying "stfu idiot", trying to 'cancel' them (this only serves to further isolate the individual from the very beliefs you'd like them to embrace and often encourages them to seek solace in likeminded people who will further reinforce the beliefs you'd rather they didn't hold in the first place) or hitting them. The best example I can give is when one of my friends heard someone make a homophobic comment towards me and offered to "help you kick the shit out of them" - tempting as it was to say "yes" because that would have been *very* satisfying in that moment, I instead opted to point out that if you could change the way someone thinks by persecuting and beating them, Gay people would have been wiped out centuries ago (because a few groups gave that 'method' a DAMN good go to 'deal with' us and it only caused us to create an increasingly defiant, underground culture which outlasted them so effectively that it persists to this day and resulted in literal "Pride Parades").
@@MaceAhWindu Odd thing to tell me, but sure.
Considering that he was made a Specter by aliens, I figured Terrafirma would hate Shepherd for answering directly to the Council.
Omg this the Abe from malcom in the middle. The big black guy. Lmao can’t believe he is in the game
"You have the right to your opinion, but with all due respect, I disagree with it"
Current day Twitter needs to learn from Commander Shepard.
A calm conversation about isolationism and identity politics? Now we know this is science fiction
Worst thing he isnt wrong. The Turrians should have intervened with the Mass Relay yes but not launch a full blown invasion that killed innocent lives. But i completly disagree with the rest.
The hole point if the Council is cultural benefit to all. We can learn from Alien culture, same as them can learn from us.
The Council kind of sucks especially in Mass Effect 1.
They have a sort of ingrained hatred of Humans or atleast the Turian councillor has that bias and furthermore they literally don't help at all.
They didn't send a fleet on Virmire AKA Saren's base nor even regarded Shepards words , it was only until Mass Effect 3 where they started caring after Earth became overrun.
Never supported them, never will. Who in the world plays Mass Effect just to be like "Humans stand alone. Aliens should mind their own business."? As far as I'm concerned, aliens are the best part of ME.
@Tiffany Roberts True. We don't expect other countries to look out for us first, they have a responsibility to their people, same as the U.S. government does to us. That pretty much transfers one-to-one here; it's not racism (in a most cases, anyway), it's nationalism.
It also helps that the Council is absolutely useless in all circumstances.
Plus, the “humans should go it alone” philosophy is a recipe for human extinction in ME3. We kinda need the aliens to survive Harbringer and his friends. Just sayin.
@TheVolourn You played these games and came to the conclusion that aliens are evil? Are you stupid?
I've played ME1 for YEARS and never met this guy, I knew about the addict inside Flux because you go there but at that point in the story I've always gone straight to Flux
You can tell mass effect 1 is old, because they portray the nativist party as war hawks, and the status quo as peaceniks.
The problem with the wheel rather than a branching list is how disjointed it is going from "I'M A SOLDIER, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" to "I don't know what your platform is, do you have a brochure I could read please?" in one line.
Glad to see you're using the best partners in the whole game.
Wrex like to disagree.
That's what happens usually after Wars
That line after denying him support makes him alot less detestable.
Eh it could be genuine or it could be he knows that what he actually wants to say wouldn't work out well for his politics, in which case he's just giving a generic platitude.
@@shadenox8164 I have never understood the desire to assign villainy to someone in it's absence. That's not deduction bro. It's just assumption.
Is the terra firma guy the same guy who voices uncle ruckus in the boondocks? Cuz thats hilarious of so
Its ironic seeing space Uncle Ruckus played by none other than Uncle Ruckus.
politician ''i dont believe human politics are ANY of YOU'RE business!!'' Me: '' dissin my bro? You dissin ma bro dude? Hey Garrus, this guy dissin you? AW HELL NO!!! Garrus bro, bring out of the ''stick'' we got our selves a well calibrated ass woopin that needs to take place right now!!
Just make sure to wash your hands. You know where Garrus's stick has been.
"Psh aliens shouldn't be involved in our politics"
"Umm you are our next door neighbor"
"We can't pretend what we do doesn't affect others"
"Ah so sorry, let me apologize then restate my point to reinforce that I am right and imply you simply misunderstood me."
Well can't say the game isn't realistic
He doesn’t even try to argue against Garrus’ actual point to begin with. Textbook deflection
there is probably an alliance regulation against military personnel using giving official political endorsements,
the council would probably want to have a word with Shepard too if he used the title of specter for political endorsements
Interestingly enough, the neutral dialogue option will lead to Shepherd saying that it's inappropriate for an active duty military officer to publicly comment on politics.
I wonder if Saracino would had been a positive addition to war assets or a negative one
I have to admit, bringing Ashley along for this encounter has some of my favourite moments with her character in Mass Effect 1.
My favorite reaction to this pissant had to come from Wrex. This clown made the mistake of telling Wrex that he didn't think that Earth politics were any of his business and Wrex calmly but coldly told him "My business is whatever I say it is!"
I believe there's a song that goes "Let's be xenophobic.. its really in this year!.."
Let's find a nasty ugly alien to fear.
No more cutesy stories of ET phoning home!
Let's learn to love our neighbours, like the Christians learned in Rome!
We’ll wipe out any life form, that seems to be a threat
We'll serve them up a genocide they never will forget
Uncle ruckus
Honestly, even if xenophobes do flock to him given the only real overlap with their beliefs being something like Terra Firma. It's quite clear the actual stance isn't hard-core xenophobic ideals. Back when I was a young lad I was wholeheartedly against it. But now being older and having played the trilogy again and again. I have to reflect the fact that to an extent he is right. It would be foolish to write off his thinking when clearly. He does at his core have humanity's interest at heart. Cooperation should be done with the other races of the citadel absolutely. But to utterly ignore the very real presence of a slaver government like the Batarian Hegemony sponsoring pirates to attack humans as with Elysium and the blitz. The Salarian espionage and uplifting of primitive races that resulted in the Krogan and eventually the Yahg as the STG base on Sur'Kesh makes abundantly clear. Or the Asari hoarding of the prothean beacon making them the most advanced race due to its presence on Thessia. Every single other race will look after themselves first and foremost. It only makes sense Humanity should so the same while holding an olive branch when necessary. Not to the extent of Cerberus circa ME3 but you'd better believe. Given the choice of giving the collector base over to TIM and destroying it. It's better served in the hands of humanity at the time.
Disagree as the lesson of ME3 shows that cooperation with other species benefits all, whereas selfishness gets you hurt. The Batarians orchestrated the blitz because their leadership was indoctrinated. This is because they selfishly researched on the Leviathan of Dis, a reaper corpse. Salarian uplifting led to disasters like the Krogan and the Dalatrass' short sightedness potentially screws up an entire alliance which only leaves her people isolated. And the Asari hoarding the beacon on Thessia screwed the entire galaxy over as we now know it had details about the Reaper invasion and Crucible. Had they shared this knowledge the galaxy might've been prepared.
But even beside all of that, Terra Firma is routinely filled with racists. What does it tell you when a political party with "noble" core ideals are routinely found to have racist, extremist members? Could it be that its because their ideals are not so nobles in the first place but are merely a façade?
@@BossAttack If you have Commies vote for Social Democrats, does that make them the same?
@@elseggs6504 I find it curious you would equate communists on the same level as racists.
@@BossAttack Would you say Stalinists and Maoists are rational people?
@@elseggs6504 Why would you immediately equate communists with Stalinists and Maoists? It seems to me you don't understand what communism is, at all.
...this guy isn't racist.
I know Shep makes the point about some of his followers taking it too far, but Saracino is just a conservative when it comes to alien relations. That doesn't automatically make him a "racist". You might say he's happy to have support from xenophobes (the proper term, btw), but his views as described in this conversation do not make him xenophobic. He's only concerned about cooperation as he sees it on the Citadel leading to a sacrifice of human influence, dignity and/or territory in the galaxy. While his association with actual xenophobes is a problem and probably hurts his position, it doesn't invalidate his stated point of view.
"I'd pull them away yes, I wouldn't shoot them dead." Given the occupation of Shanxi and the impressive military might of the other council races - not to mention the abominable conduct of the Batarians, the malfeasance of the Salarians in uplifting and unleashing of the Krogan before nearly sterilizing them, or the Quarians creation of the Geth - Saracino's viewpoint is a valid one, just as Paragon Shepherd's is. Both are true to some degree: humanity should stand strong against undue alien influence and be ready to defend itself, but should also work to cooperate with other species because its obviously advantageous in many respects.
honestly if he were a real dude i'd say "ditch the xenophobes, they give you a bad look. that said, you've got valid points but you're only half right".
To quote the Asari Councilor, "the cruel and unfortunate truth is that while the reapers focus on earth, we can prepare and regroup." In my opinion, this is somewhat similar to the Prisoner's Dilemma. Cooperation is the right mindset to have but if everyone else is going to put their selfish needs first then you're just going to get screwed over. When the chips are down the other races will always prioritize themselves first. The question is should your Shepard (or you as the player I suppose) stoop to their level?
"Both are true to some degree: humanity should stand strong against undue alien influence and be ready to defend itself, but should also work to cooperate with other species because its obviously advantageous in many respects."
This reminds me of a quote from Grand Admiral Thrawn in the Star Wars EU: "Multiple peoples, with multiple viewpoints and racial philosophies, simply cannot hold power together for long. The dominant voice must certainly be wise enough to adopt ideas and methods from its allies and member peoples. But there must *be* a dominant voice, or there is only chaos."
@@killer13324 so you want freedom of speech to be eliminated for those you don't like. congrats you just revealed why Nazism is a product of left wing ideology.
@@toomanyaccounts It's genuinely hilarious how ignorant you are. Fascism, and thus the derivative that is Nazism, is by definition far right. Pretty much all credible modern day historical scholarship considers it to be far right.
1:26 Charles was right.
Except what are they standing up for? Are they really representing humanity or are they just wanting a platform where they can be racist?
@@rosesweetcharlotte Is he racist or has he formed his stance on statistical data and facts?
@@seanfitzpatrick8385 All racists think their beliefs are backed by "data and facts". It just turns out their data and facts are wrong.
They twist data to fit their narrative, make up bullshit arguments that play to ignorance and emotion over logical reasoning and fund biased unscientific studies with the intention of creating evidence for the conclusion they already believe in.
@@juliagoetia If you are going to tell a lie at least make it believable.
Love the work of the great Gary Anthony Williams.
"I'm Commander Shepherd and this is my least favourite party on the citadel"
I wish we got a little more look into the first contact war but
I do too. It would be really interesting, especially when it does effect so many of the characters later on.
Honestly, sci-fi writing is at its weakest when trying to tackle race by doing analogues where it's humanity and other alien races... it's been done a lot, and every time, they miss out on this one fundamental point: racism is wrong BECAUSE it's predicated on the notion that difference in ethnicity constitute a special separation. As in, such prejudices stop being fundamentally immoral--at least not for the same reasons as inter-species xenophobia--if we're talking about a literal alien species, with its own separate form of evolved intelligence and natures wholly different from out own. Yes they're people, like we are, but possessed of an entirely different psychological profile to us, informed by biological and cultural imperatives completely sundered from our own.
The Turian Empire murdered members of a previously uncontacted civilization, and compounded the error by invading and then committing war crimes against said primitive species by dropping space debris on civilian targets, all of this (especially the space debris drops) in flagrant defiance of Council law. The alien-led Council itself routinely refuses to aid humanity when it finds itself under assault after joining, and you can tell they take the same advantage of the Volus, Elcor and Hanar as well. Humanity in the Mass Effect universe has only been aware of the existence of aliens for a few decades, and by the start of the games, has only been a Citadel race for 26 years. 26 years since the unprovoked atrocities of the First Contact War and the occupation of Shanxi, and 26 years filled with the constant disregard of the Council. People are alive and well who lived through that initial time period, and who've been well-placed enough to see how self-serving the Asari, Salarians and Turians are. People like the Illusive Man, for example, a monster made by the fuckery of Saren's big brother.
You would have to be a stark raving madman NOT to be politically opposed to the Alliance buddying up to the Citadel council--the Batarians, oppressive and retrograde though their culture is, have the right idea when it comes to the Council; keep them at arm's length when at all possible.
Interesting viewpoint...
I wonder how many people even got the "Peace in our Time" reference lol
I like this guy. He has his beliefs and shares them freely while not belittling those who disagree with him. He believes that humans should forge their own destiny.
I get the feeling he was being polite because it's part of his job as there were a couple times when Garrus interjected that he seemed to be struggling to not respond in a textbook racist way. When he tried to say it wasn't any of Garrus's business was one step shy of "You're in the wrong space-neighborhood, boy."
@UCwZz3b7TzrlByE1MDD721uw True, but the Turians sodomised the varren, when they opened fire instead of going "Grrr leave this alone grrr".
Get the new alien race to back off, then you can stand off until translation protocols are established and then the diplomats get together.
@@hellacoorinna9995 I get what you're saying, but at the same time, being just racist isn't very helpful at all. No matter what you think of the First Contact War, at the present, humanity and turians share close borders and are two of the more powerful militaries in the galaxy. They sort of have to learn to be friends.
And truth is, they're the closest species in terms of gender roles, aging, and in many ways culture. The two species work well together and it is for each's benefit that they be friendly.
@@rosesweetcharlotte true, dont forget that the normandy (model 1) was built using a combination of terran and turian technology, making it the poster ship for "a step forward, together". It also really showed what working together can bring given its pivotal role in saving the galaxy
@@Ecroose And this is what I think a lot of people who support this guy forget. Humanity and the turians teaming up effectively turns them into the most powerful group in the galaxy. None of the others can even compete. Even the Reapers can't do it.
Charles' gun analogy was an apt one, I hate to admit.
it's stuff like this that made andromeda inferior to the original trilogy, there was never any clever dialogue scenes like this in that game
I think the fact he sounds like Uncle Ruckus makes it that much better.
Same voice actor
"You have the right to your opinion, But with all due respect, I disagree with it." We really need more people that share that sentiment.
Civil discourse. I guess the left up and died at some point.
Never met this guy before in any of my playthroughs. And trust me, I try to meet everyone in the whole trilogy. 😯😂
Gonna have to keep my eyes out on my next one.
It's only during the lockdown at the Citadel in ME1. He's in the area in front of the hall leading to Flux, you have to pass through there.
Well honestly the turians could have tried to contact peacefully the humans instead of destroying the ships.
I've played this game maybe 8 times. Never scene this conversation before. Fucking love this game.
it's near the end of the campaign I think. as in, after at least two out of the three open-ended main missions you are given once you get the Normandy
i believe it is pronounced Xenophobia, flithy xenos.
Imagine if we could romance krogans…
And imagine if the stupid ass council listened to you once at any point In time
I imagine it has something to do with the krogan model being inconvenient for it and no other reason. Or Grunt technically being a child. There has to be a reasonable explanation.
Very cool writing, the guy is like "We need to look after our own group's interests before anything else" and then Garrus says "No you shouldn't do that, because that might conflict with my group's goals" racism defeated once again.
He is a cool guy tho. Explains his point calmly, doesn't get angry when given a rebuttal, apologize for misunderstanding, and part ways in good spirits even after disagreeing.
Surprisingly during my many many many ME1 play throughs I've never had Garrus with me for this encounter. I've always had Ashley present. I wonder what would happen if you have both Ash and Garrus with you during this part.
I'd bring ash and Wrex, myself. apparently the krogan agrees with the guy. :P
"The occupation of Shanxi couldn't happen again. We weren't even sure there were aliens to Garrus'n against back then."
Thanks to everyone who has watched and commented :3
Thanks for uploading~ :3
Fun fact: Charles Saracino’s voice actor also played Uncle Ruckus in The Boondocks.
Holy shit, you're right. He was also in Malcolm in the Middle.
they fucked up the paragon options in this trilogy. if renegade is an anti-alien and pro-genocide, paragon should be pro-alien and anti-genocide, not some milquetoast centrist "it's just your opinion" bullshit. paragon shep should punch this dude like renegade shep punched the reporter, but the game doesn't let you be anti-evil. just evil and centrist.
I never realized dude's voices Uncle ruckus
"if you saw a child about to touch a gun wouldn't you stop them?"....... What the hell was that Garrus? Are you comparing humanity to a child? Are you saying that the Turians had the right to decide whether humanity was ready to advance or not? You say that this was "a misunderstanding", I think it was rather a demonstration of oppression of the turians towards humans.
Ok... I like Garrus, but I wish I could respond to what he said... y mandarlo un poco a la mierda.
I like that last sentence
I think you're taking it too personally.
You have to understand that Turians ran into humans coming out of the mass relay still not fully understanding how everything worked in the milky way. This is literally right after the mess with the Krogan, which leading up to it, the Salarians uplifted them specifically to fight the Rachni because no else could. Which then lead to the Krogan wanting to take over until the Genophage was deployed. No one even tried to uplift the humans, it was just a coinicdence the Turians saw them coming through the back door. Im sure the Turians collectively went:
We have a new race of alien we know nothing about. Meanwhile humans are freaking out about these Turians and shoot on sight. Could you blame them? They're ugly. I imagine things would have been much smoother if was the Asari that found humans.
The Turians invaded and conquered a human colony and thereby started the First Contact war, they shot first.
I think you might be misunderstanding the point he was trying to make. Garrus isn't making any sort of judgment about humanity; he's just bringing up a situation where you see someone doing something incredibly dangerous and they don't realize how dangerous it is. From the turians' point of view, they found an alien race they'd never seen before trying to open an unknown mass relay, when the last time anyone did that started the rachni war. A child playing with a gun is how he stated it because it's a concise, convenient example that's easy to understand, but he could've also said something like 'a stranger reaching for a drinking fountain where the water isn't clean'. That just doesn't get the point across quite as efficiently or effectively. (For one thing, the child with the gun could end up getting someone else killed, just like humanity might have endangered the galaxy if they found another species like the rachni, while the stranger with the water probably isn't a danger to others.)
Given that, I'd say that Garrus acknowledges the First Contact War was a huge mistake that could have been handled a lot better; here he's simply playing devil's advocate about why the Turian Hierarchy freaked out and responded as dramatically as they did (even if he agrees they went too far).
"Garrus acknowledges the First Contact War was a huge mistake"? Garrus said it was a simple "misunderstanding", it seems to me that with that he is trying to justify starting that war. Also, the asari were once an alien species without contact with any other that found protean technology that they had no idea what it was, why would humans be different from them? Just because it became the standard that other species after the asari should be discovered and invited to join the "club" started by the asari? After the asari everyone has to be allowed to uplifted or be uplifted for others... but not to uplifted for themselves?
I have NEVER seen this in all my play throughs
I thought taking Wrex for this convo was funny, but Garrus really snapped back intellectually, damn.
Now I want to see Wrex says.
Kaiden says the same thing as Garrus so I think it’s just who is more renegade or paragon of the Squad mates.
@@caninelupus8369 I thought it was funny that he approves of Terra Firma but immediately goes on the aggressive when Saracino gives him lip. Classic Wrex.
Saracino is voiced by Gary Anthony Williams (Uncle Ruckus). How fitting for a space racist?
Garrus is B A S E D
@Tiffany Roberts And is that bad?
@Tiffany Roberts Indeed, being woke is gay
@Tiffany Roberts Everything is wrong with both lol
@Tiffany Roberts Oh, you'll find that they are more afraid of me