Has Modern Revelation… Stopped?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • See past Sunday Musings: SundayMusings.org
    As Latter-day Saints we believing in continuing revelation, but what should we make of the dearth of revelatory remarks from God in the past century?

ความคิดเห็น • 489

  • @tjkasgl
    @tjkasgl 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +69

    I have received personal revelation. One of the most clear happened while President Nelson was giving his first talk as President about not being able to survive spiritually without personal revelation. I heard him say in the talk, "there will come a day when you can't do what is preached from the pulpit." When the talk was published I wanted to highlight and save that part. It didn't exist. I have listened to and read the talk multiple times. I realized it must have been specific instruction for me from the Spirit and retained it, trusting I would be prompted to know what and when I needed to not obey. I got that answer early in 2020. I was strongly impressed to actively fight every mandate and instruction from government, church and medical "authority".
    I'm so thankful my family also received the same confirmation. We are healthy while everyone around us are getting diagnosed and dying from mindless obedience

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      Yes he said that. I did not know it was removed.

    • @brittanymcguff
      @brittanymcguff 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I heard that too and my husband and I talk about it often. It was taken out??

    • @weathermitimbers
      @weathermitimbers 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I don't recall hearing that specific phrase. Of course, that doesn't mean he didn't say it. Regardless, I've gotten that same impression when reading our studying the talk side then.

    • @Ericksosasculptor
      @Ericksosasculptor 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I felt prompted to take the vaccine even though I was against it. Go figure… not sick I knew we’d be ok.

    • @tjkasgl
      @tjkasgl 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@brittanymcguff yes. It's nowhere. Not in the transcript or the video. It was very specific and stopped me in my tracks as I was walking through the room.
      Those who have ears to hear came into fruition for us

  • @ItsSnagret
    @ItsSnagret 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    I think that we, as a church, are not ready for “new” revelations given how bad we’re enacting current revelations.

      @CMZIEBARTH 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I think there's something to this. Yet there are people acting like it's a failure on the part of the Church organization.

    • @redeagle5586
      @redeagle5586 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      When Samuel the Lananite came the people were apparently not living the commandments (revelations), yet he gave some of the most poignant revelations just prior to the coming of our Saviour.

    • @3blenders
      @3blenders 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We don’t even believe and act on personal revelation. In Temples we are taught constantly “allow the HG to teach the patrons”…. as temple workers. Yet, temple presidency oftentimes has trouble allowing the same to the temple workers. The “Follow the Prophet “ doctrine order is false and blind. We could all act in unison without anything taught by the prophets without direction given, if teachable by the Holy Ghost.

    • @3blenders
      @3blenders 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      last question “how can we shake off our wickedness?” We need to recognize our individual and conglomerate wicked traditions. Here is one or two examples:
      1. superficial shallowness in fellowship and inherent disinterest in the 3 musketeers; instead repeatedly i am told “we are good and great and you do you and I do me”. The salt has lost its strength of taste. i am greeted by people who ask me “how are you?” Yet nobody os interested in my answer.
      2. we are disobedient in the actions of Doctrine and Covenants section 123. We do not defend the Kingdom of God but preach falsely the things he f politically nature are not ours to defend because they are not of church and Gospel matter- but that comes as false doctrine.
      3. we preach guidance by the Holy Ghost and let the HG teach us yet we don’t appear to allow it happen to us in temples and outside of it to all.
      4. We do not rise up on testimony testifying of the Holy Ghost manifesting all truth- instead we subdue the light and chose not to prophecy. Where is our Speaking in Tongues and the visitations by angels?

    • @brightdaysahead382
      @brightdaysahead382 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@3blenders There's a talk by Enzo Busche about a member who came to the US from Europe and was surprised that we don't have visiting angels in our meetings like in Europe. And we don't talk about it either.

  • @user-hb4ep7mf4i
    @user-hb4ep7mf4i 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +63

    Awesome topic and discussion. COVID era really opened my eyes. We were able to see that All is not well in Zion.

    • @thealternativecontrarian9936
      @thealternativecontrarian9936 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I don't think that was revelation or ever claimed to be.

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @thealternativecontrarian9936 Does that matter? If we accept that the president of the church will never lead the church astray (meaning away from truth in any way), then whatever they declare to the church should be considered true, right?

    • @benzun9600
      @benzun9600 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yup the church really pushed that vax, sadly I have seen so many members physically hurt and spiritual hurt because of that push.

    • @gladbod300
      @gladbod300 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jasonsellers56 More like the sum total of things said and actions made will ultimately guide us towards a fullness of truth.

    • @BattleStarPegasus1
      @BattleStarPegasus1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@jasonsellers56doctrine not med advice

  • @sethstewart1103
    @sethstewart1103 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    For future episodes, I recommend four areas of emphasis:
    1. Consecration and caring for the poor and needy
    2. Gathering Israel through missionary work
    3. Ministering to prepare all church members for exaltation
    4. Uniting our own families for eternity through the ordinances of the Lord's house
    Following Abraham's example and the Lord's own counsel, we are not benefited by striving to KNOW more commandments than we are prepared to KEEP. We should go back to the Lord for more revelations on other topics when we have already completed our former assignments. Asking for more than we are able to bear is looking beyond the mark.

  • @JJ-nh1wf
    @JJ-nh1wf 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    When I prayed about the jab it was no! Then when the first pres came out with their statement I prayed again. I was told to read the actual statement. I was told if it’s of me it will bear my name. It didn’t mention Christ once!!!!!! It praised doctors. Praised government. Only time it mentioned god at all is in naming that they loved all Gods children. That’s it. So NO jab for me. Not revelation!!!

  • @petersrule
    @petersrule 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Connor, my friend who fights for freedom, we should all be receiving revelation about the depths of the gospel. I have been taught by the Spirit and I l have learned so much. I am reluctant to tell anyone because that is my revelation not yours. Maybe I am wrong in that attitude. I could write deep books about the Godhead and Destiny. Maybe I will someday. There is so much out there to learn and many are sharing it. I like a lot of what I've heard and feel the confirmation of the Spirit. Your work for liberty and Tuttle twins are forms of revelation. Not all truths come from the Prophets of the church. Some of it comes from prophets in the church like you and me. Keep it up! We don't agree on everything but that is alright.

  • @thedailydump7407
    @thedailydump7407 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Where are the tares? The more I learn how the church operates, and the more history I learn, I’m convinced we’ve had tares in the highest ranks of the church since Kirtland. 😢

    • @OmahaAreaLoya
      @OmahaAreaLoya 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      RMN is a tare. And probably many if not most of the Q15.

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      They actually joined the church to take it down and over. It has happened to all faiths, even the original church of the Savior that did not last 40 years.

    • @Masteroogway40
      @Masteroogway40 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You guys are idiots.

  • @BJ-uh2ww
    @BJ-uh2ww 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I've been thinking about this a lot, especially with all the covid stuff. I don't think it's the Churches responsibility to tell us how to live every part of our lives. It is there for administration and instruction but our lives should be governed by our own revelation.

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      they instructor how to speak
      they instructor you what you can eat & drink
      they instruct you on clothing
      they instruct you how to think & not think
      they instruct you pay them money
      they instruct you you religion faith
      what do they leave you with to make the choice on your own
      they let you "decide" where you're going to be employed so that you have money to give them
      what is it that they don't manage about your life

    • @BJ-uh2ww
      @BJ-uh2ww 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@iz_not_was Sorry bro I'm having a hard time understanding what you wrote. The comment wasn't an invitation to argue about the truthfulness of the church. I believe that "instruct" as you call them come from God which is fine with me. But should someone depend on the church to make all their decisions. You seem to have issues with commandments in general so why would you be interested in personal revelation which is what this post was about.

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​​@@BJ-uh2ww truth my friend
      And I'm not arguing
      Somebody asked a question that doesn't mean it's an argument
      How does anyone ever have empathy for someone if they don't ask questions about their way of think
      It's frustrating talking with members of your church
      you can't have an truthful conversation
      if you ask a question it's "argument or contentious"
      the sort of thing a narcissist does
      I am your friend
      When friends want to "empathize" each other they ask things
      or live in ignorance with a lack of empathy

  • @lindyree5468
    @lindyree5468 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    I had several people say to me “if it’s good enough for the prophet it’s good enough for me” about the injection. The problem is that before that I felt the same way.
    I feel that is what “slothful” means. Not feeling you have to discern or ponder and just accept whatever anyone says. That was (like many others) where I developed issues with the church. “Visitors welcome” unless you don’t wear a mask. I wasn’t allowed at church for 6 months.
    Yes home study is great but we shouldn’t bow to any authority but the Lord’s and that’s exactly what the leaders did.

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      “I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation…Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not.”
      - Brigham Young

    • @psmith535
      @psmith535 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Lindy, absolutely! I agree with you 1000%
      Thanks for paying attention…
      You truly have eyes to see and ears to hear.

    • @BadAsss_patriot
      @BadAsss_patriot 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jasonsellers56 he knew he was a “yanks guesser.” Now read everything else Brigham said. He was an ass.

    • @GAILandROD
      @GAILandROD 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Thanks for posting that. I admire churches that stayed open even under the threat of arrest. What would the early church have done? Yup....meet together.

    • @beoneB1
      @beoneB1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Many “special” people got a different ‘medicine” than the masses got.

  • @redeagle5586
    @redeagle5586 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    If these official declarations, proclamations and medical counsels are REALLY the mind and will of the Lord, why doesn't the Lord think they are important enough to give them in the form of a "Thus Sayeth the Lord" revelation as he has so often done in the past and make us fully accountable through our obedience or disobedience as we choose?
    Aren't these days leading up to the second coming of our Saviour the most important times in the history of this world that clarity should be of the utmost concern?

  • @Uke1111-to8xj
    @Uke1111-to8xj 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    So many saints have prayed about Heavenly Mother and received a personal revelation by following the guidance from the prophet. Yet, if they dare to say something about it, they would be shunned in most cases for talking about Mother in Heaven. And it's not just revelation on Heavenly Mother. I kind of feel like the church sends mixed messages: rely on your own revelation, but if we don't like it, you will be swiftly reprimanded. I am no longer sure how to navigate complicated church culture and policies.

    • @courtneysanford3064
      @courtneysanford3064 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I can relate to this. My thought is, how did God become Heavenly Father? If we are like unto Him, he would then need a wife to become a parent. It takes two, a man and a woman through procreation to elevate each other and together to father and mother - we do this here on Earth, how could He not have a wife if we are His children? Therefore I gather, we must have a Heavenly Mother. He couldn’t have become a Father without Her.

    • @Uke1111-to8xj
      @Uke1111-to8xj 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@courtneysanford3064 , the interesting thing is there is an evidence that gnostic Christians honored both Father and Mother. In the last 100 years there were many more scriptures discovered like Dead Sea scrolls and Nag- Hamadi library. There are interesting ideas in those scriptures that we ignore. We as the church don't talk much about it or study it. We are stressing about reading existing scriptures which is not bad, I do believe people should study what they have more. However, we should not limit ourselves to just the Holy Grail we have as the church. How can we receive more truth and knowledge, if we ignore an opportunity to do so? They say we don't have any more revelations on Mother in Heaven. Ok, but my question is have they searched it? Have they investigated the new findings about beliefs of the early Christian church? What if Mother in Heaven doctrine just needs to be restored like everything else? After all it is an ongoing restoration. So far I have been searching on my own and have received answers to myself. I came to the conclusion that understanding Devine feminine and connecting with the Heavenly Mother mentality is crucial. She is a missing puzzle that is so needed by both men and women to propel their spiritual progress.

  • @Avoicecyringinthesuburbs
    @Avoicecyringinthesuburbs 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    2nd Nephi 27: 5 For behold, the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep. For behold, ye have closed your eyes, and ye have rejected the prophets; and your rulers, and the seers hath he covered because of your iniquity.
    That chapter is referring to our time, before the Lord brings forth the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      AdamNATION 🏛️ D.C.eived
      D.C. de-see no see made blind
      D.C. 🏛️ D.C.eivers trick everybody
      Adam - Eve got sick
      Adam & Eve ill
      Evil eat from tree of death
      Tree of three branches
      Jewdicial 👨🏽‍⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      The SENATE the SIN ATE from the tree of death / Representatives of who 🦉 they represent....... Adam & Eve!!!!
      they desire make themselves fake GODS
      of Au T.H.O.R. it y
      The House Of Representatives
      LAW OF moses (not of god)
      A WOLF moses 🪦🪦.
      wolf in sheep's clothing 👔/ wool
      2 stone tablets
      the form of tombstones 🪦🪦
      "those whom hate me
      they love death"
      D.C.eived Zeitgeist 2024
      Zeitgeist 2023 The freedom deception
      Elect trick Election Fraud THIS IS HOW THEY DECEIVE YOU 🐑 EWE
      good channel
      If I was going to bet though
      I might bet that you can't acsept truth
      If it didn't come from the prophet it can't be a message from god
      Even when god himself reveals it directly to you & and you read it with your own eyes though it is my least favorite way of giving revelation

    • @scottdean8576
      @scottdean8576 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We already have the fullness of the Gospel with the scriptures (and the Church teaches we have this), and we know what we need to know with/because of the current scriptures, then what reason would God have or why would God bring forth the missing or lost pages of the Book of Mormon?

    • @Nassaldromus
      @Nassaldromus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      To paraphrase the scriptures: Many will say, a Book of Mormon, a Book of Mormon, we have the Book of Mormon and don't need any more...
      We're happy with what we have, we feel that we need no more, and that's exactly what we're going to receive.

  • @ashleygetz6314
    @ashleygetz6314 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I’ve felt that the cry of women for heavenly mother revelation doesn’t come because many aren’t demonstrating sufficient humility/readiness. When I see the pitting of men v women, calling our prophets and apostles “old white men, ideas that women are oppressed in the priesthood, that scriptures are reduced to the gender that recorded them… when I see the disrespect in online discourse (decapitalizing Heavenly Father, hashtagging #hearher), when I hear of women praying to heavenly mother privately and over the pulpit… it’s clear we aren’t ready for more because the loud don’t honor what we have-rather they trample it under their feet. I can’t imagine getting more revelation on the nature of a heavenly mother without it coming across as patronizing.

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      it doesn't seem they actually get revelation from god though

    • @freelinemike
      @freelinemike 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You really need to listen to the talk called, “Our Divine Parents” given in 2018 by Denver Snuffer.

    • @ashleygetz6314
      @ashleygetz6314 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@freelinemike to what end?

    • @freelinemike
      @freelinemike 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You said, “heavenly mother revelation” …just trying to point towards some.

  • @amynazza
    @amynazza 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Why would the Lord give us more scripture when we don’t study the scripture we have? To me this encompasses the issue in a nutshell.

  • @quarteralien
    @quarteralien 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Great topic. One of the biggest pet peeves I had as a student going through government schools was when a teacher punished the whole class for the actions of a few. It always seemed so lazy. So when I started learning about these same ideas you bring up, it didn't sit well with me that God would treat us the same way a teacher would. Are we saved individually or as a class, so to speak? There has to be more to it. what percentage of a people has to be valiant in order to receive more? And any time I've expressed interest in more, the response is, we haven't mastered what we have, why should we move on to the next level? IDK what it all means. But I can say that President Nelson has been the biggest trial of my faith in my life. If the wrecking ball he took to the church's structure his first year and the divisive handling of 2020 are any indication, I'm not sure any of us would handle actual new revelation well, with grace, unity, and charity. I don't see that happening.

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      While I generally agree with you, if President Nelson's actions were not inspired of God (side note: how could they be?), then they're necessarily *bad,* and good people will not like them. If we receive actual new revelation from God for the whole Church, it'll necessarily be *good,* because it's from God. Good people will recognize it as good and accept it, especially those who see the damage that President Nelson has been causing.

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      AdamNATION 🏛️ D.C.eived
      D.C. de-see no see made blind
      D.C. 🏛️ D.C.eivers trick everybody
      Adam - Eve got sick
      Adam & Eve ill
      Evil eat from tree of death
      Tree of three branches
      Jewdicial 👨🏽‍⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      The SENATE the SIN ATE from the tree of death / Representatives of who 🦉 they represent....... Adam & Eve!!!!
      they desire make themselves fake GODS
      of 🪖 Au T.H.O.R. it y
      The House Of Representatives
      LAW OF moses (not of god)
      A WOLF moses 🪦🪦.
      wolf in sheep's clothing 👔/ wool
      2 stone tablets
      the form of tombstones 🪦🪦
      "those whom hate me
      they love death"
      False GOVERNMENT GODS ∆ 🦉 D.C. ∆ Death Cult 🏛️ 1st SAMuel 8
      D.C.eived Zeitgeist 2024
      Zeitgeist 2023 The freedom deception
      good channel

  • @freethinker1056
    @freethinker1056 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I so appreciate your faith that is not steeped in fear nor ignorance but looking at fact to create a better understanding of what and why we believe. Father is looking for Lions and not scared and ignorant sheep to lead us.
    Christ cried unto Jerusalem for the same thing Joseph did. He couldn’t do miracles because of their lack of faith. We have faith in who and what we learn to trust. We can’t trust when we don’t have knowledge to base that trust in. I think it was David O McKay who said we are here to develop a Christ like character. Christ always pointed to the Father. It creates great confidence to communicate directly with the Father through Jesus Christ. It’s harder to be led astray when communicating directly with Father. There are too many prophets throughout scripture that led the people astray because it was easier than seeking confirmation or direction from the Creator who told us to ask Him for what we needed.

  • @sonyabusby6473
    @sonyabusby6473 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I love your debate that goes on in your head. good job

  • @paultodd2826
    @paultodd2826 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    You've voiced many similar concerns that I have. Thanks for doing so.

      @CMZIEBARTH 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Others have said the same stuff before.

  • @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled
    @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The way you framed this approach to modern revelation is totally TABOO in the minds of members and esp local & general leadership. I think largely, most members dont seperate the 2 types of revelation, thus the status quo continues. I think members contribute to spiritual survival of personal revelation due to the coming chaos and disruption of communication (grid down scenario) and not due to iniquity and slothfulness and unbelief. This is why the church will have to endure the tribulations with hardship and severe persecution until we grow in faith, obedience, and worthiness via humility/affliction.

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      AdamNATION 🏛️ D.C.eived
      D.C. de-see no see made blind
      D.C. 🏛️ D.C.eivers trick everybody
      Adam - Eve got sick
      Adam & Eve ill
      Evil eat from tree of death
      Tree of three branches
      Jewdicial 👨🏽‍⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      The SENATE the SIN ATE from the tree of death / Representatives of who 🦉 they represent....... Adam & Eve!!!!
      they desire make themselves fake GODS
      of 🪖 Au T.H.O.R. it y
      The House Of Representatives
      LAW OF moses (not of god)
      A WOLF moses 🪦🪦.
      wolf in sheep's clothing 👔/ wool
      2 stone tablets
      the form of tombstones 🪦🪦
      "those whom hate me
      they love death"
      False GOVERNMENT GODS ∆ 🦉 D.C. ∆ Death Cult 🏛️ 1st SAMuel 8
      D.C.eived Zeitgeist 2024
      Zeitgeist 2023 The freedom deception
      good channel
      If I was going to bet though
      I might bet that you can't acsept truth
      If it didn't come from the prophet it can't be a message from god
      Even when god himself reveals it directly
      Deceived by people that speak magic spelling
      They speak the magic spelling
      Temple Dedication
      But the words of their mouth speak to death Temple Deadication
      They say Temple another word for body (bode) they enunciate dead
      Mission 🐏 Aries
      An evil horned GOD
      The Golden fleece
      Do you know what it is being fleeced
      Patriarch 💵
      Pay 💵 tree 🐍serpent
      Pay tree our key
      Patriarch urch 💵💵💵💵💵 the very very rich blessings of Mammon
      Lack of discernment or Deception
      or both

  • @holyroller4391
    @holyroller4391 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

    A good warm feeling is not revelation. That's why everyone is screwed up. They think a nice feeling is revelation. That thought process screws up the reality of the way revelation comes, and opens the flood gates to the devil coming in to give revelation

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      Underrated comment. This *is* the problem.
      Well, that, and the whole "the president of the church will never lead the church astray", which is probably the keystone of all falsehoods in the church.

    • @wheels636
      @wheels636 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@jasonsellers56 Why would the Lord allow his prophet's to lead his church down the wrong road? That makes absolutely no sense. Name anything the latter day prophet's have taught that wasn't what the people needed at that time in the church.

    • @JakobPGrau
      @JakobPGrau 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Polygamy @@wheels636

    • @TayLybb
      @TayLybb 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Revelation can be a confirmation like that, but it is much much more. It is light, inspiration, knowledge, guidance, etc.

      @CMZIEBARTH 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The Church does not teach that revelation is just a feeling. It's just that that's one way to begin a discussion on it.

  • @parowanprophet
    @parowanprophet 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Brother Conner From the Documentary History of the Church we read:
    "We are asked, IS THE CHURCH OF GOD, and THE KINGDOM OF GOD THE SAME organization? And we are informed that some of the brethren hold that THEY ARE SEPARATE. THIS IS THE CORRECT VIEW TO TAKE. THE KINGDOM OF GOD is a SEPARATE organization from the Church of God.
    On this point THE PROPHET JOSEPH GAVE AN EXAMPLE. which he asked the younger elders who were present to always remember. (Tell me how the LDS Authorities "TODAY" can forget Joseph Smiths instructions?) It was to the effect that men might be chosen to officiate as members of THE KINGDOM OF GOD who had NO standing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." (Documentary History of the Church 7:382)
    President Wilford Woodruff: "… said that THE KEYS of (OF) THE KINGDOM were held by Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and John Taylor and that "when he, John Taylor, passed away, IT (THE KEYS) fell upon me, (Wilford Woodruff) FOR A LITTLE WHILE." Millennial Star 52: 594 (For A little while, not to his death ! !)
    Brigham Young said: "THE KINGDOM OF GOD is all that is real worth. ALL (ALL) ELSE IS NOT WORTH POSSESSING, EITHER HERE OR HEREAFTER. Without it, ALL else would be like a dry tree PREPARED FOR THE BURNING…(H Bombs) (Journal of Discourses 8:185) But Mormons don't believe Brigham Young, their leaders today say he was wrong, in what he said in the: (Journal of Discourses 8:185) Remember. That was "THE LORDS" PROPHET SPEAKING.
    The Prophet Joseph Smith, the chief organizer of both the CHURCH AND THE KINGDOM, well knew the necessity of "Carrying on" IN MANY MATTERS INDEPENDENT OF THE CHURCH, HE SAID: "Brother Brigham, IF I were to reveal to this people what the Lord has revealed to me, THERE IS NOT A MAN OR A WOMAN THAT WOULD STAY WITH ME..." (Journal of Discourses 9:294) Today here on earth the House of God is OUT of order, so the "Church" and "The Kingdom" are not united. The Lord knew this would happen, that is why he said to Joseph:
    "And this shall be your business and mission IN ALL YOUR LIVES (LIVES) to preside in council, AND SET IN ORDER all the affairs of this Church AND Kingdom."(D & C 90:16) WHEN-WHEN the NUKES begin hitting the People will really PRAY thy will be done ON EARTH AS IN HEAVEN. Shortly to come. 3/24/ 24 Comment #160 Bless the readers.
    You cannot set something "IN" order, "unless" it is "OUT" of order. God told Joseph in 1833, that it would all get "OUT" of order and messed up. AND he, Joseph would have to "set in order all the affairs of this church AND Kingdom." Joseph was a prophet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @FleeingBabylon-Now
    @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    See 2 Ne 28 - This all about us. All the churches in the world. If you read this chapter you will know why we have no revelation as Gentiles. Our time is over and the marriage supper is called. We are too busy in Babylon so we make excuses. So the Savior will send for the ancient covenant people and then the heathen. We Gentiles will be cast off. 3 Ne 16. The Savior has spoken it so it will happen. Will we be among the few Gentiles who truly repent and help establish his covenant people?
    Yea, they have all gone out of the away; they have become corrupted.
    Because of pride, and because of false teachers, and false doctrine, their churches have become corrupted, and their churches are lifted up; because of pride they are puffed up.
    They rob the poor because of their fine sanctuaries; they rob the poor because of their fine clothing; and they persecute the meek and the poor in heart, because in their pride they are puffed up.

    • @agarber1932
      @agarber1932 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Sounds like you are describing a church that has investments worth more than $50 billion.

    • @truthbetold23762
      @truthbetold23762 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@agarber1932 the church actually has over $260 billion dollars! Building the temples only cost a very little part of the billion dollars. The church spent about 180 million dollars to charity last year. Mostly to UN.

    • @truthbetold23762
      @truthbetold23762 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The leaders are too busy to embracing the world's ideologies, DEI, LGBTia..xyz, environmental issues, world economic forum, helpingand supporting the illegal immigrations and justifying as the gathering of Israel, following the courrpt government, ..they don't leave much room for the real relvations! If you try to leave voice your concerns, the many of the blind faith members will accused you for aspocy. The apostles are going off to attend all these world Goble events such climate repentance in Egypt, world economic forum, UN which pushing for abortions and child porns education. They have no time to actually seeking the Lord's relvations!

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@truthbetold23762 The world is building a one world church group. Yikes. The kicking is at our door

    • @edtalbott564
      @edtalbott564 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Amen, Rick

  • @RunningtoHim828
    @RunningtoHim828 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Yes. Since Joseph Smith. I believe we’ve been wandering in darkness at noonday ever since polygamy was made the pinnacle of LDS doctrine.

    • @thealternativecontrarian9936
      @thealternativecontrarian9936 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      nothing since Joseph Smith eh? do you read the D&C?

    • @OmahaAreaLoya
      @OmahaAreaLoya 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@thealternativecontrarian9936 Do you mean the D&C before Joseph died or after, because you realize they aren’t the same, right?

    • @thealternativecontrarian9936
      @thealternativecontrarian9936 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@OmahaAreaLoyakeep reading

    • @The.Prepper.Princess
      @The.Prepper.Princess 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @RunningtoHim828
      @RunningtoHim828 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@The.Prepper.Princess yes, it was the preeminent doctrine of the church for over 50 years. More important and most boldly preached…. It went away but its effect remained and evolved into “families are forever”. Unfortunately there is no actual revelation and no scripture to back up this doctrine either. Joseph never taught “families are forever” and neither did he teach nor practice polygamy…. We are wandering in the wilderness.

  • @DaveGarber1975
    @DaveGarber1975 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Revelation to us as individuals depends upon our individual faith and worthiness and such---and receiving what we have already been given. I trust that revelation to the Church as a whole depends upon similar principles.

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      how many folks standing along side of the road or the foot of the cross
      Did anything to stop evil from happening
      How many people that loved the savior
      It was spoken you in the word if you could listen
      save your savior that he shall save
      im of the mind you want to do good and you want to be good
      but why
      Why do Christians
      have such a evil rendition GOD
      GOD of animal and human sacrifice
      A volcano 🌋 GOD and miniature volcano replica 🌋 alters
      "i am the way the truth and the life"
      but ye desire a GOD of blood sacrifice
      Why the religions
      have people focus
      on death in the past ✝️
      and death in the future ⚰️
      And why do they always want money on gold offering plates passed around to collect money for the gift of living in heaven
      Golden plates
      money printing plates
      and your economic system
      That's not a gift of living
      it's instead a cost of living
      "that they know the truth and the truth shall make them free"
      Religion aint free!!!!!!
      blood sacrifice & money!!!!
      money made from paper made from cotton & AdamNATION 🏛️ of cotton pickin slaves.
      Eating from the tree of death
      tree of three branches
      Jewdicial👨🏻‍⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      black Robes black Ink black Powder
      R. I. P.
      R.I.P. 🪦🪦
      LAW OF moses (not of god)
      A WOLF moses
      wolf in sheeps clothing 👔 / wool
      woolf 🐺
      🏛️ Roman Architecture Governments
      D.C.eivers filthy R.A.G.
      these Abrahamic Death Cult religions
      ✝️✡️☪️ they Love Death Sacrifices!
      How selfish they are to desire someone to pay a price for their sins rather than doing better & forgiveness
      a loving 💝 gift
      it ain't 💕 love
      its a sad thing
      they make leaders they claim authority
      the very definition of the abolishment of equality
      How do you have any sort of desire to such things
      Do you not listen to the 💕 from your own hearts
      you stop doing that so that you can listen to the dictates of men from the pulPITS of hell preaching from the parchment skin of dead animals
      later written on the paper of dead trees!!!

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      you there buddy! 🤔

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      thanks so much for the lack of acknowledgment
      I hadn't had quite enough of that over the years
      Good seeing you have the love of the saviour in your heart
      That's obviously sarcasm
      from time to time over the years you get a little cynical being rejected
      Not super fond of expressions of speech though it's almost impossible to use the English language without it so
      my human family
      That's what we are you know
      the expression is they just rip out your heart and stomp all over it
      And then everyone just looks the other way
      If you had any faith in the things you say you have faith in
      You and I will see each other someday
      On that day will you
      " just say you weren't worth my time" or say something different
      that's for 🫀⚔️

  • @johncato4412
    @johncato4412 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Felt like? We have so reduced what we consider revelation because frankly it is not happening. What does it mean if these things cease? Consult the Book of Mormon. We all are in need of repentance

  • @mikeprince9061
    @mikeprince9061 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Fantastic musing Conor.., wow! We are living in the winding up scenes when Christ shall return for the last time; wickedness at its zenith and yet type 2 revelations are non existent to our church as a whole..?! How can we not look introspectively at ourselves for this cause?! I know I can do better. The Book of Mormon is pretty clear on its warning to us living today. I don’t see how we can overcome this global secret combination that is headquartered here in America without type 2 revelations from our Savior?! Personal revelation is powerful and can protect us to some extent but I’ll be honest, type B revelation sure would put my mind and soul at ease when dealing with combinations.

  • @keithmlarsen
    @keithmlarsen 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    We've been in a holding pattern for some time now... hence the hype around marketing/rebranding announcements and, as you point out, the dearth of doctrinal revelations for many many decades now.
    Jacob 7 suggests to me that the Lord is away from the vineyard at the moment.... and the fruit is becoming wild fruit once again.

    @CMZIEBARTH 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    The Lord said to Joseph Smith that, "this generation shall have my word through you." So it's not a surprise that most of this dispensation's revelations have come through Joseph Smith. Having said that, I also fully believe we will get more revelations like the ones that you want but I don't think that trying to make everyone cynical about it is going to help. I also think President Nelson has said a few things that indicate we can expect more to come.

  • @scottderais1986
    @scottderais1986 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    When I was in the Navy I was on several ships. Each ship of course had a Captain. Each Captain did not decide where their ship was to go or why. They would recieve orders from the Admiralty High Comand stating where the ship was to go, when, and what their mission was. It was then the duty of the crew as directed by the Captain to carry out the orders of the Admiralty. In sailing the ship to that destination. it was the duty of the Captain then to judge the best course to sail in order to reach the destination and fulfill that mission. Things might occur along the way such as storms or encounters with enemy forces etc. that would necessitate the Captain to make course corrections or institute new or different ship board procedures along the way to do this. The Captain is not in constant communication with the Admiralty recieving continuous instructions on how to run the ship. He is highly trained and has proven through a series of lesser commands that he has the ability to command a ship and therefore has been given the authority and the trust of the Admiralty and High Command to make those decisions. The crew also being highly trained in their various capacities are duty bound under oath to carry out the orders of the Captain in order to fulfill that mission and reach the assigned destination. I suggest for the purpose of this analogy then that the Captain of the Church ( the ship) is the Prophet and the Admiralty the High Command is the Lord. So your "Type B" revalations would be the orders from the Admiralty (thus saith the Lord) and your "Type A" revalations would be from the Captain (Prophet/President). Now if this ship (The Church) were in a war the ship would engage in a series of campaigns and battles designed to win the war. Once the orders from the Admiralty are given the Admiralty does not issue new orders until the previous mission or battle was accomplished. So, I believe we should not always be expecting or demanding that all of our orders be the "type B" thus saith the Lord. We should be a patient and dutiful crew and carry out the "Type 1" revalations as they come confident that if we carry out our duties and responsibilities the ship will reach its destination inspite of storms and course corrections along the way. That is called faith.

    • @justinhayward42
      @justinhayward42 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well done! great analogy.

    • @waynemerrill3628
      @waynemerrill3628 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well said with the analogy of ship, captain and admiralty.

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Nice analogy, but...
      "Orders! Orders! We have got our orders, and there cannot be any more orders.
      "Because that I have spoken one order ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my campaign is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever.
      "Wherefore, because that ye have my orders ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written."
      We need more "orders" now than ever before, and many of us are striving to be worthy of them. God will *never* be done teaching us (not until we're just like Him, of course), so who are we to say that He has no more truth to share with us? Is He content with the miniscule amount that we currently know, or is it possible that the Captains have turned off their radios, thinking they know enough? Throughout literally *every* past dispensation, which one was it?

    • @bernadettedee2773
      @bernadettedee2773 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Excellent riposte jasonsellers.

    • @Nassaldromus
      @Nassaldromus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@jasonsellers56I loved the analogy and agree to your point in essence, but I believe, humbly, that if the Admiral noticed the ship getting out of line, he'd issue new orders.
      We can't deny the right of the Lord to provide revelation any time he so pleases, but something I learned in my mission was that if the spirit talks, we do as the spirit says, but in the absence of any specific guidance from the Spirit, we should strive to follow the guidelines that have already been given, whether by his own voice or through the voice of his servants.
      Type A or Type B revelations are the same, if I'm interpreting D&C 1:38 correctly.

  • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
    @CarolynAitken-yp2rq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think that the most important thing,
    is to have our own personal relationship with the Lord, that way we will always know if a revelation is from God or not because the Lord will give us the gift of discernment which is a part of having the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

  • @shereewilkinson8549
    @shereewilkinson8549 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Wow!! Great food for thought! I agree with you

  • @teinelaume
    @teinelaume 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Great presentation! Because of hard heartedness and unbelief we don't get the good stuff. 2 Nephi 28, Mormon 8, Jeremiah 23, Matthew 23, the Rameumptum people, D&C 101, 103, 124. it's all about us today. But all the modern word definitions are messed up so we are people who "see but do not see, hear but do not hear." Unfortunately our ignorance will not shield us from the judgements that are staring us in the face.
    (talking to anyone reading this) Have you ever wondered why we are under condemnation? Why we don't see the cool stuff? The scriptures say because of wickedness and unbelief the 3 Nephites were taken away, signs of the believers, taken away, More scripture? Why would we get more if we are already under condemnation for ignoring what we already have?
    How can we be wicked? Our attendance is up there, our tithing is up there, our service is off the hook. Yet we have not come unto Christ and he does not know us. We are still in our natural man clothes and are not clean, therefore we cannot come where he is. This conference, make a note of how many talks are about "keep on doing what you're doing--you're doing better than you know (flattering words), Or Repent or be destroyed, or anything about clarifying who The Gadiantons are that are running the show. (according to Nephi and Moroni we are supporting them) Also make note of which talks expand your understanding. Good hunting!

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stiff neck'd 👔 people 🤔
      AdamNATION 🏛️ D.C.eived
      D.C. de-see no see made blind
      D.C. 🏛️ D.C.eivers trick everybody
      Adam - Eve got sick
      Adam & Eve ill
      Evil eat from tree of death
      Tree of three branches
      Jewdicial 👨🏽‍⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      The SENATE the SIN ATE from the tree of death / Representatives of who 🦉 they represent....... Adam & Eve!!!!
      they desire make themselves fake GODS
      of 🪖 Au T.H.O.R. it y
      The House Of Representatives
      LAW OF moses (not of god)
      A WOLF moses 🪦🪦.
      wolf in sheep's clothing 👔/ wool
      2 stone tablets
      the form of tombstones 🪦🪦
      "those whom hate me
      they love death"
      False GOVERNMENT GODS ∆ 🦉 D.C. ∆ Death Cult 🏛️ 1st SAMuel 8
      D.C.eived Zeitgeist 2024
      Zeitgeist 2023 The freedom deception
      good channel
      If I was going to bet though
      I might bet that you can't acsept truth
      If it didn't come from the prophet it can't be a message from god
      Even when god himself reveals it directly
      Deceived by people that speak magic spelling
      They speak the magic spelling
      Temple Dedication
      But the words of their mouth speak to death Temple Deadication
      They say Temple another word for body (bode) they enunciate dead
      Mission 🐏 Aries
      An evil horned GOD
      The Golden fleece
      Do you know what it is being fleeced
      Patriarch 💵
      Pay 💵 tree 🐍serpent
      Pay tree our key
      Patriarch urch 💵💵💵💵💵 the very very rich blessings of Mammon
      Lack of discernment or Deception
      or both

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Exactly. Once you see the scriptures like Jeremiah 23 you realize that all the ancient prophets spoke of the same thing.

    • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
      @CarolynAitken-yp2rq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yes and I often wonder why the prophet Moroni got struck by lightning off the Temple a few years ago, it was changed to that of Jesus but was it the change that The Lord was looking for? Maybe there was something else wrong that he was trying to turn our attention to and it had nothing to do with Moroni but we just didn’t get it, or in other words, the penny hasn’t dropped yet Just a thought .

  • @infin8teminds
    @infin8teminds 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    If you want real revelation, listen to Denver Snuffer 10 talks! The talks will blow your mind and speak to your very soul! if you have ears to hear and eyes to see. Also, thank you for your talk in this video. I’m glad to see more people are waking up to the deception we have been enslaved to all these years.

    • @3848sdgriwb
      @3848sdgriwb 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @kristinecase8602
      @kristinecase8602 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Agree! He has continuing revelation!

    • @americanmanstan2381
      @americanmanstan2381 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I went to his website. I have no idea what you're talking about insofar as "10 talks".

  • @osml2499
    @osml2499 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Connor, you asked for our thoughts, so here are mine: 1) when the Lord said to Joseph that this generation shall have His words through him (Joseph), He might have intended that to be more literal than we would otherwise like 2) God gave this church The Book of Mormon and He expects us to receive personal revelation and guidance from this new covenant - the spokesman of Joseph 3) The Type A revelation (as you described it) allows for the growth of the church throughout the world - the day-to-day type achievements 4) You know all too well the works of the enemy and the tares. If our leaders were giving us the "Thus saith the Lord" Type B revelation, we might not be able to accomplish as much growth as we have because we would be a direct target of the enemy's wrath. As it is there are certainly tares among us causing havoc, so imagine battling more on both fronts. You may be hearing a prophetic voice from our fellow brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ who are receiving specific, blunt and bold words and that is needed for the day we are in. Your views on our need for a collective unity of faith are true because our book is unfinished and we need that sealed portion to be revealed. I just feel that we need to be careful to desire that our leaders be more Type B because what may follow might break us. Love you brother and love your works and your faith.

  • @daleclark7127
    @daleclark7127 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Revelation should also be personal and doesn’t have to come from the institutional church. We will receive when we are ready. Our faith and diligence lacks in modern time and we are basically warring in our church today unfortunately.

  • @awfulwaffle1341
    @awfulwaffle1341 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    One possibility is that we’ve already been given foundation of revelation for this dispensation and we don’t necessarily need much more of the type B kind. You may have noticed that the majority of revelations in D&C are from the first few years of the Restoration. There needed to be a lot more in beginning to lay that foundation.

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      "We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!" but God says, "for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them will be taken away even that which they have....Wo be unto the Gentiles for they will deny me." 2 Nephi 28: 28-32. who are the Gentiles? "us, who are identified with the Gentiles." D&C 109:60

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Actually we killed the real prophet and his brother, the only ones with keys for the whole church. God does not change as Moroni said and the comment here as well. It is always us, just as in the BOM, who go astray.

    • @bernadettedee2773
      @bernadettedee2773 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What makes you think that subsewuent prophets didnot receive all of the priesthood keys for the church since Josephs time?

  • @davenichols4352
    @davenichols4352 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Inspired care takers? Sad that what we have is not enough.

  • @MegaJohn144
    @MegaJohn144 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Not for me, and not for several other individuals I could name. If it has stopped for the church, it's because they aren't humble enough to ask. The world needs a living prophet now, but than ever, and those claiming to be "prophets" are asleep at the switch.

  • @osml2499
    @osml2499 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Connor, I will add this to my comments. It would be a grand thing for the membership of the church - especially the members of the priesthood - to awaken to the power that we have through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This is one thing I have learned from Pastor Green at JGM International Ministries is that we have power through His Name to call down the works of darkness! I had a recent conversation about doing this in prayer with a High Priest (in his 80's) and his answer to me was "that's above my paygrade." That is nonsense. We are children of the Most High, children of the covenant and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we awaken to the works of destruction around us (done by the tares and the great and abominable church - the secret combinations) we have Christ's power and authority to speak words against them - words of failure to their plans, plots and schemes, call forth confusion in their camps, use specific words against specific names (as we come to know them). This is one thing our brothers & sisters in the Body of Christ are getting right and can teach us at this time. We perform works of righteousness and our words in our prayers can be our swords against the hidden darkness!

  • @bartercoins
    @bartercoins 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Personal revelation still happens and church revelation also still happens in the sense that the leadership receives guidance from the Holy Spirit on how to direct the church operations, what callings to extend, who they should be extended to, etc.
    Revelations that puts forth more church doctrine has altogether ceased, or at least is supposed to cease. Only Joseph Smith was granted the privilege of receiving revelations for the church that manifest God's mysteries. The other leaders of the church have the obligation of _teaching_ those revelations. This is the order of the church until the end-time Elias (see Matt. 16:10-11) appears. After Elias appears, he will _reveal_ all things and then _restore_ all things. Only Elias is authorized to reveal the rest of the mysteries. So, the Mormon leadership, although they possess Elias' keys, are careful to only use those keys within a very narrow parameter, so as to not bring destruction upon their heads.
    After Elias appears, he will get his keys back from the leadership, and then will take control of the church until Jesus returns. In the meantime, those men who currently hold Elias' keys make all the decisions, and their guiding principle is: keep the church works happening until Elias shows up. Then, at that time, they will take their orders and instructions from Elias, who will re-organize the saints and the world so that they can finally ripen as wheat and tares.

  • @Nassaldromus
    @Nassaldromus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The point is valid, as there have not been additional sections added to the scriptures, but here are a few thoughts I'd like to share:
    1) i know revelation has not stopped, because I've received plenty of it. Some by a strong urge to do (or not to do) something, some with direct words spoken to my mind, some by dreams, by interruptions that make me get to a place at a particular time, and, at least twice, by an audible voice.
    2) Could the Proclamations to the World be considered scripture? Could they one day be canonized? Will they?
    3) the Church has stated several times that the Conference talks published in Church magazines are continuing scripture. So, perhaps we are looking for something that has been before us the whole time.

  • @allisonhansen364
    @allisonhansen364 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I feel the same, Connor. I am blessed to associate with many other good Christian people not of our church, and they have the Holy Ghost influencing them and giving them “type A” revelations, too, as they faithfully seek them. So what would make what we have any different? I think the true gift of the Holy Ghost is more than just receiving instruction, and I think “continuing revelation” MUST include the “type B” revelations, else we are very much the same as many other Christian people/churches.
    Oh, and one example of our probable lack of understanding of it (I still have so much to learn myself!): A few years ago we had a visiting authority for a stake conference. I had noticed there were more JSTs in my digital scriptures than my hard copy I had used in seminary years ago. I asked the authority why that was. He proceeded to say something about continuing revelation in the church. Was that really why we had more? Or had we just been given copyright permission to print more of them than before? Thus we see that those in authority might not even fully understand.

  • @jaromjones7087
    @jaromjones7087 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I grew up in a family rather against vaccinations. I’m not necessarily for or against it. But when the first presidency encouraged us to get the shot I felt that I should do it.
    I’m so grateful I did this. Not necessarily for anything to do with health. But I ended up later being guided to move to Cambodia to get married to my now eternal companion. If I didn’t take the shot I wouldn’t have been allowed in the country. I also felt I needed to get sealed as soon as possible and the nearest temple was in the Philippines. They also required vaccines to enter the country.
    So for me getting the shots opened up doors to getting married and sealed to my eternal companion, while if I wouldn’t have then I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now

  • @tennisgirl57
    @tennisgirl57 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I have been praying for the Lord to guide me and what he wanted me to learn. The topic of polygamy kept coming up, but I would ignore that because I was OK with polygamy and didn't want to mess with it. finally after several prompts, I took the deep dive and discovered polygamy was never from God that we have twisted Jacob 2 in the book of Mormon, so we could practice this abomination. It's my impression until we really repent as a church for practicing polygamy we probably won't get much new revelation.

    • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
      @CarolynAitken-yp2rq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Anyone who’s okay with polygamy must be a fella because I’ve never met a sister that’s been okay with it yet, but obviously all the brethren are!

  • @kdeltatube
    @kdeltatube 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good job, truth spoken. Strive to not be amongst the tares.

  • @The.Prepper.Princess
    @The.Prepper.Princess 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Man I feel so sad about this. I find it difficult to call the early saints who traveled west against all odds slothful and faithless. I mean I know they could have been better (everyone could be) but there were so many people who sacrificed everything.

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      My family was in the Martin Hand Cart company who suffered so much. Family of 5 with little kids. They made it alive. I honor them for their faith and tenacity. And the Lord uses all situations for his purposes, and he blesses individually. But this story was about a people who failed as a group to repent and humble themselves and come unto Christ.( D&C 101, 103, 124) otherwise they would "not have been removed from their place." They were first under condemnation, then rejected as a church and basically driven out, not led out in power by God. it was a repeat of Moses' group. And we have been wandering in the wilderness for a long time and we forgot the goal which was to build Zion. A people compatible with City of Enoch. Or how else will we "fall on each other's necks" and cry in joy?

    • @bernadettedee2773
      @bernadettedee2773 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Desperate times led to desperate measures. But where was the wisdom and discernment in setting off into the teeth of Winter extremely unprotected from all depredations? Another sheep following the loudest voice scenario bludgeoned further by the cudgel of the lyrics "follow the prophet, dont go astraaay". I f 30:42 eel for those pioneers but also wuestion whether any of yhem prayed about it for themselves.

    • @The.Prepper.Princess
      @The.Prepper.Princess 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bernadettedee2773 so you might have stayed in a situation with no money to last the winter and no shelter amidst a hostile people. I think their odds were not good either way. And you don't think they would have prayed about it? They left everything behind. People don't just do that for no reason.

    • @bernadettedee2773
      @bernadettedee2773 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@The.Prepper.PrincessEmma Smith managed to survive pretty well in that "hostile environment".

    • @The.Prepper.Princess
      @The.Prepper.Princess 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bernadettedee2773 she wasn't thousands of homeless saints.

  • @tammigarlick1234
    @tammigarlick1234 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have a different analogy of the prophets words on “in the coming days…” I feel He is warning of the loss of faith that will come from many false prophets who will set themselves up to plant seeds of doubt and confusion concerning the revelations and direction coming from the leadership in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      here are some of the prophets you mentioned: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nephi, Moroni and much more who saw our day. Look closer at their message. The "Gentiles" they are talking about are us. D&C 109:60 They are talking to the people that have their record. So that would be us. try 2 Nephi 28, Mormon 8, Jeremiah 23, Isaiah 1, 28,29; JST. Psalm 14:1-7. JST Isaiah 42:19-23 calls us a people "seeing many things but observest not, opening the ears but hearest not." It is human nature to pin these things on someone else. The thing we are in trouble for is not understanding what "come unto Christ" means. And not doing it. And because of that, judgement is coming "and it will begin in my house." Matt 23:13 was shown to me after much searching and fasting. I was surprised too. And I never would have tied these scriptures to our current leadership had I not received it in this in this way. (about 6 years of searching)

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@teinelaume Very well said. There is a true path that is arduous, strait and narrow, very well laid out in the Bible and Book of Mormon. But rather than that path, focus everyone on another path, the covenant path and glittery temples and leave the sermon on the mount undone. We sure do not change much in 2000 years.

  • @davidmerrill8422
    @davidmerrill8422 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you Bro. Connor for taking on such a Topic that could be Problematic for some members. I might add, you're very courageous for doing so.
    There are a few points of interest I'd like to mention such as what Pres. Hinckley shared within an interview between himself and Larry King when Pres. Hinckley attempted to answer L. King's question, "What is it like to receive Revelation?"
    Pres. Hinkley's answer was Profoundly Interesting if not problematic.
    I will have to find the Transcript of that Interview so as to provide you a Date of the Interview including a Verbatim answer to his response.

  • @gwendolynwyne
    @gwendolynwyne 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well said, Connor. Whatever the reason is that revelation-the kind that reveals truth previously unknown-has dried up, “it’s our fault.” Time to take personal ownership of our individual spiritual growth, and then watch in awe as that changes the church (and world).

  • @Kristy_not_Kristine
    @Kristy_not_Kristine 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just as there was no direct revelation from God to deny black people the priesthood, there's no revelation where the Lord gave Brigham authority to restore His name back to the Church of the Latter Day Saints....

  • @Vibeagain
    @Vibeagain 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @clarestucki5151
    @clarestucki5151 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's very difficult to determine where a 'non-visitation' revelation originates. The far more interesting question we should be wondering about is, why has not a single one of the 16 prophets that have succeeded Joseph Smith has ever received a single visitation from a resurrected being???

  • @scottdean8576
    @scottdean8576 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Why have no prophets after Joseph Smith not finished the translation of the Bible? These men receive revelation? Joseph Smith began a translation (the "Joseph Smith Translation") but did not finish it before his death.

    • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
      @CarolynAitken-yp2rq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good question, but I couldn’t for The life of me answer it, in fact I’d never even thought of it till you mentioned it now!

    • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
      @CarolynAitken-yp2rq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good question, but I couldn’t for The life of me answer it, in fact I’d never even thought of it till you mentioned it now!

    • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
      @CarolynAitken-yp2rq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good question, but I couldn’t for The life of me answer it, in fact I’d never even thought of it till you mentioned it now!

    • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
      @CarolynAitken-yp2rq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good question, but I couldn’t for The life of me answer it, in fact I’d never even thought of it till you mentioned it now!

    • @CarolynAitken-yp2rq
      @CarolynAitken-yp2rq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good question, but I couldn’t for The life of me answer it, in fact I’d never even thought of it till you mentioned it now!

  • @bernadettedee2773
    @bernadettedee2773 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Actually I heard that the oldest apostles took it immediately but didnt know who did later or dudnt. I would bet that Elder Bednar didbt as his "outrageously discomfiting" talk on us being urged to seek our own revelation or such like which obviously got wiped off media pretty darned quick.

  • @mrmod123
    @mrmod123 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Maybe the United Nations will help us get there 😉

    • @Vibeagain
      @Vibeagain 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @lindagale5584
    @lindagale5584 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It seems like in the BofM that there are several "writers" who wrote only a very few verses, declaring no new doctrinal revelations had been received by them. Perhaps the heavens were iron at that time also.

  • @josephaney
    @josephaney 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You mentioned about blacks and the priesthood and I want to comment on that, but first I want to say something about the gift of revelation. The Lord called me to prayer when I was 12. When I was 13, the Lord gave me the gift of revelation. The way it works is found in D&C 9:8-9. I have been receiving daily revelation ever since then. This was back in the 1960's. In those days , the civil right movement was in full swing and Blacks and the Priesthood was a hot topic. One of the questions people were asking was why blacks could not hold the priesthood. It seemed like a legitimate question to ask God, so I asked him. Why cannot blacks have the priesthood. The Lord said two words, spiritual immaturity, but left it up to me to decide what that meant. At that point in time, I was 14, I was very much influenced by the Mormon White supremist attitude to think that the spiritual immaturity was to say that Blacks were too spiritually immature to have the priesthood. But then, I grew up and at one time, I was very involved with black people and actually attended a black church and discovered that many black Christians were much more spiritually mature than white Mormons. And now as you have pointed out, it seems that Brigham Young and later generations of Church leaders were very spiritually immature and too immature to accept black men into the priesthood. Another guy asked me during the same time period about why we only sent missionaries to white people and the Lord told me about lineage and the rights of the priesthood. The chosen lineage has a right to priesthood, whereas giving the priesthood to others who are not of the chosen lineage may receive priesthood but not as a right. It was like the story of Jesus and the Syrian women who asked for a blessing for her daughter and Jesus told her that his ministry was for the lost sheep of Israel. When the priesthood was restored, at first, it was the same thing, to the house of Israel first and then to all others later, which ties in with spiritual maturity. The Lord was waiting for the members of the church to be spiritually mature enough to accept people of other races into the church.

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks for your comment. The seed of Lehi are the blacks of America. We just do not see it or want to see it. There are many channels on the tube that go over histories and books form the 1600's and 1700's that show easily the people here especially in the east and south of America were copper colored all the way to black as Ethiopians. They will receive and are receiving revelations, dreams and visions while we languish in the false traditions. God is already doing a mighty work among them while we deny the right to go to the marriage supper as we are too busy with Babylon.

  • @TubularMag
    @TubularMag 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    FWIW the official declarations are included in the D&C, not the Pearl of Great Price.

  • @BillPowers-qy8bp
    @BillPowers-qy8bp 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Do not be critical sir! The words of the Lord can be heard through his servants the prophets... Focus on our next general conference and former conferences. The choice is yours.. Brother Powers

    • @BillPowers-qy8bp
      @BillPowers-qy8bp 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CarolynAitken-yp2rq Amen, Carolyn

  • @SpiritualBerserker
    @SpiritualBerserker 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    The only revelation that Skull and Bone’s prophets have received is “safe and effective” and “a literal Godsend”.

    • @brightdaysahead382
      @brightdaysahead382 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Except they’ve said that recommendation was not a revelation.

    • @SpiritualBerserker
      @SpiritualBerserker 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@brightdaysahead382 I was mocking them. It’s all they can come up with. “Trust medical officials and government leaders” they said over a 99.98% survivability rate virus. They have to go along with Agenda 30 as the little good sheep follow along.

    • @lafrancehannele6884
      @lafrancehannele6884 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Much talked about subject. The exposing of the arm as an example made most " follow the prophet". It caused much division in wards as a few of us ward members refused to " follow", because our personal belief or revelation prevented us to bow down to it, any of it.We were not well " understood".

    • @OmahaAreaLoya
      @OmahaAreaLoya 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      They did not say it was not a revelation. Everything about the way they handled it, strongly communicated that they considered it both a revelation and a commandment.

    • @defythegrid9577
      @defythegrid9577 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      They blatantly lied and said the only way out of the pandemic is if a large percentage of the people get injected. What about the gift of healing? What about priesthood blessings?

  • @Dadeeo
    @Dadeeo 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The brethren are unable to speak frankly about the pressing issues of our day because of the wickedness of our society and the corruption of our laws.

    • @vladtheimpalerofyourmom-ag5112
      @vladtheimpalerofyourmom-ag5112 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also because they have no connection with a deity, are liars and frauds to various degrees (depending to what degree they truly believe) and are just men.
      They all kiss Nelson behind but none quite with the passion as he does his own.
      They can speak to the issues of our time as well as any elder religious figure.
      They can speak frankly, just they are getting less bold because it is easier to not have these big “revelations” questions regarding warm feelings are easier to explain when asked questions than meetings with heavenly beings, visitations, visions and meetings with deity.

  • @lynncannon7484
    @lynncannon7484 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So any teachings by our leaders that is not proceeded by "thus sayeth the Lord" cannot be trusted as true? That leaves out most of what they are teaching.

  • @TheSocstar
    @TheSocstar 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Home study, church supported was a revelation. Deffinalty Proclamation Of The Family was inspired revelation for our time.

  • @imboredimbored8252
    @imboredimbored8252 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Connor, so what are your thoughts on the counsel that church members should not share their spiritual experiences in Church, but only privately? Because it was not always that way in the church. From the founding of the church until late 1800's it was common for church members to share their experiences, but that ended with a change in policy. Do you think it is a good thing that church members keep all of their experiences to themselves?

    • @bernadettedee2773
      @bernadettedee2773 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Huh i have never heard that across any pulpit or Gen Conf report in NZ. Only re sharing our Patriarchal Blessings only privately

  • @Aristotle33
    @Aristotle33 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The encouragement for the Saints to receive more revelation is always welcomed and should be received.
    I don’t think you made the case that we are in desperate need of the “thus saith the Lord” type of revelation. Would it be exciting? Sure! Is it needed? I can’t think of a current question that needs answering that will exceed the desire for some curiosity to be entertained.
    The Lord has laid out his plan for this dispensation and given commandments. Have we learned them all? Are we striving to fulfill them all? If the answer is no, then perhaps we should redirect the context of revelation from receiving new commandments to receive grace and strength to fulfill those commandments already given?

    • @dudeofdixie
      @dudeofdixie 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This attitude is exactly what Joseph Smith was annoyed with. What need have we of revelation? We're good to go, just coast along! A Bible! A Bible! We have a Bible?
      Sound familiar?

    • @Aristotle33
      @Aristotle33 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No, that does not sound familiar to my post. What new commandments do you need that you don’t already have?
      And what timing urgency are you saying is the priority precisely?

    • @dudeofdixie
      @dudeofdixie 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Aristotle33 why need continuing revelation?! Why have a prophet! For the heavens are sealed and all is revealed!
      If I knew what else was pertaining to the kingdom of God then I'd be telling you as a Prophet, Seer and Revelator, right?

    • @Aristotle33
      @Aristotle33 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sure! I love those things too. Should we wait upon the Lord, or should we begin setting arbitrary timelines? As far as we know, the Lord has at least a 7000 year old earth plan and our lifetimes are a short part of that.
      Rather than doubting whether there is something amiss in the timing of new cannonized verses, perhaps we should be experts at understanding the commandments of this dispensation and whether we are accomplishing our part of the plan now?

  • @seanvolk4202
    @seanvolk4202 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    It has seemed to me for a while that Joseph Smith was a balance point of sorts. Had he been more widely embraced, more would have followed, since he was rejected, less flowed. But, it’s only my opinion, I could be very wrong.

    • @The_Troll
      @The_Troll 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @seanvolk4202, Joseph ALWAYS taught against polygamy. Read Jacob chapter 2 in the Book of Mormon. Look at section CI (101) in the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants. The church as a whole accepted polygamy, and look where it has taken us.

  • @samuelcoleman3658
    @samuelcoleman3658 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have been compyling lots of other uncanonized revelations from President John Taylor, Wilford, and Joseph F Smith!

  • @nathanbigler
    @nathanbigler 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    President Nelson said that the 2015 exclusion policy was a revelation and children with gay parents wouldn't be baptized. He also said when he rescinded the policy he had received a revelation. I doubt both were revelations. That wouldn't make sense

    • @IBNED
      @IBNED 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I among many others heard from the spirit that his was not right and it would be recended and it was...

    • @nathanbigler
      @nathanbigler 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@IBNED lol, why didn't Russell Nelson share that message? You get more revelations than him?

  • @dudeofdixie
    @dudeofdixie 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have "complained" that the spirit of Joseph Smith Jr has left our people and leaders. We have floated on the status quo waiting for Jesus for generations.
    At least the RLDS kept that idea going, albeit going over a cliff, at least they kept that spirit alive.
    We have now become a people who would sneer and turn up their collective nose on a 14 year old boy looking to learn more than the gerontocracy set in their ways.

  • @Cyle-1
    @Cyle-1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Before listening to the whole thing..I think that modern revelations are more commonly just put into practice through policy, programs and other action. Rather than being a written press release style of what the exact words of the revelation was. Certainly we are not living up to our privileges and rights and obligations. People like the appearance of things. Not practicing it in their own lives.
    What’s cool is grabbing a pen and journal. Study the scriptures and let the revelation flow on to that paper.

  • @davenichols4352
    @davenichols4352 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Proverbs 3: 5-6

    @CMZIEBARTH 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We also have to keep in mind that Joseph Smith himself gave a lot of written revelations and then his *written* revelations began to taper off.

  • @3blenders
    @3blenders 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    2 things:
    brigham young error #1 priesthood restrictions black blah blah blah, and #2 polygamy blah blah blah
    “error” is debatable- maybe a timely matter to be adjusted, which was adjusted.
    “revelation”, a revelation is as far as I am concerned and educated, is anything that is directed and confirmed as TRUE by the Holy Ghost.
    What revelation is worthy of canonizing? My opinion is that any revelation received by the Body of Church Leadership in A Whole, All the of the Leadership. Was BY’s priesthood restriction canonized and was it approved by the whole Quorum body approved as directed by the HG? Does a mistake disqualify the act alone or the entire prophetic qualification and leadership authorization of that particular prophet? Did Abraham, Isaak, Jacob, even Malachi, Lehi, Nephi, Joseph, Joseph Smith, even perhaps Moses or Noah etc make a mistake and or where false prophecy ever carried on as false traditions? What is our assurance of truth and correct truth? Os not that answer also of revelatory significance on a personal even world wide level? Is my own revelation from God of equal significant importance and who should care about it? The answer is that it is significant to me and between God and Me it is of equal significance f not of more significant relevance as and than anything that a prophet reveals coming from the same God that I am in contact with. I my opinion its a a Beauty.

  • @adamshaffer1232
    @adamshaffer1232 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The successor that was appointed by the prophet Joseph Smith, and the presidents after him, had continuing revelation in the Community of Christ. The fact that Brigham Young usurped authority over the Utah church is the most plausible explanation for the lack of revelation there.

  • @Pay-It_Forward
    @Pay-It_Forward 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    18:49 *(Mosiah **8:17**). So if you realize that the Seers are frequently wrong on divine guidance, why are you still assuming them Seers?*

  • @Hpencer
    @Hpencer 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No it hasnt. But the LDS Church leaders aren't prophets.

  • @rhyde0731
    @rhyde0731 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I pray we get living oracles on our Heavenly Mother soon

    • @artietate2348
      @artietate2348 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Cringe idolatry.

    • @rhyde0731
      @rhyde0731 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@artietate2348 Cringe misogyny

    • @GAILandROD
      @GAILandROD 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      there is a really good reason we don't or won't. You think Heavenly Father would expose her to such vile insults and taking her name in vain etc. No real man would subject his eternal companion to such things. Can you just trust Heavenly Father in His reasons? Why tempt God?

    • @rhyde0731
      @rhyde0731 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@GAILandROD respectfully, you may be, but I could never be okay, let alone have eternal joy if my children were not allowed to talk to me, if my husband shouldered all the responsibility and received all the glory even though we were co-partners in creation. What good mother is so off limits that her children are barely even allowed to talk about her let alone to her? Heavenly Mother is only hinted at in the temple where women are promised to become queens and priestesses. If the fulfillment of that promise means a woman will lead a protected life in her husband’s shadow during the mortal probation of her children’s lives, does that sound like an eternal reward most women would actually want? And forgive me, but just because you are standing in the sun while I am standing in the rain, does it really help someone standing in the rain to tell them it’s not raining? Let’s take our baptismal covenant of mourning with those that mourn seriously instead of gaslighting those people by telling them they are wrong to mourn the lack of revelation on our Heavenly Mother. Have a blessed day.

    • @brightdaysahead382
      @brightdaysahead382 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@rhyde0731 Children on both sides of the veil are her children. I've thought it's possible that she is mostly involved in our lives when on the other side and Heavenly Father over our lives here.

  • @Pay-It_Forward
    @Pay-It_Forward 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    *The LDS church has Joseph's brown Tiger Eye Seer Stone. Why don't the Seers just turn it on? Isn't that their job duty?*

  • @sdb816
    @sdb816 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Generally agree, but the Proclamation on the Family is doctrine. Reiterated time and time again, even in the most recent GC. Those who think otherwise fall into the progressive camp who argue about same sex lifestyles and gender roles. There is a danger in rationalizing / critiquing everything.

    • @cboyack
      @cboyack  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Didn’t say it wasn’t doctrine. But it wasn’t any kind of new revelation.

    • @FleeingBabylon-Now
      @FleeingBabylon-Now 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@cboyack Exactly

    • @james8996
      @james8996 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@cboyackGOD showed the Hebrew Israelites his Church the End from the beginning, Now The LDS Mormons are saying that they are the church that Jesus started ok let's see from the Bible When did Jesus church started and what happened to it from the Bible ok , ACTS 7:36-38 The Bible teaches that the church was started in the wilderness but was Jesus there ( 1 Corinthians 10:1-4) According to the Bible Yes he was Now what happened to the church ( Daniel 9:9-12) What Curses are we Taking about ( Deuteronomy 28:16-68, Leviticus 26:14-36, So what happened to the church ( Isaiah 5:1-7,13, Luke 21:20-24) When Was the Mormon church sold into Slavery all over the World when was the Mormon church walking in the desert for 40 years Does the Mormon church fit all the Curses the Answer is No , So According to the Bible is the LDS GODS church ( No

  • @rbvmtr
    @rbvmtr 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I would but I get attacked for it.

  • @StevenRetz
    @StevenRetz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No evidence of verifiable revelation.

  • @dankrause5665
    @dankrause5665 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Does anyone know if it will be the 3 translated nephite apostles who will translate and bring the sealed portions of the Book of Mormon?

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I don't know if they'll do that, but I know the Book of Mormon does say this:
      "Yea even among the Gentiles shall there be a great and marvelous work wrought by [the three Nephites], before that judgment day."
      - 3 Nephi 28: 32
      I look forward to finding out what that "great and marvelous work" will be!

  • @beoneB1
    @beoneB1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This might help us individually as well as collectively: From the Prophet Joseph Smith
    “God hath not revealed anything to Joseph, but what He will make known unto the Twelve, and even the least Saint may know all things as fast as he is able to bear them” (History of the Church, 3:380).

    @CMZIEBARTH 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There's more good information out there on the priesthood ban.

  • @geography_guy335
    @geography_guy335 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I think that we've largely moved past the point where the prophet gives revelation that start with "Thus saith the Lord". Even in the Doctrine and Covenants you can see those kinds of revelations becoming less and less.

  • @sdb816
    @sdb816 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What you’re identifying as legitimate revelation is too limited.

  • @fightingfortruth9806
    @fightingfortruth9806 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "According to D&C 84, we are not walking the walk." You speak for yourself, not me.

  • @BattleStarPegasus1
    @BattleStarPegasus1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    We haven hot complied to what has been given like repeating Wheels636: Example:
    The late Dr Roberts, the then Dean of the History Department at the then Weber State Collage in my presence concerning the evens in the life of his grandfather Brigham Henry Roberts and his Grandmother who related the story . His grandmother related that BH Roberts, her husband after marrying a much younger lady, was then left at sitting at home while her husband took his younger wife to the dances and other social activities.
    What I gather about that situation, like the United Order, too many men apparently abused the "Principle" thus as God does in His wisdom like in days of old and where the Lord called Nebuchadnezzar " His servant" in that Nebuchadnezzar II did to Jerusalem what He Himself would have had accomplished if ole Neb was not around, God let's life happen and withdraws His protection, or rather the when the people withdrawals from God's protection.

    • @The_Troll
      @The_Troll 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @BattleStarPegasus1, Richard Roberts was the CO of my National Guard company (142nd MI, Linguist) and we carpooled together to guard meetings. It's great to learn from a real historian.

    • @BattleStarPegasus1
      @BattleStarPegasus1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@The_Troll Totally agree! A former ASA 98J-20/96D-30 and

  • @greentree_
    @greentree_ 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The question everyone should be asking is, What is the FRUIT of this channel? By their fruits ye shall know them.

    • @defythegrid9577
      @defythegrid9577 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Fruits are miracles and gifts of the spirit.

    • @iz_not_was
      @iz_not_was 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      & here's other revelation about a
      fake GOD Thor
      Church false AuTHORity
      the House of the LORD /
      Law & ORDinanCES
      T.H.O.R. The House Of Representatives
      they want make themselves GODS
      "Have I not said ye are GOD'S" 😞
      those forms of authority evil
      it's abolishment of equality
      Adam and Eve got sick
      Adam and Eve ill
      Evil eating from the tree of death
      They blindly speak magic spelling
      Temple Dedication but the words of their mouths speak death
      Temple Deadication
      Temple another word for (bode) body
      They pronounce dead
      Lack Discernment
      Mission 🐏 Aries ♈
      The Golden fleece
      members getting fleeced
      Aries the evil horned fake GOD 👹
      baphomet devil
      Patriarch 💵
      Pay 💵 tree 🐍 on
      Pay 💵 tree our key
      💵 Patriarch urch Deception
      The desire make themselves GODS
      of Au THOR it y
      D.C. de-see no see made blind
      blind lady justice Blind leading blind ⚖️ 🗡️
      Die Christ
      Death Crucifixion
      Dec eive CONgregation
      D.C.eive Citizens
      Divide ➗ CONquer 🏳️‍🌈 with a
      Democratic CONgress
      Dollars Cents
      Declaration CONstitution
      CONmen of CONdemNATION
      AdamNation 🏛️ D.C.eived
      Red pill Republican / rabbit hole fiction
      Blue pill Democratic / stay asleep & beLIEve anything girlboy
      both pills offer of MoreFeeUs 🏛️
      Says he's offering you the truth but hes a lie D.C.eiver
      Zeitgeist 2023 The Freedom Deception
      D.C.eived Zeitgeist
      Elect trick Election Fraud THIS IS HOW THEY DECEIVE YOU 🐑 EWE
      Cognitive dissonance will make it so that you want to turn the video off before it's over
      It takes strength of heart
      💕 strong
      🤗 💕🌱 We can make heaven & free everybode & live a gift of living!!!
      I think you don't want me to go into fruits too much
      I'll give you some of the the goodness should you desire & say it
      The churches fruits not so much so good

    • @brightdaysahead382
      @brightdaysahead382 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Did you listen to the whole episode?. In this one there is a call and motivation to be more worthy to receive revelation. Which is what the prophet has been begging us to do. You know “time is running out” “ In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” Are you one who will fly to pieces like glass if a prophet reveals something that’s uncomfortable to you? We do have false traditions that will have to be done away with. (It’s in the BOM)

    • @thedailydump7407
      @thedailydump7407 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Knowledge itself, whether we like the specific information or not, is a good fruit.

    • @greentree_
      @greentree_ 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I sense a slight spirit of rebellion in these videos; a spirit of rebellion that is still in the beginning stages, leading to possible apostasy. You all be aware, that’s all I’m saying.

  • @3848sdgriwb
    @3848sdgriwb 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Interesting topic connor unfortunately the dialogue seems to be attracting demons

  • @Pay-It_Forward
    @Pay-It_Forward 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    17:56 *Therefore all the statements of Brigham Young would have to be true, is this statement is true. There is another option: (BOTH ARE WRONG)*

  • @WalterReade
    @WalterReade 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It misses the mark to call personal revelation "superficial". Latter-day Saints striving to receive and act upon these revelations makes a tremendous positive impact locally and globally.

  • @wheels636
    @wheels636 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I don't think revelations have ceased, but for some because they refuse to listen to the prophet's perhaps the heaven's are shut. We have to live what the prophet's have revealed in order to receive more information.

    • @johncato4412
      @johncato4412 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This is historically and scripturally untrue. Many of the revelations in the early church were chastisements and corrections to members. If all had to live up to what was given before receiving more, it would be an awfully short canon

    • @wheels636
      @wheels636 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @johncato4412 The Lord will chastise those who he love's however to receive more and grow a person must be doing something to invite his spirit into their lives.

      @CMZIEBARTH 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      There are quotes out there about current and recent general authorities and others having received special experiences and visitations but they often get ignored by people who are not ready for them.

    • @jum5238
      @jum5238 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Think of what the prophet's not allowed to share, because it would bring further condemnation through our refusal to obey, or be further prepared. President Nelson has invited us to be more spiritually prepared to receive revelation. If that's not a message to the members, I don't know what is.

      @CMZIEBARTH 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jum5238President Russell M. Nelson has extended a simple, powerful invitation: “My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation. … Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.” October 2019

  • @beckywright7906
    @beckywright7906 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Where is it???

  • @Hala-ataa
    @Hala-ataa 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Revelations *are* happening.
    There are prophets on the earth who have personally met the Savior in as real a way as Joseph Smith.
    Their wisdom is unmatched.
    Their prophecies come true.
    We [you] don’t know about them though. Because they’re not leaders of the LDS Church. They don’t wear expensive suits nor speak at huge conferences. And they never will. In fact, their words condemn LDS leaders.
    I am a witness to what I’ve just said.

    • @ginaetodd3374
      @ginaetodd3374 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And so, you are wrong. But you don’t have any corner on the market of being deceived by false prophets. That “prophet” you follow has been deceived as well. The blind leading the blind.
      You will one day remember my words to you here and know that I told you the Truth. This is my witness, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ.

    • @Hala-ataa
      @Hala-ataa 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ginaetodd3374 Maybe you’re right and I’m wrong. But I have a question for you.
      How can you automatically dismiss someone who you have never even met or heard? By that logic, you would have dismissed Joseph Smith in 1820 because he’s an “outsider” to the Christian sect that you belonged to and “had no authority.”
      Do you know the story of that man who came to Joseph and claimed that HE was a prophet? How did Brother Joseph react?
      Did he say, *“There’s absolutely no way you’re a prophet because I’M the prophet and the truth has been restored!”* …?
      No, he didn’t. Joseph was willing to accept further truth from anyone and any source in the world. So instead, Joseph hosted this man in his home for three days, interviewing him about God and the scriptures.
      Finally, Joseph had enough evidence to determine that this man was mistaken and did not know the Lord. He was false prophet. But THREE DAYS?
      Do you claim to have a better perspective than Joseph Smith did? Are you better at discerning truth from error than the Prophet who beheld the Father and the Son at an early age, conversed with 20+ angels, and produced the BoM, PoGP, and D&C? Yet HE was much more careful and open in his thinking than what your comment expresses.
      I can’t imagine how it makes the Lord feel when we demand all sorts of blessings, yet simultaneously tell Him, “You must fit them through this tiny little window of my religious tradition!”
      Open up your window to accept any true, beautiful, good, and Godly thing. Then He will open heaven’s windows and pour out a blessing so big, you literally won’t have room in your life to receive it.

    • @Hala-ataa
      @Hala-ataa 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What makes a singer a singer? How do you earn that label? You *SING.* Someone who does not even sing cannot be called a singer.
      A swimmer swims.
      A dancer dances.
      A builder builds.
      Yet, a prophet - somehow - can be a prophet, even if they have not prophesied?
      Does the following quote from Russell M. Nelson sound even remotely prophetic to you?:
      *“In the days to come, the value of the relationships between worthy men and women will be revealed as more precious than gold. The things which men and women have to offer each other extend far beyond what is currently understood in the world, and this is why, sadly, marriages are failing at unprecedented numbers. The latter days create a unique situation which can bring out the very best in those who follow the Savior.”*

  • @brucedixon5185
    @brucedixon5185 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good video. Anything spoken by the Prophet and Apostles at General Conference is revelation. The Family: A Proclamation to the World (1995) and The Living Christ (2000) are both modern revelation. We, as a Church, and also personally will receive more new revelation when we are faithful and obedient to the current revelation. Scriptures and history reveal and warn us to what happens when people reject the words of the prophets and apostles and leave His Church.

  • @holyroller4391
    @holyroller4391 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    First off you need to understand what revelation your taking about is. Has revelation ceased, absolutely not. Has revelation from a prophet to the church ceased absolutely. The last revelation given to a president of the church for the church was in 1889 to Wilford Woodruff. Reference? My Kingdom shall roll forth. 1978 Church manual. When revelation comes to a people, it comes as thus saith the Lord. Anything else is personal revelation. And no the proclamation to the family is not revelation.

  • @sionevaea44
    @sionevaea44 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think you might be overcomplicating the idea of 'Modern Revelation'. Undoubtedly, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints wouldn't have thrived as much as it has today without the blessings of modern-day revelations. Your explanation of Joseph Smith's ability to prophesy only emphasizes how significant he was in the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. However, it's unfair to judge the following prophets as less effective than the first prophet of the restoration, as this misunderstands how God leads His prophets.

  • @Greg-McIver
    @Greg-McIver 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How good are we at controlling our anger and lust? Master 3 Nephi 12 and we will have the capacity for the rest and the curse will be lifted.

  • @brothecanary20
    @brothecanary20 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    opinion of christopher nemelka and his sealed portion and ida smith?

    • @IBNED
      @IBNED 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Witness of the spirit says....no

    • @brothecanary20
      @brothecanary20 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@IBNED why no?

    • @IBNED
      @IBNED 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@brothecanary20 Because it's not true....I don't know were he got his 'revelation' but it wasn't from the ever linving God. That is what the Holy Ghost witnessed to me

    • @brothecanary20
      @brothecanary20 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@IBNED have u read any of his books? for example his 116 page book of Lehi manuscript and his unfolding of the book of revelation? the holy ghost told u that they were not true?