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IN THE INTEREST OF FINDING THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING: It seems to me that ANY theory of everything idea should be able to answer the below items in a logical, coherent, inter-related way. If that idea does not, then is it truly a theory of everything? a. Numbers: Modern science does not even know how numbers and certain mathematical constants exist for math to do what math does. Surely the very nature of reality has to allow numbers and mathematical constants to actually exist for math to do what math does in this existence. b. Space: Modern science does not even know what 'space' actually is nor how it could actually warp and expand. c. Time: Modern science does not even know what 'time' actually is nor how it could actually warp and vary. d. Gravity: Modern science does not even know what 'gravity' actually is nor how gravity actually does what it appears to do. And for those who claim that 'gravity' is matter warping the fabric of spacetime, see 'b' and 'c' above. e. Speed of Light: 'Speed', distance divided by time, distance being two points in space with space between those two points. But yet, here again, modern science does not even know what space and time actually are that makes up 'speed' and they also claim that space can warp and expand and time can warp and vary, so how could they truly know even what the speed of light actually is that they utilize in many of the formulas? Speed of light should also warp, expand and vary depending upon what space and time it was in. And if the speed of light can warp, expand and vary in space and time, how then do far away astronomical observations actually work that are based upon light and the speed of light that could warp, expand and vary in actual reality? f. Photons: A photon swirls with the 'e' and 'm' energy fields 90 degrees to each other. A photon is also considered massless. What keeps the 'e' and 'm' energy fields together across the vast universe for billions of light years? And why doesn't the momentum of the 'e' and 'm' energy fields as they swirl about not fling them away from the central area of the photon? And why aren't photons that go across the vast universe torn apart by other photons, including photons with the exact same energy frequency, and/or by matter, matter being made up of quarks, electrons and interacting energy, quarks and electrons being considered charged particles, each with their respective magnetic field with them? Electricity is electricity and magnetism is magnetism varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. So why doesn't the 'e' and 'm' of other photons and of matter basically tear apart a photon going across the vast universe? Also, 'if' a photon actually red shifts, where does the red shifted energy go and why does the photon red shift? And for those who claim space expanding causes a photon to red shift, see 'b' above. Why does radio 'em' (large 'em' waves) have low energy and gamma 'em' (small 'em' waves) have high energy? And for those who say E = hf; see also 'b' and 'c' above. (f = frequency, cycles per second. But modern science claims space can warp and expand and time can warp and vary. If 'space' warps and expands and/or 'time' warps and varies, what does that do to 'E'? And why doesn't 'E' keep space from expanding and time from varying?). g. Energy: Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. Hence, energy is either truly a finite amount and eternally existent, or modern science is wrong. First Law Of Thermodynamics: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." How exactly is 'energy' eternally existent? h. Existence and Non-Existence side by side throughout all of eternity. How? * NOTE: Even General Relativity and the Standard Model of Particle Physics cannot answer these items in a logical, coherent, inter-related way. Shouldn't these above items also require accurate answers?
WHO AND/OR WHAT AM I? DO 'I' EVEN EXIST? Consider the following: a. I am a human as defined by humans. b. I am an energy based quarkelectronian as modern science claims that all matter is made up of quarks, electrons and interacting energy and I am made up of matter and interacting energy. c. I am a being of 'light', 'if' my current theory of everything is correct whereby the 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in this universe, including space, time and numbers. (Currently dependent upon the results of my gravity test). d. "I" do not even actually exist but eternally existent space time exists as me, currently in the forms as above. * I exist and yet "I" simultaneously do not exist, dependent upon perspective. But yet, do "I" not truly exist in absolute truth reality as only eternally existent space time exists as all things in absolute truth reality? * "I" can mentally change between perspectives thereby experiencing existence from those various perspectives. "My" mind continues to expand, but is it truly 'my' mind that is expanding or is it eternally existent space time's mind that is expanding? In absolute truth reality, it would seem to be the later. * 'To Be or Not To Be'. I am both, 'I Am and I Am Not.' But I Am Not it appears more than I Am. * Consider also: If asked the general question, 'What do you know?'. My current answer would be, 'Not much compared to all that can be known.' (I Am Not, More than I Am). It's humbling. * Is it truly any wonder that the flow of energy in the universe affects species? We are the universe experiencing itself. * Question: If 'I' never actually existed in the first place, how could 'I' ever die? * Added Note: Now, 'assuming' the above is correct, that 'I' do not even actually exist but that eternally existent energy exists as 'me', and that 'my' consciousness, memories and thoughts are actually the universe acting through the form of 'me': a. I have yet to acquire any 'new' knowledge via this supposed connection that cannot be explained by 'normal' means. (In other words, besides things I learned or intuited). Even my theory of everything and other ideas are due to study and critical thinking. Nor can I magically fluently speak a language that I have not already learned. (In other words, no magical connection with the 'universal consciousness' at this time can be noted). Although, what is 'intuition' but possibly consciously perceiving something that one did not consciously know, understand or have wisdom in beforehand? Is even 'intuition' a gateway into universal knowledge, understanding and wisdom, all done with basically the mind alone? b. I have yet to be able to manipulate reality with my mind alone, my physical body is necessary to manipulate reality. c. While I can imagine being elsewhere in this universe, it does not appear that I can actually take just my mind actually there. (My mind is where my body is). d. Doesn't mean I will stop trying, just have not noticed the above as occurring as of yet.
That's not really how it is. They get paid for the ads they run. I would say it says a lot about the television people, their failure to communicate knowledge openly. The population must be kept ignorant. Here's "American _Idol" in its place._
Part of the thanks goes to all the people who help to contribute through TH-cam subscriptions and other donations to allow the creative and production teams to have full focus on making this wonderful content!
I save these videos to sleep at night. It's not that they are boring, quite the opposite, they are very interesting and engaging which helps me not to overthink my day and just curiously listen in peace. Excellent narration and information.
I think about these kinds of things all the time. When ever I try to talk to my husband about it, he doesnt quite understand what I'm getting at. Seeing a whole 2.5 hours and a comment section full of other people curious about it, makes me happy
I have tried to talk to my spouse about a lot of things only to then come to youtube comments for some type of understanding connection with others. The struggle is real. 😮💨
This should be compulsory viewing at schools. It’s a fantastic array of concepts that I as a child took years to come across. If this video were available when I was 10 or 11, it would have ignited a huge passion for science even beyond what I went on to experience. Fantastic.
I'm recently retired, but I did just that! I showed videos that used quotes by Neil Degrass Tyson, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Michio Kaku, Brian Cox - and others - to embed some of these mind blowing facts, into a clever musical experience. I had a special group of gifted and talented 5th graders, and I made my own curriculum to hit the Next Generation Science Standards, and beyond! Yes - they LOVED it! I was so fortunate to have administrators who gave me a broad range of freedom to create my own curriculum. I hope there are other teachers out there also doing it! (...and administrators who allow them to do it!)
@ brilliant! I’m so glad to hear that there are teachers out there who want children to think, not tell them what to think. There’s a big difference and sadly, there are too many of the latter.
As someone who has been a consumer of this type of content for almost twenty years. From Spacerip, to Vsauce, and countless others… I can’t tell you how impressive I find your channel.
Got my lap top in 2016 for Christmas . I love this content only have trouble finding anyone who I can talk to about . Get a blank stare and a quick change in conversation . Perfect way to not talk with people who don't care about my interests . Not a bad thing in my mind .
And even this is just a blip on the cosmological time scale. After the last stars and black holes have vanished, and the Universe has cooled to near absolute 0, all this will become meaningless. Strange and nearly incomprehensible.
My undergrad degree is in Chemistry. If yesterday you had asked me if I understood how chemical reactions worked I would have said “certainly”. After this discussion if you ask me tomorrow if I understand how chemical reactions work I would have to answer “No”. I had never considered the quantum nature of the reactants and how they interacted. Gee, thanks, Reality. You shot 4+ years of study right out of the sky. I’m going to have to save this video and replay it again and again and . . . . . I’m going to go get some aspirin for this headache.
Its an iteresting perspective to consider... could be right, could be wrong but it makes perfect sense to me that it has an impact... I'll be anxiously awaiting an update from all you "sciencey" folks but its exciting to think that it could've just opened up a world of possibilities!?!?
Thank you so much for giving us top-notch, thought provoking, quality content for free. The effort the team puts into these videos is absolutely phenomenal! You’ve single-handedly revived my love for astronomy and physics (which had been dead for a while). Again, thank you!!
"You start to wonder if your thoughts on reality could get any weirder." [dramatic pause] "Of course they can" - absolutely priceless wording and narrated so casually. Yeah, brilliant content you really nailed it. Took me three sittings to get through it all, but had me gripped to slowly listen to the whole thing, lots of grateful re-winds from me!
About the three colour receptor thing: It has been hypothesized that humans have three colour receptors (where most mammals have two) because we need to be able to see ripe fruit. Apples are ripe when they’re red, and red is the colour that is specific to humans. Others animals see red as a sort of green. Interestingly, this is the reason why red (ginger) camouflage works in animals like cats. To us humans, a red cat very easily stands out against the background. But to most prey, the cat appears almost fully green. (Google this, it’s very cool) It’s the best option available since mammals aren’t able to naturally produce green hair. Very cool if you ask me!
I have to wonder, who was the first person to eat a green apple. Would our ancestors assume that green apples are inedible or would they feel more adventurous ?
If this gives you an existential crisis, just remember that no matter how insignificant you think you are, you are the only being that experiences your journey of life. That is truly unique to you and is special in its own way, just as every atom that makes you up is unique and has its own story.
Also, if the possibility of being an ephemeral Boltzmann brain is a daunting one, just remember: if you are one, then it is not worth worrying yourself about it--it isn't useful to worry so much about things that one truly cannot do anything about. Better to continue on as if you _are_ real, for the (possibly) mathematically tiny chance that you are, in fact, real after all.
Reality, illusion, matrix, multiverses, quantum, data, networks... all of these concepts weave a complex tapestry that fascinates and perplexes us. But beyond the theories, what truly matters is the experience of life itself. Being alive in this vibrant world, surrounded by creativity and energy, is a gift in its own right. Whether or not a higher power, like God, designed it all, simply living and participating in this grand journey is enough to spark wonder. And just like mining precious resources from the Earth, we can extract meaning and purpose from the moments we are given, embracing the mystery and beauty of existence.
Correct and elaborate : Reality, illusion, matrix, multiverses, quantum, data, network... I don’t really care. I’m alive in this wonderful world full of energy, life, and creativity. If God created us, that’s enough for me to appreciate and explore it like mining for treasure
The Cosmic Totality IS God The greatest truth of all is how just a few forces, collectively known as energy, determine the nature of Nature in large collective behavior, as immutable laws of physics. However probabilistically achieved, they determine the overall fate of stars, worlds & civilizations; predestined since the dawn of time, to self assemble & self perfect, overcoming entropy with wisdom & agape love, with evermore all inclusive, global Being, going interplanetary & interstellar! The Cosmic Totality is God; the alpha & omega. We’ve known since Biblical times, extremists will destroy each other with all consuming hate, leaving the moderate & mild, using logic, reason, experience & agape love to inherit this & every living world. You cannot violate the tendency for order to arise out of chaos, as worlds & universes without end, cyclically following God’s immutable laws … Because God IS Cosmic Fate! Reality Itself, divine TRUTH! We either go with the evolutionary flow, restoring Oneness to universe, or we drown, resisting it, exhausted. However long it may take, knowledge, wisdom & love conquer all. We breathe God in & out. He is the energy of which we & everything is made. The irresistible forces of Nature evolving, self tamed, determined we shall live “happily ever after” or ELSE! Thermonuclear FIRE! Over & over, cyclically, ETERNALLY! Until we get ourselves right with the Lord. Is Divine Beneficence really such an insufferable fate? The Cosmic Will is the ultimate, individual free will, turning hellishly hot, molten worlds into paradise, creating genetic & cerebral cures for everything, learning to rewrite our genes, minds & spirits evermore in the likeness of Infinite Perfection! Have Your own way, Lord. Have Your own way. 🎵 I surrender all. 🎵
@@mokhtariabdelmadjid2977you can be satisfied with what you have but some people are curious and notice things and patterns and that everything seems to have some structure so they explore it.
That show is truly terrible. Presented itself as a more intelligent alternative to run-of-the-mill sitcoms, but in reality was just that, only themed on unhealthy stereotypes and constant insufferable zingers that made the average Joe feel like they were actually watching something fun _and_ intellectually stimulating. Back when I lived with my parents my sister and father would love the show. Goes without saying I was disappointed in the mediocre taste of my own flesh and blood.
This channel is so great that I barely believe I can watch such contents for free, for hours, and with periodic new videos. Thanks for your amazing work.
While I was watching this video, I turned up the volume and let it play from my pocket to go make an iced coffee. As I took the first sip, phone still playing in pocket, I looked outside to see if my Amazon packages came. They haven't yet. So I retreated back to my room and put my coffee down and took my phone out of my pocket. All I see now is your comment somehow selected with the video behind it. Synchronicity perhaps. 😊
You know I just realized what sets this documentary apart is the absence of talking heads - experts in the field. Like discovery or history channel "documentaries". All they do is create drama or suspense. This here, on the other hand, has my complete attention. Quality production. 👍
I would say what sets this channel apart is the serious effort taken not to "dumb-down" these highly sophisticated scientific concepts, hypotheses & theories. All too often, even quite competent science communicators fall prey to the idea that, "Any poor, ignorant, non-scientists couldn't possibly understand Einstein's Special Relativity - let alone its implications - so let's dumb it down, as though we were explaining it to a 5 year old..." This kind of attitude is self-defeating & leads to the kind of crap "science" shows which end up putting appearance over substance... While I might I lack understanding in the higher math required for Quantum Physics equations, this doesn't mean I can't comprehend the abstract concepts that Einstein pioneered, or that I can't grasp the implications of it all. It's the job of a science communicator to properly explain the important science without losing essential information.
It's amazing that we get this quality of education for free. Thank you gentlemen and ladies of the academic world to pass the knowledge along to the younger generations. And ofcourse thank you, sir Kelly, for your impeccable narration as per usual.
This is truly the greatest video I have ever seen. It transcends the boundaries of physics and delves into the profound meaning of life. It encapsulates all the concepts I've studied in one simple question: What is reality? What is life? The video brilliantly highlights the efforts of brilliant minds who have attempted to unravel this ironically simple question. I have immense respect for this work; it is deeply sentimental and thought-provoking. Thank you for creating something so impactful ❤
I'm going through a really tough time and your videos genuinely always bring me such peace🫶🏻. Thank you for producing one of the highest quality content on TH-cam.
Things do get better. Yes I kno2 nothing about you. But I DO know about going through tough times. Very much. My wife and daught3rs murder, and the...16 years since. Has just been one of them, both before and through this past decade and a half. Things will get better. Life is a roller-coaster. I hate roller coasters, but I live because it honors those gone. I don't know what has been causing you to suffer, but do know it DOES get better. Peace be with you always. S.
Your not going through a tough time at all, simply a bunch of vibrating strings dictating how a shit tonne of quarks are arranged up twice down once or vice Verda into such a way to identify them as protons or neutrons grouping together in specific ways composing themselves into particular elements fused together creating certain cells required to bond into fats and acids binding together to function as critical organs to coincide with each other to sustain reproductive, regenerative and automotive functions to sustain and provide you with a experience of life and the weird and wonderful world that the extremely rare vibrating strings in this massive expanse of a universe were in get to experience and be conscious and aware of. So yeah, it might seem like you’re going through a rough time and I don’t mean it in anyway to say you’re not and to offend you but we are all lucky just to be here I guess and I hope things get better for you
You know, just the other day I was missing your content, checked the channel and thought, wow, 2 months between uploads is longer than usual. And here you come dropping a 2.5 hour video to fill the gap. Your videos are both informative while also having a wonderful atmosphere around them. Truly, I cannot express how grateful I am that you put out such amazing content, totally free for all to consume. I pity those who haven’t found your channel yet. Please never stop, your work is fantastic, and very much appreciated!
i hate to break it to ya, but a lot of Attenborough's stuff is semi-fake. they film so much stuff from enclosures and unnatural environments. also the bbc protect preds and animal abusers
@@nicolasolton in UK we pay about £120 each year for the pleasure of watching tv. the fee ONLY goes to the BBC. so even if you never ever watch the BBC channels, you still have to pay it. even if you don't own a tv and have a pc, you have to pay it
This entire is worth more than my 8 years of study (grade 9 till graduation.) it covers basic to advance chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, philosophy, and technological reasearches. Execellent job done here. Every concept is described so clearly and briefly, i just revised so much i have learned in school and college, in a much much better way than i learned in the first place. Amazing efforts, you got a new subscriber❤
Best channel on all of youtube, the combination of a calming voice, in depth physics explanations while still being understandable to the layman, paired with a beautiful touch of big bang theory slander. Love it
It's difficult for me to express in words the sensation of satisfaction that basking in the experience of this masterwork makes me feel. I have a feeling like that of laying out in the sun on a pleasant day with clear blue skies surrounded by beautiful, verdant nature (and not being irritated by biting bugs, wildfire smoke, obnoxious people or any of hundreds of irritations) in quietness and serenity, the only sounds being those of a gentle wind blowing the leaves of trees. I have the feeling of ingesting something profoundly wholesome and "gently wonderful". The feeling of calm serenity is aided by the perfect background music and the calm, reassuring voice of the narrator. This video you all have produced is magnificent and the subject is awe-inspiring. It is an exceptional gem of science and even reality education and communication. The video and visuals, the gentle and beautiful background music that goes so far to put a human's nervous system into a state of receptive calm, the scope of the work, the narrative pathway through the long human quest to understand reality, the lucid, flowing explanations that seamlessly and gracefully flow from one subject to the next, the calm and steady pace of a genuinely pleasant narrator's voice, *not* chopping it up into "shorts" or 15-minute segments but taking enough time to tell the narrative story from beginning to end and trusting that there would be an audience with interest and attention spans to listen to such a masterwork... . I could go on. This work is a masterpiece, an absolute gem, profoundly nourishing to intellect and soul. Thanks to all who created it and have blessed me with your intelligence, knowledge and skillful efforts. I predict that science teachers all around the world at many levels will refer their students to this masterwork for as long as it's available. Again, thanks to all who worked to create this masterpiece.
@@JesusPlsSaveMeThe sin of not knowing the reality?such as religious form of God (which you can pray & rely on) doesn't exist in THIS moment of reality?😅 The God of NOW just went past at a bing of your eyes and you can never reach it again, can you?😉 Okay, Bro. Jesus of NOW loves you at a bing of your eyes.
This is by far the most immersive science channel there is. The content is not that dumb either. Thanks for touching the intricacies of physics in a very simple and elegant narration.
The truth is this is such a wonderful gift. In fact all learning opportunities on youtube and wiki and so on are such gifts to us all. Free information is such a gift 💗
Wow, how is it that each video you guys produce is not only of the highest quality.. but continuously exceeds the previous one. This is my new favourite.... I have no idea how you top this one though. I don't think its possible tbh, genuinely amazing episode!
The reality of our universe as revealed by science is so many orders of magnitude above what anyone has made up throughout all of history. This channel is 10/10. If only it were mandatory watching in grade school - not to force people to believe one thing instead of another, but just to show everyone what millions of hours of collaboration and experimentation by the most intelligent and passionate people in the world have managed to pry from our limited senses. Perhaps the universe isn't just stranger than we imagine, but stranger than we CAN imagine. Watch the whole series.
I used to stress out thinking about all the people who died due to poor medical knowledge because the Catholic Church deemed the vast knowledge and scientific technology by other cultures as satanic and heresy. They essentially tortured their own Christians for centuries due to bigotry. I had to stop thinking about it. 😂 It was messing me up.
Or was it all written? Or was it even real? Don't feel bad for them or for yourself or anyone for that matter as neither you nor anyone actually exist as much as your brain and consciousness would like you to believe it... Your body is only an avatar, what you feel, experience and touch are nothing but thoughts, illusion, dream. A persisting dream. Just like when you have a dream that feels real, your reality is the same but a more persisting one. It's all a construction of thoughts and hallucinations. you might think it will end when you die but it won't. You don't die because you're not real to die. Again your body is only an avatar. So what happens when that avatar dies? Nothing. Its just an experience, remember? You never die. You've been experiencing these thoughts forever and you will continue to experience them forever. You're stuck here. There's noway out. Listen to the song 'hotel California'... You can checkout any time you want, but you can never leave...
@EjaQuing I can honestly say to have absolutely no desire towards any power. If I could become a President of my country or something similar, would not go for it.
HOTU and the other serious youtubers are how the internet is supposed to be - something that expands humanity's knowledge and wisdom. Unfortunately, the other 99.9% is pure crap.
Wow. Going through a hard divorce, losing everything. I hate everything right now. It's been a long time since I've watched a video like this, I'm glad it was here. I'm an old man, I listen to a lot of Type O and Gwar. This video really is a good offering to the users. Thanks for posting
Well I went through the same situation and divorced in 2016. I hated everything too. I didn’t want anything. I didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere. Life was turned completely upside down and I didn’t have any passion for anything. Well 8 years later and I’m still here and doing 100% better. I know what you’re going through. I’d like to tell you it gets easier but I cannot lie about this. There will inevitably be tough times. Take it day by day. Don’t rush to get into anything. Just get to know yourself as much as possible. I have learned more about who I am after my divorce than the previous 28 years of my life. I know who I am, what I want, what I do not want, what I need, what I cannot allow, what I can and can’t control, etc, etc. Now I am at peace. Take your time to get things sorted out for yourself. Take the time to feel but do not deny those feelings. Let them come along randomly just as thoughts do, and then let them go when their time has run its course. It all comes down to time man. At least it was for myself anyways. I had to allow myself the time to do everything necessary for me, the time to grieve and heal, time to explore who I really am and what I really want, time to adjust my mindset, time to figure out the things I have that aren’t necessary, time to relax and focus on nothing or something, and finally, just take the time to find yourself in the deepest aspect. It gets better. I can promise you that. If it doesn’t alI wouldn’t waste you lrtime with this long comment It might not take you as long as it took me and I hope it doesn’t. From my experience, the time ☝️for all of those reasons up there, and then finally, my time I spent with my dogs literally saved me from disintegrating into nothing. My dogs are my favorite and closest friends in the world. Their unconditional love is something I have only experienced in dogs. They are a special and unique pairing along with us. Hopefully you lije gldofs and where you live will allow a dog but I promise you, a dog will be that best friend that is there when no one else is to get you through the pain. They are lifesavers in so many ways. They are so loyal it’s almost to a fault. All they need is food, water and to be cared for and loved. Get you a dog my friend…
It's not about what you're losing, it's an opportunity to learn more. It's a blessing and if you truly seek to make that truth your reality, you will not only succeed but find peace. You're the man, bro, this is just another thing you have to do. Keep crushin
I can mostly understand the subjects taught in science videos and a lot of them repeat the same things over and over. Eventually I watch a video of some same ole concept I already know, but a different wording or graphic is used and I have a micro epiphany that gives me a sudden deeper understanding of the subject. Your entire videos can be that way for me. The wording, your voice, the journey, the relaxing nature of it all. It’s a total perspective shift from other videos. Your videos are very valuable to my soul.
Watching this video gave me a profound feeling of connection with the Universe. I teared up multiple times, grateful for the fact that I am able to experience and explore this Universe.
*All bets are off. *Labor Day weekend is put on hold. *Planned chores are postponed. *New design pieces sitting on my work table in the studio will have to wait...... A NEW 'HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE' JUST DROPPED! DND!
Yikes! I really am behind on a bunch of important tasks, and now I have even more reason to procrastinate on one level of reality at least.. I do appreciate this man and these stimulating and informative videos.. However at least for me it leaves me hanging, and like Einstein still hoping for a unifying theory, but now with so many more mind-blowing possibilities and more deeper and deeper questions.. I do realize that exercising Free Will in the now still remains a confusion of what next, while dealing with so many deadlines.. Yikes, indeed! 🤯 🤪
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
I’ve fallen asleep to this video like 4 times now. Each time I do it the next time I go back to where I last remember before I fell asleep. I’m only at 47 minutes 😂 thanks history of the universe 🙏
1:54:23 I feel it's more accurate to say "Only Left-spin Neutrinos are observed". I'm sure other-spin nuetrinos exist in a way incompatible with current observation methods as for now, there are too many holes in quantum mechanics to say our working knowledge includes all nuetrinos.
Insane to have this kind of qulaity content for free.... I mean an over two hour long video that goes that deep and take the time into explaning basically the history of Physics from the discovery of atoms, quantum field theory, generla relativity, the most recent attempts to unify those, some philosophical toughts. All that with quality images and videos and a top notch voice and written text. All that for free. Just waouh !
You must not understand the scientific video either huh? @idehenebenezer it's OK I don't either. No silly sense 😜 being obtuse bringing up works of fiction on a science platform. Bless your heart
My one thought that I’ve managed to hang on to watching this is: what if the galaxies we see as they were billions of years ago, what if they’re all renditions of what the Milky Way used to look like and we’re seeing the Milky Way as it was billions of years ago, considering that the universe expands. My emotions welled up toward the end because of how insignificant we all are in the grand scheme of things. And all the ways the universe decides to arrange itself is truly mindboggling. I’ll be processing this video for a while😊 Thank you!
Reality is truly remarkable! I have thought about all the aspects of it for almost 14 years now! I truly believe we are not meant to know everything, the true nature of reality will always be a mystery.
Seek and ye shall find Knock, and the door will be opened. What you seek shall come to you from yourself. And the one who seeks is the one who reveals.
I started in the morning and after 5 hours still cant stop watching - you are amazing ! Having a youtube channel myself, I know what this means - I am totally in love how you nail me to the screen - thank you so much - I will follow you to every dimension......:)
What I find fascinating is the noosphere-the realm where concepts, language, ideas exist. Where consciousness itself is. These things are very real, despite being "illusion"-emergent properties of emergent properties. These things are just as real as things that are physical-they act on others and ourselves, bind other creatures much like ourselves. One could argue that since ideas cannot be destroyed, that they are bigger than the individual, that they are actually _more_ real than what is physical.
Well yea of course consciousness is real. Just not physical. Just as real, but a different kind of real. This "noosphere" stuff sounds like pseudo-scientific bullshit though...
I honestly believe that some knowledge is unavailable to us as the beings we are. We may be able to know the how of most things.....but we'll never truly understand the why.
@simonebest6013 no idea how or why u injected politics into this but if the DNC made ur head hurt, I can only imagine the splitting, searing pain u must have felt watching idiocracy, oops sorry I meant the RNC
Regarding quantum entanglement and spooky action at a distance: imagine you have a stack of very large sheets of paper, and on each sheet are two colored dots, always one yellow and one blue, because of some law of conservation of printer ink or whatever. But on some sheets, the dot in the top left might be yellow and the dot in the bottom right blue, while on other sheets the dot in the top left might be blue and the dot in the bottom right yellow. When considering the stack as a whole, it isn't determined which dot is yellow and which is blue. But as soon as you lift up the top left corner of the stack to reveal a(n effectively) random sheet in the middle of it, and you see a dot of one color, you instantly know what color the dot on the other side of the sheet is, even if these sheets of paper are lightyears across. But that's not a problem, because nothing had to *travel* across any of the sheets to ensure this result. You just picked *which sheet in the stack* was the one you were going to be looking at. The sheets are slices of the superposition of the entangled waves, and your picking one is you becoming entangled with that wave yourself, apparently collapsing it to a single sheet and discarding all the others, from your subjective perspective.
That was such a brilliant thought experiment to help visualize the intensely difficult to comprehend theories of quantum entanglement. This helped me understand this concept more than anything i have ever read or heard. Thankyou for that stranger.
Hm.., as far as I understand, that's not the case with quantum entanglement. The quantum particle remains in superposition until it is observed and doesn't mean that the quantum state it was already decided and just waiting to be observed. Take as an example the double slit experiment. The electron beam will form a normal wave spectre, but when putting a spin detector, it will form just to separate lines.
@@IngVasiu In the metaphor I used, the stack of sheets is the superposition, and picking one sheet at random to look at is the observation. It's already decided that for each sheet, one dot is yellow and the other is blue, so whichever sheet you look at you will inevitably find one dot the opposite color of the other, but that's not decided for the stack as a whole. The differences in the double-slit experiment might be incorporated into this metaphor as the difference between feeding the entire stack of paper (the unobserved wavefunction) through something at once, and feeding a bunch of individual sheets (observed states) through one after the other. I'm not sure what we're feeding the papers into in this metaphor though, that's just the start of a thought.
*broooo you just made my day!! I am at work and listen to your playlist literally every single night(some nights I listen to audiobook of 1984) but you just blessed us with 2 and a half hours of top class knowledge* I love this channel, by far the best channel for Space information. Second place is Astrum but this one is above it imo because you fully go in-depth to teach us the topics at hand. Astrum is more like commentary on cool things about space, doesn't go much in depth about the ways things work but I still love that channel also. Keep up the amazing work. This channel is gonna get up to 2 million subs in less than a year. I guarantee it
@@carnivorous_vegan Such an honest comment with praise to the channel deserves to have its first paragraph in bold, if I may say. Hope it grabs the attention of those in charge of the channel like it did yours.
The fact you didn’t include the TH-cam channel Kurzgesagt in the top 3 science videos on TH-cam is almost close to criminal. Kurzgesagt is on the level of the History of the Universe with their ability to explain the most advanced scientific theories so that us layman folks can understand it’s incredible attention to detail. Kurzgesagt might be the very best and #1 channel on TH-cam in my humble opinion. Give it a look, you will be happy you did
It's probably multiple dimensions sandwiched constant forces we can't explain like gravity dark matter ect. are probably a result. Created by particles that are tangible in one dimension but not in another yet might still exhibit influencing qualities in tangible matter. Which would explain why particles seem to briefly appear when we smash other particles together at great speeds and energies.
Haven't watched the video yet. I already know its going to be spectacular. Please never stop making these videos. Genuinely my favourite TH-cam channel.
Just when concern, that I'm the only person that thinks this way, weighs down on me... I come across this presentation and feel a lot less alone. What a treat this is. Thank you for the work that went into compiling this.
2 hours in and existential crisis gets smushed into your face lol. Its fascinating seeing these concepts and well crafted explanations about the universe again. From my understanding and what i accepted is that every unit of time down to planktime is a snapshot of who we are. Our cells die and shed, but in the moment that point in time, we are the version of ourselves only in that moment and the very next moment we are different. Everything that we interact with we shed and take tiny particles in a given moment. Every nueron firing is a change in who we are and opens the probabilities of the universe in terms of what could have been. Its part of what makes history fascinating to me. Throughout our lives we look back and read our history and pull different things to take with us each time despite the information not changing. Listening to this explanation about Albert Einstein over and over, i come out with a better understanding of his thought process and how change (decay) is a fundamental process property of existence. Idk if its the adhd in me, but this drums up questions about what if, like what if we changed the environment of the particle measure the aftermath of a particular without fundamental forces acting on it, would it merely decay and produce waves that created its own functions? Would the electrons maintain or disperse?
@@lexidugo Same 💀 This is just like when Bernie Sanders said "niggardly" in a speech in congress once. Maybe these words that basically mean nitpicking should be retired, maybe
I have a degree in Physics so I am very familiar with most of this stuff and history. However an absolute masterpiece of a video. Very insightful, very detailed and breathtaking narration and explanation that does not require a Physics degree to follow or understand. Thank you for bringing such knowledge and theory to the masses for free.
THIS IS INCREDIBLE. The culmination of everything this channel has been about leading up until now. This is the most important question in existence and the history of our attempts to answer it is so fascinating.
I’ve watched this video more times than I can count. Simply amazing how you guys were able to take such a vast, multi faceted mass of difficult to digest information…present it in a clear & concise presentation full of analogy & humor and than offer it up to the viewers free of charge. We are all truly in your debt for the content you provide. 🙏 🤘
Energy can never be useless energy, it only transforms to be usefully to another form of life, which will in some amount of turns become useful again in the way it began, so on and so forth forever.
HotU-videos will go from the idea of cutting an apple in half to questioning the very existence of that apple and everything else in its realm and beyond within three minutes (and i think that's beautiful 🌠).
Does anyone else have the problem that uncovering reality seems super interesting at first but then as you go down the rabbit hole and explore everything deeper you find that you don't actually get anywhere? You end up with more questions than answers and you even discover that there's things out there that you'd rather not know? I mean there's a million different hypothesis about reality that you can neither prove nor disprove so what's the point? You might as well just go along for the ride like you're a dog
I’ve been through something similar to what you’re describing, but for me, there’s always something new to learn and connect. Each discovery gives me a better understanding of how our world really works, and I think that’s worth it.
Trying to understand the world is like a blind man trying to imagine what colors look like. Just as he can’t fully grasp what sighted people see, we can’t fully understand everything about reality, especially when it comes to things like the afterlife or the true nature of existence or “what is truly out there”. We do our best to make sense of things, but our understanding is always going to be limited by our own experiences and what we can comprehend right now. This isn’t just a philosophical thought-it’s something fundamental we see in how we approach science too. For example: mathematics gives us tools to describe the world, but even in something as “factual” as math, there are things that can’t be proven or fully understood within the system itself, as Gödel showed. The same goes for the scientific process generally: we build on what we know, using certain assumptions and methods, but there’s always more out there that we can’t quite reach or explain. Hegel’s idea of progress through inevitable contradictions shows that understanding the world is a process that never really ends. We’re constantly learning and adapting, but we never get to a final, complete truth. There’s always more to discover, and some things will always remain beyond our reach. At some point, we have to accept that this is just the way things are. We live, we learn, and we grow from our experiences, but we’ll never have all the answers. Our past experiences shape who we are, and as we move forward, we just have to appreciate the process of learning and living. That is the same with progression in humanity. It was Plato that said: “Learning is a process of recollection.” There’s a kind of order and truth in everything, but no single answer will cover everything. As Gödel’s work reminds us, even the most consistent systems are incomplete, and so is our understanding of the world. Ultimately, in a sense of way, there is a beauty and appreciation in being here right now, within a given process, within a given system of life, of the encompassing nature.
You are on the middle acts, there is but one answer. Keep seeking, because there is no unknowing. infinite info in infinite direction leads to infinite options. It's all what you make it
I feel and think exactly like you, every question i ask and ponder, it goes into infinity or doesnt make sense at all. I think we are not meant to understand everything.
Scientists: we live in a virtual reality of our own making. The Buddha: with our thoughts, we create the world. Same same, right? 😅 Smart guy that Buddha.
Well not exactly you can't just manifest things into being. The confusion with the double slit is the way in which it was performed. An inadvertent mistake of observation practices. The reality is that light exists in both states at once so even though you only observe one or vicariously the other they are both still there.
I will always love that conceit of our modern society: _"Yes, the ancients used logic, and thought experiments, to figure out things that we didn't figure out again for thousands of years... _*_but it didn't count when they did it!!_*_ It only counted once we did it because we called it science."_
This should be mandatory viewing for all first year physics students. And anybody else with two brain cells to rub together. This is without doubt the best informational dissection of the current state of thinking in physics and how it arrived there. It just keeps getting better as it goes and whoever made it is a saint ! Good onya!
Build a life of learning with Imprint. Go to this link to start your journey today: and don't forget, as a fan of History of the Universe you will get 20% off your membership.
quarks can't exist outside the confines of a proton. In the outside phase of existence they are simply muons.
It seems to me that ANY theory of everything idea should be able to answer the below items in a logical, coherent, inter-related way. If that idea does not, then is it truly a theory of everything?
a. Numbers: Modern science does not even know how numbers and certain mathematical constants exist for math to do what math does. Surely the very nature of reality has to allow numbers and mathematical constants to actually exist for math to do what math does in this existence.
b. Space: Modern science does not even know what 'space' actually is nor how it could actually warp and expand.
c. Time: Modern science does not even know what 'time' actually is nor how it could actually warp and vary.
d. Gravity: Modern science does not even know what 'gravity' actually is nor how gravity actually does what it appears to do. And for those who claim that 'gravity' is matter warping the fabric of spacetime, see 'b' and 'c' above.
e. Speed of Light: 'Speed', distance divided by time, distance being two points in space with space between those two points. But yet, here again, modern science does not even know what space and time actually are that makes up 'speed' and they also claim that space can warp and expand and time can warp and vary, so how could they truly know even what the speed of light actually is that they utilize in many of the formulas? Speed of light should also warp, expand and vary depending upon what space and time it was in. And if the speed of light can warp, expand and vary in space and time, how then do far away astronomical observations actually work that are based upon light and the speed of light that could warp, expand and vary in actual reality?
f. Photons: A photon swirls with the 'e' and 'm' energy fields 90 degrees to each other. A photon is also considered massless. What keeps the 'e' and 'm' energy fields together across the vast universe for billions of light years? And why doesn't the momentum of the 'e' and 'm' energy fields as they swirl about not fling them away from the central area of the photon? And why aren't photons that go across the vast universe torn apart by other photons, including photons with the exact same energy frequency, and/or by matter, matter being made up of quarks, electrons and interacting energy, quarks and electrons being considered charged particles, each with their respective magnetic field with them?
Electricity is electricity and magnetism is magnetism varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. So why doesn't the 'e' and 'm' of other photons and of matter basically tear apart a photon going across the vast universe?
Also, 'if' a photon actually red shifts, where does the red shifted energy go and why does the photon red shift? And for those who claim space expanding causes a photon to red shift, see 'b' above.
Why does radio 'em' (large 'em' waves) have low energy and gamma 'em' (small 'em' waves) have high energy? And for those who say E = hf; see also 'b' and 'c' above. (f = frequency, cycles per second. But modern science claims space can warp and expand and time can warp and vary. If 'space' warps and expands and/or 'time' warps and varies, what does that do to 'E'? And why doesn't 'E' keep space from expanding and time from varying?).
g. Energy: Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. Hence, energy is either truly a finite amount and eternally existent, or modern science is wrong. First Law Of Thermodynamics: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." How exactly is 'energy' eternally existent?
h. Existence and Non-Existence side by side throughout all of eternity. How?
* NOTE: Even General Relativity and the Standard Model of Particle Physics cannot answer these items in a logical, coherent, inter-related way. Shouldn't these above items also require accurate answers?
Consider the following:
a. I am a human as defined by humans.
b. I am an energy based quarkelectronian as modern science claims that all matter is made up of quarks, electrons and interacting energy and I am made up of matter and interacting energy.
c. I am a being of 'light', 'if' my current theory of everything is correct whereby the 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in this universe, including space, time and numbers. (Currently dependent upon the results of my gravity test).
d. "I" do not even actually exist but eternally existent space time exists as me, currently in the forms as above.
* I exist and yet "I" simultaneously do not exist, dependent upon perspective. But yet, do "I" not truly exist in absolute truth reality as only eternally existent space time exists as all things in absolute truth reality?
* "I" can mentally change between perspectives thereby experiencing existence from those various perspectives. "My" mind continues to expand, but is it truly 'my' mind that is expanding or is it eternally existent space time's mind that is expanding? In absolute truth reality, it would seem to be the later.
* 'To Be or Not To Be'. I am both, 'I Am and I Am Not.' But I Am Not it appears more than I Am.
* Consider also: If asked the general question, 'What do you know?'. My current answer would be, 'Not much compared to all that can be known.' (I Am Not, More than I Am). It's humbling.
* Is it truly any wonder that the flow of energy in the universe affects species? We are the universe experiencing itself.
* Question: If 'I' never actually existed in the first place, how could 'I' ever die?
* Added Note: Now, 'assuming' the above is correct, that 'I' do not even actually exist but that eternally existent energy exists as 'me', and that 'my' consciousness, memories and thoughts are actually the universe acting through the form of 'me':
a. I have yet to acquire any 'new' knowledge via this supposed connection that cannot be explained by 'normal' means. (In other words, besides things I learned or intuited). Even my theory of everything and other ideas are due to study and critical thinking. Nor can I magically fluently speak a language that I have not already learned. (In other words, no magical connection with the 'universal consciousness' at this time can be noted).
Although, what is 'intuition' but possibly consciously perceiving something that one did not consciously know, understand or have wisdom in beforehand? Is even 'intuition' a gateway into universal knowledge, understanding and wisdom, all done with basically the mind alone?
b. I have yet to be able to manipulate reality with my mind alone, my physical body is necessary to manipulate reality.
c. While I can imagine being elsewhere in this universe, it does not appear that I can actually take just my mind actually there. (My mind is where my body is).
d. Doesn't mean I will stop trying, just have not noticed the above as occurring as of yet.
Reality is God knowing itself.
@@charlesbrightman4237 I am God.
The fact that this is free on TH-cam instead of on television says a lot about what kind of people you guys are. Such a simple act of kindness
Your comment is exceptionally accurate, champion level.
@@jameselliott216 A kindness rarer than a Boltzman Brain
That's not really how it is. They get paid for the ads they run.
I would say it says a lot about the television people, their failure to communicate knowledge openly. The population must be kept ignorant. Here's "American _Idol" in its place._
Part of the thanks goes to all the people who help to contribute through TH-cam subscriptions and other donations to allow the creative and production teams to have full focus on making this wonderful content!
too much
I save these videos to sleep at night. It's not that they are boring, quite the opposite, they are very interesting and engaging which helps me not to overthink my day and just curiously listen in peace. Excellent narration and information.
And what's nice is you can listen to them again and again and find something new to take away each time. :)
I do the exact same thing!
I do the same!
I'm doing it now, Om🕉
Getting home from work at 3am and discovering a 2 and a half hour video that I have to watch immediately. Love your work.
Hope you enjoyed and get a good rest ^^
Sleep well! and catch the remaining 2 hours over the week :DD
literally same
I'm only getting home at 11 but same lmao
That sounds like me
I think about these kinds of things all the time. When ever I try to talk to my husband about it, he doesnt quite understand what I'm getting at. Seeing a whole 2.5 hours and a comment section full of other people curious about it, makes me happy
Get a new husband 😂😂😂 kidding.
divorce the lawyer, delete the gym, facebook up
We’re all prob introverted and not very social lmao
I have tried to talk to my spouse about a lot of things only to then come to youtube comments for some type of understanding connection with others. The struggle is real. 😮💨
Am a nerd but not like that i like science when I started listening to this video i exactly said this " I like your funny words Magic Man"
This should be compulsory viewing at schools. It’s a fantastic array of concepts that I as a child took years to come across. If this video were available when I was 10 or 11, it would have ignited a huge passion for science even beyond what I went on to experience.
I'm recently retired, but I did just that! I showed videos that used quotes by Neil Degrass Tyson, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Michio Kaku, Brian Cox - and others - to embed some of these mind blowing facts, into a clever musical experience.
I had a special group of gifted and talented 5th graders, and I made my own curriculum to hit the Next Generation Science Standards, and beyond!
Yes - they LOVED it!
I was so fortunate to have administrators who gave me a broad range of freedom to create my own curriculum.
I hope there are other teachers out there also doing it! (...and administrators who allow them to do it!)
@ brilliant! I’m so glad to hear that there are teachers out there who want children to think, not tell them what to think. There’s a big difference and sadly, there are too many of the latter.
Schools exists to keep the children under watch while the parents work. Educating children is the last of it's missions.
As someone who has been a consumer of this type of content for almost twenty years. From Spacerip, to Vsauce, and countless others… I can’t tell you how impressive I find your channel.
Got my lap top in 2016 for Christmas . I love this content only have trouble finding anyone who I can talk to about . Get a blank stare and a quick change in conversation . Perfect way to not talk with people who don't care about my interests . Not a bad thing in my mind .
And even this is just a blip on the cosmological time scale. After the last stars and black holes have vanished, and the Universe has cooled to near absolute 0, all this will become meaningless. Strange and nearly incomprehensible.
Forget John Micheal gordia
@@terrybreiland4230let’s be friends then so we can talk about this shit
@@BillAntGod's having fun!
My undergrad degree is in Chemistry. If yesterday you had asked me if I understood how chemical reactions worked I would have said “certainly”. After this discussion if you ask me tomorrow if I understand how chemical reactions work I would have to answer “No”. I had never considered the quantum nature of the reactants and how they interacted. Gee, thanks, Reality. You shot 4+ years of study right out of the sky. I’m going to have to save this video and replay it again and again and . . . . . I’m going to go get some aspirin for this headache.
Hey I'm just starting out my undergrad in chem, that's pretty cool! It's great to have your mind blown by things 😂
Knowledge always comes in layers, you just took one more step deeper
Its an iteresting perspective to consider... could be right, could be wrong but it makes perfect sense to me that it has an impact... I'll be anxiously awaiting an update from all you "sciencey" folks but its exciting to think that it could've just opened up a world of possibilities!?!?
So you're open to any influence outside the system? How is your earth looking? How about evolution lol?
Get lost. Woke Mindset unallows furter teachings, right?) @@dallassegno
Thank you so much for giving us top-notch, thought provoking, quality content for free. The effort the team puts into these videos is absolutely phenomenal! You’ve single-handedly revived my love for astronomy and physics (which had been dead for a while). Again, thank you!!
@@SarahPerthelp me too bro😢
@@nickeldouglas-k9o thoughts and prayers?
@@nickeldouglas-k9o of course!
@@SarahPert what’s your ig?
"You start to wonder if your thoughts on reality could get any weirder." [dramatic pause] "Of course they can" - absolutely priceless wording and narrated so casually. Yeah, brilliant content you really nailed it. Took me three sittings to get through it all, but had me gripped to slowly listen to the whole thing, lots of grateful re-winds from me!
About the three colour receptor thing:
It has been hypothesized that humans have three colour receptors (where most mammals have two) because we need to be able to see ripe fruit. Apples are ripe when they’re red, and red is the colour that is specific to humans. Others animals see red as a sort of green.
Interestingly, this is the reason why red (ginger) camouflage works in animals like cats. To us humans, a red cat very easily stands out against the background. But to most prey, the cat appears almost fully green. (Google this, it’s very cool)
It’s the best option available since mammals aren’t able to naturally produce green hair.
Very cool if you ask me!
Oh wow
One of the most interesting facts I’ve heard
They might see a green sunset too😅
I wonder why green hair isn't possible. Green feathers are and green skin (like some lizards).
@@mygirldarby I wanted to come up with some answer but I can’t… good question
I have to wonder, who was the first person to eat a green apple. Would our ancestors assume that green apples are inedible or would they feel more adventurous ?
What about Granny Smith and Golden Delicious apples... Neither are red 🤷
Thanks! Your excellent work very much compliments my extended journey exploring the universe. I’m glad you’re part of my reality. 😊
I'm so grateful for this channel. It feels like being guided by a wise and ancient friend into a story I'm already a character in.
You have a way with words 👏
Beautifully said.
I know. There's plenty of this information out there, but this presentation is so comfy.
Nicely put.
If this gives you an existential crisis, just remember that no matter how insignificant you think you are, you are the only being that experiences your journey of life.
That is truly unique to you and is special in its own way, just as every atom that makes you up is unique and has its own story.
Andddd, you could’ve been anyone else! Even the mere fact that you were born is a pure miracle. And yet, here you are!
This scares me more
this should make everyone feel more compelled to make their own unique life worth it, because nobody else will ever experience what you have
Spread kindness!
Also, if the possibility of being an ephemeral Boltzmann brain is a daunting one, just remember: if you are one, then it is not worth worrying yourself about it--it isn't useful to worry so much about things that one truly cannot do anything about. Better to continue on as if you _are_ real, for the (possibly) mathematically tiny chance that you are, in fact, real after all.
Reality, illusion, matrix, multiverses, quantum, data, networks... all of these concepts weave a complex tapestry that fascinates and perplexes us. But beyond the theories, what truly matters is the experience of life itself. Being alive in this vibrant world, surrounded by creativity and energy, is a gift in its own right. Whether or not a higher power, like God, designed it all, simply living and participating in this grand journey is enough to spark wonder. And just like mining precious resources from the Earth, we can extract meaning and purpose from the moments we are given, embracing the mystery and beauty of existence.
This is true poetry in prose! Thoroughly enjoyed reading this, thank you. Agree with every word!
Thanks chat gpt wrote it
Correct and elaborate :
Reality, illusion, matrix, multiverses, quantum, data, network... I don’t really care. I’m alive in this wonderful world full of energy, life, and creativity. If God created us, that’s enough for me to appreciate and explore it like mining for treasure
The Cosmic Totality IS God
The greatest truth of all is how just a few forces, collectively known as energy, determine the nature of Nature in large collective behavior, as immutable laws of physics.
However probabilistically achieved, they determine the overall fate of stars, worlds & civilizations; predestined since the dawn of time, to self assemble & self perfect, overcoming entropy with wisdom & agape love, with evermore all inclusive, global Being, going interplanetary & interstellar!
The Cosmic Totality is God; the alpha & omega.
We’ve known since Biblical times, extremists will destroy each other with all consuming hate, leaving the moderate & mild, using logic, reason, experience & agape love to inherit this & every living world.
You cannot violate the tendency for order to arise out of chaos, as worlds & universes without end, cyclically following God’s immutable laws …
Because God IS Cosmic Fate! Reality Itself, divine TRUTH!
We either go with the evolutionary flow, restoring Oneness to universe, or we drown, resisting it, exhausted.
However long it may take, knowledge, wisdom & love conquer all.
We breathe God in & out. He is the energy of which we & everything is made.
The irresistible forces of Nature evolving, self tamed, determined we shall live “happily ever after” or ELSE!
Thermonuclear FIRE! Over & over, cyclically, ETERNALLY! Until we get ourselves right with the Lord.
Is Divine Beneficence really such an insufferable fate? The Cosmic Will is the ultimate, individual free will, turning hellishly hot, molten worlds into paradise, creating genetic & cerebral cures for everything, learning to rewrite our genes, minds & spirits evermore in the likeness of Infinite Perfection!
Have Your own way, Lord. Have Your own way.
🎵 I surrender all. 🎵
@@mokhtariabdelmadjid2977you can be satisfied with what you have but some people are curious and notice things and patterns and that everything seems to have some structure so they explore it.
Lol so rich 😅😅
"the alleged comedy show 'the big bang theory'". Damn, shots fired
😂😂😂 I’m done bruh 💀
he aint wrong though
Had to suffer watching that with the kids; wished I was in another dimension, I tell ya....
@@dominicseanmccann6300My ex-wife rewatched it constantly.
Now, I'm not saying it was the main reason I divorced her, but...
That show is truly terrible. Presented itself as a more intelligent alternative to run-of-the-mill sitcoms, but in reality was just that, only themed on unhealthy stereotypes and constant insufferable zingers that made the average Joe feel like they were actually watching something fun _and_ intellectually stimulating. Back when I lived with my parents my sister and father would love the show. Goes without saying I was disappointed in the mediocre taste of my own flesh and blood.
We are all connected.
This channel is so great that I barely believe I can watch such contents for free, for hours, and with periodic new videos.
Thanks for your amazing work.
You helped an amazon delivery driver get through one more day. Thank you! And cheers to existing!
While I was watching this video, I turned up the volume and let it play from my pocket to go make an iced coffee. As I took the first sip, phone still playing in pocket, I looked outside to see if my Amazon packages came. They haven't yet. So I retreated back to my room and put my coffee down and took my phone out of my pocket. All I see now is your comment somehow selected with the video behind it. Synchronicity perhaps. 😊
@TeaSpiracy that's awesome. iced coffee was the magic trick!
@@bobbyrey8270 oh for sure. Happy Holdays to you! You guys don't get enough credit for making the world go round lol. Thanks for everything you do.
“You can’t eat this without smiling” must be one of the best compliments you can give a chef.
I thought you were going to say the best compliment you can give a woman, but I guess both work.
i concur
@@McCarthyJohn100 I thought the same thing.
Would be even better if you said "You can't smile without eating this"
@@Tom_Quixote that’s one hell of a diet!
You know I just realized what sets this documentary apart is the absence of talking heads - experts in the field. Like discovery or history channel "documentaries". All they do is create drama or suspense.
This here, on the other hand, has my complete attention.
Quality production. 👍
I would say what sets this channel apart is the serious effort taken not to "dumb-down" these highly sophisticated scientific concepts, hypotheses & theories.
All too often, even quite competent science communicators fall prey to the idea that, "Any poor, ignorant, non-scientists couldn't possibly understand Einstein's Special Relativity - let alone its implications - so let's dumb it down, as though we were explaining it to a 5 year old..." This kind of attitude is self-defeating & leads to the kind of crap "science" shows which end up putting appearance over substance...
While I might I lack understanding in the higher math required for Quantum Physics equations, this doesn't mean I can't comprehend the abstract concepts that Einstein pioneered, or that I can't grasp the implications of it all.
It's the job of a science communicator to properly explain the important science without losing essential information.
@@Evolved_Skeptic 100%
The PBS space docs have talking heads who like to hear themselves talk like Dr Tyson. This vid is pure learning with interesting illustrations.
It's amazing that we get this quality of education for free. Thank you gentlemen and ladies of the academic world to pass the knowledge along to the younger generations. And ofcourse thank you, sir Kelly, for your impeccable narration as per usual.
@@JesusPlsSaveMeGo away bot.
Didnt you watch the video? Nothing is free
Physics is often ignored by the masses and not valued at all.
It's not supposed to be free. Like watching a street musician isn't supposed to be free, you just chosed to enjoy it for free.
This is truly the greatest video I have ever seen. It transcends the boundaries of physics and delves into the profound meaning of life. It encapsulates all the concepts I've studied in one simple question: What is reality? What is life?
The video brilliantly highlights the efforts of brilliant minds who have attempted to unravel this ironically simple question. I have immense respect for this work; it is deeply sentimental and thought-provoking. Thank you for creating something so impactful ❤
I think this is possibly the greatest video on TH-cam
it is the greatest video of the history of humanity
I'm going through a really tough time and your videos genuinely always bring me such peace🫶🏻. Thank you for producing one of the highest quality content on TH-cam.
Things do get better. Yes I kno2 nothing about you. But I DO know about going through tough times. Very much. My wife and daught3rs murder, and the...16 years since. Has just been one of them, both before and through this past decade and a half. Things will get better. Life is a roller-coaster. I hate roller coasters, but I live because it honors those gone. I don't know what has been causing you to suffer, but do know it DOES get better. Peace be with you always.
Same. You’re not alone feeling this way
Your not going through a tough time at all, simply a bunch of vibrating strings dictating how a shit tonne of quarks are arranged up twice down once or vice Verda into such a way to identify them as protons or neutrons grouping together in specific ways composing themselves into particular elements fused together creating certain cells required to bond into fats and acids binding together to function as critical organs to coincide with each other to sustain reproductive, regenerative and automotive functions to sustain and provide you with a experience of life and the weird and wonderful world that the extremely rare vibrating strings in this massive expanse of a universe were in get to experience and be conscious and aware of. So yeah, it might seem like you’re going through a rough time and I don’t mean it in anyway to say you’re not and to offend you but we are all lucky just to be here I guess and I hope things get better for you
You know, just the other day I was missing your content, checked the channel and thought, wow, 2 months between uploads is longer than usual. And here you come dropping a 2.5 hour video to fill the gap.
Your videos are both informative while also having a wonderful atmosphere around them. Truly, I cannot express how grateful I am that you put out such amazing content, totally free for all to consume.
I pity those who haven’t found your channel yet. Please never stop, your work is fantastic, and very much appreciated!
Thanks! I Love these!
This channel is why no one is paying licence fees. Better than anything the BBC has made in 20 years, aside form Attenborough.
i hate to break it to ya, but a lot of Attenborough's stuff is semi-fake. they film so much stuff from enclosures and unnatural environments.
also the bbc protect preds and animal abusers
@solidpunch1 What are license fees? Thx.
@@nicolasolton in UK we pay about £120 each year for the pleasure of watching tv.
the fee ONLY goes to the BBC. so even if you never ever watch the BBC channels, you still have to pay it.
even if you don't own a tv and have a pc, you have to pay it
Nah I don't pay simply because I'm a bad person
@@mowvucan’t you not pay it if you have inspectors tear apart your house to prove you don’t have a TV? Lmfao you guys are cucked
This entire is worth more than my 8 years of study (grade 9 till graduation.) it covers basic to advance chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, philosophy, and technological reasearches. Execellent job done here. Every concept is described so clearly and briefly, i just revised so much i have learned in school and college, in a much much better way than i learned in the first place. Amazing efforts, you got a new subscriber❤
Lucky you. I finished school in 2011 and we haven’t had such documentaries on TH-cam :(
You my people .Have a great life .
@@javelinchykI graduated in the 90s. lucky you, able to use the Internet while in high school..
Best channel on all of youtube, the combination of a calming voice, in depth physics explanations while still being understandable to the layman, paired with a beautiful touch of big bang theory slander. Love it
Nailed it , Mic drop !
I don't know what kind of drugs you take. Sounds like you are a biggest idiot there is.
It's difficult for me to express in words the sensation of satisfaction that basking in the experience of this masterwork makes me feel. I have a feeling like that of laying out in the sun on a pleasant day with clear blue skies surrounded by beautiful, verdant nature (and not being irritated by biting bugs, wildfire smoke, obnoxious people or any of hundreds of irritations) in quietness and serenity, the only sounds being those of a gentle wind blowing the leaves of trees. I have the feeling of ingesting something profoundly wholesome and "gently wonderful". The feeling of calm serenity is aided by the perfect background music and the calm, reassuring voice of the narrator. This video you all have produced is magnificent and the subject is awe-inspiring. It is an exceptional gem of science and even reality education and communication. The video and visuals, the gentle and beautiful background music that goes so far to put a human's nervous system into a state of receptive calm, the scope of the work, the narrative pathway through the long human quest to understand reality, the lucid, flowing explanations that seamlessly and gracefully flow from one subject to the next, the calm and steady pace of a genuinely pleasant narrator's voice, *not* chopping it up into "shorts" or 15-minute segments but taking enough time to tell the narrative story from beginning to end and trusting that there would be an audience with interest and attention spans to listen to such a masterwork...
I could go on. This work is a masterpiece, an absolute gem, profoundly nourishing to intellect and soul. Thanks to all who created it and have blessed me with your intelligence, knowledge and skillful efforts. I predict that science teachers all around the world at many levels will refer their students to this masterwork for as long as it's available. Again, thanks to all who worked to create this masterpiece.
way too many bots and shills
@@JesusPlsSaveMe what sins? im not like you perhaps
@@JesusPlsSaveMeThe sin of not knowing the reality?such as religious form of God (which you can pray & rely on) doesn't exist in THIS moment of reality?😅 The God of NOW just went past at a bing of your eyes and you can never reach it again, can you?😉 Okay, Bro. Jesus of NOW loves you at a bing of your eyes.
@@Sacred-Lotus Ur waffling m8
This is by far the most immersive science channel there is. The content is not that dumb either. Thanks for touching the intricacies of physics in a very simple and elegant narration.
Also I am the guy asking to be hired all the time. Please contact. I am ready for any kind of arrangement.
Make me a sandwich, now.
This comment is mostly empty space.
What is that suppose to mean 😂?
1:00 you split the atom… *BOOM* congrats you’ve made the apple boom
I split an atom once. It was only a tasmanian beer atom. But that one atom had enough power to blow the old man's shed apart.
First thing I thought when I heard him say that, "well, technically we'd blow us all to hell"
Bruh 😂
The truth is this is such a wonderful gift. In fact all learning opportunities on youtube and wiki and so on are such gifts to us all. Free information is such a gift 💗
I just wish more people could grasp this free knowledge and try to understand our existence, thank you so much for this video.
Wow, how is it that each video you guys produce is not only of the highest quality.. but continuously exceeds the previous one. This is my new favourite.... I have no idea how you top this one though. I don't think its possible tbh, genuinely amazing episode!
This is serious!
The reality of our universe as revealed by science is so many orders of magnitude above what anyone has made up throughout all of history.
This channel is 10/10. If only it were mandatory watching in grade school - not to force people to believe one thing instead of another, but just to show everyone what millions of hours of collaboration and experimentation by the most intelligent and passionate people in the world have managed to pry from our limited senses.
Perhaps the universe isn't just stranger than we imagine, but stranger than we CAN imagine.
Watch the whole series.
Just imagine how many countless brilliant and beautiful minds have been lost due to the pointless greed, war, religions.
I used to stress out thinking about all the people who died due to poor medical knowledge because the Catholic Church deemed the vast knowledge and scientific technology by other cultures as satanic and heresy. They essentially tortured their own Christians for centuries due to bigotry. I had to stop thinking about it. 😂 It was messing me up.
Or was it all written? Or was it even real? Don't feel bad for them or for yourself or anyone for that matter as neither you nor anyone actually exist as much as your brain and consciousness would like you to believe it... Your body is only an avatar, what you feel, experience and touch are nothing but thoughts, illusion, dream. A persisting dream. Just like when you have a dream that feels real, your reality is the same but a more persisting one. It's all a construction of thoughts and hallucinations. you might think it will end when you die but it won't. You don't die because you're not real to die. Again your body is only an avatar. So what happens when that avatar dies? Nothing. Its just an experience, remember? You never die. You've been experiencing these thoughts forever and you will continue to experience them forever. You're stuck here. There's noway out. Listen to the song 'hotel California'... You can checkout any time you want, but you can never leave...
@EjaQuing I can honestly say to have absolutely no desire towards any power. If I could become a President of my country or something similar, would not go for it.
All the women who had their work stolen or weren’t even given the chance :(
@@madhatter113 well now I’ll be going insane over this possibly being true so thx
Best narration ever. Right up there with Werner Herzog. No joke. Sometimes I love the internet.
If only all videos on TH-cam were this high in quality.
Herzog showed me his high-school movies and I got to hear the stories in person. Not as dramatic but a great storyteller.
HOTU and the other serious youtubers are how the internet is supposed to be - something that expands humanity's knowledge and wisdom. Unfortunately, the other 99.9% is pure crap.
The only problem is the fluctuating volume.
The nature of reality by chuck missler
Wow. Going through a hard divorce, losing everything. I hate everything right now. It's been a long time since I've watched a video like this, I'm glad it was here. I'm an old man, I listen to a lot of Type O and Gwar. This video really is a good offering to the users.
Thanks for posting
Good luck man. I wish you the best through it.
Wishing you well 🙏 stay strong
Well I went through the same situation and divorced in 2016. I hated everything too. I didn’t want anything. I didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere. Life was turned completely upside down and I didn’t have any passion for anything. Well 8 years later and I’m still here and doing 100% better. I know what you’re going through. I’d like to tell you it gets easier but I cannot lie about this. There will inevitably be tough times. Take it day by day. Don’t rush to get into anything. Just get to know yourself as much as possible. I have learned more about who I am after my divorce than the previous 28 years of my life. I know who I am, what I want, what I do not want, what I need, what I cannot allow, what I can and can’t control, etc, etc. Now I am at peace. Take your time to get things sorted out for yourself. Take the time to feel but do not deny those feelings. Let them come along randomly just as thoughts do, and then let them go when their time has run its course. It all comes down to time man. At least it was for myself anyways. I had to allow myself the time to do everything necessary for me, the time to grieve and heal, time to explore who I really am and what I really want, time to adjust my mindset, time to figure out the things I have that aren’t necessary, time to relax and focus on nothing or something, and finally, just take the time to find yourself in the deepest aspect. It gets better. I can promise you that. If it doesn’t alI wouldn’t waste you lrtime with this long comment It might not take you as long as it took me and I hope it doesn’t. From my experience, the time ☝️for all of those reasons up there, and then finally, my time I spent with my dogs literally saved me from disintegrating into nothing. My dogs are my favorite and closest friends in the world. Their unconditional love is something I have only experienced in dogs. They are a special and unique pairing along with us. Hopefully you lije gldofs and where you live will allow a dog but I promise you, a dog will be that best friend that is there when no one else is to get you through the pain. They are lifesavers in so many ways. They are so loyal it’s almost to a fault. All they need is food, water and to be cared for and loved. Get you a dog my friend…
Everything Dies...
It's not about what you're losing, it's an opportunity to learn more. It's a blessing and if you truly seek to make that truth your reality, you will not only succeed but find peace. You're the man, bro, this is just another thing you have to do. Keep crushin
i dunno how many times i have dreamt with this video!
the casual lucid dreaming is just amazing as the words get twisted by dreamland.
thank you
watching this while high
I took an Addy. It's amazing. Watched the whole documentary before it started. 😂😂😂. Cheers!
Try it while high but without the substance 🙃
Used to be one of my favorite things to do, watching videos like this after I smoked.
I can mostly understand the subjects taught in science videos and a lot of them repeat the same things over and over. Eventually I watch a video of some same ole concept I already know, but a different wording or graphic is used and I have a micro epiphany that gives me a sudden deeper understanding of the subject. Your entire videos can be that way for me. The wording, your voice, the journey, the relaxing nature of it all. It’s a total perspective shift from other videos. Your videos are very valuable to my soul.
err yeah thats kinda how learning works lol
You posted all that and didn’t discuss the subject. Shows how much you cared.
Watching this video gave me a profound feeling of connection with the Universe. I teared up multiple times, grateful for the fact that I am able to experience and explore this Universe.
*All bets are off.
*Labor Day weekend is put on hold.
*Planned chores are postponed.
*New design pieces sitting on my work table in the studio will have to wait......
Love this 😂
Don't worry, you're just one of those infinite copies of your brain just popping in to watch a video. There is no labor day.
Same! My whole Sunday is cancelled until this episode is fully processed.
Yikes! I really am behind on a bunch of important tasks, and now I have even more reason to procrastinate on one level of reality at least.. I do appreciate this man and these stimulating and informative videos..
However at least for me it leaves me hanging, and like Einstein still hoping for a unifying theory, but now with so many more mind-blowing possibilities and more deeper and deeper questions..
I do realize that exercising Free Will in the now still remains a confusion of what next, while dealing with so many deadlines.. Yikes, indeed! 🤯 🤪
The labour day vacation is delusion. Just steal 2.5h of sleep to watch this little fragment of reality. 😄
I feel like this channel does its small part for mankind. 🌎🍏
I couldnt agree more
or a big part
On a positive note 📝
Butterfly effect it has a huge impact imagine the young people watching that will be inspired to teach others about this
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
NARRATOR: "It is, in fact, the same kind of bullshit."
This is a scam, just google about it
Scam alert
My grandfather just passed, I usually listen to this as I go to bed. Now it's even more comforting. Sleep well all
I’ve fallen asleep to this video like 4 times now. Each time I do it the next time I go back to where I last remember before I fell asleep. I’m only at 47 minutes 😂 thanks history of the universe 🙏
Allowing your mind the chance to fully absorb and embrace each concept a little at a time! And cue the epiphany/discovery you're about to have!
You sleep really fast!
@@SarahPert Falling asleep to something is hardly "allowing your mind the chance to fully absorb and embrace each concept" of it, lol
The amount of effort that went into this video is massive and the least thing we can do to pay back is to promote it by liking and subscribing
1:54:23 I feel it's more accurate to say "Only Left-spin Neutrinos are observed". I'm sure other-spin nuetrinos exist in a way incompatible with current observation methods as for now, there are too many holes in quantum mechanics to say our working knowledge includes all nuetrinos.
The fact this video is 2:32:23 long is tripping me out for some reason.
Universe is trying to say something
@@TheKingWhoWins I usually don't believe that kinda stuff but I feel like I'm being forced to at this point lool
@@baconheadhair6938 the frequency of "coincidences" is getting too absurd lately
That’s because you’re stoned.
"I roll. Therefore, I am."- Rene, a cart.
This is glorious. Thank you. God bless! ✝️
"the cart" would've been truer to his name and remain the same level of humor
Free wheeling soul
Insane to have this kind of qulaity content for free....
I mean an over two hour long video that goes that deep and take the time into explaning basically the history of Physics from the discovery of atoms, quantum field theory, generla relativity, the most recent attempts to unify those, some philosophical toughts.
All that with quality images and videos and a top notch voice and written text.
All that for free.
Just waouh !
You must not understand the scientific video either huh? @idehenebenezer it's OK I don't either. No silly sense 😜 being obtuse bringing up works of fiction on a science platform. Bless your heart
It’s crazy how much electricity is everywhere,everything and everyone. It connects us all and fuels our thoughts.
My one thought that I’ve managed to hang on to watching this is: what if the galaxies we see as they were billions of years ago, what if they’re all renditions of what the Milky Way used to look like and we’re seeing the Milky Way as it was billions of years ago, considering that the universe expands.
My emotions welled up toward the end because of how insignificant we all are in the grand scheme of things. And all the ways the universe decides to arrange itself is truly mindboggling. I’ll be processing this video for a while😊
Thank you!
Reality is truly remarkable! I have thought about all the aspects of it for almost 14 years now! I truly believe we are not meant to know everything, the true nature of reality will always be a mystery.
Seek and ye shall find Knock, and the door will be opened. What you seek shall come to you from yourself. And the one who seeks is the one who reveals.
I started in the morning and after 5 hours still cant stop watching - you are amazing ! Having a youtube channel myself, I know what this means - I am totally in love how you nail me to the screen - thank you so much - I will follow you to every dimension......:)
Getting home from work at 3am and discovering a 2 and a half hour video that I have to watch immediately.
What I find fascinating is the noosphere-the realm where concepts, language, ideas exist. Where consciousness itself is. These things are very real, despite being "illusion"-emergent properties of emergent properties.
These things are just as real as things that are physical-they act on others and ourselves, bind other creatures much like ourselves.
One could argue that since ideas cannot be destroyed, that they are bigger than the individual, that they are actually _more_ real than what is physical.
This.. this comment is what understands me, thank you for phrasing it like that. I am not being sarcastic.
@@FayeHunter I have done a lot of thinking about this sort of thing, and I'm glad I was able to phrase it in a way that helped you feel understood.
Well yea of course consciousness is real. Just not physical. Just as real, but a different kind of real.
This "noosphere" stuff sounds like pseudo-scientific bullshit though...
The Pleroma of the Gnostics
“People don't have ideas. Ideas have people.”
I think this quote by Carl Jung fits perfect for what you said about ideas.
Half Six on a Saturday evening and my head now hurts, thank you. I wont be sleeping tonight as I try and unpack all of this.
I honestly believe that some knowledge is unavailable to us as the beings we are. We may be able to know the how of most things.....but we'll never truly understand the why.
@simonebest6013 no idea how or why u injected politics into this but if the DNC made ur head hurt, I can only imagine the splitting, searing pain u must have felt watching idiocracy, oops sorry I meant the RNC
Ehhh I'm used to it, but do get where you're coming from 🫠
Regarding quantum entanglement and spooky action at a distance: imagine you have a stack of very large sheets of paper, and on each sheet are two colored dots, always one yellow and one blue, because of some law of conservation of printer ink or whatever. But on some sheets, the dot in the top left might be yellow and the dot in the bottom right blue, while on other sheets the dot in the top left might be blue and the dot in the bottom right yellow. When considering the stack as a whole, it isn't determined which dot is yellow and which is blue. But as soon as you lift up the top left corner of the stack to reveal a(n effectively) random sheet in the middle of it, and you see a dot of one color, you instantly know what color the dot on the other side of the sheet is, even if these sheets of paper are lightyears across. But that's not a problem, because nothing had to *travel* across any of the sheets to ensure this result. You just picked *which sheet in the stack* was the one you were going to be looking at.
The sheets are slices of the superposition of the entangled waves, and your picking one is you becoming entangled with that wave yourself, apparently collapsing it to a single sheet and discarding all the others, from your subjective perspective.
That was such a brilliant thought experiment to help visualize the intensely difficult to comprehend theories of quantum entanglement. This helped me understand this concept more than anything i have ever read or heard. Thankyou for that stranger.
@@udontknowdave2155 I'm very pleased that you liked it so much!
I agree with the above reply. This is a beautifully illustrated example. Thank you! God bless! ✝️ :)
Hm.., as far as I understand, that's not the case with quantum entanglement. The quantum particle remains in superposition until it is observed and doesn't mean that the quantum state it was already decided and just waiting to be observed. Take as an example the double slit experiment. The electron beam will form a normal wave spectre, but when putting a spin detector, it will form just to separate lines.
@@IngVasiu In the metaphor I used, the stack of sheets is the superposition, and picking one sheet at random to look at is the observation. It's already decided that for each sheet, one dot is yellow and the other is blue, so whichever sheet you look at you will inevitably find one dot the opposite color of the other, but that's not decided for the stack as a whole.
The differences in the double-slit experiment might be incorporated into this metaphor as the difference between feeding the entire stack of paper (the unobserved wavefunction) through something at once, and feeding a bunch of individual sheets (observed states) through one after the other. I'm not sure what we're feeding the papers into in this metaphor though, that's just the start of a thought.
This video should have 100 Million views, I swear
*broooo you just made my day!! I am at work and listen to your playlist literally every single night(some nights I listen to audiobook of 1984) but you just blessed us with 2 and a half hours of top class knowledge*
I love this channel, by far the best channel for Space information. Second place is Astrum but this one is above it imo because you fully go in-depth to teach us the topics at hand.
Astrum is more like commentary on cool things about space, doesn't go much in depth about the ways things work but I still love that channel also.
Keep up the amazing work.
This channel is gonna get up to 2 million subs in less than a year. I guarantee it
*Whats the point of bold?* _Why not italics?_ *_Anything for more attention?_*
@@carnivorous_vegan Such an honest comment with praise to the channel deserves to have its first paragraph in bold, if I may say.
Hope it grabs the attention of those in charge of the channel like it did yours.
@@jooj9420 If I may say 🤓
The fact you didn’t include the TH-cam channel Kurzgesagt in the top 3 science videos on TH-cam is almost close to criminal. Kurzgesagt is on the level of the History of the Universe with their ability to explain the most advanced scientific theories so that us layman folks can understand it’s incredible attention to detail. Kurzgesagt might be the very best and #1 channel on TH-cam in my humble opinion. Give it a look, you will be happy you did
God’s word is string theory! Vibration and frequency! Everything is held together with the word of our Heavenly Father! God bless❤
It's probably multiple dimensions sandwiched constant forces we can't explain like gravity dark matter ect. are probably a result. Created by particles that are tangible in one dimension but not in another yet might still exhibit influencing qualities in tangible matter. Which would explain why particles seem to briefly appear when we smash other particles together at great speeds and energies.
Whaaaaat?! 🫣
Not a two hour video!🤯
It's more than that?!🤩
Thank you!🙏Thank you!😭
You should have!🥰
Why do videos like these make me calm and all of sudden can pay attention.
Haven't watched the video yet. I already know its going to be spectacular. Please never stop making these videos. Genuinely my favourite TH-cam channel.
must be a millennial
Just when concern, that I'm the only person that thinks this way, weighs down on me... I come across this presentation and feel a lot less alone. What a treat this is. Thank you for the work that went into compiling this.
There must be more of us, I often think exactly how you do😊
When I started the video, I was contemplating getting up to make me a cup of coffee first. Now I might just go back to bed.
2 hours in and existential crisis gets smushed into your face lol. Its fascinating seeing these concepts and well crafted explanations about the universe again. From my understanding and what i accepted is that every unit of time down to planktime is a snapshot of who we are. Our cells die and shed, but in the moment that point in time, we are the version of ourselves only in that moment and the very next moment we are different. Everything that we interact with we shed and take tiny particles in a given moment. Every nueron firing is a change in who we are and opens the probabilities of the universe in terms of what could have been. Its part of what makes history fascinating to me.
Throughout our lives we look back and read our history and pull different things to take with us each time despite the information not changing. Listening to this explanation about Albert Einstein over and over, i come out with a better understanding of his thought process and how change (decay) is a fundamental process property of existence.
Idk if its the adhd in me, but this drums up questions about what if, like what if we changed the environment of the particle measure the aftermath of a particular without fundamental forces acting on it, would it merely decay and produce waves that created its own functions? Would the electrons maintain or disperse?
This is the best video I have ever seen. I will come back everytime I need to put things in the right proportion, might be a useful mental exercise.
59:13 the word "niggles" took me out lmao
I just had to rewind for that like, "wait, what?" 😂
I literally paused and turned on captions just to make sure i heard that right 😂
@@lexidugo Same 💀
This is just like when Bernie Sanders said "niggardly" in a speech in congress once. Maybe these words that basically mean nitpicking should be retired, maybe
@aepokkvulpex there's nothing wrong with the words
because you are programmed to be afraid of the words
I have a degree in Physics so I am very familiar with most of this stuff and history.
However an absolute masterpiece of a video. Very insightful, very detailed and breathtaking narration and explanation that does not require a Physics degree to follow or understand.
Thank you for bringing such knowledge and theory to the masses for free.
Science just keeps reinforcing my Buddhist beliefs. Brilliant
Oh boy, I cannot wait to go to sleep today. ❤
We are so back
Why wait? Go to sleep now!
THIS IS INCREDIBLE. The culmination of everything this channel has been about leading up until now. This is the most important question in existence and the history of our attempts to answer it is so fascinating.
Don’t let this distract you from the fact, that YOU still have to go to work tomorrow! 😬 welcome to reality! 😫😫😫😫
Buddy I am unemployed 😭
Thanks for that reminder… 😢
@@Virajodedra76 sorry 😞 that’s another reality I don’t wish on anyone 😞
But what about the alpha particles?😢
I’ve watched this video more times than I can count. Simply amazing how you guys were able to take such a vast, multi faceted mass of difficult to digest information…present it in a clear & concise presentation full of analogy & humor and than offer it up to the viewers free of charge. We are all truly in your debt for the content you provide. 🙏 🤘
This might be the best video on TH-cam
The fact that lunacy is reality. I cant even.
Reality is digestible chunks of consciousness
This is a rare gem. You really wrapped it all up in a 2 hours and a half video, bravo!
It's going to be a nice evening. 👌
This is hands down the best channel on TH-cam. I keep wondering how we deserve such quality content for free. As always: thank you, we owe you!
& history of earth, history of human and voices of the past. The 4 best on TH-cam. Hands down.
This video is a contribution to humanity
Energy can never be useless energy, it only transforms to be usefully to another form of life, which will in some amount of turns become useful again in the way it began, so on and so forth forever.
HotU-videos will go from the idea of cutting an apple in half to questioning the very existence of that apple and everything else in its realm and beyond within three minutes (and i think that's beautiful 🌠).
i prefer and appreciate the apple more tbh
Does anyone else have the problem that uncovering reality seems super interesting at first but then as you go down the rabbit hole and explore everything deeper you find that you don't actually get anywhere? You end up with more questions than answers and you even discover that there's things out there that you'd rather not know? I mean there's a million different hypothesis about reality that you can neither prove nor disprove so what's the point? You might as well just go along for the ride like you're a dog
It's not for you, that's okay. Glad there are people out there increasing our understanding, generally makes our lives better or at least it could
I’ve been through something similar to what you’re describing, but for me, there’s always something new to learn and connect. Each discovery gives me a better understanding of how our world really works, and I think that’s worth it.
Trying to understand the world is like a blind man trying to imagine what colors look like. Just as he can’t fully grasp what sighted people see, we can’t fully understand everything about reality, especially when it comes to things like the afterlife or the true nature of existence or “what is truly out there”. We do our best to make sense of things, but our understanding is always going to be limited by our own experiences and what we can comprehend right now.
This isn’t just a philosophical thought-it’s something fundamental we see in how we approach science too. For example: mathematics gives us tools to describe the world, but even in something as “factual” as math, there are things that can’t be proven or fully understood within the system itself, as Gödel showed. The same goes for the scientific process generally: we build on what we know, using certain assumptions and methods, but there’s always more out there that we can’t quite reach or explain.
Hegel’s idea of progress through inevitable contradictions shows that understanding the world is a process that never really ends. We’re constantly learning and adapting, but we never get to a final, complete truth. There’s always more to discover, and some things will always remain beyond our reach.
At some point, we have to accept that this is just the way things are. We live, we learn, and we grow from our experiences, but we’ll never have all the answers. Our past experiences shape who we are, and as we move forward, we just have to appreciate the process of learning and living. That is the same with progression in humanity. It was Plato that said: “Learning is a process of recollection.” There’s a kind of order and truth in everything, but no single answer will cover everything. As Gödel’s work reminds us, even the most consistent systems are incomplete, and so is our understanding of the world. Ultimately, in a sense of way, there is a beauty and appreciation in being here right now, within a given process, within a given system of life, of the encompassing nature.
You are on the middle acts, there is but one answer. Keep seeking, because there is no unknowing. infinite info in infinite direction leads to infinite options. It's all what you make it
I feel and think exactly like you, every question i ask and ponder, it goes into infinity or doesnt make sense at all. I think we are not meant to understand everything.
1:00:55 Why does our pal Albert always look like he's holding a joint in these pictures? 😂😂😂😂😂
Because he was 😂
The chalk lol
I've watched this video so many times and everytime i learn something new 😂. It's so packed with information that 1 watch doesn't do it justice.
a new HotU vid is always a good day
HotU. Sounds like the university I want to go to. Hot nerds everywhere!
Scientists: we live in a virtual reality of our own making.
The Buddha: with our thoughts, we create the world.
Same same, right? 😅
Smart guy that Buddha.
Well not exactly you can't just manifest things into being. The confusion with the double slit is the way in which it was performed. An inadvertent mistake of observation practices. The reality is that light exists in both states at once so even though you only observe one or vicariously the other they are both still there.
@@fireteamomega2343 we can't. The universe can. 😃
I will always love that conceit of our modern society:
_"Yes, the ancients used logic, and thought experiments, to figure out things that we didn't figure out again for thousands of years... _*_but it didn't count when they did it!!_*_ It only counted once we did it because we called it science."_
This should be mandatory viewing for all first year physics students. And anybody else with two brain cells to rub together.
This is without doubt the best informational dissection of the current state of thinking in physics and how it arrived there.
It just keeps getting better as it goes and whoever made it is a saint ! Good onya!
Damn...thats a sharp knife
Honestly, a valid takeaway after all this.
In the grim darkness of the far future, there's only entropy.