Yahweh's Prohibition of Iron for Israel

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • #religion #god #bible #yahweh
    Israel didn't have the technology of smelting iron for a very long time.
    My question is, if Yahweh was with them, why didn't they have the skills?
    Why would the Creator of all hide this from his own people?

ความคิดเห็น • 48

  • @davidgonzalez-herrera2980
    @davidgonzalez-herrera2980 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    God hates certain actions, not the individual. He does not take pleasure in the destruction of the wicked.

  • @theARChurch
    @theARChurch 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thanks for your video. I dont see a prohibition on the use of iron. Only the use of Iron in making an altar. However, there is some suggestion in the book of Enoch that fallen angels taught metallurgy to humanity- this would lend credence to your argument.

  • @briantrevino9706
    @briantrevino9706 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I disagree with the ending statement, Jesus taught us to love the Lord our God with all pure heart, mind and soul, and love neighbor as self. God hates sin, and he must do so if he is truly good. We are to hate as well as Christians. For example if God loves babies, He must hate abortion. If God loves woman, He must have rape. If God loves children, He must hate child abuse. God is loving and merciful, giving all evil people time to repent, even though He sees their evil deeds. He stores up wrath to justly punish all who do wrong (including ourselves because we have all sinned). God made away for sinners to be forgiven by sending Jesus to take our place on the cross, thus God justifies us and He is the justified, so He punishes all sin, but takes our sins upon Himself. A good and loving God would is just and that why He hates evil.

    • @twoolddudesproduction420
      @twoolddudesproduction420 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Believe as you will.

    • @Svensk7119
      @Svensk7119 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Your grammar was off.

    • @briantrevino9706
      @briantrevino9706 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Fixed it. Thank you for letting me know.

    • @briantrevino9706
      @briantrevino9706 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@twoolddudesproduction420 Yes, we all have a right to believe what we wish, and God is gentleman and gives humans free will to choose what they wish to believe in. Blessings.

    • @Maxim.Teleguz
      @Maxim.Teleguz 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@briantrevino9706still not fixed. “He must have rape or hate rape”

  • @kpllc4209
    @kpllc4209 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It always seems that God never tells people things they don't already know.

  • @priestbogomil
    @priestbogomil 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He “Tetragrammaton” is fighting not with man made weapons these days but is killing the spirit of innocent humans.

  • @zenawarrior7442
    @zenawarrior7442 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    How interesting & thought provoking🗡⛏️⛓️ Always make history fun for me. Thanks fellas 😊❤✌️

  • @robertzendejas8349
    @robertzendejas8349 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It was the fallen angel Azazael who taught mankind how to mine, extract, smelt, and work metals. Also taught mankind how to fashion armor and weapons as well as the ways of war.
    Technically, mankind was either taught about metallurgy earlier than the Lord intended, or we were never meant to know about it in the first place.
    Considering that all mining is destructive to the life and land where it is done, the death that envelopes mining from beginning to end is unwarranted, and to achieve the highest quality, amount, and efficiency in mining requires the labor, strength, and numbers of many men.
    All specifically working not for themselves but for the purposes and designs of a select few or even the select one. Man was not created to serve the purpose and will of other men.
    Yeah, everything that the Fallen taught mankind involves death at multiple levels and means.
    That is something to really consider and think about what the actual costs of that knowledge involved.

  • @DaneStolthed
    @DaneStolthed 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Israelites didn’t need weapons made of Iron like the nations that surround them God said that He would defeat Israels enemies. ~Deuteronomy 28:7.

  • @HeyItsTim
    @HeyItsTim 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There's some stuff in the book of Enoch about the watchers teaching humans how to make things with iron. Maybe that has something to do with it??

  • @MsDaniella71Next
    @MsDaniella71Next 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you have true love then you must have hate for anything that can hurt your true love.
    God hates sin.
    That doesn't make Him less God. It doesn't make Him less loving.
    By the very nature good there must be an opposite to that. Why is good good?
    We live in a world that eats itself. Hate the sin. Love the sinner.
    Sharing the word of God should be a scary thing because if we get it wrong we are held accountable.
    God is not the author of confusion; We are told to fear Him though. We fear Him because He is just.
    God isn't just a good dad He''s a great dad.
    That's why He says vengeance is His.
    If sin had not come into the world then we would not have good and evil. We do though. We have to choose and fight for what is right every day. That means hating the things that are evil the things that bring destruction the things that keep us from God. This life is temporary. I hope you read the comments and if I haven't given you reason to at least pray about this then I hope maybe someone else's comment does.
    God does hate...He hates sin as the god of the universe would.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    People seem to miss the idea of the 'left hand'. Much of the meaning in these stories - true or not - is lost in the tiny details and why the final tribe listed is Benjamin - 'son' of the RIGHT hand.
    The Lord (YHWH) is best known by His ability to do ALL things... and thus able to reward with the appropriate 'wages' for one's deeds.
    Isaiah 45:7 says...
    "I form light and I create darkness. I make peace and I create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
    You cannot have 'grace' without 'evil' - since it is evil to break God's law, and grace is 'partiality' which scriptures say is given to no man.
    The law cannot be fulfilled by the letter, as you have to break the law (by the letter) in order to fulfill it. What Jesus wrote on the ground was Exodus 21:12 and Leviticus 24:17 - both which state that whoever kills someone is to be put to death.
    I can explain what the trinity is... but it is a 'lost' teaching that explains with good reasons what the Apostles were teaching, and why Jesus should NOT have been crucified - as the Apostle Paul professes in 1st Corinthians 2:8.
    Because of this revelation, I actually hold the keys of peace between all of the Abrahamic faiths and only wait to have this information recognized.
    In a nutshell, the 'son of man' is not a person - but a door or gateway to a relationship with God. There are many passages that mention 'the' "son of man", but not all are complimentary to God in their context - see Job 25:6, and Numbers 23:19 - the later which reads...
    "Is God a man, that He should lie? Or a 'son of man' that He should repent?"
    This strictly implies that the 'son of man' can have (2) different relationships one with Gid the Father, and the other with the devil - the Father of Lies.
    Jesus ALWAYS and without exception refers to this 'son of man' in the 3rd person - ALWAYS.
    So then, if we look at Ezekiel 2, we can see how this works. In the first 2 chapters of Ezekiel 2 (and know that I am strongly opposed to these fragmentations of scripture as they have turned bread into bread crumbs) we find that Ezekiel is called by the Lord, and is told to "stand' and THEN the Lord would speak to him. Then Ezekiel points out that the spirit 'enters' him - which causes him to be set on his feet, and THEN he could hear. Again, we see the concepts of blameless and 'upright' all throughout scripture.
    So then, this 'son of man' in being a 'door'or 'gate' is for 'sheep' - who are strictly obedient to God - vs. goats who are sacrificed for 'sin'.
    Grace then is associated with the 'rod' (vs. the 'staff') and should be understood as a way in which evil is used for 'good' as it it certainly evil to disobey God. So the phrase 'salvation by grace' is then the role of a 'suffering servant' vs. an obedient one.
    Notice what is said about the 'suffering servant'... numbered amongst the transgressors (sinner), nobody to be esteemed (sinner), and so on.
    By this understanding one can see that ALL are ALREADY 'serving' God from either of these (2) perspectives - and is simply 'Sovereignty of God '.
    As such, the only way to 'win' against evil, is to not DO 'evil'. It is the fight that cannot be won by fighting and why the Lord of Glory (Jesus the Christ) taught as He did. To always ow forward, to love each other as we are ALL 'brothers', and as such, allowing the dead to bury the dead.
    I know that I am a prophet as I have called these times like a football game that I wish I never would have been born to witness with my eyes. And I also know 'how' Isaiah 52:15 is to be fulfilled... while I humbly admit that I - as a simple man - do not feel that I am worthy to do it. But again, the truths are in the writings and they do say...
    "Elijah was just a man, like you and I."

    • @AndersAylward
      @AndersAylward 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      God rebuke you, this is satanic perversion, at best it is gnostic foolishness. None of that is founded in reality

  • @kittenlang8641
    @kittenlang8641 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wonder if the iron issue refers back to the Sumerian tablets, where the Igigi were limited. Sounds like that to me! 🤭✌🏼

  • @michaelnewswanger2409
    @michaelnewswanger2409 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The prohibition against iron tool in building an alter suggests that the Israelites possessed iron tools. The advance of iron weapons is largely a result of technology that allows the incorporation of carbon into the iron. Iron without carbon is inferior to bronze when used for blades.
    The claim that Yahweh was originally Canaanite is dubious. Most of the time the people who make the claim rely on the similarity of words between the languages which isn't really a proof of the same deity.
    The last claim of love and hate is a very shallow understanding of the teaching of the bible. Hatred isn't forbidden and love for everything isn't commanded. Hate is an inverse of love and a natural result of loving. I love my family, if you come to harm them I will hate you and will act on that hatred to do harm to you.

  • @kittenlang8641
    @kittenlang8641 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They couldn't navigate using the sun, moon and stars during a time when other civilizations globally prove they could do that.

  • @Svensk7119
    @Svensk7119 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Distance weapons of the period would not be "fired". "Hurled", "shot" or "propelled" would be the proper verb.

  • @DrHaddix
    @DrHaddix 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    YWHW is not the GOD of Islam.Israelites follow the GOD of Abrahm, Isaac, and Jacob, while Muslim brothers follow the god of Abraham and Ishmael.
    The Israelites were also sent to war by GOD to remove idolatrous nations and peoples from Canaan. Joshua somehow missed a few, and those survivors are the people who plague Israel today.

  • @bonniegettingthrumyday2866
    @bonniegettingthrumyday2866 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The answer: the fallen hoard of angels, who were jealous of humans whom God blessed, set about teaching humans forbidden knowledge's. Magic, metallurgy,, war, astrology, weapons, even cosmetics, so the humans would change their appearance- all taught so that mankind would kill & destroy themselves. The fallen laughed as we did so.

  • @yqafree
    @yqafree 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    How trustworthy is the old testament writings really?

    • @MikeBalkansky
      @MikeBalkansky 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Trustworthy as Bill Gates, the Yuvals, Noahs & Hararis are…

    • @Gowiththewind53
      @Gowiththewind53  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Depends on how you interpret them. They were obviously theoretical not literal. But this probation is really odd…

    • @yqafree
      @yqafree 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Gowiththewind53 Agreed.

    • @donphillips5957
      @donphillips5957 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This particular incident is in fact consistent with history. As the Bible states, the Philistines had developed iron smelting and blacksmithing technology ahead of their neighbors, and used this to their advantage. Likewise, David is first introduced a chapter earlier(I Samuel 16:18) as being a mighty, valiant man and a man of war. Important here, he came from the town of Bethlehem, and grew up around the Benjamites who were well known for their skill with the sling. So David wasn't some young teenager going against Goliath, but already had some skills. More his technique in the kill. Immediately after he released the stone, he ran up to Goliath pulled his sword, and cut off his head, insuring he was dead, but also showing everyone else this was true. Far from a fantastic kids story it's a grisly, historically accurate account.

    • @JaneJones-lg3bd
      @JaneJones-lg3bd 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Not very.

  • @raedwulf61
    @raedwulf61 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yahweh was not a god of metallurgy. Nor is the god of Islam the same as Yahweh.

    • @twoolddudesproduction420
      @twoolddudesproduction420 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      According to Amzallag, long before becoming the deity of the Israelites, Yahweh was a god of metallurgy in the ancient Canaanite pantheon, worshipped by smelters and metalworkers throughout the Levant, not just by the Hebrews. His theory is not exactly widely accepted, but has recently been gaining traction.

  • @YHVH1483
    @YHVH1483 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yahweh is not the God of the jews nor muslims.

  • @djewynne9638
    @djewynne9638 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Isn't that the point? Ya-oh is a person, too. Obviously male. Obviously passionate. Obviously NOT perfect, yet, and here's the part everyone seems to miss, still who He is. Who He is, is not dependent on what He does; or from the other way, no matter what He does, it's Him. Anybody else's feelings about, are theirs.

  • @francoisrobillard3164
    @francoisrobillard3164 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    nonsense, prohibition was for not for weapon ,and kitchen knife. ,plow etc. hebrew were slave in egypt so had no weapon!!!

  • @jacquelinevanderkooij4301
    @jacquelinevanderkooij4301 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    YHWH ak El Shaday was an evil Elohim.
    I really do not understand why Christians folow YHWH, being an evil Elohim.

    • @michaelgray-dm3cf
      @michaelgray-dm3cf 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Where do you get this silliness....certainly nowhere in the Scripture..........Another unbeliever trying to either understand something that he is "Dead " to ........or trying to escape the wrath to come without "meat fruit for repentance"

  • @michaelgray-dm3cf
    @michaelgray-dm3cf 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    YWHW is NOT the Mohammadian Deity.............ALLAH is the MOON GOD of Arab Bedouins of the time....WHY ELSE DO YOU SUPPOSE EVERY MOHAMMADIAN FLAG HAS A CRESCENT MOON EMBLEM?

    • @Gowiththewind53
      @Gowiththewind53  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not denying any of that, but they all claimed there’s only one god and Mohammad himself said his god was the Abrahamic god…