Congratulations mate.....7 years and counting. No regrets....when you hit a century your decision will make you even more prouder of yourself. Good luck and Enjoy life
Plant-based news promotes propaganda that fish is unhealthy and actively prompts vegan junk food from subway and KFC and McDonald's so what is it is vegan about your health or the animals if it is about health then why do you make videos when a non-vegan restaurant make vegan junk food I but go all on abord when talking about unprocessed food like fish I wonder Plus The title should be why vegan doctors like to hate anything that's non-Vegan I can make a whole video about why brown rice is unhealthy because the high level of arsenic cause cancer so therefore brown rice is unhealthy what about the DHA IN Fish is better than ALA in plants and much more bioavailable I think I would rather listen to what longest living healthy Japanese are eating whole food unprocessed diets just because most vegans are less likely to smoke and drink alcohol and eat less processed food doesn't mean that vegan diets are Heather at all the fact that pesco-vegetarians had the lowest hazard ratio for all-cause mortality in the Adventist Health Study 2 despite pollution? I can see the ecological and other ethical problems with eating seafood, but doesn't epidemiology contradict the claim that a vegan diet is healthier than a pescovegetarian diet? I don't think I know better, it's just that I see some contradiction here. This study on vegans' use of saying vegan being Heather than meat-eater has clearly shown the opposite true with the fish-eater this doesn't mean vegan diets are unhealthy but not optimal as whole food plants based with some fish since this diet provides all the nutrients from plants and B12 DHA and more biologically available vitamins A and D, therefore, non-vegan diets can be slightly Heather than WFPBD Not all vegans eat this diet vegans do eat refined carbs also added vegetable oils are and mock meats are not correct to say that vegans are automatically Heather because their diet is vegan Any idea, why pesco-vegetarians had the lowest hazard ratio for all-cause mortality in the Adventist Health Study 2 despite pollution? I can see the ecological and other ethical problems with eating seafood, but doesn't epidemiology contradict the claim that a vegan diet is healthier than a pescovegetarian diet? I don't think I know better, it's just that I see some contradiction here. Thanks for your reply. The level of mercury in fresh Atlantic salmon is 220 parts per billion mercury so which means That a 3oz serving is equal to 85 grams of Salmon 220/1000000000 equal 0.00000022 grams of mercury x1000 to milligrams then it's 0.00022 milligrams x1000 to micrograms then it's 0.22 microgram x85 for 3oz serving 18.7 micrograms of mercury The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that 0.1 mcg per kg) of body weight per day is the maximum safe dose of mercury. So 18.7 mcg from fish I am weighing about 73kg that's about 161 lb So Roundabout 0.10mcg per lb so my exposure Is within the safe non-risk limit if I eat 85 grams every day which is a lot I eat about 85 grams of salmon 3 times a week so my total consumption a week is about 255grams that's equal to 9oz a week Now we have to x3 the exposure of mercury that's come at 18.7/161 = 0.116149068322981 x3 = 0.348447204968943 Roundabout 0.35 I have to 7x the safe expound limit of 0.1 x7 = 0.7 mcg per pound per week is safe to limit I only would get 0.35 which is well within the safe limit so at this level heavy metals like mercury are completely harmless to get a negative effect you need to be exposed serval times the upper safe limit so you are wrong about fish contains omega 3 and DHA that helps the brain development and lower heart disease anyways if you are still concerned about this explore it safe to eat a fish a couple of times a week the benefits of fish completely outweigh the negative so stop spending misinformation If you still are stubborn about not eating heavy metal you do know that you're exposed to heavy materials at a far higher amount from second-hand smoke brown rice has arsenic that's doesn't mean that brown rice is unhealthy like fish the benefits outweighs the drawbacks of combining fish with prominently plant-based is optimal for health 👍 nice logic very mon biased video
Thank you for this interview. I am one of those people who never considered going vegan before what the health. After I saw it, I cut out all animal products that night.
Same here me and my family started 2 months tomorrow...all the changes that started taking place in my body are 38 and i feel like im 25 again.... My nose sinus cleared out My eye sight improved My body swelling went down My heart burns are gone My head aches gone My metabolism improved My taste buds changed My exercise performance improved Im dropping weight or loosing size easier than ever really noticeable.... My soreness after workouts is gone My face is not oily anymore These are things that i noticed the most....great filling overall...
Same here, vegetarian for 24 years but cut out all dairy that night and my bf threw out all animal products from the fridge and went plant-based with me straight away! Best decision we've made!
Eating You Alive, Gamechangers, Dominion, etc..... so many great Vegan & animal rights documentaries coming out. The world is changing, whether some like it or not.
Hey everyone! If you enjoyed the interview and want to get notified when our weekly videos come out, please press the bell by the subscribe button. If you're wondering why I didn't ask Kip about his upcoming projects, it was because I was asked by his team not to.
But I can make a guess 🙊 so the first film was about the environment the second about the health, so let me guess the third film about the animals? Can’t wait when it’s out
Maze429 be a flexitarian, less meat, dairy and eggs, means less fat, saturated fat and cholestrol, more fruit amd vegetables, means more fruit and vitamins, you don't have to he vegan, if you became flexitarian, everybody wins.
Maze429 I was simply suggesting you give it try and see. The okinawans, sardinians and seven day adventists, eat a low meat and dairy diet, that's high in carbs like rice, potatoes, fruits and vegetables and they are some of the heathiest people on the planet, when you get time check out uprooting the leading causes of death on youtube.
I think it’s GOOD that Gamechangers will be male focused. Society puts massive pressure on men to appear stoic and masculine, which men are taught means they should care less about certain things than women. Men are taught that activities like hunting are masculine and that eating a massive amount of animal products will make them strong. The fact that Gamechangers is going to break that stigma is excellent!
It's about time that society checks that men need a sausage, eggs and backbone for their manhood, but these things do not necessarily have to be on their plates.
@@rubygreta1 Especially when it comes to eating meat, it is often argued that humans have always done that. Which is certainly right first time. "We have always done so" is not the same as "It is justified.". And if you equate that is a logical fallacy. How long an act is already practiced does not say anything about whether it is ethically justifiable or whether it should be continued or continued for all eternity. You can always have done things badly. To do something silly is normal. To do something stupid twice can be called stupid. To do something stupid over generations is called tradition. But you should not stick to mistakes just because you've spent a lot of time making them. Tradition is not a seal of quality. People have always killed each other. We had always sacrificed first-born and exposed the disabled to die in the forest. Slavery and the oppression of women was still normal 200 years ago. And it obviously worked. We have always done it that way. until we finally stop, or at least try. Fortunately, most civilized people would no longer orient themselves to that. So why on things that were usual a long time ago? Yes, ethics is not really carved in stone but can evolve. And that's good. Since morality does not fall from the sky, one needs a basis to be able to decide what is right or wrong. If one then questions the supposed basis and does not stop at "is-just like that!", But strives to fathom the basis of the foundation, then one will surely arrive at some point in a kind of axiom that is not ultimately justifiable. Above all, needs, interests and suffering are the basis of any reasonably modern ethics. A lifestyle that is based on a so-called pathocentric ethics, that is an ethic that expressly makes suffering a central criterion. And for a just ethics, there seems to be no better common denominator than living and not suffering. In humans, this is more or less consciously recognized as a natural basis for how to treat it. Basically, society has already accepted an ethical system in which suffering, needs and interests are not ignored but play crucial roles. Accordingly, we generally also act after that, or at least pretend ...
Thank you Kip, it's your movie that pushed me to the tipping point to be Vegan. Started early Jan this year, I am pregnant with my 2nd baby. Had pressure from in laws to eat meat but I just told them no! My daughter is nearly 4 years old and she wants to be vegan for the rest of her life! We talk a lot about animals and she just adores them and dreams about them all the time. Even dinosaurs haha. We need to keep their eyes open from when they are young. Don't close them by feeding them suffering.
Anikoxx It changed our family of 3 as well. Our doctor, (yes, you read that right!) wrote down "What the Health" "Cowspiracy" and "How not to Die" and had us watch the documentaries! Life changing!
OMG Cowspiracy changed my life forever. I watched it around 2 years ago and went Vegan the day after! I almost thumped the TV in anger during the film! I mean contributing to the murder of 60 billion land animals and over a trillion fish a year for no other reason than taste really got to me. It has been an amazing journey. 3 years ago, I didn't even know what Veganism meant, and knew nothing about the meat and dairy industry.
Alexandre Gareau Interesting comment about denying reality. I’m a vegan (since 2013) but I’m also a Christian. Many people live their lives denying the reality of God, which is the essence of reality denial. It’s really business as usual for sinful humanity. Your statement could not be more accurate!
Vegan 5 years. I suffered from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood sugar). I went whole food plant based no sugar and oil and low salt and I lost 65 pounds, all my conditions greatly improved, my gums stopped bleeding, and erections and energy returned. I used to have an appetite that was never satisfied; whole foods cured it. I no longer use a sleep apnea machine. Finally, the food is cheap-Beans, lentils, sprouted flour less bread, rice, potatoes and seasonal apples. Also, I save money by not having to buy pills or visit the Doctor. I am thankful to all the vegans who suffered attacks to reveal the truth to me.
You would think people would become vegan after watching this I know I did but not my family sadly they became defensive and claim they eat grass fed it’s sad 😔
@@Moonie_MonRozE Don't give up on them! Show them Cowspiracy, it talks about grass-fed beef. I only managed to convince my family after watching that and WTH. Also if you read 'How to survive a pandemic' by Michael Greger I guarantee that after the first chapter you will never want to even touch any animal products. Good luck!
53 now. Been plant-based for 8 years now. Run 6 miles a day. Climb 3 nights a week and bike tons of miles on the weekend. Becoming plant-based changed everything for me. I feel like I'm 18 and am ready for new and challenging things every day. It was like a cloud was removed from my life. Thank you Kip for presenting this information.
this guy is impressively good hearted. You can just tell he's not saying what he's saying to prove a point in a dominating way or anything like that, he is just talking about what he considers to be the truth. He wants to spread the truth, and he isn't even heated up by people's illogical hating. Collected. So cool
@@user-73a Link me to study not done by vegans who put people on a McDonald's and processed carbs diet to illustrate how bad meat is. Hurry to the supplement store, you'll miss your timing for your pharmacutical micronutrient requirements. Don't let Greger down, doctor and a perfect picture of health.
@@FBeckenbauer4 with a properly balanced vegan diet and no health issues you only need to supplement B12 and maybe vitamin D if you live in a country with little sunlight. But many meat eaters have B12 deficiencies too and on top of that many people have vitamin D deficienices because of too little sun exposure. Most people should consider supplementing those two. My dad is a regular guy, loves meat, and his doctor just gave him B12 supplements. It can happen to anyone, especially to people who are unaware about it or think eating meat magically will prevent any deficiencies. You can be both healthy with a balanced vegan diet or with a diet that still contains animal products (although the animal products should be consumed in small amounts and be high quality and unprocessed). Because of that I dont see the health argument as a convincing argument to go vegan. The environmental and ethical arguments are more convincing
The time is now! The future is green! Animal liberation now! Human liberation now! Time to break free from the shackles of society, of government, of our own limitations!
MR. X Well aren't we Pollyanna. It would have been dandy if Lincoln had said that. And Churchill, Eisenhower, Maybe Obama and everyone who worked to find Bin Laden And Dr. King, maybe. People who think the way you do completely mystify me. Must be terrible to walk around looking at the floor and never get the job done. Negativity will get you less than nowhere.
This movie sealed the deal for hubby and I , after watching Forks Over Knives and this , we are never going back. Vegan for life! And we used to love love love eating animal products, anyone can change if we did
I wish I could personally thank Kip Anderson. I do public outreach in California and one of the major films that every non vegan has seen is What the Health. It provides some great talking points and dilutes the pool of misinformation concerning a vegan diet as it relates to health. Thanks PBN and Kip!!
Plant-based news promotes propaganda that fish is unhealthy and actively prompts vegan junk food from subway and KFC and McDonald's so what is it is vegan about your health or the animals if it is about health then why do you make videos when a non-vegan restaurant make vegan junk food I but go all on abord when talking about unprocessed food like fish I wonder Plus The title should be why vegan doctors like to hate anything that's non-Vegan I can make a whole video about why brown rice is unhealthy because the high level of arsenic cause cancer so therefore brown rice is unhealthy what about the DHA IN Fish is better than ALA in plants and much more bioavailable I think I would rather listen to what longest living healthy Japanese are eating whole food unprocessed diets just because most vegans are less likely to smoke and drink alcohol and eat less processed food doesn't mean that vegan diets are Heather at all the fact that pesco-vegetarians had the lowest hazard ratio for all-cause mortality in the Adventist Health Study 2 despite pollution? I can see the ecological and other ethical problems with eating seafood, but doesn't epidemiology contradict the claim that a vegan diet is healthier than a pescovegetarian diet? I don't think I know better, it's just that I see some contradiction here. This study on vegans' use of saying vegan being Heather than meat-eater has clearly shown the opposite true with the fish-eater this doesn't mean vegan diets are unhealthy but not optimal as whole food plants based with some fish since this diet provides all the nutrients from plants and B12 DHA and more biologically available vitamins A and D, therefore, non-vegan diets can be slightly Heather than WFPBD Not all vegans eat this diet vegans do eat refined carbs also added vegetable oils are and mock meats are not correct to say that vegans are automatically Heather because their diet is vegan Any idea, why pesco-vegetarians had the lowest hazard ratio for all-cause mortality in the Adventist Health Study 2 despite pollution? I can see the ecological and other ethical problems with eating seafood, but doesn't epidemiology contradict the claim that a vegan diet is healthier than a pescovegetarian diet? I don't think I know better, it's just that I see some contradiction here. Thanks for your reply. The level of mercury in fresh Atlantic salmon is 220 parts per billion mercury so which means That a 3oz serving is equal to 85 grams of Salmon 220/1000000000 equal 0.00000022 grams of mercury x1000 to milligrams then it's 0.00022 milligrams x1000 to micrograms then it's 0.22 microgram x85 for 3oz serving 18.7 micrograms of mercury The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that 0.1 mcg per kg) of body weight per day is the maximum safe dose of mercury. So 18.7 mcg from fish I am weighing about 73kg that's about 161 lb So Roundabout 0.10mcg per lb so my exposure Is within the safe non-risk limit if I eat 85 grams every day which is a lot I eat about 85 grams of salmon 3 times a week so my total consumption a week is about 255grams that's equal to 9oz a week Now we have to x3 the exposure of mercury that's come at 18.7/161 = 0.116149068322981 x3 = 0.348447204968943 Roundabout 0.35 I have to 7x the safe expound limit of 0.1 x7 = 0.7 mcg per pound per week is safe to limit I only would get 0.35 which is well within the safe limit so at this level heavy metals like mercury are completely harmless to get a negative effect you need to be exposed serval times the upper safe limit so you are wrong about fish contains omega 3 and DHA that helps the brain development and lower heart disease anyways if you are still concerned about this explore it safe to eat a fish a couple of times a week the benefits of fish completely outweigh the negative so stop spending misinformation If you still are stubborn about not eating heavy metal you do know that you're exposed to heavy materials at a far higher amount from second-hand smoke brown rice has arsenic that's doesn't mean that brown rice is unhealthy like fish the benefits outweighs the drawbacks of combining fish with prominently plant-based is optimal for health 👍 nice logic very mon biased video
Great interview! Seeing What The Health has changed the way I view food and the way I eat forever! I've really enjoyed the PBN channel as well. Your videos continue to inspire and motivate me in my whole-foods-plant-based metamorphosis! Thank you.
If Bro Rogan crapped on What the Health, wait until Game changers is out!! It’s gonna set off that sleeping heart attack! If you search on TH-cam there is a podcast where he explains why vegans (Like Danzig) will never ever be at the top. It’s, according to him, not possible on a plant based diet! 😄
It was "what the health" that sparked my interest. But it was the debates that kip and some of the doctors from "what the health" had on some live television shows that made me go vegan. The fact that these doctors would completely dodge and not respond to the fact that their studies were funded by the animal industry made me open my eyes and make my decision.
That’s the film that did it for me! And it was definitely the horrific treatment of people living near the pig farms, that made me never want to support the meat industry ever again in my life. I am three years vegan now.
I think his movie did an excellent job by interviewing prominent plant based physicians and scientists that added lot more credibility and evidence. Thanks for interviewing such brilliant director.
I enjoyed watching the desperate meat shills attempting to debunk WTH. They can't squash the truth and it's beautiful to see Veganism build like a tidal wave!
Ignorance can cause damage in people's lives. Those that you observed may decide to learn about enzymes, ATP mitochondrial health, and cerebrospinal fluid/immune function someday - or not. It is their consciousness level and it may or may not change, until a dis-ease is manifested - and even then - they may not. It is their soverign body, their mitochondria cells - and their choice
Kip great job, thanks to your efforts I've now adopted a plant based lifestyle. I watched game changers first and needed a more comprehensive prospective of the information. Thank you, your efforts are changing the world!
This movie changed my life..... immediately after I watched it I went whole food plant based the next day......almost three years now.....lost 80 pounds...went from pre diabetic to normal and blood pressure dropped to normal........the truth is the truth and will always prevail.....thank you Kip!
Thanks for sharing this interview. It reminds me why I want and need to change my diet to plant based. I’ve been up and down struggling with cutting out all animal products lately and this reminds me why I want to follow this way of life!
Janet G Hey, Janet, you can do this! There's so much help and info just right here on YT. Stay close, every day to your fave vegan channels, find new ones and leave comments! Ask questions, too. Usually someonw will jump in and try to help ☺🌱👍
Janet G you're so welcome. And please remember, we *All* began at some point~ every single vegan had a Day 1, and many of us truly struggled in some way or other and/or had trouble giving up something or even a couple of things at first. For me, it was the half and half in my first morning cup of coffee~ I tried at least 10 different vegan substitutes, never really finding any if them as enjoyable. Finally, it just came down to realizing, once and for all, that my enjoyment was of no consequence, certainly not worth the price paid by the cows. Now, I am so used to plain old soy milk~ vit B12 fortified~ in my coffee that I wouldn't want it any other way! You can always adjust, adapt, etc, and no cruelty. Also please believe that there are absolutely NO "stupid" questions about any aspect of Veganism, you are so fortunate to be moving to this lifestyle at this time!! 👍💚🌱
This movie is the reason I started being a vegetarian and slowly transfer into a vegan lifestyle. It is an eye opening movie I remember watching this with a shocking face it made me look so much forward on what was happening around us and how ignorant we can be. The first week after finishing watching the movie I didn’t ate animal products at all and I remember that I was feeling badly, but the reason of that was because I was not eating enough whole foods like legumes, fruits and vegetables. So I needed to take action and start researching what I needed to eat to have all my nutrients. Now I do not regret my decision. I first did it because of health, but now is for the animals and all the reasons that could exist to make such a huge difference in my life. Thanks for creating this movie and shows us the truth about this industries.
Awesome interview! Those guys did such a great job on those movies. My family and I were watching Netflix one night (1.Chasing Ice 2.Food Choices 3.Cowspiracy) and we went vegan that moment. None of us even ate that night. It's amazing how many people just don't know. We just wish we would have known sooner. Thank you so much!!!
Working down the street from 2 slaughterhouses in Southeast PA was what did it for me. Seeing those livestock trailers rolling through our pattern every 3 minutes was the most appalling and heartbreaking thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life! Hearing the animals screaming and thrashing around in the trailers was menacing. Went home that night and threw all our meat out of the freezer and the 3 of us never touched meat or cheese again. That was a few years ago, we did no research and just kind of winged it and learned as we went. I said a prayer for every trailer that went by and could still see the terrorizing look on some of those cows and pigs faces, I was ashamed of being a human that day.
I participate in anonymous for the voiceless, when doing outreach I recommend WTH to everyone, such a great documentary and it's inspiring so many to make the switch to a plant based diet. Really good interview Klause, you ask all the right questions. Thanks to Kip for inviting you to his home and taking the time out for the interview. PBN is doing a great job ✌️
Thank you, Klaus! You are an exceptional interviewer and ask intelligent and pertinent questions. Love Kip, and looking forward to what else he has in store! xx
I watched ‘What The Health’ 2 years a go in bed at night and went vegan the next morning. My life is guilt free and my health is on point. Before being vegan I was a chronic migraine sufferer, I’m talking debilitating and projectile vomit inducing. I once had a migraine that was so bad I suffered with memory loss during the migraine attack and couldn’t remember my friends name or where I lived. 2 weeks being vegan and now 2 years vegan and zero migraines! Than you for the documentary, you saved my life.
It was such a great doc because it didnt focus on the well being of the animals but indirectly solves that part by challenging the well being of humans is it even worth it
Awesome, my friends! Looking forward to Kip's next one! One of my favorite and memorable shares that I ever heard someone say, was Kip in an interview saying that when he found out about the details on animal ag and environment etc - he was all in and didn't know much about healthy eating but he wasn't going to eat animals anymore and didn't care if he died or not!! Now that's commitment!! God Bless, my friends.
Love the What the Health documentary. Between that and Forks over Knives, turned me back into a Vegan (used to be Raw vegan) and I’m so thankful for the enlightenment. I used to do vegetarian keto 🤢 was not good 🤦♀️ wish I didn’t do the Ketogenic diet
Enjoying a MASSIVE salad with bell pepper, lentils, cucumber, kale, snow peas, red onion, asparagus. And tahini along with liquid aminos (soy sauce). Cheers!
Very interesting interview. The movie "What the Health" is a force for good. It's so nice to hear about some of the backstory. I am anxious for his next movie installment.
I can't wait to see this flim myself . Kip Andersen is by far the very best vegam flim producer of our time .wish you many more years of happiness, fulfillment and successful in this unique profession of yours .You had brought such meaning to my own life after looking and your two flims i had switch from being a vegetarian, too becoming a vegan that very day .TNK YOU EVER SO MUSH ! You had open my eyes to all my mistakes and i do humbly tnk you for that a million ✌,💖 & wisdom always brother may you shine kp up the wonderful job your doing and forever be blessed ..
As long as hydrofluosilicic acid is iintentionally added to most American [not all] public water supplies - brain damage [to the critical frontal lobe] will continue Please use and research the following - as they are involved in reforestation efforts Hydrofluosilicic acid Frontal lobe function And what Darmouth Collage, Lancet Neurology, The Harvard School of Public Health, etc., state about sodium fluoride and hydrofluosilicic acid Use your frontal lobe for some critical thinking!
It was the North Carolina piece that sealed the deal for me. I had read Fast Food Nation years ago and the treatment of the Mexicans in the meat packing plants really struck a chord. The health issues are huge and animal rights, too...but I like to think I care for the powerless people and the environment and this has driven it in. I became a plant based eater the very next day. Still going strong, no meat or dairy since then.
Excellent interview and fabulous movie. I thought I knew all the machinations of animal agg industry, but the whole discussion with the woman in North Carolina really blew me away. So many, literal, downstream effects of our treatment of animals. Keep up your ground breaking work Kip!
Kip has become a real hero of mine since watching What the Health and Cowspiracy. I was already vegan (vegetarian before that, since childhood), but I really admired his bravery in facing up to these corporations and organisations and presenting them with their lies. Such an inspiring man.
I'm vegan because of Kip and his crew, if any of you see this please accept my sincerest thank you for opening my eyes and turning me to a whole foods plant-based way of life!
I think I watched this film around the beginning of October of last year. I had fibromyalgia at that time, felt like crap, had half a dozen of other things wrong with my health. I already had some of this information, having been WFPB decades before, but watching "What the Health" finally shoved my ass into gear to apply it. The fibro is all but gone (still have the occasional rare flare up, usually when I've eaten something I shouldn't). Thanks for the shove. I'm almost 58, and really needed that slap in the face. Seriously. Thank you.
So much respect for Klaus, Kip and his team and everybody inspiring change, so proud to be part of this movement. If you went vegan, congratulations, now its your time to be active and inspire others. BE ACTIVE!
This was great. I had my sister in law checking What the Health. I changed my eating habits and working with the family to have them change to a plant based diet. This opinions and testimonies, along with the research does help bring the point for a better life with better eating habits. Again, thank you
Losing more respect for Joe Rogan and other haters although he did help promote your excellent movies lol. Going vegan 5 years ago literally saved my life. I probably would be dead now had I not made the change. I was brainwashed by the meat & dairy industries and now I'm informed and have never been healthier or happier!
Can someone explain to me how Kip hasn't been murdered spreading so much genuine knowledge? Always thought those big companies took care of people like this.
Because we don't live in Soviet Russia. I don't even agree with a lot of what he says but I would never think to murder the guy for promoting his view.
Heres an idea. Check out the active ingredient in Roundup called glyphosate and why because of its use its even more important to go organic and Vegan, I would start by watching Rich Rolls podcast or youtube interview with Zach Bush MD
Vegan less than 2 weeks.Off running for two years due to cervical spine operation.My first run was a decent 3k.3 days later doubled to 7k.3rd run was 12k.Yesterday made it to 15k.Those run were 3 days apart.Never reach that distance while on meat diet before.Thanks to The Game Changers!I felt stronger than before💪
I saw the "what the health debunked by Joe Rogan" and decided to watch it. Great movie, turned vegan overnight. Thanks Joe!
Nice. Nice. Very nice. More power to you sweetheart
Am in now. Am a Vegan
Congratulations mate.....7 years and counting. No regrets....when you hit a century your decision will make you even more prouder of yourself. Good luck and Enjoy life
Plant-based news promotes propaganda that fish is unhealthy and actively prompts vegan junk food from subway and KFC and McDonald's so what is it is vegan about your health or the animals if it is about health then why do you make videos when a non-vegan restaurant make vegan junk food I but go all on abord when talking about unprocessed food like fish I wonder
The title should be why vegan doctors like to hate anything that's non-Vegan I can make a whole video about why brown rice is unhealthy because the high level of arsenic cause cancer so therefore brown rice is unhealthy what about the DHA IN Fish is better than ALA in plants and much more bioavailable I think I would rather listen to what longest living healthy Japanese are eating whole food unprocessed diets
just because most vegans are less likely to smoke and drink alcohol and eat less processed food doesn't mean that vegan diets are Heather at all the fact that pesco-vegetarians had the lowest hazard ratio for all-cause mortality in the Adventist Health Study 2 despite pollution? I can see the ecological and other ethical problems with eating seafood, but doesn't epidemiology contradict the claim that a vegan diet is healthier than a pescovegetarian diet? I don't think I know better, it's just that I see some contradiction here.
This study on vegans' use of saying vegan being Heather than meat-eater has clearly shown the opposite true with the fish-eater this doesn't mean vegan diets are unhealthy but not optimal as whole food plants based with some fish since this diet provides all the nutrients from plants and B12 DHA and more biologically available vitamins A and D, therefore, non-vegan diets can be slightly Heather than WFPBD
Not all vegans eat this diet vegans do eat refined carbs also added vegetable oils are and mock meats are not correct to say that vegans are automatically Heather because their diet is vegan
Any idea, why pesco-vegetarians had the lowest hazard ratio for all-cause mortality in the Adventist Health Study 2 despite pollution? I can see the ecological and other ethical problems with eating seafood, but doesn't epidemiology contradict the claim that a vegan diet is healthier than a pescovegetarian diet? I don't think I know better, it's just that I see some contradiction here. Thanks for your reply.
The level of mercury in fresh Atlantic salmon is 220 parts per billion mercury so which means
That a 3oz serving is equal to 85 grams of Salmon
220/1000000000 equal
0.00000022 grams of mercury x1000 to milligrams then it's 0.00022 milligrams x1000 to micrograms then it's 0.22 microgram x85 for 3oz serving 18.7 micrograms of mercury
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that 0.1 mcg per kg) of body weight per day is the maximum safe dose of mercury.
So 18.7 mcg from fish
I am weighing about 73kg that's about 161 lb
Roundabout 0.10mcg per lb
so my exposure Is within the safe non-risk limit if I eat 85 grams every day which is a lot I eat about 85 grams of salmon 3 times a week so my total consumption a week is about 255grams that's equal to 9oz a week
Now we have to x3 the exposure of mercury that's come at
18.7/161 = 0.116149068322981 x3 = 0.348447204968943
Roundabout 0.35
I have to 7x the safe expound limit of 0.1 x7 = 0.7 mcg per pound per week is safe to limit
I only would get 0.35 which is well within the safe limit so at this level heavy metals like mercury are completely harmless to get a negative effect you need to be exposed serval times the upper safe limit so you are wrong about
fish contains omega 3 and DHA that helps the brain development and lower heart disease anyways if you are still concerned about this explore it safe to eat a fish a couple of times a week the benefits of fish completely outweigh the negative so stop spending misinformation
If you still are stubborn about not eating heavy metal you do know that you're exposed to heavy materials at a far higher amount from second-hand smoke brown rice has arsenic that's doesn't mean that brown rice is unhealthy like fish the benefits outweighs the drawbacks of combining fish with prominently plant-based is optimal for health 👍
nice logic very mon biased video
Thank you for this interview. I am one of those people who never considered going vegan before what the health. After I saw it, I cut out all animal products that night.
Same here me and my family started 2 months tomorrow...all the changes that started taking place in my body are 38 and i feel like im 25 again....
My nose sinus cleared out
My eye sight improved
My body swelling went down
My heart burns are gone
My head aches gone
My metabolism improved
My taste buds changed
My exercise performance improved
Im dropping weight or loosing size easier than ever really noticeable....
My soreness after workouts is gone
My face is not oily anymore
These are things that i noticed the most....great filling overall...
Tara Steiner so happy for you! ♡ welcome to veganism ♡♡♡
Marie M. Thanks....i wish i could of started along time ago...😂
same here! never eating animal products again!
Same here, vegetarian for 24 years but cut out all dairy that night and my bf threw out all animal products from the fridge and went plant-based with me straight away! Best decision we've made!
Eating You Alive, Gamechangers, Dominion, etc..... so many great Vegan & animal rights documentaries coming out. The world is changing, whether some like it or not.
Hey everyone! If you enjoyed the interview and want to get notified when our weekly videos come out, please press the bell by the subscribe button. If you're wondering why I didn't ask Kip about his upcoming projects, it was because I was asked by his team not to.
But I can make a guess 🙊 so the first film was about the environment the second about the health, so let me guess the third film about the animals? Can’t wait when it’s out
PLANT BASED NEWS Carnage could have only been made in Britain, it has such a British sense of humour.
Maze429 be a flexitarian, less meat, dairy and eggs, means less fat, saturated fat and cholestrol, more fruit amd vegetables, means more fruit and vitamins, you don't have to he vegan, if you became flexitarian, everybody wins.
Maze429 I just spotted your message when I got up for toilet and answered it, it's 04-12am here, but I will be happy to talk to you tommorow.
Maze429 I was simply suggesting you give it try and see. The okinawans, sardinians and seven day adventists, eat a low meat and dairy diet, that's high in carbs like rice, potatoes, fruits and vegetables and they are some of the heathiest people on the planet, when you get time check out uprooting the leading causes of death on youtube.
I think it’s GOOD that Gamechangers will be male focused. Society puts massive pressure on men to appear stoic and masculine, which men are taught means they should care less about certain things than women. Men are taught that activities like hunting are masculine and that eating a massive amount of animal products will make them strong. The fact that Gamechangers is going to break that stigma is excellent!
Smash the patriarchy! ✊
Julia Crawford can't wait for it
It's about time that society checks that men need a sausage, eggs and backbone for their manhood, but these things do not necessarily have to be on their plates.
I eat animal products because they taste good, and humans have been eating them forever. No society ever has chosen to be vegan. I wonder why?
@@rubygreta1 Especially when it comes to eating meat, it is often argued that humans have always done that. Which is certainly right first time. "We have always done so" is not the same as "It is justified.". And if you equate that is a logical fallacy. How long an act is already practiced does not say anything about whether it is ethically justifiable or whether it should be continued or continued for all eternity. You can always have done things badly. To do something silly is normal. To do something stupid twice can be called stupid. To do something stupid over generations is called tradition. But you should not stick to mistakes just because you've spent a lot of time making them. Tradition is not a seal of quality. People have always killed each other. We had always sacrificed first-born and exposed the disabled to die in the forest. Slavery and the oppression of women was still normal 200 years ago. And it obviously worked. We have always done it that way. until we finally stop, or at least try. Fortunately, most civilized people would no longer orient themselves to that. So why on things that were usual a long time ago?
Yes, ethics is not really carved in stone but can evolve. And that's good. Since morality does not fall from the sky, one needs a basis to be able to decide what is right or wrong. If one then questions the supposed basis and does not stop at "is-just like that!", But strives to fathom the basis of the foundation, then one will surely arrive at some point in a kind of axiom that is not ultimately justifiable. Above all, needs, interests and suffering are the basis of any reasonably modern ethics. A lifestyle that is based on a so-called pathocentric ethics, that is an ethic that expressly makes suffering a central criterion. And for a just ethics, there seems to be no better common denominator than living and not suffering. In humans, this is more or less consciously recognized as a natural basis for how to treat it. Basically, society has already accepted an ethical system in which suffering, needs and interests are not ignored but play crucial roles. Accordingly, we generally also act after that, or at least pretend ...
I watched Cowspiracy a year and a half ago on Netflix and went Vegan overnight.
nice, on both of above
Cowspiracy did it for me too.
2 years 4 months vegan & counting
Well done
Thank you Kip, it's your movie that pushed me to the tipping point to be Vegan. Started early Jan this year, I am pregnant with my 2nd baby. Had pressure from in laws to eat meat but I just told them no!
My daughter is nearly 4 years old and she wants to be vegan for the rest of her life! We talk a lot about animals and she just adores them and dreams about them all the time. Even dinosaurs haha. We need to keep their eyes open from when they are young. Don't close them by feeding them suffering.
Anikoxx It changed our family of 3 as well. Our doctor, (yes, you read that right!) wrote down "What the Health" "Cowspiracy" and "How not to Die" and had us watch the documentaries! Life changing!
You know what’s best for your baby, you’re a great mom!
OMG Cowspiracy changed my life forever. I watched it around 2 years ago and went Vegan the day after! I almost thumped the TV in anger during the film! I mean contributing to the murder of 60 billion land animals and over a trillion fish a year for no other reason than taste really got to me. It has been an amazing journey. 3 years ago, I didn't even know what Veganism meant, and knew nothing about the meat and dairy industry.
Vegan Beaker same here
Vegan Beaker same for my boyfriend (meat eater) and I (vegetarian)
Wow awesome!!
Alexandre Gareau Interesting comment about denying reality. I’m a vegan (since 2013) but I’m also a Christian. Many people live their lives denying the reality of God, which is the essence of reality denial. It’s really business as usual for sinful humanity. Your statement could not be more accurate!
Stephen Otto Some of the nicest people I know are non religious and have no belief in a God, they're vegan too.
Vegan 5 years. I suffered from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood sugar). I went whole food plant based no sugar and oil and low salt and I lost 65 pounds, all my conditions greatly improved, my gums stopped bleeding, and erections and energy returned. I used to have an appetite that was never satisfied; whole foods cured it. I no longer use a sleep apnea machine. Finally, the food is cheap-Beans, lentils, sprouted flour less bread, rice, potatoes and seasonal apples. Also, I save money by not having to buy pills or visit the Doctor. I am thankful to all the vegans who suffered attacks to reveal the truth to me.
This documentary opened my eyes completely and I've been vegan after seeing it when it first came out! Thank you for waking me up!
Much love to all of my fellow vegan youtubers on social media. Great video Friend.
Juice 💚
I never thought I will live without eating meat but after watching “what the health” my whole family became a vegans
Is that real? lol
Awsome job
You would think people would become vegan after watching this I know I did but not my family sadly they became defensive and claim they eat grass fed it’s sad 😔
@@Moonie_MonRozE Don't give up on them! Show them Cowspiracy, it talks about grass-fed beef. I only managed to convince my family after watching that and WTH.
Also if you read 'How to survive a pandemic' by Michael Greger I guarantee that after the first chapter you will never want to even touch any animal products. Good luck!
53 now. Been plant-based for 8 years now. Run 6 miles a day. Climb 3 nights a week and bike tons of miles on the weekend. Becoming plant-based changed everything for me. I feel like I'm 18 and am ready for new and challenging things every day. It was like a cloud was removed from my life. Thank you Kip for presenting this information.
Same for me but I lost 35 pounds since going WFPB 6 years ago
Kip is such a knowledgeable man. I was literally nodding, saying yes and agreeing with him through the whole interview. Facts people!!!!
What the Health and Cowspiracy were absolutely AWESOME!!! Vegan for over a year now and NEVER going back!!!!🌱❤️🌱❤️🌱
this guy is impressively good hearted. You can just tell he's not saying what he's saying to prove a point in a dominating way or anything like that, he is just talking about what he considers to be the truth. He wants to spread the truth, and he isn't even heated up by people's illogical hating. Collected. So cool
Half of my family is vegan now because of you!
I love the feeling of knowing that a Whole Food Vegan diet is just going to explode with popularity to a level no one can imagine in the next 3 years!
Along with vegan diet exploding so will Vitamin D and B12 and Iron supplement makers, to keep all those super healthy vegans alive.
@Shane o sullivan Link me to a diet that gets all the essential nutrients at its optimum level through a natural vegan diet.
Link me to a non-vegan diet that doesn't begin on onset of cancer,diabetes or high cholesterol.I'll wait.
@@user-73a Link me to study not done by vegans who put people on a McDonald's and processed carbs diet to illustrate how bad meat is. Hurry to the supplement store, you'll miss your timing for your pharmacutical micronutrient requirements. Don't let Greger down, doctor and a perfect picture of health.
@@FBeckenbauer4 with a properly balanced vegan diet and no health issues you only need to supplement B12 and maybe vitamin D if you live in a country with little sunlight. But many meat eaters have B12 deficiencies too and on top of that many people have vitamin D deficienices because of too little sun exposure. Most people should consider supplementing those two. My dad is a regular guy, loves meat, and his doctor just gave him B12 supplements. It can happen to anyone, especially to people who are unaware about it or think eating meat magically will prevent any deficiencies. You can be both healthy with a balanced vegan diet or with a diet that still contains animal products (although the animal products should be consumed in small amounts and be high quality and unprocessed). Because of that I dont see the health argument as a convincing argument to go vegan. The environmental and ethical arguments are more convincing
The time is now! The future is green! Animal liberation now! Human liberation now! Time to break free from the shackles of society, of government, of our own limitations!
MR. X Which time exactly?
Well aren't we Pollyanna.
It would have been dandy if Lincoln had said that. And Churchill, Eisenhower, Maybe Obama and everyone who worked to find Bin Laden
And Dr. King, maybe.
People who think the way you do completely mystify me. Must be terrible to walk around looking at the floor and never get the job done. Negativity will get you less than nowhere.
Yes, let's do it.... Long time overdue...
This movie sealed the deal for hubby and I , after watching Forks Over Knives and this , we are never going back. Vegan for life! And we used to love love love eating animal products, anyone can change if we did
Cowspiracy made go vegetarian, now I'm inching my way towards veganism
How did it go?
Inch away……..
It's actually super inch to jump right into it 😊
I wish I could personally thank Kip Anderson. I do public outreach in California and one of the major films that every non vegan has seen is What the Health. It provides some great talking points and dilutes the pool of misinformation concerning a vegan diet as it relates to health. Thanks PBN and Kip!!
Plant-based news promotes propaganda that fish is unhealthy and actively prompts vegan junk food from subway and KFC and McDonald's so what is it is vegan about your health or the animals if it is about health then why do you make videos when a non-vegan restaurant make vegan junk food I but go all on abord when talking about unprocessed food like fish I wonder
The title should be why vegan doctors like to hate anything that's non-Vegan I can make a whole video about why brown rice is unhealthy because the high level of arsenic cause cancer so therefore brown rice is unhealthy what about the DHA IN Fish is better than ALA in plants and much more bioavailable I think I would rather listen to what longest living healthy Japanese are eating whole food unprocessed diets
just because most vegans are less likely to smoke and drink alcohol and eat less processed food doesn't mean that vegan diets are Heather at all the fact that pesco-vegetarians had the lowest hazard ratio for all-cause mortality in the Adventist Health Study 2 despite pollution? I can see the ecological and other ethical problems with eating seafood, but doesn't epidemiology contradict the claim that a vegan diet is healthier than a pescovegetarian diet? I don't think I know better, it's just that I see some contradiction here.
This study on vegans' use of saying vegan being Heather than meat-eater has clearly shown the opposite true with the fish-eater this doesn't mean vegan diets are unhealthy but not optimal as whole food plants based with some fish since this diet provides all the nutrients from plants and B12 DHA and more biologically available vitamins A and D, therefore, non-vegan diets can be slightly Heather than WFPBD
Not all vegans eat this diet vegans do eat refined carbs also added vegetable oils are and mock meats are not correct to say that vegans are automatically Heather because their diet is vegan
Any idea, why pesco-vegetarians had the lowest hazard ratio for all-cause mortality in the Adventist Health Study 2 despite pollution? I can see the ecological and other ethical problems with eating seafood, but doesn't epidemiology contradict the claim that a vegan diet is healthier than a pescovegetarian diet? I don't think I know better, it's just that I see some contradiction here. Thanks for your reply.
The level of mercury in fresh Atlantic salmon is 220 parts per billion mercury so which means
That a 3oz serving is equal to 85 grams of Salmon
220/1000000000 equal
0.00000022 grams of mercury x1000 to milligrams then it's 0.00022 milligrams x1000 to micrograms then it's 0.22 microgram x85 for 3oz serving 18.7 micrograms of mercury
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that 0.1 mcg per kg) of body weight per day is the maximum safe dose of mercury.
So 18.7 mcg from fish
I am weighing about 73kg that's about 161 lb
Roundabout 0.10mcg per lb
so my exposure Is within the safe non-risk limit if I eat 85 grams every day which is a lot I eat about 85 grams of salmon 3 times a week so my total consumption a week is about 255grams that's equal to 9oz a week
Now we have to x3 the exposure of mercury that's come at
18.7/161 = 0.116149068322981 x3 = 0.348447204968943
Roundabout 0.35
I have to 7x the safe expound limit of 0.1 x7 = 0.7 mcg per pound per week is safe to limit
I only would get 0.35 which is well within the safe limit so at this level heavy metals like mercury are completely harmless to get a negative effect you need to be exposed serval times the upper safe limit so you are wrong about
fish contains omega 3 and DHA that helps the brain development and lower heart disease anyways if you are still concerned about this explore it safe to eat a fish a couple of times a week the benefits of fish completely outweigh the negative so stop spending misinformation
If you still are stubborn about not eating heavy metal you do know that you're exposed to heavy materials at a far higher amount from second-hand smoke brown rice has arsenic that's doesn't mean that brown rice is unhealthy like fish the benefits outweighs the drawbacks of combining fish with prominently plant-based is optimal for health 👍
nice logic very mon biased video
“”Thank you for making the trailer””.........Too funny
Great interview! Seeing What The Health has changed the way I view food and the way I eat forever! I've really enjoyed the PBN channel as well. Your videos continue to inspire and motivate me in my whole-foods-plant-based metamorphosis! Thank you.
I second that!!
If Bro Rogan crapped on What the Health, wait until Game changers is out!! It’s gonna set off that sleeping heart attack! If you search on TH-cam there is a podcast where he explains why vegans (Like Danzig) will never ever be at the top. It’s, according to him, not possible on a plant based diet! 😄
Yeah, he ignores all the carnists that are also NOT champions.
It was "what the health" that sparked my interest. But it was the debates that kip and some of the doctors from "what the health" had on some live television shows that made me go vegan. The fact that these doctors would completely dodge and not respond to the fact that their studies were funded by the animal industry made me open my eyes and make my decision.
So happy to be alive during these times. It can be hard but it's nice to see such great change in action.
That’s the film that did it for me! And it was definitely the horrific treatment of people living near the pig farms, that made me never want to support the meat industry ever again in my life. I am three years vegan now.
Love Kip! He is such a great person who presents truth in spite of the backlash!
I think his movie did an excellent job by interviewing prominent plant based physicians and scientists that added lot more credibility and evidence. Thanks for interviewing such brilliant director.
I enjoyed watching the desperate meat shills attempting to debunk WTH. They can't squash the truth and it's beautiful to see Veganism build like a tidal wave!
This documentary changed my life, I went vegan the next day :) I love what these people do and hope they keep filming!
Watching this movement happen is so fascinating!!!!!!? 👊👊
Big Guns everything's changing so fast these last few years!
4Big Guns
Just like a bowel movement...>_
It won't be once you've seen how many unhealthy vegans are out there. Open your eyes to the truth.
Ignorance can cause damage in people's lives. Those that you observed may decide to learn about enzymes, ATP mitochondrial health, and cerebrospinal fluid/immune function someday - or not.
It is their consciousness level and it may or may not change, until a dis-ease is manifested - and even then - they may not.
It is their soverign body, their mitochondria cells - and their choice
Stop living a lie and being anti-vegan.
It's good to see this interview with the creator and get a fuller picture of the process.
fantastic interview klaus - kip you are a legend we are forever grateful for what you did with what the health ! cant wait for your project with Ali
Kip great job, thanks to your efforts I've now adopted a plant based lifestyle. I watched game changers first and needed a more comprehensive prospective of the information. Thank you, your efforts are changing the world!
"What the Health" was a top documentary! I am looking forward to your next one Kip.
Thank you Kip for getting out this message.
This movie changed my life..... immediately after I watched it I went whole food plant based the next day......almost three years now.....lost 80 pounds...went from pre diabetic to normal and blood pressure dropped to normal........the truth is the truth and will always prevail.....thank you Kip!
Thanks for sharing this interview. It reminds me why I want and need to change my diet to plant based. I’ve been up and down struggling with cutting out all animal products lately and this reminds me why I want to follow this way of life!
Janet G Hey, Janet, you can do this! There's so much help and info just right here on YT. Stay close, every day to your fave vegan channels, find new ones and leave comments! Ask questions, too. Usually someonw will jump in and try to help ☺🌱👍
Frenchblue8 thank you so much!
Janet G you're so welcome. And please remember, we *All* began at some point~ every single vegan had a Day 1, and many of us truly struggled in some way or other and/or had trouble giving up something or even a couple of things at first. For me, it was the half and half in my first morning cup of coffee~ I tried at least 10 different vegan substitutes, never really finding any if them as enjoyable. Finally, it just came down to realizing, once and for all, that my enjoyment was of no consequence, certainly not worth the price paid by the cows. Now, I am so used to plain old soy milk~ vit B12 fortified~ in my coffee that I wouldn't want it any other way! You can always adjust, adapt, etc, and no cruelty.
Also please believe that there are absolutely NO "stupid" questions about any aspect of Veganism, you are so fortunate to be moving to this lifestyle at this time!! 👍💚🌱
do it, meng! :-D
Kip Anderson, that’s exactly what felt more realistic about what the health and cowspiracy (the raw content) in the documentary
Klaus, you are an awesome interviewer; your videos are informative and a joy to watch.
thanks a lot Rebekah - means a lot :)
Loved this! He is so calm and peaceful
jonathan beebe
But you’re here so... I’m guessing you’re interested 😁
So when is Game changers coming out and where ?
Will it be on Netflix?
September 2019
Sick interview. Been a fan of PBN for a long time now. Always dropping the good content.
This movie is the reason I started being a vegetarian and slowly transfer into a vegan lifestyle. It is an eye opening movie I remember watching this with a shocking face it made me look so much forward on what was happening around us and how ignorant we can be. The first week after finishing watching the movie I didn’t ate animal products at all and I remember that I was feeling badly, but the reason of that was because I was not eating enough whole foods like legumes, fruits and vegetables. So I needed to take action and start researching what I needed to eat to have all my nutrients. Now I do not regret my decision. I first did it because of health, but now is for the animals and all the reasons that could exist to make such a huge difference in my life. Thanks for creating this movie and shows us the truth about this industries.
This film really opened my eyes and have switched to a whole food plant based diet happily
Awesome interview! Those guys did such a great job on those movies. My family and I were watching Netflix one night (1.Chasing Ice 2.Food Choices 3.Cowspiracy) and we went vegan that moment. None of us even ate that night. It's amazing how many people just don't know. We just wish we would have known sooner. Thank you so much!!!
Working down the street from 2 slaughterhouses in Southeast PA was what did it for me. Seeing those livestock trailers rolling through our pattern every 3 minutes was the most appalling and heartbreaking thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life! Hearing the animals screaming and thrashing around in the trailers was menacing. Went home that night and threw all our meat out of the freezer and the 3 of us never touched meat or cheese again. That was a few years ago, we did no research and just kind of winged it and learned as we went. I said a prayer for every trailer that went by and could still see the terrorizing look on some of those cows and pigs faces, I was ashamed of being a human that day.
Yes please, release the whole interviews of what the health
I participate in anonymous for the voiceless, when doing outreach I recommend WTH to everyone, such a great documentary and it's inspiring so many to make the switch to a plant based diet. Really good interview Klause, you ask all the right questions. Thanks to Kip for inviting you to his home and taking the time out for the interview. PBN is doing a great job ✌️
Thank you, Klaus! You are an exceptional interviewer and ask intelligent and pertinent questions. Love Kip, and looking forward to what else he has in store! xx
I watched ‘What The Health’ 2 years a go in bed at night and went vegan the next morning. My life is guilt free and my health is on point. Before being vegan I was a chronic migraine sufferer, I’m talking debilitating and projectile vomit inducing. I once had a migraine that was so bad I suffered with memory loss during the migraine attack and couldn’t remember my friends name or where I lived. 2 weeks being vegan and now 2 years vegan and zero migraines! Than you for the documentary, you saved my life.
Wonderful! More people need to realize how life changing it can be and take action to improve the quality of their life.
how funny are thos who think the movies are "propaganda", when they only promote a whole plant based diet.
Vynland that's the definition of propaganda. JS
Not saying the movie is bad or harmful. Saying it IS technically biased
Technically, it's the truth.
So it's NOT biased.
It was such a great doc because it didnt focus on the well being of the animals but indirectly solves that part by challenging the well being of humans is it even worth it
This movie changed my life.... for the better!
“The truth will prevail.”
Great interview. You both are doing great things. Keep it up!
Awesome, my friends! Looking forward to Kip's next one! One of my favorite and memorable shares that I ever heard someone say, was Kip in an interview saying that when he found out about the details on animal ag and environment etc - he was all in and didn't know much about healthy eating but he wasn't going to eat animals anymore and didn't care if he died or not!! Now that's commitment!! God Bless, my friends.
Kip is a good guy; hope does some more films.....that guy on the computer over your left shoulder,
Good interview
Love the What the Health documentary. Between that and Forks over Knives, turned me back into a Vegan (used to be Raw vegan) and I’m so thankful for the enlightenment. I used to do vegetarian keto 🤢 was not good 🤦♀️ wish I didn’t do the Ketogenic diet
Enjoying a MASSIVE salad with bell pepper, lentils, cucumber, kale, snow peas, red onion, asparagus. And tahini along with liquid aminos (soy sauce). Cheers!
Baking butter sqash and corn go with my pot of pinto beans..lets eat.❤
Very interesting interview. The movie "What the Health" is a force for good. It's so nice to hear about some of the backstory. I am anxious for his next movie installment.
God Bless You for making these movies. For the sake of these beautiful animals and for public health.
Great interview! The guy is a legend. Amazing work
I can't wait to see this flim myself . Kip Andersen is by far the very best vegam flim producer of our time .wish you many more years of happiness, fulfillment and successful in this unique profession of yours .You had brought such meaning to my own life after looking and your two flims i had switch from being a vegetarian, too becoming a vegan that very day .TNK YOU EVER SO MUSH ! You had open my eyes to all my mistakes and i do humbly tnk you for that a million ✌,💖 & wisdom always brother may you shine kp up the wonderful job your doing and forever be blessed ..
Love it!
Thank you Kip, you are the man.
I loved the doco, it’s hilarious when you see the "debunking " videos, people are not stupid, they will figure it out 😂
We can only hope.
As long as hydrofluosilicic acid is iintentionally added to most American [not all] public water supplies - brain damage [to the critical frontal lobe] will continue
Please use and research the following - as they are involved in reforestation efforts
Hydrofluosilicic acid
Frontal lobe function
And what Darmouth Collage, Lancet Neurology, The Harvard School of Public Health, etc., state about sodium fluoride and hydrofluosilicic acid
Use your frontal lobe for some critical thinking!
It was the North Carolina piece that sealed the deal for me. I had read Fast Food Nation years ago and the treatment of the Mexicans in the meat packing plants really struck a chord. The health issues are huge and animal rights, too...but I like to think I care for the powerless people and the environment and this has driven it in. I became a plant based eater the very next day. Still going strong, no meat or dairy since then.
Excellent interview and fabulous movie. I thought I knew all the machinations of animal agg industry, but the whole discussion with the woman in North Carolina really blew me away. So many, literal, downstream effects of our treatment of animals. Keep up your ground breaking work Kip!
You're both pioneers and leaders in this growing movement! Thank you both!!
Kip has become a real hero of mine since watching What the Health and Cowspiracy. I was already vegan (vegetarian before that, since childhood), but I really admired his bravery in facing up to these corporations and organisations and presenting them with their lies. Such an inspiring man.
Kip the vegan spielberg! He's making a big difference to the benefit of us all! Good man 👍
Great interview. Thank you for this PBN you all rock!
thank you so much - really appreciate it!!!!
I'm vegan because of Kip and his crew, if any of you see this please accept my sincerest thank you for opening my eyes and turning me to a whole foods plant-based way of life!
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 SO happy I went vegan! Wait for it guys!!! In 20 more years people will regret not going vegan when not many were...
What the Health encouraged me to eat Whole Food Plant Based. Thanks Kip!
Kip is really inspiring. Great interview!
Loved the film, and loved your interview! Thank you!
As a nutritionist and science teacher I thank you all!
I think I watched this film around the beginning of October of last year. I had fibromyalgia at that time, felt like crap, had half a dozen of other things wrong with my health. I already had some of this information, having been WFPB decades before, but watching "What the Health" finally shoved my ass into gear to apply it. The fibro is all but gone (still have the occasional rare flare up, usually when I've eaten something I shouldn't). Thanks for the shove. I'm almost 58, and really needed that slap in the face. Seriously. Thank you.
Feels like veganism is “an idea who’s time has come”. Thanks for the hard work ✌️
So much respect for Klaus, Kip and his team and everybody inspiring change, so proud to be part of this movement. If you went vegan, congratulations, now its your time to be active and inspire others. BE ACTIVE!
Thank you Kip! Keep up the good work.. the change is on the horizon. It has to.
My eyes were opened o me brothers. Never again will I drink moloko or even moloko plus or eat an eggiweg.
Great interview with a great person. Thank you Claus!
This interview gave me new hope!
This was great. I had my sister in law checking What the Health. I changed my eating habits and working with the family to have them change to a plant based diet. This opinions and testimonies, along with the research does help bring the point for a better life with better eating habits. Again, thank you
Awesome interview! Love PBN & Kip Anderson
These guys are great. Cowspiracy really helped me go further into a plant based diet a few years ago.
Thank you for the interview :)
Losing more respect for Joe Rogan and other haters although he did help promote your excellent movies lol. Going vegan 5 years ago literally saved my life. I probably would be dead now had I not made the change. I was brainwashed by the meat & dairy industries and now I'm informed and have never been healthier or happier!
Great video! Subscribed😁
"Second album syndrome"
Lol, Klaus, you're the best!!
Thumbnail pic of Rogan is priceless!
Thank you for putting up information!
Can someone explain to me how Kip hasn't been murdered spreading so much genuine knowledge? Always thought those big companies took care of people like this.
Because we don't live in Soviet Russia. I don't even agree with a lot of what he says but I would never think to murder the guy for promoting his view.
Great interview, WTH introduced me to a whole new world of information and awareness. WATCH THIS FILM! 🎥
Heres an idea. Check out the active ingredient in Roundup called glyphosate and why because of its use its even more important to go organic and Vegan, I would start by watching Rich Rolls podcast or youtube interview with Zach Bush MD
Vegan less than 2 weeks.Off running for two years due to cervical spine operation.My first run was a decent 3k.3 days later doubled to 7k.3rd run was 12k.Yesterday made it to 15k.Those run were 3 days apart.Never reach that distance while on meat diet before.Thanks to The Game Changers!I felt stronger than before💪
Legend. I owe my new life to him to a great extent
Thanks for the interview. One more for the good guys.