Protecting the highly vulnerable American families living on the frontier, Lt. Colonel George Rogers Clark is our HERO FOR FREEDOM in this episode. Do you have a favorite hero from our illustrious past? Let me know in the comments and I may do a special episode on your chosen Hero or Heroine! May the Lord bless our leaders today that they might catch the vision of this incredible Legacy of Liberty, gifted to us at unbelievable heroic sacrifice that we all enjoy today, freedoms that are unique in our world. --RPR
When i was a kid , i read a book about this called The Victory Drum. It was fictional account from the point of view of a patriot drummer boy. Great book, can't remember the author.
Yeah, a great book, by Jeanette Covert Nolan. These stories of America's founding and the creation of what we enjoy today used to be included in all our children's textbooks. Not anymore, which is I believe part of what is killing this once great nation. I encourage you to take a look at the above link, in Amazon, of the HEROES FOR FREEDOM Manual Series. Stories of America's truly great heroes and heroines that are no longer taught or even acknowledged. Thanks for your comment! Do you have a favorite hero you'd like me to do a video on?
I was a USA patriot until I saw this and understood the crimes we committed against the Aboriginal American via usurping their land and lives. I wonder what the immigration policy of the Indians is?! or, what it would've been in the 1500s if they knew then what they now know?!
Where to begin...? I doubt you "were a patriot" as you claim, or that you even know what that means in any kind of historical context. My ancestors were among those who fought for Independence in the Revolutionary War. They were also pioneers and trailblazers who carved a nation out of the Great American West, burying their children along the way. And when they came west, they met my other ancestors, the Shoshoni, who have lived on this land of the Rocky Mountains for perhaps a thousand years. Sometimes my ancestors fought each other shedding each other's blood. Other times they fell in love and created offspring, families---a new American generation of both Anglo and Shoshoni MIXED along with many other racial and ethnic lineages salted in. That's America today. The point is, THERE IS NO LAND upon God's Good Earth where the original inhabitants--I'm talking FROM THE BEGINNING--currently live genetically untouched and culturally "pure." The history of the world is a history of conquest, of intermarriage, of the exchange of ideas, cultures, religions, economies. It's messy and often "unjust" by today's standards. Often downright brutal in how it came about. That's tragic, but it is also REALITY. Remember, the great historian tells us: "History must be judged STRENUOUSLY, and within historical context." The Comanche of the American plains were a break-off group from my ancestors, the Shoshoni. They left the Rocky Mountain about 300 years ago, mastered the skilled use of Spanish horses, and proceeded to invade the lands of the Cado affiliated tribes and the Lipan Apache tribe of Texas and Oklahoma, absolutely brutalizing and enslaving them, wiping out many villages, and taking over their lands. When the whites came to what would become Texas, they did battle with some of the most bloodthirsty, slave-raiders on the American continent--the Comanche. Thousands died, on both sides. But Texas was never Comanche lands to begin with. They were "intruders" by your standards. As well, those indigenous peoples the Comanche conquered also, if you go back far enough, took the lands of (what would become Texas) from an earlier people or peoples, tribes we know little about--because the indigenous intruders totally wiped them out! The same story can be told of the Dakota, the Cheyenne, the Aztecs, the Mayans, it just doesn't end, my friend, I'm sorry. In essence, what the poor and struggling Americans--most formerly indentured servants--slaves, in essence--were doing was what every struggling person has done from the beginning of time. Trying everything in their power TO SURVIVE. Some did. Many, perhaps most, did not. And along the way many were kind and supportive to their neighbors who happened to be there first. And some were not. Some were downright murderous. That's just the reality of our world--EVERYWHERE. The American Indian tribes we know were here before us, true (please don't use "Native American," that is hopelessly imprecise because it is, in effect, meaningless--the Shoshoni, Navajo, and Zuni friends I know personally don't even use it! They prefer their own honored tribal name.) but they were not the first. And they likely wiped out whomever they "stole" the land from. Someone was always here "first." The reality is that because the American Indian even EXISTS in America today at all, is a testimony that many Americans felt, and continue to feel, that an injustice was done to them and so we should help them to prosper in the American nation today. To help them achieve the American Dream. I've lived all over the world. In every country if you go back far enough they have their "indigenous peoples." And in nearly every country today do you know where those original indigenous peoples are? They are extinct. Wiped out completely by those who ended up controlling whatever nation you are talking about. In the history of humanity, THAT is the rule. What is unique, and exceedingly rare, are nations (like the United States) who have not wiped out their indigenous enemies, but have tried to accommodate them, to provide for them. This is not a simple issue. But more so, we live in another world entirely from our pioneer and Indian ancestors. Live in the now, my friend. If you want to help your neighbor, no one is stopping you. But making ignorant comments about something you know little about, does no one any good. Still, thank you, friend, for asking the question that gave me the opportunity to get a whole lot off my chest! God bless America!!! :)
Protecting the highly vulnerable American families living on the frontier, Lt. Colonel George Rogers Clark is our HERO FOR FREEDOM in this episode.
Do you have a favorite hero from our illustrious past? Let me know in the comments and I may do a special episode on your chosen Hero or Heroine! May the Lord bless our leaders today that they might catch the vision of this incredible Legacy of Liberty, gifted to us at unbelievable heroic sacrifice that we all enjoy today, freedoms that are unique in our world. --RPR
When i was a kid , i read a book about this called The Victory Drum. It was fictional account from the point of view of a patriot drummer boy. Great book, can't remember the author.
Yeah, a great book, by Jeanette Covert Nolan. These stories of America's founding and the creation of what we enjoy today used to be included in all our children's textbooks. Not anymore, which is I believe part of what is killing this once great nation. I encourage you to take a look at the above link, in Amazon, of the HEROES FOR FREEDOM Manual Series. Stories of America's truly great heroes and heroines that are no longer taught or even acknowledged. Thanks for your comment! Do you have a favorite hero you'd like me to do a video on?
I was a USA patriot until I saw this and understood the crimes we committed against the Aboriginal American via usurping their land and lives. I wonder what the immigration policy of the Indians is?! or, what it would've been in the 1500s if they knew then what they now know?!
Where to begin...? I doubt you "were a patriot" as you claim, or that you even know what that means in any kind of historical context. My ancestors were among those who fought for Independence in the Revolutionary War. They were also pioneers and trailblazers who carved a nation out of the Great American West, burying their children along the way. And when they came west, they met my other ancestors, the Shoshoni, who have lived on this land of the Rocky Mountains for perhaps a thousand years. Sometimes my ancestors fought each other shedding each other's blood. Other times they fell in love and created offspring, families---a new American generation of both Anglo and Shoshoni MIXED along with many other racial and ethnic lineages salted in. That's America today. The point is, THERE IS NO LAND upon God's Good Earth where the original inhabitants--I'm talking FROM THE BEGINNING--currently live genetically untouched and culturally "pure." The history of the world is a history of conquest, of intermarriage, of the exchange of ideas, cultures, religions, economies. It's messy and often "unjust" by today's standards. Often downright brutal in how it came about. That's tragic, but it is also REALITY. Remember, the great historian tells us: "History must be judged STRENUOUSLY, and within historical context." The Comanche of the American plains were a break-off group from my ancestors, the Shoshoni. They left the Rocky Mountain about 300 years ago, mastered the skilled use of Spanish horses, and proceeded to invade the lands of the Cado affiliated tribes and the Lipan Apache tribe of Texas and Oklahoma, absolutely brutalizing and enslaving them, wiping out many villages, and taking over their lands. When the whites came to what would become Texas, they did battle with some of the most bloodthirsty, slave-raiders on the American continent--the Comanche. Thousands died, on both sides.
But Texas was never Comanche lands to begin with. They were "intruders" by your standards. As well, those indigenous peoples the Comanche conquered also, if you go back far enough, took the lands of (what would become Texas) from an earlier people or peoples, tribes we know little about--because the indigenous intruders totally wiped them out! The same story can be told of the Dakota, the Cheyenne, the Aztecs, the Mayans, it just doesn't end, my friend, I'm sorry.
In essence, what the poor and struggling Americans--most formerly indentured servants--slaves, in essence--were doing was what every struggling person has done from the beginning of time. Trying everything in their power TO SURVIVE. Some did. Many, perhaps most, did not. And along the way many were kind and supportive to their neighbors who happened to be there first. And some were not. Some were downright murderous. That's just the reality of our world--EVERYWHERE. The American Indian tribes we know were here before us, true (please don't use "Native American," that is hopelessly imprecise because it is, in effect, meaningless--the Shoshoni, Navajo, and Zuni friends I know personally don't even use it! They prefer their own honored tribal name.) but they were not the first. And they likely wiped out whomever they "stole" the land from. Someone was always here "first." The reality is that because the American Indian even EXISTS in America today at all, is a testimony that many Americans felt, and continue to feel, that an injustice was done to them and so we should help them to prosper in the American nation today. To help them achieve the American Dream. I've lived all over the world. In every country if you go back far enough they have their "indigenous peoples." And in nearly every country today do you know where those original indigenous peoples are? They are extinct. Wiped out completely by those who ended up controlling whatever nation you are talking about. In the history of humanity, THAT is the rule. What is unique, and exceedingly rare, are nations (like the United States) who have not wiped out their indigenous enemies, but have tried to accommodate them, to provide for them. This is not a simple issue. But more so, we live in another world entirely from our pioneer and Indian ancestors. Live in the now, my friend. If you want to help your neighbor, no one is stopping you. But making ignorant comments about something you know little about, does no one any good. Still, thank you, friend, for asking the question that gave me the opportunity to get a whole lot off my chest! God bless America!!! :)