Neurodivergent Storytelling


ความคิดเห็น • 8

  • @EspeonaSparkle
    @EspeonaSparkle 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    That makes so much sense. Neurodivergent trauma is such an important topic!

  • @hippiemoses336
    @hippiemoses336 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I've actually been looking for a therapist for adulthood trauma recently. I've had some other issues for quite a while, I never thought about if I ever really learned how to talk about issues as a child. This makes much more sense, thanks Doc! I'll be bringing this up in my next visit.

  • @sparklemotion8377
    @sparklemotion8377 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I am definitely autistic according to this symptom, yet I have something to write about that because that is the only way I get to finish my thought before being interrupted.
    Sometimes walking away is exactly what people want to claim ignorance and shed their responsibility, like doctors and therapists. I write from experience when I write that writing doesn't help because they will ignore that too. My medical file is a CYA file. I write for my own sanity and my personal testimony.
    In desperate need to be accepted and do everything I can to improve myself; I started recording myself only to realise that people do EVERYTHING they accuse me of.
    Cutting me off and finishing my sentences in bad faith and demanding accountability for their projection! 'Ow so you think .....?!
    Or asking rhetorical question and demanding an answer
    Stupid me answering rhetorical questions. Not answering is seen as admission of guilt/ wrongdoing
    Doubting everything I say even though they have no idea what I am talking about ( I am sure it wasn't that bad/ I am sure there is a good reason for that) It could be a personal experience or something I have been studying/ following for the longest time.
    Knowing I am being bullied still rolling with the punches to avoid conflict. It doesn't the conflict is internalized.
    What kills me is the double standards because as soon as I call out someone, they rage, that is why I appease to my own determent, or they apologize but end the friendship.
    Since I am listening to the recordings, I see the gaslighting, the problem is healthcare providers who still can claim that I just refused help.
    I wish people would stop excusing medical neglect and gaslighting as miscommunications between two strangers in the night. I am talking about people I have been seeing for years with the same symptoms and see my returning to them with the same symptoms as a deviance.
    TLDR When trying to tell a story becomes an interrogation, walk away, just walk away. Record your healthcare providers with their consent.

  • @booksquid856
    @booksquid856 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Wow. That makes so much sense.

  • @NellieAfterDark
    @NellieAfterDark 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This hit harder than I would have imagined. Need too go do some internal digging and processing around some things in my childhood and also my current life. Thank you for making this❤

  • @theresacampbell4380
    @theresacampbell4380 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's probably less prominent that it occurs than the perseverance when it occurs because as neurodivergents/autistic/ADHD people, it has been taught to us that it is rude or bad to share stories as a form of relating.

  • @amgoudman
    @amgoudman 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My husband is autistic (I knew this before I married him, I love him as he is, and we suspect I have ADHD so I'm also likely neurodivergent) and sometimes he goes into a long story or a long discourse on something. I try to listen attentively as I know it's important to him, and to his credit he does try to keep it brief. I have reached a point where I'm able to recognize sometimes that he's kind of "on one" and just to let him do his thing until it's finished. I also recognize this kind of storytelling and persevering to be heard in myself - again, we suspect I have ADHD so I expect there's some overlap there.

  • @livenotbylies
    @livenotbylies 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Plus perseverance itself. Autistic inertia. Autistic neurology leads directly to follow through. Once my story telling train is on the track, it kinda needs to get all the way down the line. If the listener loses interest, sorry, but we already committed