As a full time college student, #1 is nta all day long. We're told off the top that any exam we don't take on time is an automatic 10% deduction on that grade and zero extensions are granted, ever.
RE: Story #2. When I was 18 I moved in with a man about 10 years older than me. He was very patronizing and controlling in many ways. I finally moved out after 9 months. I didn't realize he was an abuser until a few years ago and got into the True Crime genre. Textbook abuser. I was so isolated I had to call my mother from work if I just wanted to call and chat because he would get upset by how close she and I were. He was never violent, HOWEVER, years earlier, he put his dog down rather than rehome it when it misbehaved because of being left alone when he was at work...
If a price tag comes up as the same thing in the system, that's a management issue. That manager had no right to take out their anger and frustration on OP.
As a full time college student, #1 is nta all day long. We're told off the top that any exam we don't take on time is an automatic 10% deduction on that grade and zero extensions are granted, ever.
In story 2, when you're rose colored glasses all red flags just look like flags. None of those behaviors would exist in a truly loving relationship.
Good quote! Love this one.
RE: Story #2. When I was 18 I moved in with a man about 10 years older than me. He was very patronizing and controlling in many ways. I finally moved out after 9 months. I didn't realize he was an abuser until a few years ago and got into the True Crime genre. Textbook abuser. I was so isolated I had to call my mother from work if I just wanted to call and chat because he would get upset by how close she and I were. He was never violent, HOWEVER, years earlier, he put his dog down rather than rehome it when it misbehaved because of being left alone when he was at work...
#2: Run girl, Run!
If a price tag comes up as the same thing in the system, that's a management issue. That manager had no right to take out their anger and frustration on OP.