I listen every morning right after I wake up. That consistent upload schedule is very reliable. I like all of the content creators in this space. It’s a good community.
Siren is THE esper for the Seer Sisters (Moore-Ramada) basically, and I ain't gonna lie, I use Siren not as a magic esper, but as a slash resist esper. 25 slash resist is bonkers
Guten Morgen alle miteinander, Bei den deutschen Gilden sieht es an der Spitze recht dünn aus. Wir von Log Aeterna streben an in Legende aufzusteigen und bei den großen mitzuspielen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen haben wir eine Gildenstruktur aufgebaut in der sich jeder advanced , causal und evtl sogar newby wiederfinden kann und Spaß an unserer lebhaften Community haben kann. Wir haben ein gemeinsames Discord führen Ingame Statistiken, haben kleine Wochenaufgaben an denen jeder teilnehmen kann und ab und an quatschen wir auch mal im Gildenchat über Gott, Fussball und Grillen :D Wenn du folgende Vorraussetzungen erfüllst: - have at least 5 UR units at lv.120 - have at least 3 UR VCs at lv. 99 - have at least 3 Esper at lv. 99 - have at least 3 +5 equipments - can speak German or English - are active at guild war every day - know what truststones are :) Wären wir sehr froh wenn du dich bei uns für unsere Advanced Gilde meldest! Statues: 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 Meister II, aktuell im Limited GK Rang 4 !!(Group I) Guild ID: 1328448154 Causal Gilde Aeterna Solltest du eher Causal sein aber gerne in einer deutschen Community teilhaben wollen könntest du dich auch bei unserer 2. Gilde Aeterna bewerben. Guild ID: 3720842064 Neue Newby Gilde im Aufbau Und wenn du Anfänger bist und noch nicht so lange spielst oder nach einer Pause wieder angefangen hast kannst du dich auch bei mir melden, da wir gerne eine Newby Gilde aufbauen möchten um es einsteigern zu ermöglichen in die deutsche WotV Community einzusteigen. Vllt. hast du schon eine junge Gilde oder du könntest dir vorstellen eine zu gründen? Dann wärst du genau der/die richtige für uns:) What we are looking for: YOU Join our Discord-Channel: discord.gg/spPKF8G LG euer Andi
I appreciate these videos and your insight in to these espers. I don't know that the espers are really getting weighted properly by looking at every single one of them as a generic esper. Lots of players won't be able to afford to respec espers whenever they want to put them on units they actually fit with. For that reason, espers like Cactaur that are actually just excellent on any magic unit in the game without any respecing required are, in my opinion, worth more for building priority than almost any of the UR espers. I'd much rather have a Cactaur on a magic user than any off element esper short of Bahamut, or maybe a tank esper in very specific cases. One last thing, I definitely agree with the people that said Diabolos was done a bit dirty. My dude definitely deserved higher than that
SO which Esper is the best for Magic Tanks? Mostly Fryevia and Celes is what I am wondering. I haven't really been able to find any info about this online anywhere. Honestly just starting to think that Aiagaion, bahamut, and Dark Odin/Fenris are the only Magic Tank Espers. Then half of those aren't even magic based espers, lol. Yea, I dunno lol.
Demon wall is the best tank esper in the game IMO. Otherwise just look for what you are building to fight. Going anti earth? Build earth resist. Anti-magic, look for spr, etc.
For the esper tier list I would agree on all those points, nothing compares to Bahamut for magic yet. I should check out the Valefor kit to see if Space Chicken can compete lol. An update on my account, I now have Joker at 120 to fill out my Dark squad a bit more. Also randomly pulled Violet on Joker's 9 step but not in a rush to build her out, or Queen. I also have the mindspheres to get Engelbert and Gilgamesh up to at least 115, just low on resources at the moment. As for the gear, I've recently started farming more heavily on equipment but for accessories and armor I haven't found many events carrying them recently. At the start of the game I did not fully understand equipment and VC so didn't push on them until the last few months.
@@wotv_lynx Well whenever they are available I do get the other special resource packs like they have up right now for skip tickets, magicite, Gil snappers, VC upgrade stuff, rainbow materials, etc. But otherwise I typically only get Visiore packs for more pulls or grabbing good stuff from the shops
Thanks for the video Auronnj, I really appreciate these as a veteran casual. (Still hoping for a trustmaster builds video lol Very lost on good trustone builds for TMR's) I do think Diabolos is way too low given the criteria of universal esper in my opinion. I'm also the what's the nice music guy aha. If I may ask, what are the two songs in the video? I definitely know the second one but can't remember. And thank you for kindly responding last time!
It's interesting how the 3* upgrades have changed some Espers, for example Typhon was just a good magic user for Wind mages and now its the best Magic Esper for Magic Slash users, before Aigaion was the only viable Magic Slash esper but the turns have tabled.
This is a great list overall, but I wish you also considered the resist on each esper. Most of the time, you don’t just want the damage nodes (which is why I rarely build for elemental killer). Having Slash resist on Siren, for example, is amazing! Sure she’s not strong for your DPS mages, but she is amazing for your support mages, and heck-I even use her for my tanks lol. Siren is just one example. Other Espers that have slash resist and magic resist should also get bonus points!
I'd probably get rid of D tier(ya don't use it), make an actual S tier, then Typhoon up to S because it is the best spellblade/runic Esper by far. I do agree with Bahamut. Any time I pick up a new mage, I usually level them with it. Probably move the defensive mage espers up to S tier, as well. In particular Friezes and siren. Good for countering meta. Siren, for instance, was pretty key during the time when lvl 120's were new. Best way to keep Tidus/Auron from 1 shotting Yuna was slapping siren on her to make that aeon bond extra annoying. Good now as well... Elena's/Clouds/Esther all over.
@@veeng5619 Weird argument. The entire point of a tier system is to show the difference in power level. You could label things whatever you want, so the idea of a S tier isn't as important as showing the difference in power levels. Typhon is definitely well above these others, including bahamut, for use with spellblades and runeblades. So your other claim makes no sense as well. Likewise Siren is far ahead of most other magic espers vs slashing teams. Which puts it ahead as well. I get this is a personal tier list, so his views are his own, but it is just strange to argue that there is only one superior Esper when there are many use cases where other Espers are superior to it.
White dragon imo is generically better than most URs in B imo due to the large magic up line. Its stats are top tier for an MR. I’d still agree for its placement because its a limited esper
I had not considered some of those espers, but Im a glutton for farming resonance so I'll go back and get some with some of those. I do want to point out that TyphON is not pronounced TyphOON. Its an obvious play on the word Typhoon, but also not the same thing. Feel free to watch a FF Mobius video where the voice actors say his name if you want confirmation. Otherwise, I enjoyed the video.
tbh I'd put cactuar at A rank. his board is S tier for generics, especially for raw damage and he's actually fairly good for accuracy with his luck and dex stats. Personally think he's the 3rd best mage esper after Bahamut and Ramuh, especially as agility gets easier to build.
Diabolos really low for having 1 agility below average and is definitely better than Siren that doesn't even have a magic node lol. he is a bit behind Typhoon statwise, Diablos (118mag, 14agi, 20% mag up, 15% mag atk, 16 crit, 7 acc) vs Typhoon (123 mag, 15 agi, 20% mag up, 7 crit, 21 acc), so i would expect him higher in B or in A due to the extra 15% mag atk.
I find the entire esper resonance system kind of ruins everything. Say I have 2-3 espers full reso on somebody (which already is a silly long grind) then cost limited comes around and I need to put something they don't usually use. Now i'm 1000 battles away from getting resonance for that esper for that week for that character. So I basically just end up using whatever esper has reso. The system really frowns on using all your units/esper combos to their potential.
yikes i didn't know tetra sylphid is that bad... was wondering if i should spend my select ticket on it...but i guess i'll probably spend it on europa or something else instead~
I dont agree with Winter Moogle placement 🤔😬 His Heal has came in clutch 😎 I think hes higher than white dragon However…he makes the AI…wonky imo 😬 Ochu / Agaion / Typhon are more catered to Spellblades / RuneKnights Lich..🤔 i slapped him on Golbez atm lol
Hello! I do account freview for people that become members on the youtube channel at the saint of Aileen level. To join the channel there is a join button underneath the videos. Click that and join at the tier 3 (saint of Aileen) and I will do an account review for you. Just add me on discord after that and ill ask for screenshots of the account.,
@@AuronnjJayy my final question... How do I know I'm tier 3?... I follow your channel since may, 2020 I really wanna know where should i focus my vis...
I listen every morning right after I wake up. That consistent upload schedule is very reliable. I like all of the content creators in this space. It’s a good community.
Agreed the WoTV community is amazing
I enjoy the nice 30 minutes :)
Thanks for the cactuar, typhoon info, didn't notice those. Mindflyer also.
Siren is THE esper for the Seer Sisters (Moore-Ramada) basically, and I ain't gonna lie, I use Siren not as a magic esper, but as a slash resist esper. 25 slash resist is bonkers
Same honestly. I use Siren for like EVERYTHING.
She’s fast and got cast time down
She's godlike on S. Elsi and great on Glaciela and most spear users rather than on magic users 🤣
I used Siren SO MUCH back in the day with Ramza. Limited choices back then but that 25 Slash resist made that choice a littler easier haha
Guten Morgen alle miteinander,
Bei den deutschen Gilden sieht es an der Spitze recht dünn aus. Wir von Log Aeterna streben an in Legende aufzusteigen und bei den großen mitzuspielen.
Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen haben wir eine Gildenstruktur aufgebaut in der sich jeder advanced , causal und evtl sogar newby wiederfinden kann und Spaß an unserer lebhaften Community haben kann.
Wir haben ein gemeinsames Discord führen Ingame Statistiken, haben kleine Wochenaufgaben an denen jeder teilnehmen kann und ab und an quatschen wir auch mal im Gildenchat über Gott, Fussball und Grillen :D
Wenn du folgende Vorraussetzungen erfüllst:
- have at least 5 UR units at lv.120
- have at least 3 UR VCs at lv. 99
- have at least 3 Esper at lv. 99
- have at least 3 +5 equipments
- can speak German or English
- are active at guild war every day
- know what truststones are :)
Wären wir sehr froh wenn du dich bei uns für unsere Advanced Gilde meldest!
Statues: 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7
Meister II, aktuell im Limited GK Rang 4 !!(Group I)
Guild ID: 1328448154
Causal Gilde Aeterna
Solltest du eher Causal sein aber gerne in einer deutschen Community teilhaben wollen könntest du dich auch bei unserer 2. Gilde Aeterna bewerben.
Guild ID: 3720842064
Neue Newby Gilde im Aufbau
Und wenn du Anfänger bist und noch nicht so lange spielst oder nach einer Pause wieder angefangen hast kannst du dich auch bei mir melden, da wir gerne eine Newby Gilde aufbauen möchten um es einsteigern zu ermöglichen in die deutsche WotV Community einzusteigen. Vllt. hast du schon eine junge Gilde oder du könntest dir vorstellen eine zu gründen? Dann wärst du genau der/die richtige für uns:)
What we are looking for: YOU
Join our Discord-Channel:
LG euer Andi
We have a guild recruiting area in our discord that is very active. Check that out!
I appreciate these videos and your insight in to these espers. I don't know that the espers are really getting weighted properly by looking at every single one of them as a generic esper.
Lots of players won't be able to afford to respec espers whenever they want to put them on units they actually fit with. For that reason, espers like Cactaur that are actually just excellent on any magic unit in the game without any respecing required are, in my opinion, worth more for building priority than almost any of the UR espers.
I'd much rather have a Cactaur on a magic user than any off element esper short of Bahamut, or maybe a tank esper in very specific cases.
One last thing, I definitely agree with the people that said Diabolos was done a bit dirty. My dude definitely deserved higher than that
that account was look so good than you hit equipment oh man he need alot of works i love accounts shows case
This is so many accounts. Tons of great stuff and then equipment...
Thank you for this! I don't have a lot so I'll go back here from time to time once I got em
no problem!
Freizess is also one of the only (possibly the only) machine killer esper in the game. That's something worth considering with the current raid.
hmmmm bahamut on bahamut tier ..seems legit hahahaha thxs for all these videos man , take care :D
Definitely agree although this is based on my account that I use Bahamut more than any other Esper in the Magic category. Thanks for the video!
SO which Esper is the best for Magic Tanks? Mostly Fryevia and Celes is what I am wondering. I haven't really been able to find any info about this online anywhere.
Honestly just starting to think that Aiagaion, bahamut, and Dark Odin/Fenris are the only Magic Tank Espers. Then half of those aren't even magic based espers, lol. Yea, I dunno lol.
Demon wall is the best tank esper in the game IMO. Otherwise just look for what you are building to fight. Going anti earth? Build earth resist. Anti-magic, look for spr, etc.
For the esper tier list I would agree on all those points, nothing compares to Bahamut for magic yet. I should check out the Valefor kit to see if Space Chicken can compete lol.
An update on my account, I now have Joker at 120 to fill out my Dark squad a bit more. Also randomly pulled Violet on Joker's 9 step but not in a rush to build her out, or Queen. I also have the mindspheres to get Engelbert and Gilgamesh up to at least 115, just low on resources at the moment. As for the gear, I've recently started farming more heavily on equipment but for accessories and armor I haven't found many events carrying them recently. At the start of the game I did not fully understand equipment and VC so didn't push on them until the last few months.
You gotta love that random Violet luck! Thanks for the membership Chris and I hope to keep hearing from you on all my videos my friend :D
I plan to spend about the same down the road monthly. Generally what kind of stuff do you buy behind pack H?
@@wotv_lynx Well whenever they are available I do get the other special resource packs like they have up right now for skip tickets, magicite, Gil snappers, VC upgrade stuff, rainbow materials, etc. But otherwise I typically only get Visiore packs for more pulls or grabbing good stuff from the shops
I know I'm a hero, you're welcome. JK, love your vids Auron!
Thanks for the video Auronnj, I really appreciate these as a veteran casual. (Still hoping for a trustmaster builds video lol Very lost on good trustone builds for TMR's) I do think Diabolos is way too low given the criteria of universal esper in my opinion. I'm also the what's the nice music guy aha. If I may ask, what are the two songs in the video? I definitely know the second one but can't remember. And thank you for kindly responding last time!
It's interesting how the 3* upgrades have changed some Espers, for example Typhon was just a good magic user for Wind mages and now its the best Magic Esper for Magic Slash users, before Aigaion was the only viable Magic Slash esper but the turns have tabled.
correct me if am wrong but merry moore isn't a striking unit... she's a missile/slash/magic unit right?
Diabolos is clearly ranked too low, but its your Tier List. All in all a good List, enjoyed the Video like always 😉
I use Aigaion for Rayches in particular. +Magic, +Slash, +Crit, and +Magic Resistance is just a solid base for a crit hunting caster.
Siren is noteworthy for providing 25 slash resistance. That's an insane amount on an offensive Esper.
@34:30 The bahamut & ramuh cards are overlapping party abilities.
This is a great list overall, but I wish you also considered the resist on each esper. Most of the time, you don’t just want the damage nodes (which is why I rarely build for elemental killer). Having Slash resist on Siren, for example, is amazing! Sure she’s not strong for your DPS mages, but she is amazing for your support mages, and heck-I even use her for my tanks lol. Siren is just one example. Other Espers that have slash resist and magic resist should also get bonus points!
I'd probably get rid of D tier(ya don't use it), make an actual S tier, then Typhoon up to S because it is the best spellblade/runic Esper by far.
I do agree with Bahamut. Any time I pick up a new mage, I usually level them with it.
Probably move the defensive mage espers up to S tier, as well. In particular Friezes and siren. Good for countering meta.
Siren, for instance, was pretty key during the time when lvl 120's were new. Best way to keep Tidus/Auron from 1 shotting Yuna was slapping siren on her to make that aeon bond extra annoying.
Good now as well... Elena's/Clouds/Esther all over.
The uses of S tier is overblown tbh. S tier should be head and shoulders all above other. Bahamut the only one that make sense
@@veeng5619 Weird argument. The entire point of a tier system is to show the difference in power level. You could label things whatever you want, so the idea of a S tier isn't as important as showing the difference in power levels.
Typhon is definitely well above these others, including bahamut, for use with spellblades and runeblades. So your other claim makes no sense as well.
Likewise Siren is far ahead of most other magic espers vs slashing teams. Which puts it ahead as well.
I get this is a personal tier list, so his views are his own, but it is just strange to argue that there is only one superior Esper when there are many use cases where other Espers are superior to it.
White dragon imo is generically better than most URs in B imo due to the large magic up line. Its stats are top tier for an MR. I’d still agree for its placement because its a limited esper
I had not considered some of those espers, but Im a glutton for farming resonance so I'll go back and get some with some of those. I do want to point out that TyphON is not pronounced TyphOON. Its an obvious play on the word Typhoon, but also not the same thing. Feel free to watch a FF Mobius video where the voice actors say his name if you want confirmation. Otherwise, I enjoyed the video.
lol yeah I know I am pronouncing it kind of wrong but Ive said that for so long its just stuck at this point.
Hey man, i wanted to ask you : I've restart playing the game and i wanted to know if we've got Astrius ( Astoria ) yet or not ?
Should be coming next week or so.
@@iliyanah4761 Pretty nice, i was waiting for it to return
Next couple weeks!
What website are you on?
I feel like Aigaions biggest weakness is that there isnt a lightning hybrid dps UR unit/slash unit. Aigaion would be awesome on a UR Sylma
tbh I'd put cactuar at A rank. his board is S tier for generics, especially for raw damage and he's actually fairly good for accuracy with his luck and dex stats. Personally think he's the 3rd best mage esper after Bahamut and Ramuh, especially as agility gets easier to build.
Diabolos really low for having 1 agility below average and is definitely better than Siren that doesn't even have a magic node lol. he is a bit behind Typhoon statwise, Diablos (118mag, 14agi, 20% mag up, 15% mag atk, 16 crit, 7 acc) vs Typhoon (123 mag, 15 agi, 20% mag up, 7 crit, 21 acc), so i would expect him higher in B or in A due to the extra 15% mag atk.
Yeah I think I ended up having him too low in B, I think he is still B in my opinion but higher than he ended up.
Ahhh but my fairy girl do got cast down time
I guess the Espers are ok. Ochu is very good for Celes I guess, but very specific.
I find the entire esper resonance system kind of ruins everything. Say I have 2-3 espers full reso on somebody (which already is a silly long grind) then cost limited comes around and I need to put something they don't usually use. Now i'm 1000 battles away from getting resonance for that esper for that week for that character. So I basically just end up using whatever esper has reso. The system really frowns on using all your units/esper combos to their potential.
yikes i didn't know tetra sylphid is that bad... was wondering if i should spend my select ticket on it...but i guess i'll probably spend it on europa or something else instead~
If you need an evasion esper, she’s the best one. Just not good for damage (both magic or physical).
I dont agree with Winter Moogle placement 🤔😬
His Heal has came in clutch 😎
I think hes higher than white dragon
However…he makes the AI…wonky imo 😬
Ochu / Agaion / Typhon are more catered to Spellblades / RuneKnights
Lich..🤔 i slapped him on Golbez atm lol
Ochu is a great choice for Celes
Yep agreed. Especially on a GW defense bait team
For dark just wait for Leela and Dark Fina and get Joker
Moogle is my fav esp
Much better than his VC he came with :D
i'm a hero
He said it because you have to.
69th like. Noice.
Hello dear auroonj what can I do for you to review my account?
Hello! I do account freview for people that become members on the youtube channel at the saint of Aileen level. To join the channel there is a join button underneath the videos. Click that and join at the tier 3 (saint of Aileen) and I will do an account review for you. Just add me on discord after that and ill ask for screenshots of the account.,
@@AuronnjJayy my final question...
How do I know I'm tier 3?...
I follow your channel since may, 2020
I really wanna know where should i focus my vis...