It's like "History repeating itself" When wilbur blew l'manberg, it's like repeating what eret did and wilbur even repeated the simillar line: "It was never meant to be". That gave the chills
@@jschlattsimp3010 no, Techno is basically an outcast after the whole Wither attack on Manberg, in New Manberg he’s now wanted so he had to pack up his things and move on, but being as ballsy as Techno is, he went ahead “snuck” into the country, and took a selfie with his wanted poster
I started like getting really emotional when it was quackity off the edge crying out "NO TOMMY, TOMMMY!" especially while his eyes were closed the whole time
It's incredible, though, because that line alone he foreshadowed multiple times by talking about how good things never happen to heroes. The power of an English major, lol
I didn't imaginated other thing otherwise Quackity taking his clothes off and trying to sell his drugs for some random person in the server in the middle of the war
My favorite line is "You either die as a hero Or live long enough to see yourself turn out as the villain" But my most favorite line is about Fundy and ghostbur It might not be cannoned but I saw this in a comment section and it got stuck in my mind "You said you build these walls to protect me But now you love it more then me"
Lmao the thing no one talked about is how Techno was like "Wait why isn't this one working" and Phil said "the torches you gotta remove the torches" So Phil basically helped Techno summon the withers lmao
One of my favorite things about this animatic is how it portrays technoblade. He's seen as a monster who snaps and wants chaos in most animatics, but in reality he's not as chaotic as you think he is. Everything he does has a motive, and when his friends that he fought alongside as brothers, and spent weeks grinding and building up supplies for, betrayed him and built up a government right in front of him even though he was very clear that it he was here to take down the government and nothing further, well of course he did what he did. He was very clear and they betrayed him. notice how fundy says, "we have THE BLADE!" Instead of saying "we have TECHNOBLADE!" The first one refers to techno as a tool or a weapon to be used, the second one refers to him as a powerful Ally and person. HUGE DIFFERENCE
Yes of course all of this is right, but let's add the nuance that Techno presents himself this way, as a powerful force of nature, something that's not human nor on their level, a god-like level more. And thus they refer to him unlike an equal. But of course that doesn't mean that what you said isn't right it totally is.
when dream is walking away from George at 1:01 as he says “and I’m the king?” Dream is holding a pawn chess piece; because George was never the king, he was always just a pawn...
I just noticed, when techno said “Don’t you see history repeating itself” while Eret is turning to Wilbur repeating the history of L’manberg betrayals.
The three most powerful quotes in this: "It was never meant to be..." "If you want to be a hero Tommy, then DIE like one!" "My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished!" THE CHILLS Im adding this because i felt like i needed too. "Welcome home, Theseus!"
wow.... just wow, im without words of how gorgeous this was, i'll be thinking about this video for a long time. You're art and song/dialogue choice is so good gosh literal chills!
Philza killing Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo sticking together, Quackity dying calling for Tommy, then Fundy being at his dad's (Wilbur) grave! I'm crying! This was beautiful
Having the animatic cut to Will as Tommy screams “WE NEED TO KILL IT!” Is some of the most genius shit I’ve ever seen. You for sure just got a new fan, this is a freaking INCREDIBLE animatic!
The switching between characters, overlapping speech, flashing colors, angles, expressions, it all says so much in so little time. This animatic is truly incredible. It's chaotic and confusing in the best way possible. Everything just works. And that ending really gets you. I wasn't expecting that. Great job all around.
Every single reference I can find 0:11 You can see Dream and Schlatt shaking hands in the reflection, indicating they had a deal 0:15 The chess board is a metaphor for what is happening, a king(dream), overpowering another king(eret) 0:36 dream is holding the king that resembles eret, which means dream has all the power over him, he doesnt hold it 0:52 the shadows on the floor resemble a maze, more precisely, the labyrinth. The labyrinth was a maze designed by Daedalus to trap the minotaur, and Theseus went in there to kill it 1:23 The disc over Dream's shoulder appears to be mall, but the 2 original for the disc saga was mellohi and cat 1:50 labyrinth shadow 1:55 The chess board is flipped over, meaning that this is chaos and ruleless, kinda like anarchy(hehe) 2:54 Here we see wilber's "flame" go out. Many cultures think flames are connected to life, I think a german one they have candles, but this is an incense stick.
“Don’t you see history repeating” itself synced up with Wilbur and eret pressing the button was *great* Edit: POOOOOOOG ERET LIKED THIS COMMENT WHEN HE REACTED TO THE ANIMATIC
Also At the first war jschlatt exiled tommy and wilbur from lmanburg Then tubbo said that but it happened Tommy and wilbur are back in exile but wilbur is a ghost
Not a lot of animators really show Quackity’s emotions during the war like him calling out for Tommy. They mainly focus on Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, and Dream. And I thought that just made this animation even better. You were able to capture everyone’s emotion
I absolutely love how Techno and Wilbur's acts of destruction overlapped and caused a sense of chaotic disorientation. Also, the detail of Techno still being covered in blood as he gathers his stuff to dip is great.
Imagine a colab between ToKtopus and SAD-ist. SAD-ist is an excellent animator, drawer, and can make everything awesome while ToKtopus is suberb at showing the events in a really cool way and is also amazing at drawing
I think this is one of the only animatics that portrays the desperation and fear and all out chaos (roll credits) of the situation. Most others play into the drama, and focus more so on so on the moments between Wilbur and Philza and Tommy and Techno, which are important and interesting, but this one gives more credence to the other characters. True fear that you hear in Quackity’s voice, the sorrow in Niki‘s, as well as Tubbo and Karl. It’s just perfect. Huge credit to creator for finding all these perfect moment and putting them together in just the right way together to create this masterpiece.
0:11 - In the reflection, you can see Dream shaking hands with Schlatt 1:01 - As George says, "I'm the king?" you can see in Dream's hand a pawn piece, symbolizing that George was always just a pawn 1:24 - "Then there's only one other person who could possibly be the president." Fundy sitting in the background just hurts 1:28 - Uh oh, Techno no like president 1:50 - "He slayed the minotaur.." As someone who spent two hours studying the myth of Theseus and the minotaur for the sake of the Dream SMP, I'm real happy with this frame. 2:08 - "Don't you see history repeating itself?" ... "It was never meant to be..." Overall, such an amazing animatic. Everything was put together so well - the song choices, the art, the voice clips, and overall composition of everything just pulled it together real well.
this is by far the most heartbreaking and dramatic animatic I've ever seen and it's great. The lines - the song - the scenes - and the way Phil caresses Wilbur's face before stabbing him nearly made me tear up.
"you know what they did tommy? they exiled him." the ties between the story techno told and what happened to tommy is actually incredible. he was probably foreshadowing, and we still didnt see it coming
i love how this entire animatic tells a story and feels like a trailer. i like the shading and the artstyle and the cool effect you did with their voices, it makes it sound like their voices are echoes of the past. you did an outstanding job!
I appreciate the part where, Tommys yellin to kill the Wither "Kill It" and it focuses in on Wilbur and Philza. Haven't seen anybody mention it but thats dope
this animation made me appreciate quackity's lines SO MUCH MORE holy shit,, alex really had some of the best lines/moments in the finale and no one hyped him up as much as he deserved
Techno was never evil he just sticked to his beliefs lawfully by wanting freedom and getting rid of the government for everyone but he was betrayed for his actions.
yeah and now quackity teamed up with sap,gogy and karl for starting a new country chaos will eat everything in the smp but don't forget that... CHAOS IS A LADDER!!!!!
BRO THIS IS AMAZING WTH- like the animation quality- the art- the audio- and not to mention how you pieces it all together in the most outstanding way possible- like holy crap
Important detail to point out here: Theseus was a major asshole before being exiled/dying. He kidnapped Helen of Troy when she was 12 (before Paris did it), neglected his people, cheated on his wife... just generally was awful. He deserved to be exiled and die. This isn’t a story of a hero who was unfairly turned on by his people, it’s one of a hero whose favor ran out after he committed crime after crime until his people could no longer turn a blind eye to him anymore.
@halcyon Tommy was also like that. He dragged Turbo into a feud with Dream that lasted the length of the show over music discs. Though Tommy's exile was a dick move, Turbo was right that Tommy was bad for LManburg.
@@kesticrenolds5731 but Sapnap was the one who dragged Tommy in to the war that started all this tho. And since at the time Sapnap was still Dream's friend (rp), Dream choosed to pin Tommy down first so ofc he gonna retaliate
BRUHHH!!! THE SIMPLICITY OF THE DESIGN ON THE CHARACTERS IS AMAZING. BUT AT THE SAME TIME THERE SO MUCH DETAILS IN THEM!!! I can’t explain I can never explain the feelings I get from any animatics, but the small animated details such as the floating flag, Wilbur waking up after death as a ghost, the fact he realized he was one, EVERYTHING IS EPIC
You'll be surprised to know these are just a bunch of Twitch Streamers doing Roleplay on a minecraft server Go search about it, the name of the server is DreamSMP
@@PunkRatSoda No I know they're role playing. But the way they can get so into character and add so much plot it so cool! This was a simple minecraft server and it turned into a full on story!!
Omg the Quackity and Fundy moments is a breath of fresh air. The different voice clips people haven't been using really brings this to the next level. Also the history repeating itself line with Eret changing into will is so pog.
It sadly really does... Honestly hope that tommy lives past Christmas since the last time he streamed he didn't look that well. The way dream manipulated everyone honestly sometime makes you forget that it's all acting...
@@LionCipher yes i think he will live past then. I mean he is the protagonist snd the hero of the story. Without him everything kinda just crumbles to the ground. Plus dream smp isnt one for expected endings. Plot twists are everything to them. Tommy is about to go through a lot more shit than he is rn
@@elain.marged Your probably right but to get off topic if he doesn't make it do you think he will become a ghost like wilbur and loose his bad memories, die and not come back, or come back as a poltergeist?
@@LionCipher yea i think he will become a ghost if he is dead. I mean wilbur has unfinished business right? We dont know what it is but he does. Tommy would definitely have unfinished business. The discs, Making up to tubbo, geting revenge perhaps?, making up with techno, he has a lot to do.
@@elain.marged But if he loses his memories that will be one hell of a emotional rollercoaster because if you remember what happened with wilbur and fundy and their fight, it wasn't something that was good and to be honest it was really sad to watch...
What hurts is the fact that when Techno released the Withers, everyone was looking to Tommy for help and now they don’t have him. They exiled him and, now, he’s against them.
And then he dies the smartest thing in the world tells his friend to give his most prised possession away betrays freaking technoblade and then techno and dream team up and destroy lmanburg giving dream that disc was the best idea
ive watched so many "dream SMP timeline explained!" videos to try and join this fandom and this is the first animatic I've seen where it finally makes sense. Amazing work, Incredible story telling to have been able to get the best parts of so much stuff and the art and colors are incredible!!!
when fundy was playing the guitar- omg I'm literally crying now BYE-this so sick, quackity and tubbos convocation before the war is criminally underrated.
0:44 with Wilbur holding the match saying "are you ready?" Is just -- the emotions, the stakes, his villain/fallen hero status, and his mental state are scarily well-drawn! Even though it's just a few seconds. Well done!!
Got legit chills! WOW! Amazing work as always! :D
Hello again
Your mother
oh oh this is gorgeous
hell yeah, animators who mutually support are the real MVPs
I’m so grateful to be your 4thcomment
Vey gorgeous indeed
came when they posted this 25 minutes later
"If I die, this country goes down with me" he wasn't lying.
Forever unfinished
And forever lost.
no offense but ive seen this comment multiple times
@@OoF-cz4lk yeah that makes sense
Lmao Tommy happiness noises
The “History repeats itself” while Wilbur pushes the button.
not only that, he's drawn the same way SADist drew Eret in the Dream War animatic when he pressed the button and said the same line.
@Sonia Cheng ".... while building a cobblestone tower"
@@lolsflint7598 Yeah, that style has been used by so many of the creators, she truly created a legacy in this community for herself
@@lolsflint7598 and?
"If I die, this country goes down with me!" -jschlatt
for the first time jschlatt is right
Agree , for the first time. And possibly forever
Also 100th like
The second time will be November 23
@@ecokitty9578 heh?
Don't you see history repeating itself
god, the overlap of technos and wilburs speech is the best thing ever
@@anikao2145 about 1:38 maybe a little before
its when technos talking abt theseus and wilbur is talking abt lmanberg
I strongly agree
It's like "History repeating itself" When wilbur blew l'manberg, it's like repeating what eret did and wilbur even repeated the simillar line: "It was never meant to be". That gave the chills
“let me tell you a story about theseus..”
Yeah and Theseus was exiled like tommy and Theseus killed the Minotaur and tommy killed the withers to save his country
@@spix1990 yes, Tommy is Theseus(a spoiler easter egg when Techno said his story)
@@tahmid3577 not a spoiler it’s foreshadowing
@@tahmid3577 oh wait your saying your comments a spoiler?
@@diljotthunder4348 Technically, yes.(if you didn't figure out that one yourself, chief)
fundy playing for his dad even after he's died just
killed me
Same at first glance i was shooked
not me crying when it pans to fundy playing guitar in front of wilbur’s grave and when he tries to get techno’s attention and sees the blood
Ikr 🥺😭
Did techno also die ? I’m new to all this
@@jschlattsimp3010 no, Techno is basically an outcast after the whole Wither attack on Manberg, in New Manberg he’s now wanted so he had to pack up his things and move on, but being as ballsy as Techno is, he went ahead “snuck” into the country, and took a selfie with his wanted poster
@@jschlattsimp3010 Nope, but he killed a lot of people/released the withers. It was others’ blood on him :(
I started like getting really emotional when it was quackity off the edge crying out
especially while his eyes were closed the whole time
_"If you want to be a hero Tommy, _*_THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"_* The fucking power in that sentence oml. This is epic!!!!!!
that is my favorite line
It's incredible, though, because that line alone he foreshadowed multiple times by talking about how good things never happen to heroes. The power of an English major, lol
Techno doesn't speak all too much, but when he does, damn it's powerful.
@@Gabi-gg5de Amen
Quackity after a war: Wise, serious, focused
Quackity every other time: Drugs, get rid of the clothes, drugs, ayyyyy man
I just fully imagined quackity crouch walking towards someone, shirt off, in the Mexican accent, just from ‘ayyyyy man’. Wow.
@@quicksilver1646 your brain prioritised it
I didn't imaginated other thing otherwise Quackity taking his clothes off and trying to sell his drugs for some random person in the server in the middle of the war
“Don’t you see history repeating itself”
"STOP TECHNO!!" Karl said after having been murdered 4 times in a row
First time might have been an accident
Second time he was in the way
Third ok he’s definitely targeting
Fourth ok this guy gotta stop
i love the shift between everything being hectic to oddly quiet before and after wilbur's death.
and quackity's monologue????? delicious
@@Vrangelrip 1:05
what the hell i didn't even notice
i want the reply chat to be filled with quotes
Probably the best ones out there, along with
"It was never meant to be "
"It stays in the pit"
"if I die this country goes down with me"
My favorite line is
"You either die as a hero
Or live long enough to see yourself turn out as the villain"
But my most favorite line is about Fundy and ghostbur
It might not be cannoned but I saw this in a comment section and it got stuck in my mind
"You said you build these walls to protect me
But now you love it more then me"
“You want to be a hero, Tommy?
Techno: Messes up wither heads
animators: *Im gonna pretend i didn’t see that*
I watched the withers live and it was like the Big Bad Evil Guy spent 2 turns failing his summoning spells.
It was hilarious in the stream
Lol I think I’ve seen this comment before 😂
Lmao the thing no one talked about is how Techno was like "Wait why isn't this one working" and Phil said "the torches you gotta remove the torches"
So Phil basically helped Techno summon the withers lmao
@@Hailoow lol true
“Kill me Phil!! Kill me!!!”
“You’re my *SON* ”
I’m crying...
Me who laughed at it: "wait wut-"
With laughter?
@@Seismitoad3 no, actually crying, it makes me sad
Starwars vibes 😂😂😂
@@sarah-fn9bw i laughed when i first heard the line the first time it just came out of nowhere
One of my favorite things about this animatic is how it portrays technoblade. He's seen as a monster who snaps and wants chaos in most animatics, but in reality he's not as chaotic as you think he is. Everything he does has a motive, and when his friends that he fought alongside as brothers, and spent weeks grinding and building up supplies for, betrayed him and built up a government right in front of him even though he was very clear that it he was here to take down the government and nothing further, well of course he did what he did. He was very clear and they betrayed him. notice how fundy says, "we have THE BLADE!" Instead of saying "we have TECHNOBLADE!" The first one refers to techno as a tool or a weapon to be used, the second one refers to him as a powerful Ally and person. HUGE DIFFERENCE
Yes God Yes Somebody understands
will u do my English essay hw?
@@Alkatraz767 lmao
@@silentm0th "I am a person!"
Yes of course all of this is right, but let's add the nuance that Techno presents himself this way, as a powerful force of nature, something that's not human nor on their level, a god-like level more. And thus they refer to him unlike an equal. But of course that doesn't mean that what you said isn't right it totally is.
when dream is walking away from George at 1:01 as he says “and I’m the king?” Dream is holding a pawn chess piece; because George was never the king, he was always just a pawn...
Dream is the game master of everything
Eret is the only true king
That’s cool
Is no one going to talk about when Dream told George he was king he was holding a pawn- LIKE THIS IS AMAZING
Omfg thank u so much for pointing that out to me
Dream is the one placing the pieces where he wants
@@veterandecanus6411 :o that’s true
@@veterandecanus6411 OMG
@@nole1745 he will pretty soon put all the pieces that he doesn't want in the game in his "little" prison
When Phil just screamed “YOUR MY SON!” ...i felt that
"Don't you see history repeating itself?"
"It was never meant to be."
Yes. Just, yes 👌
The true reason why Dream wants to be a King: There's a castle and he will have a place to live then
drEam the rIch homeleSS mAn
LOL. Now everyone is bullying Dream for being homeless. Thanks to Techno. xD
@@troastkoop I felt like if I post this earlier, there will be much more people saying "homeless dream" below
lmao L homeless
he blew up his own server
I haven’t heard that ending quote from Big Q before this is gorgeous
Yeah- I never watched people’s reactions to the aftermath tbh so I haven’t heard that Quackity quote before
i havnt heard that quote either i dont watch quackitys side I watch tubbo, tommy, techno, and sometimes h bomb
You mean Georgeous
@@feel_the_gaming1046 georgeous?
This deserves million views
The part where Techno says "Don't you see history repeating itself?" as Wilbur repeats Eret's actions/saying is SO PERFECT!!!!!!!!!
That was my favorite part :]
The amount of detail that ToKtopus put into this animatic is just so perfect
Since we're so early, it's cool to think about how we're all watching the video at the same time
Yeah :D
very cool indeed.
You probably finished a while ago but yes, I’m only 23 min late.
,’ ) yeah
so cool :]
I just noticed, when techno said “Don’t you see history repeating itself” while Eret is turning to Wilbur repeating the history of L’manberg betrayals.
The three most powerful quotes in this:
"It was never meant to be..."
"If you want to be a hero Tommy, then DIE like one!"
"My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished!"
Im adding this because i felt like i needed too.
"Welcome home, Theseus!"
Don’t forget “in the end, chaos wins”
"You're my son!"
“Don’t you see history repeating itself?”
I was soo pumped up at that scene too omg
FINALLY someone uses Quackity's speech thank god,,, everyone's been sleeping on it so bad
Dream offering his surrender is just such a cool shot, like it's clear he isn't done and it portrays his more sinister machinations
wow.... just wow, im without words of how gorgeous this was, i'll be thinking about this video for a long time. You're art and song/dialogue choice is so good gosh literal chills!
Thank you so much!
Cosmicguts : I dont have words.
Also him : wrote 20-30 words.
@Sonia Cheng Me too Sonia, me too
"Don't you see History repeating itself"
*Damn techno was right-*
"He slayed the minotaur.
you know that they did to him?
they *exiled* him."
That's been on my mind for so long
It's Scripted
im worried bc thesius offed himself by jumping off a cliff
Maybe because the main story is scripted in advance
@@sugondese5497 we know, its just fun to connect the dots :)
Philza killing Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo sticking together, Quackity dying calling for Tommy, then Fundy being at his dad's (Wilbur) grave! I'm crying! This was beautiful
**all FIGHTING**
**george making a house**
George: hmmm I need one more piece of wood :/
k junko
I guess you could say...
George was not found
@@GeorgianPapist514 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@GeorgianPapist514 hahahaha
I love how everyone just decides that Tommy should have a bandana and a backpack.
Having the animatic cut to Will as Tommy screams “WE NEED TO KILL IT!” Is some of the most genius shit I’ve ever seen. You for sure just got a new fan, this is a freaking INCREDIBLE animatic!
I like how Dream is standing in front of the throne. He's not the king, but it's his crown.
Dream is homeless , confirmed by the blade
@@51lettername95 LOL
@@51lettername95 techinally he has a base though
@@51lettername95 That was hilarious when I saw it live
John unordinary
Something so underrated:
Jschlatt: „In my time of need everybody left“
Dream:“We would like to surrender“
The switching between characters, overlapping speech, flashing colors, angles, expressions, it all says so much in so little time. This animatic is truly incredible. It's chaotic and confusing in the best way possible. Everything just works. And that ending really gets you. I wasn't expecting that. Great job all around.
Every single reference I can find
0:11 You can see Dream and Schlatt shaking hands in the reflection, indicating they had a deal
0:15 The chess board is a metaphor for what is happening, a king(dream), overpowering another king(eret)
0:36 dream is holding the king that resembles eret, which means dream has all the power over him, he doesnt hold it
0:52 the shadows on the floor resemble a maze, more precisely, the labyrinth. The labyrinth was a maze designed by Daedalus to trap the minotaur, and Theseus went in there to kill it
1:23 The disc over Dream's shoulder appears to be mall, but the 2 original for the disc saga was mellohi and cat
1:50 labyrinth shadow
1:55 The chess board is flipped over, meaning that this is chaos and ruleless, kinda like anarchy(hehe)
2:54 Here we see wilber's "flame" go out. Many cultures think flames are connected to life, I think a german one they have candles, but this is an incense stick.
god thats detailed
@@winbie2529 Not really, im just dumb
ive never heard big q’s monologue?! this was absolutely stunning.
Me neither, it was weird hearing it but really cool
“Don’t you see history repeating” itself synced up with Wilbur and eret pressing the button was *great*
I love this part
The imagery is amazing
That was the highlight for me
At the first war jschlatt exiled tommy and wilbur from lmanburg
Then tubbo said that but it happened
Tommy and wilbur are back in exile but wilbur is a ghost
Bro this whole thing was perfect!!!
Not a lot of animators really show Quackity’s emotions during the war like him calling out for Tommy. They mainly focus on Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, and Dream. And I thought that just made this animation even better. You were able to capture everyone’s emotion
@Egg Egg egg egg wtf? You reply doesn't even make sense to this comment
@Milkchan :D i-
@Milkchan :D wh-waa-Why?
@Milkchan :D lmao
Even with everything that's happened, I still revisit old DSMP animations, because it reminds me of what we once had.
“You know what they did to him, Tommy?”
“They *exiled* him”
It's Scripted
@@alexwhun0918 we know
@@alexwhun0918 no sh1t sherlock
@@alexwhun0918 we know, we just like to think it is real. Do you not know what roleplay is?
@@alexwhun0918 I know that it’s scripted but I find it cool
I absolutely love how Techno and Wilbur's acts of destruction overlapped and caused a sense of chaotic disorientation. Also, the detail of Techno still being covered in blood as he gathers his stuff to dip is great.
"THERES ONLY ONE OTHER PERSON WHO COULD BE THE PRESIDENT" With fundy in the background damn. ouch
"Tommy, we can't keep talking now, this is it. This is where we take it all back. Either that, or we get nothing. Are you ready?" I got chills
Can we just take a moment to appreciate all the audio they collected and how smoothly they put it together
And the legend said that george has finished building his house during this war
Imagine a colab between ToKtopus and SAD-ist. SAD-ist is an excellent animator, drawer, and can make everything awesome while ToKtopus is suberb at showing the events in a really cool way and is also amazing at drawing
Late august
@@stafey7659 also good
"Drawer" I think you mean artist but yeah, I agree
The animators have shown their true colors. Honestly, couldn't have chosen a better time.
"You wanna be a hero, Tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE! "
Tied for my favorite line, along with
"It was never meant to be..."
@@User525-s5u luckily the power of animation fixes that error
Quackity: (delivers speech about change and that they don’t need L’Manberg to be happy)
Tubbo: But what if we rebuilt L’Manberg?
I think this is one of the only animatics that portrays the desperation and fear and all out chaos (roll credits) of the situation. Most others play into the drama, and focus more so on so on the moments between Wilbur and Philza and Tommy and Techno, which are important and interesting, but this one gives more credence to the other characters. True fear that you hear in Quackity’s voice, the sorrow in Niki‘s, as well as Tubbo and Karl. It’s just perfect. Huge credit to creator for finding all these perfect moment and putting them together in just the right way together to create this masterpiece.
0:11 - In the reflection, you can see Dream shaking hands with Schlatt
1:01 - As George says, "I'm the king?" you can see in Dream's hand a pawn piece, symbolizing that George was always just a pawn
1:24 - "Then there's only one other person who could possibly be the president." Fundy sitting in the background just hurts
1:28 - Uh oh, Techno no like president
1:50 - "He slayed the minotaur.." As someone who spent two hours studying the myth of Theseus and the minotaur for the sake of the Dream SMP, I'm real happy with this frame.
2:08 - "Don't you see history repeating itself?" ... "It was never meant to be..."
Overall, such an amazing animatic. Everything was put together so well - the song choices, the art, the voice clips, and overall composition of everything just pulled it together real well.
2:18 also really good
I never noticed Dream shaking hands with Jschlatt!
And notice at 2:08 it switches from Eret to Wilbur hovering over the button
quackity's speech is SO underrated, i'm glad it's finally in an animatic
Yeah, it was surprisingly well put
In ways its fucking overated.
The ending with Technoblade walking away... Really hit the feels. Most people don't really think about how this effected him.
Well.. *points to the secret base with wall to wall wither skulls*
@@emilyabt4016 as he said. History repeats itself.
@@some_meme6707 well they should help stop *THE EGG!* with the withers place one inside boom gone & the wither is also contained
@@emilyabt4016 literally a storage room of weapons of mass destruction lmao
this is by far the most heartbreaking and dramatic animatic I've ever seen and it's great. The lines - the song - the scenes - and the way Phil caresses Wilbur's face before stabbing him nearly made me tear up.
"you know what they did tommy? they exiled him."
the ties between the story techno told and what happened to tommy is actually incredible. he was probably foreshadowing, and we still didnt see it coming
Techno can predict the future XD
and the fact jshlatts logo is similar to the minotaur with the horns and all. so tommy defeated the "minotaur" (jshlatt) then got exiled
@@zwiv9792 Bruh
i love how this entire animatic tells a story and feels like a trailer. i like the shading and the artstyle and the cool effect you did with their voices, it makes it sound like their voices are echoes of the past. you did an outstanding job!
"Echoes of the past", that's such a lovely way to put it. Thank you so much!
The "don't you see, history is repeating itself" part was so clever, the hole animatic is like a movie
I appreciate the part where, Tommys yellin to kill the Wither "Kill It" and it focuses in on Wilbur and Philza. Haven't seen anybody mention it but thats dope
“You gotta let old things go” Quackity a couple days before taking techno to “trial”
Edit: Woah thats a lotta likes! Also its at 3:56
@@neomiianimation8977 why would anyone try to kill vickstar
For some reason when Quackity screams, "TOMMY!!!" While he's hanging on the cliff, I get chills such a beautifully portrayed scene. I love it so much.
So do I, I want a TV show like the Dream Smp animatics.
@@trixielulamooon they should start a show and this will be one of the trailers
this animation made me appreciate quackity's lines SO MUCH MORE holy shit,, alex really had some of the best lines/moments in the finale and no one hyped him up as much as he deserved
2:29 ok well uh, not me being like “jeez this is so freakin chaotic” *looks at name* “oh-“
"If things stay the same, we take them for granted"
That hit like a brick wall
Nah that hit me like it was a joke
the part where fundy is playing the guitar at wilbur‘s grave literally broke my heart
I laughed at it-
@@sarah-fn9bw ...wha..
Why?! How that funny ?!
(Not judging you just want know)
“Don’t you see history repeating itself?”
“It was never meant to be.”
That timing! This was put together so well
I love how this animator portrays emotions so good, Technoblade’s Evilness, Wilbur’s insanity, Quackity’s fear, its just perfect
Techno Was Never Evil Tho?
@@xrefed I dont mean evil like that, more like his intimidation
Wilbur? Fucking WIKBUR
@@vipuladitya1417 WIKBUR POG
Techno was never evil he just sticked to his beliefs lawfully by wanting freedom and getting rid of the government for everyone but he was betrayed for his actions.
What it feels like: a huge war between country’s with huge amounts of drama
What it really is: adults playing a block game
Everyone was ragging on minecraft roleplay a couple years ago and now the biggest smp is a huge roleplay server
And 3 children. (Purpled, Tommy n Tubbo)
@@honkmarris2113 dont forget ranboo
@@popeslothy5908 can’t forget the 6’6 enderman.
I love this.
Quackity's monologue is so underrated.
Holy crap the moment where Schlatt loks at Wil as he says the country is going down with him, and Wil just smiles right back
Me: *starts crying* youtube: "At select blinds.. try before you buy!"
I got a simply pianonad
Ugh the ads are always at the worst timesssss
“Things are going to change for the better”
*TommyInnit Was Exiled*
and now quackity teamed up with sap,gogy and karl for starting a new country
chaos will eat everything in the smp
but don't forget that...
@@foggyforest2625 a d the egg
Then they tried to kill technoblade which they should know by now isn’t going to happen
BRO THIS IS AMAZING WTH- like the animation quality- the art- the audio- and not to mention how you pieces it all together in the most outstanding way possible- like holy crap
I love how you included the small things, like Purpled burning his shield that had the Manburg flag, Dream and the chess board, and so much more.
Omg I was just about to comment about how its dumb that this doesn't have more hype and then I realized this literally uploaded 20 minutes ago
stilll not enough
Hahaha sameeeee
2:08 that’s such a beautiful shot, with techno saying “don’t you see history repeating itself”
holy shit
tommy: helps save lmanburg
the people: exiles him
techno blade was right holy crap
this script is about Theseus tommy being them
Important detail to point out here: Theseus was a major asshole before being exiled/dying. He kidnapped Helen of Troy when she was 12 (before Paris did it), neglected his people, cheated on his wife... just generally was awful. He deserved to be exiled and die. This isn’t a story of a hero who was unfairly turned on by his people, it’s one of a hero whose favor ran out after he committed crime after crime until his people could no longer turn a blind eye to him anymore.
@halcyon Tommy was also like that. He dragged Turbo into a feud with Dream that lasted the length of the show over music discs. Though Tommy's exile was a dick move, Turbo was right that Tommy was bad for LManburg.
@@kesticrenolds5731 but Sapnap was the one who dragged Tommy in to the war that started all this tho. And since at the time Sapnap was still Dream's friend (rp), Dream choosed to pin Tommy down first so ofc he gonna retaliate
@@kesticrenolds5731 turbo
BRUHHH!!! THE SIMPLICITY OF THE DESIGN ON THE CHARACTERS IS AMAZING. BUT AT THE SAME TIME THERE SO MUCH DETAILS IN THEM!!! I can’t explain I can never explain the feelings I get from any animatics, but the small animated details such as the floating flag, Wilbur waking up after death as a ghost, the fact he realized he was one, EVERYTHING IS EPIC
I'm just getting into this fandom, I don't even know all the characters yet amd yet..... I already feel so attached to them
You'll be surprised to know these are just a bunch of Twitch Streamers doing Roleplay on a minecraft server
Go search about it, the name of the server is DreamSMP
@@PunkRatSoda No I know they're role playing. But the way they can get so into character and add so much plot it so cool! This was a simple minecraft server and it turned into a full on story!!
@@justexistingrn9621 ikr, it's crazy
@@justexistingrn9621 if youre new, i reccomemd to check the wiki, simce the large amount of char can get iverwhelming
@@Fisinocean I actually found a playlist on the streams featuring the SMP universe, I wanna be able to experience it on my own time, even if I'm late
I genuinely cannot express how much I love the scene where Tommy just shouts to kill the withers and Quackity just screaming Tommy's name
@Egg Egg egg egg yep
Omg the Quackity and Fundy moments is a breath of fresh air. The different voice clips people haven't been using really brings this to the next level. Also the history repeating itself line with Eret changing into will is so pog.
2:17 I cant express how much i love this part
“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth”
-African preverb.
Sound like chapter 2 doesnt it? Tommy Exile.
It sadly really does...
Honestly hope that tommy lives past Christmas since the last time he streamed he didn't look that well.
The way dream manipulated everyone honestly sometime makes you forget that it's all acting...
@@LionCipher yes i think he will live past then. I mean he is the protagonist snd the hero of the story. Without him everything kinda just crumbles to the ground. Plus dream smp isnt one for expected endings. Plot twists are everything to them. Tommy is about to go through a lot more shit than he is rn
@@elain.marged Your probably right but to get off topic if he doesn't make it do you think he will become a ghost like wilbur and loose his bad memories, die and not come back, or come back as a poltergeist?
@@LionCipher yea i think he will become a ghost if he is dead. I mean wilbur has unfinished business right? We dont know what it is but he does. Tommy would definitely have unfinished business. The discs, Making up to tubbo, geting revenge perhaps?, making up with techno, he has a lot to do.
@@elain.marged But if he loses his memories that will be one hell of a emotional rollercoaster because if you remember what happened with wilbur and fundy and their fight, it wasn't something that was good and to be honest it was really sad to watch...
What hurts is the fact that when Techno released the Withers, everyone was looking to Tommy for help and now they don’t have him. They exiled him and, now, he’s against them.
And then he dies the smartest thing in the world tells his friend to give his most prised possession away betrays freaking technoblade and then techno and dream team up and destroy lmanburg giving dream that disc was the best idea
@@flyingsalmons934 how is that smart again?
@@Vrangelrip its not ever heard of this mystical rare thing called "sarcasm"
@@flyingsalmons934 Have you ever head of this mystical power called "Grammar"?
@@randomstuffs3060 no lol
ive watched so many "dream SMP timeline explained!" videos to try and join this fandom and this is the first animatic I've seen where it finally makes sense. Amazing work, Incredible story telling to have been able to get the best parts of so much stuff and the art and colors are incredible!!!
when fundy was playing the guitar- omg I'm literally crying now BYE-this so sick, quackity and tubbos convocation before the war is criminally underrated.
0:44 with Wilbur holding the match saying "are you ready?" Is just -- the emotions, the stakes, his villain/fallen hero status, and his mental state are scarily well-drawn! Even though it's just a few seconds. Well done!!
Finally someone else appreciates this besides me
THE TRANSITION OF ERET'S TO WILBUR'S "It was never meant to be"!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHILLS
the parts after Wilbur's death really touched me in this. beautiful piece of work
Quackity's speech at the end is heckin good
When Techno tells the story of the hero getting exiled, Tommy actually gets exiled.
*Coincidence? I think not.*
Techno is a time traveler he even predicted "30" vs 1 against jchlatt "the man doesnt even have armour".
Techno is a time traveler *confirmed*
the stream just ended but tommy fell into his hole by drista and techno was saying thats how thesus died :o
Yeah Wilbur said Techno and Dream write the script now sooooooooooo
I’m wondering who is writing the script because I thought it was Quackity, but this doesn’t seem like something he would write.