I work i childcare. People have always looked down on me because I was "too quiet" and "too passive". They would draw conclusions about me without knowing me at all. So they would try to intimidate me and try to take advantage of me and found out that they were wrong. I'm not a push over I just know when to keep my mouth shut. I spent too many years hurting people and destroying relationships with my words. It never made me feel good at the end of the day so I changed
Jasmine Giles When you are being godly and temperate, the devil will have demons tempt cooperative people to cause you to stop the godly behavior. Resist them and suffer with Christ. Romans 8:17 if we share in his sufferings, THEN we will share in his glory. Bless you
You are a beautiful a vel from God!Truer and wiser words have never been spoken.Most excellent advice.I believe in God the way you do.Thank you you've, you've helped me so much.
WHEN TO BE SILENT :- 1. Be silent - in the heat of anger. 2. Be silent - when you don't have all the facts. 3. Be silent - when you haven't verified the story. 4. Be silent - if your words will offend a weaker person. 5. Be silent - when it is time to listen. 6. Be silent - when you are tempted to make light of holy things. 7. Be silent - when you are tempted to joke about sin. 8. Be silent - if you would be ashamed of your words later. 9. Be silent - if your words would convey the wrong impression. 10. Be silent - if the issue is none of your business. 11. Be silent - when you are tempted to tell an outright lie. 12. Be silent - if your words will damage someone else's reputation. 13. Be silent - if your words will damage a friendship. 14. Be silent - when you are feeling critical. 15. Be silent - if you can't say it without screaming. 16. Be silent - if your words will be a poor reflection of the Lord or your friends and family. 17. Be silent - if you may have to eat your words later. 18. Be silent - if you have already said it more than one time. 19. Be silent - when you are tempted to flatter a wicked person. 20. Be silent - when you are supposed to be working instead. "WHOEVER GUARDS HIS MOUTH AND TONGUE KEEPS HIS SOUL FROM TROUBLES".
This is a transformative process. There's a habit of letting loose after a certain point that has to be changed and replaced with something else. I'm praying and working through this! 😭
@Ezan Stephane God bless you for this powerful word. I have to write down your comment because it touches my heart so much. By his grace through this comment God will help me with spirit of self control especially with my Younger ones because they can be very annoying sometimes.
Oh yeah, that's a good one! Because in my heart I know that when it is pressing on me to say something, it's probably not good and that is why the enemy presses on me to do it.
1-you hear what's on aperson's heart 2-you grow in humility 3-you become a giver 4-you protect youself 5-you walk in obedience 6-you give grace to your husband 7-your light shines bright 8-you're able to hear the Lord
I'm a very quiet person, but sometimes it becomes necessary to speak. And speak up LOUD. I have lost a lot by keeping too quiet. So we must identify with "keeping quiet" and speaking out when necessary.
Michelle V.H. Toussaint best comment ever! When they say people should keep quiet, it doesn't mean you shouldn't open your mouth at all. Talk when it's necessary and keep quiet when it's necessary as well.
I am the same way...I've been stepped on and messed over because of it...I strive to be Christlike...but Jesus beat the moneychangers out of the temple...now I am so full of holding things in...I'm about to burst!!!!! I learned we can speak with wisdom...NOT BE A DOORMAT...season what you say with love..be led when to speak..always keep in question" What Would Jesus Do?"
Same with me i lost so much being quiet but lost more of myself speaking being emotionally drained and satisfying the ego of the other person and also loosing focus, in all this i have come to the conclusion that speaking is more confusing and exhausting to being quiet or silence.
I swear I got mad at someone who hurt me right now and I was provoked to say more than enough and I came on and saw this...I believe it’s God who made me see this when I just came on TH-cam.
Amen me to .....lol i was making pretend last night what i wanted to say to this person who likes to pick with me them just now i saw this video and it calmed my storm😁🙌
@Lissy I, I swear God sent this to me but I wish I saw it before I went to work. I was called in a meeting because an employee provoked me about saying ;I said some rude stuff about the boss trashing the companies image. They know I'm quiet and i wasn't gonna say anything but I have kept quiet for too long and when I heard this and how everyone came down on me...I felt defenseless and just exploded and said some things.... Now I wish I would have stayed in my closet and said nothing.
Keeping quiet sometimes can save your life. But being too quiet sometimes will also get you killed. People can be soo evil in whatever doings you just have to listen, slow to speak but do it in a calm way shouting and being angry only confusing you and others. I'm a quiet and shy person my entire life. But i wont let no one take my silence for weakness.
I have practice silence for years, because if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say nothing at all. When you listen to people you learn about their character and about your surroundings. When I do speech it is to be cordial. Being quiet also allows you to meditate on positivity, so I let peace be still.
I'm very smart and quiet and people thought I was weak or dumb. When I opened my mouth they were surprised by my wisdom. But people will run over you when you're quiet. I've prayed to my Lord and asked him to keep evil people away. So now I just stay to myself cause I now have a very short toleration for haters.
L Farmer People will definitely walk on you for being quiet. Especially if they know that you are smart. They are intimidated by the strength and intelligence that you posses that they feel they are lacking. Communication with others should be viewed as a tennis match...give and take, right? If someone cannot play the tennis match, it simply means that they are a poor conversationalist. Not you.😃 I recently gained some knowledge that I need to practice... knowing when to step up or step back. This is done by listening to your inner voice (the REAL you) rather than the/your ego (caring about how others see you). We need to love ourselves for who we know we are and shake off the shit that assholes throw at us...😄❤
Although this video was uploaded 7 years ago (prior to 2023), the message is timeless. Thank you for this message and referencing Bible scripture to back it up. ❤️
It can be hard to keep quiet in a world that mistakes being quiet as being a weak doormat...someone to be taken advantage of. So...I guess it's all about discerning when to speak and when not to!
wisediamond830 I get it but I think that at same time being quiet makes you more respectable.You just have to give a good answer when you’re feeling disrespected,of course without offending.
I pray God gives me the wisdom to be quiet, because when offended I do not stay quiet and my husband provokes me, and I know better, but still speak out. 👐 help me Lord👐
I think I've always believed the adage that "silent speaks volumes." I realize once something falls out of your mouth you can't take it back. I either let things go or speak my mind later when I'm no longer feeling angry or provoked...i find the delay de-escalates the situation (in my mind)and i usually end up saying nothing.
Thank you so much. Father, ... you are ministering through my sister, ... continue to bless her willingness and obedience, ... even now, ... in Jesus name, ... Amen.
A timely word! I remember a time when I was a part of a ministry when I felt some of the other members were "picking" on me, because I didn't say much, and they felt I wasn't speaking up for myself. There were times where I would imagine what it would be like to really speak my mind and let them have it. But I realize that if I said that, I wouldn't have some of the friendships with them that I have today. I thank God for allowing me to keep silent, because He kept me from lashing back and saying things that I would regret later. Thank you for this message and God bless!
This is a real blessing to me. I'm glad i ran into this on my feed. Implementing better habits starts within, and this is something i used to do, be quiet, but it was more for the reason of not speaking up for myself. I believe quietness also reminds you to be still, and shows a still confidence in Who you rely on. Thank you so much for this sister💞
I’m extremely impulsive this has been a big problem for me. Everything that comes up comes out. I talk over others because I wanna say what I have to say now. I find myself apologizing often to others. I’m trying so hard to be different and better. This video is very helpful.
Brittany Cohen You have an honest conscious and God heard you. HE will have mercy on you. I have never commented on TH-cam before, but I fell the need too.
Why do you we have these behaviors Brittany? You are me and I am you. I do the exact same thing. Who though? Is it that as a child I was ignored? Or as a wife and mother taken for granted and over looked? I refuse to be in that place again. Someone is going to hear me!
Brittany Cohen, I'm with you on this. Me? I'm overcoming ADD (attention deficit disorder) Another believer with ADD suggested this book written by two women who have this disorder. I read some it on line, then borrowed it from the library. I didn't want to to it but I must face the (elephant in the room that everyone else sees). I'm not saying this is your issue, should anyone wants answers, there is a REAL science behind this excessive talking and other behaviors that brought me a lot of pain. It has helped me a lot. The book is called: You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! K. Kelly and P. Ramundo. I will purchase the book and the Lord is with me. Hope this helps.
You are not alone....I am always praying for grace to help with my tongue. And we're tested most with the ones we're around all the time (like our husbands)...but God is able! :)
Ibotta Lotta Yes, its good to choose your words wisely. And not everything merits a response, but the idea of silence is stressed upon women, which is unfair. Also, he idea that you grace your husband with respect by silence? Bullshit. Made by men who hate nagging wives. True, you must respect your husband and nagging is ineffective. It just seems like this advice is some BS.
F'aneshia N. Yeah sis you dont want to end up in divorce court Ephesians chapters 5-6 Also be quick to listen slow to speak slow to get angry Lose the fight to win the battle Let God fight your battles xoxo sis
I very quiet and am a giver.. but the problem is everyone else has a opinion and a taker. I am exhausted .. some speaking up and boundaries is okay too
Good god, yes. Please be careful when taking advice from another. Seek guidance within. I doubt your creator wants you to be weak. Silence is strength, and silence is also weakness. Depends. Always depends. Duality is Life. LIFE IS DUALITY. Balance is essential. ☯️💜☮️🦋🌈🌟
I am shy and quiet but it is really hard to be yourself around other people if you have these qualities. At work I'm termed moody, not a nice person or have unresolved issues. Being at work stresses me out and no longer gives me joy. People take me for granted coz they know I'm quite and I tolerate and take all the harsh words and treatment they throw at me. But when it get to a point where I can't take it....I spit fire and everyone hates me and I just cannot control what I say and feel guilty afterwards though I'm the one who was being wronged from the beginning. I am so confused on how to socialize or be seen as a good person in my work place without people labelling me as a moody or unhappy person. God help me not to be moved by people's words or respond to anger. No matter how bad the situation is....I pray I keep silent.
I have been there countless times and also where people purposely provoke to set me off on jobs. It's almost like a game to others to see if they can shake a quiet person up. Then when you flip they call you crazy. Smh. Just smile and keep it moving. I have had countless bosses to test me. Found out later, quiet makes the other person very nervous. Keep being the quiet confident and powerful you!!
Sometimes being quiet gets you into more trouble than if you were loud. We have to know when to be quiet... cuz sometimes I wished I would have opened my mouth and not missed opportunities.
But if we consider that God orders our steps, then not every opportunity we see is a blessing. I've felt I was slighted many times, however, in the fullness of time I learned otherwise. I've grown to open my ears AND EYES to listen, my mouth to teach, edify, lift someone's spirit, entertain/laugh with people. When I'm hurt, I stay alone and am silent. That way I don't say hurtful things. Funny thing is the things I might say r true, but if saying them won't achieve the points above, to me, they're not worth saying. Lastly, hurt people hurt people.. Folks seem to go along in life hurt n broken we get older n think age brinfs healing, but it don't.. We're all being worked on the potter's wheel. In the fillness of His time, words can bring healing rather than simply do more damage. These r my learnings. Peace n love❤❤💕❤
Thanks God for this video. I'm from Brazil and talk so much! But I admitted that and I know God will help me to change. Wise woman! Keep it up this great ministry to share the wisdom God has given to you through the Bible. I'm so blessed now!!!
Sometimes you do have to speak up when you have been pushed around or manipulated, but I do appreciate and realize what you are saying. I think silence is powerful too like you say. I've put my foot in my mouth - been truthful though. Sometimes you don't have to explain or justify - but just let the truth come out as it always does.
So, in situations like that should I speak up or stay quiet if someone is poking and manipulating I was always having a problem with is because I tend to ignore poeple like that.
wow so timely, I noticed I've been getting into petty anger moments with my husband over general issues, I just went to the bedroom and asked the Lord to help me and give me wisdom, 1 minute later this poped on my reconmmended videos, 😮.. Thank u jesus
Hi family, I'm remembering a time when the Lord told me to be quiet, at the time, I didn't get it, I was wondering if he was being mean, I didn't know how much of my mouth I was supposed to close..lol...when to open it or when to keep it closed, then I ran across a verse while studying and I understood what the Lord was saying to me, its Exodus 14:14, (ck the compare verses). I felt better after seeing that verse and now I'm practicing that admonition, it was difficult because I used to be quiet when people were being difficult, then I learned how to speak up, got tired of people shaking my fruit tree, now I'm doing better by the grace of God. This is a continuous endeavor because most of those we are around don't have a working relationship with the Lord. We need his wisdom and strength to follow his ways of dealing with others and walking in his love. Peace and love and grace family.
Carrie Ann Marshall Trust in God to lead you and fix your broken heart and make you better than ever. I'm in the same situation but I've learned to give God all of me and to use this time for Him. He has provided all," ALL " of my needs better without the relationship. God is Awesome!!!!
I just love your life lessons. They make me grow, they make me listen. I just wanted to share one of the things I do with you teachings. I put the video on subtitles and write word for word in a journal. This journal then goes in my purse and I carry it with me. When ever I'm in a doctor's office waiting or a lot of times on my lunch break, I will read them over and over. And each time is a blessing to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time to give your gift. God Bless you.
Cindy, this blessed me so much....wow! I can't believe you actually do this! :) I can only thank and praise God that the videos speak to you in this way. God is so good and so faithful. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. It is refreshing water to my soul. May the Lord bless you richly, my sister. xoxo
Sister!!!! You confirmed my decision to be quite last night. God was with me 100% . I gave grace to that person and walked away and stayed away the next day so I would not sin against God. Amen Amen.
There is so much benefit from being quiet, physical and Spiritual maturity is gained, wisdom and knowledge is leaked. Thank God for this reminder, and Thankyou for your obedience!
Had to send this to a friend I feel uncomfortable to be around nowadays because of their quick responses. I listen to this video for my own good as well.
Father please please please help me to keep my mouth shut. Put a guard over my mouth,, so I can protect myself. I decree and declare this prayer sealed with the blood of Jesus amen. Father. I believe you will and have done this for me and my family amen.
I am 63 I wish when I was a child my parents and teachers were as wise and as kind as this lady I mite have listened more rather than resisted thank you mam
I needed this so much and especially at this present moment in my life! Thank you so much for your words of ministry that really spoke to my heart... I was just contemplating on confronting someone and possibly making matters much worse.... but now I'm gonna pray on it, speak on it and get clarification and direction on where to go from here, so that I'm acting in the best possible way. And get great results because of it...
Thank You, LORD for bringing me to this woman’s channel! I have been married for 30 years (this September 14th) to a Pastor (for over 15years) & I have been a believer for more than 35years … so I know how I’m to conduct myself, but listening to Mrs. Tate has opened my eyes & heart to the benefits so much & it just played out in my relationship with my husband! I have just started the ‘Cling challenge’, ‘silence is a special gift’ from God especially when the words are right there on the tip of your tongue fighting to get out my mouth … thank You, again LORD and Mrs. KimCashTate!
I won , I won , and yes I did win the Battle just by staying Quiet. They went on to say everything that was on their heart , and their true colors came out , though they came back to apologize nonetheless no word can ever be taken back .
I always felt this was sign of weakness, that being said i just started to voice my opinion and got me involved negatively, gossiping at work. I am feeling like sucked in. I know GOD is giving me this message through your video that popped up out of no where. Your very easy to understand. I like the comment that they put it on subtitles and journal, this will help me to remember. Thank You
I love this so much. Over the past few months, my tongue has gotten me in a situation that has made me feel miserable. Instead of receiving and allowing, I tried to force things and ended up blinding myself from the truth and provoking my own misery. I don't think it's a coincidence that I've found more peace inside in the past week as I've attempted to come closer to God. I've allowed my ego to convince me that I alone can solve and control things. And the result was that I made many mistakes. I'm open and ready to receive God's wisdom and love as a heal and forgive myself.
Hi Kim what an encouragement to find you. Today I was ministering these words to my daughter who was struggling with a co worker and I was trying to calm her heart but it became difficult. She didn’t want to receive. Eventually she came around and I prayed for her. And now I come across this title “when to be quiet” and hearing the powerful scriptures I hurriedly forwarded your TH-cam to my daughter. Keep sharing Gods word♥️🙏🏼
I just wanted to take a moment and let you know how important this has been for me to watch this particular topic on your channel. The Lord has been working on me heavily in the past few months, and this is one topic that he's been bringing to my attention over and over again. I've taken to watching this everyday, to keep the scriptures and information in the forefront of my mind. It actually came to mind when I was confronted by and angry coworker. I kept quiet, because this is lodging in my head and heart. Thank you. Your channel is helping to mold me into the woman God is creating me to be.
It is obvious that God has gifted you in the area of teaching. I've only listened to about three of your videos, but I have been blessed and have seen things I haven't seen before. You have a gift for connecting things in Scripture that is so helpful. Thank you. So glad I stumbled onto your station this morning.
Wow...Wow...Wow! Thank you Holy Spirit lol talk about conviction. I was going to watch another one of your videos but the Holy Spirit said chew on this for a while & let this go thru the digestive process 1st.
That's good word, I encountered a black Hebrew as a Lyft driver, he spattered on with his religious views , I just kept quiet and when the ride ended he was amazed in my meekness and quietness, he wanted to argue religious views ,in the end God got the glory not me.
Dear sister, this teaching has been very helpful to me. I have watched this video at least 8-10 times. I have had major problems in this area and have suffered very negative consequences. I really needed this! Thank you for presenting the word so clearly. God bless you💖🙏🇸🇪
Wow! I just found you on TH-cam and what a blessing! I've learned so much from this short lesson. I've been a born again Christian for 5 years and as itm seeking to study God's Word much more than just read I'm so thankful to learn as well from brothers and sisters in The Lord who are more mature in the faith. Thank you so much ❤
I took many notes and reread and wrote out every scripture verse you've shared. Thank you for sharing the wisdom God has given to you as you ministers to so many. You truly are a blessing.
I am so thankful to God that this was an encouragement to you. God is so good! And thank you for your sweet encouragement as well. So thankful our paths crossed! Blessings to you, my sister!
yeah I know when you're quiet and smile and someone's talking to you that normally talks to you and they realize why you being so quiet they ask yeah that's weird and what do you say when they say why you being so quiet you know or just smile I guess
I do have to say that me being quiet and listening to the other person talk I do realize that yeah they are talking from the heart where they have to say it's interesting to observe so I did it yesterday quiet my mouth and let the person talk normally talks and I got to know her heart what's really in her heart and I just smiled and try to be loving and kind but yes no kind sweet words so now she's thinks I'm sweet and kind and I've learned a lot about her because I let them talk and you do know a lot about a person if you just shut up and let them talk and they just go on and on and on about things that that's from their heart not have to respond not responding they just look at you sometimes they say why you so quiet but I'm learning a lot letting the person speak especially my enemies cuz you learn a lot about your enemies when they just talk and talk and talk and never observe their heart
This video came just on time! I realized that I’m always talking about myself and when I do think “I’m letting others speak “ I’m already cutting them off. Great perspective and great scriptures . Let this year be different and listen to others and God , Amen.
This entire video is an answered prayer to me. As a matter of fact I was about to write this as a goal to complete through the rest of this year and to see this video on my timeline is me practicing being quiet and praying and I mean God literally provided this as a confirmation too me. God is so good and I’m literally rejoicing in heart right now. Because I see that is exactly how I miss God and give too much information to people who are not for me. Woman of God I can’t express it in words because I’ll be writing a lengthy paragraph but I thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank Him!!!!!!!!!!! This is an instruction sent by Him!!!!!!!!
Sister in Spirit and in TRUTH, FIGHT the warfare. It is NOT against your son's father but against spiritual wickedness which works ARE EXECUTED THROUGH your son's Father's flesh. Become angry with the spirits and FIGHT NOT THE FLESH of your son's father, for only then will you begin to reap the spiritual warfare's victory which WILL manifest itself in the flesh. We Fight against NOT flesh... REMEMBER this bc bottom line, a woman was made for a man and TOGETHER they and their offspring are a GOOD thing, it is written! Gal. 5:16. Bless u and SPEAK, as long as it is by the Law and to the Testimony as it is written Is. 8:20.
@@Maksie0 Noooo! YAHshrael must reprove & correct one another in Righteous love and give one another instruction in Righteousness as it is written. Building one another up bc we all fall short. 1Jn. 5;3, Eccl. 12:13-14 and I am a YAHshraelite Queen, married at age 22, and now married for 26 yrs strong/SOLID years with 4 fearfully & wonderfully made offspring. False indoctrination and enslavement by Masa has taught us division. Fight venom which is an unclean spirit with the Spirit of Love, Courage, Humility, Reproof & Correction. Qam YAHshrael! Bless u!
Sister in Yahuah, I hear you and hold you up in support and encouragement. Yah is listening to you and giving you experiences (times with your ex) as opportunities to refine and expand your patience. He does not do the work for us, so when we pray for patience or some other blessing, He will give us the experiences to keep refining ourselves. Good job for your maturity in keeping silent, the best weapon to stupidity. I forget the chapter/verse, but the Bible says if we chime in with stupidity then we too become equally ignorant. Better to keep silent. Love ya;)
I really appreciate you taking the time to share messages that help make life better and justify the talking points with scripture. For a better day I will have tomorrow when I think of your wisdom shared here. Very powerful. Thank you.
Gurrrrrl Thank You for this REMINDER! Dont know where your channel just came from but boy is GOD on a roll revealing NEW things to me & REMINDING me of an OLD thing I let slip. It's Tight but all the way Right LOL THANK YOU 4 SHARING DOLL❤💛💙💚
I work i childcare. People have always looked down on me because I was "too quiet" and "too passive". They would draw conclusions about me without knowing me at all. So they would try to intimidate me and try to take advantage of me and found out that they were wrong. I'm not a push over I just know when to keep my mouth shut. I spent too many years hurting people and destroying relationships with my words. It never made me feel good at the end of the day so I changed
Jasmine Giles praise God, i wanna be like you!! Lord I'm a work in progress, thank you LORD!
Jasmine Giles Wow thats great you took the time for self reflection.
such an amazing testimony. God bless u sister. I'm happy u have a new life
Jasmine Giles When you are being godly and temperate, the devil will have demons tempt cooperative people to cause you to stop the godly behavior. Resist them and suffer with Christ.
Romans 8:17 if we share in his sufferings, THEN we will share in his glory.
Bless you
Jasmine Giles good job sis
keeping quiet is a skill.
God.!Truer and wiser words have never been dpiken.I believe in God.
You are a beautiful a vel from God!Truer and wiser words have never been spoken.Most excellent advice.I believe in God the way you do.Thank you you've, you've helped me so much.
I'm learning to develop listening more peace and much light to everyone
A truly inner character
Being quiet is a gift. Also, don’t waste your breath on someone who won’t even take the time to understand you. Move on, in silence.
I totally agree. I realize that people I try to straighten things out . I realize they aren't going make peace. I learn to move on.
1. Be silent - in the heat of
2. Be silent - when you don't
have all the facts.
3. Be silent - when you
haven't verified the story.
4. Be silent - if your words
will offend a weaker person.
5. Be silent - when it is time
to listen.
6. Be silent - when you are
tempted to make light of
holy things.
7. Be silent - when you are
tempted to joke about
8. Be silent - if you would be
ashamed of your words later. 9. Be silent - if your words
would convey the wrong
10. Be silent - if the issue is
none of your business.
11. Be silent - when you are
tempted to tell an
outright lie.
12. Be silent - if your words
will damage someone
else's reputation.
13. Be silent - if your words
will damage a friendship.
14. Be silent - when you are
feeling critical.
15. Be silent - if you can't
say it without screaming.
16. Be silent - if your words
will be a poor reflection
of the Lord or your
friends and family.
17. Be silent - if you may
have to eat your words
18. Be silent - if you have
already said it more
than one time.
19. Be silent - when you are
tempted to flatter a
wicked person.
20. Be silent - when you are
supposed to be working
Thank you
This is so helpful. thank you.
Excellent... so powerful and inspiring
Perfect !
This is for me. That’s my biggest problem; Quick to speak when am angry. God give me the grace to be silent when am angry!!!
Oh my, me too. Please Lord teach me to be quite.
Me too , I even hate my self because of this habit 😢
It's a choice you make in that moment. One that I never regret. On the flip side when the words are allowed to tumble out, they can't be retrieved.
Me too
This is a transformative process. There's a habit of letting loose after a certain point that has to be changed and replaced with something else. I'm praying and working through this! 😭
Keep quiet especially when you feel strongly to talk..it's a powerful sign of self control# Bless you!
@Ezan Stephane God bless you for this powerful word. I have to write down your comment because it touches my heart so much. By his grace through this comment God will help me with spirit of self control especially with my Younger ones because they can be very annoying sometimes.
Ezan Stephane Foule thanks 🙏🏻 I needed to read what you said... thanks
Oh yeah, that's a good one! Because in my heart I know that when it is pressing on me to say something, it's probably not good and that is why the enemy presses on me to do it.
DIJAH DIJAH that’s very true but sometimes feel better getting it out then keeping it in 🥰
Chakradhar Hadke Amen
My moto
Yes sir
1-you hear what's on aperson's heart
2-you grow in humility
3-you become a giver
4-you protect youself
5-you walk in obedience
6-you give grace to your husband
7-your light shines bright
8-you're able to hear the Lord
I've gotten better at being silent it's just my facial expressions tell it all. Lord I need your help with silencing my face and attitude.
Georgia Isom Tell me about it 🙋🏽♀️
Ooh I'm workimg on that right now, yes with Gods help I can do all things!
Georgia, don't look at me in that tone of voice. 😂😂
@@amyhobson5960 🤣🤣right!!
Me too
I'm a very quiet person, but sometimes it becomes necessary to speak. And speak up LOUD.
I have lost a lot by keeping too quiet. So we must identify with "keeping quiet" and speaking out when necessary.
Michelle V.H. Toussaint best comment ever! When they say people should keep quiet, it doesn't mean you shouldn't open your mouth at all. Talk when it's necessary and keep quiet when it's necessary as well.
Michelle V.H. Toussaint, I Totally Agree With You Whole Heartedly!!!!!!!
I am the same way...I've been stepped on and messed over because of it...I strive to be Christlike...but Jesus beat the moneychangers out of the temple...now I am so full of holding things in...I'm about to burst!!!!! I learned we can speak with wisdom...NOT BE A DOORMAT...season what you say with love..be led when to speak..always keep in question" What Would Jesus Do?"
Same with me i lost so much being quiet but lost more of myself speaking being emotionally drained and satisfying the ego of the other person and also loosing focus, in all this i have come to the conclusion that speaking is more confusing and exhausting to being quiet or silence.
Yes! Very true!
God says that being quiet is of great price. Walking in humility is not weakness it's strength under control.
So true
'Strength under control'
As I c lose out 2019, this is my prayer for 2020... Lord help me to be quiet because I know a meek and humble spirit is of great value to you.
I definitely will attempt to live by that.
Me too.God help me
Agreement bless you and me.
His grace is sufficient!
Please pray for me so I can have a successful 2023
LadyMarmalade A. Yeah that’s differ your just stupid 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why would you want to make people feel scared?
So funny. People get mad. I love to dig my heals in. Want them to be saved but not gonna let them upset me
@@RockDove5212 🙄 she doesn’t mean scared in that way
Pretend you're being recorded and think, how will I sound replayed.
Had to screenshot and repost this comment
@@rosefromconcrete9466cool, thanks Alex
What...really good advice.
Thank you
pretend you and your animal abusers , realise how sick you are
Keep quiet around coworkers. There’s a snake among one or more of them.
So so true
So true! At work I keep a smile on my face and never talk about others or myself. I only speak to give encouragement. I have learned the hard way!
Say that twice
Real talk
This message is soul healing
Don't brag .what people don't know they cant use against you safety and peace of mind are worth being quit
I had to learn that the hard way. But I learned
"Listen to understand and not to reply." 🤔
Exactly! People do the opposite though.
Well watered wife 👏🏻🙌🏻
I think when men appreciate this in women what they mean to say is "b**ch shut up" "I don't want you to have a voice"
@@MsRae-ev9hs woman are not bitch should we keep calling ourselves animals for how long wake up !!!
I swear I got mad at someone who hurt me right now and I was provoked to say more than enough and I came on and saw this...I believe it’s God who made me see this when I just came on TH-cam.
No, the TH-cam algorithm is not controlled by a deity.
Amen me to .....lol i was making pretend last night what i wanted to say to this person who likes to pick with me them just now i saw this video and it calmed my storm😁🙌
@Lissy I, I swear God sent this to me but I wish I saw it before I went to work.
I was called in a meeting because an employee provoked me about saying ;I said some rude stuff about the boss trashing the companies image.
They know I'm quiet and i wasn't gonna say anything but I have kept quiet for too long and when I heard this and how everyone came down on me...I felt defenseless and just exploded and said some things.... Now I wish I would have stayed in my closet and said nothing.
God works in mysterious ways...be it TH-cam or anything else/everything else..The Good Lord decides to (use), Amen.
Keeping quiet sometimes can save your life. But being too quiet sometimes will also get you killed. People can be soo evil in whatever doings you just have to listen, slow to speak but do it in a calm way shouting and being angry only confusing you and others. I'm a quiet and shy person my entire life. But i wont let no one take my silence for weakness.
How could anyone dislike this. I wish I could thumbs it up 10 times. It’s full of so much wisdom
The 1,000 thumbs down are from extroverts.
been shy and quiet is not a weakness it is that inner peace that God has given you and know that you are in control
Shyness is a weakness, meekness is the strength.
@@mimaesthetic2517 BOTH are synonyms. CONFUSED abt ur statement.
Am still too young. I dnt understand what you are saying. But keeping silent is peacful for sure. No drama.
Silence is the best medicine!
True, silence is golden. 😍
Shay Shay and that’s very dangerous because it will also lead you to your death so you definitely better get that mouth in check
Have you improved?
I have practice silence for years, because if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say nothing at all. When you listen to people you learn about their character and about your surroundings.
When I do speech it is to be cordial. Being quiet also allows you to meditate on positivity, so I let peace be still.
Well said
Thank you, people often confuse being quiet for weakness. Powerful, God bless you
I'm very smart and quiet and people thought I was weak or dumb. When I opened my mouth they were surprised by my wisdom. But people will run over you when you're quiet. I've prayed to my Lord and
asked him to keep evil people away. So now I just stay to myself cause I now have a very short toleration for haters.
chinazaified true
I agree with you 100%, if you are meek and humble people will always try to take advantage of you.
L Farmer
People will definitely walk on you for being quiet. Especially if they know that you are smart. They are intimidated by the strength and intelligence that you posses that they feel they are lacking. Communication with others should be viewed as a tennis match...give and take, right? If someone cannot play the tennis match, it simply means that they are a poor conversationalist. Not you.😃 I recently gained some knowledge that I need to practice... knowing when to step up or step back. This is done by listening to your inner voice (the REAL you) rather than the/your ego (caring about how others see you).
We need to love ourselves for who we know we are and shake off the shit that assholes throw at us...😄❤
Although this video was uploaded 7 years ago (prior to 2023), the message is timeless. Thank you for this message and referencing Bible scripture to back it up. ❤️
It can be hard to keep quiet in a world that mistakes being quiet as being a weak doormat...someone to be taken advantage of. So...I guess it's all about discerning when to speak and when not to!
Yes I concur and nicely put.
wisediamond830 I get it but I think that at same time being quiet makes you more respectable.You just have to give a good answer when you’re feeling disrespected,of course without offending.
Or it's about not caring about the way the world perceives you. 😊
Correct! 💯
. I am a “Chatty Cathy” I have talked too much my entire life. God put being quiet on my heart just before I watched your video. Boom! He confirms!
Im a chatty Patty as well. 😔
Whenever I would get in trouble in school as a child, it was for talking. The one complaint from my teachers would be, TALKATIVE.
However, I do have a freind that can out talk anyone.
Keeping quiet is a true blessing.
Keeping Quiet is a Sweet Victory. Speak Life not death.
I pray God gives me the wisdom to be quiet, because when offended I do not stay quiet and my husband provokes me, and I know better, but still speak out. 👐 help me Lord👐
Irma Pereira-Rivera
Irma Pereira-Rivera I usually stay quiet but when people throw shade at me or think that I'm stupid cause i don't say anything i blow up
I think I've always believed the adage that "silent speaks volumes." I realize once something falls out of your mouth you can't take it back. I either let things go or speak my mind later when I'm no longer feeling angry or provoked...i find the delay de-escalates the situation (in my mind)and i usually end up saying nothing.
Irma Pereira-Rivera That's my Prayer to. Some days are better than others, but ultimately I'd like to choose the Righteous Path!👍
Me too. Try to keep quiet but there are times I pray to be quiet.
I need to listen to this everyday
Glam Doll man what I just said the same thing as I was hearing this 🤦🏽♀️
We all do.
1obedience thanks for the reminder it was right on time
Me too
Wow. I know that God definitely send me this word today. I need to repent, reflect and grow
“ Be still and know that I am God” said lord.
God has been dealing with me about holding my tongue. That was definitely for me. Thank you for the confirmation.
Thank you so much. Father, ... you are ministering through my sister, ... continue to bless her willingness and obedience, ... even now, ... in Jesus name, ... Amen.
Lord help me in this area. this is my biggest weakness
Mpho Machialwe mine too
God please help me to be quiet.
Mpho Machialwe your not alone. Most High Yah. Please help me!
I right here with ya but 1 step at a Time homie 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾❤️
Oh God help us
A timely word! I remember a time when I was a part of a ministry when I felt some of the other members were "picking" on me, because I didn't say much, and they felt I wasn't speaking up for myself. There were times where I would imagine what it would be like to really speak my mind and let them have it. But I realize that if I said that, I wouldn't have some of the friendships with them that I have today. I thank God for allowing me to keep silent, because He kept me from lashing back and saying things that I would regret later. Thank you for this message and God bless!
I'm so glad that your channel popped up. I needed to hear those words of wisdom.
All I can say is "Wow" and " Thank you" 😊
Same with me
Carol Reliford amen
Carol Reliford me
This is a real blessing to me. I'm glad i ran into this on my feed. Implementing better habits starts within, and this is something i used to do, be quiet, but it was more for the reason of not speaking up for myself. I believe quietness also reminds you to be still, and shows a still confidence in Who you rely on. Thank you so much for this sister💞
I always say if you don't understand my silence you won't understand my understand my words !! 💖
Erin Vaughn thats deep
Brown Scorpio cccccc . cccccccc'cccccccc'cccccc'cccccccc'c'cccccccccccccccccc'''cc'''''''''''c'ç
Erin Vaughn amen
1000% Amen
u are absolutely right! same here
I’m extremely impulsive this has been a big problem for me. Everything that comes up comes out. I talk over others because I wanna say what I have to say now. I find myself apologizing often to others. I’m trying so hard to be different and better. This video is very helpful.
Brittany Cohen
You have an honest conscious and God heard you. HE will have mercy on you. I have never commented on TH-cam before, but I fell the need too.
Why do you we have these behaviors Brittany? You are me and I am you. I do the exact same thing. Who though? Is it that as a child I was ignored? Or as a wife and mother taken for granted and over looked? I refuse to be in that place again. Someone is going to hear me!
@Sofia De Angelis Amen
Brittany Cohen, I'm with you on this. Me? I'm overcoming ADD (attention deficit disorder) Another believer with ADD suggested this book written by two women who have this disorder. I read some it on line, then borrowed it from the library. I didn't want to to it but I must face the (elephant in the room that everyone else sees). I'm not saying this is your issue, should anyone wants answers, there is a REAL science behind this excessive talking and other behaviors that brought me a lot of pain. It has helped me a lot. The book is called: You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! K. Kelly and P. Ramundo. I will purchase the book and the Lord is with me. Hope this helps.
Brittany I have this same problem and I’m working on it thank you for being so honest it really helps
I am learning about the power of my silence
You are not alone....I am always praying for grace to help with my tongue. And we're tested most with the ones we're around all the time (like our husbands)...but God is able! :)
But sometimes you have legitimate things to say. There is no reason why should not be able to express yourself with your husband. Chill
F'aneshia N. anytime you feel like saying anything, try writing your thoughts and feelings first! before you speak! it helped me.
Ibotta Lotta Yes, its good to choose your words wisely. And not everything merits a response, but the idea of silence is stressed upon women, which is unfair. Also, he idea that you grace your husband with respect by silence? Bullshit. Made by men who hate nagging wives. True, you must respect your husband and nagging is ineffective. It just seems like this advice is some BS.
F'aneshia N. Yeah sis you dont want to end up in divorce court Ephesians chapters 5-6
Also be quick to listen slow to speak slow to get angry
Lose the fight to win the battle
Let God fight your battles xoxo sis
I very quiet and am a giver.. but the problem is everyone else has a opinion and a taker. I am exhausted .. some speaking up and boundaries is okay too
Good god, yes. Please be careful when taking advice from another. Seek guidance within.
I doubt your creator wants you to be weak. Silence is strength, and silence is also weakness. Depends. Always depends.
Duality is Life. LIFE IS DUALITY. Balance is essential. ☯️💜☮️🦋🌈🌟
God bless u
Mmm, so important for empaths.. 💯🙏🏾💯
That's hard to do with people who have "big mouths" so I just let them talk unless I really need something.
I am shy and quiet but it is really hard to be yourself around other people if you have these qualities.
At work I'm termed moody, not a nice person or have unresolved issues. Being at work stresses me out and no longer gives me joy.
People take me for granted coz they know I'm quite and I tolerate and take all the harsh words and treatment they throw at me.
But when it get to a point where I can't take it....I spit fire and everyone hates me and I just cannot control what I say and feel guilty afterwards though I'm the one who was being wronged from the beginning. I am so confused on how to socialize or be seen as a good person in my work place without people labelling me as a moody or unhappy person. God help me not to be moved by people's words or respond to anger. No matter how bad the situation is....I pray I keep silent.
You've just described me
I have been there countless times and also where people purposely provoke to set me off on jobs. It's almost like a game to others to see if they can shake a quiet person up. Then when you flip they call you crazy. Smh. Just smile and keep it moving. I have had countless bosses to test me. Found out later, quiet makes the other person very nervous. Keep being the quiet confident and powerful you!!
Don't hate who you are. God made you the way that you are. Ask God to help you to have balance and He will show you....be blessed...
You can be queit and assertive at the same thing.
Keep doing you I'm the same way don't let them stop you. them demon see the light in you stay focused.
Amen!! God has taught me each one of these lessons and I can testify that they are true. God bless you my sister.
Sometimes being quiet gets you into more trouble than if you were loud. We have to know when to be quiet... cuz sometimes I wished I would have opened my mouth and not missed opportunities.
zaneta mcleod yep
Yes i was going to say the same thing
But if we consider that God orders our steps, then not every opportunity we see is a blessing. I've felt I was slighted many times, however, in the fullness of time I learned otherwise. I've grown to open my ears AND EYES to listen, my mouth to teach, edify, lift someone's spirit, entertain/laugh with people.
When I'm hurt, I stay alone and am silent. That way I don't say hurtful things. Funny thing is the things I might say r true, but if saying them won't achieve the points above, to me, they're not worth saying.
Lastly, hurt people hurt people.. Folks seem to go along in life hurt n broken we get older n think age brinfs healing, but it don't.. We're all being worked on the potter's wheel. In the fillness of His time, words can bring healing rather than simply do more damage.
These r my learnings.
Peace n love❤❤💕❤
Vice versa for me
“It’s better to remain quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”
Proverbs 13:3 - ❤️❤️❤️He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: [but] he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.
Suzana Urbano
my spiritual number 313
fits appropriately...wow!
I've been thinking on this topic for a few days. You're right, its a skill to control your words.
Thanks God for this video. I'm from Brazil and talk so much! But I admitted that and I know God will help me to change. Wise woman! Keep it up this great ministry to share the wisdom God has given to you through the Bible. I'm so blessed now!!!
Sometimes you do have to speak up when you have been pushed around or manipulated, but I do appreciate and realize what you are saying. I think silence is powerful too like you say. I've put my foot in my mouth - been truthful though. Sometimes you don't have to explain or justify - but just let the truth come out as it always does.
So, in situations like that should I speak up or stay quiet if someone is poking and manipulating I was always having a problem with is because I tend to ignore poeple like that.
wow so timely, I noticed I've been getting into petty anger moments with my husband over general issues, I just went to the bedroom and asked the Lord to help me and give me wisdom, 1 minute later this poped on my reconmmended videos, 😮.. Thank u jesus
Thank the Lord but don't be naive. He may not have sent it your way. 👁
Hi family, I'm remembering a time when the Lord told me to be quiet, at the time, I didn't get it, I was wondering if he was being mean, I didn't know how much of my mouth I was supposed to close..lol...when to open it or when to keep it closed, then I ran across a verse while studying and I understood what the Lord was saying to me, its Exodus 14:14, (ck the compare verses). I felt better after seeing that verse and now I'm practicing that admonition, it was difficult because I used to be quiet when people were being difficult, then I learned how to speak up, got tired of people shaking my fruit tree, now I'm doing better by the grace of God. This is a continuous endeavor because most of those we are around don't have a working relationship with the Lord. We need his wisdom and strength to follow his ways of dealing with others and walking in his love. Peace and love and grace family.
After the break up of 7 year relationship , 2 beautiful children.. I hope God helps me through this hurt... I pray for help please lord 🙏 💗
Carrie Ann Marshall
Trust in God to lead you and fix your broken heart and make you better than ever. I'm in the same situation but I've learned to give God all of me and to use this time for Him. He has provided all," ALL " of my needs better without the relationship. God is Awesome!!!!
God will certainly help you through your pain. You haven't lost anything. You're getting ready to gain the abundant blessings from God. Trust.
Painful but trust in God
The hurt hi u feel God knows
He will see you through
How are you fairing on?
I just love your life lessons. They make me grow, they make me listen.
I just wanted to share one of the things I do with you teachings. I put the video on subtitles and write word for word in a journal.
This journal then goes in my purse and I carry it with me. When ever I'm in a doctor's office waiting or a lot of times on my lunch break, I will read them over and over. And each time is a blessing to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time to give your gift. God Bless you.
Cindy, this blessed me so much....wow! I can't believe you actually do this! :) I can only thank and praise God that the videos speak to you in this way. God is so good and so faithful. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. It is refreshing water to my soul. May the Lord bless you richly, my sister. xoxo
Cindy Echevarria wow, that's amazing!!!!!!!
Cindy Echevarria
Cindy Echevarria...Thank you, I did not know we can do captions. Makes it easier.
I am working on this within myself. ❤️ Learning to walk away even when you are being triggered intentionally.
Sister!!!! You confirmed my decision to be quite last night. God was with me 100% . I gave grace to that person and walked away and stayed away the next day so I would not sin against God. Amen Amen.
Praise God, Christa! The grace to walk away....I know it wasn't easy. But God was glorified!
There is so much benefit from being quiet, physical and Spiritual maturity is gained, wisdom and knowledge is leaked. Thank God for this reminder, and Thankyou for your obedience!
I just 😍 you
beebizzy25, I Totally Agree With You Whole Heartedly!!!!!!!
Had to send this to a friend I feel uncomfortable to be around nowadays because of their quick responses. I listen to this video for my own good as well.
Father please please please help me to keep my mouth shut. Put a guard over my mouth,, so I can protect myself. I decree and declare this prayer sealed with the blood of Jesus amen. Father. I believe you will and have done this for me and my family amen.
I hope God answered your very moving prayer.
praise God, sister a wonderful Teaching!!I really needed this, I really need to pray to guard my tongue.. big hugs from Kentucky. 😊
I am 63 I wish when I was a child my parents and teachers were as wise and as kind as this lady I mite have listened more rather than resisted thank you mam
I needed this so much and especially at this present moment in my life! Thank you so much for your words of ministry that really spoke to my heart... I was just contemplating on confronting someone and possibly making matters much worse.... but now I'm gonna pray on it, speak on it and get clarification and direction on where to go from here, so that I'm acting in the best possible way. And get great results because of it...
God help me in this area
Reshel Hicks hi
Reshel Hicks I thought about confronting someone also. Glad I didn’t.
I love the way the notes have been arranged with valid explanations and even with extracts from the bible verses. I appreciate your work! Thank you!💎
Thank You, LORD for bringing me to this woman’s channel! I have been married for 30 years (this September 14th) to a Pastor (for over 15years) & I have been a believer for more than 35years … so I know how I’m to conduct myself, but listening to Mrs. Tate has opened my eyes & heart to the benefits so much & it just played out in my relationship with my husband! I have just started the ‘Cling challenge’, ‘silence is a special gift’ from God especially when the words are right there on the tip of your tongue fighting to get out my mouth … thank You, again LORD and Mrs. KimCashTate!
I won , I won , and yes I did win the Battle just by staying Quiet.
They went on to say everything that was on their heart , and their true colors came out , though they came back to apologize nonetheless no word can ever be taken back .
Zack Asante true they ask for apology they tried to destroy me but I kept quite until today they fell into their trap
While it's true that they cannot take back their words, it's also true that the will of God is for you to forgive them. And love them...
I always felt this was sign of weakness, that being said i just started to voice my opinion and got me involved negatively, gossiping at work. I am feeling like sucked in. I know GOD is giving me this message through your video that popped up out of no where. Your very easy to understand. I like the comment that they put it on subtitles and journal, this will help me to remember. Thank You
Linda Giammarino 😱I literally am going through your story now.
Linda Giammarino god?
I love this so much. Over the past few months, my tongue has gotten me in a situation that has made me feel miserable. Instead of receiving and allowing, I tried to force things and ended up blinding myself from the truth and provoking my own misery. I don't think it's a coincidence that I've found more peace inside in the past week as I've attempted to come closer to God. I've allowed my ego to convince me that I alone can solve and control things. And the result was that I made many mistakes. I'm open and ready to receive God's wisdom and love as a heal and forgive myself.
Keeping quiet is a strong weapon to fight back
Five stars.
Help us Lord.
Husbands love some quiet.
Hi Kim what an encouragement to find you. Today I was ministering these words to my daughter who was struggling with a co worker and I was trying to calm her heart but it became difficult. She didn’t want to receive. Eventually she came around and I prayed for her. And now I come across this title “when to be quiet” and hearing the powerful scriptures I hurriedly forwarded your TH-cam to my daughter. Keep sharing Gods word♥️🙏🏼
I am so glad this was showed up in my feed. God know I needed to hear this message. Thank You! Definitely a new sub.
It is a beautiful thing to see you here speaking truth and wisdom. God bless!!
I just wanted to take a moment and let you know how important this has been for me to watch this particular topic on your channel. The Lord has been working on me heavily in the past few months, and this is one topic that he's been bringing to my attention over and over again. I've taken to watching this everyday, to keep the scriptures and information in the forefront of my mind. It actually came to mind when I was confronted by and angry coworker. I kept quiet, because this is lodging in my head and heart. Thank you. Your channel is helping to mold me into the woman God is creating me to be.
This tongue of mine is under construction lol
Restored Beauty 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂that's good
Same to my tongue
Mine too
Thanks for posting this. At this phase of life, I really needed to hear this. God bless you always.
Thanks for sharing, I was blessed with the message
It is obvious that God has gifted you in the area of teaching. I've only listened to about three of your videos, but I have been blessed and have seen things I haven't seen before. You have a gift for connecting things in Scripture that is so helpful. Thank you. So glad I stumbled onto your station this morning.
Wow...Wow...Wow! Thank you Holy Spirit lol talk about conviction. I was going to watch another one of your videos but the Holy Spirit said chew on this for a while & let this go thru the digestive process 1st.
That's good word, I encountered a black Hebrew as a Lyft driver, he spattered on with his religious views , I just kept quiet and when the ride ended he was amazed in my meekness and quietness, he wanted to argue religious views ,in the end God got the glory not me.
Dear sister, this teaching has been very helpful to me. I have watched this video at least 8-10 times. I have had major problems in this area and have suffered very negative consequences. I really needed this! Thank you for presenting the word so clearly. God bless you💖🙏🇸🇪
Wow! I just found you on TH-cam and what a blessing! I've learned so much from this short lesson. I've been a born again Christian for 5 years and as itm seeking to study God's Word much more than just read I'm so thankful to learn as well from brothers and sisters in The Lord who are more mature in the faith. Thank you so much ❤
I took many notes and reread and wrote out every scripture verse you've shared. Thank you for sharing the wisdom God has given to you as you ministers to so many. You truly are a blessing.
I am so thankful to God that this was an encouragement to you. God is so good! And thank you for your sweet encouragement as well. So thankful our paths crossed! Blessings to you, my sister!
Tracy Cipriano
kimcashtate Oh my God! This is my first time hearing from you you. You have blessed my heart. Thanks i would like to hear more from you.
I love this work of art, i have watched it 4 times in just 2 days. Its got Bible scripture too. Amazing. Thanks a million . God bless you richly.
I'm not a Bhuddist, but there's one rule of Bhuddism that's stuck with me: Never engage in idle discussion merely to have something to say.
That’s found in the Book of Proverbs many times too.
I agree, don't speak just to hear yourself talk.
Sometimes I feel I’m being perceived as dumb cos I’m reluctant with my words in a fast talking world
David Aranzubia you are wise not dumb...when you consider your words before saying them it is wisdom..blessings
Actually, you are wiser than most!
yeah I know when you're quiet and smile and someone's talking to you that normally talks to you and they realize why you being so quiet they ask yeah that's weird and what do you say when they say why you being so quiet you know or just smile I guess
I do have to say that me being quiet and listening to the other person talk I do realize that yeah they are talking from the heart where they have to say it's interesting to observe so I did it yesterday quiet my mouth and let the person talk normally talks and I got to know her heart what's really in her heart and I just smiled and try to be loving and kind but yes no kind sweet words so now she's thinks I'm sweet and kind and I've learned a lot about her because I let them talk and you do know a lot about a person if you just shut up and let them talk and they just go on and on and on about things that that's from their heart not have to respond not responding they just look at you sometimes they say why you so quiet but I'm learning a lot letting the person speak especially my enemies cuz you learn a lot about your enemies when they just talk and talk and talk and never observe their heart
Thank you Lord I needed this message ♥️
I revisit this message every so often because it feeds with each view! Thank you for this! God bless you :)
Haters keep trying me...im just living my life and they want me to act out of character.But I never will.I stay chill and silent.
This video came just on time! I realized that I’m always talking about myself and when I do think “I’m letting others speak “ I’m already cutting them off. Great perspective and great scriptures . Let this year be different and listen to others and God , Amen.
This came at the right moment in my life thank you so much for this video
I definitely need to learn to keep quiet!
thanks for this!
This entire video is an answered prayer to me. As a matter of fact I was about to write this as a goal to complete through the rest of this year and to see this video on my timeline is me practicing being quiet and praying and I mean God literally provided this as a confirmation too me. God is so good and I’m literally rejoicing in heart right now. Because I see that is exactly how I miss God and give too much information to people who are not for me. Woman of God I can’t express it in words because I’ll be writing a lengthy paragraph but I thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank Him!!!!!!!!!!! This is an instruction sent by Him!!!!!!!!
Im a Muslim and agree with everything your saying! Thank you so much for the strong words
Just asking...why does it matter if you're a Muslim or not whether you agree or not?
I need help to hold my tongue. My son's father is so venomous with his tongue and reckless but I need Yah to help me hush! I receive this for 2020
If he's venomous then it sounds like he's the one who should shut up.
Sister in Spirit and in TRUTH, FIGHT the warfare. It is NOT against your son's father but against spiritual wickedness which works ARE EXECUTED THROUGH your son's Father's flesh. Become angry with the spirits and FIGHT NOT THE FLESH of your son's father, for only then will you begin to reap the spiritual warfare's victory which WILL manifest itself in the flesh. We Fight against NOT flesh... REMEMBER this bc bottom line, a woman was made for a man and TOGETHER they and their offspring are a GOOD thing, it is written! Gal. 5:16. Bless u and SPEAK, as long as it is by the Law and to the Testimony as it is written Is. 8:20.
@@Maksie0 Noooo! YAHshrael must reprove & correct one another in Righteous love and give one another instruction in Righteousness as it is written. Building one another up bc we all fall short. 1Jn. 5;3, Eccl. 12:13-14 and I am a YAHshraelite Queen, married at age 22, and now married for 26 yrs strong/SOLID years with 4 fearfully & wonderfully made offspring. False indoctrination and enslavement by Masa has taught us division. Fight venom which is an unclean spirit with the Spirit of Love, Courage, Humility, Reproof & Correction. Qam YAHshrael! Bless u!
My dad would always tell my mom
"You got 2 mouths and 1 ear"
Sister in Yahuah, I hear you and hold you up in support and encouragement. Yah is listening to you and giving you experiences (times with your ex) as opportunities to refine and expand your patience. He does not do the work for us, so when we pray for patience or some other blessing, He will give us the experiences to keep refining ourselves. Good job for your maturity in keeping silent, the best weapon to stupidity. I forget the chapter/verse, but the Bible says if we chime in with stupidity then we too become equally ignorant. Better to keep silent. Love ya;)
I really appreciate you taking the time to share messages that help make life better and justify the talking points with scripture. For a better day I will have tomorrow when I think of your wisdom shared here. Very powerful. Thank you.
Gurrrrrl Thank You for this REMINDER!
Dont know where your channel just came from but boy is GOD on a roll revealing NEW things to me & REMINDING me of an OLD thing I let slip.
It's Tight but all the way Right LOL
So true that's me people will try hard to upset but I don't I know God will fix it for me