Idea: since the obsessed is kinda creep, what if at one point there was like heavy breathing and really muffled voice saying shit like: "i need you or "you don't understand"
THERE NEEDS TO BE A SCENE where when you go to sleep the few seconds where theres a wait before the day changes HE NEEDS TO SHOW UP AND STARE DOWN AT THE PLAYER like some freaky sleep paralysis demon
I THOUGHT ABOUT THAT TOO THATD BE SO COOL, I was thinking about some like desert stalker creature you'd only ever see on the horizon until it was night and it'd hang out outside your windows or base or smth
or like a chance to have a nightmare of it the first time you see it, like there would be a meter that, if high he is less agressive and if it is low it is more agressive or something like that. so the lower this meter is the higher the chance to get a nightmare of him
What if, since the Obsessed is, well, obsessed with you, it would occasionally recreate things the player has made? Crafting tables, beds made out of wool and carpet (like at pillager mansions), stuff like that. It's so obsessed it's trying to imitate you, *become* you. Maybe it'd be too hard to add it, but it would be such a nice touch. Part of what made early Herobrine so scary was the idea that there was someone else messing with your world, building tunnels and small structures, maybe you could tap into that with this mod?
That would be cool even for those who don't care for horror since it can mean the ability to possibly double the resources they have. Or maybe have it place a chest that has it try to show affection to you as a gift. Maybe have it as well become more active if you try to take down its builds to say you kinda ticked it off.
as someone who interpreted "obsessed" as the weird love-stalker "obsessed" i had the idea of whatever it is giving gifts like flowers or food or random things (eg. spider eye) and its relatively passive (besides the whole stalking thing) BUT if you start throwing things away, like in lava, or certain amount of blocks away it gets increasingly annoyed at you
Idea for the mod: what if The Obsessed would leave books, signs and letters for the player to find? Things that it wrote specifically for the player. Sometimes leaving "presents" to for the player, such as chests with random items with signs on or papers in the chest that say "for [player name]". Maybe certain structures can show up after being in a world for a while, that show it has been stalking the player for a long time. Such as a campsite near your base, or an underground base underneath the players.
i mean id be chill with that as long as it didnt have the overall motive to hurt me. even a bit of admiration or recognition makes me overwhelmingly happy lol
ohhhh what if it left a potion, pretty much something where if you drink it, it gives you nausea and blindness. you wake up the next day and there's a book in a chest confessing it's admiration for you. god thats scary as hell 😭
You should add a feature where the obsessed would take pictures of the player while doing something, and then the photos would randomly spawn in their base as if someone had broken in left the photos in their base to make them extra paranoid.
One thing that would be cool is like when you leave your house: It can open doors and fence gates, so when you get back they would be open It can mess up how your chests are sorted like move your items around and maybe also take items as memorabilia of the player Yea that's basically it
The "taking items" thing should definitely have a limit though, just to prevent frustration from it stealing all your iron or something. Like it shouldn't steal anything TOO valuable, but shouldn't just steal sticks and stuff.
@@YueKnEwHandlBArcopy and pastes??? Nahhhhh they’re different because they have different name and model and have absolutely no similarities what so ever
Since this creature is like the Man-Bear in that there's more emphasis on its stalking and quiet intelligence, I think it'd be neat if the ambient sounds were equally subtle and hard to hear--a few twigs cracking in the distance, the crunch of leaves somewhere nearby, what feels like someone breathing over your shoulder--perfectly innocuous things that could amp up the tension and make you doubt your sanity. Additionally, it'd be SUPER AWESOME if the creature could mimic the sounds of non-hostile mobs like sheep or cows in an attempt to draw you closer, but that'd be dipping a little _too_ close to Man-Bear territory.
There should also be backround noise added, like leaves swaying and birds chirping. The Obsessed's sounds should also be quite simular to these backround sounds, so you aren't certain if it was just a regular sound or if it's the entity.
I was thinking maybe adding some quiet humming that the creature would made when watching the player, make the noise quiet and make the entity make that noise from a distance so it is extremely hard to hear
Well, remember, it's obsessed with you. It doesn't want to harm you, per-say. It just wants *you*. Maybe, sometimes, it could get rid of hostile mobs like creepers? Because it knows they try to hurt you, and it wants you for itself?
Just saying, it'd be incredible if the entity resembled and moved like a completely regular player, and possibly had a randomised, customizable, or basic player skin... so it just seems like this actual player is genuinely stalking you down and playing mind tricks with you.
Perhaps if it detects multiple players it will randomly select one player and copy the skin of whichever player they spend most time with and if it is hardcore maybe it also stalks the player whose skin it copied to replace them entirely perhaps getting more comfortable being near and seen when it is alone with the target and replacing their friend perhaps using voice clips it took to seem real just to get to their obsession?
Alright; hear me out: What if it had a mechanic that changes how hostile it is. If you acknowledge it (I dunno how), it's be peaceful and might leave flowers or something If you ignore it, (maybe refusing gifts), it'd get hostile and temper with your farms and stuff
I feel like acknowledging it should make it worse in a DIFFERENT way. Like, it starts showing up more often, causes harm to other players within a block or two of you, causing harm to a pet, etc. Whereas ignoring it might make it hostile to YOU, acknowledging it would make it hostile to everyone/everything AROUND you, as though trying to keep you to itself. Not a big fan of playing something like a creepy obsession as something "being nice" will solve, bc in real life, that never works. Trust me. I know from experience.
@@autumnalHalcyon I.. never thought about that. While it is valuable insight, I feel like we should be concerned about the "knowing from experience" part.
Well, first things first, it's much clearer for him, when he plays. Second, TH-cam compression is at work and that's why you could not see almost at all. Same with his previous videos, like the VR one. Where we couldn't see shit in that whiteness, but he could.
I can't see SHIT when i play minecraft. Maybe its just my shit eyes but i put the game brightness and device brightness all the way up and i CAN'T FUCKING SEEE
I always thought about a monster that breaks your torches. Just imagine you are mining and look behind you, just seeing a glowing smiling face approaching you, as your torches disappear one after another.
bro, i adore this one yandere who is aware that he's a video game character, and i love the idea of yandere games infecting other games... and seeing this stuff in minecraft would be perfect... maybe with a retexture to fit the yandere in question. if yk who i'm talking about, then be my friend plssss
I love idk's ability to spot things. Sometimes it takes him a few seconds to realise he sees a goofy ahh bear in front of him, and sometimes he sees several pixels miles away, in a pitch black dark.
The two horror mods you made focused on one thing that fits the whole "you're not afraid in the dark, you're afraid you're NOT alone in the dark" It instills primal fear of the unknown, you know there's something out there but you don't know what it is
Exactly. How do you know you're alone if you can't see? Leaving the horror to the imagination (keeping the monster a secret/leaving the viewer guessing) allows the brain to create even more horrific monsters. It's why Alien did so well, IIRC.
BRO I JUST THOUGHT OF THE BEST BACKSTORY!! ok so your old skin that you had changed. And the red could be like flesh? Idk. But your old skin is stalking you and is obsessed because it wants to be attached with you again.
I think if it’s obsessive adding such things like killing the things you’ve hit once, or leaving presents like cats do or stealing your stuff from you as a memorial would be really good add ons
I think that a freaky mechanic for this guy would be that if you have a pet for awhile, for example a dog, cat, anything with a name tag, or potentially just a normal animal like a pig or chicken if its near you for long enough, he'll get jealous and eventually kill it when you're away or atleast become much more aggressive. Same thing for villagers and maybe even other players who aren't it's focus.
What if in order to create more of itself it has to attack you which how it plants a small version of itself in you then it gets out of you after finishing development and it behaves like a parasite you have to do whatever it needs to stay alive so you don't die or your pets die until it becomes independent and can live on it's own (it only does this if you leave it alone for long enough or if it is near death also it is chance based if it is successful in developing more of itself)
someone said it be cool if the creep tried mimicking the player, tried to copy him and his builts. I Feel like it would be cool if he combined that idea and yours idea and made the mobs afraid of the player later on! like in case you get a wolf and he kills it/kills any other wolfs you'll end up getting attacked by them (same with llamas) or maybe if the player stays in a village, the villagers start to avoid standing near you/they make a gollem which would also attack you, and animals like sheep and cows stops spawning near the player it would be like.. the creep is jealous and hurts other living beings, but because hes also copying the player the mobs see him AS the player
@VincentPerhaps what if after physcologically destroying the player enough their player character starts behaving weird and has breakdowns and then turns into one of it's kind after allowing the player to choose whether they want to become it or not. Imagine on an SMP your fellow player has to serve the entity because they believe they have nothing better to do and have lost all hope. (there has to be a way of defeating it so people will replay with this mod but idk how the creator would do that yet).
the stuff this guy makes feel both so odd and scary because of the feeling of isolation and loneliness like no monsters spawn which just limits out threat but also on same time it quite gives out a different vibes of how people used to see monsters in the game and without their existence and getting attacked by 1 Entity is quite scary
I actually prefer this to the man bear. Man bear is just a monster really, tbh is could be a person like you, lost in the woods, now obsessed with an human who enters because it’s been so long, and you have no idea if you could be turning into him
Idea, what if you made obsessed a progressional monster, at the first few days it'll be "kind", like just observer you from a distance or leave items near you but outside your vision if your not moving or staying in an area long enough, more days past he get progressively more obsessed with you, you'll start seeing it more often, it gets closer but still a little far, but would disappear after looking directly at it, more days pass again he gets "quiet", you won't see it as often, and this system might be difficult but what if, just what if you made a system where at this stage, random moments will be captured, like photographed and you might find it on the floor or plastered to a wall, at this stage it gets aggressive whenever you encounter it, or it approaches you Might be difficult to code but I think it will enhance the obsession part of this mod
to add on to the obsessed part, you could totally add randomly generated shrine type things throughout the world that have the player’s head or some of their tools. Maybe it could also steal blocks like Endermen do and go add them to the shrines
Ok, hear me out. I read about someone in the comments dishing out an idea for the Obsessed to make things you make, but what if it steals resources to hoard on top of that? Planted crops, player craftable blocks (wood planks, cobblestone, stone bricks, fences, etc. Things you wouldn't naturally find outside of structures. Like an enderman, but opposite since they cant touch crafted blocks), and even workstations like crafting tables and furnaces? Its obsession could extend to the changes you make, and it would only take one thing at a time like an enderman does. It would make things mildly annoying, but also unsettling if it does so when the player's back is turned. Crafting table outside? Gone. A section of the crops they so meticulously planted? Missing, but the dirt is still tilled and damp. It could also make it worth it to kill the Obssessed to get your things back. Imagine if it stole some of the more rare or valuable blocks?
The first thought that comes to mind with this mod as a "stalker" is what if the creature periodically takes pictures of you. You see the flash and hear it, but it basically flashbangs you if are looking at it (Perhaps a Blindness 4 effect for a few seconds, I don't know much about modding so I don't know if it's possible to produce a white flash effect). Perhaps you could find your discarded items in a chest somewhere if you just drop things on the ground or it could even leave signs around. It could run up and attack you a single time and then run away as soon as it hits you once.
See, if it's doesn't have lustful heavy breathing or something similar, imma rage, cmon bro, its obsessed, it fits perfectly. And giggle every now and then while it watches and then if you look at it, it'll quickly hide back behind whatever. (Just a thought, yall probably got something planned for him Tho)
I love how your mods aren't totally infested with jumpscares. There's atmosphere and buildup to balance things out; everything as designed to make it so you can still play Minecraft as intended but with a horror element.
Honestly, so many horror games just repeat the same thing over and over again. Same concepts, same monsters, same all around. Mad respect for you creating more original horror games. Restores my faith in horror minecraft in general. On a side note, good luck to the creepies and crawlies on getting into my 1x1x2 starter minecraft hole in the dirt!
That has to be the creepiest thing I had ever seen. That thing may look Human, but it's clear that it isn't. Just imagine that it can just stare through the window... doing nothing else, but watch you do your thing when you least expect it. Or, if you're going on a mining trip or foraging for sugar canes, you hear a whisper in your ear that's so clear and surreal, it's almost as if something (or someone) is directly behind you. That would send so many chills down your spine, you'd wanna sleep with the lights on.
So grateful you did the recap thing of the first sighting xD I was so lost. I'm genuinely excited for Obsessed! A PROPER Stalker. The Cave Dweller was original and I have seriously enjoyed the other stalkers (midnight stalker is my favourite, he's like that annoying little cousin coming to ask you if you have games on your phone, he's just a lil guy) but I feel like most mod creators aren't seeing the big picture/the point. I'm glad there's someone dedicated to improving the standard! I feel like, if done properly, Obsessed can become incredibly popular with its (his?) stalking and creeping. It would be interesting to see it try to mimic us... Like if we got to see it trying to chop wood before running away after it realises its been spotted or (like another comment suggested) have it try to recreate things we build like beds out of wool blocks and random crafting tables or furnaces around the world popping up at random. Maybe have it follow you into caves and trot along behind you as you dig but turn and disappear when spotted, that sort of thing! Maybe see it leave chests behind with notes in them... That's if this poor creature can write, who knows what its education was like :(
Once again mate, you proved that you dont need a creature/dweller/entity that is completely covered in blood to be scary (bc thats what most Dweller mods do) If the mod is playable, I am definitely downloading it
Please add some earie text on cave walls check out some of the ones I made: - Whispers Follow Your Footsteps. Words Drip Like Blood. Your Thoughts Echo Back, Twisted. And if you go really deep into the caves ones pop up about being alone: - Lost, But Never Alone. Maps Lie, Shadows Shift, You Wander. Thoughts Fade, Memories Fray, Lost Souls Dwell. Footsteps Echo, Hope Fades.
I really do like horror mods that mess with your mind. Unlike some mods like the dweller mods (I think). They would be scary at first, but after about 5 minutes its just loud noises, and they become reduced to just nuisances rather than something terrifying. Mods like manbear make you occasionally forget something is lurking in your world, which adds to the creepines of it. At least, that's my take. Thank you for reading my wall of text, patient reader.
Timestamps (im late😢) 15:17 first encounter 16:34 weird thing happens 16:55 recap if u missed it (bros eyes are sharp😂) 22:38 (VERY SCARY PART I RECOMMEND NOT WATCHING😨) 24:54 important meeting 26:19 second encounter 27:18 finnaly getting to see it
@@ach4148 Me neither, I have no idea what happened, I rewatched it like 10 times at 0.25 speed and I still don't see any movement or any shapes Edit: Nvm, the third timestamp explains it lmao
I think it would be cool if you could occasionally hear a few blocks being mined or broken toward you when you were strip mining or just in a cave in general. Maybe have it be able to open chests, so it seems like it's going through your things. Also, i think that it should peak its head at you behind trees, and if by luck you spot it, there should be a small chance that instead of hiding, it locks onto you and then runs at/attacks you
since he's "obsessed" with you (im not sure if it's in a romantic way) but if it is, you should definitely add writings like "i love you", "be with me", a heart, and the likes carved/written with blood on wood/walls/any surface! It's to indicated that he's been there and he knows exactly where you're going cause he stalks you so he places those writings to places he knows you'll go to.
I am glad to finally see someone who truely understands the ancient, natural core mechanics of good horror! Gargin started a new age of minecraft horror mods and finally someone continues were he stopped working! :D (the most terrifying thing to humanity has allways been the unknown and unexplainable things that ''could'' lurk in the dark)
Since the creature is more human like and you’re going for a more psychological horror maybe make it mess with stuff in your chest when your not home, like moving items around or even moving items to a different chest
Everyone has so much ideas to give for this entity, and it always lead to them making the entity into a selfish creature (Which honestly I like), it does everything to be alone with you, even if you don't like it, as long as it's just the two of you.. I wouldn't even be surprised if the development of this modpack make it so the more time the entity spends with you, the stronger it's desire to become you. So it stalks you more until it gets a chance to go inside you, therefore killing you
Dude, the human-like look of it and how it hunch-runs away at 27:20 is CHILLING, the idea of this humanoid thing being obsessed with you and stalking you is terrifying, good work!
sound idea for mod: what if you added a series of maniacal laughs and giggles as if stalking you is what gives it fun. you could also add a series of sticks and stuff breaking as if it was running around you.
The Obssessed should leave pre-written notes as you play and leave you gifts which can range from flowers and cookies to progressively creepier things.
I appreciate this attempt to make horror more intelligent and actually scary, and I think it is probably succeeding, I hope the TH-camrs who spam out these horror mod videos can pick these up at some point
maybe, as a little mechanic, this guy will randomly cause you like, half a heart of damage, collecting various things from you. Hair, blood, small bits of skin, etc. Not enough to cause proper damage, but maybe some flavor text could be "You feel something behind you." before taking a half a heart of damage, maybe even less. Then with the text "You feel a tug on your hair, and a bit of pain." or something similar!! Pretty much just the Obsessed taking various parts of you, in order to make some kind of shrine. In accordance, maybe add a base, which loosely mimics the player's, but inside are various items you've crafted, as well as a section dedicated to the player. Maybe things can even go missing from chests occasionally, and show up in it's "base".
We do really need more psychological horror mods like this and From The Fog. It's my favorite type of horror. I'd rather have something watching me than me needing to watch out for something.
Someguy: “Hey guys I made a mod of a new monster type that stalks you :)” Everyone: *Queues up “Careless Whisper” and leaves the door open* “We’re ready for it.”
The audio design of your videos is on point. When you play Skyrim ambience I know I can feel at peace and that you aren't going to be attacked, but the second you remove background music or make the background music a darker tone I'm on edge even though nothing actually scary happens for at least 5 minutes after the music shift. Really good stuff
These are Exactly what I want in a horror mod, a good build-up, stalking/creeping mechanic, not RAHHH in your face smack smack you're dead now mods TAT Thank you for briniging horror back!
Something that might be interesting for the mod (and idk if this would work because I’m not that familiar with mods) is it could like kill off any animals/villagers you interact with out of jealousy since its obsessed with you? Just thought it might be a cool concept but again idk how hard it is to make mods 😅
Hey, I dont know if youll ever see this comment, but if you do I have a pretty neat idea for a horror mod. (if it isnt already made of course) Essentially, this entity would stalk you, and take picture of you doing various tasks and at random moments, and then leave the pictures lying around? I would find it terrifying to be managing my farm, and then find a picture lying on the ground of me doing so 30 minutes later.
Play testing must've been hard. Like imagine getting someone or yourself to play test a mod like this and you're looking for it but it never shows and you have to wonder if the mod is working or not. Bonus if the sounds are working. What if random invisible particle effects appeared? but when you tried to hit it. There was nothing and the particles disappeared?
27:20 when I climb up the ladder, put it to like 0.25 speed and you can see it run down at a rapid speed, shit got me crying fr
I saw this before you pinned GET WRECKED
please give it the nickname monkey pig
unlucky you'll never get pinned Jacob :)@@jacobbush4796
Nickname it monkey pig pls
"i created a minecraft monster thats obsessed with you" atleast someone loves me
I know what you feel, brudda
This mf jus like me fr😢
Mood bro mood
man would fall for a yandere
fuckin same though
hostage or not, it's nice to be held.
"it's not related to any monster, it's a human"
Yep, that's the biggest horror of them all.
Idea: since the obsessed is kinda creep, what if at one point there was like heavy breathing and really muffled voice saying shit like: "i need you or "you don't understand"
that would make me blush ngl
There are 2 people
@@catpresident4911 да. Меня бы это засатавило и испугаться и... Вызвало стыд. Короче, я всë вместе
Imagine a minecraft horror mod that doesn't add anything, but you believe something has changed and so you get paranoid.
What if it had very subtle little ambient noises every now and then, but nothing else
I hope that you are aware that there is a 100% chance that you have, by making this comment, caused such a mod to be made solely to mess with people.
@@literalfandomtrash ALBEDO PFP!!!
I want to make this so bad now.
@@MoonLightOfficialOwO yeh he’s my favorite alchemy boi. And his English voice actor is an absolute icon to boot.
THERE NEEDS TO BE A SCENE where when you go to sleep the few seconds where theres a wait before the day changes HE NEEDS TO SHOW UP AND STARE DOWN AT THE PLAYER like some freaky sleep paralysis demon
I THOUGHT ABOUT THAT TOO THATD BE SO COOL, I was thinking about some like desert stalker creature you'd only ever see on the horizon until it was night and it'd hang out outside your windows or base or smth
Pull some real From the Fog stuff lol
and also prevent the player from waking up
or like a chance to have a nightmare of it the first time you see it, like there would be a meter that, if high he is less agressive and if it is low it is more agressive or something like that. so the lower this meter is the higher the chance to get a nightmare of him
This would be cool.... Once. I can imagine the novelty of this would go away and get old very quickly.
What if, since the Obsessed is, well, obsessed with you, it would occasionally recreate things the player has made? Crafting tables, beds made out of wool and carpet (like at pillager mansions), stuff like that. It's so obsessed it's trying to imitate you, *become* you. Maybe it'd be too hard to add it, but it would be such a nice touch. Part of what made early Herobrine so scary was the idea that there was someone else messing with your world, building tunnels and small structures, maybe you could tap into that with this mod?
That would make it stand out from the manbear A LOT, maybe even make it try to recreate your building if possible
@@thegoldenphoenix3710 yea yea thats what i was thinking
It could leave torches and crafting tables about to make you slowly go mad thinking you left it
That would be cool even for those who don't care for horror since it can mean the ability to possibly double the resources they have. Or maybe have it place a chest that has it try to show affection to you as a gift. Maybe have it as well become more active if you try to take down its builds to say you kinda ticked it off.
Imagine if it takes your house, puts it into a 3d wave function collapse and smacks the output into the world somewhere
as someone who interpreted "obsessed" as the weird love-stalker "obsessed" i had the idea of whatever it is giving gifts like flowers or food or random things (eg. spider eye) and its relatively passive (besides the whole stalking thing) BUT if you start throwing things away, like in lava, or certain amount of blocks away it gets increasingly annoyed at you
That raccoon was sent by the stalker to take away a part of your food supply, you fell for its trick.
It worked
foolish man
@@idk_someguyI’d still give them some cuz THEYRE SO DARN CUTE
@@Zestyshmoopy you think the obsessed is cute😏?
(I know you meant the raccoons... You meant the raccoons right...?)
@@dilophosaurusfan1739idk man the obsessed seems like a cutie patootie
Alright now add romance
PLEASE. Respectfully.
I’m begging 😭🙏🗣️🔥🔥🦅💥🕺⚰️🕺🗿
Idea for the mod: what if The Obsessed would leave books, signs and letters for the player to find? Things that it wrote specifically for the player. Sometimes leaving "presents" to for the player, such as chests with random items with signs on or papers in the chest that say "for [player name]".
Maybe certain structures can show up after being in a world for a while, that show it has been stalking the player for a long time. Such as a campsite near your base, or an underground base underneath the players.
i mean id be chill with that as long as it didnt have the overall motive to hurt me. even a bit of admiration or recognition makes me overwhelmingly happy lol
ohhhh what if it left a potion, pretty much something where if you drink it, it gives you nausea and blindness. you wake up the next day and there's a book in a chest confessing it's admiration for you. god thats scary as hell 😭
free loot at least
Hehe. Yeah. Because it is obsessed with the player. It might leave us gifts.
I’d fold personally
You should add a feature where the obsessed would take pictures of the player while doing something, and then the photos would randomly spawn in their base as if someone had broken in left the photos in their base to make them extra paranoid.
Maybe make it leave signs with spooky text on it too
The obsessed is actually... Doni Bobes then?
That is terrifying. Amazing.
Like: This is you?
23:59 man gets robbed of all his food by racoons without even knowing it
The trick is making them think they're freely giving it to you
That reminded me of that clip of someone giving a raccoon cotton candy then it tried to wash it only for it to desolve right in front of its eyes
"whar ?" -racoon @@KTree-WF
@@KTree-WF Yeah, ngl I cried a little at that
Worth it, XD
Too often is Minecraft horror just “it screams fucking loud and chases you for a few blocks”. This is a nice change of pace :)
What a kind loving boyfriend
He’s so sweet and watches his every move😚❤️
One thing that would be cool is like when you leave your house:
It can open doors and fence gates, so when you get back they would be open
It can mess up how your chests are sorted like move your items around and maybe also take items as memorabilia of the player
Yea that's basically it
The "taking items" thing should definitely have a limit though, just to prevent frustration from it stealing all your iron or something. Like it shouldn't steal anything TOO valuable, but shouldn't just steal sticks and stuff.
@@jinn8465 that's what I'm saying. Perfect balance. It'll be cool if u could find those items out in the wild.
Like in a item frame or chest
It's Nice to know someone is actively tryna put the horror niche into a higher standard
Ah jamal freeman in the flesh.
I agree, i got tired of all the Cave Dweller copy and pastes real quick
Horror these days kind of sucks, Minecraft horror especially.
@@YueKnEwHandlBArcopy and pastes??? Nahhhhh they’re different because they have different name and model and have absolutely no similarities what so ever
Since this creature is like the Man-Bear in that there's more emphasis on its stalking and quiet intelligence, I think it'd be neat if the ambient sounds were equally subtle and hard to hear--a few twigs cracking in the distance, the crunch of leaves somewhere nearby, what feels like someone breathing over your shoulder--perfectly innocuous things that could amp up the tension and make you doubt your sanity. Additionally, it'd be SUPER AWESOME if the creature could mimic the sounds of non-hostile mobs like sheep or cows in an attempt to draw you closer, but that'd be dipping a little _too_ close to Man-Bear territory.
Mimicking sound of non-hostile mobs should be added to the man-bear for sure
There should also be backround noise added, like leaves swaying and birds chirping. The Obsessed's sounds should also be quite simular to these backround sounds, so you aren't certain if it was just a regular sound or if it's the entity.
I was thinking maybe adding some quiet humming that the creature would made when watching the player, make the noise quiet and make the entity make that noise from a distance so it is extremely hard to hear
Well, remember, it's obsessed with you. It doesn't want to harm you, per-say. It just wants *you*. Maybe, sometimes, it could get rid of hostile mobs like creepers? Because it knows they try to hurt you, and it wants you for itself?
22:25-24:10 his reaction to seeing the raccoons just made my day. How he just calls them a thief then processed to give them all his food
Hes so precious istg 😭😭
@@HonestlyOSC 100% dude. So precious
Same dude
@@HonestlyOSCreal. this is the first video i’ve seen of him and he’s literally so cute 😭😭
@@h_uns1m so true!
He should giggle, nothing creepier than hearing an echoing giggle only to turn around and see...that thing.
Seeing nothing afterwards and the giggle being so quiet you're not sure if you really heard that or maybe it just your imagination.
Just saying, it'd be incredible if the entity resembled and moved like a completely regular player, and possibly had a randomised, customizable, or basic player skin... so it just seems like this actual player is genuinely stalking you down and playing mind tricks with you.
Perhaps if it detects multiple players it will randomly select one player and copy the skin of whichever player they spend most time with and if it is hardcore maybe it also stalks the player whose skin it copied to replace them entirely perhaps getting more comfortable being near and seen when it is alone with the target and replacing their friend perhaps using voice clips it took to seem real just to get to their obsession?
Are you trying to get your crush's minecraft skin to stalk you?
the floating tree hate is so real, I used to get so mad at my friends for letting it float like CUT it DOWN lmao
fr man just cut that shi down
Or burn it down @@idk_someguy
If you don't have the decency to add a treecapitator mod or plugin, I'm not going to have the decency to climb up a tree just to cut it down
@@izzywn5802 bad take
@@LeFisheAuChocolat21 Yeah your take is bad I agree
Alright; hear me out:
What if it had a mechanic that changes how hostile it is.
If you acknowledge it (I dunno how), it's be peaceful and might leave flowers or something
If you ignore it, (maybe refusing gifts), it'd get hostile and temper with your farms and stuff
accepting gifts, leaving flowers/food on the ground for it to eat = acknowledging it
I feel like acknowledging it should make it worse in a DIFFERENT way. Like, it starts showing up more often, causes harm to other players within a block or two of you, causing harm to a pet, etc. Whereas ignoring it might make it hostile to YOU, acknowledging it would make it hostile to everyone/everything AROUND you, as though trying to keep you to itself.
Not a big fan of playing something like a creepy obsession as something "being nice" will solve, bc in real life, that never works. Trust me. I know from experience.
@@autumnalHalcyon I.. never thought about that. While it is valuable insight, I feel like we should be concerned about the "knowing from experience" part.
@@autumnalHalcyon that’s a really cool concept.
Bro your human sense’s are fucking crazy how you saw it when it was pitch black charcoal 💀
Well, first things first, it's much clearer for him, when he plays.
Second, TH-cam compression is at work and that's why you could not see almost at all.
Same with his previous videos, like the VR one. Where we couldn't see shit in that whiteness, but he could.
True but still it’s impressive how he saw it from the corner of his eye
I can't see SHIT when i play minecraft. Maybe its just my shit eyes but i put the game brightness and device brightness all the way up and i CAN'T FUCKING SEEE
@@spaceravine8751Especially with shaders. I’m freaking blind at night with those on…
Idk if it's just me, but if u slow down the video a bit, u could actually see some pixels moving a little
I always thought about a monster that breaks your torches. Just imagine you are mining and look behind you, just seeing a glowing smiling face approaching you, as your torches disappear one after another.
I am... SO EXCITED for this!!!! I've always loved the yandere/obsessive genre in horror and this being IN MY FAVORITE GAME?! HELL YEAH!
bro, i adore this one yandere who is aware that he's a video game character, and i love the idea of yandere games infecting other games... and seeing this stuff in minecraft would be perfect... maybe with a retexture to fit the yandere in question. if yk who i'm talking about, then be my friend plssss
yes sirrr channel member
Holy shit, spend some time OUTSIDE
@@EngiGODS358NO 🗣️🗣️‼️
@marlomagica6769 ahem....i love yanderes too. Wut is he, john doe? Is it sunny day jack? IS IT DACHABO?! I CAN KEEP GOING MUAHAHAH
I love idk's ability to spot things.
Sometimes it takes him a few seconds to realise he sees a goofy ahh bear in front of him, and sometimes he sees several pixels miles away, in a pitch black dark.
10/10 Villager impression
Don't forget the llama impression
but yeah i started dying i watched it at least 10 times over
GET BACK TO THE GAFF J!!! Also hi Stoopsky I’ve been subbed since 260 subs I think 😁
When was that
The two horror mods you made focused on one thing that fits the whole "you're not afraid in the dark, you're afraid you're NOT alone in the dark"
It instills primal fear of the unknown, you know there's something out there but you don't know what it is
How do you know you're alone if you can't see? Leaving the horror to the imagination (keeping the monster a secret/leaving the viewer guessing) allows the brain to create even more horrific monsters. It's why Alien did so well, IIRC.
I love when horror media taps into this prey-like fear of the unseen; even though we're technically predators we still feel it.
@@sakuraice22humans have been prey as well all throughout history, we even prey on each other.
The horrible scenarios I will draw with this guy are beyond human mind.
help, i love you for this
10:18 Watching this man build is like watching a character in a horror movie fumble with their keys
This man is single-handedly improve the entire minecraft horror scene, and we love him for that.
ok so your old skin that you had changed. And the red could be like flesh? Idk. But your old skin is stalking you and is obsessed because it wants to be attached with you again.
If idk some guy DOESNT pin this im pretty sure im gonna have a stroke
@@jacobbush4796 I will molt my own skin if he doesn't pin this
@sh4rky466 I’ll prolly piss my self with rage
So like…My Life as a Teenage Robot?
Getting major symbiote vibes from this and I love it
I think if it’s obsessive adding such things like killing the things you’ve hit once, or leaving presents like cats do or stealing your stuff from you as a memorial would be really good add ons
Aww that's cute, they even recreated a raccoon's habit of cleaning their food.
I think that a freaky mechanic for this guy would be that if you have a pet for awhile, for example a dog, cat, anything with a name tag, or potentially just a normal animal like a pig or chicken if its near you for long enough, he'll get jealous and eventually kill it when you're away or atleast become much more aggressive. Same thing for villagers and maybe even other players who aren't it's focus.
That would be so cool
What if in order to create more of itself it has to attack you which how it plants a small version of itself in you then it gets out of you after finishing development and it behaves like a parasite you have to do whatever it needs to stay alive so you don't die or your pets die until it becomes independent and can live on it's own (it only does this if you leave it alone for long enough or if it is near death also it is chance based if it is successful in developing more of itself)
someone said it be cool if the creep tried mimicking the player, tried to copy him and his builts. I Feel like it would be cool if he combined that idea and yours idea and made the mobs afraid of the player later on! like in case you get a wolf and he kills it/kills any other wolfs you'll end up getting attacked by them (same with llamas) or maybe if the player stays in a village, the villagers start to avoid standing near you/they make a gollem which would also attack you, and animals like sheep and cows stops spawning near the player
it would be like.. the creep is jealous and hurts other living beings, but because hes also copying the player the mobs see him AS the player
@VincentPerhaps what if after physcologically destroying the player enough their player character starts behaving weird and has breakdowns and then turns into one of it's kind after allowing the player to choose whether they want to become it or not.
Imagine on an SMP your fellow player has to serve the entity because they believe they have nothing better to do and have lost all hope. (there has to be a way of defeating it so people will replay with this mod but idk how the creator would do that yet).
Oh hell nah that's scary asf 😂
16:58 if he reincarnated as an animal it would be a herbivore, he sees things that are almost invisible 💀
He is more efficient than a mosquito, as soon as something moves he disappear
Fr I swear bro has the six eyes from jjk
I thought he was being crazy for a sec till he replayed that... honestly scary
he’s secretly a deer who found a computer in the forest
@SCP-173peanut tbf he probably has a higher quality screen and the video material is being compromised by yt
the stuff this guy makes feel both so odd and scary because of the feeling of isolation and loneliness like no monsters spawn which just limits out threat but also on same time it quite gives out a different vibes of how people used to see monsters in the game and without their existence and getting attacked by 1 Entity is quite scary
I actually prefer this to the man bear. Man bear is just a monster really, tbh is could be a person like you, lost in the woods, now obsessed with an human who enters because it’s been so long, and you have no idea if you could be turning into him
Idea, what if you made obsessed a progressional monster, at the first few days it'll be "kind", like just observer you from a distance or leave items near you but outside your vision if your not moving or staying in an area long enough, more days past he get progressively more obsessed with you, you'll start seeing it more often, it gets closer but still a little far, but would disappear after looking directly at it, more days pass again he gets "quiet", you won't see it as often, and this system might be difficult but what if, just what if you made a system where at this stage, random moments will be captured, like photographed and you might find it on the floor or plastered to a wall, at this stage it gets aggressive whenever you encounter it, or it approaches you
Might be difficult to code but I think it will enhance the obsession part of this mod
to add on to the obsessed part, you could totally add randomly generated shrine type things throughout the world that have the player’s head or some of their tools. Maybe it could also steal blocks like Endermen do and go add them to the shrines
The racoon interaction was so wholesome and sweet 😭😭
Ok, hear me out. I read about someone in the comments dishing out an idea for the Obsessed to make things you make, but what if it steals resources to hoard on top of that? Planted crops, player craftable blocks (wood planks, cobblestone, stone bricks, fences, etc. Things you wouldn't naturally find outside of structures. Like an enderman, but opposite since they cant touch crafted blocks), and even workstations like crafting tables and furnaces? Its obsession could extend to the changes you make, and it would only take one thing at a time like an enderman does. It would make things mildly annoying, but also unsettling if it does so when the player's back is turned. Crafting table outside? Gone. A section of the crops they so meticulously planted? Missing, but the dirt is still tilled and damp. It could also make it worth it to kill the Obssessed to get your things back. Imagine if it stole some of the more rare or valuable blocks?
What i think would really sell the point that it's obsessed with you, is that it would sometimes attack hostile mobs if they attack you.
i would get pissed enough to just kill it
The first thought that comes to mind with this mod as a "stalker" is what if the creature periodically takes pictures of you. You see the flash and hear it, but it basically flashbangs you if are looking at it (Perhaps a Blindness 4 effect for a few seconds, I don't know much about modding so I don't know if it's possible to produce a white flash effect). Perhaps you could find your discarded items in a chest somewhere if you just drop things on the ground or it could even leave signs around. It could run up and attack you a single time and then run away as soon as it hits you once.
Omg YES this would be perfect
smash, next question
Когда я увидел этот коментарий было 69 лайков здесь. Это забавно, учитывая реакцию людей на мод.
24:15 called them thieves just to willingly give them all his food 😂
Who could resist the little man?
See, if it's doesn't have lustful heavy breathing or something similar, imma rage, cmon bro, its obsessed, it fits perfectly. And giggle every now and then while it watches and then if you look at it, it'll quickly hide back behind whatever. (Just a thought, yall probably got something planned for him Tho)
Shits sounds zesty but it fits the character imo
I vouch for this to be added in✋✋
so you want a yandere monster? based
@@the-letter_s hahahaha, oh yeah that's what they are huh, hmm, well if it's pretty much obsessed then it fits no?
@@cars_in_a_nuke fits perfectly, i'd say, but i'll admit i'm pretty biased for the idea.
I love how your mods aren't totally infested with jumpscares. There's atmosphere and buildup to balance things out; everything as designed to make it so you can still play Minecraft as intended but with a horror element.
Fanfiction writers bouta go crazy with this concept (and the ideas from the comments)
Honestly, so many horror games just repeat the same thing over and over again. Same concepts, same monsters, same all around. Mad respect for you creating more original horror games. Restores my faith in horror minecraft in general.
On a side note, good luck to the creepies and crawlies on getting into my 1x1x2 starter minecraft hole in the dirt!
Despite how scared I felt watching this, those raccoons that were absolutely demolishing your food supply was hilarious 😂
That has to be the creepiest thing I had ever seen. That thing may look Human, but it's clear that it isn't. Just imagine that it can just stare through the window... doing nothing else, but watch you do your thing when you least expect it. Or, if you're going on a mining trip or foraging for sugar canes, you hear a whisper in your ear that's so clear and surreal, it's almost as if something (or someone) is directly behind you. That would send so many chills down your spine, you'd wanna sleep with the lights on.
The Phrase “youman” instead of “human” is my new favorite thing ever
edit:damn bro this blew up lol
My grandmother says it like that 😭😭
So grateful you did the recap thing of the first sighting xD I was so lost.
I'm genuinely excited for Obsessed! A PROPER Stalker. The Cave Dweller was original and I have seriously enjoyed the other stalkers (midnight stalker is my favourite, he's like that annoying little cousin coming to ask you if you have games on your phone, he's just a lil guy) but I feel like most mod creators aren't seeing the big picture/the point. I'm glad there's someone dedicated to improving the standard! I feel like, if done properly, Obsessed can become incredibly popular with its (his?) stalking and creeping. It would be interesting to see it try to mimic us...
Like if we got to see it trying to chop wood before running away after it realises its been spotted or (like another comment suggested) have it try to recreate things we build like beds out of wool blocks and random crafting tables or furnaces around the world popping up at random. Maybe have it follow you into caves and trot along behind you as you dig but turn and disappear when spotted, that sort of thing! Maybe see it leave chests behind with notes in them... That's if this poor creature can write, who knows what its education was like :(
Instantly forgets the horror beyond mortal comphrention when seeing a small fluffy animal. Relatible
Once again mate, you proved that you dont need a creature/dweller/entity that is completely covered in blood to be scary (bc thats what most Dweller mods do)
If the mod is playable, I am definitely downloading it
Yes! I want to play with this!
16:54 You've got some amazing eyesight man. I would've never seen that, especially when it was barely visible when you lit it up.
TH-cam likes to compress videos, it was probably more obvious to see in game
It goes to show that just building a hut at night in this mod is more suspenseful and fear inducing than 90% of Minecraft horror mods
Please add some earie text on cave walls check out some of the ones I made:
Whispers Follow Your Footsteps.
Words Drip Like Blood.
Your Thoughts Echo Back, Twisted.
And if you go really deep into the caves ones pop up about being alone:
Lost, But Never Alone.
Maps Lie, Shadows Shift, You Wander.
Thoughts Fade, Memories Fray, Lost Souls Dwell.
Footsteps Echo, Hope Fades.
Woah this is actually kinda cool
I really do like horror mods that mess with your mind.
Unlike some mods like the dweller mods (I think).
They would be scary at first, but after about 5 minutes its just loud noises, and they become reduced to just nuisances rather than something terrifying.
Mods like manbear make you occasionally forget something is lurking in your world, which adds to the creepines of it.
At least, that's my take.
Thank you for reading my wall of text, patient reader.
And thank you for making this comment. Patient typer.
Timestamps (im late😢)
15:17 first encounter
16:34 weird thing happens
16:55 recap if u missed it (bros eyes are sharp😂)
24:54 important meeting
26:19 second encounter
27:18 finnaly getting to see it
i'm trying my best i swear but i cannot see the first encounter ;-;
@@ach4148 look at recap
omg okay i saw it TT
@@ach4148 Me neither, I have no idea what happened, I rewatched it like 10 times at 0.25 speed and I still don't see any movement or any shapes
Edit: Nvm, the third timestamp explains it lmao
i swear to god i cannot find the first encounter. IDK where it even is bro´s got ultravision
edit: nvm i saw it. My point still stands tho
the trader was so close to the creature as proven at 27:39 man must've been scared being that close to it.
I think it would be cool if you could occasionally hear a few blocks being mined or broken toward you when you were strip mining or just in a cave in general. Maybe have it be able to open chests, so it seems like it's going through your things.
Also, i think that it should peak its head at you behind trees, and if by luck you spot it, there should be a small chance that instead of hiding, it locks onto you and then runs at/attacks you
ALSO maybe have it knock on your door when you're a good distance away? So it's like it's trying to get you to go outside so it can see you again.
What if The Obsessed puts their Minecraft bed next to the player’s?
That's 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
Спать я полагаю...
Но моë воображение уже разыгралось
since he's "obsessed" with you (im not sure if it's in a romantic way) but if it is, you should definitely add writings like "i love you", "be with me", a heart, and the likes carved/written with blood on wood/walls/any surface! It's to indicated that he's been there and he knows exactly where you're going cause he stalks you so he places those writings to places he knows you'll go to.
I am glad to finally see someone who truely understands the ancient, natural core mechanics of good horror! Gargin started a new age of minecraft horror mods and finally someone continues were he stopped working! :D (the most terrifying thing to humanity has allways been the unknown and unexplainable things that ''could'' lurk in the dark)
Bro is making actually scary mods and not the whole dweller thing over and over
Since the creature is more human like and you’re going for a more psychological horror maybe make it mess with stuff in your chest when your not home, like moving items around or even moving items to a different chest
Everyone has so much ideas to give for this entity, and it always lead to them making the entity into a selfish creature (Which honestly I like), it does everything to be alone with you, even if you don't like it, as long as it's just the two of you.. I wouldn't even be surprised if the development of this modpack make it so the more time the entity spends with you, the stronger it's desire to become you. So it stalks you more until it gets a chance to go inside you, therefore killing you
Dude, the human-like look of it and how it hunch-runs away at 27:20 is CHILLING, the idea of this humanoid thing being obsessed with you and stalking you is terrifying, good work!
sound idea for mod: what if you added a series of maniacal laughs and giggles as if stalking you is what gives it fun. you could also add a series of sticks and stuff breaking as if it was running around you.
The Obssessed should leave pre-written notes as you play and leave you gifts which can range from flowers and cookies to progressively creepier things.
"This creater stalks you and is obsessed" at least someone is crazy for me
Feeding the racoons was my favorite part to watch lol, that was wholesome
idk_someguy on his way to create the most unique minecraft horror mods so far:
These horror mods are the highest quality, really stands out with how the monsters feel alive and smart.
I appreciate this attempt to make horror more intelligent and actually scary, and I think it is probably succeeding, I hope the TH-camrs who spam out these horror mod videos can pick these up at some point
maybe, as a little mechanic, this guy will randomly cause you like, half a heart of damage, collecting various things from you. Hair, blood, small bits of skin, etc. Not enough to cause proper damage, but maybe some flavor text could be "You feel something behind you." before taking a half a heart of damage, maybe even less. Then with the text "You feel a tug on your hair, and a bit of pain." or something similar!!
Pretty much just the Obsessed taking various parts of you, in order to make some kind of shrine. In accordance, maybe add a base, which loosely mimics the player's, but inside are various items you've crafted, as well as a section dedicated to the player. Maybe things can even go missing from chests occasionally, and show up in it's "base".
We do really need more psychological horror mods like this and From The Fog. It's my favorite type of horror. I'd rather have something watching me than me needing to watch out for something.
Fuck yes. You could take a year to upload. I'd still lose my shit all excited when you post. 💜😄
Don't give him any ideas
Fr don’t make him think we wanna wait that long 💀
@@jacobbush4796 lmao.
@@theadobeblacksmith._. haha.
ok see y'all next year ty for the time off
Someguy: “Hey guys I made a mod of a new monster type that stalks you :)”
Everyone: *Queues up “Careless Whisper” and leaves the door open* “We’re ready for it.”
The audio design of your videos is on point. When you play Skyrim ambience I know I can feel at peace and that you aren't going to be attacked, but the second you remove background music or make the background music a darker tone I'm on edge even though nothing actually scary happens for at least 5 minutes after the music shift. Really good stuff
Why not make it rarely give gifts if its obsessed with literally anyone who plays the mod is who its obsessed with
23:32 "here u go little man" thats actually so cuteee
this is legit just a Yandere and I'm loving it
Finally, a proper yandere Minecraft mod I can play.
These are Exactly what I want in a horror mod, a good build-up, stalking/creeping mechanic, not RAHHH in your face smack smack you're dead now mods TAT
Thank you for briniging horror back!
I love how dude went from calling the raccoons thieves to happily giving all his food to them
ok now add an option where we can date it
Something that might be interesting for the mod (and idk if this would work because I’m not that familiar with mods) is it could like kill off any animals/villagers you interact with out of jealousy since its obsessed with you? Just thought it might be a cool concept but again idk how hard it is to make mods 😅
Hey, I dont know if youll ever see this comment, but if you do I have a pretty neat idea for a horror mod. (if it isnt already made of course) Essentially, this entity would stalk you, and take picture of you doing various tasks and at random moments, and then leave the pictures lying around? I would find it terrifying to be managing my farm, and then find a picture lying on the ground of me doing so 30 minutes later.
Isn't that just SCP-1471? Although I don't think anyone have done it before, so it's good idea anyway.
@@supimhenry I dont know any of the SCP, I just thought it would be very eerie
Dude you got some sharp ass eyes, I could barely see it in the replay. I thought you were going crazy!
Play testing must've been hard. Like imagine getting someone or yourself to play test a mod like this and you're looking for it but it never shows and you have to wonder if the mod is working or not. Bonus if the sounds are working. What if random invisible particle effects appeared? but when you tried to hit it. There was nothing and the particles disappeared?
Ok, they way it moved. Was freaking creepy
“Ignore and overcome” is hilarious
The best part of this video is him interacting with those racoons
I admire your bravery to play this stuff bro I'd crap myself
what's got me nervous is that you made the mod, so that means you're on edge the whole time for good reason
15:17 "I have a constant fear that something's always near..."