As a former SDA , I finally understand what justification and sanctification are according to the true gospel of Jesus! Thanks to this minister! Great job again Myles! Keep going!
Yup, he’s right , I was an Adventist until I finally realized that what Adventist teach blasphemy by egw their false prophet. I was in that cult for 35 years left over 12 years ago praising my God for not giving up on me I know now I am saved by the blood of Jesus period as simply as that All we need is Gods word no prophets or anyone I’m free indeed
Camancho's grasp of the gospel is beautiful. Genuinely puts tears in my eyes. So many churches are losing sight of Christ as their "Savior." Their sermons are about Christ as problem-solver or Christ as an example. They make you leave church focusing on what Christ SHOULD DO for you to make life easier, and it gradually creates despair as your expectations are not met or you can't meet expectations. I have no doubt that a sermon from Camancho would make you leave church focused on what Christ HAS DONE for you and leave you joyfully resting in Christ's completed work as your Savior.
I came out of the SDA church over 25 years ago. And I'm still haunted in that "can I be saved?" I don't go to a church, my bitter attitude and heart. Is not in the spirit that it should be. I will go to my grave and be again haunted by what I was taught in the SDA church and SDA school. I have watched just about every video of myles. I am grateful that he has this channel. Maybe myles in some way is my pastor? I pray to God every day 5 or 6 times a day, please free me from being scared to not be an SDA. 25 years is a long time. A big reason why I don't go to church is I'm bitter and mad and I have a debating spirit.
@@laserfilmlab Don't give into despair any longer. Jesus can set you free. Can I give a a scripture verse? Galatians 5 :1. "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
Romans 10:9 lays out what it takes to be saved. The Word cannot lie to you my friend. Read, believe, and carry out the following: 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
@@laserfilmlab I think you would be helped if you found a church to call your home. Second, I recommend that you seek pastoral counseling and prayer. It's hard to free yourself from this kind of thing. God works through his church.
How beautifully and truthfully presented! Sadly, an SDA will never be "fit" for heaven unless you have perfected your character through works, apart from Christ's grace. Hence this is such a burden as SDAs will never know whether they are saved or not. Thank you Lord that we are saved by Grace alone. Truth be told SDA do not practice Sola Scriptura neither Sola fide because they follow EGW for all their guidance and teachings.
Thank you so much. Comforted as I listened because The Word of God is powerful when preached undiluted. Living in a place where sound doctrine is much needed. Keep my island in your prayers, that The TRUTH of GOD'S Saving Grace may be preached without manmade embellishments that enslave the hearing flock. Been here five years, and have not yet found a church that is reformed in their teaching. Thanks again, stay blessed God bless you
@lavieenrose5954 when you Read Genesis 1:5 it says evening And morning was the first day And that's a sabbath keeper takes BUT a Sunday keeper will interpret it like the day begins at midnight is that truth????? From Sunday
Thank you to you and your guest Haroldo Camacho! I’m not sda but some times share the good news of Jesus with them on the street. You are right, Haroldo when you say that anything added to the finished work of Jesus takes away from what He has done for us!🇨🇦
Myles you are doing a great job in clearing the false doctrines of Adventism. I saw comments probably from Adventist believer but his assertions have no bearings at all. Crying out loud for making things clear so they know what to say when Adventist try to deceive christians of their false doctrines. Good teaching and edifying for many christians.
Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Therefore, on the other side, whatsoever is of faith is righteousness; and faith being the gift of God, that which is of that faith being righteousness, is inevitably the righteousness of God. Consequently, the faith of God-the faith which God gives,-brings salvation unto men as the free gift of God. It is indeed by faith, and Jesus Christ himself is the author of the faith, and the faith is a free gift to man. This is the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Justification is ours as “Christ within us, “ We understand that Christians must become “partakers of the divine nature;” it must be “Christ in you the hope of glory.” Ellen White confirms that justification “comes alone through faith in Christ.” She does not use the term, “faith alone.” For the reason that those words are sometimes used without qualification, when, in actuality, justification depends on repentance and confession (1 John 1:9), regeneration and renewal. “He saved us, . . . by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit. . . so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life” (Titus 3: 5-7, RSV). Ellen white defines justification and sanctification as a renewal of the inner man. She describes them as complementary, but different and distinct in a statement as follows. “The righteousness by which we are justified is imputed; the righteousness by which we are sanctified is imparted. The first is our title to heaven, the second is our fitness for heaven.”
He who trusts in faith and something else for salvation will always put his confidence in the something else. Because he has not a kind of faith which has enough virtue in it, or that brings enough power to him to do him any good. Therefore he must help himself out with his own efforts, and so he becomes his own Saviour. But he who trusts in Jesus Christ, to be saved by faith alone, and that the gift of God alone as it is, is saved by Jesus Christ alone. By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8.
Thanks be to God for the good news of his passive gift of righteousness by faith. Nevertheless, I cannot presume on his grace but must mourn, repent and (go to Confession) when I have gravely sinned. For God's grace abounds in all things. I believe that he has also ordained beforehand that we should walk in repentance (and confession). May be grace and peace are not given once only for all time but must be given and received continuously or in time of need; that's why it is granted to us to approach the throne of grace. In his greetings the apostle Paul always wished grace and peace to the churches he was writing to.
SDA version of the gospel is “monergetic synergism” that was perfectly put, Myles. Exactly medieval Roman Catholicism. SDAs simply do not understand that which they criticize.
Saint Thomas as a follower of Christ, was a good man , a man of Faith a devoted follower of Jesus, as he knew him as human being. But he would not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. Did that make Thomas an evil man or lost to God ? No, He was asserting himself to God that for all the love he had for God and for Jesus, he confessed his unbelief , because it is said " THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE". So Faith having Works, is as Thomas complaining to God that he would never believe Jesus rose from the dead, unless he could put his own fingers into the nail prints and thrust his hand into Jesus' side where the Spear went in and brought out the Water and the Blood. So then it proves that Faith without Works is dead. If you really cannot believe God, because you need something of a personal experience with God to be assured, and you are honest and sincere , then your prayers demanding and pleading with God of Heaven to give you audience with Jesus Christ, being persistent, then this is the Works of your Faith, that you even take time to pray to plead for this experience. If you are told to shut up and not ask any further , you would be stifled and soon whatever belief or claim of Faith you have would itself DIE OUT and so Faith without Works is DEAD. I spent allot of time insisting to Heaven above for a personal audience with Jesus Christ and then the SPIRIT as it was already rapturing me, God the Spirit brought Jesus to me, and I saw HIM. He came as a being of light like a Priest clothed with the Sun , with pouring out light energy in a pulsing rhythm , over and over and over the light poured out. He held his hands to me and blessed me, then I caught up into his EYES, I saw FIRE in his eyes, but I was not then afraid, nor was there any suffering. I felt if God took me into the FIRE in His eyes, I would gladly go, since in this, I had a personal experience with God, and there are other things I cannot tell you, some things you have to see for yourself, you are never going to believe it, But when Jesus comes, that is the fulfillment of your FAITH and if you want to just wait and see, they say "THE WATCHED POT NEVER PERKS". So it seems like forever to just believe or claim Faith and wait for the Lord, but if you seek the Lord, evermore, you will have the reward of these works of Faith. That is up to you. Yes you are saved by Grace, but it is like HELL waiting for the Lord to come.
The Investigative Judgement Ezekiel, Chapters 1 to 7. Daniel 7:9-12; 12:1 Malachi 3:1-3 The Parable of the Wedding Feast, Matthew 22:1-14 A great study regarding the investigative judgment is in the cities of refuge, as they are a type of Christ in the writings of Moses. See Numbers 35, Deuteronomy 19, Joshua 20, Deuteronomy 4:41-43. Everyone who has come to Jesus, the city of refuge and claimed protection is in the book of life. However, in the judgment God will examine to profession: See Ecclesiastes 12:13-14: And also 2 Corinthians 5:10: For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Heb 9:27.
As usual, you're doing theological gymnastics cos that's what SDAs do and teach their adherents. The Daniel text you quoted is same as John rephrased in Revelation 4 and its about when Jesus resurrected and went to heaven, attended by a hosts of innumerable angels. That's why before the Lamb is seen in the midst of the Throne in the next chapter, He is absent in the previous one. From there the Seven Spirits of God was sent to all the world, a reference to the Holy Ghost sent to the world by first to the apostles when Christ ascended and sent the Holy Ghost at Pentecost God didn't need some investigative judgement to prove to anyone that ALL ADAMS children are sinners, when none but Adam only ate the forbidden fruit, but concluded us all under sin, and He wont need any investigation to make us righteous
Priests are required to work on the Sabbath. Born again believers. in Christ are Royal Priests. 9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.. 17But Jesus answered them, “To this very day My Father is at His work, and I too am working; Jesus a Sabbath keeper was held blameless because he was a priest. To build a religion on Sabbath keeping for the followers of Christ is an oxymoron. We as royal priests are required to work on the Sabbath.
After the 56:11 mark and onward, almost to the end of the video, I couldn't help but think about Ellen White's statement on standing in front of God without a mediator. Even the old testament Jews had the levitical high priest as a mediator. I remember reading this statement years ago, and with the invented "Edenic heavenly diet" that those who will be translated will have, I used to have all sorts of ideas about the world every time I avoided the seafood and deli section at the grocery store. It's incredible what adventism has done to the gospel. Even taking Paul's missionary journey (bringing the gospel to the Jews) and teaching that he was visiting synagogues, so we should keep the sabbath. Completely ignoring the fact, that they rejected him, and he shook the dust off his feet. The anti-thesis of his missionary journey. Teaching the investigative judgment, which would mean Christ would have suffered over and over again (Hebrews 9:26) every time he found another sin in the investigative judgment. Focusing on Christ "resting" in the tomb on the sabbath, but not paying much attention to the empty tomb on the Lord's Day. His followers were very discouraged until they found the tomb empty.
Romans 6:1-2, what shall we say then go on sinning so that grace may increase? God forbid. The cross should show us the cost of sin, not a license to sin. It cost God's only begotten (who is not Michael the archangel as adventism teaches).
10:17 afar um some of um brimm's preaching and writings when he converted to 10:24 justification but and he had quoted Luther but now I found Luther for myself 10:31 and it was amazing uh these are some of the quotes 10:36 with all confidence we can say that we are Justified not by our own works but 10:44 through relief provided outside of us 10:49 that relief is none other than God's only son he has redeemed us from sin 10:57 death and the devil *Yet, despite that we continued to die for another 2,000-years as if reality is saying that is not exactly true! I don’t have to go far to find active funeral homes, cemetaries where bodies are being buried to discern factually that death still has a very strong deathgrip on us.* and has given to us the gift of eternal life *”has given” is past tense, meaning it has already happened, but we don’t appear to be experiencing any actual eternal life. Instead, Christians have died as rapidly as the rest of the unbelieving population for the last 2,000-years. Clearly, something is extremely wrong with the above claim. Even Paul who is the root cause of much of these beliefs dared to boldly ask death where its sting was in 1Cor 15:55, and where is Paul today? He died too, and did not experience eternal life either. So, why are so many Christians so entranced by Paul, when in 2cor 12:7 Paul admits openly to having a “messenger of Satan”? It’s because more Christians follow Paul and Satan today than Moses and the Lamb. But, if anyone reads Revelation 15, those who get the victory and actually end up standing on the sea of glass are not singing the song of Paul and his messenger of Satan from 2Cor 12:7, but they are singing the song of Moses and the Lamb instead (the two prophets of Deuteronomy 18).
A very funny way of playing around with scripture. Without the law there is no Gospel to talk about. MLYLES, Adventists understand very well the relationship between these issues. It's you who is a novice in these things. What peace can you have with JESUS without obedience to GOD'S commands. Do not mislead people. The true Gospel of Christ teaches a sinner not to worship other gods, not to make graven images, not take the Name of the LORD in vain, TO Remember the Sabbath day. To honor your father and mother, not murder, not commit adultery, not to steal, not to bear false witness, not covert. TRUE FAITH upholds these principles THROUGH FAITH and the power given to us by Christ to overcome sin and to live a righteous life. Christ did not shed his precious blood to save us in sin but from sin.
Another way to explain Faith is to have such rehearsal of inspired behaviors in mind, then you have CONFIDENCE that in the future as some occasion requires you to behave, you are ready to act out involuntarily, to act like a trained Concert Pianist, who is ready to play the music. You can believe in Music, but without Faith inspiring you to train to play the piano, you are worthless , you cannot play the piano. But if you have CONFIDENCE OF TALENT, you have trained your Mind based on FAITH , which is you began with a belief then moved onto works to find your talent, then in the future, you can play the piano by heart, by involuntary reactions, hence you play by FAITH, you have confidence to play, the talent is more than just a casual belief, you are now in the matter of FAITH PLUS WORKS. But if you have Faith, but you don't play the piano, whatever talent you have , is just wasted, it is dead. Do you see now ? Belief does not rise to the confidence of having "FAITH". Faith without Works is dead. Jesus was inspired as he was conceived of the Holy Spirit to have confidence in God, so he practiced religiously, his inspired works, knowing that even if he acted involuntarily , being moved by a force outside of himself, hence the HOLY SPIRIT surrounded his form, then Jesus had FAITH , through experience with God, the Father, and the Spirit, practicing his Religion, according to the TALENT GIVEN , in his Heart, and so he did not have to consider whatever he believed, when the immediacy of actions were required, it was a given, it was rehearsed, it was even in his mind a known fact, if Jesus blessed you, there was a FAITH WITH WORKS , that did not require Jesus to obtain or entertain a consideration of what he believed. It was then by the Spirit inspired behavior, even if involuntary reactions. Faith without works, is meaningless drivel.
LMAO your statement is completely backwards from what Scripture actually teaches. Here's the real deal: First off, faith is NOT some behavioral rehearsal or spiritual workout routine. That's just human ego trying to earn points with God. The Bible slaps this down hard: "A man is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ" (Galatians 2:16). Boom! End of story. Your piano analogy? That's exactly the kind of works-based righteousness nonsense that the New Testament warns against! Here's what's actually up: 1. Faith comes by hearing the Word (Romans 10:17) 2. It's God's gift, not your effort (Ephesians 2:8-9) 3. Works FOLLOW faith naturally, they don't create it (Galatians 5:6) Jesus wasn't some religious practitioner perfecting his routine - He WAS righteousness incarnate! The whole point is that we CAN'T rehearse or practice our way into true faith. Want the unvarnished truth? Stop trying to earn what God gives freely. That's the whole point of grace! This isn't a talent show or a spiritual gymnasium - it's about receiving a gift that transforms you from the inside out. Need more clarity? Hit me back. But remember - you can't practice your way into God's favor. That's religion. The gospel is about relationship.
@@mavicpro3289 The Disciple never understood God's Instructions in the Scriptures until Jesus as the Teacher , explained those written things to them, and still when Jesus rose, Thomas would not believe it, until he put his fingers in the nail prints and his hand into the side where the spear had thrust the body of Jesus. then he said "My Lord and My God". So Faith is different than believing, it is based on experience , a happening, something that you engage with , and you are a witness. Your replies are not yet based on Faith, You have allot in life to experience, until you have Faith. Faith without Works is dead.
What did God tell us to do in order to be saved? Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth. To do what? Look! Who must look? All the end of the earth! What for? To be saved! If you are blind and cannot see, and therefore unable to look, then He comes to you and says; Hear, and your soul shall live. If you are both blind and deaf, and can neither see nor hear, then He says; Speak ye unto the rock, and it shall give forth his water. And that rock was Christ. If you are blind, deaf, and dumb, and can neither see, nor hear, nor speak, then He says O taste and see that the Lord is good. If you are blind, deaf, and dumb, and have lost all sense of taste, and there is only one single faculty remaining, He says, use that, and Feel after him, and find him. Thus the God of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ, has brought his glorious salvation, His eternal salvation, within the reach of every individual in this world who can either see, or hear, or speak, or feel. And that is all He asks of you. In other words, by faith alone, not faith and something else; but faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.
@@BamBam74-q1d When I was last in Battle Creek, I said before a large congregation that I did not claim to be a prophetess. Twice I referred to this matter, intending each time to make the statement, 'I do not claim to be a prophetess.' If I spoke otherwise than this, let all now understand that what I had in mind to say was that I do not claim the title of prophet or prophetess. (Review and Herald, July 26, 1906, reprinted in Selected Messages, book 1, pp. 31-35).
Faith is about doing the job today, but being promised to be paid for the job next week. Faith ,Bond and Trust is the foundation of monetary currency, something that apes and other creatures cannot understand or act upon. If you offer the Ape a gold coin, or a basket of gold, the Ape will not trade you his banana , he cannot have Faith. But you see, you confuse the meaning of BELIEF with FAITH. Faith is what moves you to act, Belief is ethereal and abstractly only existing in your mind. If you believe in God, that does not mean you are motivated to act on any sort of Faith. Faith is like putting gas in the car, so the engines runs and you drive away. Belief is like thinking you need to go to the gas station and get gas, but it is just a passing thought. So Faith is a kind of Work that is inspired by the Bond of Trust, like giving a man a promise to pay , a check you signed, and he must trust in that act, it will come to pass that he gets the value offered. Faith without Works is dead, and Belief is not the same idea as Faith.
@@BamBam74-q1d You are outside the authority trying to make your own definitions and judge by those you considered. Faith is itself an inspired Act, meaning involuntary reflexes based on commitment , not just idle beliefs. Faith is different than beliefs.
@@BamBam74-q1d Works in the Mind, are of a rehearsal of behavioral responses , based on Faith , while you can believe anything, think something is true, but if there is no commitment to act out carefully based on the conviction you need to act and be prepared to act, when the situation arises, then your behavior is just chaotic, you have no inspired works prepared to roll out as behavior. So Faith without Works cannot be reasonable, Faith that your brakes will stop the car , you are primed by inspired thoughts with practice beforehand to react involuntarily to step on the brakes. You might believe that the brakes can stop the car, but without traditional training to carry out the commands , you don't step on the brakes, based on mere belief that they will work. Faith carries through to a trained involuntary behavioral act, while Believe is very casual and noncommitted . Faith without the Works, is dead.
Pls Examine yourselves people of God 1John 3: 7-9 , come out of darkness Walk as JESUS walked 1John2:6, 1cor 11:1, 1John 2:1-5 John15:10 Jesus Kept Sabbath Luke 4:16, Rev: 22:14-15 don't lose your right to the tree of. life people No one is save by grace alone, not biblical! Eph2:8-9 Grace +Faith James 2:14, James 2:18-24 Faith without works is dead faith. Abraham had to believe and take action. 🙏🏽
Hold up, you ain't getting away that easily... Your statement shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how salvation works. You're cherry-picking verses without context, so listen up Ephesians 2:8-9 actually reads: "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Notice the order: 1. GRACE comes first (God's initiative) 2. FAITH is the channel (our response) 3. Both are GIFTS from God! Yes, James talks about works, but you're missing his point! He's describing the EVIDENCE of true faith, not the MEANS of salvation. When he mentions Abraham, he's showing that real faith naturally produces action - not that the actions save you! Think of it like this: A living tree produces fruit. The fruit doesn't make the tree alive - it PROVES the tree is alive. Same with works - they don't save you, they show your faith is genuine. You're mixing up the cart and horse. Works are the RESULT of salvation, not the CAUSE. Remember - trying to earn salvation through works is like trying to pay for a gift. It misses the whole point!
@@19818456 this caricature of Luther is really tired and old. No, Luther didn’t hate James. You’re appealing to early on in his life, for starters. Secondly, Luther has entire works on James 2:24. The fact that people still think this is some “gotcha” verse that the reformation wasn’t aware of is just naive. James isn’t talking about soteriology. He isn’t talking about one’s righteous standing before God. And this is made obvious if you actually start back in 1:1 and don’t cherry pick. He’s writing to the Jewish diaspora who are dispersed. And he is laying out for them how a person who claims to be a Christian can be identified as such since humans can’t see a persons heart. All they can see is fruit and words. In 2:14, he compares two types of faith. Living faith and dead faith. But he asks “can THAT FAITH save him?” The entire focus is on faith saving. Not faith and the works. He says the works demonstrate to other humans that the faith a person has is living. Not that the faith plus the works justify a person before God-that active righteousness (good works) somehow joins with Christs righteousness as a dual element to make and keep a person right with God. Please stop with these silly caricatures of both James and Luther. These have been dealt with long before Answering Adventism. Luther was a fallen sinner. No one is acting like he was perfect.
Yes, when people live by does not mean they are free to do anything. The spirit of God guides them to righteousness. Faith in Christ makes and guides a person to live Christ like life. All you are trying to defend is and is in your mind is just about sabbath, sabbath, sabbath. Brother you really need to repent and receive a true Sabbath (Rest) in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Everytime, SDA always give excuses by saying, so even a murderer can still go to heaven and even you just quoted this scripture James 2:24 to prove your case. Stop acting like iguana.
By your logic, God's law aren't eternal, and weren't even created on the first day thereby making them mutable. And you obviously don't know what the gospel is, trying opening up a Bible instead of the heretical writings of The Great Controversy.
So, the law was in heaven to govern sexless angles in the cases of adultery? Matthew 22:29-30 "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven"
Mr. I believe what you don't see is that we're human beings and not spirit beings. Everyone going to heaven will reach heaven in human form. As written, and that Jesus already showed an example. Which means we can only show our love to God by actions. Although he sees your heart and mind. Your love for him and for your fellow humans after he died on the cross can only be judged by a spirit being priests serving the population of the whole planet earth. And that's why the SDA church is following Ellen G.White's teachings. Because human priests can only see so much and there was this need to have a spirit being priest.
The bible does not say human form. Where in the bible does it say? Quote the actual verse that says people will go to heaven in human form. It only mentions glorified bodies. Umbilical and a deception from GGW
Faith is a activate faith there are a set of principles to follow. And faith does not belong just to Christians....It belongs to anyone that fulfill the conditions. God is not a respecter of persons. Chapter 11 of Hebrews is on Faith.
We're living in shaking time.Many are departing from faith to join false doctrines and the spirit of seduction. Believe in Jesus Christ, keep his ten commandments and remember the seventh day Saturday Sabbath to keep it holy by going to church.
CHRIST is my Sabbath/Rest, not a day full of restrictions and condemnations.🤓 I’m sorry that SDAS are unable to accept this spiritual blessing and instead insist on keeping a shadow! 😢
Martin Luther was wrong in asserting 'faith alone' as the basis for salvation, ignoring 'faith and works', as the Scripture teaches. Martin was challenged by the best of theologians of his time, but he was arrogant to concede. I firmly believe faith+works=salvation, besides, the grace of Christ. "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling"
No, he recognized the distinction between law and gospel, which you don’t. No one here is against works. We’re against adding active righteousness to Jesus’s perfect righteousness when Jesus’s righteousness alone saves. Our active righteousness (good works) are fruit of having Christs perfect righteousness. They do not maintain or retain justification.
@answeringadventism We are justified by faith, but the word 'alone' is not there in the text, but was added by Luther in his German translation. Faith+Works runs throughout the Bible. No problem, if you disagree! Luther added 'alone' to 'the just shall live by faith' (alone!)
James tells us that faith without works is dead. For the works we do are the fruit of a true faith. Good works will follow a born again believer. For he is taught and preserved by the power of God unto good works that are what make us persevere in the gift of salvation thru Grace. Adding works to salvation is human hubris. It is saying that Jesus righteousness is insuficient. And it is also "the sinner" wanting a little glory for himself,. It is a complete work of God the good works He works in us. And He that started the good work, will finish it. We, the redeemed sinners can only live to give glory and thanksgiving for the wonderful salvation we have been given, mouth full of praises in eternal debt. All I know is that I was headed to eternal damnation, could not save myself. But God! He said I could come. And because He called me, I now live for Him. He has done it all. Praise Him, and be joyful, he jas set you free, submit and accept His righteousness,thats all the can save you. You were dead , when He saved you.
Why do you have to bring your distorted view of both Luther and Catholic doctrine in here? The Catholic doctrine of salvation cannot be reduced to a math equation! Do you own a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church? See if it teaches such a simplistic view. What do you know about Adventism? They know nothing about grace. It's all works in reality. They would be way better off with Luther than EGW. And that's just the beginning. Lutherans and Catholics have far more in common than either do with the SDA organization-even on the doctrine of justification. If my SDA loved ones became Lutheran, I would be so relieved.
No need to tell us this. Tell that to Jesus when you tell him what good works you did to justify your faith, thus you did enough to keep 'free grace' 😂.
When you become unfaithful in the area of our lives, you will break off from the seventh day Adventist's church, because it's a remnant church from the original in Christ's time for example when you become unfaithful, you create patches on your skin to glorify another god
Where in the bible does it say that SDA church is a remnant church. That is unbiblical. Show us where in the scripture in the bible does it say SDA is a remnant church. This is nothing but PRIDE. GOD hates pride.
Dear Sir, you have deliberately misrepresented the faith of Seventh Day Adventist in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. You have intentionally cherry picked to convey a false impression and given erroneous content for youtube clicks and likes to increase your following. Your behavior is not of Christ. The Bible has warned us.... 2 Timothy 4:3-4 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. Acts 20:28-30 28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. 29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. You have not convinced us that Sunday, the first day of the week, is now the 7th day Sabbath {In which there no Scriptural authority}. Thus, you cannot be trusted to convince us in other areas where Jesus has led us. Sola Scriptura. We pray for you. Exodus 20:8-11 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
You have deliberately misrepresented the faith of Seventh Day Adventists, you have taken SDAs out of context, you do not understand Adventists, we keep commandments, we are the remnant, we are the true church, you are criticizing us for content blah blah blah are typical cultic Adventist copouts, ad hominem being their favorite defense.
@@jeffreya.patterson6210 and stop claiming that you are Sola Scriptura adherents. You interpret everything with your "lesser light." Be honest and own up to it.
@jeffreya.patterson6210Hey there, I am an Independent Fundamental Baptist; but first and foremost, I'm a born-again Christian. I tell you truthfully that Seventh-day Adventism of a Satanic religion, based upon lies and perversions of the Bible. SDA's are ignorant and don't know what they believe, which is often the case I have found. Even worse, most SDA's don't care because they are happy in their social club religion. Jesus said in Mark 7:9, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” Most religious people I have met in my life were loyal to their particular religious group and couldn't have cared less about the truth of God's Word. Their minds were filled with excuses, obstacles and foolish thoughts. THE TRUTH is what matters, which is why Jesus said that God can only be worshipped IN TRUTH (John 4:24). Religion is not truth. Religion is tradition. The Word of God is truth (John 17:17). If you are a SDA, I plead with you to come out of that false religion and simply follow the Word of God. Jesus never started any religion. The local New Testament Church is a gathering of born-again believers. The early Christians met in each other's homes and had no church building, nor were they a state-licensed 501c3 business. Jesus said where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, there will He be in the midst (Matthew 18:20). Luke 17:21, “behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
This was such a blessing! I too suffered from depression and neurotic systems due to lack of peace with God. Praise Him for His awesome gift!
As a former SDA , I finally understand what justification and sanctification are according to the true gospel of Jesus!
Thanks to this minister!
Great job again Myles! Keep going!
Yup, he’s right , I was an Adventist until I finally realized that what Adventist teach blasphemy by egw their false prophet. I was in that cult for 35 years left over 12 years ago praising my God for not giving up on me I know now I am saved by the blood of Jesus period as simply as that All we need is Gods word no prophets or anyone I’m free indeed
Camancho's grasp of the gospel is beautiful. Genuinely puts tears in my eyes. So many churches are losing sight of Christ as their "Savior." Their sermons are about Christ as problem-solver or Christ as an example. They make you leave church focusing on what Christ SHOULD DO for you to make life easier, and it gradually creates despair as your expectations are not met or you can't meet expectations. I have no doubt that a sermon from Camancho would make you leave church focused on what Christ HAS DONE for you and leave you joyfully resting in Christ's completed work as your Savior.
I came out of the SDA church over 25 years ago. And I'm still haunted in that "can I be saved?" I don't go to a church, my bitter attitude and heart. Is not in the spirit that it should be. I will go to my grave and be again haunted by what I was taught in the SDA church and SDA school.
I have watched just about every video of myles. I am grateful that he has this channel. Maybe myles in some way is my pastor?
I pray to God every day 5 or 6 times a day, please free me from being scared to not be an SDA. 25 years is a long time.
A big reason why I don't go to church is I'm bitter and mad and I have a debating spirit.
@@laserfilmlab Don't give into despair any longer. Jesus can set you free.
Can I give a a scripture verse? Galatians 5 :1. "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
Anger is good. Those who aren’t angry aren’t paying attention. Jesus loathes the Adventist demonic cult. Jesus is angry.
Romans 10:9 lays out what it takes to be saved. The Word cannot lie to you my friend. Read, believe, and carry out the following:
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
@@laserfilmlab I think you would be helped if you found a church to call your home. Second, I recommend that you seek pastoral counseling and prayer. It's hard to free yourself from this kind of thing. God works through his church.
@@MrShannon1124 who says the individual is not saved? Struggling with PTSD from being an Adventist demonic cult captive doesn’t mean you aren’t saved.
How beautifully and truthfully presented! Sadly, an SDA will never be "fit" for heaven unless you have perfected your character through works, apart from Christ's grace. Hence this is such a burden as SDAs will never know whether they are saved or not. Thank you Lord that we are saved by Grace alone. Truth be told SDA do not practice Sola Scriptura neither Sola fide because they follow EGW for all their guidance and teachings.
The guest sounds so free from bondage and fear and now basks in the peace of Jesus!
Thank you so much. Comforted as I listened because The Word of God is powerful when preached undiluted. Living in a place where sound doctrine is much needed. Keep my island in your prayers, that The TRUTH of GOD'S Saving Grace may be preached without manmade embellishments that enslave the hearing flock.
Been here five years, and have not yet found a church that is reformed in their teaching.
Thanks again, stay blessed
God bless you
Which Truth???? Does a Sunday worshiper have Truth 😅😅😅😅😅
@@okwijames947The short answer to that is
YES !!!
A “Sunday worshipper” has as much truth as a Monday to Saturday worshipper..
@lavieenrose5954 when you Read Genesis 1:5 it says evening And morning was the first day And that's a sabbath keeper takes BUT a Sunday keeper will interpret it like the day begins at midnight is that truth????? From Sunday
Nothing but pure hate from you. ALWAYS!@@okwijames947
What a great presentation of the Gospel! Thanks, Myles.
Thank you to you and your guest Haroldo Camacho! I’m not sda but some times share the good news of Jesus with them on the street. You are right, Haroldo when you say that anything added to the finished work of Jesus takes away from what He has done for us!🇨🇦
Myles you are doing a great job in clearing the false doctrines of Adventism. I saw comments probably from Adventist believer but his assertions have no bearings at all. Crying out loud for making things clear so they know what to say when Adventist try to deceive christians of their false doctrines. Good teaching and edifying for many christians.
I am learning a lot. God bless your ministry Myles .
Brother Camacho, your exposition tonight on the Gospel was pure Biblical gold. Jesus paid it ALL. I bring absolutely nothing to the table.
The final message made me cry.
New motto for Adventism: "Crushing the Reformers with Present Truth!"
With insults
Really enjoyed this teaching. Love love. Thank you to both for teaching.
Thank you for this great video 🙏🏼
Interesting - Luther's Commentary on Galatians is considered one of the "Great Books" - the story about the Seminary Library was telling
I asked a lady once if she kept strictly the law (the 10) She took a while and then she said: yes I do. So I answer: you just broke the 9th. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh! Glory be to God for his son Jesus Christ! Jesus is the gospel!
Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
Therefore, on the other side, whatsoever is of faith is righteousness; and faith being the gift of God, that which is of that faith being righteousness, is inevitably the righteousness of God.
Consequently, the faith of God-the faith which God gives,-brings salvation unto men as the free gift of God.
It is indeed by faith, and Jesus Christ himself is the author of the faith, and the faith is a free gift to man.
This is the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Justification is ours as “Christ within us, “ We understand that Christians must become “partakers of the divine nature;” it must be “Christ in you the hope of glory.”
Ellen White confirms that justification “comes alone through faith in Christ.”
She does not use the term, “faith alone.” For the reason that those words are sometimes used without qualification, when, in actuality, justification depends on repentance and confession (1 John 1:9), regeneration and renewal. “He saved us, . . . by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit. . . so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life” (Titus 3: 5-7, RSV).
Ellen white defines justification and sanctification as a renewal of the inner man.
She describes them as complementary, but different and distinct in a statement as follows.
“The righteousness by which we are justified is imputed; the righteousness by which we are sanctified is imparted. The first is our title to heaven, the second is our fitness for heaven.”
Beautiful discussion truth verses SDA Theological poison thanks to both of you great job
He who trusts in faith and something else for salvation will always put his confidence in the something else.
Because he has not a kind of faith which has enough virtue in it, or that brings enough power to him to do him any good. Therefore he must help himself out with his own efforts, and so he becomes his own Saviour.
But he who trusts in Jesus Christ, to be saved by faith alone, and that the gift of God alone as it is, is saved by Jesus Christ alone.
By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8.
Thanks be to God for the good news of his passive gift of righteousness by faith. Nevertheless, I cannot presume on his grace but must mourn, repent and (go to Confession) when I have gravely sinned. For God's grace abounds in all things. I believe that he has also ordained beforehand that we should walk in repentance (and confession). May be grace and peace are not given once only for all time but must be given and received continuously or in time of need; that's why it is granted to us to approach the throne of grace. In his greetings the apostle Paul always wished grace and peace to the churches he was writing to.
SDA version of the gospel is “monergetic synergism” that was perfectly put, Myles. Exactly medieval Roman Catholicism. SDAs simply do not understand that which they criticize.
Saint Thomas as a follower of Christ, was a good man , a man of Faith a devoted follower of Jesus, as he knew him as human being. But he would not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. Did that make Thomas an evil man or lost to God ? No, He was asserting himself to God that for all the love he had for God and for Jesus, he confessed his unbelief , because it is said " THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE". So Faith having Works, is as Thomas complaining to God that he would never believe Jesus rose from the dead, unless he could put his own fingers into the nail prints and thrust his hand into Jesus' side where the Spear went in and brought out the Water and the Blood. So then it proves that Faith without Works is dead. If you really cannot believe God, because you need something of a personal experience with God to be assured, and you are honest and sincere , then your prayers demanding and pleading with God of Heaven to give you audience with Jesus Christ, being persistent, then this is the Works of your Faith, that you even take time to pray to plead for this experience. If you are told to shut up and not ask any further , you would be stifled and soon whatever belief or claim of Faith you have would itself DIE OUT and so Faith without Works is DEAD. I spent allot of time insisting to Heaven above for a personal audience with Jesus Christ and then the SPIRIT as it was already rapturing me, God the Spirit brought Jesus to me, and I saw HIM. He came as a being of light like a Priest clothed with the Sun , with pouring out light energy in a pulsing rhythm , over and over and over the light poured out. He held his hands to me and blessed me, then I caught up into his EYES, I saw FIRE in his eyes, but I was not then afraid, nor was there any suffering. I felt if God took me into the FIRE in His eyes, I would gladly go, since in this, I had a personal experience with God, and there are other things I cannot tell you, some things you have to see for yourself, you are never going to believe it, But when Jesus comes, that is the fulfillment of your FAITH and if you want to just wait and see, they say "THE WATCHED POT NEVER PERKS". So it seems like forever to just believe or claim Faith and wait for the Lord, but if you seek the Lord, evermore, you will have the reward of these works of Faith. That is up to you. Yes you are saved by Grace, but it is like HELL waiting for the Lord to come.
The Investigative Judgement
Ezekiel, Chapters 1 to 7.
Daniel 7:9-12; 12:1
Malachi 3:1-3
The Parable of the Wedding Feast, Matthew 22:1-14
A great study regarding the investigative judgment is in the cities of refuge, as they are a type of Christ in the writings of Moses.
See Numbers 35, Deuteronomy 19, Joshua 20, Deuteronomy 4:41-43.
Everyone who has come to Jesus, the city of refuge and claimed protection is in the book of life.
However, in the judgment God will examine to profession: See Ecclesiastes 12:13-14:
And also 2 Corinthians 5:10:
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Heb 9:27.
TLDR; The Investigative Judgement / Heaven Sanctuary = Heresy
As usual, you're doing theological gymnastics cos that's what SDAs do and teach their adherents. The Daniel text you quoted is same as John rephrased in Revelation 4 and its about when Jesus resurrected and went to heaven, attended by a hosts of innumerable angels. That's why before the Lamb is seen in the midst of the Throne in the next chapter, He is absent in the previous one. From there the Seven Spirits of God was sent to all the world, a reference to the Holy Ghost sent to the world by first to the apostles when Christ ascended and sent the Holy Ghost at Pentecost
God didn't need some investigative judgement to prove to anyone that ALL ADAMS children are sinners, when none but Adam only ate the forbidden fruit, but concluded us all under sin, and He wont need any investigation to make us righteous
Priests are required to work on the Sabbath. Born again believers. in Christ are Royal Priests. 9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.. 17But Jesus answered them, “To this very day My Father is at His work, and I too am working; Jesus a Sabbath keeper was held blameless because he was a priest. To build a religion on Sabbath keeping for the followers of Christ is an oxymoron. We as royal priests are required to work on the Sabbath.
I was actually told Luther practiced the Saturday sabbath by an Adventist
After the 56:11 mark and onward, almost to the end of the video, I couldn't help but think about Ellen White's statement on standing in front of God without a mediator. Even the old testament Jews had the levitical high priest as a mediator. I remember reading this statement years ago, and with the invented "Edenic heavenly diet" that those who will be translated will have, I used to have all sorts of ideas about the world every time I avoided the seafood and deli section at the grocery store. It's incredible what adventism has done to the gospel. Even taking Paul's missionary journey (bringing the gospel to the Jews) and teaching that he was visiting synagogues, so we should keep the sabbath. Completely ignoring the fact, that they rejected him, and he shook the dust off his feet. The anti-thesis of his missionary journey. Teaching the investigative judgment, which would mean Christ would have suffered over and over again (Hebrews 9:26) every time he found another sin in the investigative judgment. Focusing on Christ "resting" in the tomb on the sabbath, but not paying much attention to the empty tomb on the Lord's Day. His followers were very discouraged until they found the tomb empty.
Romans 6:1-2, what shall we say then go on sinning so that grace may increase? God forbid. The cross should show us the cost of sin, not a license to sin. It cost God's only begotten (who is not Michael the archangel as adventism teaches).
afar um some of um brimm's preaching and writings when he converted to
justification but and he had quoted Luther but now I found Luther for myself
and it was amazing uh these are some of the quotes
with all confidence we can say that we are Justified not by our own works but
through relief provided outside of us
that relief is none other than God's only son he has redeemed us from sin
death and the devil
*Yet, despite that we continued to die for another 2,000-years as if reality is saying that is not exactly true! I don’t have to go far to find active funeral homes, cemetaries where bodies are being buried to discern factually that death still has a very strong deathgrip on us.*
and has given to us the gift of eternal life
*”has given” is past tense, meaning it has already happened, but we don’t appear to be experiencing any actual eternal life. Instead, Christians have died as rapidly as the rest of the unbelieving population for the last 2,000-years. Clearly, something is extremely wrong with the above claim. Even Paul who is the root cause of much of these beliefs dared to boldly ask death where its sting was in 1Cor 15:55, and where is Paul today? He died too, and did not experience eternal life either. So, why are so many Christians so entranced by Paul, when in 2cor 12:7 Paul admits openly to having a “messenger of Satan”? It’s because more Christians follow Paul and Satan today than Moses and the Lamb. But, if anyone reads Revelation 15, those who get the victory and actually end up standing on the sea of glass are not singing the song of Paul and his messenger of Satan from 2Cor 12:7, but they are singing the song of Moses and the Lamb instead (the two prophets of Deuteronomy 18).
A very funny way of playing around with scripture. Without the law there is no Gospel to talk about. MLYLES, Adventists understand very well the relationship between these issues. It's you who is a novice in these things. What peace can you have with JESUS without obedience to GOD'S commands. Do not mislead people. The true Gospel of Christ teaches a sinner not to worship other gods, not to make graven images, not take the Name of the LORD in vain, TO Remember the Sabbath day. To honor your father and mother, not murder, not commit adultery, not to steal, not to bear false witness, not covert. TRUE FAITH upholds these principles THROUGH FAITH and the power given to us by Christ to overcome sin and to live a righteous life. Christ did not shed his precious blood to save us in sin but from sin.
Another way to explain Faith is to have such rehearsal of inspired behaviors in mind, then you have CONFIDENCE that in the future as some occasion requires you to behave, you are ready to act out involuntarily, to act like a trained Concert Pianist, who is ready to play the music. You can believe in Music, but without Faith inspiring you to train to play the piano, you are worthless , you cannot play the piano. But if you have CONFIDENCE OF TALENT, you have trained your Mind based on FAITH , which is you began with a belief then moved onto works to find your talent, then in the future, you can play the piano by heart, by involuntary reactions, hence you play by FAITH, you have confidence to play, the talent is more than just a casual belief, you are now in the matter of FAITH PLUS WORKS. But if you have Faith, but you don't play the piano, whatever talent you have , is just wasted, it is dead. Do you see now ? Belief does not rise to the confidence of having "FAITH". Faith without Works is dead. Jesus was inspired as he was conceived of the Holy Spirit to have confidence in God, so he practiced religiously, his inspired works, knowing that even if he acted involuntarily , being moved by a force outside of himself, hence the HOLY SPIRIT surrounded his form, then Jesus had FAITH , through experience with God, the Father, and the Spirit, practicing his Religion, according to the TALENT GIVEN , in his Heart, and so he did not have to consider whatever he believed, when the immediacy of actions were required, it was a given, it was rehearsed, it was even in his mind a known fact, if Jesus blessed you, there was a FAITH WITH WORKS , that did not require Jesus to obtain or entertain a consideration of what he believed. It was then by the Spirit inspired behavior, even if involuntary reactions. Faith without works, is meaningless drivel.
This is just a bunch of theological gibberish that adds to the gospel. That's what SDA do best.
LMAO your statement is completely backwards from what Scripture actually teaches. Here's the real deal:
First off, faith is NOT some behavioral rehearsal or spiritual workout routine. That's just human ego trying to earn points with God. The Bible slaps this down hard:
"A man is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ" (Galatians 2:16). Boom! End of story.
Your piano analogy? That's exactly the kind of works-based righteousness nonsense that the New Testament warns against! Here's what's actually up:
1. Faith comes by hearing the Word (Romans 10:17)
2. It's God's gift, not your effort (Ephesians 2:8-9)
3. Works FOLLOW faith naturally, they don't create it (Galatians 5:6)
Jesus wasn't some religious practitioner perfecting his routine - He WAS righteousness incarnate! The whole point is that we CAN'T rehearse or practice our way into true faith.
Want the unvarnished truth? Stop trying to earn what God gives freely. That's the whole point of grace!
This isn't a talent show or a spiritual gymnasium - it's about receiving a gift that transforms you from the inside out.
Need more clarity? Hit me back. But remember - you can't practice your way into God's favor. That's religion. The gospel is about relationship.
@@mavicpro3289 The Disciple never understood God's Instructions in the Scriptures until Jesus as the Teacher , explained those written things to them, and still when Jesus rose, Thomas would not believe it, until he put his fingers in the nail prints and his hand into the side where the spear had thrust the body of Jesus. then he said "My Lord and My God".
So Faith is different than believing, it is based on experience , a happening, something that you engage with , and you are a witness. Your replies are not yet based on Faith, You have allot in life to experience, until you have Faith.
Faith without Works is dead.
What did God tell us to do in order to be saved?
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth.
To do what? Look!
Who must look? All the end of the earth!
What for? To be saved!
If you are blind and cannot see, and therefore unable to look, then He comes to you and says; Hear, and your soul shall live.
If you are both blind and deaf, and can neither see nor hear, then He says; Speak ye unto the rock, and it shall give forth his water. And that rock was Christ.
If you are blind, deaf, and dumb, and can neither see, nor hear, nor speak, then He says O taste and see that the Lord is good.
If you are blind, deaf, and dumb, and have lost all sense of taste, and there is only one single faculty remaining, He says, use that, and Feel after him, and find him.
Thus the God of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ, has brought his glorious salvation, His eternal salvation, within the reach of every individual in this world who can either see, or hear, or speak, or feel.
And that is all He asks of you.
In other words, by faith alone, not faith and something else; but faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.
He also warned of false prophets which you have completely ignored.
@@BamBam74-q1d When I was last in Battle Creek, I said before a large congregation that I did not claim to be a prophetess. Twice I referred to this matter, intending each time to make the statement, 'I do not claim to be a prophetess.' If I spoke otherwise than this, let all now understand that what I had in mind to say was that I do not claim the title of prophet or prophetess.
(Review and Herald, July 26, 1906, reprinted in Selected Messages, book 1, pp. 31-35).
@watchmanofthenight2700 LOL. SdA declare her a prophet. There is no disputing that.
@@watchmanofthenight2700 You guys are duplicitious lies.
@watchmanofthenight2700 You know the old saying with liars? The Jezebel spirit told so many lies here minions can't keep all of her lies straight.
Faith is about doing the job today, but being promised to be paid for the job next week. Faith ,Bond and Trust is the foundation of monetary currency, something that apes and other creatures cannot understand or act upon. If you offer the Ape a gold coin, or a basket of gold, the Ape will not trade you his banana , he cannot have Faith. But you see, you confuse the meaning of BELIEF with FAITH. Faith is what moves you to act, Belief is ethereal and abstractly only existing in your mind. If you believe in God, that does not mean you are motivated to act on any sort of Faith. Faith is like putting gas in the car, so the engines runs and you drive away. Belief is like thinking you need to go to the gas station and get gas, but it is just a passing thought. So Faith is a kind of Work that is inspired by the Bond of Trust, like giving a man a promise to pay , a check you signed, and he must trust in that act, it will come to pass that he gets the value offered. Faith without Works is dead, and Belief is not the same idea as Faith.
What acts of faith is then one to do in order to be saved?
What are works in your mind?
@@BamBam74-q1d You are outside the authority trying to make your own definitions and judge by those you considered. Faith is itself an inspired Act, meaning involuntary reflexes based on commitment , not just idle beliefs. Faith is different than beliefs.
@@BamBam74-q1d Works in the Mind, are of a rehearsal of behavioral responses , based on Faith , while you can believe anything, think something is true, but if there is no commitment to act out carefully based on the conviction you need to act and be prepared to act, when the situation arises, then your behavior is just chaotic, you have no inspired works prepared to roll out as behavior. So Faith without Works cannot be reasonable, Faith that your brakes will stop the car , you are primed by inspired thoughts with practice beforehand to react involuntarily to step on the brakes. You might believe that the brakes can stop the car, but without traditional training to carry out the commands , you don't step on the brakes, based on mere belief that they will work. Faith carries through to a trained involuntary behavioral act, while Believe is very casual and noncommitted . Faith without the Works, is dead.
@@CarmineFragione-u1t gibberish.
Pls Examine yourselves
people of God 1John 3: 7-9 , come out of darkness
Walk as JESUS walked 1John2:6, 1cor 11:1,
1John 2:1-5
John15:10 Jesus Kept Sabbath Luke 4:16,
Rev: 22:14-15 don't lose your right to the tree of. life people
No one is save by grace alone, not biblical!
Eph2:8-9 Grace +Faith
James 2:14, James 2:18-24
Faith without works is dead faith. Abraham had to believe and take action. 🙏🏽
Hold up, you ain't getting away that easily...
Your statement shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how salvation works. You're cherry-picking verses without context, so listen up
Ephesians 2:8-9 actually reads: "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."
Notice the order:
1. GRACE comes first (God's initiative)
2. FAITH is the channel (our response)
3. Both are GIFTS from God!
Yes, James talks about works, but you're missing his point! He's describing the EVIDENCE of true faith, not the MEANS of salvation. When he mentions Abraham, he's showing that real faith naturally produces action - not that the actions save you!
Think of it like this: A living tree produces fruit. The fruit doesn't make the tree alive - it PROVES the tree is alive. Same with works - they don't save you, they show your faith is genuine.
You're mixing up the cart and horse. Works are the RESULT of salvation, not the CAUSE.
Remember - trying to earn salvation through works is like trying to pay for a gift. It misses the whole point!
Read James 2:24. Luther hated this book because of this text and he wished to remove this book from the Bible😢
It only posses problems if you don't know how to deal with proof texting, which I didn't recognize as a young Christian.
@@19818456 this caricature of Luther is really tired and old. No, Luther didn’t hate James. You’re appealing to early on in his life, for starters. Secondly, Luther has entire works on James 2:24.
The fact that people still think this is some “gotcha” verse that the reformation wasn’t aware of is just naive.
James isn’t talking about soteriology. He isn’t talking about one’s righteous standing before God. And this is made obvious if you actually start back in 1:1 and don’t cherry pick. He’s writing to the Jewish diaspora who are dispersed. And he is laying out for them how a person who claims to be a Christian can be identified as such since humans can’t see a persons heart. All they can see is fruit and words.
In 2:14, he compares two types of faith. Living faith and dead faith. But he asks “can THAT FAITH save him?”
The entire focus is on faith saving. Not faith and the works. He says the works demonstrate to other humans that the faith a person has is living. Not that the faith plus the works justify a person before God-that active righteousness (good works) somehow joins with Christs righteousness as a dual element to make and keep a person right with God.
Please stop with these silly caricatures of both James and Luther. These have been dealt with long before Answering Adventism. Luther was a fallen sinner. No one is acting like he was perfect.
What is your problem? Lutherans don't follow Luther on the Canon, and this point is off-topic.
@@answeringadventismI hear you. I just want to say that I am tired of it, too.
Yes, when people live by does not mean they are free to do anything. The spirit of God guides them to righteousness. Faith in Christ makes and guides a person to live Christ like life. All you are trying to defend is and is in your mind is just about sabbath, sabbath, sabbath. Brother you really need to repent and receive a true Sabbath (Rest) in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Everytime, SDA always give excuses by saying, so even a murderer can still go to heaven and even you just quoted this scripture James 2:24 to prove your case. Stop acting like iguana.
God's law started from heaven and that's gospel
By your logic, God's law aren't eternal, and weren't even created on the first day thereby making them mutable. And you obviously don't know what the gospel is, trying opening up a Bible instead of the heretical writings of The Great Controversy.
That’s the what ?🤣
So, the law was in heaven to govern sexless angles in the cases of adultery?
Matthew 22:29-30
"For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven"
@@BamBam74-q1dAsk him again 😂😂😂
When you're brainwashed 😂😂
Mr. I believe what you don't see is that we're human beings and not spirit beings. Everyone going to heaven will reach heaven in human form. As written, and that Jesus already showed an example. Which means we can only show our love to God by actions. Although he sees your heart and mind. Your love for him and for your fellow humans after he died on the cross can only be judged by a spirit being priests serving the population of the whole planet earth. And that's why the SDA church is following Ellen G.White's teachings. Because human priests can only see so much and there was this need to have a spirit being priest.
And I thought you were supposed to follow Jesus instead of what a medium says.
Except that the Bible teaches that we have a body and a spirit.
The bible does not say human form. Where in the bible does it say? Quote the actual verse that says people will go to heaven in human form. It only mentions glorified bodies. Umbilical and a deception from GGW
Faith is a activate faith there are a set of principles to follow. And faith does not belong just to Christians....It belongs to anyone that fulfill the conditions. God is not a respecter of persons. Chapter 11 of Hebrews is on Faith.
Set of principles to follow? What are they? And are they works?
We're living in shaking time.Many are departing from faith to join false doctrines and the spirit of seduction.
Believe in Jesus Christ, keep his ten commandments and remember the seventh day Saturday Sabbath to keep it holy by going to church.
Broken record with a defense of what the false prophet told you.
CHRIST is my Sabbath/Rest, not a day full of restrictions and condemnations.🤓 I’m sorry that SDAS are unable to accept this spiritual blessing and instead insist on keeping a shadow! 😢
Keep living the fairy tales😂😂😂😂😂
Martin Luther was wrong in asserting 'faith alone' as the basis for salvation, ignoring 'faith and works', as the Scripture teaches. Martin was challenged by the best of theologians of his time, but he was arrogant to concede. I firmly believe faith+works=salvation, besides, the grace of Christ. "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling"
No, he recognized the distinction between law and gospel, which you don’t. No one here is against works. We’re against adding active righteousness to Jesus’s perfect righteousness when Jesus’s righteousness alone saves.
Our active righteousness (good works) are fruit of having Christs perfect righteousness. They do not maintain or retain justification.
We are justified by faith, but the word 'alone' is not there in the text, but was added by Luther in his German translation. Faith+Works runs throughout the Bible. No problem, if you disagree!
Luther added 'alone' to 'the just shall live by faith' (alone!)
James tells us that faith without works is dead. For the works we do are the fruit of a true faith. Good works will follow a born again believer. For he is taught and preserved by the power of God unto good works that are what make us persevere in the gift of salvation thru Grace.
Adding works to salvation is human hubris.
It is saying that Jesus righteousness is insuficient. And it is also "the sinner" wanting a little glory for himself,. It is a complete work of God the good works He works in us. And He that started the good work, will finish it.
We, the redeemed sinners can only live to give glory and thanksgiving for the wonderful salvation we have been given, mouth full of praises in eternal debt.
All I know is that I was headed to eternal damnation, could not save myself. But God!
He said I could come. And because He called me, I now live for Him. He has done it all.
Praise Him, and be joyful, he jas set you free, submit and accept His righteousness,thats all the can save you. You were dead , when He saved you.
Why do you have to bring your distorted view of both Luther and Catholic doctrine in here? The Catholic doctrine of salvation cannot be reduced to a math equation!
Do you own a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church? See if it teaches such a simplistic view.
What do you know about Adventism? They know nothing about grace. It's all works in reality. They would be way better off with Luther than EGW. And that's just the beginning.
Lutherans and Catholics have far more in common than either do with the SDA organization-even on the doctrine of justification.
If my SDA loved ones became Lutheran, I would be so relieved.
No need to tell us this. Tell that to Jesus when you tell him what good works you did to justify your faith, thus you did enough to keep 'free grace' 😂.
When you become unfaithful in the area of our lives, you will break off from the seventh day Adventist's church, because it's a remnant church from the original in Christ's time for example when you become unfaithful, you create patches on your skin to glorify another god
@@okwijames947 actually, it is the opposite. The SDA is not the remnant church. It is an organization of apostates.
Says the amalgamated beast.
Do you think the SDA church gonna save u ?
@ZaakiConcept he thinks he can't understand the Bible without Ellen G. White.
Where in the bible does it say that SDA church is a remnant church. That is unbiblical. Show us where in the scripture in the bible does it say SDA is a remnant church. This is nothing but PRIDE. GOD hates pride.
Dear Sir, you have deliberately misrepresented the faith of Seventh Day Adventist in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. You have intentionally cherry picked to convey a false impression and given erroneous content for youtube clicks and likes to increase your following. Your behavior is not of Christ. The Bible has warned us....
2 Timothy 4:3-4
3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Acts 20:28-30
28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.
30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.
You have not convinced us that Sunday, the first day of the week, is now the 7th day Sabbath {In which there no Scriptural authority}. Thus, you cannot be trusted to convince us in other areas where Jesus has led us. Sola Scriptura. We pray for you.
Exodus 20:8-11
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
You have deliberately misrepresented the faith of Seventh Day Adventists, you have taken SDAs out of context, you do not understand Adventists, we keep commandments, we are the remnant, we are the true church, you are criticizing us for content blah blah blah are typical cultic Adventist copouts, ad hominem being their favorite defense.
@@jeffreya.patterson6210 stop it with your cherry picking of Scripture. Read Colossians 2: 16-17 without denying what it actually says.
@@jeffreya.patterson6210 and stop claiming that you are Sola Scriptura adherents. You interpret everything with your "lesser light." Be honest and own up to it.
@jeffreya.patterson6210Hey there, I am an Independent Fundamental Baptist; but first and foremost, I'm a born-again Christian.
I tell you truthfully that Seventh-day Adventism of a Satanic religion, based upon lies and perversions of the Bible.
SDA's are ignorant and don't know what they believe, which is often the case I have found. Even worse, most SDA's don't care because they are happy in their social club religion. Jesus said in Mark 7:9, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” Most religious people I have met in my life were loyal to their particular religious group and couldn't have cared less about the truth of God's Word. Their minds were filled with excuses, obstacles and foolish thoughts. THE TRUTH is what matters, which is why Jesus said that God can only be worshipped IN TRUTH (John 4:24). Religion is not truth. Religion is tradition. The Word of God is truth (John 17:17).
If you are a SDA, I plead with you to come out of that false religion and simply follow the Word of God. Jesus never started any religion. The local New Testament Church is a gathering of born-again believers. The early Christians met in each other's homes and had no church building, nor were they a state-licensed 501c3 business. Jesus said where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, there will He be in the midst (Matthew 18:20). Luke 17:21, “behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”