You are right when you say this is causing problems with our children. I have been heroically refusing to approve my daughter’s same liaison, and she texted me ten minutes after FS became public and asked if I would now approve her actions; it was painful having to stand my moral ground without the pope’s support. It made me feel so heartless, even though I know what is right. But it made me feel so betrayed and has made things worse in our family. When it gets that bad, and it’s so personal, it creates feelings of bitterness and, yes, antipathy for this pope-the absolute worst in my 77 years of life. Save us, Oh Lord!
So painful! Stay strong in fighting the good fight ! I will pray for you and for the conversion of your daughter and Francis Bergoglio in my rosary May God bless you and our Blessed Mother keep you 🙏✝️✝️✝️
The Pope is on the right track! Conservatism is not a Christian virtue: it’s a sliding scale of values, depending upon the circumstances and the parties involved! Base your values on the teachings of Jesus and the Two Great Commandments. Everything else should be held up to them!
, it's become the unforgivable sin to disagree with the Pope... the African bishops are absolutely correct .. .. it is not a sin to disagree.. to those who are throwing around the word heretic shame on you!!! good priests and bishops get canceled for what for what.. but Father James Martin gets a free pass give me a break!!! shame on you for real.. God be with you John Henry... ☦️✝️📿📿📿📿🙏🙏🙏🙏 I am a man of God and I will stay that way!
One only have to look at the SSPX gang, and one looks at plain (heresy)... They have made their own rules for too long. It started with small disagreements like Luther, and it will not end up any better. One priest has already called for someone to attach a large millstone around the pope*s neck, and to throw him in the deep blue sea. (He will be responsible if someone follows through. They started in the very same way as these disobedient groups all over the internet. They can be compared to the father of all lies who uttered (I shall not serve)... Stop it before it*s too late.
You therefore will never go wrong or astray;, as long as you stay inside the ship of SaintPeter; as God didn*t trick humanity by allowing pope Francis to be elected by the cardinals against his will... He will keep his promise to guide and protect what he called (My Church), till the end of the ages. Those who imitate the many who stopped following Jesus at the breaking of the bread, saying: (How can this man give us his Body to eat....our Lord simply +++ let them go +++. Scary... They don*t like the pope he permitted to be elected...Let them go... The (I shall not serve) gang have an ego problem. They have wasted grace, and are now on their own. Repent; and come back; God always welcomes humility. @@videonmode8649
@@videonmode8649 I am certainly not in favor of open descent against the Pope I am totally against that !!! but having said that I think that the direction that some are taking including Father James Martin.. how to make use of this declaration to circumvent the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, the teachings of Jesus Christ.. ☦️✝️ ... I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing misgivings about the application of this document.... but neither do I think it is right or or just to bash the Pope, as I think that his heart is good although I am not certain .. and even if the pope were completely bad.. it would still never leave the Catholic Church... I am a convert to the faith... and I loved the church ✝️☦️📿🙏
I wrote to my Archdiocese informing our Cardinal DiNardo of my outrage over his accepting the FS document. His response… crickets. At this point I’m seriously looking at a local SSPX parish.
I’ve never had an opportunity to attend a TLM. Never even knew these exist now until I saw it here about 3 years ago. The nearest one I know of is in a seedy area 😭🤷🏻♀️🙏
Still can't believe there are people being duped by that Lofton guy. He is the dictionary definition of doublethink and gas lighting. The only reason I watch his channel is to get a better understanding of what deception and self-deception look like. I do pray for him so that God may grant him the discernment to see what he is being an accomplice to. Unless God grants him the clarity of mind he needs, it's going to be a wild ride for him in the next few months/years defending all the anti-Catholic insanity coming from the Vatican.
@@matthewcauthorn9731 I'll admit I'm a bit of a masochist, haha. But seriously, I watch him in part to gain a better understanding of the blindness I see in people in real life. Michael Lofton is the perfect example of someone who has decided to enter into an abusive relationship with the supreme pontiff. He is not "charitable", he is suffering from Stockholm syndrome and so are all the other popesplainers. May God grant them the insight and the courage to speak out against these marxists in mitres.
Rob from the “Blue Collar Catholic” channel is also in Michael Lofton’s camp. Rob fails to understand the true message that’s being conveyed by those who oppose FS. They both repeat the same talking points without fully grasping the true message the dissenters of FS are communicating. Rob and Michael come across very condescending.
Correct.....God is testing you to see if you have the faith to continue or you just gonna leave the Catholic church.....stay strong don't let all these things upset you . ...Jesus never leave His apostles because of Judas
Sadly my local Novus Ordo pastor sees nothing wrong with FS. He put a letter in the bulletin saying it upholds marriage and all blessing are good. Of course many would disagree.
I’m NO too. Never had a TLM to attend. My pastor never talks about anything so I don’t know what if anything he is thinking. I have no other church to attend 🥲🙏
All the Vatican needs to do is look at the Anglican Church with regard to Africa. And look at the damage that now has been done in any hopes of unity with Orthodox Christian Churches. Nice going Pope Unifier. If there was no change from this document, then why proclaim it? Answer: To appease James Martin and people who are not genuinely interested in Christ's Way.
As a native Spanish speaker, I have seen his homilies from before the time Francis tapped him on the shoulder. He is a feminist, pro-LGBTQP activist. His thoughts might be delusional, like all cultural marxists, but his actions are pure evil.
Lofton is a fake apologist .....he was protestant , then orthodox , then Catholic then Baptist then back to Catholic .....HOW CAN ANYONE TRUST A MAN WHO DOESNT KNOW WHERE HE BELONGS ..... HE'S ONLY INTERESTED IN MONEY .. HE ALWAYS DOES CONTROVERSIAL VIDEOS FOR CLICKS ..... HE'S NASTY ....VERY UNCATHOLIC
Please realize there are some like myself who have never had a chance to attend a TLM. I WANT TLM IN A SAFE AREA. Please remember all of us NO goers if you go underground. 🥺🙏
I am appalled by these people up there who seems to be willing to trigger separation in the Church, losing of their credibility and even authority over us, for what? Care about the marginal? Does it make sense? Not to me. Then for what? Who is getting the benefit when the Church destroyed, when the people led to hell, when the world’s moral compass fall? Whoever benefiting from this, is the master of these people.
In the dream of St. John Bosco the church was saved by navigating through the two pillars our lady and the blessed Eucharist. But in the dream the pope was at the helm? What could that mean surely pope Francis is trying to sink the ship of the Church
"Some bishops go in the same direction, sowing doubt and scandal in the souls of the faithful by claiming to bless homosexual unions as if they were legitimate, in conformity with the nature created by God, as if they could lead to holiness and human happiness. They only generate errors, scandals, doubts and disappointments. These bishops ignore or forget the severe warning of Jesus against those who scandalize the little ones: "Whoever scandalizes even one of these little ones who believe in me, it is better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the depths of the sea" (Mt 18.6). A recent statement from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published with the approval of Pope Francis, was unable to correct these errors and act as a work of truth. Furthermore, with its lack of clarity, it has only amplified the confusion that reigns in hearts and some have even seized upon it to support their attempt at manipulation." Cardinal Sarah
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
I wonder; is it possible that the majority of the orthodox cardinals are «quiet» because they don’t want to ruin their chances next time a Pope will be chosen? I feel that the verbally-active cardinals are standing bravely on the barricades, possibly sacrificing their chances because of their principals, while the quiet ones are just sitting on the fence waiting.
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
Corpus Christi for Unity? Hardly any unity by spreading confusion and making catholics leave mother church and making us think we have any position to question the teachings that don't contradict the deposit of faith.
The same-sex couple ‘blessing’ causes a number of questions. What is a homosexual couple seeking by asking for a blessing? What is the Church offering in response? What is the Holy Spirit called for and what is exactly being blessed? What is a spiritual purpose of such a ‘blessing’ and what sort of a particular help it intends to provide? Love and acceptance can make miracles of soul transformation, and Pope Francis' vision on the same-sex unions seems to be about love and acceptance. Yet, the same-sex couple blessing would make sense if the Church dumps viewing the same-sex relationship per ser as a sin. Without that, such a 'blessing' appears conflicting and self-contradictory. The entire issue of the homosexuality as such and the sin does not look straightforward at all. For example, some people refer to Leviticus 20:13: "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them". Does this mean that about 4% of human population should be now "put to death"? Would it be a proclaimed Christian way of love and acceptance? Would it be compatible with the words of our Lord: "Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone" (John 8:7)? Apostle Paul in 1 Cor 6:9,10 was talking specifically about "men who have sex with men" with the intention to just satisfy their lust, but said nothing about homosexuality as such. The Holy Scripture condemns sexual lust in all its appearances - ‘traditional’ and ‘pervert’, but says nothing at all specifically about homosexuality and same sex people, who want to live together in love and faith. Nevertheless, this unlikely defends the incompatibility of the same-sex couple blessing with the current Church doctrines and policies. Faithfully yours, bishop Vincent Berg.
@@shifflorence6628 God is not put to a test - we are. God is not changing, but His earthly church and our understanding of God and His ways must be developing. It is why we have from Him the Old and New Testaments, prophets, teachers, etc. - to help our souls in reaching the most achievable harmony with God during our material existence. This development can only be completed with the cessation of our material life, and to stop this changing would mean our spiritual death before the material one. The time has come to accept that homosexuality as such is not a sin, but some homosexual behaviour as well as heterosexual one can be sinful. In regard to your reference about destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, it is necessary to say that, despite common misinterpretation, their destruction had nothing to do with homosexuality as such but with the cult of physical pleasure and the use of 'not ordinary' as well as 'ordinary' sexual practices for serving the idol of physical pleasure.
"Some bishops go in the same direction, sowing doubt and scandal in the souls of the faithful by claiming to bless homosexual unions as if they were legitimate, in conformity with the nature created by God, as if they could lead to holiness and human happiness. They only generate errors, scandals, doubts and disappointments. These bishops ignore or forget the severe warning of Jesus against those who scandalize the little ones: "Whoever scandalizes even one of these little ones who believe in me, it is better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the depths of the sea" (Mt 18.6). A recent statement from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published with the approval of Pope Francis, was unable to correct these errors and act as a work of truth. Furthermore, with its lack of clarity, it has only amplified the confusion that reigns in hearts and some have even seized upon it to support their attempt at manipulation." Cardinal Sarah
Everyone is a sinner and receives blessings at Holy Mass whether they are Catholics in a state of grace or not in a state of grace, or are just visitors visiting Mass in their sin. The Church has been clear: Marriage is between a man and a woman and the Church does not bless sin. The people are getting blessings, not the relationship.
@@robideals685 Its all about optics. 99% of people won't read the document. They see pictures of 2 dudes holding hands getting a blessing from a priest and think the Church changed its teaching on marriage. BTW, as you said, everyone receives a blessing at Mass regardless. Why, then, the need for this confusing document if everyone gets a blessing at Mass? The document has so many contradictions and ambiguity.
My question to you is I do not agree with the presentation of the document but it hasn’t changed church teaching all it’s saying is to bless individual which as Christian’s we should hate the sin love the sinner so iam not even sure why this document was created in first place but badmouthing the pope don’t you think that that’s scandould and also causing division I think we need to think it through I too am dissatisfied with the way things are going but if I new people who would want to come into Catholic Church not sure they would want too ,
"Some bishops go in the same direction, sowing doubt and scandal in the souls of the faithful by claiming to bless homosexual unions as if they were legitimate, in conformity with the nature created by God, as if they could lead to holiness and human happiness. They only generate errors, scandals, doubts and disappointments. These bishops ignore or forget the severe warning of Jesus against those who scandalize the little ones: "Whoever scandalizes even one of these little ones who believe in me, it is better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the depths of the sea" (Mt 18.6). A recent statement from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published with the approval of Pope Francis, was unable to correct these errors and act as a work of truth. Furthermore, with its lack of clarity, it has only amplified the confusion that reigns in hearts and some have even seized upon it to support their attempt at manipulation." Cardinal Sarah
What’s coming to light is that those who consider themselves radical traditionalists would if alive at the time of Jesus would have brought swords to fight the Roman’s at the foot of the cross instead of allowing the miracle of the resurrection
Burke has been aggressive, rude and insulting. Hardly gentle. I'm sure that he has a USA pension plus his Social Security and doesn't need a 6,000 euro per month pension and a massive Rome luxury flat that he seldom uses. Give me a break!
@@Kelpie119 Martin Luther thought the same thing about himself. If Burke wants to defy and insult the Pope he must accept the consequences. He should not worry about. a 6,000 euro pension or a massive luxury flat. Nor should you worry about it.
You are right when you say this is causing problems with our children. I have been heroically refusing to approve my daughter’s same liaison, and she texted me ten minutes after FS became public and asked if I would now approve her actions; it was painful having to stand my moral ground without the pope’s support. It made me feel so heartless, even though I know what is right. But it made me feel so betrayed and has made things worse in our family. When it gets that bad, and it’s so personal, it creates feelings of bitterness and, yes, antipathy for this pope-the absolute worst in my 77 years of life. Save us, Oh Lord!
So painful! Stay strong in fighting the good fight ! I will pray for you and for the conversion of your daughter and Francis Bergoglio in my rosary May God bless you and our Blessed Mother keep you 🙏✝️✝️✝️
The Pope is on the right track! Conservatism is not a Christian virtue: it’s a sliding scale of values, depending upon the circumstances and the parties involved! Base your values on the teachings of Jesus and the Two Great Commandments. Everything else should be held up to them!
, it's become the unforgivable sin to disagree with the Pope... the African bishops are absolutely correct .. .. it is not a sin to disagree.. to those who are throwing around the word heretic shame on you!!! good priests and bishops get canceled for what for what.. but Father James Martin gets a free pass give me a break!!! shame on you for real.. God be with you John Henry... ☦️✝️📿📿📿📿🙏🙏🙏🙏
I am a man of God and I will stay that way!
One only have to look at the SSPX gang, and one looks at plain (heresy)...
They have made their own rules for too long.
It started with small disagreements like Luther, and it will not end up any better.
One priest has already called for someone to attach a large millstone around the pope*s neck, and to throw him in the deep blue sea.
(He will be responsible if someone follows through.
They started in the very same way as these disobedient groups all over the internet.
They can be compared to the father of all lies who uttered (I shall not serve)...
Stop it before it*s too late.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck. Just saying…
I'll stick with the church and the magisterium, not random bishop opinions that call for open dissent against the holy father.
You therefore will never go wrong or astray;, as long as you stay inside the ship of SaintPeter; as God didn*t trick humanity by allowing pope Francis to be elected by the cardinals against his will...
He will keep his promise to guide and protect what he called (My Church), till the end of the ages.
Those who imitate the many who stopped following Jesus at the breaking of the bread, saying: (How can this man give us his Body to eat....our Lord simply +++ let them go +++.
They don*t like the pope he permitted to be elected...Let them go...
The (I shall not serve) gang have an ego problem. They have wasted grace, and are now on their own.
Repent; and come back; God always welcomes humility.
@@videonmode8649 I am certainly not in favor of open descent against the Pope I am totally against that !!! but having said that I think that the direction that some are taking including Father James Martin.. how to make use of this declaration to circumvent the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, the teachings of Jesus Christ.. ☦️✝️ ... I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing misgivings about the application of this document.... but neither do I think it is right or or just to bash the Pope, as I think that his heart is good although I am not certain .. and even if the pope were completely bad.. it would still never leave the Catholic Church... I am a convert to the faith... and I loved the church ✝️☦️📿🙏
I wrote to my Archdiocese informing our Cardinal DiNardo of my outrage over his accepting the FS document. His response… crickets. At this point I’m seriously looking at a local SSPX parish.
@@kathleencurran7805 If you can't respect the Pope and accept his authority you should join SSPX
How do we find out if our bishop accepted the document?
I’ve never had an opportunity to attend a TLM. Never even knew these exist now until I saw it here about 3 years ago. The nearest one I know of is in a seedy area 😭🤷🏻♀️🙏
SSPX are still in union with the Vatican
Appreciation and blessings from Sydney Australia .
Thank you. God Bless you both.
Still can't believe there are people being duped by that Lofton guy. He is the dictionary definition of doublethink and gas lighting. The only reason I watch his channel is to get a better understanding of what deception and self-deception look like. I do pray for him so that God may grant him the discernment to see what he is being an accomplice to. Unless God grants him the clarity of mind he needs, it's going to be a wild ride for him in the next few months/years defending all the anti-Catholic insanity coming from the Vatican.
What gaslighting?
How do you know you're not being gaslight by the commentary of the clergy that are publicly dissenters of the pope?
I honestly can't even listen to that guy.
@@matthewcauthorn9731 I'll admit I'm a bit of a masochist, haha. But seriously, I watch him in part to gain a better understanding of the blindness I see in people in real life. Michael Lofton is the perfect example of someone who has decided to enter into an abusive relationship with the supreme pontiff. He is not "charitable", he is suffering from Stockholm syndrome and so are all the other popesplainers. May God grant them the insight and the courage to speak out against these marxists in mitres.
He is trying to make some easy money, how we laughed.
Rob from the “Blue Collar Catholic” channel is also in Michael Lofton’s camp. Rob fails to understand the true message that’s being conveyed by those who oppose FS. They both repeat the same talking points without fully grasping the true message the dissenters of FS are communicating. Rob and Michael come across very condescending.
Fr Chad Ripperger says that Oppression is allowed by God, so that we grow in virtue.
Correct.....God is testing you to see if you have the faith to continue or you just gonna leave the Catholic church.....stay strong don't let all these things upset you . ...Jesus never leave His apostles because of Judas
Sadly my local Novus Ordo pastor sees nothing wrong with FS. He put a letter in the bulletin saying it upholds marriage and all blessing are good. Of course many would disagree.
I would let him know by writing to him, and if he still does this, you may have to change dioceses.
I’m NO too. Never had a TLM to attend. My pastor never talks about anything so I don’t know what if anything he is thinking. I have no other church to attend 🥲🙏
Do not give this "pastor" another penny.
All the Vatican needs to do is look at the Anglican Church with regard to Africa. And look at the damage that now has been done in any hopes of unity with Orthodox Christian Churches.
Nice going Pope Unifier.
If there was no change from this document, then why proclaim it?
Answer: To appease James Martin and people who are not genuinely interested in Christ's Way.
Thank you for your insights.
Fernandez is delusional
As a native Spanish speaker, I have seen his homilies from before the time Francis tapped him on the shoulder. He is a feminist, pro-LGBTQP activist. His thoughts might be delusional, like all cultural marxists, but his actions are pure evil.
And now Lofton posted a statement from John Henry for all to dissect and ridicule JH…cut ties with him JH🙆🏼♀️
Lofton is a fake apologist .....he was protestant , then orthodox , then Catholic then Baptist then back to Catholic .....HOW CAN ANYONE TRUST A MAN WHO DOESNT KNOW WHERE HE BELONGS ..... HE'S ONLY INTERESTED IN MONEY .. HE ALWAYS DOES CONTROVERSIAL VIDEOS FOR CLICKS ..... HE'S NASTY ....VERY UNCATHOLIC
You will see my replies to him on all his videos ....I tell it like it is 😂.....he doesn't reply 😂
At 6:08 what is this about the dismantling of Franciscan friars of the Immaculate ? What happened to them?
Please realize there are some like myself who have never had a chance to attend a TLM. I WANT TLM IN A SAFE AREA. Please remember all of us NO goers if you go underground. 🥺🙏
God is so good, so now we can see who is a Bishop and who is exposing themselves as the fake men, thank you Lord.
I am in the camp.of him not being pope. Apparently, God took the keys away.
I am appalled by these people up there who seems to be willing to trigger separation in the Church, losing of their credibility and even authority over us, for what? Care about the marginal? Does it make sense? Not to me. Then for what? Who is getting the benefit when the Church destroyed, when the people led to hell, when the world’s moral compass fall? Whoever benefiting from this, is the master of these people.
That's exactly what pope Frank is pushing for .....he wants to divide the church ......divide and conquer .....he's a nasty man .
In the dream of St. John Bosco the church was saved by navigating through the two pillars our lady and the blessed Eucharist. But in the dream the pope was at the helm? What could that mean surely pope Francis is trying to sink the ship of the Church
"Some bishops go in the same direction, sowing doubt and scandal in the souls of the faithful by claiming to bless homosexual unions as if they were legitimate, in conformity with the nature created by God, as if they could lead to holiness and human happiness. They only generate errors, scandals, doubts and disappointments. These bishops ignore or forget the severe warning of Jesus against those who scandalize the little ones: "Whoever scandalizes even one of these little ones who believe in me, it is better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the depths of the sea" (Mt 18.6). A recent statement from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published with the approval of Pope Francis, was unable to correct these errors and act as a work of truth. Furthermore, with its lack of clarity, it has only amplified the confusion that reigns in hearts and some have even seized upon it to support their attempt at manipulation." Cardinal Sarah
we still have to NOT react the other extreme way of going towards sedevacantism....rosary and penance
Who said anything about sedevacantism?
The definition of a couple: 1+1=1
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
It must have worked for PF and he just wants to pay it forward!
I wonder; is it possible that the majority of the orthodox cardinals are «quiet» because they don’t want to ruin their chances next time a Pope will be chosen? I feel that the verbally-active cardinals are standing bravely on the barricades, possibly sacrificing their chances because of their principals, while the quiet ones are just sitting on the fence waiting.
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
Folks. Turn to SSPX. All conservative bishops should turn to SSPX with their flock if Vatican tries to excommunicate them
Im joining the Assyrian church of the east
Corpus Christi for Unity?
Hardly any unity by spreading confusion and making catholics leave mother church and making us think we have any position to question the teachings that don't contradict the deposit of faith.
Catholic Churches in Nova Scotia Canada are not true Catholic Church
The same-sex couple ‘blessing’ causes a number of questions.
What is a homosexual couple seeking by asking for a blessing?
What is the Church offering in response?
What is the Holy Spirit called for and what is exactly being blessed?
What is a spiritual purpose of such a ‘blessing’ and what sort of a particular help it intends to provide?
Love and acceptance can make miracles of soul transformation, and Pope Francis' vision on the same-sex unions seems to be about love and acceptance. Yet, the same-sex couple blessing would make sense if the Church dumps viewing the same-sex relationship per ser as a sin. Without that, such a 'blessing' appears conflicting and self-contradictory.
The entire issue of the homosexuality as such and the sin does not look straightforward at all.
For example, some people refer to Leviticus 20:13: "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them". Does this mean that about 4% of human population should be now "put to death"? Would it be a proclaimed Christian way of love and acceptance? Would it be compatible with the words of our Lord: "Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone" (John 8:7)?
Apostle Paul in 1 Cor 6:9,10 was talking specifically about "men who have sex with men" with the intention to just satisfy their lust, but said nothing about homosexuality as such.
The Holy Scripture condemns sexual lust in all its appearances - ‘traditional’ and ‘pervert’, but says nothing at all specifically about homosexuality and same sex people, who want to live together in love and faith.
Nevertheless, this unlikely defends the incompatibility of the same-sex couple blessing with the current Church doctrines and policies.
Faithfully yours,
bishop Vincent Berg.
Do not put God to test. He toasted Sodom and Gomorrah lev 18:22, rom1 rev 22, God is not confused.
@@shifflorence6628 God is not put to a test - we are. God is not changing, but His earthly church and our understanding of God and His ways must be developing. It is why we have from Him the Old and New Testaments, prophets, teachers, etc. - to help our souls in reaching the most achievable harmony with God during our material existence. This development can only be completed with the cessation of our material life, and to stop this changing would mean our spiritual death before the material one. The time has come to accept that homosexuality as such is not a sin, but some homosexual behaviour as well as heterosexual one can be sinful. In regard to your reference about destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, it is necessary to say that, despite common misinterpretation, their destruction had nothing to do with homosexuality as such but with the cult of physical pleasure and the use of 'not ordinary' as well as 'ordinary' sexual practices for serving the idol of physical pleasure.
"Some bishops go in the same direction, sowing doubt and scandal in the souls of the faithful by claiming to bless homosexual unions as if they were legitimate, in conformity with the nature created by God, as if they could lead to holiness and human happiness. They only generate errors, scandals, doubts and disappointments. These bishops ignore or forget the severe warning of Jesus against those who scandalize the little ones: "Whoever scandalizes even one of these little ones who believe in me, it is better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the depths of the sea" (Mt 18.6). A recent statement from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published with the approval of Pope Francis, was unable to correct these errors and act as a work of truth. Furthermore, with its lack of clarity, it has only amplified the confusion that reigns in hearts and some have even seized upon it to support their attempt at manipulation." Cardinal Sarah
Everyone is a sinner and receives blessings at Holy Mass whether they are Catholics in a state of grace or not in a state of grace, or are just visitors visiting Mass in their sin. The Church has been clear: Marriage is between a man and a woman and the Church does not bless sin. The people are getting blessings, not the relationship.
The NYT picture of two dudes holding hands being publicly blessed by JMartin is incongruent with the document.
Who called the NYT ? 😂
@@elizabethlacky6068 why? It is the people being blessed not the relationship.
I guess only feeble minded people will be tricked by kissy mouth Fernandez..🤣🤣🤣
@@robideals685 Its all about optics. 99% of people won't read the document. They see pictures of 2 dudes holding hands getting a blessing from a priest and think the Church changed its teaching on marriage. BTW, as you said, everyone receives a blessing at Mass regardless. Why, then, the need for this confusing document if everyone gets a blessing at Mass? The document has so many contradictions and ambiguity.
My question to you is I do not agree with the presentation of the document but it hasn’t changed church teaching all it’s saying is to bless individual which as Christian’s we should hate the sin love the sinner so iam not even sure why this document was created in first place but badmouthing the pope don’t you think that that’s scandould and also causing division I think we need to think it through I too am dissatisfied with the way things are going but if I new people who would want to come into Catholic Church not sure they would want too ,
No, it does not say that. It says you can bless the same-sex attracted COUPLE.
"Some bishops go in the same direction, sowing doubt and scandal in the souls of the faithful by claiming to bless homosexual unions as if they were legitimate, in conformity with the nature created by God, as if they could lead to holiness and human happiness. They only generate errors, scandals, doubts and disappointments. These bishops ignore or forget the severe warning of Jesus against those who scandalize the little ones: "Whoever scandalizes even one of these little ones who believe in me, it is better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the depths of the sea" (Mt 18.6). A recent statement from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published with the approval of Pope Francis, was unable to correct these errors and act as a work of truth. Furthermore, with its lack of clarity, it has only amplified the confusion that reigns in hearts and some have even seized upon it to support their attempt at manipulation." Cardinal Sarah
What’s coming to light is that those who consider themselves radical traditionalists would if alive at the time of Jesus would have brought swords to fight the Roman’s at the foot of the cross instead of allowing the miracle of the resurrection
No, we are maintaining in grace, praying and fasting. We are at the foot of the cross. We go to the Latin mass and resist the man of sin.
She doesn't know how to pronounce polemic.
Burke has been aggressive, rude and insulting. Hardly gentle. I'm sure that he has a USA pension plus his Social Security and doesn't need a 6,000 euro per month pension and a massive Rome luxury flat that he seldom uses. Give me a break!
Cardinal Burke is standing up for the truth.😊Peace
@@Kelpie119 Martin Luther thought the same thing about himself. If Burke wants to defy and insult the Pope he must accept the consequences. He should not worry about. a 6,000 euro pension or a massive luxury flat. Nor should you worry about it.
Anything to avoid looking at papal lunacy squarely in the face and holding it accountable, I see. Burke is the least of your worries, buddy.
@@Safe-and-effectiveAmen! 👍🏻