It does seem like the patient is put in a position of walking on egg shells, putting our best foot forward to present this perfect scenario to work with a provider who made the grave mistake of prescribing long term in the first place. Understand the rationale, but puts a lot of pressure and expectations of on a patient to, almost, put on a show in order to persuade and educate a medical professional about an outcome known for decades about benzodiazepines, short term use, otherwise risk the high likelihood of a patient developing dependency.
Fifty years too late this problem should of been made know ages ago. Medical negligence and pharma greed.
It does seem like the patient is put in a position of walking on egg shells, putting our best foot forward to present this perfect scenario to work with a provider who made the grave mistake of prescribing long term in the first place. Understand the rationale, but puts a lot of pressure and expectations of on a patient to, almost, put on a show in order to persuade and educate a medical professional about an outcome known for decades about benzodiazepines, short term use, otherwise risk the high likelihood of a patient developing dependency.