Looking into this as well. Have been changing all my bulbs to Cree Lighting smart bulbs, still trying to figure out what smart switches I want to install for the full smart Lighting effect. By far the best improvement I have come across was a 50 gallon heat pump water heater for half off at Lowes. Energy Star rating vs old was $585/yr new is $112/yr. Great for those with electric water heaters.
Good luck with the install, Jay!...looking forward to your follow up videos!!...Paul
Thanks. We are super excited for this!
Looking forward to seeing how this goes. Been wondering about it myself
Thanks and will keep you updated on what happens.
Looking into this as well. Have been changing all my bulbs to Cree Lighting smart bulbs, still trying to figure out what smart switches I want to install for the full smart Lighting effect. By far the best improvement I have come across was a 50 gallon heat pump water heater for half off at Lowes. Energy Star rating vs old was $585/yr new is $112/yr. Great for those with electric water heaters.
I will look into those bulbs too. Thanks for the suggestion and appreciate you watching.