Tip: If there's a problem that needs resolving (Ex.: Doing an Eli quest, and there's an alert on the world map saying that you'll lose money of you don't resolve the issue), Don't destroy the criminal network! If you destroy a network with an issue, the issue automatically gets applies, and Eli will take your gold.
this format of videos is definitely better than casual videos of you just playing the game on camera for 3-5 hours and us getting to learn the game by just watching you. Keep it up
The longer videos are in a Let's Play format, so they are more for information/background noise purposes, though I do often talk mechanics and what-not during them. One reason I wanted to make some of these short(er) videos is, as you say, make them more targeted and to help folks who are having issues with certain elements of the game.
You can unlock Jubei later. I got him as my 2nd Henchmen (chose Iris first cause I didn't know what I was doing). You have to do like 3 separate Crime Lord missions for him - the third having the choice to either recruit or kill him.
Thanks for that! I STRONGLY advise anyone who's having issues with stronger agents wrecking your minion count to get Jubei ("The Swordsman") as soon as you can.
On the subject of muscle minions and weapons. They seem to always prioritize lower tier weapons first, so as soon as you unlock higher tier weapons, get rid of the low tier dispensers. Normal muscle minions can't use the higher tier stuff, but them going weaponless is better than your Hitmen and Martial Artists running around with clubs. Executing them will prevent them from dropping the weapon, but only if you've deleted the corresponding dispenser. Certain muscle minion upgrades will also cause them to drop the weapon on the ground, i.e. a Merc with a Staff upgrading to a Hitman will drop the Staff. If another muscle minion doesn't pick up dropped weapons, then another minion of some other kind will pick it up and return it to the dispenser. So again, delete those low tier dispensers. Also, I agree with Vertigo, nix the non lethal weapons. You generally don't capture enough to bother, unless that's just your thing.
Mercs and Hitmen can use Assault Rifles. Mercs and Martial Artists can use Staves. So if you have only Staves and Rifles, only Guards will be unarmed and hey, if they actually want to survive, they'll get some more training! 😆
Actually, I've noticed that if you run the reduce heat mission that runs the long time, i.e. the 30 minute timer that requires 3 valets, it won't trigger the agents. So you can reduce heat and not attract attention. Cept olga increases heat more than you can reduce it. Hate her. Lol
I use traps as tripwires and to soften up enemies before my guards take them out. One trap will usually be disarmed, but two or three will have at least one trigger and alert me to the threat. I also use doors to break up hallways and separate my unimportant areas from the areas I don't want agents to go (for blanket designation and trap purposes).
I think that's how they intended for you to use doors. However, I've found that if your Casino is staffed and you flag the casino-facing hallway for distraction, they have almost no chance to get anywhere to gather evidence in the first place. Meanwhile, the doors are constantly slowing down your own minions, especially if you set it at level 3. It's why I don't use 'em.
I find it funny you complain about soldiers coming in and shooting up the place when you place a corridor right next to the entrance where they are almost guaranteed to touch...and then go hostile. While in the cover operation, soldiers and the violent super agents do not aggro. They are only permitted to aggro when they touch the first non cover operation tile. It's why I think it's a mistake to put minion recovery items in the front area of the base for valets. Those are the rooms solider b-line to and then go aggro and murder all your valets rather than ending up in the back end where you've setup your soldiers or trap hallway to deal with them.
6:45 they will not come IF you are upgrading or simply spending intel. I have notice that those two types do not trigger. Steele also wanders outside their territory. 17:10 advanced guard stations belong in the vault. Symmetry disables cameras and having her get jumped in second zero really cuts down on losses. (Going to want at least 4. On easy it is all you need. On hard it is a great speed bump while the rest file in). Also do not place a door; they slow down the guards. 20:30 i do not bother managing heat. Investigators come in one group at a time. They don't make it to anything with heat. - Also! Add chairs. Extra minions wander the halls. My computer consoles are set for just scientists (which means workers cannot use) and putting egg chairs into the walls of the laboratory causes extra wandering scientists to take a seat. Once a job opens they right there (computer consoles and research equipment are in close proximity) instead of on the other side of the base in some random hallway. - 38:45 you can simply do a 2x2 room next to a 2x2 pillar (only truly need 1x1 as 2x2 is for visual) for space for security item(s) and fire extinguisher (ivan). The remaining three sides of the pillar can house the end game vault (which must be built into wall).
Been learning most of the game by myself with experimentation, but your 40 mn video definitely contains some pretty useful tips that will allow me to solve quite a few problems i ve been having, thanks mate
Another thing abt the guard stations, they *do* have one specific use and that being stunning or keeping an enemy at bay, being a damage sponge if you will so you could have one or two set up at your helipad and entrance so the guys from your security rooms can help close the distance on ranged enemies or again, sponge damage briefly from say a group of soldier to stop your regular minions from getting caught up in it all!
Good point. For the start of the fight, that will ensure that at least some guards are up in melee so the ones with guns can come in and not get instantly rushed.
Biggest mistake I see people making on streams and videos is that they consolidate their base too much. Having a gigantic barracks area looks pretty cool (and looking cool can't be totally discounted), but it's very inefficient if your minions need to walk across a giant base just to rest, then walk back across the giant base to get back to their work area. Bedding areas should be spread across your base according to where the most minions will work. So you should have a bedding area near the casino for your deception minions, then another smaller area near your lab for your scientists, then a lot of smaller areas scattered around for technicians and guards, etc. Ditto for eating and entertainment. Similarly, you may want guard tables or stations located near your vault, power area, front and back entrances. You'll want infirmaries spread around as well. Spread around incinerators too. Pay attention to where the biggest casualty events usually happen (for me, it's at the entrances and the vault) and make sure you have at least one incinerator near each of these areas. One guy making a 20 foot trip can accomplish as much as 10 guys making 200 foot trips. You might even spread around your vaults, power, etc, though if you intend to protect your vault with traps, for example, then this may not be the way to go.
Yup, a lot of folks who have experience in these types of games probably do want to have one central area for need-meeting rooms (Mess Hall, Barracks, etc.) That's definitely not the route to go in this game. As you mention, you want smaller mess/racks by areas that people work, especially important rooms like Armory and Intel creation rooms. I also do like having "Needs Nooks" places throughout the base for the minions who are wandering around to sleep/eat at.
Do any of the archive or infirmary equipment cause suspicion? I want to do the little areas but don’t want to end up with suspicious items right by the door.
I put at least 2 beds in my control room lab and on the casino floor. I turned my casino into hallways so agent's are forced to walk right over the machines but you can still squeeze a bed or two in. Entertainment for the valets near the entrance... But TBh I haven't unlocked all 4 minions on the same map, because I'm on of those people that restarts the game every time perfection isn't met..
@@addictedfoolgamer1970 I've had the archive service and egg room for moral outside my entrance with no problems. IDK about the infirmary. I usually execute low health minions. Alternatively you can just put up the decor for making minions stop complaining about low hp. Insert evil laugh here
Traps are good. Dont use damage-traps. Break the resolve of your foes with icetraps and bubbletraps. Use faketunnels around your casino. The foes will search this before they head to your base. Use cameras with in the casinos and set the area with ''green: stage 1'' also the faketunnel. Your minions will split entire groups if they guard them to other areas. With this method no investigator dies and no soldier-wave will come to avenge their death. ###sry. My english is very bad. Hope this is understandable. Good luck
I learned half of these just by playing and trying things out. It’s kind of bugging me with the hate folks are having towards this game, especially when it’s clear that they didn’t or couldn’t figure it out their own so “game bad”. I understand other short coming in this game but geeze... never seen so many negative reviews complaining about basically their own inabilities. Also, excellent video!
I agree (about the negative criticisms, though you're right about the video too! ). I read a good number of the negative reviews and many of them complain about problems that can be solved by how you build. I think the problem is the game doesn't do a great job of communicating some key concepts (importance of cameras) or how things work, like guards only picking up 1 weapon. Are there legit problems? Absolutely. Symmetry's goons are too strong. Traps are too weak. Guards not upgrading weapons is bad. The World Stage UX is bad. There are weird AI issues, some that can only be fixed by restarting the game. However, the core of the game is fun and I think it'll get even better with some tweaks.
A lot of it comes down with the inability (or lacking the desire) to unlearn things from the first game. Some things actually work differently (What a surprise?), so you have to adapt and adjust. Game isn't bad because old cheese doesn't work anymore. Game has a lot of issues (especially in the informing the player department), but I'm having fun so far.
Deception minion Resolve damage • 10 - Socialite and Valet • 5 - Counter Agent and Spin Doctor Recommend building Cashier Desks, they deal good resolve damage and Agents can get stuck in a loop where they interact with one, talk to a deception minion, interact with the same one again, deception minion and so forth. Have two cashiers and agents almost never make it to my base.
@@VertigoTeaparty Its a buildable, the Cashier Desk. It can take two Valets and does good resolve damage when agents interact with it. Drains smarts so boosting them to 100 really helps. Also have a hunch that smarts or morale may affect how much damage each interaction does.
@@VertigoTeaparty Also, seems Emma gives +5 Resolve damage to at least Valets, but I suspect all others as well, potentially also increased skill damage. So Emma's Valets deal 15 Resolve damage each time they talk with an agent.
I find that the issue with super agents is that they seem to move to quest zones, and that they take so long to move that the zone gets locked down because you forgot to set a heat mission.
Traps don't have to be elaborate, you need a long corridor filled with tightly packed, laser disco, shark tank or venus spy trap, depending on what is available. If super agents keep disabling them, then overlap the triggers with fans/magnets as they can only disable one of them at a time. Ranged agent can gun down rushing minions from distance, it is worth adding a 2 by 4 bump to long 4 wide corridors after 3-4 above mentioned traps (so minions can remove the body bags). 20 or so can butcher elite solders squads without much trouble. If there are multiple agent entrances, it is worth funneling as many of them into this trap corridor handy in case of submarine pens.
In regards to the super-agents/villains - They will increase the heat in the region they are in notably, especially when compared to later stages of the game where you have better equipment and stuff that reduce the heat-generation, and they only move when you are in your lair. I've never seen them move when I'm on the world map. This can be used to prevent agents from entering a region where you need to do a mission next (i.e. as part of a quest) or you want to force a region into lockdown as the recovery is way faster that way compared to sending out minions to reduce the heat and you don't have the intel to buy out. Later on you will unlock further ploppable stuff that might make sense to fiddle into your design, like the things that increase moral and HP of your guards. Though watch out, an agent will build up evidence if they are spotted. Traps aren't weak if used properly. You should first start on reducing the agent's skill-level by your deception minions and casino and build some honey-pot rooms (dedicated rooms with just traps in them guarded by some doors that will attract the agents attention). Afterwards, if agents still have a bit of resolve left, they usually fall victim to most traps.
Heads up! I've personally witnessed a guard and a mercenary so far, walk up to a gun dispenser and upgrade. Cannot confirm whether this resets the count on the clubs though. Or, if this works cross stun/kill weapons. (Regarding 25:30)
I have a corridor which is like the murder zone, investigators go in, get caught up in a few traps, but then they turn back around going back through the cooled down traps
Coming from the first, unfinished, game, i love making very small addon rooms in hallways, for example armory, with just the weapon racks. or a small hallway of 4x4 in the vault, so i can add a camera and guardspot. And also fun, the scan guard desk, build it in the wall, like a door. and the hallways can be blocked up with doors, while everyone gathers. through another door from the armory. looks quite realistic as well :) Also, different tiles can be next to eachother, no need for walls ;)
Superagents actually give the highest intel with "10" :) Also, as long as the Superagent is in your prison, they will not be on the world map, thats how you can keep them quiet, but is an additional threat, if they try to escape in a bad situation.
My prison is an open room basically attached/ next to my guard room filled with tables. The second anyone sets foot out of a holding cell they are shot to bits... but left alive. And put back in.
I just started and I've stacked beds and all that stuff together. Do you think just taking the time to reorganize everything would be worth it or just start over? I just started adding stuff to a second floor
I found if I brainwash a guard with a weapon I dont want them to have - then they become a normal minion worker and no longer have weapon - now another will train to be a guard and as long as you dont have a dispencer for the weapons you dont want then they will pick up a new weapon from your current racks. This way you dont have to kill them off... sure it takes a little time brainwashing and then someone else training but, till they sort out some way of assigning or simply picking up the highest tier weapons or having a way you can select lethal and non-lethal... would be nice if they had both choices and picked up depending on the circumstance. So you mark a target for capture - only guards with stun guns go and anyone needing something picks up a stun wep.... as opposed to a kill target and they of course pick the lethal option rifles for that...
i actually enjoy the micro manage of Minions on the Minion Manager Page... I usually get rid of the ones that always Hungry or Loves Sleep... I prefer getting ride of the Bad Ones and Saving the Ones i particularly desire to train into in other Roles. Yes it takes time but i am a evil genius I want the best of the best lackies working for me. Not a Runt of the litter.
Best advice at 40 minutes...just avoid symmetry. I will say that in the early game, tier 1 criminal networks can be set up/torn down at will. Don't bother reducing the heat, just destroy the network and recreate it, run the 30 minute $$$ job, rinse & repeat.
it might be a new update or might just be me on a ps5 but... the guards i have i had them with batons... they swapped their own weapons for newer stuff they upgraded themselves
hm, would it be better to have the mess hall and barracks as 1 room then join other rooms to it? So like the mess hall and barracks acts as a central hub?
That could work as long as you have the space for it, or, I suppose more reaslistically, you could have several "donut" hubs with Mess/Barracks in the middle. The issue could be later if you want the specialized lunch counters like the Sushi Bar as they tend to take up more room but seat the same(I think?) amount of minions. Honestly though, I don't know if the specialized mess counters even help that much, so not sure how much you really need 'em.
Great video. Learnt some new things. Refreshed on older things. Annoyed for your casino having to have a silly bit of corridor for a camera. The fact that EG2 casinos DONT have cameras in them should make FoJ suspicious
Something he missed, ALWAYS HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS! If saboteurs get in, fire. If you play as Red Ivan, firing H.A.V.O.C. will cause fires, I think even poorly managed equipment will burn, specifically generators.
Yeh all the mission does that you can perform after the "watch" you do a mission beforehand is weaken the strength of their squad. It just weakens their total HP, and weapons from SMG's to pistols in reference to Atomic Olga
I totally love the game. In my childhood I played evil genius 1 a lot, since a few days I got the second part. I love it. Ok some things I missed or could be better but it's fun :3 Thanks for these Tipps l, is it really helpful and I got new ideas XD The point with the traps is, you must build a maze or a great area with traps, than you must hope the agents are idiots and trigger everything. Than it is powerful but yeah, but it should be better.
My minions have gone to use lockers... Think their "job" was something like Checking Personal Possessions. But I keep hearing that they dont use the lockers. Do they only use then when they arrive or something like that?
@@VertigoTeaparty I haven't noticed anyone doing it during my playtime today(not that I've stared at only lockers waiting but yaknow), but when I have seen it it's been really early game. I should test out and see next time I start a new game. Maybe it's a thing they do only if there are not enough other jobs available 🤔
Does Symmetry's camera disruptor actually shut down your cam network? Or is that just flavour text? I'm getting annoyed with searching the room to take it down.
@@VertigoTeaparty yeah, that's annoying. I just built a vault without walls, by putting a two deep corridor around my entire vault. Now not only can o put cameras up, but there's literally no walls for her to out her disruptor on. I tested it by luring her multiple times, and she never once left a disruptor
I’ve been playing this on Console and I’m loving it. But I had to delete my save file because it said not enough beds or lockers when I had over 500 luxury beds and not having enough gold to establish 300 minions. That’s one feature of this game that’s not truly explained correctly. How many structures do you need. I see you had a whole crap load of mercenary factories. I’m just confused on the correct amount
Think about 3 things when it comes to how much training equipment you want: 1) How often do you need to replace these units due to losing them to fights, missions, etc. 2) How critical is it to replace them quickly 3) How bad of a situation will you be in if you quickly need a lot of that unit but don't have them. With guards, I'd answer these questions as: 1) Replaced very frequently due to high combat losses (at least early game) and sending out on missions 2) Very critical because if I'm low on guards and a super agent attacks, it could be very bad news 3) Similar to 2, if I do run low and need guards quickly, having more training equipment available could be a lifesaver. This is why I have a lot of training equipment for guards. If I suffer heavy losses, I want to replace them quickly to avoid the scenario of a 2nd big attack while I'm still waiting for replacements. Also it helps to check on your training rooms once you lose a good bit of units. If you see that you only have 2 firing ranges but have a lot of guards waiting to use them, consider making a few more.
If you are super into boring micro try setting anyone with a tier 1 weapon on a global mission and selling the old rack. oh lol, you explained that while I was typing this.
Only five science stations has an effect on research speed. Otherwise the science woman would be pointless if you can just spam 100 research stations to overcome her advantage. Though even at four stations research at hardest level is fast and you usually end up stuck waiting for unlocking research. Actually you do want the regions to go into lockdown it's the optimal way to remove heat from a region, it cost you nothing and only takes something like 4 minutes. There is no real downside, because the faction heat is what controls the level of spam agents, so the 4 min lockdown doesn't come with any extra effect. Even on the hardest level spam agents can be handled purely by the casino and will never ever reach a non casino area. My Casino is basically a labyrinth of corridors and doors, spam agents even at 400+ heat level always run out of resolve before they get through it. It seems to me agents react to few items in one big room, where many smaller rooms will result in the items getting used much better. It's like they have a limited number of items they will interact with before going for a door. Only Super Agents (not their support units, those also get drained) and teleport agents actually get into the base. Basically default room layout and the tutorial is a gigantic noob trap that teaches you to play badly.
Where did you get the info about max 5 research stations? I've had Scientists at 9 at once. Granted they could have not been helping make it go faster but at least on the surface it appears to help. You still have an advantage with the Zelika in that you need less machines which means less scientists, less machines, and less power. Research equipment is incredibly power intense which means more money, space, and/or micromanagement of turning on/off equipment. I'm not 100% sure on this, but at higher node/heat levels, I don't think that lockdown removes all heat. I'm pretty sure I've seen a level 3 node go into lockdown and as soon as it was over, it was at like half heat. Again, not positive on that, will have to experiment. Even aside from that though, at mid-late game, the cost to "insta" clear heat isn't too bad (barring Intel) and I'd honestly rather do that to get it done and on to doing money missions.
Super Agents and (I've heard) some very high level Investigators will come though your back door. Not much to be done about that. I suppose you could put a Casino in the back door too but I don't know how well that'd work as I think Super Agents and their team members seem to go hostile quickly if Distract is used on them, at least in my experience. Most investigators will use the front door/casino.
That's why my favorite map is the donut shaped island. Having the helipad INSIDE is a life saver! They can only come from the casino or teleport in my base. That's it. I just finished playing Emma's campaign and she is a BEAST. My radar was always low and I agents were rare. My big casino was the perfect facade. If you want a stealthy playstyle to work in peace, she's the evil genius for you!
@@clownsanity oh nice! i was wondering if they can come only from the front of this map.. only played the turarial map.. but tell me, how do you deal with soldiers? they just come and murder everyone
@@Siend Some people would say traps but no. They don't do enough dammage and take too much space. I rarely had soldiers comming with how careful I was about my attention level worldwide. But to take care of soldiers efficiently change so some parts of the casino's entrance so you can put cameras. The answer to ALL of your problems is "guards tables" and "cameras". If you only rely on red alert they will get destroyed, with that tactic they will all come together.
"Quickish video" 42minutes. Don't get me wrong, I love these types of videos, but if they're going to be this long, I'd definitely appreciate having timestamps
definitely worth the 40 minutes, one of the better tips videos i've watched. thank you!
Thank you! Glad to hear that it was useful
couldnt agree more
I read this as the Video started and he says "quickish video" I was bout to scoff and reconsider. Thanks for tipping us off to value.
Tip: If there's a problem that needs resolving (Ex.: Doing an Eli quest, and there's an alert on the world map saying that you'll lose money of you don't resolve the issue), Don't destroy the criminal network! If you destroy a network with an issue, the issue automatically gets applies, and Eli will take your gold.
this format of videos is definitely better than casual videos of you just playing the game on camera for 3-5 hours and us getting to learn the game by just watching you. Keep it up
The longer videos are in a Let's Play format, so they are more for information/background noise purposes, though I do often talk mechanics and what-not during them. One reason I wanted to make some of these short(er) videos is, as you say, make them more targeted and to help folks who are having issues with certain elements of the game.
100% worth it finding out what you can do with the minion manager
You can unlock Jubei later. I got him as my 2nd Henchmen (chose Iris first cause I didn't know what I was doing). You have to do like 3 separate Crime Lord missions for him - the third having the choice to either recruit or kill him.
Thanks for that! I STRONGLY advise anyone who's having issues with stronger agents wrecking your minion count to get Jubei ("The Swordsman") as soon as you can.
On the subject of muscle minions and weapons. They seem to always prioritize lower tier weapons first, so as soon as you unlock higher tier weapons, get rid of the low tier dispensers. Normal muscle minions can't use the higher tier stuff, but them going weaponless is better than your Hitmen and Martial Artists running around with clubs. Executing them will prevent them from dropping the weapon, but only if you've deleted the corresponding dispenser. Certain muscle minion upgrades will also cause them to drop the weapon on the ground, i.e. a Merc with a Staff upgrading to a Hitman will drop the Staff. If another muscle minion doesn't pick up dropped weapons, then another minion of some other kind will pick it up and return it to the dispenser. So again, delete those low tier dispensers.
Also, I agree with Vertigo, nix the non lethal weapons. You generally don't capture enough to bother, unless that's just your thing.
Mercs and Hitmen can use Assault Rifles. Mercs and Martial Artists can use Staves. So if you have only Staves and Rifles, only Guards will be unarmed and hey, if they actually want to survive, they'll get some more training! 😆
Actually, I've noticed that if you run the reduce heat mission that runs the long time, i.e. the 30 minute timer that requires 3 valets, it won't trigger the agents. So you can reduce heat and not attract attention. Cept olga increases heat more than you can reduce it. Hate her. Lol
I use traps as tripwires and to soften up enemies before my guards take them out. One trap will usually be disarmed, but two or three will have at least one trigger and alert me to the threat. I also use doors to break up hallways and separate my unimportant areas from the areas I don't want agents to go (for blanket designation and trap purposes).
I think that's how they intended for you to use doors. However, I've found that if your Casino is staffed and you flag the casino-facing hallway for distraction, they have almost no chance to get anywhere to gather evidence in the first place. Meanwhile, the doors are constantly slowing down your own minions, especially if you set it at level 3. It's why I don't use 'em.
@@VertigoTeaparty agreed. I use them only lightly, most of my rooms have no doors.
I find it funny you complain about soldiers coming in and shooting up the place when you place a corridor right next to the entrance where they are almost guaranteed to touch...and then go hostile. While in the cover operation, soldiers and the violent super agents do not aggro. They are only permitted to aggro when they touch the first non cover operation tile. It's why I think it's a mistake to put minion recovery items in the front area of the base for valets. Those are the rooms solider b-line to and then go aggro and murder all your valets rather than ending up in the back end where you've setup your soldiers or trap hallway to deal with them.
6:45 they will not come IF you are upgrading or simply spending intel. I have notice that those two types do not trigger.
Steele also wanders outside their territory.
17:10 advanced guard stations belong in the vault. Symmetry disables cameras and having her get jumped in second zero really cuts down on losses. (Going to want at least 4. On easy it is all you need. On hard it is a great speed bump while the rest file in). Also do not place a door; they slow down the guards.
20:30 i do not bother managing heat. Investigators come in one group at a time. They don't make it to anything with heat.
Also! Add chairs. Extra minions wander the halls. My computer consoles are set for just scientists (which means workers cannot use) and putting egg chairs into the walls of the laboratory causes extra wandering scientists to take a seat. Once a job opens they right there (computer consoles and research equipment are in close proximity) instead of on the other side of the base in some random hallway.
38:45 you can simply do a 2x2 room next to a 2x2 pillar (only truly need 1x1 as 2x2 is for visual) for space for security item(s) and fire extinguisher (ivan). The remaining three sides of the pillar can house the end game vault (which must be built into wall).
Been learning most of the game by myself with experimentation, but your 40 mn video definitely contains some pretty useful tips that will allow me to solve quite a few problems i ve been having, thanks mate
Another thing abt the guard stations, they *do* have one specific use and that being stunning or keeping an enemy at bay, being a damage sponge if you will so you could have one or two set up at your helipad and entrance so the guys from your security rooms can help close the distance on ranged enemies or again, sponge damage briefly from say a group of soldier to stop your regular minions from getting caught up in it all!
Good point. For the start of the fight, that will ensure that at least some guards are up in melee so the ones with guns can come in and not get instantly rushed.
Biggest mistake I see people making on streams and videos is that they consolidate their base too much.
Having a gigantic barracks area looks pretty cool (and looking cool can't be totally discounted), but it's very inefficient if your minions need to walk across a giant base just to rest, then walk back across the giant base to get back to their work area.
Bedding areas should be spread across your base according to where the most minions will work. So you should have a bedding area near the casino for your deception minions, then another smaller area near your lab for your scientists, then a lot of smaller areas scattered around for technicians and guards, etc. Ditto for eating and entertainment.
Similarly, you may want guard tables or stations located near your vault, power area, front and back entrances. You'll want infirmaries spread around as well. Spread around incinerators too. Pay attention to where the biggest casualty events usually happen (for me, it's at the entrances and the vault) and make sure you have at least one incinerator near each of these areas. One guy making a 20 foot trip can accomplish as much as 10 guys making 200 foot trips.
You might even spread around your vaults, power, etc, though if you intend to protect your vault with traps, for example, then this may not be the way to go.
Yup, a lot of folks who have experience in these types of games probably do want to have one central area for need-meeting rooms (Mess Hall, Barracks, etc.) That's definitely not the route to go in this game. As you mention, you want smaller mess/racks by areas that people work, especially important rooms like Armory and Intel creation rooms.
I also do like having "Needs Nooks" places throughout the base for the minions who are wandering around to sleep/eat at.
Do any of the archive or infirmary equipment cause suspicion? I want to do the little areas but don’t want to end up with suspicious items right by the door.
I put at least 2 beds in my control room lab and on the casino floor. I turned my casino into hallways so agent's are forced to walk right over the machines but you can still squeeze a bed or two in. Entertainment for the valets near the entrance...
But TBh I haven't unlocked all 4 minions on the same map, because I'm on of those people that restarts the game every time perfection isn't met..
@@addictedfoolgamer1970 I've had the archive service and egg room for moral outside my entrance with no problems. IDK about the infirmary. I usually execute low health minions. Alternatively you can just put up the decor for making minions stop complaining about low hp.
Insert evil laugh here
@@shutupimstilltalking i know the feeling brother.
Awesome tips! The emphasis of cameras and guard tables was a game changer. Traps just don’t work reliably.
Traps are good. Dont use damage-traps. Break the resolve of your foes with icetraps and bubbletraps. Use faketunnels around your casino. The foes will search this before they head to your base. Use cameras with in the casinos and set the area with ''green: stage 1'' also the faketunnel. Your minions will split entire groups if they guard them to other areas. With this method no investigator dies and no soldier-wave will come to avenge their death. ###sry. My english is very bad. Hope this is understandable. Good luck
Thanks for the tips we are a small channel and needed the help thanks
worth the forty minutes
i love the casino, used ropes to make an idea path so they spend ages walking past everything. and gives timemto prepare something
I learned half of these just by playing and trying things out. It’s kind of bugging me with the hate folks are having towards this game, especially when it’s clear that they didn’t or couldn’t figure it out their own so “game bad”. I understand other short coming in this game but geeze... never seen so many negative reviews complaining about basically their own inabilities.
Also, excellent video!
I agree (about the negative criticisms, though you're right about the video too! ). I read a good number of the negative reviews and many of them complain about problems that can be solved by how you build. I think the problem is the game doesn't do a great job of communicating some key concepts (importance of cameras) or how things work, like guards only picking up 1 weapon.
Are there legit problems? Absolutely. Symmetry's goons are too strong. Traps are too weak. Guards not upgrading weapons is bad. The World Stage UX is bad. There are weird AI issues, some that can only be fixed by restarting the game. However, the core of the game is fun and I think it'll get even better with some tweaks.
A lot of it comes down with the inability (or lacking the desire) to unlearn things from the first game. Some things actually work differently (What a surprise?), so you have to adapt and adjust. Game isn't bad because old cheese doesn't work anymore.
Game has a lot of issues (especially in the informing the player department), but I'm having fun so far.
What I want to learn is what key or button I press to set up auto-tag zones. It, like a lot of the UI, is very unclear.
"Z" on the keyboard
Great video, gave me a lot of ideas 😁
Deception minion Resolve damage
• 10 - Socialite and Valet
• 5 - Counter Agent and Spin Doctor
Recommend building Cashier Desks, they deal good resolve damage and Agents can get stuck in a loop where they interact with one, talk to a deception minion, interact with the same one again, deception minion and so forth.
Have two cashiers and agents almost never make it to my base.
Is Cashier a Social Minion type (not got my final one yet) or an object?
@@VertigoTeaparty Its a buildable, the Cashier Desk. It can take two Valets and does good resolve damage when agents interact with it.
Drains smarts so boosting them to 100 really helps. Also have a hunch that smarts or morale may affect how much damage each interaction does.
@@VertigoTeaparty Also, seems Emma gives +5 Resolve damage to at least Valets, but I suspect all others as well, potentially also increased skill damage. So Emma's Valets deal 15 Resolve damage each time they talk with an agent.
I find that the issue with super agents is that they seem to move to quest zones, and that they take so long to move that the zone gets locked down because you forgot to set a heat mission.
Traps don't have to be elaborate, you need a long corridor filled with tightly packed, laser disco, shark tank or venus spy trap, depending on what is available. If super agents keep disabling them, then overlap the triggers with fans/magnets as they can only disable one of them at a time.
Ranged agent can gun down rushing minions from distance, it is worth adding a 2 by 4 bump to long 4 wide corridors after 3-4 above mentioned traps (so minions can remove the body bags). 20 or so can butcher elite solders squads without much trouble.
If there are multiple agent entrances, it is worth funneling as many of them into this trap corridor handy in case of submarine pens.
In regards to the super-agents/villains - They will increase the heat in the region they are in notably, especially when compared to later stages of the game where you have better equipment and stuff that reduce the heat-generation, and they only move when you are in your lair. I've never seen them move when I'm on the world map. This can be used to prevent agents from entering a region where you need to do a mission next (i.e. as part of a quest) or you want to force a region into lockdown as the recovery is way faster that way compared to sending out minions to reduce the heat and you don't have the intel to buy out.
Later on you will unlock further ploppable stuff that might make sense to fiddle into your design, like the things that increase moral and HP of your guards. Though watch out, an agent will build up evidence if they are spotted.
Traps aren't weak if used properly. You should first start on reducing the agent's skill-level by your deception minions and casino and build some honey-pot rooms (dedicated rooms with just traps in them guarded by some doors that will attract the agents attention). Afterwards, if agents still have a bit of resolve left, they usually fall victim to most traps.
Yes very helpful. Thanks for such an in depth video.
Definitely worth the watch since I just started last night on Xbox and couldn't figure out the camera system.
I’m new to this game and this helped a lot thx :)
Heads up! I've personally witnessed a guard and a mercenary so far, walk up to a gun dispenser and upgrade. Cannot confirm whether this resets the count on the clubs though.
Or, if this works cross stun/kill weapons. (Regarding 25:30)
I have a corridor which is like the murder zone, investigators go in, get caught up in a few traps, but then they turn back around going back through the cooled down traps
7:00 super agents don't trigger on all missions. the heat reduciton missions for example don't trigger them.
Coming from the first, unfinished, game, i love making very small addon rooms in hallways, for example armory, with just the weapon racks. or a small hallway of 4x4 in the vault, so i can add a camera and guardspot.
And also fun, the scan guard desk, build it in the wall, like a door. and the hallways can be blocked up with doors, while everyone gathers. through another door from the armory. looks quite realistic as well :)
Also, different tiles can be next to eachother, no need for walls ;)
Very informative and efficient. Thank you!
Glad to hear it was helpful!
Superagents actually give the highest intel with "10" :)
Also, as long as the Superagent is in your prison, they will not be on the world map, thats how you can keep them quiet, but is an additional threat, if they try to escape in a bad situation.
Interesting, didn't know that. Will have to try it.
My prison is an open room basically attached/ next to my guard room filled with tables. The second anyone sets foot out of a holding cell they are shot to bits... but left alive. And put back in.
Wow. That is a very good tipp. Thank you 😁
BTW you can do missions to reduce the heat even if the agent is in the area. That mission is not triggering them.
Your base building/layout is fantastic and I'm using some of these ideas for sure
Good tips :) Great video
Thank you!
Best tutorial I've come across
I just started and I've stacked beds and all that stuff together. Do you think just taking the time to reorganize everything would be worth it or just start over? I just started adding stuff to a second floor
I found if I brainwash a guard with a weapon I dont want them to have - then they become a normal minion worker and no longer have weapon - now another will train to be a guard and as long as you dont have a dispencer for the weapons you dont want then they will pick up a new weapon from your current racks. This way you dont have to kill them off... sure it takes a little time brainwashing and then someone else training but, till they sort out some way of assigning or simply picking up the highest tier weapons or having a way you can select lethal and non-lethal... would be nice if they had both choices and picked up depending on the circumstance. So you mark a target for capture - only guards with stun guns go and anyone needing something picks up a stun wep.... as opposed to a kill target and they of course pick the lethal option rifles for that...
Thanks for sharing! Good info!
In the current patch I've seen guards dropping thier gun on the floor for a higher tier one.
How do u get rid off your henchmen I want to re choose them
Great video, I learned a lot...thanks.
i actually enjoy the micro manage of Minions on the Minion Manager Page... I usually get rid of the ones that always Hungry or Loves Sleep... I prefer getting ride of the Bad Ones and Saving the Ones i particularly desire to train into in other Roles. Yes it takes time but i am a evil genius I want the best of the best lackies working for me. Not a Runt of the litter.
Best advice at 40 minutes...just avoid symmetry.
I will say that in the early game, tier 1 criminal networks can be set up/torn down at will. Don't bother reducing the heat, just destroy the network and recreate it, run the 30 minute $$$ job, rinse & repeat.
What triggers the super agent missions? Enough acts of infamy on global stage, main story progression or something else?
it might be a new update or might just be me on a ps5 but... the guards i have i had them with batons... they swapped their own weapons for newer stuff they upgraded themselves
hm, would it be better to have the mess hall and barracks as 1 room then join other rooms to it? So like the mess hall and barracks acts as a central hub?
That could work as long as you have the space for it, or, I suppose more reaslistically, you could have several "donut" hubs with Mess/Barracks in the middle. The issue could be later if you want the specialized lunch counters like the Sushi Bar as they tend to take up more room but seat the same(I think?) amount of minions. Honestly though, I don't know if the specialized mess counters even help that much, so not sure how much you really need 'em.
Great video. Learnt some new things. Refreshed on older things.
Annoyed for your casino having to have a silly bit of corridor for a camera.
The fact that EG2 casinos DONT have cameras in them should make FoJ suspicious
Thank you! I'm glad it helped.
I agree about the cameras. I'm not sure why they don't just let you put cameras wherever you want.
Very useful info, thank you VertigoTeaparty! Gotta go prioritize some jobs.
Something he missed, ALWAYS HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS! If saboteurs get in, fire. If you play as Red Ivan, firing H.A.V.O.C. will cause fires, I think even poorly managed equipment will burn, specifically generators.
I stream, like, ALL the time (4 days/week.) Come watch, it's good times -- www.twitch.tv/vertigoteaparty/
Yeh all the mission does that you can perform after the "watch" you do a mission beforehand is weaken the strength of their squad. It just weakens their total HP, and weapons from SMG's to pistols in reference to Atomic Olga
how much advanced workers do i need in proportion to my max amount of minions ?
I totally love the game. In my childhood I played evil genius 1 a lot, since a few days I got the second part. I love it. Ok some things I missed or could be better but it's fun :3
Thanks for these Tipps l, is it really helpful and I got new ideas XD
The point with the traps is, you must build a maze or a great area with traps, than you must hope the agents are idiots and trigger everything. Than it is powerful but yeah, but it should be better.
My minions have gone to use lockers... Think their "job" was something like Checking Personal Possessions. But I keep hearing that they dont use the lockers. Do they only use then when they arrive or something like that?
Hrm, I never noticed that. I think you're right, maybe they only use it when they very first arrive? I'll have to watch that and see. Good catch!
@@VertigoTeaparty I haven't noticed anyone doing it during my playtime today(not that I've stared at only lockers waiting but yaknow), but when I have seen it it's been really early game. I should test out and see next time I start a new game. Maybe it's a thing they do only if there are not enough other jobs available 🤔
Does Symmetry's camera disruptor actually shut down your cam network? Or is that just flavour text? I'm getting annoyed with searching the room to take it down.
Yes. If you don't get rid of it your cameras won't function.
@@VertigoTeaparty yeah, that's annoying. I just built a vault without walls, by putting a two deep corridor around my entire vault. Now not only can o put cameras up, but there's literally no walls for her to out her disruptor on. I tested it by luring her multiple times, and she never once left a disruptor
The minons do use the lockers. Iv seen them.
isn't there a henchman ability that lets you erase the evidence agents of justice have gathered? Does that work on Agent X if you didn't agitate him?
It probably would, yes.
They fixed the weapon switching I've seen my mercenary switch from pistols to rifles
I’ve been playing this on Console and I’m loving it. But I had to delete my save file because it said not enough beds or lockers when I had over 500 luxury beds and not having enough gold to establish 300 minions.
That’s one feature of this game that’s not truly explained correctly. How many structures do you need. I see you had a whole crap load of mercenary factories. I’m just confused on the correct amount
Think about 3 things when it comes to how much training equipment you want:
1) How often do you need to replace these units due to losing them to fights, missions, etc.
2) How critical is it to replace them quickly
3) How bad of a situation will you be in if you quickly need a lot of that unit but don't have them.
With guards, I'd answer these questions as:
1) Replaced very frequently due to high combat losses (at least early game) and sending out on missions
2) Very critical because if I'm low on guards and a super agent attacks, it could be very bad news
3) Similar to 2, if I do run low and need guards quickly, having more training equipment available could be a lifesaver.
This is why I have a lot of training equipment for guards. If I suffer heavy losses, I want to replace them quickly to avoid the scenario of a 2nd big attack while I'm still waiting for replacements.
Also it helps to check on your training rooms once you lose a good bit of units. If you see that you only have 2 firing ranges but have a lot of guards waiting to use them, consider making a few more.
they do use lockers
If you are super into boring micro try setting anyone with a tier 1 weapon on a global mission and selling the old rack. oh lol, you explained that while I was typing this.
Whenever my henchman has almost died they have just been downed 🤔 When do they start actually dying?
Henchmen won't die unless you execute them.
Jubei and Eli are great, but if you recruit them, you'll never be able to get Full Metal Jackie, apparently...
I've heard you need to get/avoid specific henchman to get her. I guess she's kind of a "secret" henchman.
Only five science stations has an effect on research speed. Otherwise the science woman would be pointless if you can just spam 100 research stations to overcome her advantage. Though even at four stations research at hardest level is fast and you usually end up stuck waiting for unlocking research.
Actually you do want the regions to go into lockdown it's the optimal way to remove heat from a region, it cost you nothing and only takes something like 4 minutes. There is no real downside, because the faction heat is what controls the level of spam agents, so the 4 min lockdown doesn't come with any extra effect.
Even on the hardest level spam agents can be handled purely by the casino and will never ever reach a non casino area.
My Casino is basically a labyrinth of corridors and doors, spam agents even at 400+ heat level always run out of resolve before they get through it. It seems to me agents react to few items in one big room, where many smaller rooms will result in the items getting used much better. It's like they have a limited number of items they will interact with before going for a door.
Only Super Agents (not their support units, those also get drained) and teleport agents actually get into the base.
Basically default room layout and the tutorial is a gigantic noob trap that teaches you to play badly.
Where did you get the info about max 5 research stations? I've had Scientists at 9 at once. Granted they could have not been helping make it go faster but at least on the surface it appears to help.
You still have an advantage with the Zelika in that you need less machines which means less scientists, less machines, and less power. Research equipment is incredibly power intense which means more money, space, and/or micromanagement of turning on/off equipment.
I'm not 100% sure on this, but at higher node/heat levels, I don't think that lockdown removes all heat. I'm pretty sure I've seen a level 3 node go into lockdown and as soon as it was over, it was at like half heat. Again, not positive on that, will have to experiment. Even aside from that though, at mid-late game, the cost to "insta" clear heat isn't too bad (barring Intel) and I'd honestly rather do that to get it done and on to doing money missions.
about your casino tip.. i made huge casino and you konw what agents do? come from the back door hhh
Super Agents and (I've heard) some very high level Investigators will come though your back door. Not much to be done about that. I suppose you could put a Casino in the back door too but I don't know how well that'd work as I think Super Agents and their team members seem to go hostile quickly if Distract is used on them, at least in my experience.
Most investigators will use the front door/casino.
That's why my favorite map is the donut shaped island. Having the helipad INSIDE is a life saver! They can only come from the casino or teleport in my base. That's it. I just finished playing Emma's campaign and she is a BEAST. My radar was always low and I agents were rare. My big casino was the perfect facade. If you want a stealthy playstyle to work in peace, she's the evil genius for you!
@@clownsanity oh nice! i was wondering if they can come only from the front of this map.. only played the turarial map.. but tell me, how do you deal with soldiers? they just come and murder everyone
@@Siend Some people would say traps but no. They don't do enough dammage and take too much space. I rarely had soldiers comming with how careful I was about my attention level worldwide. But to take care of soldiers efficiently change so some parts of the casino's entrance so you can put cameras. The answer to ALL of your problems is "guards tables" and "cameras". If you only rely on red alert they will get destroyed, with that tactic they will all come together.
"Quickish video" 42minutes. Don't get me wrong, I love these types of videos, but if they're going to be this long, I'd definitely appreciate having timestamps
Good points! I'll listen through again this week and put in some timestamps
3 Security tables at the early game? That's definitely not needed.
The weak traps where the biggest disappointment of this game, in the original they where a lot more effective.
Nice Tips ... But dude u keep repeating yourself. that gets annoying.
dude can you share a screenshot of your entire layout? awesome base!