Episode 15 has all of these and many more unique changes - it should be out around April 10 2021 or sooner :) Be sure to check that EP out to see them (when available)!
Double bonus tip! the later into the game you get and the more minions and space in your lair, you might want to make little out-blips i call them, where you simple make a 'room' similar to the hallway trick showed in the video and add things that are convenient to that area, for example, you can build a 'med-bay' next to where you expect your minions to be fighting like the entrance or just beyond a camera sightline. Here add all the external decor that can slows moral, vitality and intel drain to keep your minions in the fight for longer and help with their blow to not just vitality but also, well you guessed it, moral and intel so there is less down time for your minions to replenish your stats! now one last example, adding small food counters and beds in the casino so your cover op agents dont have to go through your maze trap and again, lower the downtime with your minions! hope this helps!
Yea so my EP15 design looks like this a fair amount :) I totally change the base and how it functions on that EP - then later change the Casino (though I never force them to stay out there, its just a personal choice :) )
With the multifunctional room, you should add your security force in there so when people escape, they just get beat up straight away and put back in the cages
So my "Justice Hotel" is on my upper floor where the entrance (and hence my security) is on the lower floor - now i could do a 2nd security force room right on the prison, though the camera in the room works just as good and saves space - its still a good idea though :)
@@ManiacMax My favorite character is Red Ivan. And I treat him as a military and stingy ruler. To get to his office you have to get through the guards' room. The safe is also connected to its security office. All comfort rooms go through Ivan's room. Not for the peasant sausage. Before entering the office and getting into the comfort rooms, I imagine that the workers have to put a fee, for convenience. I have a guard there and an ATM trap to add to this realism. They may be walking for a long time, but who is the genius here?? They are supposed to work and not whine. Base look nice and all works.
The best tip I've got is during early on gameplay... you can build seats at the corridor that meets the casino, your workers will sit when not working, then place your genius there. This counters pretty much all early on Investigators as long as they're tagged to be distracted, the workers will stop them from entering. I've even placed a little corridor within my casino so the investigators get stopped before even entering my lair.
Except that early Intel is harder to come by in the lair computers so this strat may actually be better for later game when intel from the base is faster.. except later agents probaby wont be fooled so much lol :) its a balence I guess :)
@@ManiacMax I mostly used this to deal with the starting investigators, when you begin doing schemes and getting gold. I used to go through lots of workers and my genius used to take damage when I attempted to battle early to deal with investigators hehe. Now, I am mid-game I am mostly experiment using traps and starting to get intel :D
A great tip is converting a portion of the cover op to barracks and amenities for your deception minions and front security. A reasonably sized chunk of the cover op can become a break room and snack bar or barracks, keeping your cover op minions well fed and rested while being very near to the operation. Having some front security desks also helps, if/when baddies show up your valets will be massacred if security is halfway across the lair.
Yea I'd like to do a deception playthrough where you build this mega casino and then see if you can just stop most of the bad guys with deception tactics :)
I think a lot of this stuff is carryover from EG1 (my last EG1 training hall was a conglomerate multifunction room), but it's still a good reminder - and an excellent visual ;)
here's a tip for newcomers. You don't have to put lockers in with your sleeping quarters. The lockers are just a representation of your minion capacity, they're never actually used by your minions. I've just made a big ass locker room and added them there
Another tip, using casino tiles and doors with hallways inbetwern will stop wrecking bola from smashing all your doors. Pretty useful for mazes if you don't wanna keep rebuilding doors
Dude Excellent video! Your tips have been so useful. Since learning the ability to multipurpose rooms. Now I’m testing out med bay walls with the holographic brain in Research & Communications. Keep up the great job.
I also use the lockers to build a maze. you have to have them anyway so after the end of my corridor-O-death I have a huge bunk room filled with lockers that form a long twisty maze.
Very True - In Fact when I recorded EP27 of the series I've changed most of the rooms now because they have their own items which work really well while using the community room design :)
You're using a lot of brute-force, capture-or-kill methodology. If it works for you it works, but I've gone another direction. Killing or capturing investigators just enables another wave even faster. Alternatively, make your base to waste as much of their time as possible. I made a large minion downtime area WITH doors, as they waste the time of agents. I put in stairs up and down to empty corridors (made of vault tiles since your guards don't patrol there, whereas they do when it's made of hallways). Put ice traps EVERYWHERE, with fans to blow agents into them in bunches. They also trip the ice traps on the way out, wasting even MORE of their time. I went with Jr as my henchmen, who can sap resolve like crazy on a quick cooldown. No bodybags, no prisoners to deal with, but no intel. But hey that's what Computers are for.
So this looks great - until you need that Intel, and you need a LOT of Intel later in the game if you plan to run any mission in a Level 2 or higher zone... I capture almost everyone, though I did try doing deception for a bit - then ran out of Intel in less than 15 min... back to capture! lol :)
I set up a small bank of computers right next to each other, and I'll park my genius and pop "do it now" to prioritize the computer work. It generates intel quickly enough for me, andi don't have to capture *every* agent that comes through. If I need to nab one out of a group that's ok. The rest still take a long time leaving and reporting back. No need to go all or nothing
@@LucidDreamexe true, and I do like the no hassle of distraction because I dont worry about the prison after - I think either way plays well its more around what you get used to doing :)
One thing i love to do with my prisons that im suprisd ive yet to see anyone on youtube do. Is is make half of it a corrador full of traps. So they break out of their cells and fall straight into a shark tank. Or punched in the face with a boxing glov or giant plant or whatever, frozen traps right next to the door to slow there exit and give gards time to arrive. Its nice to do since it alerts me, ties the escapees up, and most importantly. Provides a ton of interrogation options in the prison itself.
@@ManiacMax I think next ill try a large room of coorador traps surrounding some cells in the center. Less like a prison and more like a torture chamber lol.
Good stuff! Might I also add that genius and ranged henchmen has higher damage done when not in melee, so use minions and muscle as literal cannon fodder as much as possible Another one so far is... You can avoid super agents on instant heat reduction missions (money/intel + short time missions) if you cancel it before it completes, you also lose some progress but I felt it's negligible On choosing which money scheme (long vs short term), the longer term is usually minion count friendly, scientists in particular are good long term huge profit investments
With your prison, run a small corridor just in front of the cells (cells still need one space in front) and put in some slip traps or punch traps on the wall so when they do escape, the camera will capture them getting punched in the face or slipping over which gives your guards time to get up and rush in there. That said to, put an amoury space in the prison and a guard table too (even the henchman table works). Next game I will be making a maze of just the paywalls and slippery floor traps. Slow them down and make money in the process. Oh and one other thing, if you make a trap corridor always put a max security door at the end... to nowhere. It gives them something to work to. If you don't have a further door they some how know, even if they can't see it, and won't go any further.
The trap in front of the cells sounds super funny awesome lol :) Currently I like the timing I have for my cells as the distance away from my Muscle guys gives an escaping agent time to get buzzed by a few traps so when they arrive they just surrender - though I change this design somewhere in EP25ish to stop the escape attempts anyway :)
By far the easiest layout I have made is with no traps, no casino, no doors. I have about about 140 guards of various types stationed at each exit, anything that tries to enter or exit gets either killed or captured in an instant. Teleport Jubei into the frey, pop his ability and I rarely have minions dying. I did do the multifunction rooms for all employees, it´s kind of needed to save space in the primary floor, I use the other floors for things I don´t have to worry about like power, vault and radios. Another tip for you regardless of base layout is to kite, attack whomever with your mastermind and run ... to the guard room, they usually always follow the henchmen or mastermind once he initiates attack alone.
I will say that having a high count of deception minions is actually a bit better than too many guards. The social minions will actually remove most agents before they get even close to me entrance. Especially once you get spin doctors and spam some slots. Each time they interact with the slots, they can be talked to, then they can interact with the slots again, and repeat. I've had them get to my fake hallway with like 20 resolve and 0 skill.
I see Rebellion even came out with an open build plan video now lol I'm glad its catching on - though I still use a hallway to then connect these 'pods' to so them good-dooers dont get free access :)
If you have a chair to go with it its all good - except the chairs will only be used by yellow shirts which is a bit of a bummer ;p - I do testing ll the time on the later stuff as well which you get a lot of cool items then :)
I saw all the special items in the Decor tab and tried some of them and saw no difference in Morale, Smarts, etc. losses so I stopped placing them. Have you tested and seen a difference? If so, what did you test and what did you see that worked? Thanks!
So They dont seem to make a difference unless they get to use them in that zone - for example later the Command Centre gets even better Decor Bonuses, so I make 1/2 my hallways Command Zone, then put egg ghairs ther with decor - and if they site in those chairs then I'm good... they dont seem to get walk-by bonus, though I'd really like to try a sandbox game and go full on evil with stuff... just no time with work and all the recording to do :)
@@ManiacMax Ah... that's a good point. I've got a bunch of those "mini zones" that do nothing but hold decor items next to other zones where I want the minions to get the effects. BUT... the testing that I did was completely in the training zone. I put some items next to one trainer and then none next to another trainer and watched the attribute loss and it looked the same to me... no noticeable difference. At that point, I kinda stopped trying to place them because I thought they were broken. Have you seen an instance where you can tell they are working?
Do you know what triggers minions to do the job "checking possessions" that takes them to the lockers? Everyone I've seen says to not have the lockers close, but I've seen minions do this a lot in the start of my games at least. Lose a bit pf controll when it grows but I did se a few do it today nearing the midgame.
Its always possible lockers have some type of trigger, though I've never seen them there and until someone gets into the code and digs around to see if lockers actually do have an attachment I'll probably stick to my mmethod, only because it appears if there is a bonus its so small it isnt worth the hassle of having them in the way :)
I was actually planning on doing a medbay strip in my sleeping quarters just to put the special decor in there or even hallway sections. Just haven't decided where I'm going to do it yet but the ai is kind of dumb on healing and getting their smarts back up when they need to.
Yea I did that kind of thing in EP15 - thoug now in EP 25 I've changed some of that back and now actually do a lot more Command Centr stuff LOL The CC gets really cool decor bonuses, so I'm trying them out now all over the place :)
You train techs using a tech station in a training room and they will fix stuff automatically. If you have enough techs (say for every 50 you have 10 techs) then you'll never have any problems. Feel free to ask away if you need more info
And thus, my hunt for a trap system that actually traps people continues. Maze traps are good and all, but i wanna find one that pushes them into a corner, and if they try to turn back it or continue onwards it just forces them back into the corner, while slowing them enough that gives the traps time to reset. I KNOW its possible, but i just cant find a good example.
Yes my maze doors wouldnt perform that because the NPC option to just make another turn :) (In fact I tried this at first, but after watching them figured it was not possible and went for the confusion strat instead) Its an interesting idea - except I'm not sure without knowing the algorithm how you would get them to loop (and even then I would think its random, so they would get out eventually) - you'll have to drop back and let me know if ya discover one :)
@@ManiacMax Funnily enough, thats what ive been spending the last few hours in sandbox on. Trying to utilize that little corner area between the casino and helipad corridors on the Crown island. Idea being to use traps to push them from the casino entrance down into the most bottom left corner, where a shark tank is, which then comes back around parallel to it and comes out right next to where the corridors join. With each being done in a way that if they try to progress out from the shark tank in either direction, itll push them backwards either to the shark tank, or into extra side traps of flamethrowers and lasers, mixed with some slippery floors and freeze rays to slow them down for the traps to reset. Ive got a working prototype so far, but its not very tidy and only now realized that they werent having their skill drained because casino items can ONLY be used by Valets and not the higher tier minions (feel like thats an oversight by the devs), so once i sort that it might work better. Honestly, after all the crap i keep hearing from other players saying traps are useless, im enjoying trying it to make them work, as frustrating as it can be.
@@cyanide7270 The traps are funny as heck! LOL Some of them might not work the best - though I think I'll always have traps around! Sometimes its just fun to watch how goofy the agents get taken down :)
I actually really enjoyed this video. I just started playing the game today and my base looks atrocious. I went through the tutorial and now I'm debating if my base is worth saving lol.
Its habit - everyone's first base will be hallways with rooms off them because thats the way we think in the real world - though its much more efficient to combine these rooms in EG2 for speed and bonuses :) I say take your time and just rework your base - its how I did my first one :)
In terms of the rooms that don't draw heat such as the minion downtime zones, wouldn't it also make sense to use an "open floor plan" near the entrance to your lair? (and less of a choke point if you have to hit the red alert button)? Likewise in terms of the "multi room" setup, I wonder if there is any advantage towards putting smaller smarts recovery stations near/in both the control rooms and laboratories?
So I get very little spare time at the moment lol - though I'm now experimenting with specialized plans, like an all-in-one room for just the muscle men, and one for the sci-guys... and taking the concept however you can get it to work better is always a good thing :)
There is, also use minion type specific food stations for scientists and valets near labs/ casino. Also, the gaurd table doesnt create heat, I use em right next to main base entrances. Make sure to use the minion manager and make all your guards prioritise the guard table to.
@@raven1x419 At the time I didnt have all the food stations and since new players wouldnt probably have them either I put more focus on the design which could be flexible for any minion type later into the game - though your corrrect in making sure you set your cafe tables to tryes so you get the bonuses later in game for sure! I dont use zones - they interfere with where I really want to capture/ kill my FOJ folks - though I am playing a bit outside the box so... maybe others would use them better :)
@@ManiacMax No worries, I'm an addict with EG with a hundreds of hours of EG 1 2 adds a lot of welcome additions like the minion manger, maybe you should do a tutorial for that :)
Funny my ratios are like inversed. By the end of the game i have like 15 of each muscle minion purelly for going out in the world. Traps take care of all my defence
I'm working on specialists now - though it seems like its a 15-20% of normal - so if I have 50 muscle, then I do 20 mercs, 15 ninja, and 10 sniper - which seems to be working good so far - just not sure on specific attacks like the superspys yet - hope to try those in the days ahead
I love that compact multi-room design! However, I don't think deco items are worth it for stat reduction. It doesn't affect stats significant, and it never seems to do much of difference in my playthrough.
Its a toss up still at the moment for me - with EP15 and my base conversion (should be out Friday) I'm mixed as to the benifit - though it does seem to work at times (?) lol :) I'm still playing with it
@@ManiacMax Lol. I still use deco items a lot, purely for cosmetic purposes. I feel like the devs should remove the stat boost altogether on deco items because it's kind of a mess right now. Why some items boost stats while others do not? And it's so negligible, too. Instead, they should add an aura to loot, like in the original.
@@WiseG33k Yea, I'd also like them to adjust how the research is given - I see a lot of people saying that the T3 research line is way too far into the storyline and I have to agree... its a drag for sure :)
@@ManiacMax Agreed. A ton of little things like that need to be adjusted. What gives me hope is that most of these tweaks should be relatively simple to implement. Fortunately, there's nothing fundamentally wrong about the core game. The changes I'm most looking forward to are an auto untag zoning feature along with the ability to restrict different kinds of weapons to certain minion types.
@@WiseG33k Im in the same boat, some things dont appear to do nearly as much as they should, and ranges of these items is ridiculously small, even to the point of some things dont affect items at all like decor doesnt highlight any trainers, which means they dont function on them and are a waste. Small things like that riddle the game, like how muscle minions sometimes refuse to use the guns they have, and prefer to run down that long hallway just to punch them. Thankfully, the fact that there are more islands, another Genius, more loot and minion typs and all that planned gives hope that these kinds of tweaks are almost certain to come about.
the first one would not work having one TV set in your base does not work I know I tried it the minions lost morale and started stealing the gold because there wasn't enough TV sets the game mechanics do not work the way you think they work with one TV set. the second room the jail did you know the the jail cells have their own cameras what you're showing is the basic jail cells you can get a cell with a camera attached to it already you do not need to put a camera in the jail cell not really a tip if it's already in the base game
Ya kind of missed the point of combo rooms - its not about a single TV :) By connecting the rooms directly into making mega rooms (I recommend 1 mega room each for your Muscle, Deception and Sci Minions) you get much more benefits - see my last Zalika episode playlist for a mega base example. As for the Jail Cells they may have now but didn't (I loaded up the game to see, the cells now do appear to have a tiny green glow around them though I'll still be putting in cameras for the better coverage to keep them from escaping the jail area) - and again was more around the example of using combination rooms to give you more ideas on how you could use them to make cool designs - hope you have a good time on your playthroughs :)
Your locker room is real bad idea for Ivan play through as when you fire doomsday wepon your probley get fire in there. The fire will spread to every locker as there conected with each other no walls
Actually why would you be in there? Unless the Super Spys spawn in there - there's no reason to go there. Your Minions will not go to lockers if not in front of them - the farther and more seperated the "locker room" I think is better - now I'd love to test it, so maybe once I get though the playthough I can try Ivan to see, though from Ivan YT vids I've seen I could play it the same way and he not be an issue :) Let me know if you decide to try it though, I'd like to know :)
There are none - or I do not know of any community for them. The game does not have direct support for mods so unless someone builds a mod interface manager (like r2mods or someone like that) - but its been a few years now so I doubt any mods are gonna happen 🤷♂️
@@robinwolstenholme6377 yep they would - in fact its too bad Rebellion didnt keep focus on the game - they should of just ignored the haters and pushed ahead as so many people liked the game
@@ManiacMax its a grate game i did the standard max play through now im on to Emma apparently she traind agant steal. i would proble enjoy it for years to come if they let the modding comunity in ... i still play atilla total war today thanks to mods
LOL - in EP 24 (may25?) the base updates again once I get the final minion types - and now each type gets its own zone so they can get the best bonuses :)
Thats whay the tips given are expandable - for example in my EP25 once I have all the upgrades I update the design to add the extras, the principle design still works great :) And guards. that doesnt change all the way through, maybe more upgraded type but my ratio is still almost 50-20-20-10 (Guards/Distraction/Sci/Worker) and I use SO many new items in the base now for bonuses... so the best part is it carries all the way through :)
Episode 15 has all of these and many more unique changes - it should be out around April 10 2021 or sooner :) Be sure to check that EP out to see them (when available)!
Saw someone using the lockers to make a maze, which I guess gets you the full use of their blocking power and the space they'd be using.
AS an early maze I guess u could - though moving lockers is a real pain, so II would probably only do it once :) lol
I maze the casino with slot machines and other areas with lockers.
Double bonus tip! the later into the game you get and the more minions and space in your lair, you might want to make little out-blips i call them, where you simple make a 'room' similar to the hallway trick showed in the video and add things that are convenient to that area, for example, you can build a 'med-bay' next to where you expect your minions to be fighting like the entrance or just beyond a camera sightline. Here add all the external decor that can slows moral, vitality and intel drain to keep your minions in the fight for longer and help with their blow to not just vitality but also, well you guessed it, moral and intel so there is less down time for your minions to replenish your stats!
now one last example, adding small food counters and beds in the casino so your cover op agents dont have to go through your maze trap and again, lower the downtime with your minions! hope this helps!
Yea so my EP15 design looks like this a fair amount :) I totally change the base and how it functions on that EP - then later change the Casino (though I never force them to stay out there, its just a personal choice :) )
Oh I really love that multipurpose room, it's so symmetrical and centralized ♥_♥
Yea they work really good later when you have lots of minions :)
I know! That minion needs room is nice!
@@thaqueenofchaos1 yipper :)
My OCD is pleased with the multi purpose room, but the aesthetic part of me hates not using walls to section off particular rooms.
I just cant win lol
@@cyanide7270 LOL :) Umm, that would be the world in general :)
With the multifunctional room, you should add your security force in there so when people escape, they just get beat up straight away and put back in the cages
So my "Justice Hotel" is on my upper floor where the entrance (and hence my security) is on the lower floor - now i could do a 2nd security force room right on the prison, though the camera in the room works just as good and saves space - its still a good idea though :)
@@ManiacMax My favorite character is Red Ivan. And I treat him as a military and stingy ruler. To get to his office you have to get through the guards' room. The safe is also connected to its security office. All comfort rooms go through Ivan's room. Not for the peasant sausage. Before entering the office and getting into the comfort rooms, I imagine that the workers have to put a fee, for convenience. I have a guard there and an ATM trap to add to this realism. They may be walking for a long time, but who is the genius here?? They are supposed to work and not whine. Base look nice and all works.
@@erebor4nierdzewny970 I wish they would of had more Genius DLCs besides Frozone... or whatever lol The game is a lot of fun 👍👍
@@ManiacMax Yeaa. That will be super fun to get.
The best tip I've got is during early on gameplay... you can build seats at the corridor that meets the casino, your workers will sit when not working, then place your genius there. This counters pretty much all early on Investigators as long as they're tagged to be distracted, the workers will stop them from entering. I've even placed a little corridor within my casino so the investigators get stopped before even entering my lair.
Except that early Intel is harder to come by in the lair computers so this strat may actually be better for later game when intel from the base is faster.. except later agents probaby wont be fooled so much lol :) its a balence I guess :)
@@ManiacMax I mostly used this to deal with the starting investigators, when you begin doing schemes and getting gold. I used to go through lots of workers and my genius used to take damage when I attempted to battle early to deal with investigators hehe. Now, I am mid-game I am mostly experiment using traps and starting to get intel :D
A great tip is converting a portion of the cover op to barracks and amenities for your deception minions and front security. A reasonably sized chunk of the cover op can become a break room and snack bar or barracks, keeping your cover op minions well fed and rested while being very near to the operation. Having some front security desks also helps, if/when baddies show up your valets will be massacred if security is halfway across the lair.
Yea I'd like to do a deception playthrough where you build this mega casino and then see if you can just stop most of the bad guys with deception tactics :)
2 years on and i have only just discovered this title, blown away by your build, so satisfying for my OCD, very well done
well my Lets Series series may cause issues wit your OCD 🤣 glad the info was helpful
03.45: "My minions can pick up their bodies and shove them into the incinerator" - some mustache man from ww2
A little tip i like to do is where i place the muscles trainers i place the corresponding weapons next/near to them speeds everything up nicely
Multi purpose room is a great advice
so is that a do it? or a dont do it? lol :)
I think a lot of this stuff is carryover from EG1 (my last EG1 training hall was a conglomerate multifunction room), but it's still a good reminder - and an excellent visual ;)
putting hallways in your casino (preferably near you lair entrance) works great for removing disguises on investigators before they enter.
Hmmm that soulds ninfty :)
here's a tip for newcomers. You don't have to put lockers in with your sleeping quarters.
The lockers are just a representation of your minion capacity, they're never actually used by your minions.
I've just made a big ass locker room and added them there
Imagine just being a dude checking out a possible mass “talking” and you get rushed by 50 huge dudes with guns
Im just a guy at a casino when suddenly 100's of agents charge shooting like crazy... just a normal day lol
Gimme more! This was great-- lots of stuff that I didn't think about.
Well when I have a better list to give - I'll do more hehe
We are the Champions, my friend.... love the videos, keep up the great content. I remember you always had unique ideas.
Oh were all about them unique ideas lol :)
Excellent advice. I like some of your touches... I was adding a guard room and a connected good room attached to prison room.
One of the more helpful videos
Well I try :)
Your multi purpose room looks cool. I'm very impressed by it, thanks for the idea.
no prob - love playing EG2 :)
you are awesome Max!!!!
YOU are Awesome JB ;) lol
Another tip, using casino tiles and doors with hallways inbetwern will stop wrecking bola from smashing all your doors. Pretty useful for mazes if you don't wanna keep rebuilding doors
Cool! :)
Excellent video! Your tips have been so useful.
Since learning the ability to multipurpose rooms.
Now I’m testing out med bay walls with the holographic brain in Research & Communications.
Keep up the great job.
I also use the lockers to build a maze. you have to have them anyway so after the end of my corridor-O-death I have a huge bunk room filled with lockers that form a long twisty maze.
Im sure they are entertaining lol :)
Not just med bays - As you unlock more minion types and tech, you'll get access to decor that has stat bonus in basically all rooms.
Very True - In Fact when I recorded EP27 of the series I've changed most of the rooms now because they have their own items which work really well while using the community room design :)
You're using a lot of brute-force, capture-or-kill methodology. If it works for you it works, but I've gone another direction. Killing or capturing investigators just enables another wave even faster. Alternatively, make your base to waste as much of their time as possible. I made a large minion downtime area WITH doors, as they waste the time of agents. I put in stairs up and down to empty corridors (made of vault tiles since your guards don't patrol there, whereas they do when it's made of hallways). Put ice traps EVERYWHERE, with fans to blow agents into them in bunches. They also trip the ice traps on the way out, wasting even MORE of their time. I went with Jr as my henchmen, who can sap resolve like crazy on a quick cooldown. No bodybags, no prisoners to deal with, but no intel. But hey that's what Computers are for.
So this looks great - until you need that Intel, and you need a LOT of Intel later in the game if you plan to run any mission in a Level 2 or higher zone... I capture almost everyone, though I did try doing deception for a bit - then ran out of Intel in less than 15 min... back to capture! lol :)
I set up a small bank of computers right next to each other, and I'll park my genius and pop "do it now" to prioritize the computer work. It generates intel quickly enough for me, andi don't have to capture *every* agent that comes through. If I need to nab one out of a group that's ok. The rest still take a long time leaving and reporting back. No need to go all or nothing
@@LucidDreamexe true, and I do like the no hassle of distraction because I dont worry about the prison after - I think either way plays well its more around what you get used to doing :)
Thanks for sharing! Good info!
No prob :)
Your tips are amazing hope your videos get more views!!
Thanks :) Hope your getting to enjoy the games :)
GHERDS! Thanks for the tips!
No worries - Hope The Game Is Awesome For Ya As I Do Enjoy Playing It :)
One thing i love to do with my prisons that im suprisd ive yet to see anyone on youtube do. Is is make half of it a corrador full of traps.
So they break out of their cells and fall straight into a shark tank. Or punched in the face with a boxing glov or giant plant or whatever, frozen traps right next to the door to slow there exit and give gards time to arrive. Its nice to do since it alerts me, ties the escapees up, and most importantly. Provides a ton of interrogation options in the prison itself.
Never thought to put the trap just outside the cell doors - might be something I try :)
@@ManiacMax I think next ill try a large room of coorador traps surrounding some cells in the center. Less like a prison and more like a torture chamber lol.
@@VikingVern7 lol :) hey - the goody good doers agents deserve it ;)
Good stuff!
Might I also add that genius and ranged henchmen has higher damage done when not in melee, so use minions and muscle as literal cannon fodder as much as possible
Another one so far is... You can avoid super agents on instant heat reduction missions (money/intel + short time missions) if you cancel it before it completes, you also lose some progress but I felt it's negligible
On choosing which money scheme (long vs short term), the longer term is usually minion count friendly, scientists in particular are good long term huge profit investments
Oh those are pretty nifty tips :)
With your prison, run a small corridor just in front of the cells (cells still need one space in front) and put in some slip traps or punch traps on the wall so when they do escape, the camera will capture them getting punched in the face or slipping over which gives your guards time to get up and rush in there. That said to, put an amoury space in the prison and a guard table too (even the henchman table works).
Next game I will be making a maze of just the paywalls and slippery floor traps. Slow them down and make money in the process. Oh and one other thing, if you make a trap corridor always put a max security door at the end... to nowhere. It gives them something to work to. If you don't have a further door they some how know, even if they can't see it, and won't go any further.
The trap in front of the cells sounds super funny awesome lol :) Currently I like the timing I have for my cells as the distance away from my Muscle guys gives an escaping agent time to get buzzed by a few traps so when they arrive they just surrender - though I change this design somewhere in EP25ish to stop the escape attempts anyway :)
By far the easiest layout I have made is with no traps, no casino, no doors. I have about about 140 guards of various types stationed at each exit, anything that tries to enter or exit gets either killed or captured in an instant. Teleport Jubei into the frey, pop his ability and I rarely have minions dying.
I did do the multifunction rooms for all employees, it´s kind of needed to save space in the primary floor, I use the other floors for things I don´t have to worry about like power, vault and radios.
Another tip for you regardless of base layout is to kite, attack whomever with your mastermind and run ... to the guard room, they usually always follow the henchmen or mastermind once he initiates attack alone.
Im all about that capture lol! more intel for me! hehehe :)
Thanks. These were some solid tips!
coolio :)
I stumbled on the multifunction room by chance early this week during the tutorial. But thanks for the other ideas.
no worries :) have fun cause I enjoy the game for sure 🙂
I will say that having a high count of deception minions is actually a bit better than too many guards. The social minions will actually remove most agents before they get even close to me entrance. Especially once you get spin doctors and spam some slots. Each time they interact with the slots, they can be talked to, then they can interact with the slots again, and repeat. I've had them get to my fake hallway with like 20 resolve and 0 skill.
I should also say so that Capture for Intel early game is super important until you get better Intel Machines and can run larger amounts :)
Love the ideas, I never thought of this before!
I see Rebellion even came out with an open build plan video now lol I'm glad its catching on - though I still use a hallway to then connect these 'pods' to so them good-dooers dont get free access :)
Drop a 2x2 medbay into any room and place a health bonus decor item
If you have a chair to go with it its all good - except the chairs will only be used by yellow shirts which is a bit of a bummer ;p - I do testing ll the time on the later stuff as well which you get a lot of cool items then :)
Great video, subbed.
Thankx - appricate it :)
I saw all the special items in the Decor tab and tried some of them and saw no difference in Morale, Smarts, etc. losses so I stopped placing them. Have you tested and seen a difference? If so, what did you test and what did you see that worked? Thanks!
So They dont seem to make a difference unless they get to use them in that zone - for example later the Command Centre gets even better Decor Bonuses, so I make 1/2 my hallways Command Zone, then put egg ghairs ther with decor - and if they site in those chairs then I'm good... they dont seem to get walk-by bonus, though I'd really like to try a sandbox game and go full on evil with stuff... just no time with work and all the recording to do :)
@@ManiacMax Ah... that's a good point. I've got a bunch of those "mini zones" that do nothing but hold decor items next to other zones where I want the minions to get the effects. BUT... the testing that I did was completely in the training zone. I put some items next to one trainer and then none next to another trainer and watched the attribute loss and it looked the same to me... no noticeable difference. At that point, I kinda stopped trying to place them because I thought they were broken. Have you seen an instance where you can tell they are working?
No worries :) EG2 is cool - its too bad it got some bad wrap and Rebellion doesnt even look at it anymore... I still like playing it from time to time
@6:08 you don't want wussy workers trying to beat them off? excellent choice of words...
lol :)
Very good Tips !
Thankz! :)
wow awesome video
Well hope it gives ya some ideas :)
Nice Tips ,thank you
No prob - have a good one :)
Do you know what triggers minions to do the job "checking possessions" that takes them to the lockers? Everyone I've seen says to not have the lockers close, but I've seen minions do this a lot in the start of my games at least. Lose a bit pf controll when it grows but I did se a few do it today nearing the midgame.
Its always possible lockers have some type of trigger, though I've never seen them there and until someone gets into the code and digs around to see if lockers actually do have an attachment I'll probably stick to my mmethod, only because it appears if there is a bonus its so small it isnt worth the hassle of having them in the way :)
Amazing tips thanks
Hope they give ya a few ideas :)
I was actually planning on doing a medbay strip in my sleeping quarters just to put the special decor in there or even hallway sections. Just haven't decided where I'm going to do it yet but the ai is kind of dumb on healing and getting their smarts back up when they need to.
Yea I did that kind of thing in EP15 - thoug now in EP 25 I've changed some of that back and now actually do a lot more Command Centr stuff LOL The CC gets really cool decor bonuses, so I'm trying them out now all over the place :)
How do I repair a item it’s all electric and stuff and don’t know how to fix
You train techs using a tech station in a training room and they will fix stuff automatically. If you have enough techs (say for every 50 you have 10 techs) then you'll never have any problems. Feel free to ask away if you need more info
Nice video
Ramen Noodles are th'bomb hehehe :)
I do small med bay square in main hall with seats surrounding them to get bonuses.
This is another good example of doing multi-rooms, cause the hospital stuff gives such cool bonuses :)
I just assumed the bonuses only worked on their own rooms, haven't really checked that yet but it would've been overpowered
@@saniuca9691 Probably so - though I have designed a base now that is way overdone LOL so I'll find out soon enough :)
And thus, my hunt for a trap system that actually traps people continues.
Maze traps are good and all, but i wanna find one that pushes them into a corner, and if they try to turn back it or continue onwards it just forces them back into the corner, while slowing them enough that gives the traps time to reset. I KNOW its possible, but i just cant find a good example.
Yes my maze doors wouldnt perform that because the NPC option to just make another turn :) (In fact I tried this at first, but after watching them figured it was not possible and went for the confusion strat instead) Its an interesting idea - except I'm not sure without knowing the algorithm how you would get them to loop (and even then I would think its random, so they would get out eventually) - you'll have to drop back and let me know if ya discover one :)
@@ManiacMax Funnily enough, thats what ive been spending the last few hours in sandbox on. Trying to utilize that little corner area between the casino and helipad corridors on the Crown island. Idea being to use traps to push them from the casino entrance down into the most bottom left corner, where a shark tank is, which then comes back around parallel to it and comes out right next to where the corridors join. With each being done in a way that if they try to progress out from the shark tank in either direction, itll push them backwards either to the shark tank, or into extra side traps of flamethrowers and lasers, mixed with some slippery floors and freeze rays to slow them down for the traps to reset.
Ive got a working prototype so far, but its not very tidy and only now realized that they werent having their skill drained because casino items can ONLY be used by Valets and not the higher tier minions (feel like thats an oversight by the devs), so once i sort that it might work better.
Honestly, after all the crap i keep hearing from other players saying traps are useless, im enjoying trying it to make them work, as frustrating as it can be.
@@cyanide7270 The traps are funny as heck! LOL Some of them might not work the best - though I think I'll always have traps around! Sometimes its just fun to watch how goofy the agents get taken down :)
I actually really enjoyed this video. I just started playing the game today and my base looks atrocious. I went through the tutorial and now I'm debating if my base is worth saving lol.
Its habit - everyone's first base will be hallways with rooms off them because thats the way we think in the real world - though its much more efficient to combine these rooms in EG2 for speed and bonuses :) I say take your time and just rework your base - its how I did my first one :)
In terms of the rooms that don't draw heat such as the minion downtime zones, wouldn't it also make sense to use an "open floor plan" near the entrance to your lair? (and less of a choke point if you have to hit the red alert button)?
Likewise in terms of the "multi room" setup, I wonder if there is any advantage towards putting smaller smarts recovery stations near/in both the control rooms and laboratories?
So I get very little spare time at the moment lol - though I'm now experimenting with specialized plans, like an all-in-one room for just the muscle men, and one for the sci-guys... and taking the concept however you can get it to work better is always a good thing :)
There is, also use minion type specific food stations for scientists and valets near labs/ casino.
Also, the gaurd table doesnt create heat, I use em right next to main base entrances.
Make sure to use the minion manager and make all your guards prioritise the guard table to.
@@raven1x419 At the time I didnt have all the food stations and since new players wouldnt probably have them either I put more focus on the design which could be flexible for any minion type later into the game - though your corrrect in making sure you set your cafe tables to tryes so you get the bonuses later in game for sure! I dont use zones - they interfere with where I really want to capture/ kill my FOJ folks - though I am playing a bit outside the box so... maybe others would use them better :)
@@ManiacMax No worries, I'm an addict with EG with a hundreds of hours of EG 1
2 adds a lot of welcome additions like the minion manger, maybe you should do a tutorial for that :)
Funny my ratios are like inversed.
By the end of the game i have like 15 of each muscle minion purelly for going out in the world.
Traps take care of all my defence
Yea it can play out that way where you start in one position and then it totally flips around at the end :)
is there a general ratio you would recommend for specialists?
I'm working on specialists now - though it seems like its a 15-20% of normal - so if I have 50 muscle, then I do 20 mercs, 15 ninja, and 10 sniper - which seems to be working good so far - just not sure on specific attacks like the superspys yet - hope to try those in the days ahead
I love that compact multi-room design! However, I don't think deco items are worth it for stat reduction. It doesn't affect stats significant, and it never seems to do much of difference in my playthrough.
Its a toss up still at the moment for me - with EP15 and my base conversion (should be out Friday) I'm mixed as to the benifit - though it does seem to work at times (?) lol :) I'm still playing with it
@@ManiacMax Lol. I still use deco items a lot, purely for cosmetic purposes. I feel like the devs should remove the stat boost altogether on deco items because it's kind of a mess right now. Why some items boost stats while others do not? And it's so negligible, too. Instead, they should add an aura to loot, like in the original.
@@WiseG33k Yea, I'd also like them to adjust how the research is given - I see a lot of people saying that the T3 research line is way too far into the storyline and I have to agree... its a drag for sure :)
@@ManiacMax Agreed. A ton of little things like that need to be adjusted. What gives me hope is that most of these tweaks should be relatively simple to implement. Fortunately, there's nothing fundamentally wrong about the core game.
The changes I'm most looking forward to are an auto untag zoning feature along with the ability to restrict different kinds of weapons to certain minion types.
@@WiseG33k Im in the same boat, some things dont appear to do nearly as much as they should, and ranges of these items is ridiculously small, even to the point of some things dont affect items at all like decor doesnt highlight any trainers, which means they dont function on them and are a waste. Small things like that riddle the game, like how muscle minions sometimes refuse to use the guns they have, and prefer to run down that long hallway just to punch them.
Thankfully, the fact that there are more islands, another Genius, more loot and minion typs and all that planned gives hope that these kinds of tweaks are almost certain to come about.
that's good advices
the first one would not work having one TV set in your base does not work I know I tried it the minions lost morale and started stealing the gold because there wasn't enough TV sets the game mechanics do not work the way you think they work with one TV set. the second room the jail did you know the the jail cells have their own cameras what you're showing is the basic jail cells you can get a cell with a camera attached to it already you do not need to put a camera in the jail cell not really a tip if it's already in the base game
Ya kind of missed the point of combo rooms - its not about a single TV :) By connecting the rooms directly into making mega rooms (I recommend 1 mega room each for your Muscle, Deception and Sci Minions) you get much more benefits - see my last Zalika episode playlist for a mega base example. As for the Jail Cells they may have now but didn't (I loaded up the game to see, the cells now do appear to have a tiny green glow around them though I'll still be putting in cameras for the better coverage to keep them from escaping the jail area) - and again was more around the example of using combination rooms to give you more ideas on how you could use them to make cool designs - hope you have a good time on your playthroughs :)
damn bro u sure do staff a lot of gerds
Your locker room is real bad idea for Ivan play through as when you fire doomsday wepon your probley get fire in there. The fire will spread to every locker as there conected with each other no walls
Actually why would you be in there? Unless the Super Spys spawn in there - there's no reason to go there. Your Minions will not go to lockers if not in front of them - the farther and more seperated the "locker room" I think is better - now I'd love to test it, so maybe once I get though the playthough I can try Ivan to see, though from Ivan YT vids I've seen I could play it the same way and he not be an issue :) Let me know if you decide to try it though, I'd like to know :)
Using Ivan doomsday (not completed) its not worth the Money you get from activating it (not to mention the fire hazard). Just use it for main quests.
Evil Genius 2 mods were are they??????
There are none - or I do not know of any community for them. The game does not have direct support for mods so unless someone builds a mod interface manager (like r2mods or someone like that) - but its been a few years now so I doubt any mods are gonna happen 🤷♂️
@@ManiacMax thank you shame though mods help to keep a game intresting
@@robinwolstenholme6377 yep they would - in fact its too bad Rebellion didnt keep focus on the game - they should of just ignored the haters and pushed ahead as so many people liked the game
@@ManiacMax its a grate game i did the standard max play through now im on to Emma apparently she traind agant steal. i would proble enjoy it for years to come if they let the modding comunity in ... i still play atilla total war today thanks to mods
Use the lockers as a wall
Ah true :) Could be done
LOL - in EP 24 (may25?) the base updates again once I get the final minion types - and now each type gets its own zone so they can get the best bonuses :)
Hard to give tips when you are not in the late game or have beat the game
Thats whay the tips given are expandable - for example in my EP25 once I have all the upgrades I update the design to add the extras, the principle design still works great :) And guards. that doesnt change all the way through, maybe more upgraded type but my ratio is still almost 50-20-20-10 (Guards/Distraction/Sci/Worker) and I use SO many new items in the base now for bonuses... so the best part is it carries all the way through :)
Can this guy have a thicker Canadian accent?
Hmmm I've met those thicker lol