Last story: stepson knew that OP was on to him because she'd already found the necklace twice from where he'd stashed it. But he went back for a third go. Someone who's _that_ determined to steal things can't be trusted with a "but _this_ time I'll be good!"
Forreal. In trying to defend his son to the extent he is and in the manner he is doing, he is ignoring the well-being of his fuckin' wife. OP is not the a-hole, but her husband definitely is.
Yeah, the dad is deluding himself. His son is an adult. He's also twice proven to be extremely untrustworthy. So no, he doesn't get another chance to rob OP blind.
I wouldn't let the husband choose. I'd give him the ring and make the choice for him to keep his son. Whatever reason he steals - I'd let the FORMER husband deal with it.
OP's husband is the actual a-hole. OP needs to divorce him. That way, when they have separate residences her (now) ex can move the thieving little monster in with himself, solving the homeless problem.
I was a bookseller with a bad cold, but I was back to work after a couple of days. Still had a bad cough and obvious stuffy nose. A lady complained because I didn’t have enough energy and was rude to her when I wasn’t smiling or cheerfully assisting her, even though I was politely helping. Even apologized for having a cold. “That’s not important. I’m going to report you to the owner for poor customer service.” She did, and they practically ran her sorry buttocks out of the store.
The ipad lady not comprehending that fixing technical devices takes real time....tells me that every time she has summoned IT the fix had been something obvious like turning it on. 😂
Stealing something is one thing that can maybe be overlooked. Stealing something off of another person's body while they're sleeping adds so many more layers of wrong. It's not surprising she doesn't feel safe around him.
Story 4: Geez, the wife is one heck of an enabler. She lets Joe commit atrocities (like stealing) and then gets all hostile to other people (including her own husband) when either she or Joe is confronted. I'm glad she got arrested, hope Joe's dad finally gets to set him straight now that the woman is out of the way
That woman is no enabler. She is a straight up abusive spouse. And no one said a word to the father about it, as would have happened had the sexes been reversed. No one offered that man any help at all.
@@mandymyer2094 That's exactly what I was thinking. The kid knew the jig was up and went to give it back and she closes a car door on him to try to stop him? Sounds like she's having him steal for her.
I'm a 55-year-old man. My cat was my best friend and saw me through one of the darkest times of my life and into the best time of my life. He died three years ago. I still tear up when pictures of him pop up on FB memories. That little guy was my best friend for 18 years.
My partner is 57. We had a ceochet white rabbit made for them for Christmas this year, stuffed with our passed bunny's fur. They still cry any time Lulu is even mentioned. Not that they want us to stop mentioning him of course. But its still a struggle. I'm sorry for your loss. And while I know its not the same, I do hope you know you're beloved little friend is always near and with you, and will eagerly greet you on the other side when its time for that. ❤❤
So sorry for your loss. My sister in law recently lost her poor little elkhounds, and my friend had to say goodbye to her cat. That cat was with her longer than her husband has been!
Back around 1990 or so, I was at the fire station where I was a member. It was Fall, and I had just dug out my Carhartt jacket that day. I reached into my pocket for something- and there was my dog Samantha's collar. Had been there since I had to have her put down the previous Spring after 14 years. ALL the feels. 😭 I turned to one of my buddies- "Hey, you've got a dog- does he need an extra collar?" He got a sick look on his face. "Actually, we're going to have to put him down. He needs surgery, and we just can't afford it." TL/DR, I ended up with a love sponge Redbone Coonhound, he got his surgery, and he ended up spoiled rotten for the few years he had left (the cancer came back eventually.)
Story 1 + 2: Honestly, the disregarding of other people's struggles (Grief and extreme allergies respectively) is pretty disrespectful from these Karens. Mate, you can wait a little longer, a little bit of patience does not hurt.
@@Crazychick64 let alone what the actual law is. They believe they can anyone fired or arrested just because someone stood up to them and they didn't get their nor what they wanted. It's insane how their dumb as they are entitled.
Last story: The stepson is 19, therefore considered an adult. He has the wherewithal to get a job and earn money to afford some sort of living arrangement other than his mother or father's homes. His father arguing with OP about the guy being homeless doesn't hold up. The guy isn't 12!
I had an employee who came to work distraught because she found her rabbit dead in its cage that morning. Having lost pets that I loved, I understood her emotional and mental state and asked her if she needed time and would she like to take time and to go home for the rest of the day. She perked up a bit ..... and then asked if she could use bereavement time. That's when the empathizing supervisor in me had to change to all business. Bereavement time? Seriously? You're kidding. Right?!
I'd like to know why her deathly allergic self was too swollen to talk to the coworker, but gave a polite and eloquent reply to the customer and even stayed to respond to her. And how was she breathing. Also how was she figuring she'd drive? She'll pass out and kill someone. I call fake.
But do they actually go bad? Many medications are good for decades, even though their good before date days a few years at best. Is there anything unstable in those?
@@blender4464It was more the language barrier. Dave didn't understand "allergy". And yes, some people are stubborn enough to try to drive themselves to the hospital when they REALLY shouldn't. I had a patient who was moments from a heart attack tell me she didn't want a ride in the ambulance; she'd have her husband drive her "if it got worse". Not that I blame them - ambulance transport is insanely expensive, and OP said she didn't have insurance.
To People that say, "It's just an animal. Go get another one." I've started retorting sarcastically, "It's just Grandma. Go down to the Retirement Home, and pick yourself out a New One." ALL Pets are Adopted Family Members, and every Family Member deserves to be Loved and then Grieved.
last story: the husband is using emotional manipulation. Its not OP's fault that HIS son is a thief and its not her problem either. This boy's own mother kicked him to the curb. He's 19, is a legal adult. Jail or prison is in this thieving man-child's future.
And he is of the age where what he did could be sexual assault. ANYTHING done to someone while they are asleep can be sexual assault because they were vulnerable and not in a position to give or refuse consent.
A little trick when someone is annoying you about something you won't do: Don't negotiate. Just tell them things like "No", "I won't" "I don't want to", etc. No "sorry", no "but", no "listen", no explanation, no excuse. Don't answer questions. Just a big flat "no". Don't let them make it into a negotiation. This usually cut the argument phase, make things clear there is no chance in hell and avoid losing time. Might not work well with a Karen, though.
Last story. No, she is not the AH. The stepson is 19. He is a legal adult. He needs to find a job and a place of his own, even if it is only a room that he rents. It is her home. She should be able to feel safe in her own home, which she doesn't with him there!
Yeah....didn't bother to inform him, and then get pissed off at him because he didn't know. 🙄 Also, didn't really sound like the Karen was actually physically keeping OP there. Could have just ignored her.
I think it was a miscommunication (op assumed he knew) and also just stress Little known fact: dying is stressful and tho it doesn't make it better, i think it shouldn't be held against op rlly
Story #1, if I were that manager, I'd insta-ban that Karen from the store. Story #2, the term is "manslaughter," aka acting in any manner that disregards the sanctity of human life. Interfering with an extreme allergic reaction like that Karen tried to do would fall under that definition.
I feel like it was made up too. I mean, OP is so allergic to peanuts that just breathing the air near them can knock them out, but they can calmly chat and argue? Also, what employer in their right minds would _not_ tell a chef, who cooks meals for staff, that one of the staff is deathly allergic to a common food item?
Not having insurance is no excuse for not having an epipen. You can buy them for less than $100, they have a best before of a couple of years, and they might save your life. Seriously just save the $4/month that it costs so you can afford one when your existing one expires(they're still usable for a while after, but less reliable so I do recommend replacing them when expired rather than risking it). No way someone can't afford to have a pen for emergencies.
Allergy Op's manager making it peanut free is awesome. That's the 1st time a workplace did so w/out a fight. I react to all foods, drinks, sun, meds like epi pen... & always reacting all the time. There are some ways to help, not instead of hospital, but buying time on the way.
Story 1: I feel your pain OP truly...I lost my sweet Pepper (cat) 2 years ago and it still hurts. She was my best friend and I miss her terribly. Story 2: The problem is the epi pens cost about $700 and expire after about a year & a half...quite a big chunk of money to literally throw away if not used. Story 4: Karen is screwed. Possession of Stolen Property, Domestic Assault, Child Abuse, Resisting Arrest with Violence. Several years in prison if life is fair. Story 5: OP is NTA. That guy hand his hands on the woman's body...while she was asleep...stealing a necklace. He's damn lucky OP didn't call the cops on him.
Story 2: That guy is a hero for driving OP to the hospital. Yall, PLEASE don't drive if you have a condition which could cause you to lose consciousness. Call an ambulance, or get someone else to drive you. Story 3: If I were in Karen's shoes, that situation would have gone very differently - "Excuse me, I know I'm early, but can I drop these off now so I'm not late for work? Here's my information so you can tell me what's wrong with them when you get the chance. Thanks so much." I bet they would have obliged. But then, I'm a reasonable person.
Story 2: also chef david not knowing the word allergy. I'm not saying i expect every person on the planet to speak fluent english but allergies are an EXTREMELY important part of food service and need to be clearly communicated and understood
Fourth story: The mother is not just an enabler, is a role model for her equally spoiled kid. I hope the charges are enough to make her lose custody and the father send that kid into military school to see if all the damage his mother did is fixable.
You aren’t denied buying an EpiPen if you don’t have insurance. It just means you have to pay for the full price yourself, though it’s not like every insurance plan covers the full cost.
Necklace story: Too bad she didn't do what Penny did on TBBT when Sheldon tried to take a necklace off her when she was asleep (it had the Lord of the Ring on it). She woke up and instinctively hit him on the nose! 😅😅😅
FINAL Story. *OP could've solved BOTH* of Adult Stepson's problems with *ONE PHONE CALL: TO THE POLICE; he would've **_BEEN_** OUT OF HER HOUSE, & NO LONGER HOMELESS!* 🔒👍😉👍🔒
Necklace Story: OP should have thrown the Stepson out the moment she realized he was trying to steal her necklace... And no, she isn't an Ass Hole for throwing him out. She is NOT responsible for him so if his choices result in him ending up Homeless, then so be it! The ONLY person responsible for that is him!!! And since her Husband tried to defend his Thieving Son, she really needs to talk to a GOOD Divorce Lawyer and toss Hubby to the Curb too... I would...
I once heard a story about a waitress who just lost her dad and had a jerk who started screaming at her. When she said she lost her dad you could hear a pin drop and every customer glared at him😢. If looks could kill.😮
The Ipad story is nothing new. I did TV repair, back in the '70s. People would show up as I was leaving, at 6:00PM and demand that I unlock the shop and fix their TV so they could watch a football game the next day, One even told me that I not only had to stay, but that it should be free since the shop was closed. I didn't have a key to the shop. The owner or one of his family members would unlock it each working day. The worst part? Often they would admit that it hadn't worked for weeks or months but they waited until the last second to have iit repaired.
Story one.... That rabid Karen obviously has no pets, and should never have any. 😒 Story two.... Crazy Karen needs to be made to understand, if her interference causes a person to be harmed by stopping her from getting to the hospital, Karen can be charged. That can get very expensive. 😡
Last story, sometimes people steal just to get the rush from it. Id tell the OP to write out a contract or something and make the son and her husband sign it stating that in order to live there the son cant steal and he must attend counseling. Because while stealing may be linked to money issues it can also be that he wants the rush from stealing so counseling would be a good option. Try not to let him go to stores alone and since they dont know if hes stolen from stores in the past try id try and find pants that fit him that dont have pockets. (Many women will know what i mean by this) and before leaving a store make sure he hasnt stolen anything which sometimes because parents didnt catch it till it got too bad they had to start giving their kids TSA or police pat downs to be sure they didnt try to sneak something
omg, that first one. It would have been stellar if the assistant manager would have gotten all her donuts boxed up and then refused to sell them to her. and when she threw a fit he could say "what is your problem? they are just donuts. Go home you are being useless over donuts."
Last story, that is all kinds of creepy. Not sure if he's a druggie, a klepto, or simply a troll, but that was crossing a line. I wouldn't want him in my house either.
Epi pens cost hundreds of dollars in the USA. Not like people can afford them without insurance. Also it costs a few dollars to buy the medicine that goes in them. So why the markup?? Greed.
Story 5 When the person you're "harming" is a criminal, or has been caught trying to act on criminal intentions, it is impossible to go overboard in how you harm them as long as you don't kill them, barring your life being on the line (which as far as we know from the story, was not the case for the OP).
story 3: as soon as she said " im never coming back here again" i would have just said, " nothing of value was lost" story 5: not the a-hole, you were kind enough to let him live with you, and in return he started trying to steal your necklace even trying to do it while you were sleeping with it on, his father just making him say sorry isnt enough, he is basically enabling his son by not giving him any real punishment, if it was me i'd call the police, he's very lucky you didnt
I work in a pharmacy in the US and even with insurance I've yet to see any insurance with anything less than a $100 copay *for an epi-pen. Usually it's more. The whole thing is insane
Story 1: I can sympathize with OP. We just lost one of our six dogs in mid-December due to UTi that ruined her health to the point she was constantly vomiting, refusing to eat, and had gone from 31 pounds to just 15 in 24 months. We took her to the vet and let her go to the Rainbow Bridge.
Cat story: I just lost my cat this past weekend. I also had her 10 years. My heart just broke for OP. It's so sad folks that aren't animal people don't understand how they become part of the family when you dedicate such a long and huge part of your life to another living being. Allergy story: I had a weird situation with a coworker allergic to citrus. She had orange juice and a jar of powdered tang on her desk, and apparently that wasn't a problem. I had some tea and that bag apparently was infused with lemon upon checking, and she left in an ambulance. I didn't see her swelling up or anything. As an allergy sufferer, I take allergies very seriously. But I think some people don't because some people don't have anaphylaxis with their allergic reactions. But I'm still to this day confused why she put herself in danger daily and I got in trouble for an accident. I'm glad she is ok though! And the stealing kid, I actually feel really bad for him. Sounds like his dad is trying to get away from the mom but doesn't want to lose his kid. Hopefully he gets custody. His son could use some structure and sanity it sounds like
story #5. The stepson is an ADULT. Doesn't sound like he's going to school, so why isn't he working? If he's working he should be able to afford RENT somewhere. Dad should recognize that his son STEALING from his wife is NOT RIGHT. If he's stealing from the wife/stepmother, who else is he STEALING from?
I lost my own cat in 2022 I had her since I was 7 years old and she died when I was 25 so I had her for almost 18 years it was really hard on me when she died. She was with me through a lot considering I got her when my parents were going through a divorce. I was like a ticking time bomb considering I could burst into tears at any moment she was like a daughter to me. I would hate it if somebody had mocked my grieving for her in the way the Karen in the story did.
I've watched and listened to enough true crime stories to know that the last story could have gone a very different direction. The next step could easily have been sleeping pills snuck into a drink, or straight up violence when caught. The son's actions are what is making the father choose, not the wife being afraid and violated.
If hubby does not want his son alone and homeless, he can darned well join his son. Get the locks changed the next time hubby goes to work, and toss his clothing out the window.
For the past two years I had a student in my pre-k room who's highly allergic to peanuts. Our program requires our classrooms and school provided food to be peanut and tree nut free no matter what so we never had to worry about it. We would sometimes get those uncrustable PB&J sandwiches that were made with sunflower butter instead so he was used to eating them. Well this year he's in kindergarten and even though the cafeteria workers had known for the past two years that he was allergic to peanuts they allowed him to take a regular PB&J from the lunch line. He was so used to our kind that he didn't know there was any difference, plus he's five so it's not like he would know any better anyways. He ate a few bites and then started having a severe reaction. My co-teacher and I had to be trained on using epipens but for some reason his kindergarten teacher never had been. So my co-teacher raced to his room, grabbed his epipen, then ran back and jammed it in. After that his parents were called to take him to the hospital. It's wild to me that so many people don't take food allergies seriously, especially those that try to test the person just to "make sure." Like yeah the cook in story 2 probably should have been told about OP's allergy just in case because how else would he have known not to. But all the owner would need to do is print out a sign that says "no peanuts allowed" and hang it in the kitchen. That way they wouldn't have to tell every cook who came in and it would avoid any issues.
I honestly don't know why anyone even engages with a Karen when she is literally dying from the peanut allergy. If ever in that situation, run don't walk to the nearest exit and take off. Don't even stop to explain. I don't care how entitled they are, they are not worth your life. Oh and I totally agree that it's worth investing in an epi pen if you are that allergic. I am hoping OP decides to buy one after this episode.
It boggles my mind how such a developed country like USA can be so absolutely backwards when it comes to medical expenses!! I’m gonna risk dying just because I don’t have insurance… o well shit happens! Here in Sweden medical care are mostly free, we pay a small (I mean between 20-40$) fee for a doctors appointment and the medicine we get prescribed it’s subsidized also! It’s get cheaper the more you buy and when you reached about 300$ under one year it gets free for the remainder of the year! Bloody hell dying because you can’t afford an epi-pen is just madness! 😲
You don't get a single iota of that care for "free". Your tax rate is way higher than commonly found in the US, thats how it's paid for. I'm sick of seeing this stolen base ("our Healthcare is FREEEEEE!!!").
@@NateWilliams-h8q yes it terrible with high taxes but you know what?? I rather pay high taxes than DIE because I don’t have the insurance! But fight for the AMERICAN WAY and let people die or get in severely high debts to pay for medical expenses… 🤦♂️
@@NateWilliams-h8q , Canadian here...and according to stats between the US and Canadian tax rates go...they are about same, yet we get more for our taxes. Not only do we get a well regulated and affordable healthcare system, but we have MUCH better programs and benefits. Workers here get a full year of maternity leave, Dad gets some too. Parents automatically get financial benefits, per child, from the moment of birth right up till their 18th year. Our transport systems are better maintained, the regulation systems on produce of all types, including meats and dairy are far better as well. All in all, other countries actually live far better lives than many Americans, but because Americans are so insular, never look outside their own country at how other countries look after their own citizens, their health and financial benefits or their lifespans.
@@NateWilliams-h8q Sad thing is, if our govt didnt give away billions of our tax dollars away to profitable corporations such as Good Year, Walmart, and etc... we could have "free" health care and not pay higher taxes. Oh yeah and lets not forget that our govt cant account for 2.3 trillion of our tax dollars that they were paid but somehow lost or spent without any accounting on. 2.3 trillion. thats a fk ton of "free" health care.
@@NateWilliams-h8q actually our tax rate is way lower than your tax rate if you factor in adequate medical insurance. I'm in the top 20% of earners in Germany, yet I still pay less taxes total than what a family health care plan alone, giving me the same kind of medical service I enjoy in Germany, would cost me in the US. True: with my specific job title I'd probably expect my work place to provide an insurance plan as a perc in the US, but you get the idea. And you know what's even more important? Taxes depend on your income. If you have little to no income, you don't pay any taxes. But you are still insured in most European countries. So, unless you are in the top 1% of earners in the US, your statement is only a half-truth. Your medical system is simply way too expensive, inefficient and ineffective ... Just look at the EpiPen story: an EpiPen costs 78,33€ in Germany right now. That's the total cost of that thing. With co-pay I'd pay only 7,83€. What do you pay in the US for those? Google says it's 650-750$ for a pack of two ...
I know! I'm Canadian and cannot understand why the US continue to allow corporate and political greed to run not just the country, but their healthcare system as well.
@@Gwennedd it's a combination of poorly educated states having too much influence, a corrupt supreme court making a decision (the infamous citizens united case) that allowed for corporations to have disproportionate representation in the electoral process and so many more flaws that have went unfixed for too long
Story #2: To the college dude who took OP to the hospital you my good Sir for an act of kindness like that you should receive a bottle of whisky or a case of beer and please drink responsibility.
Story 2: if you’re having a severe allergic reaction, I’d figure the last thing you’d try to do is explain yourself to people who don’t give a damn, and instead just head straight to the hospital. I mean, what’s that Karen gonna do? Try to hold you down and force you to take their order?
Last story Husband: "You're making me choose between you and my son!" Me: "Choose him then, we're done. You can leave too." A husband who will not respect OP's safety is not worth staying married to.
stepson wants a place to live, how about jail and Dad needs to open his eyes and stop enabling his son's bad behavior, there is a reason nobody else wants him around, TIME TO MAKE HIM ACCOUNTABLE for his actions instead of making excuses for him
Story 1 - I felt the same when my dog died. We harps him thirteen years but he had diabetes and in the end it got him. My boss kept ringing me to come back to work whilst I was off mourning.
Story #2: Epipens are about $700-$800 without insurance, and can cost quite a lot if your insurance isn't all that great (I've had to pay almost $200 once with crappy insurance, but that is better than $800). They also have a limited shelf life, no more than 2 years, often less, so they have to be replaced even if you haven't used it. The OP getting a couple of days off paid is nothing...the owner doesn't want to get sued, and should have made absolutely sure the chef knew never to bring peanuts to the workplace.
It's crazy. Where I live im you can get 2 pens for less than 150 bucks. They also say in our version of the information leaflet that in an emergency you can and should still use an "old" epipen. Cause it's still better than nothing. I hate what corporate greed made of america....
That step son is on his way to being a full blown thief. If that doesn't take charge of putting him through some form of rehabilitation then it's time to divorce him if he's going to stand by a crook.
Last story: He's right. OP is making him choose between her and his son. His son is dangerous and she has every right to expect her husband to protect her. If she just didn't like her stepson for no reason, I could see dad being upset about having to choose, but putting his son above protecting his wife FROM HIS SON, is the wrong move. Her safety should be his concern and she is NTA for expecting it.
Story 3 - OP should have simply reached out and hit the emergency police button on the alarm system. Video would have shown she effectively broke in by following OP in like she had, then started making demands. PS: I also would have thrown her devices out the door.
Story 5: Definitely NTA. I don't care who you are, if someone tries to steal something off your fucking body while your sleeping that person needs to get the boot. I don't care how old you are, i don't care what gender you are, i don't care if your the president of the damn country, that shit is unacceptable. I don't know whats going through that guys head but it might be a smart idea to file for a separation after this (potentially a divorce if he doesn't snap out of this).
Pets are 'loved ones'. I always say "they lost a loved one" when someone asks why a person is upset from loosing a pet or family member. I dont differentiate. Especially to stragers, who dont know about the relationship between pet and owner. Call pets "loved ones" when talking about loosing them. Cause thats what they are. Especially to people who are devestated over loosing them.
#1 She should have been thrown out. People like that are not worth the effort. #2 Kinda dropped the ball not telling tge new hires about why there are no peanuts allowed. #3 First she needs it fixed "now", but then she has 3 weeks? Typical tailgater. #4 Hopefully with that he could get her off custody. He needs to save his son from the egg donor. #5 NTA. Even if you had a legal obligation, the fear for your safety would be large enough to get him out.
Last story: I don’t know the law where the OP lives, but where I live, theft from a person (think purse snatch or pocket picking) is a felony because of the potential for violence. Maybe stepson needs some psychological help, but OP is NTA!
I’ve been in Customer Service for almost 20 years now and I’ve had some doozy customers that I’ve dealt with. I can relate. We close at 6 and I’ve had customers show up close to closing and when we tell them the warehouse closes at 4 and they’ll have to wait until the next morning to get their stuff they’ve thrown fits about wanting their stuff ’now’. Do you expect me to break into the warehouse to get your stuff? The doors are locked and there’s nobody there. It’s so dumb. We even had a huge snow storm one day and practically the whole city shut down for business. Nobody made it into the store to tell the customers getting home service that we weren’t coming. The next day when I phoned everybody they all completely understood. Except for one woman who said that what I was telling her was unacceptable. She was home all day waiting and she never got a phone call. Oh excuse me for not sending my tech out in a death trap where he could get in an accident just by driving. Some people are just a-holes through and through.
The Last story The Stepson is most likely stealing from his stepparents to get his parents back together with the added bonus of having the money from the stolen items to buy whatever he wants. And OP'S horrible husband is probably only enabling his son's stealing ways because his son probably gives his Dad some or half of the money from the stolen items.
Story 3. It is terrifying when a Karen follows you through the employee door. We get chased all the time even after remodel when they moved our door to hide it more. It got pretty bad during holidays cause we have new hires so we don't know who's who and ppl follow in after us. Then we hear screaming across the store and how registers aren't open. It's literly 3am we don't open til 7. It's scary when karens follow us
Story 1# epi pens here in minnesota are over 600$ my brother is deathly allergic to bees and like the girl in the story instead 9d peanuts he got stung on his foot didn't realize it till his face was big and red and itchy,we called 911 they came got him hooked up with an I've administered some meds he was in the hospital a couple days and during that couple days we found out that if you don't have ins the makers of epi pen will give you a new epi pen every 6 months for free if you don't have coverage or cant pay out of pocket so if anyone out there is in this situation get ahold of the manufacturer and explain the situation and they may have paperwork but will get you a free one.please take this situation seriously because it can really only take a min or two until you are in critical condition.
The last story: Neither OP or the Stepmom made the kid homeless. Him being a thief made him homeless. Believe it or not, back in the day being a thief used to be a very bad thing. Actions have consequences. Doesn't matter why he did it. Drug dealers don't put a weapon to your head and force you to become and addict. Like OP said, he was fine, helped with the chores, worked for his money, etc. That's why our adult daughter is welcome to live at home rent-free for the rest of her life. (Seriously, she's our only child, everything will be hers eventually.) But if she started stealing from us, doing drugs, etc., much as it would break our hearts, she'd be gone.
'But I want it NOW!' 'Well, you can't have it now.' 'But I WANT it now!' 'Well, I'm sorry, but -' 'GIMME IT NOW!' And honestly, the person I feel sorry for in that second-to-last story is Joe. Yes, he stole the phone, but he's a little kid, and it sounds like his mother is actively encouraging him to misbehave, and doesn't seem to actually care about him except as a reflection of herself; clearly, she's not concerned about his wellbeing. It sounds to me like she has some sort of personality disorder or something, and he's taking the brunt of it - becoming kind of a thieving brat is probably the BEST-case scenario under those circumstances. It sounds like he has a good dad, though, so hopefully that'll straighten him out.
epipens are useful, and as well as insulin should be something that costs next to nothing considering. but the op would still need to be hospitalized if they had one, as it only staves off the issue for a bit
last story: it is weird. a kid that old. has a home to live in comfortably. helps w chores all around seems like a responsible adult… but he steals. it sounds like a kleptomania issue or something, he needs therapy
I'm not opposed to universal health care on principle. However, our Government can't pour water out of a bucket even if the instructions are printed on the bottom. They're never going to do it right- shut down the current system and go with national single-payer. What we'll end up with is yet another level of bureaucracy on top of the steaming pile that already exists.
psychosomatic allergy symptoms is a fascinating phenomenon, not saying that is what is happening with op. ...but someone who can't be in a joint with peanut shells on the floor, doesn't have any pre indicators until she gets to the bottom of her bowl of soup is probably a good indicator. Good news is there is a lot of research money being put into studying it. And often the research group will pay you and cover medical expenses.
LMFAO woth story 3 I'd repair them and if she doesn't return for them in 30 days they're considered abandoned so.... freebies. If she does return I'd charge her for how many days she left them abandoned in order to reclaim them. Also Literally anything abandoned in a store for 30 days is literally fair game for anyone to own.
Story 2: I gotta be honest, I'm not super impressed with the OP in that they were lazy about be careful with their allergies. I've got relatives with the same allergy and they're extremely careful with what they eat. Still, the Karon though was 100% out of line though.
Yeah, I don't eat ANYTHING without being absolutely sure of what's in it. OP should have asked what was in the soup before just scarfing down a whole bowl.
Last story: stepson knew that OP was on to him because she'd already found the necklace twice from where he'd stashed it. But he went back for a third go. Someone who's _that_ determined to steal things can't be trusted with a "but _this_ time I'll be good!"
He's likely an addict, stealing to support his habit. All the more reason to get him out of the house.
Last story--OP husband needs to face reality about his son and he needs to protect his wife, OP is not the a-hole but a rational woman
Forreal. In trying to defend his son to the extent he is and in the manner he is doing, he is ignoring the well-being of his fuckin' wife. OP is not the a-hole, but her husband definitely is.
Yeah, the dad is deluding himself. His son is an adult. He's also twice proven to be extremely untrustworthy. So no, he doesn't get another chance to rob OP blind.
I wouldn't let the husband choose. I'd give him the ring and make the choice for him to keep his son. Whatever reason he steals - I'd let the FORMER husband deal with it.
I'd just repeat he tried taking advantage of me while asleep - in my bedroom. Ok, it wasn't s**ual, but ss was sneaking.
OP's husband is the actual a-hole. OP needs to divorce him. That way, when they have separate residences her (now) ex can move the thieving little monster in with himself, solving the homeless problem.
I was a bookseller with a bad cold, but I was back to work after a couple of days. Still had a bad cough and obvious stuffy nose. A lady complained because I didn’t have enough energy and was rude to her when I wasn’t smiling or cheerfully assisting her, even though I was politely helping. Even apologized for having a cold. “That’s not important. I’m going to report you to the owner for poor customer service.” She did, and they practically ran her sorry buttocks out of the store.
The ipad lady not comprehending that fixing technical devices takes real time....tells me that every time she has summoned IT the fix had been something obvious like turning it on. 😂
Heh...I never thought about that. Quite likely you're she's the sort to think yelling gets results.
Karens have the patience and emotional maturity of a toddler! They want it and they want it *NOW!* (stomping feet)
@@nancyomalley6286 true
Stealing something is one thing that can maybe be overlooked. Stealing something off of another person's body while they're sleeping adds so many more layers of wrong. It's not surprising she doesn't feel safe around him.
Story 4: Geez, the wife is one heck of an enabler. She lets Joe commit atrocities (like stealing) and then gets all hostile to other people (including her own husband) when either she or Joe is confronted. I'm glad she got arrested, hope Joe's dad finally gets to set him straight now that the woman is out of the way
That woman is no enabler. She is a straight up abusive spouse. And no one said a word to the father about it, as would have happened had the sexes been reversed. No one offered that man any help at all.
@@NateWilliams-h8qShe is both.
Wonder if the mom had the kid stealing for Her? Poor kid got hurt over this one hopefully Dad gets full custody.
I have a feeling she's more than an enabler. She's training her kid to do that crap!
@@mandymyer2094 That's exactly what I was thinking. The kid knew the jig was up and went to give it back and she closes a car door on him to try to stop him? Sounds like she's having him steal for her.
I'm a 55-year-old man. My cat was my best friend and saw me through one of the darkest times of my life and into the best time of my life. He died three years ago. I still tear up when pictures of him pop up on FB memories. That little guy was my best friend for 18 years.
I feel you with my other pets 😢 I miss them all
My partner is 57. We had a ceochet white rabbit made for them for Christmas this year, stuffed with our passed bunny's fur. They still cry any time Lulu is even mentioned. Not that they want us to stop mentioning him of course. But its still a struggle. I'm sorry for your loss. And while I know its not the same, I do hope you know you're beloved little friend is always near and with you, and will eagerly greet you on the other side when its time for that. ❤❤
So sorry for your loss. My sister in law recently lost her poor little elkhounds, and my friend had to say goodbye to her cat. That cat was with her longer than her husband has been!
I'm so sorry. 57 here, and I've had my Loki for going on 8 years. I love this furball with all my heart.
Back around 1990 or so, I was at the fire station where I was a member. It was Fall, and I had just dug out my Carhartt jacket that day. I reached into my pocket for something- and there was my dog Samantha's collar. Had been there since I had to have her put down the previous Spring after 14 years. ALL the feels. 😭 I turned to one of my buddies- "Hey, you've got a dog- does he need an extra collar?" He got a sick look on his face. "Actually, we're going to have to put him down. He needs surgery, and we just can't afford it." TL/DR, I ended up with a love sponge Redbone Coonhound, he got his surgery, and he ended up spoiled rotten for the few years he had left (the cancer came back eventually.)
Story 1 + 2: Honestly, the disregarding of other people's struggles (Grief and extreme allergies respectively) is pretty disrespectful from these Karens. Mate, you can wait a little longer, a little bit of patience does not hurt.
They have no concept of other people's rights!
@@Crazychick64 let alone what the actual law is. They believe they can anyone fired or arrested just because someone stood up to them and they didn't get their nor what they wanted. It's insane how their dumb as they are entitled.
@@onepieceisking5493 Can you imagine the long line in HELL, of Karens demanding to speak to Satan's manager?
@@michaelterrell 😂😂😂
@@michaelterrell so true and the tantrums that'll follow 😂🤦
Last story: The stepson is 19, therefore considered an adult. He has the wherewithal to get a job and earn money to afford some sort of living arrangement other than his mother or father's homes. His father arguing with OP about the guy being homeless doesn't hold up. The guy isn't 12!
LOL been working outside the home to bring in extra income since I was 13. Helped keep the lights and heat on and the mortgage paid.
You had really lazy parents who couldn't carry their own weight, huh? Tough shit buddy. @@ostlandr
Story 1: I’m sorry for your loss, OP. I understand that losing a beloved pet is pretty hard 🥺 That Karen is such a witch!
Pets are family too.
Story #1: Agreed, pets are family as well and if anyone says otherwise...well then....
I had an employee who came to work distraught because she found her rabbit dead in its cage that morning. Having lost pets that I loved, I understood her emotional and mental state and asked her if she needed time and would she like to take time and to go home for the rest of the day. She perked up a bit ..... and then asked if she could use bereavement time. That's when the empathizing supervisor in me had to change to all business. Bereavement time? Seriously? You're kidding. Right?!
Can we give a metal to that collage guy who not only told that Karen to shut the f up and move but also drove op to the hospital
I'd like to know why her deathly allergic self was too swollen to talk to the coworker, but gave a polite and eloquent reply to the customer and even stayed to respond to her. And how was she breathing. Also how was she figuring she'd drive? She'll pass out and kill someone. I call fake.
But do they actually go bad? Many medications are good for decades, even though their good before date days a few years at best. Is there anything unstable in those?
@@blender4464 Plus, @2:55 OP admits, David (the cook) didn't know of her allergy, @3:55 she calls David a jack wagon, REALLY !?!?!?!?!?
@@blender4464It was more the language barrier. Dave didn't understand "allergy".
And yes, some people are stubborn enough to try to drive themselves to the hospital when they REALLY shouldn't. I had a patient who was moments from a heart attack tell me she didn't want a ride in the ambulance; she'd have her husband drive her "if it got worse". Not that I blame them - ambulance transport is insanely expensive, and OP said she didn't have insurance.
Yeah we can give him some aluminium and his collage will be featured on TH-cam.
To People that say, "It's just an animal. Go get another one." I've started retorting sarcastically, "It's just Grandma. Go down to the Retirement Home, and pick yourself out a New One."
ALL Pets are Adopted Family Members, and every Family Member deserves to be Loved and then Grieved.
Story 2: Karen was probably one of those “Allergies aren’t real! You’re faking it for attention/to get out of work!” types
We need more of that kind of Karen. In our prison system.
College guy driving op to hospital. The real MVP
Last story: “You’re putting me in a position to choose between my son and you”
False: the son is putting him in that position, not the wife
last story: the husband is using emotional manipulation. Its not
OP's fault that HIS son is a thief and its not her problem either. This boy's own mother kicked him to the curb. He's 19, is a legal adult. Jail or prison is in this thieving man-child's future.
The son is also 19 years old. He's an adult. He should already have a job and a place to live.
It's time for Dad and the son to grow up!
The son is also 19 years old. 19!!!! He's an adult. He should already have a job and a place to live.
It's time for Dad and the son to grow up!
And he is of the age where what he did could be sexual assault. ANYTHING done to someone while they are asleep can be sexual assault because they were vulnerable and not in a position to give or refuse consent.
Over 2023 I lost 3 18 year old cats. Had them from kittens. Devastated barely describes it.
My kitty is 18 now and she is really showing her age now. I'm going to be crushed when she passes.
@@TheCheshireMadcat you can always prepare... But you're never ready.
A little trick when someone is annoying you about something you won't do: Don't negotiate. Just tell them things like "No", "I won't" "I don't want to", etc. No "sorry", no "but", no "listen", no explanation, no excuse. Don't answer questions. Just a big flat "no". Don't let them make it into a negotiation. This usually cut the argument phase, make things clear there is no chance in hell and avoid losing time.
Might not work well with a Karen, though.
Last story. No, she is not the AH. The stepson is 19. He is a legal adult. He needs to find a job and a place of his own, even if it is only a room that he rents. It is her home. She should be able to feel safe in her own home, which she doesn't with him there!
Yeah, stepson had his chances and he threw them away. Too bad, so sad.
The peanut story - honestly, calling David a "jackwagon" because he didn't know about an allergy that could kill you isn't really fair on him.
Yeah....didn't bother to inform him, and then get pissed off at him because he didn't know. 🙄
Also, didn't really sound like the Karen was actually physically keeping OP there. Could have just ignored her.
Sounds like OP has a little bit of Karen in her.
odd that he`s a chef from Mainland China working in a JAPANESE restaurant.
I think it was a miscommunication (op assumed he knew) and also just stress
Little known fact: dying is stressful and tho it doesn't make it better, i think it shouldn't be held against op rlly
He thought Allergy was a name.
Story #1, if I were that manager, I'd insta-ban that Karen from the store. Story #2, the term is "manslaughter," aka acting in any manner that disregards the sanctity of human life. Interfering with an extreme allergic reaction like that Karen tried to do would fall under that definition.
Story 2: the boss REALLY fucked up by not ensuring ALL employees *understood* what a food allergy is & how severe it can be!
I feel like it was made up too. I mean, OP is so allergic to peanuts that just breathing the air near them can knock them out, but they can calmly chat and argue?
Also, what employer in their right minds would _not_ tell a chef, who cooks meals for staff, that one of the staff is deathly allergic to a common food item?
Not having insurance is no excuse for not having an epipen. You can buy them for less than $100, they have a best before of a couple of years, and they might save your life.
Seriously just save the $4/month that it costs so you can afford one when your existing one expires(they're still usable for a while after, but less reliable so I do recommend replacing them when expired rather than risking it).
No way someone can't afford to have a pen for emergencies.
@@scragarthe average price for epi pens in America is around 600$
Often higher.
Allergy Op's manager making it peanut free is awesome. That's the 1st time a workplace did so w/out a fight. I react to all foods, drinks, sun, meds like epi pen... & always reacting all the time. There are some ways to help, not instead of hospital, but buying time on the way.
Story 1: I feel your pain OP truly...I lost my sweet Pepper (cat) 2 years ago and it still hurts. She was my best friend and I miss her terribly.
Story 2: The problem is the epi pens cost about $700 and expire after about a year & a half...quite a big chunk of money to literally throw away if not used.
Story 4: Karen is screwed. Possession of Stolen Property, Domestic Assault, Child Abuse, Resisting Arrest with Violence. Several years in prison if life is fair.
Story 5: OP is NTA. That guy hand his hands on the woman's body...while she was asleep...stealing a necklace. He's damn lucky OP didn't call the cops on him.
Story 2: That guy is a hero for driving OP to the hospital. Yall, PLEASE don't drive if you have a condition which could cause you to lose consciousness. Call an ambulance, or get someone else to drive you.
Story 3: If I were in Karen's shoes, that situation would have gone very differently - "Excuse me, I know I'm early, but can I drop these off now so I'm not late for work? Here's my information so you can tell me what's wrong with them when you get the chance. Thanks so much." I bet they would have obliged. But then, I'm a reasonable person.
The hero of Story 2 - the college guy that stood up for OP and then drove them to the hospital. Someone was raised right!
Story 2: also chef david not knowing the word allergy. I'm not saying i expect every person on the planet to speak fluent english but allergies are an EXTREMELY important part of food service and need to be clearly communicated and understood
Last story: don't stop at the stepson. Dump the husband too.
Fourth story: The mother is not just an enabler, is a role model for her equally spoiled kid. I hope the charges are enough to make her lose custody and the father send that kid into military school to see if all the damage his mother did is fixable.
Story 1, condolences OP, I was a mess too when had to put my yellow lab (Chance) down.
Last story: I've kicked my own son out of our house for similar reasons. Didn't lose a wink of sleep over it, either. FAFO.
I find it so sad that someone has to have medical insurance just to have lifesaving equipment such as an epi-pen.
that's America, money is more important than people's lives
@@robertl4824 😢😢 This Aussie STILL cannot get her head around it!
@@robertl4824 We have the insurance lobby to thank for that.
You aren’t denied buying an EpiPen if you don’t have insurance. It just means you have to pay for the full price yourself, though it’s not like every insurance plan covers the full cost.
Darwin may have had Survival of the Fittest. But US America has Survival of the Wealthiest.
Necklace story:
Too bad she didn't do what Penny did on TBBT when Sheldon tried to take a necklace off her when she was asleep (it had the Lord of the Ring on it). She woke up and instinctively hit him on the nose! 😅😅😅
FINAL Story. *OP could've solved BOTH* of Adult Stepson's problems with *ONE PHONE CALL: TO THE POLICE; he would've **_BEEN_** OUT OF HER HOUSE, & NO LONGER HOMELESS!*
Necklace Story: OP should have thrown the Stepson out the moment she realized he was trying to steal her necklace...
And no, she isn't an Ass Hole for throwing him out. She is NOT responsible for him so if his choices result in him ending up Homeless, then so be it! The ONLY person responsible for that is him!!!
And since her Husband tried to defend his Thieving Son, she really needs to talk to a GOOD Divorce Lawyer and toss Hubby to the Curb too...
I would...
I once heard a story about a waitress who just lost her dad and had a jerk who started screaming at her. When she said she lost her dad you could hear a pin drop and every customer glared at him😢. If looks could kill.😮
The Ipad story is nothing new. I did TV repair, back in the '70s. People would show up as I was leaving, at 6:00PM and demand that I unlock the shop and fix their TV so they could watch a football game the next day, One even told me that I not only had to stay, but that it should be free since the shop was closed.
I didn't have a key to the shop. The owner or one of his family members would unlock it each working day.
The worst part? Often they would admit that it hadn't worked for weeks or months but they waited until the last second to have iit repaired.
Last story - wow, stealing her necklace from around her neck while she's wearing it. That kid needs to learn about consequences, in a hard jail.
Story one.... That rabid Karen obviously has no pets, and should never have any. 😒
Story two.... Crazy Karen needs to be made to understand, if her interference causes a person to be harmed by stopping her from getting to the hospital, Karen can be charged. That can get very expensive. 😡
Last story, sometimes people steal just to get the rush from it. Id tell the OP to write out a contract or something and make the son and her husband sign it stating that in order to live there the son cant steal and he must attend counseling. Because while stealing may be linked to money issues it can also be that he wants the rush from stealing so counseling would be a good option. Try not to let him go to stores alone and since they dont know if hes stolen from stores in the past try id try and find pants that fit him that dont have pockets. (Many women will know what i mean by this) and before leaving a store make sure he hasnt stolen anything which sometimes because parents didnt catch it till it got too bad they had to start giving their kids TSA or police pat downs to be sure they didnt try to sneak something
Last story. Call the cops and charge him with attempted theft. He gets locked up and not homeless. Problem solved.
omg, that first one. It would have been stellar if the assistant manager would have gotten all her donuts boxed up and then refused to sell them to her. and when she threw a fit he could say "what is your problem? they are just donuts. Go home you are being useless over donuts."
Last story, that is all kinds of creepy. Not sure if he's a druggie, a klepto, or simply a troll, but that was crossing a line. I wouldn't want him in my house either.
Story two: OP needs the address and phone from the guy who stepped in and took her to the ER. He is definitely a keeper, if available.
Epi pens cost hundreds of dollars in the USA. Not like people can afford them without insurance. Also it costs a few dollars to buy the medicine that goes in them. So why the markup?? Greed.
Story 5: Sure, you can give him a home, at the local jail. He is not going to learn otherwise after repeated thefts.
Story 1 and 2: Karen and Karen should've both been kicked out and banned
Story 5
When the person you're "harming" is a criminal, or has been caught trying to act on criminal intentions, it is impossible to go overboard in how you harm them as long as you don't kill them, barring your life being on the line (which as far as we know from the story, was not the case for the OP).
story 3: as soon as she said " im never coming back here again" i would have just said, " nothing of value was lost"
story 5: not the a-hole, you were kind enough to let him live with you, and in return he started trying to steal your necklace even trying to do it while you were sleeping with it on, his father just making him say sorry isnt enough, he is basically enabling his son by not giving him any real punishment,
if it was me i'd call the police, he's very lucky you didnt
I work in a pharmacy in the US and even with insurance I've yet to see any insurance with anything less than a $100 copay *for an epi-pen. Usually it's more. The whole thing is insane
Story 1: I can sympathize with OP. We just lost one of our six dogs in mid-December due to UTi that ruined her health to the point she was constantly vomiting, refusing to eat, and had gone from 31 pounds to just 15 in 24 months. We took her to the vet and let her go to the Rainbow Bridge.
Cat story: I just lost my cat this past weekend. I also had her 10 years. My heart just broke for OP. It's so sad folks that aren't animal people don't understand how they become part of the family when you dedicate such a long and huge part of your life to another living being.
Allergy story: I had a weird situation with a coworker allergic to citrus. She had orange juice and a jar of powdered tang on her desk, and apparently that wasn't a problem. I had some tea and that bag apparently was infused with lemon upon checking, and she left in an ambulance. I didn't see her swelling up or anything. As an allergy sufferer, I take allergies very seriously. But I think some people don't because some people don't have anaphylaxis with their allergic reactions. But I'm still to this day confused why she put herself in danger daily and I got in trouble for an accident. I'm glad she is ok though!
And the stealing kid, I actually feel really bad for him. Sounds like his dad is trying to get away from the mom but doesn't want to lose his kid. Hopefully he gets custody. His son could use some structure and sanity it sounds like
Third story, don't want him homeless, call the cops and have him arrested. Problem solved.
story #5. The stepson is an ADULT. Doesn't sound like he's going to school, so why isn't he working? If he's working he should be able to afford RENT somewhere. Dad should recognize that his son STEALING from his wife is NOT RIGHT. If he's stealing from the wife/stepmother, who else is he STEALING from?
I lost my own cat in 2022 I had her since I was 7 years old and she died when I was 25 so I had her for almost 18 years it was really hard on me when she died. She was with me through a lot considering I got her when my parents were going through a divorce. I was like a ticking time bomb considering I could burst into tears at any moment she was like a daughter to me. I would hate it if somebody had mocked my grieving for her in the way the Karen in the story did.
I've watched and listened to enough true crime stories to know that the last story could have gone a very different direction.
The next step could easily have been sleeping pills snuck into a drink, or straight up violence when caught.
The son's actions are what is making the father choose, not the wife being afraid and violated.
Love that this channel breaks up the ugh.
If hubby does not want his son alone and homeless, he can darned well join his son.
Get the locks changed the next time hubby goes to work, and toss his clothing out the window.
For the past two years I had a student in my pre-k room who's highly allergic to peanuts. Our program requires our classrooms and school provided food to be peanut and tree nut free no matter what so we never had to worry about it. We would sometimes get those uncrustable PB&J sandwiches that were made with sunflower butter instead so he was used to eating them. Well this year he's in kindergarten and even though the cafeteria workers had known for the past two years that he was allergic to peanuts they allowed him to take a regular PB&J from the lunch line. He was so used to our kind that he didn't know there was any difference, plus he's five so it's not like he would know any better anyways. He ate a few bites and then started having a severe reaction. My co-teacher and I had to be trained on using epipens but for some reason his kindergarten teacher never had been. So my co-teacher raced to his room, grabbed his epipen, then ran back and jammed it in. After that his parents were called to take him to the hospital. It's wild to me that so many people don't take food allergies seriously, especially those that try to test the person just to "make sure." Like yeah the cook in story 2 probably should have been told about OP's allergy just in case because how else would he have known not to. But all the owner would need to do is print out a sign that says "no peanuts allowed" and hang it in the kitchen. That way they wouldn't have to tell every cook who came in and it would avoid any issues.
I honestly don't know why anyone even engages with a Karen when she is literally dying from the peanut allergy. If ever in that situation, run don't walk to the nearest exit and take off. Don't even stop to explain. I don't care how entitled they are, they are not worth your life. Oh and I totally agree that it's worth investing in an epi pen if you are that allergic. I am hoping OP decides to buy one after this episode.
It boggles my mind how such a developed country like USA can be so absolutely backwards when it comes to medical expenses!!
I’m gonna risk dying just because I don’t have insurance… o well shit happens!
Here in Sweden medical care are mostly free, we pay a small (I mean between 20-40$) fee for a doctors appointment and the medicine we get prescribed it’s subsidized also! It’s get cheaper the more you buy and when you reached about 300$ under one year it gets free for the remainder of the year!
Bloody hell dying because you can’t afford an epi-pen is just madness! 😲
You don't get a single iota of that care for "free". Your tax rate is way higher than commonly found in the US, thats how it's paid for. I'm sick of seeing this stolen base ("our Healthcare is FREEEEEE!!!").
@@NateWilliams-h8q yes it terrible with high taxes but you know what?? I rather pay high taxes than DIE because I don’t have the insurance!
But fight for the AMERICAN WAY and let people die or get in severely high debts to pay for medical expenses… 🤦♂️
@@NateWilliams-h8q , Canadian here...and according to stats between the US and Canadian tax rates go...they are about same, yet we get more for our taxes. Not only do we get a well regulated and affordable healthcare system, but we have MUCH better programs and benefits. Workers here get a full year of maternity leave, Dad gets some too. Parents automatically get financial benefits, per child, from the moment of birth right up till their 18th year. Our transport systems are better maintained, the regulation systems on produce of all types, including meats and dairy are far better as well.
All in all, other countries actually live far better lives than many Americans, but because Americans are so insular, never look outside their own country at how other countries look after their own citizens, their health and financial benefits or their lifespans.
@@NateWilliams-h8q Sad thing is, if our govt didnt give away billions of our tax dollars away to profitable corporations such as Good Year, Walmart, and etc... we could have "free" health care and not pay higher taxes. Oh yeah and lets not forget that our govt cant account for 2.3 trillion of our tax dollars that they were paid but somehow lost or spent without any accounting on. 2.3 trillion. thats a fk ton of "free" health care.
@@NateWilliams-h8q actually our tax rate is way lower than your tax rate if you factor in adequate medical insurance. I'm in the top 20% of earners in Germany, yet I still pay less taxes total than what a family health care plan alone, giving me the same kind of medical service I enjoy in Germany, would cost me in the US.
True: with my specific job title I'd probably expect my work place to provide an insurance plan as a perc in the US, but you get the idea. And you know what's even more important? Taxes depend on your income. If you have little to no income, you don't pay any taxes. But you are still insured in most European countries.
So, unless you are in the top 1% of earners in the US, your statement is only a half-truth. Your medical system is simply way too expensive, inefficient and ineffective ...
Just look at the EpiPen story: an EpiPen costs 78,33€ in Germany right now. That's the total cost of that thing. With co-pay I'd pay only 7,83€. What do you pay in the US for those? Google says it's 650-750$ for a pack of two ...
S2. The price for an epi pen here ranges from free to $77, depending on your medical tier. I can't imagine life saving medicine being unaffordable
I know! I'm Canadian and cannot understand why the US continue to allow corporate and political greed to run not just the country, but their healthcare system as well.
@@Gwennedd it's a combination of poorly educated states having too much influence, a corrupt supreme court making a decision (the infamous citizens united case) that allowed for corporations to have disproportionate representation in the electoral process and so many more flaws that have went unfixed for too long
American health care is not health care. It is not even capitalism. It is extortion.
Last story - OP is not leaving her husband's sone potentially homeless ..... the young man is very effectively doing it all on his own.
Story #2: To the college dude who took OP to the hospital you my good Sir for an act of kindness like that you should receive a bottle of whisky or a case of beer and please drink responsibility.
Cats are the BEST people on this planet 🌎🥹🐈🐈⬛💕
Story 2: if you’re having a severe allergic reaction, I’d figure the last thing you’d try to do is explain yourself to people who don’t give a damn, and instead just head straight to the hospital. I mean, what’s that Karen gonna do? Try to hold you down and force you to take their order?
Last story
Husband: "You're making me choose between you and my son!"
Me: "Choose him then, we're done. You can leave too."
A husband who will not respect OP's safety is not worth staying married to.
stepson wants a place to live, how about jail and Dad needs to open his eyes and stop enabling his son's bad behavior, there is a reason nobody else wants him around, TIME TO MAKE HIM ACCOUNTABLE for his actions instead of making excuses for him
For FYI in Finland the epipen costs around 60$ and government pays 40% of that. The US drug prices are insain!!
On the story about the entitled karen, I hope she had to stay in jail for a long time.
Story 1 - I felt the same when my dog died. We harps him thirteen years but he had diabetes and in the end it got him. My boss kept ringing me to come back to work whilst I was off mourning.
Story #2: Epipens are about $700-$800 without insurance, and can cost quite a lot if your insurance isn't all that great (I've had to pay almost $200 once with crappy insurance, but that is better than $800). They also have a limited shelf life, no more than 2 years, often less, so they have to be replaced even if you haven't used it. The OP getting a couple of days off paid is nothing...the owner doesn't want to get sued, and should have made absolutely sure the chef knew never to bring peanuts to the workplace.
It's crazy. Where I live im you can get 2 pens for less than 150 bucks.
They also say in our version of the information leaflet that in an emergency you can and should still use an "old" epipen. Cause it's still better than nothing.
I hate what corporate greed made of america....
That step son is on his way to being a full blown thief. If that doesn't take charge of putting him through some form of rehabilitation then it's time to divorce him if he's going to stand by a crook.
Last story: He's right. OP is making him choose between her and his son. His son is dangerous and she has every right to expect her husband to protect her. If she just didn't like her stepson for no reason, I could see dad being upset about having to choose, but putting his son above protecting his wife FROM HIS SON, is the wrong move. Her safety should be his concern and she is NTA for expecting it.
Story 3 - OP should have simply reached out and hit the emergency police button on the alarm system. Video would have shown she effectively broke in by following OP in like she had, then started making demands.
PS: I also would have thrown her devices out the door.
Story 5: Definitely NTA. I don't care who you are, if someone tries to steal something off your fucking body while your sleeping that person needs to get the boot. I don't care how old you are, i don't care what gender you are, i don't care if your the president of the damn country, that shit is unacceptable. I don't know whats going through that guys head but it might be a smart idea to file for a separation after this (potentially a divorce if he doesn't snap out of this).
Pets are 'loved ones'.
I always say "they lost a loved one" when someone asks why a person is upset from loosing a pet or family member.
I dont differentiate.
Especially to stragers, who dont know about the relationship between pet and owner.
Call pets "loved ones" when talking about loosing them.
Cause thats what they are.
Especially to people who are devestated over loosing them.
That one college guy was a bro. He realized someone needed his help and immediately took action.
#1 She should have been thrown out. People like that are not worth the effort.
#2 Kinda dropped the ball not telling tge new hires about why there are no peanuts allowed.
#3 First she needs it fixed "now", but then she has 3 weeks? Typical tailgater.
#4 Hopefully with that he could get her off custody. He needs to save his son from the egg donor.
#5 NTA. Even if you had a legal obligation, the fear for your safety would be large enough to get him out.
Last story: I don’t know the law where the OP lives, but where I live, theft from a person (think purse snatch or pocket picking) is a felony because of the potential for violence. Maybe stepson needs some psychological help, but OP is NTA!
I’ve been in Customer Service for almost 20 years now and I’ve had some doozy customers that I’ve dealt with. I can relate. We close at 6 and I’ve had customers show up close to closing and when we tell them the warehouse closes at 4 and they’ll have to wait until the next morning to get their stuff they’ve thrown fits about wanting their stuff ’now’. Do you expect me to break into the warehouse to get your stuff? The doors are locked and there’s nobody there. It’s so dumb. We even had a huge snow storm one day and practically the whole city shut down for business. Nobody made it into the store to tell the customers getting home service that we weren’t coming. The next day when I phoned everybody they all completely understood. Except for one woman who said that what I was telling her was unacceptable. She was home all day waiting and she never got a phone call. Oh excuse me for not sending my tech out in a death trap where he could get in an accident just by driving. Some people are just a-holes through and through.
The Last story
The Stepson is most likely stealing from his stepparents to get his parents back together with the added bonus of having the money from the stolen items to buy whatever he wants. And OP'S horrible husband is probably only enabling his son's stealing ways because his son probably gives his Dad some or half of the money from the stolen items.
Story 3. It is terrifying when a Karen follows you through the employee door. We get chased all the time even after remodel when they moved our door to hide it more. It got pretty bad during holidays cause we have new hires so we don't know who's who and ppl follow in after us. Then we hear screaming across the store and how registers aren't open. It's literly 3am we don't open til 7. It's scary when karens follow us
I’m so sorry for OP who lost her cat. Still grieving for one of my dogs I lost.
Story 2
I feel sorry for the cook.
He must have been so shocked and feel bad.
But not his fault for not being informed.
Karens are the real monsters of this world, happy new year.
Story 1# epi pens here in minnesota are over 600$ my brother is deathly allergic to bees and like the girl in the story instead 9d peanuts he got stung on his foot didn't realize it till his face was big and red and itchy,we called 911 they came got him hooked up with an I've administered some meds he was in the hospital a couple days and during that couple days we found out that if you don't have ins the makers of epi pen will give you a new epi pen every 6 months for free if you don't have coverage or cant pay out of pocket so if anyone out there is in this situation get ahold of the manufacturer and explain the situation and they may have paperwork but will get you a free one.please take this situation seriously because it can really only take a min or two until you are in critical condition.
The last story: Neither OP or the Stepmom made the kid homeless. Him being a thief made him homeless. Believe it or not, back in the day being a thief used to be a very bad thing.
Actions have consequences. Doesn't matter why he did it. Drug dealers don't put a weapon to your head and force you to become and addict. Like OP said, he was fine, helped with the chores, worked for his money, etc. That's why our adult daughter is welcome to live at home rent-free for the rest of her life. (Seriously, she's our only child, everything will be hers eventually.) But if she started stealing from us, doing drugs, etc., much as it would break our hearts, she'd be gone.
'But I want it NOW!'
'Well, you can't have it now.'
'But I WANT it now!'
'Well, I'm sorry, but -'
And honestly, the person I feel sorry for in that second-to-last story is Joe. Yes, he stole the phone, but he's a little kid, and it sounds like his mother is actively encouraging him to misbehave, and doesn't seem to actually care about him except as a reflection of herself; clearly, she's not concerned about his wellbeing. It sounds to me like she has some sort of personality disorder or something, and he's taking the brunt of it - becoming kind of a thieving brat is probably the BEST-case scenario under those circumstances. It sounds like he has a good dad, though, so hopefully that'll straighten him out.
epipens are useful, and as well as insulin should be something that costs next to nothing considering. but the op would still need to be hospitalized if they had one, as it only staves off the issue for a bit
last story: it is weird. a kid that old. has a home to live in comfortably. helps w chores all around seems like a responsible adult… but he steals. it sounds like a kleptomania issue or something, he needs therapy
Last story: Honey, i love you desperately, but if it comes down to you and your thieving son, vs. my home and security, you're out of here.
5:44 😂 That should be a new motto: "Karens don't have a "Karen" the world"
British NHS certainly has its flaws but after a near fatal stroke and 9 month hospital stay I’m more than thankful for their existence
I'm not opposed to universal health care on principle. However, our Government can't pour water out of a bucket even if the instructions are printed on the bottom. They're never going to do it right- shut down the current system and go with national single-payer. What we'll end up with is yet another level of bureaucracy on top of the steaming pile that already exists.
psychosomatic allergy symptoms is a fascinating phenomenon, not saying that is what is happening with op. ...but someone who can't be in a joint with peanut shells on the floor, doesn't have any pre indicators until she gets to the bottom of her bowl of soup is probably a good indicator.
Good news is there is a lot of research money being put into studying it.
And often the research group will pay you and cover medical expenses.
LMFAO woth story 3 I'd repair them and if she doesn't return for them in 30 days they're considered abandoned so.... freebies. If she does return I'd charge her for how many days she left them abandoned in order to reclaim them. Also Literally anything abandoned in a store for 30 days is literally fair game for anyone to own.
Last Story: Maybe stepson is just trying to level-up his Pickpocket Perk/Skill LOL
Story 2: I gotta be honest, I'm not super impressed with the OP in that they were lazy about be careful with their allergies. I've got relatives with the same allergy and they're extremely careful with what they eat. Still, the Karon though was 100% out of line though.
Yeah, I don't eat ANYTHING without being absolutely sure of what's in it. OP should have asked what was in the soup before just scarfing down a whole bowl.
The proper response to "I'm never coming here again ' is *promise?'.
Story 4
Im so glad to hear that the karen and the dad are already seperated.
#1: 2 days pay is a lot cheaper than OP would have gotten if a lawyer had been called.