How to set your beardy tank up

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • This is a how to set up your bearded dragon tank up properly.

ความคิดเห็น • 694

  • @paigieroberts
    @paigieroberts 7 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    Guys I'm not positive but I don't think he wants us to use sand

    • @aleksimonian5690
      @aleksimonian5690 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Paige Roberts I’m not too sure but I also think he doesn’t like substrate...😂😂🤣

    • @rradiosilencee
      @rradiosilencee 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Sand isn’t good

    • @pxrisxiv
      @pxrisxiv 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Artsy Poodle depends on what sand you use and how shitty your husbandry is, I wouldn’t use calci sand but I’d use a mixture of play sand and topsoil.

    • @rradiosilencee
      @rradiosilencee 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Valiant Faynt id say if you use sand watch them carefully or feed them with tongs so they won't ingest it

    • @alaynacraglow4005
      @alaynacraglow4005 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @adametchells7782
    @adametchells7782 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Took the sand out of my tank after watching this. The change in my guys health has been quite surprising. He was only shitting during bath time, now he goes daily in the tank. Looks a lot brighter in general as well. So cheers Michael, you've probably added years to his life.

  • @AlecGrinage
    @AlecGrinage 10 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Absolutely the most informative video about beardie husbandry on TH-cam. Excellent job!

  • @nickcornell1485
    @nickcornell1485 8 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    oh, chap we completely Messed up thank God I started watching your videos you probably saved my bearded dragon thank you

    • @ethanhines2536
      @ethanhines2536 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lizard Barbarian I

    • @CeleryBruh
      @CeleryBruh 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ethan Hines did you just reply to say "I"? What do you mean it really confuses me!

    • @TheSteveF
      @TheSteveF 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Noureldine Celery I

    • @fiddleblob4
      @fiddleblob4 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Show us all of your reptiles

  • @charlesanderson9205
    @charlesanderson9205 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    After watching this video I quickly changed the sand in my tank to wax paper. Thanks for saving my baby dragon!

  • @KyaCloud
    @KyaCloud 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We just got an adult beardie, he came with a 40gal tank, and had been living with bad lighting and substrate. We changed it to slate, and got him some proper lighting. I have found a lot of this information so very helpful as we are new beardie owners. Thanks for your videos. We also feed ours mainly collard greens, cactus leaf and Phoenix Worms for staples and little treats of mealworms and green apple, or blueberries.

  • @combatjohn
    @combatjohn 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video.
    Thanks for the info.
    I was "donated" a Bearded Dragon today.
    I replicated the environment I took him from in my own home.
    After watching your video, I will definitely be changing his habitat.
    First to go is his SAND.

  • @joseacosta3048
    @joseacosta3048 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm a soon too be Bearded Dragon owner. I've always thought of them too be a beautiful animal and lovely pet. . I always look too your videos on any information that I need! Thank you 1000x over for you're videos and thank you so much for showing us you're babies, I get great joy too see and learn from them . Thank you

  • @antoni6269
    @antoni6269 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for all the good info, I just got my first bearded dragon a month ago. I just changed the sand for tile and my dragon is so much happier now. And it looks much better too. Great video.

  • @swegbruh199
    @swegbruh199 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    beauty hurts

  • @tiffanyann3985
    @tiffanyann3985 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello there. My name is Tiffany. I am a proud new owner of a bearded dragon. Never had a reptile before, but me and this beardie pretty much "had a moment" at the petstore and he came home with me. Truth be told, I only went to get cat food. I wasn't planning on being a beardie owner, but it was so worth it. The love that this little guy has melts my heart, and I love him. I have been reading a lot about them and I have a ton of questions, and no one to ask. I don't trust the people at the petstore whatsoever. They don't seem knowledgeable at all. They couldn't even tell me how old he was. His body cradles in my hand perfectly, and my hand is about six inches long, but his tail extends my hand by a lot. He's got a really long tail. I am pretty sure he is a juvenile, or at least on the cusp of being a juvenile because I seen ones way smaller than him, even though he is pretty small himself. I really want to make sure I am doing right by my beardie. He seems happy and healthy but it would put my mind at ease if I had reliable information to go on aside from reading various conflicting and contradictory information on blogs and other How-To sites I found.
    Right now, I have a 40 gallon glass terrarium that I bought as a "kit" that came with two dome lights, a felt like bottom, food/water dishes, an analog thermometer/humidity gauge, a basking bulb, and one of those squiggly lights that supposedly put out UVB.
    I didn't trust the squiggly bulb immediately, I go tanning in the winter to counteract Seasonal Affective Disorder, and I have never seen a squiggly bulb in a tanning booth ever. So I swapped it out with a nice strip light like you have in your video, and got the ReptiSun 10.0. I read some fantastic reviews on it and felt like it was the way to go.
    Instead of the squiggly bulb, I swapped it out for a 100 Watt Ceramic Heat Emitter in the dome. I figured they come from the desert, so they needed hot temperatures. So I wanted to make sure my baby was warm enough throughout the day/night.
    The basking bulb I swapped out for the MegaRay Mecury Vapor Bulb (100 Watt) that produces UVA/UVB. I figured you could never OVERDOSE on Vitamin D, and I read that they are prone to Metabolic Bone Disease, so I figured the extra dose of D would only be a good thing.
    For his basking spot, I got something that resembles a desert canyon that also had a cave. I also put one of those wooden logs on the other side of the terrarium in his cool zone.
    I will add more decorations later after I make sure his light/heat situation is finalized, I feel like THAT is more important than making his habitat look pretty for him.
    Oh, and obviously, NO SAND EVER. There will NEVER be any kind of sand in his tank. Plus, I invented a rather clever way of feeding him his crickets, and the sand would be a nuisance to me. See, he is still small, so he is not a fantastic hunter yet, so the crickets were jumping off and hiding in his ornaments and even underneath the felt bottom before he could get to them. So I figured he would just eat them later after they come out, but then I read that the crickets could nibble on my dragon while he is sleeping and cause him distress, so I decided that NO LIVE CRICKETS may be allowed to stay in the tank after he is done feeding. So I had to figure out a realistic solution to my problem. I tried taking him into a different tank to feed him, but he wasn't too fond of the idea. So I decided to keep him in his own tank, but just strip it bare of everything and dump the crickets in the bare container. Then when he is done feeding, take a dust buster, and sweep them all up and dump them back into the cricket enclosure. This has seemed to work, and Aerogore (my dragon) even kind of knows the drill now. He tells me he is done by backing away from the crickets and looking at me like "Okay mommy, I am full" so then I pick him up and put him in his hammock, and then proceed to sweep all the crickets out, then I hit it with a wet rag and give it a nice once over, then put everything back in his tank and let him sun for an hour or two before I take him out and handle him. The whole process takes about 20 minutes or so, and I feed him twice a day. While I am at work, I offer him those freeze dried crickets and mealworms in his dish, and I also try and leave him some veggies, although he is not interested in the veggies whatsoever. But still leave it there for him because I read that you are supposed to lol. Then at the end of the day, I just dump the old veggies in the cricket container and let them eat them. I also leave him water, but give him a bath every couple of days to make sure he is hydrated, and he usually drinks his bathwater. I sometimes see him drink out of his water bowl in the tank, but I wanna make sure he is getting enough. I am not sure how much they are supposed to drink but I drink water like a fish, so to me, he is not getting enough lol.
    Okay, okay, so I have some questions...
    1. What is the correct ambient temperatures supposed to be in the enclosure on the hot side. I know the cool side is supposed to stay in the low 80s from what I read, but no one is ever talking about how hot the other side should be. They only talk about the surface area of the basking rock, which should stay at about 100-110. I have one of those thermometer guns, and the rock is the correct temperature, and the cool side is around 80-85 degrees, but what should the ambient air temperature be on the hot side of the tank? What should the highest temperature be, and the lowest temperatures be for the basking side of the tank? I set up 4 thermometers evenly spaced in the tank so I can see the gradient temperatures and how they change from one side of the tank to the other. The high temperatures only get up to about 85 degrees, but the basking rock is absolutely 100-110. I thought it needed to be hotter in there on the hot side since the cool side was supposed to be 85 degrees, so I got a second heat emitter for him. Now the temp is getting to be 88-95 degrees. Is that the ideal temperature zone for the hot side of the tank? No one is talking about this, and I have no idea what I am doing. I don't want to end up killing my dragon of heat stroke by me being ignorant with good intentions. I need solid information. What are my min/max air temps I should be shooting for in the tank? If you could answer this, I would be truly grateful. I have been riddled with anxiety for the last week frantically searching the internet for a definitive answer on this.
    2. I notice that he is trying to attack his reflection on the glass sometimes. He is not flexing his beard, or having it turn black or anything. He doesn't look like he is being aggressive. He is sort of dancing on the glass, or at least looks like ball room dancing. That's the best way I can describe it. I thought about blocking out the glass because I am worried about it being cute to me, but actually stressful for him, but at the same time, I want him to be able to see me, and me see him. Is there a way to get around this problem? Is this something to worry about? Any tips would be appreciative.
    3. What should the temperatures drop to while he is sleeping? And do they NEED to drop? I have the heat emitter on 24-7 because I am afraid of him getting too cold. So the temps at night stay around 80~ but then I read that they do need a temperature drop at night to keep their immune systems healthy and let them sleep. So should I put the heat emitter on the timer with the lights and have everything go off at night? I am not sure what I am supposed to do. I sleep with the window open and my room itself gets around 65-70 degrees at night, and thought that would be too cold for him. Should I leave one heat emitter on at night? Should I not?
    4. Veggies... How do I get him interested in eating his veggies? I know he is supposed to eat them, but he wont. Sometimes I can get him to eat a piece of a strawberry of sweet potato when I hand feed him a little piece but he only eats one piece and then wont take the second piece. I am worried about him getting enough nutrients.
    5. Crickets... Should I be feeding him other types of bugs too? I read that dubai roaches are a good source of live food for them. Should I try him on that too? I tried super worms, and he seemed to gobble them up, but I wasn't sure about them. They seem a little too big for him, and I am worried about him gobbling them up whole and them staying alive in his stomach, or being too difficult to digest. But, I would like to see him eat something other than the same thing every single day because I can't see him getting enough nutrients from the same meal every single day.
    I will have more questions later I suppose... Please reach out to me on FB, my username is LstInAmbivalence. That goes for anyone on this comments section that can answer my questions. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, talk to me!

  • @85Caity180
    @85Caity180 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for talking so forcefully about sand as a substrate. I was sold the sand when I got my beardie Riley. I will be heading to a local tile store tomorrow to swap out his desert sand for some tiles. Never apologise for telling the truth. You may have just saved Riley's life! Thank you once again!

  • @leighrichardson8795
    @leighrichardson8795 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like how passionate this guy is about animals not just his but others :) I have a whole lot of respect for you:)

  • @insaneinnixa
    @insaneinnixa 8 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    it pisses me off to no end when I see people on here doing a how to take care of your dragon video and they safe with them on sand. you have no reason to apologize for being aggressive against sand. my first beardie died of impaction because of all the misinformation about sand in the late 90's.

    • @catarinasuarez3475
      @catarinasuarez3475 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Mark Patrick mine died 8 years ago they said it was edible sand.. jerks.

    • @catarinasuarez3475
      @catarinasuarez3475 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Mark Patrick my bearded dragon was named ripto, he should still be alive

    • @spacewhale8279
      @spacewhale8279 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mark Patrick That really sucks, sorry.

    • @vipermay6900
      @vipermay6900 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      As a child I had only bought 2 bags of sand over time I saw that my dragon was losing weight, not eating, and could barely move she was only about ide say 25 days old on my judgement, one day coming back from school found her dead in the water dish. She was thirsty and didn't have the strength to get out of it but I have found your video very useful and plan to get a new bearded dragon in hopes it will live a better life.

    • @vipermay6900
      @vipermay6900 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh and would like to know what breeders u would prefer I buy one from I particularly love red dragons.

  • @jackrunnerbeats
    @jackrunnerbeats 8 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    I subscribed after your tile rant. I'm going to try to convince my girlfriend to change it, we'll see though.

    • @irunthestreets
      @irunthestreets 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      shouldn't take convincing after she watches this, if it does, leave her.

    • @pixxels-_-1507
      @pixxels-_-1507 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jack Runner did she change it

    • @0wnery
      @0wnery 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Did she change it

    • @jackrunnerbeats
      @jackrunnerbeats 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@0wnery Nope, we're no longer together. Hahahah

    • @KP90647
      @KP90647 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I like using texured flooring. They seem to not slide around as much as linoleum.

  • @comfiness
    @comfiness 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I cannot thank you enough for this video. I'm going to get my first beardie in about a month, and this has helped me SO much. I cannot wait to get his/her tank all set up, and to be confident with knowing that not only will they be happy with it, it will be safe, and they will be healthy! You're the absolute best, Michel.

  • @samanthakerkenides749
    @samanthakerkenides749 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    YOU. ARE. AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for being honest about substrates and care for the beardies.

  • @Katmamik
    @Katmamik 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for sharing this video. I want to get a beardie in about six months and Ive been doing a lot of reading and looking at youtube for information on them. Your videos on how to care and set up/make a home for them has been the best. I really appreciate the love and care you have for the animals

  • @Herp0
    @Herp0 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I love how real you are, your an ass about it, but you need to be! it's a good thing thank you for yelling, all you say is what people need to say, your an amazing person! im working on my berdies enclosure, im going to carbon copy yours because theres no way to better!

  • @lisadouglas2963
    @lisadouglas2963 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Michael, that was an awesome video. I have a gala tank, but with the help of a breeder he modified the top for the heat to be inside. The tiles are an awesome idea which I will use and with the sand I agree. You can actually see the dust floating in the air which wouldn't be good. I am a novice and have had a lot of learning curves. I will share your video to help others to not go through the heart ache and learning curves that I have gone through. "Your awesome" Thanks. Lisa

  • @zylerwalle9493
    @zylerwalle9493 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    when I first watch one of your videos I wanted a dragon and you really helped me take good care of my dragon Loki so thank you

  • @TheAmbulatoryAnarchist
    @TheAmbulatoryAnarchist 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just rescued a beardie that someone had abandoned in a forest near me, so looking to get a Viv set up. Great video and great advice. Thanks

  • @pagan3368
    @pagan3368 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for this information....just got two and will definitely be changing over to tile instead of the substrate that the previous owner have in there now.

  • @CorruptedRose
    @CorruptedRose 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    So glad you made this video. I've been watching a ton of set up videos and all telling me to use sand and coconut husk and to buy all this stuff when your video was simple, to the point. I trust your information on everything on Bradford more than any other youtuber. From your other videos I see how happy and healthy all your beardies are and I'm glad you've shared this information so my beardies can be happy and healthy, thank you.

  • @alexanderson5140
    @alexanderson5140 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I listen to you explain about no substrate, I use newspaper for my beardie for months and he is totally fine.

    • @stormyalice
      @stormyalice 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Mayflower 1620
      Newspaper is dangerous because there is chemicals in the paper and the ink. Plus who knows what else..

    • @alexanderson5140
      @alexanderson5140 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your Rival good to know

    • @ieatmocos_8056
      @ieatmocos_8056 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mayflower 1620 use a carpet

    • @midnightghost_2
      @midnightghost_2 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      VSVP Chris carpet gets stuck in their nails

    • @AnubisFenrir
      @AnubisFenrir 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      midnightghost_2 not mines an been using it for whole year it depends on whay carpet if you get the green stuff it might get stuck

  • @betzaidacruz4541
    @betzaidacruz4541 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I will be changing my tank for learning this information.
    Thank you for this information. I wish for my beardie to live a long life with me.
    Thank you for this video

  • @AmmyNoUzume
    @AmmyNoUzume 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm trying to figure out the best light set up for an Exo Terra 36x18 tank, so this vid helps. A lot of great info here as I try to wrap my head around everything before going in for one (or two).

  • @kayleemoss9299
    @kayleemoss9299 8 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I use a drying clay in my enclosure that I can form a cave in before it fully drys, easy to clean and my dragon loves it :) because it's a hard surface I don't have to worry about him eating it!

  • @shannonalisandrelli7897
    @shannonalisandrelli7897 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    As we have said thank you for all the knowledge that you provide about bearded dragons and again we absolutely love your long videos and can't wait to see more

  • @tacoferrari
    @tacoferrari 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can definitely see your passion for these lil guys! My kids are begging for one, and I'm just beginning my research. I'm learning a lot from your videos! NO SAND!!! Lol. 🦎

  • @karlyb9307
    @karlyb9307 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Michel, just wanted to thank you for your bearded dragon videos and for emphasizing about the sand! Ever since I stumbled upon your TH-cam I fell in love with these babies and I'm preparing to get my own (first reptile). Thankfully I watched this video before going to the pet store and purchasing things for his enclosure, because wow you weren't wrong about the pet stores and sand. They were so pushy on me getting the sand but I'm thankful for your video which probably saved my future beardie! Keep up the great work

  • @HowTheRU665
    @HowTheRU665 10 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    lol he was so mad when he was talking about the sand i use a reptile mat

    • @sipapi1131
      @sipapi1131 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Makes sense why he was mad. I would be to because it literally kills them.

  • @samhind4231
    @samhind4231 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank u so much for being so honest and caring so much for these beautiful animals I have 6 bearded dragons and have spent most of the day taking all the sand out of there tanks I really appreciate and love what u r doing for these beautiful animals the truly r amazing I thank u so much for sharing your knowledge and the dangers of using sand I will Never be using it again !!! Thanks again great video

  • @victoriaanastasjiaroseblaa7505
    @victoriaanastasjiaroseblaa7505 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    you have the healthiest looking animals ive ever seen , im actually getting ny first beardie in 2 weeks. thanks for letting me know to use tile !!

    • @glendelyarber5208
      @glendelyarber5208 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      How is your bearded dragon doing? I ask because I just bought my new little buddy and bought tile for his enclosure. Does your beardie like the tile?

    • @victoriaanastasjiaroseblaa7505
      @victoriaanastasjiaroseblaa7505 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Glendel Yarber hes great , my boyfriends beardie uses tile as well, so easy to clean.

  • @PRFishGirl
    @PRFishGirl 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just got my baby bearded dragon and your videos are great

  • @dwightmorency8004
    @dwightmorency8004 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Michel thank you for the info I'm become a newbie so I'm like sponge my grandson an I are going to build our own enclosures they have a dragon at school and he loves it so keep it coming .

  • @QuantumLegend
    @QuantumLegend 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    The idea for tiles is genius. Thanks for the tips.

  • @darrylmilton6098
    @darrylmilton6098 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I totally agree with the whole “NO SAND SUBSTRATE “! And I also use tile (it helps with their nails, and shedding) but I absolutely do NOT use any chemicals whatsoever to clean the tiles, I clean mine by putting them on a milk crate that I have outside and our boiling water on them and use a hard bristled scrub brush that I only use for that purpose, boiling water kills ALL bacteria instantly. That’s just me I’ve had my boy for seven years and counting.

  • @JoseRodriguez-zz2yg
    @JoseRodriguez-zz2yg 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    This guy keeps it real 💯💯💯🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I use this set up for years !!!

  • @joshmuldoon8778
    @joshmuldoon8778 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you I didn't know about the sand that it was bad, I have crushed almond bedding but when it gets dirty I'll go to the tile. Thanks again.

  • @lizelrengifo4658
    @lizelrengifo4658 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree, i have never used sand, i use vinyl which cleans so easy, and Im OCD and i want my dragons clean and so do their home... Im now looking for tile...

  • @TheCavyHouse
    @TheCavyHouse 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great video this helped a lot. My boyfriend has recently got a 4 year old beardie. we have her in a 75 gallon tank but she was on sand when we got her and there is so much controversy over it we didn't know what to believe. Some people say shes not a baby so its okay but is it really.... apparently not. Plus she does have staining now of black! eeek! Don't want that on her and don't want anything bad to happen. Home depot trip tomorrow for tiles :)

    • @TheCavyHouse
      @TheCavyHouse 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      No shit... did u even read the whole comment?

  • @kd6101
    @kd6101 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video Michel Behrends lots of good info, keep them coming!!!!

  • @KP90647
    @KP90647 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I miss you man. Best reptile youtuber ever!

  • @DrEvil97
    @DrEvil97 10 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I love the care videos man keep it up!

  • @teeonezee
    @teeonezee 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    GREAT!! I'm happy that you emphasised not using sand. I was actually thinking of getting it. LOL!! Wow. Great help. Thanks man!

  • @gojyo77
    @gojyo77 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am so happy I watched this video!!! I now know that I will not be using substrate!!! Thank you!

  • @CarlosMartinezxFulLxArsenaLx
    @CarlosMartinezxFulLxArsenaLx 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very amazing video. Your setup and supplies are minimalistic but perfect. Is there a specific tile I should look for or will any general tile work? Thank you again for the video. It is hard to find help on the internet but you really seem to know what you're doing. Your knowledge is very appreciated!

  • @aaronjohnson7628
    @aaronjohnson7628 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I first saw yoghurt video I knew u were not a breeder because a breeder does name his animals great vid

  • @cmpdr6
    @cmpdr6 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I actually got ceramic tile from my local tile store for free :D It was scrap they had no use for so they gave it to me. I plan on taking it over to Lowes to get it cut to size. The guy at Lowes just told me to make sure I measure and mark it properly.

  • @mr.kultra6375
    @mr.kultra6375 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn dude. If I get to the point where I'm breeding them like I want to, I'll have to get you to build my tanks.

  • @rustEsadface73
    @rustEsadface73 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    So happy you care about bearded dragons so much! :)

  • @kempyliz
    @kempyliz 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Absolutely loved this video explained alot and definitely learned something from it

  • @OGFlipperbaby
    @OGFlipperbaby 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for this information. I have a juvenile with reptile sand that claims the round beads won't hurt them.. I'm switching to tile ASAP!

  • @justinebriddock8254
    @justinebriddock8254 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm glad u told me about sand n bark now I'll b changing it

  • @gavinshepherd3967
    @gavinshepherd3967 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for ranting on how awful sand is. I totally agree. I am going to make a 24 by 24 by 36 cage like your tutorial for my boy. Your dragons are beautiful btw.

  • @dbellman89
    @dbellman89 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    WOW I thought I knew what I was doing till I watched this your points on substrate are awesome guess I have some work to do this weekend good bye sand! thank-you for making this video

  • @jamesocdragons7259
    @jamesocdragons7259 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Again another amazing video webe that sand preach you gave I'm %100 on your side

  • @abbierosethomas3961
    @abbierosethomas3961 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are the reason I love Beardies sending love from the uk x

  • @cathyherr8031
    @cathyherr8031 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for your video, it’s a lot of help. Thanks for the information on sand and substrate, IDK what your thoughts are on the carpet but that is what I use and yes I keep it clean. Oh, I will definitely be getting the tile. But I need some dyer help. 1, I have to watch my pennies, 2, winter has set in. I’ll tell you a little about my setups, I have two beardie. I have have a tank that is 36x17x17, and another that is 20gal both have screen tops.My place is very small so my tanks are in front of a window bc I also want them to have some natural sun light. My male is in the east window, bc he was sick when I rescued him with a basking lamp and a 75w UVA + UVB lamp, and my female is in the west in the bigger tank bc she is livelier with a basking lamp and a 100w UVA and UVB.Here’s where I need help. I noticed that their tanks temperature dropped, so I called the pet shop and asked a stupid question and got a stupid answer. Why didn’t I think to up the lamp is beyond me. I put an inch thick styrofoam between the window and the tanks but no help. So if I didn’t leave anything out, I need to use the kind of lamps, the tile, the temperature gage, oh what size lamps for each tank and what about the screen top? Anything else? Please and thank you.

  • @SO-gj3ll
    @SO-gj3ll 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    thank you for this, i thought my bulb was enough until you got into detail about a long uvb light.

  • @SatansFire
    @SatansFire 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sand was the biggest mistake i made in my early years of reptile keeping. I was given my first bag for free so i just assumed it would be good. I later noticed the sand was dyed and it was affecting my beardies eating habits and immediate took it out. My one beardie would cough and wheeze occasionally after and i still havent forgiven myself for using it.

  • @edgarandrade4284
    @edgarandrade4284 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you very much for this great instructional video.

  • @Ivanpah1337
    @Ivanpah1337 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    This video was awesome. Finally got some actual no flash answers about a couple things I haven’t been able to nail down. Question where are you getting those tiles? Home Depot and Lowe’s only has bigger tiles. Those 6 inch ones would be perfect and manageable.

  • @Player0neGaming
    @Player0neGaming 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I got my first beard a couple months ago and the guys I got it off had been using sand as the substrate and had some leftover which I got aswell, did look into different substrates but the internet generally contradicts itself some saying its fine others saying its not, anyway gonna stop using it now. Always took bud out to feed him though. But I'll clean him out later today and he can just sit on the wooden tank until I get some tiles next week when I get paid.

  • @cathyherr8031
    @cathyherr8031 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh, I also put towels over the tops around the lamps to help hold in the heat.

  • @Eshmoony
    @Eshmoony 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You should make a video on building one of those tanks because I would like to make one

  • @thetruthandthelife9639
    @thetruthandthelife9639 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Mike is there anyway you could do an updated video on how you make your enclosures please? Im curious if there are any updated equipment sets that you would use now that you didn’t before

  • @JuiceBoxBlobb
    @JuiceBoxBlobb 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    For substrate I personally use Porridge Oats. It was recommended by a pet store clerk who uses it for his beardies as it looks quite good and is easily digestible.

    • @azdeh1894
      @azdeh1894 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +JuiceBoxBlobb interesting, though you would need to watch out for mold from misting/water bowl.

  • @arianawilliams1379
    @arianawilliams1379 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love it you made the lighting seem less scary lol and I was debating on having a bioactive sub with like compacted soil as the top layer but after seeing the tile you have I am thinking that will be a better option

  • @walkingdead6081
    @walkingdead6081 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    it makes sense bro..about the I got reptile carpet which I was told by so many others that it was I got brown reptile carpet to make it kinda look like sand...

  • @qwazymoto18
    @qwazymoto18 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    the fluorescent uvb bulbs only spreads uvb rays up to 12 inches from its lamp. Mvb bulbs uvb rays spread up to a couple feet. They are much better than florescent bulbs. In this set up, the dragons would only be getting minimal uvb if any at all.

  • @DeniseLewin677
    @DeniseLewin677 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for the info I will be getting a Bearded dragon soon and will not use sand or any substrate I will get tile

  • @isaaclee.m4741
    @isaaclee.m4741 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    He has ALL the good information 👍🏻

  • @kattiestokley3075
    @kattiestokley3075 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    You should make a comment about the untrained reptile caretaker housing beardies together. Especially male and female unless breeding and those things. I had a friend who thought it was okay to house 2 beardies together because of youtube. But she wasn't prepared for them to fight and only had the one enclosure. The female beardie was severely injured by the male and she was unprepared to separate them. Other than that, fantastic advice and lovely dragons.

  • @hannahgriffin6076
    @hannahgriffin6076 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tile would be a better choice over the eco carpet, your beardie has nails, unfiled nails which make them kinda rough on the edges. Which will also cause them to get caught in the carpet and possibility rip the nail off.

  • @offroadpatriot7219
    @offroadpatriot7219 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    So after seeing this I ran to Pet smart and bought a Carpet bedding and replaced my sand. Only concern is that I've had my beardie in sand for about 3 months. So hopefully Impaction hasn't taken place or anything like that. I suppose switching it now is better then not doing it at all.. She seems to be more mobile on the Carpet Reptile surface.

  • @MrRedneckrc
    @MrRedneckrc 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video good tip on the basking lights and AWSOME set up, where do you get the track for your sliding doors on your cages

  • @geenasmet
    @geenasmet 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    First off, I really liked this video. I don't have a beardy (yet :p), but these reptiles have spiked my interest for a few years now. They are absolutely gorgeous. However I have been wondering what you think of bioactive terrariums. I know what you're view is on substrate (especially sand), but do you think the same about bioactive substrate? I guess you probably do so it might be a stupid question, but these special terraria seem quite cool to me, since they are self cleaning and what not. The question is if they could also cause some diseases. Don't worry though, I do not own any reptiles, I'm just so interested in different animal species and what's good for them. And you do seem quite the expert :p thanks in advance! (Sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my home language)

  • @buddybearthebeardie6168
    @buddybearthebeardie6168 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    lol that was adorable when he pointed to the log and there was two on top and one just chillin inside it

    • @buddybearthebeardie6168
      @buddybearthebeardie6168 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      also is it okay if I have my adult bearded dragon in a 65 gallon tank?

  • @emilyrose9760
    @emilyrose9760 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    My girl is actually on paper towels lol I HATE sand! Trust me I most definitely feel your frustration throughout just about every second of this video! Haha the more he ranted I'm sitting here saying out loud..."YES, WHY? Seriously! Yes i call it a dirty expensive cat litter box!" Hahaha instant subscriber here & prolly gonna be spending today seeing what else I've missed.
    Btw do u sell the tank condo's? If not, do u have a blue print or guide line that i could use to make one? I also want to know how to modify it for snakes plz, mainly the heat matts& timer set up for multiple condo's, w/o causing or putting me & my babies in dangerous situations. Please & Thank you!
    Most definitely am sharing this!!

  • @richsensale7890
    @richsensale7890 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wanted an opinion on something. For years, my Daughter and I have had Green Iguanas, then we moved and we were not able to take them with us. Luckily we found them a good home. My Daughter has been begging for another lizard and I want to surprise her with a Beardie. I know there are major differences in the care and feeding of beardies as opposed to the Greenies. I have heard many opinions about substrate and I agree that loose substrate is not a good idea. When we had her Iguanas, we used a flooring tile. Very tough textured vinyl. It worked well for the Iguanas. Inexpensive and super easy to clean and replace. How do you think this would work with a Beardie? I want to get as much info as possible before getting her the Beardie. Thanks in advance.

  • @jessebustamante7687
    @jessebustamante7687 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've actually had a bearded dragon a long time ago, I had him on sand and he ended up dying, but I have one now and it's lasted two years on just regular little wood things

  • @stephanievance8733
    @stephanievance8733 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm am seriously interested in adding a bearded dragon to the family ,I had one years ago and was absolutely in love with him. I moved and sadly couldn't take him with me. ( I gave him to a friend who is a avid reptile lover and knew how to care for him as he has other bearded dragons and other reptiles) I'm happily now at a place and time in my life that I can finally offer a good stable and caring home to a beardy and I can't wait to share my love for reptiles with my son aswell. I have been and will continue to watch your videos on how to care for your dragon I want to brush up and learn as much as I can to give a dragon the best care possible. I am in no rush as I'd rather have all the info I can get and have everything set up before I even think about getting one. If you can please get back to me I have a few questions on pricing ,temperament, tank size etc I also wanted to know if you thought they are a good pet for children as I have an eight year old son and I would never want to unnecessarily stress out a dragon. I guess what I'm asking is that in your experience (I know every dragon is different) are most dragons good with being handled by children.

    • @mickeybigbuds
      @mickeybigbuds 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      there should be more beardy owners like yourself. well done,do the research first.

  • @pazzazblue9201
    @pazzazblue9201 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    thank you love you bo homeo youhave helped me alot i am not a bearded dragon owner but i am hopeing to be the best one for my dragon and i am useing like alot of your tips thank you and i am just waiting to buy one from your website plz dont make it expensive.
    :-) :-) thank you and you definitely. made friends god bless your soul

  • @xDCM
    @xDCM 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello Michel, not sure if you still use this still but thank you for this video, i have just ordered my first reptile tank/setup, mine also came with a bag of wood chippings, i will not be using them, i will be getting some nice tiles for he/she to sit on, only thing i am not sure about is feeding them, some people say once-three times a day, and must feed them live food all the time, but what i was thinking will it be ok to feed them canned crickets one day, the next day sald. im unsure if you have posted a video about it before, but any advice/links that you trust would be great.
    - Dan

  • @nutz79ful
    @nutz79ful 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Michel Behrends I just put one of my beardies in an exo terra 36X18X18 terrarium and he is not pooping he only goes when I give him a bath I was wondering if it is because I do not have a stone in there to heat his stomach up. He does have reptile carpet and a basking spot made from moponi wood.

  • @thinknow4114
    @thinknow4114 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    So what kind of substrate do you use again?
    Sorry, couldn’t resist. Well done! And the enclosures are first rate. If you see this (since the video isn’t exactly recent) what material are you using to build these enclosures? Is that PVC or just melamine with end caps and trim?
    I use an Animal Plastics enclosure. I have an under tank heat tape I keep at 95 during the day and 77 at night on a thermostat for the majority of the enclosure along with a ceramic heat emitter and UVB from above. I found that not having the proper ambient air temp in the room in which I keep the enclosure necessitated a supplemental heat source. My ambient air temps remain comfortable for the BD across the entire enclosure and I don’t end up running the ceramic at night since the tile surface is 77.
    She can thermoregulate in the area that she likes at night. During the summer the air conditioning keeps the basement at about 67 degrees and the heat during the winter at 69. A lot of people do not take this onto account and turn their basking equipment off at night.

  • @TheCrowGamers
    @TheCrowGamers 8 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Michel.. What's your day job? Do you work in an office or something? You should do bearded dragon stuff full time.

    • @redbaron9650
      @redbaron9650 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pretty sure he sells beardys for a living.

    • @carlosnino4864
      @carlosnino4864 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Apparently, he does not keep Bearded Dragons anymore.

    • @Edgar.travels92
      @Edgar.travels92 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Carlos Nino how do you know?

  • @Lamboking-fd6qu
    @Lamboking-fd6qu 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a beardie and one day I put sand not any color just normal colored and the first night he dug a whole the. Next morning he was in the cactus and I noticed he didn't like so I took all the sand out and put the carpet back then he was on the floor again running around and having fun

  • @TheHoriznLine
    @TheHoriznLine 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    + Michel Behrend Can you please make a video on feeding schedules for bearded dragons, mine is 5 months old

  • @darrisafari4933
    @darrisafari4933 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Me and my brother love your videos! Thank you so much! I love all your beardy's my fave is cherrybomb

  • @greenie032000
    @greenie032000 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Webe great video and very helpful i don't use sand at all i just build two new enclosure for my Breaded i didn't know anything about Breaded until i been watching you video's what kind of light do you used again

  • @mrdrogo6265
    @mrdrogo6265 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for the advice and I have just remove the sand from my vivarium.

  • @chachel02
    @chachel02 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for this video, I know its old but very helpful to me. My pet store actually recommended tile, she was a beardy lover. I bought a couple of the big ones but still have half my tank carpeted. I will be getting more tile to fill the tank. I have the screen cover and my cat fell through it in the tank. No worries she doesn't hurt her she got scared and couldn't get out. If I cover it up with a towel or something hard so my cat won't fall through how do I properly ventilate?

  • @JuanVargas-gm3mn
    @JuanVargas-gm3mn 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bought a terrarium and it came with a 50w heat bulb & blue 12 w uvb bulb. (2 separate domes)... 20 gallon tank.
    how do I properly use the lights?

  • @AnubisFenrir
    @AnubisFenrir 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    my bulbs keep braking an they say they pose last a year dont even last 4 months you wright im about to go check out them ones you suggested because i think petco been getting me

  • @golfer0422
    @golfer0422 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I notice there is maybe only 1 tile piece per tank (if that)... should the whole bottom be tile, or just a piece or two? I dont see how the filing takes place if they avoid the tile.

  • @DSFII
    @DSFII 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    3:01 LOL 😂

  • @dannysalvatierra1470
    @dannysalvatierra1470 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’ve been learning a lot watching your videos, thank you. I’m having trouble getting the right temperature on my 40gal tank with the screen top. You’re right, the heat seems to escape ,therefore I have to use my dual lamp with TWO basking lights to get the right temperature. I also have the long UVB light going across the tank like you have it. Is two basking lights too much? Even though I adjust the lamp further away or even closer to the basking area, I try to keep the temperature from 95-100 degrees.

    • @DenvaProbablyDraws
      @DenvaProbablyDraws 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you need two basking lights then that’s fine as long as the basking spot is 90 for adults and 110 for babies, and the cooler side is 70-80 degrees