Modern governments are evil organized criminals with dumbass petty rivalries for nothing. In the United States we are looking at concerning bad habits that are getting worse
My daughter started school last week and its been very hard honestly and being at home with her for 4 years was amazing we switched working for two years so me and my husband could watch her being raised and it was honestly so amazing
I took a hockey ball to the face last year and hubby took me to the doctors to see if I needed stitches. Afterwards we went to woollies. The looks he got when they saw me 😂 The woollies checkout lady looked worried and asked me quietly if I was OK. 😂😂😂
2:06 My worst sleep injury is recent. I scratched it and slept on it funny. I caught cellulitis. Wouldn’t recommend it. On another note. You 2 are great. So real. Most of us relate to you. I also agree the government needs to take care of it’s own first. Charity starts at home. It’s a similar thing in the UK, they’ve just given 2.5 billion to the Ukraine recently.
Hey guys. Get a hard ball (massage ball) the size of a tennis ball, and put it on a hard wall and lean the sore spot on the I'm assuming in your levator scapula muscle/tendon (insertion is at the top inside corner of your scapula). Lean that onto the ball right on that spot and hold it there for a mintue, let it go down. You can lean on a sore spot and tilt your head down, up, to the side. Can resist against your hand when you tilt your head. Lean on it to the point where it kind of hurts, but relieving pain. Give it time to release. Then ice that spot for about 30 mins atleast. Do it ever day or second day. Hope that helps 👌🏼
We were very fortunate to have raised our two wonderful boys with mum at home, this was 30 years ago. Back then, the difference between my wife working & the cost of child care meant that she/we would only see the kids a few hours a day, and the dollar cost was that we would be worse off at around $40- a week if mum stayed at home. It really was a no brainer, but we went without & without a lot to raise the kids at home. Our boys turned out beautful & we have a lovely relationship with them. Unfortunately our boys 'need' to put their kids in childcare, it's simply a different world now. It's more than than family subsidies the government needs to consider, its a huge restructuring of tax system, immigration, macro/micro economics. I really dont think any government has the nerve. The points you make are pertinent & really need to be considered for a healthy viable country going forward. Good job for raising such an important social issue.
Completely agree with you on this. I gave up my corporate job after I had my son, I tried going back after a year but it was just too difficult for me to be away from my son. So I ended up taking 3.5 years off in total and returned when my son wasn't happy not being around other kids, he started asking for school. The problem with taking career breaks like this is that I had to start over in the company I'm currently in and it's a struggle. I still feel horrible over working but I have to financially. It just sucks and there needs to be more support for parents. Having said that, you don't get the time back when they are that little and I cannot fathom how people put little babies into daycare.
We delayed having a baby until we could afford until I could stop work. After I had my son, I could offered a consultation job for 4 days a month and my folks would travel down to look after him in our home for those days.
From a mum of 5. I feel your pain 😞 with the teething. You feel soooo helpless as if like with my first 2 daughters literally nothing helped. It's awful to have your tiny one in pain and them wanting you to fix it cause that's literally your job and you to be able to do not much but offer things that don't really work and lots if hugs. But they get through it. And mostly it's the first few that seem to upset them the most. Those further back just seem to pop up. Just keep up with your best. You'll get through it together. On the child care thing. My 3y old son is autistic. And him being with other people and other kids especially after being born during early lock down so spent his first year with no real outside contact. He's has come on soooooo much. Though he did start at 2y. I can't say I personally would put my new baby in childcare as I feel they need you too much. But at the same time I'm never going to say a mother that needs to do so is doing wrong, as she's doing the very best she can for her child/children/family. No mum should feel ir be made to feel guilty for whatever path they might choose. Whether that's stay at home or working. And definitely if a mum wants to be at home with baby but has no choice but to work there should get things that can be put in place to help. Either financial help or more access to working from home. I can't really say how things work for most as I'm I'm the UK, so only have hiw things work here to go on. But no matter the country atm we seem to be seeing more money for MPs/government and going out to things that don't help the country. And less used to help the most venerable areas. Its not on, and seems that we are left turning to charities to help.
One argument is that you DO have a choice... I'm not going to put my babies in daycare. I don't have enough money but I won't be coerced into making health choices for my kids based on money and fear and guilt.
I agree , I don't want to put my baby in daycare and won't ! Personnal choice . I don't work , we don't make as much as we use to but its years of precious time we will never get back with our daughter . I don't want someone else getting to experience my child's first times ...
Yeah exactly. I have twins the same age as Mr Addicus, I'm a single mum. But I still will not be sending them to daycare. It's against my morals. Too many jabs. And the fact they try to force it just averts me even further. Don't trust em!
I have been raising my son since he was 6 months old by myself and he just turned 9 and I am lucky enough to have my mother take care of him when I am at work ever since he was a baby and even now she takes him to school. I'm blessed for sure.
Bengay or tiger balm for neck pain...comfrey and ginger in a carrier oil or made into a salve would also work for the neck. Cold for immediate pain in muscle and joints and/or for chronic pain, muscle spasms and stiffness. If the neck pain persists for longer than a week then ask your doctor about a trigger point injection to force the muscle to release. Also, if it gets better and you return to your workouts make sure you warm it up properly before your routine, either in a hot tub or sauna then using some dynamic stretching beforehand, static stretching afterward. If I had to guess your injury is on the same side you hold your little guy on the majority of the time.
For 5 years of worked nights 10 pm till 6am and wife worked 7am till 3:30 pm shift so I worked all night and then looked after our kid till wife got home from work then went to bed till 9 pm and wife come home and looked after kid till I got back it defo put toll on us but we made it few and stronger
Abandoned child here! I was one of those children who definitely had such a hard time adjusting to the abandonment I felt as a child just because my mum had to work. I can’t tell you how much I hated her and just never forgave her because my child self just couldn’t reconcile the crying for months I did because she had to work. As I got older I knew it was wrong I just couldn’t get over it. It’s so dumb. But it really affected me to the point I took a major pay cut and became a stay at home Mother who puts all her attention on her kids. But I do have to say that one of my kids does kinda get embarrassed that I don’t have a job like all the other super mums out there. Also no matter what age you put your kid into school or daycare you will have a good 18 months of sickness as they adjust getting used to being round lots of kids. Your kid probably won’t get foot and mouth disease if you miss day care which is pretty much a major one all kids who go to day care get, but you will have colds and flu and fevers etc for a good 18mthz no matter when you put them in.
I agree with the both of you regarding daycare I’ll probably be doing that when I start having children. Also I absolutely love hearing Clares mums Facebook group stories. They’re absolutely hilarious. Keep up the awesome work. Hope you and the little man and the rest of your family stay safe.
US, UK and Europe governments are also all involved in this vast amounts of money and equipment going to these countries. It's clearly a scam, to line the pockets of the government and business crims involved. However, meanwhile it's all been paid at the expense of taxpayers, in services across the board slashed and the ongoing cost of living crisis.
When our first son was about 8 months old, my husband and I brought him to a in-home daycare. I knew something was not right after calling to check on him and the lady never picked up. She said she was busy with the kids. We wanted to give it another try and dropped him off the next day. He clung to my husband and refused to let go. We knew something was wrong and I took the day off of work. I begged my in-laws and parents to watch him. That was the last time we ever used a private daycare.
I absolutely love yall ! I'm a stay at home mom. We can't afford daycare even if I wanted to send my kids. I know several other families in the same boat.
I was blessed to be able to stay at home with both my kids. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I just didn't want strangers raising my kids. I did take them a few days a week at 3 or 4 to a kids' art school . It was 2 , 3 hours a day a few days a week. Basically, so I could have a few hours to myself. I know most people can't do this ,but I really think it made a difference in my kids.
My oldest son lost his dad at 5 months old so I had to work. My husband came along and adopted him when we got married. When we had our 3 sons in addition, I stayed home. I started working part time when our last child was 6. But I’m so happy my husband’s providing let me raise my last 3 kids at home. ❤
I was doing a cert 3 in childcare and had to do over 300 hours worth of physical work to get the cert (which is fine made sense) alone with written tasks. Every week I would finish the writen work and email my childcare a week in advance asking them to sign off saying they supervised me doing a task such as changing a nappy. Every week I would walk in and be told they were to busy to supersize and I just had to work. So I would still do tasks such as change nappys but not get the signature. This kept happening to the point where I my have not even been able to graduate highschool because I didn’t complete the cert. and had to drop out of childcare and take another subject that I had to pass or again I wouldn’t graduate. and to top it all off I was paid $9 an hour
I gave birth on a Thursday and had to go back Monday. Now thankfully I was able to do that remotely but my gosh was it a struggle to manage both. After 5 months I was blessed with my sister being able to care for him at my house. I paid her what I would've paid a daycare, so it worked well for us both. It wasn't until around the year mark that I had to send him to a daycare and even that was heartbreaking. I can't imagine at 6 weeks. Those poor babies need their parents
Huh? How did you have to go back to work that early after giving birth? They couldn’t even get you a full week? Not that that would have changed too much… but huh!?😮😮
@@gwendolynnieman they offered time off but it would have been all unpaid, I was a contractor for the company not a full employee. So I didn't get any of the 60% pay benefits. So yeah I could've chosen to take time off but I wouldn't have been getting paid. and I needed the money
I was very fortunate that the daycare I used was on campus, and so I could keep feeding them and visit during lunchtime. And, it was a quality facility. I was oh so fortunate to have those circumstances
Thank christ somebody said it! I work in early years and I've been saying nursery before the age of 2 is not education, it's babysitting. If you're one of the lucky ones, baby should stay with parents and close relatives
I think the issue about child care is that most of us don’t have a village anymore. I feel like it would be better for attachment if babes are left with grandparents, aunts, etc if mum and dad both have to work, but a lot of people don’t have that community option anymore
For teething, have you tried making chamomile tea and dripping a face cloth in the tea, then freezing it? Then he can suck on the frozen cloth. That helped my kids when they were teething. Good luck!
Serving at home is a work i never stop working it just doesn't stop u get small breaks but thats about that and now that i have to work again im stressed out cause theres so much to do already even with her at work i sometimes babysit my nephew and help my parents out and family and now i have to include work aswel and spend time with my daughter after school its just so much
When hubs and I decided that we wanted to start a family in the next few years 3yrs ago I made complete career change which included a massive pay drop for this very reason.. I knew i wouldn’t want my young child to go all day without me so I decided to study and get a job In Childcare purely so that I wouldn’t have to leave my children in order to contribute financially when the time came.. Yesterday was bubs and mines first day back from mat leave and I am so so glad I made that decision 3 years ago.
Yeah sometimes I'll wake up with one arm numb from poor circulation from being in a weird position, most likely caused by high cholesterol, I've had both shoulders reconstructed from sport injuries which doesn't help, my right bisep was completely numb for years after surgery and feeling came back one day with just an awful stabbing pain, all good now, still have circulation issues.
My husband and I are trying for a baby. We both work full time, but I want to be a SAHM when we do have a baby. However it is just not possible.. we are earning as much as we can for now, but with a sizeable mortgage to boot, we can't do it. It makes me sad. We will try our best.
In Canada we get parental leave paid for up to 12 months. Mum or dad can take it or split it. Also, some businesses offer benefits to top up the parental leave to your regular salary. But the cost of living in Canada is so high.
Awe such a beautiful family and baby,😇 my daughter is now 23 years old and I had to go back to work when she was only 6 weeks old due to being a single mum I had bills to pay I still have guilt even to this day they do show signs of abandonment even when tiny but sadly that's our job 🙏
I thankfully have been able to raise all of my babies at home and we are double blessed that since the pandemic my husband has worked remotely. Now not gonna lie, seeing him all day every day sucks sometimes even if i love him but ut is great for the kids. We dont have fancy things but its a sacrifice we make to live this way. Saying that though it is a very isolating and endless life for me. It is the hardest job ive ever had. I feel pulled in 4 directions when it comes to my kids and then in a whole different one for my husband. Spreading myself 5 ways oftens leaves nothing for myself. Its definitely not all roses but i still feel blessed to be able to in these days
My little fella did not start childcare until he was 13 almost 14 months old and it was only two days a week but I found a really good early learning center prior to that we did supported playgroup and storage time and swimming lessons and stuff like that I found it to be really important for my son social developmentjust going two days a week having the equalizer of everybody in the room answering to the teacher. Also where my son goes I have a great Ozick program and all sorts of stuff like that. My little fella loves it. He has no abandonment issues because it’s the same as if he’s with grandma or whatever he’s just with his friends instead of mommy but he knows mummy is coming back towards the end of the day. We discussed what he’s gonna do on the way to childcare and then on the way back from childcare we discussed what he’s done during the day, and when I ask him if he had fun, he always says yes and he gets so excited to go the next day. He loves running to get his backpack and put his shoes on after we brush our teeth.
I hated to send my son off to daycare. I wasn't paid for maternity leave. So I got 2 weeks home with him. And to come and find out that he was being neglected at a daycare. I still to this day feel guilty for putting him through that. I would have done anything to have raised him as a stay at home mom.
Ps I recently “slept wrong” it sounds so silly but a few weeks back I couldn’t even my neck to one side specifically and it was so painful I just didn’t move it for the first day and had some ibuprofen, the next day I thought I’d atleast stretch it (I looked them up on google) and I stretched my neck very slowly in the morning and then in the arvo just for maybe 3mins. That seemed to help with the movement but for me it was a waiting game and it was about a week and then it was fine. Very annoying though and I hope it feels better soon! If mine wasn’t better after a week I was going to go to the doctor, but it had resolved by then. And ps you are looking hot! You always do! Your makeup is also spot on, and you’re glowing! Take care guys
For the first 12 months, a baby actually thinks that he’s part of the mother, so when it’s away from the mum, they suffer all sorts of trauma. That’s why my son didn’t start until after he was passed infancy.
The old adage: it take’s a village to raise a child, is so underrated. We done have village’s any more. We have no community anymore. This is the issue with our society. Oh you guys. I feel your pain. Lots of water, nurofen and panedol on the hour and ice blocks (baby friendly, obviously) for him too gnaw on. Lots and lots of cuddles. This is mandatory.
Shame will always be there it will never go away and you'll stay awake the whole night staring at the roof thinking of ways to be better but there are so many ways and you'll never be the best just be there for your kids
Children develop their attachments between 9-12 months. I think there needs to be more to be done to allow one, if not both parents to spend more time with their newborn during that initial year period. It is insanely important for the child's development that they feel an actual attachment to their parents rather than just caregivers. In saying that though, there are a lot of daycare centers that work with parents to allow their children an easy transition between home and daycare. It isn't this monstrous, life-scarring thing that it is made out to be if the proper precautions are put into place to limit potential triggers and trauma.
I got emergency custody of my granddaughter at 5 months old. She had ptsd and daycare was not an option. My husband stopped working and watches her now. My youngest is 7 and I stayed home with her until she was 5. It was the best thing I ever did. It’s a hard decision either way. The government should pay moms to stay home for at least a year or either parent who is ants to stay home.
As a taxpayers i certainly would feel better about my portion being used to help mothers be there for their kids over sending it to foreign countries that have a globe of countries to chose from.
Me and my kids mom recently split up. We don’t fight over the children. I get them when I want. She has them most of the time but I agree with you. There are five and six but honestly they need their mother more than me. They do need their father to in lots of ways but honestly, they need her more
While I totally agree with y'all when it comes to kids being with parents more and not using daycare, especially when they are very young! However, I have to defend giving to Ukraine, as an American we have given a lot and I think we should give more, Ukraine is in a fight for their survival and our people act like our 1st world problems are more important than their kids even getting to live and have the freedoms we take for granted. They didn't start the war they are forced to fight, they don't get a choice, especially since we would do the same for our country, our governments waste money plenty of other ways without picking on Ukraine, that has only been going on for less than 2 years! I think y'all are great, I just wanted to let y'all know that Ukraine isn't causing our countries problems and so focusing on them is leaving the true problems unresolved, so will only get worse!
Guys never let anyone shame you for caring for your children, they are just jealous you have the best of both ie work from home n have addy home. I think most people would dream of that set up ! 😊
I am so very thankful and lucky that my kids did not have to go to a daycare. That or riding the bus to school were my biggest fears… now they are both driving lol… new fear unlocked!
Me and my wife basically work opposite shifts so that we are raising our daughter up until she is 2 yes old, then we will get 15hrs free child care, it's stupid hard work, we barely see each other but we both know she is safe, feels safe and she (and we) will feel we haven't been abandoning her to a stranger, we've had to sacrifice time as a total family and hobbies, but in the long run, we do think it'll be worth it. I get why some people have to do it I really do, I'm just talking on personal experience
Watching this and commenting along. I lot of parents would want to stay at home and I think the reaction your talking about when mums look at you for being a stay at home mum is jealously because they can’t stay at home. Also, contractors and other private outlets that help the government often gouge the government because they are just going to pay it anyway, we need independent gov. institutions (like the abc) that does jobs for the government because it would be soo much more cheaper. And yes, the fair work legislation needs to updated to mandate companies to pay at least another 9 months of paid maternity leave.
My ex and i split up when my son was about a year old.. sad but its life. We both work and live separately and i had pretty much full custody, but i had to put him in daycare during the day and i felt terrible about it but i didn't have a choice.. now i work days and he's 10 and goes to school during the day.. sometimes its our only option to keep a job and pay bills.
The daycare illnesses is so true! My nephew is sick (no exaggeration here!) every month! To compare my almost 4 year old has had a cold 3 times in his life. It bothers me that his parents send him as they both have doctorate degrees and could easily live off one salary. My husband and I make probably a third of what they do and are expecting our third child. We will never send our kids to daycare and plan to homeschool at least until they are a bit older. All that said and we manage to be just as financially well off as my nephews family. It all just depends on how you choose to spend your money (on your own wants and desires or your child’s well being).
I cannot find a good green smoothie recipe! What recipe do you use, Claire? I’m four months post partum and on my own wellness journey too! You look great! Blessings and good vibes to you! (Also… people in power are making it difficult for people to stay home because they want the kids to grow up relying on them/the system vs their parents. Also I know i save money staying home because my income would just cover paying for daycare. I don’t get my hair done etc I find second hand items most of the time. There are ways to sacrifice my comforts to give my kids what they need.)
I would have loved being a stay at home mom until the kids got older. I was so lucky though because I had my parents and my very good friend, so I didn't have to take my kiddo anywhere they came to our house helped so much. It sucks having to have two incomes. to top it all off I also was trying to finish school so that I could make more money cause we were barely making it with both of us working full time and my husband also went back to school. Much of it had to do with with where he was working closed their doors and so he lost his great paying job. It sucked. I feel lucky in a lot of ways but, I hate that we both have to work. Now my kids are older and I sadly, I or their dad have to miss a lot of different things for after school due to work. Not to mention it is hard to get off work at 5 pm just to try to get them to anywhere they need to go (and enjoy it) plus have a good meal for them to top it off. Then to get done at like 9pm or so depending, then rush them off to bed only to turn around and do it all over again, for 5 days straight and only have two days off where all the shit around the house still has to get done. Leaving little time for relaxing or fun, and when I do try to just have fun I end up feeling bad for not doing the other stuff. I am lucky I can take some vacation, but it sucks to just have that to look forward to and to feel like it is a rat race coming home cause stuff did not get done while being gone. I am trying to teach my kids differently and I hope they can make it happen.
I think that at the end of the day you can’t win as a mum, no matter what you do someone’s always going to say that it was the wrong choice but I think it’s like all decisions in life. You have to way up your options and decide what’s best for you and your child Raising children is a very individual experience which needs to be thoroughly thawed out by the parent for what’s gonna work for each individual child each child is different and has different developmental needs. My child is an only child and has really flourished from starting at daycare part time, but he literally only goes for the same hours that he would be at school or kindernow at two years four months, he very much enjoys the few hours with the other kids, his friends and then we get to have more quality time either side of that together
Atticus is beautiful! This is how you do it, like you two. The baby needs to be close. It’s crucial for a person’s development that they are held, stroked. Every time you stroke a baby, electrons flow and nerve cells grow. I haven’t got children, unfortunately, but I didn’t want to raise a boy without a father. I didn’t want to not be able to be with my child as much as possible for at least the first year.
And my daughter has never seen daycare now we both work but we have her aunt who watches her when we are at work my wife gets off bout 4 hours after she drops her off with the way the world is now I cant trust anyone except family and that wasmt even til she was 3years old
Problem is, last time widespread maternity leave started to become standard coincidently the "wage gap" started to increase. So you increase maternity leave for a woman, she's been there for only a couple months, basically out of training and she decides to have a kid...hard to give someone a promotion and raise if they weren't there for the year. Not to mention that would guarantee to create a hiring bias for certain positions that don't require large teams that could normally pick up the slack. If it's a small dept in a small company they might not be able to risk hiring a woman of childbearing age because not only would they be paying for maternity leave they'd have to hire someone else to do the job (hire another young women you might need to do it again) for the government paying for it? Yea good luck. They'll spend hundreds of millions to kill your baby but you're on your own if you want to take care of them and are a citizen.
Im childless, but with the cost people are talking about it being 25k a year. Its pretty much cheaper for a parent to take a PT job and thats a rough choice for a parent to pick or "downgrade" work life. But then there is a bias when parents are going for jobs "around kids" if they wish to work PT.
So what about the babies in a violent toxic crazy household that go to care for the peace quiet and love that we Early Childhood Educators provide? Sometimes the safe space is the childcare centre
I agree. I hate to just blame feminism for all this, if a woman wants to chase a career all the best to her. But as a man I can I say I know men who actually just dream to be able to uphold the family on his own income. Shame on anyone who looks down on stay at home mothers. All boys and girls need their mum and are fair better with their mother than the government! She is raising the next doctor, prime minister, architect, engineer. Love to all mums doing the best for their little ones ❤
People are to judgemental these days. We all have to do what we need to do to survive in this big world and we really shouldn't judge anyone until we walk a mile in there shoes.
That's just an excuse. Judgement is what keeps us in check, in developing years, before your brain has formed the ability to truly empathise, the reason we aren't horrible to others or hurtful is because of the personal consequences, most of the time. Judgement and shame is part of the human experience, it's an evolutionary trait and it serves a purpose. Everyone should be judged and the idea that we are too judgy is why the world has fallen apart, we have divided ourselves and shunned judgement in the name of tolerance and all that's resulted from it is more division and hatred, more narcissism and people who thing they should be immune to judgement, therefore the world has to accommodate them because they're a special minority snowflake.
Absolutely love you guys ❤ claire your on fire 🔥 really interesting to hear that there have been studies done. Totally agree with what your saying just a shame it doesnt seem to be the age we live in enless you have heaps of money. Sweden i think or maybe norway give both parents a year off well i think we all i know its no holiday but a year off to bond and be parents. Good luck with the teething x
I’m off for 12 months currently, my husband is having to work 6 day weeks to keep up with the house payment, I am so lucky to have him and spending time with my bubba, my mum is helping us with a ‘Bub payment’ of $150 per fortnight just so we can eat. I would have to send Bub to kindy and work full time without it. It should be a $30,000 12 month off payment for mothers, I praise the kindy workers but I would love to be the one raising my child.
Teething help!!!! There are tethers that when bitten vibrate and massage the gums soothing and helping the tooth to break through. Best gift and item while children were babies. Worth the investment and made teething way easier!!!!!
I'm incredibly glad to hear the Ukraine stuff from some Aussies. You can't put other countries ahead of the well being of your own people. And they aren't even taking money out of your pocket to do it, they are just inflating the currency so they can appear like they aren't hurting you, on paper. But that vastly decreases your spending power through inflation. I feel for the people of Ukraine, but it's literally breaking the banks of the entire west. In the US we have a migrant crisis where cities are failing to support their native population while clearing out schools so people who illegally entered the country have a place to stay. It's terrible.
So Clare has a panic attack at the sight of putting Attie in a "cage" (playpen) but now is considering putting him in daycare lol? No hate, just find it funny 🤣
It's all about power. Governments do not give a sh*t about the people they govern. It's the same here in the UK. Hard working people having to go to food banks and then getting shamed because we don't spend the tiny amount of money we do have on charity donations and a portion of that donation goes to the already rich CEO of the charity! I would always give to help someone IF I HAVE SPARE money. But me, my family, my food bills, house bills will always come first. I also find the fact that they use millionaire celebrities on these emotionally blackmailing adverts really insulting. Some of these celebs could donate literally millions and still be rich, but it's the regular person who is already struggling that are expected to cough up. F*ck Off!
Clean your finger off and rub his gums even let him bite down if he goes for it. No need to cool them off or put anything on them. Just put a finger in there and gently rub. All three of you will appreciate it. Worked wonders for my son. Once those teeth start coming through though you might want to be aware. They are sharp and can hurt lol
Mum and Dad merch on sale now. Code word - Putrid for 30% off.
Modern governments are evil organized criminals with dumbass petty rivalries for nothing. In the United States we are looking at concerning bad habits that are getting worse
Sorry buddy she is pretty hot and she’s funnier then you too so idek what your doing here lmao
And man you hair line looks fucked with those headphones lmao jk bro love your work 😂
My daughter started school last week and its been very hard honestly and being at home with her for 4 years was amazing we switched working for two years so me and my husband could watch her being raised and it was honestly so amazing
I took a hockey ball to the face last year and hubby took me to the doctors to see if I needed stitches. Afterwards we went to woollies. The looks he got when they saw me 😂 The woollies checkout lady looked worried and asked me quietly if I was OK. 😂😂😂
Good on her for asking 👍
Glad it wasn't what she suspected
Hahaha thanks for the shout out, I stand by what I said Claire is a babe 😂. Love you guys
My worst sleep injury is recent. I scratched it and slept on it funny. I caught cellulitis. Wouldn’t recommend it.
On another note. You 2 are great. So real. Most of us relate to you. I also agree the government needs to take care of it’s own first. Charity starts at home. It’s a similar thing in the UK, they’ve just given 2.5 billion to the Ukraine recently.
Hey guys. Get a hard ball (massage ball) the size of a tennis ball, and put it on a hard wall and lean the sore spot on the I'm assuming in your levator scapula muscle/tendon (insertion is at the top inside corner of your scapula). Lean that onto the ball right on that spot and hold it there for a mintue, let it go down. You can lean on a sore spot and tilt your head down, up, to the side. Can resist against your hand when you tilt your head. Lean on it to the point where it kind of hurts, but relieving pain. Give it time to release. Then ice that spot for about 30 mins atleast. Do it ever day or second day. Hope that helps 👌🏼
We were very fortunate to have raised our two wonderful boys with mum at home, this was 30 years ago. Back then, the difference between my wife working & the cost of child care meant that she/we would only see the kids a few hours a day, and the dollar cost was that we would be worse off at around $40- a week if mum stayed at home. It really was a no brainer, but we went without & without a lot to raise the kids at home. Our boys turned out beautful & we have a lovely relationship with them. Unfortunately our boys 'need' to put their kids in childcare, it's simply a different world now. It's more than than family subsidies the government needs to consider, its a huge restructuring of tax system, immigration, macro/micro economics. I really dont think any government has the nerve. The points you make are pertinent & really need to be considered for a healthy viable country going forward. Good job for raising such an important social issue.
You are smart, thoughtful, morally responsible for your own child.
The parents that are not; should not even risk a child's lif
Completely agree with you on this. I gave up my corporate job after I had my son, I tried going back after a year but it was just too difficult for me to be away from my son. So I ended up taking 3.5 years off in total and returned when my son wasn't happy not being around other kids, he started asking for school. The problem with taking career breaks like this is that I had to start over in the company I'm currently in and it's a struggle. I still feel horrible over working but I have to financially. It just sucks and there needs to be more support for parents. Having said that, you don't get the time back when they are that little and I cannot fathom how people put little babies into daycare.
We delayed having a baby until we could afford until I could stop work. After I had my son, I could offered a consultation job for 4 days a month and my folks would travel down to look after him in our home for those days.
AND some mums can't understand why you don't want to escape your child at every opportunity
From a mum of 5. I feel your pain 😞 with the teething. You feel soooo helpless as if like with my first 2 daughters literally nothing helped. It's awful to have your tiny one in pain and them wanting you to fix it cause that's literally your job and you to be able to do not much but offer things that don't really work and lots if hugs. But they get through it. And mostly it's the first few that seem to upset them the most. Those further back just seem to pop up. Just keep up with your best. You'll get through it together.
On the child care thing. My 3y old son is autistic. And him being with other people and other kids especially after being born during early lock down so spent his first year with no real outside contact. He's has come on soooooo much. Though he did start at 2y. I can't say I personally would put my new baby in childcare as I feel they need you too much. But at the same time I'm never going to say a mother that needs to do so is doing wrong, as she's doing the very best she can for her child/children/family. No mum should feel ir be made to feel guilty for whatever path they might choose. Whether that's stay at home or working.
And definitely if a mum wants to be at home with baby but has no choice but to work there should get things that can be put in place to help. Either financial help or more access to working from home.
I can't really say how things work for most as I'm I'm the UK, so only have hiw things work here to go on.
But no matter the country atm we seem to be seeing more money for MPs/government and going out to things that don't help the country. And less used to help the most venerable areas. Its not on, and seems that we are left turning to charities to help.
One argument is that you DO have a choice... I'm not going to put my babies in daycare. I don't have enough money but I won't be coerced into making health choices for my kids based on money and fear and guilt.
Society is broken, we are meant to be living in larger family networks of support/tribes to help parents raise the kids together..
I agree , I don't want to put my baby in daycare and won't ! Personnal choice . I don't work , we don't make as much as we use to but its years of precious time we will never get back with our daughter . I don't want someone else getting to experience my child's first times ...
@@rosannaruby9315 totally agree As they used to say,... it takes a village to raise a child..., sadly those days are no more
@@rosannaruby9315I mean, that’s what the church is for.
Yeah exactly.
I have twins the same age as Mr Addicus, I'm a single mum. But I still will not be sending them to daycare. It's against my morals. Too many jabs. And the fact they try to force it just averts me even further. Don't trust em!
I have been raising my son since he was 6 months old by myself and he just turned 9 and I am lucky enough to have my mother take care of him when I am at work ever since he was a baby and even now she takes him to school. I'm blessed for sure.
Bengay or tiger balm for neck pain...comfrey and ginger in a carrier oil or made into a salve would also work for the neck. Cold for immediate pain in muscle and joints and/or for chronic pain, muscle spasms and stiffness. If the neck pain persists for longer than a week then ask your doctor about a trigger point injection to force the muscle to release. Also, if it gets better and you return to your workouts make sure you warm it up properly before your routine, either in a hot tub or sauna then using some dynamic stretching beforehand, static stretching afterward. If I had to guess your injury is on the same side you hold your little guy on the majority of the time.
For 5 years of worked nights 10 pm till 6am and wife worked 7am till 3:30 pm shift so I worked all night and then looked after our kid till wife got home from work then went to bed till 9 pm and wife come home and looked after kid till I got back it defo put toll on us but we made it few and stronger
Love all your shows so much
I don’t have kids, but when I was 11, I looked after my baby brother. The teething phase felt like a fever dream thanks to the lack of sleep
How Claire hasnt been kicked out of these groups is beyond me. I get kicked out all of the time for the littleist things.
She's bringing flowers for them that's why ✌️
All 3 of my children went to nursery at 12 months old. They loved it and thrived. They rarely got sick. It was beneficial for both of us.
Abandoned child here!
I was one of those children who definitely had such a hard time adjusting to the abandonment I felt as a child just because my mum had to work. I can’t tell you how much I hated her and just never forgave her because my child self just couldn’t reconcile the crying for months I did because she had to work.
As I got older I knew it was wrong I just couldn’t get over it. It’s so dumb. But it really affected me to the point I took a major pay cut and became a stay at home Mother who puts all her attention on her kids.
But I do have to say that one of my kids does kinda get embarrassed that I don’t have a job like all the other super mums out there.
Also no matter what age you put your kid into school or daycare you will have a good 18 months of sickness as they adjust getting used to being round lots of kids.
Your kid probably won’t get foot and mouth disease if you miss day care which is pretty much a major one all kids who go to day care get, but you will have colds and flu and fevers etc for a good 18mthz no matter when you put them in.
Worth staying up for, even when you got work in the morning
I agree with the both of you regarding daycare I’ll probably be doing that when I start having children. Also I absolutely love hearing Clares mums Facebook group stories. They’re absolutely hilarious. Keep up the awesome work. Hope you and the little man and the rest of your family stay safe.
Finally, a podcast that brings up news that's important. It truly scares me that our government is making decisions that's hammering us hard
US, UK and Europe governments are also all involved in this vast amounts of money and equipment going to these countries. It's clearly a scam, to line the pockets of the government and business crims involved. However, meanwhile it's all been paid at the expense of taxpayers, in services across the board slashed and the ongoing cost of living crisis.
When our first son was about 8 months old, my husband and I brought him to a in-home daycare. I knew something was not right after calling to check on him and the lady never picked up. She said she was busy with the kids. We wanted to give it another try and dropped him off the next day. He clung to my husband and refused to let go.
We knew something was wrong and I took the day off of work.
I begged my in-laws and parents to watch him.
That was the last time we ever used a private daycare.
I absolutely love yall ! I'm a stay at home mom. We can't afford daycare even if I wanted to send my kids. I know several other families in the same boat.
$4.2 billion to the Aboriginal Affairs Department Also delete the Woman Affairs Department.
BTW they solved the gabby petito case and the summer Dale man. Love your you're true crime series would be awesome to see more
I was blessed to be able to stay at home with both my kids. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I just didn't want strangers raising my kids. I did take them a few days a week at 3 or 4 to a kids' art school . It was 2 , 3 hours a day a few days a week. Basically, so I could have a few hours to myself. I know most people can't do this ,but I really think it made a difference in my kids.
My oldest son lost his dad at 5 months old so I had to work. My husband came along and adopted him when we got married. When we had our 3 sons in addition, I stayed home. I started working part time when our last child was 6. But I’m so happy my husband’s providing let me raise my last 3 kids at home. ❤
I was doing a cert 3 in childcare and had to do over 300 hours worth of physical work to get the cert (which is fine made sense) alone with written tasks. Every week I would finish the writen work and email my childcare a week in advance asking them to sign off saying they supervised me doing a task such as changing a nappy. Every week I would walk in and be told they were to busy to supersize and I just had to work. So I would still do tasks such as change nappys but not get the signature. This kept happening to the point where I my have not even been able to graduate highschool because I didn’t complete the cert. and had to drop out of childcare and take another subject that I had to pass or again I wouldn’t graduate. and to top it all off I was paid $9 an hour
I gave birth on a Thursday and had to go back Monday. Now thankfully I was able to do that remotely but my gosh was it a struggle to manage both. After 5 months I was blessed with my sister being able to care for him at my house. I paid her what I would've paid a daycare, so it worked well for us both. It wasn't until around the year mark that I had to send him to a daycare and even that was heartbreaking. I can't imagine at 6 weeks. Those poor babies need their parents
Huh? How did you have to go back to work that early after giving birth? They couldn’t even get you a full week? Not that that would have changed too much… but huh!?😮😮
@@gwendolynnieman they offered time off but it would have been all unpaid, I was a contractor for the company not a full employee. So I didn't get any of the 60% pay benefits. So yeah I could've chosen to take time off but I wouldn't have been getting paid. and I needed the money
Menthol rubs help with neck spasms. And or Aspircream if you have that down under, I have no idea about your pharmacies, chemists, drugstores. 😁
You feel so bad because he's in pain and you can't really do anything about it, you'll feel that way a lot as he grows up ❤
I was very fortunate that the daycare I used was on campus, and so I could keep feeding them and visit during lunchtime. And, it was a quality facility.
I was oh so fortunate to have those circumstances
Thank christ somebody said it! I work in early years and I've been saying nursery before the age of 2 is not education, it's babysitting. If you're one of the lucky ones, baby should stay with parents and close relatives
I think the issue about child care is that most of us don’t have a village anymore. I feel like it would be better for attachment if babes are left with grandparents, aunts, etc if mum and dad both have to work, but a lot of people don’t have that community option anymore
For teething, have you tried making chamomile tea and dripping a face cloth in the tea, then freezing it? Then he can suck on the frozen cloth.
That helped my kids when they were teething. Good luck!
Serving at home is a work i never stop working it just doesn't stop u get small breaks but thats about that and now that i have to work again im stressed out cause theres so much to do already even with her at work i sometimes babysit my nephew and help my parents out and family and now i have to include work aswel and spend time with my daughter after school its just so much
When hubs and I decided that we wanted to start a family in the next few years 3yrs ago I made complete career change which included a massive pay drop for this very reason.. I knew i wouldn’t want my young child to go all day without me so I decided to study and get a job In Childcare purely so that I wouldn’t have to leave my children in order to contribute financially when the time came.. Yesterday was bubs and mines first day back from mat leave and I am so so glad I made that decision 3 years ago.
Yeah sometimes I'll wake up with one arm numb from poor circulation from being in a weird position, most likely caused by high cholesterol, I've had both shoulders reconstructed from sport injuries which doesn't help, my right bisep was completely numb for years after surgery and feeling came back one day with just an awful stabbing pain, all good now, still have circulation issues.
My husband and I are trying for a baby. We both work full time, but I want to be a SAHM when we do have a baby. However it is just not possible.. we are earning as much as we can for now, but with a sizeable mortgage to boot, we can't do it. It makes me sad. We will try our best.
I appreciate the real conversation I love Australia I'm in the USA but we have the same problem
In Canada we get parental leave paid for up to 12 months. Mum or dad can take it or split it. Also, some businesses offer benefits to top up the parental leave to your regular salary. But the cost of living in Canada is so high.
Awe such a beautiful family and baby,😇 my daughter is now 23 years old and I had to go back to work when she was only 6 weeks old due to being a single mum I had bills to pay I still have guilt even to this day they do show signs of abandonment even when tiny but sadly that's our job 🙏
I thankfully have been able to raise all of my babies at home and we are double blessed that since the pandemic my husband has worked remotely. Now not gonna lie, seeing him all day every day sucks sometimes even if i love him but ut is great for the kids. We dont have fancy things but its a sacrifice we make to live this way. Saying that though it is a very isolating and endless life for me. It is the hardest job ive ever had. I feel pulled in 4 directions when it comes to my kids and then in a whole different one for my husband. Spreading myself 5 ways oftens leaves nothing for myself. Its definitely not all roses but i still feel blessed to be able to in these days
My little fella did not start childcare until he was 13 almost 14 months old and it was only two days a week but I found a really good early learning center prior to that we did supported playgroup and storage time and swimming lessons and stuff like that I found it to be really important for my son social developmentjust going two days a week having the equalizer of everybody in the room answering to the teacher. Also where my son goes I have a great Ozick program and all sorts of stuff like that. My little fella loves it. He has no abandonment issues because it’s the same as if he’s with grandma or whatever he’s just with his friends instead of mommy but he knows mummy is coming back towards the end of the day. We discussed what he’s gonna do on the way to childcare and then on the way back from childcare we discussed what he’s done during the day, and when I ask him if he had fun, he always says yes and he gets so excited to go the next day. He loves running to get his backpack and put his shoes on after we brush our teeth.
I hated to send my son off to daycare. I wasn't paid for maternity leave. So I got 2 weeks home with him. And to come and find out that he was being neglected at a daycare. I still to this day feel guilty for putting him through that. I would have done anything to have raised him as a stay at home mom.
Ps I recently “slept wrong” it sounds so silly but a few weeks back I couldn’t even my neck to one side specifically and it was so painful I just didn’t move it for the first day and had some ibuprofen, the next day I thought I’d atleast stretch it (I looked them up on google) and I stretched my neck very slowly in the morning and then in the arvo just for maybe 3mins. That seemed to help with the movement but for me it was a waiting game and it was about a week and then it was fine. Very annoying though and I hope it feels better soon! If mine wasn’t better after a week I was going to go to the doctor, but it had resolved by then. And ps you are looking hot! You always do! Your makeup is also spot on, and you’re glowing! Take care guys
For the first 12 months, a baby actually thinks that he’s part of the mother, so when it’s away from the mum, they suffer all sorts of trauma. That’s why my son didn’t start until after he was passed infancy.
The old adage: it take’s a village to raise a child, is so underrated. We done have village’s any more. We have no community anymore. This is the issue with our society.
Oh you guys. I feel your pain. Lots of water, nurofen and panedol on the hour and ice blocks (baby friendly, obviously) for him too gnaw on. Lots and lots of cuddles. This is mandatory.
Shame will always be there it will never go away and you'll stay awake the whole night staring at the roof thinking of ways to be better but there are so many ways and you'll never be the best just be there for your kids
Poor little buttsman slices of frozen banana is my little man’s favorite teething snack ❤
Children develop their attachments between 9-12 months. I think there needs to be more to be done to allow one, if not both parents to spend more time with their newborn during that initial year period. It is insanely important for the child's development that they feel an actual attachment to their parents rather than just caregivers. In saying that though, there are a lot of daycare centers that work with parents to allow their children an easy transition between home and daycare. It isn't this monstrous, life-scarring thing that it is made out to be if the proper precautions are put into place to limit potential triggers and trauma.
RIP wellness journey 😂 💪
I got emergency custody of my granddaughter at 5 months old. She had ptsd and daycare was not an option. My husband stopped working and watches her now.
My youngest is 7 and I stayed home with her until she was 5. It was the best thing I ever did. It’s a hard decision either way. The government should pay moms to stay home for at least a year or either parent who is ants to stay home.
As a taxpayers i certainly would feel better about my portion being used to help mothers be there for their kids over sending it to foreign countries that have a globe of countries to chose from.
Me and my kids mom recently split up. We don’t fight over the children. I get them when I want. She has them most of the time but I agree with you. There are five and six but honestly they need their mother more than me. They do need their father to in lots of ways but honestly, they need her more
While I totally agree with y'all when it comes to kids being with parents more and not using daycare, especially when they are very young! However, I have to defend giving to Ukraine, as an American we have given a lot and I think we should give more, Ukraine is in a fight for their survival and our people act like our 1st world problems are more important than their kids even getting to live and have the freedoms we take for granted. They didn't start the war they are forced to fight, they don't get a choice, especially since we would do the same for our country, our governments waste money plenty of other ways without picking on Ukraine, that has only been going on for less than 2 years! I think y'all are great, I just wanted to let y'all know that Ukraine isn't causing our countries problems and so focusing on them is leaving the true problems unresolved, so will only get worse!
Omg Attie is so cute!
Guys never let anyone shame you for caring for your children, they are just jealous you have the best of both ie work from home n have addy home. I think most people would dream of that set up ! 😊
My worst sleep injury was a charlie horse so bad it bruised on the outside of my skin
I fell asleep in a chair. Woke up, my arm was paralyzed for 9 months.
I am so very thankful and lucky that my kids did not have to go to a daycare. That or riding the bus to school were my biggest fears… now they are both driving lol… new fear unlocked!
Me and my wife basically work opposite shifts so that we are raising our daughter up until she is 2 yes old, then we will get 15hrs free child care, it's stupid hard work, we barely see each other but we both know she is safe, feels safe and she (and we) will feel we haven't been abandoning her to a stranger, we've had to sacrifice time as a total family and hobbies, but in the long run, we do think it'll be worth it. I get why some people have to do it I really do, I'm just talking on personal experience
Awe poor bubber! I had my 3rd right before you guys had yours so ours are pretty close in age. My lil one is also going through it. Neck stretches.
Watching this and commenting along.
I lot of parents would want to stay at home and I think the reaction your talking about when mums look at you for being a stay at home mum is jealously because they can’t stay at home.
Also, contractors and other private outlets that help the government often gouge the government because they are just going to pay it anyway, we need independent gov. institutions (like the abc) that does jobs for the government because it would be soo much more cheaper.
And yes, the fair work legislation needs to updated to mandate companies to pay at least another 9 months of paid maternity leave.
My ex and i split up when my son was about a year old.. sad but its life. We both work and live separately and i had pretty much full custody, but i had to put him in daycare during the day and i felt terrible about it but i didn't have a choice.. now i work days and he's 10 and goes to school during the day.. sometimes its our only option to keep a job and pay bills.
Love your potter shirt! 😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉
The daycare illnesses is so true! My nephew is sick (no exaggeration here!) every month! To compare my almost 4 year old has had a cold 3 times in his life. It bothers me that his parents send him as they both have doctorate degrees and could easily live off one salary. My husband and I make probably a third of what they do and are expecting our third child. We will never send our kids to daycare and plan to homeschool at least until they are a bit older. All that said and we manage to be just as financially well off as my nephews family. It all just depends on how you choose to spend your money (on your own wants and desires or your child’s well being).
The teething cry is pain no parent should feel bad just come for your child do the best you can and guess what they'll never remember this anyway
YES!! Claire signing off with the traditional Buttsman sign off 🙌
You’re lucky if you can avoid daycare
I cannot find a good green smoothie recipe! What recipe do you use, Claire? I’m four months post partum and on my own wellness journey too! You look great! Blessings and good vibes to you!
(Also… people in power are making it difficult for people to stay home because they want the kids to grow up relying on them/the system vs their parents. Also I know i save money staying home because my income would just cover paying for daycare. I don’t get my hair done etc I find second hand items most of the time. There are ways to sacrifice my comforts to give my kids what they need.)
I have sleep wrong a few times it has lasted for nearly a week every time.
I would have loved being a stay at home mom until the kids got older. I was so lucky though because I had my parents and my very good friend, so I didn't have to take my kiddo anywhere they came to our house helped so much. It sucks having to have two incomes. to top it all off I also was trying to finish school so that I could make more money cause we were barely making it with both of us working full time and my husband also went back to school. Much of it had to do with with where he was working closed their doors and so he lost his great paying job. It sucked. I feel lucky in a lot of ways but, I hate that we both have to work. Now my kids are older and I sadly, I or their dad have to miss a lot of different things for after school due to work. Not to mention it is hard to get off work at 5 pm just to try to get them to anywhere they need to go (and enjoy it) plus have a good meal for them to top it off. Then to get done at like 9pm or so depending, then rush them off to bed only to turn around and do it all over again, for 5 days straight and only have two days off where all the shit around the house still has to get done. Leaving little time for relaxing or fun, and when I do try to just have fun I end up feeling bad for not doing the other stuff. I am lucky I can take some vacation, but it sucks to just have that to look forward to and to feel like it is a rat race coming home cause stuff did not get done while being gone. I am trying to teach my kids differently and I hope they can make it happen.
Put 3 fingers on the sore spot and press down.. it releases the pressure. Hope it helps 🥰
I think that at the end of the day you can’t win as a mum, no matter what you do someone’s always going to say that it was the wrong choice but I think it’s like all decisions in life. You have to way up your options and decide what’s best for you and your child Raising children is a very individual experience which needs to be thoroughly thawed out by the parent for what’s gonna work for each individual child each child is different and has different developmental needs. My child is an only child and has really flourished from starting at daycare part time, but he literally only goes for the same hours that he would be at school or kindernow at two years four months, he very much enjoys the few hours with the other kids, his friends and then we get to have more quality time either side of that together
It’s absolutely not up to the government. But in the states, we do have low income ABC vouchers for low income mothers.
Atticus is beautiful! This is how you do it, like you two. The baby needs to be close. It’s crucial for a person’s development that they are held, stroked. Every time you stroke a baby, electrons flow and nerve cells grow. I haven’t got children, unfortunately, but I didn’t want to raise a boy without a father. I didn’t want to not be able to be with my child as much as possible for at least the first year.
And my daughter has never seen daycare now we both work but we have her aunt who watches her when we are at work my wife gets off bout 4 hours after she drops her off with the way the world is now I cant trust anyone except family and that wasmt even til she was 3years old
Its not exactly a sleep injury, but i slipped on ice and broke my back about a year ago..
Problem is, last time widespread maternity leave started to become standard coincidently the "wage gap" started to increase. So you increase maternity leave for a woman, she's been there for only a couple months, basically out of training and she decides to have a kid...hard to give someone a promotion and raise if they weren't there for the year. Not to mention that would guarantee to create a hiring bias for certain positions that don't require large teams that could normally pick up the slack. If it's a small dept in a small company they might not be able to risk hiring a woman of childbearing age because not only would they be paying for maternity leave they'd have to hire someone else to do the job (hire another young women you might need to do it again) for the government paying for it? Yea good luck. They'll spend hundreds of millions to kill your baby but you're on your own if you want to take care of them and are a citizen.
Worst sleep injury, I cut my feet sleepwalking down the street in my undies
Im childless, but with the cost people are talking about it being 25k a year. Its pretty much cheaper for a parent to take a PT job and thats a rough choice for a parent to pick or "downgrade" work life.
But then there is a bias when parents are going for jobs "around kids" if they wish to work PT.
I found the best thing for teething is a whole cold pickle
My husband and I worked opposite shifts till our boys got into school so we would t have to put them into childcare
So what about the babies in a violent toxic crazy household that go to care for the peace quiet and love that we Early Childhood Educators provide? Sometimes the safe space is the childcare centre
Enjoying the content- will you consider making a video on your opinions of medication (for ADHD) used on small children.
I agree. I hate to just blame feminism for all this, if a woman wants to chase a career all the best to her. But as a man I can I say I know men who actually just dream to be able to uphold the family on his own income. Shame on anyone who looks down on stay at home mothers. All boys and girls need their mum and are fair better with their mother than the government! She is raising the next doctor, prime minister, architect, engineer. Love to all mums doing the best for their little ones ❤
Finding a trusted family member or friend to babysit…. Anything to avoid group daycare.
People are to judgemental these days. We all have to do what we need to do to survive in this big world and we really shouldn't judge anyone until we walk a mile in there shoes.
That's just an excuse.
Judgement is what keeps us in check, in developing years, before your brain has formed the ability to truly empathise, the reason we aren't horrible to others or hurtful is because of the personal consequences, most of the time.
Judgement and shame is part of the human experience, it's an evolutionary trait and it serves a purpose. Everyone should be judged and the idea that we are too judgy is why the world has fallen apart, we have divided ourselves and shunned judgement in the name of tolerance and all that's resulted from it is more division and hatred, more narcissism and people who thing they should be immune to judgement, therefore the world has to accommodate them because they're a special minority snowflake.
Absolutely love you guys ❤ claire your on fire 🔥 really interesting to hear that there have been studies done. Totally agree with what your saying just a shame it doesnt seem to be the age we live in enless you have heaps of money. Sweden i think or maybe norway give both parents a year off well i think we all i know its no holiday but a year off to bond and be parents. Good luck with the teething x
I’m off for 12 months currently, my husband is having to work 6 day weeks to keep up with the house payment, I am so lucky to have him and spending time with my bubba, my mum is helping us with a ‘Bub payment’ of $150 per fortnight just so we can eat. I would have to send Bub to kindy and work full time without it. It should be a $30,000 12 month off payment for mothers, I praise the kindy workers but I would love to be the one raising my child.
Teething help!!!! There are tethers that when bitten vibrate and massage the gums soothing and helping the tooth to break through. Best gift and item while children were babies. Worth the investment and made teething way easier!!!!!
I'm incredibly glad to hear the Ukraine stuff from some Aussies. You can't put other countries ahead of the well being of your own people. And they aren't even taking money out of your pocket to do it, they are just inflating the currency so they can appear like they aren't hurting you, on paper. But that vastly decreases your spending power through inflation. I feel for the people of Ukraine, but it's literally breaking the banks of the entire west. In the US we have a migrant crisis where cities are failing to support their native population while clearing out schools so people who illegally entered the country have a place to stay. It's terrible.
So Clare has a panic attack at the sight of putting Attie in a "cage" (playpen) but now is considering putting him in daycare lol?
No hate, just find it funny 🤣
You didn't even watch the video clearly.
Love the vegemite outfit! Love your humor Clare! Love you guys
It's all about power. Governments do not give a sh*t about the people they govern. It's the same here in the UK. Hard working people having to go to food banks and then getting shamed because we don't spend the tiny amount of money we do have on charity donations and a portion of that donation goes to the already rich CEO of the charity! I would always give to help someone IF I HAVE SPARE money. But me, my family, my food bills, house bills will always come first. I also find the fact that they use millionaire celebrities on these emotionally blackmailing adverts really insulting. Some of these celebs could donate literally millions and still be rich, but it's the regular person who is already struggling that are expected to cough up. F*ck Off!
I had the AUDACITY to bend slightly to open a drawer the other day. My hip joint went out. MY HIP JOINT. I’m 38. Wtf.
@ what a dumbass comment. I’m in the gym 5 days a week, pup…
Clean your finger off and rub his gums even let him bite down if he goes for it. No need to cool them off or put anything on them. Just put a finger in there and gently rub. All three of you will appreciate it. Worked wonders for my son. Once those teeth start coming through though you might want to be aware. They are sharp and can hurt lol