let sensors heat up by using them for a play session, then keep them powered, but detach one my one, and connect to pc, slimevr should automatically ask to go into serial console, put sensor upside down, and reboot tracker, after the instructions will tell you to turn them over and keep them still for 3 seconds, repeat by each side, then they should be calibrated correctly
Can you make a video showing how to calibrate the bmi160? please
let sensors heat up by using them for a play session, then keep them powered, but detach one my one, and connect to pc, slimevr should automatically ask to go into serial console, put sensor upside down, and reboot tracker, after the instructions will tell you to turn them over and keep them still for 3 seconds, repeat by each side, then they should be calibrated correctly
If I understood correctly, I have to calibrate them whenever it is turned on by cable.@@grindfi
Can u explain how to set correctly the proportions of your body
I set the auto body proportions and corrected the leg and waist length by a few centimeters.
how long can you go before having to do a reset with your trackers?
Are you using any 3rd party app, like smooth ovr tracking? Or just the slime server? Also, are you using 6dof or 9dof?
only used BMI160 6dof trackers. not using 3rd apps, just slimevr server.