According to Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) an organization that certifies buildings as the "World's Tallest"; It is classified as "Building" only if at least 50% of its height is made up of floor plates containing continuously habitable floor area. While "Tower" is a tall structure, always taller than it is wide, meant for public or regular operational access by humans, but not for living in or office work, and are self-supporting or free-standing. So, Eiffel Tower, Ostankino Tower, Berliner Fernsehturm, TV and Radio Tower, etc are not included in this video, but you can watch the towers here on my channel too: Thanks for watching!
With regard to the criterias of your choice, why would you put Copenhill (Amager Bakke) on this list? Its not a building since 50 % of its height is NOT made up of floor plates containing continuously habitable floor area. It´s basicly a steel cage like the Eiffel tower, but with a chimney, as you can clearly see on this picture:
@Unnamed 0 If you include the Fernsehturm then you would count the Eiffel tower too... He's only looking at skyscrapers. Also the Fernsehturm isn't even in the top 3 highest television towers in Europe.
@@noorschoices977 turkey is half european and half asian. There is little bit of place that turkey has in balkans. Even The bridge called Boğaz Köprüsü connects Europe Istanbul to Asia Istanbul
In Europe have buildings very low, but don't forget Every city in Europe is an open Air museum From Brazil and i love Europe Edit: thanks for +200 likes
Many cities want to get rid of that status, that is why they take some more controversial choices and now sometimes build modern buildings in or around old towns.
it actually makes absolutely no sense to build a tower higher than a certain hight (somewhat about 200 meters). In germany, where i live, we have this commerzbank tower which can be seen in the video. costs for heating rising exponentially the higher the building is. And when its cold there is always the risk of the ice cone formation. In these cases the streets around the building have to be secured so nobody is in danger.
@@ligametis yeah, i already realized that, but the essence of a european city Will remain, some examples are Dresden, warsaw, Paris, moscow, Milan, Zurich, and others
And Vatican. Also, it's not counted, but the Eiffel Tower is also rather old, and still the highest in france (~330m). A lot of historical stuff is rather high in Europe, after all cathedrals were the highest buildings in the world for 7 centuries.
@@cristivali5787 Yep that does not make our cities any worse than cities from other places like East Asia or North America . Look at Paris , Vienna or Milan . Arent they rich or developed . Despite hosting so many companies , millionairies , billionairies and so on they have really few skyscrapers . Not to mention that cities like London and Paris and Moscow are global icons on par with NYC or Tokyo
@@jakubtargosz9597 I just wanted to message that it doesn`t matter if u have in Africa tall buildings, but u are people just like the others and have great nations
Europe has tried to keep it's cities character by protecting historical buildings and limiting height, Asian countries like China has just tore them down for modern skyscrapers.
Turkey made a compromise and Kept it’s historical bay with the giant moscues and all the green forest but in the background you can see the financial districts with all the skyscrapers
China has a lot of people. They need to build apartments and skyscrapers to support its population. Besides China has a lot of historical and cool architecture and one of the most fascinating history.
We like biking instead. It's not the tallest building in Denmark though. It is only 85 meters and not 124. Tallest building is Herlev Hospital at 120 meters..
@@benjaminmarker I'm half Swedish half Finnish but I live in Stockholm now, which is also a beautiful city but very hectic compared to Copenhagen and Helsinki (never been to Oslo so can't tell).
@@staropramen478 I love Stockholm! Oslo is worth the travel though, it is an awesome city as well. I've only been to Helsinki twice. Your Swedish though is the easiest to understand.. Even compared to Skåne..
@@creet9996 it doesnt matter, as u can see batumi tower has the same situation.. it has spire like most of skycrapers even in frankfurt... just beacause varso is going to beat london's highest building by 0,4m people gonna say it everywhere coz they cant stand it
@@creet9996 One WTC also has a spire and the spire has 124 meters and it's the tallest in western hemisphere, as well as Burj Khalifa has spire, it spire has 244 meters.
@@malachirench6937 They do not count in general, but in this video they count because 9:22 Commerzbank Tower is 300m with the spire, 259m without the spire
@@incumbentvinyl9291 no, just because it has some ties to europe because it's located in a shithole desert doesn't make it european, it has nothing to do with even european culture, just like turkey trying to join the EU
Łachta Centr - 462 m, (Petersburg) Wieża Federacji, 374,7 m, (Moscow) OKO - 354 m, Rosja (Moscow) Mercury City Tower - 338,8 m, (Moscow) Varso Tower - 310 m, (Warsaw) The Shard - 309,6 m, (London) Jewrazija - 309 m, (Moscow) Miasto Stolic - 302 m, (Moscow) Commerzbank Tower - 300 m, (Frankfurt) Skyland Istanbul - 284 m (Stambul)
@@7vn534 La tour eiffel fait 324 mètres mais elle n est pas considéré comme un gratte ciel...c est pourquoi elle n est pas dans la video. Sinon elle serait avant la tour first plus haut immeuble de France
I like how only 2 (in Hungary, Vatican City) buildings were built hundreds of years ago, and they are technically "castles", whitch is pretty insane if you think about how hard was it to build. I was once in the 'Bazilika' in Hungary, and it's just *MASSIVE* . I can't imagine how hard was it to build structures like that
Bazilika means basilica, or church. Although the Esztergom Bazilika is the tallest, the Matyas Templom and the Budapest Parliament are truly more impressive. In my opinion.
I love this, clean and fresh air cities. People expect Europe to have skyscrapers like those in Asia and America, but the population in the continent is well-served by the available structures.
@@LewisVSEPR Azerbaijan is in Caucasia.Thats why Azerbaijan is in Europe and Asia too. (Bad English)But Azerbaijan is not in Europe Union. (Like brother country Turkey)😐😑
@@martinarmendariz6086 not really , i mean it does but imaging like in Athens , a graphic city or in Budepest a scyscraper ... it ruins the aesthetic of the city
fan fact: I can see Lakhta (the tallest building in Russia in St. Petersburg) from the window of my university dormitory, although it is on the opposite side of the bay and it is scary but for the new year the building glows like a Christmas tree and it's cute
Well, everytime i really wanted to travel around Europe 🌍, but i didn't know that i am already in ,🥳 Kazakhstan, i m in Europe, i was supposed to love in Central Asia 🌏
6:49 I lost my mind when i saw that this building was built in 1967 because it looks way too modern for a building this old but then i googled it and it turns out that it was renovated .
In 2021 in Poland will be open new biggest tower "Varso Tower" It is to be the largest building in the European Union and it is to be 310 m :D u can edit this later haha btw nice episode
@Sylvester R If you count the height to the roof without so called antenna\spire 230m then it would be even out of top 30 tallest building in europe. including antenna\spire 310m - №6 and the shard become only the 7th tallest in europe.=//
@@malachirench6937 only the building counts with a spire, it's just like you have the tallest building in the world which has a spire around 250 meters high. And yet its height is still 828 meters and without the spire it would be a lot less so, the Varso tower is 310 meters, and the other buildings on this list also have a spire that adds a good 30-70 meters, so why not pay attention to other buildings comments?
@@lumpek4149 What a long piece of text to justify the cheating Polska. Thing is, the Burj Khalifa has a structural element that flows with the building architecture, while your Varso tower literally has an antenna. Seems like you guys got the inspiration from the US with its cheating 131 meters antenna of the One World Trade Centre. Lmao. If we go by your logic, I could build a one story house and then put a 828 meter antenna on it and call it the "tallest building in the world". See how ridiculous does it sounds like?
@@malachirench6937 every building's height is counted including the spire and no matter what now to make a building somewhere on the top you need to use a tall spire
Every other country: lets build buildings where everyone can use them. Russia: Lets build the tallest building in europe a few kilometers from any large settlements on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg.
@@kuznetskiy. Same reason why Prague doesn't have skyscrapers. There was many plans for build something, but everything was so complicated because of sightseen keepers and bureaucracy that investor moved to different country - mostly to Poland.
You propably don't know it, But for many years, the tallest man-made building was a radio pole in Poland. It had About 600 metres, but it fell in 1987 because of bad comservation xD
In Istanbul ı think they are not trying to make the tallest. They are trying to make a lot. Im living in İstanbul. There are so many skyscrapers. But they are almost at the same height.
ipleme bu tür şeyleri avrupalı olunca ne değişiyor bu kişiyi daha medeni daha zeki yapmaz öyle olsaydı dünya savaşları sistematik katliamlar soğuk savaş vs yaşanmazdı ve halen kırılamayan özellikle orta avrupa ve doğu avrupada yabancının tehdit şeytan algısı duruyor ruslar ile avrupalılar aynı atalara sahiptir aynı dine inanırlar aynı dil ailesindenler ama görüyoruz undermacth gerçeğini güneyimizde ki araplar ile bizim bir olmadığımızı onlar da çok iyi biliyor ama avrupanın temeline işlenmiş olan yabancı düşmanlığı kim olsa o nefreti kusar tabi bizimde hatalarımız var eksiklerimiz var onları görüp kendimizi düzeltmek daha iyi yerlere gelmek için çabalamalıyız şuan avrupa huzur refah içinde diye başkalarını eleştiriyor eğer bundan 75 yıl öncesine giderseniz ırkçılık nefret katliamlar aptalca ve manyakça ideolojilerin hüküm sürdüğü yerdi bu rüyaları sonsuza kadar öyle kalacak değil de bir sürü avrupalı ulusçuk var biz ile bir mi? tabi ki hayır en basiti tüm balkanları ve doğu avrupayı toplasak yine bir türkiye yapmaz dün rusun kucağında idi bu ülkeler şimdi amerika ile almanyanın kucağındalar biz onların sömürgesi olmadık kendi devletimizi kurduk bir çok avrupalı devletin aksine manyakça ideolojilere kaymadan kendi eksiklerimize sorunlarımıza yöneldik ve gelecek vaat eden bir ülkeyiz bir çok avrupalı ülkenin aksine yahudi kasabı almanya kan emici fransa sömürgeci ingiltere lakapları halen duruyor uluslararası tahminler var yıl yıl hangi ülke nüfus ekonomi vs olarak nereye gidiyor diye ve avrupanın gittiği yer hiç parlak değil
@@eternalbluesky6802 Avrupalılarla Rusların ataları, dilleri aynı yerden mi geliyor? Sırf Avrupada bile onlarca farklı etnik yapı, farklı dil ailelerinden gelen diller varken ruslarla nasıl bir ortaklık kurdun. Yabancı hadisesi ise her toplumda vardır. Avcı toplayıcı dönemden gelen kendine benzeyeni kolla benzemeyeni dışla prensibi bilinçaltına kazınmış anlaşılan. O yüzden hala bu yüzyılda bile ırkçılık ve milliyetçilik gibi kabileci ideolojileri aşamadık.
@@jasonbecker8893 hepsi indo-avrupa dil ailesinden milletler tabi Macarlar finler ve Estonyalilar Ural dil ailesindenler orada da belirttim Avrupa'nın genetik kodunda yabancı düşmanlığı vardır en basiti eski Yunan'da barbar kelimesi Yunanca bilmeyen Yunan olmayan için kullanılır idi Kendinden olmayana dış bilemek bir alışkanlık olmuş orada artık atalarımız ne demiş can çıkar huy çıkmaz
4:18 Bratislava's Nivy Tower is part of new bus station (Nove Nivy) but another tower, this time residential, is already under construction :) Eurovea Tower, 165m. It's going to be a beautiful building overlooking the Danube river and when the weather is good, you can even see Austrian Alps and I love that we are building all these tall buildings (including Sky Park) in one part of the city, away from old town and the castle. The whole area looks really nice with Eurovea shopping mall and Apollo Bridge :)
I’m not from Spain but it’s the tower second from the right, but yes, it does show those 4 towers as they are the 4 highest in Spain for some reason. A bit odd to have this all in the same stretch of the same street
in Poland, in 2021 the construction of Varso Tower in Warsaw is to be completed and it is to reach 310m, so I hope you will not forget about it next year :)
Well. Is has 4 Countries which have a smal area in Europe (Georgia, Turkey, Kasachstan and Azerbaijan) and 2 countries with no Land in Europe (Cyprus and Armenia)
@@therealdababycovertible9503 nope, it is only seen as european for cultural reasons. It is geographicly seen as part of the asian continent. Or are you argueing that Lebanon or Syria are european too ?
The tallest building in Serbia is west 65 tower (it is still under construction, but the tallest point is riched) 155m, and the talest building in construction in Serbia is Belgrade tower(Kula Beograd) 168m.
Interesting fact: The Roche Tower 2 (Switzerland) is being built right next to Roche Tower 1 (178m) with the same shape but 205m tall (still being built but already reached the height in 2020). There are already plans for a Roche Tower 3 with a similar shape but 221m tall.
The largest buildings in Europe are in Russia 1) Lahta-Center - 468m. In Saint-Petersburg 2) Federation tower - 374m. In Moscow 3) OKO towers - 354m. In Moscow 4) Neva towers - 345m. In Moscow 5) Mercury tower - 338m. In Moscow
makes sense, russia is one of the biggest oil producers and has to compete with the others such as gulf states and north america, moscow and st petersburg are impressive
The Portugal one is wrong. The tallest building is "Torre Vasco da Gama" in Lisbon (145 m / 476 ft), it would be placed at number 21 on this list then :) and I believe it's considered a building, not just a tower, plus it is part of a "building" too, this is the best I can explain ahah
According to Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) an organization that certifies buildings as the "World's Tallest";
It is classified as "Building" only if at least 50% of its height is made up of floor plates containing continuously habitable floor area.
While "Tower" is a tall structure, always taller than it is wide, meant for public or regular operational access by humans, but not for living in or office work, and are self-supporting or free-standing.
So, Eiffel Tower, Ostankino Tower, Berliner Fernsehturm, TV and Radio Tower, etc are not included in this video, but you can watch the towers here on my channel too:
Thanks for watching!
in a few months the Maas tower is no longer the highest in the Netherlands, but the zalmhaven tower is 215 meters
Nur-sultan is east of the Ural mountains so it's not in Europe. Though I guess it's in a "Europe country" so the title isn't wrong
With regard to the criterias of your choice, why would you put Copenhill (Amager Bakke) on this list? Its not a building since 50 % of its height is NOT made up of floor plates containing continuously habitable floor area. It´s basicly a steel cage like the Eiffel tower, but with a chimney, as you can clearly see on this picture:
Youre back :)
@Unnamed 0 If you include the Fernsehturm then you would count the Eiffel tower too... He's only looking at skyscrapers. Also the Fernsehturm isn't even in the top 3 highest television towers in Europe.
Imagine living in random apartment and having no idea its tallest in you country
It could actually be possible for some really old person
Andrew just had that bc Serbia has higher towers
Exactly lmao
What the heck this has so many likes lol
Ah yes Kazakhistan,
My favorite *Europe* country.
i think a tiny bit of kazhakstan is considered as in europe, dont know how
@@jonassp7438 even Turkey is not european
@@noorschoices977 turkey is half european and half asian. There is little bit of place that turkey has in balkans. Even The bridge called Boğaz Köprüsü connects Europe Istanbul to Asia Istanbul
@@ozandog I would say 5% European!
@@jean-fabl6187 yea kinda lol.
POV: You're an european checking out if your country is on the list.
The title literally says “EACH european country”
Yeah. Russia. Saint-Petersburg. Greetings!
Yep! And it is!
@@fidaniiiiii0 maybe it's beacause Kosovo is not fully recognized?
Yes, sir
Most of these: office buildings, hotels, government or religious buildings.
Albania: We put a tower on our football stadium!
Lol I'm from Albania and the tower was pretty bad ngl but there is new tower being built and its going to be 144 meters high.
@@II-mt9de yeah well I'm from Denmark and I have no excuse for our entry, only face palm.
@@Kalleosini Hey it doesnt look bad tho. I like the style.
POV: You‘re a Liechtensteiner casually living in Schwefelstrasse 25 seeing this video
POV : you cycle past capital dock in Dublin every weekend with your friends ( true story )
Hahha ja vlleicht
Or living in Bulevar Mitra Bakica towers in Montenegro.
In Europe have buildings very low, but don't forget
Every city in Europe is an open Air museum
From Brazil and i love Europe
Edit: thanks for +200 likes
Many cities want to get rid of that status, that is why they take some more controversial choices and now sometimes build modern buildings in or around old towns.
it actually makes absolutely no sense to build a tower higher than a certain hight (somewhat about 200 meters). In germany, where i live, we have this commerzbank tower which can be seen in the video. costs for heating rising exponentially the higher the building is. And when its cold there is always the risk of the ice cone formation. In these cases the streets around the building have to be secured so nobody is in danger.
@@ligametis yeah, i already realized that, but the essence of a european city Will remain, some examples are Dresden, warsaw, Paris, moscow, Milan, Zurich, and others
Diandra Deeke except for in coastal cities, where everything needs to be dense
We have History😇
Every country: okay, our tallest building is a very modern tower or a flat
Hungary: *we don't do that here*
And Vatican.
Also, it's not counted, but the Eiffel Tower is also rather old, and still the highest in france (~330m).
A lot of historical stuff is rather high in Europe, after all cathedrals were the highest buildings in the world for 7 centuries.
Correct me if i'm wrong but in Hungary I think there is a law that you can't build towers over 96m.
@@marklandriau igen
Norwich cathedral is 315 feet tall
i can’t believe vatican city managed to be that high when it’s basically the only building they have
no other building it's allowed to surpass that height in Rome.
@lil mamt ROmes tallest building is Torre EuroSky 120 m / 394 ft witch it's still less that The st Peter Basilica 137
Vatican city is higher then Norway I guess
Beside that, it was built in 1600's.
@@enkelito1 isn't true
Mom can we go to paris?
Mom: No we have Paris in our country
Paris in our country: 5:17
Matej je hrvatsko ime pa ono...?
In Russian, Parus means "Sail"
Парус ⛵
actually Netherlands should be at 51 because it’s underwater
@@funnnehdude you don't get it
@@maxmchean8498 well that's rude. Why not explain 😉
@@RandomZex how is that rude tf.
@@maxmchean8498 I already said it
@@RandomZex bruh you really are a ❄
Every country: Builds a tall building.
Hungary and Vatican city: We already did it.
Every country: hi tech engineering and space age architect
Hungary and Vatican city: *trying to invent the tyre.
@@NOTHlNG tire*
We have a 130m tall cathedrals in Romania
Vatican City is basically the tallest building itself lmao
4:05 ok this is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time
@Etienne Tholence How? Do they have snow makers or something? Cuz I thought it was just a really cool golf course.
@@Terpster77 it’s like a slippery synthetic grass
Its garbage
I live there and I’ve been there!
I am from denmark and it is cool in winter
Denmark: I made a golf course
it is a skiing hill, it is made of some synthetic grass or plastic grass so you can ski all year round
A golf course with a constant slope.
Nice logic you've got there.
Poland: If u mean 1955 is futuristic...
@@boomerix Bruh, Vatican has literally one building in the whole country
0:15 Liechtenstein
0:26 San Marino
0:38 Montenegro
0:48 Iceland
1:00 Ireland
1:11 Andorra
1:23 Armenia
1:34 Kosovo
1:46 Slovenia
1:57 Moldova
2:08 Malta
2:20 Hungary
2:32 Greece
2:43 Czech republic
2:55 Albania
3:06 Luxembourg
3:18 Norway
3:29 Estonia
3:41 Portugal
3:52 Latvia
4:04 Denmark
4:15 Slovakia
4:27 Bulgaria
4:38 North Macedonia
4:50 Finland
5:01 Vatican city
5:13 Belarus
5:24 Serbia
5:35 Cyprus
5:47 Croatia
5:59 Romania
6:10 Lithuania
6:22 Ukraine
6:33 Monaco
6:45 Belgium
6:56 Bosnia & Herzegovina
7:08 Netherlands
7:19 Switzerland
7:31 Sweden
7:42 Georgia
7:54 Poland
8:05 France
8:17 Italy
8:28 Spain
8:40 Austria
8:52 Azerbaijan
9:03 Turkey
9:14 Germany
9:26 United kingdom
9:37 Kazakhstan
9:49 Russia
10:00 the end
i hope i helped ;)
@aca pecic country
I'm amazed that you couldn't find anything more constructive to do with your time.
I do believe the list may help someone though, it should be pinned.
@@incumbentvinyl9291 I was just bored, I made it at an online class
Europe is spain but is so good with 51 but Liechtenstein is the hotel
Try Africa's tallest building
From africa love europe
With love from Europe to africa. We dont have many skyscrapers here despite being rich
@@jakubtargosz9597 maybe u don't have, but what u do have, is a hard work, brave heart
@@cristivali5787 Yep that does not make our cities any worse than cities from other places like East Asia or North America . Look at Paris , Vienna or Milan . Arent they rich or developed . Despite hosting so many companies , millionairies , billionairies and so on they have really few skyscrapers . Not to mention that cities like London and Paris and Moscow are global icons on par with NYC or Tokyo
@@jakubtargosz9597 I just wanted to message that it doesn`t matter if u have in Africa tall buildings, but u are people just like the others and have great nations
@HADJ MOHTARIF PRO No The Egyptian Iconic Tower
Europe has tried to keep it's cities character by protecting historical buildings and limiting height, Asian countries like China has just tore them down for modern skyscrapers.
Turkey made a compromise and Kept it’s historical bay with the giant moscues and all the green forest but in the background you can see the financial districts with all the skyscrapers
oh yea ofc when talking about this u could always say that Europe protects the historical buildings but China doesn't...lmao
China has a lot of people. They need to build apartments and skyscrapers to support its population. Besides China has a lot of historical and cool architecture and one of the most fascinating history.
Because asian historical buildings is not that good and not special
@@LorenzoAntonASilva lmao then what about Taj Mahal and great wall of China stupid
Every other country:
Building a Skyscraper or Tower.
My country:
Building a Hill? (Denmark)
Edit: Thx for the likes guys😄 Hej danskere
Ngl ur countrys hill was the one in this video xD looked rly cool
Yes..but is really nice !
u r so lucky though. i hate buildings . it must be perfect to live with nature all the time
0:31 World Trade Center ordered on Wish
Better cos still standing :)
@@jaczek07 That one hit harder than the planes
@@eukarya_ lool
These bad boys wont go down as easy
3:56 twin towers on wish
0:16 my Minecraft Ironfarm is taller
Poland's tallest building looks so good. I love its classical architecture and the clock tower.
Palace of Culture isnt tallest. The tallest building in Poland is Varso Tower (310m).
Heck, I know you
@@a_balloon I remember you from the comments of my posts and videos, how'd you find me??
@@Danymok a coincidence actually
@@newagpesa8711 It hasn't been finished as of the making of this video, so it wasn't included.
Poor Denmark. Being in Scandinavia without having ski resorts they had to resort to build their own ski slope, which is also their tallest building...
We like biking instead. It's not the tallest building in Denmark though. It is only 85 meters and not 124. Tallest building is Herlev Hospital at 120 meters..
@@benjaminmarker Denmark is nice though. Copenhagen is my favorite city in the Nordic's for its relaxed atmosphere.
@@staropramen478 We are kinda chilled, so I'm glad you enjoy my city.. Where are you from?
@@benjaminmarker I'm half Swedish half Finnish but I live in Stockholm now, which is also a beautiful city but very hectic compared to Copenhagen and Helsinki (never been to Oslo so can't tell).
@@staropramen478 I love Stockholm! Oslo is worth the travel though, it is an awesome city as well. I've only been to Helsinki twice. Your Swedish though is the easiest to understand.. Even compared to Skåne..
The highest one in Poland will be varso tower 310m
@@creet9996 it doesnt matter, as u can see batumi tower has the same situation.. it has spire like most of skycrapers even in frankfurt... just beacause varso is going to beat london's highest building by 0,4m people gonna say it everywhere coz they cant stand it
@@creet9996 Frankfurt's Commerzbank Tower is also 300m with the spire
@@creet9996 One WTC also has a spire and the spire has 124 meters and it's the tallest in western hemisphere, as well as Burj Khalifa has spire, it spire has 244 meters.
varso tower 234 meters. antenna, chimneys and radio towers are a different types of structure. they do not count.
@@malachirench6937 They do not count in general, but in this video they count because 9:22 Commerzbank Tower is 300m with the spire, 259m without the spire
Kazakhstan is just like - we have no chance in asia, lets be an europe country.
They’re transcontinental and in most of association , organization, foundation they’re shown in euro zone. So i guess pretty normal :D
Kazakhstan is asian except for a small part of the land
It's a transcontinental country. It legitimately, de facto and de jure, has land area in Europe.
Nothing strange about it.
Kazakhstan is in UEFA.
@@incumbentvinyl9291 no, just because it has some ties to europe because it's located in a shithole desert doesn't make it european, it has nothing to do with even european culture, just like turkey trying to join the EU
Łachta Centr - 462 m, (Petersburg)
Wieża Federacji, 374,7 m, (Moscow)
OKO - 354 m, Rosja (Moscow)
Mercury City Tower - 338,8 m, (Moscow)
Varso Tower - 310 m, (Warsaw)
The Shard - 309,6 m, (London)
Jewrazija - 309 m, (Moscow)
Miasto Stolic - 302 m, (Moscow)
Commerzbank Tower - 300 m, (Frankfurt)
Skyland Istanbul - 284 m (Stambul)
this is very outdated. here is the current list of tallest buildings
Wait, the Commerzbank tower ls only 259 m high!
There's also the eifel tower in paris that's almost 300m
@@7vn534 La tour eiffel fait 324 mètres mais elle n est pas considéré comme un gratte ciel...c est pourquoi elle n est pas dans la video. Sinon elle serait avant la tour first plus haut immeuble de France
Çamlıca kulesi (Çamlıca Tower) = 369 meters
6:23 don't mind me I'm just an armored vehicle
Because there is war?!
@@nf8889 no shit
Don't tell me. The 3rd World War is starting in 2030
@@alexwatt19 nope
because it's Ukraine
People: how shall we call the the capital city
Luxembourg: yes
@@ericdarkgoat4050 I’m not English just used google translate😂
@@ericdarkgoat4050 Dutch
@@ericdarkgoat4050 I know English just forgot the word so I needed to use google translate
@@ericdarkgoat4050 capital city or city capital I dunno
@@mirzau1564 capital city is the correct one you can't use city capital
Fun fact:
The green thing on top of Copenhill is actually a dry ski slope.
Edit: Ty for 200 likes :D
yepp and its an old powerplant
@@MojnMojn it's a very new power plant, not an old one.
@@SimonGrayDK cool. I didnt know that
You're a mong
I thought it was an actual hill built on it for walking :/
Fun fact: There is a building in Albania which is very close to completion and it is 144 meters
In serbia is building that completitions for two months and it will be 168!
@@krstokrivokapic4286 ok and?
@@GH-nn6jt but why you type that man, he just said you dont hvave to be toxic
@@GH-nn6jt I've searched far and wide across the 7 seas and more yet I sill for the love of God cannot find who asked 🙏🙏🙏
@@lukanikolic5380 why are you so sensitive?
Now I wanna see "Jumping from the highest building in every country"
You Stupid ?
Turkay Not Europe Is Asian
@@SonOfIrak no a half is Asian or 70 Prozent a little part is europe
@@SonOfIrak Do you have too much freetime? You’ve commented this under each comment I‘ve looked
people in Lichtenstein could do it for fun
@@SonOfIrak why do u keep saying that in comments that dont even talk about that 😭😭
Kazakhstan 🇰🇿
Санкт-Петербург Казахский земля
I like how only 2 (in Hungary, Vatican City) buildings were built hundreds of years ago, and they are technically "castles", whitch is pretty insane if you think about how hard was it to build. I was once in the 'Bazilika' in Hungary, and it's just *MASSIVE* . I can't imagine how hard was it to build structures like that
They are not castles. They are more like church. The correct name is basilica but I don't know how to translate properly
@@nicolagagliardi1370 well yeah, you're right
Bazilika means basilica, or church. Although the Esztergom Bazilika is the tallest, the Matyas Templom and the Budapest Parliament are truly more impressive. In my opinion.
That Hungary church was built 150 years ago.
I've been in Vatican City and it was incredibly beautiful, it's such an impressive place
one correction the tallest building in Portugal is "Torre Vasco da Gama" with 145 meters (475 ft) the "Torre Monsanto" its only 120 meters
When you are only a few centimeteres taller than Norway’s tallest buidling: *happy estonian noises*
Sad Norwegian noises
Lithuanians too :)
Happy Estonian here
You Baltics and Finns are actually a little shorter than us other Nordics, because you got asian blood
@@noensomserdegsoveomnattenp7732 idk if you realised but they are talking about buildings
6:24 an armoured vehicle just casually parked at the side of the road
@P N tensions ? Oh you mean war .. that caused a split ? Other half is Eu and the other half is of the russian insurgents
@P N tensions... ha
cuz ukraina is in war with russia
@@bubib943 apparently you forgot to notify the Russians about war.
Wanted to comment the same thing😂😂😂
On the web: * makes a tallest buildings in Asia list *
The US: * makes it on the list *
Everyone: What the Guam is this?
Istanbul Amazing ❤❤🇹🇷
Enjoy it while you can
@@ftargr lmao ofcourse you are greek 😂😂
@@ftargr Haha greeks relying on prophecies
@@erbugbeyfendi5081 türkmüsün
@@ftargr your top is turkish floor
turksh king
I love this, clean and fresh air cities. People expect Europe to have skyscrapers like those in Asia and America, but the population in the continent is well-served by the available structures.
Türk bayrağıni görüp gelen Türkler için 9:05 :)))
8:53 de Azerbaycanlı kardeşlerim için
Ben valla
@@iam_0528 What?
@@Kuzey1007 :D
Tallest building in country: exists
Deloitte: It’s mine now
LOVE From Turkey❤🇹🇷
Im From Turkey too 🇹🇷🇹🇷
8:52 my country and 9:03 our brother country 🇦🇿❤🇹🇷
Azerbaijan isn't an europe country. But why on the list?
@@LewisVSEPR Azerbaijan is in Caucasia.Thats why Azerbaijan is in Europe and Asia too. (Bad English)But Azerbaijan is not in Europe Union.
(Like brother country Turkey)😐😑
@@LewisVSEPR so turkey is not european too
@@stentrum5989 Turkey is european and asian
Does height really matters though? Europe doesn't need skyscrapers to prove itself anyway.
Skyscrapers means economical power. London is the only European city growing so fast.
@@martinarmendariz6086 with moscow. It haves I guess half of the tallest skyscrapers in Europe
@@martinarmendariz6086 not really , i mean it does but imaging like in Athens , a graphic city or in Budepest a scyscraper ... it ruins the aesthetic of the city
@@martinarmendariz6086 Nah, we don´t like tall buildings in Europe
@@martinarmendariz6086 they don't, it's just a way of showing off and trying to save money
fan fact: I can see Lakhta (the tallest building in Russia in St. Petersburg) from the window of my university dormitory, although it is on the opposite side of the bay and it is scary
but for the new year the building glows like a Christmas tree and it's cute
Your videos are so nice 👍 keep it up best TH-cam channel ever 🎉😊
The music sounds like my dog trying to figure out the way home
the music song named mon evidence bertysole
Well, everytime i really wanted to travel around Europe 🌍, but i didn't know that i am already in ,🥳 Kazakhstan, i m in Europe, i was supposed to love in Central Asia 🌏
@Emnbura lack of logic haha
Small part of Kazakhstan is actually on europe.
@@animekizi8732 we have been taught to consider Kazakhstan as a Central Asian country 😅
Btw i live in Almaty 🤠
@@animekizi8732 Hsktr
@@bledakaan kanka git avrupa coğrafi haritasına bak
These towers looks higher than they really are when standing alone
The "Berliner Fernsehturm" is missing (368 meters)
Der zählt nicht als Gebäude, nur als Bauwerk
Moldova's is a old, abandoned communist building, thats depressing...
Thats not depressing, thats culture
@@therektfactory depressing culture
(pls dont hurt me)
@@Deadbass_ nothing wrong with a good old soviet building right, who doesnt love them
The Rekt Factory our building
@@Deadbass_ a true комрад i see
6:24 We not gonna talk about how the first pic of Ukraine has an Armored vehicle in it?
ukraine it nazi shit
6:49 I lost my mind when i saw that this building was built in 1967 because it looks way too modern for a building this old but then i googled it and it turns out that it was renovated .
Wow, that's really cool, I like the video, good luck with the channel
In 2021 in Poland will be open new biggest tower "Varso Tower" It is to be the largest building in the European Union and it is to be 310 m :D u can edit this later haha btw nice
@Sylvester R If you count the height to the roof without so called antenna\spire 230m then it would be even out of top 30 tallest building in europe. including antenna\spire 310m - №6
and the shard become only the 7th tallest in europe.=//
@@malachirench6937 only the building counts with a spire, it's just like you have the tallest building in the world which has a spire around 250 meters high. And yet its height is still 828 meters and without the spire it would be a lot less so, the Varso tower is 310 meters, and the other buildings on this list also have a spire that adds a good 30-70 meters, so why not pay attention to other buildings comments?
@@lumpek4149 What a long piece of text to justify the cheating Polska. Thing is, the Burj Khalifa has a structural element that flows with the building architecture, while your Varso tower literally has an antenna. Seems like you guys got the inspiration from the US with its cheating 131 meters antenna of the One World Trade Centre. Lmao. If we go by your logic, I could build a one story house and then put a 828 meter antenna on it and call it the "tallest building in the world". See how ridiculous does it sounds like?
@@malachirench6937 every building's height is counted including the spire and no matter what now to make a building somewhere on the top you need to use a tall spire
Every other country: lets build buildings where everyone can use them.
Russia: Lets build the tallest building in europe a few kilometers from any large settlements on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg.
St Petersburg has a historic city center which is protected by UNESCO. it's not allowed to build a skyscraper in that area
@@kuznetskiy. I understand, but why not in Moscow, or around other semi-tall buildings in Peter?
@@squipy184 the company that Lakhta Center is built for - Gazprom, is moving their headquarters from Moscow to St Petersburg
@@kuznetskiy. Same reason why Prague doesn't have skyscrapers. There was many plans for build something, but everything was so complicated because of sightseen keepers and bureaucracy that investor moved to different country - mostly to Poland.
Meanwhile Denmark is like "Hey wouldn't it be fun if our tallest building was a Waste plant?... with a ski slope on top?
0:22 There is literally a bigger building right on the other side of the road next to my house
@@menice6736 No, im brazilian, i just said the building right in the other side of the road next to my house is bigger
@@ELEJOTA yeah but would have been funnier if you were actually from Liechtenstein
@@menice6736 Yeah, but i love Brazil
Caramba Brasileiro por aqui
Where is Varso Tower?
Exactly, its higher than the Palace of Culture.
the video was made before varso tower was built
You propably don't know it, But for many years, the tallest man-made building was a radio pole in Poland. It had About 600 metres, but it fell in 1987 because of bad comservation xD
Building is not structure.
@P N Radio poles have neither walls, nor roofs.
@@buriedalive3192 the pole part itself?
Oh, wait, thats not got a roof, walls or a floor.
Pole made by poles 😎🤙
8:56 Yes Yes AZERBAİJAN TOP 6 🇦🇿💜
5-6 bizde top 5 de diyebiliriz
But still you‘re not European!
@@svenberg1825 I am not European, I am Turkish! ☪️
But you still eat rocks
In Istanbul ı think they are not trying to make the tallest. They are trying to make a lot. Im living in İstanbul. There are so many skyscrapers. But they are almost at the same height.
Bu listede neden küçük çamlıca televizyon kulesi yok 350 metreden daha yuksek turkiyenin tek supertall yapısı.
its called Constantinople mate
@@viktorastsilis4072 no bro now it is istanbul.
@@ekthex knk bilemiyorum ki ben de düşündüm ama televizyon kulelerin katmıyor adam galiba ticaret ve konut yapılarını almış
@@erayylmazer2673 the turks named it like that bc they dont want any history involved into their country
Russia: It’s not that hard to build a 400+ meter building
Rest of Europe: ……..
Most of them: Tower.
Finland: Majakka
Ayy I still remember you!
TH-cam: HE'S BACK?!!
Interesująca historia
In Portugal you have the Vasco Da Gama Tower with 150 meters,since 1998. At the world Expo 98
Please don't go away for three years like last time. I love your videos
You literally came back 3-7 days after I subbed :)
8:56 since Baku in Azerbaijan is in Europe?
@Davud Bs / care
Děkuji že ste tam dali i Česko překlad, thank You that they put a hundred czechs There as well
Tr; İşlerine gelince Eu/Avrupa, gelmeyince Mid.E./OrtaDoğu..
Doğru söylüyorsun valla kardeş bu itler çok kurnaz.
ben karar veremedim ikisinden de parçalar taşıyoruz
ipleme bu tür şeyleri avrupalı olunca ne değişiyor bu kişiyi daha medeni daha zeki yapmaz öyle olsaydı dünya savaşları sistematik katliamlar soğuk savaş vs yaşanmazdı ve halen kırılamayan özellikle orta avrupa ve doğu avrupada yabancının tehdit şeytan algısı duruyor
ruslar ile avrupalılar aynı atalara sahiptir aynı dine inanırlar aynı dil ailesindenler ama görüyoruz undermacth gerçeğini
güneyimizde ki araplar ile bizim bir olmadığımızı onlar da çok iyi biliyor ama avrupanın temeline işlenmiş olan yabancı düşmanlığı kim olsa o nefreti kusar
tabi bizimde hatalarımız var eksiklerimiz var onları görüp kendimizi düzeltmek daha iyi yerlere gelmek için çabalamalıyız
şuan avrupa huzur refah içinde diye başkalarını eleştiriyor eğer bundan 75 yıl öncesine giderseniz ırkçılık nefret katliamlar aptalca ve manyakça ideolojilerin hüküm sürdüğü yerdi bu rüyaları sonsuza kadar öyle kalacak değil de
bir sürü avrupalı ulusçuk var biz ile bir mi? tabi ki hayır en basiti tüm balkanları ve doğu avrupayı toplasak yine bir türkiye yapmaz dün rusun kucağında idi bu ülkeler şimdi amerika ile almanyanın kucağındalar
biz onların sömürgesi olmadık kendi devletimizi kurduk bir çok avrupalı devletin aksine manyakça ideolojilere kaymadan kendi eksiklerimize sorunlarımıza yöneldik ve gelecek vaat eden bir ülkeyiz bir çok avrupalı ülkenin aksine
yahudi kasabı almanya kan emici fransa sömürgeci ingiltere lakapları halen duruyor
uluslararası tahminler var yıl yıl hangi ülke nüfus ekonomi vs olarak nereye gidiyor diye ve avrupanın gittiği yer hiç parlak değil
@@eternalbluesky6802 Avrupalılarla Rusların ataları, dilleri aynı yerden mi geliyor? Sırf Avrupada bile onlarca farklı etnik yapı, farklı dil ailelerinden gelen diller varken ruslarla nasıl bir ortaklık kurdun. Yabancı hadisesi ise her toplumda vardır. Avcı toplayıcı dönemden gelen kendine benzeyeni kolla benzemeyeni dışla prensibi bilinçaltına kazınmış anlaşılan. O yüzden hala bu yüzyılda bile ırkçılık ve milliyetçilik gibi kabileci ideolojileri aşamadık.
@@jasonbecker8893 hepsi indo-avrupa dil ailesinden milletler tabi Macarlar finler ve Estonyalilar Ural dil ailesindenler orada da belirttim Avrupa'nın genetik kodunda yabancı düşmanlığı vardır en basiti eski Yunan'da barbar kelimesi Yunanca bilmeyen Yunan olmayan için kullanılır idi
Kendinden olmayana dış bilemek bir alışkanlık olmuş orada artık atalarımız ne demiş can çıkar huy çıkmaz
Welcome back
But is not Kazakhstan from Asia?
part of it is in Europe (specifically the part west of the Ural River)
Geographically Kazakhstan is a Transcontinental country, the same as Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and Turkey.
@@OnTheWeb nice editing on the videos
@@OnTheWeb at least russia and turkey have thier skyscrapers on european territory..
Update: Varso Tower in Poland 310m
It is good that every place of a country lasts 9- 10 seconds, so I can move 10 seconds forward to find my country.
4:18 Bratislava's Nivy Tower is part of new bus station (Nove Nivy) but another tower, this time residential, is already under construction :) Eurovea Tower, 165m. It's going to be a beautiful building overlooking the Danube river and when the weather is good, you can even see Austrian Alps and I love that we are building all these tall buildings (including Sky Park) in one part of the city, away from old town and the castle. The whole area looks really nice with Eurovea shopping mall and Apollo Bridge :)
And unlike our highways I'm going to be alive when it will be finished xD
yes very nice Bratislava skyline
Alps? Now that I want to see :)
@@sudnoss yes we can see Alps😊only with good weather
Protagonist: The Villain's Headquarters could be anywhere
The Villain's Headquarters: 8:48
Yay you are back! 😁 can you do again the airline top.
europe: 1 tallest building
spain: 4 tallest buildings
I’m not from Spain but it’s the tower second from the right, but yes, it does show those 4 towers as they are the 4 highest in Spain for some reason. A bit odd to have this all in the same stretch of the same street
I'm from Spain, and yes, there are four towers, but the tallest is the second of the right.
Arriba españa
Cepsa también tiene alquilada una :v
Тогда почему сюда не включили здания из "Москва Сити"??
Kazachstan ... Europe ?
yes...Ural River (or Zhem)
Uefa so it counts :)
yes 14% of the territory of Kazakhstan is located in the European part of the world
I love the soundtrack you put in this video BTW!!! It makes me think about nostalgia & deep in thought! 😞😌🎧🎵🎶
Please Tallest buildings by country ranking 2022!!! Greetings from Argentina 🇦🇷
in Poland, in 2021 the construction of Varso Tower in Warsaw is to be completed and it is to reach 310m, so I hope you will not forget about it next year :)
@Kadim Ahmed just an office building, but at certain levels there will be restaurants, hotels and apartments
But it will look way less impressive and less beautiful than that ornate soviet tower.
@@ligametis you could say that about 1WTC compering it to Empire State. But we're not talking style here. We're talking height.
JuontM - Origin So2 you forgot the antenna lol
fact:the tower was meant to be built because to remove communist tower from being tallest.
Our Twist tower in Bosnia pretty high up there, I am impressed
@@stafn.3782 It is weird since I see it from my window and don't think much of it
Looks wierd and out of place
@@stafn.3782 laughs in Burek
A ljudi imaju jedva para za kruha. Balkan eto
Woah Poland! 7:57 Those other towers next to the palace are the taller than most of this list too!
Edit: well actuly most of the top 10 have that too
Finally.. for 2 Years! Your Back 8:52 & 9:03
im from ❤❤❤❤
Your from Azerbaijan or austria
@@cxmplete5301 Azerbaijan probably.
@@reeckoyoshi5887 ooook
Im turkish from and azerbaijan
Might as well add Australia on the list since all Eurovision participants are here that are not European.
Israel is here aswell?
Dude wtf, that's just a list with every country that is geographically in Europe
Well. Is has 4 Countries which have a smal area in Europe (Georgia, Turkey, Kasachstan and Azerbaijan) and 2 countries with no Land in Europe (Cyprus and Armenia)
@@hailgiratinathetruegod7564 wrong Cyprus has land in Europe its argued actually
@@therealdababycovertible9503 nope, it is only seen as european for cultural reasons. It is geographicly seen as part of the asian continent. Or are you argueing that Lebanon or Syria are european too ?
I was literally expecting Moldova's to be a barn or something lol
In Slovakia is gonna be the second tallest building 270meter high in 2030 year
In Switzerland is the new Roche Tower (under construction) actually the tallest with 205 meters. A other one also in basel is proposed (230 meters)
Pozdrawiam Polskę 🇵🇱
Gdzie jest polska?
@@krzysiugames4718 wydaje mi się, że w Ameryce Południowej ale nie jestem do końca pewny....
@Adam Pasek być może ale tego tez nie jestem pewny
@@tutuc10 polska jest w Europie
@@_Shad0w_B0y_ Hmm... Wiesz co, to nawet możliwe
The tallest building in Serbia is west 65 tower (it is still under construction, but the tallest point is riched) 155m, and the talest building in construction in Serbia is Belgrade tower(Kula Beograd) 168m.
Čak i da se ne računaju jer nisu završene, koliko znam Ušće 1 i 2 su više. Ušće 1 ima 141m valjda.
bicu ponosan kad ga naprave. Ocekiovao sam da ce da bude u videu ali jos nije zavrsen. Srbija napred!
Ale ale
love from Shanghai, China ❤❤❤
POV: You’re here to find your country
Yes, didn't take too long it came 47th
9th 😄
How about Varso Tower from Warsaw (Poland)? 310m😅
Not completed.
Under construction, after that the ass country still has most tall building
*not complete*
Interesting fact: The Roche Tower 2 (Switzerland) is being built right next to Roche Tower 1 (178m) with the same shape but 205m tall (still being built but already reached the height in 2020). There are already plans for a Roche Tower 3 with a similar shape but 221m tall.
The largest buildings in Europe are in Russia
1) Lahta-Center - 468m. In Saint-Petersburg
2) Federation tower - 374m. In Moscow
3) OKO towers - 354m. In Moscow
4) Neva towers - 345m. In Moscow
5) Mercury tower - 338m. In Moscow
And the have army that steals washing machines :D
in Moscow, but in Saint-Petersburg
@@miroslawwawrzyniak722that steals hohol women
@@miroslawwawrzyniak722 1.5 years later, do you still believe in fairy tales about washing machines, and that Russia will run out of missiles?
makes sense, russia is one of the biggest oil producers and has to compete with the others such as gulf states and north america, moscow and st petersburg are impressive
It's pity that this channel don't show Moscow's skyscrapers. These are so cool!
Я был в Санкт-Петербурге и видел это башню. Сам я был в парке 300 Петербурга и оттуда это просто прекрасно видно.
А я из центра до лахты на велике доехал
@@mlbrestreet Москва Сити лучше )))
Ку с Москвы
@@АлександрБильчук неит
Из всех небоскрёбов самый красивый , всё лаконичен , выдержан..👍🏻🇷🇺🔥
щцлуб ущвожц ушамбуж?
The Portugal one is wrong. The tallest building is "Torre Vasco da Gama" in Lisbon (145 m / 476 ft), it would be placed at number 21 on this list then :) and I believe it's considered a building, not just a tower, plus it is part of a "building" too, this is the best I can explain ahah
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