This video is not about how rich the people in different countries are. It’s about how much money each country has for the whole state and for all of their population. So, in this video you can see that Tanzania, Ethiopia or Nigeria are “richer” than Iceland, but I truly hope nobody thinks that it means an average Ethiopian person lives better than an average Icelandic one. It’s only because the population of Iceland is around 300.000, meanwhile the population of Nigeria is more than 100million.
5:44 Malaysia 🇲🇾 $ 615 B 6:21 Vietnam 🇻🇳 $ 985 B 6:24 Philipines 🇵🇭 $ 992 B 6:42 Thailand 🇹🇭 $ 1.34 T 6:59 Singapore 🇸🇬 $ 1.76 T 7:21 Indonesia 🇮🇩 $ 3.40 T
Excellent video as always but here is my problem I have been making losses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading demo account is just like trading the real market... can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do
Never brag with your Country's Wealth.. Be determined with yours and learn to acquire for yourself 🙄🙄.. You can be poor in the most richest country and even you can be rich in the most poorest country.. Think twice🤗🤗We are all one family
Economic future is in India... India is going to be and is already a Giant in standarts of BBP, dispite big differences in poverty.... Future is in India for Stockmarkets!!
Apple is almost 4 times more wealthy than all the assets of your entire country.. your people should be vastly better off but instead digest as much Chinese propaganda as possible with even more enforced corruption from the ground up. You and your countrymen have chosen to accept this and it is a choice.
It is proven a worse parameter than GDP since no rich people would average their money to the poor in reality. Instead, I think a "median" can work better than an average.
5:44 Malaysia 🇲🇾 $ 615 B 6:21 Vietnam 🇻🇳 $ 985 B 6:24 Philipines 🇵🇭 $ 992 B 6:42 Thailand 🇹🇭 $ 1.34 T 6:59 Singapore 🇸🇬 $ 1.76 T 7:21 Indonesia 🇮🇩 $ 3.40 T
@@albertaowusu3536yeah we are still proud because of what we have achieved in less than a century after independence which most of the countries fail.. And you can search datas related to rising above poverty line of indians per year
Pride is a meaningless, divisive emotion. Akin to gorilla chest thumping - a primate chest inflation reaction and positively and ultimately destructive.
Seharusnya bisa masuk top 8 soalnya penduduk indo terbanyak keempat di dunia, masa kalah sama hongkong, taiwan, jerman, belanda dll padahal itu negara kecil bgtt penduduknya jg dikittt bgt
Indeed, only the 'richest' USA owes the world over $34 trillion, while its economy is worth $28 trillion! If they are so 'rich', why do they keep borrowing insanely?
excuse excuse excuse. US grew from nothing in the 1700s to what it is today. china got gangbang hard in th 1800 and much of teh 1900s yet they still manage to crawl to 2nd. who ever win the AI race will take 1st for the next 100 years. after that who ever can mine the heaven will lead humanity into the future
Pakistan, a country with 1/4 of India in land area, 1/6 of India in population, but a bit of a disappointing 1/18 of India in total GDP. I’m not all that impressed by Pakistan’s economy but maybe with a rapidly growing Pakistani population they could overtake India in GDP % growth rate. Who knows about the future really, it’s anybody’s game.
@@blackrue648y su raíz es la corrupción, no soy fanático de la 4T en mi país, pero se le reconoce al viejo que con la austeridad y los programas sociales se empezó a repartir mejor la riqueza generada en tiempos difíciles (pandemia, guerras desestabilizadoras, y crisis en EUA)
En realidad confunden conceptos, México no ha crecido nada en este sexenio, si revisan el PIB del 2018, México esta prácticamente igual en este 2023, los gobiernos de antes apenas lograban un crecimiento sostenido del 2% mientras que Amlo en su primer año apenas logros .5% luego llego la pandemia y retrocedió la economía casi un 8%, ahora en el rebote apenas y México esta creciendo si bien nos va a un 3% lo cual quiere decir que Amlo entregara un país con una economía prácticamente sin crecimiento pero eso si, con menos poder adquisitivo debido a mas inflación, con tazas de violencia record y con crecimiento de pobreza extrema aunque logro desminuir la pobreza media, pero aumento la carencias en la población, esto indica que en el próximo sexenio podrá explotar la pobreza aún más. En resumen, para nada ha sido un buen gobierno el de Amlo.
@@noclipmod it’s a matter of perspective, besides if you look at Indias history it was one of the oldest civilizations whilst Neanderthals dwelled in the west and riches were unmatched when western hemisphere was just a domain of failed farmers but their culture is still standing and they’re the 5th largest economy even after being the most invaded and exploited country. Although they need to work on their issues with quicker pace for the wellbeing of citizens but I don’t think it’s fair to call them backward and when they’re a standing precursor of civilization and steal their riches and call them poor
O‘zbekmisan? Nimaga yo‘q ekanini men bilaman. Biz deyarli qozog‘istonga yaqin edik. Bizning "BATANPARVAR" "PREZIDENT"imiz bu pullarni yeb, 79 mlrd qilib qo‘ydi. turkmaniston ham bizga yetib oldi. Endi qolgan pullarni ham yedi!!! Davlatimiz armiyasi byudjeti 1,7 mlrd dollar edi. U 600 mln qilib qo‘ydi!!! Oltinimizni, uran, tabiiy gaz, neftimiz bor edi hammasini sotmoqda!!! DAVLATNI ILDIZIGACHA YEB YUBORMOQDA!!! O‘ZBEKISTONNING BOSHIDA SHU KUNLAR HAM BORMIDI!!?? BIR KOMMENTARIYADA KO‘RDIM: "O‘ZBEKISTON QAYERDASAN!!! KUCH BRAZILIYA TOMONFA!!!" ULAR USTIMIZDAN KULIB, BIZNI YERGA URISHMOQDA!!! BIZNING PREZIDENT BIZNI XOR QILDI!!! MING LA'NAT BO‘LSIN!!!😂, 🤣,😄 SHUNAQA BASHARALARNI QO‘YIB ESTIMIZDAN KULISHMOQDA!! UYAT EMASMIII!!?? PREZIDENT HAM BIZNI O‘YLAMAYAPDI!!!!!!!
Brasil mesmo com altos escandalos de corrupção, lavagem de dinheiro e etc. Ainda está entre os grandes, tínhamos tudo para sermos os primeiros ou o primeiro lugar, porém a ganância dos nossos políticos no fazem apenas "um dos maiores"
Brasil tem riquezas imensuráveis e uma rica e extensa reserva ambiental cheia de plantas medicinais, biodiversidade e um ecossitema única e invejável que nenhum país do mundo tem pode se dizer um ouro ambiental, realmente era para ser um país top 1 ou top 3 pelo menos, mas infelizmente tudo aqui é levado ou melhor dizendo roubado, nossas riquezas são exportados para outros países todos os dias, esse sistema global ordinário sabe muito bem disso e também sabe a ignorância do povo e em especial a do brasileiro que tem culpa disso acontecer no nosso país.
Concordo mas apenas em uma parte, não acho que a culpa é apenas dos políticos A culpa e a responsabilidade é do povo também que coloca essas aberrações no comando, o Brasil tinha tudo para ser um país top 1 ou top 3 pelo menos, mas a ignorância do povo e esse sistema global ordinário impede disso acontecer.
@@hamdanniam1841 iya betul sih ,, tp kan negara kita bukan negara komunis ,, setiap plosok udah ada pekerjaan nya di bidang masing² untuk napkah sehari,,
@@imanMuhammad-o5m Bukan komunis atau tdknya. Belajar dr pengalaman negara2 yg krisis karena terlalu bergantung pada SDA. Cara kaya itu bukan dg cara menjual warisan, tp ttg kualitas mental dan pola pikir. Jepang menjajah kita sampai sekarang hanya karena penduduknya lbh pintar, dulu menjajah dg senjata, sekarang "menjajah" dg industrinya. Kuncinya, kualitas SDM menentukan nasib suatu bangsa, terlepas mereka punya SDA yg bisa dikelola ataupun tdk. Sepdhmotor/mobil yg kau kendarai merk Jepang? Itu tanda mudah bangsa kita masih kalah pintar & benar. 😀
Indonesia kaya tapi kebutuhan nya juga banyak. Makanya banyak utang, banyak rakyat yang ngandelin bantuan dari pemerintah, dan memperbanyak korupsi dengan adanya dana untuk rakyat
O‘zbekmisan? Nimaga yo‘q ekanini men bilaman. Biz deyarli qozog‘istonga yaqin edik. Bizning "BATANPARVAR" "PREZIDENT"imiz bu pullarni yeb, 79 mlrd qilib qo‘ydi. turkmaniston ham bizga yetib oldi. Endi qolgan pullarni ham yedi!!! Davlatimiz armiyasi byudjeti 1,7 mlrd dollar edi. U 600 mln qilib qo‘ydi!!! Oltinimizni, uran, tabiiy gaz, neftimiz bor edi hammasini sotmoqda!!! DAVLATNI ILDIZIGACHA YEB YUBORMOQDA!!! O‘ZBEKISTONNING BOSHIDA SHU KUNLAR HAM BORMIDI!!?? BIR KOMMENTARIYADA KO‘RDIM: "O‘ZBEKISTON QAYERDASAN!!! KUCH BRAZILIYA TOMONFA!!!" ULAR USTIMIZDAN KULIB, BIZNI YERGA URISHMOQDA!!! BIZNING PREZIDENT BIZNI XOR QILDI!!! MING LA'NAT BO‘LSIN!!!😂, 🤣,😄 SHUNAQA BASHARALARNI QO‘YIB ESTIMIZDAN KULISHMOQDA!! UYAT EMASMIII!!?? PREZIDENT HAM BIZNI O‘YLAMAYAPDI!!!!!!!
0:00 Djibouti
0:03 Suriname
0:04 Comoros
0:09 Lesotho
0:12 Central African Republic
0:14 Guinea-Bissau
0:18 Belize
0:22 Gambia
0:24 Seychelles
0:28 Burundi
0:31 Sierra Leone
0:35 East Timor
0:39 Eritrea
0:41 Haiti
0:43 Congo
0:48 Guyana
0:50 Togo
0:54 Mauritania
0:58 Maldives
1:01 Chad
1:04 Fiji
1:07 Brunei
1:10 Niger
1:13 Liberia
1:16 Benin
1:20 Mongolia
1:22 Barbados
1:25 Mozambique
1:29 Burkina Faso
1:33 Bahamas
1:36 Guinea
1:39 Syria
1:43 Equatorial Guinea
1:45 Malawi
1:48 Sudan
1:52 Mali
1:55 Gabon
1:59 Kyrgyzstan
2:02 Tajikistan
2:05 Zambia
2:09 Botswana
2:12 Rwanda
2:15 Madagascar
2:18 Namibia
2:22 Laos
2:25 Montenegro
2:29 Afghanistan
2:31 Senegal
2:34 Papua New Guinea
2:38 Libya
2:41 Jamaica
2:43 Cameroon
2:48 Georgia
2:50 Armenia
2:53 Uganda
2:56 Trinidadian and Tobago
3:01 Angola
3:05 Paraguy
3:07 Nicaragua
3:09 Malta
3:13 Moldova
3:16 DR Congo
3:21 Mauritius
3:23 Cambodia
3:27 Zimbabwe
3:30 Turkmenistan
3:33 Nepal
3:37 Albania
3:39 Estonia
3:43 Bosnia and Herzegovina
3:51 Bolivia
3:52 Cyrpus
3:56 Azerbaijan
3:57 Iceland
4:02 Tanzania
4:05 Latvia
4:07 Ghana
4:11 Bahrain
4:16 Lithuania
4:18 Panama
4:20 Urugay
4:24 Oman
4:28 Costa Rica
4:31 Tunisia
4:34 Serbia
4:37 Slovenia
4:40 Jordan
4:43 Belarus
4:47 Croatia
4:50 Ethiopia
4:54 Ecuador
4:56 Bulgaria
5:00 Myanmar
5:03 Slovakia
5:06 Algeria
5:11 Argentina
5:12 Luxembourg
5:16 Lebanon
5:20 Kenya
5:22 Morocco
5:27 Sri Lanka
5:29 Qatar
5:33 Peru
5:37 Kazakhstan
5:39 Kuwait
5:43 Hungary
5:46 Malaysia
5:48 Colombia
5:52 Romania
5:54 Ukraine
5:59 Czech Republic
6:01 Nigeria
6:04 Chile
6:07 Pakistan
6:10 Finland
6:14 Greece
6:17 Ireland
6:21 South Africa
6:23 Vietnam
6:27 Philippines
6:30 UAE
6:34 Bangladesh
6:38 Turkey
6:41 Portugal
6:43 Thailand
6:46 Egypt
6:49 Norway
6:52 Poland
6:55 Israel
6:59 New Zealand
7:02 Singapore
7:06 Austria
7:08 Denmark
7:12 Saudi Arabia
7:14 Iran
7:18 Sweden
7:21 Brazil
7:24 Indonesia
7:27 Belgium
7:32 Hong kong
7:35 Russia
7:38 Mexico
7:40 Switzerland
7:44 Netherlands
7:48 Taiwan
7:53 Spain
7:59 South Korea
8:00 Australia
8:03 Italy
8:05 Canada
8:10 India
8:14 France
8:17 United Kingdom
8:19 Germany
8:24 Japan
8:31 China
8:38 United States
(Pls like I spent 4 hrs on this)
Bro i stayed up late
Uzbekistan now
Thanks bro
Awesome Work
A rich country does not mean that its citizens are rich, unfortunately the only rich are politicians with atrocious corruption.
В точку! 🎯
Fr my country’s gov is rich but is very corrupt 🇱🇧
Самая богатая страна это Россия 🇷🇺 все знают
@@МирныйАзиатпосле Казахстан))
@@MAKEMAKAFO 🤣☝️🇰🇿✌️
I feel of proud to I'm a Indian citizen, I love my India 🇮🇳
Жаль что население бедное, у вас хорошие люди
गंगा में शव तैर रहे हैं और सड़क पर गंदगी जैसी बदबू आ रही है।
@@pasha3732 bcoz politicians and corruption
Rich is becoming more rich and poor is becoming more poor in india and this is nothing to be proud of
🇮🇳 no.7 thala for a reason 💛
But you are a por country yet.
Ent ra nuvvu 😂😂
45 trillion asset loot by British from India 🇮🇳 but now my country is growing 🫡
True bro
Apakah disana sudah ada toilet?
@@heydude8616 what a language 😂😂
@@biswajitraha4934 Israel language
@@heydude8616no, its malayu from malaysia, and our toilet is there😂😂😂
Who is waiting for India🇮🇳
Not me
Every Indian bro ❤❤
No one😂
Me bro/sis
How many indians are here 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳👇👇
@@tanyasharma2501 what happened
I feel so happy to be a South African like if u are 👇🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦❤❤❤ 6:28
My boyfriend IS one😭🇸🇰
This video is not about how rich the people in different countries are. It’s about how much money each country has for the whole state and for all of their population.
So, in this video you can see that Tanzania, Ethiopia or Nigeria are “richer” than Iceland, but I truly hope nobody thinks that it means an average Ethiopian person lives better than an average Icelandic one. It’s only because the population of Iceland is around 300.000, meanwhile the population of Nigeria is more than 100million.
Ueah,,he already said "richest countries". Not rich people😭
Exactly 💯
You don't say??? Glad you were able to clear that up for us morons. I wonder what it would look like if you subtracted liabilities?????
Exactamente 🎉🎉
Plus de 200 millions
Who’s way too excited for akhand Bharat 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🥳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇺🇸🕉️😊
20 crore Bangladesh 20 crore afganistan 20 crore Pakistan lungi uthane ka bhi mauka nhi milega
Not interested 🙄🙄
I can't imagine it.
My country, Bangladesh 🇧🇩 is in this position.
I am so proud of my country ❤️.
Same I was exactly saying that 🇧🇩 😊
This statistics look like total wrong.
yeah feel fake proud
Your country is at 35th position.
I am so proud of my Country 🇧🇩❤️ $ 1.02 T (Banglades 🇧🇩)
Wow congratulations 👏👏 my Nastion Kenya 🇰🇪 I'm proud with my country ❤❤
Viva the capital city of Africa 🇰🇪
I feel proud to I'm a Bangladeshi citizen, love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
I dont even know what Banglaeshi is but I am proud too. It sounds delicious
Har har Mahadev 💖 🥰 and I love Indian I am a Indian 😊😊😊
5:44 Malaysia 🇲🇾 $ 615 B
6:21 Vietnam 🇻🇳 $ 985 B
6:24 Philipines 🇵🇭 $ 992 B
6:42 Thailand 🇹🇭 $ 1.34 T
6:59 Singapore 🇸🇬 $ 1.76 T
7:21 Indonesia 🇮🇩 $ 3.40 T
South East Asia region
No Brunei ?
Actually richness does not calculate on the basis of GDP, but on GDP percapita. The GDP must grow in accordance with the population
@@Roti_streamerIt's a city state
Awesome presentation, also, you plz provide authentic ref. as well in the same towers show population & land area
I can't believe Bangladesh 1.02 t.
Proud of my country Bangladesh 🇧🇩
I am also from Bangladesh!!!
I wouldn’t be proud that Bangladesh is that rich and yet its people are dirt poor. Its should make appalled and angry.
Bangladesh GDP is 460 billion USD 😊❤
This gift from india🎉🎉
Excellent video as always but here is my problem I have been making losses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading demo account is just like trading the real market... can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do
Fun fact: Apple is the first trillion dollar company (1000 billion=1 trillion) which makes it richer than most of the countries in this list!
Is apple tesla and amazon
Apple rip people offf and his CEO is gaycook😂😂😂😂
This shows how people are dumb enough to buy anything for showoff.
Pride of America 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
Also Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), Meta (Facebook), Tesla and Invidia are valued at more than $1T.
Who's is waiting for India ❤❤❤❤
I'm here 😅
And me
Nah america will beat you
Nah america is higher
You're mom
Wow.....I Can't believe that Bangladesh 1.02T....😮
I'm very proud of our country......🇧🇩🇧🇩🌸🖤
i am from Bangladesh too.
show my cat 😺😊, im also from 🇧🇩
Unfortunately, this knowledge can't buy you dinner. This wealth doesn't mean anything at all
But People are poor 😂
Never brag with your Country's Wealth.. Be determined with yours and learn to acquire for yourself 🙄🙄.. You can be poor in the most richest country and even you can be rich in the most poorest country.. Think twice🤗🤗We are all one family
I'm soooo proud that I'm a Egyptian ❤🇪🇬🤍🖤بحبك يا مصر😊
What about citezen !!
بشنو مفتخر ؟؟!!!!
Proud of Switzerland 🇨🇭 ❤
Team India 🇮🇳
Нет это Россия
The land of corruption 👍🏼
Economic future is in India...
India is going to be and is already a Giant in standarts of BBP, dispite big differences in poverty....
Future is in India for Stockmarkets!!
Tutor ngemizz india dukung israel
Ya no se reproduzcan por favor , ya son muchos y nada más batallan en la vida
I'm proud to be Nigerian $752B despite the fact that we don't have good leaders 😅😅
Apple is almost 4 times more wealthy than all the assets of your entire country.. your people should be vastly better off but instead digest as much Chinese propaganda as possible with even more enforced corruption from the ground up. You and your countrymen have chosen to accept this and it is a choice.
Japan. So small but How brilliant and rich they are wow😮
small? not at all, honestly
strong and developed country intelligent people
@@abdoulovic I agree...
@@abdoulovic not strong
I love you South Africa who is team South Africa
Já sabia que o Brasil é um país rico, mas não achei que fosse tanto assim 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷
Por Ano😮Pagamos o Equivalente a Comprar Um País😱Só de Impostos/Roubo💩💩💩Ou Seja Mais de 1T🤡
ja foi o 6o mais rico em 2012, mas desde entao so vem caindo
É rico , tem potencial para muito mais, MUITO MAIS.
É uma vergonha nós não estamos no top 5 de qualquer ranking de desenvolvimento e econômico.
@@rog1342pois é ainda mais depois que o bozo inzolou o Brasil do resto do mundo bozo é ruim e doido pra ver o brasil virar Venezuela
Faz o L@@pauloh7731
Proud to be indian Muslim ❤️❤️❤️
Hindu 🚩 Muslim ❤
No need to bring religion into it. Its about countries.
All the countries of Central Asia are here, but Uzbekistan🇺🇿 is the favorite. Thank you👏👏👏
Казахстан детка
Proud of you UK!First your military,now your money?!I didn’t expect this much of you!Keep improving my beautiful country!
I'm so proud because I'm a pilipino and my country Philippines thank you so much bro ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🇵🇭🇵🇭
My only parameter for a rich country is “ GDP per capita “., this reflects directly on the level of prosperity of its citizens…
It is proven a worse parameter than GDP since no rich people would average their money to the poor in reality. Instead, I think a "median" can work better than an average.
Proud South Korea we love all of country thanks 😀
You guys love North Korea?
India before 15th century 🗿
Forget about past and focus on future - a wise person
My country, South Africa(🇿🇦) is ONE of the RICHEST with $938B‼️ I'm VERY proud of my country!😎💪🔥👌
Is this better than GDP? I don't know how they are calculating richness?? What's the criteria?
I proud of my Beloved Country 🇧🇩Bangladesh❤, In Sha Allah hopefully would more development every section our Country 🇧🇩🤲🇧🇩
🇮🇳🤝🇧🇩 from India.
amazed to see bangladesh more wealthy than Pakistan
Bro, WTF?!?!?!?!
It was done in 2009 and u are saying it in 2023!!!
@@arjunjassal929yes bro our 1 taka=2.50 pakistani rupee
Proud of my country The Philippines 🇵🇭 fastest growing upper middle income economy in Asia! 💪🏼😜
5:44 Malaysia 🇲🇾 $ 615 B
6:21 Vietnam 🇻🇳 $ 985 B
6:24 Philipines 🇵🇭 $ 992 B
6:42 Thailand 🇹🇭 $ 1.34 T
6:59 Singapore 🇸🇬 $ 1.76 T
7:21 Indonesia 🇮🇩 $ 3.40 T
bangladesh is the fastest growing in the hystory of world in 2022-2023
I come from Ghana 🇬🇭 I am surprised and so proud 130 billion wow
Kenyans 🇰🇪 here ...we are number 5 in africa no minerals,oil,just hard working citizens.
Love how kenyas repping🇰🇪
Mine have minerals and oil and we are still diligent 🇳🇬. Kudos to Kenya 🇰🇪
Kenya the best🇰🇪
I'm very proud to seen how my Kenya 🇰🇪 shine on the world 🌍 by force by fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤
I cam from Ethiopian 🇪🇹 ❤ 💗 💖 💓 💕 228 wow dr Abiy Ahmad king of Africa 🌍
Cam, come. Be spelling wira tasbilaleh.
Love from Germany 🇩🇪🇩🇪
Proud to be indian❤
You can be proud if it fairly distributed .
Shut up @@琉球皇帝
@@albertaowusu3536yeah we are still proud because of what we have achieved in less than a century after independence which most of the countries fail.. And you can search datas related to rising above poverty line of indians per year
@@琉球皇帝beacuse they don't love thier country 😂. We Indians love our country ❤ . Proud to be an Indian
Nice mini india bolte hai fiji ko
I like the music greetings from Luxembourg
I'm proud to be indian 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
per capita income? life style?
@@user-hq2sm4yo1hوراك ما تنقلع يا رخمه 😂
I'm proud of my country Suriname 🇸🇷❤️
ME TOO ❤ and I am also Germany so I AM VERY PROUD ❤❤
Hello from Croatia😁🇭🇷
@@miabarenberg6968hello from Croatia.😁🇭🇷 Recently I've been to Germany (tourist visit) to beautiful city of Erfurt via train Zagreb-München-Erfurt😁🇩🇪
🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 💪💪
I am india🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 love you❤❤ india
Hello I am from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 ❤
Can I have your WhatsApp contact?
Amazing. Some pleasantly surprised. Pride in several. The music selection in the video is excellent.
Pride is a meaningless, divisive emotion. Akin to gorilla chest thumping - a primate chest inflation reaction and positively and ultimately destructive.
Indonesia masuk ke nomor 20 terkaya di dunia alhamdulillah🙏🇲🇨
Indonesia 😂
Iya trkaya..ttp uang nya pada di rampok oleh tikus tikus bangsat
Kekayaan nya masuk ke kantong pemerintah ya bang
Seharusnya bisa masuk top 8 soalnya penduduk indo terbanyak keempat di dunia, masa kalah sama hongkong, taiwan, jerman, belanda dll padahal itu negara kecil bgtt penduduknya jg dikittt bgt
Good editing
What are your sources? knowing that many countries you mentioned are totally ruined and indebted to the point!
Indeed, only the 'richest' USA owes the world over $34 trillion, while its economy is worth $28 trillion! If they are so 'rich', why do they keep borrowing insanely?
False media portrayals
Even Turkey's economy is bigger than what is currently shown
Me gustan sus videos pero sería bueno que pongan sus fuentes 😊
Who is waiting for india
India even after looted by british stands in the 7th position💥
excuse excuse excuse. US grew from nothing in the 1700s to what it is today. china got gangbang hard in th 1800 and much of teh 1900s yet they still manage to crawl to 2nd. who ever win the AI race will take 1st for the next 100 years. after that who ever can mine the heaven will lead humanity into the future
Love from india❤❤❤
Har har mahadev 🙏🏾
Har Har Mahadev 🙏
Pakistan, a country with 1/4 of India in land area, 1/6 of India in population, but a bit of a disappointing 1/18 of India in total GDP. I’m not all that impressed by Pakistan’s economy but maybe with a rapidly growing Pakistani population they could overtake India in GDP % growth rate. Who knows about the future really, it’s anybody’s game.
You cant be serious !!
I mean we can hope that Pakistan's economy rise up, but inshallah we shall hope for the best.
typical indian
@@afreenaltaf1420 I can say somewhat similar thing to you.
Mexico tiene un crecimiento muy rápido, no me va a sorprender que rebase a las potencias 😊
No lo dudes cada vez esta mas arriba el problema de mexico es la alta desigualdad económica.
@@blackrue648y su raíz es la corrupción, no soy fanático de la 4T en mi país, pero se le reconoce al viejo que con la austeridad y los programas sociales se empezó a repartir mejor la riqueza generada en tiempos difíciles (pandemia, guerras desestabilizadoras, y crisis en EUA)
@@OswaldAlpinetotalmente de acuerdo tampoco soy muy fan de AMLO no es perfecto pero ahi que reconocerle el gran trabajo que ah echo por el pais.
Mexico siempre a sido minimizado siempre
En realidad confunden conceptos, México no ha crecido nada en este sexenio, si revisan el PIB del 2018, México esta prácticamente igual en este 2023, los gobiernos de antes apenas lograban un crecimiento sostenido del 2% mientras que Amlo en su primer año apenas logros .5% luego llego la pandemia y retrocedió la economía casi un 8%, ahora en el rebote apenas y México esta creciendo si bien nos va a un 3% lo cual quiere decir que Amlo entregara un país con una economía prácticamente sin crecimiento pero eso si, con menos poder adquisitivo debido a mas inflación, con tazas de violencia record y con crecimiento de pobreza extrema aunque logro desminuir la pobreza media, pero aumento la carencias en la población, esto indica que en el próximo sexenio podrá explotar la pobreza aún más. En resumen, para nada ha sido un buen gobierno el de Amlo.
Oʻzbekiston qani🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿
I am very happy to see MY country in this position ☺️🇧🇩
Team Bangladesh
Thanks for using classic Austrian music for this video!
تصميم وموسيقى كلش حلوة
What source have you used for these totals?
Tomato sauce!!
Proud to be bangladeshi i hope our economy well be more ❤
How did you get these numbers? In what currency? In Mongolia Tugrik?
It literally shows us dollars and you ask what currency. Are you okay?
Watching from Dhaka - Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Proud to be a indian❤
Proud? Thats pathetic most populous nation and so little wealth,
Indeed, drinking water from the same river that others have peed in before must be something to be proud of. xD
@@noclipmod it’s a matter of perspective, besides if you look at Indias history it was one of the oldest civilizations whilst Neanderthals dwelled in the west and riches were unmatched when western hemisphere was just a domain of failed farmers but their culture is still standing and they’re the 5th largest economy even after being the most invaded and exploited country. Although they need to work on their issues with quicker pace for the wellbeing of citizens but I don’t think it’s fair to call them backward and when they’re a standing precursor of civilization and steal their riches and call them poor
@@prezi1992well at least their water isn’t making them gay 😆
From Indonesian ❤🎉
Proud to be Kuwaiti 🇰🇼
Omg i am so proud of my country it's Philippines with 992B
Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
O‘zbekmisan? Nimaga yo‘q ekanini men bilaman. Biz deyarli qozog‘istonga yaqin edik. Bizning "BATANPARVAR" "PREZIDENT"imiz bu pullarni yeb, 79 mlrd qilib qo‘ydi. turkmaniston ham bizga yetib oldi. Endi qolgan pullarni ham yedi!!! Davlatimiz armiyasi byudjeti 1,7 mlrd dollar edi. U 600 mln qilib qo‘ydi!!! Oltinimizni, uran, tabiiy gaz, neftimiz bor edi hammasini sotmoqda!!! DAVLATNI ILDIZIGACHA YEB YUBORMOQDA!!! O‘ZBEKISTONNING BOSHIDA SHU KUNLAR HAM BORMIDI!!?? BIR KOMMENTARIYADA KO‘RDIM: "O‘ZBEKISTON QAYERDASAN!!! KUCH BRAZILIYA TOMONFA!!!" ULAR USTIMIZDAN KULIB, BIZNI YERGA URISHMOQDA!!! BIZNING PREZIDENT BIZNI XOR QILDI!!! MING LA'NAT BO‘LSIN!!!😂, 🤣,😄 SHUNAQA BASHARALARNI QO‘YIB ESTIMIZDAN KULISHMOQDA!! UYAT EMASMIII!!?? PREZIDENT HAM BIZNI O‘YLAMAYAPDI!!!!!!!
UZB salom
I am proud to be india❤❤
Brasil mesmo com altos escandalos de corrupção, lavagem de dinheiro e etc. Ainda está entre os grandes, tínhamos tudo para sermos os primeiros ou o primeiro lugar, porém a ganância dos nossos políticos no fazem apenas "um dos maiores"
Não e só ganância dos políticos, a população desse pais faz dele uma merda
@@ma4ca4co0 sim, concordo!
@@gustavobreviariocorrea9809primeiro lugar para de falar besteira cara kkkkkkkk
Brasil tem riquezas imensuráveis e uma rica e extensa reserva ambiental cheia de plantas medicinais, biodiversidade e um ecossitema única e invejável que nenhum país do mundo tem pode se dizer um ouro ambiental, realmente era para ser um país top 1 ou top 3 pelo menos, mas infelizmente tudo aqui é levado ou melhor dizendo roubado, nossas riquezas são exportados para outros países todos os dias, esse sistema global ordinário sabe muito bem disso e também sabe a ignorância do povo e em especial a do brasileiro que tem culpa disso acontecer no nosso país.
Concordo mas apenas em uma parte, não acho que a culpa é apenas dos políticos
A culpa e a responsabilidade é do povo também que coloca essas aberrações no comando, o Brasil tinha tudo para ser um país top 1 ou top 3 pelo menos, mas a ignorância do povo e esse sistema global ordinário impede disso acontecer.
Proudly SA🇿🇦
Saya percaya Indonesia akan menjadi sumber adidaya ketika bisa mengolah lahan dengan benar
Betul. Lahannya sudah benar. Penduduknya yg perlu dibenarkan. SDA ada habisnya. Tp SDM unggul tdk kehabisan akal saat kekayaan alam sudah usai.
@@hamdanniam1841 iya betul sih ,, tp kan negara kita bukan negara komunis ,, setiap plosok udah ada pekerjaan nya di bidang masing² untuk napkah sehari,,
@@imanMuhammad-o5m Bukan komunis atau tdknya. Belajar dr pengalaman negara2 yg krisis karena terlalu bergantung pada SDA. Cara kaya itu bukan dg cara menjual warisan, tp ttg kualitas mental dan pola pikir. Jepang menjajah kita sampai sekarang hanya karena penduduknya lbh pintar, dulu menjajah dg senjata, sekarang "menjajah" dg industrinya. Kuncinya, kualitas SDM menentukan nasib suatu bangsa, terlepas mereka punya SDA yg bisa dikelola ataupun tdk. Sepdhmotor/mobil yg kau kendarai merk Jepang? Itu tanda mudah bangsa kita masih kalah pintar & benar. 😀
I have traveled to Cameroon and then I cane back in USA I support both of them😊🇨🇲🇺🇲
Indonesia 🇮🇩 kaya raya akan sumber daya alam nya serta keindahan bumi nya 💖 salam cinta damai 🙏
Di menit ke brp bang?
Kalo kaya kenapa banyak utang?
Indonesia kaya tapi kebutuhan nya juga banyak. Makanya banyak utang, banyak rakyat yang ngandelin bantuan dari pemerintah, dan memperbanyak korupsi dengan adanya dana untuk rakyat
@@fernandes5572 karna megawati
India bale like koro ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ i love india ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
6:08 Pakistan 🎉
Me tooo Pakistan 😊😊😊
proud to be Iranian ❤️🇮🇷❤️
We all do proud
ما ز فاز بالاییم و بالا میرویم 🇮🇷
I’m glad to be a 🇩🇴 but my daughter is looking for it in the video. Us 🇩🇴 are strong 💪
ممكن تعمل لنا فيديو أكبر لصوص حسب البلدان. قصدي اللصوص على هيكل سياسيين
Bro, do you hate Uzbekistan? I can't find Uzbekistan
O‘zbekmisan? Nimaga yo‘q ekanini men bilaman. Biz deyarli qozog‘istonga yaqin edik. Bizning "BATANPARVAR" "PREZIDENT"imiz bu pullarni yeb, 79 mlrd qilib qo‘ydi. turkmaniston ham bizga yetib oldi. Endi qolgan pullarni ham yedi!!! Davlatimiz armiyasi byudjeti 1,7 mlrd dollar edi. U 600 mln qilib qo‘ydi!!! Oltinimizni, uran, tabiiy gaz, neftimiz bor edi hammasini sotmoqda!!! DAVLATNI ILDIZIGACHA YEB YUBORMOQDA!!! O‘ZBEKISTONNING BOSHIDA SHU KUNLAR HAM BORMIDI!!?? BIR KOMMENTARIYADA KO‘RDIM: "O‘ZBEKISTON QAYERDASAN!!! KUCH BRAZILIYA TOMONFA!!!" ULAR USTIMIZDAN KULIB, BIZNI YERGA URISHMOQDA!!! BIZNING PREZIDENT BIZNI XOR QILDI!!! MING LA'NAT BO‘LSIN!!!😂, 🤣,😄 SHUNAQA BASHARALARNI QO‘YIB ESTIMIZDAN KULISHMOQDA!! UYAT EMASMIII!!?? PREZIDENT HAM BIZNI O‘YLAMAYAPDI!!!!!!!
Never heard of that country before must be so poor and uncivilized lik africa
MashaAllah Bangladesh 🇧🇩 is at least in Trillion League 🔥
❤ For all prosperous countries..🙌🏼
all the credit goes to the hardworking people of the country
Hard work=China and japan
🇧🇩=.......(corrupted govt😢)
@@FOREVERLOST-k1 the govts are currupt everywhere its the people that do the hardwork and make the country great
8:25 JAPAN🇯🇵
Konnichiwa 😊
🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰proud to be Pakistani
I am proud to be Malaysia 🇲🇾
just pee my underwear
still on the list
FYI, the background music is "The Blue Danube Waltz" by Johann Strauss II.
Proud to Be a Nigerian ❤🎉
I'm so proud to be an Azerbaijani🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿
Proud to be a Bangladeshi 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩💝💝
8:10 ❤#7
México 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
Aguevo 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
India < France < U.K < Germany < Japan < China < United States
6:34 Bangladesh (🇧🇩).
Proud to be a Bharatiya 🇮🇳
60% of your indian population is living below poverty by the way😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Yes 🇮🇳❤️💪