Tips in tricks from someone who used to be shy!! 1. Dont keep your head down, if you have your head up you look more aprochable 2. you dont have to have full on conersations with stranger start off simple like asking "Hey can i borrow a pencil?" 3. if you ever wanna try having a conversation with someone and dont know what to talk about compliment, theirs a 80% chance after you compliment them they will think more fond of you and prob wanna talk to you more. For example "Hey i like your shirt" *they say ty or sum* "Where did you get it from its super cute?" BOOM a convo short and sweet so its not that overwelmig. 4.Theirs nothing people like talking about more than themselves! This kinda ties in with complimenting but js talking abt someone with them is rly good becuase they will probly carry most of the convo and all you have to do is litsin and keep asking questions! 5. this one is kinda hard, but be comfotable in your own skin, dont be stressing all the time comparing yourself to other people, people like people who are confident in themselves HOPE THIS HELPS
im extremely shy cuz I haven’t exactly been able to talk to other kids my age for a while (homeschooled since kindergarten) and pretty much don’t know how to interact with ppl anymore, but I’m gonna keep these tips in mind next time I have to talk to people, thanks internet person :3
As a person, who was extremely shy and socially phobic, I can confirm that this is really good advices. But I would suggest not to fill the air with "mhm" and "cool". Yee, sometimes there’s nothing to say, but person can think that you are not interested in conversation or your talk just will end up the stupid way when you have nth to say so.
@@guysimlemonrealI was in public school till 6th grade and couldn't socialize at all until in 6th grade I entered homeschool. I still can't socialize but at least now I don't have to either
The key to socializing isn’t always knowing the right thing to say or to appear perfect in front of others, it’s just to be authentic! People are more drawn into people who just talk about what’s on their mind and not worry about what others think! And if you are worried about talking, that’s only part of it. The way you build meaningful friendships is by listening. Truly be interested in what the other person is saying and if you want to know more about something, ask them questions! People love talking about themselves. Hopefully this is at least a little bit helpful :)
I second this. Part of socializing is making mistakes. You will make mistakes no matter how great your social skills are (a great example is when u accidentally tell the waiter “You too!” after they say “Enjoy your meal” 😭😭). But the important thing is that you learn from those mistakes and continue to put yourself out there! It will be tough and have its challenges, but it will be so worth it in the end when you finally find that group of people that embrace you for who you are. 💕💕
@@ashleypisartsyess making mistakes like this just makes us seem more human and relatable. I consider myself pretty good at socializing (especially since I have to talk to people all day at work) but I make mistakes all the time like yesterday when someone complemented someone else’s hair and my back was turned so I thought they were talking to me and I said “thank youu” then just got really embarrassed cuz they weren’t talking to me😭
That only works if the people that know you actually cared about you. I had "friends". They don't text me. They don't evolve me in any of there clicks. I am friends with them on Instagram. I post something and no one even bothers to check up on me. When I show up to things there like, "Oh wow I cant believe your here." I have meaningless conversations with them, they don't care. If they did then they would actually show it. I just leave right after the event because it's hurtful. I can't just stand there while everybody just talks about what they've been doing. They know everything about eachother and I'm the outcast.
Its TRUE that people socialize best when they are being authentic, but folks like OP authentically do not have any energy to socialize. Social-awkwards are drown in a sea of well-meaning but horrible advice. The amount of likes shows this clearly.
@@Kkrgss Jesus Christ is the true cure to depression 😊❤ Romans 10:9-10 “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” 😊👍
As soon as I watched your fist video I immediately loved watching them. There so simple yet relatable. It’s refreshing to see someone doing something without it being staged or edited with 100 filters. Your fans will always be here for you. Please stay safe this holiday season
HEYYY... YOU CAN DO IT .! YOU HAVE A SOCIAL SKILLS.!! YOU WILL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL AND SO HELPFUL FRIENDS .!! I BELIEVE IN YOU .!! + I'm your friend ~♡ And everyone here are your friends too
i understand the feeling of feeling like your entire social life comes crumbling down, but there are days where it gets better. you just gotta look at the positives. maybe talking to someone is a positive for you, and the fact that you did it twice proves that you can do it again and again, you just gotta believe. i swear ive been in your shoes before where I feel embarassed for the whole day because of one small action. social anxiety gets you man. i understand you
Messing up while socializing and being awkward is what makes us human and will make you better at socializing. It’s painful but you’ll get through it and come out stronger! Don’t limit yourself and keep trying!!
Hey, I’ve gone through/am still kind of going through what you’re going through. I know how horrible loneliness can make someone feel, but I promise that you’ll be okay. Things may look bad now but I promise you they will get better, just keep your head up and don’t give up no matter what. The world is a big place and I know there is someone out there waiting to be your best friend. I’ll be praying for you, we’re all here for you so you’re not alone :)
i’m bipolar so i know both sides of hyper-extroverted and depressed and quiet so here’s my advice if you want it 1. there’s a light at the end of the tunnel: due to me being bipolar i have severe issues with feeling great one minute then burnt out and hopeless the next so i always have to say keep walking to the light. in the darkest longest tunnel there’s a light 2. everything seems more embarrassing and hard to yourself because everyone feels that way: when you say something or do something and think “man i shouldn’t have done that i messed that up” everyone from the most quiet person to the most popular person in the world is thinking that after they do things too 3. practice: think of example conversations in your head and try to naturally bring them out best way to do this in my experience is to say it in passing to someone and they naturally are more open to getting to know you better due to you feeling (or acting) like you’re comfortable that being said don’t hide behind a mask from your emotions because that’s super unhealthy however it’s good to present yourself as calm when you can which makes others feel that same way around you. it doesn’t have to be straight into talking to a stranger maybe just next time you make eye contact with someone accidentally give a smile and keep going. it sounds corny but smiles really are contagious. hope something i said helped or inspired you but NEVER GIVE UP life is an uphill battle and we are like Sisyphus but one must imagine Sisyphus happy-someone stay strong keep going and there’s always tomorrow to improve yourself day by day step by step
I love you too much dude I look forward to your videos because I used to be a loner. Like, hardcore loner. But I use humor and a little smile on my face (it didn't have to be a necessarily genuine one) and now they gravitate towards me, even wanting to be around me. So, please don't give up, mannnnnnn
1:13 How hard it is to feel like this is happening to you is something I can relate 100% , but you just have to keep pushing yourself, for your own good
I'm going through this right now, and it feels horrible, man. It's getting so bad to the point where I can't even get out of bed for sixth-form, and I don't want to be there because it's so miserable and isolating. I don't speak to my online friends either. Most of them have ghosted me, and now I'm pushing everyone away because I think I'm going to get taken advantage of / hurt again. It sucks and I've literally been crying myself to sleep because of how lonely and detached from everyone I feel.
I feel so bad for you, to everyone reading this. Please observe and see how people are feeling, include and talk to them. Imagine yourself in their position and just make them feel wanted. No one deserves this.
The best trick I know for holding conversations is asking questions. It allows for conversations to keep going and give a nice flow! I hope my little tip reaches someone who needs it. Keep your head up, random stranger. You can do this shit! I believe.
Good job! Props to you for getting through the school dayyyy! Proud of you! Some days are like that, something will put you down but you shouldn’t let one working thing put you down for the rest of the day. I now it’s hard but try your best! :)))))
Sometimes even making it through the day is a huge accomplishment. We’re all here for you through your journey and are proud of the progress you’ve made!
Having nobody at school to talk to is probably better then talking to people you thought were your friend, but instead they just use you and stop hanging out 😢
its alright u socialising didnt seem like u were making a fool of urself most ppl prob wouldnt even notice or care unless ur being extremely ridiculous (ur not from what i can tell) so continue trying to reach out and make more frens, dont be scared, good luck :) also nice videos :D
I’m in this exact situation except I sit alone in lunch everyday. I feel like I’ve lost all my social skills and I have like no motivation at all. I can never comfortably have a conversation with anyone without my social anxiety kicking in. What hurts the most is seeing everyone around me having fun and enjoying their teenage years with their friends when I know I won’t get to do that.😕
It’s okay to feel alone, sad, and embarrassed in life, especially in high school, but in the end, time moves on, people move on, and actions are forgotten, so it’s best to just move like everything else. These tiny moments that don’t define us are basically insignificant now and will continue to be in the future so, in the grand scheme of things, your life now is not going to define you in the later, but as you build your confidence and continue to push yourself for YOU, not anyone else, you will become a better you because you are making yourself better now. Look to the future and see that it will get much better. ❤
this is so relatable tbh. I’m known as a very extroverted person and in the beginning of this school year I ended up being friends with everybody in the grade until my ex bsf from my old school joined and started spreading rumours about me and before I knew it I lost everyone. No matter how much I socialise it’s not enough since clearly I have no one wanting to talk to me. don’t worry ur not alone ml
I love watching your videos. They help me realize that there are so many other people who face the same pain as me. Keep up the good work and just know that we are here for you!
Ive been watching your little series since the first one popped up on my fyp! Your honesty super relatable and i hope you can get your motivation back, school is tough!
You are really strong and I hope you know that as long as you get the best grades you can, highschool doesn’t define you nor does loneliness and if anyone is acting like a douche, remember yo u most likely won’t see them again in years or ever so keep getting through it because you’re doing great and I love your videos because despite how sad they are that is because they are relatable and show the reality of us loners in highschool and college ❤
Tho I don’t know how you feel. I’m here for you, I’m supporting you, and I’m going to keep supporting even after it gets better (it will at some point, trust me)
Hey lovely Kkrg-a-roo! I’m in high school too I’m 17 and my senior year is almost complete… I feel lonely every day and nothing feels right I don’t even know what I’m living for anymore. It’s a shame we live in such a dysfunctional society, a dystopian world of loneliness and broken promises. I… don’t want to be alone anymore. I don’t want to have nothing else but a joint to look forward to every day. I want to feel whole again, I couldn’t emphasize more with your inner pain. Every one probably feels this way.. from how much I’ve heard of the topic. Lonely souls are screaming right now. We feel your pain and we’re going to do something about it. A revolution is coming.
You aren’t alone. I myself have many friends but here’s one of my stories. So my two friends who I sit with during lunch have a club during lunch that they go to on Wednesday. Which leaves me to sit alone. I’m at the very end of elementary school and in my class there’s only three other girls and one of them invites me over to sit with them on Wednesdays. My friends and I were friends with her but last Friday something happened. Long story short my friends and I aren’t friends with the girl that invites me to sit with her because she’s a huge pick me. The worst part is that I said that to her face and she won’t invite me to sit with her anymore. But it’s alright, it’s okay, I might end up a loner too during middle school if my friend moves away (the other one that I’m currently friends with is doing home school next year and I hate that)
That looks so bad. I feel bad for u. And I feel this a lot. Been through this exact same sht. Didn't feel nice. It was... awful, to say the absolute least.
You won't lose your social skills, you're doing well! It doesnt matter if you used to be more confident as a kid, the difference is now. If you're a braver person than you were yesterday, you're making progress. No matter how many "embarrassing" mistakes you could make, we'd still root for you! :3
This is so Relatable Note - Even if you’re a Loner that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve amazing things you have to believe in your ability and have confidence in what you are doing 🔥🗣️
This was me in high school. I’ve graduated now but had still failed at finding proper friends. I had girls in my class that I sat next to at lunch, but I don’t consider them my friends. Having friends in high school isn’t everything. You’re more than likely never going to see them again after you graduate. That’s why it’s better to have some people you trust to sit next to at lunch so you don’t feel so alone. You got this!! ❤️
You'll make it eventually, even if it feels hard right now if you keep working towards your goal you'll eventually get there and you have a better shot than if you give up. I believe in you
I hate Algebra too!! Glad to see I’m not alone. Maybe a way to start conversation could be helping someone in that class or asking for help yourself? You’d be surprised by how many desk buddies become friends haha. Keep trying, I’ve been a loner myself and it does get better!
Hi hi! I’ve been watching ur videos for a while and I js wanna say I’m really proud of you for making progress! Keep it up!! I also wanna say that you introduced me to title fight after watching your one of first videos I love them sm!! Believe in urself, you got this!!
Yippee! You sat with someone today, and, hey I call that progress! Don’t be too discouraged, just try to find the positives in things (honestly I can’t talk though lol) do your best, person. That’s all that matters. We’re all just people being people trying to get through life. Keep on doing what you’re doing. Don’t forget that ur an awesome person, and don’t be too sad because you have people that love you and ur viewers all appreciate you.
That person at lunch is gonna be your best friend one day and youll get more and more friends if you continue to hang out with people trust me your doing so good
i spend a whole year of high school just being like you. (there was corona virus too.) the only friend i had was online. it was really hard, and difficult, i did hope that all of it would end as soon as possible. i have tried to reconnect with past people but it was useless.. until i have made a friend and then more friends came to me. i know it's hard, but they will come to you when you least will expect it. never give up
good job sitting with someone you are getting much more social even if it doesn’t feel like it 🤗 u should be proud! also if u want to try to interact it could be helpful to talk with other shy people so that you can help eachother! 💕
I remember my last year in 10th grade, I had also just transferred to a new school too. And it was the biggest school I've been in. Last year was honestly the worst, and I was a pretty lonely kid like you too Hang in there, because there's people who really care about you ++
Girl I love you, you’ve got this, ok! Stay strong, I’m here for you and just take small steps everyday, maybe try having conversations with yourself in a mirror or something to practise conversations! but just so you know, I love you and I’m proud of you and I’m so happy your on this earth. Remember you are so loved and beautiful 💗💗💗 I hope you feel happier soon love 💕❤️😁
@noodle67 I wasn't trying to be rude or not look at the situation, I just wanted to try and lighten the mood with trying to make a funny and un-serious comment. I'm sorry to have offended you or anyone else but I was just trying to comment not hate be rude or insensitive.
Omg I love Algebra but I hate physics. I also make day in the life of a loner videos, but yours are very nice, and also thank you for commenting in one of my videos.
ngl, i want more people to interact with strangers. In this generation social interacting is a really rare thing ( except in school ) hope u feel better, stay motivated 😊😊✨✨✨🌃🌃🌃
Tips in tricks from someone who used to be shy!!
1. Dont keep your head down, if you have your head up you look more aprochable
2. you dont have to have full on conersations with stranger start off simple like asking "Hey can i borrow a pencil?"
3. if you ever wanna try having a conversation with someone and dont know what to talk about compliment, theirs a 80% chance after you compliment them they will think more fond of you and prob wanna talk to you more. For example "Hey i like your shirt" *they say ty or sum* "Where did you get it from its super cute?" BOOM a convo short and sweet so its not that overwelmig.
4.Theirs nothing people like talking about more than themselves! This kinda ties in with complimenting but js talking abt someone with them is rly good becuase they will probly carry most of the convo and all you have to do is litsin and keep asking questions!
5. this one is kinda hard, but be comfotable in your own skin, dont be stressing all the time comparing yourself to other people, people like people who are confident in themselves
im extremely shy cuz I haven’t exactly been able to talk to other kids my age for a while (homeschooled since kindergarten) and pretty much don’t know how to interact with ppl anymore, but I’m gonna keep these tips in mind next time I have to talk to people, thanks internet person :3
As a person, who was extremely shy and socially phobic, I can confirm that this is really good advices. But I would suggest not to fill the air with "mhm" and "cool". Yee, sometimes there’s nothing to say, but person can think that you are not interested in conversation or your talk just will end up the stupid way when you have nth to say so.
"Hey, can I borrow your pencil?" 💀 💀 💀
@@guysimlemonrealI was in public school till 6th grade and couldn't socialize at all until in 6th grade I entered homeschool. I still can't socialize but at least now I don't have to either
You're not alone, we're always here for you
On what?
@@89him on Skibidi
Hello checkmark
who is we
@@89him on Skibidi
this is getting too relatable bruh 😭😭🙏
so relatable it hurts smh
@@juicdbox it's gonna get better 😔
@@bambibabybunny I hope
The key to socializing isn’t always knowing the right thing to say or to appear perfect in front of others, it’s just to be authentic! People are more drawn into people who just talk about what’s on their mind and not worry about what others think! And if you are worried about talking, that’s only part of it. The way you build meaningful friendships is by listening. Truly be interested in what the other person is saying and if you want to know more about something, ask them questions! People love talking about themselves. Hopefully this is at least a little bit helpful :)
I second this. Part of socializing is making mistakes. You will make mistakes no matter how great your social skills are (a great example is when u accidentally tell the waiter “You too!” after they say “Enjoy your meal” 😭😭). But the important thing is that you learn from those mistakes and continue to put yourself out there! It will be tough and have its challenges, but it will be so worth it in the end when you finally find that group of people that embrace you for who you are. 💕💕
@@ashleypisartsyess making mistakes like this just makes us seem more human and relatable.
I consider myself pretty good at socializing (especially since I have to talk to people all day at work) but I make mistakes all the time like yesterday when someone complemented someone else’s hair and my back was turned so I thought they were talking to me and I said “thank youu” then just got really embarrassed cuz they weren’t talking to me😭
I’m very authentic and that doesn’t work, every time I talk it’s just too awkward lol
That only works if the people that know you actually cared about you. I had "friends". They don't text me. They don't evolve me in any of there clicks. I am friends with them on Instagram. I post something and no one even bothers to check up on me. When I show up to things there like, "Oh wow I cant believe your here." I have meaningless conversations with them, they don't care. If they did then they would actually show it. I just leave right after the event because it's hurtful. I can't just stand there while everybody just talks about what they've been doing. They know everything about eachother and I'm the outcast.
Its TRUE that people socialize best when they are being authentic, but folks like OP authentically do not have any energy to socialize. Social-awkwards are drown in a sea of well-meaning but horrible advice. The amount of likes shows this clearly.
As your fans, we're here to help and go through this with you!!! ♡
Thank uuu :)
@@Kkrgss Jesus Christ is the true cure to depression 😊❤
Romans 10:9-10 “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” 😊👍
@_Siloam_please stop
As soon as I watched your fist video I immediately loved watching them. There so simple yet relatable. It’s refreshing to see someone doing something without it being staged or edited with 100 filters. Your fans will always be here for you. Please stay safe this holiday season
wym it's not being edited? It has an aesthetic filter and fonts at least
@ not edited just terms of changing what actually happens or lying about it
Stay strong and positive and don't give up. I may not know what you're going through exactly but just keep going please.
Honestly the school system sucks a lot! I’m glad you’re trying your best :)
+ I'm your friend ~♡
And everyone here are your friends too
i understand the feeling of feeling like your entire social life comes crumbling down, but there are days where it gets better. you just gotta look at the positives. maybe talking to someone is a positive for you, and the fact that you did it twice proves that you can do it again and again, you just gotta believe. i swear ive been in your shoes before where I feel embarassed for the whole day because of one small action. social anxiety gets you man. i understand you
Messing up while socializing and being awkward is what makes us human and will make you better at socializing. It’s painful but you’ll get through it and come out stronger! Don’t limit yourself and keep trying!!
Hey, I’ve gone through/am still kind of going through what you’re going through. I know how horrible loneliness can make someone feel, but I promise that you’ll be okay. Things may look bad now but I promise you they will get better, just keep your head up and don’t give up no matter what. The world is a big place and I know there is someone out there waiting to be your best friend. I’ll be praying for you, we’re all here for you so you’re not alone :)
The goat uploaded 🔥
i love your videos and your work so much, please never stop!!!
i’m bipolar so i know both sides of hyper-extroverted and depressed and quiet so here’s my advice if you want it
1. there’s a light at the end of the tunnel: due to me being bipolar i have severe issues with feeling great one minute then burnt out and hopeless the next so i always have to say keep walking to the light. in the darkest longest tunnel there’s a light
2. everything seems more embarrassing and hard to yourself because everyone feels that way: when you say something or do something and think “man i shouldn’t have done that i messed that up” everyone from the most quiet person to the most popular person in the world is thinking that after they do things too
3. practice: think of example conversations in your head and try to naturally bring them out best way to do this in my experience is to say it in passing to someone and they naturally are more open to getting to know you better due to you feeling (or acting) like you’re comfortable that being said don’t hide behind a mask from your emotions because that’s super unhealthy however it’s good to present yourself as calm when you can which makes others feel that same way around you. it doesn’t have to be straight into talking to a stranger maybe just next time you make eye contact with someone accidentally give a smile and keep going. it sounds corny but smiles really are contagious.
hope something i said helped or inspired you but NEVER GIVE UP life is an uphill battle and we are like Sisyphus but one must imagine Sisyphus happy-someone stay strong keep going and there’s always tomorrow to improve yourself day by day step by step
ur not alone, honestly ur the realest person on the internet.
don’t give up! it takes time to build confidence but you’ll get there
I believe in you girly! You can do this! Maybe start of by asking a nice person to be your friend maybe.
I love you too much dude I look forward to your videos because I used to be a loner. Like, hardcore loner. But I use humor and a little smile on my face (it didn't have to be a necessarily genuine one) and now they gravitate towards me, even wanting to be around me. So, please don't give up, mannnnnnn
1:13 How hard it is to feel like this is happening to you is something I can relate 100% , but you just have to keep pushing yourself, for your own good
I'm going through this right now, and it feels horrible, man. It's getting so bad to the point where I can't even get out of bed for sixth-form, and I don't want to be there because it's so miserable and isolating. I don't speak to my online friends either. Most of them have ghosted me, and now I'm pushing everyone away because I think I'm going to get taken advantage of / hurt again. It sucks and I've literally been crying myself to sleep because of how lonely and detached from everyone I feel.
Literally same, I’m so sorry ur also going thru this tho. It sucks so bad :(
I feel so bad for you, to everyone reading this. Please observe and see how people are feeling, include and talk to them. Imagine yourself in their position and just make them feel wanted. No one deserves this.
love these videos! im proud of you for socializing, even if it didnt go that well. never stop trying :)
The best trick I know for holding conversations is asking questions. It allows for conversations to keep going and give a nice flow! I hope my little tip reaches someone who needs it. Keep your head up, random stranger.
You can do this shit! I believe.
Good job! Props to you for getting through the school dayyyy! Proud of you! Some days are like that, something will put you down but you shouldn’t let one working thing put you down for the rest of the day. I now it’s hard but try your best! :)))))
aaa i’m so very sorry you’re going through this, i’ve been through something similar and it feels horrible. hope things get better
Sometimes even making it through the day is a huge accomplishment. We’re all here for you through your journey and are proud of the progress you’ve made!
omg I literally had a headache and watching ur videos just ended it. Everything is so relaxing! Thank you and I hope ur okay. ❤
Having nobody at school to talk to is probably better then talking to people you thought were your friend, but instead they just use you and stop hanging out 😢
my best friend was actually my fake friend. i was friends with her for 5 years :(
its alright u socialising didnt seem like u were making a fool of urself most ppl prob wouldnt even notice or care unless ur being extremely ridiculous (ur not from what i can tell)
so continue trying to reach out and make more frens, dont be scared, good luck :)
also nice videos :D
so relatable but i’m glad it’s getting closer to friday ughh 🙂 also love playing run
I’m in this exact situation except I sit alone in lunch everyday. I feel like I’ve lost all my social skills and I have like no motivation at all. I can never comfortably have a conversation with anyone without my social anxiety kicking in. What hurts the most is seeing everyone around me having fun and enjoying their teenage years with their friends when I know I won’t get to do that.😕
It’s okay to feel alone, sad, and embarrassed in life, especially in high school, but in the end, time moves on, people move on, and actions are forgotten, so it’s best to just move like everything else. These tiny moments that don’t define us are basically insignificant now and will continue to be in the future so, in the grand scheme of things, your life now is not going to define you in the later, but as you build your confidence and continue to push yourself for YOU, not anyone else, you will become a better you because you are making yourself better now. Look to the future and see that it will get much better. ❤
this is so relatable tbh. I’m known as a very extroverted person and in the beginning of this school year I ended up being friends with everybody in the grade until my ex bsf from my old school joined and started spreading rumours about me and before I knew it I lost everyone. No matter how much I socialise it’s not enough since clearly I have no one wanting to talk to me. don’t worry ur not alone ml
I love watching your videos. They help me realize that there are so many other people who face the same pain as me. Keep up the good work and just know that we are here for you!
I relate to this a lot. I have friends but I have really bad social anxiety 😅
Tell them you have 22k friends! We’re here for you 🫶🫶
Ive been watching your little series since the first one popped up on my fyp! Your honesty super relatable and i hope you can get your motivation back, school is tough!
playing games during class is so real😢
Half of the time I just scroll online during class
especially run 3, that game was always there for me 🤩🤩
@@gumikirby it looks so difficulttt 😭
@@NEON69420 omg me too and i always look at random stuff that doesn't mean anything it's just fun
I’ll be your friend 💗💗
I’m so sorry you have to go through this, but I’m really proud of you for trying to put yourself out there !! 🎉🥳
You are really strong and I hope you know that as long as you get the best grades you can, highschool doesn’t define you nor does loneliness and if anyone is acting like a douche, remember yo u most likely won’t see them again in years or ever so keep getting through it because you’re doing great and I love your videos because despite how sad they are that is because they are relatable and show the reality of us loners in highschool and college ❤
Tho I don’t know how you feel. I’m here for you, I’m supporting you, and I’m going to keep supporting even after it gets better (it will at some point, trust me)
Too relatable-
I hope someone eventually becomes your friend and you get someone to be close to, it can suck :(
Your school sucks :((Hope things get better for you!! Also the Playing Run 3 on CoolMathGames in class is too relatable lol
Im in a similar situation, I’ve learned that in times like these you have to focus on taking care of yourself. Things will get better 🩵
0:52 I really liked the view nice walkthrough 🌟
Hey lovely Kkrg-a-roo! I’m in high school too I’m 17 and my senior year is almost complete… I feel lonely every day and nothing feels right I don’t even know what I’m living for anymore. It’s a shame we live in such a dysfunctional society, a dystopian world of loneliness and broken promises. I… don’t want to be alone anymore. I don’t want to have nothing else but a joint to look forward to every day. I want to feel whole again, I couldn’t emphasize more with your inner pain. Every one probably feels this way.. from how much I’ve heard of the topic. Lonely souls are screaming right now. We feel your pain and we’re going to do something about it. A revolution is coming.
Get some purpose in your life.
You can get through this. I believe in you. Even if you are depressed, or lonely, I still get it. It happens to everyone. Your not alone.
Bro I feel the exact same way, like most comments say, you’re not alone. I’m here for you
You aren’t alone. I myself have many friends but here’s one of my stories. So my two friends who I sit with during lunch have a club during lunch that they go to on Wednesday. Which leaves me to sit alone. I’m at the very end of elementary school and in my class there’s only three other girls and one of them invites me over to sit with them on Wednesdays. My friends and I were friends with her but last Friday something happened. Long story short my friends and I aren’t friends with the girl that invites me to sit with her because she’s a huge pick me. The worst part is that I said that to her face and she won’t invite me to sit with her anymore. But it’s alright, it’s okay, I might end up a loner too during middle school if my friend moves away (the other one that I’m currently friends with is doing home school next year and I hate that)
I give you much support because I’m right there with you
Hey!! You're gonna get through this! Trust me :)
You got this. We are here for you. You are not alone
That looks so bad. I feel bad for u. And I feel this a lot. Been through this exact same sht. Didn't feel nice. It was... awful, to say the absolute least.
felt thisss. glad u sat with someone today!!
Always remember we’re here for you gang. Keep going do more things that you like and get fresh air fixes everything
I always get so excited when I see your videos
You won't lose your social skills, you're doing well! It doesnt matter if you used to be more confident as a kid, the difference is now. If you're a braver person than you were yesterday, you're making progress. No matter how many "embarrassing" mistakes you could make, we'd still root for you! :3
Very random but I like the way you made these vlogs. It's very aesthetic and somewhat nostalgic in a way that I can't explain.
These r so interesting to watch, tbh. We are all here for you!!
Hello AGAIN :D 0:11
Just know that at the very same time as you I’m here feeling the exact same thing. Ur not alone ❤
Your shoes and pants are sooo pretty! Also we are here for you and i hope you know your appreciated and loved
This is so Relatable
Note - Even if you’re a Loner that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve amazing things you have to believe in your ability and have confidence in what you are doing 🔥🗣️
I literally have the same experience. Don’t worry, ur not alone
we all have our bad days, keep persisting! will always support you until the end
This was me in high school. I’ve graduated now but had still failed at finding proper friends. I had girls in my class that I sat next to at lunch, but I don’t consider them my friends. Having friends in high school isn’t everything. You’re more than likely never going to see them again after you graduate. That’s why it’s better to have some people you trust to sit next to at lunch so you don’t feel so alone. You got this!! ❤️
You'll make it eventually, even if it feels hard right now if you keep working towards your goal you'll eventually get there and you have a better shot than if you give up. I believe in you
You can make it through this, I believe in you! c:
I hate Algebra too!! Glad to see I’m not alone. Maybe a way to start conversation could be helping someone in that class or asking for help yourself? You’d be surprised by how many desk buddies become friends haha. Keep trying, I’ve been a loner myself and it does get better!
All these videos are so relatable 😭😭😭
Hi hi! I’ve been watching ur videos for a while and I js wanna say I’m really proud of you for making progress! Keep it up!! I also wanna say that you introduced me to title fight after watching your one of first videos I love them sm!! Believe in urself, you got this!!
Tysmm ^^^
Your doing great honestly sitting with someone at lunch for the past few days is a big step I’m proud of you ❤️❤️
Yippee! You sat with someone today, and, hey I call that progress! Don’t be too discouraged, just try to find the positives in things (honestly I can’t talk though lol) do your best, person. That’s all that matters. We’re all just people being people trying to get through life. Keep on doing what you’re doing. Don’t forget that ur an awesome person, and don’t be too sad because you have people that love you and ur viewers all appreciate you.
You can do it you're strong enough ! Remember you're not alone in this situation and i'm sure you'll eventually make friends
Don’t worry! I had no motivation for a few months either but I’m slowly coming back! Your gonna get through it. Don’t worry. Love ya!
0:26 omg i love playing that game at school
look at my pfp kid
Haha same like 10 years ago :)
what’s it calledd
@@redlipsticksoojin run 3
@@miniYUDAI yo
Im also super burnt out and so done with highschool, hope things get better for you! ♥
Im always here for you, ur not alone, we love you ❤
Just know that you have a really nice community for yt and we are here for you :)
this is so relatable istg, btw you can do it, we believe in you!!
" "🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️
That person at lunch is gonna be your best friend one day and youll get more and more friends if you continue to hang out with people trust me your doing so good
i spend a whole year of high school just being like you. (there was corona virus too.)
the only friend i had was online. it was really hard, and difficult, i did hope that all of it would end as soon as possible. i have tried to reconnect with past people but it was useless.. until i have made a friend and then more friends came to me. i know it's hard, but they will come to you when you least will expect it. never give up
good job sitting with someone you are getting much more social even if it doesn’t feel like it 🤗 u should be proud! also if u want to try to interact it could be helpful to talk with other shy people so that you can help eachother! 💕
You’ve got this 💗💗 im rooting for you, stay strong okay? I’m so proud of you for surviving through all of this
Dont feel alone or sad,we are here for you:)
I remember my last year in 10th grade, I had also just transferred to a new school too. And it was the biggest school I've been in.
Last year was honestly the worst, and I was a pretty lonely kid like you too
Hang in there, because there's people who really care about you ++
Even though I don’t know u , I am proud of you and your progress so far! Keep socializing , you got this❤
Girl I love you, you’ve got this, ok! Stay strong, I’m here for you and just take small steps everyday, maybe try having conversations with yourself in a mirror or something to practise conversations! but just so you know, I love you and I’m proud of you and I’m so happy your on this earth. Remember you are so loved and beautiful 💗💗💗 I hope you feel happier soon love 💕❤️😁
" May be depressed but never stop the grind! " . Is so sad but also happy to hear!
How is that happy? I’ve never heard something more sad in my life ;/. Try to find a bit of enjoyment in what you do pls.
@noodle67 I wasn't trying to be rude or not look at the situation, I just wanted to try and lighten the mood with trying to make a funny and un-serious comment. I'm sorry to have offended you or anyone else but I was just trying to comment not hate be rude or insensitive.
This is my life too…I don’t think I have ever had a friend at school,I wish people whose lives are also like this can be together
This is what I will do in high school you’ve inspired me to make some day in a life in the future also just so you know your not alone 👍
0:29 "May be depressed but the grind never stops"🗣️❗
I'm sure things will get better for you, stay strong❤
We will always be here for you, no matter what. I know Its hard, But please stay strong and take care of urself. ❤
Omg I love Algebra but I hate physics. I also make day in the life of a loner videos, but yours are very nice, and also thank you for commenting in one of my videos.
ngl, i want more people to interact with strangers. In this generation social interacting is a really rare thing ( except in school ) hope u feel better, stay motivated 😊😊✨✨✨🌃🌃🌃
It should be the other way around… ngl though if you stand out people will interact with you.
Today might have been tough but so are you! You got this dude just take it one day at a time!