You should connect with the English Village Carols tradition, it's where these came from. Also known as Sheffield Carols, we've discovered other survivals in Suffolk, Sussex and Kent, Wales has a distinctly different heritage, and there's no reason not to discover more in the Debatable Lands.
What does that mean? There is not an "Orthodox" style of music. Byzantine chant is one tradition. There are many others that are equally acceptable. The Orthodoxy is in the words, not the melody.
You should connect with the English Village Carols tradition, it's where these came from. Also known as Sheffield Carols, we've discovered other survivals in Suffolk, Sussex and Kent, Wales has a distinctly different heritage, and there's no reason not to discover more in the Debatable Lands.
Glory to God for this American Orthodox movement around chant... I didn't know my soul needed this as a convert...
I look forward to seeing where the Orthodox Church in Appalachia goes.
Great tune but not sure where the Orthodox element is.
What does that mean? There is not an "Orthodox" style of music. Byzantine chant is one tradition. There are many others that are equally acceptable. The Orthodoxy is in the words, not the melody.
Don’t reduce orthodoxy on Byzantine art.
Orthodoxy baptizes cultures, it doesn’t replace them.