I've ran out of ideas, don't need a battery bank, I retrofitted some of them with the original usb-c charging port and batteries into all my tv remotes, garage door remotes. Maybe need to get me a ring camera or a security system and put all these 150 vapes to good use or something. Wish places paid you for stuff like that as I would like to see them used for something other then the trash or laying around.
Just pick up the bigger in size and with more puffs. They usually have a number in the vape like 1200 , 1500 (this is the number of the puffs) The bigger sisez have bigger batteries always and they have the most MAH
Just pick up the bigger in size and with more puffs. They usually have a number in the vape like 1200 , 1500 (this is the number of the puffs) The bigger sisez have bigger batteries always and they have the most MAH
I've ran out of ideas, don't need a battery bank, I retrofitted some of them with the original usb-c charging port and batteries into all my tv remotes, garage door remotes. Maybe need to get me a ring camera or a security system and put all these 150 vapes to good use or something. Wish places paid you for stuff like that as I would like to see them used for something other then the trash or laying around.
I am using them to power RC toys for my 4 yo son ;)
Why need the bms if using a smart lipo charger?
I am using a non - smart charger and the BMS is taking care for the proper balance of the cells.
@FixitEasyDIY would you be able to replicate this but with a balance wire?
@FarikoNisma yes it can be done 👍👍👍
Please iam waiting for the answer 🙏
Just pick up the bigger in size and with more puffs. They usually have a number in the vape like 1200 , 1500 (this is the number of the puffs) The bigger sisez have bigger batteries always and they have the most MAH
за това с шишето не съм се сетил...хем съм ги ползвал за други неща по подобен начин...
Става супер
@@FixitEasyDIY здраво без пари и рециклиращо ! И това ,че е прозрачно също е по добре!
@@julikb абсолютно съм съгласен :)
💚💚👍🏽👍🏽👏🏻👏🏻hi which vape have the biggest MAH ... PLEASE IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME....? LIKE + SUB.....THANK YOU
Just pick up the bigger in size and with more puffs. They usually have a number in the vape like 1200 , 1500 (this is the number of the puffs) The bigger sisez have bigger batteries always and they have the most MAH