It's kind of like "I don't like something that you said, so now I will proceed to ruin your life so that no one else can see the content which you produce".
You hit the nail on the head, cancel culture is bullying its no different from the bullies in the playground who order yes order other kids not to talk to you. People who deem themselves to be righteous are seldom righteous themselves.
When you go #1 for clout and not talent and no one knows who you are except MAGA people and Black people who are embarrassed by your over the top tap dancing for Massa.
Cancel culture has 100% spiralled out of control. I'm so sick of hearing about artists getting cancelled for something they said 10 years ago. It's an abuse of power for people who have the platform....
> Be someone > Make a joke that could potentially be taken offensively with no bad intentions > Wait 10 years or so > Be successful in a career > Get someone to mildly dislike you > They reveal your """""""""""""dark""""""""""""" past > Everyone on twitter irrationally hates you > PROFIT
@@youradurf1297 If you had known I highly doubt you would've made the comment initially. Or you just don't care and are baiting likes which seems to be the case since a dozen people before you commented the exact same thing. At least be original in your like baiting
@@krystalharris1259 or maybe we just don't make fun of people? There's a big difference between that and comedy. We can't poke fun at groups because people don't see us making fun of each group equally
Cancel culture is attacking whoever made a mistake and demanding an apology from them but when that person apologizes they make fun of them and say apology not accepted
It reminds me of one time when a friend got violently angry at another friend calling them toxic because they didn't neglect their families to be there for her or answer he texts immediately or give her money when she needed it and i was like...sis
Cancel culture doesn't let people improve,no matter how much they correct their mistakes or learn,no matter how much they apologize, it's just all there, they're totally done
We don't want to teach them what they did was wrong we want them to be canceled and out of their you made the decision to do that which is still in the exused
@@Trylica I learned that the hard way. This is why I no longer have full blown debates online. Because people like to move the goalpost when establishing their argument.
"wHy ShOuLd We Be ToLeRaTiNg InToLeRaNcE?!" Brought to you by the people who think of themselves to be always right in any matter and as the arbiter of truth, tolerance and virtue while being the most morally corrupt people around.
It's like when people started making sexist/virgin jokes at Linux for "stealing" a tampon from an amazon go that he most likely lended to another person. Projecting much smh
People are thinking their opinions matter, that they have power that they most defiantly not if you think a celebrity or content is offensive simply do not watch it, please get a life all of you thank you
I agree, a lot of what the people on the pro side were saying didn't taken in to account much lesser versions of bad things committed by people of which they are cancelled for. Certain types of comedy, which although may be insensitive, are still comedy and people aren't able to distinguish between behaviour and intent. That is not to say I enjoy gay jokes either, I am gay myself and most of the time, if my friends say them I find it hurtful, however unless they lack understanding of gay people (which none of them do) I don't believe it reflects on them as a person and I still see them as worthwhile.
The thing is with cancel culture, people will be on board with bullying the person, until the person goes through personal issues like suicide then they scream “you never know what someone’s going through” “mental health is important”
Twitter likes to pick a victim and a villain. If they assumed the most minute vulnerability in you, you're the victim and they will use you to bully "assumed" villains. That's what heroism means to them. Mental health awareness now is assuming that a "victim" is mentally tortured by a minor word said by a "villain" so let's mentally torture the villain by a major action. I saved the day. Not ironic at all.
If a celeb did something bad, and I don't like it, I would unfollow them or whatever, but I wouldn't force anyone else too. What I do is up to me, and what other people do is up to them.
To the young lady that commented saying that Cancel Culture should do the job when someone is found not guilty of a crime, this is the whole reason why the justice system has the presumption of innocence. You are not the jury in a criminal court and you have no right to destroy someone's livelihood when a court has exonerated them.
@@Luca-uo5ur Only in skin color and ethnicity. In mind they are all vile people with no regard for right or wrong. Cancel culture needs a certain mindset. Either evil intend or absolute naivite.
Here’s the problem with cancel culture. If you make a mistake there’s no coming back from it. People growing up under the spotlight are bound to make even more mistakes than someone who isn’t. And cancel culture has made it so there’s no room for growth. Of course there should be a limit and this is to a certain degree, but we have to give people second chances. Everyone makes mistakes. Grand and small. We can hold people accountable, but we can also help them get a better understanding of what to do in the future, to not continue making the mistakes they previously made.
Yes I would love this topic, and especially include actual full custody single fathers who raise their child(ren) solely. I was raised by a single father he raised 9 of us when my mother passed from cancer and 6 of us were girls; love to know the different views between their child(ren) that are girls especially.
cancel culture now is just incredibly toxic. people bring up things from YEARS ago and they ruin a person's career even though they have grown and changed, because people CAN grow and change and I think that people who partake in cancel culture don't let anyone change or grow and they deny that anyone can grow and change from past mistakes. I think celebrities should be held accountable but they should also be given the chance to learn from their mistakes. I will say that it depends on what the celebrity does, but if its something minor (like a lot of it is nowadays) then they should be given the chance to learn and the people need to back off. it's almost like people just want to cancel anybody for anything they do and that's not how it should be.
That's terrible actually, this discussion should happen and if one side is one sided and close minded nothing will progress. People that believe themselves to be correct are the reason why things like this happen
She hit #1 because she wore a MAGA dress at the Grammy's and all the Trump supporters jumped on the virtue signaling. It wasn't even for her music lmao
She was trying to stand out. Even though she agreed with everyone she still managed to say "thats your opinion" at one point without voicing any actual disagreement.
1500 monthy listeners on spotify. Looks like the controversial dresses she wears for attention arent working too great to boost her listens...maybe next time joy 😔
I’m anti cancel culture because there are lots of instances where there is drama that “cancels” someone before any of their actions are even verified. Like Melanie Martinez. She was never actually convicted of the crime the social media dragged her for.
loverrlee exactly and the girl that accused Melanie admitted that it was all a lie. Melanie was innocent the entire time but people always wanna jump to conclusions without the facts. It’s ridiculous.
I STARTED listening to Melanie Martinez during that time, because of the rape accusations. I thought it was highly unlikely that she was guilty, and I hated that people were so quick to presume she was guilty. I think the worst part of it all is when people would put in their bios or under their posts things like "don't even try to defend Melanie Martinez or I'll block you." Imagine if they said that in a court of law lol. Cancel culture has become what it is because people love to watch people's lives fall apart. It's fucked up and that's why I hate it. If people were reasonable and fair and moral, then I'd support it, but they're not.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned James Charles in this. I feel like he was a prime victim of cancel culture that fortunately just managed to make it out alive. The problem with cancel culture isn't when we as a society make an educated decision to no longer support someone who's committed heinous acts. The real flaws come from minor offenses about situations that are either no longer relevant or simply never happened. It almost starts to become a game of telephone. "Did you know John said gays are inferior 10 years ago?" "Omg I had no idea he used to be so homophobic" "John's homophobic? Can't support him anymore" "Nobody should support John because he's homophobic". It always spirals so fast because most people aren't willing to invest the time to do research before continuing to open their mouths. And by the end of it, perhaps John maybe only said "You know, sometimes I really do wonder if gay couples can raise children as effectively as straight couples can." It's not the best statement out there, and it can certainly can be debatable, but the level of escalation is ultimately what causes Cancel Culture to fail.
exactly. words are twisted all the time. being problematic and holding opinions, even if troubling versus actually committing violent and illegal acts are two very different things yet cancel culture treats it the same. If it's a little bit bad, it's extremely bad and that's the mindset unfortunately.
Lil Wayne is "getting canceled" recently for not following the mob during the George Floyd murder. However most neglect the fact he may feel a different way is because he was saved by a police officer when he was like 12 after a self inflicted gun shot. Shits sad.
Ragnar Malcolm cAncLe culture is basically like so, person 1: omg Lil Wayne isn’t supporting the mobs because a police officer saved him when he was 12. Person 2: Wow Lil Wayne doesn’t support BLM . Person 3: Everyone should cAncLe him because apparently WE SHOULD ONLY FOLLOW THIS OPINION AND NOT LOOK AT THE CONTEXT AND IMMEDIATELY CANCEL HIM ! *it’s like the blind leading the man* 👨🦯 😔
Then John ultimately ends up hating the SJWs, dosen't learning anything at all. Might even end up blaming the LGBT community. Everyone has done stuff in their past that they now know to be wrong. Its like the French revolution all over again.
Apparently we no longer believe in forgiveness and redemption even for the contrite. Just removal and damnation for life. For we all know the cancel culture folks are perfect people.
@@TN-wv6ok I don't know why this made me laugh but it's so true !!! now if you are man, white and straight you don't have rights to give an opinion on the internet 😂 This is the problem here this generation is creating division putting them labels and generalizing groups, like all white people are mean, NO! And I'm not white but that doesn't suit right to me.
The one question that was never asked, and thus was not discussed. What level of accountability do the people doing the "cancelling" have if they are wrong and destroy the life and livelihood of an innocent person?
i feel like the main problem is that cancel culture doesn’t allow people to improve. like if someone has been “cancelled,” no matter how many times they apologize or attempt to correct their mistakes and own up to them, it’s a lost cause. i’m not saying they should be completely forgiven, but they should get some credit for trying to improve.
Never bow to the mob, never apologize to the mob. Get your firepower, stand your ground and tell the mob to get bent. When a few cancellers die for their behavior, the mob might get the message.
@@AaronCMounts True, they wanna be getting out the pitchforks against others for things they hope other people would forgive from them, I wonder how it feels to have truly lived a saintly life where nothing i ever said or did was against the social norms of the day
Nearly all serious, researchers and scientists agree that climate change is an issue, there is just a very big range on the significance and cost. The externalities and cost of climate change throughout the next 100 years is estimated to be 3-4% of the global economy. That’s a lot of money. But, it is not “ the end of the world.” There is also a credible and long range of concerns of how exactly we can fix the deadliest of these issues. So, there is a conversation there. I’d like to hear it.
@@jackstern8738 The end of the world comes when clean water is becoming less available in areas like the Middle East and Africa, you know the largest hot beds of terrorism and extremism. When violent people become desperate because their land is no longer livable they move, and bring violence with them. Not to sound anti-immigrant, but in our current path lies the obstacle of the middle east becoming too hot to sustain life, so the actual terrorists would be forced to move, just like their victims that already fled.
@Koal Kottentail Anything someone on the internet can do wrong except he started out as a well liked youtuber back in the days and slowly revealed his true self over the years. At the basis of all this is his narcissistic nature.
Yeah, that argument was awful. So just because someone raped someone in the past they shouldn't be branded as a rapist? Lmao lying does not even compare
That may not have been one of the best arguments but here's a separate one. I personally like to use one similar to this because I am against cancel culture personally. Take the video they did on do all criminals think the same. I believe most of them were murderers and a few were other federal crimes. They all served their time and got out and are back in society. They will never not have committed those crimes in their past. So what's the point of having jail time at all if people can not learn and grow. By cancel culture logic everyone should always stay in jail. Cancel culture to me is if someone is guilty of a crime, they are nothing more than that. They should never be let out of prison and try to make a living. Also the bill we past in FL in the last election gave federal criminals their right to vote back. Cancel culture to me is taking that right away again. I will admit that not all crimes are equal. I personally believe a cheater is always a cheater and a rapist is always a rapist. Will I personally interact with those people? No. To this point I know I am a hypocrite. But it's not my right to take that person's right way to try and earn a living. ALSO our criminal justice system is flawed, BUT mob rule is not better. It should still be innocent until proven guilty and once they serve their time they should get out. We should not be continuing to punish criminals once they have paid for them. People need to be given a chance to grow and do better and cancel culture never allows that. I like to use Kevin Hart as an example. Did he have some insensitive jokes? By today's standards yes, but back then not really. You cannot punish people for not being ahead of their time.
I love how the Anti-Cancel Culture side absolutely obliterated the Pro-Cancel Culture side because it turns out anybody with at least half a brain and half a conscious is perfectly capable of realizing how disgusting Cancel Culture is as well disgusting the people are who actually think it's okay to participate in it (like holy crap imagine being that lacking in basic human empathy).
Legit extremely true. People get bashed for stating an opinion about someone because they don't like that person for something minor that could've happened probably 6 years ago.
Cancel culture is largely caused by conformity. When celebrities commit wrongdoing, more accusations, clickbait rumors, and anger-provoking statements spread across social media like an epidemic as they are already widely publicized. People stop objectively looking at the facts and go with the flow of hate, buying into and spreading rumors regardless of truth. A single petty 9 year old mistake can ruin a career, lead to public shaming, impact their personal life, and damage a reputation for life. Yes, the justice system makes mistakes that should be recognized, but when the public controls it, we are ruled by the tyranny of the unthinking majority.
Anti cancel culture: “We are so empathetic! We think that everyone is entitled to have their own beliefs and opinions! Oh wait- except if you’re pro cancel culture. Then you’re wrong, your beliefs are wrong.”
If it’s serious like Chris Brown or R Kelly then yeah, hold them accountable. but if it’s just a slightly offensive joke, no matter when it was said, just move on. Don’t dance and cry about it, focus on yourself don’t cry on the internet
True, in essence it embraces growth. Cancelling someone's entire life is like saying that human are incapable of learning thus saying that there's no point in criminal justice system they'll always be criminals. Yes, the current CJS is imperfect but we encouraging something that is just AS imperfect or worse is mind-boggling.
No one (from what I've heard at least) is saying celebrities should be exempt from crimes, it's more that you should recognise when people have made errors, but allow them to change? If it comes out a mistake has been made (extreme examples are exhaustively different), hold them accountable, but allow them to change; if you "cancel" them, but never allow them to even change to how you want this person to act, then what's the point?
I agree with you except a lot of people who think that way also feel that if a celebrity made a mistake years and years ago with valid evidence of an apology they should still be judged and ridiculed for something they clearly feel bad about. Their crimes should still be noticed and somewhat held against them but judging someone for a mistake they made a long time ago and not allowing them to change for the better is toxic.
BambolaBee Rape, sexual abuse, and murder aren’t mistakes though. A line needs to be drawn and this has yet to happen in the industry. Many people have gotten away with horrendous crimes just because of their status and that is not right. Every person deserves a second chance but many of those people aren’t just doing drugs or small petty crimes. They commit terrible crimes and do not deserve to be forgiven.
Imagine if we had a tracker for everything we said and done. Then everyone would be cancelled. Those people cancelling people are kin to the kids who snitch on other kids just to get attention from the class/teacher that they're morally superior.
Well this whole cancel culture situation is proof that something like that could easily be implemented today. People are complicit with canceling others so I can see a system created to make it easier to cancel people in the future.
The issue I have with cancel culture is it does not take into acknowledgement that persons upbringing. A lot of people I know and myself personally have extremely different views from when I was younger. Your opinions are based on what you were surrounded by growing up and by not accepting someone learning, educating themselves what’s to say you’re actually discouraging ppl educating themselves and being open to new views by othering them
I don't think so. most people only comment this because they want to see the flat earthers get humiliated, they don't want a discussion just a cheap laugh for themselves. And with all the proof it's pretty clear that the Earth is round (am not saying that u want to see the flat earthers humiliated just a thought)
There is actually a middle ground with that. my mom has this breastfeeding scarf which can be worn as a normal scarf, and then can be pulled over the baby and let her breastfeed in public without exposure
The difference is between grace and vengeance. Do you want someone to learn or do you want someone to be punished? I’m not saying rapists should walk free from their crimes. Im saying an old tweet from 10-15 years ago doesn’t define someone’s quality of character today. Discourse and growth are important and they can’t happen when we’re at each other’s throats.
I love when these turn into articulate conversations rather than everyone just yelling over the top of each other. Most of the people there were super respectful and very thought provoking.
I listened to this supposedly “#1” song and I can objectively say it’s not good. It’s repetitive and not in a good way. It also uses several cliches like “you pushed my buttons” and “knock on wood”. If you don’t believe me look it up. Its called “I make the static”. (And it was #12 on the billboard charts for 1 week and only #1 for some sub-genre.)
It disregards the fact that people can change over time and views their character from a narrow pov. In the canceler's minds, you're the same person in the past as you are now so you're evil. It just doesn't make any sense. It's terrible
Why are you neglecting this achievement? This is huge for most musicians and bands throughout the world. FYI, Joy Villa peaked at #12 in 2017 with the song; I Make The Static
@mmaposer haha thats where you're wrong. i'm not exactly sure on how the education system works in the US but in england, its the government that sets a curriculum which is compulsory for all schools to follow.
Lottie Millar yes there is a curriculum to follow but that doesn’t mean that teachers don’t have power in how they handle the curriculum in the classroom. They have the ability to teach material in ways beyond just handing out worksheets.
Amber Nichole I think it’s really important especially with a lot of the anti-school rhetoric that permeates online. I hope it’ll show people that not all schools are filled with robot-like educators who don’t care about students or blindly agree with the system. I also think it’ll help destroy that myth that every student is disinterested in learning/only cares about technology.
The idea that people should be silenced/cancelled, even to a point of their livelihoods being destroyed or severely hampered by silencing/canceling someone out is preposterous and arbitrary
As someone who is in the Anti cancel culture I just hate that if you make one mistake you get cancelled but like the James Charles thing he got away with it and he did it for years
@@camillelomax9537 because a big problem with cancel culture is people play favorites. They'll defend their idol to death when it's their turn to be cancelled yet act completely different when someone else does something as bad/worse.
I’m pro accountability culture instead of cancel culture. People should be held accountable and learn from their mistakes but not cancelled and have their lives ruined, that isn’t the way to get people to change
Unless the actual law needs to be brought up, how you gonna hold a version of them 3+years ago accountable? Like stop bringing up people's past because in real life you wouldn't do that. It's so annoying when people try to change so hard, yet others keep bringing up their old self.
@@romanusbissonette9047 I never said it was a crime but people have the right to not support you if you make a “joke” that is offensive and you can’t just hide that behind the words “freedom of speech”.
@@insulam821 Your wrong one 1 account... It's not Guilty until proven Innocent... It's Guilty regardless of evidence that proves otherwise... And If Guilty but proven Innocent (And the One Accused whose life has been ruined) Oh well no harm done...
@Vivamus, Moriendum est. I honestly want to have a civilized a dialogue with you. I'm simply stating that it should require more than hearsay and accusation to convict someone. You know as well as I do that regardless of evidence or due process, a person's life can be destroyed. That's all I'm saying. If I offended you then I apologize but I stand by my convictions. If there's something that you think would benefit my understanding then by all means feel free to let me know. I'm completely open to civil discourse.
Hello! I am Alanah, the history major in this video! Since filming this video, my opinion has changed on the topic as “cancel culture” has definitely evolved into an issue of itself. I lean more towards holding people accountable, but would like to elaborate that even when filming this video I did not think that people should be “cancelled” for something that was dug up from years ago that they had SAID on the internet. I think the term “cancel culture” in itself is very 🌽
@@NataliaSeesIt Hii what I mean is that I do not believe in canceling someone over something that was “said” years ago because people are constantly evolving and ideas are changing BUT I do think that people like r Kelly and Tory lanez should be held accountable for their actions and I definitely think people that continue to be fans of them are gross. That I still stand by.
You "cancel" a dinner date. You "cancel" a magazine subscription. You "cancel" your plans to go get pizza at Chucky Cheese. Calling it cancelling is dishonest. It's is actually a combination of public shaming and humiliation, banishment, and financial ruination. It's a form of torture. It can hurt other people besides the person being attacked. It's at the very least, emotionally abusive.
@@ffm595 It's not physical torture per se, but attempting to banish someone, or have their basic food/shelter/security needs taken away by getting them fired, is a form of psychological torture (not immediately life threatening, but definitely more than just bullying).
@@dino2559 its not immature. trump is immature. immature is knowing what trump is doing and still saying things like "she can have an opinion" and "don't cancel her" while the president is wrecking havoc on the country. im not gonna be sympathetic to a random person's opinion if they won't be sympathetic towards the millions affected by trump's policies.
@@felibarrabino7556 the people did vote. if it wasnt for the electoral system, hillary would have won. she has the majority of the popular vote. also, illegal immigrants are not the only ones negatively affected by his policies.
One question for the cancel culture : Do you think that you are such a perfect person that you have the right to judge about other people's mistakes, because you "do not make mistakes"?
@@darlalathan6143 I truly do not think that any sane person would be in favor of a government owning the means of production. Because that completely goes against everyone's right toward individualism. If the government controls every aspect of society, then the citizens become slaves; being forced to comply with whatever the government dictates.
You don't have to be perfect to judge others.I think it's wrong to molest kids and beat up your wife. I'm not a perfect person at all, but I still judge these people and I have the right to.
She has made herself a recognizable part of pop culture, not based on any talent, but because she wears provocative attire to major awards shows that her rich husband's associations within the Scientology community have gotten her into. Her "song" went so high on Billboards because no one knew who she was and people listened to it. It was such a horrible song that people directed others to it in an effort to make fun of her lack of talent.
STRONGLY AGREED!! and any person who cancels someone because someone doesn’t agree with you has the most childish mindset ever. Apparently you cant have freedom of speech unless someone agrees with you. Than its a problem.
You should cancel celebrities like Crissy Teigen who tweeted some disturbing things, like "I'm about to Anthony Wiener this kid" 5 YEARS before he was convicted of pedophilia... btw that tweet, along with several other disgusting tweets of hers, guessed it...deleted!!
This is not cancel culture. "I don't wanna listen to them, I don't wanna support them..." No. Cancel Culture is "I want to impose my dislike of a person, their actions or their view on EVERYONE ELSE."
the problem is "cancelling" someone now has become an excuse for bullying someone online you don't like
It's kind of like "I don't like something that you said, so now I will proceed to ruin your life so that no one else can see the content which you produce".
You hit the nail on the head, cancel culture is bullying its no different from the bullies in the playground who order yes order other kids not to talk to you. People who deem themselves to be righteous are seldom righteous themselves.
True, celebrities are getting even more afraid to express themselves, cancel culture is censorship
And they try and come up with all they things they’ve done wrong in the past or just straight up JOKES
“I have legitimately hit #1 on billboard”
Seth: 🤨
Brandon&Sean I came to the comments section to find a comment about it and it was the top one 😂
When you go #1 for clout and not talent and no one knows who you are except MAGA people and Black people who are embarrassed by your over the top tap dancing for Massa.
@@westworlds who is she anyway?
Dead Ass bursted out laughing
@@Beisser76 That chick who keeps wearing designer stuff with pro Trump/republican slogans on them to awards shows. Joy Villa (had to google it).
Joy: I’ve literally hit #1 on the charts
Seth: 🤨 I’m sorry who are you
Renyy :3 lmaooo I caught that too!!
i saw his face too lmaoooo
Zumious bruhh the joke has been used hundred times in these comments.. people notice the same things
@@zello6692 awwwww boo hoo
omg she's the girl who attends the grammys that nobody knows lmaooo
Cancel culture has 100% spiralled out of control. I'm so sick of hearing about artists getting cancelled for something they said 10 years ago. It's an abuse of power for people who have the platform....
I feel the same way every day its someone new
Ikr and a lot of stuff was more acceptable 10 years ago vs now. Like we cant read the future.
It’s just jealousy
I’ll be honest, I said many of slurs years ago that I didn’t know the true meaning of.
@@theytrynabecray Practically even those who don't mean it.
> Be someone
> Make a joke that could potentially be taken offensively with no bad intentions
> Wait 10 years or so
> Be successful in a career
> Get someone to mildly dislike you
> They reveal your """""""""""""dark""""""""""""" past
> Everyone on twitter irrationally hates you
I like how the first step is be someone
sadly, to "be someone" will eventually get you cancelled somehow in some way considering how cancel culture has gone out of control
@Bunta Fujiwara a fourchan thing
Basically the Salem witch trials but much much worse
Joy: I’ve literally hit #1 on Billboard
Seth: 👁👀👁
Lol who is she though like is she a singer songwriter
She actually has, use google
John Johnson did I say she didn’t? Use your eyes
@@youradurf1297 If you had known I highly doubt you would've made the comment initially. Or you just don't care and are baiting likes which seems to be the case since a dozen people before you commented the exact same thing. At least be original in your like baiting
John Johnson is this what Joy Villa stans are like idk I’ve never met one
Making a gay joke 7 years ago doesn't justify 'cancelling'.
I agree. Everyone gets made fun of... They should be of no exceptions
Brandon Key if you are talking about Kevin Hart he never got cancelled, he just refused to apologize, and then withdrawn from the offer.
@@dblock20 I'm not talking about Kevin Hart.
@3:36 agreed
@@krystalharris1259 or maybe we just don't make fun of people? There's a big difference between that and comedy. We can't poke fun at groups because people don't see us making fun of each group equally
"What the hell do we think cancel culture is actually promoting? Real Growth? Or just getting really high on someone's low?"
-Anna Akana
It seriously depend of the crimes they did.
Joe Airbender I agree. Rape vs a 10 year old ignorant joke are completely different
Yaassss exactly 👏👏
Agreed !!
It kind of makes you think about ~7:08-7:10.
Agree but also their attitude should be judge as well
Cancel culture is attacking whoever made a mistake and demanding an apology from them but when that person apologizes they make fun of them and say apology not accepted
In short KPop fans.
aka Twitter Stans
@@louiseemborong5852 facts!!! As a K-pop stan I can't tell you how many times I've seen this and has had this happen to me🤦🏽
literally everyone on twitter
@@alexisford-campbell3140 Bro, being a Stan isn’t a good thing.
Funnily enough the ppl who use “toxic” like breathing air actually tend to be the most toxic
People who use buzzwords like that are almost always projecting
My thoughts exactly lol
It reminds me of one time when a friend got violently angry at another friend calling them toxic because they didn't neglect their families to be there for her or answer he texts immediately or give her money when she needed it and i was like...sis
Tyler cancel culture is toxic tho
Football 123 i agree with that too
Y'all realize finding a tweet from 2010 and demanding an apology for what they said is literally not helping anyone teach them what they did was wrong
Cancel culture doesn't let people improve,no matter how much they correct their mistakes or learn,no matter how much they apologize, it's just all there, they're totally done
Not to mention that if you have to go that far back, chances are they have already learned and grew.
They are literally trying to cancel people that have been dead for 250 years.
We don't want to teach them what they did was wrong we want them to be canceled and out of their you made the decision to do that which is still in the exused
I feel like they all had basically the same opinion but just different ideas of what cancel culture actually is 🤣🤣🤣
Megan Breslin honestly it was annoying me the entire video 😂
thats why you first give DEFINITIONS in arguments
@@Trylica I learned that the hard way. This is why I no longer have full blown debates online. Because people like to move the goalpost when establishing their argument.
Facts. So many arguments would cease to exist if people got their definitions straight
Like how Johnny Deep was canceled and it turns out he was the one being physically abused 🤷🏿♂️
Right, i read about it and was like omg imagin hos he feels :(
idk much abt it but weren't they both abusive towards each other?
If they were both abusive then they should both be canceled
Johnny is innocent
Shame 💔
Strict parents VS permissive parents 🙏🏼
This one is good!!!!
Yes please! Maybe even bring in the children in the next segment to discuss their upbringing
Yes yes yes and then do a version with their kids!!
Cancel culture in a nutshell:
Cancel culture: Apologise
Guy: *Apologises*
Cancel culture: Nah thats not good enough *proceeds to harrass guy*
Like the Logan Paul incident in Japan?
An episode for community college students vs ivy league students please! It would be quite interesting.
ooooo good idea!
oh lord
and or online students possibly?
i love this idea
chichi noah ooooooo Thad good one
This is so annoying, everyone has some form of toxicity. Funny how the people who preach tolerance are the most INTOLERANT.
Projection of own insecurities.
"wHy ShOuLd We Be ToLeRaTiNg InToLeRaNcE?!"
Brought to you by the people who think of themselves to be always right in any matter and as the arbiter of truth, tolerance and virtue while being the most morally corrupt people around.
It's like when people started making sexist/virgin jokes at Linux for "stealing" a tampon from an amazon go that he most likely lended to another person. Projecting much smh
Welcome to the politics of the left
People are thinking their opinions matter, that they have power that they most defiantly not if you think a celebrity or content is offensive simply do not watch it, please get a life all of you thank you
In my opinion, people are just bored and want to be a part of something.
They just want clout, and Virtue Signal points lmao
Is that Bobby?
Exactly 🤦🏽♀️
@Flipi Dippy everyperson is bad we a no better than anyone people just do these things to make themselves feel Good sin is sin
The problem is we don't just cancel celebrities because of their crimes or even mistakes. We cancel them because they have a different opinion.
Why they apologizing if they didn't make a mistake and every apology they always say they made a mistake so they're basically admitting there wrong
Cultural appropriation vs cultural exchange
Aoife Dickinson this! This is such an underrated comment I hope it gets more notice
That would be a good one!
Oh boi, we would be in for a ride.
I think the people would get into a physical fight hahah
There is a difference between making a gay joke and R-Kelly's situation.
I agree, a lot of what the people on the pro side were saying didn't taken in to account much lesser versions of bad things committed by people of which they are cancelled for. Certain types of comedy, which although may be insensitive, are still comedy and people aren't able to distinguish between behaviour and intent.
That is not to say I enjoy gay jokes either, I am gay myself and most of the time, if my friends say them I find it hurtful, however unless they lack understanding of gay people (which none of them do) I don't believe it reflects on them as a person and I still see them as worthwhile.
@@noahmackenzie1956 ok what about Shane Dawson.
@@ExtreemDreemer I don't know what specific jokes you are talking about Shane Dawson? Which ones?
Yeah in my opinion the only people we should cancel are fucked up individuals like child molesters for example
@@Mystigo1587 cancel culture shouldn’t exist 😂
The thing is with cancel culture, people will be on board with bullying the person, until the person goes through personal issues like suicide then they scream “you never know what someone’s going through” “mental health is important”
This is exactly my concern... it should be called bully culture.
Twitter likes to pick a victim and a villain. If they assumed the most minute vulnerability in you, you're the victim and they will use you to bully "assumed" villains. That's what heroism means to them.
Mental health awareness now is assuming that a "victim" is mentally tortured by a minor word said by a "villain" so let's mentally torture the villain by a major action. I saved the day. Not ironic at all.
@@baekbillytiu6494 very true. It is not good logic for them to follow this pattern though. I wish they could see a more balanced view of it all.
LIT👏🏾ER👏🏾AL👏🏾LY👏🏾 THIS! Cancel culture is bullying, and bullying is never justified. EVER.
Absolutely, they're hypocrites often resorting to the behaviour they're supposedly 'cancelling' in the process
If a celeb did something bad, and I don't like it, I would unfollow them or whatever, but I wouldn't force anyone else too. What I do is up to me, and what other people do is up to them.
Omg the guys face when the lady in orange said she hit #1 on Billboard before 😂
Debra_ava I saw that and had the same reaction 🤣🤣😭😭😭
Debra_ava I think she hit it on some random country music billboard chart lmao. No way it was a real n.1 no shade
ikr every time she is on jubilee she always brags about it and no one knows who she is
Debra_ava it was with her song ‘I make static’ and it’s terrible omfg 😂😂
She’s the one who wore the trump dress to the met gala
To the young lady that commented saying that Cancel Culture should do the job when someone is found not guilty of a crime, this is the whole reason why the justice system has the presumption of innocence. You are not the jury in a criminal court and you have no right to destroy someone's livelihood when a court has exonerated them.
thank you for saying this
luca lichner bruh-
luca lichner Young Lady? That looks like a guy to me.
@@Luca-uo5ur Only in skin color and ethnicity.
In mind they are all vile people with no regard for right or wrong. Cancel culture needs a certain mindset.
Either evil intend or absolute naivite.
The justice system doesn’t work again rich people, it’s corrupt, people just buy their way to freedom and “innocence”.
*Please do instagram models vs. runway models.*
Cristi a
I agree
Love this idea!!
Here’s the problem with cancel culture. If you make a mistake there’s no coming back from it. People growing up under the spotlight are bound to make even more mistakes than someone who isn’t. And cancel culture has made it so there’s no room for growth. Of course there should be a limit and this is to a certain degree, but we have to give people second chances. Everyone makes mistakes. Grand and small. We can hold people accountable, but we can also help them get a better understanding of what to do in the future, to not continue making the mistakes they previously made.
Like Logan Paul, yes?
Hey jubilee please do "do single fathers think the same" or something with single fathers🙏🏾🙏🏾
And something with teen fathers
Yes I would love this topic, and especially include actual full custody single fathers who raise their child(ren) solely. I was raised by a single father he raised 9 of us when my mother passed from cancer and 6 of us were girls; love to know the different views between their child(ren) that are girls especially.
or something with stay at home fathers
single fathers and single mothers.
cancel culture now is just incredibly toxic. people bring up things from YEARS ago and they ruin a person's career even though they have grown and changed, because people CAN grow and change and I think that people who partake in cancel culture don't let anyone change or grow and they deny that anyone can grow and change from past mistakes. I think celebrities should be held accountable but they should also be given the chance to learn from their mistakes. I will say that it depends on what the celebrity does, but if its something minor (like a lot of it is nowadays) then they should be given the chance to learn and the people need to back off. it's almost like people just want to cancel anybody for anything they do and that's not how it should be.
Jenna marbles is a prime example of this
thankyou for this comment
Xavior Bufkin well Jenna marbles wasn't really cancelled she just left nobody was trying to cancel her they were focusing on shane
Ik jenna marbles said the n word 10 years ago and got cancelled for that.
@@xaviorbufkin7250 ikr she said a "mean word 😭" 10 years ago and got cancelled for it.
"Everyone loves Cancel Culture until *you're* the one being canceled." - PewDiePie, 2020. Edit: The way yall are fighting in the comments LMAO.
*until you're the one being held accountable for the shitty things you've done*
@@youtubeuser1611 mhm, agreed
That's the way self-righteous society works unfortunately
@@youtubeuser1611 doesn't mean you should get canceled for it moron.
@@youtubeuser1611 your past isn't YOU, specialy while you're young.
I'm glad almost everyone in the comments sees how terrible cancel culture is and how toxic it is
IKR? If that's so, then we shouldn't be cancelling James Charles, Logan Paul, David Dobrik, or Olivia Jade.
That's terrible actually, this discussion should happen and if one side is one sided and close minded nothing will progress.
People that believe themselves to be correct are the reason why things like this happen
cancel culture has come to a point where the people cancelling are saying worse things than the person they’re cancelling.
That part!
I was 69th like
This Joy lady always has to be flexin her #1 "hit" that nobody's ever heard
She hit #1 because she wore a MAGA dress at the Grammy's and all the Trump supporters jumped on the virtue signaling. It wasn't even for her music lmao
Right? LOL
Not a single soul:
I have legitimately hit no.1 on Billboard’s
She was at "do all trump supporters think the same", and she said exactly the same...
She was trying to stand out. Even though she agreed with everyone she still managed to say "thats your opinion" at one point without voicing any actual disagreement.
Note to self: cancel culture shouldn’t even be a thing.
no, just controlled
no one:
joy: I HaVe LeGiTiMaTelY HiT #1 oN BiLbOaRd
seth: when, where, receipts?
She does tho lmao however I wouldn’t of known this if it wasn’t for her being on middle ground a trillion times
Makeup With Smidge she was for the rock genre
I think His facial expression at 4:39 was literally what everyone was thinking in that moment 🤣🤣🤣
1500 monthy listeners on spotify. Looks like the controversial dresses she wears for attention arent working too great to boost her listens...maybe next time joy 😔
I’m anti cancel culture because there are lots of instances where there is drama that “cancels” someone before any of their actions are even verified. Like Melanie Martinez. She was never actually convicted of the crime the social media dragged her for.
loverrlee exactly and the girl that accused Melanie admitted that it was all a lie. Melanie was innocent the entire time but people always wanna jump to conclusions without the facts. It’s ridiculous.
Omg that's such a good point, I cried for Melanie and for Johnny Depp too!!!
I STARTED listening to Melanie Martinez during that time, because of the rape accusations. I thought it was highly unlikely that she was guilty, and I hated that people were so quick to presume she was guilty. I think the worst part of it all is when people would put in their bios or under their posts things like "don't even try to defend Melanie Martinez or I'll block you." Imagine if they said that in a court of law lol.
Cancel culture has become what it is because people love to watch people's lives fall apart. It's fucked up and that's why I hate it. If people were reasonable and fair and moral, then I'd support it, but they're not.
Aubree Tanner it’s usually the sad lonely people who do such things 😗 ya know the saying misery loves company
I'm surprised nobody mentioned James Charles in this. I feel like he was a prime victim of cancel culture that fortunately just managed to make it out alive.
The problem with cancel culture isn't when we as a society make an educated decision to no longer support someone who's committed heinous acts. The real flaws come from minor offenses about situations that are either no longer relevant or simply never happened. It almost starts to become a game of telephone.
"Did you know John said gays are inferior 10 years ago?" "Omg I had no idea he used to be so homophobic" "John's homophobic? Can't support him anymore" "Nobody should support John because he's homophobic".
It always spirals so fast because most people aren't willing to invest the time to do research before continuing to open their mouths. And by the end of it, perhaps John maybe only said "You know, sometimes I really do wonder if gay couples can raise children as effectively as straight couples can." It's not the best statement out there, and it can certainly can be debatable, but the level of escalation is ultimately what causes Cancel Culture to fail.
exactly. words are twisted all the time. being problematic and holding opinions, even if troubling versus actually committing violent and illegal acts are two very different things yet cancel culture treats it the same. If it's a little bit bad, it's extremely bad and that's the mindset unfortunately.
Lil Wayne is "getting canceled" recently for not following the mob during the George Floyd murder. However most neglect the fact he may feel a different way is because he was saved by a police officer when he was like 12 after a self inflicted gun shot. Shits sad.
Exactly! Context/intent/etc are completely lost.
Ragnar Malcolm cAncLe culture is basically like so, person 1: omg Lil Wayne isn’t supporting the mobs because a police officer saved him when he was 12. Person 2: Wow Lil Wayne doesn’t support BLM . Person 3: Everyone should cAncLe him because apparently WE SHOULD ONLY FOLLOW THIS OPINION AND NOT LOOK AT THE CONTEXT AND IMMEDIATELY CANCEL HIM ! *it’s like the blind leading the man* 👨🦯 😔
Then John ultimately ends up hating the SJWs, dosen't learning anything at all. Might even end up blaming the LGBT community. Everyone has done stuff in their past that they now know to be wrong. Its like the French revolution all over again.
Apparently we no longer believe in forgiveness and redemption even for the contrite. Just removal and damnation for life. For we all know the cancel culture folks are perfect people.
The look on this guy's face when Joy said she's hit #1 on billboard 😂
Felice Pule omg lol
Seriously who is she??
@@cs-ix1wj i think she's the pro trump women? But honestly, I'm not sure?
I believe she was in another one of these as well
I only know of her because I remember her appearing on the Grammys red carpet wearing a dress that said "Make America Great Again" lol
we need jubilee dating app but not only for dating,also for finding friends
Ya'll coming in hard with wanting a dating service from us haha. We just might have to experiment with something... 😮
@A N yes!!!
@@jubilee ooh, I guess we'll just have to wait and see 😊
What about a jubilee app where people can participate in questions like this
@@MrWhiskers We're actually working on something like that!
"I wouldn't buy an artists work if they commited a violent crime"
Okay, so we cancel all Hip Hop?
@@TN-wv6ok I don't know why this made me laugh but it's so true !!! now if you are man, white and straight you don't have rights to give an opinion on the internet 😂 This is the problem here this generation is creating division putting them labels and generalizing groups, like all white people are mean, NO! And I'm not white but that doesn't suit right to me.
Irina you’re so right 👏🏽
Cross Crease Hockey people just think the straight white male is bad 🤦♀️ it doesn’t make sense
I thought some people thought all whites were bad
The one question that was never asked, and thus was not discussed.
What level of accountability do the people doing the "cancelling" have if they are wrong and destroy the life and livelihood of an innocent person?
Damn. You’re so right.
It also leads to suicide because of depression.
i feel like the main problem is that cancel culture doesn’t allow people to improve. like if someone has been “cancelled,” no matter how many times they apologize or attempt to correct their mistakes and own up to them, it’s a lost cause. i’m not saying they should be completely forgiven, but they should get some credit for trying to improve.
Never bow to the mob, never apologize to the mob. Get your firepower, stand your ground and tell the mob to get bent. When a few cancellers die for their behavior, the mob might get the message.
Exactly, because it's not about the apology. It's just about ruining people's lives.
@@AaronCMounts True, they wanna be getting out the pitchforks against others for things they hope other people would forgive from them, I wonder how it feels to have truly lived a saintly life where nothing i ever said or did was against the social norms of the day
Holy Crap! I can't said it better myself, but you're on point.
I will never apologise for my beliefs, I will gladly stand up and defend them.
i dont know if this has been done but what about climate change activists and people who don’t believe in it?
You mean intellectuals vs idiots?
Abhirup Sengupta Basically
Nearly all serious, researchers and scientists agree that climate change is an issue, there is just a very big range on the significance and cost. The externalities and cost of climate change throughout the next 100 years is estimated to be 3-4% of the global economy. That’s a lot of money. But, it is not “ the end of the world.”
There is also a credible and long range of concerns of how exactly we can fix the deadliest of these issues. So, there is a conversation there. I’d like to hear it.
@@jackstern8738 The end of the world comes when clean water is becoming less available in areas like the Middle East and Africa, you know the largest hot beds of terrorism and extremism. When violent people become desperate because their land is no longer livable they move, and bring violence with them. Not to sound anti-immigrant, but in our current path lies the obstacle of the middle east becoming too hot to sustain life, so the actual terrorists would be forced to move, just like their victims that already fled.
@@jackstern8738 who cares about the money. What matters is if we're going to die or not. We need to save this planet
Okay, cancel culture has gone way too far, but in the cases like Onision, it is definitely needed.
Koal Kottentail He also neglects his children.
Onision was never cancelled per say, everyone who knows him from the internet hates him independantly of the culture that surrounds him.
@Koal Kottentail Anything someone on the internet can do wrong except he started out as a well liked youtuber back in the days and slowly revealed his true self over the years. At the basis of all this is his narcissistic nature.
The fact that Chris Hansen is getting involved should say a lot
@GipsiFPV *You couldn't have worded that nay better*
My problem is canceling someone they did decades ago, especially when they were a totally different person.
"Are you a liar today?"
"No, not today."
Alexis Drake hah Yes such a poor argument
Yeah, that argument was awful. So just because someone raped someone in the past they shouldn't be branded as a rapist? Lmao lying does not even compare
@@kp782 the arguement isnt poor the subject he used was poor and to follow it up with R.kelly was the wrong call.
That may not have been one of the best arguments but here's a separate one. I personally like to use one similar to this because I am against cancel culture personally.
Take the video they did on do all criminals think the same.
I believe most of them were murderers and a few were other federal crimes.
They all served their time and got out and are back in society. They will never not have committed those crimes in their past. So what's the point of having jail time at all if people can not learn and grow. By cancel culture logic everyone should always stay in jail.
Cancel culture to me is if someone is guilty of a crime, they are nothing more than that. They should never be let out of prison and try to make a living. Also the bill we past in FL in the last election gave federal criminals their right to vote back. Cancel culture to me is taking that right away again.
I will admit that not all crimes are equal. I personally believe a cheater is always a cheater and a rapist is always a rapist. Will I personally interact with those people? No. To this point I know I am a hypocrite. But it's not my right to take that person's right way to try and earn a living.
ALSO our criminal justice system is flawed, BUT mob rule is not better. It should still be innocent until proven guilty and once they serve their time they should get out. We should not be continuing to punish criminals once they have paid for them. People need to be given a chance to grow and do better and cancel culture never allows that.
I like to use Kevin Hart as an example. Did he have some insensitive jokes? By today's standards yes, but back then not really. You cannot punish people for not being ahead of their time.
@@tay-qo2tu For every point there's a counterargument. What he said wasn't awful, it just doesn't apply to everything like rape.
I love how the Anti-Cancel Culture side absolutely obliterated the Pro-Cancel Culture side because it turns out anybody with at least half a brain and half a conscious is perfectly capable of realizing how disgusting Cancel Culture is as well disgusting the people are who actually think it's okay to participate in it (like holy crap imagine being that lacking in basic human empathy).
Legit extremely true. People get bashed for stating an opinion about someone because they don't like that person for something minor that could've happened probably 6 years ago.
Nah. Mainstream Cancel culture is hella toxic. It’s supposed to be holding people accountable, that isn’t wrong.
Cancel culture is largely caused by conformity. When celebrities commit wrongdoing, more accusations, clickbait rumors, and anger-provoking statements spread across social media like an epidemic as they are already widely publicized. People stop objectively looking at the facts and go with the flow of hate, buying into and spreading rumors regardless of truth. A single petty 9 year old mistake can ruin a career, lead to public shaming, impact their personal life, and damage a reputation for life. Yes, the justice system makes mistakes that should be recognized, but when the public controls it, we are ruled by the tyranny of the unthinking majority.
Anti cancel culture: “We are so empathetic! We think that everyone is entitled to have their own beliefs and opinions! Oh wait- except if you’re pro cancel culture. Then you’re wrong, your beliefs are wrong.”
@ 4:40 he was looking at her like “I ain’t never heard of you but ok” 😭😭😭
Smartyflop - 🤣😂
Period me too
It literally brought nothing into their conversation.
Smartyflop - I was thinking the same thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
we need to hold celebrities accountable for mistakes they made/make but we need to give them space to grow and learn from their mistakes.
If it’s serious like Chris Brown or R Kelly then yeah, hold them accountable. but if it’s just a slightly offensive joke, no matter when it was said, just move on. Don’t dance and cry about it, focus on yourself don’t cry on the internet
True, in essence it embraces growth. Cancelling someone's entire life is like saying that human are incapable of learning thus saying that there's no point in criminal justice system they'll always be criminals.
Yes, the current CJS is imperfect but we encouraging something that is just AS imperfect or worse is mind-boggling.
exactly, if you want them to be better then give them the opportunity to grow, constantly labeling them from their past mistakes is useless
Nobody should be exempt from crimes. Not even celebrities.
Revolutionary thought right here wow
No one (from what I've heard at least) is saying celebrities should be exempt from crimes, it's more that you should recognise when people have made errors, but allow them to change? If it comes out a mistake has been made (extreme examples are exhaustively different), hold them accountable, but allow them to change; if you "cancel" them, but never allow them to even change to how you want this person to act, then what's the point?
I agree with you except a lot of people who think that way also feel that if a celebrity made a mistake years and years ago with valid evidence of an apology they should still be judged and ridiculed for something they clearly feel bad about. Their crimes should still be noticed and somewhat held against them but judging someone for a mistake they made a long time ago and not allowing them to change for the better is toxic.
I don't really see anyone cancelling regular people who haven't been caught on camera.
Rape, sexual abuse, and murder aren’t mistakes though. A line needs to be drawn and this has yet to happen in the industry. Many people have gotten away with horrendous crimes just because of their status and that is not right. Every person deserves a second chance but many of those people aren’t just doing drugs or small petty crimes. They commit terrible crimes and do not deserve to be forgiven.
Imagine if we had a tracker for everything we said and done. Then everyone would be cancelled. Those people cancelling people are kin to the kids who snitch on other kids just to get attention from the class/teacher that they're morally superior.
We will have trackers on us in the futu- actually we already do, look at China's social credit system.
Well this whole cancel culture situation is proof that something like that could easily be implemented today. People are complicit with canceling others so I can see a system created to make it easier to cancel people in the future.
Plus if we were recorded 24/7, anything can be taken out of context
Yea,we basically already do have a tracker for everything we do and say ,ie- the
Yea we already have trackers on us recording everything we say and do they’re called smart phones
please make middle ground longer - i always feel like we don’t really get the full conversation
The issue I have with cancel culture is it does not take into acknowledgement that persons upbringing. A lot of people I know and myself personally have extremely different views from when I was younger. Your opinions are based on what you were surrounded by growing up and by not accepting someone learning, educating themselves what’s to say you’re actually discouraging ppl educating themselves and being open to new views by othering them
At 4:40 when she’s talking about her billboards hits he’s like “who are u again 😂
Jahmar Da goat facts lol
i mean she said she is a singer / songwriter, she could have written a song that a popular artist used. it's not really a reach
LMFAOOOOOOO she’s so annoying
@@user-mv4os8pq2i not really.
Regan she deadass is fr tho
Sara Saleh flat earthers vs Bill Nye!!!!
Flat Earthers are a meme!
I don't think so. most people only comment this because they want to see the flat earthers get humiliated, they don't want a discussion just a cheap laugh for themselves. And with all the proof it's pretty clear that the Earth is round (am not saying that u want to see the flat earthers humiliated just a thought)
A cup of Tae with Suga Kookies Army Forever Exactly and it would be iconic
Thats not even a debate, its just telling flatearthers that they are dumbasses
what about maybe Anti-Public Breastfeeding v.s. Pro-Public Breastfeeding ?
would be boring as the anti side is so obviously in the wrong there and their argument is based on feelings not facts
There is actually a middle ground with that. my mom has this breastfeeding scarf which can be worn as a normal scarf, and then can be pulled over the baby and let her breastfeed in public without exposure
@@ItsNullAndVoid yes why are you staring at someone's junk
F.B.I plenty of men walk around topless for no reason while mothers are just trying to feed their child
Saidie Jimenez lol right🙈🍆
The difference is between grace and vengeance. Do you want someone to learn or do you want someone to be punished? I’m not saying rapists should walk free from their crimes. Im saying an old tweet from 10-15 years ago doesn’t define someone’s quality of character today. Discourse and growth are important and they can’t happen when we’re at each other’s throats.
I love when these turn into articulate conversations rather than everyone just yelling over the top of each other. Most of the people there were super respectful and very thought provoking.
what are you talking about? every episode i’ve seen, they never resort to yelling over the top at each other..
Cancel culture: Entitled people behind their screens thinking they're the Avengers.
"Thinking they're the Avengers." LMAO
Someone better make a movie about that
I couldn't have said it better myself. They're self-righteous narcicists.
Yep. Thinking there some powerful force of justice. Lol.
*aggressive typing*
Would love if middle ground was uncut so we could see everything
It'd be cool if they had a second channel for all the unedited footage!
There’s a difference between cancelling someone for raping multiple people/kids and cancelling someone for a gay joke they made 10 years ago…
Ivy League vs community college!!!
Or transfer students vs. four-year students.
100% yes yes yes!
do ICDC College
Seth’s face when Joy mentioned her “ #1 on billboard” 🤨😂💀
Thelondonbadger billboard is the music charts it's based on how much an artist sells I think
I’m so glad you said this
I listened to this supposedly “#1” song and I can objectively say it’s not good. It’s repetitive and not in a good way. It also uses several cliches like “you pushed my buttons” and “knock on wood”. If you don’t believe me look it up. Its called “I make the static”.
(And it was #12 on the billboard charts for 1 week and only #1 for some sub-genre.)
Thelondonbadger 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Cancel culture usually cancels people of a certain view. That’s why I’m anti cancel culture.
*Cough * joy villa
Yes, it usually cancels people of a right wing political view point or anyone who sympathizes with people who are against the far left political views
I agree. That’s why I hate it. The public isn’t always privy to what actually goes on, so many times they don’t even have all of the information.
It disregards the fact that people can change over time and views their character from a narrow pov. In the canceler's minds, you're the same person in the past as you are now so you're evil. It just doesn't make any sense. It's terrible
Cillian Cooney Brie Larson was cancelled severely for expressing left wing views. People of all political views get cancelled.
“I’m an artist, I’ve legitimately hit number 1 on billboard” 😭😭 bros expression is sending me
“ I’ve hit number one on billboard “ wHo ArE yOu AgAiN !??
😭😂😭😭 like what
Is that the woman from "do all trump supporters think the same"?
😂😂😂😂 never seen her. She probably meant top one billboard in some unpopular genre
Why are you neglecting this achievement? This is huge for most musicians and bands throughout the world.
FYI, Joy Villa peaked at #12 in 2017 with the song; I Make The Static
@@NielsBeier if it was in the over all chart or maybe the pop one but no offense no one checks rock and alternative charts
you guys should do a “can students and teachers see eye to eye?” or a spectrum of “do all teachers/students think the same?”
Vanae Sapp
Or students and education leaders (ie. principals and people in power in the education system)
@mmaposer haha thats where you're wrong. i'm not exactly sure on how the education system works in the US but in england, its the government that sets a curriculum which is compulsory for all schools to follow.
Lottie Millar yes there is a curriculum to follow but that doesn’t mean that teachers don’t have power in how they handle the curriculum in the classroom. They have the ability to teach material in ways beyond just handing out worksheets.
Amber Nichole I think it’s really important especially with a lot of the anti-school rhetoric that permeates online. I hope it’ll show people that not all schools are filled with robot-like educators who don’t care about students or blindly agree with the system. I also think it’ll help destroy that myth that every student is disinterested in learning/only cares about technology.
It honestly depends on the degree of their crimes and whether they have reflected their mistakes or not.
I agree
Same. Lying about something is miniscule compared to raping someone
Don Cheeto FACTS
The idea that people should be silenced/cancelled, even to a point of their livelihoods being destroyed or severely hampered by silencing/canceling someone out is preposterous and arbitrary
Basically it's witch hunting, that instead of burning people ruins their lifes forever, i don't know which is worse.
Hmmmmmm being burned alive or have my life ruined, WhIcH iS wOrSe??
@@unsubscribefromme4350 bOth ArE eQuAlly wOrsE
being turned into human bacon would be pretty bad
Hmm being dead or being cancelled such a hard choice. /s
bo gart I mean, you’d dead in peoples eyes
Jacqueles Twali what did she do? I mean who is she? Musician?
Jacqueles Twali oh okay thanks
What song did she even make 🤨
Just Chyna I’m dying 😂😂😂
Damn the anti cancel culture did an amazing job in this episode.
That's because most people and IMO it's wrong
Because "anti-cancel" people is smart
As someone who is in the Anti cancel culture I just hate that if you make one mistake you get cancelled but like the James Charles thing he got away with it and he did it for years
@@camillelomax9537 because a big problem with cancel culture is people play favorites. They'll defend their idol to death when it's their turn to be cancelled yet act completely different when someone else does something as bad/worse.
@@Foreverstudio0192 yeah, they think that there idol is a God and they think they can't make mistakes, but surprised that he done something wrong
I’m pro accountability culture instead of cancel culture. People should be held accountable and learn from their mistakes but not cancelled and have their lives ruined, that isn’t the way to get people to change
Unless the actual law needs to be brought up, how you gonna hold a version of them 3+years ago accountable? Like stop bringing up people's past because in real life you wouldn't do that. It's so annoying when people try to change so hard, yet others keep bringing up their old self.
Seth is extremely articulate and made such good points
maddy !!! Same with the blonde girl!!
@@juliagirlgirl123 @ I don't know...kinda feels like she's the toxic one.. the kind that doesn't believe in innocence until proven guilty...
Man is a law school graduate and teacher. Very likely he’s the most educated person in the room.
having an unpopular opinion or making a joke isn't a crime
It depends on the joke. You can’t just be like “it’s just a joke” to a joke that affects the victims Of the joke being made.
@@toxiczcity just because there is a victim, doesn't make it a crime
@@toxiczcity so freedom of speech is a crime
@@romanusbissonette9047 I never said it was a crime but people have the right to not support you if you make a “joke” that is offensive and you can’t just hide that behind the words “freedom of speech”.
Cancel culture would be fine if it was based on logic and reason.
Unfortunately the majority of the public does not possess this sort of intellect, especially people who hunt others down for no good reason.
@@insulam821 Your wrong one 1 account...
It's not Guilty until proven Innocent...
It's Guilty regardless of evidence that proves otherwise...
And If Guilty but proven Innocent (And the One Accused whose life has been ruined)
Oh well no harm done...
@Vivamus, Moriendum est. I honestly want to have a civilized a dialogue with you. I'm simply stating that it should require more than hearsay and accusation to convict someone. You know as well as I do that regardless of evidence or due process, a person's life can be destroyed. That's all I'm saying. If I offended you then I apologize but I stand by my convictions. If there's something that you think would benefit my understanding then by all means feel free to let me know. I'm completely open to civil discourse.
Agreed. The Internet cancels the wrong people most of the time.
Hello! I am Alanah, the history major in this video! Since filming this video, my opinion has changed on the topic as “cancel culture” has definitely evolved into an issue of itself. I lean more towards holding people accountable, but would like to elaborate that even when filming this video I did not think that people should be “cancelled” for something that was dug up from years ago that they had SAID on the internet. I think the term “cancel culture” in itself is very 🌽
You are not allowed to change your mind and yourself deserve to be cancelled. No change, no growth. It’s 2022 and we’re all perfect or Satan.
You think the term is very corny but you were on the pro cancel culture side? Doesn’t make sense lol
@@worldisfilledb people change their minds bozo
@three okay but that's exactly what she argued against in the video ??? So is it okay for her and not anyone else
@@NataliaSeesIt Hii what I mean is that I do not believe in canceling someone over something that was “said” years ago because people are constantly evolving and ideas are changing BUT I do think that people like r Kelly and Tory lanez should be held accountable for their actions and I definitely think people that continue to be fans of them are gross. That I still stand by.
that chick in the orange can’t go an episode with out talking about how her one hit made it to #1 god damn
u see how the black guy in the denim shirt looked at her.....ded lolololol
What’s the song
@@gavinmcdonnell7665 Joy Villa - I make static
Ben O’Riordan the funny part is almost no one knows she got lucky with one song and she will bring it into ANY conversation
You "cancel" a dinner date. You "cancel" a magazine subscription. You "cancel" your plans to go get pizza at Chucky Cheese. Calling it cancelling is dishonest. It's is actually a combination of public shaming and humiliation, banishment, and financial ruination. It's a form of torture. It can hurt other people besides the person being attacked. It's at the very least, emotionally abusive.
why would you cancel a pizza...
@@nox5555 Good question. Never cancel pizza! My point is that calling it canceling is minimizing what it really is, which is abuse.
"Form of torture" might be a bit of a stretch, but yeah you're right you can't "cancel" someone's humanity
@@ffm595 It's not physical torture per se, but attempting to banish someone, or have their basic food/shelter/security needs taken away by getting them fired, is a form of psychological torture (not immediately life threatening, but definitely more than just bullying).
Well said
4:40 his face SENT ME
faith marie IK OMG
Where'd you go
there’s a big difference between demanding change & bullying
I searched up who joy villa is and now ik why she’s so against cancel culture and it’s bc she herself is cancelled lmao💀
Is it just because she supports Trump cause that’s so immature
@@dino2559 its not immature. trump is immature. immature is knowing what trump is doing and still saying things like "she can have an opinion" and "don't cancel her" while the president is wrecking havoc on the country. im not gonna be sympathetic to a random person's opinion if they won't be sympathetic towards the millions affected by trump's policies.
@@post-its2506 however, voting is a right not an illegal activity
@@felibarrabino7556 the people did vote. if it wasnt for the electoral system, hillary would have won. she has the majority of the popular vote. also, illegal immigrants are not the only ones negatively affected by his policies.
@@post-its2506 yeah, however, you should respect how the elections work in the US... ITS LEGAL
I want see the reactions of pro-cancel culture people when they get cancelled for something silly.
It’s not always something silly celebrities are being cancelled, it’s things like sexual assault
@@axolotls_are_cute7799 lol source pls not 99% of allegations are false... Last statistic I read was below 20%
@@laraAl737 Im exaggerating
@@laraAl737 so you're still okay with 80% false accusations...
@@axolotls_are_cute7799 Well don't. If you say 'literally' you are by definition not exaggerating so be aware of that.
Students that go to school vs Children who are home schooled
I’m sorry but cancel culture is not going to change anything positively.
One question for the cancel culture :
Do you think that you are such a perfect person that you have the right to judge about other people's mistakes, because you "do not make mistakes"?
@John Tremblay Marxism is an ideology, not a mental illness. One can be sane and competent and favor governments that own all businesses.
@@darlalathan6143 I truly do not think that any sane person would be in favor of a government owning the means of production. Because that completely goes against everyone's right toward individualism. If the government controls every aspect of society, then the citizens become slaves; being forced to comply with whatever the government dictates.
Just ask them "knock knock"
"Who's there"
"How dare you judge someone by there voice and not letting them in your house
You don't have to be perfect to judge others.I think it's wrong to molest kids and beat up your wife. I'm not a perfect person at all, but I still judge these people and I have the right to.
It’s not about being perfect, it’s about apologizing and learning from your mistakes and holding yourself accountable
I feel that those that are “canceling” are the toxic ones and definitely hypocritical.
Yup, they tend to give off a "holier than thou" vibe. Like they'd never dare to do something wrong as they live a life of perfection and bliss.
They always are, ALWAYS
@Stuff Harry's Styles fans on a nutshell
Just because your uncomfortable does not mean i cant enjoy it
y’all know damn well joy was against cancel culture cause she was cancelled💀
kennedy I thought I was the only one to remember 😂
kennedy wait, why and when???
she was actually never relevant enough to be cancelled.
@@emmanuella8976 I think she was in the video for do all trump supports think alike
She has made herself a recognizable part of pop culture, not based on any talent, but because she wears provocative attire to major awards shows that her rich husband's associations within the Scientology community have gotten her into. Her "song" went so high on Billboards because no one knew who she was and people listened to it. It was such a horrible song that people directed others to it in an effort to make fun of her lack of talent.
Her: ‘I hit no.1 on billboard’
Me: I think she meant soundcloud
Jada Breezy I think she meant Limewire.
She actually made #1 in a select category on billboard after she was trending on twitter dressing up in a MAGA dress to some shoot
DA REAL Johnny Appleseed it was a awards ceremony
kailyn Yeah I’m not sure for what though
STRONGLY AGREED!! and any person who cancels someone because someone doesn’t agree with you has the most childish mindset ever.
Apparently you cant have freedom of speech unless someone agrees with you. Than its a problem.
@Matt 13 yeah because obviously republicans can do NOTHING wrong there just so perfect
You should cancel celebrities like Crissy Teigen who tweeted some disturbing things, like "I'm about to Anthony Wiener this kid" 5 YEARS before he was convicted of pedophilia...
btw that tweet, along with several other disgusting tweets of hers, guessed it...deleted!!
@Matt 13 cap
“RaciSm Is NoT aN OpInIoN”
Pro cancel culture side begins every sentence with "I feel like....". Here's the harsh reality: How you feel doesn't matter ultimately.
joy: I’ve hit number one on bill boards
I hate when people clap their hands in a argument 🙄 like ok? Thats not gonna help ur argument
Giselle Nava yes👏it👏is👏
@@player-ic9yj no it's not
Leah Kennish haha it was a joke
@@player-ic9yj it's not. dont raise ur voice improve ur argument
Eason Lin i’m kidding haha dw
jubilee should upload the unedited versions of these so we could have the option to see everything that was said
I agree. There were some really interesting points that were edited out.
if cancel culture has the right to cancel me, I have the right to cancel cancel culture
This is not cancel culture.
"I don't wanna listen to them, I don't wanna support them..." No.
Cancel Culture is "I want to impose my dislike of a person, their actions or their view on EVERYONE ELSE."