Yea ... but she's on TV with professional makeup artist and she brags about how much she loves botox... Nothing with it. I'm just saying ,it's not all natural 🤷♀️
@@peterpan31000 absolutely. I tried to see if I could get one , my brother was with me and we could not look at it, so I didn't bother. My brother said most car lots owners will be there as they will get it cheap , fix and sell at a high price
That's not true. My best car was a 1996 Jeep Compass I brought from an auction in 2011. I drove it for 6 years with no problems until the transmission began slipping
It's not that uncommon for a mechanic to say "go get a part from a junkyard." Because you can go to a junkyard, same day and get a part for like $25. But if they have to order it, the same part can take a month and cost $100.
It’s very uncommon, in a city at least. Most part companies have drivers that drive parts to shops with in the hour. Shops don’t stock parts, they order them as needed. We may get an engine or transmission from a junk yard but we source it ourselves. Also no warranty on customer purchased parts and higher labour charges
The plaintiff lying! He clear switched his statement at the 3:50 minute mark said all that is wrong I had the fusion box. How you go from the made me go get it. Oh my bad I had it with me. Then go back to the made me go get it. Which one is it!!
Ya-that was fascinating! He went right back to the first version as if he hadn’t just admitted to bringing the fuse box on his own one minute earlier!🤣🤣
Since the timing with the purchasing of the fuse box is in question, I would make the plaintiff show the receipt of when he purchased it at the junk yard. If the receipt is after the first date he went to the defendants shop then it’s more likely that they did tell him he needed a fuse box. It is however very unlikely they would have him source his own as they then could not guarantee it to be in working order. I have a feeling he would have no receipt because he was in fact doing his own diagnostic and purchased that fuse box before ever going to the mechanic initially. It’s further obvious the guy was too cheap to have them diagnose it (it being an auction car with junkyard parts) which is why he tried his guessing diagnostics at first.
I thought about that, too. Also, at one point he told the judge that the defendant didn’t have the machinery to do diagnostics. Later, he said they were supposed to do diagnostics and didn’t. He had a hard time remembering which story he was telling.🤣
She stops litigants who don’t answer the question she asks, but instead are rambling on about non relevant things. She doesn’t have all day, so her questions are purposefully pointing to a specific part of the issue at hand. Also: it’s not a casual conversation amongst friends, but a Hearing in a Court Case… so the litigants are supposed to give a short and relevant answer and NOT go off about their whole family background starting decades ago nor use the Court’s time to talk about every single meal they have eaten in the last month…!
The plaintiff was lying so much he didnt even know what the truth was. Changed his stories multiple times, couldn't answer directly, and even at one point says his car was running "perfectly fine". 🤦♂️
I feel bad for her. Just thought she was gonna fill a spot in the shop while her dad was away; this guy keeps coming back and making a scene, so she tries to appease him. Then her dad gets mad at her.
why in the world was she interrupting his testimony. he would have absolutely said about the extra 150. its marked on the receipt in a crappy way just like the 'fix fuse box' and the daughter was a stand-in manager.
I not an electrician “I bought a starter “ “ I went to the junk yard and bought the fuel box “ I tried trouble shooting myself” … so much action for a person who has no knowledge
I love love looooooove that she let him show that pic at the end. She was looking like every other woman after work trying to relax with the pups! ❤ Would have made for a good *stars- they are just like us* magazine article back in the day 😊
Although he couldn’t make his point, I feel for his initial issue with his car as I had the same problem and kept getting stuck once I turned my car off. Turned out to be my transmission’s heat sensor was fried completely.
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Could be menopause… happens to me all the time.. someone told me if the police ever pull me over I’m going down for doing coke automatically… all bc I sweat! 😂😂 Ps-I know that he can have menopause about as much as I can have prostatitis! lol . Just making a funny
@16:43 He says his daughter wasn’t “authorized to give a refund here until my dad…” then he got interrupted. I think he was about to say, “until my dad comes back.” Which is what the plaintiff said happened.
He didn’t deserve the $200 back. What a cheepskate. He probably broke the ground wire to the starter relay in the first place when he replaced the starter and caused the whole problem.
Sir what??? 😮😂….. he explained a-lot then said scratch all that I already had the fuse box….. why did you already have it? Because he told me to get the fuel box 🤦🏾♀️
If you go back and listen to the case, The defendant was about to say exactly what the guy said when he left the court room... That his daughter was said that she was basically giving him the 200 until the father returned. Judge Milian kept interrupting. Whether he deserves it or not is another question, rather she did it because she was nervous, again, different story but it sure seems that the plaintiff was going to confirm it.
"Why didnt they provide the part if they said it needs to be changed?" Because customers will later blame it on you for buying a defective psrt and refuse to pay you for it so you let the customer buy it so theyre the ones to blame for if part they bought is defective. Seen this happen millions of times
At 16:23 mark of video the plaintiff states the daughter offered him $200 until her father returns, at which point the judge says "aha watch this" and turns to the defendant expecting the defendant to confirm that the $200 was a settlement from his daughter instead the father begins to say the daughter gave the plaintiff $200 until..... and then the judge cuts him off because she can see, as could anyone watching the video, that he was about to say until he returned, but then she wouldn't have her little aha moment.
@@45hoynejr70codes have definitions and you can know what they mean. Their diagnosis aren’t as in depth as a lot of tiger machines. You can Amazon for readers, I have one.
The dad got upset that she gave the refund and refused to give the rest of the money. That man did not show up to get the rest of the refund for no reason.
He had some nerve, trying to sue them. It be different if their shop ran a diagnostic test and told him he needed something and repaired it and he didn’t need it…
In this day and age it so embarrassing that some people cannot communicate. This is one of the reasons people get ripped off. I feel sorry for them. Embarrassing 😳
He don't even know what he's doing😂😂😂 I feel bad for his woman...he probably cant even change a tire 😭😭😭 *He shouldn't have gotten anything back to be honest! He's paying people to chase ghost!🤦🤦🤦
"You understand what Im sayin'"
"Not in the slightest" 😂😂😂😂😂
Y’all leave the plaintiff alone he just country 🤣
As hell!
Nah I don't claim this 🤣
The cheap comes out expensive!
Plaintiff couldn't get his facts straight.
Foose, Fuse, fuel, fools box lol 😅
Speak sloppy so people will think you are so smart.
The plaintiff sucks at explaining his case it was hard to follow or listen to it
Because he can’t keep his lies straight
People from his neighborhood generally don’t take education seriously.
Definitely, he doesn't appear to be lying but his inability to express himself makes it appear so
I think after they gave 200 back he should have been ok with that
Exactly. $200 is better than what he was entitled to which was NOTHING.
He's ridiculous
61? Shit she looks amazing for her age. I would never have guessed she was a day older then 40.
I would have guessed closer to 50.
She looks awesome
I thought the same thing!!
Yea ... but she's on TV with professional makeup artist and she brags about how much she loves botox... Nothing with it. I'm just saying ,it's not all natural 🤷♀️
@@Nicknack988 well yea and lighting, that is obvious, but whatever she did to her face it seems to have worked 😅
Lol he can't say FUSE at all 😂
Fuel box lol
Foo box😂
He leaves the S off Everytime 😭😭😭😭
He also can't say "it's my fault " 😂
The judges have such good chemistry! Listening to them makes me smile every time!
30 year old shoes 👞
Tee shirts 👕
and Pajamas 🤦🏾♀️
They are married lol
Majority of the time if you buy a car from an auction site you're gonna have a lot of problems with that car..
True, if it was an easy fix they would fix it and sell it for more instead of auctioning off the vehicle.
@@peterpan31000 absolutely. I tried to see if I could get one , my brother was with me and we could not look at it, so I didn't bother. My brother said most car lots owners will be there as they will get it cheap , fix and sell at a high price
Ya think?
I got mine from an auction and had it for 16 years. It was a great car
That's not true. My best car was a 1996 Jeep Compass I brought from an auction in 2011. I drove it for 6 years with no problems until the transmission began slipping
She sleeps with a smile on her face… she is one happy woman. Bless her heart. ❤❤❤
My boy is up there sweating his ass off trying to focus on his lies 😂😂😂
Lies and liquor 🤣🤣🤣
Okay so I’m not the only that seen this.
Lol he said wow you don't look that old 😅😅😅
Fuse box....🗣️ FUSE BOX! 🗣️ He corrected himself & still kept saying fuel box 🤦🏽♀️🤣🤣
Great looking 61
I'm still confused what he got replaced 😅 was it the fuel tank? Or the fuse thing?
@EmoNinjaKat89 it's a FUSE box
He irritated the shit out of me with that. He needs to repeat FUSE over & over again until he gets it right.
Kill me!!!
And they live in a "rural arear"😂
It's not that uncommon for a mechanic to say "go get a part from a junkyard." Because you can go to a junkyard, same day and get a part for like $25.
But if they have to order it, the same part can take a month and cost $100.
It’s very uncommon, in a city at least. Most part companies have drivers that drive parts to shops with in the hour. Shops don’t stock parts, they order them as needed. We may get an engine or transmission from a junk yard but we source it ourselves. Also no warranty on customer purchased parts and higher labour charges
@@user-li1kj1ds7i lived in NYC and Orlando for 15 years (combined) you are wrong.
@@NoESanity I’m definitely not I see it every minute of every day and pay all the bills
@@user-li1kj1ds7i so every minute of every day, you get parts for cars that haven't been built in 30 years? You are full of it, pathetically so.
This man is All Over the place!!! I had the fuel/fuse box. No I didn't have it. Yes I had .
4:02 “is it FUEL box or FUSE box??”
*Literally less than 30 secs later*
“They said buy another fuel box…”
I can’t with this plaintiff😂
Sir, you have succeeded in giving me a whole entire HEADACHE!😩😩😩
The way he sweating making me wipe my face 🤦🏾♀️
😮Did not know JM was 61 she looks good and young for her age.🙂
Yeah! That was a shocker to me too!
That's what about 10 layers of make-up will do for you.
Botox…..but she does look great 👍
Face-lift I see. Her neck tells her age.
@@Fluffyzkidk if she got botox
She looks amazing for 61 honest to god
The plaintiff lying! He clear switched his statement at the 3:50 minute mark said all that is wrong I had the fusion box. How you go from the made me go get it. Oh my bad I had it with me. Then go back to the made me go get it. Which one is it!!
Ya-that was fascinating! He went right back to the first version as if he hadn’t just admitted to bringing the fuse box on his own one minute earlier!🤣🤣
Exactly! As soon as he started talking I knew he was lying
They make extra money when they get parts...I honestly don't think a shop will send a customer for parts
Facts. He’s lying. He thought it was the fuse box so he bought the part and brought it in
I was sent at one time.
I work for a shop and most of our profit is parts. The markup would make you sick
Wow @@user-li1kj1ds7i
Judge math isnt mathing with that age part lol
SIXTY ONE???? Dang judge looks GOOD!
I love the judge and her husband at the end
Did he sue the other 3 guys as well? Everybody is wrong except his auction special.I wonder why they sold that lemon.
Since the timing with the purchasing of the fuse box is in question, I would make the plaintiff show the receipt of when he purchased it at the junk yard. If the receipt is after the first date he went to the defendants shop then it’s more likely that they did tell him he needed a fuse box. It is however very unlikely they would have him source his own as they then could not guarantee it to be in working order. I have a feeling he would have no receipt because he was in fact doing his own diagnostic and purchased that fuse box before ever going to the mechanic initially. It’s further obvious the guy was too cheap to have them diagnose it (it being an auction car with junkyard parts) which is why he tried his guessing diagnostics at first.
I thought about that, too. Also, at one point he told the judge that the defendant didn’t have the machinery to do diagnostics. Later, he said they were supposed to do diagnostics and didn’t. He had a hard time remembering which story he was telling.🤣
Back to that fuel box😂😂😂she keeps correcting him😂😂😂
I love Judge Milian but sometimes she don’t be fully listening
She stops litigants who don’t answer the question she asks, but instead are rambling on about non relevant things.
She doesn’t have all day, so her questions are purposefully pointing to a specific part of the issue at hand.
Also: it’s not a casual conversation amongst friends, but a Hearing in a Court Case… so the litigants are supposed to give a short and relevant answer and NOT go off about their whole family background starting decades ago nor use the Court’s time to talk about every single meal they have eaten in the last month…!
@@The_Real_Mier Amen! Amen!
She apologized for interrupting the defendant and let him finish. She’s just passionate lol
The plaintiff was lying so much he didnt even know what the truth was. Changed his stories multiple times, couldn't answer directly, and even at one point says his car was running "perfectly fine". 🤦♂️
Fuel box. Woo Hoo!
He’s lucky he got the $200 back! I wouldn’t have given him Jack.
He said FUEL box at least 4 times. I don't think he knows which end is up. I have a feeling he isn't going to come out of this case in a GOOD way.
The plaintiff is too old to act so naive.
If he says fuel box one more time. 😢😢😢😢
This is why the car is in the auction!
Good thing the daughter created that document!
I feel bad for her. Just thought she was gonna fill a spot in the shop while her dad was away; this guy keeps coming back and making a scene, so she tries to appease him. Then her dad gets mad at her.
My dude sweating bullets... after 5 minutes he morphed into Shaq at the free throw line..
Big diesle got fool bachs.
18:29 did you pay her back out of the corporate funds....NO😂😂😂
What cracks me up is when obvious liars wears a cross to try to make themselves believable.
That cross a demonic symbol anyway.
The plaintiff is exhausting 😮💨😮💨
The plaintiff was making his deptcy doodled up as he was talking. Don't come to court unprepared.
17:45 So his daughter was WORKING ILLEGALLY in the USA while daddy was away.
It's literally a family business. She didn't take a job from anybody. STFU.
Is it illegal? 👀
can’t believe she’s 61
Yes, I have always thought that she is gorgeous!
Layer upon layer of make-up applied by a pro will make anyone look 10 or 20 years younger.
@@scottd9281no. She looks great for her age
Not really.
Gotta get me one of these fuel boxes
I enjoyed the defendant! He’s funny! LOL
why in the world was she interrupting his testimony. he would have absolutely said about the extra 150. its marked on the receipt in a crappy way just like the 'fix fuse box' and the daughter was a stand-in manager.
I not an electrician “I bought a starter “ “ I went to the junk yard and bought the fuel box “ I tried trouble shooting myself” … so much action for a person who has no knowledge
I love love looooooove that she let him show that pic at the end. She was looking like every other woman after work trying to relax with the pups! ❤ Would have made for a good
*stars- they are just like us* magazine article back in the day 😊
Judge Milan looks awesome for 61!❤🙏
The daughter definitely told him he’ll get the money when the dad gets back. Even the dad said she said that
And the judge interrupted him from fully stating that..
Although he couldn’t make his point, I feel for his initial issue with his car as I had the same problem and kept getting stuck once I turned my car off. Turned out to be my transmission’s heat sensor was fried completely.
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I keep hearing fuel box!! am I loosing my mind 😂
The plaintiff is the type who doesn't work is on disability and sue to make some money
Good lord the plaintiff has to be profusely nervous 😬 or accidentally swallowed ecstasy perhaps Adderall
Could be menopause… happens to me all the time.. someone told me if the police ever pull me over I’m going down for doing coke automatically… all bc I sweat! 😂😂
Ps-I know that he can have menopause about as much as I can have prostatitis! lol . Just making a funny
Never disrespect Judge Milian.
Some times respect is earned no matter who you are.
@@thankthelord4536 Guess what- Where I'm from, you're born with it.
(ref: )
Looking Great for 61 judge Milan
Judge looks beautiful btw ❤❤
This guy has more excuses and things he can’t recall than OJ
She’s 61? Wow she looks great !
@16:43 He says his daughter wasn’t “authorized to give a refund here until my dad…” then he got interrupted. I think he was about to say, “until my dad comes back.” Which is what the plaintiff said happened.
He didn’t deserve the $200 back. What a cheepskate. He probably broke the ground wire to the starter relay in the first place when he replaced the starter and caused the whole problem.
Exactly! His pathetic over 100 dollars really😊😊
Both of them at the end❤❤❤
I was pissed !!! That summons the whole case up !!🤣🤣
She ain't 61😂😂😂
15:31 lol she’s been doing this for 38 years which is far from 53 years 😂 oh judge
She was expecting him to be younger than he was.🤣🤣
This is the most confusing case I’ve ever seen 😂😂😂
61 WHERE????
So the problem was the starter ground didn’t he change it in the beginning lol my man a fool
That poor woman gave her own money to get his butt up outta there 😂😂 GOD bless her sweet heart ❤
Sir what??? 😮😂….. he explained a-lot then said scratch all that I already had the fuse box….. why did you already have it? Because he told me to get the fuel box 🤦🏾♀️
The plaintiff deserves his own cartoon
She is the best looking 60 year old i have seen.
defendant is making it up as he goes.
Good grief this plaintiff should’ve just stayed home
I had a Dodge Journey that did this same thing. Was told it was a fuse box. Come to find out it was a recall. A mess. I never drive the car
If you go back and listen to the case, The defendant was about to say exactly what the guy said when he left the court room... That his daughter was said that she was basically giving him the 200 until the father returned. Judge Milian kept interrupting. Whether he deserves it or not is another question, rather she did it because she was nervous, again, different story but it sure seems that the plaintiff was going to confirm it.
I was Confused at the beginning but at the end it became even more confusing. 😂
Jugde so cocky:", doing this all my life"
Ikr 😂
Yeah JM being rude for no reason is ridiculous
You don’t look that old 💀
"Why didnt they provide the part if they said it needs to be changed?"
Because customers will later blame it on you for buying a defective psrt and refuse to pay you for it so you let the customer buy it so theyre the ones to blame for if part they bought is defective. Seen this happen millions of times
At 16:23 mark of video the plaintiff states the daughter offered him $200 until her father returns, at which point the judge says "aha watch this" and turns to the defendant expecting the defendant to confirm that the $200 was a settlement from his daughter instead the father begins to say the daughter gave the plaintiff $200 until..... and then the judge cuts him off because she can see, as could anyone watching the video, that he was about to say until he returned, but then she wouldn't have her little aha moment.
Can’t you still get a diagnostic for free at a autozone or o’reilly?🤔
Check engine light but they can’t tell you what’s wrong. Only what the codes are
@@45hoynejr70codes have definitions and you can know what they mean. Their diagnosis aren’t as in depth as a lot of tiger machines. You can Amazon for readers, I have one.
The plaintiff really thinks he's clever, that's the wildest part
61? Judge looks great ❤
Defendant was so mad at daughter that he sent her back😂😂😂😂😂they don’t want to give shi back but want you to spend with them!
Damn he sent the daughter back to the Phillipians lol
The dad got upset that she gave the refund and refused to give the rest of the money. That man did not show up to get the rest of the refund for no reason.
He had some nerve, trying to sue them. It be different if their shop ran a diagnostic test and told him he needed something and repaired it and he didn’t need it…
18:31 His poor daughter was only trying to help and paid out of her own pocket and he's mad at her !?NOO SO WRONG !😡
In this day and age it so embarrassing that some people cannot communicate. This is one of the reasons people get ripped off. I feel sorry for them. Embarrassing 😳
He don't even know what he's doing😂😂😂
I feel bad for his woman...he probably cant even change a tire 😭😭😭
*He shouldn't have gotten anything back to be honest! He's paying people to chase ghost!🤦🤦🤦